Blog Tour & Jenn’s Review: Wicked Intentions by @JTGeissinger

Series: Wicked Games #3
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: JT Geissinger
Release Date: July 11, 2017

In the Caribbean for his best friend’s wedding, ex special-ops officer and security expert Ryan McLean meets a beautiful woman in the hotel bar. Their connection is immediate and intense, and they spend a passionate night together with pleasure as their only goal.

But when Ryan wakes the following morning to discover the beautiful woman has vanished, along with millions worth of jewels from the safe of the Saudi prince staying in the suite next door, he realizes their meeting wasn’t accidental and becomes determined to find her.

A notorious thief known to authorities only as the Dragonfly, Mariana Lora has one final job to complete before she’s free from the oath that bound her to a life of crime, but the sexy-as-hell Marine she spent one explosive tropical night with is hot on her heels at every turn. She has to outwit him to stay out of jail, but fighting their magnetic attraction soon becomes a game neither one of them can resist.

When Mariana’s last job goes dangerously wrong and she needs Ryan’s help to survive, he has to decide if their game of cat and mouse is only a game, or if he can trust this beautiful thief with something no woman has ever stolen: his heart.

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If I could give only ONE BOOK RECOMMENDATION this whole year, it would be THIS BOOK. Holy Book Perfection. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, JT Geissinger is a genius. You know those authors that are underestimated and not nearly enough people know about them or read their books? That’s JT Geissinger.

I read Wicked Sexy last year and was blown away. After reading Wicked Intentions, my brain and heart and body are bursting!! These books are the whole package (pun intended). What I love about this book? EVERYTHING. It seriously has everything you ever want in a perfect book. The feels. The humor. The sex. The dirty talk. The amazing story. The words. The dark. The light. All wrapped up in one perfectly packaged book.
à la Mode St. » fashion

I discovered love was nothing like a fairy tale. It was more like a bad poem written in indecipherable meter by a drunken poet who couldn’t keep a job, so he lived with his mother his whole life while writing the most outrageous roadblocks and outcomes, based on nothing but the whims of his own inebriated brain. It had an awkward beginning, a wildly improbable middle, and an awful, painful end. And nothing rhymed.
Love was the worst.
Inconveniently, it was also the best.

à la Mode St. » fashionMariana. BAD. ASS. HEROINE. It’s impossible for JT to write a weak heroine. Mariana is a genius thief. The best. She has a sordid past and was raised to become the best thief the world has ever known. Riddled with secrets, she steals in order to keep herself safe. She meets Ryan when she is on a mission, and she has to seduce him, but the tables turn and he ends up seducing her instead, and THE CHASE IS ON!!!
à la Mode St. » fashion

“Wrap your legs around my back,” I say, panting too, “and tell me how much you hate me while I make you come.”
Her thighs become a vise around my waist. Her eyes burn. “I do hate you.”
I flex my hips, and her lashes flutter. She whispers, “I do.”

à la Mode St. » fashion
Ryan. BEST. HERO. EVER. JT writes the best heroes!! I loved Ryan’s natural humor and laid-back personality. But at the same time, he is a genius. I love all the geniuses!!! Ryan is irresistible. I am just grinning and giggling thinking about him. He is part of a top-notch security firm that is very well-connected. Mariana continues to underestimate him in the book, but Ryan doesn’t give up on her. His confidence. His swagger. His humor. Gah!
He melted my mind

à la Mode St. » fashion

He comes like he does everything else, one thousand percent committed. Crying out until he’s hoarse, praising me, making me feel beautiful, like fairy tales could be true and happily every afters might be an actual possibility. When it’s over and he’s spent, lying motionless and panting, his chest slick with sweat, I sit back on my heels and just look at him. I drink him in with my eyes, memorizing every golden line of his body.

Because in some dark part of my heart, no matter how much I want to believe in them, I know that fairy tales aren’t true.

à la Mode St. » fashion
Ryan chases Mariana in this book, and this chase is delicious. Mariana cannot resist him every time he catches her (who could?!). It’s a game of trust issues. The beginning of this book is perfect. The middle is perfect. The end is perfect.

Are you annoyed yet about how much I love this book?

My work here is done.

 Want to read the other standalones in the Wicked Games series? Find out more about WICKED BEAUTIFUL and WICKED SEXY below!



Life coach and best-selling author Victoria Price has it all: a successful career, fabulous friends, a fantastic penthouse in Manhattan. What she doesn’t have—and doesn’t want—is a husband. Fifteen years ago her high school flame broke her heart so badly she swore she’d never love again. Now she makes millions teaching other women how to be just like her: a ruthless bitch.

Drop-dead sexy restauranteur and infamous playboy Parker Maxwell has only three rules for the women he dates: no questions about his past, no expectations for the future, and no spending the night. When he meets Victoria, however, he’s willing to break his own rules if it means sating the explosive desire she arouses in him. What he doesn’t know is that the alluring Victoria Price used to be the mousy Isabel Diaz, the girl he deflowered and dumped long ago.

Presented with a perfect opportunity for revenge, Victoria decides the game is on. But when her connection with Parker proves more than just skin deep, she has to make a choice: continue with her plan for payback, or risk her career, her reputation, and her heart by taking a second chance on love?

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A badass ex-Special Ops officer and a smartass hacker fight a dangerous enemy…and a blistering attraction to each other.

Connor Hughes is an ex-special ops officer, CEO of Metrix Security, and bonafide badass. His private security firm is renowned for its effectiveness. He’s renowned for his lethal precision and iron self-control. But when the former Marine meets a gorgeous young hacker with a mouth as smart as her brain, his control unravels in ways he never could have predicted.

Tabitha West is a genius MIT dropout with a bad attitude, an obsession with Hello Kitty and piercings in unmentionable places. Tabby amuses herself by outwitting the most secure technology systems on the planet. Known in hacker circles as Polaroid due to her photographic memory, she’s as secretive as she is accustomed to working alone. So when Connor decides she’s the only one who can help him catch a cyber criminal intent on taking down one of his clients, she tells him exactly where he can stick it.

But when the cyber criminal turns out to be the Hannibal Lecter of computer crime—and a dark presence from Tabby’s past—Tabby and Connor are drawn into a dangerous game of cat and mouse. They quickly find themselves fighting not only their common enemy, but also an explosive desire that threatens to consume them.

When the stakes are this high and the game this deadly, will falling in love be the most dangerous move of all?

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A former headhunter, J.T. Geissinger is the author of more than a dozen novels in contemporary romance, paranormal romance, and romantic suspense.

She is the recipient of the Prism Award for Best First Book, the Golden Quill Award for Best Paranormal/Urban Fantasy, and is a two-time finalist for the RITA® Award from the Romance Writers of America®. Her work has also finaled in the Booksellers’ Best, National Readers’ Choice, and Daphne du Maurier Awards.

