Blog Tour & Review: For His Eyes Only by Lexi Blake

Series: Masters and Mercenaries #13
Genre: Romantic Suspense, BDSM, Erotic Romance
Author: Lexi Blake
Release Date: February 28, 2017

A night he can’t forget

Five years ago, Nick Markovic found himself consumed by his quest for vengeance. The one time he managed to find peace was in the arms of Hayley Dalton. Being with her was like bathing in sunlight, and he ached to feel that again, but he couldn’t. He gave his oath to Hayley’s cousin Desiree, his partner at McKay-Taggart and Knight, that he’d never let his darkness infect Hayley’s innocent world.

A spark she can’t put out

It was years before that Hayley offered everything she had to Nick. After that one amazing night, all she wanted was to be his forever. Unfortunately, Nick’s reaction was to walk away from her and never look back. The warm and caring man she’d discovered was gone, and after Des’s death, he’d only grown colder. But when Hayley finds herself in mortal danger, she’s forced to seek protection from the man who broke her heart.

A flame that threatens to consume them both

Haunted by the women he failed, Nick can’t allow himself to grow close to Hayley again. Running to stay ahead of the powerful forces that endanger their lives, they travel from the lush Garden in London to the glittering lights of Rio. As the threat against her becomes clearer, he realizes that to keep her safe he must confront the demons from his past, even if it costs him a future with the woman he loves.

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I missed you. God, how I missed you.” She’d been a hole inside him and only now could he see it. For years she’d been a friend, maybe his only real friend. He’d ruined it all.

Why is it that every single time I finish a Lexi Blake book and feel so satisfied to get another hit of her awesome, I’m STILL left a drooling and twitching mess in anticipation of the next one?! It’s not fair! NOT FAIR I TELLS YA!

This series is my crack and I will never, EVER, grow tired of it. It’s high-octane suspense with sizzling romance in a way that no other author but Lexi Blake could pull off.

This series is one giant tease of what’s to come. The amount of forethought this author puts into all of her characters is downright mind-blowing. She begins to develop their stories long before they get their own book and this couldn’t be more true than with Nick. I’ve been anticipating his story ever since Master No. The moody Russian badass that lost his lover in a mission gone wrong has been lost in a cloud of regret and grieving since. I couldn’t wait to see who the heroine will be. I was also a little afraid that whoever she’ll be wouldn’t quite live up to what he had with Des. This book definitely disabused me of that fear. It was so much juicer than anything I could have hoped for. We already got a peak into the beginning of this story in the end of Submission is Not Enough but the true reality of the connection between Nick and Hayley is so much better than the small taste we initially got.

She wasn’t here to fix what had gone wrong with Nick. She wasn’t here to rekindle some stupid flame. She was here to take him up on his offer and to make sure she survived the next few days. That was all.

Nick and Des’s relationship was a volatile one filled with more lies than truth. Nick has never stopped pining for the woman that he walked away from, Des’s cousin, Hayley. She was too young, too naive, too sweet for him five years ago. Having her show up on his door step three years after Des died and demanding his protection from an unknown threat is not something he expected. He’d give his life to protect the woman he never stopped caring for, even if the chemistry between them is just potent as it was five years ago, he’s still not good enough for Hayley. He’s seen too much, done too much, and still carries the stain of his mistakes and actions.

I wasn’t good for you then. I’m toxic now. What you need, I’m not the man who can give these things to you.”

The push and pull between Nick and Hayley was equally delicious and frustrating. At times I wanted to shake him for being a stubborn ass.

I loved watching Hayley come into her own. She’s not the naive girl Nick left all those years ago. She’s a woman that knows what she wants, and she’s not afraid to tear down his walls to get to it.

They were both damaged. Her by her childhood and him by so many things he wouldn’t talk about. Could she find some small healing for them both?

Of course all my favorites are back for this book, and can we even have a Masters and Mercenaries novel without Ian freaking Taggard?!

Bugger off, you useless cock.”
Taggart pointed. “See. That’s what I’m talking about. I don’t know why you people are so concerned with bugs, and my cock is totally getting used tonight. Big time used.”
Owen simply stood and dropped his towel, turning and giving Taggart a view of his naked backside. He slapped it. “Bite me arse, Tag.”
“That’s very Braveheart of you.”

I’ve come to think of these characters as family after all these books. I’ll never get enough of them.

As for Nick and Hayley, I loved these two together. I was afraid that Hayley may be drowned out a bit by the memory of Des, but the author did a fantastic job in weaving her in perfectly. She never felt like a consolation prize. She always felt like exactly what she was, his first and only choice.

Yes, we’ll get to this eventually. We’ll get to the part where I touch you in places you never imagined. There won’t be any part of your body that you don’t cede to me. You’ll allow me everywhere. You’ll crave my touch. The touch of my hand, my mouth and tongue, my cock.”

For His Eyes Only was everything you’ve come to expect from this author; non-stop action, twisty suspense, sizzling hot romance, and a gang of characters that you only love more with each new book. I can’t wait for more. I hope this series never ends!

NY Times and USA Today bestselling author Lexi Blake lives in North Texas with her husband, three kids, and the laziest rescue dog int eh world. She began writing at a young age, concentrating on plays and journalism. It wasn’t until she started writing romance and urban fantasy that she found the stories of her heart. She likes to find humor in the strangest places and believes in happy endings no matter how odd the couple, threesome, or foursome may seem.


Review & Excerpt Tour: Perfectly Paired by Lexi Blake

perfectly-paired-reviewPerfectly Paired
Series: Masters and Mercenaries: Topped #3
Genre: Contemporary, BDSM Romance
Author: Lexi Blake
Release Date: November 29, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


A table for two

Waitress Tiffany Hayes knows what she wants and she wants Sebastian. Top’s grumpy sommelier calls to her in a way no man has before. She simply needs to show him that they belong together. Finding an opportunity to spend some quality time with him turns out to be the easy part. Convincing Sebastian to look beyond his damaged heart and soul is far more difficult.

A thirst he can’t deny

After losing everything he held dear, Sebastian Lowe has finally rebuilt his life and the walls around his heart. Tiffany is a sweet temptation he struggles to resist. She’s bright and complex, but he’s sure she can’t handle his dark desires. When they’re thrown together on an assignment, he can’t help himself.

