Review: Lost In You by @authorlexiblake

Series: Masters & Mercenaries: The Forgotten #3
Genre: Romantic Suspense, BDSM
Author: Lexi Blake
Release Date: August 6, 2019

Robert McClellan was forced to serve as a soldier in a war he didn’t understand. Liberated by McKay-Taggart, he struggles every day to reclaim the life he lost and do right by the men he calls his brothers, The Lost Boys. Only one thing is more important – Ariel Adisa. The gorgeous psychologist has plagued his dreams since the day they met. Even as their mission pushes him to his limits, he can’t stop thinking about taking his shot at finding a life beyond all this with her.

Ariel Adisa is a force to be reckoned with. Her performance in Toronto proved she’s more than just a brilliant mind, but Robert still acts as if she is a wilting flower who needs his protection. Joining him on the mission to Munich should be the perfect opportunity to test their skills and cement their relationship. She and Robert are an excellent match. But when a stunning secret from Robert’s past is revealed, their world is turned upside down and nothing will ever be the same again.

While they chase dark secrets across Europe, Robert and Ariel realize that the only thing worse than not knowing who you are could be discovering who you used to be…


I don’t know about your other patients. I’m sure many fall in love with you because you’re an angel, but I want to bring out the devil in you. I want the dirty, nasty Ariel who will rock my world not with the power of her mind—but with every drop of the sexuality I intend to bring out in you

That shocked reader there, the one currently picking her jaw off of the floor? No, not that one. The OTHER one. Yes, the one that’s currently stalking Lexi Blake for any breadcrumbs from the next book. No, not that one! The other one! The one that’s currently rocking in the corner while slobbering something incoherent that sounds like ‘I need the next book’. Yes. Yes, that one. The pathetic looking one that’s clutching her kindle to her chest. Yep. That’s me! And don’t you judge me either! Because this book blew me away! AWAY I tells ya!

This was, hands down, bar none, my absolute favorite book in the series so far. And yes, I know I also said that about the last book. So that’s saying something, mkay? So. Freaking. Good.

Robert and Ari have been desperate for each other for years. Ever since Robert was first rescued from the clutches of the evil Dr. McDonald. But he knew his violent urges and inability to control the darkness in his mind made him dangerous to the beautiful psychologist. But Ari is so much more than she seems.

I’ll tell you guys, that I was afraid I was going to be bored considering there’s such a substantial connection that’s already established with this couple through the first two books. And the fact that they get together quite quickly made me nervous. I’m a reader that likes my angst and enjoys that delicious burn of anticipation for the couple to finally get together. But of course Lexi Blake made me eat my words. Because the romance was phenomenal!

There’s so much that’s happening as the team continues to try and unearth the secrets of their pasts and prevent Levi Green from getting his hands on the mind erasing drug that took their past lives away from them. Lost In You was non stop action with so many twists and turns, it will leave your head reeling.

In the midst of all that high octane action, you also get more details about Solo and Ezra, which left me damn near rabid for their book. Think Ian and Charlotte times ten! YES. It’s that good. Then there’s the development behind Tucker’s past and who really is Dr. Razor. And boy oh boy, let me just tell you, it’s delicious!!! I’m practically dying for that book.

Ari and Robert together were incendiary. Their connection is so strong, but with the secrets that Ari is keeping and the hidden truth of Robert’s past still standing between them, it’s not an easy road for them. I devoured this book, y’all! Like downright devoured. I couldn’t put it down for even a second. There’s so much that happens. Secrets unearthed. Truth revealed. Twists thrown in. It was totally and completely unputdownable. I’m utterly rabid for the next book!!!

Review: I Will Not Beg by Cherise Sinclair

Series: Mountain Masters & Dark Haven #9
Genre: BDSM, Contemporary Romance
Author: Cherise Sinclair
Release Date: June 25, 2019

She signed away her freedom…

Starved for affection, young Piper Delaney surrenders her life to a Master. But there is no love—only abuse. She’s told she can’t leave; she signed the slave contract. Years later, beaten and starving, she hears an English Dom say the contract’s illegal. Unenforceable. And she runs.

She reclaims her life and rises above the nightmare that was her past.

But her enslavement left scars. She longs for love, but the only men who truly attract her also terrify her–Dominants. Hoping to conquer her fears, she visits Dark Haven, but the sounds of the club are too much.

When a submissive panics, Sir Ethan steps in.

The powerful English Dom recognizes the shivering submissive in his lap. Years before, he’d corrected her Master’s deceit about a contract. She’s come a long way since then. Cynical at being pursued for his wealth, he finds Piper’s honesty compelling. She’s intelligent, brave…and she needs him. What Dom could resist?

