Review, Guest Post Character Interview & #Giveaway: ☆Until Alex☆ by J. Nathan

On the outside, Hayden is every girl’s living breathing fantasy, brooding and devastatingly gorgeous. He spends his nights losing himself in alcohol and faceless girls, but it’s all just a facade. An elaborate cover for the emotionless shell of a man he is. One who harbors too many secrets and destroys lives the way his was destroyed. It’s the reason he avoids relationships and keeps everyone at arm’s length…

Until Alex

Alex’s life just shattered into a million pieces, leaving her with more grief than she knows what to do with and guilt so deep it’s destroyed the carefree girl she once was. Now she’s hundreds of miles from home, living with an aunt she doesn’t know, finishing senior year at a college she’s never been to, and trying desperately to get through a single day without breaking down. She’s never felt more alone in her life…

Until Hayden

The trouble with Hayden is who he wants to be and who he is are in constant flux. And though he’d die before letting Alex learn the truth about him, he can’t be sure he’s strong enough to let her in…or push her away. She’s the one person who just might see the real him.

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Sometimes a book comes along that equal parts takes you by surprise and captivates you. This was one of those books to me. I want everyone to know about the pure awesome that is the writing of J. Nathan, so read below and see for yourself 😉
Review4.5 stars

I never thought that would happen for me. I always thought I deserved what no one else wanted.
Until Alex.

When I finished this book, I had to go back and make sure that I read it right because I couldn’t believe this amazing story was a debut novel. Wow. Just wow. If you’re looking for an incredibly emotional and angsty NA book with endearingly broken characters, a heartbreaking and heart-melting love story, and fantastic writing…You. Need. To. Read. This. Book. You will be hooked from the epilogue alone.

Hayden is the ultimate bad boy. He has the looks and the attitude that attracts women to him like no other. But beneath the surface of the womanizing, brooding and cocky playboy, is a dark secret and a past that plagues his every thought and makes him keep everyone at arms length. He’s not looking for a relationship or anything lasting. Just alcohol and countless of faceless girls that he can lose himself in for a few moments to drown out the memories.

If I learned one thing from my messed up life, it was that you didn’t let people in, and you didn’t let your emotions out. You couldn’t. I wondered if I even had any. Emotions that is. Because if you asked me, life had hardened me beyond repair.

But then she moves in down the hall. A girl who cries quietly every day outside. A girl he has no business paying attention to. Alex.

But just like Hayden, Alex is not what she seems to be beneath the surface. She’s running. Running from a devastating event that forever changed the course of her life. She’s running for the memories and the constant reminders of her pain.

How ironic that the one person that manages to drown out the memories for her is the brooding and mysterious Hayden.

But as much as Alex is determined to get to know Hayden, Hayden is just as determined to keep her at arm’s length.

I hated myself in that moment for not being able to control that part of me. The fucked-up part that kept people at a distance. It was a defense mechanism. My very own alarm system that kicked in when things got too uncomfortable, or in this case, too close to being normal.

The relationship between them is a very slow burn. But it’s also perfectly written, in my opinion, as it gives you the time to truly get invested in both the MCs AND their relationship. It gives you the time to really understand them. It gives you the time to really fall for them.

With each details of Hayden’s past coming to light, your heart just breaks for him all the more. As hard as he tries to stay away from Alex, his fight is already lost the second he lays eyes on her. But don’t get me wrong, this was no insta-love…or insta-anything. Their road to being together is filled with angst filled bumps that will tear at every heart string you have.

I don’t know what this is. This thing between us. But I really need it.

Even at times when Hayden truly fucks up and you want to throttle him for his decisions, you still can’t help but love him.

I will do whatever it takes to make you forget. I’ll say whatever you need me to say. Go wherever you need me to go. And I’ll be whoever you need me to be.

This is definitely more PG13, so don’t expect a lot of steam here. Now typically I am NOT a reader that reads PG13 anything, but the story here just captivated me. The little steam that there was was satisfying while still leaving you wanting more…but in a good way.

He kissed me like he needed me to breathe.

This is not just a NA Romance novel, it’s so much more than that. It’s about second chances, finding your inner strength, and facing your darkest demons. I was glued to my kindle until the very last page. I eagerly anticipate ANY future books by this author. J. Nathan is going straight to my auto-buy list.

Guest Post


When I was in my early twenties, I wrote a screenplay. I worked on it relentlessly, confident that if it just got into the right hands, it could go somewhere. Then, somehow, the fates aligned. Drew Barrymore read it! I know, dream come true, right? And wait for it…she actually liked it! Unfortunately, her production company partner, who just so happens to be Jimmy Fallon’s wife, gave me a painful dose of reality and passed on it. Ten years and plenty of rejection letters later, the screenplay remains on a flash drive in my desk drawer.

Needless to say, I lost the motivation to write. It seemed like a losing battle. Too much time and effort spent on something no one would ever see…

Then, a year and a half ago, I had one of the most vivid dreams I’d ever had. It was about a girl who moved in with her aunt after suffering a horrific tragedy. She befriended a standoffish neighbor, who for some reason put her at ease, and they grew close—until others threatened their friendship. That’s when he intentionally hurt her to keep her safe. But, as hard as he tried to stay away, there was an undeniable connection between them, one that could not be ignored. From there, a slow, yet well-deserved romance ensued.

Upon waking up from that dream, I immediately wrote down everything I could remember (while still in bed). I ended up with three pages of sloppy handwritten notes. Throughout the day, I couldn’t stop thinking about those two broken souls and their story, so I added three more pages of notes. If you check out my website under About Self Publishing, you can see them.

Those sloppy notes served as the perfect outline for my first novel. After a year and a half—and many tweaks later—Until Alex was completed. My husband forced me to do something with it so it didn’t end up like my screenplay tucked away in some drawer. Thank goodness for self-publishing because I would have never been able to endure another set of rejection letters!

Tweaks I made to Until Alex worth noting:

Hayden: His original name was Aiden, but having two main characters with a name starting with A, especially when Alex’s name could be a guy’s name, seemed like it could get confusing.

The Title: The not-so-original, original title was Aiden and Alex. I know, I know. Then I got creative and changed it to Alex and Hayden. Yup. I’m very clever. I came up with Until Alex right before I started sending out ARC’s.

The competition: Alex originally tried out for the musical Legally Blonde instead of a singing competition. But it ruined the timeline of the story since play preparations take months, and I didn’t want to jump weeks. I hate stories that do that. I don’t want to miss time with the characters. I want to live every moment with them.

