DGR Fave Review: Walk Of Shame by @_LaurenLayne

Series: Love Unexpectedly #4
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Author: Lauren Layne
Release Date: April 18, 2017

Sparks fly between a misunderstood New York socialite and a cynical divorce lawyer in this lively standalone rom-com from the USA Today bestselling author of Blurred Lines and Love Story.

Pampered heiress Georgianna Watkins has a party-girl image to maintain, but all the shopping and clubbing is starting to feel a little bit hollow—and a whole lot lonely. Though Georgie would never admit it, the highlights of her week are the mornings when she comes home at the same time as her uptight, workaholic neighbor is leaving to hit the gym and put in a long day at the office. Teasing him is the most fun Georgie’s had in years—and the fuel for all her naughtiest daydreams.

Celebrity divorce attorney Andrew Mulroney doesn’t have much time for women, especially spoiled tabloid princesses who spend more time on Page Six than at an actual job. Although Georgie’s drop-dead gorgeous, she’s also everything Andrew resents: the type of girl who inherited her penthouse instead of earning it. But after Andrew caps one of their predawn sparring sessions with a surprise kiss—a kiss that’s caught on camera—all of Manhattan is gossiping about whether they’re a real couple. And nobody’s more surprised than Andrew to find that the answer just might be yes.


Despite the high temps of that swampy July morning, the encounter had been the start of an epic cold war. Me, the socialite in apartment 86A against the uptight esquire in apartment 79B. I’m not entirely sure I’m winning the war, but I’ll never tell him…

Where has this book been all my life?!! Where?!! I don’t have the words to describe all the love I had for this story! It was addictingly delicious and wickedly funny! Walk Of Shame is a book that will leave you with a full heart and a goofy smile on your face. It will make you swoon and make you laugh. It’s a book that you’d be incapable of reading without smiling the entire time. It was, in a word, PERFECTION.

I’m a sucker for a good enemies to lovers and this was utterly delicious! Witty banter, snarky sarcasm, ah-mazing characters, and enough chemistry to zap your finger with electricity each time you turn the page. So. Dang. Good.

I don’t like games, Georgiana.”
“Which is why you need to play them, Andy.”
He blinks. “It’s Andrew.”
“Hmm. How about Drew?”
“No.” The word is a growl. “Georgiana.”
“Yes, Andy?”
He exhales. “I’m going to kill you.”
I can’t help the laugh. “See, I don’t think so.”
“Don’t you?”
“Nope,” I say, sucking sugar off my thumb. “You don’t send flowers to someone you’re going to kill.”

Georgie is no stereotypical socialite. This is a heroine that’s absolutely impossible not to love. She’s warm-hearted, genuine, witty and sweet. There’s no catty friendships and silly drama with her. Can I just say what a breath of fresh air that was for me? Because GAH! I loved that! Being the daughter to two moguls leaves her wanting for nothing, but she’s not spoiled in the very least. She truly cares about people and I adored the easy friendships that she developed and drew people to her with her presence. Even the doormen to her building weren’t immune to her easy charm. The one person that was, however, was the stuffy divorce attorney that seems to go out of his way to either ignore or insult her.

What exactly did you do for exercise, Georgiana?” he says, giving me a skeptical look. “Twirl your hair?”
“If I do it vigorously, it counts as cardio.”

Andrew Mulroney, boy genius, now successful and most sought after divorce attorney is the definition of routine. Up at 5 am, exchange snarky sarcastic barbs with Georgie, work, sleep, repeat. He was so adorably awkward that you can’t help but like him. He’s not your stereotypical playboy hero. Yes, he’s successful now, but he’s not the life of the party. He’s been on the fast track to success since high school, and he’s not about to let a party girl distract him…even if the party girl is a lot more than first meets the eye.

I loved the banter between these two and the slow burn of sexual tension. Between every barb and insult these two exchanged, there’s a crackle of attraction and I absolutely loved the pacing of their relationship developing. It goes from frenemies to a reluctant friendship to so much more.

The man whose head moves insistently between my legs is nothing like the buttoned-up lawyer who has spent the past few months ignoring me. This man is raw and primal, his touch sure and possessive, as though every part of me is his and he’s always known it. 

I adored every single page of this book. Every. Single. Page. The friendships between Georgie and her girlfriends, the witty banter between her and Andrew, the slow burn, the crackle of attraction, EVERYTHING. Everything just flowed effortlessly to make for one unputdownable read that left me with a goofy grin from beginning to finish. I can say with utmost certainty that this may have been my favorite book by this author to date. If you’re looking for a witty rom com with a dash of enemies to lovers, you seriously can’t go wrong with this book!

He palms my ass before his fingers explore, tracing the upper elastic of my underwear. “Georgiana. Are you wearing impractical undergarments?”
“Yes. One might even call them . . . ridiculous.”
He pulls back, eyes gleaming. “I’ll be the judge of that.”



#DGRFave Review: The Hot Shot by Kristen Callihan

Series: Game On #4
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Sports
Author: Kristen Callihan
Release Date: April 18, 2017

First we were friends. Then we were roommates. Now I want more…
What can I say about Chess Copper? The woman is capable of bringing me to my knees. I know this about five minutes after getting naked for her.
No one is more surprised than me. The prickly photographer my team hired to shoot our annual charity calendar isn’t my usual type. She’s defense to my offense, a challenge at every turn. But when I’m with her, all the regrets and darkness goes away. She makes life fun.

