Release Blitz, Review & Giveaway: Sex Says by @authormaxmonroe

Genre: Romantic Comedy
Author: Max Monroe
Release Date: February 21, 2017

From New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Max Monroe comes a new standalone romantic comedy.


My name is Lola Sexton, and I’m a sex addict.

Okay…that’s a lie.

Truth is, I’m a serial dater turned dating and relationship columnist for The San Francisco Times. My readers call me Sex. Sex Says.

I love my job.

I love my life.

And I hate Reed Luca.


My name is Reed Luca, and I’m a liar.

Ironically, that’s the truth.

I’m 31, and my occupation is…well, complicated.

My favorite kind of woman comes in all shapes and sizes, but always has a big brain.

I’ve never hated anything.

Lola Sexton hates me.

Luckily, it’s a thin line between love and hate, and with my help, pretty Lola will only be able to straddle that line for so long.



Somewhere along the way, hate had morphed into dislike and then reincarnated itself into lust, and then, like had blossomed. I liked Reed. Probably too much. But I couldn’t help it. That intriguing bastard was too much fun. Infuriating bullshit columns aside, I couldn’t not like him.

It’s official. Lola Sexton is my spirit animal and Reed Luca is my current obsession. Max Monroe have ruined me. Done and ruined me for any other man. They are now the proud owners of both my ovaries and possibly my first born. I offered all three to them for just another hit of the crackilicious addiction that was this book. They don’t know it yet. But it’s totally true.

Because ermahgerd! How is this the first book I’m reading by them? HOW? I’m kicking my own ass for this as we speak. What? I’m flexible like that. *sniffs indignantly*

He was unlike anyone I’d ever met. And did I mention I hated him? I did.

If you know me even a little, then you already know that the enemies to lovers trope happens to be my crack of choice. I pant for it like the addict that I am and each time I get a hit, it gives me the pervy happy feels. #TrueStory

And this book? This was the mother of all hate lust. It was the holy grail of enemies to lovers. It was deliciously sexy, kooky, quirky, and laugh till you have tears in your eyes and your stomach hurts kind of good.

Moving my gaze up from his crotch—it admittedly moved a little slowly—I finally settled my focus into the face of none other than my archnemesis. Reed Luca, looking fresh as a fucking daisy and smirking like the devil himself.

Lola was one of the best heroines I’ve read in a while. She was a woman after my own immature little heart. She was a funny, quirky, sharp witted, sarcastic ball of fun and I loved her. I SERIOUSLY LOVED HER. How can you possibly not love a free spirit that likes to roller skate to work and writes a relationship and sex column full of wit and humor. You can’t! You seriously can’t.

Enter stage right, Reed Luca, sexy archnemisis and bane of Lola’s existence. Ever since his video response to her latest dating article went viral, he’s been a thorn in her side. A sexy thorn. But she doesn’t want to focus on that. She hates him. She may also wonder about the size of his penis…while hating him. And Reed was determined to drive her out of her ever loving mind and right into his bed. And let me just tell you, I applaud his methods. Wholeheartedly.

Lola Sexton was fun, and even better news, she thought I was too—she just didn’t realize it yet. She was antagonistic and opinionated and completely off her rocker. And now, I had her right where I wanted her.

The banter between these two was amazing. AMAZING. Every single time these two went at it with their verbal foreplay my ovaries got a happy tingle. Because oh my god did they go at it. With insults that is. What were you thinking, perverts? But I digress.

The romance was a slow sizzle, which I loved all the more.

Something about her drugged me right into oblivion—and despite knowing the downsides of addiction, I couldn’t make myself stop loving it.

I was at the edge of my seat, screaming for these two to finally go at it and rip each other’s clothes off. I couldn’t get enough. I was invested from beginning to end and loved every sarcastic barb with the heavy underlay of lust. It was delicious. Delicious I tells ya!

Add in a whole bunch of amazing secondary characters that only served to make the story that much more fun, and I was putty in these authors hands. PUTTY.

Reed This: Sometimes people can be at two ends of a line and end up next to one another. Because intimacy and love— they’re powerful enough to curve that line into a circle.

Basically what I’m trying to say here, is they have got themselves a new fan in me. If this book is anything to go by, I’ve been seriously missing out.

