Review: Merciless by Tracy Lorraine

Harrow Creek Hawks #1
Genre: Dark, Captive Romance
Author: Tracy Lorraine
Release Date:
September 28, 2023

An all-new and addictive dark, why-choose, captive romance from the USA Today & Wall Street Journal bestselling author, Tracy Lorraine.

All my life I’ve been a prisoner.

Locked away by men who think they hold all the power.

First my father.

And now him.

The devil himself.

Reid Harris.

Even my husband can’t save me from the most infamous man in Harrow Creek and his loyal best friend.

I’m tangled up in their twisted games.

One woman.

Three dangerous men.

They expect me to cower.

To beg and plead for mercy.

But Reid’s about to discover that not everyone bends to his will.

Because I don’t care who he is or what he does, I will not break.

Not for any man.

And certainly not for him.

Dear Reader,
Merciless is book
one of four in the Harrow Creek Hawks series. It is a dark why-choose romance, meaning our leading lady has several love interests and never has to choose to find her HEA. These three a-hole alphas are certainly no heroes; their morals are questionable at best. If you’re looking for a good guy, then you’re in the wrong place. Enter at your own discretion.


The need to break her is all-consuming. She doesn’t think I’ll manage it. She thinks that she’s stronger than me, smarter than me. She’s wrong.


Where has this author been all my life and what rock have I been living under that I’m only now reading her? I am shooketh! SHOOKETH! Because when I tell you this book owned me for the entire day I took to binge it, I mean it owned me. And when I say I binged, I mean read in a sitting. And this book is thick. Like THICK thick. So that’s saying something, mkay. Holy sheet but I’m obsessed.

When I saw dark captive romance, I was immediately hooked. I was, however, not prepared for the way this story would hook me. Now I’m a picky beech when it comes to dark romance because more often then not I find it mostly gratuitous shock value under the guise of dark romance. This was not that. This was incredibly written, with multilayered and deeply complex characters, and a story that grips you by the throat from page one.

Alana has survived hell. The girl is a survivor, even if she did escape one prison for another. Tracy Lorraine keeps you on the edge of your seat with the way she reveals details crumble by small crumble. This is also clearly tied to Maddison Kings University which I haven’t read yet but will definitely be doing so now.

This is a why chose romance with enemies to lovers vibes since the two men that Alana finds herself in the crosshairs of are her husband’s enemies. But just as her marriages isn’t what it seems, neither is Alana.

This book was as much Reid’s as it was JD’s. We also get a few snippets in Maverick’s POV. All of it guaranteeing that you get equally enthralled by each character. Considering the length of this book, you wouldn’t think it would feel stretched out. But when I tell you that I binge read it like a crack addict, I mean it was one quick paced read.

The story is deliciously dark with so many layers that answers one question while bringing 5 more to the surface. I love a fierce heroine and Alana is definitely that. She may be damaged but she’s not broken. Reid is obviously going to be my favorite with his dark and broody vibes along with his cold aloofness. JD is impossible not to love. And Maverick and his obsessive protector vibes reeled me right in too.

When I tell you I’m obsessed, I mean I am OBSESSED. Like I don’t even know what to do with myself until the next book comes out. So if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to rock myself in a dark corner with a bottle of wine until October 12, spank you very much.

Review: Princes of Chaos by Angel Lawson & Samantha Rue

: Royals of Forsyth University #7
Genre: Dark Romance
Author: Angel Lawson & Samantha Rue
Release Date: May 31,  2023

“Tonight embarks your journey as the vessel for the next great heir. Any woman can have a womb, but yours has been chosen.” He steps forward and presses a hand to my stomach. “Blessed.”

When I received the invitation to the Princes’ masked ball, I assumed it was a mistake. Possibly a prank. Why would East End Royalty invite West End trash for an opportunity to become their Princess?

The bigger question: Why would I take it?

I was raised to be the Dukes’ Duchess, but that dream came to an end when they chose a different woman. I had everything it took to be a house girl, including my innocence, something the Princes not only hold in high regard, but explicitly require.

It’s not the title that scares me.

It’s the men who have been chosen by the King. His adoptive sons.

Whitaker would fit the textbook image of Prince Charming to everyone but me. Gorgeous, athletic, and obnoxiously promiscuous, it only takes a few days as his Princess to realize the flirtatiousness in his eyes is a mask for what’s haunted beneath.

