Review: Storm by Abbi Glines

Georgia Smoke #4
Author: Abbi Gaines
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: June 26, 2024


Falling in love with a man you can’t fully trust isn’t just unwise, it’s a constant battle. Storm Kingston had busted into my life, shattering my well-maintained walls. He claimed I was his, promising to fulfill all my dreams. But I had already caught him in a lie that I couldn’t confront him about. To do so would mean the death of an innocent person. One would think that knowing his deceit and manipulation would be enough for me to shield my heart, but it wasn’t.

I was afraid the man also owned my soul.

The lies I don’t know… they’re the ones that will shatter me, the ones that could be my undoing.


Most might consider me unhinged, possibly psychotic, but Briar wasn’t someone I was willing to lose. Ever. I did what needed to be done to protect, take care of, and keep her. She loved me and wanted to be with me. If I had to do some frowned-upon things to make sure she didn’t leave me, then I’d do them. Besides, not everyone deserves to live. Especially those that did anything to make her life less than perfect.

I would keep my secrets because the truth wouldn’t be pleasant for her. And I wanted to keep my girl smiling. She wouldn’t understand the things I’d chosen to do to protect her. If she ever found out, she would try to leave me. Try being the operative word.

She had no idea the twisted things I would do to make sure that day never came.


We weren’t perfect, but in all the wrong, there was this intense perfection that would either save me or ruin me.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I don’t know what sort of book crack Abbi laces this series with but I am obsessed and I will never get enough!

This is the conclusion of Storm and Briar’s book and you absolutely need to read Sizzling first as their story is a duet. If you don’t love your fictional men walking red flags, fully unhinged, possessive and jealous than this ain’t the series for you. As for me? I will devour it whole and lick every finger.

“I think the word you’re looking for is unhinged,” I said.
“Oh, it is. It’s also real.”

What’s funny is that I could probably sit here and pick apart Briar’s easy giving in to Storm at every turn but I just can’t find it in me to care. The series before this and this spinoff have become comfort reads to me that just hit the spot. They’re one of those stories that you can shut off your brain and just enjoy. Ya know? It’s just pure book crack with toxic men and the women that fall for them and I am so here for it.

Storm definitely stays on brand with his stalker tendencies and crazy possessiveness of Briar and I spent the entirety of the book just waiting for the other shoe to drop and Briar to see the extent of his secrets. And while I wanted Briar to make him work for it a bit more, I still love that she gave it back and made her feelings and boundaries known…even though Storm continues to steamroll right past them.

The spice was spicing as only Abbi knows how. I love her brand of dirty talkers. But can we just talk about my absolute FERAL need for Thatcher’s book? because if Storm is unhinged, Thatcher is an absolute psychopath and I’m half in love with him already.

The story as the rest of this series was a binge read in one sitting; satisfying, spicy, and so much fun! I love this series!

Review: Sizzling by Abbi Glines

Georgia Smoke #3
Author: Abbi Gaines
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: May 26, 2024


Running. It seems that’s all I ever do. I’ve been running since I was fifteen. Some days I wonder if I’ll ever be able to stop. Would I even know how to live a normal life if I could? Doubt it. No reason to waste good time thinking on it either. Sitting around wishing for something never did anyone a favor. If you want it, then you go and get it. By any means necessary. And I was an expert at using my strengths. I’d been born with beauty, and it had been a curse that haunted me until, one day, I grabbed it and used it to my advantage. Don’t judge. You have no idea the demons I’ve fought… and the ones I still do.


Sure, I was raised to kill when needed and to protect the family. However, my momma also taught me to open doors for women and respect them unless they prove they’re not ladies. It was a damn shame the sweet little piece I’d been unable to get out of my head had never been a lady a day in her life. That gorgeous face and mouthwatering body were real nice wrapping paper to distract men. Briar Landry was a liar, a thief, a cheat, and a very talented gold digger. She disgusted me. The more I was forced to be around her, the more I hated her. I knew the evil inside her and I had enough twisted darkness of my own. Treating her with cruelty, I hadn’t known I possessed, was the only way to keep from letting her pull me inside her web.


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, and I’ll cut your dick off.

