ARC Review: Reaper’s Legacy by Joanna Wylde


Eight years ago, Sophie gave her heart—and her virginity—to Zach Barrett on a night that couldn’t have been less romantic or more embarrassing. Zach’s step-brother, a steely-muscled, tattooed biker named Ruger, caught them in the act, getting a peep show of Sophie he’s never forgotten.

She may have lost her dignity that fateful night, but Sophie also gained something precious—her son Noah. Unfortunately, Zach’s a deadbeat dad, leaving Ruger to be Noah’s only male role model. When he discovers Sophie and his nephew living in near poverty, Ruger takes matters into his own hands—with the help of the Reapers Motorcycle Club—to give them a better life.

Living with outlaw bikers wasn’t Sophie’s plan for her son, but Ruger isn’t giving her a choice. He’ll be there for Noah, whether she wants him or not. But Sophie does want him, has always wanted him. Now she’ll learn that taking a biker to bed can get a girl dirty in every way…

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Review4.5 stars 
The man was like heroin – seductive, addictive and a damned good way to wake up dead.
I have been impatiently waiting for the 2nd book in the Reapers MC series ever since Horse made my happy place tingle in Reaper’s Property. So suffice it to say I was just a wee bit excited when I got my greedy little hands on the ARC of this book.
I was also a little nervous going into this. I mean, how would Ruger measure up to the all mighty Horse? Is he going to have a Godzilla sized cock? I just had to know! So I bet you’re all curious then too, huh? Well prepare yourself for the tatted and pierced deliciousness that is Ruger, my friends. And in case you’re wondering if those piercings happen to be in the place you’re hoping it’ll be…you would be correct.

So what can I tell you after finishing this book?

It did not disappoint!

When Sophie decides to give her virginity to her high school boyfriend Zach, she doesn’t quite get the experience she hopes for. What can possibly be worse than a less than wonderful first time? Having your boyfriend’s dangerously hot brother catch you in the act. The only good thing that comes out of the experience is her son, Noah.

Now eight years later Sophie is struggling to make ends meet. Being a teenage mother wasn’t easy, but with Zach being a dead beat dad all the financial responsibility falls on her. The only male role model Noah has is Zach’s brother, Ruger. When Ruger gets wind of Sophie’s situation, he’s determined to protect her. But the last thing she wants is to be a part of his dangerous life and his MC.

I really loved Sophie. It’s great to get a tough and witty heroine with a backbone that can dish it out as well as she takes it. Ruger was growly and domineering but she never made it easy for him. The banter and sexual tension between them was utterly delicious. I devoured the first half of this book in one sitting. I simply couldn’t put it down until they finally got down to business. What? I never denied this 🙂

But I digress…

Ruger. What can I tell you about the complete deliciousness that was Ruger? He was just the kind of alpha I love; posessive, jealous, slightly (OK maybe a lot) domineering, sexy as hell, and good gawd but can the man get you all hot and bothered with the way he talks.

 Ruger is determined to make Sophie his. He’s been feeling the combustible lust between them since day one, and he’s done fighting it. But Sophie refuses to give in. She doesn’t want to be a part of his life in the MC, especially with her son.

But you can only fight chemistry like that for so long and it’s not long before clothes start flying. The man is built and pierced for pleasure.

I found the metal bar piercing his glans- two hard, metal balls capped it, top and bottom.
“Imagine those deep inside you. Firs I’ll rub them against your clit, and then the’ll hit your G-spot the whole damned time I’m riding you. Un-fucking-believable, babe.”

What woman in her right mind can possibly turn down that?

But while the chemistry between them is undeniable, Sophie is looking for something that Ruger is not willing to give.

You want the freedom to sleep around. I’m not willing to give you that- I want more. Sounds like we have a fundamental difference of opinion here, and I’m not going to try and change you. But I’ll tell you one thing, Ruger- I deserve to be with someone who gives a shit about me, as a person. Someone who values me enough not to fuck other women. I’d rather be alone the rest of my life than settle for what you’re offering. Consider yourself a hell of a booty call, but that’s it. We clear?”

Right around the 50% mark of the book I started to get a little irritated with both Sophie and Ruger and the decisions and choices they made. There were times I wish I could reach through my kindle and shake some sense into both of them. But luckily, it didn’t end up bothering me too much by the end.

This book felt a little grittier to me than the first one. We got a much closer look at the MC life and the members, which I really enjoyed. We also got a lot more of all the side characters from the previous books.

The side characters introduced in this book were awesome. I loved Sophie’s friend Kimber. She was the comedic relief for most of the book. The banter between the women, and especially with Kimber was hilarious.