If you’re looking for a quirky, addictingly fun and super sexy story that’s as refreshingly different as it is tears in your eyes hilarious, you’ve found your next read. You’re welcome.


New Release & Geri’s Review: Wardrobe Malfunction by Samantha Towle

Genre: Romantic Comedy
Author: Samantha Towle
Release Date: February 18, 2017

From New York Times bestselling author, Samantha Towle, comes a new standalone romantic comedy.

Vaughn West, Hollywood heartthrob, has been at the top of his game for years. He thinks he’s untouchable—until a betrayal brings him spiraling down. Now, everyone pities him, and if there’s one thing Vaughn hates, it’s pity.

After a few months of working his way through every available actress, pop star, model, and waitress in California, Vaughn needs to get his life back on track and focus on what he does best—making hit movies.

Charlotte Michaels is in love. Just not with one person.

Louis Vuitton…

Christian Dior…



And the list goes on.

Sadly, Charly’s limited bank account doesn’t allow her those luxuries, and the closest she gets are lucky finds in charity shops and working closely with some of those names in her job as a wardrobe assistant.

Now, Charly has landed the mother of all jobs—working on the new Vaughn West movie. Excited doesn’t even cut it.

Only things don’t go as planned, and it turns out that Vaughn is actually a jerk. A hot jerk, but a jerk nonetheless.

So, why do their clothes keep falling off whenever they’re around each other? And why can’t Charly keep her mind in the closet and off Vaughn?

Getting mixed up with a smart-mouthed, fashion-obsessed wardrobe assistant is the last thing Vaughn needs.

Getting mixed up with an arrogant, self-centered, obnoxious, jumped-up actor who has a lack of respect for fashion is the last thing Charly needs.

Things are about to get hot, dirty, and messy in Hollywood. Very messy. Especially if Charly’s closely guarded secret falls out of her closet.


“The closest I’ll be getting to Vaughn West is when I take his inner leg measurement.”

Vaugh West is Hollywood’s golden boy. He’s at the top of his game when his life was upended by the revelation on live TV that his fiancée and best friends are having an affair. Humiliated, Vaughn’s behavior spirals out of control. Then he was offered a role by one of Hollywood’s hottest director on the condition that he cleans up his act and keeps his personal life in check.

Enter Charly Michaels, wardrobe assistant extraordinaire with a wicked designer dud obsession. Being hired to be in Vaughn West’s movie is a dream come true for Charly. Not only would it give her some serious bank for more Manolos, it would also give her a chance to work closely with Vaughn, which Charly has a little crush on. Okay, not really a little. More like gigantic crush. Although not the stalkery kind, if you get my drift.

“A normal girl might be just what he needs right now.”
I laugh, shaking my head. “Doubtful. The closest I’ll be getting to Vaughn West is when I take his inner leg measurement.”

What I really enjoyed about this book is it’s not your typical “hot actor meets normal girl” story. Charly isn’t the typical innocent heroine who doesn’t know what the hero does for a living because…you know, reasons. Charly has a crush on him and fangirled on the inside at the prospect of working for Vaughn. I loved that. It made Charly relatable.

But the initial she giddiness felt was quickly doused by reality. While Vaughn West is gorgeous and had a body to die for, he’s a bit of jerk to Charly at first, which I totally enjoyed because I love me some lovable alphahole. Don’t judge meh.

“I mean, Vaughn West wasn’t exactly my idol, more like a sexual fantasy, but whatever because, honestly, I wish I’d never met him. And he’s also a mean jerk. A handsome, super-hot, mean jerk.”

But their professional albeit adversarial relationship quickly turned personal. Vaughn can’t quite resist Charly even though it could totally mean disaster for his career. Charly on the other hand is hiding something from him.

Charly’s secret was a bit of a doozy. It should’ve been obvious to me but Samantha Towle did a great job at setting up the plot twist. I was surprised but not in a sense that there were clues throughout the book. And when you go back and read them, it’s suddenly clear as day.

There were some funny moments and quite a lot of steamy, sexy ones, too. My only issue with it was the second act lagged a bit. There was a definite lull in the middle which didn’t pick up until the plot twist. I understand it was to show Vaugn and Charly growing together in their relationship but still, I wish it kept the momentum going. Fortunately, the plot twist at the end totally made up for the saggy middle act. And then there’s the epilogue. *happy sigh*

Wardrobe Malfunction is a book I would recommend if you’re in the mood for something short, sweet and a whole lotta sexy read.

