Blog Tour & Review: P.I.T.A by @ BrookeBlaine1

P.I.T.A. (L.A. Liaisons, #3)
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Author: Brooke Blaine
Release Date: January 30, 2017

As one of the most prestigious wedding coordinators in Los Angeles, Paige Iris Traynor-Ashcroft is known for being classy, elegant, and the orchestrator of many happily-ever-afters.

But in the words of Paige herself: “What a crock of shiitake.”

Known affectionately (or not) as P.I.T.A. to those closest to her, she’s never been one to buy into the whole monogamy thing for herself. Sure, her BFFs are getting picked off by Cupid one by one, but his arrows have nothing on her semiautomatic.

Richard “Dick” Dawson does his best to live up to his name. A long-time frenemy and manwhore extraordinaire, he thrives on pushing limits, pushing up skirts—and pushing every single one of Paige’s buttons. He’s the itch she can’t scratch, and doesn’t want to. Or does she?

What happens when blazing-hot rage turns to crazy, unexplainable lust? Surely not…love? Because that would just be a total P.I.T.A.


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That was how it always was with us—constantly trying to one-up each other, always fighting for dominance. It put things back on comfortable ground.

So this book….*giggles*
Sorry. As I was saying…*wiggles with glee*
Dammit. Back to the subject at hand…*flails with happiness*

I give up! I can’t. I just can’t talk about this book without a goofy grin on my face. It’s impossible. Because this story was EVERYTHING I love about a good rom com; undeniably flawless storytelling, fabulous characters that you want to be your own BFFs, swoony hero, a heroine so sassy it’ll make you jealous, enough antagonistic hate/lust to make a cynic swoon, and so many laugh out loud parts that I won’t recommend reading in public for fear of judgy side eyes. It was perfect. Perfect I tells ya!!!

You know, this is a perfect example of why I call you Pita.”
“Why? Because I stick up for myself? Because I call people out when they’re assholes? Because I have fucking balls of steel?” One of the bellhops we passed stopped in his tracks at my admission, and stared at me with wide eyes. “What?” I asked. “You wanna see my steel balls? Dawson, put me down so I can show him.”

Paige and Dawson have been frenemies almost as long as they’ve been friends. The only thing constant between them are their snarky barbs and sarcastic remarks. It doesn’t matter that they grew up together or that their parents are friends, Paige can’t stand the guy…right?

A successful party turned wedding planner, Paige is the unlikeliest of them all; the kind that doesn’t believe in marriage. Her parents show and tell marriage successfully burned the idea of a happy marriage right out of her. Richard “Dick” Dawson has been one constant in her life… a constant pain in the ass that is, but when some seriously comical circumstances put them together, the undeniable sparks between them fly.

Remember when I said Dawson was a breast guy? That wasn’t the whole truth—Dawson was a sex guy, plain and simple, one of those rare men who wanted to worship every single inch of you, and I was more than willing to let him.

Watching two of her girlfriends find relationship bliss doesn’t mean that Paige wants it for herself. Especially not with her former best friend turned bane of her existence. So why does the man have to be so blasted sexy, persistent, and damn it all, irresistible?!
Dawson was just….rarrrrrrrr. The man was sex on a stick. He was funny, swoony, and just total perfection. I couldn’t get enough of him, especially when he was determined to drive Paige out of her mind with either frustration or lust.

I’d be up for show-and-tell anytime you wish, love, but if you could sit on my cock sometime soon, I’d love to fuck you.”

This book was by far my favorite in the series. I adored every single hilarious page of it. And it was hilarious. Like laugh until you have tears in your eyes hilarious. Not only is it my favorite Brooke Blaine book, but it may easily be my favorite rom com I’ve read to date. Yeah. It was that good.

I want to be the goddamn reason you can’t wait to wake up in the morning. I want you to be unable to sleep if I’m not there with you at night. And I want to be the only fucking man that you let come near you when you’re moving those hips like you’re having sex on the dance floor.”

If you’re looking for a swoony rom com, this is a no-brainer one-click. Seriously.

As for me? I’m off to stalk Brooke instantly for Quinn’s book, because that hooker has been teasing me with the what ifs too long. TOO LONG I SAY! And what can I say? Patience has never been a virtue of mine.

You could say Brooke Blaine was a book-a-holic from the time she knew how to read; she used to tell her mother that curling up with one at 4 a.m. before elementary school was her ‘quiet time.’ Not much has changed except for the espresso I.V. pump she now carries around and the size of her onesie pajamas.

Brooke enjoys writing sassy contemporary romance, whether in the form of comedy, suspense, or erotica. The latter has scarred her conservative Southern family for life, bless their hearts.

If you’d like to get in touch with her, she’s easy to find – just keep an ear out for the Rick Astley ringtone that’s dominated her cell phone for ten years.

You can connect with Brooke here:

 Website Facebook |  Twitter |  Instagram | Amazon Author Page |  Brooke & Ella’s Facebook Group

If you’d like to be the FIRST to know about a new release, sale, giveaway, or upcoming signings & events, make sure to join Brooke’s newsletter:

And make sure to follow me on Bookbub!

Read the series!

Licked (L.A. Liaisons, #1)

Licked Cover
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Hooker (L.A. Liaisons,#2)

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Blog Tour, Jennifer’s Review & Giveaway: How To Date A Douchebag: The Failing Hours by @SaraNey

How to Date a Douchebag: The Failing Hours
Genre: New Adult, Sports Romance, College Romance
Author: Sara Ney
Release Date: January 31, 2017

Zeke Daniels isn’t just a douchebag; he’s an asshole.

A total and complete jerk, Zeke keeps people at a distance. He has no interest in relationships—most assholes don’t.

Dating? Being part of a couple? Nope. Not for him.

He’s never given any thought to what he wants in a girlfriend, because he’s never had any intention of having one.

Shit, he barely has a relationship with his family, and they’re related; his own friends don’t even like him.

So why does he keep thinking about Violet DeLuca?

Sweet, quiet Violet—his opposite in every sense of the word.

The light to his dark, even her damn name sounds like rays of sunshine and happiness and shit.

And that pisses him off, too.


The clock on the wall counts the seconds, steady as the rhythm of my beating heart, which thumps wildly within my chest until the glass door to the library opens, propelled by a gust of wind.Some new fallen leaves flutter in, the heavy doors slamming from the draft.

Along with them? Zeke Daniels.

He shuffles in, dark gray sweatpants hanging low on his hips, black Iowa Wrestling hoodie pulled up over his head, the university’s bright yellow mascot screen-printed across the chest. Backpack slung over one shoulder, black athletic flip-flops, and a pair of black sunglasses perched on the bridge of his strong nose complete the overall ensemble.

He is utterly…ridiculous.



His arrogance knows no bounds; I can see it in his loose gait, the exaggerated swagger, and the too-casual way he’s dragging his flip-flops across the cold, marble tile floor. It’s noisy, irritating, and completely uncalled for.

