Review: ★His To Take★ by Shayla Black

His to Take (Wicked Lovers #9)

Author: Shayla Black
Genre: Erotic, Romantic Suspense, BDSM
Release Date: March 3, 2015

HisToTakeCoverRacing against time, NSA Agent Joaquin Muñoz is searching for a little girl who vanished twenty years ago with a dangerous secret. Since Bailey Benson fits the profile, Joaquin abducts the beauty and whisks her to the safety of Club Dominion—before anyone can silence her for good.

At first, Bailey is terrified, but when her captor demands information about her past, she’s stunned. Are her horrific visions actually distant memories that imperil all she holds dear? Confined with Joaquin in a place that echoes with moans and breathes passion, he proves himself a fierce protector, as well as a sensual Master who’s slowly crawling deeper in her head…and heart. But giving in to him might be the most delicious danger of all.

Because Bailey soon learns that her past isn’t the only mystery. Joaquin has a secret of his own—a burning vengeance in his soul. The exposed truth leaves her vulnerable and wondering how much about the man she loves is a lie, how much more is at risk than her heart. And if she can trust him to protect her long enough to learn the truth.

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2 Stars

As much as I’ve been looking forward to this book, I barely made myself finish it. I think this may have been my least favorite book in the series. After DNFing the previous book in the series, I had really high hopes for this one, so maybe I just set them too high?

The setup is interesting; NSA Agent Joaquin Muñoz agent trying to save the long, lost daughter of a murdered Russian scientist that may just hold the secrets to the life altering genetic discovery he made right before his death. After a recent string of murders point toward the killers seeking her out as well as his best friend’s murder after investigating these deaths, Joaquin decides to basically stalk and then kidnap the woman he believes to be the one the killers are after. Just one problem, she doesn’t believe him about her past. She doesn’t have any memories, but she does have some vivid dreams of a girl that just may be her. So what’s a guy to do? Take her to the safest place he can imagine, Club Dominion of course.

Unfortunately, this is also exactly where the book began to take a downhill turn. For those that may not remember Joaquin, he’s Kata’s brother from Surrender to Me. After losing his father at a young age he’s never been the same. It’s caused him to completely detach himself from feeling anything, including his family. I have to say I found a hard time connecting to something this extreme. The man has basically avoided anything to do with his family for years, even though all of them make more than numerous attempts to reach out to him.

The chemistry between Joaquin and Bailey was lackluster at best. Bailey is not a submissive but has the makings of one, and Joaquin is not a trained Dom, but has the urges of one. Enter Club Dominion and some kinky fuckery and BAM there’s spankings and feelings are involved.

Their connection seemed to be the stuff of BDSM stockholm syndrome. I just couldn’t connect to it for the life of me. They go from strangers to screwing in just a matter of days. The entire book basically circles around the suspense plot, which while somewhat interesting, never really grabbed me either.

Will I read the next book in the series? Probably. Though I don’t think I’ll be rushing to read it as soon as it releases.


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Review: ★You Only Love Twice★ by Lexi Blake

You Only Love Twice
Author: Lexi Blake
Genre: Erotic Romantic Suspense, BDSM
Release Date: February 17, 2015
Length: 360 Pages

A woman on a mission

Phoebe Graham is a specialist in deep cover espionage, infiltrating the enemy, observing their practices, and when necessary eliminating the threat. Her latest assignment is McKay-Taggart Security Services, staffed with former military and intelligence operatives. They routinely perform clandestine operations all over the world but it isn’t until Jesse Murdoch joins the team that her radar starts spinning. Unfortunately so does her head. He’s gorgeous and sweet and her instincts tell her to trust him but she’s been burned before, so he’ll stay where he belongs—squarely in her sights.

A man on the run

Since the moment his Army unit was captured by jihadists, Jesse’s life has been a nightmare. Forced to watch as those monsters tortured and killed his friends and the woman he loved, something inside him snapped. When he’s finally rescued, everyone has the same question—why did he alone survive? Clouded in accusations and haunted by the faces of those he failed, Jesse struggles in civilian life until McKay-Taggart takes him in. Spending time with Phoebe, the shy and beautiful accountant, makes him feel human for the first time in forever. If someone so innocent and sweet could accept him, maybe he could truly be redeemed.

A love they never expected

When Phoebe receives the order to eliminate Jesse, she must choose between the job she’s dedicated her life to and the man who’s stolen her heart. Choosing Jesse would mean abandoning everything she believes in, and it might mean sharing his fate because a shadowy killer is dedicated to finishing the job started in Iraq.

He’d fought and fought to live and now he was going to stand here and let her do her worst.
He didn’t want to live in a world where she betrayed him. He simply didn’t.

I’ve been a huge fan of this series since the very first book. Now eight books in and it’s still going strong. I think this may have been my favorite of the Masters and Mercenaries. I’ve been curious about Jesse’s story since we first meet him earlier in the series. He’s always been such a broken and tortured soul, that you couldn’t help but crave a HEA for him. This is a man that’s truly known suffering and needed a HEA that was truly worthy of the type of person he is, and boy did Lexi Blake deliver on that. She really gave it justice with this book.