How am I supposed to live the single life vicariously if I don’t get any details?
I shook my head and shrugged mournfully.
“I’m doing my part. I tell you everything.”
“And don’t think I don’t appreciate it,” she said, tearing up slightly. We gave each other a drunken hug.

This was a sexy, gritty, and action packed ride that you will never want to end. Joanna Wylde just seems to get better with each new book. The fact that it was in dual POVs only made it that much better for me.

As frustrated as I was with Sophie and Ruger at times, I think the ending is what fixed it for me. I found that to be a very fitting way for things to happen.

Then there was the set up for the next book. And now to wait until June 2014?!!! ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME??!!!

On a side note, for those that are wondering if there is cheating in this book: (Highlight to see)

Quotes were taken from the ARC version of the book and may change upon publication

**ARC courtesy of publisher in exchange for an honest review**

ARC Review: Rebel by Skye Jordan

Sassy, smart, and sexy, former supermodel-turned-tech guru Rubi Russo has it all—looks, money, confidence and freedom. Her life is a whirlwind of fast cars and fleeting affairs—and she likes it that way. With a past like Rubi’s, forever isn’t part of her vocabulary. So when studly Renegade stuntman Wes Lawson wants to take their friendship to the next level, she’s all out.

Raised a simple country-boy, Wes knows the brazen Rubi isn’t his type. But after spending time with her, he discovers she’s everything he’s ever wanted in a woman. To win her wild rebel heart, he’ll have to prove he sees behind her smokescreen to all the goodness she tries to hide. Then it’s just a matter of crushing her fears, shattering her barriers, and convincing her that loving him is everything she’s been missing in her life, too.

Piece of cake.

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4.5 I’m craving chocolate ice cream stars

She was in deep, deep trouble. Because she wanted him more than she wanted to turn him away.

What can I tell you about this series aside from Skye Jordan is the queen of steam. Holy hell but the woman can write one hell of a sex scene. I thought book one was hot, but let me tell you; this book? SCORCHING

I wasn’t sure how I felt about Rubi and Wes after the last book. Wes is a Southern good ole boy that likes his girls sweet, and Rubi is the furthest thing from sweet or demure as you can get. Yet somehow, they worked. Not only that, but I fell in complete and utter lust with Wes. The man was just everything with sprinkles on top. I just want to lick him. Everywhere. Is that so wrong? But I digress.

Wes and Rubi have a scorching undercurrent of attraction running between them. Rubi is determined to keep them in the friendship zone since she knows she’s not capable of a relationship. With a childhood like hers, I can’t say I blame her. In short?

But Wes is determined to pour even more gasoline on their already flaming attraction. So knowing that it’s inevitable for them to finally give into to it, Rubi comes up with a plan; friends with benefits.

Now many of you may be wandering

Well if the health insurance he provides her with comes in the form of his perfect cock…then sure…let’s call it that.

This book had one of the HOTTEST scenes I have ever read in a book this year. I will never again be able to look at chocolate ice cream without getting a hot flash ever again.

Seriously Wes, my lady boner is in full salute to your utter sexy deliciousness.

You may be a nice southern boy but you’re a rebel deep down. Ha! See what I did there?

But I digress again.

Where was I?

Ah yes.


Did it work? No? Damn!

And back to business.

While Wes was utter perfection, Rubi had a moment…or 2…or 3…OK a few, where I wanted to punch her in the ovaries for being so stupid. Her back and forth of running away from her feelings for Wes did grate with me quite a bit. While I understand why she was the way she was, it was hard to accept it with how perfect Wes was.

Other than that, I really enjoyed the second installment of this series. It seems to just be getting hotter and hotter with each book. We get to catch up with Jax and Lexi and see where they are in their life, which was nice. And Rubi did redeem herself at the end, even if it was at the very end. But ultimately, Wes just made this book for me. I loved the hell out of him.

I can’t wait to see what Skye Jordan has up her sleeve next and which yummy Renegade we can look forward to. Hopefully the heroine will be Rachel. I really enjoyed her quirkiness in this book.

**ARC courtesy of publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review**

ARC Review: Blue Lines by Toni Aleo

Opposites do more than just attract in Toni Aleo’s latest Nashville Assassins novel about a very bad boy and the good girl he can’t resist.

The instant Piper Allen sees Erik Titov, she wants him—wants his rock-hard body, sure, but the strength and mystery that lies behind that superstar hockey jock demeanor, too. So when he sidles up to her at a bar and slinks his arm around her waist, she’s lost. What follows is the wildest night of her life . . . followed by inevitable heartbreak the next morning. And then, a few weeks later, a very big surprise: two blue lines on a pregnancy test.

