Geri’s Review: The Wedding Date by Jasmine Guillory

Genre: Contemporary
Author: Jasmine Guillory
Release Date: January 30, 2018

A groomsman and his last-minute guest are about to discover if a fake date can go the distance in a fun and flirty debut novel.

Agreeing to go to a wedding with a guy she gets stuck with in an elevator is something Alexa Monroe wouldn’t normally do. But there’s something about Drew Nichols that’s too hard to resist.

On the eve of his ex’s wedding festivities, Drew is minus a plus one. Until a power outage strands him with the perfect candidate for a fake girlfriend…

After Alexa and Drew have more fun than they ever thought possible, Drew has to fly back to Los Angeles and his job as a pediatric surgeon, and Alexa heads home to Berkeley, where she’s the mayor’s chief of staff. Too bad they can’t stop thinking about the other…

They’re just two high-powered professionals on a collision course toward the long distance dating disaster of the century–or closing the gap between what they think they need and what they truly want…


Alexa Monroe found herself trapped at a hotel elevator with a handsome, charming Drew Nichols. The incident led to a wedding date, a pretend relationship which quickly escalated into something more.

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The Wedding Date charmed me from beginning to end. The best part about this book was easily the heroine! She’s gorgeous and competent as hell but also strong and vulnerable. Alexa Monroe was everything I love in my romance book heroines.

Another element I enjoyed about this book was the development of Alexa and Drew’s relationship. What started out as a disaster (getting stuck at an elevator) became so much more. That’s not to say there wasn’t some awkwardness between them at first because here was and it was charming and cute because you recognize it as part in real life. Loved their chemistry together.

I also loved the fact that both characters are competent at their jobs. Drew is a doctor and Alexa is a mayoral chief of staff. Their careers are part of who they are and I enjoyed reading those parts in the book.

Conflict wise, I thought that it was very well done. Drew and Alexa not only came from different backgrounds, but they also lived in two different cities which was a challenge to say the least. I normally do not like long distance relationships in my romance, but I liked how it was dealt with in this book. Drew and Alexa were very aware of its pitfalls and of course, its rewards. I thought their actions were very real, and it showed the characters’ flaws and redeeming qualities.

The Wedding Date met all my expectations, which I am so grateful for. It’s sweet, charming, lighthearted romance at its best. If you enjoy fake-dating-relationship stories, I highly recommend this book! This is only Miss Guillory’s first book and judging by how much I enjoyed it, I’m looking forward to more books from her in the future.

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Review: Man Card by Sarina Bowen & Tanya Eby

Series: Man Hands #2
Genre: Romantic Comedy, Contemporary Romance
Author: Sarina Bowen & Tanya Eby
Release Date: January 16, 2018

Nothing ventured, nothing banged…

I still don’t know how it happened. One minute I was arguing with my arrogant competitor–our usual trash-talk over who deserves the larger commission. But somehow I went from throwing down to kneeling down…
It can never happen again. I don’t even like Braht. He’s too slick. He’s a manipulating mansplaining party boy in preppy clothes.
So why can’t I get him out of my head?

There are two things I know without question. One: Ash and I are destined for each other. Two: never trust a man with a unibrow.
Ash is my missing my piece. She’s the sweet cream to my gourmet espresso. And nothing gets me going faster than her contempt for me. They don’t call her the Ashkicker for nothing.
Eventually I’ll win her over…if my past doesn’t ruin everything first.


Name your other favorite movies,” I challenge Braht.

All of them?” He chugs his margarita.

Hmm. Top ten? Top five?”

That’s totally easy,” he says. Somehow I’ve gotten closer to him on the floor. When he sits back, I actually snuggle in beside him. He’s wearing a ridiculously soft shirt that feels good against my skin. And I watch with fascination as he ticks off the names of films on his fingers. When Harry Met Sally. The Devil Wears Prada. Roman Holiday. Clueless. And Working Girl.”

I burst out laughing. I can’t help it. Those are all chick flicks. You should just hand over your man card right now.”

Not a chance.” Braht’s expression grows intense. In the first place, I gave you a very thorough demonstration of my man card last week. I don’t remember hearing any complaints.”

I swallow hard, because this is certainly true.

And secondly, you’re looking at this all backward.”

I…am?” And why can’t I look away? He has the most beautiful, intelligent eyes.

Yeah, you are,” he whispers. It’s the guy who has a firm grip on his man card that can hold your purse. He’s not afraid to be seen with that Tory Burch you like to carry—nice color, by the way. He’ll free up your hands because he likes your hands, and he remembers all the terrific things you can use them for.”

Oh,” I say slowly. Now my fingers itch to reach out for him. I have to make fists with both hands so I won’t do it.

Furthermore, he’s not afraid to quote Working Girl. Because Joan Cusack is a genius. And who wouldn’t want to say Melanie Griffith’s best line out loud?”

I can’t help saying it with him, and together we sound like the world’s horniest Greek chorus: I have a head for business and a body for sin.”

Sin sounds pretty good right now, actually. But Braht’s not done with his speech. Any man who tells you that chick flicks are for pussies can’t be any good in bed. Because that man does not speak the language of women. He doesn’t know that a little luxury can erase a shitty day of worrying about your ex…”

Braht takes my hand in his and begins to massage it. He has a great technique, applying gentle pressure between each joint. I relax just a little bit more against him.

“…That man doesn’t speak the language because he’s afraid of sounding like a girl. But fuck that noise, honey bear. If a man doesn’t have the vocabulary to describe a satin teddy with peekaboo lace and mother-of-pearl snaps at the crotch, he can’t buy it for you and then strategically ask you to wear it. He can’t plan ahead to blow your mind sometime by lifting your skirt somewhere semi-public and dangerous. And he can’t get down on his knees and kiss that lace and then pop open those snaps while you bite your own hand to keep from screaming when you climax.” Braht takes a deep breath and lets it out in one hot gust. Fuck. What was the point of this speech?”