I want to know Chess, be close to her. Which is a bad idea.

Chess is looking for a relationship. I’ve never given a woman more than one night. But when fate leaves Chess without a home, I step up and offer her mine. We’re roommates now. Friends without benefits. But it’s getting harder to keep our hands off each other. And the longer we live together the more I realize she’s becoming my everything.

Trick is… Now that I’ve made her believe I’m a bad bet, how do I convince her to give this player a true shot at forever?


So were going to…What? Be friends.”
He looks almost boyish then. “Yeah. We are.” His eyes spark. “Fair warning. I’ll still be picturing you naked half of the time. So get used to a bit of leering.”
I snort. “You just had to go and ruin the moment, didn’t you?”
“Probably should get used to that too.”

GAH. All of the stars! ALL OF THEM!

Do you know why I love that one quote up there? Because it’s the perfect summary of this book. It’s this incredibly endearing combination of humor, emotion, and passion. I seriously couldn’t get enough of it! Opposites attract in this sweet and sexy sports romance and I was absolute putty reading it. A happy pile of swooning goo. Can goo swoon? Hmm…no matter. What’s important is how much I seriously loved this book!

From bickering, to unlikely friendship, to roommates, to lovers, Chess and Finn stole my heart…and I never want it back

Like an inevitable collision with a charging linebacker, I suspect Ms. Chess Copper is going to take me down and make me feel it. Bitch of it is, I’m not sure if I hate the idea or kind of like it.

The last place Finn wants to be is in front of the camera. When the photographer hired by their team to shoot their annual calendar doesn’t automatically swoon at his feet like so many other women, he’s intrigued. She’s so far from his usual type, but there’s something about her sharp wit and sarcasm leaves him hooked.

Chess has just about given up on relationships, and the last person she would ever date is the playboy quarterback with the easy smile and a horde of women in his past. But then when she sees the depth hidden beneath his easy smiles, she’s intrigued, and what soon begins is the unlikeliest of friendships even when both of them yearn for something much more.

I want her with a ferocity that aches low in my gut, and I find myself reaching for her without thought, only to restrain myself at the last second. Because she is not mine.

I loved reading their budding relationship develop. There’s so much more than first meets the eye with Finn and watching his layers reveal themselves was utterly delicious. He’s so much more than Chess expected and watching that slowly crumble her walls left me a grinning fool. I adored their easy camaraderie. They were so different and yet so perfect together. I loved the slow burn; until the sexual tension was sprung so tight, I thought I might explode if they didn’t finally didn’t give in to the pull between them.

Finn was the perfect easy-going humor to off-set Chess’s prickly sarcasm. I simply couldn’t get enough of these two together. I loved their friendship but I definitely loved watching it develop into something more.

Finn, what am I going to do with you?” His smile is an easy glide, but his eyes hold mine a beat too long. “Keep me. I’m pretty sure I’m good for no one else.”

And then there was that epilogue. GOD. That epilogue deserves 5 stars for it alone.

Book four in what’s become one of my favorite sports romance series delivered on the promise with one swoony, funny, and sweet read. I adored every single page of it. If you’re a fan of this series, this book is an absolute myst read. I’m already in need of my next fix, I just don’t know who I want more, North or Jake.



Spring Fling Spotlight & Giveaway #1: Our 2017 faves…so far

Confession time; we’re a bunch of picky bitches here at DGR. True story. Especially me. I have pet peeves for my pet peeves. Swear to god. It’s a curse. LMAO. But then our 2017 started off strong, and kept going and going and going, until we had so many 5 stars under our belts, we were positively full of good book mojo glee. It’s totally a thing. Go with me here.

So we figured, being the picky bitches that we are, these 5 star reads need to be shouted from the rooftops. So this will be a HUGE spotlight we do for the next several weeks. We’ll be featuring a book per post and telling you just why this happened to make our top favorites (so far) list.

To start things off, I really didn’t have to think too hard which book to pick. This was the book that first started my 5 star book mojo and it deserves all of the stars for that alone. I read this book back in October of last year, actually, so you may be thinking why I’m featuring it in my 2017 faves? Well, my suspicious friend, the reason is quite simple actually. I’ve since re-read this book 3 times. Yep. Thrice. I wanted to start my year of with a top favorite re-read and I couldn’t think of a better book to do it with than this gut wrencher. That’s totally a word. Go with me here.

Genre: Contemporary, Erotic Romance
Author: KL Kreig
Release Date: October 17, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


I’ve loved him as long as I can remember.

The gangly boy with big brown eyes and unruly hair who grew up into an intoxicating man. He wears scruff like he invented it and ambles with a swagger that makes panties drop.

Killian Shepard.


We grew up together. We played Ghost in the Graveyard. Had our own rock band. It didn’t matter that he was five years older than me. It didn’t matter that he looked at me as a kid sister even as I grew into a woman. It didn’t even matter when he left me behind to go to college and start his adult life.

He’d be back.

He was always meant to be mine.

He came back, all right. But instead of smelling of promises, he stunk of betrayal. And he destroyed me—us—the day he married my sister instead of me.

So I did the only thing a girl like me in my position could do.

I got my revenge.

I married his brother, Kael.

Now we’re one big happy fucking family.


See here’s the thing, I actually hate and I mean HATE love triangles. I usually avoid them like a venereal disease. By practicing love triangle abstinence. 

Death from angst overload. It’s a thing. Look up Thoughtless. But I digress.

