Review: The Au Pair Affair by Tessa Bailey

Series: Big Shots #2
Author: Tessa Bailey
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: July 16, 2024

A sports rom-com about a burly, surly, single dad who falls head-over-hockey-stick for his quirky live-in nanny…

Tallulah is smart, vivacious, and studying to be a marine biologist. She’s also twenty-six and broke. So when Burgess, a battle-scarred hockey veteran and newly single dad, offers her a job as his live-in nanny, she jumps at the opportunity to get paid while living in a super fancy neighborhood and being around Lissa, his cool but introverted tween.

Her tween charge isn’t the only one who could use some help fitting in, though. According to…well, everyone except Burgess, he needs to get back on the dating scene, and adventurous Tallulah is just the girl to show him how. But as boundaries are slowly crossed and Burgess finds himself pulled between his daughter, who wants her parents back together, and his insane chemistry with Tallulah, a huge rift is formed, and Tallulah does the “right” thing—breaks her own heart and walks away.

Though Burgess knows it’s for the best—he’s too jaded, with too much baggage—a chance meeting, and a new push from his daughter, forces him to put everything on the line and fight to prove he learned his lessons well and is worthy of a happily ever after with Tallulah. 


One measly lunch had led to months of staring off into space trying to remember the exact shade of her eyes.

An MC who is singular and wholly obsessed with the FMC? yes, please and thank yew! Sign me up immediately.

Why should you read this book? Let me tell you
Burgess, who is:
– A single dad who is trying to navigate raising a preteen
– a Pro hockey player
– A big ole’ marshmallow who is wholly obsessed with Tallulah after one meeting
– A dirty beast in the sack with a dirty mouth to beat
– Still maintains cinnamon role status throughout

The inked skin/thick butt/muscle trifecta was really bringing home the fact that she was not simply working for a single father. She was working for a snack. A DILF. A big boy. The most eligible of bachelors. How was this man—this hot

Oh and I did I mention the pining? And the age gap? And OMG the pining!

The weekend starts tomorrow,” he said, his focus very intent on her mouth. “What do we have planned?”
“Me and my bodyguard?” she murmured.
“That’s me.” He looked her up and down. “I’ll guard it well.”
“Better than you guard your goalie?” she managed choppily.
“Yes. And that’s saying something, considering I’m a beast on defense.” He dragged his bottom lip through his teeth, a low sound leaving him. “I’m a beast everywhere, Tallulah.”

Oh and let’s add heartwarming, laugh out loud funny, and deliciously sexy to the mix too, mkay?

But also, the pining! THE PINING, people!

When you’re ready to call me your man, I’m going to spit on this hot little c*nt and call it mine before I f*ck it. Go ahead. Lie and tell me you don’t want that.”

No one likes a liar, Tallulah. But I digress once more.

Tallulah gets the job of a lifetime as an au pair for a pro hockey player. A big, giant hockey player who intimidates her with all his bigness. Still reeling from a traumatic event in her past makes her skittish but she’s determined to work through it. The instant chemistry and undeniable attraction to the man certainly doesn’t help things. She wants to experience life and Burgess wants nothing less than a commitment and determined to break through all her walls for it. And who doesn’t love a determined man.

What starts of as Burgess volunteering to be her buddy as she experiences the thrills of her bucket list, soon veers into some dangerous territory. Well, if banging your hot boss is dangerous anyway. But I digress once more.

This was such a cute, funny and deliciously sexy romance that I simply couldn’t get enough of. I loved Burgess and his big teddy bear ways. Almost as much as I loved his dirty mouth and beastly tendencies in the bedroom. There was plenty of laughs along the way and a yummy grovel to boot. And who doesn’t love a good grovel, I ask you?

Anyhoos, if you’re looking for a fun read with plenty of steam and terrific characters, look no further.

Review: If You Want Me by Helena Hunting

Series: The Toronto Terror #2
Author: Helena Hunting
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: July 11, 2024

There’s no one more off limits than my best friend’s daughter.

Peggy Aurora Hammerstein. The Toronto Terror’s unofficial team princess. I would never do anything to mess with our team dynamics this late into the hockey season, but seeing her work in the front office changed something for me.

I see her as she is now: a powerful woman with ambition for miles. When I hold her against me, she fits perfectly.

Her little flirts and taunts push my buttons, if she doesn’t stop–my control just might break. But I can never cross that line. I can never know what it could be to call her mine.

I’ve never wanted anyone more than Aurora and no one can ever know.

* This is Hollis Hendrix’s standalone novel. If you want to meet Hollis before you read this book, check out If You Hate Me, Rix and Tristan’s story.



I’ve never wanted anyone more than Aurora and no one can ever know.

If there is one thing I love more than a hockey romance, it’s a hockey romance with an age gap/forbidden element added. And nothing is more forbidden that your father’s best friend, eh?

