After the MMA scandal of the year, former Middleweight champion Tommy “Lightning” Sparks’s career is in shambles. While he fights to get back on his feet, he’s forced to swallow his pride and move in with his best friend, Julie. But righting his own wrongs won’t be his only battle. Another fighter has his sights set on Julie, and for the first time Tommy’s place in her life is threatened.
Julie Rogers fell for Tommy the day he helped her find her lost puppy at ten years old. As a thirty-two-year-old veterinarian, she still has her love for animals—and for Tommy. Over the years, she’s come to accept that Tommy will never look at her with anything other than brotherly love. After he moves in, the feelings she’s kept locked away threaten to burst through their restraints.
Terrified of losing their friendship, Julie resolves to date another fighter and let go of Tommy. But as she beings to move on, Tommy starts to see her with new eyes. Now, he’s more determined to than ever to emerge the victor and become the man she deserves, before he loses the only woman who means everything to him.

I’m pretty sure whenever I see the words MMA fighter, my slutty little one-clicker starts moaning like she’s at a porn convention and screaming at me

So what’s a girl to do? Give in of course!

Like you don’t have your own trigger words. Psh! This one just happens to be mine. Nothing I like better than a hot MMA fighter. Throw in the best friends to lovers trope and I am one happy girl.
So did I love this one? Meh…not quite. I did like it. But there were just a few things that kept this from being a 4 star for me.

Tommy “Lightning” Sparks has lost it all; his Middleweight champion title along with his professional MMA career. He has no one to blame but himself, and he knows this. But then his house along with all he owns goes up in flames. Luckily his best friend Julie is there for him and offers a place to live for the time being.
Julie Rogers has been in love with Tommy since she was 10 years old. But she knows that nothing will ever come of those feelings, since all Tommy sees her as is a sister. Their lives are too different, but that doesn’t stop her from still having feelings for him.
But when they’re living together, all of a sudden Tommy starts to see that he might see Julie as something other than his best friend.
No matter how hard either of them fought this attraction, and even if they succeeded, their relationship had changed forever.
The only question was…would they still be together in the end? Or would they both spend forever apart…and alone?
Now here is where the story got a whole lot frustrating for me. Tommy realizes that he has feelings for Julie, but he fights it. What begins is a lot of ‘I want you’ but ‘I’m not good enough for you’. Followed by a bunch of sexual tension and no follow through. Add in Tommy’s penchant of running away from any sort of conversation about this, and I was at my wit’s end.

I mean good god! The man frustrated me to no end. He made a whole bunch of assumptions that were pretty much always wrong. I forgot at a point that I was reading a book about 2 characters in their 30s. The way both of them behaved at times made me feel like I was reading a NA book.
That’s not to say that I didn’t like Julie, because I did. When she was sick of Tommy running from her and his feelings, she did not take it sitting down. The girl was all

And seduced the hell out of him. I liked that while she was down to earth and had a backbone. She was the perfect match to Tommy.
So while I didn’t love it, I did enjoy it. The ending was very satisfying and I loved the way that Tommy fought for Julie. And the speech he made at the end may or may not have brought a tear to my eye :)[His speech in the end almost brought a tear to my eye. (hide spoiler)]
**ARC courtesy of publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review**
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