This book was clearly a triangle. So why did I read it? Well, for one, I’m a glutton for punishment. For two, I love this author. And for three, this blurb hooked me, line and sinker. I had to read it. I needed to read it. And you know what? This book ruined me. RUINED me. I loved it. I loved it beyond words!!

You can read my full 5 star review HERE

If you haven’t heard of this book yet, you may want to check your surroundings because there may be slight chance that you’ve been living under a rock. If you’ve heard of it but haven’t read it, you need to change that right meow. One click it immediately!

And if you’ve read it and loved it, I have an AMAZING treat, because it just so happens that I have a SIGNED paperback of Black Swan Affair generously provided by KL Kreig to gift to one lucky winner!


Blog Tour & Jenn + Lana’s Review: The Castle by @skye_warren

Series: Endgame #3
Genre: Dark Romance, Contemporary
Author: Skye Warren
Release Date: April 4, 2017

The trilogy is now complete! #OneClick now!


Safe in the ivory tower…

Gabriel Miller swears he’ll keep me safe. Enemies lurk outside, waiting to strike. An army held back by these walls.

Except some animal instinct warns me the danger is much closer. It’s already here. Is Gabriel my protector or my enemy? Is this house a castle or a cage?

There’s nowhere for me to go, no one left for me to trust.

No escape from a past determined to capture its prize.





So bright. So beautiful. I used to wonder if it would burn to touch you.”
“Now you know. It doesn’t.”
“Oh, little virgin. You definitely make me burn. And I’m addicted to being ash.”

Alright, confession time.
True story. And usually the mere thought of a trilogy is enough to make me break out in hives. Why? Because I’ll usually find book two to be more filler, and I’m pretty much bored and uninterested by book three. So you may be asking yourself, why on earth did this crazy heifer read a trilogy then? And to that, my doubting friend, I only have one answer for you. Skye Warren wrote it. It doesn’t matter what this woman writes. She can write the damn alphabet and I’ll read it.

If I can describe this trilogy for you in one word, it’ll be intense. And not only does it start that way in book one, but it only gets more and more intense as the story progresses.

He fucks me like I’m the enemy, like he can vanquish me.”

Not only was I still riveted to every single word of this book and story, but I was fully invested and addicted. It doesn’t get more intense than Gabriel. It just doesn’t. And the man only gets better and better with each look into the depths of his dark soul.

A sense of inevitability overcomes me, the same as watching the moon rise in the sky. There’s no way that we can change the tides. All we can do is cling to the mast, the way I’m clinging to Gabriel now. He’s my ship, my center. My only hope for surviving the night.”

Skye Warren is a literary genius. The way she weaves her words is downright magical. Greek mythology, chess analogies, and dark intensity all wrapped around a romance that’s as erotic as it is forbidden. An innocent virgin falling for her captor and protector. A man who has seen too much darkness in his life to be anything less than a monster, allowing some of her light to seep through his heart’s cracks. All of it blended flawlessly through a captivating story of betrayal and vengeance that goes to show that monsters are real and can break even the strongest of spirits.

I’m not made of marble or anything hardy like that. I’m built from crystal flutes and rare silk. From the brushstrokes of my mother’s portrait. I’m a shadow of a human being, only a cautionary tale whispered from mother to daughter. A collection of dangerous words. I’m a myth. And as long as I don’t speak, I can bury myself.”

The Castle was the perfect conclusion to a series that captivated me from the very first. The Endgame trilogy was a story that kept me glued to the pages. The intensity built with each new book. With each secret that gets revealed. With each depravity that comes to light. It was addicting. It was heart pounding. It was completely unputdownable.

Oh, little virgin. I love you with every cold bone in my body. I love you with every dark thought, every violent impulse. I love you enough to leave the walls I’ve carefully built, the iron bars I refined, the castle I made.”

I forever worship at the altar that is Skye Warren and kept wait for more. So if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to rock myself in a corner somewhere, drinking my feelings, until The King comes out. Because DAMON!!!!


5 – Do you even have to ask how many stars I’m giving this??? – Stars

A Love Letter to Skye Warren…..Maybe more like a Crazy Fan-Girl Letter….Same thing.

Ok, this should be a book review for The Castle. But let’s be honest. Everyone KNOWS The Castle was brilliant, and if you don’t, then you should obviously read it (After The Pawn & The Knight). But what I really want to do is write a love letter to Skye Warren. Because I’m in luuuurve with her. Ok, not really….Well, maybe a little.
GABRIEL. Can I have him? Seriously, I want you to write a Gabriel story EVERY…..DAY and send me the story. No one else. Just me. Especially not Lana. BECAUSE HE’S MINE!! That’s why I want you in my basement. So no one else can have Gabriel. It’s a completely reasonable request.
Dear, Skye. I’m just over here with your favorite thing to lure you into my house so I can lock you up in my basement. (Jk. I’m not a crazy person…..not really.) Seriously. I want to meet you. And brunch with you. And just…..talk. Because you are brilliant. I love your words on pages. I love your STORIES. Ugh, your stories. I love those people in your head that talk to you and make you put them on paper. Ugh, all your characters. I am completely intimidated by you. This whole series and all of your books leave my jaw on the ground.

Ugh. This letter is getting cray. I should probably go before people think I’m cray.

Actual Review for The Castle:


Start the series today with THE PAWN!



* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

THE PAWN is a full-length contemporary novel from New York Times bestselling author Skye Warren about revenge and seduction in the game of love. It’s the first book in the brand new ENDGAME series.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Grab THE KNIGHT now!


