Review: The Dumont Diaries by Alessandra Torre

Lust is a dangerous thing. It can make you believe things that are not real. It can seduce your mind and lead it blindfolded to the cliff that will be its demise.

What would you do if you could leave your life? Wake up one day and be someone else?

I signed the contract. I left Candace Tapers and her slutty, strip club life behind, abandoned every part of that life with one hesitant swipe of my pen.

The agreement was clear:
1. Sex
2. Photo ops
3. No romance

“I need a wife. I am not signing up for romance, or affection, or a full time job. I will not love you. I will have no use for you other than sex and photo ops.”

Sex with Nathan was easy. More than easy. Panty-melting, can-never-get-enough HOT. I had begun to think that I could live this new life, showered in luxuries, orgasms, and diamonds.

Then I started tripping over secrets.

Disclaimer: The Dumont Diaries contains a strong alpha male, super hot explicit sex, and twists and turns that might cause unnatural heart palpitations. This book does not contain BDSM elements.

*The Dumont Diaries was originally released, and is still available as a four-part miniseries. This book combines the four pieces of the miniseries into one, full-length novel.

4 Stars

He is a drug that I have no way of resisting, bad for my soul, but so heartbreakingly perfect in its deliverance.

After reading Sex. Love. Repeat., I knew I had to go back and read every other book written by this author. After hearing so many great things about this series, I knew this would be my next read. Plus, my friend Jahy was kind enough to gift me this book (Thanks, Jahy <3 data-blogger-escaped-br=””>
So what did I think? There’s one thing I know for sure, I am captivated by this author’s writing style. It’s almost poetic, the way the words flow and weave into a story that captures you from the first few pages.

Having said that, I do have a few mixed feelings after finishing this one that made rating it a bit difficult for me. Let me try to explain why.

Candace is not the good girl she once was. Desperate to make ends meet, she turns to a life that she never imagined for herself.

I am reckless on a pole, trusting my legs and arms in a way certain to cause damage. It is a lover I hate and I ride it relentlessly, caressing it in a sensual way that leaves nothing to the imagination. The beat moved through me and I got lost in its strength, pulsating against steel, spinning away only to return to it, my heels a blur of clear sparkle, my thoughts lost in the movement.

Then the answer to her financial problems appears in the form of a mysterious, blue-eyed stranger

His offer is clear, an agreement of convenience for both sides

I need a wife. I am not signing up for romance, or affection, or a full time job. The papers will discuss your duties. I want nothing more from you then what is stated there. And as far as you – you should never expect that from me. I will not love you. I will have no use for you other than sex and photo ops. That is something you might want to consider when making your decision.

But while things may appear cut and dry, Candace struggles with keeping her feelings out of the arrangement

I’ll be honest, my feelings for Nathan were all over the place. I went from


Plainly said, he was an asshole. The things that he said and did did not always sit well with me. But here’s the biggie

*Highlight to see spoiler*
I found myself forming a bigger connection with Drew. I know it wasn’t meant to come off that way, but I felt more of an emotional connection from him than I did with Nathan for most of the book.
But I gotta say, Nathan did have his positive side

Do. You. Need. My. Cock?” He grunts out the words, every other dip of his cock deep, then shallow, then deeper. “Yes!” The word explodes from me, a plea for help in a deep hole of pleasure. I speak, the words quick and breathless. “I need you so badly. So fucking badly, Nathan. Please. Please give me what I need.”

I do believe my disconnect came from a lack of character development for Nathan. While there are bits and pieces that we get about him, I didn’t have enough to make me fully fall for him.

All that aside, I did enjoy this book immensely. I read the second half in one sitting. I couldn’t put it down. Allessandra has now become an auto-buy author for me. I’m pretty sure I would read anything this woman writes. She has a true gift with words.

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Blog Tour, Interview & Giveaway: Recipe for Attraction by Gina Gordon

Bad boy Neil Harrison may have sexy body and an even sexier smile, but there’s no way in hell architect Carson Kelly is falling for the elusive bachelor. For starters, he’s her boss, and getting intimately involved with the infuriating alpha male could be a career-killer. And secondly, he’s battling personal demons in one of the most dangerous ways possible: illegal street racing. After a friend’s tragic death years ago, Carson swore she’d never get involved in that life again.

Neil knows Carson’s keeping secrets and he’s determined to uncover all of them…even if he has to seduce them out of her. But as their antagonistic work relationship ignites a passionate affair, Carson must decide if protecting Neil from his need for speed is the perfect outlet for her own restless desire, or if they’re on a one-way path to destruction.


Today I am very excited to welcome author Gina Gordon to Dirty Girl Romance Blog. Gina is the author of the super steamy Recipe For Attraction, book 2 in the Madewood Brothers series. She’s here to tell us more about her book and of course answer some of our questions 🙂 Don’t forget to enter the contest at the end of this post for a chance to win some great prices. So let’s get to it!
DGR: Hi Gina, welcome to Dirty Girl Romance. I’m so excited to have you here 🙂

Gina: So happy to be here! Thanks for having me 🙂

DGR: Can you start by telling readers a little bit about yourself?

Gina: I am a cupcake-loving Canadian who also loves German Shepherds and happily ever afters. I’ve wanted to be a writer forever and I still find it hard to believe that I’m actually living the dream.
DGR: Recipe for Attraction was my first Madewood Brothers book, and definitely won’t be my last. I really need to go back and meet bad boy chef, Jack. What inspired the Madewood Brothers series?

Gina: The series was inspired by a real life hot chef sighting. A friend of mine was at a food event and one of the booths was for a catering company that was owned by two, very attractive, very tattooed chefs. My imagination immediately ran wild and so the brothers came to be.

DGR: So what is your writing process like? How do your steamy novels come to life? Is there a writer’s cave and lots of coffee involved?