YA versus NA: Initially, this story was about seniors in high school. But because I primarily read new adult novels, I wanted to write something my friends and I would be more apt to read.

The Prologue: Thanks to my wonderful editor Stephanie Elliot, I changed the initial prologue. I only wrote the scene with Hayden’s father a couple months ago. Originally, I had the flashback of what happened in the alley as the prologue (instead of spreading it throughout the first few chapters). But Stephanie pointed out that she hated Hayden in the beginning because of the prologue. I knew I needed to find something that would make people feel compassion for him, understand his distance from others, and love him as much as I did. Hence, the new prologue, which so many readers have noted is what made them read the book. To think it almost didn’t exist…


When I read, I don’t really see a character in my mind. It’s more of the idea of them. Their qualities, flaws, maybe their eyes. But usually they’re “faceless.” So trying to cast my characters is really tough.

I love your casting on Goodreads for the leads! Those models definitely fit what I was going for. I particularly like the Hayden with the words “I would’ve given anything…” on it. My fave! Sooo Hayden!

I used to watch E! News religiously. But being a mom to a four year old, a high school English teacher, an avid reader, and a when-I-have-time writer, I’m totally out of the hot actors and actresses under 25 loop. But if I had to choose actors and actresses to bring my characters to life, these are some I may consider (knowing their ages are a little off).

Interview with Hayden

What’s your greatest flaw?

My anger. I normally can’t control it which makes me volatile. My “friends” understand when I go quiet and need to excuse myself from a situation. They don’t know the true cause of it, where it stems from, but they respect my mood swings and my privacy. Remy’s the only one who really gets me. 

What do you think others think of you?

Girls want to sleep with me, guys want to be me, and this girl who just moved into my building thinks I’m some kind of miracle worker. For the record, she’s fucking delusional.

Would you consider yourself a lucky guy?

On the outside? Yes. Different girls all the time, a friend who’d stand by me no matter what, my own apartment and truck, good looks—I’m not conceited, but when you hear it enough, you’ve got to believe it, right? But all that shit’s just superficial. If people really knew me, knew the truth about me and what I’d been through, they’d know I have shit for luck. No one, and I mean no one(except Remy of course), looks out for me but me. Anything that happens is because I make it happen. Fuck luck.

You mention you’ve been through some stuff. What in your past would you most want to forget?

All. Of. It. 

Do you consider yourself a romantic guy?

(His narrowed eyes and creased forehead answer for him) 

I’m sure the ladies are curious; do you have a preference, blondes, redheads, or brunettes? 

For a long time, it didn’t matter. If she was a willing female, she was for me. But lately, I’m more into brunettes.

Colors say a lot about a person. Do you have a favorite?

Green. Like the color of tropical fish.

Care to elaborate?


What’s your most embarrassing moment?

One word. Jake’s.

If you could be stranded on a deserted island with one person, who would it be and why?

(He considers the question for a long time before answering) 

My neighbor Alex. For some strange reason, I want to be the guy she thinks I am. In a situation where I’d normally flip the fuck out, she calms me down. It’s inexplicable, but this girl I barely know brings out the best in me. I would do whatever it took to help her survive and get her off that island.(His brows squished together) Would we have clothes? Because if not, that would make this situation a whole lot more interesting. (His dimples popped)

If someone were to write your life story, what are two things you’d want them to make clear?

I’m not this bad boy people think I am. I got the reputation because I hang with Remy. Now I can’t seem to shake it. I guess I’ve never really done anything to try because it keeps people away.

Some might say I’ve got daddy issues. Damn straight I do. I mean, how could I not? Mine screwed me up beyond repair. But I don’t blame anything I say or do on him. I make my own choices, pave my own path. Yeah, I chose my job which was a dumbass decision, but it was mine to make.

I am who I am. Love me or hate me.

About the Author

I’m an avid reader of all things romance-especially those with alpha males. The more unlikable they are in the beginning, the better. Happy endings are a must. Don’t leave me with an unexpected cliffhanger or someone dying in the end. I’ll mope around and be too embarrassed to explain why. Love triangles and negative people are the bane of my existence. My family, friends, sangria, and watermelon margaritas are the light…


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ARC Review & #Giveaway: ☆Denying Ecstasy☆ by @SETTAJAY_

A headstrong sassy mortal, Rain is a Mageia living in Tetartos, the Realm of beasts and Immortals. Her nights have been restless, filled with sensual dreams of a big blonde Guardian whose glares indicate he wants nothing to do with her. She is determined to shake off the odd feelings until she finds out her dream lover is responsible for her rescue from a demented Demi-God. In doing so, his touch ignites something rare and coveted. Something that she’s never anticipated… Something he should have told her about. Rain is set on making him explain and then feel the full force of her ire.

After a devastating betrayal resulting in the loss of a close friend a century ago, Dorian refuses to trust or engage with Immortals other than his Guardian family. His years of brutal fighting in the underground Immortal rings are over. He patrols the Realms and slakes his lust with the humans on Earth. Existing, but not living as he used to. He knows the moment he scents Rain that he has found his mate and after touching her he plans to avoid her as long as he can… Until he learns she is in danger. Raging, his beast demands that he go to her, but taking her from their enemy has repercussions he fully plans to escape at all costs.

For Dorian, finding a way out of mating Rain means he could succumb to madness and harm those that mean so much to him… but giving in to his burning urge for her means losing control in a heated mating frenzy sure to ignite them both and link them forever.

Warning: This book is intended for adult audiences; brief instances of M/F/F and M/F/M ménage; voyeurism and sexually explicit scenes.

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Review4.5 stars

Are you saying you don’t want me, nymph? Because your pussy is calling you a liar.”
“Oh, my body wants you. It’s my mind that wants nothing to do with you, my little guppy.”

This series needs to come with a warning. Read at the risk of your ovaries. Spare panties are not just recommended but required. Sweet mother of orgasms but Setta can write a smoking hot sex scene. But the best part? She can also write a fantastic story with phenomenal world building, hot as fuck alpha heroes and sassy-make-you-want-to-reach-through-your-kindle-to-high-five-them heroines.

I’ve been hooked on this series since the very first book and the author seems to only get better with each new release. It’s like she’s taken all my constructive criticism from the previous two and put all of it to work here to blow me away with this latest installment.