Skye Warren is the New York Times bestselling author of contemporary romance such as the Chicago Underground series. Her books have been featured in Jezebel, Buzzfeed, USA Today Happily Ever After, Glamour, and Elle Magazine. She makes her home in Texas with her loving family, two sweet dogs, and one evil cat.

Contact Skye:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/skyewarren
Twitter: https://twitter.com/skye_warren
Instagram: https://instagram.com/skyewarrenbooks
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/SkyeWarrenBooks
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/sk

#DGRFave & Review: Hard Limits by @AycartElle

Series: Bowen Boys #4.5
Genre: Contemporary, Erotic Romance
Author: Elle Aycart
Release Date: April 4, 2017

DO NOT READ before Jacked Up.

Nico Grabar, head of one of the most ruthless cartels in the world, is in the last stretch of a two-year nightmare, his agenda extremely busy. He has a criminal organization to run. A cover to maintain. A promise to fulfill. Too bad he’s bleeding to death in the middle of nowhere, about to meet his maker on a deserted street. A fitting ending to a bleak existence, really. When a beautiful Vintage bride with racoon eyes and a choke collar, covered from head to military boots in blood, came to him. It looked like the Grim Reaper had gotten a makeover just for him. What an honor.

Who finds a frigging drug lord in serious need of resuscitation while coming back from a bachelorette party at the wee hours? Paige, aka magnet for psychopaths, of course.
The Goth waitress at Rosita’s has already survived a major asshole, narrowly escaping with her life. The last she needs is to have to play Nightingale to a dangerous kingpin. What if he dies on her? Or worse; what if he doesn’t?


For years there was nothing in my life but darkness and thirst for revenge, whatever the personal cost. Nothing else mattered. Then you came waltzing into my bleak existence, with your quirks and your crazy hair and your lovely smiles, and you fucking blinded me. I should have let you go, but I couldn’t. I just fucking couldn’t, and now you are my priority. I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe.”

WARNING If you haven’t yet read Jacked Up, (1) you’re SERIOUSLY missing out and (2) do NOT read my review. Seriously. Take your curious little nose the other way and step away. Then run to Amazon to one click Jacked Up. You’ll thank me. Trust me.

And if you HAVE read Jacked Up, then you’ve been just as antsy as I have to get your grabby little hands on Nico. This wasn’t a character that Elle had originally planned on writing a book for, and man am I happy that she decided to, because the man totally stole both my heart and my ovaries even when I thought he was a baddie to beat all baddies.

This shit was killing his soul. Whatever small part was still left, it was not going to survive this.

In deep cover, infiltrating the worst of the worst, Nico is finally in a position to bring down the cartel he’s dedicated his life to destroying. But Nico is no one’s hero. The life he’s led has left a permanent stain on his soul. A stain so dark, he doesn’t think he’ll ever be clean of it. He’s not exactly surprised to find himself bleeding out on the street after an attempt on his life. What he doesn’t expect is his savior…

Her facade was so brazen, a deliberate act to distract everyone from her aching vulnerability. All smoke and mirrors.

Paige is no wilting wallflower. But behind her tattoos and piercings are hidden scars of past mistakes she’s trying to outrun. The one one her facade doesn’t work on is the head of a ruthless cartel and the man she has an inexplicable connection to. When she finds him bleeding to death in his car, she knows she’ll stop at nothing to help him. But are their scars too deep to heal and ultimately be their destruction?

This is why I didn’t want you here. Because you are unraveling me piece by piece, and I fucking hate it.”
“If you hate it so much, why are you here?”
“Because I can’t stay away. Because I can’t fucking breathe without you. Because nothing’s worth a damn if I don’t have you. Because I’ve fucking lost my mind.”

In just under 200 pages, this book packed so much depth and feeling. I wish I can say I was surprised, but I don’t expect anything less from Elle Aycart. After not so patiently waiting for Nico and Paige’s book, I can say the wait was worth it. Ever since they met in Jacked Up, you could feel a sizzle between them. That sizzle turned into scorching passion in this book. The novella is eloquently titled, because both are characters with their individual hard limits that get shattered at the hands of the other one. Man but I loved watching them both demolish those.

Nico is everything I thought he’d be and more. He’s ruthless, deliciously dirty, protective and with a hidden vulnerability that you can’t help but fall for. Paige was the perfect second half to him. She’s not without her own demons, but she also doesn’t shy away from them. She owns them and has a steel core of strength that you can’t help but respect.

Hard Limits was an action packed ride that was equal parts spine tingling and toe curling. It was edge of your seat excitement with a romance that was just as deliciously sexy as it was emotional and satisfying. I loved every single page of it. We get a chance to catch up with all our past favorites, but Nico and Paige definitely steel the show. I adored seeing Nico’s vulnerable side come through more and more almost as much as I loved seeing Paige truly come into her own. It was perfection. Pure perfection. I’m addicted to this series and I can’t wait for more! I will never have enough Bowen Boys




#DGRFave Review: Goodbye Paradise by @SarinaBowen

Series: Hello Goodbye #1
Genre: MM Romance
Author: Sarina Bowen
Release Date: March 21, 2017

Most people called it a cult. But for twenty years, Josh and Caleb called it home.

In Paradise, there is no television. No fast food. Just long hours of farm work and prayer on a dusty Wyoming ranch, and nights in a crowded bunkhouse. The boys of the Compound are kept far from the sinners’ world.