Believing me to be responsible for the two years he’s spent in prison, Pace harbors a grudge that’s as unyielding as his determination to know my every move. Even when he’s locked himself away, his eyes are everywhere. Watching. Waiting.

Lex, a moody, high-strung student on a straight shot to become a gifted surgeon, would rather have me under his scalpel than his body. Treating me like the subject of his experiment with fertilization is the closest I’ll come to having him as a lover.

These three have been trained to excel, endure, and maim, be it on in the hockey rink or down in the Palace’s dungeon. But most of all, they are Princes with one duty: to produce the next heir.

To Create is to Reign.

Princes of Chaos is book 7 in the contemporary, dark, reverse harem, traumatic romance, Royals of Forsyth U series by best-selling authors, Angel Lawson and Samantha Rue. Please read the foreword for all content warnings and details.


The Prince might not belong to his Princess, but his dick sure as hell does.

My god. How is it possible that this series only keeps getting better? You would think that 7 books in, this would start to get formulaic. But it’s not even close. If anything, this was even better than the lords and dukes, and I LOVED those trilogies.

First of all, if you’re planning to read this without first reading the other books in this series, don’t. You will be completely lost. This is not a series that is meant to be read out of order. It’s a saga that has a continuing story arc. Each house getting three books. So far we got The Lords, The Dukes, and now the long awaited Princes.

Admittedly I wasn’t sure about this installment because I’m not huge on the breeding kink. And considering the entire purpose of the Princes is to knock up their reigning Princess, well, I dunno. But I trust the process so in I dove. And nothing, and I mean nothing, would prepare me for the level of obsession that would begin with this story.

We were molded to hurt, cut, and deceive, but no matter how much Father hoped it’d be against each other, it never has been. We made that pact years ago. In blood. In darkness. In agony. We’re a Cerberus–three heads, one heart.

Now if you’ve read this series than you’re already bracing yourself to hate to love the 3 MMCs. But these three? They blow the Dukes and Lords out of the water with their brand of vicious. Wicker, Pace, and Lex were on a whole other level of fucked up. The three adopted sons of the head of their house, the relationship with their father is contentious at best. And it becomes even more so when he blindsides them with his announcement making them the three new Princes.

You’ll remember the heroine as one of the most memorable secondary characters from The Dukes and the daughter of the house mother. This girl has a spine of steel and the things she survives are also on a whole other level. Nothing prepares her for the hell her Princes will rain on her.

This book was easily the darkest of the series. There was no redeeming factors to these men yet. None. And I for one cannot wait to see how they redeem themselves in the next one. Because the ending here was brutal to say the least. And I thought the frat scene in Lords of Pain was bad. WOW.

My only problem? Surviving until the next installment. This wait will be pure hell and October can’t get here soon enough.



Review: Lace Vengeance by Eve Dangerfield

Series: Snow White trilogy #3
Genre: Dark Romance
Author: Eve Dangerfield
Release Date:
May 9, 2023

Once upon a time I had everything. Four perfect husbands, a gorgeous home, a shining future. I was the princess of Velvet House. The beloved jewel of the men I love.

My heart understood this perfect snapshot could not last. My evil stepmother conspires with my twisted ex-fiancé, watching for me in the darkness.

They won’t rest until my life is ashes.

My men vow to protect me, but when the nightmare falls, they are put in chains. I stand alone and alone I must seek vengeance for my lovers…

To become the queen I was born to be.

LACE VENGEANCE is book three in the SNOW WHITE trilogy. This is a scorching romance between a woman and four beautifully dangerous men in which she never has to choose.

Welcome to the Midnight Dynasty… The warring Morelli and Constantine families have enough bad blood to fill an ocean, and their brand new stories will be told by your favorite dangerous romance authors.

WARNING: This book is intended for readers eighteen years old and over. It contains material that some readers could find disturbing. Enter at your own risk…



It’s a shame we didn’t meet years ago, Elliot. I think we’d make quite a match. And Lord knows January needed a father figure.” I flash her a wide smile. “There’s no need for a middleman. January already calls me Daddy. Have a good evening.”

The much anticipated conclusion of the Snow White trilogy is finally here and boy was it a banger. Literally. *dirty smile*

Eve Dangerfield lulled us into a false sense of security with the ending of Silk Malice and when I tell you this conclusion was a ride, I mean it.