Meet Dorian…

Intrigued? You should be. After a brutal betrayal by a woman a century ago, the last thing he wants is to be caught up in the claws of another one. A mating? Forget about it. Even if it’s with his destined mate. He may burn for her like nothing he’s ever experienced before, but he’ff fight it with everything he’s got. After all, his memories and guilt won’t allow him to move on from what happened all those years ago and he doesn’t feel worthy of it. When he learns of his mating to Raine, let’s just say he’s less than thrilled about it. OK, let’s just put it out there, he was a grade A asshole about it.

I think that’s what I truly appreciate about this series; while you have your usual PNR “mating” heat, there’s no insta anything here. These characters don’t just tumble into bed together. There’s plenty of development to truly make you believe and feel their pairing.

Rain was a fantastic heroine. She gave as good as she got. While Dorian may have been a total asshole to her in his attempt to fight the mating, she certainly doesn’t take it lying down…well…later she does. But really, who could resist all that is Dorian?

I loved the sexual tension in this story. Nothing better than that burn of anticipation, and the author really makes you feel it here.Though not gonna lie, it did leave me a raging sexually-frustrated-blue- ovaried mess at times that made me want to equal parts throttle Dorian ans scream at him to just

But I appreciated the burn nonetheless.

In addition to the romance there was also plenty of action, world building, and bad guys to add to the entertainment. And the author manages to weave it all together effortlessly.

There is also a side plot going on with another couple, but that only added to the enjoyment. Setta is able to combine these multiple POVs flawlessly without any confusion and making it feel necessary as opposed to a filler or addition. That’s no small feat, let me tell you.

This was easily my favorite book in the series. If you’re looking for a smoking HAWT PNR series, you really need to look no further than this. Just make sure you have certain “provisions” on hand as you read. Just sayin 😉

Then there is that teaser of an ending. GAH! How can an author end a book in a satisfying HEA while still leave you begging for the next one? I have not a clue, but fucking A I need Conn’s book like yesterday.

**ARC gifted (and gleefully received) by author in exchange for an honest review**


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Review: ☆Fanning the Flames☆ by Victoria Dahl

Burning for youSome men are off-limits. Close friends of your ex-husband, for instance. Or firefighters who work in the same building as you. Yet despite her best judgment, librarian Lauren Foster can’t help noticing fire captain Jake Davis whenever he jogs by…shirtless. They’ve always been friends, but all it takes is one not-so-chance meeting at a local bar and one not-quite-innocent walk home to ignite a fierce, uncontrollable desire between them.

Widower Jake Davis has tried to ignore the spark he feels whenever Lauren’s around, but once he sees her curves in a little black dress, there’s no turning back. No matter how often she says she’s all wrong for him, the sexy, outspoken divorcée is driving him wild in the best possible way. Maybe she’s just blowing off steam. Or maybe he can convince her to fan these flames into something deeper, hotter and truer than they ever expected….

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3.5 stars

Her body wanted her to get busy humping any man who caugh her eye before her eggs dried up. What her body didn’t seem to understand was that there were plenty of healthy-egged young twenty-somethings who were attracted to men like Jake Davis, too. She couldn’t compete with them. But honestly, she wouldn’t mind a few hopeless tries. 

I’m a huge fan of Victoria Dahl, so when I saw she has a new series coming out, I jumped at the chance to read it. Plus I read “firefighters” and I was pretty much done for? What? So I’m shallow. Don’t you judge me here.

Forty three year old divorcee Lauren Foster is ready to move on with her life. After a marriage that fizzled out, she’s convinced that she’s not exactly cut out to be a wife…but some sweaty and dirty sex certainly wouldn’t be amiss. Too bad the only thing her libido is responding to is a man that is very hands off to her, widower and fire chief Jake Davis. But how is a girl supposed to ignore the inferno of lust every time Jake jogs shirtless to work. Maybe working next to the fire station isn’t as great as it sounds for a librarian.

I’m a sucker for older MCs, since it’s very rare I’ll find that in book. I really loved that Lauren was 43 to Jake’s 46. It’s refreshing to read about mature MCs with kids. It’s also refreshing when those kids are normal and there’s no added drama from that. This was a very quick, light, and super sexy read about 2 people getting a second chance for love.

I was afraid that with Lauren being a librarian, I’d find her to be stuffy and boring. Boy was I wrong!

You don’t understand. I don’t bake cookies. I don’t want to take care of a man. I’m bitchy. I’m demanding. I want my own space and free time, and when I’m in a bad mood, I’ll tell you and I’ll use bad language while I do it. Speaking of, I like to fuck.”
She poked his chest again.
“I. Am. Not. Sweet.”

Oh I certainly got it, Lauren.

While I really enjoyed this, it was still a bit too short for me to be anything more than 3.5 stars. I was suprised, however, at how invested I managed to get in both these characters in just a short 60+ pages. I just really wished for an epilogue of sorts to really make it a solid 4 stars. But considering this is planned to be a series, I’m sure we’ll be hearing about Jake and Lauren in the future books.

If you’re looking for a quick, sexy and light read, then you definitely want to give this book a try.

Blog Tour, Review & #Giveaway: ☆Falling For The Groomsman☆ by @DianeAlberts

A sexy category romance from Entangled’s Brazen imprint…

She’s the one that got away. He’s the one she can’t forget.

Photojournalist Christine Forsythe is ready to tackle her naughty little to-do list, and who better to tap for the job than a hot groomsman? But when she crashes into her best friend’s older brother, Christine realizes her list needs updating. And fast. Tyler Dresco took her virginity during the best night of her life, then bolted. Now that they’re trapped together at a destination wedding, she’s going to get her revenge.

Tyler has never forgiven himself for how completely he lost control all those years ago. Being in Christine’s arms had felt right…until he realized what he’d taken from her in the hallway of a cheap motel. And oh, how she’s making him pay for it now. The insatiable heat between them has only grown stronger, but every time things heat up, Christine walks away.

With every encounter, things go a little bit further until Christine’s caught in her own trap of seduction. And before their time’s up, Tyler’s not the only one wanting more…

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4.5 stars
She’s the one that got away. He’s the one she can’t forget.

To say that I have been greatly anticipating getting my hands on this series ever since I finished Dare to Resist would be a slight understatement. So needless to say when this little beauty arrived on my Kindle, there may have been a little bit of this going on

But here’s the thing, when you build your hopes up for a particular book, the reality can’t possibly measure up, right? WRONG

I BINGED on these and read all 4 books back to back. I highly recommend reading them all in order, and I’ll link my reviews to all 4 books at the end here. I loved how everything was intricately interwoven in each story and the connections in each book just added to the overall enjoyment. But that’s enough about that, let’s get to the review here shall we?

