Review: ✩Chasing Temptation✩ by @JoyaRyanAuthor

Good things come in naughty packages…

What does it take to turn a good girl bad? Sick of her interfering brother nosing into her love life―and by proxy, her sex life—Penny Diamond has decided she needs a break from her “girl next door” reputation. And she knows exactly who can help her… Tall, lean, and impossibly intense Sebastian Strafford is rumored to have a sexual appetite with a decidedly wicked flavor.
Unfortunately, he’s also her brother’s best friend. Sebastian doesn’t do relationships. Getting involved with Penny―and giving into that carnal thirst he’s tried to ignore all these years―is just about the worst idea ever. But he’ll be damned if she turns to anyone else for her “education.” So Sebastian makes her a deal: just two weeks to indulge in every sensual sin imaginable. Now he just has to keep himself from falling for the good girl. Especially when she’s so deliciously bad…
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Review4.5 stars

She was the one woman who should be running from him, the one woman he shouldn’t want as badly as he did.

If you’re anything like me, when you read Chasing Trouble and the SECOND you got a glimpse of Sebastian “Bass” Strafford, your first thought was

No? Was that just me then?

Nothing better than a dirty talking, dominant, rough around the edges and even rougher in bed lawyer. Yes, please

Time for Operation: Orgasm to commence.”

Penny Diamond is tired of her good-girl reputation and even more tired of her lackluster sex life. With a meddlesome and overprotective brother her choice of bed partners is not only small…it’s next near to non-existent. Even bigger problem? Her biggest temptation and the one man she knows is perfectly fit for the job also happens to be her brother’s best friend.

She didn’t like it…she loved it.
Everything from his power to his strength to the way he spoke. He was an unleashed, dirty talking, no mercy lover that she wanted over and over.

Sebastian is used to thinking of Penny as his best friend’s younger sister…until he no longer does. He sees the temptress beneath the good girl reputation, but he knows that he can’t have her. His tastes run a little rougher that what Penny thinks she wants and his relationships have a 2 week expiration date. Too bad Penny is set on testing and tempting him at every turn, until the only option left is to give in…

If you thought book one was hot, just wait till you get your hands on Sebastian. Sweet mother of cock was the man delicious. Dirty talking, wickedly delicious.

Tell me,” he said, delivering kisses on her thigh as he continued to get closer to the spot that was dampening by the second.
“Have you ever been eaten?”
“I’m the first.” It wasn’t a question, rather a statement.”
“Then I should warn you… I’m not going to eat you, I’m going to DEVOUR you.

If you want sizzling hot chemistry and a fantastic story, this is the series for you.

Penny and Bass burn up the pages together. Their sexual chemistry was palpable from book 1 and was an absolute inferno in their own book. I couldn’t get enough of them. Sebastian is just the right amount of dominant and sexy without being OTT. The man was hot outside the bed and most certainly in it too…

This series is a definite auto-buy for me. I love everything about, including all the side characters, and can’t wait for their own books. I also loved the continuation of Colt J.J.’s HEA. It was so great getting that additional part of their story. If you haven’t read the first book in this series yet, I’m not sure what you’re waiting for. Just be prepared for HAWTness overload.

Blog Tour, Review & #Giveaway: ✩Reaper’s Stand✩ by @joannawylde

As Reapers Motorcycle Club president, Reese “Picnic” Hayes has given his entire life to the club. After losing his wife, he knew he’d never love another woman. And with two daughters to raise and a club to manage, that was just fine with him. These days, Reese keeps his relationships free and easy—he definitely doesn’t want to waste his time on a glorified cleaning lady like London Armstrong.

Too bad he’s completely obsessed with her.

Besides running her own business, London’s got her junkie cousin’s daughter to look after—a more reckless than average eighteen-year-old. Sure she’s attracted to the Reapers’ president, but she’s not stupid. Reese Hayes is a criminal and a thug. But when her young cousin gets caught up with a ruthless drug cartel, Reese might be the only man who can help her. Now London has to make the hardest decision of her life—how far will she go to save her family?

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I was learning the hard way that nothing can protect us from the real monsters.

I think there’s something about the Hayes family that just screams awesome. Em from Devil’s Gamewas my favorite heroine in the series and I can now say that Reese “Picnic” Hayes is my favorite hero in the series. Seriously. Move over Horse, Ruger, and Hunter because no one does it better than an older man. Well not that Picnic is old at 43, but in books overrun with 20 somethings, he was a man-whoring breath of fresh air. He definitely teach a thing or 2 to his younger brothers. For instance, the art of the biker woo:

I think getting involved would be a big mistake. Not only that, I’m seeing someone already.”
“I don’t want to get involved and I don’t give a shit about your boyfriend. But I wouldn’t mind fucking your tits- that’d motivate me to help. Your call.”

Taking notes?

Basically what I’m trying to tell you here is Picnic is the DIC. That’s dick in charge if you’re not familiar. What I mean is, he’s this delicious mix of asshole biker, caring father, and a sweet endearing side that he keeps mostly under wraps. But don’t worry, he’s not too sweet.

I want to stick my cock into your pussy. Don’t worry- I’ll get you nice and ready first. Open you up with my fingers, make sure you’re so wet and hot that when you wrap around me, it’ll feel like I’m fucking a goddess because you’re goddamn perfect, London. I can’t wait to feel your cunt squeezing me.

