#NewRelease & Review: ★Ride Steady★ by Kristen Ashley

Ride Steady 
Series: Chaos #3
Author: Kristen Ashley
Genre: Contemporary, MC Romance
Release Date: June 30, 2015

The ride of her life . . . 

Once upon a time, Carissa Teodoro believed in happy endings. Money, marriage, motherhood: everything came easy—until she woke up to the ugly truth about her Prince Charming. Now a struggling, single mom and stranded by a flat tire, Carissa’s pondering her mistakes when a vaguely familiar knight rides to her rescue on a ton of horsepower.

Climb on and hold tight . . .

In high school, Carson Steele was a bad boy loner who put Carissa on a pedestal where she stayed far beyond his reach. Today, he’s the hard-bodied biker known only as Joker, and from the way Carissa’s acting, it’s clear she’s falling fast. While catching her is irresistible, knowing what to do with her is a different story. A good girl like Carissa is the least likely fit with the Chaos Motorcycle Club. Too bad holding back is so damned hard. Now, as Joker’s secrets are revealed and an outside threat endangers the club, Joker must decide whether to ride steady with Carissa—or ride away forever…

Joke, your story to tell when you wanna tell it. Your story to keep if you don’t ever wanna tell. Thought you had secrets. Way you’re holding’ back with this girl, think I’m wrong. You don’t have secrets. You got demons.

Motorcycle Man was the book that first introduced me into the world of MC romance and I’ve been hooked ever since. I LOVED that book and when I found out that KA will be writing a spin off of that book with her Chaos series, I was beyond thrilled. While the first two books in this series were good, I can safely say that this one was definitely the best in the series so far and also my favorite. Carson “Joker” Steele and Carissa “Carrie” Teodoro absolutely stole my heart. Maybe it’s because it gave me that soul mates love and second chance vibe? Whatever the reason, it just worked for me

Now look, don’t go into this book expecting something different. Most of Kristen Ashley’s characters sound absolutely the same with the monosyllabic heroes and the heroines that may be 25 but sound like they’re going on 40 with their ‘honeys’ and the ‘sweethearts’. But while it may not offer anything new in that respect, what it does have is that vintage KA vibe. You know what I’m talking about. It will have descriptions galore, it will have the hero that can answer practically any question with “babe”, and it will have an incredible love story.

You good?” he asked.
I swallowed. Then I nodded.
“Wanna be better?”
I pressed a hand to his chest and breathed, “Yes.”

Joker first met Carrie as Carson Steele when they were both in high school. Carrie was the beautiful, sweet and popular cheerleader while he was the boy from the wrong side of the tracks with an abusive asshole for a father. Unfortunately his plan of waiting it out till he graduates didn’t work and Carson decided to put everything behind him when his father’s abuse proves to be too much; including the beautiful girl that will always have his heart. He wants her to have the beautiful life she deserves and a man like him definitely can’t give her that.

Gotta get where I’m going’.”
It killed him, but that was his response.
This was because she was not his to have.
She was golden. Nothing beat her. She smiled through pain and made you believe it.

But life never works out according to plan and seven years later find both Joker and Carrie at places they never thought they’d be; Joker with his brothers and Chaos family, and Carrie as a divorce and single mom. When she’s stranded on the side of a road with a flat tire, fate brings these two together again. But while Joker recognizes Carrie right away, he’s changed quite a bit from the boy she once knew and though there’s something familiar about him, Carrie doesn’t recognize him.

I’m not sure what it was about this, but both of these characters just worked for me. Carrie has been through so much in her life; lost her sister when she was young, her husband left her for another woman while she was still pregnant, and she’s barely able to make ends meet. But through all that she still maintains the woman that she’s always been; nurturing, caring, sweet and she’s an amazing mother. Joker was a grouchy and brooding biker for the first quarter of the story and fights the connection between them. his demons from his past run deep and he doesn’t want to taint Carrie with them. But when Carrie’s ex makes life harder for her, Joker knows that he’ll do everything in his power to give her the sweet she deserves.

I lay under him, breathing heavily, clasped to him like I never wanted to let him go (and thinking I actually didn’t), glorying in the feel of his filling me, watching with what could be nothing but utter glee as the shudders of his orgasm shifted through his powerful body as the fragments of the glory of mine whispered though mine.

Joker is definitely up there with my favorite KA heroes. Something about this man was just so devastatingly perfect. The way he steps up to the plate with both Carrie and her baby son will make you swoon. Guaranteed.

I think I might be falling in love with you…”
“Then quit thinkin’, Carrie, because I know I’m fallin’ for you.

While I can’t say that the story was super quick paced, it wasn’t the slow drag either. There’s a little bit of suspense thrown in with cameos from some KA favorites of the past; Luke, Knight, Lee, Hank, and so much more. At the heart of it, it was a heart warming romance that had just as much sexy as it had of the swoons.

The one thing I’ve come to love from KA’s alphas is the way they take care of what’s theirs and Joker was definitely no exception.

I’m in love with your ex-wife…
I’ve loved her since high school, man. She means everything to me. You gotta drag her down, that’ll suck, but I’ll pick her back up. You gotta rip her apart, I’ll fuckin’ hate watchin’ it, but I’ll put her back together. Do what you gotta do to make you feel like you got the bigger dick. But know this, in the end, it’s gonna be her and me.

I haven’t enjoyed a recent KA release this much since Soaring and even that pales in comparison to this one. If you’re looking for some vintage KA vibes this is one book you need to pick up. There’s also a sneak peek into the next book at the end and that left me practically salivating for High’s story. Even though I was hoping for Rush’s book, I’ll take High after that set up. He already caught my interest here as a secondary character so I cannot wait to see what his story brings.



(Click directly on image for Amazon buy link)
Own the Wind (Chaos #1)
Fire Inside (Chaos #2)

#NewRelease & Review: ★To Tempt a SEAL★ by Sara Jane Stone

To Tempt a Seal 
Author: Sara Jane Stone 
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: June 30, 2015

For the first time in her life, social worker Lucia Lewis is ready to live. And the masquerade ball in Las Vegas is just the place to find a ridiculously hot guy to complete her wicked to-do list. The only rule? Her elegant Venetian mask—which conceals the scars that have always held her back from the life she deserves—stays on.

Navy SEAL Cade Daniels heads to Vegas on a mission to keep his best friend’s little sister out of trouble. Except the woman he’s sent to find is all heat and flame…and perfectly capable of handling herself. And him. But the moment Lucia’s mask slips, the need to heal her, body and soul, is complete and absolute temptation.

But revealing himself could cost him the one thing he isn’t willing to risk…his heart.

Cade,” she moaned.
“Hold on tight, gorgeous. We’re just getting started.”

Sara Jane Stone is a new to me author and one I didn’t know what to expect from when I started reading this book. All I knew is the title had “SEAL” in it so I was sold. What? I never said I wasn’t easy. After finishing it I can definitely tell that this author is definitely one I would read in the future and this series has fully sucked me in and I can’t wait for more.

I love a romance that is a bit outside of the norm with it’s story line. Although the set up is not unlike ones I’ve read in the past, I loved that the heroine wasn’t your typical beauty. Scarred by her foster father as a young girl, Lucia has never seen herself as beautiful. She’s never been the one to get any attention besides the uncomfortable stares that her facial scars induced. After losing weight and donning a masquerade mask, Lucia hopes that this bit of anonymity while at a party in Vegas will give her exactly what she needs; a night of scorching hot sex with a man that will cross off all 3 points on her sexual to-do list. And the best part about it is she wouldn’t have to lose her mask throughout the entire process.