I’m a huge fan of the jilted lover from the past trope, so I was verra excited to find out that Tyler was the bad boy that crushed poor Christine’s heart over 8 years ago.

And now, here they were. Should he say something to her? Break the silence? But what was he supposed to say? Sorry for popping your cherry and not talking to you for eight years. But, hey, can I buy you a drink?” Somehow, that didn’t seem sufficient for the hatred she must feel for him by now.

Tyler knows what a huge mistake he made, he was young, stupid, and ran scared. So when he sees Christine at his sister Kady’s wedding after all the time that’s passed, he knows he has to fix it. But Christine isn’t the young and naive girl she was before, and she’s not interested in anything he has to say. And she’s not about to fall for anything he has to say again

Why are you here, talking to me of all people? Let me guess. You’re feeling sorry for kissing me, and you’re here to apologize again.”
“Fuck no. I didn’t do anything worth apologizing for, Red.”
“I don’t know about that. I mean, maybe you pictured me naked while we were kissing. You’d have to drop down on your knees and pray for my forgiveness if you did.”
“If I dropped to my knees, it wouldn’t be to beg for your forgiveness.”

I couldn’t get enough of these two. The sexual chemistry between them was absolutely palpable. Add into the mix a few snarky insults, a sassy heroine giving the hero hell, and did I mention the smoking hot outdoorsy loving?

This book had it all. I fell hard for Tyler. And is it slightly sadictic of me that I enjoyed the hell out of his groveling? That’s not to say that he came off as weak. Oh hell no. Tyler definitely brought the dirty

How come everyone says you’re so sweet and kind and quiet, but with me you’re so bossy…and…dirty?”
“I have no idea. I don’t act like this around other women. Maybe you bring out the worst in me.”

I simply didn’t want this to end.

And then there was that epilogue. Oh my god! Perfection. I was reading it with this big goofy smile on my face.

So to sum up, would I recommend this book? Are you kidding? Why aren’t you reading it already?!

But I will recommend getting all 4 of these bad boys, finding a comfy quiet corner, and spending some quality time with all the delicious groomsmen and bridesmaids of the Wedding Dare.

I can’t wait to see what the talented Diane Alberts has up her sleeve next.
Read the series in order:

Book 0.5:
Dare to Resist (Wedding Dare, #0.5) by Laura Kaye
(My Review)

Book 1:
Falling for the Groomsman (Wedding Dare, #1) by Diane Alberts
(My Review)

Book 2:
Baiting The Maid Of Honor (Wedding Dare, #2) by Tessa Bailey
My Review

Book 3:
Seducing The Bridesmaid (Wedding Dare, #3) by Katee Robert
My Review

Book 4:
Best Man With Benefits (Wedding Dare, #4) by Samanthe Beck
My Review

ARC courtesy of publisher in exchange for an honest review

Diane Alberts is a multi-published, bestselling contemporary romance author with Entangled Publishing. She also writes New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling new adult books under the name Jen McLaughlin. She’s hit the Top 100 lists on Amazon and Barnes and Noble numerous times with numerous titles. She was mentioned in Forbes alongside E. L. James as one of the breakout independent authors to dominate the bestselling lists. Diane is represented by Louise Fury at The Bent Agency.
Diane has always been a dreamer with a vivid imagination, but it wasn’t until 2011 that she put her pen where her brain was, and became a published author.  Since receiving her first contract offer, she has yet to stop writing. Though she lives in the mountains, she really wishes she was surrounded by a hot, sunny beach with crystal clear water. She lives in Northeast Pennsylvania with her four kids, a husband, a schnauzer mutt, and a cat. Her goal is to write so many fantastic stories that even a non-romance reader will know her name.
Win a $30 Amazon Gift Card and a signed copy of TEMPORARILY YOURS. 

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Spotlight & Review: ☆Devil’s Game☆ by @joannawylde

Devil’s Game (Reaper’s MC #3)
Author: Joanna Wylde
Release Date: June 3, 2014



Liam “Hunter” Blake hates the Reapers MC. Born and raised a Devil’s Jack, he knows his duty. He’ll defend his club from their oldest enemies—the Reapers—using whatever weapons he can find. But why use force when the Reapers’ president has a daughter who’s alone and vulnerable? Hunter has wanted her from the minute he saw her, and now he has an excuse to take her.

Em has lived her entire life in the shadow of the Reapers. Her overprotective father, Picnic, is the club’s president. The last time she had a boyfriend, Picnic shot him. Now the men in her life are far more interested in keeping her daddy happy than showing her a good time. Then she meets a handsome stranger—a man who isn’t afraid to treat her like a real woman. One who isn’t afraid of her father. His name is Liam, and he’s The One.Or so she thinks.

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(Note: Excerpt will open as a PDF.)
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5 stars

How’s that, baby?” he asked, thumb starting to work my clit again. “Feel good being turned on by a Devil’s Jack?”

This book had to have had, hands down, THE best heroine in the series. Now I know that may not be saying much considering that many of you barely tolerated Marie and Sophie, but listen to me, people. Em was the shit! I had hoped that she would bring her A game considering she’s the darling daughter of Picnic, the MC president. She grew up in the life, she better be kick ass. But I also had my reservations considering how passive she’s been, particularly with her father’s rules in the previous two books. It’s safe to say that not only did Em meet all my expectations, she blew them out of the fucking water. I shit you not, people. Girl not only had a backbone, but knew how to kick ass and take names…poor Hunter’s balls not excluded

The book gives us an introduction to Em and Hunter’s childhoods and then picks up about a few months before book 2 and all the “events” that went down at the end of it. Em is pining away after Painter, while Painter is too much of a chicken shit to really do anything about it. She’s about ready to give up on him. What’s a 22 year old woman got to do to get rid of her virginity already? The pesky fucking thing.

Enter stage right, Liam “Hunter” Blake, and Em’s life changes in one night. Liam is a member of a rival club, but that hasn’t stopped him from wanting her since the first time he saw her. (Romeo and Juliet the MC version anyone?) Now the perfect opportunity shows itself. Seduce the Reaper’s little princess and help his club? He’s all over it…but not without a few…uhem…kinks in his plan

The fuck? What do you mean, you haven’t had sex?”
“I mean I’ve Never. Had. Sex,” she told me, spacing out her words carefully. “True story. You got a problem with that? Because you’re looking at me like I’ve got herpes and that’s not working for me.”

