New Release, 5 STAR Review & Giveaway: Juniper Unraveling by @KeriLake

Dark Dystopian Romance
Keri Lake
Release Date:
October 31, 2017


Papa says everyone has a story that deserves to be told.

Most begin years ago, after the second bomb hit, unearthing a deadly contagion that divided the population into the pure, the infected, and the Ragers.

Many recount the moment we rose up from the ashes and started anew.

Others tell of the day we built a wall to keep them out.
For some, they’re nothing more than the vestiges left behind—a simple name carved into the knotty bark of a Juniper tree.

My story begins with a boy. A mute, from the other side of the wall, known only as Six, who touched my heart in ways that words never could, and gave me the courage to face my darkest truth.



This is our fragile dance of understanding and confusion. Pain and lust. Roughness and reverence. This is who we are—two damaged souls trying to figure each other out. 

A dystopian romance with Keri’s signature grit and dark undercurrents? Sign me up!
I didn’t even need a blurb to know that I’m going to love this book. And you know what? I was NOT wrong. This is what would happen if you took Resident Evil, added a dash of Walking Dead, and then mixed it all up with incredible romance. It was, in a word, unforgettable.

Keri just wrote her most tortured anti-hero to date and if you don’t fall for him head over ovaries, I’ll eat my shoe. Seriously.

Six stares into my eyes, and I drown in that sea of blue, consuming me in his sadness. He’s baring his soul to me. Peeling back his skin to the blackness within.

I feel as if I’ve given away my darkest secrets while taking in Six’s at the same time. There are shades of darkness though, and his is pitch black.

Told in two parts, don’t expect an easy read here. Juniper Unraveling is full of grit, violence, and heartache. It’s full of depth and emotion. But most of all, it’s full of pain.

What happens when the world you grow up in is filled with evil the likes of which you’ve never known. An evil so dark, that it taints everything it touches. An evil that comes from the heart and mind of human beings. An evil that manifested into something they can no longer contain. What if you had the choice to make a difference for one life? Would you risk yours to save his?

He wears his words across his skin like braille. A story of pain that I wish I could rewrite for him, and take away the chapters that mark his suffering.

I want to tell you more of the plot, but I simply can’t. What I will tell you, is put those big girl panties on because this is no walk in the park.

While the first half is slower paced, it builds the backstory that paints the entire picture. It connects you with a character that has so much presence in mere silence, that it was simply magnetic. It paints the story of young love, unbearable choices and heart ache.

I want to lose control with him, to feel the sweat and the power of him, the electricity moving inside of me the way it does when he merely touches me.

Then the second half comes in and pulls you away in a riptide of violence, angst, and grit.

Juniper Unraveling was a dark and suspenseful page turner. Set in a time where survival is everything, the author spares no detail throwing her readers straight into her dark and dangerous vortex of violence, survival, and a love beyond all odds. I was enraptured, captivated, and completely hooked. If you’re looking for a read that’s just the right amount of different from the norm and will keep you up all night, this is a book that needs to be on your TBRs.

Keri Lake is a dark romance writer who specializes in demon wrangling, vengeance dealing and wicked twists. Her stories are gritty, with antiheroes that walk the line of good and bad, and feisty heroines who bring them to their knees. When not penning books, she enjoys spending time with her husband, daughters, and their rebellious Labrador (who doesn’t retrieve a damn thing). She runs on strong coffee and alternative music, loves a good red wine, and has a slight addiction to dark chocolate.


Sign up for exclusive giveaways and sneak peeks: KERI’S VIP EMAIL LIST 

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Jenn & Lana’s Review: Follow by @mstessabailey

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Tessa Bailey
Release Date: October 30, 2017

He wants her soul. Too bad she already sold it.

Family is everything to gambling den darling, Teresa Valentini. Blood comes first, especially before men. So when her brother lands himself in hot water, she’s willing to do whatever it takes to save him. And showing up topless in her unwitting savior’s motel room is turning out to be the furthest thing from a hardship…

Will Caruso is the bad boy of New York’s financial scene…and he just found out the very thing that drives his success is a damn lie. Now, he’s exchanged his high-stress life for the open road, no one but his Great Dane…and half a million Instagram followers to keep him company. When a mysterious beauty arrives, her secrecy prods his suspicions, even while she tempts his lust to the breaking point.

Teresa met Will under false pretenses, but the bond consuming them is real. They’re strong enough to overcome a little betrayal…aren’t they?


Will is going down in the books as one of my favorites!!!! Definitely Top favorites of Tessa’s and Top favorites….EVAH!!! Checks all of my boxes and clenches all of my inner muscles (wink)!!!

Tessa has never written a book like this. Almost all of her books are written in the third person, except Unfixable. In Follow, we have both pov’s and both are written in the first person, and Gah! Tessa needs to write first person more often!! This is also her first independent book, and I am so glad Will and Teresa wouldn’t leave Tessa alone until she wrote their story.

Teresa is trying to save her brother from working for the mob for the rest of his life. She is taking names, walking right up to the boss and demanding he let her brother go. Who does that?! Teresa does that! I absolutely loved this chick with tits of steel. She does what she has to do to save her brother and that includes doing a favor for the mob boss. That favor is to bring his son to New York, using whatever means she can.

Will. Will. Will. (Is what I said over and over in my dreams last night!) Rugged. Intelligent. Sexy. Businessman. Perfect. Alpha. Dirty Talker. I could survive on nothing but Will. He’s the bastard son of the mob boss, and he doesn’t want to be. He doesn’t want anything to do with his father. He is taking an extended leave of absence, taking a cross country trip with his dying dog. Will is Teresa’s mark. They are immediately suspicious of each other, trying to keep their guards up against each other, but they aren’t able to keep away the sexual chemistry. The meet cute…is more like a meet sexy, and omg perfection. Teresa doesn’t want to give in and have sex with Will because that would be drawing a line that she doesn’t want to cross. But Will is a very determined man, and he wants This book is HOT. This book is FIRE. I continue to be scorched by every single Tessa book.

Of course, we all know that Tessa is the Queen of Dirty Talk. She owns the Dirty Talking Universe, and if you don’t know that….I’m totally judging you right now. Because reading a Tessa Bailey book should go down as One of the Top Things to do Before You Die. Ok, maybe I’m exaggerating….but I don’t think I am.


You make me crazy, too. Crazy in a way that makes me want to rearrange the earth so it’s laid out exactly the way you want it.”

Oh. My. GAWD.
*pats self down*
Can you feel if both of your ovaries exploded? I swear to god, I felt it. There is no way that both of those suckers survived Will Caruso. No freaking way. So, Tessa Bailey, you now owe me a new set of ovaries. You better hope that Prime carries that shit, because I still can’t even. Give me a dang second here.
*dunks into ice bath*
And I’m back!

Tessa Bailey brings the sass and the steam with this read-in-one-sitting standalone. It had EVERYTHING; memorable characters, suspense and a bit of action, an adorable giant (and I mean GIANT) dog, and a dirty talking GOD that is Will Caruso.

Oh my God. Have I ever been spoken to like this? I mean, there’s dirty chatter. And then there’s Will’s Fantasyland of Fuck Talk.

Mmm hmm. *fans self*
Dang. Now I need a another minute.
And I’m back!

Teresa Valentini will do anything for family, especially when her little brother Nicky is all she has left. So when he finds himself neck deep in the worst sort of trouble, she doesn’t think twice before making a bargain with the devil himself to get him out of it. The deal? Follow a crime bosses errant son as he takes a cross country trip for his dying dog and bring him back to the multi million dollar empire he left behind in New York. But Will is nothing like the man Teresa was prepared for. Sure, he’s handsome as a devil and has a mouth on him that will drive a saint to sin, but there’s also something about him that calls to her. Something that can prove dangerous to her mission and her heart.

When she realizes I’m watching her, she meets my gaze head on, her expression half bemused, half serious…and I can feel a barrier forming that wasn’t there a moment ago. I’ve known this woman less than a day. But I’m going to knock that barrier down.

Now you’ve already guessed that I’m salivating for Will. I’m not exactly subtle about it. But beyond this sexy man and his dirty, dirty mouth, this book had a story that wrapped me up in the pages. I was hooked. Completely and totally hooked. I think I fell just as hard for his adorable dog as I did for Will. I adore the personality that Tessa instilled in all secondary characters, even those of the four legged variety.

The romance was a low burn and crackled with every page. And my sweet baby Jesus, when these two finally give into the undeniable chemistry between them? LAWWWWWWWD.

No matter what comes out of my mouth, I know you’re Teresa. I respect you,” I whisper against her panting lips. “You’re going to work this little kink out on my lap so we know its flavor, woman. Understand?
Then I’m going to hold the door open for you on the way into that restaurant. Going to pull out your chair and dare anyone with a dick to look below your neck. I’m going to be the same man after you take off that dress for me.”