“Um…” My voice is hoarse, and my face is suddenly very hot. Let’s not even mention my nipples. Man cards, I think.” But I’m not sure, because everything tingles.

Right,” he says with a sigh. Still got mine. Shall we watch Working Girl next?”

Okay,” I breathe, sinking a little further into his comforting embrace.

Braht is pretty much good at everything. And I mean everything. I’m worried I might be falling for the fashionable fucker. Fuck.

Who knew a dirty talking metrosexual would steal my heart? Sarina Bowen and Tanya Eby knock it out of the park yet again with their newest installment in the laugh out loud Man Hands series!

Now look, I’ll admit, when I first finished Man Hands and met Braht? Doubt, party of one. This reader does NOT do the metrosexual thing. Me no likey, mkay? It just doesn’t do it for me. And what kind of name is Braht? I’d crave sausage each time I read the name.
What? I’m judgy, okay? Quit side eyeing me. I have my alpha standards, dang it!

But now that I finished Man Card I can admit without a shadow of a doubt, Sarina and Tanya have made a believer out of me. A man that spends more time on his appearance than the heroine and doesn’t bat an eyelash at a good facial and mani and pedi can still be a card carrying member of the man club. This judgy a-hole is happily eating her words.

I need to say this. I want you, you understand. All of you. Right now. But you need to know this. Outside of here, I will hold your purse. I’ll get mani-pedis with you. I’ll cry while watching Lifetime movies with you. I will hand over my man card and be your minion everywhere you want, except in the bedroom. In here, I want you to surrender, just a little bit, and let me take the lead.”

I loved the delicious antagonism Braht and Ash had going. Their constant competition at work and sexual power plays got my engine revving. I don’t know what hooked me more, their sexual tension filled bantering or when Ash would finally give into her inevitable pull towards Braht. Combined, both of those things made for one hilarious and sexy read.

there ought to be a shrine on this property—like those historic battle markers you see for Civil War sites. On October tenth on this spot Sebastian Braht first seduced the woman of his dreams. Casualties: none. Weaponry: dirty talk and first-class salesmanship. Result: only one party shot his cannon, but both parties declared victory multiple times.

As much as I was doubting that I’d enjoy a hero like Braht, I was surprised at how much I did. Admittedly, its still not my preference. I like my alphas rough and with an edge, but I’ll take a manscaping, dirty talking metrosexual every once in a while. But he has to have a hidden alpha side with a dash of demanding and like to take control in bed.

Ash was everything I thought she’d be and more. I loved this sassy and sharp-witted female in the previous book, and I enjoyed her even more in her own. The chemistry was through the roof hot, the laughs were plentiful, and the entertainment factor was at a resounding ten.

I drop to my knees. That’s what you do when you worship someone. Or you’re, you know, Elvis and you’ve reached a dramatic part in your song. Whatever.

The story was great and I really enjoyed the revelations and twists; particularly finally learning about Braht and his real name.

If you loved Man Hands, you’re sure to enjoy Man Card. And if you love a sexy rom com, this is simply a series you need on your TBR.

Review: The V Card by Lauren Blakely and Lili Valente

Genre: Romantic Comedy
Authors: Lauren Blakely & Lili Valente
Release Date: December 13, 2017

A brand new sinfully sexy standalone romantic comedy from bestselling authors Lauren Blakely and Lili Valente!

When you think about how easy it is to lose keys, phones, sunglasses and your dignity on social media, you might figure it’d be a cinch for me to ditch my V Card.

You’d be wrong.

At 25, I run a successful business, live in a fantastic apartment, and have fabulous friends to go out with any night of the week. And yet I’m still a card-carrying member of a club I don’t want to belong to anymore. Good thing I know just the man for the deflowering job—my brother’s business partner and best friend.

Graham Campbell is charming, smart, and, I’m told, oh-so-skilled in the sack. As long as I keep my eyes on the prize, there’s no way this pluck-the-flower project could possibly complicate matters.


Work and pleasure. As the CEO of a fast-growing company, I’ve been enjoying both to the fullest. What do I do when the board throws me for an unexpected loop so I can keep my business in my hands? I enlist the help of my best friend’s little sister since she holds a big stake in the company. But then I learn there’s another big stake she wants.

The one between my legs.

I can do this. Seven nights to teach her everything I know in the bedroom. There’s no way I’ll fall for her, even though she’s earning top grades in every single sinfully sexy lesson. And turns out I’m learning something too. The trouble is I don’t have the answer key to what to do when I fall hard for her.

And that throws a whole new hitch in my plans.


I can always depend on Lauren Blakely to give me a hot and entertaining book, and with the combination of Lili Valente, I couldn’t put this book down.

Graham & CJ have been friends for years. He is her brother’s best friend, only the brother passed away a couple years ago, and Graham swore he would protect CJ when his best friend died. He is a player, but recently he swore off women for a few months so he could focus more on his career and making the most of his business. He needs CJ’s help with his business, and she needs his help in the bedroom. And the plot thickens….ok, actually, the plot isn’t very thick (*giggles…thick), but it didn’t matter because I enjoyed every minute of this book.

Yes, CJ is a virgin. There is no mystery to this fact (hence, the title of the book). I didn’t mind that this was a virgin story because she wasn’t a bashful, innocent virgin. True, she didn’t have much experience, but when it came time for her “lessons,” she was a quick learner.