Only a check to the head could make Erik fall for a nice girl like Piper. But since their crazy-sexy night together, he’s been trying to forget about her alluring body by falling into bed with every woman in Nashville, and it’s not working. So when Piper shows up at his house with a baby-bomb to drop, it doesn’t take much for Erik to suggest the nuclear option: marriage. While it’s supposed to be all for show, the second they say “I do,” the ice between them starts to melt into sizzling steam.

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4.5 stars
“You need someone to love you and you need to know that you deserve that love, and I want you to let me be that someone.”
I love a good sports romance, add into this mix a sexy, tatted, very man-whorish hockey player and I’m on pervy cloud 9. But this was no smooth ride for me. As much as I wanted to love Erik, I’m pretty sure I wanted to kick him in the nuts more often than not. He had so many things going for him, and then he’d open his mouth and the things he’d say to Piper just had me going

But all that aside, I spent the end of this book in tears. The last part of this book made me cry silly, crocodile tears of joy. I loved it so much.

Piper has been in love with the sexy Erik Titov for months. So when the opportunity to give into their mutual passion shows itself, she doesn’t even think twice. The last thing that she expects is for Erik to leave, and to leave her with a plus sign surprise after their night together.

Erik hasn’t been able to put the alluring Piper out of his mind since that night. But he knows that he’s not the right man for her. So he moves on the only way he knows how, between the legs of many, many, many different women.

So when Piper shows up on his door step with the shocking news that he’s to be a daddy, suffice it to say he doesn’t take it very well. I swear, the things that this man would say to Piper had me screaming

Because I wanted to kick his man-whoring ass. To say that he was a dick to her for the majority of the book would be a gross understatement. Particularly when he proposed that they get married for the sake of image. Really Erik! Way to take the romance out of things!

Piper on the other hand was an amazing heroine. I loved her from the very beginning. Her strength and the way she cared for Erik through thick and thin really got to me. She was such a likable and endearing heroine.

Now as much as I wanted to hate Erik, there were moments where his vulnerability would shine through and we got to see the real man behind the facade. And little by little I began to warm up to him. When the truth behind his childhood all came to light, I can definitely say I understood exactly why he was so hesitant to fall for Piper.

Their story was filled with many bumps, but it was also filled with sweet and steamy moments. I lived for the times where Erik’s sweet side would shine through. And then that ending; perfection!

So as frustrating as some parts of this book were, and as much as I wanted to throttle Erik, I still really enjoyed it and looking forward to the next installment of the Assasins series.

Review: Otherwise Alone (Evan Arden Trilogy #1) by Shay Savage

Lieutenant Evan Arden sits in a shack in the middle of nowhere, waiting for orders that will send him back home – if he ever gets them. Other than his loyal Great Pyrenees, there’s no one around to break up the monotony. The tedium is excruciating, but it is suddenly interrupted when a young woman stumbles up his path.
He has two choices – pick her off from a distance with his trusty sniper-rifle, or dare let her approach his cabin and enter his life.

Why not? It’s been ages, and he is otherwise alone…

4.5 Stars
The days are long and the nights are longer, until a young woman suddenly appears on my doorstep. I’m all for getting a little – it’s been ages – but she makes me long for more.

Can you get enough story in 56 pages to capture your interest and leave you begging for more? In the case of this book, abso-fucking-lutely. I was hooked line and sinker.

Evan is not a good guy. Currently in exile after a job gone bad, he’s just waiting until his boss gives him the order to go home…if that ever happens. With no one but the desert heat and his dog to keep him company, he waits. Until she suddenly stumbles unto his path.

Otherwise alone, with a stranded and beautiful woman, what’s a man to do?

The steam level in the short page count number was incredible. Shay Savage knows how to write one sexy ass hero

Go on,” I say with my eyes locked on hers. “You want to.”
“I do?”
“And how do you know that?”  
“I’m a very good judge of character,” I inform her.

Seriously Evan

Then there were the steamy as hell sex scenes.

What the hell are you doing?” she cries.
“I’m going to tear your clothes off and fuck you so hard you won’t walk right for a week,” I respond. “You want me to stop?”

Stop?! Are you crazy?!!!

Did I happen to mention this is entirely in Evan’s POV? Loved that.

As for the ending?

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Review: Otherwise Occupied (Evan Arden Trilogy #2) by Shay Savage

Evan Arden is a hit man for a Chicago mob boss. He lives his life day to day with the company of his dog, Odin. He has to work hard to get back into his boss’s good graces, but the target proves to be difficult. As demons of his past begin to haunt him, he seeks the comfort of sleep from an unlikely candidate, but will confiding in her be his undoing?​

​He’s struggling to forget his past, and keep himself Otherwise Occupied.