Teresa was an awesome heroine, full of spunk and sass. She’s in a bit of a predicament between loyalty to her brother and the man she’s slowly but surely falling for.

The chemistry between these two was unbelievably hot. The story was unputdownably addicting. I’m crossing my fingers and toes that Tessa takes pity on this poor reader and writes a book for Nick as well, because I need more. This book was ridiculously satisfying, yet like the addict to her words as I am, I’m already salivating for even more.

Release Blitz & Giveaway: Fault Lines by Rebecca Shea

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Rebecca Shea
Release Date: October 30, 2017

At eleven he was my first crush. At sixteen he became mine.

At nineteen he broke my heart and destroyed me. That was ten years ago and the last time I saw Cole Ryan.

They say you never get over your first love…I beg to differ.

I left my shattered heart buried in a town I never expected to return to. I erased every thought of him and buried the memories never to be found.

I moved on…now ten years later I have the perfect life, the perfect fiancé, the perfect career.

Everything I ever wanted until I’m forced to go back and face my past and the man that destroyed me.

He won’t stop until I know the truth no matter how hard I fight it. In the end, lies will be uncovered, hearts will be broken, and my life as I’ve come to know it destroyed.

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Rebecca Shea is the USA Today Bestselling author of the Unbreakable series (Unbreakable, Undone, and Unforgiven) and the Bound and Broken series (Broken by Lies and Bound by Lies). She lives in Phoenix, Arizona with her family. From the time Rebecca could read she has had a passion for books. Rebecca spends her days working and her nights writing, bringing stories to life. Born and raised in Minnesota, Rebecca moved to Arizona in 1999 to escape the bitter winters. When not working or writing, she can be found on the sidelines of her sons’ football games, or watching her daughter at ballet class. Rebecca is fueled by insane amounts of coffee, margaritas, Laffy Taffy (except the banana ones), and happily ever afters.


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Blog Tour & Excerpt: Alpha Mail by Brenda Rothert

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Brenda Rothert
Release Date: October 24, 2017

Sienna Mills knows her alpha males.

They brood.

They growl.

They love the word “mine”.

After spending her early twenties in and out of relationships with alphas, Sienna used her knowledge to found Alpha Mail, a booming business that allows women to sign up for emails, letters, and texts from their own brooding, red-blooded man.

Her star is on the rise and Sienna is attracting the interest of investors when a mysterious man starts messaging her about the true nature of an alpha. She’s got it all wrong, he says, and he’s willing to show her how a real man makes women respond.

The more Sienna hears from him, the more aggravated she becomes. Who does this anonymous, supposed alpha think he is, anyway?

And yet…she can’t deny his messages are becoming the best part of her days. Commitment-phobic Sienna finds herself wanting more from her sensei of seduction. But is she willing to trust her heart to an alpha again?

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Andrew Benson, a reporter for the Chicago Sun, is waiting in a chair outside my office when I approach, moving as quickly as I can in heels.“Sorry.” I smile at him. “My meeting ran over by a few minutes.”

He grins back, brushing dark hair away from his eyes. “No problem. I walked past the room as you were speaking. That sounded like…an interesting meeting.”

“Yeah.” I laugh lightly. “As you can imagine, our employees have to be comfortable talking about things that aren’t usually part of an office environment.”

He nods and arches his brows. “Ready for the interview?”

“Ready. Thanks for waiting. And thanks for the call. This is going to be great exposure for Alpha Mail.”

“I’m sure the story will get lots of reads. Our photographer will be coming by in about an hour to get a photo of you to go with the story.”

I run a hand over my red hair, which is down around my shoulders today. I’m wearing a black pencil skirt and a green blouse. With a little lipstick and mascara, I can be photo-ready.


“Ms. Mills, I have Conference Room One ready for you.” My assistant, Jane, gives me a confident smile.

She does an amazing job as my assistant. If I can get the investment I need to grow the business, I’m planning to promote her into a role more suited for her talents. It’ll mean training a new assistant, but that’s okay. I believe in rewarding hard work.

Andrew follows me into our makeshift conference room. It has two tables pushed together and surrounded by mismatched chairs. I’ve focused my resources on building my base of employees, and things like office furniture have been neglected. Another area I plan to address if I can attract investors.

“So, want to start out by telling me where you got the idea for Alpha Mail?” he asks as he sits down.

He’s almost handsome in a rumpled sort of way. With shaggy dark hair and glasses, I get a Clark Kent vibe from him. But he doesn’t interest me enough to check for a wedding ring. I’m officially over men.

“I drew from my own experiences. I know there are women out there who like certain parts of dating, but other parts…not so much. So my goal was to help them cut through and get only what they want.”

“But the relationships they find through you…they aren’t real, right?”

“They’re real in their own way. They aren’t exclusive, and they aren’t physical, but when clients choose an alpha to communicate with, that’s absolutely the only person they’re hearing from.”

Andrew quirks his lips into a smile. “What are the qualifications to be an alpha?”

“Alphas know what they want. They don’t pussyfoot. They’re domineering and often jealous and a bit controlling.”

“And women are looking for that?”

Bless your heart, Clark Kent. You have no idea.

“Some women, sure. And I’m hoping they’ll give Alpha Mail a try.”

Jane brings in coffee, and we continue the interview for nearly an hour. When the photographer arrives, Andrew says he has everything he needs for his story. He shakes my hand and leaves, looking more than a little perplexed.

I wasn’t really expecting him to get it. So many people think women are looking for a nice man who will open doors, kiss them goodnight, and not leave the toilet seat up. I’m sure a few of them are actually looking for that. But there are enough women dreaming of a dirty-talking alpha to grow my business into an empire.

And that’s exactly what I plan to do with this pitch to investors.


Brenda Rothert is an Illinois native who was a print journalist for nine years. She made the jump from fact to fiction in 2013 and never looked back. From new adult to steamy contemporary romance, Brenda creates fresh characters in every story she tells. She’s a lover of Diet Coke, chocolate, lazy weekends and happily ever afters.


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New & Upcoming Releases: October 30-31

Ready for another amazing new release week? Here are all the new romance releases coming at ya!


FOLLOW by Tessa Bailey

He wants her soul.

Too bad she already sold it.

Family is everything to gambling den darling, Teresa Valentini. Blood comes first, especially before men. So when her brother lands himself in hot water, she’s willing to do whatever it takes to save him. And showing up topless in her unwitting savior’s motel room is turning out to be the furthest thing from a hardship…

Will Caruso is the bad boy of New York’s financial scene…and he just found out the very thing that drives his success is a damn lie. Now, he’s exchanged his high-stress life for the open road, no one but his Great Dane…and half a million Instagram followers to keep him company.

When a mysterious beauty arrives, her secrecy prods his suspicions, even while she tempts his lust to the breaking point.

Teresa met Will under false pretenses, but the bond consuming them is real.

They’re strong enough to overcome a little betrayal…aren’t they?

FAULT LINES by Rebecca Shea

From USA Today best selling author Rebecca Shea comes a new standalone second chance romance, Fault Lines.

At eleven he was my first crush. At sixteen he became mine. At nineteen he broke my heart and destroyed me. That was ten years ago and the last time I saw Cole Ryan.

They say you never get over your first love…I beg to differ. I left my shattered heart buried in a town I never expected to return to. I erased every thought of him and buried the memories never to be found.

I moved on…now ten years later I have the perfect life, the perfect fiancé, the perfect career. Everything I ever wanted until I’m forced to go back and face my past and the man that destroyed me.

He won’t stop until I know the truth no matter how hard I fight it. In the end, lies will be uncovered, hearts will be broken, and my life as I’ve come to know it destroyed.

DONE DEAL by Lynda Aicher

Power. Wealth. Respect.

The members of the Boardroom share these things—and more—in this new erotic romance series from Lynda Aicher, author of the bestselling Wicked Play books

In the Boardroom, exhilarating pleasures happen after-hours.

At night, behind the closed doors of the Boardroom, it’s members only. Stripped of their inhibitions, Bay Area moguls are free to indulge their most extreme fantasies, and business becomes pleasure.

Never in his dirtiest dreams did CEO Trevor James expect to see Danielle Stables on the guest list.

There’d always been something unspoken between them—a spark yet to ignite. An inscrutable and defiant player in the firm, Danielle exudes power and secrets. Tonight she is going to surrender. No strings. No judgments. No boundaries.

By dawn, the games between them will have only just begun.

And don’t miss After Hours, the first full-length novel in Lynda Aicher’s new Boardroom series, coming January 2018 from Carina Press


Charlotte Daley is the daughter of the newly elected POTUS. An only child, she’s both spoiled rotten and entirely neglected by her powerful family. She’s been forced to eat with the right forks, smile at all the right times, and be the picture of perfection for months. Now that her father is in office and too busy to know she exists, she’s determined to exercise her new freedom before she heads back to college in New York.

