Baby Come Back Lite by Andrea Smith
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Tristan had been the one to teach me about love and intimacy; he’d been the one to show me how to trust again.

A wonderful conclusion to a fantastic series. Baby Come Back Lite is a novella told from Gina’s POV.
I have loved Gina’s character from book one. She is quirky, funny, tough, and isn’t afraid to stand up for herself and her friends. She was an amazing friend to Tylar, and their friendship is what endeared me to her from the get go.
Tristan has also been a huge favorite of mine throughout the series. He has a very quiet intensity to him. I think maybe that’s why I enjoyed his character as much as I did. He was a bit like the yang to Trey’s ying, maybe? Well whatever the reason may be, Tristan was great.
I have been looking forward to reading Tristan and Gina’s book from the very beginning. Perhaps this was why this didn’t become a 5 star book for me? I think I set my expectations too high. There were a few things that I was looking forward to reading, that didn’t happen in the novella. I was really hoping to get Gina’s perspective on how her and Tristan got together. I know this was more or less covered in book 2, but I guess I just wanted a little more. But that’s really just my own biased opinion and not a reflection on the book or the writing at all. The book itself was great.
I will say this, Andrea Smith definitely knows how to hit the reader where it hurts, and she certainly doesn’t pull any punches. When she gives us Gina’s deepest and darkest secrets and past, she doesn’t hold back. Some of it was very hard to read for me, my heart just broke for what she has been through. The way that she had persevered and was such a strong heroine in the end just made me like her more.
The story takes up right around the time where Tristan finds out about Gina’s pregnancy “secret.” We get to find out more about Gina’s past, as well as Tristan’s and what experience had really scarred him in relationships. Tristan and Gina were both very real characters, they weren’t perfect, and I liked that. They both made their share of mistakes, but it was wonderful to see them work through it and the way that they did it.
I am not sure why exactly, but for some reason Tylar seemed to get on my nerves in this book. I found her irritating in the first half of book 1, until she grew on me. But in this book, perhaps because we didn’t get her POV, she just came across almost selfish and whiny at times. Meh. *shrugs*
This was a quick and entertaining read. I finished it in one sitting.
Many of the characters from the last book made an appearance…including Amber

And Libby

But all that was made better by Tristan and Gina together.

This novella might have been short in comparison to the other books, but it packed a punch. Almost sad to see this series come to an end now. But what a ride!

ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review
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