You played me. You played me hard and well. You had me panting after you and then you pointed a bullet straight at my fucking heart. Do you see the irony, Phoebe? I was falling for you and you were there to kill me.

Phoebe has always been the super shy, clumsy and unassuming accountant for Taggart McKay. But looks can be deceiving and it her case, deadly. Having lost the love of her life in a mission gone terribly wrong, Phoebe is determined to bring those responsible for his death to justice…even if it means going deep undercover.

Jesse has been half in love with the quiet and shy Phoebe, but when he finds out who she really is, his world gets flipped. He wants her heart, but her heart belongs to a dead man.

This is probably the most emotional book in the series, or at least it was for me. Having tidbits of Jesse’s problems in the earlier books, you know that his problems run deep. He lives a waking nightmare with the PTSD and the memories of a voice that tortured and almost broke him. He finally thought he found his redemption when he met Phoebe, but he knows that he can never have her.

Every second of every day I want you to remember this…
Remember every second that you could have had a man who worshipped you with his body and soul.”

I really don’t want to give too much away, because this is simply a book you need to experience for yourself without any major details. But I will say that I absolutely loved it. There is nothing better than a kick ass heroine for me, and Phoebe was definitely that. But she also had a broken side to her that balanced out the tough operative persona. She can handle herself in the field, but her soul was broken with the death of her husband that she adored. I appreciated that Lexi Blake never diminished her love for her husband and yet made the reader truly see what her connection to Jesse was and make it real. It didn’t feel like settling, which I was afraid of. The connection between them was tangible…and not to mention super sexy

You won’t be quiet when I fuck you. You’ll give them a show. You’ll let them know just how good it feels to be fucked by me and I will make sure you scream. Don’t even think you can hold out on me. I won’t let it happen. I’ll fuck you so long and so hard, you’ll give me everything I want.

My other concern was how Jesse would come off as a Dom. He’s such a tortured soul that I was afraid he may come off as almost too broken, but that never happened. When he finally got his shit together, the man was truly a top. But he always maintained this vulnerable edge to him which was so incredibly endearing that you couldn’t help but completely fall for him.

I really wouldn’t recommend reading this book as a standalone as there is a story ARC that continues throughout the series. While you wouldn’t necessarily feel lost, you would appreciate this story and all secondary characters and the MCs that much more if you read it in order. Of course it wouldn’t be a Masters and Mercenaries book without Ian and his banter…

This is really the greatest thing that ever happened to me. Well, besides the whole wife-coming-back-from-the-dead and having a baby and shit, but other than that, getting to punch Ten at random is really the best.”

You also finally get a true peak into the enigma that is Tennessee Smith, and you just KNOW that his book is bound to be a fantastic one.

I don’t think there was anything about this book that I didn’t love. It was action-packed, emotional, filled with heart-pounding suspense and oh so sexy. I adored Phoebe and Jesse together. Their story will equal parts break your heart and absolutely melt it.

I think what I’ve figured out is that we don’t have a limited amount of love. It doesn’t get all used up and then there’s nothing left. We choose. We choose who we love and how we love, and how we love, and there is nothing between two consenting adults that brings them connection and pleasure and joy that’s wrong. This is ours, Phoebe.

Of course I also loved all the secondary characters (including some new faces). Did I already mention Ian and Charlie?

Charlie, that’s not a foot. It’s a horn. We’re having a demon. I know it.”
She rolled her pretty eyes and sighed. “They’re your girls so they’re probably slightly demonic.”

I can’t wait to get my hands on Ten’s book next and hopefully Ian’s brothers will be getting theirs soon after. If you like sexy espionage and BDSM all in one action packed book, this series is a definite must read!

Don’t Miss The Rest of The Series!

The Dom Who Loved Me (Masters & Mercenaries #1)
The Men With The Golden Cuffs (Masters and Mercenaries #2)
A View to a Thrill (Masters and Mercenaries #7)

Review: ★A View To Thrill★ by Lexi Blake

A View To Thrill
Author: Lexi Blake
Genre: Erotic Romantic Suspense, BDSM
Release Date: August 19, 2014
Length: 410 Pages

A Spy without a CountrySimon Weston grew up royal in a place where aristocracy still mattered. Serving Queen and country meant everything to him, until MI6 marked him as damaged goods and he left his home in disgrace. Ian Taggart showed him a better way to serve his fellow man and introduced him to Sanctum, a place to pursue his passion for Dominance and submission. Topping beautiful subs was a lovely distraction until he met Chelsea, and becoming her Master turned into Simon’s most important mission.

A Woman without Hope

Chelsea Dennis grew up a pawn to the Russian mob. Her father’s violent lessons taught her that monsters lurked inside every man and they should never be trusted. Hiding in the shadows, she became something that even the monsters would fear—an information broker who exposed their dirty secrets and toppled their empires. Everything changed when Simon Weston crossed her path. Valiant and faithful, he was everything she needed—and a risk she couldn’t afford to take.