Blog Tour & Review: P.I.T.A by @ BrookeBlaine1

P.I.T.A. (L.A. Liaisons, #3)
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Author: Brooke Blaine
Release Date: January 30, 2017

As one of the most prestigious wedding coordinators in Los Angeles, Paige Iris Traynor-Ashcroft is known for being classy, elegant, and the orchestrator of many happily-ever-afters.

But in the words of Paige herself: “What a crock of shiitake.”

Known affectionately (or not) as P.I.T.A. to those closest to her, she’s never been one to buy into the whole monogamy thing for herself. Sure, her BFFs are getting picked off by Cupid one by one, but his arrows have nothing on her semiautomatic.

Richard “Dick” Dawson does his best to live up to his name. A long-time frenemy and manwhore extraordinaire, he thrives on pushing limits, pushing up skirts—and pushing every single one of Paige’s buttons. He’s the itch she can’t scratch, and doesn’t want to. Or does she?

What happens when blazing-hot rage turns to crazy, unexplainable lust? Surely not…love? Because that would just be a total P.I.T.A.


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That was how it always was with us—constantly trying to one-up each other, always fighting for dominance. It put things back on comfortable ground.

So this book….*giggles*
Sorry. As I was saying…*wiggles with glee*
Dammit. Back to the subject at hand…*flails with happiness*

I give up! I can’t. I just can’t talk about this book without a goofy grin on my face. It’s impossible. Because this story was EVERYTHING I love about a good rom com; undeniably flawless storytelling, fabulous characters that you want to be your own BFFs, swoony hero, a heroine so sassy it’ll make you jealous, enough antagonistic hate/lust to make a cynic swoon, and so many laugh out loud parts that I won’t recommend reading in public for fear of judgy side eyes. It was perfect. Perfect I tells ya!!!

You know, this is a perfect example of why I call you Pita.”
“Why? Because I stick up for myself? Because I call people out when they’re assholes? Because I have fucking balls of steel?” One of the bellhops we passed stopped in his tracks at my admission, and stared at me with wide eyes. “What?” I asked. “You wanna see my steel balls? Dawson, put me down so I can show him.”

Paige and Dawson have been frenemies almost as long as they’ve been friends. The only thing constant between them are their snarky barbs and sarcastic remarks. It doesn’t matter that they grew up together or that their parents are friends, Paige can’t stand the guy…right?

A successful party turned wedding planner, Paige is the unlikeliest of them all; the kind that doesn’t believe in marriage. Her parents show and tell marriage successfully burned the idea of a happy marriage right out of her. Richard “Dick” Dawson has been one constant in her life… a constant pain in the ass that is, but when some seriously comical circumstances put them together, the undeniable sparks between them fly.

Remember when I said Dawson was a breast guy? That wasn’t the whole truth—Dawson was a sex guy, plain and simple, one of those rare men who wanted to worship every single inch of you, and I was more than willing to let him.

Watching two of her girlfriends find relationship bliss doesn’t mean that Paige wants it for herself. Especially not with her former best friend turned bane of her existence. So why does the man have to be so blasted sexy, persistent, and damn it all, irresistible?!
Dawson was just….rarrrrrrrr. The man was sex on a stick. He was funny, swoony, and just total perfection. I couldn’t get enough of him, especially when he was determined to drive Paige out of her mind with either frustration or lust.

I’d be up for show-and-tell anytime you wish, love, but if you could sit on my cock sometime soon, I’d love to fuck you.”

This book was by far my favorite in the series. I adored every single hilarious page of it. And it was hilarious. Like laugh until you have tears in your eyes hilarious. Not only is it my favorite Brooke Blaine book, but it may easily be my favorite rom com I’ve read to date. Yeah. It was that good.

I want to be the goddamn reason you can’t wait to wake up in the morning. I want you to be unable to sleep if I’m not there with you at night. And I want to be the only fucking man that you let come near you when you’re moving those hips like you’re having sex on the dance floor.”

If you’re looking for a swoony rom com, this is a no-brainer one-click. Seriously.