But Joshua doesn’t need temptation to sin. His whole life, he’s wanted his best friend, Caleb. By day they work side by side. Only when Josh closes his eyes at night can they be together the way he craves.

It can never be. And his survival depends on keeping his terrible desires secret.

Caleb has always protected Josh against the worst of the bullying at the Compound. But he has secrets of his own, and a plan to get away — until it all backfires.

Josh finds himself homeless in a world that doesn’t want him. Can Caleb find him in time? And will they find a place of safety, where he can admit to Josh how he really feels?

Warning: Contains a hot male/male romance, copious instances of taking the Lord’s name in vain, and love against the kitchen counter. This book was previously released under the title: In Front of God & Everyone.


Caleb,” he whispered against my skin. “Just make me yours.”
“You,” I said, kissing him on the forehead, “are already mine.”

When was the last time you read a romance that was so powerful and sweet that you felt it touch your very soul? For me, that was today and this romance was this book. THIS BOOK. My god. I sobbed my way through almost the entire thing. I couldn’t help myself. It wrecked me and it owned me all at once. I don’t have enough praise to describe everything that was this story. All I know is that Caleb and Josh’s story is one that will stay in my heart forever, and as a voracious romance reader, I don’t make that statement lightly. It was just that good.

Nothing had ever felt better than lying in Caleb’s arms.

Caleb and Josh have been best friends for as long as they can remember. And Caleb has been Josh’s confidant and protector just as long. Growing up in a religious cult where a man’s worth is measured by his strength and ability to withstand hard labor, brainy Josh has always been at the bottom of the food chain. Caleb has always looked out for him and protected him, and Josh has been secretly in love with Caleb just as long.

When it becomes evident that Josh will soon be tossed out, Caleb makes a plan to escape. Having nothing to their name, no IDs, no money, they only have each other to lean on when they end up in a world that Josh had no idea existed and Caleb only had quick glimpses of.

Caleb has always been the strong one, but Josh has always been his strength. Unbeknownst to Josh, Caleb has been in love with his best friend but much better at hiding it. Now that they’re out, there’s nothing holding them back from being together but each other.

Maybe I’d craved him all my life, but I was his first, too. I felt powerful because of it.

This was such a powerful story of an emotional journey of two boys growing into men with nothing to guide them through it but each other. There’s no crazy drama, no silly angst. Absolutely nothing to take away from the incredibly poignant romance.

The secondary characters only served to strengthen the story and add another touching layer to something that was already solid to begin with. I loved the friendships and bonds that these boys formed through their journey. Every secondary character drove the plot further and just connected me to the story that much more.

I adored Caleb’s strength, but what I loved even more was Josh’s silent and unassuming strength. They balanced each other so well and their undying devotion to the other was nothing if not incredibly touching.

Hi baby,” he said under his breath. He leaned in and kissed me on the lips, right in front of God and everyone.

This book is exactly why I’m such a huge fan of this author. It was romantic and powerful, sweet and emotional, it was touching and poignant and everything that I love about romance. It was one of the most unforgettable romances I’ve read in a long while and I simply can’t recommend it enough.

#DGRFave & Review: Royally Matched by @EmmaChse

Royally #2
Genre: Contemporary Romance 
Author: Emma Chase
Release Date: Feb 21, 2017

Some men are born responsible, some men have responsibility thrust upon them. Henry Charles Albert Edgar Pembrook, Prince of Wessco, just got the motherlode of all responsibility dumped in his regal lap.

He’s not handling it well.

Hoping to force her grandson to rise to the occasion, Queen Lenora goes on a much-needed safari holiday—and when the Queen’s away, the Prince will play. After a chance meeting with an American television producer, Henry finally makes a decision all on his own:

Welcome to Matched: Royal Edition.

A reality TV dating game show featuring twenty of the world’s most beautiful blue bloods gathered in the same castle. Only one will win the diamond tiara, only one will capture the handsome prince’s heart.

While Henry revels in the sexy, raunchy antics of the contestants as they fight, literally, for his affection, it’s the quiet, bespectacled girl in the corner—with the voice of an angel and a body that would tempt a saint—who catches his eye.

The more Henry gets to know Sarah Mirabelle Zinnia Von Titebottum, the more enamored he becomes of her simple beauty, her strength, her kind spirit…and her naughty sense of humor.

But Rome wasn’t built in a day—and irresponsible royals aren’t reformed overnight.

As he endeavors to right his wrongs, old words take on whole new meanings for the dashing Prince. Words like, Duty, Honor and most of all—Love.

AMAZON | iBOOKS | B&N | KOBO | BAM | IndieBound

What a strange pair we are. The sad boy and the frightened girl.

I couldn’t have picked a better book to read on Valentine’s Day. This book! ALL OF THE FEELS! For someone that grew up on the classics and adores all thing Jane Austen, this story was calling to my inner mushy parts. This heroine is my spirit animal. A more shy and introverted version of my spirit animal, but still. It melted my cold black heart. I’m seriously on the swoon train, on the way to swoon city here and I plan on riding the train over and over and over again. Don’t get me started on the perfection that’s Henry or the laugh out loud bits and the glorious writing. Because gah! Just. GAH. Where do I even begin?

There are meetings in books that stand out, that alter the course of the story. Profound encounters between characters when one soul seems to say to the other, “There you are—I’ve been looking for you.”