Look, I don’t know what Abbi puts into these books, but they are the best form of book crack that I devour in one giddy sitting. And you know what the funny thing is? I could sit here and probably nitpick at plenty of things, and maybe if it was written by anyone else, I would. But when Abbi writes it, it just works.

That wasn’t the kind of woman you got out of your system. She was the kind that took your soul.

This is the next couple’s story in Abby’s Smoke series spinoff, Georgia smoke. And if you want to appreciate the story that much more, I highly recommend reading in order, because many characters are introduced early on and their story arc continues until their book. Such is the case of Briar, who we learned about in Slay King. Briar is a bit different from the other heroines that Abbi has written in these two series, because she’s self assured. She’s gorgeous and she knows it, and she uses it to survive. It was a refreshing change of pace to read. Having said that, while she puts up a good fight, sort of, she is still not able to resist the chemistry and attraction to Storm even when she should.

Storm thinks Briar is a gold-digger and takes every opportunity to judge her loudly for it. But even that judgement doesn’t lessen his attraction and pull to her. It’s also ironic that a man firmly rooted in the opposite side of the law would judge anyone, but here were are. As hard as he tries to fight the pull, he’s irrevocably drawn to the beauty and it doesn’t take long for their sizzling chemistry to finally implode.

What’s funny is that I would usually want to junk punch someone like Storm, but his hot and cold attitude just worked for me here. I would also want to judge how easy Briar gives into their pull no matter how crappy Storm treats here, but here were are. I just couldn’t seem to care because it just worked. Don’t ask me how or why, but I enjoyed the heck out of their dynamic. I could also nit pick into Storm’s sudden about face when it comes to Briar, but I couldn’t even bat an eye lash at it.

It was just one of those perfect, shut off your brain and enjoy sort of reads and I loved the heck out of it for it. It’s not a standalone and their conclusion will be with the next book, but it also doesn’t leave you on a painful cliffhanger. It ends at a satisfying point where you want the next book but you also get just enough of a good ending to be able to tolerate the short wait until the next installment.

Review: Slay King by Abbi Glines

Georgia Smoke #2
Author: Abbi Gaines
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: April 14, 2024

This world I live in isn’t one that builds strong relationships. It rips them apart.”

Perhaps that was true, but nonetheless, I had fallen in love with him anyway. The man who had lied to me, the man I couldn’t trust, the man who would never love me back, yet even knowing all that, I loved him still. His smile could make me forget all the reasons why I shouldn’t. I was so easily blinded by the charm that was King Salazar.

He used it like a weapon, and I was one of the many who fell under his spell. Accepting that I had nowhere else to go and running from the southern mafia was impossible, I gave in to my feelings for him. All the while knowing he would eventually break me in a way that my abusive husband he had killed had not.

While he kept me locked away, safe from the gang bent on finding me, I had to sit back and watch him live out a fake relationship with the next Governor of Georgia’s only daughter. We all know how that story goes. I’d read enough of those tropes in books to prepare myself for the end. When he would fall for her and, I would, once again, be left alone. Shattered beyond repair.

This is the second book in the Slay duet in the Georgia Smoke Series.


Love is weak,” I said, taking another step toward her. “It fades.” She looked stricken. Reaching up, I cupped her face in my hand. “So, it’s a fucking good thing that you possess my soul, sweets. You’re under my skin, in my blood, locked so damn deep inside of me that I could never let you go.”

Lately, it takes me days to finish a book because my attention span is that of a squirrel on the best of days. But when it comes to Abbi Gaines books? I’m not capable of not devouring them in one sitting. I don’t know what the woman laces her books with, but they’re absolute book crack. BOOK CRACK I tell you. And Slay King was no exception.

This is the conclusion to King and Rumor’s story and the start of a brand new spinoff from the Smoke series. There’s new characters introduced with some favorites from the Smoke series who make cameos. While I prefer my heroines a bit more on the ball busting variety, I couldn’t help but love Rumor and her quiet strength. The woman is a survivor and I loved watching her put her broken pieces together. While I wanted her to make King work for it more, she wasn’t a pushover and she spoke her mind. But of course his sexual magnetism was impossible for her to resist.

