Review: Layers Deep by Lacey Silks

He needs her to save a friend.
She needs him to plan her revenge.
Their pasts scar them Layers Deep.
Their passion distracts them…
…and distractions can be fatal.

Tristan Cross is battling emotional demons from the past. He lives in a world where trust is earned, loyalties are tested, and love is impossible. That is, until he meets Allie Green. She’s the only woman who can help him find a kidnapped friend and to top it off, she captivates him. All he has to do now is persuade her to work for Cross Enterprises, his top investigations firm.

Allie Green is a rookie cop seeking revenge and she’s willing to sell her soul to get it. With an opportunity to use Tristan Cross’s resources Allie calculates her time for payback. As vengeance boils her blood she can’t keep her mind off her new boss and Allie finds it difficult to keep her employment professional. With the mouth watering Tristan Cross distracting her, she struggles to prioritize an undercover job she’s been assigned and her hunger for revenge.

And when you’re ready to give up your life to save someone else, distractions can be fatal.

4 Stars

The man had a way of seepig deep into my soul and covering each wound with a permanent band-aid. As if he knew I needed his help.

Dang that was good. A swoon worthy hero, a feisty smart-mouthed heroine, some hot sex, and a suspense plot all in one. What more could a girl ask for?

This was my first book by this author, and now it certainly won’t be my last.

Allie Green is a cop. She’s smart-mouthed, tough, and can kick ass with the best of them. But she’s also running from something, a nightmare from her past that haunts her to this day. There’s only one man she knows of that can help her, Tristan Cross.

Tristan Cross. Even thinking his name makes my happy place tingle. He had me pretty much when his tattoo was revealed. What? So I’m easy!

This was an entertaining and steamy read. Was it perfect? Not quite. I wasn’t a fan of the constant reference to Tristan smelling of Old Spice. That is not exactly a cologne I picture a sexy millionaire wearing. Maybe more along the lines of

Then there was also the terminology. I happen to have an allergy to the term ‘manhood’. Maybe in a contemporary romance. But an erotic one? Yea…no. Then there was this

He sprang up like a healthy branch and I wrapped my hand around his thickness.

Inspiring sexy thoughts? Not for me

The cliffhanger was not quite the crazy one I was expecting. But I was definitely glad I had the second book that I can immediately jump into.

A sexy, suspenseful, entertaining read that I definitely recommend. You must meet Tristan Cross.

ARC Review: Reaper’s Legacy by Joanna Wylde


Eight years ago, Sophie gave her heart—and her virginity—to Zach Barrett on a night that couldn’t have been less romantic or more embarrassing. Zach’s step-brother, a steely-muscled, tattooed biker named Ruger, caught them in the act, getting a peep show of Sophie he’s never forgotten.

She may have lost her dignity that fateful night, but Sophie also gained something precious—her son Noah. Unfortunately, Zach’s a deadbeat dad, leaving Ruger to be Noah’s only male role model. When he discovers Sophie and his nephew living in near poverty, Ruger takes matters into his own hands—with the help of the Reapers Motorcycle Club—to give them a better life.

Living with outlaw bikers wasn’t Sophie’s plan for her son, but Ruger isn’t giving her a choice. He’ll be there for Noah, whether she wants him or not. But Sophie does want him, has always wanted him. Now she’ll learn that taking a biker to bed can get a girl dirty in every way…

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Review4.5 stars 
The man was like heroin – seductive, addictive and a damned good way to wake up dead.
I have been impatiently waiting for the 2nd book in the Reapers MC series ever since Horse made my happy place tingle in Reaper’s Property. So suffice it to say I was just a wee bit excited when I got my greedy little hands on the ARC of this book.
I was also a little nervous going into this. I mean, how would Ruger measure up to the all mighty Horse? Is he going to have a Godzilla sized cock? I just had to know! So I bet you’re all curious then too, huh? Well prepare yourself for the tatted and pierced deliciousness that is Ruger, my friends. And in case you’re wondering if those piercings happen to be in the place you’re hoping it’ll be…you would be correct.

So what can I tell you after finishing this book?

It did not disappoint!

When Sophie decides to give her virginity to her high school boyfriend Zach, she doesn’t quite get the experience she hopes for. What can possibly be worse than a less than wonderful first time? Having your boyfriend’s dangerously hot brother catch you in the act. The only good thing that comes out of the experience is her son, Noah.

Now eight years later Sophie is struggling to make ends meet. Being a teenage mother wasn’t easy, but with Zach being a dead beat dad all the financial responsibility falls on her. The only male role model Noah has is Zach’s brother, Ruger. When Ruger gets wind of Sophie’s situation, he’s determined to protect her. But the last thing she wants is to be a part of his dangerous life and his MC.

I really loved Sophie. It’s great to get a tough and witty heroine with a backbone that can dish it out as well as she takes it. Ruger was growly and domineering but she never made it easy for him. The banter and sexual tension between them was utterly delicious. I devoured the first half of this book in one sitting. I simply couldn’t put it down until they finally got down to business. What? I never denied this 🙂

But I digress…

Ruger. What can I tell you about the complete deliciousness that was Ruger? He was just the kind of alpha I love; posessive, jealous, slightly (OK maybe a lot) domineering, sexy as hell, and good gawd but can the man get you all hot and bothered with the way he talks.

 Ruger is determined to make Sophie his. He’s been feeling the combustible lust between them since day one, and he’s done fighting it. But Sophie refuses to give in. She doesn’t want to be a part of his life in the MC, especially with her son.

But you can only fight chemistry like that for so long and it’s not long before clothes start flying. The man is built and pierced for pleasure.

I found the metal bar piercing his glans- two hard, metal balls capped it, top and bottom.
“Imagine those deep inside you. Firs I’ll rub them against your clit, and then the’ll hit your G-spot the whole damned time I’m riding you. Un-fucking-believable, babe.”

What woman in her right mind can possibly turn down that?

But while the chemistry between them is undeniable, Sophie is looking for something that Ruger is not willing to give.