London owns the cleaning service that handles most of the Reaper’s business and that’s how she catches Picnic’s attention; on all fours, scrubbing his floors. What? Did you think he noticed her sparkling personality? Not unless that personality were attached to her tits. Picnic has some standards after all.

London lives her life on the straight and narrow. She’s trying hard to support herself and Jessica, her cousin’s daughter that she’s taking care of. Jessica, a product of being born to a drug addict, makes reckless decisions and lacks impulse control that leads her straight into the sort of trouble London never expected. But I won’t give you more than what the blurb offers, because that would ruin the book, so let’s move on.

Picnic was a character that I fell fall right away. He’s a womanizer, and asshole in his own right, but also has an incredibly caring side to him that extends to his daughters and his brothers. While he was an asshole to London for almost a good half of the book, it’s not too bad since the entire book spans over a week. But behind the dirty talker and the loyal brother, there’s the true Reaper.

As far as grit goes, this book certainly offered a whole lot more of it than the other 3 in the series. There was also quite a bit of action and the romance fit nicely in the midst of it all.

London was a fantastic heroine. Being 38, she’s a lot more mature than the rest of the heroines in this series have been…and I don’t mean that in the age sense. She was strong witted, caring, but definitely not perfect.

There’s something about you, London, something that’s real in a way I can’t even begin to explain. I like it and I want it.

But she’s also hiding something from Reese, something that the reader is privy to from the very first chapter though you don’t know the why’s of it. That information you find out as the story progresses.

I sympathized with her situation and her choice for the majority of the book…until the one choice that she makes where everything pretty much hits the fan. I had a really tough time forgiving her and really moving on from that decision. While she really proves herself afterwards and works for her redemption, I just couldn’t get past that particular choice. (highlight to view spoiler)T[The fact that she pulled the trigger. I understand that she felt that she had no choice and she was only with Picnic for less than a week, but it was definitely a tough pill to swallow. (hide spoiler)]he fact that she pulled the trigger. I understand that she felt that she had no choice and she was only with Picnic for less than a week, but it was definitely a tough pill to swallow.(end spoiler)
But in the light of everything else that was this book, that was just a minor bump in the road. I really enjoyed that this book was more focused on the MC and had more action and a little more grit. The one minor thing with London aside, I’d say this probably was my favorite book in the series. Looks like Joanna Wylde only continues to get better with each new book and I cannot WAIT for the next. Especially after that last chapter. Now THAT is a hero that I am dying to get my pervy little hands on.

Previous Books in the Reaper’s MC Series

Reaper’s Property (bk 1)
Barnes & Noble:
Reaper’s Legacy (bk 2)
Barnes & Noble:
Devil’s Game (bk 3)
Barnes & Noble:

About the Author

Joanna is a freelance writer living in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. She started writing fiction in 2002, then took a long hiatus to explore other writing opportunities. She returned to fiction in January 2013 with ‘Reaper’s Property’, the first book in the Reapers Motorcycle Club series.


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Review: ☆Tempting Ecstasy☆ by @SETTAJAY_

*Erotic Paranormal Romance*Conn had spent the millennia of his life fighting alongside his brethren as a Guardian of the Four Realms. He’d never allowed himself to imagine that he would be gifted a mate but her scent was inside him now. The intoxicating lure incited his wolf to track her and claim her in a sexual frenzy she could never deny. He refused to repeat the mistakes his brothers had made in their unions, instead he planned to fight the demands of his beast and tempt his female.

Dacia had spent the years of her life as a guardian of her family’s secrets. Her days were consumed with helping her siblings search for the Immortals who had escaped the God Apollo’s brutal training camps with her parents thousands of years ago. They were the only hope of finding answers to questions about their lives. Questions her parents hadn’t resolved before their deaths.

Not in her wildest of dreams would Dacia have imagined the answers would instead find her. Or what form those answers would take. The breathtaking male who stepped out of the night and into her life was certainly not one of the hidden Immortals her parents had told of, he was so much more. Wielding both immense power and thrilling strength he aroused not only her body but the wolf hidden within.

Dacia needed to find a way to trust her seductive Guardian, not only with herself, but with her family as well. But how long could she hold out against both the intensity of the mating frenzy that demanded sexual release, and the wickedly sexy male who was tempting not just her body… but also her heart?

Warning: This book is intended for an adult audience. It contains explicit sex; voyeurism; dirty talking males with bad language

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Review4.5 stars
4.5 My Ovaries will never be the same again Stars

The things you do to me. Fuck. I’m going to destroy you princess. I’ll toy with you, tempt you, and give you everything you never new to ask for.

This book is intended for an adult audience. It contains explicit sex; voyeurism; dirty talking males with bad language.

I am NOT kidding here, people. Read this series at your own risk. Even my steel ovaries get overheated while reading this. I swear it’s like Setta Jay sits down after she finishes each book and then thinks to herself, I wonder how I can make my next dirty talking alpha even DIRTIER. Then she finishes the next book and thinks

Because OH MY GAWD but this series just continues to get hotter and hotter.

