Review: Moonlit Thorns by P. Rayne

Series: Midnight Manor #1
Author: P. Rayne
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: February 29, 2024

No one knows what happens up at Midnight Manor.

The home of the Voss brothers sits like a sentinel looking down on our small town, remaining a mystery. The four brooding billionaires rarely leave the confines of the iron gates, fueling rumors that have existed for decades.

When my father dies, all the security I’ve known is ripped away, forcing me to come face to face with the eldest brother, Asher Voss. His outward beauty is just as I’d heard—it belies a predatory nature, irresistibly drawing me in.

A bargain is made, and I have no choice but to live in the shadowy confines of his gothic manor to save my family. As time passes, it becomes harder and harder to deny our attraction.

Asher Voss might be too old for me, and he’s definitely cursed by his own demons, but an inferno of passion between us threatens to either consume or destroy us both.

MOONLIT THORNS is a dark contemporary romance Beauty and the Beast retelling.


…she’s a motherfucking flame, and I’m the moth who doesn’t care if my wings get burned.

A modern day Beauty and the Beast retelling with a broody hero, some D/s, gothic vibes, and an exclusive sex club? Sign me up immediately!

Am I fully obsessed with the Voss brothers after finishing this book? You bet, I am. But before I gush about the broody brothers who live in the dark manor with a dark history shrouded in secrets and murder, let me talk about this book. Moonlit Thorns is the story of Asher Voss and Annabelle; an age gap romance with some D/s, good girl meets tortured bad boy vibe. In true Beauty and the Beast fashion, Asher is a dark and broody man who doesn’t let anyone close besides his brothers. After the sudden death of her father, Annabelle is still picking up the pieces of her life and trying to keep her family in one piece. So when a notice shows up on her door that her family is about to lose their home, she’s desperate. So desperate, that she agrees to a deal with the devil. The devil being Asher Voss, the man who her father owes a debt to that he never repaid before his death. And the deal? Work for him for a year. Whatever he says, whenever he says it.

I loved that the story mirrored many elements of the fairy tale, including characters, scenarios, and vibes. I loved Annabelle’s mix of innocence and resilience. She’s 22 to Asher’s 36 but she’s no naive girl. She is drawn to Asher’s broodiness like a flame. But I don’t blame her. I love the mean ones myself and Asher was so hot and cold, I didn’t know if I wanted to kill him or hump him. Mostly both at the same time.

And while I loved Asher, I’m already dying to get my hands on Kol’s book. And after that set up at the end of this book, I’m absolutely ravenous for it. 

Review: Where We Belong by Ashley Munoz

Series: Stone Riders MC #2
Author: Ashley Munoz
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: February 23, 2024

An Enemies to Lovers Romance

They call him the Wolf.

His club, his brothers, and even my best friend Callie.

I didn’t really care what they called him, not when the only name I had ever called him was, coward.

Because three months ago he snuck under my resilient heart, like the thief he is, and stole it.

Then he broke it.

Going home wasn’t an option, not when I promised Callie I’d stay. She swore I’d eventually feel like I belonged in this small town.

The club ensured I had a job, and a place to live which reluctantly earned my loyalty.

Until I discovered their little caveat.

The apartment technically belonged to the new president.

I was welcome to stay…as long as I understood it meant sharing.

And my new roommate?

The very man who turned avoidance into an Olympic sport.


What do you want from me, Killian?” His glare softened the smallest bit before hardening again. “I want you to stop being a complication. You’re a flicker in my peripheral vision, a glare, a goddamn floater that corrective lenses would fix. I want to erase you.”
Killian stepped closer. “But… I also want to wrap your soul around mine, feel the beat of your heart in my neck as I breathe, and carry you with me everywhere I go, all at the same fucking time.”

It’s been a hot minute since I read a book by Ashley and I have no idea why. But I know that I’ll be binging on her backlist immediately. Especially since I did myself a bit of a disservice by reading this book first. There is a lot of overflow from the first book in this series. And while it’s still an easy standalone read, you can clearly tell it would be an even better one if you read in order. So don’t be like me and read Where We Started first.

