ARC Review: Drowning in Rapture by Megan D. Martin

I didn’t plan to become a stripper who performs live sex shows. 
But that’s what happened. It’s what I do, and I’m good at it. 

I was going to go on and do something with my life. I was going to be something more than just a piece of ass.
But that’s not how it worked it out. 

Men don’t control me. Not anymore. Not until my best friend left and hecame into my life.

I don’t want lose myself and drown in another man. But I’m afraid it’s already too late.

**This book is intended for mature audiences only due to graphic depictions of sex and bad language.
Buy it on Amazon

4 Holy shit that was hot Stars

Sometimes you have to do bad things to get what you want.

First, let’s have a moment of silence for my poor ovaries, please. They put up a good fight, but somewhere around the 16% they spontaneously cumbusted.

Needless to say this book was HOT. But I think you already got that, so let’s move on.

That poor vibrating and over-caffeinated pussy in the gif? That would be me, because I stayed up until the butt crack of dawn to finish this book. So let me warn you now, this is one of those books you will want to finish in one sitting. Which is exactly what I did…only to have it end with a cliffy. Now I’m not going to lie, there was bitching, cussing, and maybe even some crying involved when I realized that I will have to wait until Fall of 2014 to get the second book. Was the cliffhanger bad? Not as bad as some of the others I’ve read, but still I feel it fair to warn you.

Julia/Jewel is not your typical heroine. She’s no blushing, virginal ingenue. She’s a stripper that performs life sex shows for money, swears like a sailor, has fake boobs, and is the type to revenge fuck her ex-boyfriend’s best friend. She doesn’t really have much qualms in admitting she’s only good at two things; shaking her ass and fucking.

But when her best friend and partner in the live shows leaves for New York for a new job, Jewel is left to dance by herself. Until her manager partners her up with him…the man only knows as The Ripper.

I don’t want to give anything away, so I won’t give you much more detail than that. You really need to read it to experience it for yourself. What I can tell you is that the sexual chemistry between Jewel and The Ripper was utterly explosive. Their first performance together

I was sucked in. The mystery behind who Cole “The Ripper” was, why he acted the way he did, and knew the things that he did kept me turning the pages well into the night. I just had to know. Of course the smoking hot sex scenes didn’t hurt.

But here is where I am a whole lot conflicted in my rating. When we finally find out the truth about Cole…

I had a hard time connecting with it. Now I may be completely on my own here, but it came off almost creepy and stalkerish to me. Not sexy. Then for him to (view spoiler)[throw out the I Love You card (hide spoiler)] when he did…I don’t even know how I felt about that. It was like he went from one extreme to the other, and it threw me off.

That being said, as conflicted as I was with the ending, it didn’t manage to take away from my enjoyment of the book. I still enjoyed it thoroughly.

My only BIG problem? THE WAIT UNTIL BOOK 2! Fall? Really?!

***ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review***

Review: Rough Canvas by Joey W. Hill


When his father dies, Thomas is forced to abandon a burgeoning art career in New York. As difficult as it was to give up his lifelong dream, it’s nothing next to walking away from the man he loves.

Marcus taught him to embrace who he is, a sexual submissive who responds to the touch of only one Master.

But why would the sophisticated Marcus need some farm kid from the South?

Then Marcus shows up and offers him a way to continue his art career and help his family.

There’s only one hitch-he asks Thomas to spend a week with him in the Berkshires. Thomas knows he should refuse.

But he’s never been able to say no to his Master.

No matter what happens, I can tell you this. I will always love you. No matter what you feel you need to be, where you need to go, I’ll always know you’re mine. I understand that now.

How do you go about reviewing a book that touched you on such an emotional level, you’re still trying to work through it?


Hands down one of THE best MM Romances I have had the pleasure of reading to date

In a word…


Having read a few books by Joey Hill in the past, I knew going into this to expect a book that was as intense as it was well written. What I truly was not expecting was the range of emotions that this story would bring out in me.

Joey took 2 characters and painted an emotionally gripping story that will keep you reading from beginning to end completely unable to set it down.

I fell in love with Marcus in Holding The Cards. I couldn’t get enough of him; the dry wit, the potent sexuality, everything about him…just GAH

Thomas was by far one of the most endearing characters I’ve read. The way that he came off both strong and vulnerable is no small feat for an author to show.

I’m in complete awe of this book. No amount of words from me will ever do it justice. I can sit here and regurgitate the plot for you, but I won’t. I can sit here and attempt to write a lengthy review that this book deserves, but I won’t. Because this is a book that you need to experience for yourself to even begin to come close to understand why I felt about it the way that I did.

