Review: Fearless by Tracy Lorraine

Harrow Creek Hawks #4
Genre: Why ChooseDark, Captive Romance
Author: Tracy Lorraine
Release Date:
December 28, 2023

An all-new and addictive dark, why-choose, captive romance from the USA Today & Wall Street Journal bestselling author, Tracy Lorraine.

You know what they say about things that are too good to be true…

We might have been in a safe house recovering, but we were in danger, and still the four of us found a way to be together.

We’d even managed to find something that I never thought possible.


We were finally a team, fighting against our enemies.

But those enemies were closer than we anticipated.

I might have escaped, but the three men who owned equal parts of my heart were still inside the building I watched go up in flames, the house where we found each other again crumbling to ash.

Someone betrayed us.

Someone we trusted.

With shattered promises, I’m forced to put my faith in someone I shouldn’t.

I walk away from the house that holds so many heart aching memories… from the men who
changed my life in more ways than they ever could imagine.

Maverick promised me that he’d protect me from ever hurting again.

JD promised to stand by me no matter how dark life got.

And Reid, he promised to burn the entire world down for me.

But how can I carry on our fight without any of them by my side?

Dear Reader,
Fearless is book four of four in the Harrow Creek Hawks series. It is a dark why-choose romance, meaning our leading lady has several love interests and never has to choose to find her HEA. These three a-hole alphas are certainly no heroes; their morals are questionable at best. If you’re looking for a good guy, then you’re in the wrong place. Enter at your own discretion.


One broken woman. Three very dangerous men. What could possibly go wrong?

I feel like I’ve been waiting forever for this conclusion. Yes I know I’m being dramatic because there’s a month between releases, but just work with me here. It felt like forever, ok? The second I started Merciless, I was immediately sucked into this dark and gritty world. Each installment brought a new layer to this story and I couldn’t wait to finally peel that last layer off.

This final installment certainly made up for all the edging that book one put us through, almost too much so. Yes the sex scenes were super hot, but they got a bit much that I began to skim through some. The story here happened mainly towards the end and to me, parts of the super hot sex scenes felt like filler at times. Take this with a grain of salt because this is coming from a super ADD reader who grows bored in long series easily.

However, the story was still gripping enough to keep me glued to the pages. The revelations are jaw dropping and Tracy spares no dark or torturous detail when it came to painting the picture. This quartet owned me and I fell hard and fast for these characters. I need to immediately check out her entire backlist because she writes a dark romance like no other and I’m obsessed.

If you’re looking for a deliciously dark romance with a fierce survivor FMC and the three gangsters who fall head over heels for her, this is a must read.

Review: Delightful Sins by Lola King

North Shore Stories #3
Genre: Dark Romance, MFM
Author: Lola King
Release Date:
November 30, 2023


She betrayed them and ran away. They want their revenge.

In a town where all that matters is loyalty to your gang, I’ve been labeled a traitor.

I ran away from the North Shore the day I knew I wasn’t safe there anymore. I left behind the people I thought were my family, my friends, my crew: the Kings.

Mainly, I turned my back on the two men who once meant everything to me.

I might have known Elliot and Ethan since we were children, but I betrayed the brothers in more ways than one. Or at least I would rather them believe that than know why they should truly want me dead.

I should have known no one escapes the Kings. The most powerful gang on the North Shore never planned on letting me go.

It doesn’t matter that I ran as far as I could, they found me now, and they’re taking me back to a town that holds my darkest secrets and most haunting memories. Where everyone hates me, where people who were once my allies are now my enemies.

A place where they can do anything they want with me.

I’m stuck with a master manipulator and his antisocial brother.
With two men who only want one thing: to make me hurt.

Elliot and Ethan are not letting me go.

At least not until I’ve paid for my sins.

Delightful Sins is the third book in the North Shore Stories. It can be read as a standalone.
This book is a dark romance and contains scenes and subject matters some readers may find triggering. Please, read the content warning inside the book.


“Now give it to me.” He senses my confusion. I know he does because I feel his smile against my ear. “Consent. To play with you however I want. Even when you’re in states where you can’t fight back. Even when you’re sleeping. You wanted the deal, and it comes with all of that. So say it.”