A perfect pairing

As passion builds, the new lovers are both forced to face their pasts. To have a future, they must find a way to heal the wounds they thought would haunt them forever.

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Elegant young handsome man over night city background


Damn but she was a beautiful woman. She was also something he needed to keep his hands off of. No matter what Big Tag said, he did not date women he worked with.He didn’t really date anyone. He played with subs. When the need got too great, he found a partner for a brief time. He didn’t sleep with anyone. He fucked, and that was starting to get very old. Empty.

“So you said something about house rules?” Tiffany leaned forward, her elbows on the bar. “Are these housekeeping rules or like big bad Dom rules?”

“I don’t suppose I differentiate.” He couldn’t let those big eyes of hers soften him up. It had almost happened at her apartment. When she’d stood up after he’d spanked her and there had been tears running down her face, his impulse had been to reach for her. He’d wanted to draw her in the way he had that night when she was drunk and she’d cried on his shoulder. He’d wanted to smooth back her hair and promise her everything was going to be all right, that he could fix things for her. It was a path that was sure to lead to discomfort for her and humiliation for him. “I prefer a clean living space. I don’t like for things to be messy. I expect that you will keep your things in their proper place.”

Because no matter how hard he tried, he could still trip. The legs he now walked on were only a year old. He’d spent the first two years in a wheelchair.

The Garden’s Wheelchair Dom.

He still wasn’t completely comfortable in the prosthetics.

“I can try,” she said with a frown. “I’ll be honest, I’m not the world’s biggest neat freak.”

He’d been able to tell that from the state of her apartment. It had been cluttered, a bit dusty. With the exception of her easel. That had been perfectly taken care of. He rather wished he’d taken the time to ask to see her art.

He’d seen one painting that night he’d taken her home. It had been a painting of three laughing girls, the swirling colors so vibrant he could hear them giggling as they splashed in a puddle on a rainy day. The figures had been more impressions than photographic reality, but he’d known what she was trying to convey.

“If you cook I’ll clean, and the other way around.” He’d started a list in his head on the long drive. The drive that would have been considerably shorter had they left at the proper time. As she’d sung along to sugary pop songs after she’d changed his radio, he’d sat and considered how to proceed.

With caution. Lots and lots of caution.

“I’m not the best cook in the world,” he continued, “but I can manage. Most nights, of course, we’ll be eating at Top as our training sessions for the new restaurant will last long hours, but I would prefer to eat breakfast here rather than skipping the meal or picking up fast food. Eric made sure the fridge was stocked with a few items I requested.”

“Breakfast.” She gave him a little salute with her free hand. “I can manage that.”

“In addition to our duties at Top, we will now be taking on the additional task of appearing to be a long-term D/s couple, and we need to talk about what that should look like.” Another thing he’d been thinking about ever since that moment the trap had closed around him. “You know you probably could have gotten us out of this assignment. It’s much more difficult for the Dom to say no. The sub always holds the power. Is there a reason you didn’t use yours today?”

“I didn’t want to,” she replied simply. “I don’t have a full-time Dom and I thought it would be interesting to see what that’s like.”

Was she thinking at all? “You know nothing about how I function as a dominant partner.”

“And now I do,” she replied. “You like rules and schedules and you tend to be very fair.”

“I can be quite exacting in my standards.”

“I can be quite flexible,” she shot back as the sexiest smile crossed her face. “I’m serious about that. I can still do the splits and everything.”

“You’re far too reckless, Tiffany.” He didn’t appreciate recklessness so why was she like a siren calling to him? If he listened, he would end up wrecked.

“You’re far too uptight, Sebastian.”

Erotic moments of couple in bed

Review-DGR4.5 starsperfectly-paire-dgr-teaser

A smart girl got what she wanted. A good girl made sure her Dom got what he needed, too.

tumblr_nh648kl9fl1u6bin0o3_400Lexi Blake brings the feels with this one. Big time. So sexy and swoony. I adore everything this woman writes. She has a knack for writing a romance that not only scorches but packs an even more solid punch of emotion. It’s perfectly balanced. It’s perfectly written. It’s has a couple that’s perfectly paired.

That’s the trade, baby. Love can lift us up or it can crash us right down. Nothing good comes without risk.

Tiffany Hayes isn’t afraid to go after what she wants. And what she wants is the perfectly mannered but grumpy and standoffish sommelier, Sebastian. These two are polar opposites. Tiffany is fun loving and sunny while Sebastian shies away from any attention and prefers the shadows. Losing everything you ever held dear may do that to a man. Now he feels like a shell of a man he used to be, a monster. He doesn’t understand why a bright ray like Tiffany may be attracted to someone like him. But Tiffany isn’t above manipulation to get what she wants. And suddenly a flooded apartment and a few other “occurrences” and Tiffany is the only sub available for a Dom/sub training that Ian Taggard asks Sebastian to do…well…in his own Ian Taggard way.

Dude, will you take over the baby Doms for me? There’s a new crop coming in and they need to be sown. Otherwise they’ll all be like ‘brah, let’s go spank some bottoms and drink craft beer’ and then I’ll have to murder them. Seriously. I’ve been told not to murder them. Millennial Doms. Has it really come to this?”

Can I just say how much I love Ian? Because I swear the man is the perfect comedic intervention in every single book he appears in. I will never, and I mean EVER get enough of him.

It’s not like I’m getting any right now. Have you ever tried to top a woman who recently had a baby you put up in her? Charlie’s not having any of it. And Seth and I here are still outnumbered because someone neutered Bud and now the dog doesn’t have a dick either. Or balls. Yeah. I think he’s got a dick, but no balls. Isn’t that right, Sean? It’s the same thing. You kept your dick, but they cut off your balls. Dude, I don’t know how you survived. It made the dog cranky so he ate one of my shoes. That made me cranky. God, I’m tired.”

As for Tifanny and Sebastian? I couldn’t get enough of them together. I loved the way that Tiffany was determined to break down all Sebastian’s walls. She doesn’t bow down or run away when things get difficult. She pushes his and forces him to see things the way they should be. She gives as good as she gets, if not better, and man but I loved her for it.

And Sebastian? Holy mother of swoons but I adored this man. Watching the painful struggle of him still trying to deal with his past and his present was absolutely gut wrenching. I hurt for him. I cried for him and everything that he’s been through. The man was just so perfectly imperfect.