He’s the Dom she’d dreamed about—perceptive, firm, and utterly self-confident.

His voice pulls her from panic attacks. His arms enclose her in safety. He treats her like a person, not something to mistreat. As he helps Piper overcome her fears, she starts to fall in love.

Then her past finds her and destroys…everything.


As he straightened, she stared at him…and felt barriers dropping. Leaving her open. Defenseless. Oh, she was in so much trouble.

No one can write an emotional powerhouse of a BDSM romance quite like Cherise Sinclair. When it comes to her books, I don’t even bother reading the blurb. I HAVE to have them. Period. This woman has written some of my favorite Doms I’ve ever written. Though, deVries forever holds my heart in the number one spot. *Happy sigh*

I Will Not Beg finally brings us the story of Sir Ethan, and boy was it an emotional doozy. Sinclair sure knows how to write some damaged characters. But she also knows how to make them powerful in their own right. And that’s exactly what she did with Piper. This is a heroine that’s desperate for love, but is terrified of seeking it out in a place she needs most.

After being brutalized in what she thought was a D/s relationship, Piper is still recovering. She’s terrified of Doms because the only reference she has is the cruel sadist that broke her. She’s trying to move on as much as she can, but the emotional scars of her past are almost as painfully obvious as her physical ones.

Sir Ethan is everything that Piper needs and everything that she’s terrified of. He’s patient, understanding, sweet, and undeniably Dominant. At first their contract is strictly for her healing, but it doesn’t take Piper long to discover just how much she’s still capable of love in the hands of the right man. And just how right, Sir Ethan’s hands can be.

This was an emotionally charged, character driven story. You spend a lot of time in the heads of Ethan and Piper. Both of them are damaged in their own right, though one more than the other. The amount of healing that they bring to each other is almost beautiful to experience. You see how they pick each other piece by piece by giving the other what they need; Piper’s trust and submission and Ethan’s patience and sensuality.

You experience Piper’s emotional healing journey, and watch her go from a victim to a survivor with a spine of steel. I loved that she grew into a woman that really learned to save herself. And I especially loved how Ethan was with her. The man is undoubtably dominant, yet he’s so incredibly sweet. He has an intensity to him, but there’s also this kind heart and never ending patience. I loved this combination.

There’s plenty of cameos from my favorite characters (*cough* deVries *cough*). I especially loved getting more of Dixon and Stan and getting a peek into their heads even if it was only for a little bit.

As always, Sinclair delivered an emotionally charged and sizzling BDSM romance that was satisfying from beginning to end.

Review: Lost And Found by @authorlexiblake

Series: Masters & Mercenaries: The Forgotten #2
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Author: Lexi Blake
Release Date: February 26, 2018

Owen Shaw and his “brothers” lost everything, their entire existence erased. Science had robbed he and all the Lost Boys of their memories and their past, but not their future. Hunted by every intelligence agency in the world, they are focused on two goals: find a cure for what was done to them and ensure that the technology that ruined their lives doesn’t get out into the world. Rebecca Walsh might be the key to achieving both. Owen has been studying her closely, living in her building, and he cannot resolve how such a beautiful, giving woman could have helped design the evil process that destroyed his past.

Dr. Rebecca Walsh has dedicated her life to researching the secrets of the mind. Her atmospheric rise in her field was fueled by the horror of watching her mother’s agonizing journey into madness at the hands of a disease with no cure. She vowed to never rest until she finds it. But obsession takes a heavy toll, and when Owen moves into her building she realizes how much of her life she has missed out on. Owen opens her eyes to a whole new world, filled with joy, laughter, and possibly love.

Owen and Rebecca grow closer, unraveling more about each other and the mysteries surrounding her connection to Hope McDonald. As the sinister forces working against the Lost Boys descend on Toronto, secrets long buried are uncovered that could shatter the bonds holding the Lost Boys together and cost Rebecca her life.


Somehow this woman had invaded his soul and taken up all the empty spaces. 

The mistress of sexy espionage strikes again! Lost and Found was one deliciously action-packed ride that was full of twists and turns and brimming with passion!

I’ve been looking forward to Owen’s book for a long time. Owen has been a character that I’ve been curious about ever since Submission is Not Enough. A man that was dealt with an impossible choice; save his mother and sister by betraying his team. Unfortunately not only does he betray his team, he loses his family anyway, right along with his memory. Now driven by the need to right the wrongs that he can’t remember, Owen is determined to do anything his team needs to get the job done. This is a hero that’s impossible not to fall for. There’s something so vulnerable and raw about him. How do you recover from making a choice that leads to the ultimate betrayal but not remember what led you there?