You want the freedom to sleep around. I’m not willing to give you that- I want more. Sounds like we have a fundamental difference of opinion here, and I’m not going to try and change you. But I’ll tell you one thing, Ruger- I deserve to be with someone who gives a shit about me, as a person. Someone who values me enough not to fuck other women. I’d rather be alone the rest of my life than settle for what you’re offering. Consider yourself a hell of a booty call, but that’s it. We clear?”

Right around the 50% mark of the book I started to get a little irritated with both Sophie and Ruger and the decisions and choices they made. There were times I wish I could reach through my kindle and shake some sense into both of them. But luckily, it didn’t end up bothering me too much by the end.

This book felt a little grittier to me than the first one. We got a much closer look at the MC life and the members, which I really enjoyed. We also got a lot more of all the side characters from the previous books.

The side characters introduced in this book were awesome. I loved Sophie’s friend Kimber. She was the comedic relief for most of the book. The banter between the women, and especially with Kimber was hilarious.

How am I supposed to live the single life vicariously if I don’t get any details?
I shook my head and shrugged mournfully.
“I’m doing my part. I tell you everything.”
“And don’t think I don’t appreciate it,” she said, tearing up slightly. We gave each other a drunken hug.

This was a sexy, gritty, and action packed ride that you will never want to end. Joanna Wylde just seems to get better with each new book. The fact that it was in dual POVs only made it that much better for me.

As frustrated as I was with Sophie and Ruger at times, I think the ending is what fixed it for me. I found that to be a very fitting way for things to happen.

Then there was the set up for the next book. And now to wait until June 2014?!!! ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME??!!!

On a side note, for those that are wondering if there is cheating in this book: (Highlight to see)

Quotes were taken from the ARC version of the book and may change upon publication

**ARC courtesy of publisher in exchange for an honest review**

ARC Review & Giveaway: Seven Sons by Lili St. Germain

My father was most certainly NOT an innocent man. As the leader of the Gypsy Brothers MC, he was guilty of many things. But he died for a crime that he didn’t commit, framed by an enemy within who then stole his club and everything he had ever worked to protect.

Including my innocence.

When Dornan Ross framed my father, he set into motion a series of events that could never be undone. My father was murdered by Dornan Ross and his sons when I was fifteen years old.

Before my father died, Dornan Ross and his seven sons stole my innocence, branded my skin and in doing so, ensured that their lives would be prematurely cut short. That they would suffer.

I’ve just turned twenty-one, and I’m out for blood. I’m out for revenge.

But I didn’t expect to fall for Jase, the youngest brother in the club.

I didn’t expect that he would turn my world upside down, yank my heart out of my chest and ride away into the sunset with it.

Now, I’m faced with an impossible choice – Jase, or avenging my fathers death?

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4 stars
What was born as fear and grief has long since blossomed into hatred and rage.

Damn. I’m still trying to wrap my mind around how I felt about this book. A dark and gritty debut novel, this was a quick although satisfying tease into what is planned to be a total of 7 books to be released Jan-July.

It’s difficult to review a book like this, as it is only the first book, and 100 pages long. But I can tell you this, I’m complete sucked it. Although I tend to run screaming from serials, this one gripped me enough that I will be sitting in anticipation of each book being released. Was it perfect? Well, no. There were things that left me with questions, some things I wished were made clearer. But I have a feeling Lili will be growing into her own as an author through this series, and all these questions just might get answered.

6 Years ago, Juliette suffered a brutality no 15 year old should have to live through. Raped, beaten within an inch of her life and left for dead, she barely survives. In the blink of an eye, she loses everything that has ever mattered; her innocence and her father who was not only brutally murdered but framed for a crime he did not commit.

Now 6 years later there is only one thing that drive Juliette; revenge. She will not rest until the man responsible for all her pain, along with his sons, pays for all his sins. So she concocts a plan to make them all pay. There was just one thing she did not expect, her feelings for the youngest son, Jace, to come crashing back.

If you’re expecting a romance, that’s not quite what you’ll get here…yet. There is an undercurrent of something between Jace and Juliette, but it is merely hinted at in this book. I can’t wait to get more of these two together. I can only cross all my fingers in hopes of Lili giving them a HEA.

As for the other characters…fuck. Dornan Ross is one sick fuck. I did have a hard time understanding how easily some of the things that happened between him and Juliette happened.

Highlight to view spoiler below:
She mentions how attractive he is, yet in the same breath she says how much she hates him. I gotta admit, this was a tough one for me to swallow. Considering what she went through at the hands of this man, it’s hard to believe she can appreciate his looks.
There were a few other things that I felt were a bit off…but again, this might be something that gets explained in future books, so I will not concentrate on those.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and can’t wait for more. This was one dark, twisted, and fucked up ride. But then again, that’s how I like them. I’m a huge fan of dark and gritty, and this one is panning out to be a doozy.

If you’re worried about a cliffy, it’s not so bad. It was more of a chapter ending and ‘to be continued’ than a crazy cliffhanger, which makes it tolerable to wait for the next installment.

Pictures courtesy of author at:
**ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review**
About the Author

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Blog Tour & Giveaway: In The Firelight by Sibylla Matilde

Date of publication: December 19, 2013

** Mature Content, Sexual Situations, Adult Situations, Strong Language **

She found him on a snowy night. He sparked her desires and inflamed her dreams.

Independent and feisty, Shea Madison has a tussle on her hands. Living in and loving her quiet little corner of Montana, she’s fiercely determined to fight a real estate developer trying to turn her quaint little mountain town into a touristy ski resort. So, when an outsider shows up to study the effects on the area, she instantly attempts to sway his impression… even if it means a little harmless flirting with the enticing visitor.

Rhys Weland’s charade has one purpose—to bring the locals around to the idea of the resort, primarily the ringleader, Ms. Shea Madison. Embroiled in his deception, he’s stunned by the feelings she draws from deep inside him. Her integrity and sincerity quickly have him second-guessing his twisted morals. Her spirit arouses his soul. Her sensuality steals his breath.