Join her Facebook reader’s group, Geissinger’s Gang, to take part in weekly Wine Wednesday live chats and giveaways, find out more information about works in progress, have access to exclusive excerpts and contests, and get advance reader copies of her upcoming releases.

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#DGRFave & Review: HOT Valor by @LynnRayeHarris

Series: Hostile Operations Team #11
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Author: Lynn Raye Harris
Release Date: July 18, 2017

A new standalone romance from New York Times Bestselling Author Lynn Raye Harris. Sexy, action-packed, and thrilling!

Colonel John “Viper” Mendez searches for a ghost from his past… and when he finds her, nothing will be the same!

They told him she was dead. They lied…

Colonel John “Viper” Mendez is having the second-worst day of his life. Accused of using the Hostile Operations Team to assassinate a foreign official, he’s gone from being a respected military black-ops commander to a fugitive in the space of an hour. On the run, hunted, and stripped of his honor, Mendez has nowhere to go–and few people he can trust.

Russian spy Ekaterina “Kat” Kasharin is a carbon copy of the woman Mendez once loved. Twenty-one years ago, Valentina vanished from his life. Kat claims to be her twin–but Kat’s lying. Ordered by her superiors in Russian Intelligence to abandon the man she loved–or watch him die–Kat had no choice but to obey.

But twenty-one years is a long time to love a man from afar, and Kat won’t stand by as a traitor plans his death–even if it means risking her heart and her life to save him. She can never reveal her true identity–or the secrets she keeps locked away. Secrets he would hate her for. Working with him is strictly business, and she won’t let emotions get in the way. But the attraction between them is smoking hot–and it’s not long before they’re burning up the sheets.

When the truth comes out, the mission implodes. Everything Mendez thought he knew was a lie. He’ll have to pull it together though before a deadly foe succeeds in taking away all he loves. By the time he realizes Kat might be most important of all? It could be too late to save her…

The Hostile Operations Team is a covert military Black Ops unit. Their motto is Where None Dare. H.O.T. operators come from all branches of the military. The only criteria for membership: they must be the best of the best!


She was an itch beneath his skin. A mosquito buzzing in his ear. A compulsion that threatened to tip across the line into addiction.

This. Book. GAH! It was worth every single second of the wait. Mendez was everything. EVERYTHING.
Harris can write a hot military hero like no one else. Is it any wonder why I’m addicted to this series. It’s become my crack. Pure and simple.

Lies, scandals, secrets, and espionage. All of it explodes in this incredibly powerful second chance romance. It was a heart pounding, action packed, sizzling story of love lost and found. I don’t even have words for how much I loved it, but I’m going to try.

Colonel John “Viper” Mendez has always been the man behind the scenes. The commander of HOT that always set their missions in motion and oversaw things from his desk. But his time in his position earned him a number of enemies and they’re ready to collect. When he gets set up to make it seem like he was using the Hostile Operations Team to assassinate a foreign official, all bets are off. Mendez is not a man that runs from his responsibilities, but he can’t catch the ones responsible from his jail cell. With the help of an slinkily ally, Ian Black, Mendez gets a blast from his past he never expected.

He was no longer commander of HOT. He was a fugitive with a price on his head. He was also a man with a past waiting for the answers to a mystery he’d never stopped thinking about.

Twenty one years ago he fell hard and fast for a beautiful Russian spy, only to lose her and never recover from her death. Valentina is the one woman that he will never forget or get over, so when he meets her carbon copy claiming to be her twin sister, Kat, sent to assist him on his mission, it’s like getting hit by a two by four of memories he can’t hide from.

Every time he looked at her, it was like being plowed into by a high-speed train. He was flattened, gutted, gasping for air.

Not all is as it seems with Kat. Twenty one years ago she was forced to give up the man she loved or watch him die, she made a choice that she never quite recovered from. She’s hardened, jaded, and even more deadly than the woman that Mendez knew as Valentina. Now she’s Kat and she’ll protect the man she never stopped loving even at the cost of her own life, but her identity is a secret that she’ll take with her to her grave.

You could run from your past. You could put years and distance between you and the things that haunted you. But you never got over them. You never got free.

I love a second chance romance. But when that second chance romance is between a special ops commander and a Russian spy he believed dead for 21 years? Holy mother of everything! It’s utterly delicious. Mendez struggles with his instant connection to Kat. He can’t understand if it’s something beyond her uncanny resemblance to the woman he loved, or Kat is keeping something from him. Theirs is a relationship that’s based on secrets and mistrust, and yet it crackles with enough chemistry to spark an explosion. I absolutely loved the two of them together. And as you get more and more of Kat’s past and the reasons why she did what she did along with what she’s been through for the past years, it becomes harder to stay angry at her. This is an incredibly strong woman that’s been through so much.

As for the story? HOT Valor was absolutely explosive! It was the perfect blend of action, suspense, and sizzling hot romance. It was delicious. Addicting. A non-stop action packed ride from beginning to finish. If you’ve been eager for more of Ian Black, you’ll be salivating with this book because the mystery finally gets revealed and it’s a doozy! I think I’ll go insane waiting for his book.

In the meantime, we get a sneak peek into the next couple and I’m already itching for their story.

If you’re a fan of this series, you simply cannot miss this book. It’s an absolute must read. Mendez lives up to every single promise and then some.












Review: Two Is A Lie by Pam Godwin

Series: Tangled Lies #2 (trilogy)
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Pam Godwin
Release Date: July 11, 2017

Two lies.
Two men who don’t share.

I never stopped loving Cole. Not when he left me. Not when he disappeared for three years. Not when he crashed back into my life in a violent explosion of testosterone and fury.
His sudden reappearance questions everything I thought I knew, including how I came to love another man.

Trace is an intoxicating breeze of seduction over ice. My rock. My second chance at forever.
And he’s committed to annihilating the competition.

The battle that ensues wrenches me back and forth between them.
Fighting and fucking.
Resisting and submitting.

Together, they entangle me in a web of lies, rivalry, and desire that weaves as deeply as their devotion to me.

I love two men, and if I can only have one, I choose none.

The TANGLED LIES series must be read in order.
One is a Promise
Two is a Lie
Three is a War



The vibrating silhouette of my past paces a few feet away, staring at me like an ethereal presence.
My first love. My greatest loss.
My second chance stands beside me, his expression as naked as his upper body, chilling in the cold mist.
He’s supposed to be my new beginning. My future.

