Review: The Au Pair Affair by Tessa Bailey

Series: Big Shots #2
Author: Tessa Bailey
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: July 16, 2024

A sports rom-com about a burly, surly, single dad who falls head-over-hockey-stick for his quirky live-in nanny…

Tallulah is smart, vivacious, and studying to be a marine biologist. She’s also twenty-six and broke. So when Burgess, a battle-scarred hockey veteran and newly single dad, offers her a job as his live-in nanny, she jumps at the opportunity to get paid while living in a super fancy neighborhood and being around Lissa, his cool but introverted tween.

Her tween charge isn’t the only one who could use some help fitting in, though. According to…well, everyone except Burgess, he needs to get back on the dating scene, and adventurous Tallulah is just the girl to show him how. But as boundaries are slowly crossed and Burgess finds himself pulled between his daughter, who wants her parents back together, and his insane chemistry with Tallulah, a huge rift is formed, and Tallulah does the “right” thing—breaks her own heart and walks away.

Though Burgess knows it’s for the best—he’s too jaded, with too much baggage—a chance meeting, and a new push from his daughter, forces him to put everything on the line and fight to prove he learned his lessons well and is worthy of a happily ever after with Tallulah. 


One measly lunch had led to months of staring off into space trying to remember the exact shade of her eyes.

An MC who is singular and wholly obsessed with the FMC? yes, please and thank yew! Sign me up immediately.

Why should you read this book? Let me tell you
Burgess, who is:
– A single dad who is trying to navigate raising a preteen
– a Pro hockey player
– A big ole’ marshmallow who is wholly obsessed with Tallulah after one meeting
– A dirty beast in the sack with a dirty mouth to beat
– Still maintains cinnamon role status throughout

The inked skin/thick butt/muscle trifecta was really bringing home the fact that she was not simply working for a single father. She was working for a snack. A DILF. A big boy. The most eligible of bachelors. How was this man—this hot

Oh and I did I mention the pining? And the age gap? And OMG the pining!

The weekend starts tomorrow,” he said, his focus very intent on her mouth. “What do we have planned?”
“Me and my bodyguard?” she murmured.
“That’s me.” He looked her up and down. “I’ll guard it well.”
“Better than you guard your goalie?” she managed choppily.
“Yes. And that’s saying something, considering I’m a beast on defense.” He dragged his bottom lip through his teeth, a low sound leaving him. “I’m a beast everywhere, Tallulah.”

Oh and let’s add heartwarming, laugh out loud funny, and deliciously sexy to the mix too, mkay?

But also, the pining! THE PINING, people!

When you’re ready to call me your man, I’m going to spit on this hot little c*nt and call it mine before I f*ck it. Go ahead. Lie and tell me you don’t want that.”

No one likes a liar, Tallulah. But I digress once more.

Tallulah gets the job of a lifetime as an au pair for a pro hockey player. A big, giant hockey player who intimidates her with all his bigness. Still reeling from a traumatic event in her past makes her skittish but she’s determined to work through it. The instant chemistry and undeniable attraction to the man certainly doesn’t help things. She wants to experience life and Burgess wants nothing less than a commitment and determined to break through all her walls for it. And who doesn’t love a determined man.

What starts of as Burgess volunteering to be her buddy as she experiences the thrills of her bucket list, soon veers into some dangerous territory. Well, if banging your hot boss is dangerous anyway. But I digress once more.

This was such a cute, funny and deliciously sexy romance that I simply couldn’t get enough of. I loved Burgess and his big teddy bear ways. Almost as much as I loved his dirty mouth and beastly tendencies in the bedroom. There was plenty of laughs along the way and a yummy grovel to boot. And who doesn’t love a good grovel, I ask you?

Anyhoos, if you’re looking for a fun read with plenty of steam and terrific characters, look no further.

Review: If You Want Me by Helena Hunting

Series: The Toronto Terror #2
Author: Helena Hunting
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: July 11, 2024

There’s no one more off limits than my best friend’s daughter.

Peggy Aurora Hammerstein. The Toronto Terror’s unofficial team princess. I would never do anything to mess with our team dynamics this late into the hockey season, but seeing her work in the front office changed something for me.