In the dark of the night, in the warmth of the fire, the passion smoldering between them combusts. But just when it all seems to make sense, one small stubborn mistake shreds the fragile bond between them. Will an impetuous act reignite their flame, or will their love vanish like sparks in the air?

Buy Links:

Amazon I Amazon UK

Each blog on this tour has a teaser pic. In each one of those teaser pics there is a letter that is different. There are four pictures in total that spell a four letter word. Figure out that word and type in the answer in the Giveaway/Rafflecopter. To get a tour schedule for the day go to each day for the blog tour stops. The Prize? A signed Paperback from Sibylla Matilde herself.

4 Stars

In the short time they were together, he had found a part of himself that he didn’t even know existed.

Having never read a book by this author before, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect going into this. One thing is for damn sure, Sibylla Matilde can write one hell of a scorching sex scene. Wow. I was pleasantly surprised to enjoy this story as much as I did. While there was sex galore, it still managed to have an engaging plot that kept me interested through the whole book. Nothing better than walking into a book with zero expectations and discovering a new author to love. Plus this marks my 300th review, so it holds a special spot for me :))

Rhys Weland is a playboy, but his womanizing does serve a purpose. Working for a multi-million dollar development firm, Rhys soon finds that while he may be a talented architect, his good looks and charisma can charm the resistance and the pants of those in the way of his boss’s projects. He doesn’t really have a problem with his way of life and work, until his boss throws his latest assignment his way: Shea Madison.

Shea is the loudest voice against the firm’s plans of a resort in her small town. Rhys is used to his smile charming even the toughest females, but he gets more than he bargained for with Shea.

Shea was a feisty and foul mouthed heroine that you just can’t help but like. She puts up a good fight against Rhys, but little by little his charm begins to chip at her walls. The fiery hot attraction between them becomes harder and harder to resist.

Rhys goes from charming to a dirty talking sex beast in no time flat. And you certainly won’t be hearing this girl complaining. I do love me my sexy dirty talkers. Though I have to admit, his penchant for overusing the word “sweetheart” did drive me a little crazy.

I loved watching the attraction between them form to lust, to scorching hot sex that eventually gave way to feelings. The story was well paced and the sex scenes, while plenty, never took away from the story.

The epilogue was the perfect icing on the cake.

A solid 4 star read. If you enjoy sexy dirty talking heroes, feisty heroines, and an engaging plot filled with super hot sex, then you definitely need to read this book.

Bonus! Alternate POV

The Fire (Rhys POV)

A crackle from the fireplace pulled Rhys from a deep sleep, and he immediately had the feeling that something was missing. All around him he could smell her… smell them. But his arms were empty.

He opened his eyes to see Shea sitting on the hearth staring seriously into the flames. The deep russet tones of her hair haloed by the golden light. She had a blanket tucked up under her arms, and the warmth of the blaze glowed on her flawless skin.


She was beautiful.

She was amazing.

And she was going to hate his guts.

He leaned up slightly, bracing himself on his elbow. The sounds of his movement drew her attention, and she slowly turned her head towards him. Her teeth caught her lower lip as she gave him a troubled look. For a moment, they just were motionless, unspeaking. After all the strength she had exuded, all the bravado she had displayed, she suddenly looked fragile. She looked vulnerable.

A fierce protectiveness arose in him. But what did he want to protect her from? Himself? After all, really, he was her biggest threat. A tight twist self-reproach ripped through his chest, and gut felt heavy, like he had swallowed a stone.

This wasn’t supposed to happen. This regret was unfathomable. Unsettling.

And a little voice in the back of his mind kept whispering, Tell her…

Rhys wrapped the blanket around his hips and stood, walking over to her at the hearth. His heart pounded apprehensively. But, he knew he had to do this. He wasn’t sure why, but he had to come clean.

It was surreal, this need to confess. Never had there been the slightest inclination in the past. Not once had his conscience weighed heavily on his heart. He sat behind her on the hearth, wrapping his arms around her and burying his face in her hair, breathing deeply to take her sweet scent into his lungs. Eyes closed, he could see her coming apart beneath him. He could feel her tremble and shake, hear her soft cries as she blissfully shattered around him. As he poured himself into her with a mind-numbing release.

Tell her…

“We really need to talk,” he began.

Shea whispered back quickly. “I don’t want to.”

“Shea,” Rhys murmured against her neck, “something happened here tonight. This makes things complicated. You have no idea how complicated.” Really… God, she was going to hate him.

“No,” she continued to stare ahead, not looking at him, but resting her head more firmly on his shoulder. “This is just… this. Tonight. It’s not forever. It’s not life-altering. You’re not staying.”

Rhys frowned down at her. “Shea—”

“No, Rhys,” she turned slightly to face him. “Tonight was beautiful, but I’m a realist. I know this isn’t happily ever after. I don’t believe in fairy tales. Tomorrow, we just go back to… whatever. In a few days, you leave. It’s done. I don’t want to talk about it.”

Whatever? What the fuck? The gnawing ache inside him grew. The torment of wanting her to know the truth, but not wanting her to hate him. The desire for her to be strong and not be hurt by him, yet wanting to know that this had meant something to her… because these emotions swirling through him were bewildering. “Shea, sweetheart, there’s something more going on here.”

“But there’s not.” Her voice was soft, yet flat. Quiet. Her expression was serene and cool. “There can’t be. You know that. You’re not staying here. You’re here to do your report, and then you’ll be gone.”

That fucking report. The lie that would ruin her town. Rhys ducked his gaze.

Yeah, about that report.

“But that’s—” he murmured.

Shea’s fingers pressed against his lips, hushing his argument. “Rhys, all I want is right now. I want to sit here with you in the firelight. I want you to kiss me and to hold me.” She lowered her voice and whispered, “I want you to fuck me.”

Oh fuck.

What the fuck was wrong with him? This was tearing him to pieces. Damn, he wanted her. He’d have to be dead not to. But, while this all felt so right, everything suddenly felt so incredibly wrong. His part in all this was shit. She had let him inside her, she had trusted him and made him come so fucking hard.

But she would have never touched him had she known the truth.