In the moment, my mind drifts to his personal life, and I theorize that he listens to heavy metal music to sooth his foul temperament, drinks his coffee black—as black as his soul—and his liquor straight up. I imagine once he’s had sex with someone, they’re never invited back. I go one step further and theorize that they’re never invited to spend the night at his place, either.

Zeke Daniels makes his way to a table at the far end of the room, near the periodicals, one out of the way with plenty of privacy.

Sets his bag down in one of the four wooden chairs. Flicks on the small study lamp. Plugs his laptop cord into the base and stands.


Our eyes would have met then were it not for those ludicrous sunglasses. I choose the exact moment he lifts his gaze to look down at the ground. Busy myself with shuffling papers on the counter. Count to ten instead of chanting, Please don’t come over, please don’t come over, please don’t come over…

But luck isn’t on my side because he most decidedly does.

Makes his way over like a predator at a pace so deliberate, I’m convinced he’s doing it on purpose. As if he suspects I’m watching from under my long lashes, dreading his imminent arrival.

He basks in my discomfort.

The distance between us closes, his strides purposeful.

Twenty feet.





His large hand reaches up, pushing down the hood of his sweatshirt, his fingertips pinching the earpiece of his sunglasses and pulling them off his face. My eyes follow the movements as he folds them closed, hanging them on the neckline of his hoodie.

His gaze lingers—those clear gray eyes famous around campus—and finds the shiny silver bellhop bell perched on the counter with the sign next to it that reads, Ring for help.


The tip of his forefinger presses down on the small bell.


He hits it again, despite me standing not three feet in front of him.

What an ass.

This book has ALL MY LOVE! Oh my…….Zeke and Violet have ruined me! I was giggling so much throughout this entire book. Zeke is absolutely hilarious, and Sara Ney writes the male POV PERFECTLY!
This book is the epitome of why I love assholes so much. Zeke is a pissy, giant bear. Ugh. I loved him. He’s so broody and angry all the time. Zeke needs a tutor, but Violet stands him up because he is so damn intimidating. He is forced into a Big Brother role by his coach and ends up partnering with Violet anyway. Violet is such a good person, but Zeke is not good. He is downright mean and grouchy.

My Violet & Zeke:

 : Violet is happy sunshine, but not in an annoying way. She truly cares about people, but she is a stuttering little mouse. Zeke and Violet couldn’t be more opposite. But they have no idea how much they have in common. They are both lonely, so they truly need each other.

Zeke pounces and stomps all over Violet through most of this book. She puts up with some of it, but there is a pivotal point where she puts her foot down. I loved how Zeke had to learn to let go of some of his issues. I could truly feel how he wanted to feel something good for Violet, but he is a true douchebag.

Once Zeke and Violet get it on…..Holy Hot Panties! I was hot and sweaty and laughing at the same time!

This book is all kinds of my favorite. I love broody Zeke. I love mousey Violet. I love the writing. I love the FEELS. I didn’t expect the feels and the swooning. Zeke falls HARD for Violet, and I fell HARD for Zeke and Violet.
à la Mode St. » fashion

Soon she’s going to have me holding babies and volunteering with old people, I just fucking know it.
I’d do it.
I’d do it just to see those eyes of hers light up. I’d do it because when her small, slender body is pressed against mine, mine lights on fire. I could get used to these feelings, could get high now that I know how fast my heart beats when she’s near.

à la Mode St. » fashionSara Ney writes the male POV so well! I can’t believe this was my first book that I’ve ever read by her. I will definitely be reading all of her books.

In The Series:

How to Date a Douchebag: The Studying HoursAmazon | B&N | Kobo | iTunes

Purveyor of all things witty & romantic, I love: iced latte’s, traveling, and bright, bold colors. On any given day, you can find me in my office, lovingly gazing at my bookshelf or shuffling my Bic felt-tip pen collection. I love hand writing letters, and sarcasm.

I live in the midwest, but “Will Write for Travel,” and believe everyone should follow their dreams, no matter how big or small. My favorite authors include Cindy Miles, S Walden, Suzanne Enoch, Tessa Dare (to name a few). I am a glutton for Historical, RomCom, Sports and MC romance.

One husband. Two daughters. Plenty of chaos.


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Review & #DGRFave: Ruthless by @Gina_L_Maxwell

Series: Playboys In Love #2
Genre: Erotic Romance
Author: Gina L. Maxwell
Release Date: January 30, 2017

People call me Ruthless for a reason.

Whether I’m in the court room or in the bedroom, my reputation is well-earned. I’m either working hard, working out, or working my way into some woman’s panties. But none of them share my particular kink, and I walk away feeling unsatisfied.

Until I met her.

She’s a friend of a friend, which makes her off-limits in my book. But then temptation had me by the balls and I had her up against a wall. She literally fucked my world off its axis, but it can’t happen again.

My plan was avoidance, but that got blown to shit when my firm hired her as a new junior attorney. Now I’m her boss, and I’m supposed to act like I don’t want to bend her over my desk every five minutes.

But I’ve never held myself back with anything before, so consequences be damned, it’s time to show her how damn good it feels…to be ruthless.


I’ve never met a woman I wanted to either fuck or strangle so much in my entire life.

Well, well, Miss Maxwell, you naughty naughty girl. If I knew this new series of yours was THIS hot, I’d have jumped on it way sooner than this. As it is, I’m kicking myself for taking this long to discover it. I’ve been a huge fan of this author since I first discovered her with Rules of Entanglement (which I absolutely adored). This series of hers is certainly a lot spicier, and you won’t find this girl complaining one bit!

This book checked all of my yaaaassss boxes. And I do mean ALL of them.

1. Hot as sin, tatted up and pierced for your pleasure bad boy stripper by night and all alpha hotshot lawyer by day hero?

I know fighting this battle is futile. The man is weaving a spell I’m hesitant to break free of.

2. A sassy, confident, take charge heroine that’s not afraid of going after she wants and makes no excuses for who she is while laughingly referring to herself as a honey badger?

3. A perfect amount of humor thrown in to take it from sexy to fun and back again?

His. Cock. Is. Glorious. You know in the movies, when a wide shaft of light pierces through parting clouds like a spotlight from God to illuminate the Magnificently Monumental Thing that everyone should be looking at? That’s what should happen every time Roman Reeves takes his dick out. It’s that amazing.

4. Enough sizzle to light up 30 city blocks?

Our lovemaking isn’t slow and romantic, it’s hurried and feverish. It’s not chick flicks with tissues, it’s office porn with sweat. It’s half-dressed and half-crazy, forceful thrusts and labored breaths. But this is how we started. This is us. This is perfect.

5. And if all that wasn’t enough to get your engine revving, it also has one heck of a hot MFM menage.

My gaze stays firmly rooted on the man in front of me, even as my body sings for the man behind me.

Suffice it to say I enjoyed this book. A lot. The heroine is sassy without being brash, which is not easy to pull off. I loved her easy confidence with an underlay of vulnerability. The banter between her and Roman “Ruthless” was off the charts hot. These two sizzle in and out of the bedroom and I couldn’t get enough of them.