Gina: There is always lots of coffee, good music, and my laptop. I have an office at home that I use as my cave but lately I’ve found the lazy boy in the den mighty comfy!

I try and write whenever I can, wherever I can. Since I do have a day job, I need to make the most of my time and sometimes that means writing the sexy times on a bus with someone beside me. Sometimes….it’s uncomfortable 🙂

DGR: Now one Starbucks addict to another, what’s your favorite drink? I’m a vanilla latte girl myself 😉 

Gina: Me too! Me too! I’m a grande, vanilla, extra-hot, no foam latte kind of girl 🙂

DGR: Could you introduce the hero and heroine of Recipe for Attraction for us?

Neil Harrison is the oldest Madewood brother and foster son of the late socialite Vivian Madewood. Neil battles feelings of unworthiness and is haunted by his past. To prove his worth he’s building the biggest culinary venture the family has ever taken on—the Madewood Farm. But Neil has found an outlet for keeping his demons at bay…..illegal street racing.

Enter Carson Kelly, his architect and former street racetress, who’s hoping her work on the Madewood Farm will finally garner the approval of her father and secure her the lead designer position at his firm. Carson has her own secrets and will do anything to keep Neil from the track. Even if it means she ends up in his bed. Not that it’s such a hardship 🙂

Their love/hate relationship fuels their sexual attraction and it’s only a matter of time before they realize they are meant for each other.
DGR: If Recipe for Attraction was made into a movie, who would be your dream cast?

I picture Neil as Garrett Hedlund and Carson Kelly as Kate Beckinsale.

DGR: I have to say, one of my favorite things about Recipe for Attraction was that Carson was a biker chick. What inspired you to write such a kick-ass heroine (By the way, I loved how she wasn’t shy about voicing what she wanted in bed.)

I love Carson too! She’s definitely my favorite heroine that I’ve written so far. I needed to write a heroine that could challenge Neil’s overwhelming alpha nature but I also needed to give her something in common—street racing—since Neil isn’t one to lower his guard to just anyone.
DGR: Can you give us three reasons why people should read Recipe for Attraction?

1. Fast bikes

2. Hot sex

3. True love

DGR: Now Twitter style, can you describe your book in 140 characters or less?

Gina: After a stolen kiss at an illegal street race, Carson and Neil go full speed ahead… in and out of bed.

DGR: What is your favorite part of a romance novel to read or write?

Gina: Definitely the happily ever after. I always look forward to the contented sigh at the end of the book.

DGR: So what’s next? Any hints about which brother we can expect to read next?

Gina: The next book, Recipe for Seduction, is Finn’s book. And you’ve already met his heroine, Veronica Whitfield – long-time friend and Jack and Sterling’s wedding planner.

Thanks again for having me!! And thank you readers for visiting!! Make sure you enter my blog tour grand prize — a Rafflecopter giveaway for a $50 Amazon gift card.

Find Gina here


4 Steamy Stars
“We’re the same. Both of us trying to outrun our past.”
Having never read a book by Gina Gordon before, I wasn’t sure what to expect going into this book. All I knew after reading that synopsis, was that I had to meet Neil. Illegal street racing? Hell yes! Count me in.
So color me thrilled when a few pages in I found out that this street racing is on motorcycles. Yes, I’m easy. Give me a bad boy, tattoos, and a motorcycle and I’ll be an orgasmic happily vibrating mess. I was even happier to find that it also had an engaging and steamy plot to go along with it.
Neil Harris seemingly has it all; good looks, women, money, and a carreer he’s always dreamed of. But he’s also a man that is battling some very dark demons and his form of therapy is with illegal street racing.

It wasn’t about the money. He had more than enough to last three lifetimes. It was the rush. The danger. The feeling of letting go of everything and everyone, even if for a brief moment.

Carson knows all about personal demons and the destruction they can bring. So when she finds out about Neil’s nighttime activities, she’s determined to do anything she can to keep him from a fate she knows all too well about.

She still didn’t have a clear answer as to why he raced last night but she recognized all too well the darkness that emanated from his eyes. She knew firsthand how easy it was to let the darkness take over, to let the speed of the road engulf you, suck you in until you’re so deep it’s impossible to climb back out.

One of my favorite parts about this book was Carson’s character. She was such a kick-ass heroine. I loved that she was a rider herself. It’s not very often you read about a female riding a motorcycle.

She battled demons from her own past, but she still had this core of strength that I really enjoyed about her. She wasn’t some meek, shy heroine. She really gives Neil a run for his money.

You can think I’m privileged, a daddy’s girl or whatever other colorful stereotypes you can think of, but we have a lot more in common that you think.
I know what it’s like to have that darkness manifest itself on the track.”

I also really liked that she wasn’t shy about saying what she wanted in the bedroom. Not every day you read about a dirty talking heroine.

This book was steamy. And I mean STEAMY. Neil was just the right amount of broody Alpha, and Carson was just the right amount of sassy.

I’m demanding,” he said, his lips hovering over hers.
“I know.”
His hips brushed her stomach. “I’m insatiable.”
“I have no doubt.”
He dropped his gloves onto the ledge then raised his hand and secured a strand of her soft hair behind her ear. “I think I could use some distracting right now.”
She blinked and looked up. “I think I could use some fun right now.”
“Then I think for the very first time we agree on something.”

I really enjoyed this story, though there was one thing that kept it from being a 5 star read for me. I’m not a big fan of  insta-love, insta-love, insta-anything really. I felt that Neil and Carson jumped into a sexual relationship too soon for my likes. I like to feel the sexual tension between the couple, it makes it that much more gratifying when they finally do the deed. So you can say that I’m a bit biased when I have these situations in a book.
I have to admit though, that Gina Gordon seemed to pull of the quick sexual relationship quite well. I thought I may lose interest in Neil and Carson as a couple, but that never happened. It was written in such a way that kept me engaged until the very end.
If you’re a fan of steamy contemporary romances, then definitely give this one a go. I’ll be looking forward to more Madewood brothers!