Well now, hello Lola King and where have you been all my life? On a forever hunt of dark romance with morally gray characters, deranged and possessive anti heroes, and a chapter just for the trigger warnings, I stumbled on the blurb for this book. Instantly intrigued, this easily became my first read from Lola King and I can definitely assure you that now it will not be my last.

You want to scream his name?” he grunts. “You’ll be crying mine.”

This is a dark MFM romance with a fierce heroine and two highly deranged anti hero step brothers.

Two years ago, Jade ran from Silver Falls and The Kings, leaving behind her past and taking her secrets with her. Or so she thought. Because two years later, the two men she thought she left in her rearview are back to collect, and they’ll take her penance in her body, degradation, and possession.

Elliot Pearson scares me. Because he has eyes that resemble an angel and reflect the needs of the devil. Because his hair is the same color as the sun, but what’s inside his head is darker than the night.

Now admittedly, because I haven’t yet read the first 2 books in this series, it took me a minute to wrap my head around all the secondary characters and the intricacies of the two gangs; Kings and North Shore Crew. Each character was more deranged and unhinged than the next and I was instantly hooked. There is nothing better than a well written, unhinged anti hero, and Lola King has a winning formula in this book. Elliot and Ethan were on another level.

My beautiful Ethan. Life never loved him, so he loves nothing in return.

Jade is no innocent. This is a woman who had to fight all her life. She gives as good as she takes, and boy is she forced to take it. When you run from a gang who thinks you stole something of theirs, there is no where to hide. Jade is not above using her body to survive, and there was something so endearing about her mix of vulnerability with fierce survivor. Once she loved Ethan and Elliot and they shattered her. Now they’ve dragged her back and give her a choice; their protection for her body and consent.

I’m sorry my love is selfish and destructive, but it’s real. You can hardly blame a man for his obsession when his obsession is you.”

This was a dark and gritty page turner full of suspense and multilayered characters. At times the kinks between them were almost too much, but it fit the story. Having said that, I did feel that the story could have been a bit shorter and still lost nothing in the process so it took me a bit longer to read. However, it was also all encompassing snd highly addictive. I’ll now be going back to read Lola’s entire backlist and most definitely the first two books in this series.

Review: Lawless by Tracy Lorraine

Harrow Creek Hawks #3
Genre: Why ChooseDark, Captive Romance
Author: Tracy Lorraine
Release Date:
November 16, 2023

An all-new and addictive dark, why-choose, captive romance from the USA Today & Wall Street Journal bestselling author, Tracy Lorraine.

I found peace in the last place I expected, but it was a mirage built on lies and unfulfilled promises.

I thought we somehow managed to find a way to co-exist in their little lair, but as usual I was wrong.

The second I felt settled, a corrupt Hawk turns up and flips everything I’ve come to know—and dare to trust— on its head.

Without a choice, I’m dragged out into the night by the man I vowed to obey— Maverick Murray.

Taken away from the protection of the man I loved to hate— Reid Harris.

Torn from the arms of the man who’s been my savior throughout this whole ordeal— Julian Dempsey.

They all had their reasons for needing me alive, but it was JD, the loyal best friend to the ruthless leader who taught me all about playing with fire.

The cocky playboy who likes to think himself a joker.

Just one smile from him and everything seems easier.

One touch and the rest of the world falls away.

The last thing I want to do is hurt him.

But I can’t forget that he’s a part of all this.

JD hurt me, even if it was with pleasure.

I never made a secret of where my loyalties lie.

And I have no choice but to leave him and Reid behind, as I clutch my husband’s hand, trusting that he knows best.

But what’s best for me, is the worst thing for JD. Because without me… his darkness just might pull him under.

Dear Reader,
Lawless is book
three of four in the Harrow Creek Hawks series. It is a dark why-choose romance, meaning our leading lady has several love interests and never has to choose to find her HEA. These three a-hole alphas are certainly no heroes; their morals are questionable at best. If you’re looking for a good guy, then you’re in the wrong place. Enter at your own discretion.


Three dangerously possessive men and one unbreakable woman.

Well then. Here I am, eating my words from my review of book two. Clearly I should have known that Tracy was lulling us into a false sense of security to then have the impact of book three land like a two by four to the head. WOWZA. My mind is still reeling.