A Force too Strong to Resist

When dark forces from her past threaten her newfound family at Sanctum, Chelsea must turn to Simon, the one man she can trust with her darkest secrets. Their only chance to survive lies in a mystery even Chelsea has been unable to solve. As they race to uncover the truth and stay one step ahead of the assassins on their heels, they will discover a love too powerful to deny. But to stop a killer, Simon just might have to sacrifice himself…

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3.5 stars

From the moment he’d seen her all those months ago, he’d been utterly fascinated. She was a mystery to him. Closed off, with more barricades around her than he could count, she still pulled him in the minute she walked inside a room.

When I think of romantic suspense with some kinky hot BDSM thrown in and some scorching romance and sex, the only series that comes to mind is Masters and Mercenaries. No one does that sexy little combination better than Lexi Blake. While each book can probably be read as a standalone, I wouldn’t recommend it as each book builds off of each other. The characters of this book (like all the rest) are first introduced in the previous 2 and their story continues until their own book. It just wouldn’t be the same to jump straight into this book without first reading the last 6. Besides, each book has been great, so why miss out? Now on to Simon and Chelsea.

Chelsea is many things; she’s Charlotte’s younger sister, Ian’s (or as she calls him The Satan) sister in law, the daughter of the head of the biggest mob syndicate in Moscow, and The Broker. She’s one of the best hackers in the world and she’s definitely made quite the name for herself since her and her sister escaped their father’s brutal and sadistic hold. Now she uses her powers for good…mostly. Weary of men in general due to her history, she’s not looking for any entanglements. Especially not with a certain British Dom and past MI6 agent in a 3 piece suit that now works for Ian’s firm.

But when Chelsea’s life is on the line, no matter how hard she’s avoided Simon in the past, he’s the only one she can turn to for help. But he’s not going to be easy on her. He has a requirement of his own, one he’s been waiting for the right opportunity to take.

“That’s my requirement for protecting you. I don’t want money. You’ll sign a contract making me your Master or I can call your brother-in-law back. How is the broccoli beef? I’ve never tried it before. Would you like some wine?”

Simon’s combination of protective and demanding definitely worked for me. He was very sweet and understanding with what Chelsea needed. He’s been halfway in love with her since he first met her and now he just needs to convince her that they’ll be good together.

…I’m not going to take your virginity because you’re curious. I’ll take it when you can’t think about anything but me. I’ll take it when you cry out my name and tell me there’s no other man you’ll ever love the way you love me. Then and only then will I take what belongs to me.

This book wasn’t as heavy on the BDSM or the sex either to be honest. The suspense and the emotional relationship development between the H/h took center stage. The romance was still in the center of the story, of course, but it wasn’t quite as steamy as the previous books in the series. But don’t get me wrong, while it may not have been as frequent, when it did happen it was definitely HOT.

Oh, my god.”
“No. You say my name when I’m fucking you, love. Say it. Say ‘fuck me hard, Simon.”

In usual Lexi Blake fashion there were lots of twists and turns that will keep you guessing until the end, plenty of action, and lots more Ian and the rest of the team.

Unfortunately there was just something about the romance between Simon and Chelsea I never fully connected with. I can’t even put my finger on what it was exactly, but it was probably my least favorite in the series. There was almost too much of a focus on their emotional issues and triggers than there was on the actual romance, at times even during the sex scenes.

I would still recommend this book for fans of the series. And if you’ve been curious about Jesse’s story, you’re definitely in for a treat here. That last chapter? Oh my GAWD. I don’t think I’ve been that excited to read a book since Ian’s story. This book really introduces Jesse and all his fucked up glory and I can’t wait to get my hands on his book in February.

Don’t Miss The Rest of The Series!

The Dom Who Loved Me (Masters & Mercenaries #1)
The Men With The Golden Cuffs (Masters and Mercenaries #2)
A View to a Thrill (Masters and Mercenaries #7)

Review: ★Driven by Fate★ by @mstessabailey

Driven by Fate (Serve #5)
Author: Tessa Bailey
Genre: Adult Contemporary Romance
Release Date: February 16, 2015

The first rule is obey… and she already broke it.

Francesca “Frankie” De Luca always pays her debts. Even when it means stepping inside Serve, the sensuous Manhattan club that caters to particular adult desires. For Frankie, it’s a taste of something she’s always wanted—and never received. Until a sharply dressed Brit orders her into his room, and instructs her to undress before delivering the carnal punishment she so desperately needs…

She wasn’t the woman Porter Evans was expecting. Not this wild thing with the pale, silvery eyes. And such cheek. But she violates Porter’s strict rules of control. Temptation is a dangerous thing indeed. Yet everything about Frankie cries out for schooling about the tantalizing interplay of pleasure and pain. So Porter offers Frankie a deal she can’t refuse—and the only thing she owes him is submission…

Nothing about this was familiar. Nothing controlled or simple. Just messy, chaotic need, and relief was short-lived because he already wanted her again. And he couldn’t foresee a time when he wouldn’t.