**ARC courtesy of publisher in exchange for an honest review**

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ARC Review: Before We Fall by Courtney Cole

Sometimes, one dark moment is all it takes to turn your world black…
For 24-year old Dominic Kinkaide, that moment took place on the night of his high school graduation. One dark incident changed him forever. He’s a hardened actor now, famous in the eyes of the world, but tortured in his own. He doesn’t care about much of anything, except for losing himself in the roles that he plays.
23-year old Jacey Vincent doesn’t realize how much her father’s indifference has affected her. She is proof that sometimes it isn’t one specific moment that wrecks a person, but rather it’s an absence of moments. She’s like a bird with a broken wing-strong yet fragile, as she tries to float through life, finding acceptance in the arms of random guys, one after the other… to fill the void that her father left in her.
Until she meets Dominic.
After jaded Dominic and strong-willed Jacey are thrown together, his secret and her issues create a dark and damaged energy that will soon turn their attraction to each other into an explosive storm.

Even though when the clouds have cleared and the dust has settled, both of them are almost obliterated… they’ve learned a priceless lesson.

Sometimes, before we fall… we fly.

4 Broken and Angsty Stars
Dominic is trouble. And I don’t need any more trouble in my life. I’m turning over a new leaf and I’m making good choices. Dominic Kinkaide is a bad, bad choice.
I know that whenever I pick up a book by Courtney Cole I am in for one dark and angsty emotional roller coaster ride. Book 2 in the series, If You Leave continues to be one of my favorite books this year. That being said, I was hesitant to pick this one since I wanted to throttle Jacey in that book. I’m not even exaggerating. I hated her. I was pretty sure that there would need to be a miracle for me to develop any semblance of like toward her. So why was I still anticipating this book? Because I couldn’t wait to see what kind of magic Courtney had in store to endear us to Jacey as the heroine.
So did I like it? Did Courtney Cole manage to do the impossible and actually get me to like Jacey? 
For those that have read this series before, you know exactly what you are in for. Though I felt that Dom was possibly the darkest and most intense of the previous two books.
For those that have never read this series, Beautifully Broken is a light, easy, and fluffy read with perfect heroes and sweet heroines…
Had you going there for a second though, didn’t I?
No, there is nothing light, fluffy, or easy about this book. This is a story about 2 flawed people that start of on a rocky relationship that will either put them back together again or shatter them once and for all. 
To say that Dominic was fucked up would probably be one hell of an understatement. You know the second you meet him that this is a man that is hiding some very dark demons beneath his sexy as sin exterior.
Dom learned early in life that the only thing that’s guaranteed in life is betrayal and pain. So he doesn’t let anyone in. He wears a facade that’s so well constructed even he has trouble recalling who he once was. 

My problem is that I’m stuck in limbo… I don’t want to remember and I don’t want to forget. If I remember, it hurts like hell. But if I forget, it might happen again.

He hides beneath meaningless hookups, nameless women, his work, and alcohol. I
n short? He’s a jaded asshole. But can you really blame the guy? He’s a famous actor that women pretty much throw themselves at.

Jacey struggles with demons of her own. After a stupid lack in judgement causes a devastating outcome she is determined to turn her life around and be a better, more responsible person. But then she crosses paths with Dominic fucking Kinkaide. She can’t help but feel attracted to the sexy movie star.

But before long the undeniable attraction between them leads to something much more. But can Jacey break through the impenetrable emotional armor that Dom hides behind, without getting broken in the process?

He’s dangerous to me. Because even though this is supposed to be fun, temporary, and lighthearted, I can feel myself getting pulled in. I feel myself getting getting attached and I can’t do that. That wasn’t supposed to be part of this.

But Dom knows that the secrets he has he will never be able to get over. They’ve broken him, and they can only hurt anyone that gets close enough to even attempt to reach them.

Jacey, I’m not good. I’m the opposite of good. Have you ever wondered if people are monsters inside, down where no one can see? Because I don’t have to wonder. I know that I am.

There was the intricate back and forth dance of ‘I want you’ but ‘I can’t’, followed by ‘I want you’ but ‘I shouldn’t’. Which after a little while left me feeling a little bit like

It got to be a bit much, even for an angst whore like me. I wanted Jacey to be a little more harder at times and say no to Dom and not give in as easily as she seemed to. But then little by little we began getting more intimate glimpses of the man that Dom tries so hard to keep hidden.

What are you afraid of, Dominic? Really? What are you afraid of?”

I thought that I was heading toward a 3.5 star read in the first half of the book. But then BAM! At 75 percent all hell starts to break loose and I was glued to my kindle wanting to find out what happens. I was an emotional and ugly crying mess. Of all the things I thought that Dominic was living with, I didn’t see that one coming. But then as if that wasn’t enough, Courtney Cole went and threw in a mother of all twists…


The last 25% brought the book up to a 4.5 star book for me. It was THAT good.

Dominic and Jacey relationship was filled with many bumps. It was emotional, it was devastating, it was also steamy as hell.

I was a little taken aback by a certain event in the epilogue, though. I’m not sure why, but it just seemed a little out of place in this series for me. I can’t say it was either bad or good, just weird…I guess?

If you like angtsy, steamy, and emotional NA romance books, definitely give this series a shot. Although each book can be read as a standalone, I would recommend reading the entire series in order.

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Blog Tour and Giveaway: Night Moves (G-Man #3) by Andrea Smith

There’s a new Alpha in town… and he’s a Brit!