Zane Parker has one job—to protect the President’s daughter, all day, every day. But she’s been on a partying spree since the inauguration, heading down a dangerous path that threatens to ruin her reputation and cause a major scandal for her father. Zane will lose his job if he can’t get her under control. Except he wants to sleep with her as badly as he wants to set her straight. She needs discipline. And he might be just the one to give it to her.

When unexpected circumstances tie Charlotte to D.C. for the foreseeable future, Zane makes her an offer that’s anything but honorable. He’ll give the first daughter all the thrills she’s seeking in exchange for one thing… Her obedience. Fascinated by Zane’s dark promises, Charlotte agrees. Submission has never felt so good. But as Zane brings her deeper into his forbidden desires, enemies surface and danger lurks…

Misadventures is a romantic series of spicy standalone novels, each written or co-written by some of the best names in romance. The stories are scandalous, refreshing, and, of course, incredibly sexy. They’re the perfect bedside read, a ‘quick blush’ for the reader who loves a page-turning romance.

FIELD-TRIPPED by Nicole Archer

I was done with games. But playing with her is so much fun.

Ten years ago, I was all set to compete in the winter Olympics. Then I lost everything—my career, my best friend, and my girlfriend.

After that, I stopped playing games for good. I swore never to go back to Colorado. Too many bad memories. Plus, she’s still there.

Now I live a simple life as a creative director at Shimura Advertising in New York. All is good, until my boss cons me and my coworkers into spending two weeks in Colorado at Proton Sports’s sleep-away camp for adults, pitching their business. Turns out Proton’s idea of a pitch is making the agencies battle each other in a bunch of ridiculous winter games.

Guess who owns the rival company? Her. And she’s out to get me.

I might just let her win.

*Field-Tripped is Book 3 in the in the Ad Agency Series and can be read as a standalone. Some characters cross over from books one and two in the series, Road-Tripped and Head-Tripped.

THE HUNT by Monica James

From international bestselling author Monica James.

My name is Hunter O’Shea and I have a confession to make…I’ve met a girl who consumes me. I know that makes me sound completely whipped, but Mary “Lamb” Mitts has the power to bring me to my knees…it’s just too bad she hates my guts. But that’s okay, because I hate hers, too. The fiery redhead stirs something in me that I can’t explain.

This temporary insanity could be due to the fact my best friend, who used to be a bigger player than me, is getting married. That must be it. I’m caught up in an Oprah moment.

The only solution is to get back in the game and forget she exists. That theory is great—too bad I don’t want anyone else.


I’m so screwed.

SOFT LIMITS by Brianna Hale

Frederic d’Estang: performer, professional villain and my youthful crush.

Graduate student Evie Bell spends her days ghostwriting memoirs and her nights playing out her most intimate sexual fantasies by penning fan fiction. When a famous stage actor bursts into her life, she’s drawn to his dark, sensual presence, despite herself.

He calls me chérie, ma princesse, minette.

In Paris, Frederic takes Evie firmly in hand, leading her down a sensual path neither of them could have imagined, and pushing them both dangerously near their limits.

I call him Daddy.

Evie is wary—fearing Frederic is a villain both onstage and off—but again and again, Frederic draws her in. Yet the closer they become, the more Frederic holds back, wanting to protect Evie from his despicable truth. He isn’t the man she believes him to be, and his secret may very well destroy them.

And don’t miss Brianna Hale’s Little Dancer and Princess Brat, available now from Carina Press!



Papa says everyone has a story that deserves to be told.

Most begin years ago, after the second bomb hit, unearthing a deadly contagion that divided the population into the pure, the infected, and the Ragers.

Many recount the moment we rose up from the ashes and started anew.

Others tell of the day we built a wall to keep them out.

For some, they’re nothing more than the vestiges left behind—a simple name carved into the knotty bark of a Juniper tree.

My story begins with a boy. A mute, from the other side of the wall, known only as Six, who touched my heart in ways that words never could, and gave me the courage to face my darkest truth.

Juniper Unraveling is a full-length standalone dystopian romance.

LOVERS LIKE US by Krista & Becca Ritchie

From New York Times Bestselling Authors Krista & Becca Ritchie, comes the next book in their sexy new contemporary romance series.

Twenty-seven-year-old Farrow Keene lives by his actions, and his actions say he’s the best at whatever he does. As a 24/7 bodyguard and the new boyfriend to Maximoff Hale, protecting the headstrong, alpha billionaire has never been more complicated. And one rule can’t be bent:

Keep your relationship secret from the public.

Farrow is confident he’s the best man for the job. But a twist in Maximoff’s fast-paced life sticks them with the rest of Security Force Omega and their clients.

On the road.
In a sleeper tour bus.
For four rocky months.

Sexual frustrations, check. Road trip drama, check. Awkward bonding, check.

But Farrow couldn’t have accounted for a high-risk threat (identity: unknown) that targets Maximoff before the ignition even turns. And it hits Farrow — someone has it out for the guy he loves.

Every day, Maximoff & Farrow’s feelings grow stronger, and together, they’ll either sink or swim.

The Like Us series is a true series, one continuous timeline, that follows a family of wealthy celebrities and the people that protect them. You must read Damaged Like Us, Book 1, before reading Lovers Like Us.

AMERICAN KING by Sierra Simone

They say that every tragic hero has a fatal flaw, a secret sin, a tiny stitch sewn into his future since birth.

And here I am.

My sins are no longer secret.

My flaws have never been more fatal.

And I’ve never been closer to tragedy than I am now.

I am a man who loves, a man whose love demands much in return. I am a king, a king who was foolish enough to build a kingdom on the bones of the past. I am a husband and a lover and a soldier and a father and a president.
And I will survive this.

Long live the king.

***American King is the third and final book in the New Camelot Trilogy***

CAN’T LET GO by Gena Showalter

New York Times bestselling author Gena Showalter is back with a sizzling Original Heartbreakers tale about an icy war vet and the only woman capable of melting him…

With trust issues a mile long, Ryanne Wade has sworn off men. Then Jude Laurent walks into her bar, and all bets are off. The former army ranger has suffered unimaginably, first being maimed in battle then losing his wife and daughters to a drunk driver. Making the brooding widower smile is priority one. Resisting him? Impossible.

For Jude, Ryanne is off-limits. And yet the beautiful bartender who serves alcohol to potential motorists tempts him like no other. When a rival bar threatens her livelihood—and her life—he can’t turn away. She triggers something in him he thought long buried, and he’s determined to protect her, whatever the cost.

As their already scorching attraction continues to heat, the damaged soldier knows he must let go of his past to hold on to his future…or risk losing the second chance he desperately needs.

INKED MEMORIES by Carrie Ann Ryan

The Montgomery Ink series by NYT Bestselling Author Carrie Ann Ryan continues when the final Denver Montgomery sibling refuses to fall for his brother’s former flame—the company’s new plumber.

Wes Montgomery watched his entire family fall in love, and now finds himself ready to settle down. Except the one person he seems to find chemistry with is not only his twin’s ex, she also works for Montgomery Inc. But when the two find themselves in one compromising situation after another, Wes realizes he’s having second thoughts about the dynamic woman who’s burst her way into his life. Sure she sets off his temper, but she also makes him hot in every other way possible.

Jillian Reid never loved her best friend like everyone thought she should, so she pushed him away so he could have his future. Now, despite fighting it, she finds herself attracted to the one man she shouldn’t. When her father’s health takes a turn for the worse, and a danger no one saw coming show its face, she’s forced to turn to Wes for help. The two of them have fought off their attraction long enough, and each cave to the desire. But this enemies-to-lovers tale might have an ending no one ever dreamed of.


Construction tip #1: Never anger a hot-tempered woman who knows how to wield a sledgehammer. And right now, Jill Sadler is spitting mad.

Her company is competing on the wildly popular show Texas Dream Home, and she intends to give it her all.

The opposition: We Nail It Contractors, helmed by the man who once married her…and walked out twenty-four hours later.

Jill can’t let Cal Reynolds take this round. Not when she has her foster sisters and years of righteous resentment spurring her on.

Winning the contest would do wonders for Cal’s firm. Getting under Jill’s skin is just a bonus.

She paints him as a villain, though Cal had no choice but to leave.

Yet being around Jill again—fiery on the outside, vulnerable and warm underneath—is setting off sparks that can’t be blamed on faulty wiring.

And the only way to fix the Jill-size hole in his heart is to risk everything and see if this love is built to last…

MR. & MRS by JA Huss

Mr. Perfect, Mr. Romantic, Mr. Corporate, Mr. Mysterious, and Mr. Match found what they were looking for and now it’s time to seal the deal.

Five Aston hasn’t quite found his happily ever after yet… not quite.