I see her as she is now: a powerful woman with ambition for miles. When I hold her against me, she fits perfectly.

Her little flirts and taunts push my buttons, if she doesn’t stop–my control just might break. But I can never cross that line. I can never know what it could be to call her mine.

I’ve never wanted anyone more than Aurora and no one can ever know.

* This is Hollis Hendrix’s standalone novel. If you want to meet Hollis before you read this book, check out If You Hate Me, Rix and Tristan’s story.



I’ve never wanted anyone more than Aurora and no one can ever know.

If there is one thing I love more than a hockey romance, it’s a hockey romance with an age gap/forbidden element added. And nothing is more forbidden that your father’s best friend, eh?

If she was five years older, if she wasn’t still in university, if she wasn’t my best friend’s fucking daughter. If I wasn’t more than a decade older than her with enough relationship baggage to fill a dump truck.

Though it sounds worse than it is because the age gap is only 13 years. Aurora is 20 and Hollis is 33. Aurora’s father was a teen dad, and Hollis is a bit younger than him, but I digress. I read this in my usual back-asswards way, which is to say that I hadn’t read book one first. But look, in my defense, the blurb to this one was calling my name and I couldn’t help myself. So get off my back, gawd!

I want things I shouldn’t. Things I should erase from my brain, but I don’t. I can’t. Won’t.

Have you ever read a scene that gave you second hand embarrassment that your entire body feels? Because wowza was that the opening scene for me. Aurora looks after Hollis’s kitties (like the actual cats, ok? get your mind out of the gutter) while he’s away for hockey. She’s also had the hots for him for a while and so she decides that it’s a good idea to have a bit of a self help sesh with her vibrator in his bed…and then forgets her vibrator on his night stand. Yes, he finds it. Oh and I did I mention he also has kitty camps in his bedroom? Awkwaaaaard. But I digress again.

The chemistry and tension between these two was through the roof. I loved watching Hollis try and fail at fighting their growing attraction. Especially when he encourages her to date and then his possessive and jealous side rears its head when he walks in on said date. Aurora is also not shy about going after what she wants. She had her moments where she definitely showed her age, but she was also easy to like. And when these two finally give into the inevitable? SIZZLING.

It did take me a hot minute to wrap my head around all the secondary characters and even the main ones with all the different names. It almost felt like too much at times. Like Aurora is Peggy (Aurora is her middle name). Her dad call her Peggy and Hollis calls her Aurora and Princess, but then she’s also called Hammer, which is short for Hammerstein (her last name). Same for some of the other characters and I found myself quickly losing track of who is who. But I also have the attention span of a rodent, so do take that with a grain of salt.

In any case, I really enjoyed this sizzling hockey romance. It brought the laughs, the swoons, a little bit of the cringey, and plenty of the spice. It put a smile on my face and kept it there until the end. Definitely recommend for all my hockey romance loving readers out there.

Review: Twisted Deeds by Mila Kane

Series: Hellions of Hade Harbor Book 3
Author: Mila Kane
Genre: Dark Romance, New Adult Romance
Release Date: June 26, 2024

They call her the Ice Queen.
Winter De Laurie. Cold by name and by nature.
She’s always been a spoiled little brat, daddy’s little princess, while I’m the guy from the wrong side of the tracks. She’s always made it clear that I’m beneath her.
It was hate from first sight.

But when she needs help, she can’t turn to anyone from her cushy, cashmere life.
She needs a man who isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty.
She comes to me.
I’ll help, for a price.
I’ve started to think that while I might hate the ice queen, I wouldn’t mind dirtying up her innocent princess persona.
Even royals can fall, and I plan to ruin this one completely.

Meet the Ice Gods, the Hockey players who never play by the rules and own Hade Harbor and everyone in it. Dark Delights is a standalone bully romance featuring a possessive hockey playing Ice God, and the smart, mouthy object of his obsession.