Rebecca is a brilliant doctor and researcher. She’s dedicated her life to finding the cure to degenerative neurological diseases and their effect on memory. With the possibility of a connection to the evil Dr. McDonald, she also may hold the key to many of the answers that Ezra and his team are desperately seeking.

I’ll admit, at first I was afraid I wouldn’t like Rebecca. I thought she may be the stereotypical brainiac that’s shy, introverted, and awkward. Yes, I know, apparently I can be judgy. But she was none of those things. Yes, she was adorably quirky, but not in the way you’d expect. This is a woman that’s trying to get herself out there after a bitter divorce. She’s eager to experience everything life has to offer and say yes to things one small experience at a time.

She’s supposed to be just a mission to Owen, but the minute that he comes face to face with the beautiful doctor, the chemistry between them is instant. He and his team have subtly inserted themselves in her life and her building. Owen refuses to believe the lively woman could have knowingly made the drug that cost them all their memories. But nothing is ever what it seems in the word of Lexi Blake.

I devoured this book, y’all! I couldn’t stop turning the pages. I was at the edge of my seat, waiting for the other shoe to drop. And as Owen and Rebecca grew closer, I was anxiously waiting for the time that she’d realize that Owen is not at all who he seems to be. I loved the two of them together and the way they seemed to bring out a certain strength in the other. They were both such multilayered characters that held so much depth. I couldn’t get enough of them together.

The plot certainly begins to thicken with more revelations of Tucker’s connection to Dr. McDonald, Green’s ultimate plan, and other tidbits of the lost boys. I loved getting more Ari and Robert, and can’t wait for their book next. But I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t foaming at the mouth for both Tucker and Ezra’s books. As more details unravel about “Dr. Razor”, my fascination with him is turning dang near rabid.

Lost and Found was everything I’ve come to love about Lexi’s books. The woman knows how to draw the reader in, hook them and keep them riveted to the pages. She effortlessly combines espionage with action, suspense, and just a touch of BDSM to make you addicted to the series. I never thought I’d say that I love a spin-off series more than my beloved Masters and Mercenaries series, but here we are!

Review: Defiance by Cherise Sinclair

Series: Masters of the Shadowlands
Genre: BDSM, Romantic Suspense
Author: Cherise Sinclair
Release Date: December 4, 2018

Z’s day begins with sadness
A phone call from a dying friend leaves psychologist Zachary Grayson determined to fulfill the old survivalist’s request–a send-off that will comfort his grieving sons.

And then turns deadly
The death threat is only the beginning…because the letter isn’t a hoax. Z walks out of his office into a barrage of bullets. He can take being shot at, but when the second shot splinters the empty child-seat in his car, he’s shaken to the core. The horror of what would have happened if his little girl had been there spurs him to action.

Master Z is a Dom, a husband, a father—every instinct drives him to protect those under his care. When the police can’t catch his stalker, he must take matters into his own hands.

He must keep danger far from those he loves.
Secrecy and distance is the key. The funeral in Alaska is the perfect location, especially since Z won’t be alone. The survivalist’s sons have grown into men with lethal skills. With their help, he can trap the shooter and keep his family safe.

As long as his impetuous and all-too-observant wife, Jessica, doesn’t discover he’s using himself as bait.


Mako had been a master of war, but he’d known love was the strongest force in the universe.

Defiance was essentially a transition novella that introduces four brand new characters that will launch a new series from the queen of BDSM. It really had the perfect combination of things; a visit to one of my favorite Shadowlands couples, Master Z and his kitten, a cameo by one of my favorite sadists, deVries, and a suspenseful plot that introduces 4 intriguing new characters in a brand new series. It doesn’t get any better than that!

When Master Z receives a call from a dear friend to let him know that he’s dying, he doesn’t expect that his death would be as sudden as a car accident. Then when a stalker threatens his life, an escape to the wilderness of Alaska for Mako’s funeral seems like a great opportunity to take the threat as far away from his beloved family as he can.

The story introduces the reader to Mako’s four foster sons; raised as survivalist and each with their own story of pain that hooks you immediately and reels you right in. With Gabe’s story being the first in the series, you get a much longer peek inside his head in this book. And I’m already chomping at the bit to get my hands on his story.

The novella was perfectly paced, with plenty of romance, action, and suspense. I loved getting another visit with Master Z and Jessica. I also couldn’t get enough of the four foster brothers. I can already tell that series is going to be amazing. Fans of Sinclair will not want to miss this book!

Review: Siren In Waiting by Lexi Blake

Series: Texas Sirens #5
Genre: Erotic Romance, Menage, MFM
Author: Lexi Blake
Release Date: September 4, 2018

Re-released in a second edition with new content.