But he will.

And he’s about to host the party of the century for all his family and friends.

If you loved Happily Ever After, you can’t miss this one either.

It’s the delicious cherry on top of the most perfect dessert and all your favorite characters will be back for one…


swoon-worthy story.


He’s got every reason to be cocky . . . until a female cuts him down to size.

I’m Dallas Easton, the best goaltender in the league. I make a damn good living playing hockey, and with women falling at my feet wherever I go, why not enjoy it? I get whatever I want, whenever I want—that is, until I come across the one player who gets the best of me on the ice.

When I try to pummel the dude, all hell breaks loose. Imagine my surprise when the helmet comes off to reveal a woman underneath. And not just any woman, but the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen. Callie Davis is the complete opposite of the puck bunnies I usually go for, a good girl with sick moves and a selfless streak a mile wide. I need to make amends, but she dodges me at every turn. It doesn’t help that Callie’s brother hates my guts, or that my agent thinks she’s bad for my career.

But I could care less what they think. I can’t let our little run-in on the ice be the end of our story. Because when I set my sights on something, I won’t rest until I score.

MISS FIX-IT by Emma Hart

One handywoman.
One single dad.
One set of twins.
And the wall isn’t the only thing being drilled…

I learned the hard way that being a handywoman isn’t easy. The questions, the stares—the assumption I’m the proud owner of a cock and balls. Not that it matters. I’ve proven over and over that I’m ready for anything the judgmental asses throw at me.
Except the hot, single dad of twins who just moved to town.
Brantley Cooper gets the shock of his life when I show up on his doorstep to fix up his kids’ new rooms. His son is confused why ‘the pretty lady has a drill,’ and his daughter has a new obsession—me.
On paper, my job is easy. Go in, do their bedrooms, and leave.
In theory, I’m spending eight hours a day with a guarded, sexy as hell guy, and I’m staying for dinner more often than I’m eating it alone, on my couch, with Friends re-runs.
I shouldn’t be staying for dinner. I shouldn’t be helping him out with the twins. I shouldn’t be falling in love with tiny toes and dimpled cheeks.
And I most definitely should not be kissing my client.

MISS FIX-IT is a brand-new, standalone romantic comedy from New York Times bestselling author, Emma Hart, who brought you BEING BROOKE and CATCHING CARLY.

RIDE WILD by Laura Kaye

Brotherhood. Club. Family.
They live and ride by their own rules.
These are the Raven Riders…

Wild with grief over the death of his wife, Sam “Slider” Evans merely lives for his two sons. Nothing holds his interest anymore—not even riding his bike or his membership in the Raven Riders Motorcycle Club. But that all changes when he hires a new babysitter.

Recently freed from a bad situation by the Ravens, Cora Campbell is determined to bury the past. When Slider offers her a nanny position, she accepts, needing the security and time to figure out what she wants from life. Cora adores his sweet boys, but never expected the red-hot attraction to their brooding, sexy father. If only he would notice her…

Slider does see the beautiful, fun-loving woman he invited into his home. She makes him feel toomuch, and he both hates it and yearns for it. But when Cora witnesses something she shouldn’t have, the new lives they’ve only just discovered are threatened. Now Slider must claim—and protect—what’s his before it’s too late.

READY FOR WILD by Liora Blake

Featuring Liora Blake’s signature “funny, endearing, and more than a little hot” (Library Journal) style, the third novel in the Grand Valley series features a rough-talking game warden going toe-to-toe with a TV star who unexpectedly turns his life upside down.

Braden Montgomery is certain about three things: one, luck is for suckers; two, time spent outdoors is what keeps him sane; and, three, when it comes to sharing his bed, there’s only one female he’s willing to put up with—his Chesapeake Bay retriever, Charley. Braden’s constructed his life on these beliefs, and he’s quite content with the status quo.

But when a moment of bad luck lands Braden toe-to-toe with a blonde bombshell with her own television show, his stubbornly structured reality begins to unravel.

As for Amber Regan, her brand has been built on camo, cut-offs, and cleavage. With her own hunting show on the foremost sports channel and enough social media followers to garner her plenty of endorsement deals, Amber’s come a long way from the tomboy in a small Texas town she once was. Unfortunately, ratings are down and her contract for next season is in limbo, so she’s in desperate need of a reboot to save her show—and filming a rough and tough archery elk hunt in Colorado might be the way to do just that. Too bad the local game warden grunts more than he speaks, seems determined to despise her—and makes her heart race in all the most inconvenient ways.

FIRED by Cora Brent

In this fiery series debut from New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Cora Brent, a workplace romance might prove too hot to handle.

Still reeling from a nasty divorce, Melanie Cruz’s pride takes another beating when she loses her enviable job at an upscale resort.

After a flurry of unsuccessful interviews, she finally—desperately—accepts a job managing a small chain of family-owned pizzerias in a quaint downtown Phoenix neighborhood.

The job also comes with Dominic Esposito, her overbearing but ridiculously handsome boss.

Falling for him might be the last thing she expects, but maybe it’s the one thing she needs.

As hard as they try to resist, Melanie and Dominic embark on a romance as hot as a brick oven, and Melanie has every reason to believe that maybe, this time, she’s finally found “the one.”

But Dominic has a secret—one even his family doesn’t know. And the scandal could threaten everything he and Melanie have worked for…in business and in love.

THE PROPOSITION by Elizabeth Hayley

Professional hockey player Ben Williamson doesn’t quite know how he got himself into this situation; hiring someone to be his date to his brother’s wedding is way out of character for him. But with family pressuring him to settle down, going stag just isn’t an option. It would just be one more thing his polite, cultured family uses as ammo against him.

Ryan Cruz is having a bad day. Wait, make that a bad year. Broke, technically homeless, and living on a friend’s couch, she’s now also unemployed after her sharp tongue gets her fired from her job. So when a handsome stranger approaches her out of the blue with a proposition–he’ll pay her to be his date to his brother’s wedding for the weekend–accepting his offer is a no brainer. She needs the cash and figures it wouldn’t be in the best interest of a professional athlete to murder her.

What starts as a simple business arrangement soon becomes more as these opposites attract and get caught up in the wedding magic. Will Ben and Ryan be able to turn their relationship into something more? Or is love based on a proposition too much of an obstacle to over

RIGHT KIND OF WRONG by Valerie Bowman

Can two star-crossed lovers come together—until death do they part?

Viscount Hart Highgate has decided to put his rakish ways behind him and finally get married. He may adore a good brandy or a high-speed carriage race, but he takes his duties as heir to the earldom seriously. Now all he has to do is find the right kind of woman to be his bride—ideally, one who’s also well-connected and well-funded. . .

Meg Timmons has loved Hart, the brother of her best friend, ever since she was an awkward, blushing schoolgirl. If only she had a large dowry—or anything to her name at all.

Instead, she’s from a family that’s been locked in a bitter feud with Hart’s for years.

And now she’s approaching her third London season, Meg’s chances with him are slim to none. Unless a surprise encounter on a deep, dark night could be enough to spark a rebellious romance. . . for all time?

THE SCOT’S BRIDE by Paula Quinn


Highlander Patrick MacGregor likes his life just the way it is. Fighting for his coin, enjoying a woman’s charms, and bearing no responsibility at all? Aye, that’s the life for him. That is, until Patrick sees her-a raven-haired beauty with eyes as dark as midnight. Patrick swore never to fall in love. Not even with a lass as wild as he…especially when she’s from a rival clan.

Charlotte Cunningham knows Patrick is trouble the moment she sets eyes on him. Her only goal is to escape the possibility of marriage. Any marriage. But as the summer days turn into sultry nights, enticing her beyond reason, Charlie is forced to choose between the freedom she craves and the reckless rogue she can’t forget.

In the New York Times bestselling tradition of Lynsay Sands, Hannah Howell, and Karen Hawkins comes a new book in Paula Quinn’s new sinfully sexy Scottish romance series.


Scandal begins with just one kiss…

Aurora Paxton was once the belle of the ball, the most sought-after debutante of the season—until a scandalous mistake ruined her. Shunned by her family, Rory was banished to the country to live in disgrace. Now she’s been summoned back to London by her stepmother, who is being blackmailed by the least likely person Rory can imagine: Lucas Vale, Marquess of Dashell.

Lucas is someone Rory’s known for years—a man as devastatingly handsome as he is coldly disapproving of her.

What in the world could he want from her or her family?

Rory intends to find out as soon as she comes face to face with her old foe.

What she never expects, however, is that the icy aristocrat has a soft spot for her—and a secret plan to redeem her status.

Could it be that Lucas has been in love with Rory all along… and has finally found a way to win her heart?