This book was everything I love about romance; an endearing and strong heroine, a broken alpha that just needed the right female touch, a perfect balance of swoon and steam, and all with the spice of Lexi Blake’s BDSM to top it all off. It’s the perfect book to warm you up on a cold winter’s night. Simply delicious.
About the Authorlexi_blakeNY Times and USA Today bestselling author Lexi Blake lives in North Texas with her husband, three kids, and the laziest rescue dog int eh world. She began writing at a young age, concentrating on plays and journalism. It wasn’t until she started writing romance and urban fantasy that she found the stories of her heart. She likes to find humor in the strangest places and believes in happy endings no matter how odd the couple, threesome, or foursome may seem.


New Release & Review: Mischief And The Masters by @CheriseSinclair

mischief-and-the-masters-reviewMISCHIEF AND THE MASTERS
Series: Masters of the Shadowlands #12
Genre: BDSM Romance
Author: Cherise Sinclair
Release Date: November 15, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


She wants a short, sweet Master. One Master.

The two devastatingly dominant Drago cousins have other ideas.

Her life destroyed by a stalker, Uzuri Cheval starts anew in Tampa and joins the exclusive Shadowlands club. Unconvinced of her claims that she can overcome her fear of big men without help, Master Z gives her a time limit. And she is improving–until she hears the stalker is out of prison. Now her time limit is up, and the Masters will intervene, which is okay–as long as whoever helps her is short. Okay, sweet and gentle would be good, too.

But two Doms? Dangerously experienced and dauntingly powerful cousins? No way.

Having volunteered in every hellhole in the world, Dr. Alastair Drago is ready to settle down. Detective Max Drago has joined him and, once again, the cousins share everything. A house, lives, problems…and whatever submissive catches their interest. One mischievous submissive has definitely caught Alastair’s. However, having been burned by a woman, Max remains detached…until little mischief’s troubles turn deadly.

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Kneel for us, princess.”

This series is by far one of my top favorite BDSM series out there. Cherise Sinclair has this knack for writing provocative mixed with emotional and gripping. Her romance is so far beyond simple eroticism and sex with BDSM. Her characters are multi-layered with so much depth that after 12 books in this phenomenal series, each time I pick up a new book it’s like coming home. These characters have become like friends to me. And even though you get a different couple in each book, you get to know each individual character well before. Enough so, that you yearn for the HEA and eager to get to the bottom of their secrets. This was exactly the case for me with Uzuri.

Uzuri was always such an intriguing character. You know she’s hiding some painful secrets from her past and she’s skittish in a way that can only imply something very dark. This is also a woman that’s a fierce friend, protector, and has a heart of gold. She’s a woman that’s damaged but not broken. This is someone that could have easily come through as a victim, but the way she’s written is more of a warrior and survivor. She’s strong in a highly understated way and that shines through more and more throughout the book.

Courage is endurance for one moment more.”

Now the Dragon Doms…*pervy shudder* Man oh man, these boys were something else. I’ve been curious about the Drago cousins ever since Servicing the Target. A Dom that’s a doctor with a British accent, and a badass Dom that’s a detective that like to top TOGETHER? I can’t even! Can’t even.

Could her life get any more confusing?She’d never felt this way about anyone—and now she was sliding right into…caring…for two men. Two Doms. No. No, this was insane.She couldn’t do this.

I absolutely loved the sexual tension and sizzle between these three. I loved the way that Uzuri’s true fierceness comes through more and more with each encounter she shares with them. I loved the way that they encouraged her to be her own woman fought for her at the same time teaching her to fight for herself. I loved that the Drago cousins were the perfect combo of intense and protective without ever crossing into domineering.

This was a touching, emotional, and emotional story of finding your own strength. It’s a story of learning to love past your fears. It was erotic and sensual. It was the perfect balance of romance and BDSM, all wrapped around an incredible plot. I loved every page of it. This series only continues to get better and better and I hope it never ends.



DGR Fave & Review: Loving You Easy by @RoniLoren

review-loving-you-easyLOVING YOU EASY
Series: Loving On The Edge #9
Genre: BDSM, Erotic Romance, Menage
Author: Roni Loren
Release Date: September 6, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


Three lovers really click in the latest from the New York Times bestselling author of Call on Me—
Cora has an amazing sex life. She’s beautiful, daring, and the most popular submissive in Hayven. Too bad none of it’s real… 
IT specialist Cora Benning has figured out the key to her formerly disastrous love life—make it virtual. In the online world of Hayven, she’s free of her geek girl image and can indulge her most private fantasies with a sexy, mysterious master without anyone in her life discovering her secrets. Until her information is hacked and she finds herself working to fix the breach under two very powerful men—one who seems all too familiar…

Best friends and business partners Ren Muroya and Hayes Fox were once revered dominants. Then Hayes was wrongfully sent to prison and everything changed. Ren wants to get back to who they were. Hayes can’t risk it. But when they discover the new IT specialist is their online fascination, and that she’s never felt a dominant’s touch, the temptation to turn virtual into reality becomes all too great…

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You have no idea the things I want to do to you. Don’t tempt me.”

Well hot diggity damn that was freaking AWESOME! No seriously, y’all! That was quite possibly my favorite book in this series. And let me just tell you, I’ve been a huge fan of this series from book 1, so that’s really saying something. I must have read this entire thing in one pervy glee filled sitting. I couldn’t put it down for even a second. This book was everything I love as a romance reader. Yes, like all of Roni’s books in the series it was smoking hot, but it was also so much more than that! It was a little angsty with some suspense and mystery thrown in. The characters were incredibly endearing that you simply can’t help but fall for them right away. And then there was Hayes. *dreamy sigh*
I swear, that man tugged at every heart string I had…until he got in his Dom mode. Then he just made my ovaries sing.

I love a spicy little MMF romance, but the great ones are harder and harder to come by lately for me. What I loved most about Loving You Easy is that the men already have such an amazing relationship as friends and it naturally develops into something more. Their bond is so strong and watching them give into the inevitable was equally satisfying and shiver inducing. I loved that the woman wasn’t used as a buffer for them to get together and it happens before the menage element gets introduced. Actually, that was one of the things I loved most about the story.

They’d just found something none of them had ever had. And no one had any idea what to do with it.