He takes over my mind, my ability to reason, leaving me with nothing but my four remaining senses.

What I loved most of all is that wrapped into all the smoking hot sexy times was a fantastic hot story that only revved up the hotness factor of this book. I seriously loved every page of it and i’m already salivating for the next book. One of the guys happens to have a particular kink that happens to be my catnip. I won’t tell you who or what it is but OMG I NEED HIS BOOK!

Ruthless was a one two punch to the ovaries. It was entertaining and downright sizzling. It had everything; humor, steam, fantastic story telling, and a hero that you will lust after from cover to cover. Guaran-damn-teed.



Review & #DGRFave: Crown of Lies by @PepperWinters

Series: Crown of Lies Duet #1
Genre: Dark Romance
Author: Pepper Winters
Release Date: January 31, 2017

“I met the boy I wanted. But then he vanished and a new man claimed me instead. My father approved, my colleagues congratulated, and behind closed doors, I was bedded by a stranger.”

Noelle Charlston lived a fairy-tale life: a doting father, a powerful job, and a future blessed with financial security.

However, two meetings with two men changed her happy existence forever. First, she met the boy who made her heart sing. Second, she met the man who made her blood quiver.

Noelle’s freedom was no longer hers. It belonged to the man her father believed was the perfect match. The man who pulled his lies over everyone he touched.
Including her.

Seduced and manipulated, Noelle lives two lives. The one everyone sees on the outside and the one no one sees on the inside. The lies he spins, the truth he hides, the mystery he webs—it’s all enough to slowly erode the woman she’d been and turn her into something else.

Until her past collides with her present.
And it’s her turn to lie.
To everyone…including herself.


Thieves can become saints. Saints can become thieves. Most of us deserve a second chance.

Without fail, this woman’s writing managed to blow me away once again. Lies wrapped in truth. Truths wrapped in thinly veiled threats. A mysterious draw wrapped in animal magnetism. This book completely owned me. It hypnotized. It enraptured. It was pure literary magic, weaving a story so spellbinding, it was impossible to put down.

I don’t know if I’d been the one to seduce him, but he’d utterly decimated me.

It could be said that Noelle Charlston lives a charmed life. Growing up in luxury and set to inherit a retail empire, she wants for almost nothing…except a taste of normalcy. The youngest CEO in the history of the company, she may be rich, but she’s not a stranger to hard work. She barely leaves her office and her work is all she knows and all she does. Yearning for just a few hours of normal, she makes a decision that irrevocably changes the course of her life.

Now three years have passed since that fateful night that she’ll never forget. She’s a little older, a lot wiser, and even more disillusioned. Given up on love and finding a man that will want her for more than her money and empire, she’s lost herself in her work…until a man demands her attention in a way that’s impossible to ignore.

He hypnotized me. He corrupted me.

This man is pure animal magnetism wrapped in alluring confidence. He’s not used to hearing no and he won’t take it for an answer. The sparks fly between them; a mix of antagonism and undeniable chemistry. A hate lust so strong, it practically burns through the pages.

He wants to own her. She’s her own woman. He’s determined to break her. She knows no man ever will. He’s determined to mark her. She refuses to let him close enough. What takes place is a back and forth that’s so delicious, it was enrage you as much as it will captivate you.

The story is flawlessly written in Pepper’s signature fluid and lyrical style. It kept me glued to the pages from beginning to end, completely incapable of putting it down. I read this in one sitting while trying to savor every word because I didn’t want it to end.

This is book one in a duet, and I’m already vibrating to get my hands on the conclusion. If you’re a fan of this author, this book is not to be missed.

He fucked me. He took me. He consumed me.

The conclusion, THRONE OF TRUTH, is releasing on February 28


Review: Raw Deal by @CherrieLynn

Series: Larson Brothers #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Cherrie Lynn
Release Date: January 24, 2017

Savannah’s brother was killed in a cage fight with Mike “Red Reaper” Larson after a savage punch to the head.

When Mike shows up at the funeral, he’s nothing like Savannah expected. Gone is the fierce, brutal beast she’s seen in the cage. In his place is a beautiful man torn with guilt, seeking forgiveness, and willing to do anything to ease her pain.

Her family doesn’t approve, but her heart doesn’t stand a chance. Irresistibly drawn together, neither of them can deny the intoxicating desire unleashed between them, turning their pain into the most exquisite pleasure.

But every time Mike steps into the cage, Savannah knows she could lose him too. She can’t go through that again, but how can she let go of the one man who sets her body and soul on fire?


We have to take solace wherever we can find it, he’d said, and somehow, by some divine intervention or alignment of the stars or whatever the hell else determined their destinies…he was her solace.

Do you see that pathetic pile of emotional goo sitting there on the couch with her box of tissues and sniffling into her Ben & Jerry’s? Ignore her. She’s still trying to calm her tits after having her heart put through an emotional wringer that was this book. No really. She normally doesn’t cry through almost an entire book, and she definitely doesn’t refer to herself in the third person. So you know when all of this does happen, it’s definitely an unforgettable 5 star read. I’m talking have your tissues ready and prepare to have your hearts squeezed in a vice sort of read.

She didn’t know him, and no one would understand. But instead of letting go, she only squeezed his hand harder. The only anchor she had in this maelstrom of emotion was the hand that might very well have ended Tommy’s life.

What would you do if the man that may just be responsible for the single most devastating loss in your life is also the man that captures your heart and soul?

Losing her older brother is hard enough. Having to witness the blow to the head inside the MMA cage that caused his death is unforgettable. Savannah is the strongest link left in her family. Attempting to get through her own grief while consoling her parents and widowed sister in law is hard enough. But when the man that went head to head with Tommy in the fight that cost him his life shows up at the funeral, the last thing she expects is for him to enrapture her so thoroughly.

Mike Larson is the oldest of three brothers. Growing up hard, he’s made many sacrifices to support his brothers. He’s never hesitated to use his fists, after all, he’s made a successful career at it. Knowing that he’s responsible for a man’s death, no matter if it was a tragic accident, doesn’t ease his mind or heart. He’s haunted by his guilt and nothing will ease it unless he can make things right with the man’s family. Falling for his younger sister wasn’t in the plans, but their connection is simply inevitable.

He wanted her so fucking bad it terrified him, so bad it hurt.

Mike is a man wrecked by guilt and sorrow. He’s had a hard life, but nothing has been harder than living with the knowledge that it was his hit that cost a man’s life. He knows that falling for the guy’s sister is wrong, but he can’t stay away from her.

I cannot explain to you all just how much I adored Mike Larson. This is a man that is all alpha, but at his core he’s sweet, understanding, and as tender as he is devastatingly sexy.

He watched her, listening intently. No one had ever listened to her the way he did. Like every word was a treasure to be examined and considered.

This story was filled with so much emotion, it was impossible to read it with a dry eye. The connection between him and Savannah was incredible and undeniable. It was sizzling. It was utterly mesmerizing.