Now if you know me, then you know that I like my heroes mean…and I mean MEAN. Like I need him to hurt all the feelings before he makes everything right, ok? And Killian. This man was the perfect combination of mean and a heart of gold. You don’t know if you want to hug him or punch him but I absolutely fell in love with him.

You don’t care.” He stepped closer, so close my back was pinned to the truck. “I care about every eye that lands on you. Every breath that’s inhaled your scent. Every smile given to you, every hand that’s ever touched you. I care, Daisy. Too fucking much if we’re being honest.”

Killian always knew he can have only one love and focus, his club. Laura is a distraction he doesn’t need and he doesn’t shy away from reminding her of the fact. But Laura also doesn’t shy away from giving as good as she gets. The chemistry between these two was everything. I couldn’t get enough of them.

I craved his destruction, the devastation I knew he promised. I had some sick and twisted desire to hurt.

I loved their antagonism and back and forth almost as much as I loved when they gave into the inevitable. I spent my time equally wanting to throttle Killian and wanting to hump his leg. The man is sex personified but there are so many layers to him that makes him own all your attention. Every time you peel back a layer, he gets further and further under your skin and I loved having him there.

Laura was a great heroine and the perfect balance to Killian’s intensity. There was just enough grit to this MC romance that made it for one delicious page turner without getting too dark and I enjoyed every page of it. I’m hooked on this series and already salivating for the next book.

Review: Where’s Molly by H.D. Carlton

Author: H.D. Carlton
Genre: Dark Romance
Release Date: February 16, 2024

A spinoff of the Cat & Mouse Duet…

“Molly Devereaux has been missing for more than two weeks, and police are still searching for the girl who seemed to vanish out of thin air. The world still wants to know… Where’s Molly?”

In my dreams, I never escaped the Oregon woods.

Life after death isn’t easy to accept, especially when I still feel like a ghost.

Now, I live deep in the mountains of Montana—the paradigm of beauty. But they are also the home of horrors.

Horrors that I only unleash at night.

When my pigs are allowed to feast.

It is strongly recommended to read Haunting Adeline and Hunting Adeline before reading Where’s Molly.

Important Note: This is a dark romance that contains dark subject matter. Please refer to the author’s website for content warnings


She escaped me once, and I let her go.
I won’t allow it a second time.

If you’ve read the Cat & Mouse duet, then you know the name Molly. The girl who got away and whose journals became Addie’s balm and sanity in that house of horrors. When H.D. Carlton announced the character of this book, I was equally excited and terrified. Excited because I will eagerly devour everything this woman writes. But also terrified because I wasn’t sure I could survive a reminder of the first half of Hunting Adeline. I still have PTSD from that. Luckily, while there are flashbacks to what happened with Milly, mostly all details are off the pages and I was grateful. This was a short read that was more gray than dark and I devoured it in one sitting.

Molly was a character that I immediately connected with.

My human interaction is very limited.
Especially because that’s what my pets like to eat for dinner.

A woman who’s been through hell and back. She now lives off the grid on a farm with her pigs and a unique job that is oh so fitting. She never expected to run back into a man who gave her a nigh to remember for years to come before she disappeared.

Cage. OH CAGE. God but this man was perfection. His undivided attention and single minded obsession made me fall hard and fast.

Because as long as I was inside her, her sadness would be powerless to my obsession.

I mean, the things he say. HARD SWOON.

I want to be the only man on this entire fucking planet that knows what you feel like. And if I’m sharing this knowledge with a single soul still walking this earth, then I will be removing them from it.

This was a shorter read. A bit longer than a novella but not the beast that the Cat & Mouse duet was. It was the perfect hit I didn’t even know I needed from HD before we get immersed in the crazy world of Sibby and I loved every page of it.

Cage and Molly were incidiary together. Usually, I’m not a fan of insta anything, but god their instant chemistry and connection just did things for me. I loved Cage’s obsession and the way he fought for Molly.

I will chase away all your nightmares until they grow wary of returning.

Molly was so fierce and I loved her unassuming and quiet strength. This is a woman who saw hell and came out of it a fighter. And can we talk about that ending? DELICIOUS. And the bonus scene? I NEED TO KNOW MORE.