When I’ve come inside you, lain on you, felt you tremble, felt that silence between us that has everything…you don’t think God is there? If there is a God, I’ve felt It then, and I know you have too.

I was a highlight slut through the whole book. There is not one chapter that I didn’t highlight in this book. Not.A.One.

I knew that when I finally got Marcus’s full past it would break my heart. And my GOD. It did and then some. I was an emotional, hysterically sobbing mess for a large part of the book (mainly the last 15%).

Sometimes when you lose everything, the last thing you want to do is remember. And telling is remembering.

This is no light read, and it’s certainly not for the faint of heart or those never having read BDSM before. What it is, is a poignant, emotional, brilliantly written love story between 2 people that that are broken in their own way but learn to heal one another. Just beautiful.

All I can tell you is read it, read it, READ it.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to deal with what will most likely be a book hangover from hell after finishing this. And I thank you

Review: Temporarily Yours

This soldier’s the perfect hoax…if she doesn’t fall for him first.

Stats whiz Kayla Moriarity knows her way around numbers and algorithms. Men, on the other hand, are unsolvable equations. Now Kayla’s en route to her sister’s wedding—alone and without the fictional boyfriend she invented for her family. Fortunately, her plane comes complete with complimentary cocktails and a ridiculously hot ex-marine in the seat beside her. And that’s all it takes for Kayla’s inhibitions to go sailing out the airlock…

Cooper Shillings has soft spot for people in trouble, but he certainly wasn’t expecting to land in it himself—and definitely not while getting naughty mid-air with a sexy southern belle. When he hears Kayla’s predicament, however, he offers his services as a stand-in boyfriend. After all, he’s heading overseas soon…and how could he refuse a little no-strings wickedness?

It’s the perfect plan. And all Kayla has to do is ensure her family falls for the ultimate bluff, without falling for it—and Cooper—in the process…

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She might think this was the end of their time together, but if he had anything to say about it… it was only the beginning.

It’s not secret that I’m a total Brazen junky. Whenever I need a fix for something sexy and steamy, they’re my go to books. Add into that me being a fan of Diane Alberts, and I just had to snatch this up. Did I like it? Sure. I got my fix. But I was still left feeling like I wanted more. Guess I’m a greedy hussy that way.

This was a quick and sexy little read about 2 people that meet on a flight, have a scorching affair that shockingly leaves them both feeling like they need more even when neither one was looking for it.

Kayla Moriarity is an actuary that can recite the percentage and probability of something happening at the drop of a hat. Sitting at the airport waiting for her plane to take her to see her family for her sister’s wedding, she can’t help but feel a little unease. Because while Kayla may be a wiz with numbers, she happens to have 2 teensy weensy little problems; she lied to her family about having a boyfriend so they would get off her back about settling down and she’s deathly afraid of flying.

Just a tad.

Cooper Shillings is an ex marine that is adjusting to life after leaving the service due to an event that marked him. Feeling a bit off himself, especially since he’s question the new job offer he accepted, he’s not looking for permanence himself.

When he spots the beautiful brunette and strikes up a conversation they both may find the answer to their problems. So what happens?

Some mile high action. Some car action. Some hotel action. In short?

I’m not complaining, trust me. It was hot and Cooper definitely didn’t disappoint in the dirty talk department.

They get to slake their lust, and Kayla gets a temporary boyfriend to appease her family. It’s a win win right? Until feelings get involved…

This was too quick paced for me. I’m not big on the H/h getting together so quickly after meeting. I want to feel the sexual tension, that burn. When it happens too quickly, I find that my interest tends to wane and it was no exception with this one. While it is a novella length and could have easily been a one-sitting read, it took me over 2 days to finish. I kept getting bored and putting it back down. I never really grew invested in the story or the characters.

So in short, this was a cute and sexy read, just not anything I would really go back to.


ARC Review: Marine for Hire by Tawna Fenske

She thought she’d sworn off military men for good…

Sam Kercher is every inch a wickedly hot Marine. Tall. Sexy. Lethal. When his best friends call in a favor, Sam is forced to face an entirely new line of duty—playing nanny for their newly divorced sister and her squirming seven-month-old twin boys. If Sam can dissemble an M16 in his sleep, diaper duty should be a cakewalk…right?

Unfortunately, Operation Nanny isn’t quite that simple. Sheridan has sworn off overbearing military men, so Sam must protect her from her dirtbag ex without revealing just how much he has in common with her brothers. Or that he’s been ordered not to touch her. Ever. Problem is, Sheri’s one hell of a gorgeous woman, capable of making this hard-bodied marine even harder. And Sam wants her bad.

Protect the girl. Care for the babies. Hide his identity. And keep his handsoff. But even the most disciplined Marine has weaknesses…and Sheridan is one Sam might not be able to resist.