This book was pure entertainment. To be honest, it could have been even longer for me. There were definite aspects that weren’t very believable, but I didn’t give one lick about it because the characters were well-developed in a short amount of time that I wanted to keep reading and I can’t forget THE HOTNESS LEVEL OF HELL (that means really really hot). When Graham became her teacher, this book worked its way up to a scorcher.

New Release & Review: Man Hands by @SarinaBowen & @Blunder_Woman

Series: Man Hands #1
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Author: Sarina Bowen & Tanya Eby
Release Date: December 11, 2017

He puts the “screw” in screwball comedy…


At thirty-four, I’m reeling from a divorce. I don’t want to party or try to move on. I just want to stay home and post a new recipe on my blog: Brynn’s Dips and Balls.

But my friends aren’t having it. Get out there again, they say. It will be fun, they say. I’m still taking a hard pass.

Free designer cocktails, they say. And that’s a game-changer.

Too bad my ex shows up with his new arm candy. That’s when I lose my mind. But when my besties dare me to leap on the first single man I see, they don’t expect me to actually go through with it.


All I need right now is some peace and quiet while my home renovation TV show is on hiatus. But when a curvy woman in a red wrap dress charges me like she’s a gymnast about to mount my high bar, all I can do is brace myself and catch her. What follows is the hottest experience of my adult life.

I want a repeat, but my flying Cinderella disappears immediately afterward. She doesn’t leave a glass slipper, either—just a pair of panties with chocolate bunnies printed on them.

But I will find her.


I want this woman with every ounce of my being. Since I’m six-three and two hundred fifteen pounds, that’s a lot of ounces.

Dear author duo, I have only one thing to say to you about any and all of your future releases together.

Oh yeah. It’s like that. We’re totes besties now.

Side note: I just threw up in my mouth a little from actually typing the words totes and besties.

But I digress as always. So where was I? Ah yes. Deez nuts. I mean, deez book. I mean this book. For goodness sake. I spend one evening with this book and my inner sassy will not be contained.

Let’s simplify it—we’re looking for a man instead of what you’ve been attracted to.”
“What have I been attracted to?”
“Gwyneth Paltrow, I’m pretty sure. And every time I see her on TV, I just want to kick her.”

Aside from the laugh out loud story, the ridiculously endearing main characters, what completely hooked me on Man Hands was the friendship between Brynn and her girlfriends. It was like watching a comedic version of Sex and the City. And I’m not just saying that because I believe that her best friend Ash is my spirit animal. I couldn’t get enough of these three completely different personalities together and their obviously tight bond and love for each other.

Brynn was easily one of my favorite female characters I’ve read this year. Coming off of a recent divorce of an entirely lackluster marriage, Brynn isn’t looking for Mr. Right. But when her friends tell her to move on with her life by getting under some hot stranger, she doesn’t take the advice lightly. She jumps right on it. Literally.

I wind her hair around my hand and quietly convert carpentry fractions into decimals. Three eighths is .375. Five eighths is…
She gives a good, hard suck.
Her mouth makes a popping sound as she releases me. “Come again?”
“I’m trying not to,” I gasp.

But what was supposed to be one night of pleasure, turns into something much more. Her random stranger can’t stop thinking about her and won’t rest until he tracks her down and makes her give them a chance.

Did I mention yet how much I freaking LOVED Tom? Because OMG! I freaking LOVED Tom. Here’s an alpha male that doesn’t take himself too seriously and I loved him all the more for it. He’s funny, endearing, sexy as all get out, and impossible not to like. SERIOUSLY.

How do you think we should celebrate?”
“Chocolate and sex,” I whisper.
“Mmm,” he groans into my ear. “I’ll bring truffles and my dick.”

Man Hands was easily one of the funniest, entertaining, and quirky romances I’ve read all year. I had a goofy grin on my face from beginning to finish. Between the shenanigans of the main characters and the shenanigans of the secondary characters, I was in stitches reading it.

There’s no crazy drama. There’s no huge misunderstanding. There’s no angst. Just a light-hearted, romantic, and sexy romp that’s full of laughs and memorable one-liners. It unrolled like the perfect romcom movie in my head as I read it, and I simply can’t recommend it enough if you need something cheerful, uplifting, sweet and romantic. This girl loved every page of it.

Blog Tour & Jenn’s Review: Twisted Twosome by Meghan Quinn

Genre: Contemporary Romance, Romantic Comedy
Author: Meghan Quinn
Publication Date: August 3, 2017

Racer McKay is a broody bastard.

From the moment I met him, he’s been rude, irritable, and unbearable.

A contractor working to remodel my parents pool house for extra cash, he stomps around in those clunky construction boots with his tool belt wrapped around his narrow waist, and a chip on his shoulder.

Racer McKay is also infuriatingly . . . sexy as hell. I want to take that pencil tucked behind his ear, and draw lazy lines slowly up and down his body all the while wanting to strangle him at the same time.

We try to stay out of each other’s way . . . that is until I have no other option but to ask for his help.

But what I don’t realize is he needs me just as much as I need him. I have money he’s desperate for, and he holds the key to making my dreams come true.

Our pranks turn from sarcastic banter, to sexual tension and lust-filled glances. Bickering matches quickly morph into slow burn moments. We’re hot, we’re cold. We push and pull. I need him, I don’t want him. We’re on the verge of combusting with an agreement dangling dangerously between us. Neither one of us can afford to lose one another and yet, we’re finding it quite hard to decipher the line that rests between love and hate.


Why is it so goddamn drafty in here? I grip my hammer in my hand, my tool belt riding low on my hips, and my stereotypical construction hat rests on my head as I finish up the project I was hired to do.Taking a quick look around, I search the bedroom looking for an open window or AC vent that’s blowing a cold breeze right against my dick and sac, making it almost impossible to look semi-decent in this scrap of fabric.