He shook his head. “Shea—” he uttered through the heavy weight in his chest.

Abruptly, Shea turned and rose up before him, tossing her blanket to the floor. The warm firelight made her bare skin glow, threw shadows across her naked body. The desire became painful as he felt her hands tangle into his hair. Her vulnerability disappeared, and she was suddenly all powerful before him, eradicating the guilt and the regret and replacing them with passion and need.

“Fuck me, Rhys,” she whispered, and her lips crashed down on his. She wrapped her arms around him as her tongue darted into his mouth, sweeping across his.

His hands lifted to her hips. The slightest fragment of his mind still screamed. Tell her. But with her soft, smooth skin beneath his hands, with her warmth and her fevered kiss, she quieted the last shred of his conscience. Her hands sifted through his hair and came forward to cup his jaw, scraping her nails across the unshaven angles, and he surrendered himself to her exquisite touch with a shuddering moan.

Shea lifted her head. “Please, Rhys,” he heard her softly moan. “I ache. I burn. Don’t talk. Please… just taste me.”

Her hands sifted back through his hair, pulling lightly to guide his lips to her delicious breasts. He ravenously sucked and nipped, feeling a tremulous shiver run through her at his touch. Shea cried out as he drew deeply, massaging one breast with a rough, callused hand as he devoured the other, then switched. She was so soft, so sweet. Her skin was heavenly in his mouth. Her moans made him throb painfully with a need to lose himself again inside her.

Suddenly, she pulled away. He began to reach for her, but she slipped down to her knees before him and tugged at the blanket he had wrapped around his hips. For a second, she stared at his length, and his heart stopped as she licked her lips and smiled up at him with a heated gaze. She lowered her head and her tongue darted out to sweep along the head of his cock. Her breath caressed him before she licked again, her lips closing over the tip and suckling firmly.

Rhys was pretty sure he had found Elysium.

He watched her as her tongue started at the base and laved up his length, her hand bracing him firmly. Again, her soft, hot lips closed over him and took him to the back of her throat.

“Oh fuck, Shea…” Rhys groaned.

Fuck. Seriously, fuck.


“Your mouth…” he could barely form words. “Your hot little tongue. Oh fucking hell. That’s… Oh…”

She ran her tongue along him again, exploring the smooth, hard shaft with precision, intensely savoring the taste of him… of herself on him. She slipped her hand across her breast and down her stomach to her own sex as she drew him deep down her throat again. He watched her fingers delve into her wet depths and her moan vibrated against the head of his dick, causing him to nearly detonate right then and there.

“Oh, yeah, sweetheart… play with your pussy,” Rhys whispered.

“Do you like that?” Her breath was hot as she whispered against him, over him, around him. “Do you like when I touch myself there?”

“Jesus… fuck… fucking hot.”

Her eyes burned into his as she looked up at him. Of their own accord, his hips began to move slightly and he began to fuck her mouth as she brought herself towards blissful release. Suddenly, she was shaking, licking, moaning against him. Rhys lifted her slightly, pulling her away from his aching dick. He roughly guided her back onto the blanket and knelt before her, pulling her towards him as he spread her legs wide, displaying her glistening pussy in the firelight. A second of hesitation as his fingers swept through her slick wetness. His other hand wrapped around his cock and he tugged slightly before he aligned himself with her and pushed in to the hilt with a rushed force.

Her deep inner muscles were still contracting from her orgasm, and they tightened around him. As he pushed into her, she drew him deeper. She gripped to keep him as he withdrew.

The friction was awesome.

“Oh, you feel so good, sweetheart. So hot and wet. So tight.” Rhys reached for one of her ankles, pulling it up to his shoulder, and she compressed around him even tighter. “Fuuuuuuuck, yeah… clamp down on me,” he breathed out with short labored gasps. Their wet skin slapped together, and she began to tremble and convulse beneath him. He watched her as she came apart again, crying out and sobbing incoherently. Seeing her so free, seeing her expression soften and her eyes flicker open to look deeply into his. A fierce shudder ripped through him and he groaned. “Shea… I can’t hold it…”

For a moment, Rhys felt like his heart stopped beating, as though he was dying from the intense rush of pleasure that surged forth from him. He collapsed on top of her, still buried deep inside, still feeling the contractions of her beautiful pussy tightening around him.

He never wanted to move.


He would have sold his soul at that moment to stay right there, a part of her, forever. Shea attempted to draw a breath, and the struggle roused him enough that he lifted up above her a little, putting his weight on his elbow.

He looked down at her, at her dark lashes fanning across her cheeks. The rise and fall of her soft breasts as she relaxed, bathed in the dancing light of the fire. She was practically listless… spent.

She was heaven personified.

Little by little, the poisonous guilt crept back into his heart.

She barely responded as Rhys lifted her and the blanket and carried her back over to the couch. He tucked her along the back, pulling the soft blanket over her. Moving quickly, he placed another piece of wood on the fire and stoked the blaze a bit before he joined her, pulling her close and tugging the blanket over the top of them.

He had to tell her.

He breathed a heavy sigh and pressed his lips against her forehead. His arms tightened around her and nuzzled his face into her hair.

Tell her…

“Shea, we really should talk about this…”

“No,” she breathed sleepily against his chest. Sated and fulfilled. “It will just ruin it. Sleep… we really need to sleep,” she yawned heavily and closed her eyes as she curled into his embrace. His fingertips traced the softness of her skin, along her shoulder and down her back.

“Shea…” he murmured again.

Shea didn’t respond. She was out cold, sleeping soundly against his twisted, tortured heart.

“Fuck, Shea,” he whispered against her hair. “What am I going to do about you?”

About the Author

Sibylla Matilde grew up in the mountain valleys of Southwest Montana exploring the dusty Old West gold country on the back of a horse. She attended a two-room schoolhouse beginning in 1st grade & had the same teacher until she changed schools after 7th. Beginning at about age 12, Sibylla discovered historical romance, feeding off of work of Jude Deveraux & Lisa Kleypas. She loves a book that can make the reader run the gamut of emotions, from the sweet glow of new love to gut-wrenching heartache. She is a true romantic & always has stories floating around in her head, living in a fantasyland until she writes them down to free them.