He could fall for this girl. So hard. So easily. Hell, he was fooling himself to think he hadn’t already begun that particular descent.

Savannah is woman that struggles with her own guilt. She knows her family and her sister in law will never accept her relationship, but she also sees a side of Mike that she knows not many have. The sweet and caring side. The side that will move mountains for the people he loves. A man that will do everything and anything at the drop of a hat just to be there for her and to make her smile.

Raw Deal is aptly titled because it certainly left me feeling raw. Raw with so much feeling, my heart near burst at the overwhelming emotion of it all. It was beautifully written, gripping, and poignant. It was a painful sort of beauty. A phenomenal story of love in the unlikeliest of places.

Of course it had Cherrie’s signature punch to the ovaries….

I want you begging, Savannah. Fucking begging me to come. If it takes all night, I’ve got it. If you have to miss your flight, I don’t care. Even if it has to be the last time, I don’t want you to ever forget.

I adored everything about this book. EVERYTHING. I think I was sniffling though the entire thing. I couldn’t stop. I’m beyond excited for this brand new series from one of my favorite authors. And if this book is anything to go by, I already know the other two Larson brothers will be well worth the wait. A rockstar and a poker king? Bring. It. On.

DGRFave & Review: On Broken Wings by @ChanelCleeton

Series: Wild Aces #3
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Chanel Cleeton
Release Date: January 3, 2017

The author of Into the Blue and Fly with Me returns with the newest, hot and high-flying Wild Aces romance…

A year after losing her husband, Joker, the squadron commander of the Wild Aces, Dani Peterson gets an offer from his best friend, Alex “Easy” Rogers, to help fix up her house. Dani accepts, and their friendship grows—along with an undeniable attraction.

Racked by guilt for loving his best friend’s widow, Easy’s caught between what he wants and can’t have. Until one night everything changes, and the woman who’s always held his heart ends up in his arms. Yet as Easy leaves for his next deployment, he and Dani are torn between their feelings and their loyalty to Joker’s memory.

But when Dani discovers something that sends them both into a spin, the conflicted lovers must overcome the past to navigate a future together…


I could drop a bomb without breaking a sweat, had been to war, nearly died more times than I could count, but she was the scariest thing I’d ever faced, my feelings for her sending me into a spin.

Do you know that feeling when you meet a secondary character in a series that steals your attention from the second he appears on the pages? That was Alex “Easy” Rogers for this girl. Now it’s no secret that I have a weak spot for the unrepentant manwhores, but there was also something much more to Easy. He was the goofball of the group, the easy going one always quick with the jokes and a smile, but you knew that beneath that is the heart of a man much more complex that he first appears. I’ve been slowly dying in my wait for his book since first meeting him in Fly With Me, and all I can tell you after finishing this book is he was absolutely worth EVERY SECOND of the wait. Every. Second.

I don’t know what to do anymore. She needs me to be her friend; I can’t stay away from her. And I can’t stop loving her.”

If you’re expecting your typical manwhore hero, think again. Alex is such a complex character. His jokes and smile a facade to the deep feelings he hides, but his love for his fallen friend and brother in arms is his worst kept secret. Alex has been in love with Dani Peterson since he first laid eyes on her… as the loving wife of his best friend. Dani has been an unreachable and unattainable dream for him, so he drowned himself in easy and forgettable women, but nothing erased his feelings.

A year after the tragic accident that took Dani’s husband from her, she’s still trying to pick up the pieces of her life. Her one constant has always been Alex. Unlike everyone else of their friends, Dani is absolutely ignorant of his feelings for her. He’s never made a move, always respecting her boundaries and their friendship while being her rock. But soon Dani’s feelings begin to take a turn from the friendly camaraderie she’s always had for Easy to something much more. But will the guilt they both have over their feelings get between a love that may save them both?

For a moment I stopped pretending everything was okay, that loving her wasn’t broken glass slicing through my veins, leaving me bleeding out, that the sheer fucking torture of wanting someone I couldn’t have wasn’t a constant ache that brought me to my knees and made me feel as though I’d broken an unspoken promise. “Don’t you get it by now? There is no one else. There never will be anyone else. There’s just her.”

Can I just say how much I loved this book? Words can’t describe all of my feels for it. It’s so poignant and sweet, emotional and gutwreching. I absolutely loved the way that Alex is with Dani. There’s no one else for him. He doesn’t try to deny it, or spend his time on meaningless hookups. He’s well past that point. The man was just perfection. He’s patient, understanding, sweet beyond words.

Dani struggles with her building feelings for Alex and her memory of her beloved husband. My heart simply broke for her. I respect the fact that this author didn’t go the easy route and try to make light of her relationship with her husband. She still loves him immeasurably but her feelings for Easy are not discounted either. It’s no small feat to pull that off. To make the reader truly invested in their relationship and BELIEVE it, while still honoring the memory of her husband.

I get scared with romances with a dead spouse because so often an author will try to discount that relationship in order to more easily sell the present one. That was not at all the case here and man but I loved it.

This was no typical or cliche; it was a story that will stay with me for a long LONG while. The feelings between Dani and Alex wasn’t less or more…it just was. It was a different kind of love but a love nonetheless. There’s no stereotypical drama at the end; just two people dealing with a hard past in order to build a future.

I’m happiest with my feet planted firmly on the ground. But my heart—It flies.

On Broken Wings was a poignant and beautiful romance packed with emotion and meaning. It was full of swoons and steam. There was no clutter to take away from what Dani and Alex go through on their way to their HEA and I loved it. I loved every second of it. I loved every page of it. I. Just. Loved. It.



DGRFave & Review: Vicious by LJ Shen

Series: Sinners of Saint #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: LJ Shen
Release Date: December 27, 2016


They say love and hate are the same feelings experienced under different circumstances, and it’s true.
The man who comes to me in my dreams also haunts me in my nightmares.
He is a brilliant lawyer.
A skilled criminal.
A beautiful liar.
A bully and a savior, a monster and a lover.
Ten years ago, he made me run away from the small town where we lived. Now, he came for me in New York, and he isn’t leaving until he takes me with him.


She is a starving artist.
Pretty and evasive like cherry blossom.
Ten years ago, she barged into my life unannounced and turned everything upside down.
She paid the price.
Emilia LeBlanc is completely off-limits, my best friend’s ex-girlfriend. The woman who knows my darkest secret, and the daughter of the cheap Help we hired to take care of our estate.
That should deter me from chasing her, but it doesn’t.
So she hates me. Big fucking deal.
She better get used to me.


My obsession. My muse. My enemy.

It’s official. L.J. Shen is a witch. How else could the woman possibly crawl inside my mind and create a story that seriously felt custom written for me?
Uber angst? Check!
Hot alphahole hero? Holy hell, CHECK!
A heroine that’s the perfect blend of innocent but with a steel backbone? Check!
An enemies to lovers story that left me practically salivating? CHECK!
A sexual chemistry and a burn so good it makes you want to slap yo mama? CHECK!
An addicting, obsessive read from cover to cover? ABSOLUTELY FREAKING CHECK!!!

