Blaze of Secrets by Jessie Donovan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
3.5 stars
What did I think? I’m still not quite sure…
I didn’t love this one, nor did I hate it either. It had all the makings to a great book for me, the writing was good, the characters intriguing, steamy, with fantastic world building. Yet somewhere along the way, it just fell flat. Not enough for me to put it down, but enough that it did take me longer than usual to finish it. I tend to rate books based on how unputdownable it is for me. While I was curious enough to finish it, I had no problems putting it down for a while to go back to it later.
My first love is PNR, considering the series that first sucked me into the wonderful world of books was Black Dagger Brotherhood. So I have a bit of a soft spot when it comes to PNR and discovering new authors.… Read more