After two very long books of edging the reader with everything that is Reid Harris, we finally, FINALLY, get the full impact of him here. And I am OBSESSED. When it comes to Why Choose romance, I will always have a favorite. But for the life of me, I couldn’t pick one here because I’m equally obsessed with all three of these guys. Maverick and his unwavering love and fierce protectiveness, my broken boy JD, and the dangerously alluring and mysterious Reid. I cannot get enough of these men. And with each new layer that Tracy peels back for these characters, the more obsessed I become.

Alana is just as amazing as she always was. She loves fiercely and doesn’t shy away from taking and demanding what she wants. This woman is a survivor through and through. She didn’t let her dark past dictate who she is and she embraced her broken pieces. This installment peeled back another layer of her past and brought the 4 closer to answers. But then everything gets turned on it’s head and left me sitting at the edge of my seat, biting my cuticles to nothing, as I waited for the other shoe to drop. And just when I thought we get s lull, bam! Cliffhanger. I’m not sure I’ll survive the wait for book 4 at this rate. I really won’t. But I may just have to re-read this one to tide me over.

If you’re looking for a sizzling RH with amazing, multi-layered characters, and plenty of darkness, grit, and suspense, look no further!

Review: Princes of Ash by Angel Lawson & Samantha Rue

: Royals of Forsyth University #8
Genre: Dark Romance
Author: Angel Lawson & Samantha Rue
Release Date: November 10,  2023

“To create is to reign.”

The phrase uttered by the Princes of Forsyth is no longer a motto, but a harsh truth: I’m carrying the East End heir.

My pregnancy announcement wasn’t the only bomb dropped at the Princes’ annual Valentine’s Day party. I’d revealed to the entire world that Rufus Ashby is an abusive man who rules his sons with a sadistic bent, terrorizing them into becoming the best soldiers a father can create.

Turns out, I’m not the only one fighting for survival in this house of horrors.

Whitaker – He’s beautiful and broken, and though my betrayal of him may be my biggest regret, he makes it difficult to feel guilty.

Pace – The same paranoia which makes him viciously cling to the things he loves also drives him to lock them away.

Lex – His brilliance is matched only by his loyalty, but there’s two sides to the man who wanders into my room at night.

It’s not just the Palace that’s haunted by evil men; it’s the very soil the structure is built on. I’ll soon come to find the traumatic bonds that link my Princes to one another are more than mere shackles.

If I want the Monarchs to succeed, if I want this baby to have a chance, if I want to survive…

I have no choice but to break the ties of the Ashby brothers the same way I destroy the Palace.

Brick by brick.

Princes of Ash is book 8 in the contemporary, dark, reverse harem, traumatic romance, Royals of Forsyth U series by best-selling authors, Angel Lawson and Samantha Rue. Please read the foreword for all content warnings and details.


“This must be why men have testicles. They need somewhere to store all the fucking audacity.”

The absolute chokehold that this series has on me. GOD. Every single time I think to myself that it can’t possibly get better, these two authors go and release the next one and I am putty. PUTTEH. I thought I loved book one in this trilogy, but this one simply blew me away.

How these authors can continue to create some of the most unhinged, dark, and borderline irredeemable characters and then turn around and make you fall head over ovaries for them is beyond me. But here we are again. Because while I thought I loved the Lords and the Dukes, the Princes are EVERYTHING. When I hated them with a passion in the first book, this one humanized them. It gave a much needed peek into their humanity and vulnerability. We get to see them come back from hating Verity for her betrayal and their unwilling and inevitable fall for her.

Verity, like all of the royal women, is a fighter. This woman goes through hell for her goals, and doesn’t back down. I loved every single page of this book and devoured it in one binge read. Luckily, the authors took pity on us with a slightly more tolerable cliffhanger that doesn’t make the wait for the next book as painful. But GAH. I’m so obsessed.

Review: Dreadful by Greer Rivers

Series: Tattered Curtains #3
Author: Greer Rivers
Genre: Dark Romance
Release Date: October 19, 2023

? ????, ??????, ???????? ????????? ?? ??????? ???? ???? ? ?????? ????? ??? ? ????? ???? ?????.

????? ??????? ?? ?????… ????? ???? ?? ????????.

Fifteen years ago, a girl sacrificed her life for mine. I’ve wanted only justice ever since.

Then Talia entered the stage.

I’m the barber’s son. The Don’s nephew.
A prince without a throne and only revenge to fuel me.