I am convinced, fully convinced that Tessa Bailey must have an army of pervy elves working overtime in her head. This is the only explanation I have for how the woman can keep giving up better and better dirty talkers. I mean, for the love of gawd! I need to invest in stock in Victoria Secret if my undergarments are going to survive her books. God. Damn.

So ladies and ovaries, allow me to introduce you all to Porter Evans.

…I want to secure you face down on my bed, prop your temptress backside in the air, and introduce you to my cock. You won’t remember WHAT the fuck to call me by then. You’ll only know two words. MORE and PLEASE. MORE and PLEASE…
Do we understand each other so far?”
Her nod was shaky. “Yes, my lord.”

Got your attention now, didn’t I? You dirty birds

While this is part of the series, the beauty of it is that each book is also perfectly written to be read as a standalone. Though I would highly recommend reading in order, you’d enjoy it that much more.

You may remember meeting both Porter and Frankie in Exposed by Fate. Porter made for some hot competition for Oliver and Frankie was the unwilling recipient of a college grant given by Oliver. Now fate has thrown these 2 very unique personalities together and boy do the sparks fly.

What do you mean? You mean you’ll MAKE me submit?”
“I mean, I will chase you down, overpower your, and ram my cock as deep as you can take it. I’m going to leave your innocent white panties on while I do it, too. I want a reminder that I’ve got an eager young beginner spreading her legs for me.”

Francesca “Frankie” De Luca is fiercely independent and the furthest you can get from a grily girl. She drives a cab for a living, scrapes up her knees playing hockey with her guy friends, and refuses any handout no matter how much she may need it. But beneath this tough girl exterior runs a strictly submissive curiosity. A curiosity that she’s only dreamed of assuaging until she’s in the wrong place at the exactly right time…

You don’t like me. You HATE me, in fact. Is that right?
These are playground games, Francesca. Punching the male who you’d actually like to fuck. I don’t usually play games, but I’m so hungry for your pussy after that little challenge, I can’t think past fucking the hate right out of you.”

Porter Evans is all about control. He thrives on it, feeds on it, craves it. So when a gorgeous tomboy with ripped jeans and a spark of wonder in her eyes walks into his room at Serve, he knows right away that it’s not the woman that he’s set up to meet. But damn if he can resist the lure of the tempting little beginner. He may not be a man that seek permanence in his relationships, but one night with this woman will never be enough and he knows it. So he proposes a solution; she’ll work for him from 9 to 5 but after 5? All bets are off…

I loved the banter and chemistry between these two. Porter is mercurial and broody, and Frankie is tough as nails and a firecracker. And suffice it to say that the sex scenes were absolutely, burn the panties right off of you, sizzling hot.

I have to say that at times both Frankie and Porter were almost too stubborn in their own hangups that it was almost too much. I understand their individual histories leading them to be the way that they are, but not quite to the extremes that they take it too. Porter’s inability to truly believe himself worthy of a relationship and Frankie’s inability of accepting any form of financial support (even in the form of a grant) did get a bit much for me at times. I suppose I just didn’t understand why it was as extreme as it was.

Aside from that, I really enjoyed this one. As a matter of fact, I think this may have been my favorite Tessa Bailey book in the Serve series. Porter does fuck up royally a couple of times in the book and even though I wanted his grovel to be a little bit more, he definitely made up for it all in the end. I loved the epilogue and I really can’t wait for more from this deliciously sexy and kinky series.

There’s a space beside you and I need to fill it to survive.

Don’t miss the rest of this sizzling hot series!

Owned by Fate (Serve #1)
Exposed by Fate (Serve #2)

Mistaken by Fate (Serve #3)
Betting on Fate (Serve #4)

Review: ★Betting On Fate★ by @katee_robert

Betting on Fate (Serve #4)
Author: Katee Robert
Genre: Contemporary Romance
(With BDSM elements and a MFM scene)
Release Date: Jan 5, 2015

This time, all bets are off…

Penelope Carson loves to steal clients from Will Reaver. Yet something in her business nemesis’s icy blue eyes makes Penelope…nervous. It certainly doesn’t help that the man is the living embodiment of a Norse god. A controlled, powerful Norse god. Which she really should have remembered before she made a bet with him—because losing means becoming Will’s personal submissive for a week. There’s nothing Will would like more than to have Penelope kneeling before him in complicit submission, her fiery dark eyes inviting him in. Challenging him. But their bet takes Will and Penelope deeper than either of them have ever been. Where control is an illusion, and boundaries are pushed aside. And where hearts become the stakes in a game that neither Dominant nor submissive can win…


4 stars

Who do you belong to?” He stood, lifted her hips, and shoved into her. “Tell me, Penelope. Now.
“Say my name.”