If you’re looking for a quick hit of the Cat & Mouse world, this book is perfect. I read it in one delicious sitting and enjoyed every page. I only wish it was a bit longer but it was also super satisfying for the length, so I can’t even complain. Now I’m left desperately needing Sibby and Rio’s book.

Review: The Wallflower by JL Beck

Oakmount Elite Book 1
Author: JL Beck
Genre: Dark, New Adult Romance
Release Date: February 16, 2024

She needs me, because she needs money. 

I don’t need her. Just her complete submission…

Maybell Jacobs is the Wallflower: quiet, shy, socially awkward and hell-bent on hiding even from herself, that is until a chance encounter takes place between us.

Instantly she hates me and for good reason. I’m a walking-red-flag. Filthy rich jock, short tempered, and violent.

I can have anyone and anything I want.. except her.

Little does she know her disgust, anger, and hate for me fuels my obsession to own her, completely in every single way. 

Maybell resists, predictably… but her fight only makes her more desirable and I have plans that will lead her right into my lap and never want to leave. 

When she joins the sinful tradition put on by the elite of the town, the Hunt, I’m shocked. The pretty little thing has no idea how much danger she’s in if she decides to become my prey.

Sweet, innocent, and fragile like a flower. I’ll have to be careful or risk breaking her. 

Because I’m the ultimate predator and when I play there are no rules. 

I don’t chase. I capture.

And I like to own my bait.

★ Tropes include: secret society, college, touch her and die, CNC & chasing bait fantasy ★


I want you to scream for me because of me. I want you gasping for breath. I want you crying, your eyes shimmering with tears. I want you running, doing everything you can to escape me, while knowing deep down inside you’ll never get away. I want all of it. So I’ll give you one more chance to get away.”

Well then, clearly I have been sleeping on JL Beck, because this hit all sorts of spots for me. ALL THE SPOTS.
Enemies to lovers? CHECK
Bully/alphahole vibes? CHECK
Primal Play? CHECK
Bad Boy/Good Girl? CHECK
Obsessive hero and touch her and die vibes? CHECK CHECK AND CHECK

If your hate tastes this good, I can’t imagine what your desire tastes like.”

I live for a dark secret society read almost as much as I live for a good alpha hole and this was pure book crack. Drew is a bad boy that I loved to hate. Part of the elite, of course this is a guy who has broody and tortured down to a science. Every year, he and his friends host something called The Hunt. And yes, it’s exactly what it sounds like. But it’s been a while since a woman truly gave Drew the chase he craves. A woman who doesn’t just pretend to run from him. The man is depraved with a capital D and I loved him for it.

Maybel (Bel) is the quintessential good girl. A scholarship student, she’s used to being unseen and blending in. In a school of the rich and elite, she’s the wallflower…until she unwittingly catches the attention of Drew. And now he’ll stop at nothing to have her, even if she doesn’t want anything to do with him.

Drew isn’t the person he plays or the mask he slips on. He’s unhinged, sinister, and dark. He’s hiding in plain sight, afraid of what the world will think of him if they see the monster beneath the beautiful exterior.

Their relationship is one of antagonistic push and pull. Bel runs and Drew chases. But somewhere along the road, the lines begin to blur and someone that Bel couldn’t stand, she soon unwillingly gets feelings for. But Drew’s family and history is a dark one and Bel lands in the middle of something she can barely comprehend.

This was a twisty, deliciously dirty story. I loved the chemistry between Drew and Bel. I craved every morsel of information about these two. And while we only graze the surface in this one, I think we’re in store for a great deal more with the next one. I’m fully hooked on the series and as much as I’m dying for the conclusion, I also can’t wait for the rest of the guys to get their story. Especially Sebastian. That boy will likely put Drew to shame with his depraravity. I just know it. And that ending? JAW DROPPING!

Review: Fierce Obsession by S Massery

Hockey Gods #5
Author: S. Massery
Genre: Dark, Hockey Romance
Release Date: February 16, 2024

Knox Whiteshaw is my husband.

He’s also an egotistical psychopath who refuses to divorce me—even when I ask nicely.

It doesn’t matter that I’m trying to move on with the goalie of his NHL team. Knox is dead set on ruining everything.