If you like uber alphas who are slightly psychotic, irrationally possessive and fiercely protective with a splash of dirty talk, you would love King. I do wish we got to see a bit more of his kinks play out in this book, but considering Rumor’s past, it also made sense that he tame that part of himself down for her.

While the ending felt a little abrupt it was immensely satisfying all the same. I binge read this in one sitting and enjoyed it from cover to cover. I can’t wait for my next hit of this addictive new series.

Review: Slay by Abbi Glines

Georgia Smoke #1
Author: Abbi Gaines
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: March 25, 2024


There are moments in life when you make a decision. Accept who you are. What you have become. This was one of those times…The fairytale I thought I’d found had become a nightmare so quickly after I said, “I do.” Which was the reason I ran when I had the chance. Not thinking about the consequences. Just knowing I had to get free before it was my life that was taken.

I never expected to end up finding a haven. A place where people were willing to help me hide. It was as if I had walked into my own perfect daydream.


“Don’t believe every pretty face you meet, sweets. You should know by now that’s a terrible f—-g idea.”

She was my job. I was to make her feel safe and do whatever I had to in order to make sure she didn’t run. Underneath the abused and broken exterior, there was a fighter. It was in her eyes. I lived for the moments when she let me see that spark.

I had been headed straight to Hell years before I met Rumor, but letting her fall in love with me was going to reserve me a room in the darkest pit available. One day soon, she was going to find out I was the monster she was running from and the family she had come to trust was the mafia that had killed her husband.

*Please be advised that this is book one in a duet and is a standalone in the Georgia Smoke Series.


Monsters could come in pretty packages. I knew that only too well.

Abbi Glines has been an auto buy author for me since 2012. There’s just something about her stories that are total book crack for me. The Georgia Smoke series is a spinoff of her Smoke series. Think mafia meet Yellowstone. And yes, it is as delicious as it sounds. This is the Georgia branch of The Family, and while you can easily start with this series, I highly recommend the Smoke series first, especially now that the series is all on KU. But I digress.

Abbi has a winning formula that just does for me each and every singe time, and it starts with her uber alphas and the sweet souther belles that they fall for. She writes some of the most deliciously borderline toxic alpha men and it just hits every time. Slay brings the story of King and Rumor.

Rumor has been stuck in a marriage to her abusive husband with no way out. With no family and no resources, she has has no choice but to survive one day at a time. But then an opportunity she never saw coming presents itself, and she doesn’t think twice before running, leaving her life in the rearview mirror. But with barely enough money to get her through the week, she doesn’t have a lot of choices at her disposal. So when a kind stranger offers to drive her to a bus station with a stop at his grandmother’s house along the way for meal, she takes it. Rumor is skittish but she’s a survivor through and through. She’s lived through so much in her young life but it doesn’t take away her sweet demeanor or generous nature. It was impossible not to fall for her.

And King? Sweet baby Jesus. This man. The hints towards his dominance and kinky penchants was enough to make me giddy with excitement. And the secret and ulterior motives that he hides from rumor made me eager to turn the next page. Rumor thinks she’s found a temporary safe haven, but King and his family are much more than they seem.

I devoured this in one sitting, just waiting for that other shoe to drop. Because I just knew that when it did, the story would take an exciting new turn. After years of abuse, it takes Rumor some time to warm up to King and even longer to accept the chemistry between them. The romance is a slow burn, but when it finally burns, it IGNITES. And I was so here for it.

The story was a delicious page turner with plenty of cameos from some of my favorites from Smoke. And that cliffhanger? Jaw droppingly painful. I need the next book immediately and luckily the wait isn’t long because I have zero chill for this conclusion.

Review: Bombshell by Abby Glines

Judgement #1
Author: Abbi Gaines
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: February 14, 2024

Momma always told me that my sins would find me. I just didn’t think it would happen in a biker bar with my first crush bursting through the doors with his gun pointed at me. Well, not technically at me, but at my boyfriend- also known as my current sin. He was the thing I hoped the good Lord didn’t tell momma about in one of her dreams. Guess it didn’t matter anyway. I was caught and in a bigger mess than I could have imagined.