First meet Conn

The tatted and pierced lycos of The Guardians. I loved that Conn never fought his mating when he learned he had a mate. His courting of her was both sweet and a practice in sexual frustration. He knew that if they touched each other they would go into full mating heat, and he didn’t want Dacia to feel like her lust forced her decision. What takes place is the most sexually frustrating experience of my life. And no I’m not exaggerating here.

See Dacia needs to make up her mind that she’s not coerced into the mating by getting to know Conn. So while the sexual chemistry between the two of them was so damn hot I thought I’d get scorched, they may eye fuck the fuck out of each other

Between their lusty little dancing around each other, Conn’s dirty talking ways, and the undercurrent of the hottest sexual chemistry ever, I thought I’d die if they didn’t bang each others brains out soon

I can’t wait until you’re coming on my lips. I’ll lap up your juices and bury my face in your hot cunt. After drinking my fill I’ll slide my tongue over the nerves of your tiny ass. There isn’t an inch of you that won’t feel my mouth, princess. I promise.

What? Don’t you judge me here. The man was a dirty talking god…pun intended.

As always in the midst of all this mating heat, Setta Jay continues to weave an intricate plot with her unique world building and side characters. I enjoyed that this book didn’t have a secondary story as I felt it would have been too much. As it was we get a sizzling hot romance and the plot of the bad guys thicken. I’m totally and completely sucked into the world of The Guardians of the Realms and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Did I mention that it’s fucking HOT?

I think the thing that I really loved the most, is that Conn and Dacia didn’t have to solidify their union by him sharing her with his brother Guardians. As hot as it was in the other books, it still wasn’t my favorite since it came immediately after the mating ceremony and it kind of fizzled it for me. Though obviously not enough for me to not enjoy it. But I am glad that we didn’t have that here.

If you’re a fan of SUPER erotic PNR I have no idea why you haven’t read this series yet. While most information from the past books gets reiterated in each new book without ever sounding redundant, I’d still recommend reading this series in order. The world building builds off of each book and there is a continuing story line with the bad guys that continues throughout the series. You’d enjoy the books much more reading them in order.

As for me? I’m off to ice my ovaries now…

Don’t miss the first 3 books in the series!


Review: ☆Two Roads☆ by @LiliStGermain1

Two Roads (Gypsy Brothers), Book Six

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The sixth book in the #1 iBooks bestselling Gypsy Brothers series.
Juliette and Jase may be out of Dornan’s immediate reach, but as tensions rise, will they end up walking right into the enemy’s trap?
Can Juliette forgive Jase for his devastating betrayal, or will it destroy everything they’ve been fighting for?
5 stars

I’ve left one prison, the one Dornan constructed for me, only to be trapped in one of my own making. The one in my mind that goes over and over and over again.

Every. Single. Fucking. Time! Every time! This sadist of an author leaves me tearing my hair out with a case of the feels ragey, screaming at the ceiling

And then I remind myself that I am completely and utterly addicted to this mindfuck of a serial. So I put on my big girl panties (while grumbling), suck it up (while crying), and patiently waiting (read: stalking author) for the next book.

After months of torture at the hands of the deranged Doran, Juliette is trying to deal with hitting her rock bottom. Scarred mentally and physically and dealing with the revelation of a betrayal she never expected from the one man that holds her heart, Juliette may be rescued from her past hell and thrown right into a brand new one.

Blood and death are all I have right now, the only things that tell me this is real and not some awful hallucination, a sign I’m here and not still stuck on that bed with that stupid music playing full blast in my ears.

As more and more information gets revealed, you find answers to questions only to form new ones.

My heart absolutely broke for both Juliette and Jase in this book. I will not tell you more than that, because just like the previous books, it’s best left to discover on your own by going in blind. But what I can tell you? You know how they say to never kick a person when they’re down? Well Lili St. Germain doesn’t subscribe to that particular newsletter. NOPE. Just as you’re hit with information that leaves you reeling, she will ram right over your ass with a mack truck, and then back up to run you over again.

Oh my holy HELL. The feels! The feels in this book are indescribable.

But don’t despair, because in the midst of all the despair, pain, and heartache, the author does at least throw a little bit of happy your way

Only to fucking rip it away from you in the last few pages!!!!!

This woman is the queen of torture with her cliffhangers. I swears. Every time I read one book, I think to myself, how much more fucked up can it get? And the answer? A whole fuck-of-a-lot more.

I need, have to have, MUST GET the next book NOW. So now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go die a little.

**ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review**

Review: ☆Hot Rebel☆ by @LynnRayeHarris

A rebel on the run…

Victoria Royal is a traitor. Or so the U.S. government believes. Victoria was once a promising sniper in the Army, but now she’s gone rogue—worse, she’s just landed in the middle of a Hostile Operations Team mission in the desert and blasted it all to hell.
Nick “Brandy” Brandon doesn’t expect to run into Victoria when he’s bugging out from a mission gone wrong. It’s been more than three years since she disappeared from the sniper course they were in together, and he’s finally stopped thinking about her killer curves and smart mouth.But now she’s back—and she’s far more dangerous than Nick ever believed possible…

Is she really a traitor? Or is there something more at stake? He has to decide fast—because time’s running out and too many lives hang in the balance…

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Review4.5 stars 

She’d disappeared a little over three years ago, and now she was here in the middle of a war zone, fucking up his mission.

