Review: So This is War by Meghan Quinn

Series: The Agitators #5
Author: Meghan Quinn
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: June 25, 2024

Did I think I was going to fall for my coach’s daughter?

The answer would be no.

I’m still unclear on how I got into this predicament in the first place. A year ago, I was a man with one thought on his mind, the redhead I met at a hotel bar. Twelve months later, I found her.

Unfortunately for me, she not only happens to be my very off-limits coach’s daughter, but also . . . my new assistant and roommate.

I don’t even need an assistant, but Coach Wood doesn’t take no for an answer. Add in him writing up tasks for his daughter, Wylie, to complete for me? Well, it’s his own form of sweet torture. We are talking tasks that I would never ask her to do.

Tasks that make her despise me.

Hate me.

That make her utter four words that cause a shiver to crawl up my spine . . . Posey, this is war.

A coach’s daughter, workplace, forbidden standalone sports romance featuring the hockey men you can’t get enough of. This steamy, roommates-to-lovers romantic comedy will bring all the laughs while burning up the pages at the same time.


Her eyes bore into me, the same fucking eyes as her father, but whereas his are scary . . . hers are mesmerizing.

If you’re looking for a lighthearted, sweet and swoony romcom, look no further. This book was everything I didn’t know I needed and I spent the entirety of it with a goofy grin on my face.

Quite the vibration,” she says as the vibrator’s buzzing fills the silence. “Feels strong yet not too powerful where it could cause your innards to turn inward.”
I look up at her. “Is that a thing?”
She shrugs. “Feels like it could be. Is that supposed to hit the G-spot?”
I glance down at the flat side that is, in fact, supposed to massage the G-spot. It’s currently massaging the tip of my toe. “Yes,” I answer.
“Fascinating. And that piece on the end there, is that for the clit?”
“The one that is currently sucking my pinky toe?” I ask.
“Yes, that one.”
“Yeah,” I answer. “That’s for the clit.”

When I tell you the banter was on fire, I mean it was EVERYTHING.

I did myself a bit of a disservice by reading this first but I plan on rectifying that mistake by reading the rest of the series immediately. In my defense, the blurb to this book was simply too good to pass up NOT reading it first. And I am not sorry! Also to add, it is easily enjoyed as a standalone to which I am a true testament of.

Levi Posey and Wiley first meet at a bar and have instant chemistry. But while he has no idea who she is at the time beyond his wild attraction to her, she knows exactly who she flirts with. Flash forward a
year later and these two cross paths in the most interesting of ways. Wiley is determined to prove to her dad that she can pursue her dream career vs the one he claims she needs and they strike a bargain. She works a regular job and if she can survive it, he’ll support her. But he’s not about to let nature take its course. Nope. He’s determined to make her job a living hell. So what’s a hockey coach to do? Bully one of his star players to be the employer from hell for his daughter who will work as a personal assistant. Enter Levi Posey and the shock of a lifetime.

But the fun doesn’t really start until Wiley figures out the game and is determined to drive the man out of his ever loving mind and use their chemistry in her favor. I loved this woman and her take charge attitude. And Posey? OMG. The man is an absolute cinnamon roll and I loved him for it. He’s also a dirty talking beast in the sack and definitely knows how to take charge in the bedroom. But when Wiley makes him suffer, he definitely breaks a sweat and it was hilarious.

The humor was humoring and the steam was steaming. I loved their banter and I loved the slow burn. Admittedly I did want to junk punch Wiley’s father for basically the entirety of the book. The man was a tyrant and while he did take a positive turn, it was difficult to digest by then. But Levi and his friend gang is really what made this book for me. I love the friendship he has not only with his teammates but their women. And I absolutely loved the banter of their group text messages.

If you want a fun, steamy romcom, this is sure to hit every spot, even those you didn’t know you had 😉 

SA Today Bestselling Author, wife, adoptive mother, and peanut butter lover. Author of romantic comedies and contemporary romance, Meghan Quinn brings readers the perfect combination of heart, humor, and heat in every book.

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Review: Love Sincerely Yours by Sara Ney & Meghan Quinn

Genre: Contemporary Romance, Romantic Comedy
Author: Sara Ney & Meghan Quinn
Release Date: October 9, 2018

Dear Mister…**strike out** no, too formal.
Hey there sweet cheeks *strike out* no, too forward.

To whom it may concern,
Full disclosure; before we move forward with this email, I would like it to be known that I have consumed an adequate amount of alcoholic beverages to intoxicate myself tonight. Three margaritas, two shots, and one beer—because it was free.
I think it’s important to be open and honest with your co-workers, don’t you?
So here I am, being honest. Drunk but honest. Or just drunk with lust? You decide.
I like you so much it’s clouding my judgment and making me do things I never would sober. Like write this letter.
I have a hopeless, foolish, schoolgirl crush on you when you are the last person on earth I should be falling for. Did you know people around the office call you a sadist? An egomaniac. An insensitive, arrogant prick. Your bark is worse then your bite, and you don’t scare me. The fact is, I’d love that bite of yours to nip at my bare skin while we’re both wearing nothing but sheets.
For once I want you to look at me as more than one of your employees.
And as long as we’re being honest, that navy blue suit you wear? With the crisp white shirt? It really makes me want to loosen your tie and show you who’s boss.