She’s the bakers’ granddaughter. Sweet Tallie.
Their ?????. My ??????.

My desires have always stopped at vengeance. She’s made me want more. But my vendetta will destroy everything in my path, and I won’t risk bringing her into my world.

I never suspected she’d snake her way in on her own.

I craved a bite of her sugar and spice, but my little ?????? is fangs and venom.
Now all I want is to be bitten.

???????? ?? ? ????, ??????? ????? ????????? ?? ??????? ????, ??????, ??? ??????, ??? ?? ??????-??? ?????? ??? ? ???????? ?????????? ?? ??? ???????? ??????? ??????. ?????????? ???. ???? ????? ???? ???? ???????? ?? ?????? ????? ??? ??????’? ??????? ??? ??.


I’m the heroine in my story and the villain in everyone else’s.

Ummm, exsqueeze me, but where have I been? Clearly sleeping on the brilliance that is Greer Rivers obviously. Because this book? Total binge read.

I saw a few book friends reading this and the cover peaked my interest. Then I read the blurb and thought Medusa and Sweeny Todd? What an interesting mix. Then I grabbed it on KU, read the first page, and was instantly hooked! I am a SUCKER for a good revenge plot. And when you have a fierce FMC with a hit list? I am SO on it.

This is a dark mafia romance with two characters that I became OBSESSED with. We have Severino, a Don’s nephew who survived hell. But the only reason he’s alive is because a little girl paid with hers 15 years ago. And now he will stop at nothing by seeking revenge on those responsible.

Talia is hiding in plain sight. With a hit list of her own, she’s systematically making her way through that list with bloody precision. And she will not stop until everyone responsible for her past pay. Then Sever walks into her bakery. He has no idea who she is, but she does, yet not in the way you think. Look, I know I’m being vague, but trust me here. You want to know as little as possible here.

This gave me a touch of Mind*ck vibes, which I have been desperately seeking for MONTHS. But in its own very VERY unique ways. The pacing, the romance, the suspense, all of it was deliciously perfect. I binge read the first 85% of this book. I couldn’t get enough of it. I was desperately turning the pages just waiting for that other shoe to drop. AND OMG when it did! SO GOOD.

The ending was satisfying, but for some reason felt a bit fluffy. Don’t judge me. I’ve read some dark shit, okay? But all in all, this was an absolutely addictive dark mafia romance that I devoured in one sitting and will immediately be binging on Greer’s entire backlist, spank you very much.

Review: Twisted Obsession by S. Massery

Author: S. Massery
Genre: Dark, Hockey Romance
Release Date: October 25, 2023

My name is Melody Cameron…
Or so I’ve been told.

When I wake up in the hospital with no memories, I’m shipped off to Denver to live with a distant cousin who knows nothing about me.
If family can’t help me remember my past, who will?

I don’t expect it to be a gorgeous hockey player ten years younger than me. He knows things about me he has no right to know.

Yet, he still keeps secrets.
He makes me work for every answer while he unlocks my desire—and fear.

Still. I’m blind. Naive.

And when his twisted obsession becomes apparent, it’s too late. For both of us.


Once caught, she’s never escaping me.

Every time I think S Massery has written her most unhinged hero yet, she goes and proves me wrong. And Jacob Rhodes? This man is on a whole other level.

Somnophilia? Check.
Degradation kink? Check.
Crazy possessiveness? Check, check AND CHECK
Reverse age gap? Check

Now if you haven’t yet read the prequel, Twisted Obsession Prequel: Meeting Melody, it’s an absolute must read prior to diving into this book. The prequel is what really lays down the foundation of the relationship between Jacob and Melody. Well, if you can call their twisted union a relationship anyhow. Considering that Jacob is a student and she’s a professor and he goes after her with singleminded intent.

Now the absolute mind f*ck that this book was, and pun most definitely intended, is insane. Jacob hasn’t seen Melody since she up and disappeared without a trace back in college. Now he’s surprised to see her in the audience of the NFL game he’s playing in. What he expects even less is that she has no recollection of who he is, or her life before.

Melody work up in the hospital after with no memory of who she is or was. All she knows is that her traumatic injuries show signs of attempted murder but she has no idea who would even do that. When a handsome NFL stranger offers an insight to her prior life, she grasps it with both hands. But the man isn’t all he seems.