Have you ever read a book with a feeling of dread in the pit of your stomach? A book that kept you equal parts riveted to the pages and utterly terrified of what will come next? A book that gave you so much anxiety you felt like you may need therapy after it? A book that you can’t stop thinking about days after you finished reading? A book that gave you indigestion, heartburn, anxiety, and a case of the day drinking? Hmmm? HAVE YOU? Because I just did and I want my mommy!
I was sucked in with One is a Promise but it’s nothing compared to what Pam Godwin did to me with this book. NOTHING. I have no words to describe the level of anxiety it brought me to. This, my friends, is why I avoid love triangles like venereal disease. But practicing abstinence. As in I won’t read the damn things. But this is Pam here. And I don’t care if she drive me to drink and rip my hair out, because I’ll read everything she writes. Period. Even when I’m reading like this…
But I digress as usual. So let’s bring it back to the subject at hand. This book. GAH!

I don’t understand the enigma of love, only that it holds me hostage, cares for and worships me, abandons and breaks me, and always lures me back for more. I’m greedy for it.

Danni is now faced with an impossible choice between two men that she loves equally and recklessly. Trace was her second chance. Her new beginning. But when her long believed dead finance is back in the picture, their lives get turned upside down. Thrown into a tug of war between two alpha males that will do everything and anything to be with her, Danni doesn’t know what to do. She can’t choose between the men that both hold her heart. They couldn’t be more different from each other, but one thing they share is their unquestionable and fiery love for Danni.

We’re connected by something precious, something bigger than ourselves. It’s led us through a million miles of separation and death and unimaginable pain. Where it takes us next, I don’t know. 

Now let me tell you, if this book won’t drive you to drink, I don’t know what will. For serious. But if there’s one thing it will do, is make you feel. Too much so.

I will say that some will hate some of the decisions that Danni made here. This girl, though? I completely understood. Stuck between two flames, she made the decision to put them all on equal footing and start from the beginning. To date both men and see where her heart leads. But how do you choose between the man that stole your heart in the past and the man that owns it in the present?

As much as you want to judge her for her choices, you simply can’t. I went back and forth between Cole and Trace for the entire book. And in the end, all I can tell you is that I’m #TeamTorn. It’s simply impossible.

Every time you let me into your body, it feels like redemption. You’re my faith, Danni. My religion.”

I’ll also tell you that this book had one of the hottest sex scenes I have ever read in my entire life. I’m not even kidding. You’ll never look at scuba diving the same ever again.
When the secrets that Trace and Cole are keeping from Danni begin to unravel, no one is safe, especially not my sanity. Because Oh My GOD!!! That freaking ending. I don’t think I’ll survive the end of this trilogy. I’m not even sure I’ll survive the wait for book three. So in the interim, I’ll be that pathetic looking thing rocking herself in a dark corner, clutching her wine and quietly sobbing.



One promise.
One forever.

One look and I knew Cole was mine. My dark rebel in leather. My powerhouse of passion, devastating smiles, and impulsiveness.
When his job sends him overseas, he promises to return to me.
A promise that’s destroyed in the most irrevocable way.

Two years later, an arrogant suit invades my heartbroken loneliness.

Clean-cut and stern, Trace is everything Cole wasn’t.
At first, he’s a job that will rescue my dance company. But as he intrudes on my life, our hostile relationship evolves.
He knows I’m still in love with Cole, but his dedication is my undoing.

Then a catastrophic moment changes everything.

Promises resurface.
Lies entangle.
And an impossible choice shatters my world.

I love two men, and I can only have one.


Two lies.

Two men who don’t share.

I never stopped loving Cole. Not when he left me. Not when he disappeared for three years. Not when he crashed back into my life in a violent explosion of testosterone and fury.

His sudden reappearance questions everything I thought I knew, including how I came to love another man.

Trace is an intoxicating breeze of seduction over ice. My rock. My second chance at forever.

And he’s committed to annihilating the competition.

The battle that ensues wrenches me back and forth between them.

Fighting and fucking.

Resisting and submitting.

Together, they entangle me in a web of lies, rivalry, and desire that weaves as deeply as their devotion to me.

I love two men, and if I can only have one, I choose none.

THREE IS A WAR – Releasing August 29, 2017

Three means war.

Three sides vying for forever.


My first love.

The bad boy with the dangerous smile and passionate temper draws attention like a lit fuse on dynamite. But his dark molten eyes spark only for me.


My second chance.

Over six feet of Norse god in a tailored suit, he calculates every move and seizes my hungry breaths with an iron fist.


The free-spirited dancer, torn between two men with no resolution in sight.

I tried leaving, staying, refusing, and surrendering.

What options do I have left?  

I love two men, and I do the only thing I can. I fight

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author, Pam Godwin, lives in the Midwest with her husband, their two children, and a foulmouthed parrot. When she ran away, she traveled fourteen countries across five continents, attended three universities, and married the vocalist of her favorite rock band.

Java, tobacco, and dark romance novels are her favorite indulgences, and might be considered more unhealthy than her aversion to sleeping, eating meat, and dolls with blinking eyes.

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Other books by Pam Godwin

Deliver Series:



Trilogy of Eve Series:

DEAD OF EVE (#1) | HEART OF EVE (#1.5) | BLOOD OF EVE (#2) | DAWN OF EVE (#3)







Geri’s Review & Excerpt: Silver Silence by @NaliniSingh

Series: Psy-Changeling Trinity #1
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Author: Nalini Singh
Release Date: June 13, 2017

New York Times bestselling author Nalini Singh introduces a bold new chapter in her extraordinary paranormal romance saga with the Psy-Changeling Trinity series. Wild passion will encounter the darkest of betrayal…

Control. Precision. Family. These are the principles that drive Silver Mercant. At a time when the fledgling Trinity Accord seeks to unite a divided world, with Silver playing a crucial role as director of a worldwide emergency response network, wildness and chaos are the last things she needs in her life.

But that’s exactly what Valentin Nikolaev, alpha of the StoneWater Bears, brings with him.

Valentin has never met a more fascinating woman. Though Silver is ruled by Silence—her mind clear of all emotion—Valentin senses a whisper of fire around her. That’s what keeps him climbing apartment buildings to be near her.

But when a shadow assassin almost succeeds in poisoning Silver, the stakes become deadly serious…and Silver finds herself in the heart of a powerful bear clan.

Her would-be assassin has no idea what their poison has unleashed…


I’ve got strong hands, and I promise to be a gentleman unless you ask me to tear off your clothes and kiss every delectable inch of you.”

Image result for swooning gif

Oh my gah, Valentin. *melts into a puddle of goo*

This Changeling alpha bear stole my heart from the get go and he almost ALMOST replaced Hawke as my favorite Nalini Singh hero ever! No small feat coz duh, Hawke is Hawke but oh man, Valentin is right up there.

Silver Silence is the first book out of the second chapter of Nalini Singh’s sprawling Psy-Changeling series called Psy-Changeling Trinity. Silence has fallen and a new peace accord has been signed by the three groups: the Human Alliance, the Psy’s and the Changelings. But a new group threatens to unravel the fragile bonds of peace that the Trinity has forged. Just when you thought this series couldn’t get any better, it does. It really does.