Music is her emotional trigger. Growing up with a Wagnarian-loving mother, Sibylla was raised to treasure music that digs deep into the psyche, drawing out elation, sorrow, grief, desire. The soundtrack to her life includes many genres spanning centuries. She looooooooves Thirty Seconds to Mars (rather obsessively, actually… but, really, how can you NOT be crazy about this guy!? Jared Leto. Shhh. ) & pimps them out to all her friends through Spotify. She also delights in Met Opera HD broadcasts at her local movie theater & hopes (listening Met?) to someday see Diana Damrau reprise her role as Mozart’s Queen of the Night in Die Zauberflöte.

Sibylla lives with her husband and hero who saved her from her own calamitous, young-adult self. He makes her laugh daily, even when things are tough. He’s proved to her that love really can heal a shattered soul. In 18 years, they have never had a fight, although argue regularly with their two teenage kids who have, unfortunately, inherited their father’s quick wit (unfortunate as it is a quick wit that Sibylla, herself, definitely does not possess – there is a reason she is a writer & not a stand-up comedian). They live a quiet life with their two weird little rescued Chiweenies. Wait… teenagers & little yap-dogs? OK, maybe not so quiet.

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a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tour & Giveaway: Rebel by Skye Jordan

by Skye Jordan
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Heat Level: 4.5/5
Publisher: Cygnet Books 
Publishing Date: December 22, 2013
Series: The Renegades, #2
Format: Digital + Print coming soon
Words: 90-100k
Sassy, smart, and sexy, former supermodel-turned-tech guru Rubi Russo has it all—looks, money, confidence and freedom. Her life is a whirlwind of fast cars and fleeting affairs—and she likes it that way. With a past like Rubi’s, forever isn’t part of her vocabulary. So when studly Renegade stuntman Wes Lawson wants to take their friendship to the next level, she’s all out.

Raised a simple country-boy, Wes knows the brazen Rubi isn’t his type. But after spending time with her, he discovers she’s everything he’s ever wanted in a woman. To win her wild rebel heart, he’ll have to prove he sees behind her smokescreen to all the goodness she tries to hide. Then it’s just a matter of crushing her fears, shattering her barriers, and convincing her that loving him is everything she’s been missing in her life, too.

Piece of cake.

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SPECIAL SALE: RECKLESS (Renegades, #1) is $0.99 for a very limited time starting 12/23/13!


“Now boarding passengers for flight 5612 to Los Angeles.” A woman’s voice filled the terminal. “We invite disabled persons, military personnel in uniform, and Global Services to board now.”

Wes’s chest burned with a punch of panic. “No, no, no.”

He swiveled on his heel, searched for gate numbers, and ran down the corridor. He slowed just before the gate, scanning the area. He was breathing hard, sweating. His heart pounded quickly in his chest.

“Where are you?” he whispered, his gaze darting from person to person at the crowded gate. People were already in line to board according to group number, blocking his view.

He couldn’t find her. Fuck. His heart sank. Blood drained from his head, leaving him dizzy.

Wes pulled out his phone, hit the speed dial number for Rubi with his thumb, then watched the passengers and listened for the ring. But got nothing.

“Dammit.” Could she have anticipated Wes coming? Given Lexi the wrong airline?

He pushed a hand through his hair and walked past the gate, now searching for the restrooms. He turned in a circle, spotted them, and watched the women going in and out for a moment.

“We now invite group one to board.” The woman’s voice filled Wes’s ear.

Group one included first class. That would be Rubi.

He turned again, scanned the line. Searched the gate seating area.

Rubi turned from looking out the windows facing the tarmac as if she’d just appeared, but in reality, she’d been standing in a corner behind the airline’s customer service booth. Relief nearly took Wes to his knees. His air whooshed out of his chest, and he bent at the waist, pressing his hands to his thighs to stay upright.

He straightened and started toward her, suddenly blank on what he wanted, needed, to say. How he’d missed her, he couldn’t begin to understand. She wore a deep red dress with a large abstract pattern of chocolate and black spread over the arm and the opposite side of the skirt. The dress was long sleeved but low cut in the front, and the material clung to her every perfect inch. Her spiked heels were black. She wore her silver bangles, a long silver necklace, and several silver rings. Her hair was wound into a pretty knot at her neck, secured with a silver clip, and dark, wavy tendrils framed her gorgeous face.

She sat in a chair at the end of the row and pulled a piece of paper from her purse, then studied it. Wes approached, but Rubi didn’t look up. He dropped both hands on the arms of the seat and used them to lower himself to his knees in front of her.

Rubi gasped and sat back. When her bright eyes met his, a frown of annoyance marred her face, but her eyes were red, puffy, her cheeks still damp with tears. The sight sucked the air from his chest.

“Baby…” was all he managed through the relief, the regret.

“What…?” she started, her frown vanishing. “How…?” Her mouth closed, eyes narrowed. “Lexi. Damn her. She promised.”

“It’s my fault. I didn’t give her a choice. You know how impossible I can be.”

“Yes, I do.” She sat back, putting room between them. “Look, this was a whim, and coming was a mistake. I seem to be making a lot of them lately. Let’s just forget this happened. Forget the last week happened. We’ll go back to being friends. You go back to…whatever you were doing. But I have to go now.”

She sat forward, but Wes didn’t move. “I know you saw me with Melissa, and—”

“I did. She’s way more your type. I get it. It’s fine. A relief, really. We’re all good. Let me get on the plane, Wes. They’re boarding—”

He leaned in and shut her up with his mouth.

Her lips were tight, unyielding. She pushed him back on the chest, eyes blazing. “Don’t even.” She kept her voice to a whispered growl. “I’m not going to play games with you. I won’t share, and I won’t ever settle for being second in a man’s life. I’ve lived that way too long. And I know for a fact that I’m better off alone.”

“Now boarding group number two on United Airlines flight 5612 to Los Angeles. Group two.”

