Seductive Shadows by Marni Mann
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Book Synopsis
My Review
“You always told me that I lived my life in the shadows. Well, I’m not there anymore. I’m not even reaching for them anymore. I’m running from them now.”
I don’t even know where to start with this book. Truly. I’m fucking speechless, though not in a bad way. This book was something else. It was unlike anything I have ever read before, and I have read some dark and fucked-up books. It’s not exactly what I was expecting, but fuck me sideways if I will be forgetting it any time soon. All that aside, if you’re expecting a romance novel, boy are you in for a rude awakening. I’d say this was more of an introduction. An introduction to Charlie, to Cameron, and to the catalyst to the story.
Meet Charlie. She is unlike any heroine you’ve read about before. Virgin?! HA! Forget about it! The woman has the sex drive of a cat in heat. No joke. Everything turns her on. I’m pretty sure a stiff wind would get her going.
If from my description you’re thinking that she’s some vapid, two dimensional character, you would be very wrong. There is a reason that Charlie is the way she is. She was a dark and complex heroine, though it does take a bit of time to really begin seeing below her surface. Charlie is dealing with an alcoholic and terminally ill mother and no small financial problems. Until the answer to her problems walks into the door of her work and offers her a very intriguing way out.
The Mansion
But it comes with some rules
You do not talk about The Mansion.
You DO NOT talk about The Mansion.
You’re constantly monitored.
Based on your cycle, you will get a whole week off, but get compensated during that time.
Oh and then there was the teeny tiny little detail about the audition: having to do a little something with the recruiter…who happens to be a chick.
And if you’re thinking what I think you’re thinking…
This may seem a bit extreme to most, but for Charlie it was the answer to everything.
The Mansion and everything about it is shrouded in mystery. But when that mystery begins to get unraveled. Holy.Shit. Your head will spin

It took me a while to get into the story. It was extremely descriptive, which I don’t typically mind. But in the case here it got to be almost too much. The hero doesn’t enter the picture until about 30% into the book, and their relationship takes even longer to develop. This was not a love story. It didn’t read that way, and it didn’t feel that way until pretty much the last few chapters.
Beautifully written, Seductive Shadows is a dark and provocative story about the journey of a woman struggling with hiding in the shadows and a dark and turbulent past, learning how to find her dawn, forgiveness, and redemption.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to give myself a much needed mental health break before diving into Seductive Secrets. And I thank you

**ARC courtesy of publisher in exchange for an honest review**
Excellent review! I just one-clicked Seductive Shadows.
Hope you like it. It's very different from the many books that I've read lately. I believe it should still be on a $.99 sale in celebration of book 2 being released :)))