You’ve got some fucking mouth on you, DeLaurie. One day, someone, somewhere, is going to show you that the sun doesn’t shine out of your ass… and put you in your place.”
“In my place?”
“Yeah, in your fucking place.” He leaned in, his hot breath against my lips. “On your knees… crawling, naked and humble, until the brat act dies…”

I have been absolutely feral for this book ever since the last chapter of Dark Delights. That sneak peek into Winter and Asher’s story had me gagging. GAGGING I tell you.

I’m the trouble you won’t recover from.”

Asher is the bad boy from the wrong side of the tracks, Beckett’s best friend and Eve’s twin brother from Dark Delights. He doesn’t come from money or born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He’s pure unadulterated talent with NHL dreams, and the last thing he wants is to get tangled up with the rich girl, Winter.

If you offer me anything, I’ll take everything.”

Winter and Asher’s relationship is not a simple one. It’s full of hate, loathing, and equal opportunity antagonism. Winter is desperate to escape the attention of an obnoxious rich guy who has his eyes on her and zero good intentions, so she lies to her father that she has a boyfriend. Now to just convince Asher to play along.

Asher wants nothing to do with the ice queen and so a game begins of Asher pushing and Winter pulling. A game of sorts to see if Winter can push him into faking their relationship and Asher pushing her to look like a fool. It was utterly delicious. I loved the push and pull between them and I loved their hate lust. It even had the impossible happening and me coming to like Selena, and who saw THAT coming considering how much I hated her in the previous book. And I sincerely hope Mila will have a book for her because I need her redemption. There’s also a peak into a new secondary character who will be getting a duet soon and I CANNOT FLIPPING WAIT.

My only quibble is there was a scene with Winter and Asher at the end of the previous book that I thought we would get more of or at least an explanation. And while I can assume, it wasn’t plugged into this book…unless I missed something. I was sort of expecting to have that scene come up and built on in this book. But in either case, I devoured this book and finished it in one sitting, so clearly it didn’t bother me much. And I cannot wait for more in this series. If you love dark hockey romance, this series is a must read.


I’m obsessed with cats, coffee, and anti-heroes just the right side of insane.

I write dark and dirty romance with the alpha-holes of your most filthy nightmares.

While I like my heroes obsessed and powerful, I like my heroines smart and independent. My headstrong, capable women will bring their own personal demons to their knees, and capture their hearts at the same time.

I only write SAFE stories, there is never a place for another woman in my heroes sights, once he’s caught the scent of the heroine, and there will always be, no matter how dark and twisted the story might be… a HEA guarantee xx


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Review: Storm by Abbi Glines

Georgia Smoke #4
Author: Abbi Gaines
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: June 26, 2024


Falling in love with a man you can’t fully trust isn’t just unwise, it’s a constant battle. Storm Kingston had busted into my life, shattering my well-maintained walls. He claimed I was his, promising to fulfill all my dreams. But I had already caught him in a lie that I couldn’t confront him about. To do so would mean the death of an innocent person. One would think that knowing his deceit and manipulation would be enough for me to shield my heart, but it wasn’t.

I was afraid the man also owned my soul.

The lies I don’t know… they’re the ones that will shatter me, the ones that could be my undoing.


Most might consider me unhinged, possibly psychotic, but Briar wasn’t someone I was willing to lose. Ever. I did what needed to be done to protect, take care of, and keep her. She loved me and wanted to be with me. If I had to do some frowned-upon things to make sure she didn’t leave me, then I’d do them. Besides, not everyone deserves to live. Especially those that did anything to make her life less than perfect.

I would keep my secrets because the truth wouldn’t be pleasant for her. And I wanted to keep my girl smiling. She wouldn’t understand the things I’d chosen to do to protect her. If she ever found out, she would try to leave me. Try being the operative word.

She had no idea the twisted things I would do to make sure that day never came.


We weren’t perfect, but in all the wrong, there was this intense perfection that would either save me or ruin me.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I don’t know what sort of book crack Abbi laces this series with but I am obsessed and I will never get enough!

This is the conclusion of Storm and Briar’s book and you absolutely need to read Sizzling first as their story is a duet. If you don’t love your fictional men walking red flags, fully unhinged, possessive and jealous than this ain’t the series for you. As for me? I will devour it whole and lick every finger.