Silver didn’t know how to love, but she knew how to hold on to her people.

Silver Mercant rose from being Kaleb Krychek’s top aide to become the head of the Em-Net, the worldwide emergency response network. Silence has fallen but despite this Silver still chooses to live under it. She has a good reason to and her reason isn’t clear to other characters in the book as well as the readers until it was revealed. The Mercants is one of the most powerful Psy family in the world, and the most secretive. So when an attempt was made on Silver’s life, the Mercants did what they had to do their way.

Fortunately for Silver, Valentin Nikolaev, alpha of the StoneWater Bears offered his home and his protection while her family tried to get to the bottom of who wanted Silver killed. 

The StoneWater Bears are a strong predator changeling group out of Moscow who went through a very traumatic rift which threatens to tear them part. And Valentin being the Alpha has his hands full with keeping his family safe and strong as they navigate the new changes brought about by the Trinity Accord. But Silver has always fascinated Valentin. The man and his bear recognized their mate in Silver and despite her Silence, Valentin goes above and beyond in trying to win her trust and her heart. And we know what happens when you put a determined alpha bear together with a reluctant Silent Psy in one place, right?

This was my favorite part of the book for me. Yes, this book does have multiple POVs. It has intrigued and a dash of suspense. But the romance…the ROMANCE was top-notch swoonworthy.

Explain what’s happening.”  

 “We’re happening.”

Valentin, like most changeling Alpha, is determined. Gah! His devotion and patience as the pursues Silver “sneaky like a cat” was everything. He was funny as hell and he respects Silver and treats her as his equal. He totally won me over and Silver didn’t stand a chance. He was one determined bear.

I loved how Ms. Singh took time to develop not just their romance but each of their character arcs. Silver went from being Silent to the kind of person that was perfect fit for Valentin, who has always worn his heart on his sleeve when it comes to Silver. I loved how the StoneWater Bears Denhome was explored in the book. The vivid imagery of their cave as well as the relationships between Valentin and his sisters, as well as his lieutenants added an interesting layer to the story and to the romance.

A few familiar characters from the first chapter of the Psy-Changeling series made some appearances but not all. Lots of names were dropped though which made me so happy because yes, I knew these characters. Their presence were felt but not too much that it became distracting. This book is definitely all about these new characters, specifically, the StoneWater bears and the BlackEdge wolves, which I am already in love with.

I’ll be beary good,” he promised, his face lit from within.

She had the sense of playing with a wild thing. “Now you’re just beyond bearing.”

Silver Silence did not disappoint. It’s tautly written with fascinating characters and an intricate plot that holds your interest from beginning until the end.  There were a lot of plot threads that were left open and I for one, am intrigued.  I’m definitely looking forward to more Psy-Changeling Trinity.

Laughing at the cubs’ antics, Valentin jogged down the slight incline and waded into what had to be ice-cold water after kicking off his boots and socks. He splashed the cubs, laughed when they splashed him back. Running so they could chase him, he turned abruptly and chased them back, to their unhidden joy.
Silver took a seat on the grass. When the female bear looked her way, she inclined her head in a silent greeting. The bear did the same, then they both watched an alpha bear play with two energetic cubs, his hands holding rough care for their small bodies.
By the time Valentin made his way back to her, he was drenched and his eyes weren’t human in any way. When he spoke, his already deep voice was so low it felt like thunder against her skin. “Couldn’t resist,” he said, pushing back his wet hair with one big hand. “If you weren’t in recovery and if I wasn’t in terror of Nova’s wrath, I’d have invited you. The small monsters wanted to play with you.”
Silver didn’t get to her feet. “Can we stay here a little longer?” It was patent that Valentin had an extremely high tolerance for the cold, but he might want to dry off.
“Sure,” he said, and, moving away several feet, shook off the wet.
Fine droplets settled on the skin of her cheek, but she didn’t flinch at the unintentional tactile contact. She also controlled her urge to reach up and touch the water where it lay against her skin. There was no reason to do that, and Silver was alive because she only did things that were rational.
Settling beside her, Valentin waved at the cubs as their guardian led their tired forms toward a path in the trees that was at the same level as the stream. “Gentler climb,” Valentin told her.
“They seem too exhausted to make it to Denhome.”
“It’s all an act—they’re hoping for a ride on their aunt’s back.” His tone held the same fond affection she’d heard when he spoke of Dima. “It’d take more than a few minutes’ play in the water to wipe out those two.”
The cubs had played with Valentin for almost a half hour. “They’re hyperactive?”
“They’re baby bears.”
Silver watched as those baby bears turned toward her and rose up on their back paws, as if in challenge. A stern sound from their caretaker, and they dropped down and scrambled to catch up with her. Their bodies disappeared into the trees as dusk began to turn from orange to shadowy gray.
Beside her, Valentin sprawled out, bracing himself on his elbows. His drenched T-shirt clung to the ridged muscles of his abdomen, pulled tight across his pectoral muscles, shaped itself over his shoulders. His jeans weren’t much better, outlining the raw muscle of his thighs.
Valentin Nikolaev was a man of violent physical strength even in human form. Yet he clearly had iron control over it; when he’d played with the children, they’d displayed zero fear of their alpha.
“You thought about where you’re going to live when you escape the bears who’ve kidnapped you?”
When she raised an eyebrow at him, he grinned. “Fringe netter with his own Internet channel sent out a breaking report last night. Pasha—who obviously needs more work duties—made up a fake account and posted a comment swearing to have seen you being pulled into a black van by six burly bears in bear form.”
“You don’t seem too concerned.” Amber eyes and deep voice, he remained very much a bear in human form.
“Well, according to this ‘eyewitness,’ the getaway driver was in bear form, too. Must’ve been tough for him to steer with one paw since he was drinking a beer at the same time.”
“Bears,” Silver said, making Valentin throw his head back and laugh that huge laugh that wrapped around her.
“I’ve got strong hands, and I promise to be a gentleman unless you ask me to tear off your clothes and kiss every delectable inch of you.”

NEW YORK TIMES AND USA Today bestselling author of the Psy-Changeling and Guild Hunter series Nalini Singh usually writes about hot shapeshifters and dangerous angels. This time around, she decided to write about a hot and wickedly tempting rock star. If you’re seeing a theme here, you’re not wrong.

Nalini lives and works in beautiful New Zealand, and is passionate about writing. If you’d like to explore her other books, you can find lots of excerpts on her website. Slave to Sensation is the first book in the Psy-Changeling series, while Angels’ Blood is the first book in the Guild Hunter series. Once Rock Addiction is out, swing by the site to check out the special behind-the-scenes page, complete with photos of many of the locations used in the book.

New Release & Review: One Is A Promise by Pam Godwin

Series: Tangled Lies #1 (trilogy)
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Pam Godwin
Release Date: June 6, 2017

One promise.
One forever.