Henry is a boisterous, quick-witted, happy go lucky ladies man. The wit and humor is strong with this one, ladies, and I loved it. I LOVED IT SO HARD.

Not that kind of proposition. I don’t want to sleep with you, Henry.”
“Who said anything about sleeping? I’m talking about sex. Good sex. Lots of it.”
That puts a flush on her pretty cheeks and she laughs. “I don’t want to have sex with you.”
I pat her hand. “Now you’re just being silly. The cat-and-mouse game can be tantalizing, but it’s not necessary.” My voice drops to a whisper. “I’m a sure thing.”

It’s exactly what you would expect from an Emma Chase male POV. Pure. Awesome.

Henry is quick to jokes and smiles but if there’s one thing he struggles at, it’s politicking. Much to his disappointment. The one thing he yearns for is his grandmother’s approval. As the heir to the throne since his older brother abdicated, he can’t seem to do anything right. So what’s one more grand bad decision in a line of them? May as well star in his very own royal version of the Bachelor. Except the last thing he expects is to meet the unlikeliest of women that takes his breath away.

Sarah Mirabelle Zinnia Von Titebottum is a shy, introverted bookworm. She’s the exact opposite of everything about him. It’s funny because I’m not typically a reader that enjoys the shy and mousy heroines, but there was just something so endearing about Sarah that tugged at my every heart string. It was impossible not to like her, to connect and to feel for her.

Sarah only goes to the show to support her sister and to narrowly escape a project at work that would be a nightmare come true for her; force her to speak publicly. Whatever her reason may be, the last thing she expected was the attention of Prince Henry. And as much as she thinks that he’s everything she doesn’t need and guaranteed to break her heart, his presence is a magnet that seems to draw her into his orbit with a mere look.

He’s so damn comfortable, so sure and confident in his own skin. And he makes me feel that way too. Beautiful and bold. Brave. Like I could do anything—say anything—be anything. But at the moment, all I want to be is his.

The romance in this book? OH MY FEELS!!!! This is by far, one of the swooniest books I’ve read from Emma to date. It was pure perfection. I mean, yes, it was also absolutely sexy. But it was so much more than that, too. It made you feel all mushy and warm. It was as sweet as it was sexy and you couldn’t help but fall head over heels for both Henry and Sarah. They may not make sense together at first, but their connection was such a palpable one that you’re rooting for them from the very start. I adored it. Oh my god, you guys, I adored it so hard!!

My darling girl. I’ve never had someone who was just mine, body and soul—mine to protect and hold and love. And that’s what Sarah is . . . she belongs to me now. We belong to each other.

Do you see?!!!

Look, if this book isn’t on your TBR you’re seriously missing out. It packed everything I loved into one incredibly satisfying read. It had humor, romance, steam, AMAZING characters, a perfect story, and flawless writing as only Emma Chase is capable of. It. Was. EVERYTHING.

I’m not going to fall. I can’t. Because Henry has shown me how to fly.

Emma Chase is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the hot and hilarious Tangled series and The Legal Briefs series. Emma lives in New Jersey with her husband, two children and two naughty (but really cute) dogs. She has a long-standing love/hate relationship with caffeine.

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Release Blitz, Review & Giveaway: Sex Says by @authormaxmonroe

Genre: Romantic Comedy
Author: Max Monroe
Release Date: February 21, 2017

From New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Max Monroe comes a new standalone romantic comedy.


My name is Lola Sexton, and I’m a sex addict.

Okay…that’s a lie.

Truth is, I’m a serial dater turned dating and relationship columnist for The San Francisco Times. My readers call me Sex. Sex Says.

I love my job.

I love my life.

And I hate Reed Luca.


My name is Reed Luca, and I’m a liar.

Ironically, that’s the truth.

I’m 31, and my occupation is…well, complicated.

My favorite kind of woman comes in all shapes and sizes, but always has a big brain.

I’ve never hated anything.

Lola Sexton hates me.

Luckily, it’s a thin line between love and hate, and with my help, pretty Lola will only be able to straddle that line for so long.



Somewhere along the way, hate had morphed into dislike and then reincarnated itself into lust, and then, like had blossomed. I liked Reed. Probably too much. But I couldn’t help it. That intriguing bastard was too much fun. Infuriating bullshit columns aside, I couldn’t not like him.

It’s official. Lola Sexton is my spirit animal and Reed Luca is my current obsession. Max Monroe have ruined me. Done and ruined me for any other man. They are now the proud owners of both my ovaries and possibly my first born. I offered all three to them for just another hit of the crackilicious addiction that was this book. They don’t know it yet. But it’s totally true.

Because ermahgerd! How is this the first book I’m reading by them? HOW? I’m kicking my own ass for this as we speak. What? I’m flexible like that. *sniffs indignantly*

He was unlike anyone I’d ever met. And did I mention I hated him? I did.

If you know me even a little, then you already know that the enemies to lovers trope happens to be my crack of choice. I pant for it like the addict that I am and each time I get a hit, it gives me the pervy happy feels. #TrueStory

And this book? This was the mother of all hate lust. It was the holy grail of enemies to lovers. It was deliciously sexy, kooky, quirky, and laugh till you have tears in your eyes and your stomach hurts kind of good.

Moving my gaze up from his crotch—it admittedly moved a little slowly—I finally settled my focus into the face of none other than my archnemesis. Reed Luca, looking fresh as a fucking daisy and smirking like the devil himself.