…you can’t just kill people to solve your problems.” “Of course, you can, Tits. Ask all the guys I’ve killed.”

Doc is still one of my favorite psycho characters I’ve read and I will never be over him. But I love the dynamic between January and all 4 of her men.

This installment brings a bit more suspense and much appreciated smuttiness. MY GOD, the smut here was top tier. These men are dirty. SO DIRTY. And I loved it. Admittedly, I could have done without January referring to her hoohah as a flower, but I don’t even care. The smut was too delicious to let that snag.

This trilogy has owned my life and I honestly don’t know what to do with myself now that it’s over. I’ve loved every book in this trilogy and this was no exception. If you’re looking for a scorching hot dark romance with 4 hot psycho men and the woman that exudes innocence but gives as good as she gets, look no further.

Eve Dangerfield has loved romance novels ever since she first swiped her grandmother’s paperbacks. Now she writes her own stories about complicated women and gorgeous-but-slightly-tortured men. Her work has been described as ‘genre-defying,’ ‘insanely hot’ and ‘the defibrillator contemporary romance needs right now’…and not just by herself or those who might need bone marrow…OTHER PEOPLE! She lives in Melbourne with her boy and a bunch of semi-dead plants. She can generally be found making a mess.


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Review: Marrow by Trisha Wolfe & Brynne Weaver

Author: Trisha Wolfe & Brynne Weaver
Genre: Dark Romance
Release Date: March 23, 2023

Two rival serial killers.
One common enemy.

Forensic anthropologist Dr. Jack Sorensen is the perfect serial killer. In the bright lights of his public persona he’s a respected scientist, a leader in the field of human decomposition. But in his shadowed secret life he’s a ruthless and elusive killer, unseen by the authorities who have failed to follow his faint trail of destruction. Beautifully cold, brilliant and cruel, Jack wants nothing more than to keep his life captured in his vise-like grip of control. And Jack Sorensen never makes mistakes…

…until he underestimates Dr. Kyrie Roth.

Wildlife biologist Kyrie is the enemy Jack never noticed, another murderer in his midst. A killer with equal cunning and stealth as the great Jack Sorensen, she knows all his darkest secrets, even the pieces of a past he might have forgotten. Kyrie has created the perfect habitat for her favorite research subject, but she’s finally had enough of being bitten by the beast that lives at Jack’s core. Pushed past her breaking point, Kyrie has decided to do whatever it takes to make Jack suffer. But when Kyrie’s traumatic past descends on her broken oasis, the only person who can help Kyrie banish her painful shadows might just be her greatest enemy.

History can’t always be left to decay in a cold grave. Time has a way of thawing secrets, leaving them to shine as bright as bleached bones in the sun. Can Jack and Kyrie set aside their battle and survive a world built to hunt them? Or will they kill each other first?


This twisted love nurtured in the dark belongs only to us.


But the most important questions is why did I like it as much as I did? Ok so rhetorical question really. I do tend to read some pretty dark and f*cked up books, and this one certainly fit the bill nicely. I’m not even a little surprised that I loved it as much as I did. But on a darkness scale of 1 to f*cked up, this one was on a FUBAR level. And I’m obsessed.

Is this your weak attempt at seduction, Jack?”
He leans a fraction closer, his arm mere millimeters from my shoulder. “If I wanted to seduce you, I’d have you on your knees right now in the cold room with that treacherous little mouth of yours wrapped around my cock, begging me for more,” he whispers.

How do I even describe this book to you? Imagine if Dexter and Mindf*ck had a love child, then it would be this book. I’ve read my fair share of dark serial killer romance, but it’s not often you get not one but two in the mix. And Kyrie was the other half to Jack.

You’re not a girl,” I say, my tone bordering on lethal. “You’re an irritating inconvenience that is begging to have her ass reddened.”
Her pupils dilate. “And don’t you just hate how much that excites you.”

Kyrie is a brilliant wildlife biologist who is sick of trying to prove her worth to the renowned forensic anthropologist who seems to find her no more than a nuisance. But Kyrie knows something about Jack that no one else does; his darkest secret. Their paths so interwoven, they walk the same path. But where Jack’s was one he was born into, Kyrie was made into hers.