“I think the word you’re looking for is unhinged,” I said.
“Oh, it is. It’s also real.”

What’s funny is that I could probably sit here and pick apart Briar’s easy giving in to Storm at every turn but I just can’t find it in me to care. The series before this and this spinoff have become comfort reads to me that just hit the spot. They’re one of those stories that you can shut off your brain and just enjoy. Ya know? It’s just pure book crack with toxic men and the women that fall for them and I am so here for it.

Storm definitely stays on brand with his stalker tendencies and crazy possessiveness of Briar and I spent the entirety of the book just waiting for the other shoe to drop and Briar to see the extent of his secrets. And while I wanted Briar to make him work for it a bit more, I still love that she gave it back and made her feelings and boundaries known…even though Storm continues to steamroll right past them.

The spice was spicing as only Abbi knows how. I love her brand of dirty talkers. But can we just talk about my absolute FERAL need for Thatcher’s book? because if Storm is unhinged, Thatcher is an absolute psychopath and I’m half in love with him already.

The story as the rest of this series was a binge read in one sitting; satisfying, spicy, and so much fun! I love this series!

Review: Ocean of Sin and Starlight by Karina Halle

Series: Nightwind #2
Author: Karina Halle
Genre: Fantasy Romance
Release Date: June 10, 2024


From New York Times bestselling author Karina Halle comes Ocean of Sin and Starlight, a dark-fantasy romance with morally gray pirates and monstrous sirens, a standalone spinoff of A Ship of Bones and Teeth.

I wasn’t always a monster.

Once upon a time I had a family, a home, dreams.

Until it was taken away from me and I was turned into a creature only the Devil could love, cursed with bloodlust and immortality.

I spent a century in an isolated monastery for other heathens like me, learning to control my most monstrous impulses, becoming a man of faith so I could put my sins behind me.

I was doing so well.

I was almost…human.

Until I met her.

Larimar, the tempting siren who made me forget my vows, who promised herself to me before she escaped my clutches.

Now I’m obsessed with tracking Larimar down, joining an infamous pirate crew on their ship the Nightwind as we search the high seas for any sign of her.

I don’t know what I’ll do when I find her.

But I know she belongs to me.

And I’ll become a monster once more.

NOTE TO This book can be read as a standalone. HOWEVER, if you were planning on reading A Ship of Bones and Teeth, then I would read that first before you read OOSAS.
ALSO…please head the content warnings inside the front of he book as it has many triggers.


She’s the most stunning creature I’ve ever seen, shining in this watery darkness like a beacon, a North Star, a light that will lead me somewhere. Except I already know she’s going to lead me straight to Hell. And I’m going to go willingly.

A Ship of Bones & Teeth is easily one of my favorite Karina Halle books and I’ve been eagerly anticipating more in this world. And while I may sell my soul for Thane’s book, this one still hit the spot just right. Now while you can enjoy this as a standalone, I highly recommend you read A Ship of Bones and Teeth first. You would appreciate this story that much more, trust me.

You have a filthy mouth for a holy man.”
He seems surprised by my comment. “I suppose only a filthy creature like yourself could bring it out of me.”

Larimar and Priest’s story is not for the faint of heart. It’s not quite dark, but it’s firmly in the morally gray area…for both of them. And well, who doesn’t love a bloodthirsty FMC? And a Syren who eats human organs is my sort of bloodthirsty. And in case you’re curious, there’s a very delicious connection between Larimar and Marin from Ship of Bones and Teeth but I won’t spoil what exactly.

Priest(Father Aragon) is a human witch who gets turned by a vampyre and loses his humanity until the help of stranger turned life long friend saves him. Now he lives a peaceful and secluded life as a holy man and hides his monstrous cravings from humanity until the glimpse of something leads him chasing his bloodthirsty cravings. When he stumbles on a gory scene of what remains of villagers and 3 survivors on a boat who claim to be attacked by a syren. So what’s a holy man to do? Well, go out in the dead of night to capture the syren so you can nail her to a cross and drink her blood, obvs.