You know what I love about this series? Freaking EVERYTHING. The fact that it only continues to get better and better with each new installment is just the icing on the cake. Lynn Raye Harris is able to deliver heart pounding suspense with a sensual and sizzling romance that all together adds up to an addicting and unputdownable read.

She looked like a somewhat frightened and helpless woman, and yet he knew she was a deadly assassin. The same as he was. She was like one of those startlingly beautiful creatures in the wild- colorful and attractive, but deadly when touched.

Nothing better than a bad ass heroine in my eyes, but make her a hot shot sniper and yet at the same time endearingly vulnerable and put her together with a cocky and yet endearingly protective hero?

Victoria Royal has been deemed a traitor by the US army and kicked out of the sniper training program all because her sister has been cavorting with a known terrorist. Determined to clear her name and rescue her sister who no longer seems to be voluntarily staying with a man that is on the US terrorist watch list, Victoria plays mercenary for a man that she hopes has some kernel of information about where her sister is. When her mission brings her face to face, or snope to snope as it were, with a face from her past, everything changes.

But this- him- she was out of her element.
It had come on fast. Too fast.
This crazy pull between hem was disconcerting and exciting all at once. 

Nick “Brandy” Brandon hasn’t seen Victoria since she left sniper training, but he’s never forgotten her. So when she comes in, guns blazing, and blows his mission to hell and back, he’s determined to not let her go this time. Whether she’s willing or not, he’ll bring her in, and she’ll work on the right side to help bring a known terrorist to justice.

I devoured this book just as I did the others in the series, but I think this one may be my favorite yet. The chemistry between Victoria and Nick was absolutely sizzling.

He reached for her, pulled her against his chest, and tilted her head back with both his hands on her face. He was a fucking goner. He was like an addict being offered a fix, and he couldn’t say no.

Both of them may try to fight it, but their pull to each other is undeniable.

I want you, Nick Brandon. I don’t know why, but I do. Badly. You’ve been under my skin since the first moment I saw you back in training, and while I have no fucking clue what I’m doing, I think I’d regret it for the rest of my life if I didn’t do this with you.

I have to admit, I could have done without Victoria being a (highlight to view spoiler)virgin (end spoiler)[virgin at 25 (hide spoiler)]. I’m growing kind of bored with that particular thing, but then again her explanation of why did make sense, so it didn’t bother me too much.

I can tell you that absolutely everything about this book worked for me; the action, the suspense, the romance, the characters. I also loved that Lynn began to weave a secondary POV into the story of the MC from the next book. I loved getting that little peek inside of “Iceman”.

If you’re a fan of romantic suspense, I’ve said it in all my reviews of this series, and I’ll say it again; THIS IS A MUST READ. Trust me. You’ll thank me for it later 😉

Don’t miss the rest of the series!

Hot Pursuit (Hostile Operations Team #1)
Hot Mess (Hostile Operations Team #2)



Review: ☆Owned by Fate☆ by @mstessabailey

Her mind rejects his world. But her body knows its master.

Journalist Caroline Preston arrives at Serve, New York City’s hottest BDSM club, with one goal—to hate it. If her brother wasn’t trying to turn the family’s respectable financial magazine into a publication that features “lifestyle” pieces for the wealthy and adventurous, she wouldn’t even bethere, trying to write an article about a world she doesn’t understand. But then she sees him.

Jonah Briggs doesn’t leave his post for just anyone. As the owner of the club, his sole purpose is to ensure that his clientele get everything they need, but when he sees Caroline, his only thought is what he wants—to dominate the sexy little reporter and give the most exquisite pleasure she’s ever experienced.

Caroline has no intention of entering that particular lion’s den—not with her family’s reputation at stake—no matter how dark, sexy, and complex the lion in question may be. But with every encounter, she craves more, and with every slide of his lips, she realizes Jonah might just be the man to break down all her defenses…if she’ll let him.

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4.5 stars

So a respected financial journalist and an award-winning interior designer walk into a BDSM club…”
“And nothing. That’s the entire joke.”

If you’ve read any other book by this author, then you already know that she writes books with heroes that can deliver some panty evaporating dirty talk. I swear to you, with every new hero of hers I meet, I keep thinking that they only get better. So what can I tell you after Jonah Briggs? Just one thing:

All hail the queen of dirty talk!

Sweet mother of all that’s pervy. I needed to ice my ovaries after this one in the worst way possible.

Caroline is an Ivy League graduate, award winning journalist, and heir to a legendary financial publication first started by her father. Unfortunately, the magazine is now in trouble and her brother has come up with an idea that will either make them or break them; to feature “lifestyle” pieces for the wealthy and adventurous inside the world of an elusive BDSM club. This is why she reluctantly finds herself sitting at Serve with her best friend, sipping on a lollipop martini, with every intention of hating it.

Are you going to suck it? Or just play with it all night?

Enter Jonah Briggs; Serve owner and resident Dom. One look at the dark and sexy Jonah, and Caroline simply can’t deny the chemistry that instantly sizzles between them. For a woman that lives her life in black and white and straight vanilla, she can’t help but take him up on the offer that his mere presence promises.