Rome Blackburn is woods and rivers and adventure.
He is excitement.
He is an asshole.
Rome Blackburn is a freaking prick.

With witty banter, laugh out loud moments, and a slow burn romance that was perfectly paced for maximum anticipation, this book kept a smile on my face from beginning to finish. I was immediately hooked from the very first page and the introduction of the stuffy, mercurial, and demanding boss, Rome and the full of life and sassy marketing professional, Peyton.

Rome is the epitome of an a-hole boss. He’s demanding, rude, take no excuses and spare no feeling sort of man. People at his office either hate him, are terrified of him, or a combination of both.

It’s no secret that I’m an unrelenting asshole; I don’t like cheerful people. Or being cheerful. Or people.

But Peyton? Can’t help but be ridiculously, inconveniently attracted to the man.

So when a few drinks enter the equation on her birthday? She sends an anonymous email to the boss that starts a chain of events that kept me absolutely riveted to the pages.

The chemistry in just the emails alone was sizzling. Their banter was amazing! I loved how anonymous email Peyton told her boss how much she wanted him and how she saw beyond the man he was at the office. I also loved how the Peyton that Rome knew was sassy, gutsy, and not afraid to give him some much needed hell.

By next week you’ll be four days out from your end date.”
“Yeah.” I flip my hair. “Not much time, is there?”
I can almost hear his ass cheeks clenching from irritation.

I loved watching Rome’s gradual thawing from a stuck up suit to a feeling man. I particularly loved the banter between him and his couldn’t-be-more-opposite best friend, Hunter.

Blink once if she’s the one who wants to bang you.” Silence. “Are you blinking once or having a seizure? What is that shit you’re doing with your face?”

I would have loved a more prolonged grovel at the end, but it was extremely satisfying nonetheless. If you’re looking for an office romance full of sizzling romance and witty banter, this one will check all of your boxes. I can’t wait for more in this series, especially with the set up for Hunter’s book. NEED!

Excerpt: Three Blind Dates by Meghan Quinn

Contemporary Romance
Author: Meghan Quinn
Release Day: January 4th, 2018

“Good Morning Malibu, it’s another beautiful day on the west coast! I’m Noely Clark, your host: and I’m in the market for love…”

When the publicity team of the new local restaurant, Going in Blind, began their search for a hot, local celebrity to promote the wildly popular eatery, they couldn’t have found a better person than me.

Outgoing? Check.
Single? Check.
Open to finding love? Check.

I signed up immediately.

A hopeless romantic with an exceedingly demanding schedule, I’ve found it impossible to find the man of my dreams—so Going in Blind seems too good to be true! That’s until they start setting me up on dates—three very different, very attractive, very distinct blind dates—and only one thing is for certain . . .

I’m in big trouble.

Good Morning Malibu,
I’m Noely Clark, and I have a choice to make.
The question is who will I choose; the suit, the rebel, or the jock


I didn’t realize how close I was to the restaurant because I’m ten minutes early. Does that make me seem desperate? No, I chastise myself. It shows that I respect the other person’s time . . . right?God, dating is the worst. There are so many unspoken rules you have to follow to not look desperate, or to not look like a psycho, or a creep, or horny, or—

“Can I help you, miss?”

Straightening up, I turn toward the hostess stand, which is a beautifully carved piece of wood. Standing behind it is an exotic, tall woman with long black hair, stunning grey eyes, and a massive engagement ring on her hand. Please tell me she got that rock from dating someone in this program.

Don’t get me wrong. It’s not that happiness for my life is dependent on getting married, but to see a success story in the flesh—particularly for me—would be encouraging.

“Hi, yes, I’m Noely Clark. I have a date at seven tonight with”—I lean forward, feeling silly and whisper—“with WindsorKnot.”

Her smile is kind and reassuring, making me feel a little calmer. “Yes, Miss Clark, I have you here for seven. You’re date hasn’t arrived yet, so can I show you to the bar for a drink while you wait?”

“That would be lovely, thank you.”

With my clutch tucked under my arm, I follow tall, dark, and beautiful to the bar where a very handsome Asian man is standing with a towel draped over his shoulder and a bright grin on his face. He’s wearing a button-up shirt with rolled sleeves, a brown vest covering his chest, which totally channels his inner Justin Timberlake.

“Danny, this is Miss Clark. She has a reservation at seven. Would you be so kind to make her whatever drink she would like?”

“Of course.” He winks at the hostess who presses her warm hand on my arm.

“Enjoy, Miss Clark. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. My name is Veronica, this is Danny, and we will be happy to serve you in any way.” With a parting grin, she moves back to her hostess spot.

Well, she’s nice.