Darcy Nicole Sheridan, is 22 years-old, beautiful, single, spirited, sexy and  – spoiled. She knows that about herself. Raised by wealthy (and doting) parents as an only child, Darcy pretty much coasts through life until her heart was inexplicably broken by her boyfriend, Darin.

To ease the pain, Darcy flies to Belize over the holidays fully intending to wallow in self-pity and distance herself from her ex. Her pity party is short-lived however, after observing a very handsome, very intriguing man on the beach. Darcy becomes the focus of the smokin’ hot, wealthy and somewhat mysterious ‘E.J.’

Soon she finds herself entangled with an alpha like no other…  Her world is rocked by a series of events that will forever change the course of her life, showing her what love is all about; and forcing her to come to terms with hidden sexual pleasures only one man could fulfill…

This book is intended for mature audiences.

Main Characters


Name: Easton (Jamison) Matthews
Aka: Easy E
Age: 33 years
Nationality: ½ British & ½ American (Mother is British/Father is American)
Profession: Mogul; Founder & CEO of Baronton Holdings
Hair color: Dark brown/black
Eye color: Gray
Other: British blue-blood (Baron);  Older half brother to Taz Matthews (Love Plus One);  Piercings


Name: Darcy (Nicole) Sheridan
Aka: Darce
Age: 22 years
Nationality: American
Profession: Recent College graduate; BA in International Marketing
Hair color: Medium brown (naturally wavy)
Eye color: Blue
Other: Best friend with Lindsey (Love Plus One);  Only child of wealthy parents;  Piercings

4 Super Sexy Alpha Stars

He was quietly ruining me, wrecking me, shattering me on a low pulse for any other man. He owned me, and I was happily being captured.

When I heard that Andrea was planning a 3rd G-man book; I was extatic. When I found out the hero is going to be a super sexy Brit; I was even more excited. But then Andrea went and put the cherry on my already perfect Alpha cake. Know what it was? Hmm? Do you? Let’s just say Easton came with certain….uhem….decorative perks. I have one thing to say to you, Easton

There is nothing I love more than broody, jaded, slightly assholish, manwhoring heroes.
What? I happen to have a type. And Easton happened to be that to a T

Oh Easton, how right you are.

Darcy is 22 years-old, beautiful, single, spirited, sexy and – spoiled. Emphasis on the spoiled. LOL! But she knows this about it and doesn’t make excuses for it. I have to admit, although at times her personality did irritate me, she redeemed herself at the end. She matured more and more as the book progressed, and I enjoyed her turnaround by the end of the book.


*dreamy sigh*
What can I tell you about Easton? He was so beautifully broken. I have to say that reading about the things that he went through, broke my heart. He is a hero that you will love to hate at first, but then will for for him ass over heals. Trust me. He had this dark intensity to him that I absolutely loved.

Darcy gave as good as she got. She was feisty and smart mouthed. But I did feel like she gave in to Easton too easily at times. I guess I just wanted to see him work for it a little more. He definitely deserved it at times. Not that I’m complaining about their…ummm…particular method of working things out

Although Night Moves can be easily read as a standalone, I’d highly recommend reading the rest of the series. There is an even that takes place at the end, that’s a continuation of a story from book 1 and 2. Though if you haven’t read it, the author gives a perfect amount of background so that you wouldn’t be confused or miss anything.

**ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review**

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About the Author

Andrea Smith is an Ohio native, currently residing in southern Ohio.  Ms. Smith is the mother of two grown sons; grandmother of four.  The ‘Baby Series’ trilogy is Ms. Smith’s first self-published work.  Having previously been employed as an executive for a global corporation, Ms. Smith decided to leave the corporate world and pursue her life-long dream of writing fiction.

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Blog Tour and Giveaway: The Now Series by Brenda Rothert

The Now Series Blog Tour Kick Off 

Now and Then
Now and Again
By Brenda Rothert

Now and Then

Now Emmaline Carson is a sharp, settled graphic designer who loves painting, cooking and girls’ night out with her older sister Layla. But then – in the years before she went to art school in Paris – she was a shy, awkward teenager with frizzy hair, a flat chest and a massive crush on the boy across the street, Cole Marlowe. Too bad her incredibly hot neighbor only had eyes for Layla.

Cole is now a confident, laid-back attorney who’s even hotter than he used to be. He’s planning to stay single while working his way up the corporate ladder – until he’s knocked off course by a chance run-in with Emma.

Everything is different between Cole and Emma now. He finally sees her in a way she only dreamed of, and their hot chemistry is fueled by a growing friendship.

But Emma’s deception of her sister – who wants Cole for herself – and the secret Cole’s been keeping for more than a decade threaten to tear apart what’s only just begun. Because sometimes the only thing standing in the way of now is then


My Review

4 Stars

I love the whole childhood crush turned to lover trope. Gets me every time. And Now and Then was no exception.
Brenda Rothert is a new to me author, but is now someone that is going straight to my auto-buy list.
Emmaline Carson was always the shy and awkward sister. How could she ever compare with her perfect, confident, and sexy sister Layla. So even though it’s not a shock to her when the object of her teenage crush seems more interested in Layla, it’s no less devastating.
But that was then. Now Emmaline is settling in good life and a job as a graphic designer, even though she’d much rather spent her time painting. She’s no longer the shy and awkward teenager she once was. It was great to get a heroine that wasn’t still the mousy and shy virgin. Emmaline was a woman that was confident in her own way, and she was not a stranger to men. Her time studying abroad in Paris changed her. But what happens when a chance run in with the crush from her childhood turns into something a little more?
Cole Marlowe is now a successful attorney. But his high school dating years and childhood were not quite what Emma always thought them to be. Although the last thing on Cole’s mind is a relationship during his climb up the corporate latter, he can’t seem to keep his mind off Emma.
Now things are different. Now Emma is receiving the type of attention she always dreamed of from Cole. There’s just one problem; she’s still convinced that she will lose his interest to Layla.
Layla  was a bitch. A huge one! Everything that came out of her mouth made me want to beat her with my kindle. Usually when I read about a character like this, the last thing I’d want to do is read a book with her as a heroine. But here’s the shocker, I cannot wait to read about her and see her fall head over platform heels. The fact that Brenda Rothert managed to do this is no small feat.
I really loved the way that the past and present were interwoven flawlessly in the story. It added a little something to the book, the writing style was one of my favorite things about it.
So what kept this from being a 5 star read for me? Unfortunately Emma drove me up the wall with her behavior and thought process throughout the book. Her constant doubting of Cole, of herself, of Cole’s feelings grated with me. It took her almost until the very end to finally get her shit together. Cole was just wonderful. His treatment of Emma made his feelings so glaringly obvious. And the fact that Emma would chose the word of her sister over his almost made me lose it.
All that aside, this was still a very solid 4 star read, and I did enjoy it. I still can’t believe how much I’m looking forward to Layla’s story. Hope the hero really gives her a run for her money. The bitch deserves it. LOL!!