Recall my earlier statement about Em being fucking awesome? Exhibit A above.

If you recall the events from book 2, then you know how everything went down (and I won’t spoiler it for those who haven’t read it yet). What you’ve been dying to know is what happens after? And I’m not going to tell you either. But I can give you some hints.

Em still wants Hunter, even though he’s a traitorous asshole. He also happens to be the asshole that makes her womb clench.

So, what do you think?”
“About what?”
“Fucking, of course. Remember? I”m not a little girl who needs protection, Hunter. I know what I want. Just lay back and relax, because it’s not personal. I’m going to borrow your dick for a while.”

I don’t think she needs to be any clearer, Hunter, does she? I’m pretty sure she still wants you.

As for Hunter?

He was everything you would want and more. Dirty talk? He’s got that in spades. Asshole? That definitely comes out on more than one occasion. Bad ass? You bet your sweet ass he is.

Although this book isn’t as heavy (at least not in my humble pervy opinion) on the steam as the previous two books, it still packed a punch. I loved the character and story development. It had just the perfect amount of smut to add to the mix without overcooking the story. There was action, suspense, more action, and some sweet sweet biker loving.

Did I also happen to mention Em’s kick-assedness? (I’m making that a word. Work with me here)

This was my favorite book in the series so far, and I am practically panting for more. I’m not even kidding. Joanna, you are a freaking sadist for giving us that teenie tiny sneak peek into Picnic and now making us wait till September. I’ve been salivating for his book forever and the wait till September just may kill me. Melodramatic of me? Maybe a little. So fair warning here, Jo

Writing Style: Dual first person POV

**ARC courtesy of publisher in exchange for an honest review**

Reaper’s Property: GR | Amazon | B &N
Reaper’s Legacy: GR |Amazon | B &N
Devil’s Game: GR | Amazon | B & N
Reaper’s Stand: GR | Amazon | B & N

About the Author

Joanna is a freelance writer living in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. She started writing fiction in 2002, then took a long hiatus to explore other writing opportunities. She returned to fiction in January 2013 with ‘Reaper’s Property’, the first book in the Reapers Motorcycle Club series, and has recently released ‘Reapers Legacy’, the second of the series.



Blog Tour, Review & #Giveaway: ☆Breaking Shaun☆ by E.M. Abel

Breaking Shawn
Author: E.M. Abel
Breaking Free #2
Publication Date: May 27, 2014
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance

Release Day Launch: Breaking Shaun by E.M. Able

Some men fall in love and hand their balls over to the first woman who keeps them interested—but not me. Surfing and my freedom are the only two things I’ve ever needed. Meaningless one-night stands are fun, but the drama and jealousy that follows them aren’t worth it.
Until I met Natalie, I never realized there were women who thought like me. She enjoys sex with no strings, and with a body like that, there isn’t a man around who doesn’t want a piece of her—including me.
But our friends and relatives all run in the same circles. And we all know friendship and sex leave a mess. Hearts always end up broken.
I know it.
But I still want her.

Sometimes, the things we want don’t always come easily. Every choice, every action has consequences that can change you.
They can change everything.
And no matter how fiercely guarded, even the strongest hearts can break.

**WARNING** Not recommended for younger readers due to sexual content, language and recreational use of marijuana.
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“Is this what you wanted?” he whispered as he took my wrists in one hand and the other came down to cup my breast.
I swallowed as moisture gathered in my mouth and my brain scrambled for a response. It was just so difficult to think with Shaun’s hard body pressing against mine in the middle of his apartment building where anyone could see us.
His gaze finally broke from mine and moved down to my lips as he glided his thumb across my hard nipple. I could smell the soap on him, feel his wet, warm skin pressed against me. My eyes fluttered closed and I pressed my head against the wall as the lust took over.
Shaun moved his hips forward making me very aware of his arousal before lowering his head and slowly dragging his tongue across my bottom lip. I was panting now and my entire body was tingling. I don’t know how he’d done it but Shaun had completely turned the tables on me. I’d come over to assert myself and show him the side of me he hadn’t seen, yet here I was getting pressed against a wall and turning into putty in his hands.
3.5 stars

Let’s fall in love
Before the world breaks through
Before time catches up
And I break you.

I’ve been stewing and stewing on my rating for a couple of weeks. It’s very tough to rate a book when a personal bias comes into play as it did for me here. I had originally rated it a 3 star (liked it) read, but now bumping it up to a 3.5-4. Here’s the thing, my personal bias aside, this was a highly entertaining and steamy book. I enjoyed the story and I loved the characters. Had it not been for a couple of things, this would have been a very solid 5 star read for me. So on to the review we go
There is one thing (well aside from a hot as fuck hero) that is guaranteed to make a book for me, and that’s a fantastic heroine. I’m talking the type of heroine you don’t read about about often enough. The type of heroine that isn’t shy or meek. The type of heroine that owns her sexuality and isn’t afraid of a little harmless sex. The type of heroine you’d call a cool as fuck chick, and Natalie was certainly all that and more.
She pretty much had me at
I never got nervous around guys. If anything, it was the other way around, and that was how I liked it. I had the pussy, which meant I called the shots. Sure, men liked to think they were in charge, and sometimes, I’d let them. It was easier that way. I’d play the role, smile and flutter my eyelashes, but I also had no problem telling men what I wanted and taking it. Men’s egos were a lot like their dicks, always needing to be stroked. As long as they kept me satisfied, I didn’t mind doing it.
Natalie was no sexual wallflower. She likes sex, but she’s not looking for commitment. Her past hasn’t exactly given her a reason to think that relationship of any sort lasts. So what happens when the manwhoring Shaun meets him female match?
Sparks fly.

Shaun is used to getting what he wants, and that includes his pick of women. He’s not exactly lacking for female companionship. He’s not looking for strings, just some mutually satisfying time between the sheets with whatever willing woman crosses his path. They may hate him in the morning when he sends them packing, but they certainly go home satisfied.
So when Natalie turns Shaun down flat, he’s intrigued. When he discovers three months later that they share an inner circle of friends, he can’t seem to get the gorgeous redhead out of his head. But Natalie is having none of it. She may be intensely attracted to Shaun, but she knows sex complicates things, so friendship it is. But can their friendship survive the scorching sexual chemistry between them?