“Mmm, I think you forgot a nail on the ground over there,” says the throaty, smoke-filled voice of Mrs. Sage, who is lying across her chase lounge wearing a silky pink robe that is barely tied around her waist. She makes it her mission to show me as much skin as possible, and as we’re talking about skin showing . . .

I bend down to pick up the nail she’s pointing at as the thin strip of man thong material rides higher up my ass crack than I care to admit.

Let’s pause for a second.

Are you wondering to yourself, is Racer really wearing a man-thong as he finishes building a solid oak shelf?

The answer is yes. Yes, I am.

I’m Racer McKay and I wear man thongs for older, rich women while I work on simple projects around their houses. Excuse me, I mean mansions.

Don’t worry. Yes, I’m also very much ashamed to admit the level I’ve stooped to in order to make some cash. I have my pride, but right now, when I’m offered three hundred dollars more to build a shelf in a man thong, I’m choosing to seize the opportunity.

Self-respect was thrown out the window two years ago when a pile of bills and responsibilities were thrust in my direction without any preparation or warning. Making money is as vital as breathing to me, so I will take it any way I can get it.

Cue the man thong.

“Oh, you’re right. Here it is,” I say, holding up the nail. “Thanks for the help, Mrs. Sage. I would hate to see you hurt yourself from my lack of attention to detail.”

She waves me off and puffs her chest toward me, her robe slipping farther apart, showing the cleavage of a very saggy pair of breasts. I’ve seen my fair share of boobs and even though I don’t mingle sex with work, I can’t help but want Mrs. Sage to remove the robe just so I can see what she has hidden under the silky fabric.

How saggy are we talking here?

I’m interested for exploratory reasons, for knowledge of every kind of breast out there. Because right now, Mrs. Sage looks like she’s rocking a pair of pancakes that have been flattened by a steamroller.

“You would just have to nurse me back to health if that happened.” Her finger trails up her varicose vein-covered leg to her geriatric hip. I hold back the shiver that wants to spin up my spine.

All I can say is . . . can’t unsee that.

I nervously laugh and tuck my hammer into its holster. “Not much of a nurse, Mrs. Sage. I might hurt you even more.”

“I don’t mind getting hurt.” She starts to spread her legs and that’s when I call it a day.

I turn around quickly, snag my jeans and slip them up and over my legs, struggling with my tool belt getting in the way. Once things are in place, I remove my hat, put on my shirt, and then cover my hair with a backwards baseball cap. The peep show is over.

Once dressed, I gather my tools, tuck my construction hat under my arm, and turn to Mrs. Sage. This is my least favorite part, getting the old bird to pay up.

“Leaving already?” She pouts, lipstick on her teeth.

“Unfortunately, I have another engagement I’m running late for.” A lie, but it’s the only way I know to get out of here.

“That’s a shame. I really should book you for a whole day. That way you can’t skirt out of here earlier than I’m ready for.”

She walks out of the den and into the entryway where she opens her purse and pulls out a wad of one-hundred-dollar bills. My brain explodes from the amount of cash in her purse, as if it’s chump change she’s ready to throw around at a parade dedicated to her and her riches.

“What do I owe you? Six hundred?”

Fuck, it’s five hundred and if I wasn’t a nice guy, I wouldn’t correct her, but I believe in good karma. Especially considering where my bad luck has gotten me—trying to climb my way out of a large debt. I try to put as many good vibes out in the world as possible.

“We actually agreed upon five hundred, Mrs. Sage.”

“Such a bargain.” She flips through her cash, pulls out five bills—damn—and hands them over to me. “Shall I call for my next project?”

I pocket the cash. “Email is best, Mrs. Sage. I always feel awkward taking phone calls at work.”

“Such a hard worker.” She pats my face and leans forward, lips puckered, but I step to the side avoiding an attack from her old-lady lips.

As I depart, I wave my hand in the air and say, “Thanks, Mrs. Sage. I look forward to your next email.”

Out of her reach, I toss my tools in the back of my truck, enter the cab, and place my hands on the steering wheel as I exhale a long pent-up breath.

There are few books that make me BUST out laughing, actually taking me by surprise. And it happened more than once. This book definitely reminded me of R.L. Mattewson’s Neighbors from Hell series. What do you get when you put a HAF construction worker and a spoiled rich princess in a room together? This book.

à la Mode St. » fashion

“Little Debbie is my sugar mama. I love that bitch hardcore.”

“Little Debbie, as in the fat-filled snacks?”

“The one and only.”

Scanning the compartment of his cab, I look at him and say, “There must be fifty wrappers in here. You’ve eaten all of them? Aren’t you afraid of getting fat?”

Like the cocky ass he is, he lifts his shirt and pats his abs. “Not concerned, Princess. But thanks for checking.”

à la Mode St. » fashionRacer. Sexy, hot construction worker. YES>>>PLEASE. This guy is the perfect temptation. He meets Georgiana when he is a hired by her father to fix the pool house. Racer thinks Georgiana to be the typical spoiled, rich princess, and so begins the game of “Who can be the biggest asshole/bitch?” Georgie hires Racer to help build her dream bridal boutique, so they have to work closely together and spend lots of time with each other. The banter between these two is hilarious. Racer is such a dick! And I loved him! They even go so far as to play terrible pranks on each other.

These two couldn’t be more different. Hate-to-Love relationships are my #1 favorite, and Racer and Georgie hate each other soooo much, it’s delicious. They come from opposite worlds, but their attraction is fire-hot.

A pissed-off Georgie is the best kind of Georgie. Fucking fiery and perfect in every way.