Now and Again

Once again, 26-year-old Layla Carson has the attention of a man eager to satisfy her. Ben Montrose, the hot, confident cop who gets off on frustrating her, is eager to show her just how arresting he can be. But as a reforming sexaholic, Layla’s sworn off casual hookups, and doesn’t miss the days of her early 20s –much.

Ben’s caught off-guard when the sexy, outspoken attorney turns him on and then turns him down. But the confident former Marine knows he can handle the simple seduction of a beautiful woman. He finds Layla’s weak spot – competition, which he happens to share – and challenges her to a game that could make them, or destroy them.

As they compete to crown the master of seduction, Ben and Layla discover there’s more to their game than power and foreplay. But as the stakes go up, they realize the game has changed, and they both stand to lose more than they bargained for.

My Review

4.5 Redeeming Stars
I’ll admit, I’m surprised how attracted I am to your combative nature. But you’re under my skin now. I don’t want a compliant woman – I want you.
I knew just one thing going into this book; how much I absolutely HATED Layla in book 1. How do I even describe the way she came off in that book? Ahh yes!
Think I’m exaggerating here? Not even close. Then there was Layla’s penchant of sleeping with pretty much every hot guy that crossed her path. Honestly!
She was selfish, arrogant, rude, and pretty much everything I should hate in a heroine. But see here’s the thing, I have never anticipated a book more than with her. There’s nothing more I love that a good story of redemption and imagine my surprise when I ended up liking Layla more than her sister Emma, from book 1. 
After too much alcohol and a case of feeling sorry for herself lands her in the bed of yet another nameless man, Layla knows she’s finished with that part of her life. She’s done with meaningless sex and hookups. She’s sworn off bad boys, but she knows that deep down she may not be the kind of woman that the ‘nice guys’ would go for.
But of course, life never quite works out the way you plan. So when Layla meets Ben, the super sexy cop that isn’t shy about making his intentions known, she finds that resisting the bad boys is not as easy as it seems. 
Ben was just…he was so….gah! *dreamy sigh* I frigging LOVED Ben. Did I happen to mention that along with being super sexy, a cop, the man also drive a motorcycle and has tattoos? Because let me just tell you, I about orgasmed from the sexy overload that was him.
When Ben first lays eyes on the outspoken and gorgeous attorney, he knows what he wants. He’s not the type to settle down, but he wants Layla, even if it’s only for a short while. But Layla is not at all what he thought her to be.

You’re the kind of girl who makes a list about her perfect man, and it has things like ‘dreamy’ and ‘sweet’ on it, and I bet every ‘i’ is dotted with a heart.” 

Layla was only taken aback for a second. “How do you know my list doesn’t have ‘big cock’ and ‘filthy mouth’ on it?” she said, raising her brows at Ben.

His lips parted in surprise. “Does it?” he asked, his gaze darkening a shade. 
“Fuck yes.”

Knowing that the combustible attraction between them is going to be impossible to resist, Ben is determined to have Layla. So when he finds her weak spot with competition, he challenges her to a game that just might make them or destroy them.

This book was so much more than the synopsis. I did’t expect to enjoy it as much as I did. Layla and Ben were both such strong characters, yet both of them had their own hidden vulnerability that threatened to destroy them.
The two of them together burned up the pages
But beneath the sexy words and sexual tension, there was a fantastic story about 2 broken souls. I loved the relationship development between Layla and Ben. I am not a fan of insta anything, and I was so happy to see that didn’t happen here. Even though I thought my ovaries might explode from all the sexual tension at times, it was well worth the wait. Because when these two finally get together…
I loved that Layla was a converted bitch. It was a refreshing change from all the mousy and introverted heroines I’ve been reading about lately. She was confident, outspoken, and yet she had this layer of vulnerability to her that you couldn’t help but like.
If you enjoy steamy contemporary romances with dirty talking, sexy heroes and confident and outspoken heroines, that you really need to check this book out. A big rec from this girl!

Buy Links

Now and Then (Book 1)

Amazon I Barnes & Noble I Smashwords

Now and Again (Book 2)

Amazon I Barnes & Noble

About the Author

Brenda Rothert lives in Central Illinois with her husband and three sons. She was a daily print journalist for nine years, during which time she enjoyed writing a wide range of stories.

These days Brenda writes New Adult Romance in the Contemporary and Dystopian genres.

