Review: Broken by Serena Akeroyd

Genre: Forbidden Romance
Author: Serena Aneroid
Release Date:
August 1, 2024

Forgive me, Father, for I am undeserving when blood soaks these hands that hold Your gift to me.

I am broken and find solace in the darkness.

She is pure and basks in the light.

Did You send her to be my shelter?

I made a vow of celibacy.

She remained untouched.

Did You create her for me?

I am a sin eater, a purger of evil.

She is an angel, a guardian of good.

Did You know she would be my savior?

Thank You, Father, for she is the one sin I will willfully commit.

Broken is a forbidden, dark romance and a complete standalone.


He is my purpose. My reason. This goes beyond being soul mates. This is divine intervention.

If there is one thing I can tell you, it’s that Serena Akeroyd is an immaculate story teller. She has a way with her words that manages to spin you into the story and suck you into the characters. And this book was a true testament of her craft. It’s a polarizing type of story where you definitely want to read and heed the trigger warnings for. I wouldn’t call it dark, per se, but it definitely has dark and heavy undertones and subject matter.

It’s a painfully beautiful story of soulmates and healing, and it didn’t take me long to be wrapped up with these characters. Now admittedly, that is also the part that worked against me too. While I loved the intention behind it, I also found the romance to be almost too sudden. But do take my review with a grain of salt because I’m also a reader that isn’t a big fan when the FMC is the main pursuer in an almost mindless and aggressive way, and try as I might to look past it, it did impact my reading enjoyment.

I loved the different elements of the book, but for some reason the romance just didn’t click for me. I liked it, but I just didn’t love it like I usually do with Serena’s characters. I just couldn’t connect with either one of them on a level I needed to really click with the story.

But having said that, I still enjoyed the book. It was incredibly unique and while it covered some dark and disturbing subjects, the way that Serena wrote it was masterful. I wish I clicked with the romance more, but even then, it was still an enjoyable read that I would recommend for anyone looking for something different and unique.

Review: SALT by L.A. Ferro

Author: L.A. Ferro
Series: Summer Nights #3
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Age Gap
Release Date: July 25, 2024

At eight, he gave me roses. At fifteen, he gave me butterflies, and at seventeen, he gave me sanctuary.

I wasn’t a damsel in distress. He wasn’t Prince Charming waiting to whisk me off my feet. We didn’t meet by chance. He’s been part of my life for years, and for most of that time, I’ve been under his spell.

Everett Callahan isn’t just the most attractive man I’ve ever laid eyes on: stoic, tall, dark, and handsome, the stuff fantasies are made of. He’s more than that. Beyond his looks, he’s loyal to the core and wears virtues like duty, honor, and respect as armor. He’s the kind of guy you’d be proud to bring home to meet your dad.

If he wasn’t also your dad’s best friend.

I wasn’t just charmed. I was completely and utterly smitten, and he wasn’t interested.

That’s why I put aside childish things, like my crush on an off-limits man who could never be mine.

Until he fell into my tent on my twenty-first birthday, and I saw a man instead of the untouchable God, I’d made him out to be.

Men are flawed, even Everett Callahan, and now that I know he’s not immune to weakness, I plan to be a hellion ready to exploit it.

Publishers Note: This is a forbidden, slow-burn, age-gap romance with a happy ever after.
Author’s Note: This book is meant for readers 18 years and older.


You are the most beautiful gift I never saw coming..

I love an angsty age gap romance when it’s done right, and it definitely has to be done right when the age gap is 20 years. This one was definitely done right because I was instantly sucked in.

How do you just walk away from something that you want with your whole heart?.

Cameron Salt has been crushing on her father’s best friend for as long as she was old enough to recognize the feeling. Now twenty one, she’s living with Everett after the tragic death of both of her parents. Everett is forty six, divorced and fighting his attraction to Cameron with everything he has. Not only is she too young for him, but his best friend trusted her in his care so suffice it to say the guilt of their connection is eating him alive. Especially when Cameron takes every opportunity to push his buttons and push him to the limit.

I’m not the girl he took in five years ago. I’m a woman who knows exactly what she wants. HIM..