Ho-ly shit. This. Book. Was. Freaking. HAWT. I’ll admit, being the Brazen junky that I am, I’ve read my fair share…and I do mean my fair share. So trust me when I tell you that this just may have been the most sizzling and kinky one yet.
We first met Will Reaver as Garrett’s tamer and more reasonable and almost unassuming twin brother in Mistaken by Fate. Ha! Tamer and unassuming my ass!

We also met Penelope Carson, the gorgeous and sassy pain in Will’s ass…better known as his competition in business. Both Will and Penelope like to be at the top, and that certainly goes for everything else beside business. Their fierce competition definitely has a very hot undercurrent of chemistry, but they both refuse to admit the glaringly obvious attraction. Besides, with Will being a Dom and Penelope not being submissive, they couldn’t have less in common…or so they think…

When they realize that they’re both going after the same client again, Will proposes that they make things interesting. Whoever loses, has to submit to the other for a week. Penelope is sure that she has it all in the bag and wants nothing more than Will Reaver on his knees. But then her unexpected loss allows her to experience something that she’s only allowed herself to fantasize about; to truly submit to a man that tempts her like no other. Besides, Penelope isn’t just a domme, she’s a switch. And boy do things start to get sizzling

Being an avid reader of BDSM romance, I can tell you that I’ve read my fair share of contemporary authors ‘tip-toeing around this genre. You know what I’m talking about; when you have a hero with some bondage and spanky preferences that also likes to boss the chick around in the bedroom is all of a sudden a Dom. Yeah…no. I was VERY pleasantly surprised with Katee’s portrayal of Will, because will was most definitely a Dom in every sense of the word. He was demanding, slightly domineering, and when the man gets down to business? No ovaries in an 8 mile radius will be safe.

So what did this book have?
A whole lot of sexy time, is what!
It also had one sizzling hot MFM threesome, that was actually very tastefully done. You know, if there’s really such a thing with a threesome.

But aside from all the kinky sexy times, it actually had a really great story on top. Both Pen and Will are terrified of commitment in their own right and it was really entertaining seeing them fall for each other even if Will did fight it more than necessary. Given both their histories, I could understand their hesitations.

Penelope was a great heroine. She was smart mouthed, independent, take charge type of woman. But when it came to Will, she had no problem giving into her more submissive nature.

I loved that none of the scenes felt forced like they have in other contemporary books for me. If you’re not a fan of the genre, it’s just light enough to still appeal to you. Don’t get me wrong, their sex is ANYTHING but vanilla, but it wasn’t exactly hard core BDSM. But for those of us that run on the more…uhem…kinkier tastes, it’s just enough to satisfy.

I also really loved the inclusion of Penelope’s best friend Addison from Meeting His Match.

If you’re looking for a scorching hot and kinky read, look no further than Will Reaver. Although part of a series, you may still easily read this as a standalone. Though I found the series to be fantastic, so I’d definitely recommend reading the previous 3 books too. Can’t wait for next installment and to see who will be the man to rein in Sara, Garret and Will’s younger sister.

 Don’t miss the rest of the series!

Owned by Fate (Serve #1)
Exposed by Fate (Serve #2)
Mistaken by Fate (Serve #3)

Review: ☆Owned by Fate☆ by @mstessabailey

Her mind rejects his world. But her body knows its master.

Journalist Caroline Preston arrives at Serve, New York City’s hottest BDSM club, with one goal—to hate it. If her brother wasn’t trying to turn the family’s respectable financial magazine into a publication that features “lifestyle” pieces for the wealthy and adventurous, she wouldn’t even bethere, trying to write an article about a world she doesn’t understand. But then she sees him.

Jonah Briggs doesn’t leave his post for just anyone. As the owner of the club, his sole purpose is to ensure that his clientele get everything they need, but when he sees Caroline, his only thought is what he wants—to dominate the sexy little reporter and give the most exquisite pleasure she’s ever experienced.

Caroline has no intention of entering that particular lion’s den—not with her family’s reputation at stake—no matter how dark, sexy, and complex the lion in question may be. But with every encounter, she craves more, and with every slide of his lips, she realizes Jonah might just be the man to break down all her defenses…if she’ll let him.

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4.5 stars

So a respected financial journalist and an award-winning interior designer walk into a BDSM club…”
“And nothing. That’s the entire joke.”

If you’ve read any other book by this author, then you already know that she writes books with heroes that can deliver some panty evaporating dirty talk. I swear to you, with every new hero of hers I meet, I keep thinking that they only get better. So what can I tell you after Jonah Briggs? Just one thing:

All hail the queen of dirty talk!

Sweet mother of all that’s pervy. I needed to ice my ovaries after this one in the worst way possible.

Caroline is an Ivy League graduate, award winning journalist, and heir to a legendary financial publication first started by her father. Unfortunately, the magazine is now in trouble and her brother has come up with an idea that will either make them or break them; to feature “lifestyle” pieces for the wealthy and adventurous inside the world of an elusive BDSM club. This is why she reluctantly finds herself sitting at Serve with her best friend, sipping on a lollipop martini, with every intention of hating it.

Are you going to suck it? Or just play with it all night?