Definitely not.
I loved that the author didn’t throw Natalie and Shaun into bed together right away. She really lets you feel that sexual chemistry and burn between them. I also liked they neither of them were exactly abstinent during this time. E.M. Abel really stayed true to Natalie’s character. She didn’t just stop her normal sexual routine simply because she was intrigued and attracted to Shaun.
There was one part at around 28% that had me in a bit of ‘what the fuck’ and ‘why did he do that’ rage. I had a feeling that it was heading in a certain direction, but I kept hoping the author wouldn’t take it there. I don’t want to spoiler it but if you’re curious about the first part of it (highlight to view spoiler)[you sure you want to know? Would’t you rather just read it?Damn you’re persistent. Oh alright, I’ll spoiler it.
Shaun gets drunk and sleeps with a girl that he meets in a bar. This is all fine and good had it not felt like a pity fuck on his behalf. She’s very shy and begs Shaun to help make her ex jealous that they see at the club. They’re both extremely drunk and don’t remember much the next day.
***end of spoiler***
This is in part why I had such a big issue with what happens later in the story, but I definitely won’t be telling you what THAT is.
I also wouldn’t have minded a little more story and a little less sex. It did feel stretched out at parts and could have been shorter. But then again, the sex was pretty damn hot. Shaun certainly doesn’t disappoint, even if he does like to say “Goddamn” a bit too much. He made up for it with the rest of his delicious dirty talk.
The ending is the part I wasn’t thrilled about. Well, not so much the ending itself, but parts that happen during it. Don’t fret, there’s a very nice HEA, even though I am extremely disappointed at one big part that played in it. I’m not sure why, but considering how the rest of the story stretched, I though the ending was a little rushed. I may think that simply because I’m still pissed about a certain thing that happens, so I may very well be the only one to think this.
Would I recommend this book? Definitely. My personal bias aside, I truly enjoyed it.
Would I read the next book? Definitely, though I’m a bit worried that I know who the heroine will be and I’m not sure how I feel about that. I hope I’m wrong.
Writing Style:Dual first person POV
Also in the Series:

My husband is awesome and also a Chief in the US Navy. This means crazy schedules, uncertainty and lots of nights spent alone writing on my computer.

I have two amazing kids who always know how to make me laugh.

I’ve been passionate about writing since I wrote my first poem in the 3rd grade and I’ve been using it as a means to express myself since.

I think because I hold my emotions so close and fear being vulnerable I use different forms of self expression- writing, drawing, painting, photography, tattoos- to show the world who I am.

The one rule I use everyday is the Golden Rule–“Treat others the way you’d like to be treated.” I believe karma is very real and sometimes she can be a bitch if you make her that way.

I love acting crazy, I love to laugh, I love making people laugh, I love the ocean, I love dancing like no one is watching, I love good music, I love good books… oh man I should probably stop there. I love a lot of stuff.


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ARC Review: ☆Best Man with Benefits☆ by @SamantheBeck1

How far can one favor go…

Logan McCade arrives at his best friend’s wedding overworked and in desperate need of a vacation, only to discover his best man duties have been…expanded. He must coax Colton’s sister out of her shell, or risk her hiding in her room all week. Logan figures he can handle one introverted bridesmaid, but he’s not expecting how much he enjoys “handling” Sophie…or how much she enjoys being handled.

Socializing has never been web designer Sophie Brooks’s strong suit, but she’s determined to shed her wallflower image and embrace the “New Sophie”—a feat made easier with the supremely sexy Logan McCade tempting her to explore all her forbidden fantasies. If she’s not careful, she just might fall for the best man.

Sophie’s sweet, sexy, and delectably awkward demeanor brings much-needed calm to Logan’s hectic life. With the nuptials only days away, Logan is forced to face the possibility that his favor to a friend might have become something else entirely…and that he’s not willing to let Sophie go. Ever.

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4 stars

You don’t know anything about my needs.”
“You need me to strip you naked, bend you over my bed, and slide my cock inside you until you forget what it feels like not to have me filling you.”

The perfect conclusion to a fantastic series, Best Man with Benefits is the story of best man, Logan, and the groom’s sister, Sophie. As I was reading the series (which I strongly recommend reading in order for the best experience), the little hints at what was brewing between Sophie and Logan had my curiosity really piqued. I wasn’t sure how I’d like their story since I’m not typically a big fan of extremely shy and introverted heroines, but I gotta say, I really liked Sophie.

Grown tired of the “Old Sophie”, the New Sophie is determined to shed her old image and embrace life.

A wallflower living in bulky sweatshirts and baggy jeans, clinging to an extra twenty pounds like a buffer against the world. An unfulfilled woman who wouldn’t know passion and excitement except through the racy text accompanying the erotic product offerings of the spicy website she designed and maintained for her firm’s biggest client.”

Enter Logan McCade, the overworked CEO of his own successful company and the best man in the wedding. Being the groom’s best man, Logan has known Sophie for years…though he’s a little unprepared for the new version of her he encounters. Colton is concerned his introverted sister will shy away from all the festivities, so he asks Logan to look after her and makes sure she enjoys herself…though I doubt he knew how that would turn out.

He had enough time to open his eyes, jerk his head up, and watch his best friend’s shy, adorable, strictly off-limits little sister annihilate him with the most incredible blow job of his entire life.

Sophie is determined to shed her old self, and what better way than to explore all her deepest and darkest fantasies with her brother’s incredibly sexy best friend? With the way that Logan was portrayed in the previous 3 books, I was a little afraid he may be a little stuffy for my tastes. He was always the nice and safe one from the descriptions as opposed to the rest of the guys. But Samanthe didn’t let down in the dirty talk department. Beneath the overworked, suit wearing exterior Logan was a dirty dirty boy.

And once you’ve come so hard you can’t stand, you need me to flip you around, hike your legs over my shoulders, and do it again, head-on, until you scream loud enough to have management banding on the door.

While this wasn’t my favorite of the 4 books, it was still a very solid 4 star read. There was one scene where Sophie embraced her inner vixen that read a bit awkward to me. She goes from a shy girl to a spanking dominatrix in the blink of an eye…and then back again. Not sure if anyone else will really mind that, but for some reason it did’t quite work for me.

Of course keeping in tradition with the rest of this series, the epilogue was the perfect sweet icing on the cake. I cannot recommend this series enough. The way each novel plays off of the other and interweaves the couples flawlessly was certainly no small feat, but so worth the effort that was obviously put into it. Hands down of my my favorite series I’ve read from Brazen to date. Absolutely loved it.

While each novel is easily read as a standalone, I highly recommend reading them all.