In his world, relationships were like quicksand. Even if they could keep their heads above the surface, what would happen when she found out he’d been sent here to find her?

Navy SEAL Cade Daniels notices the striking beauty in the gorgeous dress right away. He’s drawn to her in a way he’s never been before. But as much as he wants to give into the obviously crackling chemistry that sizzles between them, he’s also on a mission. His best friend and Lucia’s older sister, Natalie, sent him there specifically to ensure that Lucia doesn’t accomplish hers. A little distraction goes a long way, but before Cade knows what hit him, the attraction between them proves too much and when he gives into the inevitable and falls into bed with the woman, he knows that only one time won’t do.

He’d been on covert missions that dialed the adrenaline up to one hundred, but this feel like the biggest thrill of his life.

Cade has seen first hand through his parents and fellow SEALs what a relationship with a military can do and he wants to part of it. But even knowing that all he can offer Lucia is temporary, he can still give her the best few nights of her life. Things don’t always go according to plan though and it’s not long before Natalie finds out what happens and keeping his true identity from Lucia becomes harder and harder.

This was a super steamy read and while I found the characters had quite a bit of depth for the type of story it was, I also craved something a little deeper. (No pun intended) While their chemistry was off the charts, I found their primary connection to be more on the physical then emotional sense. I suppose that I just needed something a little bit more on that end. Also I found the way it resolved to be just a little too easy and perfect. Considering how everything took place and Cade’s lies by omission, I wanted him to work a little harder for his forgiveness. Lucia forgave him way too easily in my opinion. Overall, this was a sweet and sexy romance and one I’d definitely recommend to readers that enjoy a story about a sexy SEAL and the woman that brings him to his knees.

I want to take you any and every way you can imagine. In public or hidden away, if it turns you on, I want to try it. And one way or the other, we’ll end with you screaming my name.

#NewRelease & Review: ★The Allure of Julian Lefray★ by R.S. Grey

The Allure of Julian Lefray
Author: R.S. Grey
Genre: Romantic Comedy, Contemporary Romance
Release Date: June 29, 2015

From: JosephineKeller@LLDesigns.comTo: LilyNBlack@gmail.comSubject: Justin Timberlake Nudes!

Lily, you predictable perv. I knew you’d open this email faster if I tempted you with a glimpse of JT’s “PP”. Well, put your pants back on and grab some bubbly because I have much better news to share.


As of tomorrow, I’ll be the new executive assistant at Lorena Lefray Designs. I am SO excited, but there’s one itty bitty problem: I won’t be Lorena’s assistant. I’ll be working for her older brother, Julian.

I know what you’re thinking- “But Jo, what’s the problem?

Google him. Now. He’s the man in the fitted navy suit whose face reminds you that there’s hope yet for this cruel, ugly world. Keep scrolling… Do you see those dimples? Yup. That’s the Julian Lefray I will be reporting to tomorrow morning.

Lord, help us all…


He didn’t even know the effect those dimples had on my girly parts. One word: Ijustgotpregnant. Yeah, that’s one word.

Clearly I have been living under a rock lately, because this was my first book by this absolutely fabulous author. I know, right? I’m shocked myself! If I could spank my own ass for not reading her sooner, I would. Better yet, I’d like Julia Lefray to do it for me because if you haven’t met this hero or have immediate plans to, you deserve a thorough spanking. Seriously. What’s the matter with you? Add this to your TBR immediately. Right this second. As a matter of fact, let me pause my review long enough for you to do just that….

Done? Right then. Moving on.

Black slacks— not cute. White button-down—not cute. Fitted black jacket— ew. Who thinks defined arms and a broad chest are attractive? No one.
He reached forward and gripped my arm just above my elbow as he leaned in to kiss my cheek. JESUS CHRIST. He smelled divine, like he’d spent the morning in the woods building me a log cabin. I hated him.

If you’re looking for a light-hearted, feel good, laugh out loud sort of romance, you’ve found your perfect match. This book was exactly what I needed. It was a little fluffy, a lot funny, with a dash of sexy, and entirely entertaining. I absolutely loved it. What did I love specifically? Pretty much everything. 

The heroine: Josephine “Jo” Keller

Jo moved to NYC with big dreams and small pockets from her small town in Texas. Trying to prove to everyone, including her parents who believed she was better off staying in Texas, wrong and make a name for herself in fashion is no easy feat. But she’s determined. Her blog has a great following and she’s gotten the invitation to a fashion event that all fashion bloggers dream about. It’s there that she gets the opportunity of a lifetime when she comes face to face with the gorgeous Julian Lefray, who happens to be the older brother to Lorena Lefray; owner of Lorena Lefray Designs and the company that Jo is dying to work for. Unfortunately, Lorena happens to be in rehab and Julian has taken over her duties. Fortunately, he’s more than happy to hire Jo to be his executive assistant as she’s more than qualified. Unfortunately, Jo happens to want to rip his clothes off whenever she looks at him and the feeling is very much mutual. Thus begins the golden banter and enough sexual frustration to make your ovaries implode.

The next time Dean invited me on his boat, I was going to come prepared with a box of condoms, a padlock, and a port-a-potty for the top deck. For fuck’s sake, I’d been two seconds away from reaching the pinnacle of nirvana, and White Wine Wendy couldn’t hold her pee for a minute longer. WE WERE ON A BOAT. Pee off the side dammit.

I. LOVED. THEIR. BANTER. So much. I didn’t even mind that I felt like my ovaries were turning an alarming shade of blue from all the unfulfilled sexual chemistry. It was just that good.

He leaned back against the futon and spread his arms out along the back.
Perfect. He looked edible.
“You can’t being me pizza late at night,” I said, trying tog et my brain back on topic. “Pepperoni is foreplay to me.”

I read this entire book in one sitting, completely unable to set it down for even a second. I had a goofy grin on my face the entire time reading it. Jo and Julian’s banter when they were denying themselves was fantastic. But when they finally gave into the inevitable? Pure. Gold.

Nope. No…If that hand moves any lower, I’m going to karate chop you.”
It moved lower and my body betrayed me. My stomach was like , “Meh, I can wait to eat,” and my girly parts were lie, “HELL YEAH, this is a great idea.” And that’s the story of how Julian banged me on the floor of his closet with his suits and ties judging us from above.

There was no crazy angst or misunderstandings. I adored both the characters and the story sucked me in right from the beginning. It was the perfect afternoon read and one I’d highly recommend to any lovers of humorous romance. As a matter of fact, the whole book unrolled in front of me like the perfect romantic comedy. I’m not sure why I haven’t discovered this author before now, but best believe she now has herself a bran new e-stalker (in the non-creepy way of course.)

#NewRelease & Review: ★One To Chase★ by Tia Louise

One to Chase 
Author: Tia Louise 
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: June 25, 2015

Paris fashions,
Chicago nightlife,
Secrets and lies…
Welcome to the North Side.

Marcus Merritt doesn’t chase women. He doesn’t have to. But when the spirited and sexy blonde who left him wanting more shows up in his office looking for work, little things like the rules seem ready to be rewritten.

Amy Knight is smart, ambitious, and back home in Chicago to care for her mother. A courtesy meeting with one of the top lawyers in the city should be a boost to her career…

Until the polished green-eyed player turns out to be the same irresistible “random” she hooked up with at a friend’s wedding in Wilmington. Bonus: He’s the brother of her older brother’s new wife. What the hell?!

Who’s chasing whom? It all depends on the day. Or the night.