After sharing an unforgettable encounter, Caroline knows that no matter how much she wants it, with her reputation at stake she simply can’t handle more. Too bad that Jonah is determined to wear her down by any means necessary, and he’s not exactly going to fight fair.

Careful, baby. You’re giving yourself away. You love it, don’t you? That sharp bite echoing between your gorgeous, shaking thighs? Who’s the one providing the bite, Caroline?
You are, Master.”
“That’s right. Thank me for your punishment.

I am so happy to finally get a Dom (outside an actual BDSM romance) that truly lives up to the title and isn’t merely some domineering ass with some spanky tendencies. While I would really qualify this as BDSM lite, it still managed to hit all the right spots for me. It was a sizzling hot romance with some BDSM elements and a sexy as sin hero that you’ll never want to stop talking.

You’ve already shattered all my limits, baby. I’m going to make sure you catch up.

Jonah absolutely made this book for me. While Caroline was a great heroine, she did have a few moments where I wished I could shake some sense into her. Mainly in her treatment of Jonah in the very beginning. Though I must say, she more than made up for it at the end.

In the dark, unknown to anyone around them, they weren’t Caroline Preston, the Ivy League graduate, heir to a legendary financial publication, and Jonah Briggs, controversial BDSM club owner

Everything about this book just worked for me, especially the secondary characters. I’m so excited to get a book for Caroline’s brother, Oliver, and her best friend next.

Oliver, Oliver, Oliver… I am so ready for you…

Review: ☆No More Mr. Nice Guy☆ by @AmyAndrewsbooks


He’s done playing the nice guy…Newly single school counselor Josie Butler just made herself a Sexy To-Do list (featuring Bad Boys only). To her mortification, her best friend’s gorgeous older brother Mack finds it…and laughs. But when Josie goes looking for some sexy fun, Mack’s nice guy side turns all hot bad-assery, and suddenly she’s pinned against an alley wall. Hottest. Sex. Ever.

Veterinarian Mack Kennedy can’t believe Josie wants to ditch her sweet, girl-next-door lifestyle. Even worse, that she’d consider doing it with anyone but him. When she leaves for London they’ll go back to being ‘just friends’ but until then, he’s going to show her just how bad nice guys can be.

And it’s the perfect plan, as long as no one finds out… and no one falls in love.

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4.5 stars

He was going to hell for this. Guys-who-screw-their-little-sister’s-best-friends hell.

If you’re looking for a whole new and sexy spin on a trope that’s been done countless times but still an old time favorite? This is definitely the book for you. Yes you get the brother hooks up with his little sister’s best friend thing…and yet, it was also so much more.
Josie Butler is a good girl. Having just gotten out of long term relationship that had all the excitement of watching paint grow, and just as much passion, she decides that now is the time to add a little excitement to her life. Considering she leaves for London in two weeks, it gives her the perfect opportunity. First things? No more nice, safe, and boring guys. Nope! She needs passion, excitement, she needs a bad boy….she also needs a to-do list to keep track of this.

Gotta be organized when embracing your bad girl side, right? So imagine her surprise when her best friend’s older brother and nice guy, Mack, notices her list the night after.

Mack Kennedy is a nice guy. Considering his ex cheated on him with a bad boy because he was just too “nice” for her, it’s not exactly a title he holds dear. But when he finds Josie’s list, suddenly he stops seeing the sweet girl next door and his sister’s best friend. All of a sudden she’s a woman…with breasts…that his lower half is suddenly very happy to get to know better.

His belly clenched tight, his heart thundered in his chest, and he could hear Barry White playing in his head.
Barry goddamn White.
Sal’s words echoed around inside his head.
You need to get back on the bike, Mack.
And Barry said, Oh yeah, baby.

When he calls Josie’s bluff on the list, she’s more than happy to prove him wrong. And when he realizes this, all of a sudden his inner bad boy and caveman come roaring to life.

Thus begins their agreement. Mack needs to get back on the horse, so to speak, and he’ll happily help Josie check (almost) every item off her check list and when Josie is off to London, they’ll go back to being friends.

Hold on to my shoulders.”
“Wh-what? Why?”
“Because I’m about to number ten you, and at some stage you WILL lose the ability to hold yourself upright.

Mack may be a nice guy, but let me tell you, when he embraces his inner bad boy? Oh but he does it right.

I want you hot and wet and naked. I want you crying out my name when you come, and I want to be deep inside you when you do.”

This book was positively SIZZLING. The chemistry between Mack and Josie was scorching. It was also funny and sweet and everything I absolutely love in my romances.

…she bit down on her lip to stop the whimper as her senses infused with the smell of Mack.
Without a doubt, she’d put Oliver Twist to shame tonight.

If you’re looking for a new author to love, a heroine to root for, and a hero to pant over, this is the book for you.

I feel like I’ve been hit by a Mack truck. And I want to do it all over again.”

I absolutely loved this book. Amy Andrews caught me completely by surprise. While this was my first book by her, it certainly will not be my last. I really hope that she turns this into a series and gives us Sal’s book next. A sexy romance that I enjoyed from beginning to end.

Review: ☆Hot Shot☆ by @LynnRayeHarris

Cool under pressure… Until now.