I have to say I loved Cameron. She’s a free spirit and mature beyond her years. I loved the way she pursued Everett but also didn’t take his sh*t when the uber grump came out. She pushed him until she wore him down and when he finally gives in, FIREWORKS.

I catch my breath and open my eyes to my new reality: obsession. My obsession is dangerous. My obsession is her..

It did take me a bit to get into the book because it felt like I was starting halfway into a series. There’s so many subplots and secondary characters that felt like I should have already known their stories of that it got very confusing. I should have definitely read Fade Into You (Everett’s son’s book) first because I feel like many of these subplots may have been introduced in that book. Don’t get me wrong, it was intriguing, but there was so much going on with so many people, that it took me a minute to wrap my head around all of it. I did ultimately figure it out at the end, but all of the details made it a bit of a slower read for me at times.

The romance was absolutely sizzling and I loved the angst, chemistry, and slow burn romance these two had.

My head drops to the crook of her neck as I fade in and out and let go. She’s it. This is it for me. It’s her, or it’s no one. I kiss her neck and pray. If it can’t be this life, let it be the next..

There is a heavy suspense element that added a little oomph to the romance with plenty of twists and turns that I thoroughly enjoyed. If you love slow burn, angsty age gaps, definitely give this one a read.

Review: Heart Sick Hate by Eva Simmons

Series: Twisted Roses #2
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Eva Simmons
Release Date:
January 12, 2024

I chose wrong.

While my future is promised to one man, my heart wants Crew Kingsley.

My enemy. My addiction. My boyfriend’s brother.

Crew isn’t the prince in any girl’s story. He doesn’t want to win my love, he wants to steal it—simply so he can make me regret ever letting him.

If only I wasn’t addicted to his pain.

Crew’s hate burns too hot.
His heart is too cold.
But his punishment… is just right.

When given two choices, a smart girl picks the safest. But Crew made me sick, I made my choice, and even if they think they already wrote our ending, the story is about to change.



My last piece of innocence, and I just offered it to a devil.

Have I already mentioned my newly found obsession with this series? I dove into Crew and Echo’s story immediately after finishing Lies Like Love. As an intriguing as Crew was as a secondary character, he stole the show as the main one. And while this is a standalone in a series, I highly recommend you read it in order because the story arc for these two begins in the first book.

The animosity and lust between Crew and Echo is obvious from the first time they appear on the pages. But Echo is with Crew’s brother, Rhett, and I couldn’t wait to dive into this deliciously twisted story. Now if you’re thinking this is a love triangle, it’s certainly not. The relationship between Rhett and Echo is in name only, for an arrangement and agreement made 8 years ago. Desperate to help her sick father, Echo agrees to tie herself to Rhett. Though, admittedly, outside of Rhett’s own ambition, I never fully connected to why Rhett’s father is so committed to this lie, but I digress.

As the day that she has with her life being her own disappearing looms in front of her, Echo is desperate to part with one last pesky piece of her past, her virginity. And who best to offer it to? Her “boyfriend’s” brother who seems to hate her. All joking aside, the connection between her and Crew has always been there so while it sounds outlandish it also made sense that she would go for him. And for those of you that like your MMCs obsessed and falling first and hard, you’ll love dirty talking Crew.

Now admittedly, there were parts of the story development that at times got overshadowed by the sex scenes for me. Don’t get me wrong, not to the point that I skimmed, because they were hot, and I’m not complaining. But I wished we got a bit more meat to the story. Both Echo and Crew were very complex characters, but I never fully connected with Echo the way I hoped I did and the way I did with Fel in the previous book.

That aside, I still binge read this book in one sitting. It was a fast paced, addictive type of read. And while the ending was mostly predictable, I still enjoyed it quite a bit. And now I immediately need Sage’s book because I have a feeling his story may be my favorite in the series. Because that set up at the end of this book? NEED.

Review: The Accidental Siren by Lexi Blake

Series: Texas Sirens: Legacy #1
Genre: Erotic Romance, Suspense
Author: Lexi Blake
Release Date: April 30, 2024

Joshua Barnes-Fleetwood is the prince of Willow Fork, Texas, but not all is right with his world. He’s the heir to a multimillion-dollar company, has a family he adores, and his best friend at his side. He can’t figure out what is missing until Nicole takes a job at Christa’s Café. The pretty waitress is a mystery he needs to solve. He’s never been so attracted to a woman, and after one night in her company, he’s sure she can handle his needs. Unfortunately, he’s also sure she’s lying to him.