Don’t miss the FREE prequel novella for Marcus and Amy in RUNAWAY

Women don’t run from me. Not when I want to catch them. She projects a hotshot image in her power suit and heels, but one thing I know about runaways. They’re afraid.

It seems that Tia Louise just keeps getting better and better. There’s one thing I’m guaranteed when I pick up one of her books, and that’s the fact that I’m going to be getting one hot alpha hero. Whether a marine, a cowboy, an underground fighter, she never fails to deliver and now she can add one sexy lawyer under her belt. As much as I enjoyed the previous books in this series, One To Chase is probably my favorite to date. It’s also the one book in the series that I would say truly may be enjoyed as a standalone as unlike the other books it doesn’t have additional POVs from previous characters. The focus is central on the main couple. Though having said all that, this series is definitely one that you would enjoy more reading in order.

Amy and Marcus first met in the end of One to Save where they shared one sizzling anonymous hookup, not knowing who the other is. Both thinking they’re indulging in a one night stand, neither of them expect that they have some very strong connections. Marcus Merritt is Elaine’s brother and Elaine is married to Patrick, who is also Amy’s sister. Still with me? Good.

I was wrong. You’re not wicked. You’re dangerous.”

Amy grew up in Chicago among the elite, but her life has been in Paris for the past few years. She never wanted to be back to Chicago or the memory it brings; but when the man she’s involved with in Paris tells her he wants more, she does what she does best and she runs. Coming back to Chicago to care for her mother, Amy doesn’t expect to run straight into one of the most unforgettable hookups of her life…or to realize that he’s actually more than that.

I don’t beg, Amy.” I don’t mean to growl, but it’s time to put it on the line. “I don’t chase. I don’t even really see the same women more than a few times. But I’m asking you to do this.

Marcus Merritt is one of the most eligible bachelors of Chicago. A successful lawyer, he’s not hurting for female attention. Yet something about the unattainable and gorgeous blonde draws him in and he knows that he’ll stop at nothing to get her.

Amy was probably one of my favorite heroines in the series so far. She’s strong witted and sassy. Plus it’s always great to read about a heroine that really makes a man work for it. The chemistry between her and Marcus is undeniable, and it’s not very long before they fall into bed together. But Amy fights the emotional connection between them with everything she’s got. It’s clear that she has some demons in her past and Marcus is determined to unearth every single one of them in order to have her.

One to Chase was incredibly sexy, quick paced and entertaining read. It had a little bit of everything. I loved that this book unlike the others was more focused on the couple. There were no additional POVs, which for me at least, took away from the main story in the past. This focuses only on the couple and truly allows the reader to form a connection to both the characters. I absolutely loved Marcus and Amy together. They were this perfect match of push and pull while burning up the sheets together. I’d highly recommend reading the free prequel before this book, Runaway to really understand the history between these two.

Baby, we’ve been flying since Day One.”

This was another fantastic addition to an addicting series that only continues to get better and better seven books in. If sexy, dirty talking lawyers and the strong witted, commitment-phoebic heroines that bring them to their knees is your thing, then this is a book you simply need to read.

Don’t Miss The Rest of The Series

One To Hold (One To Hold Book 1)
(Derek & Melissa)
One to Keep (One to Hold Book 2)
Patrick & Elaine
 One to Protect (One to Hold Book 3)
(Derek & Melissa)
 One to Love (One to Hold Book 4)
(Slayde & Kenny)

One to Leave (One to Hold Book 5)

(Stuart & Mariska)
One to Save (One to Hold #6)
(Derek & Melissa)

Review: ★Remind Me★ by Ann Marie Walker & Amy K. Rogers

Remind Me 
Authors: Ann Marie Walker, Amy K. Rogers
Genre: Erotic, Contemporary Romance
Release Date: April 21, 2015

First in a tantalizing new trilogy about reigniting a forbidden desire from long ago…

As heiress to a media empire Alessandra Sinclair was raised to put family obligations first. But everything changes the night her first love walks back into her life and turns her whole world upside down. Haunted by the memories of a secret romance with a boy from the wrong side of the tracks, she can’t seem to get Hudson Chase out of her mind. Once again torn between two worlds, Allie must decide how much she’s willing to risk to have the love she’s always longed for.

Ten years is a long time to wait, but billionaire Hudson Chase didn’t become CEO of one of the country’s fastest growing companies by giving up on what he wants. Now that he’s got Allie in his sights again, he’s determined to make her regret breaking his heart. And this time, he’s going to make damn sure he’s not so easy to forget.

Includes a preview of Release Me, book two of the Chasing Fire trilogy.

The road is paved in hard truths, Alessandra, not denials.”
“And you think I’m the on in denial?”
His gaze was rock steady. “I know you are. But fuck if I’ll let you push me away again.”

My my my, what a dirty little gem this book turned out to be. I was not expecting something quite so hot when I picked this one up. I’ll admit I’ve been eyeing this series for a few months now but knowing my book ADD tendencies, I knew I had to wait to read it until closer to the release of book 3 because I’d forget everything by the time it came out. Also, I’m ashamed to admit that since the cover reminded me too much of a certain other book, I was judgy and figured I’d be getting another jaded billionaire book . This was so much better than I expected and I’m seriously kicking my own ass for not reading it sooner.
I’m a sucker for a second chance love story, and Remind Me certainly hit the spot in all the right places.

Ten years ago, Hudson Chase was the bad boy from the wrong side of the tracks, and Alessandra Sinclair was the heiress to a media empire. They were the unlikeliest of couples and yet for a few stolen days that one summer, they burned hot and bright together. Now ten years later, their paths cross once more and this time Hudson has the pull, the money, and the social standing and he knows that he won’t let Alessandra walk away quite so easily.
Hudson has spent the past years building up his company and becoming a self-made millionaire. Successful beyond his wildest dreams, he’s never hurting for company of the female variety. But when he sees the striking blonde from his past at a gala, all those feelings from before come firing right back; anger, lust, possession. He may not have been on the same path as her before, but he certainly is now, and he won’t let the fact that she’s engaged to a different man stand in his way.

Hot damn, she was wild and untamed. And he loved it. Loved watching her let go of her inhibitions and shamelessly give in to her own pleasure. She was wet and on fire around him. For him. He was beyond fucking her; she was under his skin, the very breath in his lungs.

As much as I fell hard and fast for Hudson (how can you not?), Alessandra was a heroine I never quite warmed up to. This may have been because most of the intriguing character development was focused on Hudson and we’ll get hers in the second book. Whatever the reason may be, I had a tough time connecting with her. I didn’t understand why she was such pushover with her parents and allowed them to basically structure her life to however they saw fit. I also tend to get judgy with a cheating heroine (it’s a terrible double standard of mine and one I’m never going to be cured of). Considering how obvious it was to the reader everything that her relationship was missing with her fiancé, it was almost unbelievable that it took what it did to finally wake her up and make her see reason. I would have preferred she cut things off with him before continuing her affair with Hudson, but she was engaged for pretty much the entirety of the book.

Luckily for me, Hudson was such a great character that between his erotic pull and captivating mysterious past, I found myself not caring much about the issues I had with Alessandra.
Hudson was just that enigmatic.

That being said, as sizzling as the chemistry between him and Alessandra was, I felt there was (brace for it) too much sex. I’m still reeling over my shock that I’m saying this. Ultimately, I just felt that it began to take away and overshadow the story. These two turned to sex at every opportunity, even when what I felt they needed to do more of is talk. Sex was the solution to every problem. Don’t get me wrong, it was hot as hell, but it was just a bit too much…even for this self-proclaimed smut slut.