3.5 Fun and Sexy Stars

Ladies, meet Sam Kercher

A rough, rugged, handsome Marine…
and manny?
Yep, you read that right. A sexy marine manny is what you’ll be getting here.(That’s a male nanny, if you’re not familiar)

Tawna Fenske is a new to me author, and after reading this book, she is going straight to my authors to look out for list. I was in the mood for something a little sexy and cute and this definitely delivered. The entire time I was reading it was like a Romantic Comedy was playing in my head, and I loved that. This book had everything, great characters, sexy marines, funny best friends, laugh out loud moments, and steam steam STEAM!

One of my favorite parts was the banter between Sheridan and her best friend Kelli. I was giggling like an idiot through most of their conversations.

Sheridan is recently divorced after her douchebag of a husband cheated on her with a stripper.

And I’m especially glad your douchebag ex is gone.” She frowned. “Was that too insensitive?”
“Please. I spent three years married to Captain Insensitive. At this point you could tell me to go fuck myself and I’d feel giddy someone’s talking dirty to me.

Being a mommy of twins isn’t easy. So when her brother Mac offers to help her find a nanny, she’s quick to agree. Struggling with being a working mom, Sheridan fears that she’s not quite up to par as the other “normal moms”. What if the nanny ends up being better with her kids than she is?

What if they love the nanny more?”
“Impossible. You’ve got great tits.”
“Thank you. Exactly what every woman wants to be appreciated for.”
“You know what I mean. For-uh-nursing and stuff. Not that your nanny won’t have tits, but yours are dinner. You win.

So the last thing she expects when the nanny shows up is that there are no tits, but a great set of pecs. And the body and face to be attached to it is sexy as hell. Can’t say I blame you, Sheridan. The more I read about Sam, the more my libido would go

Sam has been attracted to the gorgeous brunette ever since he first stumbled into her at a party years ago. He’s not surprised she doesn’t remember him from back then. But the attraction between them now is certainly simmering.

Are you trying to drive me insane, or do you genuinely want me to throw you across this table and fuck you ’till neither of us can stand?”.

Hmm..let me think on that for a minute, Sam.

I appreciated the slow build that the author gave to their attraction. I’m glad that they didn’t jump into bed together right away. Rather the sexual tension was built to the point of boiling and when it finally did happen? Well damn. No complaints from this girl.

There were many laugh out loud moments, particularly a part when Sam has to change one of the twins but doesn’t have diapers. There was even a little suspense thrown into the mix with Sheridan’s ex harassing her.

This was an entertaining read, though nothing I would see myself going back to. I did enjoy it, but there were some parts that had my interest waning a bit.

The set up for Mac’s book already has me sold. I’m already hoping that it will be Kelli that brings this sexy and mysterious Marine to his knees. I’m definitely looking forward to all future books from this author. And if you’re looking for a fun and sexy read, you really can’t go wrong with this one.

**ARC courtesy of publisher in exchange for an honest review**

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Deeper by Robin York

In this New Adult debut by Robin York, a college student is attacked online and must restore her name—and stay clear of a guy who’s wrong for her, but feels so right.
When Caroline Piasecki’s ex-boyfriend posts their sex pictures on the Internet, it destroys her reputation as a nice college girl. Suddenly her once-promising future doesn’t look so bright. Caroline tries to make the pictures disappear, hoping time will bury her shame. Then a guy she barely knows rises to her defense and punches her ex to the ground.
West Leavitt is the last person Caroline needs in her life. Everyone knows he’s shady. Still, Caroline is drawn to his confidence and swagger—even after promising her dad she’ll keep her distance. On late, sleepless nights, Caroline starts wandering into the bakery where West works.
They hang out, they talk, they listen. Though Caroline and West tell each other they’re “just friends,” their feelings intensify until it becomes impossible to pretend. The more complicated her relationship with West gets, the harder Caroline has to struggle to discover what she wants for herself—and the easier it becomes to find the courage she needs to fight back against the people who would judge her.
When all seems lost, sometimes the only place to go is deeper.

Advance praise for DEEPER:
“The perfect new adult story . . . West will make you swoon!”New York Times bestselling author Monica Murphy
“Beautifully written and full of swoony tender moments, toe-curling chemistry, and delicious, twisty angst . . . Stop whatever you’re doing and read this book.”—Christina Lauren, author of the Beautiful Bastard series


5 Deep Stars
I want you, and I don’t know how to stop wanting you. I want to get deep inside you, and then deeper, until I’m so deep I don’t even know what’s me anymore and what’s you.