“A vibrant, fast-paced story. Sassy wit, likable characters and breathtaking sexuality… Fans of Friday Night Lights titles will love this one.” —Library Journal on Winner Takes All

Stella Davenport wasn’t made for small-town life. Sure, teaching ballet in Blanco Valley, Colorado, is great, but she longs for the chance to perform in a big city. Stella swore she’d never let anything get in the way of her dream-until sexy, broad-shouldered Brandon West walks back into her life. Stella is determined to resist him, even if arguing with Brandon is sexier than any foreplay.
For Brandon, it’s always been just him and his son, Matt. Knowing that love only leads to heartbreak, he isn’t looking to expand his family any time soon. Stella, with her long, gorgeous legs and infectious laugh, is a breath of fresh air he didn’t even know he’d been missing. But when she’s offered her dream job in Chicago, will he be willing to put his heart on the line?



After losing her job and getting evicted from her home, the last thing florist Anna Nolan needs is to ruin her new gig. But it’s hard for her to work for the powerful and sexy Gabriel Radcliffe. Namely, because Anna’s arranging the flowers for his wedding to society girl Stephanie Maurier–and she wishes she were the bride…

Fallon Radcliffe can only escape her socialite family and their expectations when she’s in the stables with her horse, Destiny’s Dreamer. But she doesn’t realize that her love for racing will develop into something more– a yearning for her trainer, Travis Mitchell, even though they live worlds apart…THE GOURMET CHEF: Alexandra Radcliffe has never been a dreamer. But when she meets the man of her secret fantasies –a sexy, driven chef who wants to open a restaurant–she starts to believe in happily ever after. Or is there something about the smooth Nico Donacelli that could destroy their precious, fragile bond?

ADAM by Roxanne St. Claire

7 Brides for 7 Soldiers

Fall in love with seven sexy and irresistible soldiers who find their courage and heart tested like never before in the battle for love! This multi-author collaborative series of contemporary romance novels is brought to you by bestselling authors Barbara Freethy, Roxanne St. Claire, Christie Ridgway, Lynn Raye Harris, Julia London, Cristin Harber and Samantha Chase. You won’t want to miss a single one!

ADAM – Book Two

Adam Tucker is a man on a mission. After failing to save a troubled teen from drowning, Adam traded being a Coast Guard rescue swimmer for the dream of starting a youth adventure camp in his hometown. Adam is willing to do whatever it takes to help other kids navigate the deep, dangerous waters of adulthood. He’s even bet his twin brother that he can finish the transformation of a boathouse into camp living quarters before the summer season puts their watersports business in full swing. But when the key to winning that bet turns out to be an interior designer who is as enigmatic as she is gorgeous, things get complicated for Adam.

With its soaring mountains and rushing river, Eagle’s Ridge is the perfect place for Jadyn McAllister to stay “off the grid” until things settle down in Miami. No one from her old life would expect her to hide out in a small town, working for cash and keeping her real name—Jane—a secret, but that’s exactly what the FBI told her to do. They also told her to trust absolutely no one, which isn’t a problem until she meets Adam. From the first moment, sparks fly and temperatures rise every time they’re together. She’s determined to keep him at arm’s length and in the dark…but the more time they spend together, the more she longs to wrap her arms around him and hold him close all night long.

With her aura of secrets and her tough façade hiding a vulnerable sweetness, Jadyn calls out to the rescuer in Adam. But he learned the hard way that total honesty is the only way to live and he senses Jadyn is lying to him. But she knows the truth could risk more than her heart – it could cost her life. As the whitewater of danger swirls around them, it will take more than a strong swimmer to save them both…it will take love.

HARD BREAKER by Christine Feehan

From New York Times bestselling author Christine Warren comes Hard Breaker, the sixth book in her Gargoyles series where even the most beastly gargoyle is able to win the heart of a beautiful human female.

Ivy Beckett ‘s gift feels more like a curse. She can hear things happening in distant locations, which is how she knows the very instant her family is killed by servants of the Darkness. Furious, she joins the fight to save the world – but the losses are mounting up. She thinks only a miracle can save them—but she doesn’t expect the miracle to come in the form of a handsome gargoyle.

Baen is a fearsome Guardian, but when he awakes, even his surprised by war that is going on. But what’s even more distracting is beautiful Ivy. Driven by passion, she’s ready to charge head-first into battle. But Baen’s primal instincts to protect what’s his rise within him, and Ivy is dangerously attracted to him. Can she and her gargoyle warrior save the world…and fall in love?
“Soars with fun, witty characters and nonstop action.”Publishers Weekly on Stone Cold Lover
Don’t miss the other books in the Gargoyle series:

Book #1: Heart of Stone
Book #2: Stone Cold Lover
Book #3: Hard as a Rock
Book #4: Rocked by Love
Book #5: Hard to Handle

WYOMING WINTER by Diana Palmer

There’s something about those Wyoming men… New York Times bestselling author Diana Palmer returns to the Cowboy State with a brand-new tale of desire and deception

Cultivating his vast Wyoming ranch is all security expert J. C. Calhoun wants. His land is the only thing the betrayed rancher can trust in after discovering his fiancée was pregnant by another man. But all J.C. holds dear becomes compromised when a lost little girl leads him to Colie Thompson, the woman who destroyed his life.

Colie stops at nothing to protect the people she loves. Years ago she left J.C. for his own good. Now, for the sake of her daughter, she must depend on a hard-hearted man who won’t forgive her. As a band of ruthless criminals tracks their every move through the frozen Wyoming winter, Colie and J.C. will be forced to confront the lies that separated them—and the startling truth that will bind them forever…

Bonus book! In a classic Long, Tall Texans tale, a hard-hearted rancher falls for an innocent beauty under the mistletoe in Christmas Cowboy


New York Times bestselling author Brenda Novak returns to Silver Springs with a moving story about rebuilding your life when you’ve got nothing left to lose 

Savanna Gray needs a do-over. Her “perfect” life unraveled when, to her absolute shock, her husband was arrested for attacking three women. With her divorce settled, she takes her two children home to Silver Springs to seek refuge between the walls of the farmhouse where she was born. It needs a little TLC, but she’s eager to take control of something.

Gavin Turner understands the struggle of starting over. Abandoned at a gas station when he was five, it wasn’t until he landed at New Horizons Boys Ranch as a teen that he finally found some peace. He steps up when Savanna needs help fixing things—even when those things go beyond the farmhouse.

Despite an escalating attraction to Gavin, Savanna resolves to keep her distance. She trusted her ex, who had a similarly tragic background, and is unwilling to repeat her past mistakes. But it’s hard to resist a man whose heart is as capable as his hands.

TOTALLY HIS by Erin Nicholas

Actress Sophie Birch is used to having to look out for herself.

So when her theater catches fire and a big guy scoops her up into his arms to save her, she’s going to fight every step of the way.

Even if he’s a cop.

And really sexy.

And his arms feel oh-so-good.

Finn Kelly can’t help but appreciate how good the woman in his arms looks in her sexy pink lingerie. Even if she’s currently resisting arrest.

But as the two get to know each other, they’re both surprised by the things Finn is willing to do to get closer to her.

And when Sophie’s estranged father arrives in town and starts causing trouble, the stage is set for disaster…unless Finn can convince her that, for once in her life, she has someone to lean on.

TOUCH OF RED by Laura Griffin

New York Times bestselling author Laura Griffin “delivers the goods” (Publishers Weekly) again with this gripping, “spellbinding” (Fresh Fiction) thriller full of twists and turns—the twelfth in her bestselling Tracers series.

When crime scene investigator Brooke Porter arrives at the home of a murdered woman, the only thing more shocking than the carnage is the evidence that someone escaped the scene. But where is this witness now? A thorough search of the area yields more questions than answers, and before Brooke even packs up her evidence kit, she’s made it her goal to find the witness and get them out of harm’s way.

Homicide detective Sean Byrne has seen his share of bloody crime scenes, but this one is particularly disturbing, especially because Brooke Porter is smack in the middle of it. Sean has had his eye on the sexy CSI for months, and he’s determined to help her with her current case—even if it means putting his attraction on hold so he and Brooke can track down a murderer. But as the investigation—and their relationship—heats up, Sean realizes that keeping his work and his personal life separate is more complicated than he ever imagined; especially when the killer sets his sights on Brooke.

With Griffin’s signature “fully fleshed characters, dry humor, and tight plotting” (Publishers Weekly), Touch of Red demonstrates why she is one of the most acclaimed and popular authors of sexy thrillers today.


Running a dating agency can be a killer…

Shelley Linley is sick of sickos. Yet another prankster has applied to her dating agency. This one says he’s a vampire and he wants Shelley to help him find a wife.

Meeting him for a second interview against all her better judgement, Shelley discovers that he has no clue about women. A shame because he’s super-hot, amusing, and has a lot of single friends he could recommend her struggling business to, even if he does say they’re werewolves and demons. She has to help him, even if he’s crazy.