He used my body as if it would lead him to heaven, and I used his as if he was leading me to hell.

Father Aragon is a bad bad man. Well, he’s not a man, but you get what I’m saying here. Did I happen to mention that syren blood is basically catnip to vampyres? Yep. It is. But I digress.

What starts as one thing soon starts to build into something more as lust enters the picture. And as much as Larimar hates her circumstance and wants to escape, she finds herself craving Priest’s depravity. I don’t want to ruin the story with too many details but the story is told in two parts and boy did I love the second part, particularly seeing some favorite cameos.

This was a deliciously sinful gray-ish romance that I enjoyed, albeit not as much as Ship of Bones, but it still certainly hit the spot. I loved the way Priest paid his penance to Larimar and I really enjoyed their romance. There’s plenty to twists and turns to keep you turning the pages. And while this is not a story that would be for everyone, this reader certainly enjoyed it.

Review: My Royal Showmance by Lexi Blake

Park Avenue Promise #2
Author: Lexi Blake
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: June 4, 2024

From New York Times bestselling author Lexi Blake, discover The Park Avenue Promise Series…

Three young women make a pact in high school—
to always be friends and to one day make it big in Manhattan.

My Royal Showmance

Anika Fox knows exactly where she wants to be, and it’s not on the set of a reality TV dating show. She’s working her way up at the production company she works for and she’s close to achieving some of her dreams. The big boss just wants one thing from her. She’s got a potential problem with the director of The King Takes a Bride and she wants Anika to pose as a production assistant and report back.

As the king of a tiny European country, Luca St. Marten knows the world views him as one of the pampered royalty of the world. It couldn’t be further from the truth. His country is hurting and he’s right there on the front lines with his citizens. When he’s asked to do a dating show, his counselors point out that it could bring tourism back to Ralavia. It goes against his every desire, but he agrees.

When one of the contestants drops out at the last minute, Anika finds herself replacing the potential princess. She’s sure she’ll be asked to leave the first night, but Luca keeps picking her again and again. Suddenly she finds herself in the middle of a made-for-TV fantasy, and she’s unsure what’s real and what’s simply reality TV.


After midnight I become a raccoon with smudgy eyes and a desperate need to eat some trash. I can hear my stomach growl. It’s not cute.

This series is not what I’m used to from Lexi but it still never fails to hit the spot. This series is a combination of sweet and steamy and with a female friend group that you’ll absolutely fall in love with.

This book brings Anika Fox’s story and man did I love this woman. She’s career driven but not a pushover. She’s not afraid to stand up for herself and she doesn’t mince any words doing it. A night at a bar with her friends, she meets a stunning man who she spends the evening getting to know. But when she hopes it will end in a memorable night, he bids her farewell. So imagine the surprise of a lifetime that Anika has to find out that the endearing Luca she met at a bar is actually Luca St. Marten, the eligible royal bachelor on a brand new reality show that she’s an assistant for. And to add another fun surprise to the mix, when a contestant drops out suddenly she finds herself thrust into a much different role as a contestant herself.

This was such a cute and fun story. I loved Luca’s reason for doing the show was an altruistic one. He hoped the publicity will bring the much needed publicity to increase tourism in his small country. But when he sees Anika on the show, no other woman would do. There’s a poignant story that runs parallel to the romance that hit on a dose of reality with a powerful punch. I loved the way it was resolved and the way it was written.

If you’re looking for a sweet contemporary romance with a hero who falls hard and a fierce heroine, look no further. There’s just a touch of spice to make it that much more satisfying. I can’t wait for the next installment in this series.

Review: Rewriting Grey by L.A. Ferro

Author: L.A. Ferro
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: April 5, 2024

“Bad choices make epic stories. Write one with me.”

Iverson Grey wasn’t supposed to be my happily ever after.
He wasn’t even on my radar.

I came to Copper Falls, expecting to settle my sister’s estate and learn about the woman I never knew existed until I was notified of her death. Little did I know that stories about her weren’t the only thing that awaited me in the small town.