If she was five years older, if she wasn’t still in university, if she wasn’t my best friend’s fucking daughter. If I wasn’t more than a decade older than her with enough relationship baggage to fill a dump truck.

Though it sounds worse than it is because the age gap is only 13 years. Aurora is 20 and Hollis is 33. Aurora’s father was a teen dad, and Hollis is a bit younger than him, but I digress. I read this in my usual back-asswards way, which is to say that I hadn’t read book one first. But look, in my defense, the blurb to this one was calling my name and I couldn’t help myself. So get off my back, gawd!

I want things I shouldn’t. Things I should erase from my brain, but I don’t. I can’t. Won’t.

Have you ever read a scene that gave you second hand embarrassment that your entire body feels? Because wowza was that the opening scene for me. Aurora looks after Hollis’s kitties (like the actual cats, ok? get your mind out of the gutter) while he’s away for hockey. She’s also had the hots for him for a while and so she decides that it’s a good idea to have a bit of a self help sesh with her vibrator in his bed…and then forgets her vibrator on his night stand. Yes, he finds it. Oh and I did I mention he also has kitty camps in his bedroom? Awkwaaaaard. But I digress again.

The chemistry and tension between these two was through the roof. I loved watching Hollis try and fail at fighting their growing attraction. Especially when he encourages her to date and then his possessive and jealous side rears its head when he walks in on said date. Aurora is also not shy about going after what she wants. She had her moments where she definitely showed her age, but she was also easy to like. And when these two finally give into the inevitable? SIZZLING.

It did take me a hot minute to wrap my head around all the secondary characters and even the main ones with all the different names. It almost felt like too much at times. Like Aurora is Peggy (Aurora is her middle name). Her dad call her Peggy and Hollis calls her Aurora and Princess, but then she’s also called Hammer, which is short for Hammerstein (her last name). Same for some of the other characters and I found myself quickly losing track of who is who. But I also have the attention span of a rodent, so do take that with a grain of salt.

In any case, I really enjoyed this sizzling hockey romance. It brought the laughs, the swoons, a little bit of the cringey, and plenty of the spice. It put a smile on my face and kept it there until the end. Definitely recommend for all my hockey romance loving readers out there.

Review: Twisted Deeds by Mila Kane

Series: Hellions of Hade Harbor Book 3
Author: Mila Kane
Genre: Dark Romance, New Adult Romance
Release Date: June 26, 2024

They call her the Ice Queen.
Winter De Laurie. Cold by name and by nature.
She’s always been a spoiled little brat, daddy’s little princess, while I’m the guy from the wrong side of the tracks. She’s always made it clear that I’m beneath her.
It was hate from first sight.

But when she needs help, she can’t turn to anyone from her cushy, cashmere life.
She needs a man who isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty.
She comes to me.
I’ll help, for a price.
I’ve started to think that while I might hate the ice queen, I wouldn’t mind dirtying up her innocent princess persona.
Even royals can fall, and I plan to ruin this one completely.

Meet the Ice Gods, the Hockey players who never play by the rules and own Hade Harbor and everyone in it. Dark Delights is a standalone bully romance featuring a possessive hockey playing Ice God, and the smart, mouthy object of his obsession.


You’ve got some fucking mouth on you, DeLaurie. One day, someone, somewhere, is going to show you that the sun doesn’t shine out of your ass… and put you in your place.”
“In my place?”
“Yeah, in your fucking place.” He leaned in, his hot breath against my lips. “On your knees… crawling, naked and humble, until the brat act dies…”

I have been absolutely feral for this book ever since the last chapter of Dark Delights. That sneak peek into Winter and Asher’s story had me gagging. GAGGING I tell you.

I’m the trouble you won’t recover from.”

Asher is the bad boy from the wrong side of the tracks, Beckett’s best friend and Eve’s twin brother from Dark Delights. He doesn’t come from money or born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He’s pure unadulterated talent with NHL dreams, and the last thing he wants is to get tangled up with the rich girl, Winter.

If you offer me anything, I’ll take everything.”

Winter and Asher’s relationship is not a simple one. It’s full of hate, loathing, and equal opportunity antagonism. Winter is desperate to escape the attention of an obnoxious rich guy who has his eyes on her and zero good intentions, so she lies to her father that she has a boyfriend. Now to just convince Asher to play along.

Asher wants nothing to do with the ice queen and so a game begins of Asher pushing and Winter pulling. A game of sorts to see if Winter can push him into faking their relationship and Asher pushing her to look like a fool. It was utterly delicious. I loved the push and pull between them and I loved their hate lust. It even had the impossible happening and me coming to like Selena, and who saw THAT coming considering how much I hated her in the previous book. And I sincerely hope Mila will have a book for her because I need her redemption. There’s also a peak into a new secondary character who will be getting a duet soon and I CANNOT FLIPPING WAIT.