I have been on a long and well deserved hiatus from the NA genre. While there’s been a handful of NA books that I had absolutely loved, recently most NA books I’ve read had been filled with overdone drama, unnecessary angst, and a giant headache at the end of it for me. But when I saw that Ruthie Knox plans on releasing a NA novel under the pen name of Robin York, I didn’t even bother reading the synopsis. I jumped on the chance to read this. And you know what?

Caroline Piasecki is a good girl. She has her life organized, planned…ordinary. Until the day that everything changes, when her plain and ordinary life gets shattered all with one click on the internet. She knew she shouldn’t have let her boyfriend take those intimate pictures, but she loved him, she trusted him. The last thing she expects when she breaks up with him is for those very pictures to appear on the internet.

How does a young woman in college with her entire life ahead of her deal with this incredible breach of trust and intimacy? She becomes a shell of herself. How can you even sleep when all you hear when you close your eyes are the vulgar words of all the strange men that have seen you at your most vulnerable?

West Leavitt is a bad boy. He’s not afraid to throw a punch, he deals weed, and his past and family are not exactly picture card perfect. But yet something draws these two broken people together. Although they each have every reason to stay away from each other, they find that they’re the only ones that bring comfort to one another. But what happens when something you want is not something you need or can have?

This book is slow paced, and it might be off putting to some. I for one devoured every word. I absolutely adored the writing style and the fact that it was written in dual POVs

You know when you pick up a book and start reading, and all of a sudden the words blur on the page and simply become a film that is continuously streaming through your mind? Well Deeper was that book for me.
I was sitting in pervy anticipation waiting, just waiting until that moment when West and Caroline will finally give into the sexual tension current that ran between them.

Robin York wrote a poignant, emotional, and incredible story about 2 broken characters. In 400 pages she took them through an emotional, yet entirely relatable journey. I loved watching Caroline grow stronger and stronger and finally come into her own at the very end. You can’t help but cheer for her. She’s just one of those characters that is perfectly imperfect.

West. Now what can I tell you about West? I fell head over heels in love with him in a manner of one chapter. my heart broke for him with every new details of his past being revealed. He was this perfect combination of vulnerable and strong.

As for the ending…
I’m not a fan of unnecessarily drawn out series. As a matter of fact I hate them. And at first I thought to myself 400 pages and no HEA? Yea

But then the more I read, the more I could tell that I simply couldn’t evision it ending any other way for now. It’s not a cliffy cliffy, per say. Let’s say that even for a cliffy avoider like me, I am not going crazy after reading it. What I am, is anticipating the next book like crazy. I can’t wait to see the conclusion for West and Caroline’s story (And dare I hope for Krishna and Bridget next?)

About the Author

Robin York grew up at a college, went to college, signed on for some more college, and then married a university professor. She still isn’t sure why it didn’t occur to her to write New Adult sooner. Writing as Ruthie Knox, she is a USA TODAY bestselling author of contemporary romance, including RITA-finalists About Last Night and Room at the Inn. She moonlights as a mother, makes killer salted caramels, and sorts out thorny plot problems while running, hiking, or riding her bike.
Author’s Social Links


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Entangled Turns 3!

Entangled is turning 3!

Entangled launched in 2011 and we’re celebrating! Two years ago this February, we launched our first category imprint with Indulgence. The Marriage Bargain, one of our first releases in Indulgence, went on to be one of the top selling books of 2012 and catapulted Jennifer Probst to the USA Today and NY Times bestseller lists. Since then, we’ve grown to have six category romance imprints, as well as single title books for teens and adults in our Select, Edge, and Teen imprints, and have had multiple USA Today and NY Times bestsellers. We’re in our third year and it’s been a wild ride, and it’s just the beginning.

What better month to begin celebrating our third year than February?

We’re celebrating! All month long, our February new releases, as well as select titles on our Steals and Deals page, are just 99 cents!

Yes, you read that right. Every new release will be offered at an introductory price of just 99 cents!

Be sure to join our big Facebook celebration from February 24th-28th with scavenger hunts, authors, games, gossip, and lots of fun!

Explore our new website and prepare to find romance, because we have something for everyone  and join our “Steals and Deals” newsletter.

We’re kicking off the month-long celebration with three new Brazens, each with a smoking hot military man front and center and each for just 99 cents!

Marine for Hire, by Tawna Fenske

She thought she’d sworn off military men for good…

Sam Kercher is every inch a wickedly hot Marine. Tall. Sexy. Lethal. When his best friends call in a favor, Sam is forced to face an entirely new line of duty—playing nanny for their newly divorced sister and her squirming seven-month-old twin boys. If Sam can dissemble an M16 in his sleep, diaper duty should be a cakewalk…right?