The first time I met the enigmatic Iverson Grey, my car broke down on the side of the road. The second time, he spilled his coffee on me, and by the third, I was letting him have his way with me behind a bar. It was only supposed to be one time, a quick summer hookup in a town I was passing through with a man I’d never see again.

But a week after arriving at the Blackthorn Estate, a twist of fate reveals the home I thought was my sister’s belonged to the one man I haven’t been able to forget. Our chemistry is intense, all-consuming, and utterly wrong.

He was my dead sister’s ex—forbidden.

However, the more time we’re forced to spend together, the more I discover nothing is what it seems. The lines between right and wrong get blurry, and not all perfect endings are black and white. Sometimes, they’re grey, and somewhere in the grey lies the truth, and when it comes out, there’s no predicting the ending.


Some people believe their destiny is written in the stars. I believe it’s written on our hearts, and I’m pretty sure the one inside you holds mine.”

This story took me completely by surprise. The author definitely knew what she was doing when she wrote that blurb and that is all I will say on that.

I place a soft kiss on her lips before saying, “Bad choices make epic stories. Write one with me.”

As a reader who is forever in my walking red flag era, it’s not often I fall for a total cinnamon roll. But Iverson Grey was impossible not to fall for. And while Quinn took me a minute to warm up to, she quickly grew on me.

Quinn comes to the small town of Copper Falls to settle a family estate for a sister she didn’t even know she had. Raised by a single mom, Quinn is shocked to find out she has a sister she knew nothing about. And she’s even more shocked to learn about it because her sister’s mysterious death named her as her next of kin. She plans on this being a quick in and out and has no plans on staying. So the handsome stranger that saved her broken down on the side of the road and is determined to make their passionate one night into something more is the last thing she needs.

While their push and pull would have bothered me in any other book, it just worked for me here. I loved Quinn’s fierce independence. And when I learned more about her past and the relationships that made her, I understood it that much more. But boy did I love the way that Grey pursues her. The man is determined to break down her every defense and he’s not above using his filthy mouth to get her closer. And oh my god his filthy mouth. The man may be a sweet cinnamon roll but he was a beast in the bedroom. *heart eyes*

The story has a mystery element to it which kept me turning the pages. It’s hard to take this reader by surprise, but this story totally blew me away. I didn’t see any of the twists and turns coming. As a matter of fact, I thought it was one thing and it couldn’t be further from it. And I love when a book can take me by surprise like that.

There’s intriguing secondary characters that just added a little sprinkle of more to the already satisfying story. The steam was steaming and the suspense was the perfect addition. If you love a steamy small town romance with a splash of reverse grumpy sunshine, tortured characters, and a page turner of a story, this one is sure to hit the spot!

Review: Sizzling by Abbi Glines

Georgia Smoke #3
Author: Abbi Gaines
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: May 26, 2024


Running. It seems that’s all I ever do. I’ve been running since I was fifteen. Some days I wonder if I’ll ever be able to stop. Would I even know how to live a normal life if I could? Doubt it. No reason to waste good time thinking on it either. Sitting around wishing for something never did anyone a favor. If you want it, then you go and get it. By any means necessary. And I was an expert at using my strengths. I’d been born with beauty, and it had been a curse that haunted me until, one day, I grabbed it and used it to my advantage. Don’t judge. You have no idea the demons I’ve fought… and the ones I still do.


Sure, I was raised to kill when needed and to protect the family. However, my momma also taught me to open doors for women and respect them unless they prove they’re not ladies. It was a damn shame the sweet little piece I’d been unable to get out of my head had never been a lady a day in her life. That gorgeous face and mouthwatering body were real nice wrapping paper to distract men. Briar Landry was a liar, a thief, a cheat, and a very talented gold digger. She disgusted me. The more I was forced to be around her, the more I hated her. I knew the evil inside her and I had enough twisted darkness of my own. Treating her with cruelty, I hadn’t known I possessed, was the only way to keep from letting her pull me inside her web.


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, and I’ll cut your dick off.

Look, I don’t know what Abbi puts into these books, but they are the best form of book crack that I devour in one giddy sitting. And you know what the funny thing is? I could sit here and probably nitpick at plenty of things, and maybe if it was written by anyone else, I would. But when Abbi writes it, it just works.