“Miss Clark, please take a seat. What would you like?”

My tight, formfitting red dress makes my hop onto the bar stool a difficult task, but with a pleading prayer to the dress gods and a swift jump, I situate myself, only breaking a minor sweat.

I let out a sigh of relief and place my hands on the bar in front of me, scanning the glitzy bottles of “muscle relaxant.” “Hmm . . . how about a Moscow Mule?”

“Coming right up.” He gets to work and I watch as he magically floats around the bar, pulling the ingredients. “We recently bought new copper mugs, and I’ve been dying to use them.”

“Yeah? Am I the first?”

Winking, he says, “You are.”

If I didn’t know any better, I would say Danny is a bit of a flirt. Either that or he’s super friendly. Or simply made to be a bartender.

From beneath the bar, Danny pulls out a shiny, hammered-copper mug, and I’m instantly taken by the design. So sleek, just like its surroundings. The restaurant, with its white exposed brick, natural wood features, electric colors, and stone tabletops, is sexy, yet inviting. The friendly waitstaff is an absolute bonus. Every table is cornered off in its own spot, never getting too close to the other tables around it, and the mood lighting is on point with dim Edison bulb lights hanging from the ceiling and tabletop candles. I’m feeling the mood.

Despite the welcoming atmosphere, I can’t help but feel nervous, even after my brief exchange with WindsorKnot. There’s something to say about a blind date: the anticipation, the unknown, the knowledge that you’re having dinner with someone to possibly form a romantic relationship. It’s intimidating, but exhilarating all at the same time.

Could this be the last time I ever go on a first date? Will he like me? Will he want to get to know me?

Butterflies float around in my stomach and my cheeks heat as Danny places a napkin in front of me, topped by my drink with a lime slice on the side.

“Here you go, Miss Clark. Please enjoy.”

I smile politely. “Thank you.” When I take a sip, I’m instantly assaulted by the ginger-lime combination. Perfect. “This is fantastic.”

“Good.” Danny winks again and like an old-time bartender, starts drying a tumbler with the towel hanging over his shoulder. Eyeing me for a second, he asks, “A little nervous?”

After taking a sip from my drink, I lick my lips and nod. “Just a little.” I scrunch my nose, squinting ever so slightly. “Is it obvious?”

“Nah, you look pretty chill compared to a lot of blind daters I see come through the door.”

“Oh, I’m sure you see a lot of different reactions to these dates.” I lean forward, the cold wood of the bar cooling my sweaty hands, and whisper, “Any good stories you can tell me?”

Danny chuckles quietly and leans forward himself, taking a look from side to side before answering. “Plenty, but looks like your date just arrived.”

My date just arrived?

The temperature in the room seems to go up a thousand degrees as my body seizes and my shoulders tense. “Oh God, can you see him? Is he hot? What does he look like? Should I turn around? No, I shouldn’t, he would know I was checking him out.” Whispering a little louder, I ask again, “Just tell me, is he cute?”

Danny’s eyes scan over my head and his smile stretches across his face. “That’s for you to judge, not me.” Damn you, Danny.

Oh Christ, I’m not ready.

That’s right, I’m not freaking ready for this.

I get it, I know I said I was ready, that I wanted to do this, that I was all-in, that I wanted to find my soul mate, but now that I’m here, seconds from meeting “the one,” I’m pretty sure I’m going to throw up. Yep, I’m going to throw up. I can feel it rising.

Oh God, I’m going to retch all over him, right on his shoes. I know it. It’s bound to happen.

“Relax, you’re going to have fun,” Danny whispers before he turns to the bottles behind him.

As if the light hairs on my arm can sense it, they stand at attention as the sound of faint footsteps come closer.

Click, click, click. The cement floor leaves zero room for sneaking up on anyone.

Don’t throw up, don’t throw up. Think compliments, think pleasantries, think—


Smooth molasses drips over my shoulders as the most velvet of voices I’ve ever heard echoes behind me, pulling me away from the death grip on my copper mug and turning me in my seat to face one of the most handsome and polished men I’ve ever seen.

Born in New York and raised in Southern California, Meghan has grown into a sassy, peanut butter eating, blonde haired swearing, animal hoarding lady. She is known to bust out and dance if “It’s Raining Men” starts beating through the air and heaven forbid you get a margarita in her, protect your legs because they may be humped.

Once she started commuting for an hour and twenty minutes every day to work for three years, she began to have conversations play in her head, real life, deep male voices and dainty lady coos kind of conversations. Perturbed and confused, she decided to either see a therapist about the hot and steamy voices running through her head or start writing them down. She decided to go with the cheaper option and started writing… enter her first novel, Caught Looking.

Now you can find the spicy, most definitely on the border of lunacy, kind of crazy lady residing in Colorado with the love of her life and her five, furry four legged children, hiking a trail or hiding behind shelves at grocery stores, wondering what kind of lube the nervous stranger will bring home to his wife. Oh and she loves a good boob squeeze!

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