Oh what a twisted tale this was. The mystery of what happened to Melody is a dark webbing that wraps itself around everything else. And while I can usually see the plot twist coming, this one took me completely by surprise. Like jaw on the floor shocking. Jacob is twisted and toxic in all the best ways. If morally gray is your favorite, you’ll love him. I know I did. This man is all kinds of deranged. SO if you’re expecting a Prince Charming, this isn’t the book for you.

But if you want a morally gray man who is wholly obsessed with his woman beyond all reason and will do anything and everything to keep her, then prepare yourself to be obsessed.

And that preview into Knox’s story?

I need that book so bad I can actually taste it.

S. Massery is a dark romance author who loves injecting a good dose of suspense into her stories. She lives in Western Massachusetts with her dog, Alice.

Before adventuring into the world of writing, she went to college in Boston and held a wide variety of jobs–including working on a dude ranch in Wyoming (a personal highlight). She has a love affair with coffee and chocolate. When S. Massery isn’t writing, she can be found devouring books, playing outside with her dog, or trying to make people smile.

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Review: Relentless by Tracy Lorraine

Harrow Creek Hawks #2
Genre: Dark, Captive Romance
Author: Tracy Lorraine
Release Date:
October 12, 2023

An all-new and addictive dark, why-choose, captive romance from the USA Today & Wall Street Journal bestselling author, Tracy Lorraine.
He came to save me… but what he finds could destroy him.

I might have accomplished the impossible and walked back up those stairs.

But I wasn’t naïve. Freedom didn’t await.

Only more locked doors and nightmares.

My captivity means nothing now.

My hope is locked up in despair.

Because just like he promised, Mav came for me.

No one breaks into the Devil’s manor… and lives to tell the tale.

But since I’ve been here, I’ve learned a few things.

For the first time in my life, I’m the one with the power.

And I will do whatever it takes to protect my husband.

But things are different now.

They say the truth is meant to set you free, but that’s the last thing I want.

Because the truth is… the only man I’ve ever loved just might hate me as much as I hate myself for what I’ve been doing.

Who I’ve been working for.

I may have given my body to others, but my heart will only ever belong to Mav.

But will he want me when the rest of me is tarnished?

When he discovers that I’ve sold my soul to the devil, and reaped the benefits from his best friend?

Dear Reader,
Relentless is book two of four in the Harrow Creek Hawks series. It is a dark why-choose romance, meaning our leading lady has several love interests and never has to choose to find her HEA. These three a-hole alphas are certainly no heroes; their morals are questionable at best. If you’re looking for a good guy, then you’re in the wrong place. Enter at your own discretion.


He is one of—if not—the most dangerous men in this town and here I am getting turned on being completely at his mercy.

The level of obsession I have with this series is probably unhealthy and toxic. Am I sorry? Not even a little!

She’s ours. All fucking ours.

After the jaw dropping cliffhanger in book one, I was desperate to get my hands on this book. DESPERATE. Relentless starts off immediately where Merciless left off but with a few plot twists thrown in.

The first half of this book, I binged. I was desperate for answers. I also swore on all things holy that if we get more edging with Reid and Alana, I may chuck my kindle at the wall. And well, RIP, kindle. You’ve had a good life. But I digress.

The second installment of the series was a bit more slower paced than book one, which I devoured. There isn’t much that happens with the story outside of the development of the inner workings of the relationship between Alana, JD, Reid, and Mav. Mav and Alana discover that Reid isn’t the enemy they thought he was. But outside of the developing sexual relationship with Mav and Alana, and the further development of JD and Alana, along with hints of Reid’s attraction to Alana, not much else happens. Now don’t get me wrong, it was still entertaining. But I just didn’t devour it like I did book one. Also considering the build up, I anticipated a slightly more painful cliffy. But I can’t complain since the wait for book three is painful enough as it is.

I will say that if Alana and Reid don’t bump uglies in book three, I’m going on strike. Call my union rep, because this is torture! TORTURE. But I digress again.

I enjoyed this one, and while it may not have been as much as book one, it was still entertaining and deliciously depraved. Can’t wait for the next book!