Cora Benning is a heroine that’s impossible to not like. Growing up as the daughter of a female police captain, she knows how to spot dangerous men a mile away…but what happens when she wants the danger that they exude? Cora is a tomboy and a tech geek. She’s used to hiding behind the computer screen and not being the object of male fantasies. But everything changes for her when a virtual game turns into something much more than she ever anticipates.

He was so tired. Tired of hiding. Tired of keeping so many emotions tucked away. Tired of being scared. Tired of fighting his instincts.

Hayes Fox isn’t the man he once was three years ago. Once one of the most sought after Doms at the ranch, he used to thrive on his control. Sharing women with his best friend was nothing out of the ordinary. But getting sent to prison for a wrongful conviction can change a man. Now, no matter how much Ren may try, his trust in women is shattered, and ultimately his trust in himself is gone. But then one woman changes everything.

Ren’s hands slid down Cora’s arms and drew her hands behind her back. He locked her wrists together in his grip. “Look at our pretty captive. Take her, Hayes. It’s time.”

I loved everything about this book. EVERYTHING. I loved how different each of these three characters were. I loved the relationship between Ren and Hayes and how they feed each other’s strength. I loved the bond they share going back to their teenage years. I also loved how quirky and endearing Cora was. She wasn’t a bombshell and she knew it. Yes, she certainly had her insecurities, but they didn’t define her. She was such a strong character and I loved how that played into the later part of the story. This is no damsel in distress and I adored that about her. Ren was enigmatic from his very first appearance, and you didn’t even know his name then. I couldn’t get enough of him.

I loved the pacing of the story and the romance and I really loved the additional element of the suspense.

As for the romance? Holy mother of sizzle! It. Was. Hot. As. Hell.

Shattered. Done. Never to be put back together the same way again. She was all sensation and body parts and feeling. And she loved every fucking second of it.

Some of my favorite characters from previous books had a cameo, which I always appreciate. And I loved a few of the new faces we got to meet here. I was captivated by the budding romance and I was so invested in the lives of these characters that I couldn’t bear to put the book down for even a second.

My heart ached for Hayes and everything that he went through. My heart melted reading about his bond with Ren and the way their friendship developed and only got stronger through the years. And my heart beat a rapid tap right out of my chest when the chemistry between Ren, Hayes and Cora finally boiled over the surface and they gave into the inevitable.

This was what bliss felt like. This is what it felt like to be alive again. And these two people had brought him there.

Even if you haven’t read any other book in this series, and you love an incredible well written MMF romance, this book is a must read. You can easily enjoy it as a standalone but I highly recommend the rest of the series because it’s just as good. I can’t believe this is already book 9, but I never want it to end.



Review: ★Falling In Deeper★ by Shayla Black

Falling In Deeper-ReviewFALLING IN DEEPER
Series: Wicked Lovers #11
Genre: Erotic Romance, Suspense
Author: Shayla Black
Release Date: July 5, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2

Falling In Deeper

A tragic past threatens to destroy a passionate future in this dangerously sexy new novel from the New York Times bestselling author of Wicked for You.

After a violent tragedy nearly destroyed her, Lily Taylor ran away, changed her name, and started over. When her deadly nemesis resurfaces to eliminate his loose end, she turns to the last man she should trust—a stranger with a history of violence and an intoxicating sexuality she can’t refuse…

Though strong-armed into locating Lily to help put away a drug lord, ex-con Stone Sutter isn’t anyone’s snitch. When he finds the terrified beauty, he vows to keep her safe—but he isn’t sure he has the strength to shield her from his own desires.

As an unquenchable fire sparks between them, Lily’s tormentor stalks ever closer, and she must overcome her darkest fear to survive. Can she trust the bond she and Stone have formed as they’re falling in deeper?

Buy LinksAMAZON | iBOOKS | B&NReview-DGR4 starsFalling in Deeper-DGR

Why are you so patient with me?”
“Because you’re worth it.”

I just knew I’d end up falling hard for Stone Sutter, and I was definitely not wrong. He’s definitely going up there with my top favorite heroes of the series (though admittedly Logan Edgington is still my #1). But I digress…

It’s hard to believe that this is now book 11 in the series and it’s still just as good if not getting better with each book. Stone, definitely caught my attention in Wicked for You. There’s just something about this ex-con that piqued my interest and I knew that his book was going to be a good one. When I realized that his heroine will be none other than “Sweet Pea” aka Lily Taylor, I knew it was going to be even better than I thought. And again, I was not wrong.

Lily has a long standing history with Axel, but now that Axel is engaged to the woman he loves, she finds herself with a Dom she so desperately needs. But Lily is also hiding a devastating past. Going under a false name and running for her life, she doesn’t think anyone at Dominion is on to her, but she’s wrong. The men know who she is, and they know the danger she’s running from. Stone has been intrigued by the shy beauty from the very moment he saw her, and he’s not above using her dire situation to get closer to her and to protect her at the same time.

I don’t want you any way except willing, panting, and begging.”

This book packs quite an emotional punch compared to the last few in the series. Lily has been through so much devastation in her young life it’s a wonder how she’s even functional. She’s been through so much, but there’s still this inner core of strength beneath. She’s a survivor, not a victim and that certainly comes out more and more as the story progresses. This is not a woman that blinks and is suddenly healed by the magic penis like you’d find in so many others. Her issues are deep rooted and take a while to work through. But man oh man did I love the way that Sutter works though them.

You might have a hundred ways to fool yourself, but I don’t bother with that shit. I know better. You’re it for me, and what we just did in that bed together proved it. I’m smitten. Gone. And I can’t stand that you don’t trust me.

I adored Stone. Simply adored him. He’s not perfect but the way he pursues Lily gave me too many swoons to count. He was this perfect balance of sweet yet edgy. Everything that came out of the man’s mouth was pure perfection.

You just got out of prison. I’m not worth you risking your freedom.”
“You are to me. I would move mountains to give you happiness and peace.”

The story itself was definitely an enticing one. There’s a bit of everything intrigue, suspense, a little action and certainly a whole lot of steam. It wouldn’t be a Wicked Lovers book if there wasn’t. But it was so much more than that too. It’s a deeply emotional love story about healing and moving on. It’s about finding your own strength and fighting back. It has that signature sexiness that I’ve come to except from a Shayla Black book, but it was more than just a sexy romance. The ending was a bit a bit predictable but I enjoyed it nonetheless.