Jared “Grim” Burch found a home with the Barnes-Fleetwood family when he desperately needed one. With support from his newfound family, Grim beat all the odds and became a veterinarian. In Willow Fork, however, there are still people who are suspicious of him and his past. When he sees Nicole, he knows she’s the perfect woman for him and Josh, but he wonders if he has the right to bring her into his sometimes dangerous circle.

For Nicole Mason, Willow Fork is nothing more than a pit stop. Once she can save up the money to fix her car, she’ll do what she’s been doing for the last several years. Run. Framed for her husband’s murder, she can never stop looking over her shoulder. There’s always someone on her trail, and she can’t let them bring her back to the real killer. Getting to know Josh and Grim makes her dream of the life they could have together. If only she could trust them with her secrets.

When their past catches up to them all, they’ll find out that even a small town can be big trouble.


I don’t care what I call you as long as I get to call you mine.”

I love a good spinoff and Lexi’s Texas Sirens series is one of my favorite sexy series. So when I saw we’re getting new generation spinoff, I was so excited! And boy did this deliver with brand new amazing characters and cameos from some of my older favorites. Plus a surprise few cameos from Lexi’s Masters & Mercenaries series.

Nicole is on the run after her abusive husband is killed and she’s set up to take the fall. With no one to help her and nothing to her name, she barely stays at one place long enough. But when she lands in the small town of Willow Fork, she finds herself the attention of two handsome men who are determined to make her his.

Josh Barnes-Fleetwood is the town royalty and the center of all gossip with his parent’s unconventional relationship. Having the same proclivities of wanting a poly relationship with his best friend/adoptive brother makes him just as infamous as his two fathers. Jared “Grim” Burch is the definition of a tortured hero. Growing up with an abusive, uber religious zealot of a stepfather wasn’t easy. And when that step father kicks him out, it’s a blessing in disguise because he lands in the loving hands of the Barnes-Fleetwood and quickly taken into the family fold. Josh and Grim are best friends and brothers with the same desire of finding a woman who can accept them both. They’re instantly drawn to the town’s newbie, Nicole and she’s just as drawn to them. They know she’s hiding something but they’re determined to make her theirs and protect her. Nicole thinks she’s committing to just one night, knowing that she can’t stay long and put them in danger. But nothing goes to plan when feelings get involved.

While this was a touch too insta love for me, it still hit the spot. I loved the chemistry between these three and I loved how Josh and Grim cared for Nicole. There’s a suspense element and I absolutely loved the addition of a cameo here that absolutely made the book for me. I thought I knew how it would end, but it still managed to throw me for a loop and I love when a story can surprise me like this.

This was a sexy little romp with wonderful characters and a a quirky small town that I will never get tired of. I can’t wait for the rest of the characters to get their stories! 

Review: Forgive Me For My Sins by Angel Anders

In The Carolinas #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Angel Anders
Release Date:
April 12, 2024

A married socialite escaping her husband.
A tormented priest running from his past.
A forbidden love that will consume them both.

Avery’s husband has been unfaithful. While trying to come to terms with her new reality, a man hidden in the shadows of her church catches her attention.

It turns out the man is the new priest everyone’s been expecting, Father Lachlan O’Connell. Only he’s nothing like what she thought he’d be. He is sin personified, and her every fantasy come to life.

They both know there’s a palpable attraction between them that they can’t act on. He’s off-limits, and she’s trying to divorce her husband. Working on the upcoming church gala together is going to be the ultimate test.

What happens when they give into temptation?


I don’t think having Avery be just my friend is an option anymore. I think I’d like to keep her for myself.

Look, if you know me, you know I love a good taboo/forbidden read. And when a bookish friend releases a book that has a priest falling for his parishioner? I’m all over it.