My only quibble is there was a scene with Winter and Asher at the end of the previous book that I thought we would get more of or at least an explanation. And while I can assume, it wasn’t plugged into this book…unless I missed something. I was sort of expecting to have that scene come up and built on in this book. But in either case, I devoured this book and finished it in one sitting, so clearly it didn’t bother me much. And I cannot wait for more in this series. If you love dark hockey romance, this series is a must read.


I’m obsessed with cats, coffee, and anti-heroes just the right side of insane.

I write dark and dirty romance with the alpha-holes of your most filthy nightmares.

While I like my heroes obsessed and powerful, I like my heroines smart and independent. My headstrong, capable women will bring their own personal demons to their knees, and capture their hearts at the same time.

I only write SAFE stories, there is never a place for another woman in my heroes sights, once he’s caught the scent of the heroine, and there will always be, no matter how dark and twisted the story might be… a HEA guarantee xx


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Review: So This is War by Meghan Quinn

Series: The Agitators #5
Author: Meghan Quinn
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: June 25, 2024

Did I think I was going to fall for my coach’s daughter?

The answer would be no.

I’m still unclear on how I got into this predicament in the first place. A year ago, I was a man with one thought on his mind, the redhead I met at a hotel bar. Twelve months later, I found her.

Unfortunately for me, she not only happens to be my very off-limits coach’s daughter, but also . . . my new assistant and roommate.

I don’t even need an assistant, but Coach Wood doesn’t take no for an answer. Add in him writing up tasks for his daughter, Wylie, to complete for me? Well, it’s his own form of sweet torture. We are talking tasks that I would never ask her to do.

Tasks that make her despise me.

Hate me.

That make her utter four words that cause a shiver to crawl up my spine . . . Posey, this is war.

A coach’s daughter, workplace, forbidden standalone sports romance featuring the hockey men you can’t get enough of. This steamy, roommates-to-lovers romantic comedy will bring all the laughs while burning up the pages at the same time.


Her eyes bore into me, the same fucking eyes as her father, but whereas his are scary . . . hers are mesmerizing.

If you’re looking for a lighthearted, sweet and swoony romcom, look no further. This book was everything I didn’t know I needed and I spent the entirety of it with a goofy grin on my face.

Quite the vibration,” she says as the vibrator’s buzzing fills the silence. “Feels strong yet not too powerful where it could cause your innards to turn inward.”
I look up at her. “Is that a thing?”
She shrugs. “Feels like it could be. Is that supposed to hit the G-spot?”
I glance down at the flat side that is, in fact, supposed to massage the G-spot. It’s currently massaging the tip of my toe. “Yes,” I answer.
“Fascinating. And that piece on the end there, is that for the clit?”
“The one that is currently sucking my pinky toe?” I ask.
“Yes, that one.”
“Yeah,” I answer. “That’s for the clit.”

When I tell you the banter was on fire, I mean it was EVERYTHING.

I did myself a bit of a disservice by reading this first but I plan on rectifying that mistake by reading the rest of the series immediately. In my defense, the blurb to this book was simply too good to pass up NOT reading it first. And I am not sorry! Also to add, it is easily enjoyed as a standalone to which I am a true testament of.

Levi Posey and Wiley first meet at a bar and have instant chemistry. But while he has no idea who she is at the time beyond his wild attraction to her, she knows exactly who she flirts with. Flash forward a
year later and these two cross paths in the most interesting of ways. Wiley is determined to prove to her dad that she can pursue her dream career vs the one he claims she needs and they strike a bargain. She works a regular job and if she can survive it, he’ll support her. But he’s not about to let nature take its course. Nope. He’s determined to make her job a living hell. So what’s a hockey coach to do? Bully one of his star players to be the employer from hell for his daughter who will work as a personal assistant. Enter Levi Posey and the shock of a lifetime.

But the fun doesn’t really start until Wiley figures out the game and is determined to drive the man out of his ever loving mind and use their chemistry in her favor. I loved this woman and her take charge attitude. And Posey? OMG. The man is an absolute cinnamon roll and I loved him for it. He’s also a dirty talking beast in the sack and definitely knows how to take charge in the bedroom. But when Wiley makes him suffer, he definitely breaks a sweat and it was hilarious.

The humor was humoring and the steam was steaming. I loved their banter and I loved the slow burn. Admittedly I did want to junk punch Wiley’s father for basically the entirety of the book. The man was a tyrant and while he did take a positive turn, it was difficult to digest by then. But Levi and his friend gang is really what made this book for me. I love the friendship he has not only with his teammates but their women. And I absolutely loved the banter of their group text messages.

If you want a fun, steamy romcom, this is sure to hit every spot, even those you didn’t know you had 😉 

SA Today Bestselling Author, wife, adoptive mother, and peanut butter lover. Author of romantic comedies and contemporary romance, Meghan Quinn brings readers the perfect combination of heart, humor, and heat in every book.