If she can ignore his delusions, she’s sure she can help him meet someone. But when death threats start arriving on her doorstep, Shelley’s not sure she’s cut out for the job…then her dating algorithm states she’s his ideal partner. Now she’s not sure if she should take the risk for love, or run like hell.

Welcome to Withernsea and the Supernatural Dating Agency, for readers of Michelle Rowen, Gerry Bartlett and Michele Bardsley who like their humour to have bite.

Buy The Vampire wants a Wife to see if Theodore gets his happy forever after.

Review: Cuffed by K. Bromberg

Series: Everyday Heroes #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: K. Bromberg
Release Date: October 23, 2017

From the New York Times bestselling author, K. Bromberg, comes a new series about three brothers, the job that calls them, and the women who challenge them.

“I hate you. I never want to see you again.”

Grant Malone is not the reason I moved back to Sunnyville—at least that’s what I tell myself. Yet, those parting words I said to him back in third grade, ring in my ears every time a townsperson brings up one of the Malone boys. I thought time had healed my wounds. I was wrong. Nothing could have prepared me for how I felt when I finally saw him again.

Twenty years does a lot to turn a boy into a man. One who hits all my buttons—sexy, funny, attractive, and a police officer. But Grant is off limits because he knows too much about my past.

But I’m drawn to him. That damn uniform of his doesn’t hurt either. It’ll be my downfall. I know it.

What’s one night of sex going to hurt . . . right?


I’ve always loved Emmy Reeves.

That’s why I’m shocked to see her all these years later. The shy girl I once knew is all grown up.

Adventurous and full of life, she owns my heart now, just as much as she did back then. Convincing her of that is a whole different story.

I’ll give her the one night she asks for—like that’s a hardship—but when it comes to letting her walk away after, she has another thing coming. There’s no way in hell I’m letting her go this time without a fight.



His kiss is thunder and lightning, a tornado and a tsunami, all in one fiery package that makes me forget about the here and the now, makes me want more when more with Grant scares the shit out of me.

Don’t let that ridiculously sexy cover fool you. While this book certainly brings that steamy punch that we’re used to from K. Bromberg, it’s also incredibly full of depth. The story hooked me and kept me riveted to the pages.

Grant and Emmy were childhood best friends and neighbors. They were everything to each other, until Grant broke Emmy’s trust and everything changed. The last words he heard her utter is that she hates him and never wants to see him again.

Years later, a chance encounter brings them together once more, but Emmy is not the shy ten year old girl that Grant remembers from his childhood. She’s sassy, wild, and still wants nothing to do with him.

I only live in the now. I only live in tomorrows. I can only cope with the future I make for myself.

Grant is a character I easily fell for. Now a cop, Grant has a protective hero streak a mile long. It’s not only reflected in his memories of Emmy, but those memories ultimately framed him into the man that he is now. A dedicated officer and an honorable man. While Emmy refuses to give him the time of day, Grant is determined to wear her down. He never stopped caring for the young girl he knew, and the beautiful woman she grew into dominates his thoughts.

You’re exhausting.” I sigh. “And you’re infuriating, but we already knew that twenty years ago . . . so what’s your excuse going to be now, huh?”

I loved the sexually charged back and forth that Emmy and Grant had going. I loved watching him slowly wear her down and lower her defenses enough to take a chance on him. And the more details you learn about Emmy and her past, the more you fall for her too.

He brings calm to the chaos spinning out of control around me and within me. For the first time in a very, very long time, I allow myself to accept that.

Cuffed was this perfectly balanced mix of emotion and romance. It had depth that you couldn’t help but feel from the very beginning. It was perfectly paced, wonderfully swoony, and ridiculously sexy. I couldn’t get enough of these two together.

It seems I have forgotten my handcuffs.” He chuckles and lands a smart slap on my ass.
“Oh, am I under arrest?”
“Definitely.” The palm of his hand slides down the line of my spine.
“What’s the charge?”
“Making me want you. Every minute of every goddamn day.”

I’m hooked, line and sinker on this series. And can we just take a hot minute to discuss the rest of the Malone brothers? Because hot damn! A firefighter and a rescue pilot? Yes, please! I’m already salivating for my next hit!

New York Times Bestselling author K. Bromberg writes contemporary novels that contain a mixture of sweet, emotional, a whole lot of sexy, and a little bit of real. She likes to write strong heroines, and damaged heroes who we love to hate and hate to love.

A mom of three, she plots her novels in between school runs and soccer practices, more often than not with her laptop in tow.

Since publishing her first book in 2013, K. has sold over one million copies of her books and has landed on the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestsellers lists over twenty-five times.

In April, she’ll release The Player, the first in a two-book sports romance series (The Catch, book 2, will be released late June), with many more already outlined and ready to be written.

She loves to hear from her readers so make sure you check her out on social media or sign up for her newsletter to stay up to date on all her latest releases and sales HERE

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Goodreads | Amazon Author | Driven Group

Review: On A Tuesday by Whitney G.

Series: One Week #1
Genre: New Adult, Contemporary Romance
Author: Whitney G.
Release Date: September 19, 2017

We met on a Tuesday.
Became best friends, then lovers, on a Tuesday.
And everything fell apart on a Tuesday…

Charlotte Taylor has three automatic strikes in my book: 1) She hates me. She also claims that I’m a “domineering jerk with a huge, overbearing ego.” (I do have something huge. It’s not my ego, though.) 2) She takes our mandatory tutoring sessions way too seriously. 3) She’s sexy as hell…And a virgin.

At least, those were her strikes before our study sessions started lasting longer than they were supposed to. Until one innocent kiss became a hundred dirty ones, and until she became the first woman I ever fell hard for.

Our future together after graduation was supposed to be set:
Professional football for me. Law school for her.

But she left me at the end of the semester with no explanation, and then she completely disappeared from my life.

Until tonight.

We met on a Tuesday.
Became everything, then nothing, on a Tuesday.
And now it’s seven years later, on a Tuesday…

**This is a full length second chance romance, inspired by Adele’s “When We Were Young”**


I don’t think I’m God’s gift to women. I know that for a fact.”

A great NA romance is getting harder and harder to find. At least for this picky reader. But when I pick up a book by Whitney G. I know I’ll have a guaranteed winner on my hands. And I’m never wrong! On A Tuesday was a deliciously sizzling slow burn mixed with enemies to lovers mixed with second chance romance? Which basically had me going
Because that combination is MY CATNIP. CATNIP I tells ya!

On A Tuesday is told in two parts; past and present, with the past taking up well over the first half of the book. And you won’t find this girl complaining because that first half was my absolute favorite. The story starts at the seven year college reunion with Gray and Charlotte having been apart for all those years but not knowing what happened. It then takes you right to the past where it all began.

Grayson Connors is everything that Charlotte Taylor knows to stay away from. He’s cocky, popular, had a new girl on his arm every day of the week, and takes nothing seriously unless it’s his football career. But when Gray sets his eyes on her, he stops at nothing to wear down her defenses. What begins as a reluctant friendship leads to an incredible connection and soon to something so much more. The bickering between these two was absolutely delicious. Charlotte is not afraid to put Gray in his place, and she does it with a perfect amount of sass and sharp wit. But Gray is no stereotypical jock and it’s not long before Charlotte begins to see behind his cocksure exterior and reputation, to the sweet man beneath.

Getting both Charlotte and Gray’s POV really help in understanding these characters that much more. Though I have to say, it was difficult to watch Charlotte’s animosity to Gray in the present and having no idea why. The suspense of what happened between them after they burned so hot and strong in college stretches until the very end. Admittedly, the twist at the end felt a bit formulaic and drama rama to me, but it did bring everything together, so I can’t complain too much.

On A Tuesday was a super satisfying second chance romance full of steam and humor and a perfect amount of sass and wit. It was deliciously sexy and I’m thrilled to see that it’ll be a series!

Review: Burn For You by JT Geissinger

Series: Slow Burn #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: J.T. Geissinger
Release Date: October 17, 2017

The marriage is fake. But for a sassy chef and an arrogant billionaire, the sparks are real…

Jackson “The Beast” Boudreaux is rich, gorgeous, and unbelievably rude to the staff at Chef Bianca Hardwick’s New Orleans restaurant. Bianca would sooner douse herself in hot sauce than cook for Jackson again, but when he asks her to cater his fund-raiser, Bianca can’t refuse, knowing the cash will help pay her mother’s medical bills. Then Jackson makes another outrageous request: Marry me. The unconventional offer includes an enormous sum—money Bianca desperately needs, even if it does come with a contract—and a stunning ring.

The heir to a family bourbon dynasty, Jackson knows the rumors swirling around him. The truth is even darker. Still, he needs a wife to secure his inheritance, and free-spirited, sassy Bianca would play the part beautifully. Soon, though, their simple business deal evolves into an emotional intimacy he’s built walls to avoid.