Unfortunately, Operation Nanny isn’t quite that simple. Sheridan has sworn off overbearing military men, so Sam must protect her from her dirtbag ex without revealing just how much he has in common with her brothers. Or that he’s been ordered not to touch her. Ever. Problem is, Sheri’s one hell of a gorgeous woman, capable of making this hard-bodied Marine even harder. And Sam wants her bad.

Protect the girl. Care for the babies. Hide his identity. And keep his hands off. But even the most disciplined Marine has weaknesses…and Sheridan is one Sam might not be able to resist.

Staking His Claim, by Tessa Bailey
He wants her. All of her.

NYPD sniper Matt Donovan is in Hell. Instead of driving his best friend’s little sister home from college, he’s stuck with her roommate—a fresh-faced ray-of-sunshine with a body that makes grown men weep. There’s no way he’ll allow himself to taint the little vixen, no matter how hard she tries to tempt him, so he resigns himself to the longest—and hardest—drive of his life.

Matt’s obvious attraction suits grad student Lucy Mason just fine. She had no idea her brother’s best friend was so deliciously hot. Knowing he’d never have his wicked way with his buddy’s sister, she lies about her identity and seduces him. But Matt’s no fumbling college boy. His desires run deep—and dark—and he wants to teach Lucy what wicked really means.

Matt’s demanding appetites only make Lucy want more. But when her cover’s blown, he’s furious—even as his hunger for her becomes insatiable. Matt can’t trust anyone, least of all himself. And he knows all too well that darkness always destroys the light…

Temporarily Yours, by Jen McLaughlin, writing as Diane Alberts
This soldier’s the perfect hoax…if she doesn’t fall for him first.

Stats whiz Kayla Moriarity knows her way around numbers and algorithms. Men, on the other hand, are unsolvable equations. Now Kayla’s en route to her sister’s wedding—without the fictional boyfriend she invented for her family. Fortunately, her plane comes complete with complimentary cocktails and a ridiculously hot ex-marine in the seat beside her. And that’s all it takes for Kayla’s inhibitions to go sailing out the airlock…

Cooper Shillings has soft spot for people in trouble, but he certainly wasn’t expecting to land in it himself—and definitely not while getting naughty mid-air with a sexy southern belle. When he hears Kayla’s predicament, however, he offers his services as a stand-in boyfriend. After all, he’s heading overseas soon…and how could he refuse a little no-strings wickedness?

It’s the perfect plan. And all Kayla has to do is ensure her family falls for the ultimate bluff, without falling for it—and Cooper—in the process…

Spotlight, Interview & Giveaway: The Billionaire Banker series by Georgia Le Carre

It’s no secret that I’m a self proclaimed book junky and nothing gets my girly bits tingling more than a super steamy book. What? At least I’m honest about it. I read a lot, and truthfully it takes quite a bit for me to pause and think to myself, “Wow, this book is amazing!” So imagine my surprise when I got that from the contemporary debut novel The Billionaire Banker (click on the link to read my review). This book sucked me in from the very first chapter and I was completely enraptured in the story, the characters, everything! Now some of you might look at that title and think to yourself, ‘been there, read that’, right? WRONG! Has this type of trope been done before? Most definitely. But Georgia Le Carre put a fantastic and original spin on it to make it that much better. In short, I can’t recommend theses books enough. (And not only because the awesome heroine shares my name :))

And now with the highly anticipated release of book 2 in the series, Forty 2 Days, I simply had to share this fantastic series with all of you.

The Billionaire Banker (book 1 in the series)

When Lana Bloom learns the devastating news that her mother is dying, she is faced with a terrible dilemma. The one thing that can save her is the one thing she does not have. 
For young and Innocent Lana, The unthinkable is her only choice.

When she walks through the door of that exclusive restaurant she has no idea of the seismic shift her life is about to take, for the highest bidder will not be the rich man she has accompanied.

Fate drops her at the feet of the deeply mysterious and dazzlingly gorgeous American banker, Blake Law Barrington. Throbbing with raw masculinity and arrogance, this is a man who owns all that he pursues.

And now he wants her.

Lana cannot deny she is both intrigued and intoxicated by the world Blake inhabits and the smouldering passion he stirs in her body, but she is also fearful for this man is addictive and right now she is very vulnerable. She knows she should focus only on the arrangement, but how can she?

When he has opened a door that cannot be closed…

Forty 2 Days (book 2 in the Billionaire Banker series)

Beyond the seductive power of immense wealth lies… Dark Secrets

Devastatingly handsome billionaire, Blake Law Barrington was Lana Blooms first and only love. From the moment they touched his power was overwhelming. Their arrangement quickly developed into a passionate romance that captivated her heart and took her on an incredible sexual journey she never wanted to end.
The future together looked bright until Lana made a terrible mistake. So, she did the only thing she could… she ran.