Micah Abe hadn’t laid eyes on Dolly Dixon, his younger sister’s best friend, in years, but her eyes were the kind you didn’t forget. Even if she’d grown into a woman with a body made for sin, he had recognized that unique shade of amber the moment she had locked her gaze on him. Damn shame he wouldn’t get a taste of her. His sister would cut off his favorite body part if he even considered it. Besides, he was over clingy women, and the way Dolly was holding on to his enemy like she wanted to wrap her legs around him meant she was the needy type.

Problem was he had to save her from herself. Clearly, Dolly was still clueless about life. That much hadn’t changed about her. He’d come here to get back what had been taken from him five years ago, but it looked like he’d be saving Snow White in the process.


“I will maim, kill, torture, whatever I need to do to whoever caused this if you will just tell me why, who. Point me in the right direction. Something. Just give me something here, Tink.”

When I tell you I binge read this in one sitting, I mean I absolutely DEVOURED it. It was finger licking delicious and total book crack. It was a perfect example of why I love Abby Gaines books. The woman has a formula that just works. She is the queen of bad boy/good girl vibes. It doesn’t matter how many times I read this, it will always hit. ALWAYS.

This is a spin off of her Smoke series. If you haven’t read that series yet, I have two words for you: souther mafia. Cowboys and mafia? Perfect combo. But I digress. While this is a spinoff and there are plenty of character cameos from that series, you can also easily enjoy this as a standalone. Though I highly recommend the Smoke series because it’s delicious. But I digress.

What’s the perfect spinoff of southern mafia? MC obviously! Enter Judgement and their batboy extraordinaire, Micah. Micah is your quintessential manwhore. The man doesn’t give any woman attention past a night. MC life is everything for him and he’s not looking to settle down any time soon if ever.

Dolly is the quintessential good girl. A good girl with southern matters and Micah’s sister’s best friend. So when Dolly finds herself in the middle of rivaling MC members, she is definitely not thrilled. The man she’s been dating is not at all who she thought he was, and suddenly a blast from her past keeps roaring in on his motorcycle to “protect her”. Dolly harbored a crush on Micah for as long as she remembers. But she isn’t the naive young girl who crushed on him in her teens. And she has no allusions that the man would even look at her as anything other than his sister’s friend. But oh how wrong she is.

Micah is a grade a a-hole and there were parts of the story where I wanted to shake him, c*ck punch him, and throw him in front of a bus. You know, simply to get him to see reason, obviously. Dolly, though a good girl is not a push over. Though she does forgive Micah all too easily when he turns the charm on. But I didn’t even mind because I forgave him just as easily. There was just something about their chemistry and dynamic that I couldn’t get enough of. The spice was spicing and the suspense was supsensing. And this girl was enjoying every delicious page of it. I can’t wait for more in this series!

Review: About Tomorrow by Abbi Glines

Genre: New Adult Romance
Author: Abbi Glines
Release Date: December 14, 2020
About Tomorrow…I close my eyes as I hear him speak. I take one very long and deep breath hoping to calm the immediate butterflies that take flight in my stomach and hope to slow down the racing of my heart. The voice was slightly deeper but the timbre was one that was achingly familiar.
My actions did little to help, but then who was I kidding? A deep breath wasn’t going to fix the effect he had on me and my body’s inevitable reaction.
Even the memories that would forever haunt me couldn’t keep my emotions from triggering at the nearness of him once again.I used to pray that I’d find the strength to move on from him, from the pain that the end carried, from the emptiness in my chest, but ultimately move on from—the loss of Creed Sullivan and the death of his sister, Cora.The Sullivans had been the best part of my summers in New England.Deep down, I knew my ache for all that I had lost was the reason I returned…

But I hadn’t expected to see him again—especially not like this.


Creed didn’t just make me happy; he made me complete. Most of my life I had wandered through it never feeling like I belonged anywhere. Until Creed.

It’s been a hot minute since I last read an Abbi Glines book. Her books were a happy place for me whenever I needed a good dose of teenage drama and steamy romance. And when I read the blurb to this book, I had to have it. I’m a sucker for a second chance romance and this one sounded like it had all of the feels.