As the passion heats up between them, Bianca and Jackson struggle to define which feelings are real and which are for show. Is falling for your fake fiancé the best happy ending…or a recipe for disaster?


She was my religion. My north and south, my heaven and earth, the axis of rightness around which everything had suddenly aligned. For the first time in my life, all my polarized parts worked as one, humming happily along in harmony with the universe, finally understanding their place. 

Looking for a perfectly paced slow burn romance? Well, I’ve got your fix right here! This series is so appropriately titled, and for this slow burn lover? I gobbled it right up.

Bianca Hardwick is a talented chef that’s determined to get her restaurant off the ground and make her mother proud. Her signature menu created around her favorite bourbon is keeping her restaurant packed, but it also brings the attention of a particular brute apply known throughout Louisiana as “The Beast”. And after being on the receiving end of his attitude, Bianca can see that title is more than earned.

The first time I laid eyes on the man known throughout the state of Louisiana as “the Beast,” I thought he couldn’t possibly be as bad as his reputation. As it turned out, I was wrong. He was worse.

Jackson is the name behind the Boudreaux bourbon that is his family’s legacy. But what starts as a look at a woman that’s using his family’s bourbon to get guests in her restaurant, actually turns into something else. At first it’s an offer to cater his fundraiser dinner. Next? A proposal of marriage.

Jackson needs to be married by the time he’s 35 in order to receive the rest of his trust. The problem is? His birthday is quite literary right around the corner. Knowing he’ll never trust a woman with his heart ever again, he knows the best alternative is Bianca. She needs money for her ailing mother’s medical care and he needs a wife in name only. What’s a mutually beneficial arrangement between two people that can barely stand to be in the same room together?

But the more you get to know Jax, the more you see beyond the grumpy and brusque personality to a very broken and vulnerable man beneath. The more time he and Bianca spend together, the more he yearns for what could be but likely never would. Bianca goes from hating him to tolerating him to something so much deeper. This is a slow burn in every sense of the word. It takes these two a while to finally see beyond their assumptions of each other. It takes a while for Jax to really open up and let Bianca in to the dark crevices of his heart and memories. But when she gets in there? There’s no turning back.

No one calls me Jax. No one but you.” When her lips curved up at the corners, I felt like I’d been living my life up to then at the bottom of a dark well filled with trash and slimy water, and someone had just lifted the lid and lowered me a ladder.

With a colorful cast of secondary characters, a sweet and sassy romance, plenty of emotions, and an enemies to lovers trope unlike many I’ve read lately, Burn For You was one fantastic read.

Review & Excerpt: Drive by Kate Stewart

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Kate Stewart
Release Date: October 17, 2017

Music . . . the heart’s greatest librarian.

The average song is three and a half minutes long; those three and a half minutes could lead to a slow blink, a glimpse of the past, or catapult the soul into heart-shattering nostalgia.

At the height of my career, I had the life I wanted, the life I’d always envisioned. I’d found my tempo, my rhythm. Then I received a phone call that left me off key.

You see, my favorite songs had a way of playing simultaneously. I was in love with one man’s beats and another’s lyrics. But when it came to the soundtrack of a life, how could anyone choose a favorite song? So, to erase any doubt, I ditched my first-class ticket and decided to take a drive, fixed on the rearview.

Two days.

One playlist.

And the long road home to the man who was waiting for me.


Breathe. Breathe. This is in the bag, Stella. You can do this, so do it.
I clicked on the camera and quickly glanced at my notes.One minute.

Electricity shot through my veins and seeped through every pore, reminding me that this was it.

Thirty seconds.

I took a sip of water and set it beside my laptop as I waited.

Ten seconds.

A flicker of doubt processed for mere seconds before I wiped it away.


I expelled a stressed breath, clicked Go Live, and addressed the camera.

“Womanizer, bully, genius, recluse, and the world’s greatest MC. Even with all those labels, Phillip Preston, also known as Titan, is still a bit of an enigma. Despite the universe he’s constructed with storytelling lyrics, he’s always left it up to us to decipher his truth from his fiction. He burst onto the music scene fifteen years ago, an underdog in the belly of rap, with chaotic and desperate rhymes that resonated and pushed him into an unexpected level of stardom. With one hundred and eighty million records sold, he still holds his title as heavyweight and remains a household staple for his die-hard fans, collecting an army of new followers over the past two decades. I must admit, I was a bit intimidated when I sat down with him this past weekend in his Chicago fortress. I, like millions of others, am a huge fan of his genius. The simplicity of our surroundings in his home studio was shocking, to say the least. The feeling was a bit clinical and there were no platinum records on his walls, no personal photos, and there was no hint of the history he’d made as the world’s most notorious rap star. He sat in a leather chair next to his soundboard, water bottle in hand, and spoke about his love of rap, while subtly redirecting questions about his personal life—though we know he recently broke up with his long-time girlfriend, Jordan Wilson.”

My eyes nearly watered as I watched the live view box tick to a hundred thousand. I had a hundred thousand people watching my podcast in a matter of minutes. I took a deep breath.

“But it seemed my reputation had preceded me because when I sat down with the rap mogul, Phillip appeared ready for the firing squad. We dueled well as I asked the hard questions—the questions of a fan. Questions I know so many of his loyal listeners want answers to, and I think you’ll be surprised to hear his answers. So, without further ado, take a look at my exclusive with the man behind the myths. Feel free to form your own opinions, but above all, remember it’s the music that matters most.”

I linked my pre-recorded interview and watched the ticks explode as soon as his face hit the screen.

That was the moment my career peaked.

With pride, I watched my interview with the white whale, the Moby Dick of the music industry. Gorgeous, brilliant, and highly elusive, Phillip Preston was the hardest artist to get personal with in an interview. And I was the woman he reached out to, to break his silence about his road to success, his parents, his ex-wife, and finally—after some careful eggshell coaxing—he spoke about his recent relationship. He had delivered to me, on a silver platter, highly personal details about his life where so many other journalists had failed, and it was nothing short of miraculous.

It was my greatest accomplishment as a music journalist. I was flying, soaring as my phone began to blow up with message after message. I hadn’t told a soul, not a single person about my exclusive. I was high on adrenaline when the notifications began to ping on my phone. A hundred, two hundred messages, and then I saw the viewer ticks had jumped drastically to half a million. Half a million! I laughed out nervously and checked Phillip’s social media. He had just posted my podcast link to our interview. My jaw dropped. He had over eighty million followers on one forum alone.

And the viewer counts just kept rising. I had done it. I gasped when the ticks went past a million.

A million people were watching my podcast.

A million people were watching my podcast!

“AHHHHHH!” I screamed to no one as I looked around the vacant room. I raised both hands in the air when the ticks rolled past two million. “Oh my GOD!” I shot up from the desk, my eyes full of incredulous water.

I’d never had more than a million views. Ever. And those took months to accrue. It was the greatest career high of my life. I looked back down at my phone, anxious to talk to someone, anyone. Lexi’s middle finger popped up on the screen, and I couldn’t resist answering her call.

“AHHHHHHHH!” I screamed into the phone..


“Yes! Is it good? You think I asked the right questions? I edited for like nine hours.”


“What do you mean, what? Titan’s interview.”

“You interviewed Titan?”

A small amount of my excitement dispersed. “Yours was the wrong call to answer.”

“You fucking interviewed Titan?”

“Yes. I wanted to surprise everyone.”

“And you didn’t bring me?”

“Sorry. I’ll feel guilty later.”

“Yeah.” Her voice dropped. I heard a toilet flush. “Yeah, Stella, that’s so cool.” Another toilet flushed.

“Where are you?”

“I’m in the bathroom at the Marquee.”

“Okay. Well, I’m buzzing right now, woman. Like, literally, my phone is exploding. Five million hits, Lexi. Five million!”

“I’m so happy for you, Stella.”

I frowned. “Yeah, with that amazing monotone, I can tell.”

“I’m so sorry.” And then her voice broke. My best friend doesn’t cry. Ever.

“Oh, shit. What’s up?”

“I’ll call you back, okay? I don’t want to ruin this.”

“You aren’t ruining anything. You couldn’t ruin this. I promise. I’ll be high for days. So, tell me. Why are you in the bathroom?”

“I’m on a blind date. He took me to a wedding.”

“Okay. You need an excuse? That’s not like you. You’re ballsy. Just give him your usual, it’s not me, it’s you.” I chuckled because she’d used it in front of me on a bass player with a cowlick and halitosis.


I knew that tone. That tone was the bearer of bad fucking news.

“What? Say it.”

“It’s his wedding.”

I eyed the clock while I zipped my suitcase. I had an hour and a half before my flight. I was cutting it close. “Whose wedding?”


“I know my name. Damn, who—” Realization struck and my heart met the floor. I stayed mute while she rambled on nervously.