Away from her incredible life, away from the man of her dreams, but she should have known a man such as Blake Law Barrington was impossible to escape. Now, he’s back in her life and determined that she should taste the bitterness of his pain.

Shocked at how rough the sex has become and humiliated that she is actually participating so willingly in her punishment, she despairs if she will ever feel the warmth of his touch—the solidity of his trust again? And even if she can win his trust, loyalties are yet to be decided, and secrets to be revealed—secrets that will test them both to their limits.

Will Lana be able to tear down the walls that surround Blake’s heart, and break him free of the brutal power of immense wealth?

Can Blake hold on to Lana’s heart when she discovers the enormity of the dark secrets that inhabit the Barrington family?

Lana has always believed that love conquers all. She is about to test that belief…

Bessotted (The conclusion to Blake and Lana’s story), coming April 29, 2014
Georgia Le Carre also happens to be one the most sweetest, gracious and down to earth authors I have ever had the pleasure of working with. She was nice enough to let little ol’ me convince her into an interview.
What’s your greatest character strength?
I haven’t truly tested it, so don’t quote me later, but I think I’m a forgiving person.
What’s your weakest character trait?
Bone-lazy tendencies.
Why do you write?
Because it is miles easier than working in slaughter-house or a chicken farm.
Who or what influences your writing?
Everything influences my writing.  What I read in the paper tomorrow could totally slant my work next week or next month.
Who or what influenced your writing over the years?
The great names have always had an impact on me.  The beauty of their sentence structure, the purity of their thought processes, and the total clarity of their expression.
What is your greatest strength as a writer?
Who do you admire?
The rare person who stands up for what is right no matter what it costs them. 
What is your favourite quality about yourself?
My ability to move on quickly when things go pear-shaped.
What is your least favourite quality about yourself?
My inability to stay and fight when things go pear-shaped.
How has your upbringing influenced your writing?
“Give me a child until he is seven and I will show you the man.”
Are your characters real people?
Most of my characters are composites of people I have known or my own fantasies of how people should behave in a given circumstance.  I once met a young lady in a repressed country who told me she would rather jump out of a high window and kill herself than give her virginity to any other than her husband. 

So I asked her, ‘But what if it was to save your mother life?’
She shook her head sadly.  ‘My mother would understand and approve of my decision not to give up my virginity in exchange for her life.’

Even though I was very young then, her words did not sit well with me.  In my mind she is Lana expressing the true ideals of love.
Did you learn anything from writing this book and what was it?
Yes, I learned about human frailty.  How easily the human mind is led by another, by that which it perceives to be stronger than it.  We are sheep herded by wolves.
If you could leave your readers with one bit of wisdom, what would you want it to be?
Do not just look, see.
When you end your career, stop writing, and look back on your life, what thoughts would you like to have?
Glad that it is finally over and excited to embrace whatever lies on the other side.
What do you hope your obituary will day about you?
She had fun.
So there you have it, my little dirty birds. A fantastic series and an even more fantastic author. I highly recommend you check it out. And you can connect with Georgia on Facebook here:


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Spotlight & Giveaway: Reaper’s Legacy by Joanna Wylde

Marie doesn’t need a complication like Horse. The massive, tattooed, badass biker who shows up at her brother’s house one afternoon doesn’t agree. He wants Marie on his bike and in his bed. Now.

But Marie just left her abusive jerk of an ex-husband and she’s not looking for a new man. Especially one like Horse—she doesn’t know his real name or where he lives, she’s ninety percent certain he’s a criminal and that the “business” he talks with her brother isn’t website design. She needs him out of her life, which would be a snap if he’d just stop giving her mind-blowing orgasms.

Horse is part of the Reapers Motorcycle Club, and when he wants something, he takes it. What he wants is Marie, but she’s not interested in becoming “property of”.

Then her brother steals from the club. Marie can save him by giving Horse what he wants—at home, in public, on his bike… If she’s a very, very good girl, she’ll get lots more of those orgasms only he can offer, and he’ll let her brother live.

A Romantica® contemporary erotic romance from Ellora’s CaveSynopsis

Reaper’s Legacy


Eight years ago, Sophie gave her heart—and her virginity—to Zach Barrett on a night that couldn’t have been less romantic or more embarrassing. Zach’s step-brother, a steely-muscled, tattooed biker named Ruger, caught them in the act, getting a peep show of Sophie he’s never forgotten.

She may have lost her dignity that fateful night, but Sophie also gained something precious—her son Noah. Unfortunately, Zach’s a deadbeat dad, leaving Ruger to be Noah’s only male role model. When he discovers Sophie and his nephew living in near poverty, Ruger takes matters into his own hands—with the help of the Reapers Motorcycle Club—to give them a better life.

