Review: Chained Hands by T.L. Smith

Series: Chained Hearts Duet #1
Genre: Dark Romance
Author: TL Smith
Release Date: October 5, 2021



My husband sold me.
Not only did he sell me, but he told me he loved me while doing the deal.
What lies he tells.
Only fools believe him.
Unfortunately, one of those fools was…
.. me.


Not in the habit of buying women.
I didn’t need to.
I was a king of my realm, the devil you whispered about in your sleep.
So when his debt fell due, he sold me his wife.
And I was happy because I wanted to play with her like any fool would.
And play with her, I did.
Pity, in the end, I would have to kill her.




Truth be told, I struggled with my rating on this one. On the one hand, this book is a hot mess. On the other hand, I read it in one sitting. I’m seriously bummed, because that blurb and cover were utterly delicious.

Let’s start with the good. I loved the plot. Our heroine is a previous bad girl who married and lost herself. She became a bit of a doormat to her philandering husband and struggles with this new Sailor. Her douche of a husband takes her to a party, only to sell her as a debt to a ruthless mafia leader who shoots first and asks questions later. Suddenly Sailor finds her lady balls and becomes the sassy, fiery, bad girl that she was.

This is also where the book goes wrong for me. First, there was the writing style. There was no character development and it was extremely repetitive. If I had to read about how Keir plans to kill Sailor and everyone else one more time… Descriptions were reused frequently. Aside from repeating ad nauseam how ruthless and trigger happy Keir is, there’s little to no development for him. The “romance” comes out of no where, much like Sailor’s sudden personality change. And the dialogue was incredibly juvenile. These were grown adults who spoke like teenagers.

There were also Gossip Girl-like choppy bits of gossip/blog articles on Keir, which were weird AF and felt so incredibly out of place in a dark romance of this nature. I also felt there was really no need for this to have been a duet, because there were chapters that did nothing for the story that felt like filler.

Unfortunately, as much as I wanted to love this, I didn’t. But clearly I’m in the minority, so take my thoughts with a grain of salt. I’m a picky ass, clearly. *shrugs* But this now being the third book I’ve tried for this author, I think I can safely say her writing style just doesn’t work for me. Bummer, but it is what it is.

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