Lola was one of the best heroines I’ve read in a while. She was a woman after my own immature little heart. She was a funny, quirky, sharp witted, sarcastic ball of fun and I loved her. I SERIOUSLY LOVED HER. How can you possibly not love a free spirit that likes to roller skate to work and writes a relationship and sex column full of wit and humor. You can’t! You seriously can’t.

Enter stage right, Reed Luca, sexy archnemisis and bane of Lola’s existence. Ever since his video response to her latest dating article went viral, he’s been a thorn in her side. A sexy thorn. But she doesn’t want to focus on that. She hates him. She may also wonder about the size of his penis…while hating him. And Reed was determined to drive her out of her ever loving mind and right into his bed. And let me just tell you, I applaud his methods. Wholeheartedly.

Lola Sexton was fun, and even better news, she thought I was too—she just didn’t realize it yet. She was antagonistic and opinionated and completely off her rocker. And now, I had her right where I wanted her.

The banter between these two was amazing. AMAZING. Every single time these two went at it with their verbal foreplay my ovaries got a happy tingle. Because oh my god did they go at it. With insults that is. What were you thinking, perverts? But I digress.

The romance was a slow sizzle, which I loved all the more.

Something about her drugged me right into oblivion—and despite knowing the downsides of addiction, I couldn’t make myself stop loving it.

I was at the edge of my seat, screaming for these two to finally go at it and rip each other’s clothes off. I couldn’t get enough. I was invested from beginning to end and loved every sarcastic barb with the heavy underlay of lust. It was delicious. Delicious I tells ya!

Add in a whole bunch of amazing secondary characters that only served to make the story that much more fun, and I was putty in these authors hands. PUTTY.

Reed This: Sometimes people can be at two ends of a line and end up next to one another. Because intimacy and love— they’re powerful enough to curve that line into a circle.

Basically what I’m trying to say here, is they have got themselves a new fan in me. If this book is anything to go by, I’ve been seriously missing out.

If you’re looking for a quirky, addictingly fun and super sexy story that’s as refreshingly different as it is tears in your eyes hilarious, you’ve found your next read. You’re welcome.


#DGRFave & Geri’s Review: Pretty Face (London Celebrities #2) by Lucy Parker

Series: London Celebrities #2
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Lucy Parker
Release Date: February 20, 2017

Highly acclaimed, award-winning author of Act Like It Lucy Parker returns readers to the London stage with laugh-out-loud wit and plenty of drama

The play’s the fling

It’s not actress Lily Lamprey’s fault that she’s all curves and has the kind of voice that can fog up a camera lens. She wants to prove where her real talents lie—and that’s not on a casting couch, thank you. When she hears esteemed director Luc Savage is renovating a legendary West End theater for a lofty new production, she knows it could be her chance—if only Luc wasn’t so dictatorial, so bad-tempered and so incredibly sexy.

Luc Savage has respect, integrity and experience. He also has it bad for Lily. He’d be willing to dismiss it as a midlife crisis, but this exasperating, irresistible woman is actually a very talented actress. Unfortunately, their romance is not only raising questions about Lily’s suddenly rising career, it’s threatening Luc’s professional reputation. The course of true love never did run smooth. But if they’re not careful, it could bring down the curtain on both their careers…



This was Luc Savage. Award-winning, career-making, ego-curdling Luc Savage. Get-in-my-way-and-I’ll-crush-you-like-a-bug Luc Savage. And her driving instinct was to touch the tips of her boots to his—and then stand her ground until he stepped back first.”

Sometimes I feel like the book goods are smiling down at me and they send me a book that ticks all of my “how romance should be” boxes. Reading Pretty Face by Lucy Parker is definitely one of those times. And oh my gosh, I don’t have enough words to express how much I love this book.

WARNING! Long, gushy review ahead! #Sorrynotsorry

Luc Savage, one of London West End’s premier director/producer is restoring the Queen Anne theatre and capping it off with a new play. Problem is Luc lost not one but two of his female leads, and he’s desperate to find a replacement.

One of the names considered playing the role of Elizabeth is Lily Lamprey. Lily is famous for playing a dumb, conniving bimbo on Knightsbridge, a label that spills over onto her personal life. It doesn’t help that she looks the part: curvy, blonde and a voice that rivals Marilyn Monroe’s—seductive, breathy and totally inappropriate for theatre. Naturally, Luc is not thrilled and made his opinions about Lily known.

If she was as vacant as she looks on screen, she wouldn’t be able to tie her own shoes.”

But even with Luc’s prejudice, he couldn’t quite deny that there’s some raw talent there. He also can’t deny his attraction to her the moment they meet. And Luc doesn’t want to risk the success of his play and his theatre. So he vowed to keep things professional between them, which worked spectacularly for, um, about 5 minutes.

They released each other’s hands; their eyes met again. Game on.”

Pretty Face is full of laugh-out-loud dialogue, quick witted banter and scorching chemistry between Luc and Lily. Despite her appearance, Lily is a hard worker and resolute. I love her so much. She’s not all cowed by Luc or anyone else for that matter really.

Lily knows a thing or two about double standards and being judged based on your looks. But she had a goal: West End. And she’s willing to work her ass off to get there but she won’t ever compromise herself to get it even though she’s insanely attracted to Luc.

Giving in to their feeling could have repercussions on their career, especially on Lily’s. Something that Lily and Luc was all too aware of. Lily had been accused of sleeping with most of her male co-stars, so giving in to her attraction to Luc would give people the ammunition to write Lily off as the bimbo who got the part because she shagged the director. It’s terribly unfair and it made me even more emotionally invested in the romance between Lily and Luc.