My upcoming wedding, my future, my sanity…

The man can hold a grudge like no other, and I am public enemy number one. I have been for six years, ever since he threatened me and stormed out of my life.

Now that we’re forced back in each others’ lives, it’s only a matter of who will break first: him or me.


I don’t want to kiss her, but I’m pretty sure I’ll stop breathing if I’m not inhaling her scent. If I’m not tasting her.

You know when you meet a character you hate but also can’t wait to fall in love with? A character that you become completely obsessed with over the course of a series as a secondary character that you can’t wait to see finally fall to his knees for a woman? A character that you anticipate so hard that the actual book can’t possibly live up to the anticipation? Well I’m happy to announce that Knox didn’t live up to my expectations. Why? Because he blew them away. And this? This just may be my all new favorite book in the Hockey Gods series. S. Massery really said, leave the best for last with this one and OH MY GOD IT WAS EPIC>

You’re going to know true darkness when I’m done with you. But you’ll be safe from all the demons in the world. Except me.”

Knox Whiteshaw has been a guy I loved to hate throughout the Hockey Gods series. And ever since his cruel game with Willow in Secret Obsession, I couldn’t wait for the woman who would bring this playboy to his knees. I just didn’t anticipate for that to be his wife…of 6 years. Yep. You read that right.

Ever since the ending of Twisted Obsession, I have been feral for Knox’s book. A wife? The manwh0re who never gives a woman more than a nigh of his attention, unless he’s playing her for a bet, has a wife? Color me intrigued. But when I tell you that nothing prepared me for the emotional punch that this story brought.

Her chest heaves. “I hate you.”
“Good. Because I’m going to kiss you, and I expect you to fight back.”

Knox has been the stereotypical f-boy throughout this series. But we finally got to see a peak into the heart of him in the last book. I was dying to peel back all of his complex layers but I wasn’t prepared to fall for him as hard as I did.

Now I’m not going to spoil this by giving you details on his story because, trust me, you don’t want to know more than what was revealed in the previous book. Do yourself a favor and go in completely blind. But what I will say is that I couldn’t imagine a more perfect FMC to bring him to his knees than Aurora; his childhood best friend who he lives to hate now.

Aurora has no idea that her husband who refuses to grant her the divorce she’s been begging for has recently been traded to the Titans until she runs into him during a game. And to say that neither is thrilled to see the other is a mild understatement. The tension, the chemistry, the hate lust between these two is EVERYTHING. Everything I tell you. I gobbled it up with a spoon nd licked my fingers after because it was SO DELICIOUS.

S Massery seriously knows how to deliver one h*ll of an addictive read and I couldn’t imagine a more perfect book to close the series with. Fierce Obsession was everything it promised with the title. But could you expect anything less from Knox Whiteshaw? I think not.

And the spinoff to the next hockey series? OHMYGAWD. I need it. HARD. Desperately. IMMEDIATELY.
*giggles* That’s what she said. But I digress again.

All of the stars! Read it immediately. And if you haven’t read this series than we can’t be friend until you do. That is all. Thank me after. Kthanksbye.

S. Massery is a dark romance author who loves injecting a good dose of suspense into her stories. She lives in Western Massachusetts with her dog, Alice.

Before adventuring into the world of writing, she went to college in Boston and held a wide variety of jobs–including working on a dude ranch in Wyoming (a personal highlight). She has a love affair with coffee and chocolate. When S. Massery isn’t writing, she can be found devouring books, playing outside with her dog, or trying to make people smile.

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Review: Bombshell by Abby Glines

Judgement #1
Author: Abbi Gaines
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: February 14, 2024

Momma always told me that my sins would find me. I just didn’t think it would happen in a biker bar with my first crush bursting through the doors with his gun pointed at me. Well, not technically at me, but at my boyfriend- also known as my current sin. He was the thing I hoped the good Lord didn’t tell momma about in one of her dreams. Guess it didn’t matter anyway. I was caught and in a bigger mess than I could have imagined.