That wasn’t the kind of woman you got out of your system. She was the kind that took your soul.

This is the next couple’s story in Abby’s Smoke series spinoff, Georgia smoke. And if you want to appreciate the story that much more, I highly recommend reading in order, because many characters are introduced early on and their story arc continues until their book. Such is the case of Briar, who we learned about in Slay King. Briar is a bit different from the other heroines that Abbi has written in these two series, because she’s self assured. She’s gorgeous and she knows it, and she uses it to survive. It was a refreshing change of pace to read. Having said that, while she puts up a good fight, sort of, she is still not able to resist the chemistry and attraction to Storm even when she should.

Storm thinks Briar is a gold-digger and takes every opportunity to judge her loudly for it. But even that judgement doesn’t lessen his attraction and pull to her. It’s also ironic that a man firmly rooted in the opposite side of the law would judge anyone, but here were are. As hard as he tries to fight the pull, he’s irrevocably drawn to the beauty and it doesn’t take long for their sizzling chemistry to finally implode.

What’s funny is that I would usually want to junk punch someone like Storm, but his hot and cold attitude just worked for me here. I would also want to judge how easy Briar gives into their pull no matter how crappy Storm treats here, but here were are. I just couldn’t seem to care because it just worked. Don’t ask me how or why, but I enjoyed the heck out of their dynamic. I could also nit pick into Storm’s sudden about face when it comes to Briar, but I couldn’t even bat an eye lash at it.

It was just one of those perfect, shut off your brain and enjoy sort of reads and I loved the heck out of it for it. It’s not a standalone and their conclusion will be with the next book, but it also doesn’t leave you on a painful cliffhanger. It ends at a satisfying point where you want the next book but you also get just enough of a good ending to be able to tolerate the short wait until the next installment.

Review: Lies Like Love by Eva Simmons

Series: Twisted Roses #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Eva Simmons
Release Date:
September 29, 2023


I made a mistake.

Hearts are the most fragile part of the body, and I trusted mine with Jude Carlisle.

My villain. My weakness. My stepbrother.

Fairytales have a way of turning the most innocent things wicked.

Jude lied through his teeth, and I fell for every word. Then he burned both our families to the ground in a sick game of revenge and never looked back.

When I see him again years later—tattooed, pierced, as vicious and lethal as ever—I should know better. Except this time, I’m not the girl looking for a hero. And I’m tempted to let Jude eat me alive if it means I’ll finally be his.

I thought I knew the truth.
I thought I unmasked all the monsters.
I thought I understood how our story would end.

But the trouble with wolves is they’re always lying. And what big lies mine told.

Lies Like Love is an emotionally twisted, dark, fairytale inspired romance with a morally grey hero, heavy subject matter, mature content, and explicit scenes. Content/TWs (which contain spoilers) can be found on author’s website. 18+ only.


Hearts aren’t born broken. They’re carved in the hands of those who aren’t careful with fragile things. And Jude is an expert at ripping holes in mine. He’s ruthless. Brutal.

This was my second Eva Simmons book, and y’all! I. Am. Shooketh. First of all, if you haven’t read this author yet, take my advice and have this one be the first one. Especially if you love suspenseful twisty plots with sassy MFCs and obsessed dirty talking MMCs.

Oh, god,” she moans, as I shove a finger inside, and her p*ssy tightens. “Cute.” I shove another finger in and appreciate how she loses her breath with my touch. “But I promise no one hears you like I do. So if you want your prayers answered, you better fucking pray to me, Red.”

Indeed. But I digress.

Jude and Felicity have a convoluted history. When they were teens, Felicity had a crush on Jude until she discovered he’ll be her new stepbrother and became the ultimate forbidden. But then Fel’s life tilted on its axis. Now eleven years later, Fel is trying to make a life for herself outside the influence of her wealthy family. In the hopes of selling her body jewelry, she allows her best friend to talk her to take a meeting with a popular tattoo parlor. But the last thing she expects is to see the blast from her past, only he’s not the same 17 year old boy she once knew. Jude is harder, darker, and he’s no longer her stepbrother.