One look and I knew Cole was mine. My dark rebel in leather. My powerhouse of passion, devastating smiles, and impulsiveness.
When his job sends him overseas, he promises to return to me.
A promise that’s destroyed in the most irrevocable way.

Two years later, an arrogant suit invades my heartbroken loneliness.

Clean-cut and stern, Trace is everything Cole wasn’t.
At first, he’s a job that will rescue my dance company. But as he intrudes on my life, our hostile relationship evolves.
He knows I’m still in love with Cole, but his dedication is my undoing.

Then a catastrophic moment changes everything.

Promises resurface.
Lies entangle.
And an impossible choice shatters my world.

I love two men, and I can only have one.

* * * * * * * * * *

TANGLED LIES (a trilogy)
One is a Promise
Two is a Lie: Coming Jul 11, 2017
Three is a War: Coming Aug 29, 2017


My hands plunge into his hair, pushing, pulling, and ripping at the strands. Desire wars with disgust. Anguish begets pleasure, and I’m lost beneath the diabolical swirl of his tongue, torn between wanting him and hating him, aching for relief and despising myself for it.

It doesn’t matter what this woman writes, she manages to hook me with just the first page alone. Her words are riveting, crackling with so much intensity, you feel like her characters are going to jump right out of the pages. They’re living, breathing things that are so real, it’s hard to believe you’re reading fiction. Her stories are live wires full of so much chemistry, it crackles and burns. And this book? It was all of those things and more. So much more!

You, my tiny dancer, are an erotic dream dipped in the sweetest honey. A man only needs to look at you to become fiercely protective of your smile.”

What happens when you find a once in a lifetime kind of love, only to lose it in a way that you’re still not able to move on from? That’s exactly what Danni is trying to figure out. Three years ago she was living the dream with the love of her life; Cole. After a ridiculously sweet meet-cute, they fall hard and fast. They plan their life together. They plan a wedding. But then everything gets shattered and Danni is left alone to pick up the pieces.

His love branded me, left its mark beneath my skin, like swirling colors of ink.

Because love doesn’t end with death. It doesn’t shrivel and disintegrate with the ashes. It hovers, follows, haunts the living.

Only now finding the courage to date again, Danni has resolved herself to never finding a man that was as compatible to her needs as Cole was. A man that’s intense, overwhelming, demanding, and owns with his presence alone. What she never expects is to meet exactly that sort of man, but the only thing he wants from her is her acceptance of his job proposal.

Jesus, this man is potent. All he has to do is stand there in his tailored suit and transmit displeasure like it’s foreplay.

Trace is ridiculously enigmatic. He’s cold, at time callous, and business only. Only his eyes hint at the burning passion behind his callous words. His mouth says that he wants nothing to do with her, but his actions show he’s as drawn to her as she is to him.

What begins is a cat and mouse game with a sexual tension that’s so thick, you can practically cut it with a knife. Danni is not afraid to flirt with danger, and Trace is definitely dangerous. His continuous rejection of her chips away at her bravado, but she sees the promise behind his eyes. Danni was a heroine that was this amazing mix of vulnerability and strength. She’s a woman healing from a terrible loss, but she also wants to move on. She’s sassy and funny and has just the right amount of snark that she doesn’t hesitate to wield as a weapon against a certain broody man.

I loved the chemistry between her and Trace. The hate lust is strong with these two, and I couldn’t get enough of it. And when the inevitable happens? Holy fireworks!

Then he fucks me, grunting like a feral caveman and hissing past clenched teeth. He’s a hurricane of fury and aggression, slamming his cock rapidly, violently, and punishing my mouth with deep bruising kisses. 

What I really loved is how believable Danni’s connection is to Trace without taking anything away from her memory of Cole.

The story itself is addicting; full of angst and sizzle. You spend the entire time waiting for the other shoe to drop. There’s not one calm moment. It keeps you at the edge of your seat the entire time, absolutely riveted to the pages. And when the secrets begin to unravel? You’ll be picking your jaw off of the floor.

This is book one in a trilogy, and I’m pretty sure I may die of anxiety before I get my hands on the next book after this cliffhanger. It. Was. Painful. PAINFUL, I tells ya! Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be rocking myself in a corner until July.

#DGRFave, Lana and Jenn’s Review: Ruckus by @lj_shen

Series: Sinners of Saint #2
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: LJ Shen
Release Date: May 24, 2017


They say that life is a beautiful lie and death a painful truth. They’re right.
No one has ever made me feel more alive than the guy who serves as a constant reminder that my clock is ticking.
He is my forbidden, shiny apple.
The striking fallacy to my blunt, raw, truth.
He is also my sister’s ex-boyfriend.
One thing you should know before you judge me;
I saw him first. I craved him first. I loved him first.
Eleven years later, he waltzed into my life, demanding a second chance.
Dean Cole wants to be my bronze horseman. My white knight has finally arrived. Hopefully, he isn’t too late.


They say the brightest stars burn out the fastest. They’re right.
She sets my mind on fire.
All smart mouth, snarky attitude and a huge heart.
In a world where everything is dull, she shines like fucking Sirius.
Eleven years ago, fate tore us apart.
This time, I dare it to try.
Getting to her is a battlefield, but man, that’s why they call me Ruckus.
Rosie LeBlanc is about to find out how hard I can fight.
And conquering her will be the sweetest victory.


Dean Cole was nothing like people pegged him. He was the worst kind of devil. One that hid behind a polite smile, preppy clothes, and good manners.

Confession time: I was equally ready to part with an ovary to get my grabby little hands on this book and dreading it. I know! I know! Quit looking at me like I’m crazy, I’ll splain everything. I was excited as hell for this book because I live for LJ’s words. LIVE for them. But a part of me was dreading it because Dean happened to date Rosie’s older sister in the previous book, Vicious, and even though their relationship was nothing big and happened when they were young, the last time I read that particular plot device, I absolutely hated it. I should have known better than to doubt the magic that is LJ Shen’s writing, though, because not only did she pull it off, she did so FLAWLESSLY.

She had no clue, this girl. No. Fucking. Clue. Who she was dealing with. I might’ve been nicer than Vicious, but I was still a HotHole. I was still a sinner…and I was still the wolf her grandmamma warned her about.

Dean has always had a thing for the baby LeBlanc sister; ever since he first laid eyes on her as a teenager. But then life happened, and in an effort to protect her older sister, Emilia, from his fellow HotHole Vicious, they began to date…entirely killing his chances with the younger sister. But his obsession with her never ended. Now she’s in New York, renting an apartment in the same building as him, and he knows nothing will stop her from having her now…not even her.

Because giving up was not in my dictionary. When I wanted something, I took it. And I fucking wanted her. A lot.