All minor quibbles aside, the story of Hudson and Alessandra absolutely captivated me. The writing was engrossing and the romance was practically sizzling. I am definitely hooked on this trilogy and can’t wait to see what the next book brings. Ann Marie Walker and Amy K. Rogers are new to me authors that I will read any future books from without a second thought. There were just enough hints dropped about Hudson’s past that peeked my interest enough to guarantee I’ll be reading the next book. If you love dirty talking and possessive alphas, Hudson Chase is on hero that you NEED to meet.

Blog Tour, Review & #Giveaway: ★Up In Smoke★ by Tessa Bailey

up in smoke blog tour
Up in Smoke 
Author: Tessa Bailey
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: June 23, 2015

Never start a fire you can’t control…

Connor Bannon is supposed to be dead. Dishonorably discharged from the Navy SEALs, he’s spent the last two years working as a street enforcer in Brooklyn for his cousin’s crime ring. Through a twist of fate, he’s now in Chicago, working undercover to bust criminals. But when a cute little arsonist joins the team-all combat boots, tiny jean shorts, and hot-pink hair-Connor’s notorious iron control slips.

Erin “she’s getting away” O’Dea knows two things. She hates authority. And… Nope, that’s it. When she’s forced to operate on the “right” side of the law, her fear of being confined and controlled blazes to the surface. The last thing she expects is a control freak like Connor to soothe her when she needs it most. Worse, something behind the sexy ex-soldier’s eyes ignites a dangerous inferno of desire. One that invites Erin to play with fire. And one that could get them both killed…

Amazon /B&N / Kobo / iBooks

As if her thoughts had made him appear, Connor strode into the courthouse. Her pulse started beating double time, her stomach muscles tightening. Good Lord, the man was a fucking panty dropper. She’d only been away from him for a few hours and it felt like years since she’d experienced his presence. In jeans and a fitted gray T-shirt that molded to his muscles like her hands itched to do, he personified confidence and authority. Hot, rugged male. His gaze connected with hers immediately and darkened. She thought back to that morning when he’d dressed in the early morning light, his abs flexing as he pulled the shirt over his head. His erection barely contained by his boxers. She’d never been one to beg for anything, but she’d been seconds from offering him her mouth. Pleading for the privilege of sucking him off.

Conner shook his head at her with a sexy half smile on his face, as if he could read her thoughts across the room. He stopped at the metal detector and walked through after the security guard beckoned him forward. When the woman grabbed her wand and instructed him to raise his hands in the air, something ugly reared its head deep inside her. The detector hadn’t even beeped. There was no reason for the personal service. When the woman smiled at Connor and ran a hand down her ponytail, Erin propelled herself forward, boots echoing on the polished marble.

Erin hissed as she drew even with the guard. “If you’re done feeling up my boyfriend, I’d love a turn. We were in a rush this morning.”

The guard dropped the wand, letting it dangle near her thigh. “Did you just hiss at me?”

Erin hissed again.

“Okay.” Connor stepped between them, winking down at her. “We should go. Don’t want to keep the clerk waiting.”

Appreciation spread in her belly like honey. He hadn’t chided her for her behavior or apologized to the woman on her behalf. Instead he’d given the impression they were on their way to get married, appeasing her jealousy in one fell swoop. “That’s right.” She sauntered toward the elevator. “There’s vows to be exchanged. Rings to put on fingers. Shit like that.”

She glanced behind her to find Connor staring at her ass as she walked, so she put a little swing in her hips and savored his groan. Damn. She’d definitely never had this much fun at a courthouse.

A moment later, she and Connor stepped into an empty elevator. She hit the button for the top floor even though the clerk was on the first, and leaned back against the wall, looking up at him through her eyelashes. “How was your morning, baby? Was it worth leaving me in bed, all hot and bothered for you?”

“Fuck no, it wasn’t.” He crooked a big finger at her. “Climb on up here.”

You might escape everywhere else, but you can’t escape this. Me. I’m where you LIVE.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; Tessa Bailey books are my ovary happy place. They’re pure guilty pleasure, dirty-talking-alpha-overload, awesome entertainment goodness. I’ll never get enough of her stories or her dirty talking heroes. Ever. Each book offers something unique while still delivering the signature dirty talk punch straight to the ovaries. I absolutely love it!

Ever since we first met Connor in Risking it All I’ve been chomping at the bit to get my hands on his story. What’s better than a bad boy criminal hiding a golden heart? Rhetorical question, clearly. Although this is the second book in the series, it’s also easily read as a standalone. However, I’d strongly recommend reading it in order since it will help you understand Connor and the backstory a little more.

At the end of Risking It All we saw a new police task force being formed by non-other than Derek from Protecting What’s His with the savvy criminals turned good guys. So what happens when you put a dishonorably discharged SEAL turned criminal and a pyromaniac with claustrophobia in the same room together?

Enough sexual chemistry to power a high rise in Chicago is what! The sparks fly immediately between these two. Erin is a sassy and smart mouthed little powerhouse that grabs the attention of the broody Connor when she first struts into the room. She may have her share of issues and they may be a mile long, but the woman has enough sass to overshadow that and give the illusion of a much stronger person than she really is on the inside.

Things between these two start off hot and heavy from the very beginning and they only get better as more time passes. And when I say better, I mean dirtier. So much dirtier.

Pet yourself, Erin. That’s what I would do. I’d stroke your pussy with my fingers through that silk. Nice and gentle. I’d give it a soft kiss and apologize for the fact that I’m about to destroy it.

And you surely won’t find this girl complaining.

Beyond anything else, this book was HAWT with a capital H. Connor and Erin absolutely burned up the pages together. I couldn’t get enough of them.

There were also a couple of other secondary characters that were introduced that also caught my attention right away. The master of disguises; Austin, and the super hacker; Polly. I love the idea of criminals turned right side of the law. It just gives this extra delicious spin on things that I enjoyed very much.

As for Connor and Erin? I loved them together. My only complaint was the big case of insta-lust. These two get together right off the bat and just get more hot and heavy. I like my books to have that little burn of sexual tension before the couple go at it. But hell, these two were so hot together, I could barely even find it in me to care.

I will kill for this pussy. Kill for the right to continue ownership of it. No if you understand how serious I am…
Now fuck me like you mean it.

The story was quick paced and entertaining; I read it in practically one sitting. As was the case with every other series this woman has written, I’m completely hooked on Crossing the Line and cannot wait for more. I hear Austin’s book is next, and if the teaser for it in this book is enough to go by, I can already tell it’s going to be a good one. Another winner from the super fabulous Tessa Bailey and a must read!

Thank you for your interest in my books! I’m Tessa and I live in the crazy, loud, overcrowded borough of Brooklyn, New York. I love it here. This city is a constant source of inspiration, which is why I’ve decided to set my most recent books in the Line of Duty Series here. I moved to New York when I was eighteen, the day after I graduated high school. Threw my suitcase in the back of a Chevrolet Cavalier and drove across the country to find my adventure. I’m still finding it, little by little.​Thank you for being a part of it.

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Review: ★Edge of Forever★ by Taryn Elliot

Edge of Forever 
Author: Taryn Elliott
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: March 24, 2015

One night gave her everything. One night almost took it all away.

Isabella Grace never had a place she could call home until she moved to Winchester Falls. When a romantic moment ends in pain and horror, Isabella must deal with the aftermath of one woman’s vengeance.