As for me? I’m off to stalk Brooke instantly for Quinn’s book, because that hooker has been teasing me with the what ifs too long. TOO LONG I SAY! And what can I say? Patience has never been a virtue of mine.

You could say Brooke Blaine was a book-a-holic from the time she knew how to read; she used to tell her mother that curling up with one at 4 a.m. before elementary school was her ‘quiet time.’ Not much has changed except for the espresso I.V. pump she now carries around and the size of her onesie pajamas.

Brooke enjoys writing sassy contemporary romance, whether in the form of comedy, suspense, or erotica. The latter has scarred her conservative Southern family for life, bless their hearts.

If you’d like to get in touch with her, she’s easy to find – just keep an ear out for the Rick Astley ringtone that’s dominated her cell phone for ten years.

You can connect with Brooke here:

 Website Facebook |  Twitter |  Instagram | Amazon Author Page |  Brooke & Ella’s Facebook Group

If you’d like to be the FIRST to know about a new release, sale, giveaway, or upcoming signings & events, make sure to join Brooke’s newsletter:

And make sure to follow me on Bookbub!

Read the series!

Licked (L.A. Liaisons, #1)

Licked Cover
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Hooker (L.A. Liaisons,#2)

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Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway: Well Hung by Lauren Blakely

adwhcoupleavailablemnWELL HUNG
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Romantic Comedy
Author: Lauren Blakely
Release Date: September 10, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2

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From the NYT Bestselling author of MISTER O, comes a hot and hilarious new standalone…
Here’s what you need to know about me — I’m well-off, well-hung and quick with a joke. Women like a guy who makes them laugh—and I don’t mean at the size of his d*ck. No, they want their funny with a side of huge… not to mention loyal. I’ve got all that plus a big bank account, thanks to my booming construction business. Yup. I know how to use all my tools.

Enter Natalie. Hot, sexy, smart, and my new assistant. Which makes her totally off limits… 

Hey, I’m a good guy. Really. I do my best to stay far away from the kind of temptation she brings to work.

Until one night in Vegas… 

Yeah, you’ve heard this one before. Bad news on the business front, drowning our sorrows in a few too many Harvey Wallbangers, and then I’m banging her. In my hotel room. In her hotel room. Behind the Titanic slot machine at the Flamingo (don’t ask). And before I can make her say “Oh God right there YES!” one more time, we’re both saying yes—the big yes—at a roadside chapel in front of a guy in press-on sideburns and a shiny gold leisure suit.

But it turns out what happened in Vegas didn’t stay in Vegas. And now, my dick doesn’t stay in my pants when she’s around. I try to resist. Honest. But the more we try to keep our hands to ourselves, the more we end up naked again, and the more time I want to spend with her fully clothed, too.

The question now is…do I take this woman to be my ex-wife?

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She twirls the pen in her hand. “So who caused the contamination today? Was it Floyd or Kevin the oily electrician you tried to put a chokehold on?”“Oily Kevin needed the chokehold. Agree or disagree?”

She nods. “Completely agree. There’s so much agreement in me, I can’t imagine how much more I could possibly agree.”

“The chokehold was one hundred percent certifiably necessary,” I add, since Kevin had hit on her when he stopped by a few weeks ago. Here’s the thing—Natalie could dropkick him in the blink of an eye. She could slam him to the ground herself. But that shit he pulled with the leering and lewd comments does not fly with me. I would have done the same if a dude tried to get fresh with my little sister, Josie, at the bakery where she works. So I’d dropped a hand on Kevin’s shoulder, Vulcan style, and promptly escorted him the fuck out of my office. No one, and I mean no one, gets to put the moves on my employees.

“It was Floyd today,” I tell her, then give her the safe-for-work version of the story—the one about Floyd’s client conquests, not his comments about banging assistants. There’s no need to have that hanging out there in the air between us. Can’t plant that forbidden idea in her head.

That risky, dangerous, dirty, filthy, completely fucking alluring idea. My eyes roam the office briefly, and I catalogue all the places that are calling out to be christened. Her desk, her chair, the floor…

Just like that, my head is a wild rumpus of inappropriate ideas. Exactly what it shouldn’t be. It’s like horny aliens have invaded my mind.