Read it in order:

Book 1:
Falling for the Groomsman (Wedding Dare, #1) by Diane Alberts
My Review

Book 2:
Baiting The Maid Of Honor (Wedding Dare, #2) by Tessa Bailey
My Review

Book 3:
Seducing The Bridesmaid (Wedding Dare, #3) by Katee Robert
My Review

Book 4:
Best Man With Benefits (Wedding Dare, #4) by Samanthe Beck

ARC courtesy of publisher in exchange for an honest review

ARC Review: ☆Seducing the Bridesmaid☆ by @katee_robert

She has a plan. He’s about to change it.

Regan Wakefield is a headhunter in both name and personality: driven, motivated, and unafraid to pursue what—and who—she wants. Naturally, she’s thrilled when her friend’s wedding offers her an opportunity to score Logan McCade, the practically perfect best man. Unfortunately, groomsman Brock McNeil keeps getting in her way, riling her up in the most delicious of ways. But Brock’s smooth southern charm isn’t part of the plan…so how exactly did they end up having searing-hot sex?

Regan may pretend the erotic electricity sparking between them is merely a distraction, but Brock knows better. She refuses to see beyond the devil-may-care façade he presents to the world, while he sees straight through hers. Changing her mind—and getting under her skin—is a challenge he can’t resist. And when he wins, Brock will do whatever it takes to convince Regan that the best man for her is him.

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4 stars
She has a plan. He’s about to change it.

This book had to have had some of the best banter I’ve read in a while. That whole ‘I should hate you but still lust you’ thing Brock and Regan had going on? Let’s just say I likey verra much.

Regan Wakefield is a take-no-shit New York headhunter. She’s confident, she’s outspoken, and she has no issues knowing what she wants and going after it…or at least she THINKS she knows what she wants. She has a plan after all, and that plan is to snag the very eligible Logan McCade at her friend’s wedding. On paper he’s everything she wants; driven, motivated, and successful. So why is that when she sees the extreme opposite of what she wants Brock McNeil…

How did that happen? Well, it’s certainly not easy to resists Brock’s southern charm, and when he lay it on her, he really LAYS it on her. Pun most definitely intended.

But Brock isn’t exactly the entitled rich boy that Regan thinks that he is. Too bad it takes her a bit to figure it out.

I absolutely LOVED the banter between these two. Regan definitely didn’t mince words and she had no problems cutting Brock down to size.

It’s okay if you’re intimidated by my overwhelig masculinity. I promise to take good care of you.”
“How sweet of you. But let’s be honest. I’d ruin you for other women, and I’m just too nice to do that to an adorable thing like you.”

Brock certainly didn’t disappoint with giving as good as he got. And as hard as Regan was on him at times, she really deserved that and more

Why, Scarlett, are you calling me difficult? I seem to remember you making irrational claims about my not being as mean as I acted.”
“God, no. I’m just pointing out that you have a mammoth stick up your ass.” He reached for his drink, effectively removing her hand from his arm. “Since I’m petitioning for saintly status, I’m willing to help you remove it.”

As much as I enjoyed their banter, there were definitely times I wanted to throttle Regan for being as tough on Brock as she was. There’s a fine line between confident and brash, and Regan was tip toening right on it most of the time.

She did have her endearing moments. I liked how terrified she was of the outdoors. Logical fear?

Except she was scared of squirrels. Her quirky fear never failed to put a smile on my face.

And of course with sparks like that between them, their sexual chemistry between them was combustible and certainly didn’t disappoint. This book was STEAMY.

I loved Brock. I just wish it hadn’t taken Regan as long as it did to finally get her head out of her ass.

I absolutely love how the authors tied in each book in this series, it really just made each book that much more enjoyable for me. I highly recommend reading all of them in order.

Read it in order:

Book 0.5:
Dare to Resist (Wedding Dare, #0.5) by Laura Kaye
(My Review)

Book 1:
Falling for the Groomsman (Wedding Dare, #1) by Diane Alberts
My Review

Book 2:
Baiting The Maid Of Honor (Wedding Dare, #2) by Tessa Bailey
My Review

Book 3:
Seducing The Bridesmaid (Wedding Dare, #3) by Katee Robert

Book 4:
Best Man With Benefits (Wedding Dare, #4) by Samanthe Beck
My Review

***ARC courtesy of publisher in exchange for an honest review**


ARC Review: ☆Baiting the Maid of Honor☆ by @mstessabailey

A sexy category romance from Entangled’s Brazen imprint…

He’ll own her from the very first touch.

Julie Piper and Reed Lawson have nothing in common. She’s a people-pleasing sorority girl hiding behind her perfect mask. He’s a take-no-prisoners SWAT commander who isolates himself from the world. But when they’re forced together at their friends’ posh destination wedding, one thing is clear—Reed wants Julie more than he wants his next breath. Which is why he’s not about to stand by when she’s dared to seduce another man.

Julie wants neat, tidy sex, so she could get back to what she does best—making everybody else happy. She never expected to slip into a dark bedroom and have her mind blown by rough, demanding hands, and a sinfully filthy mouth—neither of which belong to the best man.

One night should have been all Reed needed to get the blond temptress out of his system, but when one taste is nowhere near enough, he’ll be forced confront the effects of his hellish past. One that may push Julie away forever…just when he realizes he can’t live without her.

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5 stars
He’ll own her from the very first touch.

Ladies, meet SWAT commander Reed Lawson…

Yes. That’s precisely what you’ll be doing the second you meet him. He’ll have you a perving, swooning, turned on hot mess in 2 words flat. I’m not even kidding. Just when I think that Tessa Bailey cannot possibly make her dirty talking heroes any hotter, she goes and gives us the tatted up sex on a stick Reed. I swear, I had a hart time focusing half the time. The man would open his mouth, and all I could think was

May I present exhibit A?

Aren’t you going to at least kiss me first?”
“Kissed were?” His voice was a rough , almost inaudible whisper that bathed her in blistering heat.
“Your mouth? Or the slick little pussy you’re hiding from me?”

Sorry. It’s a knee-jerk reaction at this point. But I digress

While this could be read as a standalone if you really want to, I highly recommend reading this series in order. It will make it that much better for you. Besides, every book in the series is fucking fantastic and so worth the read.

When the bridesmaids at Kady’s wedding bet each other to hook up with a groomsman, the tall, dark and broody Reed is the last man southern belle Julie would pick. She wants neat. She wants tidy. She wants polite. And the best man, Logan, fits that to a T. Too bad Reed has his sights set on the sexy blonde, and when Reed wants something, he gets it. Oh does he get it.