When I tell you I devoured this book, I’m not even kidding. I cringed, I sweated, I lusted, I was entirely obsessed. And don’t even get me started on Jack’s piercings, because GOD DAMN. But I digress. This combined two things I love most, dark romance and a psychological thriller. It was brilliantly interwoven into a fast paced, dark and twisty tale that I couldn’t seem to get enough of. These two authors are absolutely brilliant together and I need, no I demand, more from this duo. Because I am so hooked. And if you’re a fan of super dark romance, then you seriously cannot miss this one.

Review: Dukes of Peril by Angel Lawson & Samantha Rue

Royals of Fosyth University #6
Angel Lawson & Samantha Rue
Dark Romance, Why Choose
Release Date:
November 11, 2022

The ruin of obsession, the madness of love, and the peril of duty.

Remington Maddox broke my heart.

Simon Perilini bruised my body.

And Pretty Nick Bruin tried his hardest to steal my soul.

As we struggle to make amends, the four of us must face the real fights occurring in Forsyth: The battle against the legacies of our fathers, the conflict for a Kingdom that’s stronger than its King, and the wars we wage within ourselves.

My Dukes have become capable warriors, but Forsyth needs more than their fists. They need a leader. Who will rise to the challenge?

They plucked me from captivity, giving me a home and purpose, and now it’s my turn to fight for them. The fury of Forsyth will burn hot enough to melt my cage.

And my Dukes will forge a crown from it.

Dukes of Peril is book 6 n the contemporary, dark romance, Royals of Forsyth U series by best-selling authors, Angel Lawson and Samantha Rue.

Reading Order:

Lords of Pain

Lords of Wrath

Lords of Mercy

Dukes of Ruin

Dukes of Madness

Dukes of Peril




I’d kill for her, die for her, burn this whole fucking city to the ground for her.

When I tell you I have been dying a slow death waiting for the conclusion of the Dukes’ trilogy I’m not even slightly exaggerating. I loved The Lords, but The Dukes had me in a full chokehold. The irony, though, is while book three of The Lords was my favorite of the three, the Dukes of Peril I found to be the weakest installment. Did I still enjoy it? Abso-fucking-lutely. But did it have the chokehold on me that the first two books did? Not really.

But even after all these years, you still think the way I love you makes you a prisoner. When are you going to get it?” His jaw tightens, and he reaches up, tucking a lock of hair behind my ear. “You’re not shackled to me, Lavinia. I’m shackled to you.”

After the slow edging…erm…I mean burn, between Lavinia and Simon, I was really hoping for him being center stage in this book. But can’t help feeling slightly disappointed because I feel like he played a bit of second, or rather third fiddle.

The story was entertaining but felt anticlimactic in parts. There were parts of the book that felt dragged out and it almost had too much going on with Saul, Lavinia’s father, Remy’s father, and the Princes. I loved Nick and his crazy possessive jealousy. The man just continued to grow on me with each book. But dang, I needed more Sy in this book.

I enjoyed it, don’t get me wrong, but I still wished for more. However, the set up for the next trilogy at the end? Delicious. Bring on the Princes and their breeding kink please!

Review: Velvet Cruelty by Eve Dangerfield

Series: Snow White trilogy #1
Genre: Dark Romance
Author: Eve Dangerfield
Release Date:
October 11, 2022


Once upon a time I was promised to a powerful man.I was raised to be dutiful and innocent. But on my wedding day, I’m stolen by four men. Men who loathe my fiancé. They’re going to use me to fulfill their vendetta.

One of them only wants my body.
One of them wants me as his wife.
Another one offers freedom… at a price.
And the last wants me dead.

I was raised to be a good society wife. Now I’m facing a battle of wits and breathless desire. My only hope is to set aside my innocence. Or learn to use it as a weapon.

Author’s Note: VELVET CRUELTY is a scorching romance between a woman and four beautifully dangerous men in which she never has to choose. Read at your own discretion.

Welcome to the Midnight Dynasty… The warring Morelli and Constantine families have enough bad blood to fill an ocean, and their brand new stories will be told by your favorite dangerous romance authors.

WARNING: This book is intended for readers eighteen years old and over. It contains material that some readers could find disturbing. Enter at your own risk…


Even twitching on the carpet, she looks too pure to exist. Like she’s been kissed by angels. It makes a man want to violate her. Or at least it makes me want that.

Brace yourself and prepare to clutch some pearls, because this book was everything my toxic morally gray men dreams are made out of!!