This series is a long running guilty pleasure of mine that I hope never ends. I can’t wait for the next installment.



Review: ★Stealing His Thunder★ by Sparrow Beckett

DGR Review- Stealing His ThunderStealing His Thunder
Series: Masters of Adrenaline #1
Genre: Erotic Romance
Author: Sparrow Beckett
Release Date: June 21, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


From the author of the Masters Unleashed series, Sparrow Beckett revs things up with two lovers on a collision course in the first Masters of Adrenaline novel. 

Nothing gives Addison Kennedy a rush like stealing cars. The Lexus was the perfect target, but before she can get its engine purring, she’s cold-cocked unconscious. When she comes to, she finds herself on a bed with a blonde, tattooed god standing over her.

Fox Larson is shocked to discover the thief he knocked out is actually a hot girl. Bringing her home may not have been the smartest move, but he wasn’t about to leave an unconscious and defenseless woman in a parking garage. Besides, if she’s part of an auto theft crew infringing on his territory, he needs to pump her for information.

However, Addison has personal drive that won’t be denied and she’s desperate to prove Fox’s group needs her skills. Submitting to his kinks in the bedroom is a hot yet complicated bonus. When a big job goes bad, and Addison finally gets her chance, will she succeed in stealing his thunder?

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God, he was going to break her, but she wanted to be broken.

Readers, are you ready for the kinkiest guilty pleasure book ever? Because Stealing His Thunder is sure to hit every spot you have. No joke. Think Fast and the Furious meets BDSM in funny, easy, and light romance. You have your Dom uber alpha, you have your slightly OTT sassy heroine, all wrapped up in a super sexy BDSM romance that’s sure to please every palate.

This is book one in the brand new Masters of Adrenaline series, but I did read a few familiar names from Beckett’s Masters Unleashed series. And while this is the beginning of the series, I found myself thinking that I may be missing certain backstories on a few secondary characters because it read like I should already know about them. Perhaps there’s a little crossover from the other series that flew over my head as I’ve only read book one.

Firstly, allow me to give you a visual for the hero:
Mmmm hmmm. Not a bad visual to have while reading, let me just tell you. Beard, tattoos, and a penchant for kink. Delicious.

This is one of those books that you take for what it is: a little fluffy, a lot sexy, and definitely entertaining. You can just shut off your brain and enjoy it. No thinking required. Which is exactly what a girl needs sometimes. Fox Larson is a domineering, dirty talking uber alpha. Addison Kennedy is an overly sassy engineer turned car thief. There’s nothing she won’t do for her family. When her ailing grandfather is forced to live in a senior home because her grandmother can’t take care of him at home, she’s determined to get them money to help support them. Trouble is, a college student doesn’t earn much. So why not put her engineering knowledge to boost some cars on the side? And when she gets in the crosshairs of car thief extraordinaire, Fox, she’s determined to join his team…even if he’s having none of it.

The writing reminds me a little of Jaci Burton; fluffy smut for lack of a better description. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Nothing at all. It’s an entertaining read through and through, and if light and fluffy kink is what you’re craving, this will hit the spot just right.


STEALING HIS THUNDER (Masters of Adrenaline #1)
FUELING HIS HUNGER (Masters of Adrenaline #2) (Releasing Oct 18, 2016)

DGR Fave & Review: ★Protecting His Own★ by @CheriseSinclair

Series: Masters of the Shadowlands #11
Genre: BDSM Romance
Author: Cherise Sinclair
Release Date: May 31, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


Landscape designer, Beth King survived an abusive husband and built a new life for herself with the help of Master Nolan, the strongest, most protective man she has ever known. She loves him with all her heart, but the one thing he wants, she can’t give him. To her grief, the damage from her abusive first marriage means she can’t bear him children.

As Beth and Nolan change their plans and pursue adoption, they’re already imagining a baby girl in the nursery. But when two boys from the local domestic violence shelter see their mother taken to the hospital, they call Beth in a panic. Agreeing to care for them temporarily, Beth soon falls in love with the two adorable boys.

Now Master Nolan has a new problem. How can he protect the children when their drug-addicted mother is released—and how the hell can he keep his sweet submissive’s heart from being broken when they leave?


Review5 starsPHO-DGR

Three years ago, wife had been a four-letter word. Beth had transformed the word into one that meant miracle.

How is it possible that this series just gets better and better? Because with each new book, I just fall more and more in love with these characters. But no characters touched me as much as Nolan and Beth. This couple was first introduced in Breaking Free, which I highly recommend reading before this one. It’s a full standalone with a HEA but it builds the foundation you’ll need to truly understand the depth of these characters.

Now normally I am not a reader likes continuations, especially if I felt the first book had a perfectly satisfying HEA, but in the case here, I wasn’t about to pass up another book by one of my favorite authors. Boy am I glad I read this! This was best sort of follow up you could get for a beloved couple. It manages to strengthen their relationship, show a natural progression of their life, and yet somehow also be that perfect little cherry on the top you didn’t realize their story needed.

Protecting His Own takes place three years into Beth and Nolan’s marriage. It shows the struggle that Beth still faces with the remnants of the memories of her abusive past and her devastating pain over learning that the one thing she’s wanted, she may never be able to have.

As a mother, this book managed to be a one two punch straight to the feels. I spent a good portion of it a blubbering mess. This was brilliantly written with just the write amount of emotion that guarantees it won’t leave a dry eye in sight. It was also a beautiful story of second chances.

Cherise Sinclair added a secondary POV from one of the two young boys that are introduced in the story. I have to say that this may have been one of my favorite parts. Not only do you get to see Beth fall in love with them, but you get to experience their side of things. It broke my heart to read about their horrible situation, and having the older boy’s POV just added that perfect something that this book needed.

Of course beyond all that, this is also the continuation of Beth and Nolan and their relationship. Nolan is still the intense Dom that he’s always been; completely and utterly in love with and devoted to Beth. You’ll just fall in love with him all over again in this book. Guaranteed.

She’d never found anyone who kissed like him, patiently continuing until she gave him everything he wanted.

Cherise also introduces two new VERY intriguing characters, and their set up is so freaking delicious, that I’m practically salivating for their book.