Bethany “Mouse” Hobbes spent her entire life waiting, especially for the love of Bo O’Malley. But for the first time in her life, she is ready to start living, with or without him. She has found her dream, restoring a rustic farmhouse on the outskirts of town.

Trev McNamara left Deer Run a high school hero and has returned, his football career in ruins. When Trev meets Mouse, he discovers a passion strong enough to overcome his past. But can she accept his need for control?

Bo O’Malley has lived his whole life in the shadow of his brother, never committing to anything or anyone. When the woman he secretly loved all his life begins an affair with the man who betrayed his trust, Bo will do anything to claim her as his own.

Transformed by their love, will Mouse be enough woman for both of them?


This is it. You understand? This isn’t sex. This is the rest of my life. I won’t ever leave you. I won’t ever touch another woman.” 

I’m not usually a reader that enjoys super shy mousy heroines. So when you have a book in which the heroine’s nickname is “Mouse”, you give it some serious thought. Unless that book is written by Lexi Blake. Then you just dive in without batting an eyelash and be glad you did.

If you’re a fan of the unrequited love trope like me, you’re going to love this story! I became intrigued by Bo O’Malley in Siren Beloved. He comes across as the ne’er-do-well good time boy, but beneath the surface is the heart of a wounded man. And while we got bits and pieces of that in the previous book, it really becomes apparent here. Bo is a man of many layers. Bethany “Mouse” Hobbes has been in love with Bo since childhood but he’s only ever seen her as his best friend. She’s always been there for him in what’s at times seemed like a very one sided relationship. Mouse is very much the epitome of her nickname in the beginning of the book.

He was never serious about those women, but one day Bo O’Malley was going to fall in love, and it wouldn’t be with her. He considered her a friend, a sister. They had an odd relationship, and there was no way it would last. When he found a serious girlfriend, she would be out.

Trev was the true draw of this book for me though. He’s such a tortured and broken soul, yet there’s something so powerful about his presence. This is a man that almost lost everything to his addictions until he truly hit rock bottom. D/s was a part of his saving grace, but discovering he’s a Dom doesn’t cure him. He’s forever a slave to fighting his addiction. Trev has such a magnetic presence to him and the minute he’s back in the small town of Deer Run, it becomes clear that things are about to tilt on their axis. The town doesn’t want him and the gossip mill truly gets their fodder the second his sets his sights on Mouse.

Sometimes he was sure he was two utterly different people. There was the dumbass addict who didn’t care about anything beyond his next high, and the caveman who thought everything belonged to him. Those two sides of him fought constantly for control. He needed to make her understand.

I loved watching the budding relationship with him and Beth. And I truly loved watching Beth bloom into a woman she’s meant to be under his attentions. She’s sweet but fierce in her loyalty and love. She’s impossible not to love. This was a menage but an MFM. And while I love me my boy touching books, but I’ll admit that I really loved this change of pace. Their triage is unique yet no less powerful and loving. I loved watching all three of these characters grow into their own and find strength in each other.

Siren In Waiting was such a satisfying and sinfully sexy romance. With a dash of suspense thrown in, it was a guaranteed one-sitting sort of read that I loved from beginning to end.

New Release & Review: Siren Beloved by Lexi Blake

Series: Texas Sirens #4
Genre: Erotic Romance, Menage, MMF
Author: Lexi Blake
Release Date: July 17, 2018

Re-released in a second edition with new content.

Aidan O’Malley walked away from his fiancée, Lexi, and their best friend, Lucas, after a night of passion left him shaken to his core. When Aidan returns home from Iraq, he’s haunted by all he has lost. The enemy broke his body, destroying his dreams of a career in music. Worse still, he lost Lexi and Lucas. That damage he’d done all by himself. While he can’t restore what combat took from him, he’s determined to reclaim the two loves of his life.

Lucas Cameron is a changed man. After connecting with his brother, he found the discipline to get his life on track. His legal career is flourishing, but his love life is a train wreck. The woman he loves is spiraling out of control. After Aidan abandoned them, Lucas and Lexi clung together but no matter how hard he tries, Lucas can’t find a way to heal the wounds that Lexi carries.

Lexi Moore feels like a jigsaw puzzle with too many missing pieces. Losing Aidan was hard, but the true reason for her shattered spirit is a secret she only shares with her beloved Lucas. She knows she is drowning and the time has come to heal, but the holes in her heart hold her back from moving on. Shedding the burden she carries is her only hope for a happy future, but she fears she will never have the strength to reveal her secret.