She pushed to her feet, but Wes grabbed her arms and pulled her back down.

“Goddammit,” she rasped. “Don’t make me throw a fit here.”

“Melissa and I dated for a long time back in high school and college.” He let the words spill out. “She kissed me, I told her I was seeing someone, and she apologized. That’s it. That’s all there was to it.”

“It doesn’t matter. I shouldn’t have come. I realized this was a mistake the moment I hit thirty-thousand feet. But I had forward momentum, so I kept going. Seeing you and Melissa just confirmed this was wrong. Just made me realize we shouldn’t be trying to force something that isn’t, I don’t know, natural. Meant to be. We need to let it go, Wes.”

Panic flared in his veins, and determination settled in. “No way.” The sound came out more menacing than he’d intended, but he felt her slipping, and he was holding on tight. “You made plane reservations. You found someone to take care of Rodie. You drove over an hour to the airport. Got on a plane. Rented a car. Drove all the fucking way to my parents’ house in a place you’ve never been before, then drove back to the VA. You are not making me believe this is a goddamned whim. If you want to go home, go. But you’re going to admit I matter to you before you get on that fucking plane.”

About the Author

Sometimes fun, sometimes naughty. Always romantic.

I am a NY Times and USA Today Bestselling Author writing under the pseudonym Skye Jordan for my more … sexually heated … works.

My Skye Jordan novels are all about enjoying that little wild streak we all have, but probably don’t let out often enough. About those fantasies we usually don’t get the opportunity to indulge. About stretching limits, checking out the dark side, playing naughty and maybe even acting a little wicked. They’re about escape and fun and pleasure and romance.

And, yes, even love. Because even as Skye Jordan I’m just a happily ever after kinda gal. (Or, in some cases, happily for the foreseeable future.)

Author’s Social Links


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Additional Upcoming Events:

  • Facebook Event: Wednesday, January 8
  • Twitter Event: Thursday, January 9; 8–9pm EST

ARC Review: Fighting Love by Abbi Niles

After the MMA scandal of the year, former Middleweight champion Tommy “Lightning” Sparks’s career is in shambles. While he fights to get back on his feet, he’s forced to swallow his pride and move in with his best friend, Julie. But righting his own wrongs won’t be his only battle. Another fighter has his sights set on Julie, and for the first time Tommy’s place in her life is threatened.

Julie Rogers fell for Tommy the day he helped her find her lost puppy at ten years old. As a thirty-two-year-old veterinarian, she still has her love for animals—and for Tommy. Over the years, she’s come to accept that Tommy will never look at her with anything other than brotherly love. After he moves in, the feelings she’s kept locked away threaten to burst through their restraints.

Terrified of losing their friendship, Julie resolves to date another fighter and let go of Tommy. But as she beings to move on, Tommy starts to see her with new eyes. Now, he’s more determined to than ever to emerge the victor and become the man she deserves, before he loses the only woman who means everything to him.

4 stars

It takes losing everything you have to realize what meant the most.

I’m pretty sure whenever I see the words MMA fighter, my slutty little one-clicker starts moaning like she’s at a porn convention and screaming at me

So what’s a girl to do? Give in of course!

Like you don’t have your own trigger words. Psh! This one just happens to be mine. Nothing I like better than a hot MMA fighter. Throw in the best friends to lovers trope and I am one happy girl.
So did I love this one? Meh…not quite. I did like it. But there were just a few things that kept this from being a 4 star for me.

Tommy “Lightning” Sparks has lost it all; his Middleweight champion title along with his professional MMA career. He has no one to blame but himself, and he knows this. But then his house along with all he owns goes up in flames. Luckily his best friend Julie is there for him and offers a place to live for the time being.

Julie Rogers has been in love with Tommy since she was 10 years old. But she knows that nothing will ever come of those feelings, since all Tommy sees her as is a sister. Their lives are too different, but that doesn’t stop her from still having feelings for him.

But when they’re living together, all of a sudden Tommy starts to see that he might see Julie as something other than his best friend.

No matter how hard either of them fought this attraction, and even if they succeeded, their relationship had changed forever.
The only question was…would they still be together in the end? Or would they both spend forever apart…and alone?

Now here is where the story got a whole lot frustrating for me. Tommy realizes that he has feelings for Julie, but he fights it. What begins is a lot of ‘I want you’ but ‘I’m not good enough for you’. Followed by a bunch of sexual tension and no follow through. Add in Tommy’s penchant of running away from any sort of conversation about this, and I was at my wit’s end.

I mean good god! The man frustrated me to no end. He made a whole bunch of assumptions that were pretty much always wrong. I forgot at a point that I was reading a book about 2 characters in their 30s. The way both of them behaved at times made me feel like I was reading a NA book.

That’s not to say that I didn’t like Julie, because I did. When she was sick of Tommy running from her and his feelings, she did not take it sitting down. The girl was all

And seduced the hell out of him. I liked that while she was down to earth and had a backbone. She was the perfect match to Tommy.

So while I didn’t love it, I did enjoy it. The ending was very satisfying and I loved the way that Tommy fought for Julie. And the speech he made at the end may or may not have brought a tear to my eye :)[His speech in the end almost brought a tear to my eye. (hide spoiler)]

**ARC courtesy of publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review**

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Beck by Harper Sloan


**Warning** This book is intended for a mature reading**


I’ve always been good at wearing masks. Not letting anyone see the real me. I’m content being the happy-go-lucky best friend. The strong willed boss. The independent woman who doesn’t need a man.

But the truth is I’m just as broken as the rest of you. I’m terrified that all it will take is one person to make all my carefully constructed walls crumble into fine dust. So I guard my heart with everything I have. Determined to never let anyone get close enough to hurt me again.

All is perfect until HE walks into my life. No… he doesn’t just walk. He struts his good-looking, sex-oozing self-right into my space and demands that I see HIM. Making me want what I know I can’t have.

So I did the only thing I know how to do.
I run.

But he just won’t let me go.