Protecting His Own is an emotional journey of second chances and love. Written with Sinclair’s signature mix of erotic and emotion, it was so far beyond just a BDSM romance. It was beautiful, touching, and one of the most satisfying continuations for a favorite couple that I have ever read. It made me cry and brought the giddiest of smiles to my face at the same time. It was gripping, touching, and sexy. Just perfect. There’s a reason this author is on my auto-buy list, and this book only serves to show why. If you haven’t yet discovered this amazing author and this series, I’m not sure what you’re waiting for. It’s an absolute must read.

View all my reviews

Blog Tour & Review: ★From Sanctum With Love★ by @authorlexiblake

Review-FSwLFrom Sanctum with Love
Series: Masters and Mercenaries #10
Genre: Erotic Romantic Suspense, BDSM
Author: Lexi Blake
Release Date: February 23, 2015add-to-goodreads-button-2

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Psychologist Kai Ferguson has had his eye on Kori Williamson for a long time. His assistant is everything he’s ever wanted in a partner—smart, caring, witty, and a bit of a masochist. More than a little, actually, but that’s the problem. Kori won’t admit her own desires. She’s afraid of him and what he has to offer. Luckily for her, helping patients face their fears is one of his specialties.

Kori knows she wants Kai. Her boss is the most amazing man she’s ever met. She’s also smart enough to stay away from him. Having been down this road before, she knows it only leads to heartache. She’s just found a place where she can belong. Another failed relationship is the last thing she needs. It’s better to guard her heart and let Kai think she’s frightened of his dark, dominant nature.

When Kai is recruited for an operation with McKay-Taggart, everything is turned upside down. Kai’s brother, international superstar Jared Johns, is in town and Kai must juggle his family issues along with a desperate hunt for a serial killer. The investigation throws Kori and Kai together, and they quickly discover the chemistry between them is undeniable. But even if their newfound love can survive his secrets and her lies, it may not be enough to save them both from a killer’s twisted obsession.




Kori heard some movement and then felt the whoosh of air caress her skin right before something thin and hard thwacked against her flesh. A gasp made her chest pulse as pure fire licked over her backside.“This is a cane,” Kai explained. “It’s bamboo, nice and not too flexible. It leaves a mark if you apply enough force.” He brought it down on her again, this time on her thighs. Again, she struggled for breath. “Are you bored now, Kori?”

“No, Sir.” She barely managed to get the words out of her mouth.

“Excellent, then we’re making headway.” The cane came down again and again. “Where are we on the stoplight?”

“Green.” She didn’t even hesitate. The pain was doing its job, heating her up and making her soft. Each strike of the cane lit her up and then brought her back down, sinking deeper and deeper into that soft, fuzzy place of submission.

“Now we’re getting some truth.” He kept up his punishing pace. “She didn’t take her time trying to find a way out of what she didn’t want to say.”

“Why would she lie?” Jared asked.

“That’s a good question.” The blows continued, making her ache as Kai spoke. “I suspect she didn’t want anyone here to know that she’s a naughty masochist who can’t get off without a little bite of pain. Or a big one. She hasn’t accepted her nature. Or she has and expects that no one else will.”

“I accepted my nature a long time ago,” she managed to say.

The caning stopped and suddenly Kai’s boots were in view again. He dropped to one knee, that hard hand in her hair again. “Then tell me why.”

She couldn’t tell him. It was too much. “I’m yellow now, Kai. Don’t make me safe word out over an explanation I’m not ready to give.”

“Fine.” His hand moved from her hair down, skimming over her skin until his fingertips found her breast. Kai Ferguson was touching her breast. God, he was cupping her and she couldn’t breathe. “How about I put a scenario forth and you think about it for a few days. I think the reason you didn’t mention your utterly beautiful and sexy inclinations is me. You didn’t want me to know because you were perfectly aware that I’m the only one here who can possibly give you what you need. You knew that once I found out, I wouldn’t be able to help myself because you’re the only one who can do the same for me, baby. Do you know how fucking good I feel right now? How good this makes me feel?”

He rolled her nipple between his thumb and forefinger and twisted with a vicious bite that left her panting.

She squeezed her eyes closed because she couldn’t look at him, couldn’t see how beautiful he was. “It won’t work, Kai.”

Another nasty twist got her squirming. “It’s working right fucking now. Darling girl, your ass is up in the air and that means I can see how wet your pussy is. Tell me some other Dom here got you wet and ready.”

“You know I can’t.” She tugged at her restraints, but they didn’t move. The rope rubbed across her skin, keeping her here with him. She couldn’t run, and she had to admit she didn’t want to. She wanted this moment with him. Her pride might make her get up and stride away but every other part of her begged for what she’d denied herself for so long. He was the only man here who could give her what she needed. It wasn’t about who hit the hardest. Any of those other Doms could have adequately provided her with pain. She needed more. She needed connection, the ebb and flow of pain and pleasure coming from a man who was there with her.

Her dark shadow lover. Kai.

“I’m not the exhibitionist you are,” Kai admitted. “And that’s the only reason I’m not fucking you right now, but we’re going to have a long discussion in the morning about the way this needs to go. For tonight, I’m going to start the process that will allow you to remain friends with all those people you lied to. So you are going to give me everything I want. You’re going to cry for me. You’re going to let go and show them that you’ll cry for me.”

She shook her head. “You’re asking too much.”

“It’s cry or come, baby. One or the other, unless you want to find yourself in Big Tag’s office. Let me show him I can handle you.”

“I can’t. I haven’t done either in a very long time.” She hadn’t cried since leaving LA. She couldn’t. Wouldn’t. She hadn’t come either. Not a man-given orgasm. Her mind worked overtime. He wasn’t joking about getting called into Big Tag’s office. Whatever punishment Kai could come up with—nothing would touch Big Tag’s disapproval. They were all mad at her. It was enough to make her want to run away again.

Except it wasn’t that they wanted to see her humiliated. This punishment wasn’t about hurting her. It was about this group of people knowing that someone among them could take care of her. When she looked at it like that, it didn’t seem like punishment at all. It was about the Dominants giving a shit.

Morgan hadn’t cared when she’d lied to him. All he’d wanted was the next bit of work from her. After a while, he hadn’t cared about her finding subspace or her pent-up sexuality. He’d doled out the pain like it was bait for his trap. He would give her enough to ensure she stayed around and did what he needed her to do.