Never miss another NEW RELEASE, text READ to 474747.

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Review: Puck Block by SJ Sylvis

Series: Bexley U #3
Author: SJ Sylvis
Genre: New Adult, Sports Romance
Release Date: April 25, 2024

Ford Collins is my brother’s best friend and Bexley U’s favorite defender on the ice. Unfortunately, he feels the need to block much more than the puck.

Namely, ME and any chance I have with a guy.

Encouraged by my older brother, Ford has ruined every single date I’ve ever had. With his hot smirk and sly maneuvers, he has made it his mission to make me the most unattainable female college student in the world—that is, until I have a brush with death, and I beg him to help me.

After all, he owes me. And I’ve come to collect.

Determined to rid himself of the guilt, Ford promises to help me score a boyfriend—or two—and swears he won’t interfere.

But the more time I spend learning from one of Bexley U’s most desirable playboys, the more I start to question the real reason why he’s been sabotaging my dates over the years.

With the lingering touches, heated stares, and sizzling chemistry between us, we both know we’re playing with fire. What happens when our game of “practice” and Ford’s spicy lessons become something real that we not only need to hide from my older brother, but from each other?

Puck Block is book #3 in the Bexley U series and CAN be read as a standalone in this interconnected series.


because tonight you’re not my best friend’s little sister.” Her wrists are trapped in my hand, and I pin them to the pillow. “Tonight, you’re mine.”

Best friend’s little sister trope is one of my favorites. And when you combine that with a steamy hockey romance? I. Am. PUTTEH.
This was Ford and Taytum’s story, Taytum being Emory’s sister. And when I tell you that Ford was impossible not to fall in love with, I mean I was obsessed with this man.

She has me in the palm of her little hand, and I’m not even sure she knows it.

The way he cares for Taytum and the way he takes care of her even when she fights him tooth and nail on it was perfection. But Taytum took me a minute to warm up to admittedly. While I understood her struggle with the Type 1 diabetes diagnosis, I couldn’t understand her petulant and almost blasé attitude to it at first. She does everything, it seems, to not take it seriously at first. Until a hospital visit forces a much needed dose of reality. And Ford comes to the rescue.

What begins as Ford helping Taytum experience college dating outside of her brother’s strict sheltering, soon turns to something much more. But boy did I love their fumbling through this experience. Taytum is desperate to get out from the shadow of her big brother’s overprotectiveness that has foiled all male interest and dating prospects in high school. She doesn’t want her diabetes to stop her life and she wants to experience going out and getting guys and hooking up. Her brother’s best friend is her unlikely partner in crime. The only problem? The chemistry that just so happens to brew between these two.

Why her? Why now?” I peer over my shoulder at my best friend. “How could there be anyone else when she exists?”

And while I’m not usually a fan of seeing the MCs dating others, it just worked for me here. Yes Tay had some chemistry with a certain secondary character who I hope will get a book later in the series, but it was nothing in comparison to what sizzles between her and Ford. And the more each of them fought it, the more invested I became.

This was a slow burn that had me wanting to shake both Ford and Tay at times, but when it finally happened, WOWZA. It was worth every agonizing minute of the wait. I’m seriously so obsessed with this series and can’t wait for the next book!


S.J. Sylvis is an Amazon top 50 and USA Today bestselling author who is best known for her angsty new adult romances. She currently resides in Arizona with her husband, two small kiddos, and dog.

She is obsessed with coffee, becomes easily attached to fictional characters, and spends most of her evenings buried in a book! 


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Review: Learn Your Lesson by Kandi Steiner

Kings of the Ice #3
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Kandi Steiner
Release Date:
April 19, 2024

My mother only wanted me to learn one lesson growing up…
Men are trash.

Her father left her, and then my father left us. Being raised by her and my grandmother, I was surrounded by the reminder to be independent and guard my heart.

After my one and only experience with a boy in college fell flatter than a pancake, I realized they were right — and I was content to live the life of a twenty-six-year-old cat lady.

Until Will Perry blew my quiet world to smithereens.

Starting goalie for the Tampa Bay Ospreys and the kind of hot that scrambles your brain, all I was ever supposed to be to him was his daughter’s kindergarten teacher. Then, in a twist of events, his temporary nanny.

But temporary turns to permanent, and when I move into his pool house, everything changes.

He’s impossibly grumpy and focused on only two things: hockey, and taking care of his daughter. I’m only focused on using this new income to pay back my student loans.

But in that house, I feel his heated gaze beneath that permanent scowl, the way it lingers and warms my skin. And though I know my mother would lose her mind if she knew, my dreams have become midnight fantasies about my long-haired, muscle-lined mystery of a boss.

When the tension becomes too much, we break, and we make a deal.