When Aidan walks back into their lives, Lucas and Lexi know everything is about to change. But as they fight to reconcile their past and reclaim what they lost, a vicious predator stalks Lexi. In order to stop the killer, all three must confront the secrets they’ve carried…before they’re buried by them.


There would be a conqueror and a conquest. It was only a battle. Aidan knew Lexi had already won the war. He was her slave. He’d do anything for her, except let her go. 

My favorite installment so far in the Texas Sires series! This book had it all; an emotional and angsty second chance romance, a sizzling MMF menage, a delicious grovel, and three people with deep emotional scars from their past finding that love really can cure all wounds. I adored this book! Simply adored it! I devoured it in one sitting and it made me fall in love with Lexi Blake’s writing all over again. This author has this incredible ability to write the most emotional stories, wrap around them some incredibly hot romance, and then tie it all off with a dose of suspense. The result is a completely unputdownable book that only gets better with every page.

I highly recommend reading this series in order. Even though each book focuses on a different couple, there are story arcs that continue through the series, and would only make you appreciate the characters that much more.

If you’ve read the first three books in the series, you’ll remember Lexi is Abigail Moore’s daughter from Small Town Siren, and Lucas Cameron is Jack Barnes’s younger brother. Aidan is the man we heard about but now officially meet in this story, and boy did I fall hard for the man.

Years ago, Aidan and Lexi were engaged. An unexpected night between her, Lucas, and Aidan made him leave, also leaving Lexi with a broken heart that she’s never recovered from. Lucas has tried to put the pieces back together in the years since, but him being a switch and Lexi a submissive, they feel the missing piece of a Dom.

Now Adian is back and determined to right the wrongs of the past. He knows that he’s what Lucas and Lexi both need and he intends to stop at nothing to prove it to them.

I fell so hard for Aidan in this book. There was simply something so endearing about the broken pieces of this man and his enigmatic presence that I couldn’t get enough of. I loved the way he fought for both Lucas and Lexi. I loved how sweet he was out of the bedroom, and a hardcore Dominant inside it. And while this book has one spicy MMF menage, it’s so much more than that, too. It was incredibly emotional, particularly when Lexi finally deals with the demons of her past. There’s a suspense plot that runs seamlessly through the story, with the added element of danger that only serves to up the wattage. Lucas was another man that I fell hard for. Gone is the lost boy that we’re first introduced to in Small Town Siren. Lucas is all man. He’s no longer hiding his true self behind an illusion. This is a man that loves and loves hard, and will protect those he cares for with everything he’s got. The dynamic between the three of them was absolutely perfect. This is a menage that had incredible depth and plenty of emotion. All three characters are multi-layered and together they just balance each other out.

If you’ve enjoyed the first three books in this series, you’re going to absolutely love this one. I’m already itching for my next fix with this series.

New Release & Review: Beneath The Scars by Cherise Sinclair

Series: Masters of the Shadowlands #13
Genre: BDSM Romance, Contemporary
Author: Cherise Sinclair
Release Date: May 22, 2018

Josie doesn’t need any help raising her son.

Pregnant at sixteen, Josie learned the hard way about men and their empty promises. She picked herself up and is raising her eleven-year-old son. By herself. And that’s the way she intends it to stay. Unfortunately, her impressionable boy becomes fascinated by the scruffy, intimidating biker who lives next door.

The scars on Holt’s face are only the most visible of his wounds.

Out of the hospital after being attacked in his own damn house, Holt is coming to terms with the fact that his scars frighten people. Like his now-ex-girlfriend who ran after one look at him. Like his redheaded neighbor who hauled her boy away as if Holt was a serial killer. Fine. He’ll give the pretty bartender all the space she wants.

The Shadowlands will bring them together…

When Josie starts bartending in the exclusive, private club, she discovers her neighbor is a member. And a Master–a skilled powerful Dom who can make her fantasies come true. Slowly, the firefighter breaks down the walls around her heart, teaching her how to trust. How to love…

But when her son’s choices lead to disaster, can their relationship survive?


The three C’s—he had them in abundance: competent, confident, and caring. She’d never been so…attracted…to anyone before.

All of the feels and hot as sin BDSM romance combine for another incredible addition to the Masters of the Shadowlands series. I will never tire of these books or Cherise Sinclair’s words. She has this ability to create a BDSM romance that evokes as much emotion as it does chemistry, and characters that are impossible to forget. Beneath the Scars was no exception.

His intent gaze said the Dom would figure out why she was running. And the idea of him getting deeper was simply terrifying.