Now have I read my fair share of this trope, without a doubt. But I did love the unique spin that Angel put on this story with both Father Lachlan and Avery. Avery is an unfulfilled trophy wife who thought she was marrying the man of her dreams, only to realize that she ignored every red flag that showed his true colors. Now she finds herself in a loveless marriage to a narcissist and to add insult to cliche injury, she finds out he’s cheating on her with his assistant.

Lachlan is a man running from his past and has found salvation in priesthood. But when he spots Avery for the first time, it shakes the very foundation of him. She becomes temptation personified and when she doesn’t shy from admitting her connection to him, she becomes his damnation.

Now the story itself could have used a little bit more polish. But with this being a debut, I didn’t dwell on this much. My one quibble is the repetitive nature of the taboo element. When I’m reading a forbidden romance, I want to feel the forbidden elements. But here, the amount of times we get reminded of Lachlan’s priesthood did begin to wear on me after a while. I also wished there was more relationship development. While the characters are well developed and multilayered, I couldn’t help but feel that their connection was more driven by sex than anything else. The spice was great, but at points of the story it also began to be more of a distraction.

For a debut novel, this was fantastic and I can’t wait to see Angel grow into her own because she definitely has a a great start to a series with this book. If you’re looking to dip your toe into the forbidden genre but want it a bit lighter, this a great book. If you’re looking for a spicy romance with a dirty talking priest, this will definitely hit the spot.

Review: Reckless Promises by Eva Simmons

Reckless #2
Author: Eva Simmons
Genre: Mafia Romance
Release Date: March 15, 2024


One word seals my fate.

I’m sold to the highest bidder to settle my father’s debts, and now I’m at the mercy of a mafia prince.

Cillian is gorgeous. Heartless. Deadly.

And I’m his revenge.

There’s only one problem… Cillian isn’t the only one seeking vengeance. I’ve been chained and shackled long enough.

So when Cillian threatens to burn my family to the ground if I disobey him, I can’t help but hand him the matches.


I wanted revenge so I bought it.

And now Odette is mine.

It’s not her fault her father placed her on the auction block when I was looking for something of his to break. But he handed me his prized possession. And to ruin him—I’ll start with her.

Odette can fight me, she can resist, she can beg. She’ll learn to play her part in this game.

Except one taste of her fire, and all my rules break.

I vowed ‘til death.
And for her, I’ll do anything.


You want to be a brat? Then I’m happy to teach you a lesson.”

This was my first Eva Simmons book and I’ll definitely be reading more of her after this. And while this book didn’t blow me away, it was still a solid read that I enjoyed quite a bit.

This is a mafia romance with an arranged marriage and you already know I’m a sucker for this trope. Add in the complexity of warring mafia families and I’m all over it.

Odette has been raised to be a good girl. As a daughter to a ruthless mafia man, her virginity is the extent of her value. Put on the auction block to be sold to be married to her father’s business contact, she never expects for her family’s enemy to buy her from under everyone’s nose.

Cillian doesn’t care about marriage but he cares about revenge. A revenge that he has been planning for years in retaliation for the death of his father. The daughter of his enemy now locked in as his wife if a step he didn’t factor for, but he’s using it now that he has her. What he didn’t factor is actually falling for his unwilling bride.

The story was a fun, albeit formulaic plot. And while I’ve read it countless times, it still kept me entertained. I have to say I expected a bit more grit and darkness based on the blurb, but this was on the tamer side. If you’re just dipping your toe into the genre, this is a great book to start with. However, for my seasoned dark romance readers out there like me, it may feel a bit on the lighter side. I didn’t mind that so much, but I did find myself skimming through a few parts if I’m being perfectly honest. The story has plenty of sizzle and steam and Cillian is pure fire. I loved him and Odette together. I also loved that even though she was a virgin, she’s no ingenue. And I especially loved her growing fierceness throughout the book.

If you’re looking for a lighter mafia read with plenty of steam, this will hit the spot nicely.

Review: Love Redesigned by Lauren Asher

Series: Lakefront Billionaires #1
Author: Lauren Asher
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: November 7, 2023

If I ever caught on fire, Dahlia Muñoz would fan the flames with a smile.
So, when she returns to Lake Wisteria, I fully intend to avoid the interior designer.
At least until my meddling mother exploits my savior complex.
The faster I help Dahlia find her creative spark, the sooner she will leave town.
But while I was busy getting rid of Dahlia, I overlooked one potential issue.
What happens if I want her to stay?