Micah Abe hadn’t laid eyes on Dolly Dixon, his younger sister’s best friend, in years, but her eyes were the kind you didn’t forget. Even if she’d grown into a woman with a body made for sin, he had recognized that unique shade of amber the moment she had locked her gaze on him. Damn shame he wouldn’t get a taste of her. His sister would cut off his favorite body part if he even considered it. Besides, he was over clingy women, and the way Dolly was holding on to his enemy like she wanted to wrap her legs around him meant she was the needy type.

Problem was he had to save her from herself. Clearly, Dolly was still clueless about life. That much hadn’t changed about her. He’d come here to get back what had been taken from him five years ago, but it looked like he’d be saving Snow White in the process.


“I will maim, kill, torture, whatever I need to do to whoever caused this if you will just tell me why, who. Point me in the right direction. Something. Just give me something here, Tink.”

When I tell you I binge read this in one sitting, I mean I absolutely DEVOURED it. It was finger licking delicious and total book crack. It was a perfect example of why I love Abby Gaines books. The woman has a formula that just works. She is the queen of bad boy/good girl vibes. It doesn’t matter how many times I read this, it will always hit. ALWAYS.

This is a spin off of her Smoke series. If you haven’t read that series yet, I have two words for you: souther mafia. Cowboys and mafia? Perfect combo. But I digress. While this is a spinoff and there are plenty of character cameos from that series, you can also easily enjoy this as a standalone. Though I highly recommend the Smoke series because it’s delicious. But I digress.

What’s the perfect spinoff of southern mafia? MC obviously! Enter Judgement and their batboy extraordinaire, Micah. Micah is your quintessential manwhore. The man doesn’t give any woman attention past a night. MC life is everything for him and he’s not looking to settle down any time soon if ever.

Dolly is the quintessential good girl. A good girl with southern matters and Micah’s sister’s best friend. So when Dolly finds herself in the middle of rivaling MC members, she is definitely not thrilled. The man she’s been dating is not at all who she thought he was, and suddenly a blast from her past keeps roaring in on his motorcycle to “protect her”. Dolly harbored a crush on Micah for as long as she remembers. But she isn’t the naive young girl who crushed on him in her teens. And she has no allusions that the man would even look at her as anything other than his sister’s friend. But oh how wrong she is.

Micah is a grade a a-hole and there were parts of the story where I wanted to shake him, c*ck punch him, and throw him in front of a bus. You know, simply to get him to see reason, obviously. Dolly, though a good girl is not a push over. Though she does forgive Micah all too easily when he turns the charm on. But I didn’t even mind because I forgave him just as easily. There was just something about their chemistry and dynamic that I couldn’t get enough of. The spice was spicing and the suspense was supsensing. And this girl was enjoying every delicious page of it. I can’t wait for more in this series!

Review: The Wrath by Gena Showalter

Series: Rise of the Warlords #4
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Author: Gena Showalter
Release Date: February 6,  2024

New York Times bestselling author  Gena Showalter  returns with a new book in the tantalizing  Rise of the Warlords  series, featuring a brutal Hell king and the irresistible beauty who upends his world. 

For centuries, Rathbone the Only, King of Agonies, has existed for one recovering the enchanted bones of his slain wife to bring her back to life. He’s never been closer to success. But a new enemy has risen. A band of deadly war gods who have thirty days to destroy her or suffer the consequences. With time running out, Rathbone hires a maddening harpy-oracle, unaware she has an agenda of her own.

Neeka the Unwanted is a fierce warrior on a stop Rathbone  and  the gods. She’s seen the future if either is victorious, and it’s horrifying. She’ll do whatever proves necessary to forge a new path, even seduce the ruthless royal from his purpose. What she can’t predict? How the intense male will shatter her hard-won defenses along the way. 

As Rathbone battles unexpected betrayals, cunning foes and the wild temptress he craves with every fiber of his being, he knows he must hold on to a cold dream or embrace a new flame.

Rise of the Warlords

Book 1: The Warlord
Book 2: The Immortal
Book 3: The Phantom
Book 4: The Wrath


You are a very, very dangerous female. But worth every wound.”

I swear, this series just gets better and better with each new installment. And this one is my favorite in the series so far. The King of Agonies delivered HARD and with a tatted surprise. Yes. Exactly the kind you’re thinking. Mmm hmm. But I digress.