He still needs a nanny. I still need a paycheck and for my matriarchy to not disown me. But Will agrees to teach me everything I’ve always wanted to learn, and I’m all too eager to be his student.

I can do this. I’m a grown woman. I can explore my sexuality with the hottest goalie on earth and still remain one-hundred percent professional. And I can definitely do it all without catching feelings.

I have to.

Otherwise, I’ll end up heartbroken in my mother’s arms while she shakes her head and asks me if I’ll ever learn my lesson.


Pro Hockey Romance
Single Dad/Nanny
Forced Proximity
Spicy Lessons
Grumpy Sunshine
Age Gap
Opposites Attract
Found Family


Learn Your Lesson is book three in the Kings of the Ice series: a series of interconnected standalones following a team of professional hockey players and the women who bring them to their knees. They do not need to be read in order, but you will gain glimpses of future characters/couples in each book.


What do you want to learn?” he mused, skating the back of his knuckles along my neck before tracing them across my collarbone.
My eyelids fluttered, breath catching in my throat, nipples hardening to a point beneath my sweater. “Everything,” I breathed.

My. Whole. Heart. Right. Now.

OMG! This was the perfect combination of delicious spice with heart fluttering romance and I am in love with Daddy P and Chloe!!

“I’ll walk you to your car.” I waved him off as I stood upright again. “That won’t be necessary.” “I apologize if that came out like a question,” he said, and the way he was looking at me, I knew better than to argue.

Now first of all, I am wholly embarrassed to admit that this was my first Kandi Steiner book. And I plan on rectifying my oversight immediately by binging on her entire backlist, starting with the rest of this series. I am a sucker for a spicy hockey romance and this one just hit the mark at every turn of the page.

Will Perry, aka Daddy P stole my entire heart. This grumpy professional hockey player and goalie, widower, and single dad was tugging at every heart string I have. I fell head over heels from page one. There’s just something about his quiet brooding and closed off heart that just spoke to me. After losing his best friend and wife tragically, his little girl and his job are his world. He’s not looking to put himself out there again.

Chloe is a quirky and sweet school teacher who’s not looking for love either. Growing up with a single mother and grandmother who taught her to always rely on herself and that no man can be trusted or relied on, she’s learned to be a fiercely independent woman. But one very forgettable sexual encounter also made sure that she wasn’t all that curious either. Until a grumpy hockey player and her student’s father made her experience a yearning she’s never known.

Will has cycled through one unreliable nanny after another. So when Chloe comes to the rescue after yet another nanny leaves him high and dry, he decides to ask her for help, which she happily offers. She’s already enamored by his little girl, so becoming her nanny and the ridiculous pay that Will offers is definitely no hardship. But living in his house, seeing him every day, and the undeniable attraction she has to the man who couldn’t be more unavailable is not as easy to deal with. SO when he offers they give into their mutual attraction with no strings attached, she jumps at the chance. And finally experience what all the hype is about when it comes to sex and passion. And the silent and broody man? Has a dirty mouth of a sex god. MY GOD.

When I tell you that devoured this book and yet tried to savor every page, I mean I equally couldn’t turn the pages fast enough and yet dreaded being done. I loved these two together. I absolutely adored Ava and seeing her relationship with Chloe and seeing her coming more and more out of her shell. I love watching Chloe break through Will’s hard shell and seeing him smile and open up. And I absolutely loved watching Will unwillingly fall harder and harder for Chloe.

If you’re looking for a spicy hockey romance with plenty of depth, emption, and a sizzle, this is sure to hit the spot. 

She had to know I was holding back. She had to understand that I wanted her so fucking badly I was making myself sick trying to refrain from giving in. And if she didn’t know, if she was waiting for me to say it… How could I tell her the truth, when I wasn’t even ready to admit it to myself?

Review: Dark Delights by Mila Kane

Series: Hellions of Hade Harbor Book 2
Author: Mila Kane
Genre: Dark Romance, New Adult Romance
Release Date: March 8, 2024


My little Cinderella nearly cost me everything. Now it’s time to pay…

Eve Martino is off limits. Her brother, my best friend, makes sure of that.

But when he transfers to play hockey at another school, he leaves his sister in my hands.

He has no idea about our history, no one does.

It’s our little secret.

The truth is, Eve nearly ripped my life apart, and threatened everything I care about.

… and I’ve been waiting for the chance to get even.

Now she’s my partner in class, my roommate and my ward.

Ruining her will be my perfect revenge.


Meet the Ice Gods, the Hockey players who never play by the rules and own Hade Harbor and everyone in it. Dark Delights is a standalone bully romance featuring a possessive hockey playing Ice God, and the smart, mouthy object of his obsession. This is a bully romance, and contains dark themes, please read with caution.


The jealous girl and the lonely boy.