Now look, this book is not for everyone. But if you love your men toxic, and I really do mean TOXIC. Unapologetically mean, crude, and darker than sin, prepare for a ride of your life because WOW. As for triggers, umm…all of them. Yes, all of them. This has dub con, degradation, captive, why chose, antiheroes and all of it together was simply delicious. Oh…and some breath play.

I like choking. Knowing I’m holding a woman’s life in my hands as I make the blood rush to her head.”

This is why I love Eve’s writing, the woman is simply not afraid to go there. And this book definitely went there. Deep there. As deep as it goes there. But I digress.

This is a Snow White reimagining…well, if instead of the prince she had 4 morally gray and dangerous captors. There’s Domenico ‘Doc’ Valente, the deranged horny one. Roberto ‘Basher’ Bassilotta, the sweet one who’s already halfway in love with her but hides a dark undercurrent. Adriano Rossi, the borderline serial killer. And Eliott Morelli, the king on the throne. And between all that is the sweet and virginal 18 year old child bride who they steel on her wedding day.

Admittedly naive virginal heroines are not my cuppa in the least. And January Whitehall is as naive as they come…sort of. Let me explain. The girl has been sheltered and hidden for most of her life. All of her steps supervised and controlled. She’s been promised to a man she only knows as Mr. Parker since she was just a little girl and now that’s she’s 18, all she’s known is the arrangement and she’s going willingly. But beneath the innocence is a woman who’s smarter than she even knows she is and while she may be naive, she’s got some willfulness which made it easy to connect with her.

Now if you’re expecting a fairy tale, pick a different book. This one is rude, crude, and is definitely a whole mood. But sweet it is not. It’s dark and these boys are mean. What they put January through is evil and they’re evil personified. If you like your fictional men on the mostly psychotic side, these guys bring that in spades. But there’s also just enough of a hint to something more with each of them which left me fully obsessed and completely enraptured.

If you liked Royals of Forsyth type of dark anti heroes, this one will hit every spot you didn’t even know you had. And that cliffhanger? Should be illegal in every state. There needs to be a warrant for Eve Dangerfield’s arrest because it was nothing short of cruel and unusual punishment. And the wait for book 2? CRUEL. Just cruel. I’m about to throw hands and riot. We ride at dawn!!

Eve Dangerfield has loved romance novels ever since she first swiped her grandmother’s paperbacks. Now she writes her own stories about complicated women and gorgeous-but-slightly-tortured men. Her work has been described as ‘genre-defying,’ ‘insanely hot’ and ‘the defibrillator contemporary romance needs right now’…and not just by herself or those who might need bone marrow…OTHER PEOPLE! She lives in Melbourne with her boy and a bunch of semi-dead plants. She can generally be found making a mess.


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#DGRFave & Review: The Mindf*ck Series by S.T. Abby

The Minds*ck Series (entire collection)
Genre: Dark, Romantic Suspense
Author: S.T. Abby
Release Date: November 29, 2016

They took too much.
Left too little.
I had nothing to lose…until him.
I didn’t expect him.
I didn’t want to fall in love.
But I can’t let him go.
Logan Bennett makes the world a safer place.
He’s brilliant.
He’s a hero.
He locks away the sick and depraved.
But while he’s saving lives, I’m taking them. Collecting the debts that are owed to me.
Ten years ago, they took from me. They left me for dead.
They should have made sure I stayed dead.
Now I’m taking from them.
One name at a time.
I’ve trained for too long.
I’ve been patient.
I can’t stop now.
Revenge is best served cold…
They never see me coming, until I paint their walls red.
Logan doesn’t know how they hurt me. He doesn’t know about the screams they ignored. He doesn’t know how twisted that town really is.
He just knows people are dying.
He doesn’t know he’s in love with their killer.
No one suspects a dead girl.
And Logan doesn’t suspect the girl in his bed.
They’re looking for a monster.
Not a girl who loves red.
Not a girl in love.
I’m a faceless nightmare.
At least until I tell them the story they’ve pretended never happened.
But in the end, will Logan choose them? Or will we watch them burn together?
**Adult language
**Some triggers could be too much for the easily disturbed reader
**Sexual content
**Fucked up moral compass; read at your own risk.


It’s all cloak and dagger right now. That’s what happens when you’re a serial killer dating a FBI profiler who hunts serial killers.