This guy is going to break my heart if I let him.

The Four HotHoles rule All Saints High. All the guys want to hang out with them and all the girls want to sleep with them. It doesn’t matter that women are more disposable to them than a pair of socks, they’ll gladly give up their dignity for a night…or a few hours in their bed. Vicious is the most brutal of the four. He’s a coldblooded asshole that practice bubbles over with barely surprised rage. And the target for the brunt of his anger is Emilia, his classmate and daughter of the hired help living at his father’s mansion.

Vicious was vicious. It was too bad that my hate for him was dipped in a thin shell of something that felt like love. But I promised myself I’d crack it, break it, and unleash pure hatred in its place before he got to me.

Emilia was a heroine you can’t help but like. They say the line is thin between love and hate and that’s definitely the case here. She wants to hate Vicious and he surely gives her plenty of reason to…and yet, he’s like a magnet drawing her in.

Shen did a phenomenal job with character development, that you don’t just read what they’re feeling, you feel it. That couldn’t be more true with Emilia. I clicked with her from the very first page. Here’s a heroine that’s down on her luck, down to her last penny, barely making ends meet working two jobs to support herself and her sick sister, but she still has this undercurrent of strength that you can’t help but respect.

Intersected with flashbacks to their high school years, the story develops in the present. Years after Emilia left All Saints High and Vicious behind. But circumstances soon bring her face to face once more with a man that made her teenage years a living hell.

I want to fuck you and watch your face while I do. To see how you drown in me as I hurt you as much as it hurts me to have to see your goddamn face every day.”

Now if you’re an angst lover like me, you will gobble up everything about this book and be left begging for more. The sexual tension between Vicious and Emilia crackles with electricity. I loved that added burn of hate lust between them. The woman definitely gave him a run for his money and for all his thinly veiled insults that he throws her way, you can see just how much he craves her underneath it all.

You’re pissing me off,” she said quietly, her eyes still searching my face.
“And that’s turning me on,” I retorted, my voice flat. “So you might wanna tone down the hate glares if you don’t wanna find yourself being fucked on this desk with the blinds still open.”

The writing was absolutely brilliant. Shen simply gets better and better with each book she writes and she truly outdid herself with this one. She gave us four heroes that you not only click with but obsess over. Sure, this book is focused on Vicious and I loved every page of it. But I also loved the three other HotHoles and if the set up for two of them is anything to go by, I already know I need their books.

As for this book? This is what obsession is made of. This book. These characters. This romance. It was too delicious for words. Simply. Addicting.

This is not a relationship. It’s two people fucking the obsession out of each other.” 

DGR’s 2016 Favorites

Did 2016 fly by or what? Holy moly! Where did the year go?! Jennifer and I had such an amazing year in books it was almost impossible to pick our favorites. Of course there was one particular book that we’re STILL fighting about…

What? That husseh started it dammit! She wants my man Gabriel from THE PAWN. I’m having NONE OF IT!! He’s mine. MINE! You hear me, woman? But I digress. Let’s get back to our regularly scheduled programming, shall we?


BACKFIRE by Keri Lake

No one and I mean NO ONE writes a gritty, dark romance quite like Keri Lake. The woman is a freaking rock star. But this book? It’s official; I had PTKD (Post Traumatic Keri Disorder). The woman has ruined me. This book? I hope you all have your big girl panties on, because a walk through the meadows with unicorns it. Is. Not.

Backfire is dark, gritty, and unapologetic. You’ll be reading it with your heart in your throat and your stomach twisted up in knots. It’s violent, a touch depraved, darkly erotic, action packed and absolutely, positively unputdownable. The story is filled with so many unpredictable twists and turns that it will make your head spin! It’s brilliantly written and I will even go so far as to say this was darker than Ricochet and that’s saying something, trust me.


PERFECT RAGE by Nashoda Rose

You know when you spend years waiting for a certain character’s story. You build it up in your head. Your eager anticipation can really get the best of you. So I was equal parts excited and nervous for Connor’s book. It couldn’t possibly live up to all my expectations, right? I mean, at this point they were highly unrealistic. But leave it to Nashoda Rose to not only live up to it, but blow all my expectations out of the water. I loved and I mean LOVED this book.

This is not a book you can read out of order. You need to read the entire Unyielding series in order to understand the complexity of the story and especially the events that led to finding Connor. While the author does a fantastic job with a recap, you’d still lose a lot of info not having read the first two books.

After the scene at the end of Perfect Ruin, I’ve been practically salivating for this book. I had no idea what the tie between Catalina “Alina” Diaz and Connor was, but this book finally gave me that. Oh boy did it give me that. I think I must have been reading with a lump in my throat the entire time. Connor and Alina’s story is devastating and heart-wrenching. Pure gritty, angsty perfection!


DISCLAIM by Pam Godwin

It’s no secret that I love dark romance, and it’s also no secret that I’m EXTREMELY picky when it comes to it. It’s easy to throw in some violence and shock value and call it a day. But at the end of the day, that’s not what makes a truly masterful dark romance. Only a few authors truly pull that off and there’s a reason Pam is my go-to author for dark romance; the woman writes some of my favorite anti-heroes.

Pam Godwin is the queen of dark romance and she crafted the perfect couple with Camilla and Matias. They were a ying and yang of dominance and submission. They were dark and darker. They were pain and pleasure. They were devastatingly perfect. I loved every single page of this book!



When it comes to Kele Moon, I don’t have enough praise in the world to cover all of her talent. She writes some of the most emotionally gripping, enrapturing romances I have ever read. She’s a master of creating characters that burrow into your heart and stay there. They become part of your very being and no I’m not being even a little melodramatic. Her books are THAT good. But The Enforcer?

Gut wrenching.
All consuming.
And so raw it’ll make your heart bleed.

I say this each and every time I finish a book by Kele Moon, but unbelievably she only continues to get better and better. And that’s saying a lot considering how much I loved The Slayer. But Tino’s book? This was something else entirely. Kele truly takes you to the dark and violent underbelly of the New York mafia. She spares no details. None. You’ll read it with your gut twisted and your heart in your throat the entire time just like I did.


THE PAWN by Skye Warren

Why are Jennifer and I STILL fighting over Gabriel? You’ll have to read this book to find out. And if you’ve read it, then you already know the answer. Gabriel is easily my favorite anti-hero that Skye Warren has written to date.

This powerful story sucked me in from the very first page. I’m STILL thinking about it weeks later.

The Pawn was easily my favorite by this author to date. Gripping. Captivating. Magnetic. Dark. Erotic. It was EVERYTHING I love about a dark romance. It’s not gratuitous violence and scenes thrown in for pure shock value. It’s a mind fuck. An incredibly written, twisty, and delicious mind fuck that I couldn’t put down from beginning to finish; with a heroine you’ll want to root for, and an anti-hero that you’ll want to hate only slightly more than you love him.

