“If you have any doubt about my ability to fuck the ever-loving sarcasm right out of you, I’ll be more than happy to clear it up.”
Asking for Trouble by Tessa Bailey
Bow down, bitches, because we got royalty in the house. The Queen of Dirty Talk, Miss Tessa Bailey has decided to be gracious enough to honor me here at Dirty Girl Romance with all her pervy awesome. Having read her entire backlist I can definitely tell you that this woman has written some of my favorite dirty talking heroes. I’m talking the books that I specifically reread numerous times for a few…uhem…choice scenes. If you haven’t read anything by this author yet, I’m really not sure what you’re waiting for. And if you have, then you know exactly what I’m talking about. I’m so excited to introduce you all to one of my favorite authors and to get to pick the brain of this very talented lady.… Read more