Bad Intentions was my first Mila Kane book and I have been obsessively making my way through her new and old releases. But this book? This book right here? This turned my obsession into immediate auto buy. I thought I liked Bad Intention, but Dark Delights? The immediate and permanent chokehold that this book had on me should be illegal in at least 40 states.

Shut up, you stupid degenerate,” she fumed at me, moving her hips in subtle circles she seemed to have no idea she was making, fucking herself on my fingers.
“You want to be the only virgin at HHU?”
“Stop. Talking,” she ground out.
“Make me,” I growled against her lips.

Let’s talk about tropes for a second.

Enemies to lovers? Check
Rich boy/poor girl? Check
Bully elements? Check

But this book was so much deeper than those tropes and I’ll try to explain without giving any details away because you really want to go into it blind.

Beckett and Eve meet as kids when Eve’s mom takes a cleaning job in Beckett’s family estate. But while Beckett and Eve’s twi brother Asher become best friends, the relationship she has with Beck is contentious at best. One night, when they were kids, she overheard something she shouldn’t have. She saw the turmoil and pain that Beck hides behind his vicious and untouchable surface. When a mix up in the college dorms leaves no other solution for Eve but to take her brother’s room, she lands in the crosshairs of Beck. Roomies with benefits? Yes please. But these two hate each other and the hate lust? OH MY GOD. It was delicious.

I’d grown up with every single luxury in the world, materially, that was. There had never been anything that I couldn’t have. Until Eve. I wanted her surrender.

Now I loved Eve’s sassy mouth and inner strength. This is a girl who takes no sh*t and I loved her for it. But Beck? I was obsessed. This poor, tortured boy and his hidden inner scars owned my heart. I loved the way Mila wrote him and how she peeled back his layers to reveal one of the most complex characters. Yes he was a d*ck at times. Yes, I wanted to punch him at times. But I also wanted to hug him and take away all of his pain. This is not a guy who’s a d*ck just for the sake of being a d*ck. He’s complex, multilayered, and impossible not to fall for. Oh and the dirty mouth on him. *swoon*

You’re the fucking worst,” she muttered and reached out, circling my dick with her hands. That touch felt better than anything had ever felt, including any drug I’d ever taken. “And yet you’re about to gag on my cock and swallow my cum. Open wide, sweetheart,” I instructed her, gripping her jaw and guiding her forward.

But then his inner thoughts were even better.

I enjoyed every sign of her capitulation. Her reluctant fall into lust for a guy she couldn’t stand was half the turn-on. She wanted me against her better judgment, and that made me a king.

This was an addictive read from start to finish with a splash of suspense. I wouldn’t call it dark, per se, more like it had dark tones with a grittiness to it that I couldn’t get enough of.

I’m so obsessed with this series. And the set up for Asher’s book? I need it immediately!


I’m obsessed with cats, coffee, and anti-heroes just the right side of insane.

I write dark and dirty romance with the alpha-holes of your most filthy nightmares.

While I like my heroes obsessed and powerful, I like my heroines smart and independent. My headstrong, capable women will bring their own personal demons to their knees, and capture their hearts at the same time.

I only write SAFE stories, there is never a place for another woman in my heroes sights, once he’s caught the scent of the heroine, and there will always be, no matter how dark and twisted the story might be… a HEA guarantee xx


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Review: Fierce Obsession by S Massery

Hockey Gods #5
Author: S. Massery
Genre: Dark, Hockey Romance
Release Date: February 16, 2024

Knox Whiteshaw is my husband.

He’s also an egotistical psychopath who refuses to divorce me—even when I ask nicely.

It doesn’t matter that I’m trying to move on with the goalie of his NHL team. Knox is dead set on ruining everything.

My upcoming wedding, my future, my sanity…

The man can hold a grudge like no other, and I am public enemy number one. I have been for six years, ever since he threatened me and stormed out of my life.

Now that we’re forced back in each others’ lives, it’s only a matter of who will break first: him or me.


I don’t want to kiss her, but I’m pretty sure I’ll stop breathing if I’m not inhaling her scent. If I’m not tasting her.

You know when you meet a character you hate but also can’t wait to fall in love with? A character that you become completely obsessed with over the course of a series as a secondary character that you can’t wait to see finally fall to his knees for a woman? A character that you anticipate so hard that the actual book can’t possibly live up to the anticipation? Well I’m happy to announce that Knox didn’t live up to my expectations. Why? Because he blew them away. And this? This just may be my all new favorite book in the Hockey Gods series. S. Massery really said, leave the best for last with this one and OH MY GOD IT WAS EPIC>

You’re going to know true darkness when I’m done with you. But you’ll be safe from all the demons in the world. Except me.”

Knox Whiteshaw has been a guy I loved to hate throughout the Hockey Gods series. And ever since his cruel game with Willow in Secret Obsession, I couldn’t wait for the woman who would bring this playboy to his knees. I just didn’t anticipate for that to be his wife…of 6 years. Yep. You read that right.