Living with outlaw bikers wasn’t Sophie’s plan for her son, but Ruger isn’t giving her a choice. He’ll be there for Noah, whether she wants him or not. But Sophie does want him, has always wanted him. Now she’ll learn that taking a biker to bed can get a girl dirty in every way…

And get ready to meet all that is Ruger on Jan 28!!

About the author

Joanna Wylde is a freelance writer and voracious reader. You can visit her website at

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Review: The Billionaire Banker (The Billionaire Banker #1) by Georgia Le Carre

When Lana Bloom learns the devastating news that her mother is dying, she is faced with a terrible dilemma. The one thing that can save her is the one thing she does not have.
For young and Innocent Lana, The unthinkable is her only choice.

When she walks through the door of that exclusive restaurant she has no idea of the seismic shift her life is about to take, for the highest bidder will not be the rich man she has accompanied.

Fate drops her at the feet of the deeply mysterious and dazzlingly gorgeous American banker, Blake Law Barrington. Throbbing with raw masculinity and arrogance, this is a man who owns all that he pursues.

And now he wants her.

Lana cannot deny she is both intrigued and intoxicated by the world Blake inhabits and the smouldering passion he stirs in her body, but she is also fearful for this man is addictive and right now she is very vulnerable. She knows she should focus only on the arrangement, but how can she?

When he has opened a door that cannot be closed…

4.5 Completely Captivating Stars

My world is ugly and corrupt.   It only looks good from the outside. When our time is over, I must return you the way I found you, pure and innocent. Let me hide a little while longer in your world.

I am completely blown away, utterly captivated, and totally sucked in by this story.
Now be honest, you probably took a look at that cover, blurb, and title and thought to yourself that this is yet another mostly unoriginal take on the extremely overdone plot line, right? A rich and jaded hero meets the naive virginal heroine, They have some sex, they face some obstacles, they have some more sex, and then it all gets wrapped up in a pretty little bow. Well that is precisely what I thought going into this. I couldn’t have been more wrong.

There were a few Britishisms that I wasn’t familiar with, and the writing style took some getting used to, but once I did I simply couldn’t put this book down. You know how sometimes you read a book and you just know that this author was meant to write? Georgia was that author for me. She is able to take words and weave them together into an intricate story that almost has a poetic and lyrical feel to it. I was completely enraptured in the story, the writing, and the characters. But enough of my gush mode…

What would you do if you were desperate? If the mother you love more has less than a few weeks to live due to stage 4 cancer? If you knew that all that keeps you from the potential cure with an unorthodox doctor is a few thousand dollars that you just don’t have? Would you sell the only thing you have to barter with, you body? That is precisely what Lana Bloom does.

Having grown up in poverty, luck doesn’t seem to be on her side. Particularly when the first person to court her proposal is a sadistic man with some extremely brutal tastes. But when Lana catches the eye of the very rich and even more jaded Blake, she sees the answer to her problems.

Blake comes from old money. There is nothing and no one that he cannot have, buy, or fuck. Life has left him cold, brutal, and jaded. But when he sees the young beauty at the restaurant he knows that he has to have her…at least until he gets bored with her.

The arrangement? 3 months of having her however, whenever, and wherever he wants. The price? One hundred thousand pounds.

I was afraid that Lana being 19 and innocent, she would grate with me with her naivety. But while she may have been innocent and naive, it was in a very endearing way. I soon found myself forgetting that she was only 19. I found myself growing to like her the more I read. She had a hard time coming to terms with the arrangement, and Blake wasn’t exactly flowery or romantic with his explanations.

I also found myself getting more and more invested in their connection. The pacing was perfect. There was no insta-anything (well maybe insta-lust on Blake’s behalf). Their relationship wasn’t smooth or perfect. The more I read about Lana ad Blake, the more I grew to like them.

The steam level was perfect. It wasn’t overdone but just the perfect amount. And the way it was written was equal parts erotic and beautiful in a very effortless way.

Suddenly like a whip passion curls and races through her body, surprising her with its ferocity. It erupts in a strangled cry that surprises even him. He looks at her possessively, proudly, as if he has branded her. He is the owner of her lust.   In his hands and mouth and body he holds her pleasure. He said he wanted to fuck her senseless and he does. His pace becomes punishingly hard and fast, but she loves the pounding. Something is billowing through her; it feels as though it could bring some kind of release. When it comes it is a riotous, glorious tidal wave that rips through her.   She becomes one with him, one body, one mind, one soul.

Before long feelings begin to enter the equation for Lana. As much as she knows that it’s a dead end and will only lead her to heartbreak, she can’t help but fall for Blake.