Have you ever had someone recommend a book to you and think, there’s no way this is as good as they say it is? No? Just me, then? Because I wear the cone of shame for letting the covers to these books sway me for entirely too long. Considering how much hype this story gets, you’d think that may sway me? But nope. I’m leery of surer popular books because I’m so tired of them not living up to their promise for me. But after losing the entirety of my day to binge reading this entire series in a day, I will tell you that I’m not seriously kicking my own ass for not believing what everyone was trying to beat me over the head with. This book doesn’t just live up to the hype, it blows it out of the water.

There’s a certain high you get from fooling the world into thinking you’re the lamb instead of the rabid wolf.

First of all, if you look at my shelf, you’ll see I’ve read a lot of romance, and dark is where it’s at for me. So please take that into consideration when I tell you that Lana Myers is easily my favorite FMC I have read. Ever. Period. No competition.

I’m a 5’4 package of vengeance that no one sees coming.

I was completely sucked into this story from the very first chapter. And after I finished the first book?

Are you kidding me?

A female serial killer with a vendetta she’s plotted for years falls for an FBI profiler who hunts serial killers and is actively investigating her victims? Yes, please, and thank you. This is like the sexy love child of Criminal Minds and Dexter and I was so here for it, it physically hurt to put the book down for anything. Like I will now refer to things as life before Minfuck and Life After Mindfuck, because this story changed me. I don’t think I’ll stop thinking about it for years to come.

It’s one thing for the burn the world down if you hurt her trope, but when it’s reversed and she’ll burn the world down for him? GAH. And don’t get me wrong, Logan is no beta. This is a man who crackles with intense energy himself. But what made this book for me is not even the romance, which was absolutely epic. No. It was the actual plot. The mystery of Lana’s past that slowly gets unraveled with each book. The flashbacks of a night ten years ago that unequivocally changed the entire course of her life. And with every new kill she makes, more of those details become unraveled to paint a grizzly tale that’s full of corruption, evil, and revenge.

This is not your typical morally gray character. Lana is not an anti-heroine in my opinion. This is a woman who takes justice into her own hands knowing that the legal system won’t. And she’s who I want to be when I grow up. *dreamy sigh*

But I digress. I can talk about the brilliance of the plotting, the story telling, the clues hidden in plain sight, and the clues that get unveiled in time. I can talk about the incredible romance. I can talk about the friendship between Lana and Jake and all the amazing secondary characters like Hadley and Leonard, but I won’t. You need to discover it for yourself.

So if you’re an idiot who like me left this book skate right under your radar, get your life together immediately and read it. You can thank me after.

Review: Pen Pal by J.T. Geissinger

Genre: Erotic Thriller
Author: J.T. Geissinger
Release Date:
August 16, 2022

The first letter arrived the day my husband was buried. It was postmarked from the state penitentiary, and contained a single sentence:

I’ll wait forever if I have to.

It was signed by Dante, a man I didn’t know.

Out of simple curiosity, I wrote back to ask him what exactly he was waiting for. His reply?


I told the mystery man he had the wrong girl. He said he didn’t. I said we’d never met, but he said I was wrong.

We went back and forth, exchanging letters every week that grew increasingly more intimate. Then one day, the letters stopped. When I found out why, it was already too late.

Dante was at my doorstep.

And nothing on earth could have prepared me for what happened next.



This novel is an erotic thriller that contains content intended for a mature audience only. Due to explicit language, graphic sex, detailed depictions of death and grief, intense power play dynamics, and other possible triggers, it is not suitable for sensitive readers. (Full list of TWs on author’s website.)


He’s pulled a string I didn’t know I had hidden inside and unraveled me from the inside out.


Wow. My mind is spinning and I’m left with my jaw on the floor. This book took me for a hell of a ride and I’m still taking my jaw off of the floor days after finishing.

I’ve seen an interesting debate on what to categorize this book. I saw JT changed it to an erotic thriller. I went into it knowing it’s a non traditional romance with a non traditional HEA, and found it to be exactly that. It was in the vein of Perfect Strangers type of mind f*ck, or Sinner’s Creed type of non traditional. But my one piece of advise, don’t go digging for spoilers on this book. Go in blind. Trust me. This is an experience unlike any other, but make sure you don’t read it alone in the dark, because it will f*ck with you.