After tragedy rocks the small town, the people rally around its newest member, and Logan King, Bella’s rockstar boyfriend, is doing his best to help her pick up the pieces of her shattered life. In spite of the secrets and suspicion that have dogged their every step since the beginning, he helps her find her way back to herself in the midst of her heartbreak over all she has lost. But his unrelenting need for revenge is shaking the bedrock of the foundation of the love they’d only begun to build—and Bella isn’t at all sure they’ll get through it unscathed.

Or alive.

He was going to destroy her. And God forgive him, it was his fault. How could he ever make up for that?

I have no idea why it took me so long to read this fantastic conclusion to the trilogy. Maybe I was still recovering after Taryn Elliot completely shattered my damn feels at the end of the last book with a character death I never saw coming. Maybe it’s because I’m a mood reader and I knew I had to be in the right mood to read this book because I knew Taryn would go straight for the feels again? For whatever reason, I finally read it and wanted to kick my own ass for waiting this long. This was the prefect conclusion to Izzy and Logan’s story.

He’d been there every single day without fail since the accident. Even when she’d hated him and wanted to drown in the pain that threatened to submerge her every day, he’d been there.

Edge of Forever starts off immediately after the events of where Bulletproof weeks left off. You get the devastating aftereffects of the explosion of Izzy’s store and the shock and mourning that follows it. While Izzy is terribly hurt from the fire and recovering, Logan’s guilt is slowly eating away at him. He knows that loving him is what caused this and he’s determined to make it right and make the person behind it pay. He’s tired of hiding in the shadows. He knows that his deranged stalker is responsible for this and he’s willing to do everything to make her finally stop.

Izzy’s physical injuries are excessive and put her in the hospital for a while, but that’s nothing compared to the emotional scars she discovers when she finally comes to. She’s forced to come to terms that she’s responsible for the devastation around them. She’s convinced her choices and her and Logan’s arrogance about their untouchable relationship is what led to the explosive event that cost the life of a person she loved dearly. She doesn’t know how to forgive herself, she doesn’t know how to move on, and she doesn’t know how to move forward with Logan.

A large part of the book is Izzy and Logan dealing with their relationship and Logan trying to get Izzy out of her emotional shell. It’s fairly slow paced but packed full with the feels. I loved these two together from the beginning and this book just goes to prove how perfect they really are together.

This book had a little bit of everything; it was emotional, a little suspenseful with some action in the end, and of course it wouldn’t be a Taryn Elliot book if it also wasn’t super steamy.

One of my favorite things about the trilogy is all the incredible secondary characters that have been introduced that I’m hoping Taryn will have books for next. Luckily I’ve already confirmed that Adam and Zeke will be getting one and I’m practically salivating for it already.

Admittedly, trilogies aren’t always my thing since I find it’s tough for me to maintain interest for the same couple for more than 2 books, but I really enjoyed Logan and Izzy’s story and journey to their HEA. If you’re looking for a sexy and angsty story with a hot rockstar and the woman that brings him to his knees, then this is definitely a trilogy you’ll want to look into.

We may have made mistakes in getting here, and God knows I’m no prize. But I’m yours. And you’re mine.


Anything But Mine (When You’re Gone #1)


Bulletproof Weeks (When You’re Gone #2)


#NewRelease Spotlight, Review & #GIVEAWAY: ★Shattered by You★ by @nashodarose

 It’s no secret that I absolutely LOVE all things Nashoda Rose. Heck, I practically sing the woman’s praises every single time I finish a new book by her. Why? Because with each new book she just continues to blow me away with her incredible characters, their heart wrenching stories and heart melting romances. Shattered By You is a bit different from anything she’s written before. It’s not the dark and angsty that readers that are familiar with her work would expect from her. This was more contemporary romance with a friends to lovers trope that broke my heart and melted it all at the same time. It’s packed full of feels and while it’s not the super steamy erotic romance that Nashoda has written for previous books in this series, it still has it’s side of sexy. I absolutely loved this book and it’s not often my picky self gets a a five star read. So when I do, of course I have to share it with you all.

Make sure you check out the excerpt below along with my 5 star review and don’t forget to enter the giveaway for a chance to win one of 2 ebooks of Shattered By You or a signed paperback of Shattered by You.

Shattered by You 
Series: Tear Asunder #3
Author: Nashoda Rose
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: June 22, 2015

What started out as a deal quickly became a friendship that conquered monsters.
I killed, but I escaped hell. Emotionless. Disconnected. Cold. A mannequin. It’s what I’d become in order to survive the years held in captivity. I was able to endure the abuse and devastating loss as long as I remained detached.

But he wouldn’t let me.

Crisis, the bass guitarist in my brother’s rock band, Tear Asunder. He’s cocky, rude, a total man-whore. But the rock star has far more beneath the surface of his inked skin, and he’s determined to make me laugh again.

He made me a “deal”, but really, it was blackmail.His terms were simple. Until his playful honesty became the building blocks to something unexpected. Something strong enough to pull me from the eye of the storm.

Because even though I escaped years of abuse, it didn’t mean I was free.

For mature audiences only. 

Shattered by You is written as a standalone, however, it is recommended you read Book 1 and 2 in the Tear Asunder series.

Words: 98,000

This is a Contemporary Romance.

I settled her against the wall, a ways down from the room, then rested one hand above her head the other lightly on her hip. “We’re headed to Avalanche. You want to come with us or we can drop you off at home?” Then I added, “Or stay here?”

“I swore to never drink, but they tasted good, not like the beer.”

I half-smiled. She was cute tipsy with her cheeks flushed and her voice softer, sexier.
She reached up and touched me right between my eyes, the pad of her finger caressing back and forth. “The crease is there. You only get that when you’re worried about something.” My breath stalled. “And when you’re angry, your voice gets all gravelly and deep.” I closed my eyes a second and swallowed. Her finger trailed down my nose off the tip to my lips and it took everything, I mean everything, I had to not draw her finger into my mouth. “I love it when you sing. I can’t figure out which is better, when you sing or laugh. Because when you laugh, it makes my chest all warm and tingly. It’s nice.”

She rested her head against the wall, arm lowering to her side. Oh, fuck. I was putty, fuckin’ melted putty that was a puddle on the floor at her feet.

“You flirted with me today. At school.”

It took me a second to answer because fuck if she wasn’t the most stunning woman I’d ever seen and I was crawling back up from the puddle. “Yeah.”


I couldn’t very well tell her because I wanted to fuck her so badly my cock hurt. So instead, I said, “Things need to change between us.”

By her frown, she didn’t get what I was saying and probably wouldn’t remember any of this in the morning.

“We’re friends.”

“Yeah, baby.”

“I like when you call me that.” She sighed then bit her lip. “I probably shouldn’t say that. It’s safer as friends.”

Fuck no. No, it wasn’t safer. Safer would be making her mine and kissing her, then scooping her up in my arms, taking her home and putting her in my bed, and then waking up to her in the morning. Kite was right. If we went home together, I’d fuck her if she’d let me. “Yeah. Whatever you want, Haven.”

Because that was what it came down to. What she wanted.

I’d been good. Fuck, I’d been an angel, but the angel was losing its fight against the devil who wanted to kiss her. Take her. Make her mine. But I was determined that she had to come to me. Her past was too screwed up to have it any other way. She may not have told me what happened, but we all knew it was really fuckin’ bad.

She was looking at me with parted lips, eyes a little droopy and if I pressed in a little closer, our lips would touch. Her warm breath drifted across my face like a sweet caress and I automatically leaned in closer.

Her breath hitched.