As a self professed Gena Showalter addict, and having read her entire backlist, I still get giddy with each new release she has. And The Wrath was certainly no exception. There’s just something about this world of warlords and gods that just does it for me. And while this is a standalone in a series, you definitely want to read it in order for maximum enjoyment.

One of my favorite things about Showalters books is her witty banter and fiery sassy heroines. And boy oh boy did I love Neeka. Neeka the Unwanted is a harpy oracle and bestie of Harpy general Taliyah from The Warlord. So when Neeka seemingly turns side to work with the enemy, she has a dang good reason for it. And the reason also happens to be tall, dark, tatted and oh so dangerous.

Rathbone, King of Agonies is a god. No, like literally. And look, my obsession with this book may not have something to do with him also being Hades’s nephew. And I swear to you if I was rabid for Hades’s book before, I’m near feral for it now. But I digress again.

Rathbone is on a mission to recover the enchanted bones of his slain wife to bring her back to life. But his plan has a small complication. Because The Astra have a new mission, and it’s to revive his dead wife only so they can kill her. And the Astra assigned to the mission is none other than Azar, The Memory Keeper. A love triangle? Not quite.

When a vision puts Neeka in the center of Rathbone’s mission, they form an unwilling alliance but to different ends. Because while Rathbone thinks she’ll help him to revive his wife, Neeka’s vision foreshadows something much darker. And she’s determined to stop it.

When I tell you the chemistry between these two is instant and fiery, I mean I couldn’t get enough of them. And the slow burn romance only added to the nail biting wait of when they’ll finally give in. And oh my GAWD. I was turning the pages with eager glee, completely enraptured in this world and this story. The banter between Rath and Neeka was everything. And I lived for every new nickname Neeka came up with for the god. The tension, the action, the chemistry, all of it flawlessly weaved together to make one simply unputdownable read. And now here I sit, both happy because I loved it so much, but also completely devastated knowing I have to wait for the next book after the tease we get at the end. GAWD. What am I even going to do with myself until the next installment?! *cries in fan girlish anticipation*

Review: Legacy of Temptation by Larissa Ione

Series: Demonica Birthright #1
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Author: Larissa Ione
Release Date:
February 6, 2024

The legacy continues…

It’s a gritty new world.

Three decades after the events of REAPER, the world is a different place. The secret is out. The existence of demons, vampires, shapeshifters, and angels has been revealed, and humans are struggling to adapt. Out of the chaos, The Aegis has risen to global power on the promise of containing or exterminating all underworlders, even if that means ushering in the End of Days.

Standing in their way is the next generation of warriors, the children of demons and angels and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

See how they become legends in their own right.

Legacy of Temptation

Eva Tennant, like everyone at The Aegis, hates demons. But she loves her job as Deputy Spokesperson for the global demon-slaying organization, and she’s excited to be in the running for Chief Spokesperson. All she has to do is not screw up the two-week exchange program with The Aegis’s rival agency, the Demon Activity Response Team. But things go horribly wrong when a murder turns her into a fugitive from justice and puts a demonic target on her back.

Logan, son of the Horseman of the Apocalypse known as Death, has dedicated his life to fighting demons alongside his colleagues at DART. He loves fighting, females, and his pet hellhound, Cujo. What he doesn’t love is The Aegis, whose leadership attempted to slaughter him at birth. Understandably, he balks when he’s ordered to protect an Aegis Guardian responsible for the deaths of his friends. Really, he’d rather feed her to Cujo.

But when an old enemy rises from the ashes, Eva and Logan find themselves giving into temptation even as they sacrifice the things…and people…they love the most.


Logan was dangerous. Dangerous in ways that made every female instinct scream to run away. Or let herself be caught.

I had to pinch myself when this landed on my kindle. I have spent years, YEARS, waiting for another full length novel from Larissa Ione and now we get a brand new series and it’s set in one of my favorite worlds? Stick a fork in me. I’m done.

Now while this is a new series, it’s a spin off of her Demonica & Lords of Deliverance series . This series brings you the new generation of the kids from the Demonica couples and I. AM. OBSESSED. You can read this as a new series, but I really highly recommend you read the Demonica series to truly appreciate the cameos and the backstories.