Hostile Operations Team sniper Jack “Hawk” Hunter is cool, methodical, and utterly lethal. Nothing rattles Jack’s calm. But that was before he learned he fathered a child three years ago—a child who has just been kidnapped.

Gina Domenico is a superstar, a pop sensation with a string of hit records. But deep inside, she’s still the lonely girl she’s always been. When Jack saved her from an arms dealer, they spent three unforgettable days together waiting for rescue—and Gina fell hard for the sexy soldier before he walked away forever.

But now she needs his help and she’ll do anything to get it. Though Jack can never forgive Gina for keeping his child from him, he’ll do everything in his power—and HOT’s—to bring their son home safely.

Nothing is what it seems, however, and their fates hang in the balance as someone else pulls the strings…and brings them ever closer to an explosive confrontation that could either save their son—or cost them everything.

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4 stars

Even if you were thinking about something other than my gun, I’m not interested,” he told her. “Not ever again. You’re gorgeous and you know it. But you’re a fucking liar- and I can’t stand a liar.”

Three years ago pop sensation, Gina Domenico, was at the wrong place at a very wrong time. Caught on the wrong side of flying bullets during a mission, she’s rescued by the sexy HOT operator and sniper, Jack “Hawk” Hunter. Jack knows he has no business with the beauty, especially since her fame can cost them their carefully planned op. But that doesn’t stop them from sharing three passionate days together…to never hear from each other again.

Three years later the last person that Jacks expects to get a phone call from is Gina when her son is kidnapped. But what he expects even less is to find out that he fathered that child. To say he’s furious is an understatement. He may never forgive Gina for keeping his son from him, but he will stop at nothing from getting him back.

Jack was one of those heroes that no matter how much of an asshole he may have been to Gina at times, you can’t help but to feel for him. Having lost his wife all those years ago changed him and he know’s he’ll never be able to replace that one time love.

I really appreciated that the author never downplayed Jack’s love for his wife while at the same time never making it feel like Gina was a consolation prize. Miss Harris did a fantastic job painting the picture of a man that lost a young love and struggles when he begins to develop feelings for a different woman. That’s not to say that he didn’t have his asshole moments, because he certainly did…a lot of them. (But then again, I’m into that sort of thing)

Gina was sassy and take charge, while also dealing with her own painful past and not so smooth present. That doesn’t mean that she lets Jack walk all over her. She gave as good as she got, and then some.

Sex sells, baby. Or haven’t you heard.”
“Then you’re doing a fine job of selling it.”
“You’re an asshole, you know that? You don’t get to judge me or make assumptions about my business just because I’m wearing a dress that makes you hard. Jerk off tonight if you must, but blame yourself, not me.”

The chemistry between these two was positively sizzling. As hard as they try to fight their attractions, it is pretty much inevitable that eventually they’ll give in. Gina knows that Jack will never forgive her, but that doesn’t stop her heart from falling for a man that may never feel anything other than lust for her.

Hot Shot was another sexy and action packed installment in the HOT series that you are not going to want to put down for a second. I especially loved the banter between Jack and Gina…

This thing won’t go off, will it?”
“No. But don’t pull it no matter what. It’s for me, not you.”
“The damn thing is between MY legs.”
“I know. Guns and pussy. Two of my favorite things on earth.”

The author gives us a perfectly built romance in the midst of high action ops and suspense.

Each book only continues to get better, and I cannot wait to read Victoria and Nick’s book next. That set up sounds utterly delicious. If you’re a fan of sexy romantic suspense, I can’t recommend this series enough.

Don’t miss the rest of the series!

Hot Pursuit (Hostile Operations Team #1)
Hot Mess (Hostile Operations Team #2)




Review: ☆Dangerously Hot☆ by @LynnRayeHarris


The world’s most wanted man is back from the dead. And only one woman can stop him… 

Former Army linguist Lucky San Ramos escaped with her life, but the scars an evil terrorist leader left on her skin are a constant reminder of her captivity. Now her tormentor is back—and so is the sexy Special Operations soldier she once loved.

HOT operator Kevin “Big Mac” MacDonald rescued Lucky the last time. And then he walked away when he couldn’t be what she needed. When Lucky married his teammate, Kev knew it was for the best. But now Marco is dead and Lucky is no longer safe.

When Kev and Lucky team up to capture a terrorist, they’ll have to pretend to be man and wife on an explosive military mission to a war-torn nation. With time running out and the fate of the world hanging in the balance, Kev and Lucky play a perilous game of cat and mouse with a madman during the day.

But at night, they battle the secrets of the past and the sizzling attraction that threatens to endanger the mission. Lucky shouldn’t want the man who abandoned her once before. But the passion between them is sinfully, sensuously, dangerously hot… and proving impossible to resist.

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Review4 stars

In Kev’s world, sex with a variety of women was easy. It was love that was impossible.

If you want an action packed and sexy romantic suspense, this is the series you really need to get acquainted with. I’ve been looking for a long time for something similar to Cindy Gerard’s Black Ops series, and I’m so happy I stumbled onto HOT. Each book only gets better and better…and did I mention sexier?