Piece by piece, Racer and Georgie reveal bits of themselves, surprising each other. But I love that the witty banter doesn’t stop. It doesn’t get too mushy. Racer stays the cocky ass he is throughout the whole book, and that was much appreciated. He is so damn charming, I couldn’t even stand it.

à la Mode St. » fashion

It’s so twisted, our relationship, but ever since he’s started working here, I’ve become accustomed to his relentless teasing and nit-picking fights. I need them. They make me feel alive. He makes me feel alive.

à la Mode St. » fashionThis was my first Meghan Quinn book, and I am completely ashamed because this book was hilarious and I loved loved loved these characters! The story was hot and I was entertained during the whole book. I am definitely going to go read more of her books asap because…..all the laughing. And if you know me, you know I LOVE TO LAUGH. Laughing is my favorite.


Born in New York and raised in Southern California, Meghan has grown into a sassy, peanut butter eating, blonde haired swearing, animal hoarding lady. She is known to bust out and dance if “It’s Raining Men” starts beating through the air and heaven forbid you get a margarita in her, protect your legs because they may be humped.

Once she started commuting for an hour and twenty minutes every day to work for three years, she began to have conversations play in her head, real life, deep male voices and dainty lady coos kind of conversations. Perturbed and confused, she decided to either see a therapist about the hot and steamy voices running through her head or start writing them down. She decided to go with the cheaper option and started writing… enter her first novel, Caught Looking.

​Now you can find the spicy, most definitely on the border of lunacy, kind of crazy lady residing in Colorado with the love of her life and her five, furry four legged children, hiking a trail or hiding behind shelves at grocery stores, wondering what kind of lube the nervous stranger will bring home to his wife. Oh and she loves a good boob squeeze!

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Review: Black Tie Optional by Ann Marie Walker

Series: Wild Wedding #1
Genre: Contemporary, Romantic Comedy
Author: Ann Marie Walker
Release Date: May 30, 2017

The Proposal meets Two Weeks Notice in Ann Marie Walker’s new standalone romantic comedy, Black Tie Optional, which New York Times bestselling author Jennifer Probst calls, “a fun, sexy romp that will keep every reader entertained!”

Everything about Coleman Grant III oozes power and sex. And not the perfunctory kind either, but the sheet clawing, heart stopping, gasping for air after you’ve screamed so loud you can’t breathe kind. From his dark wavy hair that stands in an artfully rumpled mess, to the blue eyes that sear your skin, to his full, sensual lips – on the surface he’s pure perfection.

Too bad he’s an asshole. An arrogant, uptight corporate raider hell bent on destroying the environment one species at a time.

Everything about Olivia Ramsey screams hippie humanitarian. From her blond hair tied in a sloppy bun, to her faded jeans with the Bonnaroo patch sewn on the thigh, to her combat boots still splattered with mud from the previous day’s site visit.

So it makes perfect sense that they would get married. In Vegas. Stone-cold sober.

Cole needs a wife. Olivia needs to save an endangered species. But what starts as a marriage of convenience soon turns into a battle of wills and sexual tension. Love is a game, and Olivia and Cole are ready to win.


What do you want, Olivia?” he’d asked.
“Everything,” she whispered.

Well, hello there, new series to obsess over. It’s nice to read ya. Ha! See what I did there? OK, that was totally cheesy so just ignore me. But seriously though, Ann Marie Walker has a super fun new series in the works and this was a great way to start it! Black Tie Optional was cute, sexy, and fun. If there’s one thing this author can do, it’s write one heck of an intense alpha and may did she strike gold with the grumpy, cynical billionaire Coleman Grant III. #Yum

Now I love me a good marriage of convenience trope and man did this book bring it. The opposites attract force was strong with this one. Here you have a tree loving, animal saving, vegetarian activist meet brooding alpha billionaire and boy do the spars fly. I loved the banter between Cole and Olivia and Olivia definitely wasn’t shy about telling him what she thinks of him. #Winning

Cole has a problem; he needs to get married in less than a week to get ownership of his father’s company that he helped build into the success that it is now. His viper grandmother brings everything but the warm and fuzzies in her bid to make sure that he doesn’t. What’s a guy to do? Propose marriage to a woman that’s been driving him nuts for month in her Save The Bats campaign. So what if they accidentally had one of the most sizzling one night stands while in Vegas. This is all business now. If only he can continue to keep his hands off her and his grandmother wasn’t determined to prove their marriage for the shame that it is.

You drive me fucking crazy,” he growled before once again claiming her mouth in an unforgiving kiss. A battle he was destined to lose waged inside him. He’d sworn to himself that what happened in Vegas was nothing more than a drunken lapse in judgment. A one-time event never to be repeated. But even though a part of him already knew he’d regret it later, all he could think about was how much he wanted her.
“Really?” she rasped. “’Cause I don’t give you a second thought.”

I seriously enjoyed this book! A LOT! So you’re probably wondering why the 3.5 rating. This is entirely a reader preference thing, so do take this with a grain of salt; but the heroine didn’t quite work for me. Keep your tomatoes to yourself now! I fully admit it’s a me thing. I’m just not a fan of the tree hugging save the world types. *cringes* Oh man, that sounds terrible doesn’t it? But I can’t help it. There were just certain aspects of her personality that slightly grated on me. Cole was simply delicious and made up for almost all of it. I also really loved Livvie’s family. This would have been a solid 4 star read for me if not for the ending. I couldn’t help feeling like it was very abrupt. I wanted more closure with the grandmother. More details. It felt somewhat rushed and I just wanted….more.

Aside from my few quibbles, this was still a fabulous read and I can’t wait for the next in the series.