Holt. *Dreamy sigh*
This man. I swear. How can a man be equally soft, sweet and protective while being intense, dominant and sexy? I don’t know, but Holt was all of those things and more. This is a man that wants a woman of his own. He doesn’t run from relationships. Unfortunately he just doesn’t have the best luck with the women he’s dated lately. His most recent girlfriend left him in the hospital after seeing the gruesome scars he was left with after his near fatal attack by a crazy stalker in the events that began in Mischief and the Masters. Now he’s back home, recuperating and itching to get back to his job as a firefighter and EMT. Are you swooning yet? Because GAH! But I digress.

Josie has trust issues when it comes to men. She learned her lesson after the deceit of a man she thought cared for her left her a single mother at a young age. Now all she cares about is taking care of her son and making ends meet. But when a new job offer that she can’t turn away lands her as a new bartender at the Shadowlands club, the neighbor that she grossly misjudged at first meeting begins to turn her world on its axis.

Because he fully intended to sweep her off her feet and into his arms. And keep her there.

Josie took a bit for me to warm up to, if I’m being perfectly honest. She’s quick to jump to the worst possible conclusions when it comes to Holt due to her history, and at times I wanted to shake her. But at the same time, I also understood her and sympathized with her. Cherise always does such an amazing job with her character development, that I have yet to meet one that I didn’t love.

But ultimately, what made this book for me was Holt. The man was everything. EVERYTHING. He had all the patience in the world when it came to Josie and he wasn’t afraid to wait her out. He was sweet, understanding, and an ultimate Dom. He was sweet and patient when it came to introducing the finicky Josie to the lifestyle. I adored him.

I also loved the way that he took care of Josie’s son and their interactions. I loved that Cherise gave the reader a peek inside the young boy’s head. It wasn’t just about Josie and Holt, but about Josie and her son and Holt. And I loved that we got to see all of that develop.

Beneath the Scars was an emotional, deeply satisfying, and sexy romance. It was everything I’ve come to crave from the talented Cherise Sinclair and I already find myself craving more in this series.

Review: Love Another Day by Lexi Blake

Series: Masters & Mercenaries #14
Genre: Romantic Suspense, BDSM
Author: Lexi Blake
Release Date: August 21, 2017

A man born to protect

After a major loss, Brody Carter found a home with the London office of McKay-Taggart. A former soldier, he believes his job is to take the bullets and follow orders. He’s happy to take on the job of protecting Dr. Stephanie Gibson while the team uses her clinic in Sierra Leone to bring down an international criminal. What he never expected was that the young doctor would prove to be the woman of his dreams. She’s beautiful, smart, and reckless. Over and over he watches her risk her life to save others. One night of pure passion leads him to realize that he can’t risk his heart again. When the mission ends, Brody walks away, unwilling to lose another person he loves.

A woman driven to heal

Stephanie’s tragic past taught her to live for today. Everything she’s done in the last fifteen years has been to make up for her mistakes. Offering medical care in war-torn regions gives her the purpose she needs to carry on. When she meets her gorgeous Aussie protector, she knows she’s in too deep, but nothing can stop her from falling head over heels in love. But after one amazing night together, Brody walks away and never looks back. Stephanie is left behind…but not alone.

A secret that will change both their lives

A year later, Stephanie runs afoul of an evil mercenary who vows to kill her for failing to save his son. She runs to the only people she trusts, Liam and Avery O’Donnell. She hasn’t come alone and her secret will bring her former lover across the world to protect her. From Liberia to Dallas to Australia’s outback, Brody will do whatever it takes to protect Stephanie from the man who wants to kill her, but it might be her own personal demons that could destroy them both.


I want that connection. I want to feel you, and not only in a physical way. This isn’t playing. Playing is a silly word for what I want from you.”
“What word would you use?”
“Everything. I want everything.”

Have you ever read a series that you hope never ends. Like it could have 34355 books and you’ll still crave more? Yeah. This series is that for me. Not only does my addiction to it increase with each new book and new character that gets introduced, I find myself more and more invested. These characters have become like friends to me. I root for them. I hurt for them. And I will never get enough of them.

Dr. Stephanie Gibson was first introduced in A Dom is Forever and my interest in her story has been increasing ever since. As a teenager, an accident due to unfortunate and naive negligence changed her life forever. She’s been paying penance ever since and punishing herself trying to pay things forward. She gained a dear friend out of the woman that she felt should hate her for the accident but family of her own is not something she’s had since that fateful day.

When Brody Carter and his team showed up at her clinic at Sierra Leone, she found herself falling quickly for the broody Aussie. On his last day there, she makes a decision to finally act on her feelings, even knowing he won’t want anything beyond the one night. Brody doesn’t feel he’s good enough for her, even while in her head, she feels it’s the exact opposite. But their one passionate night together comes with a lasting surprise, when Steph finds herself pregnant and her messages to Brody go unanswered. She got the message from the man loud and clear, but when her life and her son’s life is threatened, she finds herself on the doorstep of Liam O’Donnell and back in Brody’s world.