Where to find Brenda:

Author Website I Goodreads I Facebook I Twitter


Brenda Rothert is giving away:
3 ebook bundles for the Now Series (books 1 and 2)
1 ARC for Now and Forever (book 3)
5 – $5 Amazon gift cards

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ARC Tour And Giveaway: Ink my Heart by Jean Haus

Title: Ink My Heart (Luminescent Juliet, #2)
Author: Jean Haus
Release date: November 12, 2013
Publisher: Skyscape 
Age Group: New Adult 
Genre: Contemporary Romance 
Tour organized by: AToMR Tours
Amazon I Barnes & Noble I Goodreads

Book Synopsis

Even if he weren’t the lead singer of the popular college band, Luminescent Juliet, Justin Noel would have his pick of women. And he does pick. Nightly. Tattooed, blonde, and green eyed, he flashes his dimples and females swoon. 
Except for one. 
Tattoo artist, Allie Landon, rarely dates, and especially not men like Justin. Though he’s hot enough to melt off permanent ink, she’s done with the bad boy type. But when the ex who broke her heart wants to reunite, desperation has Allie introducing her latest client as her boyfriend. Justin’s more than happy to play the part. He’s completely intrigued by the sexy artist and college student. 
However, Allie’s life isn’t what it seems. There’s little room in it or her shattered and confused heart for Justin. But as Justin remains persistent, ignoring the growing attraction—both physical and emotionally—between them becomes more difficult than tattoo removal.
*New Adult. Recommended for mature readers due to language, drug references, and sexual situations

My Review

Books are my first love, but my second love is music. When a book is able to combine both these things for me, it’s always a winner. Add into that mix a sexy, tattooed and dimpled hero, a great heroine, a story that sucks you in from the beginning and you got the recipe for the perfect book for me. Well, maybe not quite perfect, but it was pretty damn close. Plus any book that features some of my favorite songs is great.
A steamy and angsty New Adult novel that I loved from beginning to end.
Justin Noel is the lead singer of a college band, Luminiscent Juliet. 
He’s gorgeous, tatted, dimpled and rich. He’s also cocky womanizer who makes no qualms about the fact, but he does have some limits…

I have standards.” I raise one finger. “They have to be hot.” I raise another finger. “They can’t be wasted.” I don’t take advantage of the incoherent. “And they can’t be a bitch.”

Can’t really blame the guy for his ways. Women pretty much jump at the mere chance to wash his laundry or do his homework. He seems to very content in how his life is going, until a chance meeting at a tattoo parlor throws his life for a loop.

Charlee is not interested in dating, especially another cocky bad boy, even if he does come in a sexy as sin package. She’s content with her life the way she is, all she wants her focus on is her tattoo shop and her art. 
But life rarely goes according to plan, and when the ex that shattered her heart comes back into her life unexpectedly, Justin presents too much of a tempting opportunity. Desperate times force Allie to pretend that her latest client is her latest boyfriend. But what happens when something that’s pretend starts turning into something that’s very real?
I’m a sucker for a sexy rock star, and an even bigger sucker for an angsty rock star romance. There was no insta love (thank God), but there was a whole lot of lust. The sexual tension between Allie and Justin was so thick, you could feel it coming from the pages. I loved watching the sexy bad boy fall more and more for the reserved tattoo artist, Allie.
Allie was hesitant to jump into another relationship, and understandably so given what she’d been through.

I’d rather let my idle lady parts dry up to dust then deal with another rampage on my heart.

Her ex really did a number on her, and as sexy as Justin is and as hard as he tries to show her his different side, she can’t help but notice the harem that constantly follows him around. But little by little, Justin begins to weave his way into her heart with his music and wooing.

I really enjoyed this book. Of course there were times where I wanted to throttle Allie for the way she treated Justin. Justin pretty much wore his heart on his sleeve with her, and the dates he took her on were so incredibly sweet. But with more and more of Allie’s past being revealed, I grew to understand her reasons for being as gun shy and reserved as she was. What I liked the most was that I had a constant song list playing through my head as I was reading this. Jean Haus managed to include some of my favorite songs in the story, and they were a wonderful addition.
While all the supporting characters sparked an interest, Gabe took center stage for me. I love a broken man with a dark and turbulent past. So obviously I cannot wait to get my hands on his book.
If you’re a fan of angsty and steamy New Adult books, you definitely want to check out Ink My Heart. (It can be easily read as a standalone.)

About The Author

Jean Haus writes young adult and romance novels. She reads a lot too. Anything with a bit of romance has the possibility of being loaded on her Kindle. She even does a bit of cooking, which is actually quite good. She also golfs in the beautiful summers of Michigan with her awesome husband and son, but she cooks way, way better than she golfs.

Author Social Media Links:

To see other stops on the tour for reviews, guest posts, and excerpts click here


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Review: Seductive Shadows by Marni Mann

Seductive ShadowsSeductive Shadows by Marni Mann

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Book Synopsis

Charlie is a passionate, sensually inspired art student, desperately seeking an escape from an abusive past that haunts her and a tragic accident that emptied her heart. Scarred and unable to love, her yearning for physical pleasure and contact leads her into a tantalizing, dangerous world of power and seduction. The anonymity of the deal offers security, the money provides financial freedom, and the madam’s authority is the mother figure she longs for.
But the thrill of the mansion and its arousing dominance quickly fades when she meets the renowned yet mysterious Cameron Hardy, whose intense, baby blue eyes send a nervous flutter through her core. He’s sexy, and not in a subtle way. Cameron stimulates her art, intellect and desires. Just as he begins to break through her emotional boundaries, Charlie discovers a devastating connection between her past and her scandalous work at the mansion, shattering everything she thought to be true.
Provocative, intoxicating and erotic, Seductive Shadows is the unforgettable tale of a young woman’s discovery as she learns to forgive, to love and be loved, and to find redemption amidst a memorable journey that will captivate your mind and stimulate your soul.
This book is for mature audiences. It contains explicit language and sexual content

My Review

4 Left me speechless Stars

“You always told me that I lived my life in the shadows. Well, I’m not there anymore. I’m not even reaching for them anymore. I’m running from them now.”