“What are the odds? What are the goddamn odds? I don’t know what to do. Do you want me to leave? There’s no handbook for this. Did you even want to know this? That he’s married? I can’t believe I just watched him get married! Who in the hell ends up at their best friend’s ex-boyfriend’s wedding? I couldn’t not tell you.” She sniffed as the toilets repeatedly flushed around her.

“Stella, please say something.”

I pressed the sting back. “I’m alright, of course. I’m fine. Why are you crying?”

“I don’t know.” She sniffed. “Ben called me last night, and things are just so fucked up, and today this shit happens, and I know you’re happy. I know you are. But . . . I mean, this is—”

I put my hand up as if she could see it. “Don’t tell me anything else, okay? I’m good.” I looked at my reflection in the mirror from the bed into the adjacent bathroom. Nothing had changed. I wasn’t leaking. I was fine. “I’m okay. I’m glad you told me. I have to leave for the airport now, or I’ll miss my flight.” A slew of questions was on the tip of my tongue. Did he look happy? Was she beautiful? And more questions I hated myself for that Lexi would never be able to answer. Still, my head and heart refused to keep those questions bottled.

Was she prettier than me? Did he look at her the same way? Did he propose to her with half his heart? Did he think of me when he did it? Was any part of him thinking of me now? Was I in his dreams the way he drifted through mine sometimes?

All my thoughts were selfish. All of them. And of all the thoughts I could have had that day, self-loathing was not the one I expected to nudge its way front and center. I forced myself to speak.


“You’re sure?”

“Yes, of course. I’m fine.”

“This freaky shit always happens. Always with you.”

“I know.”

“It’s like karma or God or someone hates you. It’s so fucked.”

I laughed ironically, though inside my heart was pounding.

Silence passed over the line as we both waited for some sort of solution that wasn’t coming.

“Stella, God, I’m so sorry.”

“About what? Stop. You know I would have told you if the situation were reversed. I should go. Love you.”

“Love y—” I hung up the phone before she could finish, frozen in the middle of the hotel room.

He was my song, my soul, my everything, and his love had propelled me forward into the woman I wanted to be. And that woman would burn out with the man who was made to keep her warm.

Wow. WOW. Seriously, wow. This book. This was quite possibly one of the most unique, memorable, and captivating romances I’ve read in a long while. I have no idea how to even go about reviewing this book because I feel like you really need to go into it completely blind to get the full effect, but I’ll do my best.

I used to think I was cursed for having fallen in love with two men. But, in hindsight, I realized what a gift it was. They were my lovers, my teachers, my best friends, and I would love them both until I took my last breath.

There are a few authors I would break my no love triangles rule for, and Kate Stewart happens to be one. Though, I feel it’s fair to say, this is unlike any other love triangle I’ve ever read. It almost didn’t feel like one because as you read the story, you feel in your heart who Stella belongs with. I’m not sure how it’s possible that you feel her love for the other man as well, but you do. No one is a consolation prize. This was such a powerful and emotional story of love, growing up, and chasing your dreams to that one minute past desperation.

The story is cleverly told in alternating past to present, though the majority takes place in the past. It’s interactive with each chapter tied to a song you can play. This made the story that much better.

Young Stella moves to Dallas to chase her dreams as an entertainment journalist. Moving in with her older sister, she experiences life from the bottom up. She works the dead end jobs to make ends meet, she barely has two dimes to rub together, but that never stops her. She’s passionate in all things, including chasing her dreams. Along the way she meets two men that irrevocably change her life. Each owning a different piece of her heart equally, though one does it in an overwhelming way. She experiences the rock and roll culture from both sides of the stage. And you experience it right along with her.

It took three seconds to close the distance between us, two seconds to lock together like we’d been doing it our entire lives, and that last second . . . that last second when his lips devoured mine was the second I lost a piece of myself I could never get back. 

Stella was such a captivating heroine. Her emotions just roll off of her. She’s this combination of strength and fear, love and indecision. You see her grow from a naive girl that knows what she wants to a strong woman that goes after it. You see her fall in love and have her heart shattered. You feel it right along with her.

This isn’t a book you read, it’s a book you experience. It’ll frustrate you, it will anger you, it will make you laugh, cry, and swoon. I have experienced such a myriad of emotions, I was almost exhausted when I got to the end.

You exhaust me. You make me tired, Stella, so fucking tired. I want you and I want to do it right, but I’m so annoyed right now. All I want to do is make you wet and fuck you until it hurts.”

I’ll admit, it took a bit to fully get into it. Kate Stewart really takes her time to set the scene with this story, and it was a touch slow going at first. But after the 40% mark, it was completely unputdownable.

If you’re a fan of unique, angsty, and captivating romances, this is a book that’s an absolute must read. It will be a story that I won’t forget any time soon and I’ll recommend blindly to ANYONE.

I couldn’t say anything. I was too far gone. Doused in gasoline with no match in sight, the aching, the longing, and the burning all there.

Kate Stewart lives in Charleston, S.C. with her husband, Nick, and her naughty beagle, Sadie. A native of Dallas, Kate moved to Charleston three weeks after her first visit, dropping her career of 8 years, and declaring it her creative muse. Kate pens messy, sexy, angst-filled contemporary romance as well as romantic comedy and erotic suspense because it’s what she loves as a reader. A lover of all things ’80s and ’90s, especially John Hughes films and rap, she dabbles a little in photography, can knit a simple stitch scarf for necessity only and does a horrible job of playing the ukulele. Aside from running a mile without collapsing, traveling is the only other must on her bucket list. On occasion, she does very well at vodka.

Contact Kate-

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Review: Most Of All You by Mia Sheridan

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Mia Sheridan
Release Date: October 17, 2017

A broken woman . . .

Crystal learned long ago that love brings only pain. Feeling nothing at all is far better than being hurt again. She guards her wounded heart behind a hard exterior, and carries within her a deep mistrust of men who, in her experience, have only ever used and taken.

A man in need of help . . .

Then Gabriel Dalton walks into her life. Despite the terrible darkness of his past, there’s an undeniable goodness about him. And even though she knows the cost, Crystal finds herself drawn to Gabriel. His quiet strength is wearing down her defenses and his gentle patience is causing her to question everything she thought she knew.

Only love can mend a shattered heart . . .

Crystal and Gabriel never imagined that the world that had stolen everything from them would bring them a deep love like this. Except fate will only take them so far and now the choice is theirs: Harden their hearts once again or find the courage to shed their painful pasts.


I don’t create beauty, I just reveal what’s already there.

See that pile of complete mush in the corner there, clutching her kindle and making googly eyes at the ceiling? Yep, I’m not even embarrassed to admit that it’s me at this moment after finishing this book? Because this story? All. Of. The. Swoons. And the reason for it? Two words for you: Gabriel. Dalton.

Man but it’s a rare occurrence that you read about such an incredible hero. He’s unlike any hero I’ve read in a long dang while. He’s sweet, shy, endearing, and his heart is so open, it makes you want to cry, especially knowing what he’s been through. He’s been through something so awful and life altering, that it may break any other man. But he persevered and used love instead of hate to form his future.

Crystal is a perfect example of a subject of circumstance. Her difficult and trying childhood taught her that men will only ever want one thing from her, and that’s all she’s really good for. Until a sweet man that watches her dance at the strip club she works for with absolutely no lust in his eyes turns her world upside down.

I was spellbound, caught once again in his gaze. No one had ever looked at me the way Gabriel was right then, not in all my life.

Crystal fights the instant connection she has with Gabe with everything she’s got; cruelness and coldness being her go-to defenses. But life has other plans for them and when a terrible night leaves her in the gentle care of this beautiful man, she finds herself forming a connection unlike anything she’s ever known in her life. Gabe’s sweet nature soon begins to crumble her defenses and make her see that she’s worthy of more than what life has handed her.

God, but I loved these two together. I love Gabe’s sweet patience and seeing Crystal’s soft side come out into the light. I loved watching their connection slowly build into something that was truly unforgettable. A low burn sort of romance that was as sweet as it was emotional and satisfying.

And you, most of all, you. You get my heart. You. And, God, I hope you want it. But if you don’t, I still won’t regret giving it to you. Even then, I won’t regret loving you because it means I win.”

Most Of All You was completely unforgettable. It was unique, packed full of emotion and depth that tugs at every single heartstring. It was beautiful and touching. It kept me reading well into the night, hoping beyond hope for these two to find their happiness.

I’ve always pretended I was made of stone, but the truth is, I feel more like I was formed from sand, as if I might crumble at any second.”

I loved the journey that Mia Sheridan put Crystal through. You truly see her grow and have not a doubt in your mind why these two belong together. If you’re looking for something that’s different and will make you feel SO MUCH, this is a book you need to read.

Copyright © 2015 · Dirty Girl Romance

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