This was such a deliciously entertaining story, told primarily in the present with glimpses into the past that are intricately woven in to peel back the layers of the mystery of why Fel hates Jude and what he’s ultimately hiding from her. The story definitely is true to its title and that’s all I’ll say because I don’t want to ruin it for you. Jude is a part owner in the successful Twisted Rose tattoo parlor along with his friends and he happens to get his kicks by fighting in an underground club. So obviously I was obsessed with him. Felicity may seem like a princess who was born with everything, but it couldn’t be further from the truth. And the more you learn about their past, the more you fall for these characters. Their romance was absolutely sizzling and their chemistry was incendiary. I loved the two of them together.

And that ending?! Holy wow! I love when a story manages to catch me by surprise and boy did it. I am officially obsessed and diving immediately into Crew’s book now!

Review: A Vengeful Occasion by Kristy Marie

The Fallen Kings of Eden #2
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Kristy Marie
Release Date:
April 26, 2024

Urban legend.
Ruthless Attorney.
Hateful Billionaire.

Tobias Hale is surrounded by rumors, most of which are true. Underneath that three-piece suit is a cold, callous man who rules the courtroom with an iron tongue. Judges hate him with the same passion he hates me.
He hasn’t always been that way, though.
We were once star-crossed lovers who sat by the water’s edge—me wearing his jacket and him dreaming about a future far away from my family—a place where I wasn’t American royalty, only his queen.
I never thought I would see him again.
Years later, a chance encounter brings us face to face.
The sweet and compassionate man I once knew is long gone. The man before me now is a vicious and calculated billionaire.
Once upon a time, he was my fairytale prince.
Now, he has become the legend everyone knows as Tennyson—my husband, my killer.

A Vengeful Occasion is a second chance, romantic suspense standalone.


They say the sins of the father are the debt of his children. For Spencer Pemberton, that’s exactly the case—plus more.

I was immediately intrigued by these brothers in A Vicious Proposal but when we got a sneak peek into Tobias Hale, suffice it to say I was feral for his book. This series just keeps getting better with each book! I live for a second chance romance trope, and when you throw in suspense, revenge, and a lovers to enemies to lovers vibe? I am SOLD.

I’m sorry, what? Did you say that your wife is in your trunk?” Maybe calling Van—or Alistair, as most people know him—wasn’t such a great idea.
“Don’t get all righteous on me, brother. As I recall, you kidnapped your wife, as well.”
“Blackmailed,” he corrects. “I blackmailed her into marrying me. I didn’t toss her in my trunk the second I saw her.”
“I didn’t take her the minute I saw her,” I retort. “I grabbed her after I stalked her for a week!”

This is the story of Tobias and Spenser, and as much as I loved Tobias, I was absolutely obsessed with Spencer and her sassy fierceness. Twelve years ago, Tobias was her escape and love of her life. But when her life tilted on its axis because of her dangerous family, the last thing Spencer expected is to see the man again. Even though she never stopped loving him.

Spenser was a firecracker. This is a woman who survived hell at the hands of her family and never stopped fighting. She also never stopped trying to escape her circumstances and the life that she never wanted. But when the latest attempt suddenly lands her in front of the only man who ever meant anything to her, it’s not exactly a happy reunion. Spencer has secrets she can’t share and an agenda that is life or death for her. And Tobias is determined to make her pay for what he thinks was her role in ruining his life all those years ago.

We were a cliché poem, fighting for the past we had lost in a future we didn’t trust.

The chemistry between these two was incendiary. Theirs is a slow burn but when it fires up, it crackles!

I’m going to fuck you out of my system,” I warn. “I’m going to fuck you how you make me feel: unhinged.”

I absolutely loved this book. It brought a bit of everything; suspense, action, a fiery romance, and so much hate lust. And you know that I love me some hate lust. My only quibble is that the ending felt a bit rushed after all the build up and I would have loved to see the impact on the pages rather than off. But it was still seriously satisfying and was an absolute page turner of a read.

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