The second I see her, I know she will be mine. I see past the gorgeous smiles and heart-stopping laughter. I see HER. She doesn’t want me to know her secrets or the past that haunts her, but I make it my mission to find out.

To make her mine.

She can run all she wants, but it will never be far enough to stop me from coming after her.

She’s it for me and she knows it.

She’s just too scared to admit it.

**NO cliffhanger, HEA, inter-connected standalones**

5 Stars

Just because you let someone in doesn’t men you have to stop protecting yourself. It just means you have someone to share the job with.

It took me a while after finishing this book to write my review. Why, you ask? Because I truly wasn’t sure how to put into words what I just experienced without giving anything away. While I really enjoyed the first 2 books, it is quite obvious that Harper Sloan has truly come into her own with this one. This book is really in a class of it’s own.
I wasn’t sure if I’d enjoy this one considering I wasn’t exactly Dee’s biggest fan. Her constant back and forth with Beck was not appealing to me in the least. And I expected this book to be a whole lot of angst and emotional games from Dee and Beck. Well, my friends, I’m sure that Harper is sitting back and thinking

Because I am well and truly eating my words. This book was nothing what I expected. It was so so SO much more. Emotionally charged, gut wrenching, erotic, beautiful; those are just some of the words that come to mind.

I did not anticipate liking Dee. The first 30% of this book I was almost ready to reach through my kindle and throttle her. She had the perfect man that loved her, and what does she do? Push him away. Constantly. I was expecting a whole book filled with this, and I was ready to scream. But then everything took a dramatic turn. More and more details about Dee’s past would come to light and I found myself understanding her more and more, and dare I say even liking her.

Expecting a two dimensional and shallow character, Dee really caught me by surprise. Her scars run deep, and painful would be an understatement to describe my reaction in finding them out. I found myself tearing up at every turn. She turned out to be so much more. Harper Sloan managed to take a character and write her with such an incredibly emotional punch, it truly caught me off guard. I loved it.
Now as for Beck, I can’t even begin to describe all the ways that was the perfection of him. I adored him. I was not expecting him to be as amazing as he was. But boy, was he.

The man was total perfection. He was understanding, sweet, and deliciously possessive.

And don’t even get me started on his other appealing features.

He was a beast in the sack. I’m talking furniture breaking, clothes ripping, never ending orgasms BEAST. GAH! Perfection!
So there I am, devouring and enjoying the hell out of this book when BAM! The 86% mark happened.

Holy fucking shit! I was flabbergasted. I was ruined. Shocked. Gutted.

Without giving anything away, I will tell you this. That was the absolute LAST thing I was expecting. It caught me completely unawares. I have never cried so much during a book before. I was a slobbering emotional mess.
So, to say it all in a gif, this book

Unforgettable. Any book that brings out the range of emotions that this book brought out in me deserves nothing less of 5 incredible stars.
Fans of the Corps series will love this one. And even if you did not enjoy the first 2 books, this one is a must read. It is in a grade of its own. I’m still getting over it.

**ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review**

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About The Author

Harper lives in small town Georgia just a short drive from her hometown of Peachtree City. She (and her 3 daughters) enjoy ruling the house they dubbed ‘Estrogen Ocean’, much to her husband’s chagrin. Harper has a borderline unhealthy obsession with books; you can almost ALWAYS find her with her ereader attached. As an ex-reviewer and blogger, Harper’s passion for reading runs deep. It wasn’t until ‘Axel’ decided to take up residence that she realized her true calling.

She started using writing as a way to unwind when the house went to sleep at night; and with a house full of crazy it was the perfect way to just relax. It didn’t take long before a head full of very demanding alphas would stop at nothing to have their story told.

Author’s Social Links
Instagram: @harper_sloan


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ARC Review: Rebel by Skye Jordan

Sassy, smart, and sexy, former supermodel-turned-tech guru Rubi Russo has it all—looks, money, confidence and freedom. Her life is a whirlwind of fast cars and fleeting affairs—and she likes it that way. With a past like Rubi’s, forever isn’t part of her vocabulary. So when studly Renegade stuntman Wes Lawson wants to take their friendship to the next level, she’s all out.

Raised a simple country-boy, Wes knows the brazen Rubi isn’t his type. But after spending time with her, he discovers she’s everything he’s ever wanted in a woman. To win her wild rebel heart, he’ll have to prove he sees behind her smokescreen to all the goodness she tries to hide. Then it’s just a matter of crushing her fears, shattering her barriers, and convincing her that loving him is everything she’s been missing in her life, too.

Piece of cake.

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4.5 I’m craving chocolate ice cream stars

She was in deep, deep trouble. Because she wanted him more than she wanted to turn him away.

What can I tell you about this series aside from Skye Jordan is the queen of steam. Holy hell but the woman can write one hell of a sex scene. I thought book one was hot, but let me tell you; this book? SCORCHING

I wasn’t sure how I felt about Rubi and Wes after the last book. Wes is a Southern good ole boy that likes his girls sweet, and Rubi is the furthest thing from sweet or demure as you can get. Yet somehow, they worked. Not only that, but I fell in complete and utter lust with Wes. The man was just everything with sprinkles on top. I just want to lick him. Everywhere. Is that so wrong? But I digress.

Wes and Rubi have a scorching undercurrent of attraction running between them. Rubi is determined to keep them in the friendship zone since she knows she’s not capable of a relationship. With a childhood like hers, I can’t say I blame her. In short?

But Wes is determined to pour even more gasoline on their already flaming attraction. So knowing that it’s inevitable for them to finally give into to it, Rubi comes up with a plan; friends with benefits.

Now many of you may be wandering

Well if the health insurance he provides her with comes in the form of his perfect cock…then sure…let’s call it that.

This book had one of the HOTTEST scenes I have ever read in a book this year. I will never again be able to look at chocolate ice cream without getting a hot flash ever again.

Seriously Wes, my lady boner is in full salute to your utter sexy deliciousness.

You may be a nice southern boy but you’re a rebel deep down. Ha! See what I did there?

But I digress again.

Where was I?

Ah yes.