What I truly loved is how realistic the turnaround for Blake and his feelings was. He was cold and brutal in the beginning, but ultimately things begin to get complicated when he finds his feelings taking a drastic turn.

This book was so much more than a simple story of billionaire falling for the innocent virgin. It had a dark undercurrent to it which was essentially what fully captured my attention. I spent the whole book waiting for the other shoe to drop…and when it did…WOW.

Was it perfect? No. There were moments where the transitions weren’t clear and I found myself getting confused about who’s POV I was currently reading. But this was a small speck that I soon found myself completely forgetting. It’s not often that I find a book that keeps me up all night, unable to put it down until I know what happens next.

I am blown away that this is Georgia’s debut contemporary romance novel.

Was it steamy? Hell yes.
Was it overdone and oversexed? Not even close.
Is it a book I’d re-read? In a heartbeat
Was there a cliffhanger? Yes. But luckily book 2 comes out Jan 24, and the author has let me know we can expect a HEA for Blake and Lana there.

This book took me out of my 2 week book slump. I simply cannot recommend it enough. Georgia, dear, I am kicking myself for not reading this sooner. I will be stalking your upcoming releases and you have completely won me over my jaded little heart.

Now I am done with my fangirling episode. All I can say is read this book! Read it! Hopefully you’ll love it as much as I did. And I thank you

**ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review.**

Lisa’s Review: The Fine Line by Alicia Kobishop

High school senior Liv Evans has one rule: No attachments. She’s lost enough in her life and has vowed to do whatever it takes to make sure she never again feels the emptiness of losing someone she loves. Boys are a fun distraction, but a serious relationship is something she’d rather live without. Her determination for a future free of pain and heartbreak is put to the test when she meets–and quickly forms an unexpected bond–with Logan Tanner.

Logan has always been a free spirit, but ever since a life-changing event took place, which left him doubting the integrity of those who are closest to him, he’s taken that term to a whole new dangerous level. Learning the hard way that life is too short for worries or work–and that women can’t be trusted–Logan has exchanged steady work for street racing. When Liv walks into his world, everything he thought he knew about life and women is challenged.

In The Fine Line, Liv and Logan will discover if it’s possible for true love to have a future, or if history is destined to repeat itself

Lisa’s Review



What a roller coaster ride, if you’re looking for a story with plenty of up’s and down’s then look no further, this story has more drama than your average day time soap opera. I think I may have a bad case of romantic whip lash. Call me silly but this book was actually beyond addictive it certainly had it’s fair share of eye roll worthy moments but I’m actually looking out for more from this debut author … Here are the rest of my ‘The fine line’ book thoughts …

What’s it all about?
Olivia Evans has seen it all; heart ache, pain, death and relationship misfortune. From an early age she knew she didn’t have any choice but to protect her heart from the one thing that could break her. Olivia does all that she can to stay away from relationships and the possibility of love. This lifestyle choice suits her well until she meets Logan Tanner, a dangerously attractive car racer who instantly grabs her attention and threatens to break down those walls around her heart. Logan and Olivia quickly become firm friends but when friendship starts to feel like it could be more, Olivia has to learn how to follow her heart and allow herself to break her own rules.


What did I like?
This author certainly knows how to deliver on the edge of your seat drama and enticing high school first love, I have to say I didn’t find this story the least bit predictable. The twists and turns were enjoyable, albeit a little over the top but the story from beginning to end had me glued to my kindle anxiously awaiting what would happen next to Olivia and Logan. The characters certainly had their own shining moments Logan and Olivia were interesting to say the least and I was drawn in by their attraction and chemistry, I enjoyed the car racing theme to Logan’s character development and the additional tidbits of history of the characters slotted in well running alongside the main love story theme. One thing I can say is hand on heart I fell in with with Logan he is unforgettable. The storyline had a well thought out and interesting beginning, an upside down, back to front, round and round middle and a heartwarming, perfect conclusion ending. I read this book in one sitting and not once did I want to put it down.


Why not five?
As with some similar books in this genre the plot tended to verge on the slightly ridiculous, the drama teetered towards over the top and yes, sadly I had some issues with the heroine, Olivia. I can already predict that for some readers this plot will drive them crazy with it’s back and forth drama and relationship indecision but for me overall the author played it well. It was well written and strangely addictive but didn’t have that unforgettable feel of a five star read.


Final thoughts …
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again I will always reach out for a stateside high school drama, I just have a thing for reading about this story type. Alicia Kobishop has delivered a well written NA genre book that I’m convinced will keep most lovers of this genre entertained. If you like drama mixed with a push and pull love story then this might just be your next fix … Go grab it readers. Enjoy, kisses.

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