I felt it. Heard it.

“What’s your real name?”


We all know the definition of shattered: to break into pieces; to weaken, destroy; to damage, as by breaking or crushing.
But my story isn’t about being shattered.
It’s about surviving the pieces.

Every single time I think Nashoda Rose can’t possibly top the last book I read by her, she goes and blows me away. Her writing is poignant, sensual, and emotional; which make her books completely unputdownable. With each new book I read by her, the woman proves just how talented she is as an author because none of her characters sound the same. She gives you her signature writing style without giving you that feeling of “I’ve read this before with a different character name.” Her characters and their stories are so full of depth and I have to say that Crisis and Haven’s story was probably the most emotional one that I’ve read from her to date. Their story broke my heart and melded it back together piece by devastating piece. It’s quite a bit different from her other books because there’s no dark or grit (besides Haven’s memories). It’s an incredibly emotional romance that while isn’t heavy on the steam, it still gives the reader just enough to satisfy. I absolutely loved it.

If you haven’t yet read Overwhelmed by You, I highly recommend you do. While you may read it as a standalone, you will enjoy it much more read in order. Some story arcs get carried over in the next books and it will help truly understand each character’s background but in this case; Haven’s

Haven is Ream’s twin sister that he long thought died from a drug overdose. What he never knew was the hell that Haven lived through at the hands of monsters. Forced to surrender her body and her mind, lost to the haze of drugs that were forced on her; Haven was a shell of the girl that Ream once knew. Now back in his life after rescuing him from his own hell by killing the woman that was the cause of it all, Ream hopes that he’ll soon get his twin back, but that woman is gone. She’s too damaged; drowning in the demons of her past and the nightmares of what she’s survived.

My past would never have me again. Conquer. Destroy. Bleed the memories.

Crisis has always been the most lighthearted member of Tear Asunder. He’s had a happy upbringing with 2 amazing parents that adopted Ream at 17. He’s never suffered for female attention and he’s never denied himself a meaningless night spent between the thighs of a band groupie. But then a pair of haunted eyes change him and his life completely. He wants Haven but he knows he has to work for it. He knows she’s damaged but he doesn’t know the extent of it…no one does. But he’s willing to put in the work, even if it takes him months.

Don’t want to fuck a girl so damaged she can’t breathe without hurting.” He lowered his voice and it went all husky. “What I want is to help her learn to laugh again. And I want her trust.”

I adored Crisis in this book. While he may have come off as the unrepentant manwhore and jokester in the previous two books, there’s so much more to him. He systematically begins to wear down all of Haven’t walls. He’ll be her friend first if that’s what it takes; he’ll be there for her. He knows that they need that foundation before anything else because of her history.

Crisis was like a leech that kept sucking the blood out of me, but it wasn’t blood. It was my coldness. It was as if he was the heater turned on high and I was the block of ice that was slowly melting.

Don’t get me wrong, while this book was more emotional than erotic; Crisis definitely still had his edge. He was a dirty talking bad boy who at his core was also an incredible man.

The romance element while very much predominant throughout the entire book is a slow build. I loved that Nashoda stayed true to both of these characters and didn’t make things happen in a few weeks. It took them months to get to where they are and the reader gets to experience every devastating memory of the past and each swoon worthy memory of their present.

You didn’t break, Haven. Your pieces may have scattered, but they didn’t break.

I honestly think this may have been Nashoda’s best book to date.

Don’t get me wrong, while this may have been a touch less on the steam then the previous books in this series, that doesn’t mean it was any less hot.

Vincent. Please.”
His voice vibrated against me and I swear it was why he spoke. “Please won’t work this time, Ice. Melting is a slow process.

When these two finally get together, they burn up the pages.

But their road there was also a believable one. It wasn’t easy and filled with many bumps but the one constant that remained through it was Crisis. Did I mention just how much I adore him? Haven was an amazing heroine. For everything that she’s been through (and nothing will prepare you for just how devastating her past is) she still has this core of strength. Her pieces may be a little more broken than most, but she’s determined to put them back together again.

I don’t think I can name one thing I didn’t love about this book. Crisis and Haven’t story was everything I’d hoped it would be and yet so much more. Then there was also a peak into Kite, and holy mother of ovaries does Nashoda know how to tease you with a future character because GAH! A piercing (I’ll let you imagination full in where), a penchant for the kinky and rough sex, and perhaps even a Dominant streak? Oh mama! Sign me the hell on. I’m calling dibs now. I NEED his book.

If you haven’t read this incredible series yet, I can’t recommend it enough. The boys of Tear Asunder will ruin you for all other men, that much I can guaran-fuckin’-tee you. Trust.

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Review, Excerpt & #Giveaway: ★Beneath These Chains★ by @Meghan_March

Beneath These Chains 
Series: Beneath #3
Author: Meghan March
Genre: Contemporary, Erotic Romance
Release Date: June 16, 2015

I was raised on the streets, so I know things are rarely as simple as they appear—especially this rich girl showing up at my pawnshop demanding a job.

She’s the most tempting thing I’ve ever seen, and I’ll be damned if I can make her leave.

Shit just got complicated … but when it comes to her—I want complicated.

We’re both fighting our own demons, and our only chance at a future is to let go of the past.

But will we be strong enough to break free from beneath these chains?

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Chapter 1


I fucking hated people who stole from me. Which was ironic, considering the only thing that had kept me from starving as a kid had been picking pockets and snatching purses. I dropped my elbows to the desk and rubbed a hand over my buzzed head.

“Goddamn, karma’s a bitch.”

“She the bitch you fucked last night, bro?” The leather of my office couch creaked as Mathieu sank his tall, lanky frame into it.

“How many times do I have to tell you not to call women ‘bitches,’ boy?”

My words were met with a long sigh from Mathieu. Ever since he’d walked into Chains and tried to grab a guitar and run back out the door—only to be tackled to the ground by yours truly—he’d been a fixture in my life. To be fair, his choices had been to work off the price of what he’d attempted to steal, or go directly to the nearest cop shop. The entire situation had been such a blast from the past, I’d caught myself smiling when I should’ve been glaring and scaring the piss out of the kid. But apparently I’d done an okay job of it because he’d decided starting a rap sheet at seventeen wasn’t a good plan. Thank fuck. Almost two years later, the kid was my right hand.

And now that Chains was mine, someone was stealing from me—but not just someone. An employee. Someone I should’ve been able to trust. The cameras I had installed on her day off had already paid for themselves.

I rolled my head from side to side, cracking my neck. I hated firing people. It never got easier. And this time? This time it was going to be even worse … because there would be tears. And quite possibly claws.

Pushing up from the chair, I strode to the door without looking at Mathieu. Over my shoulder, I tossed, “You might want to stay here; Brianna’s ass is about to get canned.”

“For real?” His words followed me out, but I didn’t bother to reply.

Every time I stepped foot onto the shop floor, a feeling of pride surged through me—pride that I’d helped build this business into one that was not only honest, but profitable. At least, it was profitable when one of my employees wasn’t skimming off the till and messing with my bank deposits.

Finger twirling in her long, dark extensions and gum snapping between her teeth, Brianna flipped the pages of a magazine with a giant black Sharpie in one hand, circling shit. Probably shit she wanted to buy with the money she’d been stealing from me. The store was empty, which made what I was about to do a little easier.

“Bree, need a few minutes.”