4.5 Holy Shit Stars

Roses are red, Violets are blue. I’m just a fucked up hit man, and nothing rhymes with that.

This book gets a star just for having one of the best depictions of my home town I’ve read to date.

It gets another star for being entirely in Evan’s POV and being written in such a way that allows you inside his mind in such a flawless way, the story completely enthralls you. The rest of the stars? For an incredibly told story. Period.

The second book in the Evan Arden Trilogy gives us a deeper look at the man behind the job.

This is not a love story or a romance, so don’t be hoping to get that here. You won’t find it.

Months after leaving the desert of Arizona and a woman that captured his interest in a way that no other ever has, Evan is now back in Chicago and trying to get his way back into his boss’s good graces. But being the hit man for one of Chicago’s biggest mob bosses is no easy task, especially when the demons from his past begin to surface

Add into the mix recurring nightmares and lack of sleep, and you have yourself one volatile hit man. He may be good at what he does, but that doesn’t mean it’s not taking a toll on him

Tired of playing this role, tired of just moving through the city like I was some kind of god or demon here to bring Rinaldo Moretti’s version of justice to those who crossed my path.  None of it even mattered to me – all I got out of it was a wad of cash and a twisted idea of loyalty to someone who told me I did a good job and occasionally called me “son.”

Every day finds Evan with an even smaller grasp on his sanity.

So does he finally crack? Guess you’ll have to read to find out because I refuse to ruin this book for you by giving away any spoilers.
What I can tell you, is that it was a whole lot of

Followed by

With an ending that will leave you feeling a little like

I devoured this book. Shay Savage did such a fantastic job in her portrayal of Evan I kept forgetting I was reading a book by a female author. Flawlessly written, with a captivating and suspenseful plot, this story will grab hold of you and leave you at the edge of your seat to see what comes next. It’s no light and fluffy read. The author does not gloss over or sugar coat the dark details. But that just adds to the experience.

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Author Interview and Review: Winning the Boss’s Heart by Hayson Manning

Winning the Boss’s Heart by Hayson Manning

Mason Christian has twelve weeks to flip something old into something new for his Japanese client, and then he’s getting the hell out of Footsteps Bay, New Zealand. Not even his temporary cook and secretary—the feisty, luscious Billie McLeod—will deter him. There’s no denying she makes him feel alive. More alive than he’s felt in three years…

Billie has one dream: save enough money to go to college. That’s why she’s agreed to work for hard ass, all-business-no-pleasure Mason Christian—a man who has every intention of destroying through “modernization” the town’s most cherished historical home. But before she can say see ya, she realizes she’s signed the dotted line and is contractually bound for eighty-four days.  Working with male perfection every day is awesome with a capital A—as long as they can stick to a hands-off policy that gets harder every day…

Author Interview

It’s no secret that I absolutely adored this book. It was such a heartwarming love story with a quirky and sassy heroine and a broken hero that you can’t help but fall in love with. So I am so thrilled to have the fabulous author of the book here with us today!

Hi Hayson, thank you so much for stopping by Dirty Girl Romance Blog. I’m so excited to have you here! 

Hi, Lana. I am super excited to be here. Thanks so much for having me here today. I’ve brought margaritas, mojitos and Maltesers. (I’m thinking today is an M day.)

So after reading and absolutely LOVING Winning the Boss’s Heart I just have to know, what sparked your idea for this book?

I really love sassy women. A woman who knows what she wants and who isn’t afraid of going after it. I always had the idea of Billie in the back of my mind. I love small town settings with a Wuthering Heights broody male like Mason and it all just came together. I have to say this book was draft seven thousand four hundred and twelve. 

One of my many favorite parts of this book was your inclusion of one of my favorite movies, The Princess Bride. Tell me some of your favorite movies?

Hear this now, I will come for you. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve seen The Princess Bride. We used to make Clueless Wonder 1 and Clueless Wonder 2 watch it. They’d groan and stomp out the room like we’d asked them to clean their rooms. Now they think it’s kind of cool. It is cool!

I’m a bit in love with Fast and Furious. All that man candy on the screen? Yum.
An oldie but a goodie I mentioned in Winning the Boss’s Heart and that was Truly, Madly, Deeply. I think I cried so much I dehydrated.
A little Irish movie called Once. Just crept up on me.
I sob through The Color Purple. I just love that film.
All the Harry Potter films.