Review: Shacking Up by Helena Hunting

Genre: Contemporary Romance, Romantic Comedy
Author: Helena Hunting
Release Date: May 30, 2017

Ruby Scott is months behind on rent and can’t seem to land a steady job. She has one chance to turn things around with a big audition. But instead of getting her big break, she gets sick as a dog and completely bombs it in the most humiliating fashion. All thanks to a mysterious, gorgeous guy who kissed—and then coughed on—her at a party the night before.

Luckily, her best friend might have found the perfect opportunity; a job staying at the lavish penthouse apartment of hotel magnate Bancroft Mills while he’s out of town, taking care of his exotic pets. But when the newly-evicted Ruby arrives to meet her new employer, it turns out Bane is the same guy who got her sick.

Seeing his role in Ruby’s dilemma, Bane offers her a permanent job as his live-in pet sitter until she can get back on her feet. Filled with hilariously awkward encounters and enough sexual tension to heat a New York City block, Shacking Up, from NYT and USA Today bestselling author Helena Hunting, is sure to keep you laughing and swooning all night long.


This man is like a nuclear bomb of sexy, just waiting to go off. I’m honestly surprised women aren’t super-gluing themselves to his body like in one of those men’s spray deodorant commercials. He may actually need women repellent.

Girl, you tell NO lie. Bancroft “Bane” Mills was a whole different level of hotness and I’d lick the hell out of him….erm…LIKE. LIKE. I mean like the hell out of him. OK. No. I didn’t. But whatever. Moving on.

Every time I pick up a book with a ridiculously hot cover, I’m always extra nervous. Is the story going to live up to the cover? Is it going to overwhelmed by too much sex with a hot half nekkid dude on the cover. Yes, I just asked that. Quit giving me the stink eye. Even us perverts have standards. For the most part. Anyway. Moving on again.

I’m happy to report that the story was even better than the cover, and that cover is pretty freaking spectacular. It’s full of zingers, hilarious banter, slow burn romance, adorable pets, and awesome chemistry.

Did you kiss him back?”
I shrug.
“You didn’t even know who he was!”
“I was caught off guard. He’s a good kisser. And have you seen him? That man could revive a corpse with his hotness.”
“Sometimes you’re very creepy, you know that?”

Ruby is determined to make her dream of starring on broadway happen. But being a triple threat and the daughter to the man running a pharmaceutical empire hasn’t given her a boost. She walked away from everything to chase her dreams, even her father’s financial support. Everything is riding on her making the audition the next day…until a sexy, drunken and sick stranger proceeds to kiss her and sneeze on her, effectively infecting her with the flu from hell.

When Ruby realizes that the sexy stranger is none other than her best friend’s finance’s cousin, uber rich, ex Rugby superstar Bancroft Mills, she’s not exactly thrilled. But she’s also now homeless with no roles in prospect and no job, and Bane happens to have her solution in his very sexy hands; move into his apartment to take care of his pets while he’s away on a business trip. Sounds simple, right? Until their shacking up leads into an unlikely friendship with a heavy underlying of sexual chemistry that’s so thick, it’s practically suffocating. Add into the mix Tiny the tarantula and an adorable ferret, an it’s a recipe for a laugh out loud romance.

I love a good slow burn and the one here was perfection. Ruby and Bane’s relationship goes from texts to FaceTime to something much, much more…

Bancroft shirtless is a vision. Bancroft naked is damn well fucking phenomenal. “Oh God, that is huge!” I say when I finally reach the visual destination of Erectiontopia.

With just the perfect amount of steam, Shacking Up was a laugh out loud, feel good romance sure to put a goofy smile on your face and a swoon in your heart. Helena Hunting effortlessly mixes humor with undeniable chemistry and endearing characters to create one delicious story that enjoyed from cover to cover.

Review & Giveaway: Dr. OB by Max Monroe

Dr. OB
St. Luke’s Docuseries #1
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Author: Max Monroe
Release Date: April 25, 2017

It’s just a docuseries about your career as an OB/GYN, they said.

It won’t interrupt your life during or after filming, they said.

It is a great opportunity for the hospital and your practice, they said.

Well, they—the television executives who seem intent on ruining my career and personal life with a fair number of creative liberties—lied.

Now I’m stuck dealing with the consequences of believing them.

Instead of being known as Dr. Will Cummings, Head of Obstetrics and Gynecology at St. Luke’s Hospital, I’m now being called Dr. Obscene.   

What devotion I’d hoped to earn in respect, I’ve instead received in patients flashing me seductive smiles and flirtatious winks during their exams.

How’s a guy supposed to convince the most perfect woman he’s ever met that he’s not as much of an idiot in real life as he appears to be on camera?

With all of the show’s side effects taking root like parasites, it’s going to take a lot to persuade Melody Marco to be anything more than my new nurse.

But I can’t get her out of my head.

I want her.

 Good thing I’ve never been one to back away from a challenge…           

Get ready, Melody.

 The doctor is in.



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Dr. OB Playlist:

Tiny Tease:

“Oh, come on. If I were really trying to torture you, I wouldn’t have protected you from the fact that Savannah has been in there trying to convince Georgie that, and I quote, it’d be the most natural thing in the world for you to be her obstetrician.”

Internally, I cringed. Externally, I cringed. In fact, it felt like Kline had just jabbed me in the back of the throat with his finger, and my gag reflex was doing nothing more than reacting accordingly—hacking cough, choking sensation, slight nausea.

I loved my career as a physician in obstetrics, but I’d sign up to flip burgers at the nearest fast-food joint if it meant avoiding doing vaginal exams on my sister. The mere thought was worse than that disgusting horror flick called The Human Centipede.

Seriously, if you’ve never seen that movie, don’t fucking see that movie.

      That flick is more traumatic than the blue waffle and that “Two Girls One Cup” site combined.