But I’m not Floyd. I can do better, so I picture a vise, jam the images into it, and crush them out of my mind. The dirty images and the horny aliens, too.

“And then I escorted him out of Lila’s home and said see ya later,” I tell her, finishing the story, as I drag a hand through my dark brown hair. “Like, in another lifetime later.”

“Hmmm…” she says.

“Hmm, that’s great, or hmm, why did I give one of our suppliers the heave-ho?”

“Hmm, as in your story gives me a good idea. Something I’ve wanted to do for a long time.”

“What’s that?”

Her eyes sparkle. Hers are a lighter shade than my dark blue. “Want me to find a new hinge supplier?”

The idea is beyond perfect. I smack my palm against the edge of her desk enthusiastically. “Yes. And for the record, you’re brilliant and beauty—“ I cut the last word off so it sounds like a low bass note. Note to self: Don’t call her beautiful when you’re berating other men for hitting on her at work.

She’s watching me, waiting for me to finish my sentence, and somehow I twist the words into a new compliment, as I say, “Brilliant, and…bountiful.”

Bountiful? Seriously? What the hell was that? Maybe she won’t notice.

No such luck.

“Bountiful?” she asks, skepticism thick in her tone. As it fucking should be. “I’m bountiful?”

I nod, going with it, owning it. “Your brain. It’s like a cornucopia of ideas. It’s a Thanksgiving bounty. It’s bountiful,” I say, because I’ve got to sell this cover-up.

She squares her shoulders. “If you say so, Hammer.” And this bountiful brain was two steps ahead today. I already found a new supplier. I called around, talked to some of our colleagues, and got some great recommendations. I already have a new hinge guy lined up.”

My smile spreads quickly. “Damn. You are three steps ahead of me.”

“A good assistant should be.”


Review-DGR5 stars5 Horny Aliens Stars!!!!!

(Don’t google “horny aliens.” Very bad idea. Just read this book instead.)

BAD, BAD, JENNIFER!!! I am putting myself in the corner because this is the first Lauren Blakely book I’ve ever read, and I am kicking myself for it!

Lauren Blakely deserves all of my happiness because that is exactly what I’m giving her right now.

20515589-_sx540_Wyatt Hammer…..yep, that’s his name….owns a construction company. He has a fantastic assistant who helps him with scheduling, and is pretty much his dream woman, but because she works for him, he is trying to be the good guy and keep it professional. They get a contract in Vegas and fly out together to make it happen, and after it falls through, agree to have one night of Vegas together. You can see where this is going.

My Wyatt:
Chris Pratt Eye Candy : theBERRY:
à la Mode St. » fashion

Natalie: Become ugly. Act like an asshole. Stop being so damn caring.

Wyatt: Likewise, could you start acting like a cold-hearted bitch who’ll stab me in the back? It’d make it so much easier to keep my hands off you.

Natalie: If you could get a reversal on your sense of humor so I wouldn’t laugh so much around you, that’d also help.

Wyatt: While you’re at it, please stop having so damn much in common with me.

à la Mode St. » fashionMy Natalie:

Amber Heard:
Natalie is just trying to do her job of being an organized assistant for Wyatt’s construction company, but his hot body keeps distracting her. She is a badass ninja but also a girly, flirty girl looking for her unicorn. We don’t hear much of Natalie’s pov, but I still had a clear picture of who she was and what she might be thinking. The texting between her and her friends and sister was definitely entertaining and a nice addition to the story.

The beginning of this book is everything. Even though Wyatt is trying to stay away, I love that he just went for what he wanted. I loved that Natalie was touchy and flirty without being inappropriate or annoying. I loved that the happiness of the beginning of this book lasted for almost half of the book. So many Vegas books start off with the dread of the morning after, but with this one, we get to live all of the wonderful goodness of the Vegas moments and I loved that.
à la Mode St. » fashion

She’s slipping through my fingers, this woman tangled up with me in the mess we made one crazy night. Now, I want all those entanglements. I crave them. Judging from this emptiness in my chest, I fucking need them, because this moment with her – her sweetness, her zaniness, her upside-down sense of humor that matches mine – is the only balm to that ache.