Having read practically all of JT’s backlist, I have come to realize that the woman can craft one complex tale full of twist and turns. I’m obsessed with her words, and this book is the perfect example why. Whatever you’re expecting, she turns it on it’s head, puts it in a blender, and then adds some spice to it to make it an unputdownable read. Because this girl binge read it with shaking fingers turning the pages. It was spooky, thrilling, suspenseful, with JT’s signature brand of twisty that will leave you reeling.

While she can write a hell of a spice scene, I did find it to be a touch much here. Like it could have cut a scene or two and not suffered for it with the story in my opinion. Don’t get me wrong, it was hot as hell, but at times I did find it taking a bit away from the story. That aside, this is a convoluted story of a woman who is working through a devastating loss in a house that seems to have a pulse of it’s own. Through it she meets a man who turns her world on it’s axis and then things really take an interesting turn.

It was a thrilling page turner full of heat and emotion, a dark undertone, and enough twists and turns to suck you deep into story and not let you go until the end. I devoured it and won’t be forgetting it any time soon, and that’s something coming from someone who forgets most characters a day after finishing a book.

J.T. Geissinger is a bestselling author of emotionally charged romance and women’s fiction. Ranging from funny, feisty rom coms to intense, edgy suspense, her books have sold more than one million copies and been translated into several languages.

She is the recipient of the Prism Award for Best First Book, the Golden Quill Award for Best Paranormal/Urban Fantasy, and is a two-time finalist for the RITA® Award from the Romance Writers of America®. She has also been a finalist in the Booksellers’ Best, National Readers’ Choice, and Daphne du Maurier Awards.

Her first novel was published in 2012. Since then she’s written eighteen more novels. When she’s not writing, she’s reading, drinking wine, surfing the internet, and daydreaming about all the things she’s going to be when she grows up. She lives near the beach in Los Angeles with her husband and deaf/demented rescue kitty, Ginger.

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Review: Lovely Bad Things by Trisha Wolfe

Series: Hollows Rowe #1
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Author: Trisha Wolfe
Release Date:
May 31, 2022

He’s the devil. And she’s his wicked game.

They say eyes are the windows to the soul—but when he looks at me through hues of slate-green and flaring blue embers, I’m terrified of what’s watching me from behind his clashing gaze, something primal and feverish that threatens to melt me like fire in ice.

I fear falling into Kallum Locke’s pitch-black soul.

But after I’m called to a crime scene to investigate the most gruesome act of violence to descend on the legendary town of Hollow’s Row, I have no choice but to turn to Kallum, to the man I had locked away in an asylum for the criminally insane.

He’s the leading expert on all things Nietzsche and occult. And now, to get answers, I’m forced to make a deal with the devil himself.

Really, eyes are the windows to the soul? Then I wonder what little Halen St. James thinks of all the cryptic eyes watching her in the killing fields… I wonder if the hairs on her delicate nape lifted away, if a thrilling shiver raced over her soft skin. She’s desperate for the answer, and she’ll do anything to uncover it—even make a deal with me, dangling freedom like bait on a hook.

But she’s far more tempting to sink my teeth into than any lure.

And the pain will taste twice as sweet.


It’s the lovely bad things that steal into our thoughts in the middle of the night and tempt us across the line between good and evil. Those torturously beautiful sins that provoke our deepest, most deviant desires. It feeds us in the dark, stoking a frail flame into an inferno we can no longer resist. She is my flame. And I am all but pleading for my muse to burn me alive.

Holy. Effing. Mindf*ck. This book! What did I just read?!

The devil is in the details, and the details are inside that devil’s head. And I’m about to throw the doors of hell wide open to let him roam free.

A criminal profiler and a sociopath serial killer? This is the type of psychological thriller dark romance my dreams are made of and no one does it quite like Trisha Wolfe. I mean, if you know, you know. And if you don’t know, read Born, Darkly immediately. But I digress.

The abyss looked at me the day Kallum first laid eyes on me and, if I’m not careful, he’ll pull me right into the pitch-black void of his soul.

This is a story in which you won’t see up from down. It’s so full of twists and turns that it leaves you reeling at the edge of your seat with a head of questions. Holy WOW!

That is his sinful seduction. And my sin is the desire to be seduced. His evil calls to mine.

On the hunt for a dangerous serial killer, Halen is desperate for answers. So desperate, that she’ll request the assistance of an even more dangerous killer who she was responsible for putting behind bars six months ago.