Her head popped up, lips pursing as she took me in. “You can have all the time you need, boss.” Her gaudy fake eyelashes batted at me in what I assumed was supposed to be a sexy move. I stowed the urge to tell her to save it for someone whose dick got hard at the sight of her … but since I was about to fire her, why add insult to injury? The woman had been unsuccessfully trying to add her notch to my bedpost since I’d hired her. Bringing her on had been a mistake, and I’d known it from the minute she’d walked in the door, but a friend had called in a favor.

“Boss? You had something to say?” she prompted.

I watched her, not speaking.

She stopped the hair twirling and capped the Sharpie, resituating herself on the stool and folding her hands in her lap.


“You’re done.”

Bree’s dark eyes flew wide. “Done? You mean done for the day?”

“Done. For good. Get your shit and get out.”

Bree lost the innocent pose as she crossed her arms and stared me down. “Not until you tell me why.”

In two long strides, I closed the distance between the register and me and pressed my hands to the counter.

“I gave you a job. Gave you a paycheck you didn’t have to suck a dick to get. But that wasn’t enough for you. You had to have more, and instead of coming to me and asking for a raise, you decided to make it happen yourself.”

The color faded from her face, leaving her mocha-colored skin sallow. “Wh-what?”

“Get your shit.”

“I swear, I didn’t—”

“Don’t fucking lie to me. I can show you the tape if you want to see what I saw.”

Her lower lip started to wobble. It wasn’t going to work. I’d given her the benefit of the doubt, hoped I was wrong or it was just a one-time thing. But she’d gotten too bold.

“But I need this—”

I cut her off. She wasn’t even going to deny it. Not that she could. We both knew she’d done it, and I wasn’t in the mood to listen to her beg or justify her actions. Even though she didn’t know it, I’d already given her a second chance. And all that had done was cost me even more than I could afford to lose. “I needed someone to work the shop—someone who wasn’t going to fuck me over and steal from me. You weren’t capable of that, so you’re out. Now get your shit.”


“Save your breath, Bree. I ain’t listening unless you’re here to tell me you’ve got all the money you’ve taken, and you’re putting it right back where it belongs.”

Her face twisted into an angry glare even as the tears started falling. “You … you don’t understand.”

“No, I really don’t understand.” I crossed my arms and waited her out. When she realized the water works weren’t changing my decision, she spun off the stool, grabbed her giant purple purse from behind the counter, and stalked toward the door.

“You get all self-righteous with me about a little cash while you basically steal from people? Giving ‘em twenty dollars for their shit? Like you’re one to judge.”

A little cash? She’d skimmed enough to buy a nice used car, and I’d been too trusting to even realize it until the numbers hadn’t added up in a big way.

She slowed near the guitars at the front of the store and malicious glee lit her eyes.

She wouldn’t.

Oh, but she did.

Bree grabbed a guitar and swung it toward the rack as the chimes above the front door jangled. Wood crashed against wood, and two female screeches erupted.

Shit … if she injured a customer…

I charged Bree and ripped the guitar from her hands before she could swing again. A swirl of red hair caught my attention as the other woman dodged out of the strike zone.

Bree struggled against my hold, and I wondered if I was going to end up with a face full of the acrylic claws tearing at my arms. “Let go of me, you asshole!”

“Whoa, boss. Getting the door for ya.” Mathieu bolted across the shop and yanked the door open again. I hustled Bree out and set her free on the sidewalk.

She spun to face Mathieu and me. “You’re gonna regret this,” she hissed. “I swear, you will.”

A soft laugh came from the open door. “From what I’ve seen, I highly doubt it.”

Bree opened her mouth to spew something else, but I shut her down. “Get gone. I don’t ever wanna see you near my shop again.”

Bree’s flinty eyes narrowed as she shouldered her purse. “Fuck you, Lord. You think you’re better than me? Not a chance. You’re just thievin’ street scum. Fuck you.”

“And now she’s getting repetitious,” the husky female voice commented from behind me.

Lip curling in disgust, Bree turned and marched toward the corner, never looking back.

“Her exit could totally use some work, but all-in-all, that was one hell of a welcome.”

I turned to survey the woman standing in the doorway of Chains. Even without a photographic memory, I didn’t think I’d ever forget this particular pose: one arm braced on the doorframe and the other propped on her hip, a green dress hugging curves that had my entire body sitting up and taking notice. Matched with her long, curling red hair, she was a goddamn knockout. What the hell is she doing here?

“You lost, sweet thing?”

She stepped onto the sidewalk and tore the HELP WANTED sign off the bottom corner of the front window. Holding it between two fingers, she smiled. “Nope. I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be. I’m your newest employee.”

This man was wild, untamed- seemingly fearless- and yet his body jumped when I touched him. That was insanely seductive.”

Lord, oh Lord but I loved me some Lord. Where has this author been all my life with her deliciously sexy alphas? Because if the other 2 books were anything like this, then my method of reading things back asswards has seriously backfired on me and I missed out on 2 amazing books that I have every intention of going back and reading now. Beneath These Chains is easily read as a standalone, since I clearly read it as one. However, there were characters from previous books that I clearly missed out on the backstory on that I’d love to now get. But that never took away from my enjoyment of this book since the author did a fantastic job of giving perfect amount of backstory so the reader doesn’t feel lost.

What did this book have?

An incredibly sexy, tatted up alpha hero

A bad boy that runs a pawn shop called chains, Lord hasn’t exactly had an easy life. Raised on the streets, he’s had to fight for everything he’s got. When a tempting redhead comes into his shop demanding a job, he knows she must be joking. Elle is a rich girl and has no business doing anything on his side of the town. The fact that she happens to be the best friend of his brother’s girlfriend also means she’s off limits. Too bad she tempts him like not other.
A sassy, knows what she wants heroine

Trust me, I’m not looking for anyone to chase me. In fact, the chase is decidedly unwelcome.” She jerked her head to the side, flipping a lock of that sexy-as-fuck red hair out of her face. “I’m the kind of girl who does the chasing herself. I see what I want, and I get it.

I ask you, how often do you find THAT?

Elle needs the job at chains for reasons that she’s not willing to share. She’s also incredibly attracted to it’s brooding, tatted and potty-mouthed owner. But watching her mother withdraw into herself and turn to the bottom of a bottle because of a domineering asshole that is her stepfather, she has no desire to give herself like that to a man. She’s find with one night and slaking some lust? But a relationship? She can’t give up her independence for it and she’s convinced that that’s exactly what would happen if she gives herself to a man.

A man determined to get the woman he needs and treat her the way she deserves to be treated

While you’d expect this to be another case of sexy asshole syndrome, Lord was nothing of the sort. He won’t fuck with Elle because he doesn’t want that reflecting on his brother’s relationship if something was to go wrong. And since his brother is dating Elle’s best friend, Vannessa, he knows he has to tread carefully. But when he decides that what he wants is Elle and not just for one night, he systematically begins to wear her down. And he doesn’t do this by being an overbearing asshole. Nope. he does this by demanding a date and showing her the way that she deserves to be treated.

You should be going to your knees for me, woman. You shouldn’t be going to your knees for any man.”
“You want to suck my dick, you do it while you’re kneeling above me. I don’t ever want to see you on the ground on your knees.”
“But you did it for me.” I protested.
“Because you deserve to be worshipped.”

No relationship drama

How refreshing was THAT? Once Lord finally wears Elle down and forces her to see how great they are together, there’s no pity arguments, stupid misunderstandings, or manufactured drama. That’s not to say that their relationship is smooth sailing because there’s also the added element of suspense in the plot, but their relationship only strengthens through it.

An interesting and suspenseful plot

Just made this even more fun of a read. There’s murders, Elle’s asshole father and stepbrother, and all of it ties together flawlessly with the romance.