If you need servicing while we’re stuck in this fancy-ass hotel for a week, I’m going to be the one to do it. No one else. Not Golden Boy. Not even your right hand. And when you slip between your sheets tonight, think about this. I will service you so hard you’ll be booking another week here just to recover.”

Reed is everything you want in a bad boy hero…and more. So much more. Reed doesn’t do entanglements, and he certainly doesn’t do more than sex, yet something about Julie draws him in and keeps him wanting more.

As for Julie, well I haven’t read a heroine by Tessa Bailey that I haven’t loved yet, and she was certainly no exception. She so endearingly sassy and her quirky southern sayings never failed to put a smile on my mouth. She was no pushover, and she definitely gave Reed a run for his money…but boy was it delicious.

You want me to despoil you? I hope you’re ready because I don’t fuck politely.
“I’m counting on it.”

The banter between them was entertaining and sexy.

But would you expect any less from the talented Miss Bailey? I think not.

This book had everything; romance, hot as hell sex, and dirty talk that will melt the panties right off of you. Might I suggest keeping some spares handy?

I only have one thing to add after finishing this.

Dear Tessa,

For the love of all that’s holy, please GAWD make a spin off from this novel. I need dirty talking SWAT men in my life. BAD.

That is all. I’m off to stalk the poor author for any news of her upcoming releases. And I thank you

Read the series in order:

Book 0.5:
Dare to Resist (Wedding Dare, #0.5) by Laura Kaye
(My Review)

Book 1:
Falling for the Groomsman (Wedding Dare, #1) by Diane Alberts
(My Review)

Book 2:
Baiting The Maid Of Honor (Wedding Dare, #2) by Tessa Bailey

Book 3:
Seducing The Bridesmaid (Wedding Dare, #3) by Katee Robert
My Review

Book 4:
Best Man With Benefits (Wedding Dare, #4) by Samanthe Beck
My Review

***ARC courtesy of publisher in exchange for an honest review**


ARC Review: ☆Falling for the Groomsman☆ by @DianeAlberts

A sexy category romance from Entangled’s Brazen imprint…

She’s the one that got away. He’s the one she can’t forget.

Photojournalist Christine Forsythe is ready to tackle her naughty little to-do list, and who better to tap for the job than a hot groomsman? But when she crashes into her best friend’s older brother, Christine realizes her list needs updating. And fast. Tyler Dresco took her virginity during the best night of her life, then bolted. Now that they’re trapped together at a destination wedding, she’s going to get her revenge.

Tyler has never forgiven himself for how completely he lost control all those years ago. Being in Christine’s arms had felt right…until he realized what he’d taken from her in the hallway of a cheap motel. And oh, how she’s making him pay for it now. The insatiable heat between them has only grown stronger, but every time things heat up, Christine walks away.

With every encounter, things go a little bit further until Christine’s caught in her own trap of seduction. And before their time’s up, Tyler’s not the only one wanting more…

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4.5 stars
She’s the one that got away. He’s the one she can’t forget.

To say that I have been greatly anticipating getting my hands on this series ever since I finished Dare to Resist would be a slight understatement. So needless to say when this little beauty arrived on my Kindle, there may have been a little bit of this going on

But here’s the thing, when you build your hopes up for a particular book, the reality can’t possibly measure up, right? WRONG

I BINGED on these and read all 4 books back to back. I highly recommend reading them all in order, and I’ll link my reviews to all 4 books at the end here. I loved how everything was intricately interwoven in each story and the connections in each book just added to the overall enjoyment. But that’s enough about that, let’s get to the review here shall we?

I’m a huge fan of the jilted lover from the past trope, so I was verra excited to find out that Tyler was the bad boy that crushed poor Christine’s heart over 8 years ago.

And now, here they were. Should he say something to her? Break the silence? But what was he supposed to say? Sorry for popping your cherry and not talking to you for eight years. But, hey, can I buy you a drink?” Somehow, that didn’t seem sufficient for the hatred she must feel for him by now.

Tyler knows what a huge mistake he made, he was young, stupid, and ran scared. So when he sees Christine at his sister Kady’s wedding after all the time that’s passed, he knows he has to fix it. But Christine isn’t the young and naive girl she was before, and she’s not interested in anything he has to say. And she’s not about to fall for anything he has to say again

Why are you here, talking to me of all people? Let me guess. You’re feeling sorry for kissing me, and you’re here to apologize again.”
“Fuck no. I didn’t do anything worth apologizing for, Red.”
“I don’t know about that. I mean, maybe you pictured me naked while we were kissing. You’d have to drop down on your knees and pray for my forgiveness if you did.”
“If I dropped to my knees, it wouldn’t be to beg for your forgiveness.”

I couldn’t get enough of these two. The sexual chemistry between them was absolutely palpable. Add into the mix a few snarky insults, a sassy heroine giving the hero hell, and did I mention the smoking hot outdoorsy loving?

This book had it all. I fell hard for Tyler. And is it slightly sadictic of me that I enjoyed the hell out of his groveling? That’s not to say that he came off as weak. Oh hell no. Tyler definitely brought the dirty

How come everyone says you’re so sweet and kind and quiet, but with me you’re so bossy…and…dirty?”
“I have no idea. I don’t act like this around other women. Maybe you bring out the worst in me.”

I simply didn’t want this to end.

And then there was that epilogue. Oh my god! Perfection. I was reading it with this big goofy smile on my face.

So to sum up, would I recommend this book? Are you kidding? Why aren’t you reading it already?!

But I will recommend getting all 4 of these bad boys, finding a comfy quiet corner, and spending some quality time with all the delicious groomsmen and bridesmaids of the Wedding Dare.

I can’t wait to see what the talented Diane Alberts has up her sleeve next.
Read the series in order:

Book 0.5:
Dare to Resist (Wedding Dare, #0.5) by Laura Kaye
(My Review)

Book 1:
Falling for the Groomsman (Wedding Dare, #1) by Diane Alberts
(My Review)

Book 2:
Baiting The Maid Of Honor (Wedding Dare, #2) by Tessa Bailey
My Review

Book 3:
Seducing The Bridesmaid (Wedding Dare, #3) by Katee Robert
My Review

Book 4:
Best Man With Benefits (Wedding Dare, #4) by Samanthe Beck
My Review

ARC courtesy of publisher in exchange for an honest review

Copyright © 2015 · Dirty Girl Romance

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