Kallum Locke is a dangerous sort of genius. This is a man whose darkness is a deep abyss full of secrets, but his allure is even deeper. And the further they get into the investigation, the deeper into his void he pulls Halen.

Oh, god…”
“I will make you see god for damn sure.”

What I love about this story is how complex it was. This is not just a hunt for a serial killer, it’s so much more. There’s philosophy and the occult, and it’s as fascinating as it is frustratingly confusing.

I’m okay with being her sickness. I can even be her antidote.

The way it’s written reminded me a little of the movie Memento, and holy sh*t, I was so here for it. With every new detail that gets unearthed, you get deeper and deeper into this f*cked up story. And every single time you feel like you have it figured out, a new twist gets thrown in that has you questioning everything. I’m so desperate for the next book, I don’t even know what to do with myself!!

USA Today bestselling romantic thriller author Trisha Wolfe. From an early age, Trisha Wolfe dreamed up imaginary worlds and characters and was accused of talking to herself. Today, she lives in South Carolina with her family and writes full time, using her imaginary worlds as an excuse to continue talking to herself.

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Review: Pageant by Lilith Vincent

Series: Pageant #1
Genre: Dark Mafia Reverse Harem Romance
Author: Lilith Vincent
Release Date:
May 11, 2022

One woman. Three mafia men. A twisted marriage game…
The dangerous life I escaped has seized hold of me again. Three men have snatched my freedom and they’re playing a twisted game of power, hearts, and blood.
My captors glitter like diamonds in the dark, each one more handsome and ruthless than the last. Konstantin, the scarred and heartless ringleader, and mastermind of my fate. Elyah, the demon from my past who once craved me and now covets my demise. Kirill, a bloodthirsty maniac with depraved needs who thrives on misery and mayhem.
Sixteen women are forced to compete in their twisted pageant, and one by one we’re eliminated until there’s only one jewel left. My captors’ desire burns as hard as their cruelty, but the true torment only begins when the pageant ends.
Heavy is the crown that glitters on the winner’s head.
Author’s note: Pageant (Pageant, 1) is the first book in a Russian mafia reverse harem duet and ends on a cliffhanger. The heroes only have hearts, eyes and dicks for the heroine. It contains captive themes, violence, and a Why Choose romance with ruthlessly possessive men. The story is dark and potentially triggering, so please read responsibly.
ADDITIONAL CONTENT WARNING: There is an on-page miscarriage in Chapter Four. This book contains captivity, mild torture, dubcon, gun play, knife play, group sex scenes and other deviant sexual activities (Bonus downloadable content: non-con somnophilia, non-con drug use)

Free in Kindle Unlimited 
Contestant – a FREE prologue novella 
Download here: 
#2 Crowned – Releasing September 30

She can have my entire soul. Every last drop of me.

Well now, this was a doozy. And here I am, desperate for more. Am I sorry?? Not even a little.

If you know me or follow my reviews, you already know I love the f*cked up ones. And it doesn’t get more f*cked up than these three. Elyah, Kirill, and Kostya was like the unholy trifecta and I was here for every depraved moment of it.

Now going into this book, as with most dark romance, suspend your disbelief. I had to turn off the logical part of my brain that questioned a woman running from her past, ‘hiding’ in plain sight as a runway fashion model. But then, I just couldn’t care less because the story completely sucked me in.

I love when a story catches me off guard and manages to surprise me, and this one did that and more. Lilia was this perfect mix of unpredictable and fierce, and she still caught me by surprise at the end in all the best ways. Here’s a woman who gets captured by three psychopaths and forced to participate in a barbaric pageant of a completion that none of the women truly want to win. The crown to belong to the men. But unlike the other women in captivity, she refuses to bow down. She’ll go down swinging, even if it costs her everything. She’s survived hell before, and she’ll do it again. What she doesn’t expect is that blast from her past to be one of her three captors and for his fierce hatred of her.

The history between Elyah and Lilia is an interesting one that skated almost a bit on the insta love scale for me, which isn’t usually my favorite. But the dynamics of their present was enough to buffer that for me. I did find their back and forth to be quite sudden, but it didn’t bother me because the other two men added enough spice to keep it lively.

This book is dark, brutal, and downright depraved. And this girl? Gobbled it right up!

Lilith Vincent is a steamy mafia reverse harem writer who believes in living on the wild side! Why choose one when you could choose them all.
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