This wasn’t the same thing at all.

“I don’t want to cry in front of anyone, Kai.”

“Then let me show them you can let go in another way.”

Review4 starsFrom Sanctum with Love-DGR

He wanted to tie her up in ropes and contracts and legal bindings. He wanted to possess her, to own a piece of her soul and give her a part of his.

Lexi Blake’s romances are an addiction I never want a cure from. I don’t care how many books this woman writes in this series because I will read each and every single one of them with the fervor of a kid at a candy store for the very first time. Yes. They’re that good. Her Masters and Mercenaries has been my biggest addiction for years now. And with ten novels into the series, I still hope it never ends. Each book continues to be just as good if not better than the last; keeping me on the edge of my seat one minute, and uncomfortably squirming in it and fanning myself in the next. It’s the perfect combination of romance and suspense, espionage and action, all topped with sizzling hot BDSM that together makes for one unputdownable read.

After the events of Master No, there’s one book I’ve been practically salivating to get my hands on. But of course, Lexi being the sadist that she must truly be, she’ll just keep dangling that carrot in front of me for at least another book. And I’ll just keep frothing at the mouth for it like a rabid bunny because GIMME.

While this book was still as action packed and entertaining as it’s predecessors, it was also quite different too. Yes, the team of McKay-Taggart is still hunting the shadowy Collective and trying to find those responsible for the death of their two team members during the op that went to hell. But this is not the focus of this book. Instead you get the mystery of a serial killer all tied in with the story of the resident psychologist, Kai and his secretary, Kori. Admittedly, Kai never piqued my interest much in the previous books. Sure he raised a mild curiosity, but it wasn’t that I’ll-die-if-I-don’t-get-it-soon kind of need. But that certainly changed when I got a true sense of the delicious sadist that this man is at his very core.

Kori is a masochist that’s been hiding her true nature for years after a relationship almost cost her everything that she is. She knows who Kai is and what his kinks are, but she knows she can never show him her true self because he’ll demand nothing short of everything.

Are you afraid of me?”
Yes. She was terrified of him. He was everything she couldn’t have…

When an FBI investigation into a serial killer forces a movie star into their midst, things begin to get sticky. The fact that the movie star also happens to be Kai’s estranged brother certainly doesn’t help matters. The investigation throws Kori and Kai together and it’s not long before their desires get too much for either one of them to deny.

Tell me what you want from me…
Do you want a sweet lover?”
“No, Sir.”
“Do you want me to worship you with kisses and gentle caresses?”
“No, Kai. I don’t want that.”
“What do you want, sub?”
“I want you to hurt me.”

Kori and Kai together burned up the pages. I loved them as individual characters but I absolutely adored them as a couple. They may not have had a strong presence in the previous books, but they were still a dynamic couple in their own. Sadism isn’t typically my cuppa either, but something about just did it for me here. Possibly because Kai was such a great balance of loving and sweet with that demanding Dom persona with his sadistic urges.

While Kori is a true sub and masochist, emotionally she was one of the strongest heroines. I loved her sass and smart mouth. The girl could take hits and keep coming back swinging and I couldn’t get enough of her.

That prostitution-whore stuff can throw a girl off because she’s trying to figure out what the hell you just said. Like if I called you a skanky ho-bag who’s one step above assistant crack whore, you would try to figure out if I was calling you a slut or a prostitute. Mix it up. It throws people off.”
“You’re a bitch.
Kori sighed. “Yeah, I’ve heard that before. And now I’m bored again. Scurry off, sad woman, I’m not sure you’ve got something to do with your time.”

There’s a lot of things happening in this book and all of them tie together for quite a few twists. There’s a few secondary characters introduced that I’m hoping will be getting a book, and one that I already know will (and I’m itching to get my hands on). We also get some more Case and you get to meet the heroine for his book which certainly makes for an interesting combination. I can’t wait to see how that turns out. And of course there’s also Erin and you know who that I’m hoping will follow short after because I can’t take much longer for that.

From Sanctum With Love didn’t feel like it fit the series at first. I kept thinking maybe it should have been a novella as some of the others less dynamic couples from Sanctum have been. But the more I read, the more I understood the need for this book. It served as a powerful transition to quite a few plot twists, new character introductions and a great story of it’s own. I couldn’t stop reading it. And while I do wish it was Case or my beloved (view spoiler), I loved every single page of this. If you haven’t read this amazing series yet, I can’t recommend it enough. But do yourself a favor and read it in order, because while each book focuses on a different couple and their HEA, the story ARC continues throughout the series and you’d be missing out on the full effect of it by not reading it in order.
About the Author

NY Times and USA Today bestselling author Lexi Blake lives in North Texas with her husband, three kids, and the laziest rescue dog in the world. She began writing at a young age, concentrating on plays and journalism. It wasn’t until she started writing romance and urban fantasy that she found the stories of her heart. She likes to find humor in the strangest places and believes in happy endings no matter how odd the couple, threesome, or foursome may seem.

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New Release & Review: ★Claiming Eden★ by Kele Moon

Review-Claiming EdenClaiming Eden
Series: Eden, #3
Genre: Erotic, BDSM, MM Romance
Author: Kele Moon
Release Date: January 26, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


Fiercely loyal, Danny will do anything for his best friend and lover Paul.

Yet when he turns to beautiful Mistress Circe for training to be a Pro-Dom Danny is forced to learn how deep his love for Paul really goes.

In order to train with her Circe expects Danny to do the one thing he hates above all others–submit.


ReviewClaiming Eden-DGR

Fuck me anyway you want, Danny Boy. Use me. That’s what I’m here for.”

Oh Danny boy, how I’ve missed you. So much so, that I savored this book as much as I could. See I have a sentimental attachment to this series. Beyond Eden was the very first book I read by Kele Moon and what ultimately began my obsession appreciation of her work.

First of all, if you’re planning on reading this as a standalone: STOP. Don’t do yourself or the story a disservice and read it in order. While the release dates show one thing, the recommended reading order per the story’s timeline is this:
1. Finding Eden– Danny & Paul
2. Claiming Eden– Danny & Paul
3. Beyond Eden– Danny, Paul & Eve

Claiming Eden is not quite a romance. That will come in Beyond Eden. Claiming Eden is the continuation of Danny and Paul’s growth as a couple and individuals. If you didn’t love Danny boy before (which is basically impossible), you’ll seriously fall for him here.