I don’t even know where to start with this book. Truly. I’m fucking speechless, though not in a bad way. This book was something else. It was unlike anything I have ever read before, and I have read some dark and fucked-up books. It’s not exactly what I was expecting, but fuck me sideways if I will be forgetting it any time soon. All that aside, if you’re expecting a romance novel, boy are you in for a rude awakening. I’d say this was more of an introduction. An introduction to Charlie, to Cameron, and to the catalyst to the story.

Meet Charlie. She is unlike any heroine you’ve read about before. Virgin?! HA! Forget about it! The woman has the sex drive of a cat in heat. No joke. Everything turns her on. I’m pretty sure a stiff wind would get her going.

If from my description you’re thinking that she’s some vapid, two dimensional character, you would be very wrong. There is a reason that Charlie is the way she is. She was a dark and complex heroine, though it does take a bit of time to really begin seeing below her surface. Charlie is dealing with an alcoholic and terminally ill mother and no small financial problems. Until the answer to her problems walks into the door of her work and offers her a very intriguing way out.

The Mansion
But it comes with some rules
You do not talk about The Mansion.
You DO NOT talk about The Mansion.
You’re constantly monitored.
Based on your cycle, you will get a whole week off, but get compensated during that time.

Oh and then there was the teeny tiny little detail about the audition: having to do a little something with the recruiter…who happens to be a chick.

And if you’re thinking what I think you’re thinking…

This may seem a bit extreme to most, but for Charlie it was the answer to everything.

The Mansion and everything about it is shrouded in mystery. But when that mystery begins to get unraveled. Holy.Shit. Your head will spin

It took me a while to get into the story. It was extremely descriptive, which I don’t typically mind. But in the case here it got to be almost too much. The hero doesn’t enter the picture until about 30% into the book, and their relationship takes even longer to develop. This was not a love story. It didn’t read that way, and it didn’t feel that way until pretty much the last few chapters.

Beautifully written, Seductive Shadows is a dark and provocative story about the journey of a woman struggling with hiding in the shadows and a dark and turbulent past, learning how to find her dawn, forgiveness, and redemption.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to give myself a much needed mental health break before diving into Seductive Secrets. And I thank you

**ARC courtesy of publisher in exchange for an honest review**

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Review: Race to Kill by Rachel Kall

Race to Kill (Love and Scandal, #1)Race to Kill by Rachel Kall

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Book Synopsis

When fiercely independent Vivian Reese is thrust onto the national stage during a heated presidential campaign, she doesn’t expect to become a media darling. She also doesn’t expect to start to fall for her sexy new bodyguard, Marcus Locke. But when threats start surfacing against the sitting President’s campaign and all evidence points to Vivian, she doesn’t know who to trust.
Delta Force Operator turned FBI agent Marcus Locke is supposed to be investigating campaign finance crimes. He’s not supposed to be checking out the sexy, eloquent campaign spokeswoman Vivian Reese, who’s one of his prime suspects! But when they are caught in the middle of a presidential race that is quickly turning deadly, he is forced to put both his heart and his job in the line of fire.
Tempers flare and passions ignite as the campaign gets dangerous, but when bullets start to fly will either of them survive?

My Review

4 stars

Nothing is ever as clear cut as it seems.

Well looks like I just found me a new Romantic Suspense author to love.

Race to Kill was a thrill ride from beginning to finish. It will keep you guessing until the very end with a mystery that draws you in from the very first chapter.

I happen to have a few triggers when it comes to reading books, “Delta Force Operator turned FBI agent” happens to be one of them. What? I happen to have a type here.

(though Navy men do it for me too) Well, you get the idea here. Moving on!

Given that I tend to like my books on the Rated R level, the fact that I devoured it and it was more PG 13 tells you something. Don’t get me wrong, while it might not have been as steamy as my pervy little self is used to, it was still fantastic. The connection and sexual tension between Marc and Viv was almost palpable.

Although I am not typically a fan of political reads, I couldn’t put this one down. I love a book that will keep me guessing and filled with twists and turns. Vivian was a fantastic heroine. She was independent but not stupid. It was so refreshing to read about a heroine without the TSTL syndrome. She was not above asking for help or seeking protection in a dire situation. She wasn’t perfect. Her previous relationship left her doubting herself and relationships. So it was easy to understand her hesitancy in getting involved with Marc.

Marc was just…*dreamy sigh*. He was fiercely protective but not unreasonable. I loved watching him fall for Viv.

It was great to see a realistically written relationship development with these two. My biggest pet peeve with RS, is the whole “oh look, we’re being shot at, let’s go at it like monkeys” scenarios. It was lovely to get a love story that was seamlessly woven within the suspense plot. The center of the story was the mystery, and the romance was the perfect icing on the cake addition.

I also liked the supporting characters. I really hope to see a book for Scott. The second I read about an ex Navy SEAL with commitment issues, I knew I’d be all over that book.

If you are a fan of fast paced Romantic Suspense, with great characters, and steamy romance, definitely give this one a shot.

**ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review**

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ARC Review: The Way Home by Cindy Gerard


Four years ago Jess Albert got the news that her husband Jeff was killed in action in Afghanistan, and a painful void entered her life. The more time passed, the more acutely she felt that emptiness. But when Tyler Brown, former military hero and all-around alpha male, shows up a year after she’d last seen him, Jess gradually begins to realize there is one thing that can make her feel whole again—love.
As they’re planning their wedding and new life together, Jess receives shocking news: her husband is alive, under the care of a young Afghani woman hiding him from the Taliban. Even as he sees their happily-ever-after slip away, Ty arranges for the One Eyed Jacks and Black Ops, Inc. teams to make a daring and dangerous rescue mission to bring Jeff home. The hardest thing Ty or Jess has ever done is to let the other go.
When Jeff returns to Jess, broken physically and emotionally and with no memory of their history, they try to heal their marriage and each other. But as time brings them together more as friends than lovers, an unexpected development helps them see the true way home, to the people they love.
“What can you do that I haven’t been able to do in three and half years?”
“I can give you a reason and enough time to get used to the idea.”