Lucinda “Lucky” San Ramos narrowly escaped death when she was captured by a terrorist during a mission. Left with a daily reminder of her torture not only through her surface scars, but internal ones too, she left active duty and moved to Hawaii…only to lose her husband during a mission 2 years later. Now a widow, she’s trying to move on and forget her past life…and everyone in it; including her husband’s best friend and current HOT operator, Kevin “Big Mac” MacDonald. Unfortunately her plans change when the man himself shows up at her doorstep telling her she’s their only hope to catch a terrorist she long thought was dead.

Mac has always been attracted to Lucky, but he knew he was no good for her, so he pushed her off to his best friend and watched her from afar. Having been the one that rescued her those years ago, he tried to stay in touch with her but she wanted nothing to do with him. Now his orders are to bring her in and convince her to go on a mission that’s just as dangerous as the one that once got her captured. But that’s not his hardest mission, that would be trying to fight his undeniable attraction to a woman that seems to be completely immune to his Southern good ole’ boy charm.

Nipples? That’s your proof? I haven’t been warm since I landed in this icebox and you think my nipples are hard for any other reason?”
Stop now, dude. Just stop. “Yeah, I do.”
She snorted. “We all want you, don’t we, Southern boy? You turn up the drawl and we fling our panties at you?” She flicked her fingers at him. “Take your drawl down to the bar and get laid so your brain will be clear again. I’m going back to sleep.”

Stuck together on a mission where they pretend to be husband and wife, forces them to confront all those long forgotten feelings; Kev’s guilt over wanting his best friend’s widow and Lucky’s never forgotten feelings to a man that didn’t want her those years ago.

…She feared Kev. The way he made her feel. Her emotions were scraped raw in this environment. There was no room for deceit or obfuscation. She feared the way the simplest touch could light her up inside and make her long for so much more. If she’d thought for one moment that a single night with him would ease this longing, she’d been very wrong.

This author has an ability to write a heroine that is endearingly fragile and yet equal parts fierce and strong. I absolutely loved that about Lucky. She survived a horror at the hands of a mad man, and she doesn’t hide her fear of this mission. She had this understated strength to her that you just can’t help but feel for her.

Miss Harris also does a fantastic job of weaving romance and suspense together effortlessly. It’s never out of place or overbalances the other. It’s this perfect combination that will have your heart pounding and then leave you panting.

Kev was a great hero as well. He’s not perfect and he has his own demons that he fights but he’s also sexy and protective all with just that right amount of damaged.

Deep inside he always wondered if his past had damaged him so badly he could never be the kind of man any woman should take a chance on.

Action packed, suspenseful, and sexy, Dangerously Hot was another fantastic addition to the HOT series. The romance, the story, everything about this book worked for me.

If you’re a fan of the genre, this is a book that’s not to be missed. While a part of a series, each book can be easily read as a standalone. You do get to meet some of the characters earlier in the series, and usually you’ll meet the future hero or heroine in the previous book. But the author does a great job reiterating any necessary information without making it sound redundant to the readers that have already read the previous books.


Don’t miss the rest of the series!

Hot Pursuit (Hostile Operations Team #1)
Hot Mess (Hostile Operations Team #2)

Review & Author Interview: ☆Chained by Night☆ by @LarissaIone


Leader of the vampire clan MoonBound, Hunter will do what he must to save his people from extinction—or worse, a torturous eternity as vampire slaves and subjects of human experimentation.To keep his enemies at bay, he has agreed to mate a rival clan leader’s daughter in return for peace between the clans and an ally in the looming war with the humans.THE LOVER OF HIS SOUL

But survival comes at a price. First, Hunter must break an ancient curse by successfully negotiating three deadly tests. Then he must resist the searing passions of the gorgeous vampire warrior he despises but is bound to mate. Will Hunter stay true to his word? Or will he risk everything for the woman he really loves: the vampire seductress’s identical twin sister?

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Review-DGR4.5 stars

Aylin had gotten under his skin, and for all his experience fighting enemies, he had no defense against a female whose strength humbled him, whose voice soothed him, and whose touch drove him wild.

This book just reminded me all over again why I’m such a big fan of Larissa Ione’s writing. If I had any doubts about this new series after finishing Bound by Night, I don’t have a doubt in sight after reading this. As a matter of fact, I’m hooked, line and sinker, and cannot wait for the next one.

Chained by Night is a sexy, action packed read that you are not going to want to miss out on.

If you’ve read any of Ione’s other series, then you know this one is a bit different, but in a very unique way. You get vampires but with a whole different Native American lore twist. While you can technically read this as a standalone, I’d highly recommend your start with book one as the story progresses throughout the series, and you really get a better grasp on the world building and the lore in Bound by Night.

As the clan chief of MoonBound and 2nd generation vampire, I just knew Hunter will be a force to be reckoned with…and he definitely was.

To keep his enemies at bay, he has agreed to mate a rival clan leader’s daughter in return for peace between the clans and an ally in the looming war with the humans. Too bad that the rival clan is ruthless, bloodthirsty, and his destined mate is one uber bitch, Rasha. But Rasha also happens to have an identical twin sister, that is the polar opposite of everything she is. Aylin is is sweet and caring, but also cursed. Born with a deformity and as the cursed second twin, the best her fate has to offer is a mating to a clan leader known for his brutality that far surpasses her own sadistic father.