The tension between them is so thick you could cut it with a knife. I needed Brody to redeem himself for the radio silence act he pulled on Steph. I needed him to step up and be a man. I wanted him to grovel, to work for it, to need her forgiveness, and man oh man did I get it. And then some!

He thought briefly about putting the baby in his crib and trying to get a bit of work done, but it felt better to sit, to rock with his son in his arms. For the first time in forever, he knew what peace meant.

While Brody finally sees the light and realizes he needs to fight for Steph, his battle certainly isn’t an easy one. With a dangerous enemy hunting for his woman and her determination to continue to punish herself for her past, it’s not easy to prove just how great they could be together. But it sure made for an entertaining read.

I wanted to be annoyed with Steph and her constant martyr mentality, but I simply couldn’t. Lexi Blake did an amazing job with character development and you can’t help but understand her and feel for her at the same time. To know that you’re the cause of two innocent lives is not easy to get over, no matter how many years passed and whether or not it was a horrible accident. Steph lives with those demons every day. It’s the reason she became a doctor and fights to save lives.

There’s a lot that happens in this book, but the romance is always at the front and center, and it. is. SIZZLING.

It’s going be long and slow and I’m going to know every single inch of this beautiful body like it’s a map I need to memorize. I’ll be able to close my eyes and know how many kisses it takes to get from your mouth to your nipple to your sweet belly to that pussy I’m going to eat like a starving man.”

I loved these two together and I loved how they fight for each other even when they fight with each other.

Of course it wouldn’t be a Lexi Blake book without the rest of the gang and a whole bunch of fun from my favorite, Ian.

You can’t fix someone. That’s not what love does. Love can make a person want to fix himself. That’s the key.” He frowned at his wife. “I said love. I want to vomit.”

Love Another Day was another high octane ride; full of action and suspense that will keep you turning the pages well into the night. I just finished it and I already can’t wait for the next book. I’m an addict when it comes to this series and I can’t recommend it enough if you like your romantic suspense with some sizzling BDSM romance.



Review: Master of Solitude by Cherise Sinclair

 Master of Solitude
Series: Mountain Masters & Dark Haven #8
Genre: BDSM Romance, Contemporary
Author: Cherise Sinclair
Release Date: May 23, 2017

Since childhood, Mallory McCabe has dreamed of falling in love with a hero. And then one saves her life. He’s honest…and blunt. Deadly, but filled with pain. Overpowering, yet ever so gentle with her. Oh yes, she’s found her hero. Taking him to her bed is simply…right. As is losing her heart.

How could she have known he’d want nothing more to do with her?

His indifference hurts. She vows to forget him…then he buys the land next to hers.

Released early from prison, all Sawyer Ware wants is to put his life back together. His police detective brother houses him while he makes plans. But when a violent gang targets his brother, Sawyer puts his future on hold. He’ll have to take on the gang first. After a decade as a Navy SEAL, he won’t–can’t–walk away if someone he loves is threatened.

His mission is likely to prove bloody. He sure can’t afford to get involved with a woman, especially his captivating neighbor. He hungers to be near her, to enjoy her clear laugh, her easy friendship, and the peace she brings wherever she goes. A relationship is absolutely out of the question.

Why won’t his heart obey orders?


The decision wasn’t easy. He could damage her. Not her body, but her heart. Her emotions were already engaged, and if he pulled away—again—it would hurt badly. Yet, if she said no, she’d regret it. Forever.

If you’ve read Master of Freedom, then you’ll recall Sawyer Ware, Atticus’s brother. While his brother is a Detective, Sawyer is on the opposite side of the law. His sentence for a crime that haunts him to this day is cut short when he gets early release for his help during the prison riot and kidnapping. Now he’s out but the stench of the ex-con stigma follows him everywhere he goes, especially when it’s back to the small town where he stands out like a glaring beacon. He’s a shell of the man he used to be. He just wants to keep to himself, make an honest living, and rid the town of the dangerous gang that now inhabits it and targeting his brother for the role he played in killing their leader. He doesn’t expect for the shy and beautiful Mallory. When he rescues her on the side of a road, he knows that she’s too good for the likes of him, but that doesn’t erase her draw. She’s like a ray of sunshine and he’s a man used to the dark of the night. Their connection is instant and in a moment of weakness, he gives into their chemistry, only to let his assumptions get the best of him and think that Mallory is just another woman enamored with the allure of being with an ex-con.