Now if you’ll excuse us, Jennifer and I are off to respectfully and peacefully discuss dibs of Gabriel once more…



So here’s the thing; I do NOT read love triangles. They make me cranky and stabby. True story. What? We all have our limits, mkay? But something about this blurb just sucked me in. My curiosity got the best of me. Then my lovely friend Nashoda told me that it had my name written all over it and I should check it out, I figured, I have to read it. And let me tell you, she was NOT wrong!

This book blew me away. It was masterfully written, multi-layerd and perfectly developed. I found myself kicking my own butt for not reading this author before. Because after this book? She’s on my auto-buy list. No. Questions. Asked.

If you’re thinking this is a typical love triangle, you couldn’t be more wrong. That blurb doesn’t even begin to do this book justice. It’s so much more than a woman who can’t have the man she wants so she settles for his brother. This is not a black and white story. It’s settled very firmly in the gray. It’s a must read. TRUST ME.


UNBREAK MY HEART by Nicole Jacquelyn

The angst! THE ANGST! OMG THE ANGST. I love a good dose of the double A. Angst and alphaholes that is. Nom nom nom. And boy did this book have both of those in spades. I’m not even kidding. And it was SO delicious.

I picked it up and read it straight through because I couldn’t bear to put it down for even a second. I was an ugly crying, sniveling, raging mess the entire time and loved every painful second of it.

Unbreak My Heart is an unbelievably gripping story of love and loss and second chances. This book absolutely owned my heart. It was a compelling, angst-filled, emotional, and completely unputdownable read from beginning to finish. You will love to hate this hero and then you’ll just flat out love him.



Since this is a duet, I’m counting it as one (What? You don’t expect me to pick one do you? It’s like picking your favorite child. Impossible) I loved both of these equally. Aly Martinez seriously outdid herself with this story. While it is a duet, each book is a story of a different couple, with the story line developing throughout both books.

This was Aly’s best work to date and I’ve loved the woman’s entire backlist. If you’ve read it, you know exactly what I’m talking about. And if you haven’t, don’t miss a second more. You NEED to experience this gripping and emotional story. A story of two different couples whose lives intertwine in the most devastating of ways. Trust me on this, if you read any book of this author, make it these two. You won’t be sorry.


Book crack. That’s what this was. Complete and utter book crack. My god! Imagine if there was a love child of Cruel Intentions and Gossip Girl, because that’s what this was. While it’s marked YA, I’d say it’s more NA in the scenarios. It is a trilogy that you’ll want to read back to back because those damn cliffhangers will get you.

I don’t remember the last time I was THAT enraptured in a book. There was so much teenage drama and angst and I just gobbled it right up with a spoon. Yum!


PUNK 57 by Penelope Douglas

Without fail, this author shows up on my favorites list each and every single year? Why? Because her style of writing just does it for me. She writes angsty NA with alphahole heroes and strong and witty heroines that give as good as they get. She writes some of my favorite enemies to lovers trope and some of the best angst I’ve ever read. Suffice it to say, she’s been on my auto-buy list since the first book I read by her.

If you’ve read Corrupt, you’ll definitely appreciate this book and a few connections that it has to the world and characters from Corrupt. As for the book itself? Pure Penelope Douglas book crack as always. I loved it!



If you follow my blog, then you already know my love for this author. She’s written some of my very favorite enemies to lovers trope books. Her Hot In Chicago series happens to be one of my favorites and she seriously hit the spot just right with book 3 in this awesome series!

If you haven’t read this series, you’re seriously missing out. If you haven’t read anything by this amazing author, you’re seriously missing out. And if you haven’t made plans to meet Wyatt Fox, then you’re SERIOUSLY missing out!

Kate Meader is going to spoil me with her awesomeness soon, but you won’t hear a peep of complaint out of this reader.



Oh the swoons! The swoons I tells ya! I adored this book. As much as I love all things J. Daniels, this was my favorite book by her to date. It had everything; a sassy heroine, a broody alpha, amazing banter, fantastic secondary characters, and a romance so sizzling it may set your kindle on fire.

Four Letter Word marks book 1 in J’s brand new Dirty Deeds series and I’m seriously in love. If you haven’t read any book by this author yet, I highly recommend you start with this one. You won’t be sorry.


FIRST AND FIRST by Santino Hassel

Simply put, my top favorite MM romance I read all year. Period.

I loved everything about their romance; the raw sexuality, the realness, the slow burn and the tension. It wasn’t your typical, wrapped in a perfect little bow sort of story. But it was perfect nonetheless.

Santino Hassel introduces you to a world that’s hard to leave even once you finish the book. You find yourself thinking about these characters long after reading the final page. You crave more and yet you’re also surprisingly satisfied with how it ends. I’m not sure how this incredibly talented author had flown under my radar up until now, but I will be rectifying my mistake by reading his entire backlist and all future releases to come. I recommend this book to any MM fans out there. Seriously. This is an absolute must read. If you don’t fall in love with these characters when you read it, then we’re simply not reading the same book.



Do you love well written BDSM romance?

Do you love broken and broody alphas?

Do you love seriously hot MMF menage romance?

Do you want all of those things in one incredibly satisfying read?


Even if you haven’t read any other book in this series, and you love an incredible well written MMF romance, this book is a must read. You can easily enjoy it as a standalone but I highly recommend the rest of the series because it’s just as good. I can’t believe this is already book 9, but I never want it to end.


SOMEONE LIKE YOU by Lauren Layne

If you’re anything like me, then you’ve been both eagerly anticipating and dreading Lincoln’s book. Anticipating it because you love those irreverent playboys, and dreading because you’re afraid that you’ve been building up your expectations in anticipation. Lincoln’s story was the one I’ve been waiting for since Irresistibly Yours. It’s been a long, painful wait. But after finishing this book in one sitting, I can tell you that it was every single minute, hour, day, and month of the wait. It didn’t meet my expectation. Heck no! It blew them away. Lincoln Mathis took everything I had thought I knew about him and took me on a rollercoaster of emotion. I laughed, I cried, I freaking swooned! I adored everything about this story. EVERYTHING.

If you’ve enjoyed the rest of the Stiletto and Oxford series and you’ve been anticipating Lincoln’s story as much as I have, this is a must read. But have a box of tissues ready, because you won’t come out of it unscathed. Be ready to shed some tears and swoon over the perfect imperfection that is Lincoln Mathis.



The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion

Of all the books in the world, you should read this one. It is THAT BOOK. That book that you remember forever. That book that makes you laugh until your stomach hurts. That book that makes you cry in the best way possible. That book that you will keep on your bookshelf forever. That book that you want everyone to read. And YOU should.


The Hating Game by Sally Thorne

Enemies to Lovers!!!! My favorite trope! This book checked all of my boxes. And it was so unique and so well written. I am still shocked that this is her debut novel. Because Sally Thorne needs to write all of the books. And I will read all of her books.


The Pawn by Skye Warren

Uber-alpha-hole in the hizouse!!!! And I have licked him, so he’s miiiiiine! Lana are gonna have to have a throw-down because I don’t think either one of us are giving up on Gabriel.