In the previous books Dean came off as the fun loving, quick to smile, anything for a good time party boy. It’s easy to write him off as a shallow party boy, but boy would you be wrong. This is a man of so many depths, it’s incredible. Shen wrote such a multifaceted character with Dean, it’s impossible not to lose your heart (and your ovaries) to the man. There’s so much beyond the party boy and dirty talker. But let’s be fair here, because the dirty talk?

What am I doing to you?” He sounded menacing. Almost evil.
All-American, fresh-faced, lovely Dean had a very dangerous side, and he allowed me a sneak peek into it.
“You’re…” I stuttered. He tugged at my hair harder for the answer. It was painful, but at the same time, extremely hot.
“Say it, Baby LeBlanc.”
“You’re fucking me.”
“Hell, yeah, I’m fucking you. Feels good?”
“Am I too deep?”
“Am I too rough?”
“Good. ’Cause I’m about to be.”

Rosie was an amazing heroine. Here’s someone dealing with a life-altering illness, yet it doesn’t diminish any of her spark. She has sass for days and isn’t afraid to put Dean in his place. Constantly. I loved how hard she made him work for it. And boy did he work for it.

Rosie was never the prey. She was, at times, the motherfucking hunter.

I loved the way these two complimented each other. I loved how their individual jagged pieces somehow fit together so effortlessly into something so beautiful and poignant.
Ruckus was everything I’d hoped it would be and yet so much more. It was angsty deliciousness filled with enough chemistry you felt like your fingers will burn just from turning the pages . It was packed full of feeling and so much depth, you can’t help but fall into the vortex of the story. It was beautiful. It was tragic.

There was zero menace in his tone. Dean ‘Ruckus’ Cole was a different kind of asshole to Baron ‘Vicious’ Spencer. He fucked you over with a polite smile on his face. In that sense, he was the Joker. In his mix of confidence, cockiness, good looks, and money, there was a dash of insanity thrown in. Enough to let you know that he meant every word he said.

LJ Shen is a freaking unicorn. Every book she releases is better than her last. If she gets any better at her craft I may have to build her a shrine and stalk her incessantly (at least more than I do now.)

What I’m trying to tell you here is…



5 “after the flip, comes the boom” Stars!!!!!
Me going into this book:

Me at the end:
I knew I would love this book. But I didn’t expect my love for this book to compete for my love for Vicious’s book. To follow up after Vicious, which was basically perfection, I was skeeered. BUT LJ Shen just shoved her way into my heart with Dean ‘Ruckus’ Cole. How?! I have no idea. It was sneaky and genius.
à la Mode St. » fashion

Dean ‘Ruckus’ Cole was a different kind of asshole to Baron ‘Vicious’ Spencer. He fucker you over with a polite smile on his face. In that sense, he was the Joker. In his mix of confidence, cockiness, good looks, and money, there was a dash of insanity thrown in. Enough to let you know that he meant every word he said.

à la Mode St. » fashionI didn’t expect him to be mean. I expected to love him to death, but LJ Shen blew my mind out of the clean, crystal water and into the dirty gutter. Her words. Her feels. I loved the parallels the Shen draws in this book. There is NOTHING that I don’t love about LJ Shen’s books.

Rosie. WOW. Again, did not expect to love her show much. Stop making me FEEL so much shit, LJ Shen!!!! Rosie is sick. This is no secret. We know this when reading Vicious. We don’t know how strong she is, and the background story between Dean and Rosie. They love each other from the first sight, but they can’t be together, and they hurt each other left and right, and time is not on their side. But love is still there, after all the hurt and after all pain (AND DAMMIT, LJ SHEN, I’M CRYING WHILE WRITING THIS REVIEW!!!!!). Ok, breathe.

Dean…..dear god, where do I begin? He’s a manwhore. And don’t we just love a good manwhore? Hell, yes. He is an asshole, like Vicious. I mean, all 4 of these guys are called the Hotholes. Lol! But there is a goodness to Dean, deep down. It takes him a while to find it. And Rosie isn’t the one to change him. Again, it’s what I love about this series! The girl doesn’t change the asshole. The asshole essentially stays an asshole but tweaks the slightest parts of themselves to be loved by the girl.

It’s funny that I’m touching on all the emotional parts in this book because damn, it was all kinds of hot. And not like a little steamy hot… your brain can’t even wrap around the temperature of this book.
à la Mode St. » fashion

”You’re fucking me.”
“Hell, yeah, I’m fucking you. Feels good?”
“Am I too deep?”
“Am I too rough?”
“Good. ‘Cause I’m about to be.”

Did you just feel that quote in your ovaries??? Yeah, you did!!!
à la Mode St. » fashionI didn’t know what to expect from the ending. To be honest, I was expecting the worst. I was gearing up for it because I didn’t want to lose my heart and my mind if something bad happened. And I can’t even tell you if there is a happy ending because just saying whether or not there is one will give it away because again…..LJ Shen is genius…..but I will say that I was happy WITH the ending. 🙂

Don’t mind me. I’ll just be over trying to pick up the pieces of my heart and tears after this book.



#DGRFave & Review: Behind The Curtain by @BethKery

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Beth Kery
Release Date: May 2, 2017

Cultures clash and passion ignites in the novel that will leave you begging for more—from the bestselling author of The Affair and Looking Inside.

There’s something about this woman…

On a break between overseas jobs, journalist Asher Gaites returns to his hometown of Chicago—and allows his friends to persuade him to check out a hot new singer. At a downtown jazz club, he’s soon transfixed by the lyrical voice and sensuous body of a woman who performs behind a thin, shimmering veil…

…That could bring a man to his knees.

The veil gives Moroccan American Laila Barek the anonymity she needs since she has never been able to reconcile her family’s values with her passion for music. But one man is inexplicably drawn to her. And when Asher confronts her on a subway platform after a gig, he’s shocked to recognize the woman who walked away from him nine years ago…

Laila has never been able to forget the touch, the feel, the taste of Asher. And despite the doubt and fear that wind their way into their lives, they must trust the heat of their desire to burn down the walls the world has placed between them…


Part of you is always a bit of a mystery to me. Uncommitted. Unavailable. A little bit of you is always veiled.”

Shivers. I have honest to god shivers. This author is simply incomparable. She writes such raw, emotional, sensual stories that are unlike any I’ve ever read. What makes them so memorable is that they’re just so…real. They’re immeasurably satisfying but without having to be wrapped up in a perfect little bow at the end. I truly believe that Behind The Curtain is Kery’s best book to date and easily my favorite by her. It was such a beautiful and poignant second chance romance that was packed with as much heat as it had feeling. I love every page of it.

It was the sweetest kiss: questing and sun-warmed and gentle. Laila had never known there was a part of her that was frozen, deep down inside, until she felt it thaw beneath Asher’s mouth.