Did it work? No? Damn!

And back to business.

While Wes was utter perfection, Rubi had a moment…or 2…or 3…OK a few, where I wanted to punch her in the ovaries for being so stupid. Her back and forth of running away from her feelings for Wes did grate with me quite a bit. While I understand why she was the way she was, it was hard to accept it with how perfect Wes was.

Other than that, I really enjoyed the second installment of this series. It seems to just be getting hotter and hotter with each book. We get to catch up with Jax and Lexi and see where they are in their life, which was nice. And Rubi did redeem herself at the end, even if it was at the very end. But ultimately, Wes just made this book for me. I loved the hell out of him.

I can’t wait to see what Skye Jordan has up her sleeve next and which yummy Renegade we can look forward to. Hopefully the heroine will be Rachel. I really enjoyed her quirkiness in this book.

**ARC courtesy of publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review**

Review: Reaver by Larissa Ione



Reaver is an angel with a past, a record, and a less-than-heavenly attitude. Powerful enough to fight alongside the fiercest battle angels-and crazy enough to risk his wings on a one-way mission to hell-he’s agreed to go where no angel has ever gone before…to steal the most seductive and dangerous prize of Satan himself.


Harvester is one of the Fallen, a once-heroic angel who sacrificed her wings to work as an undercover agent in hell. But now her cover has been blown, and she’s been doomed to an eternity of agonizing torture. Even if Reaver can snatch her away from Satan’s lair, even if they can fight their way out of the underworld’s darkest depths, there is one thing Harvester can never escape-her newfound thirst for an angel’s blood…

Their relationship had been five thousand years in the making, and he wasn’t about to let it go, now or later.

Their relationship had been five thousand years in the making, and he wasn’t about to let it go, now or later.

He’d hated her for so long, desired her at the same time, and it was time to stop the game of Ping-Pong they were both playing with their emotions.


Now that, my friends, is how you write a scorching hot PNR book.

I have been waiting for this book since we first met both Reaver and Harvester. Which each new LoD book I got more and more interested in their story. Then after the way the last book ended, I was pretty sure I would die if I didn’t get my greedy little hands on this book and soon. So let’s just say when this finally went live on Amazon
I was a tiny bit excited.

Although the LoD series wasn’t a favorite of mine by Ione, I still thoroughly enjoyed each book. I love getting more of the Sem brothers and the rest of the old and new amazing side characters that are always present in her books. But let me just say that this book blew the entire series out of the water. I LOVED IT.

The one thing that I truly love about Ione’s books is her side characters never take away from the main story, they merely make it that much better. And that is no small feat.

She is also the queen of building some of the most combustible sexual tension between the H/h.

I don’t think there was one thing about this book that I didn’t love. Non-stop action, incredible world building, scorching hot chemistry, so many twists and turns your head will spin, and a story that sucks you in from the first page are just a few of the things you can expect here.

I don’t want to give anything away, so that is all you’ll be getting from me. If you have not read the rest of the books in this series, I strongly recommend reading them before this one. While Larissa does a great job retelling their story through the series without being redundant, I think it will just not be the same without the other books.

My absolute favorite in the series.

Then there was the set up for the next book. Holeeee shit. Are you kidding me? Now to have to wait until late winter of 2014 for it? I think I just died inside. But damn! I can’t wait.

This is a book that is not to be missed. Fans of Larissa Ione will be reminded exactly why they are such big fans. And if you haven’t read this author yet, I suggest you get click happy.

Just awesome!

Blog Tour & Giveaway: My Masters’ Nightmare by Marita A. Hansen

I didn’t see it coming, didn’t realize how different everything would be within the space of a month. I would fall in love with one man, I would kill another, and I would lose my body, my mind, my soul – my freedom to them. I was an operative, a strong woman, someone sent in to save others, but under these two men I became weak – or pretended to be. I didn’t like being weak, it angered me. If I had free rein I could cut my masters in two. But I wasn’t there for pride, I was there to free those women and to take down the two men who sold them as sex slaves.

Those men needed to be punished

And I would do it

No matter the cost

Or how much I lost

Because I am Rita Kovak

#Dark Erotica
Please note: Like a television series, this book series is broken up into seasons and episodes. Each episode is approximately 20,000 words long, with a new one coming out on average every three weeks until the first season has ended. There will be fifteen episodes per season. The character on the cover will change after five episodes.


“I walked into the hotel bar knowing there was a strong chance that I would be drugged and kidnapped by the end of the night. Which was exactly why I was there.” Rita Kovak

“I now own your body, your mind, your soul,” he whispered. “You are mine to do as I please. I’m your master, your god, your nightmare…” Jagger D’Angelo speaking.

Sneering, he ran a hand over his chest, abs, and cock, cupping his balls. “You want me, we both know it; so you use any excuse to touch my body.” Frano D’Angelo speaking

Meet the Cast


Meet the Author

NATIONALITY AND CULTURAL CONNECTIONS: I’m a true blue Aucklander, born and bred in New Zealand. I tend to write about cultures I have connections to, such as Croatian and Maori. I would love to visit Croatia again as I have family there. However, in My Masters’ Nightmare, I have started writing about Italians . My husband is part Italian and I also have a degree in Italian.
SPORTS: As a teen my favorite sports were karate, badminton, and running. I also did unarmed combat and played in a touch rugby team (my gym teacher made me do the last one!) Now, I stick to coaching soccer and running. I have completed two marathons, numerous half-marathons and one 30K run.

CAREER PATH: I started off as a Graphic Designer, then went to Auckland University, where I got a BA degree in Art History and Italian Studies and a post-graduate Honors degree in Art History. I worked in the Art History field, then became a full-time artist, doing commissions. I eventually lost all of my senses and gave it up to be a poor, starving writer, smh.
FAVORITE FOODS: I’m vegetarian. I love pasta based foods, tofu, chocolate mousse and golden queen peaches.

BAD HABITS: I’m a major procrastinator that can’t seem to earn money to save myself!

STATUS: Married to my high school sweetheart (which he hates me calling him). We have two kids.

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