à la Mode St. » fashion
I LOVED that this whole book was in Wyatt’s point of view. Few authors can write a whole book from a guy’s pov, but this author CAN! And she did an awesome job of it. I literally laughed out loud, more than once. The cheesy jokes between these two….it just worked! This book felt like a combination of Tessa Bailey and Emma Chase and I ate up every word. The hotness level in this book just sends it over the edge of awesome.

About the Author

daisywhitneylaurenblakelyheadshot_smallSince self-publishing her debut romance novel CAUGHT UP IN US three years ago, Lauren Blakely has sold more than 1 million books. She is known for her sexy contemporary romance style that’s full of heat, heart and humor. A devout fan of cake and canines, Lauren has plotted entire novels while walking her four-legged friends. She lives in California with her family. With ten New York Times bestsellers, her titles have appeared on the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestseller Lists more than fifty times. Her bestselling series include Sinful Nights, Seductive Nights, No Regrets, Caught Up in Love, and Fighting Fire as well as standalone romantic comedies like BIG ROCK and MISTER O, which were both instant New York Times Bestsellers. In the fall she’ll release WELL HUNG, another romantic comedy. To receive an email when Lauren releases a new book, sign up for her newsletter,!

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Giveaway✮✮✮ Enter to win three signed copies of WELL HUNG! ✮✮✮


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Review: Game Saver by BJ Harvey

Game Saver-ReviewGAME SAVER
Series: Game #3
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Romantic Comedy
Author: BJ Harvey
Release Date: August 25, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


From the USA Today bestselling author of the Bliss series comes a new spin off series featuring your favorite Bliss series characters who are yet to meet their match. Now it’s Cade and Abi’s turn.

How do you know when fake turns real?

Abi Cook lives her life by her own rules. She works hard, plays hard, and knows who she is and where she wants to be.

Following a repeat one-night stand with the dashing Dr. Cade Carsen, Cade asks Abi for a favor: be the fake girlfriend on his arm for the duration of his father’s mayoral campaign.

Never one to turn down a challenge, she doesn’t hesitate. I mean, who would when all that’s involved is a little fake girlfriending with a side of hot sex, and with Doctor Hottie no less?

But like any Game, there are always twists and turns, unexpected players, villains, heroes and ultimately, winners and losers.

Game Saver is the story of what happens when two happily single people try for something less, but end up with something so much more.

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…don’t rule out something more just because it started off as something less.”

When I’m in the mood for a light and steamy feel good romance, BJ Harvey has become my go to. There’s just something about her books that never fail to make me squirm and put a big goofy grin on my face. The stories are filled with fun banter, sassy heroines, alpha males, and amazing secondary characters that always makes for a satisfying rom com.

Game Saver brings us Dr. Hottie and Spitfire, and boy do these start off with a bang!

Right now, I’m interested in what’s underneath that fucking dress and how fast I can make you come the first time. The second will be a test of your stamina, and if you can still talk after number three, then we can talk about anything you want.

Suffice it to say I was a BIG fan of Dr. Cade Carsen from the very first page with a mouth like that on him. The man oozes sex appeal and I devoured every delicious page of it.

Abi Cook is exactly the kind of heroine I love to read about. She’s independent, funny, sassy, and has no qualms in taking pleasure for the sake of pleasure. She has a healthy sex life and sees nothing wrong with indulging in some no strings sex with a hottie Dr that never fails to get her engine revving.

It’s been over ten months since Abi and Cade had a sizzling hot one night stand. It was supposed to stay just that night but mutual friends guarantee that they run into each other again. The sexual chemistry between them is too strong to deny, so why not indulge…with a little extra perk. Cade wants Abi to be his pretend girlfriend to get his image and politically obsessed parents off his back.

It’s not like that. We’re just friends.”
“That bang,” Dani adds, helpfully.
“I’m the mother buffer,” I clarify.

These two definitely set the pages on fire. Now admittedly, I’m a reader that doesn’t enjoy when a couple gets together right away in the story. It looses that added oomph of a good tension filled burn for me. But that was never the case here. Somehow it just WORKED for these two. They never lost their sparkle and I was fully invested in their relationship from beginning to end. It was fun to watch them both deny what was slowly building between them.

There was also the added perk of not having any stupid drama or angst thrown into the mix. Just fun, sexy romance with two amazingly endearing characters.