Review: The Penitent by Natasha Knight & A Zavarelli

Series: The Sacrifice Duet #2
Genre: Dark Romance/Secret Society
Author: Natasha Knight & A Zavarelli
Release Date:
October 2, 2023

A cruel fate. Two souls condemned. An impossible love.

I knew he’d choose me before he came to our door on the night of the Tithing. I bore the mark that would make me his.

It was my ancestor who spoke the words that bound us together, and his demon-god who promised protection for the price of blood.

My blood.

I was prepared to be that sacrifice if it would keep my family safe.

Loving Azrael? The thought never crossed my mind. He was and would forever be my enemy.

He’s not the only monster coming for me, though, and somehow, it’s in Azrael’s arms I feel the safest.

But I need to be careful with him. I need to guard my heart because if I don’t, he is sure to destroy me.


The Penitent will only be available on these platforms with pre-order until 10/04 and then will be moved to KU on 10/05


The Sacrifice will be made. Blood will be shed.

The much anticipated conclusion to The Sacrifice duet is here and it did not disappoint.

Now this is a bit of a different vibe than I’m used to from these authors, but I’m not mad at it. This had a somewhat spooky, almost gothic romance vibe to it. It’s a little dark, a little mysterious, and entirely addictive. So much so that I read it in one sitting.

The Penitent starts immediately where The Tithing left off and it was as brutal as I thought it would be. The hell that Willow survives was heartbreaking. But watching Azrael race to her rescue and then loving her through the aftermath was amazing.

Admittedly, this just didn’t have the IVI vibe that I was expecting. Really, there’s very little society here. But again, I’m not mad at it. This was a more ancient curse, witchy vibe. The mystery of the curse really unveils itself here and I was on pins and needles until the final page. The epilogue was the perfect icing on the cake and I’m really hoping we get a book for Emmanuel and Raven next.

About A. Zavarelli:

A. Zavarelli is a USA Today and Amazon bestselling author of dark and contemporary romance.

When she’s not putting her characters through hell, she can usually be found watching bizarre and twisted documentaries in the name of research.

She currently lives in the Northwest with her lumberjack and an entire brood of fur babies.

Connect w/A. Zavarelli: 

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About Natasha Knight:

Natasha Knight is the USA Today Bestselling author of Romantic Suspense and Dark Romance Novels. She has sold over half a million books and is translated into six languages. She currently lives in The Netherlands with her husband and two daughters and when she’s not writing, she’s walking in the woods listening to a book, sitting in a corner reading or off exploring the world as often as she can get away.

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Review: Merciless by Tracy Lorraine

Harrow Creek Hawks #1
Genre: Dark, Captive Romance
Author: Tracy Lorraine
Release Date:
September 28, 2023

An all-new and addictive dark, why-choose, captive romance from the USA Today & Wall Street Journal bestselling author, Tracy Lorraine.

All my life I’ve been a prisoner.

Locked away by men who think they hold all the power.

First my father.

And now him.

The devil himself.

Reid Harris.

Even my husband can’t save me from the most infamous man in Harrow Creek and his loyal best friend.

I’m tangled up in their twisted games.

One woman.

Three dangerous men.

They expect me to cower.

To beg and plead for mercy.

But Reid’s about to discover that not everyone bends to his will.

Because I don’t care who he is or what he does, I will not break.

Not for any man.

And certainly not for him.

Dear Reader,
Merciless is book
one of four in the Harrow Creek Hawks series. It is a dark why-choose romance, meaning our leading lady has several love interests and never has to choose to find her HEA. These three a-hole alphas are certainly no heroes; their morals are questionable at best. If you’re looking for a good guy, then you’re in the wrong place. Enter at your own discretion.


The need to break her is all-consuming. She doesn’t think I’ll manage it. She thinks that she’s stronger than me, smarter than me. She’s wrong.


Where has this author been all my life and what rock have I been living under that I’m only now reading her? I am shooketh! SHOOKETH! Because when I tell you this book owned me for the entire day I took to binge it, I mean it owned me. And when I say I binged, I mean read in a sitting. And this book is thick. Like THICK thick. So that’s saying something, mkay. Holy sheet but I’m obsessed.

When I saw dark captive romance, I was immediately hooked. I was, however, not prepared for the way this story would hook me. Now I’m a picky beech when it comes to dark romance because more often then not I find it mostly gratuitous shock value under the guise of dark romance. This was not that. This was incredibly written, with multilayered and deeply complex characters, and a story that grips you by the throat from page one.