She was an impossible combination of wary and unguarded, as if she didn’t trust others but wanted them to trust her. Her spirit seemed desperate to burst from her with an explosion of energy, but something was holding her back. She reminded him of a bird with clipped wings or a wolf on a chain, wanting to be free but unable to make it happen.

The one thing I truly love about Ione’s writing, is she can take even the most damaged heroine, but make her fierce in a perfectly understated way.

Hunter faces more than a mating he doesn’t desire to a woman that turns his blood cold. He also faces an ancient curse that can only be broken by facing a challenge of 3 tests that is also foreseen to cost him his life. Add to that his undeniable pull to his mate’s twin sister, and you got yourself some entertaining reading.

Screw the challenge and the danger and the demon.
He had a feeling that Aylin was the true menace to his future.

I found this book to be much quicker paced and more action packed than the previous one, and I devoured it in practically one sitting. The sexual chemistry and connection between Aylin and Hunter was practically palpable. I just couldn’t seem to put this book down. You really get to see Aylin grow into a fierce warrior and a force to be reckoned with of her own as the story progresses. The impending war between humans and vampires continues to progress with new discoveries and twists and turns.

I loved pretty much everything about this book, ESPECIALLY the parts with Myne. There are some revelations about his connection with Hunter here that I never saw coming. It completely blindsided me and I am absolutely dying to get my hands on his book (which luckily will be next.)

Chained by Night had it all; a fantastic heroine, a fierce, possessive, protective and sexy as hell hero, scorching sexual chemistry, fantastic world building, action and romance. What else could you possibly want? This was everything I love about PNR and I cannot wait for more from this series.

Author InterviewDGR: I am so excited to have one of my all time favorite PNR authors here today; Larissa Ione.  Having read practically her entire back list, I can safely tell you that this woman can write some of the most addicting series and swoon-worthy heroes. But I digress…
Welcome, Larissa, I’m so happy to have you here today!
LI: Thank you! I’m happy to be here!
DGR:  Can you tell the readers something about yourself…well…aside from the fact that you’re filled with awesome, of course J
LI: LOL – not sure about the awesome, but I do write books in an awesome genre! If your readers like paranormal romance that’s dark, gritty, and sexy, I might have just the series for them!
DGR:  Your MoonBound Clan Vampire series is very different from your other work, is there anything in particular that inspired you to create such a unique world where humans own vampires for slaves?
LI: As much as I love my Demonica and ACRO series (written as Sydney Croft with partner Stephanie Tyler,) those series are very fantastical. I wanted to write vampires, but with more of a contemporary feel that would appeal to a different audience. I also wanted to do something different with my vampires and give them a Native American background, something I share with them. Writing the MoonBound Clan Vampires gave me a chance to explore my Native American roots as well as explore a society that reflects both the worst – and the best – of humanity.
DGR: What is your favorite part about this particular series?
LI: I’d say that I love the underdog aspect – vampires, who SHOULD be the alpha predators on the planet, are outnumbered and outgunned by humans, but they’re starting to rally. What will it take for them to prevail? I can’t wait to see!
DGR: You gave the readers a little taste of Hunter, the leader of the vampire clan MoonBound, in the previous book, and his story sounds like it’s going to be AMAZING. Can you tell us a little more just to whet the appetite?
LI: Sure! Hunter will be faced with having to choose between duty and love. He’s fighting for his clan’s very existence and fighting battles on two fronts – with enemy clans and the humans. But he’s also going to be fighting for the female he loves…who happens to be the twin sister of the female he’s supposed to mate.
DGR:  If you could give us three words to describe this book, what would they be?
LI: Gritty, intense, sexy!
DGR:  Can you describe Hunter to us in a few words?
LI: Fairly laid-back, but deep inside he harbors is father’s monstrous DNA…something he battles with frequently. He’s honorable, fair, and leads by example. He also has a tendency to hold grudges…
DGR:  Will Myne be getting a book any time soon? I have to admit, I have a bit of a soft spot for him since he reminds me of Wraith from the Demonica series 🙂
LI: Myne is next! I can’t wait to get to work on his story. I LOVE writing him…just as I love writing Wraith!
DGR:  Any clues you can give about what you have planned next?
LI: I’m currently working on some Demonica novellas that will lead the way to a new spinoff Demonica series set 20 years in the future and focusing on the kids. I’ll also be working on Myne’s story, which will put us one step closer to dealing with the humans who have enslaved vampires for decades. Exciting times ahead!
DGR:  Anything else you’d like to leave the readers with?
LI: Just a HUGE thank you to everyone who has supported my work. Without my awesome readers, I wouldn’t be here. So…thank you!!!!

About the AuthorNew York Times and USA Today bestselling author Larissa Ione penned her first novel at the age of 13 and hasn’t stopped writing since. She has been a U.S. Air Force meteorologist, an EMT, and a professional dog trainer, and you never know when one of those interests will pop into her novels.She lives a nomadic existence with her U.S. Coast Guard husband and son, so her writing career has been a blessing — a job that moves easily.

She writes dark paranormal romance for Grand Central Publishing (formerly Warner Books,) and contemporary romance for Red Sage and Samhain. Under the pen name Sydney Croft, she writes erotic action adventure romance with partner Stephanie Tyler.

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