People say the devil has many faces, but I know only one.
Julian Lopez—my childhood rival and family frenemy.
I vow to steer clear of him while recovering from my broken engagement, but then the billionaire makes an irresistible offer.
Renovate a historic house together and triple our profits.
Our temporary truce becomes compromised as we face years’ worth of denied attraction and mixed emotions.
Giving into our desire is inevitable…but falling in love?
That isn’t part of the plan.

Love Redesigned is a steamy, small town romance about two family friends-turned-childhood rivals. It is the first book in the standalone Lakefront Billionaires series and has a happy ending.


Once upon a time, we were friends with a healthy competitive drive. Then puberty hit during middle school, and a new rivalry was formed, driven by hormones and immaturity. But now, we’re nothing but strangers.

I’m a sucker for a second chance romance with some rivals and enemies to lovers vibes. The blurb for this book immediately hooked me and I knew this would be my first Lauren Asher book.

All this time, I thought you hated me…”
“I never hated you, Dahlia. Not for a single second of a single day.”

It was also a refreshing twist to have the FMC be the one who’s down on love after having her heart broken.

Love Redesigned was a cute read full of swoony moments and a delicious slow burn. I loved the history between Julian and Dahlia almost as much as I loved their meddling moms. Dahlia and Julian grew up together. But then one fateful kiss in college changed everything. Dahlia left town and make a career for herself as a famous designer. While Julian stayed back and became successful in his own right on the developer side. Now Dahlia is back after a painful breakup with her fiancé, and all the long repressed feelings for Julian come roaring back when they decide to work together.

This was a sweet romance, that was almost a touch too sweet for my particular tastes. But my main quibble was it was entirely too long. There simply wasn’t enough meat to the story or tension to justify it being over 500 pages. It could have easily shaved off about 200 pages and not lost anything in the process. I couldn’t help but feel it was too stretched out and struggled to keep my attention. I found myself skimming heavily from 20%-80% of the book. All that said, it was still a cute and satisfying ending with no third act breakup. However, with the lack of tension throughout the book, I wouldn’t have minded the breakup.

It was an enjoyable albeit a bit of a forgettable read for me. I liked the characters and I loved the setting. It hooked me enough to continue with the series. It just didn’t grab me the way I had hoped it would.

Review: Wreck the Halls by Tessa Bailey

Genre: Contemporary Romance, RomCom
Author: Tessa Bailey
Release Date:
October 3, 2023

A sexy, hilarious standalone holiday rom-com about the adult children of two former rock stars who team up to convince their estranged mothers to play a Christmas Eve concert…

Melody Gallard may be the daughter of music royalty, but her world is far from glamorous. She spends her days restoring old books and avoiding the limelight (one awkward tabloid photo was enough, thanks). But when a producer offers her a lot of money to reunite her mother’s band on live tv, Mel begins to wonder if it’s time to rattle the cage, shake up her quiet life… and see him again. The only other person who could wrangle the rock and roll divas.

Beat Dawkins, the lead singer’s son, is Melody’s opposite—the camera loves him, he could charm the pants off anyone, and his mom is not a potential cult leader. Still, they might have been best friends if not for the legendary feud that broke up the band. When they met as teenagers, Mel felt an instant spark, but it’s nothing compared to the wild, intense attraction that builds as they embark on a madcap mission to convince their mothers to perform one last show.

While dealing with rock star shenanigans, a 24-hour film crew, brawling Santas, and mobs of adoring fans, Mel starts to step out of her comfort zone. With Beat by her side, cheering her on, she’s never felt so understood. But Christmas Eve is fast approaching, and a decades-old scandal is poised to wreck everything—the Steel Birds reunion, their relationships with their mothers, and their newfound love. 


“Maybe we just needed to get it out of our systems?”
He huffed a sound. “You’ll never leave my system, Mel. You’re one-half of it.”

I am so wholly obsessed with everything Tessa Bailey writes. It doesn’t matter what it is, it will just always hit the spot. And while this one wasn’t my favorite of hers, it still hit the spot.