Alana has survived hell. The girl is a survivor, even if she did escape one prison for another. Tracy Lorraine keeps you on the edge of your seat with the way she reveals details crumble by small crumble. This is also clearly tied to Maddison Kings University which I haven’t read yet but will definitely be doing so now.

This is a why chose romance with enemies to lovers vibes since the two men that Alana finds herself in the crosshairs of are her husband’s enemies. But just as her marriages isn’t what it seems, neither is Alana.

This book was as much Reid’s as it was JD’s. We also get a few snippets in Maverick’s POV. All of it guaranteeing that you get equally enthralled by each character. Considering the length of this book, you wouldn’t think it would feel stretched out. But when I tell you that I binge read it like a crack addict, I mean it was one quick paced read.

The story is deliciously dark with so many layers that answers one question while bringing 5 more to the surface. I love a fierce heroine and Alana is definitely that. She may be damaged but she’s not broken. Reid is obviously going to be my favorite with his dark and broody vibes along with his cold aloofness. JD is impossible not to love. And Maverick and his obsessive protector vibes reeled me right in too.

When I tell you I’m obsessed, I mean I am OBSESSED. Like I don’t even know what to do with myself until the next book comes out. So if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to rock myself in a dark corner with a bottle of wine until October 12, spank you very much.

Review: The Tithing by Natasha Knight & A Zavarelli

Series: The Sacrifice Duet #1
Genre: Dark Romance/Secret Society
Author: Natasha Knight & A Zavarelli
Release Date:
September 18, 2023

An ancient curse. Two families bound. A forbidden love.

When the Wildbloods presented their daughters to me on the night of the Tithing, they knew what was to come for the chosen girl.

The crescent moon that marked Willow made her mine. I had no choice but to take her.

Destiny determined our fates long before we were born, laying our roles out for us.

A Sacrifice would be made. A Tithe paid. Only then would our families be free, at least until the next payment came due.

I would have done my duty as Penitent. I tried.

But no one counted on the lion falling in love with the lamb.

And loving Willow could cost me everything.


The Tithing will only be available on these platforms until 9/20 and then will be moved to KU on 9/21


He’s a beautiful terror, this man. It’s undeniable at the moment. I hate him, but even I can admit this is a sight to behold.

What a ride this book was. Admittedly, it took me a hot second to get into. It had a very spooky, gothic feel to it, which I wasn’t prepared for but enjoyed immensely. But because of that, it did take me about 15% to get into the story. But once I did? I was completely incapable of putting it down for even a second.

If you’ve read the rest of the IVI series, this one had a significantly different feel to it. Yes. it has all the dark secret society vibes, but it was also more. The Wildbloods and the Delacroix have a history that spans centuries. It’s a history riddled in pain and sacrifice and a history that’s led to a sacrifice bound by an ancient curse. That curse is what leads Willow to be the next Tithing. To agree to an arranged marriage with a man who she only knows will bring her nothing but pain. Her witch ancestor set a curse in motion that has led to unimaginable sacrifices by their blood lines.

Azrael has no love lost to his family name or his cold hearted grandmother. But to protect his siblings, he’ll do what needs to be done and marry the Wildblood. What he doesn’t foresee it to be so thoroughly drawn into her orbit and fall under her spell. Willow may be young and innocent, but she’s no pushover. And the more she pushes Azrael, the more he needs to push back. And the push and pull between them was utterly delicious.

Of course the cliffhanger is painfully jaw dropping but luckily there’s not a long wait for book two. So I’ll just be slowly rocking myself in a corner until it releases, thank you very much.

About A. Zavarelli:

A. Zavarelli is a USA Today and Amazon bestselling author of dark and contemporary romance.

When she’s not putting her characters through hell, she can usually be found watching bizarre and twisted documentaries in the name of research.

She currently lives in the Northwest with her lumberjack and an entire brood of fur babies.

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About Natasha Knight:

Natasha Knight is the USA Today Bestselling author of Romantic Suspense and Dark Romance Novels. She has sold over half a million books and is translated into six languages. She currently lives in The Netherlands with her husband and two daughters and when she’s not writing, she’s walking in the woods listening to a book, sitting in a corner reading or off exploring the world as often as she can get away.

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