I’ve been a fan of Cindy Gerard since her Bodyguards series. Her name has become synonymous with Romantic Suspense for me. Her books have never failed to keep me at the edge of my seat with suspense, action, and just enough steam to make it even better.

This book was different. But in the case here, it’s not necessarily a bad thing. While it was not quite what I had suspected, I enjoyed it immensely. It was a little less on the action and the suspense, and a little more on romance. It was a heartwarming and poignant story about love and second chances It was, in a word, wonderful.

When Jess lost her husband four years ago, the last thing she expected was to see Tyler Brown again. Lost in a dark emptiness that has become her life’s companion, the only thing that Jess feels is empty.

I adored the way that Tyler pursued Jess. He wasn’t pushy, he respected her boundaries, but at the same time he knew just what to do to get past them. As much as I wanted to get irritated with Jess at times and the way she seemed to almost push Ty away, I could’t help but feel for her. I understood her hesitancy, but I loved watching her walls slowly crumble for Tyler.

But then the news that the husband she had thought was killed in action is actually alive, Jess and Tyler’s world comes to a crashing halt.

I wasn’t quite sure how I would like having a dual story, but Miss Gerard pulled it off seamlessly.

My heart broke for Jeff and everything that he has been through. Reading about his captivity and struggle to survive after was not easy, nor was his struggle to pick up his old life after being rescued. I’m not going to lie, I spent quite a few parts of this story a blubbering and crying mess. Nothing was glossed over. It was real, gut-wrenching, and incredibly emotional.

It was great to get some more of my favorite characters from previous books; Mike Brown, Jonny Reed and Nate Black. But this book was not about action and suspense, or even the steam that we’ve gotten in Gerard’s previous books. And I did not mind one bit.

What we did get was a wonderful and emotional story that I enjoyed from beginning to finish.

**ARC courtesy of publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review**

ARC review: Mine to Keep by Cynthia Eden

Mine to Keep (Mine, #2)Mine to Keep by Cynthia Eden

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Book Synopsis

Love is the most dangerous obsession…
Skye Sullivan is trying to put the pieces of her life back together. She survived a brutal stalker and escaped his abduction, and now she is looking to the future—a future that includes Skye’s lover, billionaire Trace Weston. Skye thinks the danger is finally over for her.
She’s dead wrong.
When Trace’s past comes back to haunt him, Skye discovers that the man she loves isn’t quite who he seems to be. Trace has been leading a double-life. An ex-special forces agent, his military training turned him into the perfect killing machine. He made more than his share of enemies during his time in the military—and as he built his security empire—and one of those enemies is striking back.
He won’t lose her.
Skye is the one weapon that can be used against Trace—his only vulnerability. But he won’t let her go—he can’t. Trace will do anything necessary to protect Skye. Anything. Yet when she discovers the secrets that he’s tried to keep hidden, Skye’s pain and rage may send her running directly into the cross-hairs of a killer…

My Review

4 I did not see that ending coming Stars

You were my dream, when I was in a nightmare.

When I read and loved Mine to Take, I wasn’t aware that the author was planning a second book for Trace and Skye. I was skeptical about reading this book since I wasn’t sure what more could possibly be told of the couple. But I gave in because I was curious to learn more about the mysterious Trace and also because I have yet to read a Cynthia Eden book I haven’t enjoyed. Mine To Keep was certainly no exception.

Mine To Keep starts off exactly where Mine to Take left off. Skye is still recovering after being held captive by her crazy ex-lover. She’s still hunted by nightmares and she is beginning to see that she is not the only one. While she may have been in love with Trace since she was a teenager, she is beginning to realize that she barely knows him. Trace hides nightmares of his own, and his past is a dark shadow that threatens to overtake their current happiness. But not all things stay in the past, and when something from his past threatens his future, Trace knows there isn’t anything that he won’t do in order to protect Skye.

If there is one thing that Cynthia Eden is good at, it’s writing one hell of a Romantic Suspense. Every time I thought I knew what was coming, she would yank the rug right out from under me. Mine to Keep was a spine tingling suspense filled with so many twists and turns, that it will keep you at the very edge of your seat until the last page. But let’s not forget the steam, because well…I like me my steam. This book was damn hot.

Trace was just as delicious as he was in book one. He’s arrogant, fiercely protective, and broody. Which is a winning combination for me.

I loved Skye and Trace’s relationship. While it wasn’t perfect, there were moments that just melted my heart.

I never understood how you could spin that fast, that much without getting              dizzy.”

“It’s easy, I just look at you. You’re my center. My focus. For every spin, a ballerina needs a focus.”

We get to find out about Trace’s past and his time in the military. Although from all the build up, I was expecting something much worse than what it turned out to be.

I also really enjoyed how Skye came into her own in this book. Even though she loves Trace, she knew her limits to what she will be able to accept, and she wasn’t scared about drawing that line.

What ultimately made this a solid 4 stars for me was the suspense. As much as I thought I knew what was coming, it caught me by complete and utter surprise. And even then there were still more twists. No it wasn’t quite a 5 star book, only because I felt that I had gotten my fill of Trace and Skye in book one, and felt that it could have been just one longer book as opposed to 2. And while I doubt it would be a book I would re-read, I still enjoyed it thoroughly.

We were also introduced to 2 men from Trace’s military past, Drake and Noah. While I am enjoying the delicious golden eyed Noah right now in Mine to Hold, I really hope that we get a book for Drake. There is just something about a broken man that gets to me, and Drake is all sorts of broken, broody and dark.

**ARC courtesy of author via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review**

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