This is more about Danny’s journey than about Paul’s. It’s Danny’s struggle to be a true Master to Paul, who he considers the love of his life. He doesn’t know how to deal with Paul’s desires for pain. He’s terrified that he doesn’t know when a line is crossed because Paul truly has no hard limits when it comes down to it. Danny will do anything for Paul, so he seeks out a professional Domme to train him. Only problem is the Domme, Circe, is none too eager to take him on.

Danny is struggling with his role as a Dom/Master. Paul is struggling with his sexuality and his very strict family while he’s still in college. And Danny and Paul together? *pervy shiver* Yeah. It’s hot as hell. If there’s one thing that Kele Moon can write, it’s one hell of a hot love scene. But this book is so much more than just hot sex. It’s emotional, it’s truly a multifaceted journey. The writing is sensual with a touch of taboo and it hit every single one of my yes boxes.

I loved the addition of Circe and Jason in this one, even though I was desperate for more details on them. I would have loved more of that, but it also would have distracted from the rest of the story, so I can see why it was the way it was.

I’m almost sad to see this series come to an end. As I started with Beyond Eden, it was like going back in time to see how all of this began. I think I would have loved to read it in timeline order, so that’s the recommendation I’d make to readers that haven’t read these books yet. It does have a somewhat heavy element of BDSM in terms of Paul and Danny’s kinks, but it doesn’t go too much into detail as to make someone that’s not comfortable with heavy BDSM have issues. It’s just enough to entice.

Graphics are stock purchased and created by me for DGR blog. Please don’t share without permission

Blog Tour & Review: ★Wicked For You★ by Shayla Black

Wicked for You
Series: Wicked Lovers #10
Genre: Erotic, Romantic Suspense (BDSM)
Author: Shayla Black
Release Date: October 6, 2015

wicked for you_front mech.indd

Ever since he rescued her from a dangerous kidnapper, Mystery Mullins has wanted Axel Dillon. When he returned her to her Hollywood father and tabloid life, she was grateful…and a little in love. Mystery wasn’t ready to let Axel go, even after the soldier gently turned her away because, at nineteen, she was too young.

Now, six years later, Mystery is grown, with a flourishing career and a full life—but she’s still stuck on Axel. Disguised, she propositions him in a bar, and the night they spend together is beyond her wildest dreams. Mystery steels herself to walk away—except the sheets are barely cold when her past comes back to haunt her.

Once he realizes Mystery isn’t the stranger he thought, Axel is incensed and intrigued. But when it’s clear she’s in danger, he doesn’t hesitate to become her protector—and her lover—again. And as the two uncover a secret someone is willing to kill for, Axel is determined to claim Mystery’s heart before a murderer silences her for good.

Buy LinksKindle / Kindle UK / Nook / iBooks / Kobo / Google Play / All Romance


Review4 starsWfY-DGR

At the end of the day, I’m the kind of Dom who prefers to do one thing above all: get in your head and own you.”

Heart-pounding action, nail-biting suspense and sizzling hot BDSM romance, it just doesn’t get any better than that. Shayla Black delivers yet another winner in her 10th book of her Wicked Lovers series. Sinfully sexy and filled with enough action to keep you at the edge of your seat, Wicked For You definitely delivered on the promise of it’s title.

While this is book 10 in the series, each one can easily be read as a standalone. I love that the author does that all while including all my favorite characters from previous books while allowing new readers to experience her books without being confused. Truth be told I was a little hesitant about reading this one after being slightly underwhelmed with the previous book, but this series is like crack to me so I had to dive in….and I enjoyed the hell out of it! I’d say after Belong to Me, this may be my second favorite in the series.

This woman dragged him into a need that sucked him under like quicksand. The more he fought for control, the less he had.

Mystery Mullins is the daughter to one of the most renowned hollywood directors, who’s reputation as a womanizer is just as infamous. She’s used to media attention, but the only attention she truly craves is from a man that turned her down after saving her life six years ago.

Axel Dillon never forgot the beauty that he rescued from a kidnapper six years ago. But she was vulnerable and only 18 then. Now when she comes to him in disguise and tilts his world on it’s axis once he figures out who she really is, it’s fair game and it’s definitely game on.

You want to know what I’m going to do to you?”
“Yes, Axel.”
“Steal your control.

I love that the author takes you back in time to show the reader exactly what happened between these two all those years ago. It only serves to strengthen the connection to both the characters as well as the connection between them. I love me a sexy Dom that can kick some ass and then spank it. What? I’m being honest here. Axel is a hero that you’ll definitely fall for. Mystery was a great heroine in her own right. She may be inexperienced in the brand of kink that Axel likes, but she’s no blushing virgin. If you’re not a fan of hardcore BDSM, rest easy, there’s no whips or chains in this one. Axel is kinky, but it’s light on the BDSM. A little spanking here, a little bondage there. Mix, repeat, end with orgasms.

The only thing that kept this from being a 5 star read for me was the ending. It was just a little much for me to suspend disbelief on. Maybe it was because I built it up a little more in my head, but whatever the case may be I just had a tough time believing it. However, it did bring all the details and clues together nicely, so I can’t complain too much. If you’re looking for a sexy romantic suspense with a little kink on the side, you can’t go wrong with this one.


wicked ties layout.indd
About the Author ShaylaBlack high resShayla Black is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than forty novels. For over fifteen years, she’s written contemporary, erotic, paranormal, and historical romances via traditional, independent, foreign, and audio publishers. Her books have sold well over a million copies and been published in a dozen languages.

Raised an only child, Shayla occupied herself with lots of daydreaming, much to the chagrin of her teachers. In college, she found her love for reading and realized that she could have a career publishing the stories spinning in her imagination. Though she graduated with a degree in Marketing/Advertising and embarked on a stint in corporate America to pay the bills, her heart has always been with her characters. She’s thrilled that she’s been living her dream as a full-time author for the past seven years.

Shayla currently lives in North Texas with her wonderfully supportive husband, her teenage daughter, and a very spoiled cat. In her “free” time, she enjoys reality TV, reading, and listening to an eclectic blend of music.



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