Ever since the ending of Twisted Obsession, I have been feral for Knox’s book. A wife? The manwh0re who never gives a woman more than a nigh of his attention, unless he’s playing her for a bet, has a wife? Color me intrigued. But when I tell you that nothing prepared me for the emotional punch that this story brought.

Her chest heaves. “I hate you.”
“Good. Because I’m going to kiss you, and I expect you to fight back.”

Knox has been the stereotypical f-boy throughout this series. But we finally got to see a peak into the heart of him in the last book. I was dying to peel back all of his complex layers but I wasn’t prepared to fall for him as hard as I did.

Now I’m not going to spoil this by giving you details on his story because, trust me, you don’t want to know more than what was revealed in the previous book. Do yourself a favor and go in completely blind. But what I will say is that I couldn’t imagine a more perfect FMC to bring him to his knees than Aurora; his childhood best friend who he lives to hate now.

Aurora has no idea that her husband who refuses to grant her the divorce she’s been begging for has recently been traded to the Titans until she runs into him during a game. And to say that neither is thrilled to see the other is a mild understatement. The tension, the chemistry, the hate lust between these two is EVERYTHING. Everything I tell you. I gobbled it up with a spoon nd licked my fingers after because it was SO DELICIOUS.

S Massery seriously knows how to deliver one h*ll of an addictive read and I couldn’t imagine a more perfect book to close the series with. Fierce Obsession was everything it promised with the title. But could you expect anything less from Knox Whiteshaw? I think not.

And the spinoff to the next hockey series? OHMYGAWD. I need it. HARD. Desperately. IMMEDIATELY.
*giggles* That’s what she said. But I digress again.

All of the stars! Read it immediately. And if you haven’t read this series than we can’t be friend until you do. That is all. Thank me after. Kthanksbye.

S. Massery is a dark romance author who loves injecting a good dose of suspense into her stories. She lives in Western Massachusetts with her dog, Alice.

Before adventuring into the world of writing, she went to college in Boston and held a wide variety of jobs–including working on a dude ranch in Wyoming (a personal highlight). She has a love affair with coffee and chocolate. When S. Massery isn’t writing, she can be found devouring books, playing outside with her dog, or trying to make people smile.

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Review: Ice Bet by SJ Sylvis

Series: Bexley U #2
Author: SJ Sylvis
Genre: New Adult, Sports Romance
Release Date: November 9, 2023

She’s the coach’s daughter and his rival’s newest target.

Aasher Matthews is everything I detest. Arrogant jock: check. Coy smirk: check. Too hot for his own good: check. To make matters worse, he plays hockey. Unfortunately for him, my father is his coach. Fortunately for me, I’m deemed untouchable.

The only common ground I have with hockey players is our love of the ice, so staying away from them will be easy-peasy.

Until I overhear their bet—who can get Coach’s daughter in their bed first?

I’m ready to bring the entire Bexley U hockey team to their knees. Instead of fleeing, I flirt. Instead of hiding, I run just so they’ll chase me. Luring my father’s players into a trap has a certain appeal to it.

Except, Aasher isn’t fooled by my feigned temptation. He has too much riding on a perfect season and has plans to join the NHL after winning the Frozen Four.

So he proposes our own bet.

If he wins, I stay away from his teammates and stop messing with their heads.
If I win, he tells my father—his beloved coach—about his teammates’ dirty plans for me.

But the more Aasher crosses the lines we’ve carved into the ice, the more I find myself letting him. The only problem is, someone else is in on our gamble, and they aren’t willing to concede.

Ice Bet is a spicy coach’s daughter college sports romance. It is a complete stand-alone. The other books in the series do not need to be read in order, but you will see glimpses of future characters in each book.


You’re mine, and I’m done pretending that you’re not.”

I’m a sucker for a hockey romance and the blurb to this one totally hooked me. This was my first SJ Sylvis book and it definitely will not be my last. I fell hard and fast for her writing and characters. And this story? Deliciously addictive.

I’m not trying to win the bet, Ry. I just know kissing you won’t fuck with my head like it will theirs. So if you want a hockey player, I’m the only one you can have.”
It totally fucked with my head.

Aasher has his eye on the goal, literally. He has everything riding on his successful hockey career in college to make it to the NfL. And he has zero chances left after what happened in his previous school. So when his coach asks him to look after his daughter who is moving on campus and keep her away from the horny hockey players, he unwillingly says yes. What he doesn’t expect is the daughter to be the ice queen who challenges him at every turn.

Riley is dealing with her own damage. Once a promising figure skater, she can’t seem to so much as bring herself to be on the ice again. And when she overhears her father’s l=players make an ice bet to get into her pants? She’s planning on putting them through hell. Even when Aasher is running interference at every turn. He may not be in on the bet, but he’s not her friend either. Until it changes, and he becomes something else entirely.