Enter Jonah Briggs; Serve owner and resident Dom. One look at the dark and sexy Jonah, and Caroline simply can’t deny the chemistry that instantly sizzles between them. For a woman that lives her life in black and white and straight vanilla, she can’t help but take him up on the offer that his mere presence promises.

After sharing an unforgettable encounter, Caroline knows that no matter how much she wants it, with her reputation at stake she simply can’t handle more. Too bad that Jonah is determined to wear her down by any means necessary, and he’s not exactly going to fight fair.

Careful, baby. You’re giving yourself away. You love it, don’t you? That sharp bite echoing between your gorgeous, shaking thighs? Who’s the one providing the bite, Caroline?
You are, Master.”
“That’s right. Thank me for your punishment.

I am so happy to finally get a Dom (outside an actual BDSM romance) that truly lives up to the title and isn’t merely some domineering ass with some spanky tendencies. While I would really qualify this as BDSM lite, it still managed to hit all the right spots for me. It was a sizzling hot romance with some BDSM elements and a sexy as sin hero that you’ll never want to stop talking.

You’ve already shattered all my limits, baby. I’m going to make sure you catch up.

Jonah absolutely made this book for me. While Caroline was a great heroine, she did have a few moments where I wished I could shake some sense into her. Mainly in her treatment of Jonah in the very beginning. Though I must say, she more than made up for it at the end.

In the dark, unknown to anyone around them, they weren’t Caroline Preston, the Ivy League graduate, heir to a legendary financial publication, and Jonah Briggs, controversial BDSM club owner

Everything about this book just worked for me, especially the secondary characters. I’m so excited to get a book for Caroline’s brother, Oliver, and her best friend next.

Oliver, Oliver, Oliver… I am so ready for you…

Review: ☆Edge of the Enforcer☆ by @CheriseSinclair


One sadist. One submissive
One extraordinary love

and may all your darkest wishes come true

Fleeing false murder charges, Lindsey lands in San Francisco. There she builds a satisfying life until, in the notorious Dark Haven BDSM club, she encounters deVries. Moth, meet flame.

A security specialist and occasional mercenary, deVries needs an adorable submissive like a knife to the gut. Hell, she’s not even a masochist. But here she is, all big brown eyes and sweet body and sassy mouth. Loyal. Tough-minded. Honest.

Or maybe not, considering her ID is forged. If she thinks to lie to him, she’ll learn better. He’s the Enforcer of Dark Haven—his discipline is absolute, his punishments harsh, and his heart untouched…until now.

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5 stars

Changed my mind. I could use some sweet wildcat pussy, and you’re up. I’m calling in my debt.”
“What? You said no.”
“I said when I wanted. Choose – do I fuck you here or at your house?”

Holy mother of bookgasms. I have been a fan of Cherise Sinclair for a while, but I have to say that this is probably my favorite book by her to date…and I’m not usually big on sadists (with the exception of my favorite kinky priest). At least not the hard core one. And deVries? Well he’s as hard core as they come. But this is a Sinclair book, and after all

9645945So of course I had to read it the second it released. I was expecting a spicy little read, but what I got was so much more. There was a little suspense, action, romance, and some dirty kinky loving that will leave you so hot and bothered you’ll be panting by the time you finish the page.

That’s right,” he murmured. “You can take me.” He forged in, relentless as only the Enforcer could be, doing what he wanted for his own pleasure.
“Hurt, baby?” he asked.
“Yessssss.” Her answer came out a moan.
“Perfect.” His laugh was deep and gruff.”

7348692I have to admit, I was a little concerned when less than 10% into the book Lindsey and deVries were already thrown into bed together. I like to feel that sexual chemistry really burn before the couple comes together. When it happens too quickly, most of the time it pretty much lowers the enjoyment for me. I was afraid that this may be the case here, but deVries did not disappoint. Not long after he fucks up royally and allows his inner asshole to come out. Which of course had only one affect on me

9398673What? I happen to have a soft place in my pervy little heart for the assholes. But I digress…

Lindsey is in hiding. Fleeing a murder charge and men that want her dead in Texas, she finds herself rebuilding a life in San Francisco. She’s been unbearably attracted to deVries since she first laid eyes on him, but he’s never made any move to show he reciprocates the feelings. And besides, she’s not what he needs. She may be a submissive, but she’s certainly not a masochist. At least not up for the type of pain the deVries likes to dole out. But when the Dom finally decides to claim her? Well, what girl in her right mind could possibly turn him down? He’s sexy as fuck, and orgasm donor…and he apparently has a soft side…well, to a point, anyway

“What are you doing?”
“Sleeping. I’m wiped. Not safe to drive.”
He wanted to cuddle? The Enforcer?
“Go to sleep, or you’ll spend the night gagged.

I really loved Lindsey and her Texan quirky personality. She was this perfect combination of sweet, endearing, quirky and sassy. She was the perfect match for Zander deVries’ tough and sadistic side. Did I also happen to mention that Zander is an ex Navy SEAL and mercenary?