In short, I seriously enjoyed this book. Lord is just the right amount of crude with a dash of sweet. I absolutely loved that about him. It’s so refreshing to have a hero that actually wants a relationship and proves that to the heroine. The super hawt sex scenes certainly didn’t hurt either.

I’m kicking myself for not discovering this series sooner but I have definitely found myself a new author to love and a new series to read.

Meghan March is the author of contemporary and erotic romance novels.

Meghan March has been known to wear camo face paint and tromp around in woods wearing mud-covered boots, all while sporting a perfect manicure. She’s also impulsive, easily entertained, and absolutely unapologetic about the fact that she loves to read and write smut. Her past lives include slinging auto parts, selling lingerie, making custom jewelry, and practicing corporate law. Writing books about dirty talking alpha males and the strong, sassy women who bring them to their knees is by far the most fabulous job she’s ever had. She loves hearing from her readers at meghanmarchbooks@gmail.com.


Catch Up on the Beneath Series:

Beneath This Mask (Beneath #1)

He loves me, and he doesn’t even know my real name.

The limelight that follows him could expose everything I’m hiding. But even knowing the risks, I can’t force myself to stay away.

I’m going to break his heart, but mine will shatter right along with it.

Will we lose it all when I reveal what’s beneath this mask?

Amazon / B&N / iBooks / Google Play / Kobo

Beneath This Ink (Beneath #2)

I’ve always known she was too good for me, but that never stopped me from wanting her.
And then I finally had her for one night.
A night I don’t remember.

I figured I’d blown my shot.
But now she’s walked back into my life, and this time, I have the upper hand. I want my second chance.
Will she be able to see the man beneath this ink?

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Blog Tour & #Giveaway: ★Rules of Seduction★ by Joya Ryan

Rules of Seduction
Series: Serve #7
Author: Joya Ryan 
Release Date: June 9th, 2015
Entangled Brazen

He’ll be the dream and the dirty fantasy…

Through with both her controlling ex and relationships, Ava Webber is determined to explore the spicy and sometimes forbidden appetites of the exclusive BDSM nightclub, Serve. Here, she’ll get exactly what she needs…as long as it’s from a man she doesn’t know.

Nolan Hart ensures that Serve’s clients get what they want, how they want it. But with one look at the curvy brunette, Nolan knows he’s the man to fulfill her desires. As the anonymous lover, he’s Ava’s dirtiest fantasy. Outside of Serve, he’s her charming, smartass friend.

But Nolan wants more. More than Ava is willing to give. And as long as the blindfold stays on, she’ll never discover that the two men she’s falling for are one and the same…

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Despite the many steps it had taken her to wind up sitting and waiting for membership at Serve, nothing would now deter her from the path she’d chosen.

It was time.

Time she truly moved on. Time she admitted what she wanted. Time to go after it.
The moment her lungs filled with oxygen on a heavy inhale, the door opened and a tall, muscled man walked in, flipping through what looked to be her extensive questionnaire.

“Ava Webber?” he asked, eyes fused to the paper.


He kicked the door shut with his foot, flipped to another page, and frowned. He still hadn’t met her eyes yet, which was a shame, because even in the low light, she could tell his eyes were not only the iciest blue she’d ever seen, they were intense. Power and strength radiated from him as he took his seat behind the desk. His big body settled into the chair, and all his muscles flexed beneath the thin black T-shirt he wore. 

Her mouth watered. Just the way he moved was hypnotizing.  

“There’s a problem with your application,” he said, and now he looked at her. But the sound of his voice and the finality in his tone made a rise of panic swell in her gut.

“What? No, that can’t be. I read through the entire handbook, and I’m confident I meet every requirement.”

His eyebrows furrowed. He leaned forward and placed his hands on the desk. Which did crazy amazing things to those impressive biceps of his.

“You didn’t fill out section three completely,” he said, flipping to the page in question and sliding it in front of her. 

“For preference in a partner, you put male.”

“Is that a problem?”

He tossed her a lethal grin, and she suddenly felt a little giddy. Whoever this man was, he knew how to work a room—likely a woman, too—and had a special kind of swagger that was gifted from god and well-honed over the years. He glowed with confidence and an alpha intensity that matched the gleam of the laid-back charm in his eyes.

Male is a good start. Narrows the attendees down by half. But usually I’m given more to work with. Like body type, hair color, eye color—”

“I don’t care about any of that.” Her response seemed to take him off guard, but it was the truth.

“All I care about is that it’s anonymous sex.”

He looked at her for a long moment. “That’s a problem. Because see on section five? Sexual preferences, boundaries, hard limits, personal wants and desires?”

She nodded, looking at the section in question. “What’s your point?”

“You put any.”

“I’m aware.”

“As am I. Which is why I’m concerned.”

Ava took a deep breath. Hottie McSexyGrin was grilling her. He was the last step before she could participate in this club. She absently gripped her ring finger. Even with the discarded ring sitting in a drawer at home, she still felt its weight.

She couldn’t lose this chance. She needed a place like Serve. Needed to feel alive again and needed this man to stop blocking her from the path she’d discovered. A path that would finally let her be free.

“I don’t understand your concern.” She tapped the paper. “I’m open to any experience, hence the word.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Yes, I can read, sweetheart. But I’m not sure you understand all Serve has to offer. If you leave yourself open to anything, I can assure you, you just may get that.”

“I see we finally understand each other.”

He sat back in his chair and looked at her with amusement. “In the spirit of understanding each other, let’s go through a list.”


He shrugged. “Yeah, you seem to be open to anything, but I need to be clear on your desires, so we’ll start with your pussy.”

“Excuse me?”

“Oh, I’m sorry, did I offend you? Or are you not sitting in the middle of a sex club and claiming to be open to anything?”Great, not only was this guy sex on a stick, he was a smartass 
trying to call her bluff. Fine, she could play.

“What is it you’d like to know?”

“Several things,” he admitted with a heat in his eyes that made her thighs tingle. “Do you like your pussy to be sucked? Fucked? Made love to?”

She held her posture as still as possible. “All of the above.”

“And what about your man? Assuming I assign you one. What do you want to do to him?”

“Whatever he wants.”

He tsked. “Oh sweetheart, that is the best and worst answer you could give.”

“I don’t see how me wanting to please the man you will assign me is a bad thing.”

He grinned, obviously picking up on her determination that she wasn’t leaving without what she’d come for.

“Not bad, just trying to keep your expectations in check. He may decide to fuck your mouth for a while before touching you otherwise.”

“Sounds great.” And it really did. There was something about sucking a man that really turned her on. Not that she was going to go into details about that since the guy on the other side of the desk was baiting her as it was.

He shook his head. “I don’t think you know what you’re asking for.”

That’s where he was wrong. She’d thought about this more than he could know, and she knew exactly what she was asking for. Time he understood she was confident in her choice.

“I want to touch him however he’ll let me, and he can have me however he wants. I don’t know how to be more clear than that. Unless you’d like to run through every single scenario?”

The sarcasm in her voice made his amusement fire into something a little more lusty. His shoulders stiffened. She was wearing him down, showing she could handle what she was asking for, and slinging him back a taste of his own medicine.

You can read my full review HERE
I am a mother and a wife. I love to read, write, bake, cook, barbecue, baste, flambe’…basically anything regarding food you can assume my involvement. I also have terrible dance moves and unleash them upon the general public often.

If you want to know more about me or the books I write, come check out my site! www.JoyaRyan.com

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