There’s one thing that Tessa can write like no other and that’s an MC who is obsessed with his woman beyond all reason. And Beat is more than a little obsessed with Melody.

“Jesus Christ, Mel. Your mouth.” He growled against it. “Of all the privileges I never feel like I’ve earned, you’re going to be the ultimate one, aren’t you?”

Beat and Melody are the offspring of rockstars who owned the stage until their band broke up and no one has been able to figure out why. They meet once as teens and then don’t see each other again for 14 years until a reality show brings them back together. The premise? Get their famous moms back together for one final performance on a reality TV show. And both of them have their unique reasons to agreeing to this when fame is the last thing either of them want.

Admittedly, this was a bit too insta for me. Melody has been harboring a crush on Beat since she meets him as a teen. And when she sees him again all those feelings come rushing back. They do have a special understanding of the other one due to their upbringing and involuntary fame. But it was still a bit too insta for me.

For the length of the book I fell the actual romance development fell a bit flat for me. It was more fitting for a novella rather than a full length book. It was also missing the holiday feel. Aside of taking place in December there wasn’t much holiday feel to it. I did love the moms and their crazy wackiness added a layer of comedy that I really enjoyed. Unfortunately, while it packed the usual Bailey steam, the romance was missing that bit of oomph I was needing. But I still enjoyed it quite a bit and if you’re looking for a fun read with plenty of spice, this one will hit the spot.

Review: The Dom Who Came In From The Cold by Lexi Blake

Masters and Mercenaries: Reloaded Book 5
Genre: Romantic Suspense, BDSM
Author: Lexi Blake
Release Date:
February 21, 2023

Kyle Hawthorne once believed his future would be a job in the private sector—a simple, normal life. Fate had other plans and he wound up in the military. Some newly discovered talents caught the eye of the CIA, and in no time he was working with a covert team. He found himself in a relationship with fellow operative, Julia—until she turned out to be the enemy. When her betrayal was uncovered, things got bloody and Kyle returned home broken, searching for a chance to walk the road not taken.

MaeBe Vaughan has never been interested in normal. Her happy place is a dark corner of the Internet, where she disrupts all the bad guys. She has a great circle of friends and a full life. She doesn’t need a man. Until Kyle Hawthorne walked into her life. He’s all wrong for her. Surly. Damaged. His uncle is her boss. But she couldn’t help getting close to him. When his past threatened her safety, Kyle walked out without saying good-bye.

Kyle will do anything to keep MaeBe safe. He faked his death, hid in the middle of nowhere, and watched over her from afar. But when Julia resurfaces, he knows that to protect MaeBe, he’ll have to get close. So close that if they manage to survive, he will never let her go.


You are not an itch I want to scratch, MaeBe Vaughn,” Kyle said, his eyes solemn on her. “You’re a blanket I want to pull around me because I think you might be able to keep me warm for the rest of my life.”

I have spent years waiting for this book. YEARS. Kyle has been a predominant secondary character for far too long and I couldn’t wait to finally get my hands on his book. Particularly after the way No Time to Lie.

And while this book is technically a standalone with a new couple, I highly recommend you read the series in order because the story arc for this couple begins early in the series and you really need to understand all the nuances between them through the year to really appreciate this book. It does cover most of the basics, but glosses over some that have been covered in previous books (like the pining. GOD but I loved the pining)

People in love discuss their problems. Dumbasses fake their deaths.

Kyle has been in love with MaeBe from the moment he saw her. He may have fought their connection but his fall was inevitable, no matter what his inner demons said. But when Kyle’s psycho double agent ex comes back from the dead, he knows he’ll do anything to protect MaeBe, even fake his own death. Though his “death” is honestly like the worst kept secret and everyone pretty much knows he’s on a mission to catch Julia, including MaeBe.

When circumstances allow him to reveal himself to MaeBe, she’s no longer the woman he left behind. Her edges are sharper, and she’s also not afraid to drop him on his ass. And she does.