Eight years ago, behind the veil of youthful innocence and nativity, Asher Gaites and Laila Barek fell in love. It was was lovely, pure, and true. Asher was just out of university and about to take on his career outside of his parent’s influence and pull. Laila was a sheltered young woman just discovering the wonders of love and lust. They had all the odds stacked against them; Laila’s conservative Moroccan family, Asher’s upcoming move to a different state to begin his job, yet none of it could stop them from falling head over heels…only to be ripped apart.

Eight years has passed since that wondrous Michigan summer. Asher is now hardened and renowned journalist that’s traveled all over the world one war torn country at a time. Getting together with his two best friends for drinks, the last thing he expects is to see a performance that rocks him to his very core. He sees nothing but her shadowed figure behind a sheer veil and hears nothing but her haunting voice as she sings, but something about the woman strikes him as familiar. He can’t get her out of his head and he doesn’t know why. He has no idea that the woman behind the veil is the girl that got away. The girl that he never got over. The girl that he never forgot.

She saw it then for the first time: that hard glint of determination in his light eyes, the stubborn set to his jaw, the diamond-hard focus. It suddenly struck her that Asher Gaites-Granville wasn’t like anyone she’d ever met in her life. He was like a force of nature: powerful and undeniable.

I absolutely LOVED the way the story unfolded. The author did an incredible job with transitions of past to present. It was flawless. You start in the present, then get the entire flashback to the past, to then continue in the present. There’s no back and forth. It’s fluid and perfect and utterly spellbinding.

Asher only got more intense with the years while Laila really grew up into a strong young woman. I loved watching them discover each other again and experiencing everything right along with them. Did I mention that no one writes a sweat inducing love scene like Beth Kery? Because OMG!

Do you hear that? Do you hear how wet you are? I could die in this pussy,” he grated out darkly. He was right. She was soaking wet. She could hear him moving in her flesh. “You know I fantasize about it. About fucking you raw. You know it, but you wanted me to say it. Didn’t you?” She cried out in unbearable excitement as he stroked her harder

If you haven’t read a book by this author yet, you can’t start with a better book than this one. It was so much more than just a romance. I loved every page of it and simply can’t recommend it enough.

#DGRFave Review: Too Hard To Forget by Tessa Bailey

Series: Romancing The Clarksons #3
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Tessa Bailey
Release Date: April 25, 2017

This time, she’s calling the shots.

Peggy Clarkson is returning to her alma mater with one goal in mind: confront Elliott Brooks, the man who ruined her for all others, and remind him of what he’s been missing. Even after three years, seeing him again is like a punch in the gut, but Peggy’s determined to stick to her plan. Maybe then, once she has the upper hand, she’ll finally be able to move on.

In the years since Peggy left Cincinnati, Elliott has kept his focus on football. No distractions and no complications. But when Peggy walks back onto his practice field and into his life, he knows she could unravel everything in his carefully controlled world. Because the girl who was hard to forget is now a woman impossible to resist.



They called him the Kingmaker, because so many of his players had gone on to be first round NFL draft picks. That man. The one who visited her bed nightly. Well. In her dreams anyway.

Show of hands; who likes a good grovel?
How about an EPIC grovel?
How about a grovel that lasts for almost the entire half of a book?
How about when that grovel is wrapped into one of the sexiest and most delicious second chance romance stories?
And what if ALL THAT is written by the queen of dirty talk, Tessa Bailey?
Confession time, this was possibly my least anticipated book in the series. *cringes*
Don’t look at me like that! It just wasn’t, ok? Something about Peggy never really struck out at me, but boy am I eating my words right now because not only did I love her but this ended up being one of my top favorite Tessa Bailey books. Ever. True story.

Three years ago Peggy Clarkson fell for a man that was completely off limits. She was the popular and bubbly cheerleader, he was the closed off and brooding football coach. Their relationship was forbidden, their love was unexpected, and their end inevitable. Three years have passed and both their lives haven’t been the same. While Peggy has plowed her way through a string of failed engagements, Elliot has been married to his football coaching job. Now Peggy is back in town and she knows the one thing that may fix her broken self is to leave Elliot in her dust when she walks away from him this time around. But fate has other plans…

Man oh man did this book grab me from the very first. I love a good forbidden factor and Elliot and Peggy’s beginnings were certainly that. Peggy was always quick to smile and sunny and drew everyone into her orbit. Elliot is a man that only had two constants in his life; football and religion. Now I have to say, I was a little nervous about the religious element of the book. Tessa managed to take that fear and make into one of the hottest things I’ve ever read. Holy moly that one scene in the beginning that involved a certain Our Father prayer? *fans ovaries*

Every single detail of this book had a deeper reason. I loved the way that the author tied in Elliot’s self loathing, religion, and guilt into a particular kink that Peggy had developed. Both of these characters had such depth to them that you couldn’t help but fall for both of them. You want to be mad at Elliot for the way he treated Peggy but you just can’t. And then there’s the angst. Sweet mother, the angst! The first half of I want you but I can’t have you, I want you but I don’t forgive you push and pull? DE-LE-CIOUS. I was rooting so hard for both of them and I loved getting peeks into their past. The flashbacks were done so flawlessly that they seamlessly flowed into the story.

And then there’s the second half of the book that is one. long. delicious. grovel. Oh my god! It was so good. I don’t even have words. I cried, I swooned, I couldn’t stop reading.

This was easily one of my favorite Tessa Bailey books to date. It was EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING. It was swoony and ridiculously sexy. It was addicting and unputdownable. It was one of the most satisfying second chance romances I’ve read in a long while and I simply can’t recommend it enough.



Jennifer’s Review: Attachments by Rainbow Rowell

Author: Rainbow Rowell
Release Date: April 14, 2011

“Hi, I’m the guy who reads your e-mail, and also, I love you…”

Beth Fremont and Jennifer Scribner-Snyder know that somebody is monitoring their work e-mail. (Everybody in the newsroom knows. It’s company policy.) But they can’t quite bring themselves to take it seriously. They go on sending each other endless and endlessly hilarious e-mails, discussing every aspect of their personal lives.

Meanwhile, Lincoln O’Neill can’t believe this is his job now- reading other people’s e-mail. When he applied to be “internet security officer,” he pictured himself building firewalls and crushing hackers- not writing up a report every time a sports reporter forwards a dirty joke.

When Lincoln comes across Beth’s and Jennifer’s messages, he knows he should turn them in. But he can’t help being entertained-and captivated-by their stories.

By the time Lincoln realizes he’s falling for Beth, it’s way too late to introduce himself.

What would he say . . . ?


5 (the-part-where-I-give-this-book-stars-that-don’t-even-compare-to-the-book) STARS

What am I supposed to say after this? After any Rainbow Rowell book? Nothing I can say will be good enough. Everything I say will pale in comparison to the Greatness of this book. When a book makes me EVERYTHING so much, I just can’t.