Jesus. Don’t Google those either.

My traitorous gaze moved down his shoulders to his back and landed on his perfectly firm ass. Sweet baby pigeons in a kayak, my new boss was an Adonis.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Max Monroe are my spirit animals. Their humor is right down my alley; a lot dirty, a little campy, and always on point. When I’m in the mood for a steamy Rom Com, their books are my go to. I know that when I pick up a book of theirs, I’m in for a pee my pants and laugh till I cry sort of humor, and Dr. OBscene most definitely delivered on that end.

…ever since the stupid show had aired that first night, every woman I encountered either hit me or hit on me and nothing in between. It was getting old. I bruised easily, for Christ’s sake.

When the idea was first pitched to him, a documentary TV show based on his successful career as an OB along with 2 other doctor friends seemed like a good idea to Dr. Will Cummings…until it aired. All of sudden, a few clever slicing and editing tricks, and he looks more lascivious than professional. Women either want to jump him or judge him…or both. The show goes from exciting to the bane of his existence in the span of the very first episode and things only get worse. Soon women are sticking phone numbers up their nether regions or bedazzling their hoohas with date invites. There’s only so much a man can take before he loses his mind.

Enter Melody Marco, his new nurse and a woman that has no idea who he is or seen his show. Melody is back to NY, living with her parents and licking the wounds of relationships past. Coming off of a recent break up she just wants to get her life together again. When her meddling helpful mother gets her an interview at St. Luke’s she begrudgingly goes and surprisingly gets the offer. But nothing prepares her for the effect that her new boss has on her. Sparks fly between these two right away.

She laughed, carefree and easy, and I immediately craved more of it. Had to have it. Wondered how many organs I’d have to sell on the black market to get enough money to pay someone to break in to her apartment and make a video of her doing it on a loop. Okay, that’s creepy. Where the hell did that come from?

Will as far from his TV monicker as he can get. He’s sweet and endearingly awkward. He stumbles over his words and he’s not at all the self-assured play boy that he’s painted to be by the show. Melody can’t help but fall for his boyish charm.

You and I, we make love, Mel, even when we’re fucking.”

I have to admit, part of my lower rating is because Will isn’t my preference when it comes to heroes. Yes, he’s absolutely adorable and he certainly gets ovaries fluttering with his sexy dirty talk, but he struck me as a beta hero. I don’t mind it, not at all. But it’s also not my go to. He’s adorably awkward and sexy, which totally worked for him. But I just couldn’t help but feel like something was missing for me.

The story itself was super cute. It was sweet and steamy and a whole lot of funny. I adored all the secondary characters, especially Will and Melody’s kooky parents. But at times it was also a little too sweet for me. The conflict at the end didn’t quite fit the picture the reader gets painted of Will throughout the book, so it threw me for a loop a little bit. While this may not have been a 5 star read for me it’s still one I enjoyed immensely. I’m completely hooked on this series and can’t wait for more! I adore Max Monroe’s humor and characters and I already know that this series will be an auto-buy for me.

View all my reviews

DGR Fave Review: Walk Of Shame by @_LaurenLayne

Series: Love Unexpectedly #4
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Author: Lauren Layne
Release Date: April 18, 2017

Sparks fly between a misunderstood New York socialite and a cynical divorce lawyer in this lively standalone rom-com from the USA Today bestselling author of Blurred Lines and Love Story.

Pampered heiress Georgianna Watkins has a party-girl image to maintain, but all the shopping and clubbing is starting to feel a little bit hollow—and a whole lot lonely. Though Georgie would never admit it, the highlights of her week are the mornings when she comes home at the same time as her uptight, workaholic neighbor is leaving to hit the gym and put in a long day at the office. Teasing him is the most fun Georgie’s had in years—and the fuel for all her naughtiest daydreams.

Celebrity divorce attorney Andrew Mulroney doesn’t have much time for women, especially spoiled tabloid princesses who spend more time on Page Six than at an actual job. Although Georgie’s drop-dead gorgeous, she’s also everything Andrew resents: the type of girl who inherited her penthouse instead of earning it. But after Andrew caps one of their predawn sparring sessions with a surprise kiss—a kiss that’s caught on camera—all of Manhattan is gossiping about whether they’re a real couple. And nobody’s more surprised than Andrew to find that the answer just might be yes.


Despite the high temps of that swampy July morning, the encounter had been the start of an epic cold war. Me, the socialite in apartment 86A against the uptight esquire in apartment 79B. I’m not entirely sure I’m winning the war, but I’ll never tell him…

Where has this book been all my life?!! Where?!! I don’t have the words to describe all the love I had for this story! It was addictingly delicious and wickedly funny! Walk Of Shame is a book that will leave you with a full heart and a goofy smile on your face. It will make you swoon and make you laugh. It’s a book that you’d be incapable of reading without smiling the entire time. It was, in a word, PERFECTION.

I’m a sucker for a good enemies to lovers and this was utterly delicious! Witty banter, snarky sarcasm, ah-mazing characters, and enough chemistry to zap your finger with electricity each time you turn the page. So. Dang. Good.

I don’t like games, Georgiana.”
“Which is why you need to play them, Andy.”
He blinks. “It’s Andrew.”
“Hmm. How about Drew?”
“No.” The word is a growl. “Georgiana.”
“Yes, Andy?”
He exhales. “I’m going to kill you.”
I can’t help the laugh. “See, I don’t think so.”
“Don’t you?”
“Nope,” I say, sucking sugar off my thumb. “You don’t send flowers to someone you’re going to kill.”