Logan is the son of Thanatos and Regan from Lethal Rider and Eva is a human Deputy Spokesperson for the demon slaying agency, Aegis. The Aegis and DART (Demon Activity Response Team) have a long standing, messy history of hate, rivalry and betrayal. And seems like nothing has changed with this new generation of characters. But when a two-week exchange program between DART and the Aegis goes horribly wrong, things take turn from bad to horribly wrong in one shattered breath.

It took me a minute to wrap my mind around all the new characters, but it didn’t take long as soon as I connected the new names to the parents. And of course I absolutely loved the cameos of all my favorites, including Reaver and Harvester. Man but I love those two HARD. In usual Ione fashion, she brings a gritty story full of rich world building and fiery passion. I loved Logan and Eva’s story. A human demon slayer falling for the son of the Horseman of the Apocalypse. Yes, please and thank you.

Scream, baby,” he grunted. “All the bedrooms are soundproof.”

I became enraptured with this new slew of characters and I’m already dying for the next book. As for this one? It was full of jaw dropping twists and unforgettable events. At one particular part towards the end, I was caught between raging at the ceiling, wanting to sob, or throwing my kindle at the wall. Ione never shies away from taking some dark chances with her characters, and this was no different. It brings emotion, pain, and so many new layers to the old and new characters. I loved Eva and how she slowly but surely fell for Logan. Logan may be a fierce warrior, but the man is a total marshmallow with Eva and I loved it. That’s not to say this was a fluffy story you’d expect with a cinnamon roll hero. Far from it! It was full of emotional torture and brimming with new pains and betrayals.

I usually like my romance with a bit more pain, but there was plenty of hurt to be had with the story arc. The ending left me with my jaw on the floor and reeling and absolutely incapable of even an ounce of patience for Stryker’s book.

Review: Through The Glen by Samantha Young

Series: The Highlands Series #3
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Samantha Young 
Release Date:
February 1, 2024

He’s a cynical, world-weary Londoner. She’s a shy Scot. They might seem like opposites, but a few weeks in the Highlands will bring them together in ways they can’t imagine…

Theo Cavendish is the second son of a British viscount, and he’s spent years running from the aristocratic world he grew up in. Betrayal and loss taught him lessons he’s not quick to forget. As an award-winning screenwriter and creator, Theo prefers to throw himself into the world of film and television. He moves from one project to another, never really letting anyone truly know him.

As a housekeeper at the exclusive Ardnoch Estate, shy Sarah McCulloch feels invisible most days. No one really knows her, and they definitely don’t know she’s a bestselling crime writer. She dreams of seeing her series on screen and believes only one person can develop it for television. On the day she quits the estate for good, she shares her secret with club member, Theo, and asks him to consider her books.

Sarah never expected him to say yes or to show up on her doorstep ready to write with her. Or that weeks spent locked up in her cottage would lead them to form an intense but undeniable connection. A bond that Theo is not sure he’s ready to accept, even though he can’t bear to be without her.

However, when they finally venture out of their bubble, Theo finds he’ll have to battle more than his own demons to protect Sarah from hurt. For he has another fan, one intent on bringing the darkest elements of his most famous script to life. And unless he can figure out this real-life antagonist’s next move, Theo could be in danger of losing Sarah forever.


Someone woke up on the fiery side of the bed this morning.”
I grimaced. “Don’t be patronizing. This is my cottage. And in my cottage exists a gynarchy.”
He grinned and it was much too attractive. “It’s pronounced gai-nah-ki and your use of it is a little clumsy, darling.”
Of course, his vocabulary was better than the average person’s. “Are you mansplaining a word that literally means a government ruled by a woman?”
“I wouldn’t say mansplaining. I am curious as to where you came about such a colorful vocabulary?”

I have been eagerly anticipating Theo’s book ever since we got a taste of him as Noah’s irreverent friend in Among the Heather. There is nothing I love more than seeing a playboy who doesn’t believe in love fall and fall hard. And what’s even more satisfying than this? When the playboy is also the son of a viscount turned reformed playboy director and a die hard cynic when it comes to love and relationships.