Both Lindsey and Zander have a past that tends to color their present and the way they respond to things. They both have had their share of heartbreak, though Lindsey’s past is quite a bit darker. She’s determined to protect the people she’s come to care for from her secrets. But Zander is determined to uncover each of them.

Filled with action, hot sex, suspense, a sassy submissive and a sadist that’s determined to break through all her barriers this book will definitely leave you

9645946If you’re a fan of this series, be prepared to fall hard for Zander. Although this is part of a series, this book can easily be read as a standalone.

With your pulse like that, either you’re scared or you’re horny.” He slid his palm over her panties, ascertaining for himself exactly which it was. “Soaked.”
“I’m sorry. I’m fine. Don’t-”
“Shut it.” With pitiless hands, he tossed away the covers and flattened her onto her back. “Just as well. I didn’t get enough of a taste.”
“You don’t wear underwear if you’re with me,” he growled. “And you don’t withhold something I want.”

9645947Any questions?

Didn’t think so 😉


Review: Hostile Takeover by Joey W. Hill

Book V of the Knights of the Board Room series (can be read as standalone)

Ben is the last unattached member of the five-man executive team of K&A Associates. The other four, all Masters, have found the submissive of their dreams. That’s fine. The sharp-edged lawyer knows he’s the most hardcore of all of them, with extreme tastes as a Master he satisfies physically through experienced club submissives. He doesn’t really need anything more than that.

Marcie has loved Ben since she was sixteen. He’s never behaved as anything more than a protective big brother, a family friend. But now she’s twenty three and starting her career as a corporate investigator. She may be a blood-and-bone deep submissive, but she won’t hesitate to use her aggressive talents to prove she’s meant to be his. With a Master as tough as Ben, she’ll have to take whatever measures are needed—even if her deepest desire isn’t a hostile takeover of his heart, but an unconditional surrender to it.

Reader Advisory: Marcie’s sexual journey contains a group scene of female/female sexual exploration. The Masters also share her in a brief group scene.

She’d heard rumors about his size, but if that was a partial erection, there were monsters in Japan who would run screaming.


That’s the best word I can come up with here to describe the experience that was this book. As much as I love this author’s writing and as hot as most of the scenes in this book were…this was not my favorite book by her. The series has been a little hit or miss for me, with Peter’s book still continuing to be my favorite.

If you’ve never read BDSM books, this is not the one you pop your BDSM cherry with. Seriously. And before you meet Ben and his monster cock, might I suggest working on your stamina a bit

Because the man’s cock has the recovery time of 1.5 seconds. It’s like the BDSM energizer bunny…it just keeps fucking, and fucking, and fucking…

If you’ve read this series, then you’re familiar that every man in the group has his own particular kink. Now personally, if I had to pick, I’d stick with Lucas and his kink. Why? I’ll give you a hint.

Ben is the most intense of the ‘knights’. So you may be curious what his particular kink is.

Now I gotta admit, as delicious as Ben is, his penchant for anal in combination with his monster cock…I’d be a bit intimidated. Oh who am I kidding. I’d be a whole lot of

But Marcie handled it like a champ.

I’m not typically a fan of extremely forward heroines in my books, but Marcie was just awesome. She had the lady balls of steel. To be able to handle Ben and his very dark past, she’d have to be.

But somewhere along the line, this book lost some of its fizzle for me. I knew what I was walking into reading it after seeing some reviews, so I wasn’t too surprised. But there were a few scenes that left me a bit

1. highlight to view spoiler: There is a FF scene in the book. Doesn’t really bother me, though I mainly prefer cock on cock action. My problem with this particular scene is that I didn’t quite get the necessity of it. Marcy is coming down from a very intense fight with Ben so the women comfort her. Somehow this goes from having drinks, to getting a message, to oral sex from Dana. Huh? It wasn’t meant to be sexual, more of a comforting thing. I think that’s why I really didn’t connect with this. Dunno.(end spoiler)

2. There is a CNC scene in the book. Consensual non-consent. Didn’t bother me, but I thought I’d put the warning out there.

3. highlight to view spoiler: I understand the bond that these men share, and the need to share their women with each other during scenes. I don’t have a problem with this. But the fact that Marcie is Lucas’s sister in law kinda killed my lady boner. (end spoiler)

There was not much romance in this book, so don’t really expect that here. Ben is not a hero filled with sweet words, endearments and butterflies.

I won’t be your Master, but I will be your mentor. If you show me you can behave. Those are my terms. No revisions, no loopholes, no games. If you can’t handle that, collect your stuff, take your fuck-me-now slut attitude, and get out of this office.

There were parts where Ben was a total asshole. Now while I’m typically all into that sort of thing, what I mainly felt here was

Luckily he gets his shit together by the very end, and we do get a little bit of his softer side.

I also wanted to delve a little deeper into his past. After the many hints throughout the series of what he’s been through, I was expecting this to be a focus somewhere in his book. But I felt that ultimately it was a bit glossed over. There were hints and a few revelations, but no more so than we already knew about him.