Georgie is no stereotypical socialite. This is a heroine that’s absolutely impossible not to love. She’s warm-hearted, genuine, witty and sweet. There’s no catty friendships and silly drama with her. Can I just say what a breath of fresh air that was for me? Because GAH! I loved that! Being the daughter to two moguls leaves her wanting for nothing, but she’s not spoiled in the very least. She truly cares about people and I adored the easy friendships that she developed and drew people to her with her presence. Even the doormen to her building weren’t immune to her easy charm. The one person that was, however, was the stuffy divorce attorney that seems to go out of his way to either ignore or insult her.

What exactly did you do for exercise, Georgiana?” he says, giving me a skeptical look. “Twirl your hair?”
“If I do it vigorously, it counts as cardio.”

Andrew Mulroney, boy genius, now successful and most sought after divorce attorney is the definition of routine. Up at 5 am, exchange snarky sarcastic barbs with Georgie, work, sleep, repeat. He was so adorably awkward that you can’t help but like him. He’s not your stereotypical playboy hero. Yes, he’s successful now, but he’s not the life of the party. He’s been on the fast track to success since high school, and he’s not about to let a party girl distract him…even if the party girl is a lot more than first meets the eye.

I loved the banter between these two and the slow burn of sexual tension. Between every barb and insult these two exchanged, there’s a crackle of attraction and I absolutely loved the pacing of their relationship developing. It goes from frenemies to a reluctant friendship to so much more.

The man whose head moves insistently between my legs is nothing like the buttoned-up lawyer who has spent the past few months ignoring me. This man is raw and primal, his touch sure and possessive, as though every part of me is his and he’s always known it. 

I adored every single page of this book. Every. Single. Page. The friendships between Georgie and her girlfriends, the witty banter between her and Andrew, the slow burn, the crackle of attraction, EVERYTHING. Everything just flowed effortlessly to make for one unputdownable read that left me with a goofy grin from beginning to finish. I can say with utmost certainty that this may have been my favorite book by this author to date. If you’re looking for a witty rom com with a dash of enemies to lovers, you seriously can’t go wrong with this book!

He palms my ass before his fingers explore, tracing the upper elastic of my underwear. “Georgiana. Are you wearing impractical undergarments?”
“Yes. One might even call them . . . ridiculous.”
He pulls back, eyes gleaming. “I’ll be the judge of that.”



Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway: The Cad and the Co-Ed by Penny Reid & LH Cosway

The Cad and The Co-Ed
Rugby #3
Romantic Comedy
Penny Reid & L.H. Cosway
Release Date: February 12, 2017


Bryan Leech is a cad.

Or, he *was* a cad.

No one is quite certain.

Once the quintessential playboy, Bryan claims he’s done with wild parties and weekend benders. No more one night stands leading to mornings he can’t remember; no more binges and blackouts; no more exploits plastered all over the tabloids and rag sheets. According to Bryan, he’s cleaning up his act.

The only problem is, no one believes him.


Eilish Cassidy never thought she’d be a mother at nineteen or still in college at twenty-four. Cut off from every member of her family except her favorite cousin, she’s finally managed to put her life back together. Stronger and wiser, Eilish enters her last semester of university determined to stand on her own. Now she just needs to find an internship.

The only problem is, her best option—by far—places her directly in the path of her son’s father, and he doesn’t remember her at all.


Bryan is determined to prove he’s changed. Eager to settle down with the right woman, he’s got his sights set on the gorgeous redhead who seems terribly familiar.

Eilish is determined to hide her secret. She’ll do anything to keep her child safe, even if that means ignoring her own wishes and desires.

But what happens when Bryan starts to remember? And what will it take for Bryan to convince the girl he forgot that she’s unforgettable?

(Free In Kindle Unlimited)

Did you know that I cannot stand surprise pregnancies? Well, it just doesn’t matter because I will love anything Penny Reid and/or L.H. Cosway writes. I had no idea going into this book that it was a surprise pregnancy, but it didn’t matter and I didn’t stutter when reading it because it was so good.
Bryan is a player…..and not a little bit. The beginning of the book is a hot sex mess. He is a party-whore, and doesn’t even remember her name afterward. Talk about Douche-of-the-Century! I mean, how is he ever going to redeem himself?! Well, the book quickly fast-forwards five years later, and he is a changed man, but it’s believable. After going to AA, he is beginning to find out who he is without all the drinking. And that man is an adorable 30-year old grumpy old man who likes to stay in, wearing pajamas, drinking tea and reading books. Ugh. I just couldn’t resist him. And she couldn’t either.
à la Mode St. » fashion

Stupid heart. Stop swelling. Swelling is bad for you. Stay small and protected.

à la Mode St. » fashionShe knows she has to tell Bryan about his son, but she goes through a lot before she gets the courage to tell him. She was die hard in love with him, and the fire between them hasn’t sizzled out yet. I really enjoyed her character because she wasn’t too mushy.

I love Penny Reid. I love L.H. Cosway. Together, they will always write amazing books!

Enter to win the Rafflecopter Giveaway!

Meet Penny Reid:

Penny Reid is the USA Today Bestselling Author of the Winston Brothers and Knitting in the City series. When she’s not immersed in penning smart romances, Penny works in the biotech industry as a researcher. She’s also a full time mom to three diminutive adults, wife, daughter, knitter, crocheter, sewer, general crafter, and thought ninja.

Connect with Penny:



Twitter: @ReidRomance


Meet L.H. Cosway:

L.H. Cosway has a BA in English Literature and Greek and Roman Civilisation, and an MA in Postcolonial Literature. She lives in Dublin city. Her inspiration to write comes from music. Her favorite things in life include writing stories, vintage clothing, dark cabaret music, food, musical comedy, and of course, books.

She thinks that imperfect people are the most interesting kind. They tell the best stories.

Connect with L.H. Cosway:



Twitter: @LHCosway



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