Sarah is a shy, keep to herself housekeeper at the exclusive Ardnoch Estate. But what the world doesn’t know about shy and quiet Sarah, is she’s a immensely successful author writing under a secret pen name. Now, I’m not usually a fan of the shy and mousy heroines. But while Sarah is shy, she’s certainly not mousy. This is a woman of quiet strength and isn’t one to let a British playboy walk all over her. When I tell you that I loved the dynamic between these two, I mean I fell head over heels for them. Sarah surprised me with her hidden strength almost as much as she surprised Theo.

When the shy little housekeeper first approached Theo for writing the manuscript for her book, he laughs her off. There’s no way the shy, unassuming housekeeper is worth his time. He thinks he knows her, but he barely grazes the surface. When he reads her books, he doesn’t take long to chase her down to her cottage. And fans of forced proximity, you will fall hard. Because the more time Theo spends with Sarah, the more he realizes just how wrong he was about her and just how much more there is to Sarah than first meets the eye. And this is a woman who doesn’t let get away with things more than once. She’s not shy when it comes down to standing her own and standing up for herself and I absolutely loved that about her.

Because as mortifyingly scary as giving myself to her was … it was nothing like this terror that swept over me at the thought that I might have lost her forever.

I loved watching Theo fall fast and hard for Sarah. I loved watching him fight his feelings and Sarah putting him in his place when he pushes too hard. I loved the chemistry between them. I simply loved everything about this book. Everything. The parallel suspense story arc only added to the already page turning appeal of this story and I binge read it in one glorious sitting.

For fans of swoony, steamy, and heartfelt romance, you need this book. I love this world so much and with Jared finally getting his book next, already counting down the minutes for my next Highlands fix.

Samantha Young is a New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author. She’s been nominated for several Goodreads Choice Awards. Samantha writes adult contemporary and paranormal romance, YA urban fantasy and YA contemporary fiction and is currently published in 31 countries.

She resides in Scotland.


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Review: Scorned Vows by Victoria Paige

Series: Scorned Fate #2
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Mafia
Author: Victoria Paige
Release Date:
January 16, 2024

He was the perfect husband until she got pregnant.

An arranged marriage was always in Natalya Conte’s future.
Luca Moretti is charming and considerate.
Handsome like the devil, he dotes on her and spoils her.
But when two pink lines should have brought them unbridled joy, her husband ices her out.

An arranged marriage gives Luca great power.
To cement that power, he needs an heir.
The quickest way to do it is to make Natalya fall madly in love with him.
He will have her loyalty without risking his heart because love to him means weakness.

Natalya needs Luca to love her.
Because she has secrets that will put them all in jeopardy.
Her heart shatters when Luca shows her exactly how little she means to him.
But it isn’t until she sees evidence of the unforgivable that she loses all hope for a happily ever after.


You’re mine, and I’m done pretending that you’re not.”

As a self proclaimed alphahole addict, the second I read this blurb, I knew I’d be all over it. Arranged marriage, ruthless mafia antihero? Sign me up I say!

You’re mine, and I’m done pretending that you’re not.”Up here, I wasn’t the boss of the Chicago crime family. Up here, I was merely a mortal man falling in love with his family.

An arranged marriage doesn’t sound like one paved in love. But young Natalya is instantly enraptured with her future husband. He may be a ruthless in everything that he does, but he’s soft and attentive with her. But what Natalya doesn’t know, is Luca is not above playing the romantic to get to what he needs from her; an heir. And when Natalya gets pregnant, things take a turn in a direction she never saw coming.

This was a quick paced page turner and I was instantly hooked with Luca. Natalya, admittedly, did take me a minute to warm up to. She’s not at all what she seems, but she sure hides it well. I definitely did myself a disservice by not reading book one first, because there’s some backstory to her that makes it feel like you start this book already partially through her development. But then it didn’t take me long to connect to her and her very many layers. She’s a fascinating mix of fierce and vulnerable. The second half of this book, we get an entirely different side to her and I loved it.

There’s a little bit of everything here; suspense, action, mafia, betrayal, revenge. The chemistry was delicious and the grit was the perfect addition. I’m definitely hooked on this series and will immediately be reading the first book.

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