Luc and Lily ended up becoming of my favorite couples of all time. I have a weakness for grumpy, taciturn heroes with hidden sweet side, and Luc fits the bill perfectly. And Lily is just awesome. She’s aware of her looks without being conceited about it, and she’s geniunely a nice person. The evolution of their relationship, including the conflict organic and real. The conflict also felt organic. And their banter is beyond hilarious!

How old is Trix?”


“I see,” Luc said. “And you’re also twenty-six?”

Lily narrowed her eyes slightly. “Yes.”

“Mmm. And Dan is—”

“Not twenty-six.”

“No. I’d say he’s somewhere around my age.”

“Quite possibly. Are we going to arrive at your point anytime soon?”

“No point.” Luc’s voice was bland. His experssion was not. “Just an observation.”

“That some of us are twenty-six and some of us like to make leading comments?” 

The writing is stellar. I can’t believe this is just her second book because Lucy Parker writes like a seasoned pro. Her characters are nuanced and there’s an emotional depth to them. It’s funny without trying too hard to be comedic. It’s just perfect.

I don’t throw out comparisons to Atticus Finch lightly. He was my first boyfriend.”

“He’s fictional.”

“When I was ten, that was a minor drawback, easily outweighed by the staunch devotion to human rights and penchant for natty waistcoats.”

Gah! I have so many highlights I could share but I won’t or else this review would never end. I didn’t even touch on how well written the secondary characters were and how much they add to the story. Just go, pick up the book and enjoy this spectacular romance from Lucy Parker. You won’t be sorry!


Lucy Parker lives in the gorgeous Central Otago region of New Zealand, where she feels lucky every day to look out at mountains, lakes, and vineyards. She has a degree in Art History, loves museums and art galleries, and doodles unrecognizable flowers when she has writer’s block.

When she’s not writing, working or sleeping, she happily tackles the towering pile of to-be-read books that never gets any smaller. Thankfully, there’s always another story waiting.

Her interest in romantic fiction began with a pre-teen viewing of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice (Firth-style), which prompted her to read the book as well. A family friend introduced her to Georgette Heyer, and the rest was history.

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#DGRFave & Review: Grievous by @JMDarhower

Series: Scarlet Scars #2
Genre: Dark Romance
Author: JM Darhower
Release Date: February 6, 2017

Once upon a time, there was a girl who stopped believing in fairy tales after her innocence was stolen.

Morgan Myers is tired. So damn tired. Most people either push her around or brush her off, and she’s not putting up with it anymore. Determined to reclaim the life that had been stolen from her, she puts her trust in the last person she ever expected to: the notorious they call Scar. Morgan sees a side of him that few people seem to know—the man, not the myth. Lorenzo. And what she sees, she likes, a lot more than she thought she would.

But fairy tales aren’t real, as life likes to remind her. Some dragons, you just can’t slay, no matter how hard you fight them. And when hers comes back around, breathing fire, she’s forced to face some unimaginable horrors. But there’s a white knight in combat boots out there that isn’t afraid of monsters.

You see, it’s impossible to be afraid of something you see every day in the mirror.


She wants the fairy tale with the happy ending. All I have are bullet holes in a house with no soul.

I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not a fan of duets or trilogies. It always starts out great and then fizzles out for me at the end. That’s why I’m so blown away right now after finishing this book? Because this was quite possibly the best conclusion that I have ever read. Period. It couldn’t have had a better ending. Talk about going out with a bang. DAMN. I’m still calming my tits over here.

Maybe we’re all crazy. Maybe the trick in life is just to find someone whose crazy plays well with your own.

Everything only got better with book two; Morgan being one of them. As much as I liked her in book one, she was even better here. She’s this amazing combination of strength and vulnerability, tough as nails personality with a splash of pain. She was absolute perfection. If only every heroine I read was more like this woman. She totally had me under her spell.

All the puzzle pieces begin to click in place with Grievous, and when that puzzle starts to finally come together? Mind. Blowing. Filled with twists and turns, action and steam, I couldn’t have asked for a better conclusion to a story that hooked me from the beginning.

As for Lorenzo? Mother. Of. God. THIS MAN.

Whatever this is I’m feeling, I want it to stop. I want it to go away. I want to stop fucking seeing her every time I blink. I want to stop fucking thinking about her every time I pause to take a deep breath. She’s like an infection that’s settling into my chest. I would rip out my own organs if I thought it might purge her from my system.

He’s a violent, messed up, insane killer, and I loved his so muh muh much. I’m talking slightly questioning my own sanity over how much I loved him. The man has loose marbles rolling around in his head. He’s not all there, get me? He’s downright certifiable at times, and yet he’s one of the most endearing anti-heroes I’ve read in a long while.

The woman’s touch is witchcraft. It’s a sin to give in, but seeing as sinning is my specialty, I let her dark magic consume me, because what do I have to lose?

Grievous was a high-octane, dark and violent ride that was filled with twists and turns and enough heat to set your kindle on fire. It was danger and lust, violence and love. It. Was. Everything.

The woman has got me all fucked up here, flipped upside down and inside out. It’s like the striking of a match. All it needs is that spark.

If you had any doubt about the raw talent that is JM Darhower before, this book will make a believer out of you. Trust me. It’s an absolute must read!



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