I really liked parts of this story, but admittedly, parts of it did drag a bit for me. The suspense plot sort of overrode the romance for me. I would have loved to read more about these falling for each other to appreciate their reunion even more. But on the flip side, I loved the progression of their relationship. I loved the way Kyle cares for Mae and the way he finally proves it with his unwavering trust. I loved watching Mae grow into a field agent in her own right. And while this wasn’t my favorite book in the series, it still hit the spot just right.

Review: Good Girl Fail by Roni Loren

Author: Roni Loren
Genre: Erotic, MMF Romance
Release Date: January 17, 2023

From the New York Times bestselling author of the Loving on the Edge and the Say Anything series comes a new steamy standalone MMF romance that proves good girls can have fun too…especially when she’s their good girl.

O’Neal Lory has been taught that one mistake can undo an entire life of right decisions. That it doesn’t matter if a person has been good ninety-nine percent of the time. One misstep, one snap judgment, can derail everything. So, she’s taken a lot of right steps on the straight and narrow path. Eighteen years of them, in fact. Perfect grades. No rules broken. And definitely no boys.

Until she kisses him.

Auden Blake knows he shouldn’t touch his little sister’s best friend, knows that innocent girls like her should stay far, far away from him and his roommate Lennox—especially when she could reveal their behind-closed-doors activities to his family. But when sheltered O’Neal goes rogue, ditching her scholarship to a conservative all-girls college and showing up at Bennette State—his school—instead, it’s going to take everything Auden has to keep his and Lennox’s hands off the curious good girl whose teach me vibes could unravel them both.

Good Girl Fail is a full-length standalone MMF romance with lots of steam, two heroes who like to share and get a little bossy, and a good girl heroine who’s about to break every rule that’s ever been placed upon her.



I would’ve happily taught you anything you wanted to know too.” He gave her a full smile, a wicked gleam in his eyes. “Feel free to reach out later if you want. You can get your bachelor’s degree with Auden. When you’re ready for your master’s, come and find me.”

I have spent years waiting for Roni to get back to her erotic romance/BDSM roots. I first discovered and fell in love with her writing with her Loving On The Edge series. So when she announced this book, I was giddy with fangirl excitement. A New Adult MMF poly romance? Yes, please and thank you!

It’s funny because third person POV used to be all I read back in the day. Now I struggle to read anything outside of first person. I can’t help but wish this was written in first person POV because I would have loved it that much more. But while it took me a minute to get used to the third, it never detracted from the story.

O’Neal Lory is the definition of sheltered. She grew up in a deeply religious household with two very strict grandparents who didn’t allow her to do much of anything. And generally, this sort of naiveté is not my cuppa when it comes to my MFCs, there was something so endearing about O’Neal that I couldn’t help but like her. Was she super sheltered, yes. But she also recognized that and rebelled against her strict upbringing in a smart way. She made the difficult decision to follow her own path and attend the university of her choice that her mother had attended, against her grandparents’ wishes, causing them to essentially disown her.

O’Neal has been crushing on her best friend’s older brother for as long as she’s been aware of boys. But even though they shared one fiery kiss, Auden knows he’s not for her. She’s too sweet and naive for him. But when O’Neal ends up at his university, the chemistry between them is too much to deny. But the Auden that he is at home, is not the same man he is at school. Auden hides his sexual cravings from his small town, so no one but his best friend and roommate knows about his dominance and desire to share.

When O’Neal all but dares him to teach her, he’s up for the challenge. And so is his sinfully sexy best friend, Lennox.

This story was fiery hot, and I loved the dynamic between Auden and Lennox. I loved their bond and friendship, but especially their chemistry. I loved the way O’Neal added to their dynamic and her innocence wrapped in passion. This is a girl that doesn’t live by her past and doesn’t shy away from her desires. I loved that about her.

My one quibble with this book is the story arc of O’Neal’s mother. There’s so much attention given to this and quite a lot centered around it, yet it ultimately felt highly anticlimactic and unresolved. The romance was amazing, and I loved these three together, but I also couldn’t help but feel something was missing. Maybe a longer epilogue? Maybe another book? I can’t quite place my finger on it, but something was missing to make this a solid 4 for me.

I can’t help but hope this will be the start of a new series because I want more of this world from this author.

Copyright © 2015 · Dirty Girl Romance

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