This is beyond sex- this is surreal fucking that should be documented for future generations. It would be a worldwide bestseller: How To Rock Her World By Completely Shattering Her Vagina.

I would have loved a little more from the ending and seeing a few things fully play out, but I did adore that epilogue at the end. If you’re looking for a feel good romance to put a smile on your face, this just may be the book for you.


GAME PLAYER (GAME #1) – Review

GAME MAKER (GAME #2) – Review

New Release & Review: ★Game Player★ by B.J. Harvey

Series: Game #2
Genre: Contemporary, Romantic Comedy
Author: B.J. Harvey
Release Date: May 26, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


From the USA Today bestselling author of the Bliss series comes a new spin off series featuring your favorite Bliss series characters who are yet to meet their match. This time it is Zach and Danika’s turn.

I’m a gamer by nature and by profession. I’m all about strategy, performance, and coming out on top.

Five months ago I threw caution to the wind, and in the first miscalculated step of my twenty-one-year life, I made a move on my brother’s best friend.

The first mistake we made was keeping our relationship secret. The next was going off half-cocked when a train wreck of epic proportions hit us.

Now our secret is secret no more. As I struggle to deal with all of the swirling emotions, conflicted feelings, and the multitude of burned bridges that I need to mend, the one person who can help me through it all is the same man I need space from.

To fix it I’ll have to pull on my big-girl panties, focus on what I truly want in life, and put everything I have into winning the most important game I’ll ever play.

Life is a game, and it is what you make it.

Coming out unscathed is a whole other matter.

Buy LinksAMAZONReview3.5 starsGame Maker-DGR

Distance has never worked. Denial hasn’t either. Nothing has ever dimmed the way I feel- and have always felt- whenever I’m around him.

If steamy, feel-good rom coms that are light on the angst and heavy on the swoons are your thing, then B.J. Harvey’s Game series is your holy grail. Game Player was my first book by this author and I was absolutely hooked. Her brand of humor just clicked with me and I knew she had an insta-fan in me.

I’m a sucker for a older brother’s best friend trope, and when I read the blurb for this book, there wasn’t a doubt that I’d be jumping at the chance to meet it.

Danika Roberts is the youngest sibling in her family. She’s an adorably endearing ‘nerd’ that you can’t help but love from the very first page. As the youngest in her family, her brother Zander, who practically raised her, is understandably uber protective of her. Unfortunately for Danika, the object of her fantasies has been and always will be Zander’s best friend and fire fighter, Zach Cooper.

I present to you Zach Cooper Eau de Parfum. Lady boner guaranteed or your money back.

Zach was a refreshing change of pace for me that I absolutely adored. It’s not often you read about a man that actually wants a relationship. Everything that came out of his mouth had me swooning like a teenage girl at a Justin Bieber concert. Swear to god. The man was utter perfection.

As for the story, it was just one of those light and easy reads that simply hits the spot. There’s no internal drama. These two have been hiding feelings from each other for years, and when they do give into it, there’s no question. The light angst comes from an outside factor of Zander and not knowing how to tell him that they’re together. It’s steamy, quirky, and just one of those feel good sort of reads that is perfect to spend a weekend afternoon with.

This was the risk I took when I kissed you back then. The risk I’ve been taking every minute of every day since then while falling in love with you, and the very reason why I’ll risk everything with everyone to have you now”

While Zach and Danika acknowledge their feelings towards each other from the very beginning, I appreciated that the author didn’t throw them into bed together straight away. There’s a bit of a slow burn with that and personally I would have loved more of one. I think for my personal tastes, I would have liked a little of them from the years when Danika moved back to Chicago. I would have loved the added burn and tension between them before they acknowledge it. As it was, it read a little…too easy for me.

This book is so much more than just the romance between Dani and Zach. All the family members and friends make an appearance and I really loved that too. I’ll admit I was little bored with the lack of tension or angst at times, but that’s just my own personal reading taste. B.J. is certainly an author that can write one heck of a rom com and she’ll continue to be my go to for a light and humorous romance. Don’t let my three star fool you. I may be stingy with my stars, but this was definitely a book I’d recommend to any romance lovers…especially if you’re sick of angsty set ups with internal drama and manwhore heroes. Zach will certainly hit the spot just right for you. 😉


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