I am doing this review for me. Because this book is too much goodness and I feel like my review is just going to disappear into the chasm of reviews for this book. But I wanted to do it anyway. Because when a book is so Great, I can’t keep it in.

Part of the review where I give a short summary:

1. Beth and Jennifer write emails to each other at work. (They are hil…ar….i….ous. I want to be their friend.)

2. Lincoln (mmmmm….Lincoln) is the IT guy (The cute IT guy), and his job is to monitor people’s emails at work. (This book takes place in the late 90’s.)

3. Lincoln (mmmmm…..Lincoln) enjoys their emails and begins to read them a lot.

4. Lincoln has been seriously scorned by a girl in his past. For most of the book, he is trying to move forward.

5. Lincoln (mmmm….Lincoln) falls in love with Beth……….

6. I know, you’re probably asking “THAT’S IT?! That’s the whole book?!” Because I asked myself the same thing. And yes, it is the whole book. And yes, IT IS EVERYTHING. Do you know why it is everything?! Rainbow….Rowell. I want to read her grocery lists, and so would John Green. (I got the grocery list thing from The Fault in Our Stars.) That’s how good she is.

LINCOLN. Forever and ever Lincoln. I want my own Lincoln. Mmmmmmm……..Lincoln. He’s perfection. He is a cute, nice guy…..the type I usually don’t fall for in a book, but Lincoln is mine forever. And ever and ever. He’s the type of guy that doesn’t know how great he is. He isn’t hard on himself. He just doesn’t realize how amazing he is. And he is AMAZING.

Beth & Jennifer be like:

Besties GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Beth – This book was barely about her. The only pov we see is when she is writing emails with Jennifer. And how Lincoln sees her and feels about her. (mmmm…..Lincoln) She has a boyfriend for almost the whole book (no, there isn’t cheating in this book), and I had no idea how Lincoln was going to get the girl!! (mmmm…..Lincoln)

Lincoln & Beth….So much of this book, I was like “Gah! How are they going to meet?!” And “Gah! I love Lincoln!” (mmmmm….Lincoln) And “Gah! I want you to get together!” And you guys, when they get together, it was everything I could have ever asked for. I could live off of their moments.

Reaction GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY This book has a sloooooooow burn. Most of the time, slow burn is a no-go for me. But this book could slow burn forever, and I wouldn’t even care. I cried. I laughed. So much laughing. So much feeling. So much.

Damn it, I can’t even write a review for this book because it’s so unique. It’s not even a book. It’s life. BOOM!

#DGRFave & Review: Midnight Target by @ElleKennedy

Series: Killer Instincts #8
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Author: Elle Kennedy
Release Date: April 25, 2017

From the New York Times bestselling author of The Score and Midnight Revenge

Four years ago, Cate’s entire life changed when she discovered she was the daughter of a supersoldier. But Jim Morgan’s overprotectiveness has pushed her away. These days, she’s working as a freelance photographer and living the dangerous life Jim never wanted for her.

When Cate snaps a photo linking a corrupt South American politician with the leader of a notorious drug cartel, her mercenary father leads a team to rescue her—only to get shot and critically wounded in the process.

As Morgan’s operatives rally together on a revenge mission, they’re faced with new alliances and old heartaches. Cate is forced to work with David “Ash” Ashton, the man who broke her heart two years ago, while Liam Macgregor and Sullivan Port resurface after years apart to finally try to deal with everything they’d left unsaid.

Soon it’s all-out war between the cartel and the mercenaries—with two couples caught in the middle of the blood feud. Love and redemption are within their reach…but first they have to make it home alive.


She should be used to his rejection by now. She really should be. But she wasn’t, damn it. No, David Ashton still had the power to hurt her, more than anyone else she knew.

FINALLY! After what felt like the longest wait ever, we get the story for Ash and Cate, and Sully and Liam. And while you can read this book as a standalone, I highly recommend reading the series in order to truly appreciate the many intricacies, plot and character developments. A lot of the characters are introduced early in the series and while the author gives plenty of background in the book, it still has a much better effect reading in order.

Midnight Target was the perfect conclusion to easily one of my all time favorite romantic suspense series. Talk about high octane action! The bullets were flying, the suspense was spine tingling, and the romance was toe curling! So much love!

Their friendship had become one of the most important things in his life. She had become one of the most important things in his life. But his need for her had always been superseded by one thing—his loyalty to the man lying in front of him.

Being the only daughter to the head honcho and badass mercenary Jim Morgan means two things for Cate; an overprotective and borderline overbearing existence where her father would rather wrap her in plastic and lock her away in a safe tower, and having the only man that she’s ever wanted, completely off limits to her. She’s had feelings since she first met him when she was 17 and he was 25. Now, years later, his easy dismissal of her still grates.

She was so tired of Ash walking away from her. One of these days she was going to tie him down, though what she was going to do with him once she had him secured, she wasn’t sure. Either fuck him or kill him. Maybe both.

Ash has been lusting for Cate just as long. She’s not just too young but she’s off limits to him because her father is the only family he’s ever had that mattered. He knows a mercenary is not what her father wants for her. But when hard headed Cate lands herself in major trouble and finds herself in the crosshairs of a ruthless Cartel, he knows he’ll stop at nothing to protect her.

The entire team finds themselves back together in a mission that puts all of their lives at risk and the danger is enough to make a few of them re-evaluate their life choices along with their hearts…

After all this time, after all these years of restraint, Ash was finally letting go, and his kiss was as addictive as she’d always known it would be.

On the backdrop of the non-stop action, we get a secondary romance plot line for Sully and Liam. Years in the making, these two men finally face what’s been in front of them…an undeniable lust and an undercurrent of something much more…

Beg,” Liam growled. He was helpless. Mindless.
“Suck me.” His voice rang with anguish, his throat tight with desire. “Please, Boston, suck me off.” With a dark chuckle, Liam lowered his head again.

There’s so much happening in this book that it was completely impossible to put down. This series reminds me of some of my top favorite RS series from Lora Leigh, Stephanie Tyler, and Pamela Clare. I love the secondary romance storyline we get in each book but I have to say this one was my absolute favorite in the series. Between Sully and Liam, and Ash and Cate, I thought my kindle would catch on fire from the sizzling chemistry.

This series couldn’t have ended with a better book. I laughed, I cried, I swooned, and I was kept on the edge of my seat from beginning to finish.

Did I mention Sully and Liam? Because SULLY AND LIAM!!!!!

Don’t tell me you’re that type of bloke, all old-fashioned and shit.”
“Hey, I’m not saying I need hearts and flowers, but make an effort, man.”
“Sure thing, Boston. I’m going to effort you so hard tonight that you’ll be crying for mercy.”



Beautiful lonely woman in the old house.

Copyright © 2015 · Dirty Girl Romance

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