And this is just the first book! Lol! We might combust when The Knight comes out.



Tonic by Staci Hart

I have a confession. I am in love with Staci Hart. And this is the only book I have read of hers. I know! I am horrible person, but one of my New Year’s Resolutions is to read all of Staci Hart’s books! Another enemies to lovers (I have a problem! I know!). This books i full of FIRE and ICE, and I was just left a pile of goop in the end.



Worked Up by Tessa Bailey

This book made all my dreams come true. My #pmb dreams. (That’s “Pouty Man Bear” for all you crazy people who aren’t obsessed with everything Tessa Bailey like me). This book can be summed up in One Word……Duke. I’m basically a Super Fan of Tessa Bailey, y’all. All I want for Christmas is Tessa Bailey locked in my basement. Is that too much to ask??!!!



Wicked Sexy by J.T. Geissinger

Welcome to my favorites, J.T. Geissinger….we are all mad here. I was pleasantly surprised by this book because I had never read this author before. It was the perfect mix of everything. The witty dialogue….I ate it up. All the feels…I ate them up. And of course it is enemies to lovers (this is a common theme to my favorites). Ugh. I need to reread this book!



Favorite MC Club

Fearless by Lauren Gilley

This book is like MC Club Literature, you guys. Lauren Gilley has such a way with beautiful words and I just get swept up in them. This was my first book I’ve read of her, and it’s definitely one of my favorite MC Club books and series. I am a fan for life of this amazing author, and I am begging that you give her a try.



Favorite Young Adult

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Rowell = Life-changer. I heard about this author, and this book sat on my TBR for the longest time, and I regret putting this book off. Because…..dayum. I haven’t jumped into her other books, but I know I will love them and they just won’t be enough because I will always want more Rainbow Rowell, more of her characters, more of her stories.



Favorite Historical

Do You Want to Start a Scandal by Tessa Dare

Tessa Dare is one of my go-to favorite HR authors. I know that I will get lost in her books, and I definitely did with this one. It is witty and smart. This book is one giant SWOON. I love how unique Tessa’s stories are, and this one is definitely unique, putting a twist on James Bond and Clue.


Favorite PNR

Caressed by Ice by Nalini Singh

Lana book-pushed Nalini Singh on me, and I finally caved and started this series this year, and I am so glad she did! Because WOW! I have stepped into the rabbit hole in this series. It is so creative with layers upon layers of awesome. I know that I haven’t even touched the surface of this series because there are SO many books in this series, but this was my favorite one in the series I read this year.



Favorite Mafia

Sebring by Kristen Ashley

Bucket List Item #1 = Meet Kristen Ashley. This woman. I mean…..seriously. This book rocked me to my core. All the feels inside the feels are in this book. And of course, it is so hot it scorched my eyelashes from reading it. I adore Mafia Romance, and this one just surpasses all!



Favorite Sports Romance

 The Baller by Vi Keeland

I love me a good Sports Romance, and this one mixes with my absolute favorite trope on top with whip cream (ok, I added the whip cream)…..Enemies to Lovers!!!! When the characters hate each other so much that the lust just builds and builds and it scorches them into loving each otherrrrr!!!



Did we miss some of your favorites? We’d love to hear about them in comments below! Tell us about some of the favorite reads you had this year. As you noticed, not all of ours were necessarily released in 2016 but it was when we read them, so it counts 🙂

We didn’t get a chance to review all the favorites mentioned on our list, but that doesn’t mean we weren’t blown away by the book. Just that we were lazy or real life got the best of us. Each book mentioned on our list was a HUGE 5 star read for us and we can’t recommend it to other readers enough! Now bring on the awesome reads of 2017! WE’RE READY FOR YOU!!!

DGR Fave Review: Someone Like You by @_LaurenLayne

someone-like-you-reviewSOMEONE LIKE YOU
Series: Oxford #3
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Lauren Layne
Release Date: December 6, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


Lauren Layne’s bestselling Oxford Series continues with the poignant, heartwarming story of New York’s most eligible bachelor, Lincoln Mathis, a man who’s living a lie—until his dream woman takes away the pain.

Lincoln Mathis doesn’t hide his reputation as Manhattan’s ultimate playboy. In fact, he cultivates it. But behind every flirtatious smile, each provocative quip, there’s a secret that Lincoln’s hiding from even his closest friends—a tragedy from his past that holds his heart quietly captive. Lincoln knows what he wants: someone like Daisy Sinclair, the sassy, off-limits bridesmaid he can’t take his eyes off at his best friend’s wedding. He also knows that she’s everything he can never have.

After a devastating divorce, Daisy doesn’t need anyone to warn her off the charming best man at her sister’s wedding. One look at the breathtakingly hot Lincoln Mathis and she knows that he’s exactly the type of man she should avoid. But when Daisy stumbles upon Lincoln’s secret, she realizes there’s more to the charming playboy than meets the eye. And suddenly Daisy and Lincoln find their lives helplessly entwined in a journey that will either heal their damaged souls . . . or destroy them forever.

Buy LinksAMAZON | iBOOKSReview-DGR5 starssomeone-like-you-dgr-teaser

If I did it, Wallflower, if I felt that way again, it would be about someone like you.”

If you’re anything like me, then you’ve been both eagerly anticipating and dreading Lincoln’s book. Anticipating it because you love those irreverent playboys, and dreading because you’re afraid that you’ve been building up your expectations in anticipation. Lincoln’s story was the one I’ve been waiting for since Irresistibly Yours. It’s been a long, painful wait. But after finishing this book in one sitting, I can tell you that it was every single minute, hour, day, and month of the wait. It didn’t meet my expectation. Heck no! It blew them away. Lincoln Mathis took everything I had thought I knew about him and took me on a rollercoaster of emotion. I laughed, I cried, I freaking swooned! I adored everything about this story. EVERYTHING.

And tell me, Daisy Sinclair,” he said, “why is it that you’ve been dubbed off-limits?”
She batten her eyelashes, looking every bit the Southern belle she sounded like. “Isn’t it obvious? Divorced, damaged, and ever so fragile. You? Why is it that you’re to be avoided?”
He leaned forward slightly and lowered his voice.“Consummate playboy, intriguingly unattainable, with just a dash of dangerous secrets.”

If there’s one thing I can tell you is to go into this book ABSOLUTELY BLIND. You don’t want to know the smallest detail. Trust me on this. You’ll appreciate the emotional punch that much more. What I can tell you is that you’re expecting for this to be the typical playboy meets the right girl and changes his way sort of story, you couldn’t be more wrong.

Lincoln couldn’t explain how he knew it, but he and Daisy Sinclair got each other. Their respective walls had been acknowledged, a silent agreement passed that neither would try to scale the other’s.