Mallory is a sweet soul with a spine of steel. She’s an understated strength full of hope and understanding. When Sawyer unkowingly hires her construction company to fix his newly purchased home, he soon learns the error of his way when he discovers all the depths of Mallory and her heart, but that doesn’t mean he’s ever going to be good enough for her.

I adored Sawyer. My heart broke for him and everything that he’s been through. If there’s one thing that Cherise Sinclair can do is create these characters with an incredible amount of depth, and Sawyer was no exception. Mallory was a sweetheart, though at times, I have to admit, she was a little too sweet for my tastes. She does stand up for herself and her soft was the perfect compliment to Sawyer’s hard, but there was also something that was just missing for me.

There’s a suspense plot that unwinds in pace with the romance which was a great addition and I loved getting more of Atticus and Gin. Master of Solitude was a slower paced romance, but as much as I loved Sawyer and Mallory, there was also something missing for me that I can’t quite put my finger on. It just wasn’t one of those books that kept me riveted to the pages, which isn’t a bad thing, sometimes that’s all you need. I think maybe my mood went against me with this one and took a little of the enjoyment out it. Nonetheless, this was another fantastic addition to the series, and one I’d certainly recommend. I live for this author’s words and can’t wait for more.

Review: Arranged by Lexi Blake

Series: Masters & Mercenaries #13.5
Genre: BDSM Romance
Author: Lexi Blake
Release Date: April 25, 2017

Kash Kamdar is the king of a peaceful but powerful island nation. As Loa Mali’s sovereign, he is always in control, the final authority. Until his mother uses an ancient law to force her son into marriage. His prospective queen is a buttoned-up intellectual, nothing like Kash’s usual party girl. Still, from the moment of their forced engagement, he can’t stop thinking about her.

Dayita Samar comes from one of Loa Mali’s most respected families. The Cambridge-educated scientist has dedicated her life to her country’s future. But under her staid and calm exterior, Day hides a few sexy secrets of her own. She is willing to marry her king, but also agrees that they can circumvent the law. Just because they’re married doesn’t mean they have to change their lives. It certainly doesn’t mean they have to fall in love.

After one wild weekend in Dallas, Kash discovers his bride-to-be is more than she seems. Engulfed in a changing world, Kash finds exciting new possibilities for himself. Could Day help him find respite from the crushing responsibility he’s carried all his life? This fairy tale could have a happy ending, if only they can escape Kash’s past…



His queen. The last fifteen years of his life had been about the world revolving around him, being the ultimate authority figure. But here and now, he realized she could be his sun.”

Ever since Kash was first loosely introduced back in Love and Let Die, I’ve been curious. He never had a solid presence in the M&M series, but when I saw that he’ll be getting his own book, I was intrigued. The playboy king in an arranged marriage? Sign me up for that!

I’m the first in a hundred years to be arranged by someone else. I suppose my mother thinks I’m incapable of selecting a proper bride.”

I couldn’t wait to see the woman that will bring this womanizer to his knees, and boy did she!

Day and Kash were once friends that could have been something much more, but life had other plans for them. They’re two very different people but life has brought them back together in much more interesting circumstance because Day is the woman Kash’s mother picked to be his bride and future queen of Loa Mali. While Day has dedicated her life’s work to serving the people of Loa Mali, she’s also as far from the traditional bride as a woman can get and not just because she refuses to sit back and be the little woman. She’s a woman with a core of strength and she’s not afraid to say what she wants or even demand it.

I cannot be that queen from long ago who allowed herself to be kidnapped and taken away. The choice will be mine. The choice to be queen. The choice to have you. I will make these choices not because I’m about to be royal, but because I am a woman and that is what I do. I will not play that game with you, love. I won’t give over and then protest that I had the choice taken from me. I will choose and accept the consequences. I wanted to show them who they are getting as their queen, not some gentle flower who will stand by her man and wave, but a woman who will fight for them as I fight for myself. As I would fight for you.”

I have to say, part of the reason I enjoyed this book so much was Day. I loved the way she put Kash in his place and I also loved the way she was his strength and support system. Kush hides a lot of depth behind his easy smile and playboy ways, and also a secret that’s so deep even he’s afraid to admit it to himself.

This book was very different from any of the others in the series or anything I’ve read from Lexi to date but it was also a refreshing change of pace. While this particular set up is not my usual go to, I certainly enjoyed it. Day and Kash were great together, even though Kash’s insecurities and the way he took them out on Day at times made me want to either throttle or kick him in the nether regions.

While this is #13.5 in the series, you can easily enjoy this as a standalone. However, you’ll appreciate all the cameos a lot more if you read the series in order.

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