When his hand crept up my back and his fingers tangled in my hair, keeping my face pressed against his body, I felt something I never expected. Safe. And how ironic was it that I felt safe in the arms of a stupid, arrogant, over-protective hockey player that I refused to trust.

This was a delicious slow burn with the satisfactory moment when he finally goes “f*ck it” and I may or may not have squealed like a teenage girl when he finally says it. And the aftermath? MAMA. So good.

Eyes on me.”
He knew I was back. He knew I was remembering where we were and why he was touching me. I nodded shakily.
“Open your legs.” Our eyes met, and my stomach hollowed. Aasher pushed the inner part of my knee, releasing himself from the vise grip I had on him.
“Good girl,” he whispered. “Now I’m going to need you to come for me.”

I loved the push and pull dynamic between them. I loved how he was there for Riley and helped her get back on the ice. I love how he stood up to her ex and I loved the way that Riley gave as good as she got herself.

My only quibble is the on the page sex scenes Aasher had with another girl. I am not a reader that gets bothered by the MC being a f*ck boy or being with other women before the heroine. I just don’t particularly enjoy the detailed accounts of it because it just doesn’t feel necessary to the story. Like it didn’t add anything. It didn’t take away from it either, but it just felt unnecessary to me.

Luckily this was just a small blip in what was a highly enjoyable read and it didn’t phase me too much. Because once Aasher was all in with Riley, he was ALL in. The second their relationship takes a turn, he had eyes only for her.

This was such a fun, steamy, and satisfying read. I need to immediately read the first in this series and I already can’t wait for the next one. Highly recommend for any fans of steamy hockey romance!


S.J. Sylvis is an Amazon top 50 and USA Today bestselling author who is best known for her angsty new adult romances. She currently resides in Arizona with her husband, two small kiddos, and dog.

She is obsessed with coffee, becomes easily attached to fictional characters, and spends most of her evenings buried in a book! 


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Review: Twisted Obsession by S. Massery

Author: S. Massery
Genre: Dark, Hockey Romance
Release Date: October 25, 2023

My name is Melody Cameron…
Or so I’ve been told.

When I wake up in the hospital with no memories, I’m shipped off to Denver to live with a distant cousin who knows nothing about me.
If family can’t help me remember my past, who will?

I don’t expect it to be a gorgeous hockey player ten years younger than me. He knows things about me he has no right to know.

Yet, he still keeps secrets.
He makes me work for every answer while he unlocks my desire—and fear.

Still. I’m blind. Naive.

And when his twisted obsession becomes apparent, it’s too late. For both of us.


Once caught, she’s never escaping me.

Every time I think S Massery has written her most unhinged hero yet, she goes and proves me wrong. And Jacob Rhodes? This man is on a whole other level.

Somnophilia? Check.
Degradation kink? Check.
Crazy possessiveness? Check, check AND CHECK
Reverse age gap? Check

Now if you haven’t yet read the prequel, Twisted Obsession Prequel: Meeting Melody, it’s an absolute must read prior to diving into this book. The prequel is what really lays down the foundation of the relationship between Jacob and Melody. Well, if you can call their twisted union a relationship anyhow. Considering that Jacob is a student and she’s a professor and he goes after her with singleminded intent.

Now the absolute mind f*ck that this book was, and pun most definitely intended, is insane. Jacob hasn’t seen Melody since she up and disappeared without a trace back in college. Now he’s surprised to see her in the audience of the NFL game he’s playing in. What he expects even less is that she has no recollection of who he is, or her life before.

Melody work up in the hospital after with no memory of who she is or was. All she knows is that her traumatic injuries show signs of attempted murder but she has no idea who would even do that. When a handsome NFL stranger offers an insight to her prior life, she grasps it with both hands. But the man isn’t all he seems.

Oh what a twisted tale this was. The mystery of what happened to Melody is a dark webbing that wraps itself around everything else. And while I can usually see the plot twist coming, this one took me completely by surprise. Like jaw on the floor shocking. Jacob is twisted and toxic in all the best ways. If morally gray is your favorite, you’ll love him. I know I did. This man is all kinds of deranged. SO if you’re expecting a Prince Charming, this isn’t the book for you.

But if you want a morally gray man who is wholly obsessed with his woman beyond all reason and will do anything and everything to keep her, then prepare yourself to be obsessed.

And that preview into Knox’s story?

I need that book so bad I can actually taste it.

S. Massery is a dark romance author who loves injecting a good dose of suspense into her stories. She lives in Western Massachusetts with her dog, Alice.

Before adventuring into the world of writing, she went to college in Boston and held a wide variety of jobs–including working on a dude ranch in Wyoming (a personal highlight). She has a love affair with coffee and chocolate. When S. Massery isn’t writing, she can be found devouring books, playing outside with her dog, or trying to make people smile.

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