This book is certainly not for everyone. I did enjoy it, but it is not anything I see myself ever going back to.

Review: ★Love and Let Die★ by Lexi Blake

A Tragic Love Story
Charlotte Dennis’s mission was clear: distract and misdirect CIA operative Ian Taggart by any means necessary. If she failed, she would never see her sister again. With her training, it should have been simple, but after one night in Ian’s arms, she knew that saving her sister would mean losing the man of her dreams.
Ian was tracking a terrorist when he met the beautiful American daughter of a Russian mobster. His instincts told him Charlotte was trouble, but his body craved her like a drug and his heart would not be denied. She took his ring and his collar. For once he was truly happy. But as he closed in on his target, her betrayal cost him his mission while her sacrifice saved his life. As she died in his arms, Ian vowed he would never love again.
A Dangerous Reunion
For six years, Charlotte has thought of nothing but returning to her husband, her Master. Working in the shadows, she has devoted herself to earning a chance to reclaim her place in Ian’s life. But forgiveness isn’t a part of Ian’s vocabulary.
Nothing is more important to Ian Taggart than his new mission. But the information he needs is firmly in the hands of the woman who betrayed him. To catch his most dangerous prey, Ian will have to let Charlotte back into his life. As the hunt takes them to some of the world’s most exotic locations, the danger grows and their passion reignites.
Will Ian forgive his wayward submissive…or lose her again?
4 stars
He’d been a different man with Charlotte, a softer man, a man who might have had a future.

If there was one thing she’d learned in her lifetime, it was that the world was a game. She would win or she would die.When I read the first book in the Masters and Mercenaries book, I knew, I just knew that I had to, I needed, I had to have Ian’s book.

I’m pretty sure I got to a point where all I had to do was think of Ian’s name and my mind was all

So needless to say, my anticipation and my hopes have gotten quite high in 5 books’ span. I don’t remember the last time I pre-ordered a book and then spent hours staring at my Kindle willing it to come in. Did this book meet my expectations? Not quite…IAN

The bigger they are, the bigger they fall. That’s kind of the idea I had built up in my mind for Ian. He was always so cynical with love with all his friends. I was waiting for a woman to come in to knock him on his ass. So when 5 years later his dead wife shows up at his office, he gets thrown for a bit of a loop.


I absolutely loved Charlie’s personality from the last book. She was spunky, tough, and kick-ass. I just knew that she was going to be even better in her own book. She had been through so much in her life and at the hands of her father. And when she was forced to betray Ian five years ago in order to save herself and her sister, she has spent those years apart trying to atone for her actions.

A girl had to have a hobby. Hers just happened to be causing chaos for some of the world’s worst terrorists and criminals. It was fun.

She made plenty of sacrifices, and even stood in front of a bullet for a member of Ian’s team in the previous book. All in hopes for earning the right to be back in his life.

When Ian is force to work with Charlotte since she holds the key information he needs in order to finally get to the rogue agent responsible so much of his past turmoil, he finds it hard to fight his attraction to her. Even though he should hate her for what she did to him, he can’t help but still feel the pull between them.

He was going to kill her. He was going to wrap his hands around her pretty throat and squeeze. Except the minute he had the vision of killing his back-from-the-dead wife, she was suddenly naked and he wasn’t thinking about throttling her anymore. Maybe he could fuck her to death. That would be a better way to go.

The one thing that I have loved in Lexi Blake’s books in the past was the super steamy love scenes. You could just feel the burning passion between the couples when you read it. I couldn’t seem to get the same thing here. The sex scenes between Ian and Charlie read almost mechanical to me at times. Like insert slot B into slot A, moan, breath, *insert dirty words here*, rinse and repeat. It took Ian pretty much the entire book to finally open up some. So maybe that was what was missing for me? I’m not even sure. Then again, this also might have been the case of my high expectations just being too high? Who knows. What I do know that is that in all the build up to Ian’s book, it didn’t quite meet my expectations in that.

I really liked Charlie. The way that she fought for her sister, and then fought her way back to Ian melted my heart. She took on so much abuse, and she took it all from Ian too, in order to make up for her mistakes. She was understanding, and sweet, yet at the same time maintained a lot of her strength.

The other thing that I found lacking was the romance. At times I found that the romance took a backseat to the suspense. Don’t get me wrong, the story was action packed and entertaining. I guess I just wanted something…more. I was even able to look past a few details that irked the Russian in me. A few stereo types here and there, and the name Dusan Denisovitch. (Dusan? Not a Russian name. At least none I’ve ever heard.) But I suppose that’s just me being picky.

There is a HEA at the end, but a hell of a cliffhanger introduction into the next book. I was really hoping to get Simon’s book next, but looks like we will be getting a different sexy Brit, Damon Knight.

Don’t Miss The Rest of The Series!

The Dom Who Loved Me (Masters & Mercenaries #1)
The Men With The Golden Cuffs (Masters and Mercenaries #2)
A View to a Thrill (Masters and Mercenaries #7)
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