If you’re looking for a steamy and angsty second chance romance, this one definitely ticks all of the boxes. Sailor and Creed were childhood sweethearts and each other’s world once upon a time. Then tragedy pulled them apart and even though Sailor’s life moved along, she barely was able to move on from Creed. She’s met a wonderful new guy and now she’s moving back to the town that holds such bittersweet memories for her in order to take care of her gram’s house after her passing. It’s been years since she’s seen Creed but when she meets the cousin of her boyfriend’s roommate in their apartment, her world comes crashing down to realize it’s Creed.

This story deals with some heavy subjects and I loved the grittier undertones of it. Sailor is not perfect and neither is Creed. Their love is messy and broken and riddled with unresolved pain and haunting memories. Sailor is in a happy relationship and Creed is not the boy she once fell in love with. He’s darker, colder, but he’s still the same caring Creed she once knew.

While this book had so many elements that I loved, there were also some things that didn’t quite work for me. Specifically the flashbacks. They just didn’t flow. They felt quite random and didn’t blend into the story. They were also much too short to really add to the overall plot and serve as anything other than a distraction. My other quibble was the conflict at the end. It felt…blah. It just felt like the story was driving to something much bigger and impactful. It just didn’t fit. It felt like a quick way to add something but it didn’t deliver on the something big that the story really needed for me.

Ultimately I still did enjoy this book quite a bit and it gave me the Abbi Glines fix that I didn’t even know I was craving. If you’re looking for a steamy second chance with plenty of angst, this one definitely got it.

New Release: About Tomorrow by Abbi Glines

Genre: New Adult Romance
Author: Abbi Glines
Release Date: December 14, 2020
About Tomorrow…I close my eyes as I hear him speak. I take one very long and deep breath hoping to calm the immediate butterflies that take flight in my stomach and hope to slow down the racing of my heart. The voice was slightly deeper but the timbre was one that was achingly familiar.

My actions did little to help, but then who was I kidding? A deep breath wasn’t going to fix the effect he had on me and my body’s inevitable reaction. Even the memories that would forever haunt me couldn’t keep my emotions from triggering at the nearness of him once again.

I used to pray that I’d find the strength to move on from him, from the pain that the end carried, from the emptiness in my chest, but ultimately move on from—the loss of Creed Sullivan and the death of his sister, Cora.

The Sullivans had been the best part of my summers in New England.

Deep down, I knew my ache for all that I had lost was the reason I returned…

But I hadn’t expected to see him again—especially not like this.



Watch the Trailer HERE!

Creed had put on a pair of faded jeans and a vintage Def Leppard tee shirt but he’d not brushed his hair. It worked for him but then Creed was the kind of sexy that could wear anything and still turn heads. As a little girl, I’d loved playing with him and as a teenage girl I had fallen in love with him. “Hello,” I said so softly- it was almost a whisper. “Their coffee is shit,” he said as he walked toward the kitchen. I turned my gaze back to the fire. Pretending like we were strangers was difficult. Once there had been so much I wanted to say to him. I’d wanted to ask him why? What had I done wrong? Why had he turned on me without a reason? Now, he was here. We were in the same room and I had no words. I couldn’t think of one thing to say. I heard him in the kitchen and as much as I wanted to not care that he was here my body was attuned to his every move. Maybe it was my nerves or uncertainty. It couldn’t possibly be more than that. His footsteps were soft and I realized he must be barefoot. The cold wouldn’t affect him like it did me. He was a New Englander. He sat down in the chair across from the sofa and his gaze was on me. I didn’t want to look at him. The fire was less confusing and unsettling. I didn’t have to pretend with the fire. Creed however was a different story. How did he expect me to act like we were strangers when there was so much in our past?

Read the First Chapter HERE!

4872191Abbi Glines is a #1 New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of the Rosemary Beach, Sea Breeze, Vincent Boys, Field Party and Existence series. She never cooks unless baking during the Christmas holiday counts. She believes in ghosts and has a habit of asking people if their house is haunted before she goes in it. She drinks afternoon tea because she wants to be British but alas she was born in Alabama. When asked how many books she has written she has to stop and count on her fingers. When she’s not locked away writing, she is reading, shopping (major shoe and purse addiction), sneaking off to the movies alone, and listening to the drama in her teenagers lives while making mental notes on the good stuff to use later. Don’t judge. You can connect with Abbi online in several different ways. She uses social media to procrastinate.


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