Daisy is Emma’s (from THE TROUBLE WITH LOVE) twin sister. Coming off of a bitter divorce has left her a little cracked, but not broken. This was a woman with so much internal strength and it just took her a bit to get it all backed. Daisy was such a powerhouse of a heroine…in a perfectly understated way. She was exactly what Lincoln needed. She was patient, kind, understanding and never pushed beyond what she knew the boundaries were. She has her own past demons that she’s trying to recover from, and it just made her that much more endearing.

As for Lincoln? Man oh man, I never thought it’d be possible for me to love him even more than I already did. Still waters certainly run deep with this man and he’s so much more that what first meets the eye.

We’re all a little cracked, honey.”
“You ever wonder?”
“Wonder what?”
“What will fill your cracks? How to get better.”
“All the damn time.”

What you see is not at all what you get with him and soon the pieces begin to click together towards the heartrending secret that he keeps. My heart went through a ringer with him. It’s impossible not to fall for him, not to feel his pain, not to want to soothe and heal him. In between the easy friendship that Lincoln and Daisy instantly develop, there was such a deep emotion interspersed with a hidden craving. God. GOD but I loved these two together.

…I have nothing to give back, Daisy. Oh, I’d give you pleasure. We’d give each other that. But I’d take absolutely everything- I’d fucking consume you. You’d want something in return, and I’d have nothing. I’m hollow inside, and you deserve so much more.”

Someone Like You was an incredibly powerful, poignant and emotional romance. It was a story of second chances and healing. It was a stunning story of finding your strength again and moving on. It’s a story of courage and love. It was absolute perfection and reminded me all over again why I first fell in love with Lauren Layne’s writing. The woman can make you feel, laugh, and love all in 228 wonderful pages. If you’ve enjoyed the rest of the Stiletto and Oxford series and you’ve been anticipating Lincoln’s story as much as I have, this is a must read. But have a box of tissues ready, because you won’t come out of it unscathed. Be ready to shed some tears and swoon over the perfect imperfection that is Lincoln Mathis.



PRE-ORDER- Releasing June 13, 2017

New Release & DGR Favorite Review: The Pawn by @skye_warren

pawn_releaseblitzbannerTHE PAWN
Series: The Endgame #1
Genre: Dark Contemporary Romance
Author: Skye Warren
Release Date: December 6, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


“Sinfully sexy and darkly beautiful, The Pawn will play games with your heart and leave you craving more!” – Laura Kaye, New York Times bestselling author

The price of survival…

Gabriel Miller swept into my life like a storm. He tore down my father with cold retribution, leaving him penniless in a hospital bed. I quit my private all-girl’s college to take care of the only family I have left.

There’s one way to save our house, one thing I have left of value.

My virginity.

A forbidden auction…

Gabriel appears at every turn. He seems to take pleasure in watching me fall. Other times he’s the only kindness in a brutal underworld.

Except he’s playing a deeper game than I know. Every move brings us together, every secret rips us apart. And when the final piece is played, only one of us can be left standing.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

THE PAWN is a full-length contemporary novel from New York Times bestselling author Skye Warren about revenge and seduction in the game of love. It’s the first book in the brand new ENDGAME series.

Buy Links Amazon | iBooks | Barnes & Noble | Kobo

thepawn-teaser-v2Review-DGR5 starsthe-pawn-dgr-teaser

I’m the pawn, and he’s my triumphant captor.

This was easily my favorite by this author to date. Gripping. Captivating. Magnetic. Dark. Erotic. It was EVERYTHING I love about a dark romance. It’s not gratuitous violence and scenes thrown in for pure shock value. It’s a mind fuck. An incredibly written, twisty, and delicious mind fuck that I couldn’t put down from beginning to finish; with a heroine you’ll want to root for, and an anti-hero that you’ll want to hate only slightly more than you love him.

The Pawn reminded me all over again why I love dark romance. It’s that electric zing of the forbidden. That feeling of rooting for a man that’s supposed to be the bad guy, yet you know that someone deep inside is someone that may be just an ounce redeemable. It’s the flutter of butterflies in your belly when you watch a sweet, innocent and naive girl grow into a woman that’s much stronger than you think. It’s that delicious tingle you get watching the fly get trapped in the spider’s erotic web. It’s pure wickedness.

Soon, little virgin.”
“Don’t call me that.” My voice trembles only a little, revealing the turmoil inside me.
“What else should I call you? Princess? Darling?”
“You could call me by my name.”
He dips his head, his mouth right by my ear, his voice just a breath. “There’s only one thing I’m going to call you. Mine.”

Growing up in privilege and money, Avery had an enchanted life. She idolized her father, she looked forward to her future and starting college, she had a doting boyfriend that she suspected only wanted her for his status, she had little worries aside from questioning her relationship…until it all crashed down on her…

I look up at him, searching his eyes for some hint of kindness, of mercy. There’s none. I find only fire- and the thought that comes next makes me shudder: this is vengeance.

Losing everything she finds herself penniless and desperate, and desperate times lead to desperate measures. Which is how she finds herself in the Den, agreeing to sell her virginity and body and soul to the highest bidder for a month.

You don’t know anything about me.”
“I know I could make you come in two minutes.”
A step back, my calves bumping the small chair where I sat. “You wouldn’t.”
“No, but you wish I would.”
“I hate you.”

Gabriel Miller is an enigma. He’s not a good guy, but his golden eyes lure her deep into a tangled web that she doesn’t know how to get herself out of.

The story was incredibly written. I love mythology and getting bits and glimpses of it only heightened my enjoyment. Watching Avery slowly come more and more into her own was almost as satisfying as watching the shadows lift from the mystery that is Gabriel but only leave behind more questions.

There’s something feral about this man, a fire that burns inside him, untamed.

The plot it filled with twists and turns that keep you absolutely riveted to the pages. The characters are multi-layered and enigmatic. You find yourself at the edge of your seat, heart beating wildly in your chest, just waiting for that final shoe to drop. This is one of those books that you will read in one sitting and it will leave you craving for more. It’s darkly erotic and entirely addicting.

You don’t taste sweet,” he says, pausing. “You taste like I’m fucking dying and you’re the only water around. You taste like goddamn air.”

If you’re a fan of this author, and you love a well written dark romance, this is one book that you do NOT want to miss. I may go crazy in my wait for the conclusion, but I don’t regret a moment of it because I have the best book high after finishing this. All of the stars!

THE KNIGHT is now available for preorder!


The power of pleasure…

Gabriel Miller took everything from me. My family. My innocence. My home. The only thing I have left is the determination to get back what’s mine.

He thinks he’s beaten me. He thinks he’s won. What he doesn’t realize is that every pawn has the chance to become a queen.

And the game has only just begun.

* * * * * *

THE KNIGHT is book two in the Endgame series from New York Times bestselling author Skye Warren about revenge and seduction in the game of love.


About the Author13680481_812207255582123_3040574096772318693_o

Skye Warren is the New York Times bestselling author of contemporary romance such as the Chicago Underground series. Her books have been featured in Jezebel, Buzzfeed, USA Today Happily Ever After, Glamour, and Elle Magazine. She makes her home in Texas with her loving family, two sweet dogs, and one evil cat.

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