I loved reading about the beautiful setting of Footsteps Bay, New Zealand and the amazing people that live there. What inspired you to use that particular location? 

Growing up, my parents loved a camper. Dad would hitch the camper to the car, stuff the family in, and we’d drive six torturous hours on gravel roads to this huge beach in New Zealand with a population of around one hundred. There were wild horses that roamed the sands. We’d dine out every night on precooked sausages that would survive into the next century. It was filled with small town New Zealanders. I had the chance to revisit not long ago and to my delight, the town is pretty much the same. Bless old New Zealand, I think we’ve just made four million. Party!

I adored Billie’s quirky personality; she is going on my list of favorite heroines. Was there an inspiration behind her character?

Hayson blushes and wipes a tear. Your words are lovely.
I read a lot. Every day. The Clueless Wonders know not to interrupt unless they have a bone sticking out, a severed artery or a strange man is asking them to come and look for his lost puppy. I’ve been reading a lot of angsty women. I’m not a fan of anyone filled with angst, possibly due to my ancientness. I grew up with a strong mother who told me to stop whining, find a way to get what I want, legally, and get it.

I don’t think I could write a woman who is a doormat either. I wanted to write a feisty, woman who has vulnerabilities but knows what she wants out of life and isn’t afraid to go for it. I try and write characters I could sit down and have a coffee and a laugh with. I hope I got that right with Billie.

What is your favorite part of this book?

I loved watching Mason crack when Billie became ill. He tried so hard to deny he had deep feelings for her, but when she became ill, he put his life on hold to care for her. I loved seeing his vulnerabilities rise to the surface and how much he did care for her. I’m a bit of a sucker for the ending and epilogue and any scene with Stanley the dog I was gone.

So what got you into writing in the first place?

I never really loved to read. Turns out because I was faking it. When I was young and came across a word I couldn’t pronounce – sapphire, vertical and don’t get me started on Europe, I substituted a word I could pronounce. Luckily I had a teacher who figured out what I was doing when I was young and I had some fairly intensive remedial reading sessions for about a year. I’m so glad I did. I love to read which turned into words I could write. Hazzah!

Being a huge Romance junky, I know my list for this is pretty big, but who are some of your favorite authors?

I’m in love with my fellow Entangled author Samanthe Beck. I love her mix of wit, sexy times and emotion in her books.
I think I’ve read every Kristen Ashley starting with Motorcycle Man which I adored. Oh, Tack.
I’ve read every Agatha Christie book ever published. I never guessed who did it. Not once.
I started reading John Green so Clueless Wonder 1 and I could have something to grunt about. I started with The Fault in our Stars and laughed and sobbed through the book. We still have differing opinions on the ending of Looking for Alaska which goes for healthy debate at Casa Manning over the dinner table.
Anything in the Beyond series by Kit Rocha. I cannot get enough of those books.

What about your favorite books?

Any book in the Beyond series by Kit Rocha. Them’s are sexy, sure-fire reads
Motorcycle Man by Kristen Ashley. Did I mention my love of Tack?
Easy by Tamara Webber. Sigh. Sigh. Sigh. Loved it.
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. I loved it and hated it in equal measure but is still debated here at Casa Manning.
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. A book narrated by Death? Awesome. I read in one sitting.
Falling for the Marine by Samanthe Beck.

What’s your writing process like?

To be honest there are days when I’d rather chisel the stalagmites off the oven, but I have to get my butt in the chair and get ideas flowing. I start the day with an enormous cup of joe, hit the emails, procrastinate, read what I wrote yesterday. Decide it’s rubbish and start again today. Some days the words flow like honey. Some day’s I’d rather enter a bikini contest after chowing down on a box of Krispy Kreme’s. Rather than supply the audience with Pepto Bismol after seeing me in a bikini (shudder) I plonk myself down and make myself write.

Where is your favorite place to write? At home? In your writing cave? Coffee Shop?

At home looking like I’m still wearing a failed Halloween costume where I can hide under the table when anyone approaches. Sad but true.

Any must haves you need during your writing? Coffee? Chocolate? Complete silence or music?

Silence. There are way too many folks talking in my head already. Diet coke or Diet Mountain Dew with enough caffeine to kick me to Mars works.

Any hints as to what you have planned and coming up next? 

I’m in the process of penning an Entangled Brazen (I hope) about a dirty-talking bounty hunter who teams up with a preacher’s daughter PI to catch a man who destroyed both their lives.
Well, that’s the plan. Some days I write slower than a sloth at a sleeping party. 
*Making mental note to stalk Hayson for more news about this* (Seriously though, can that sound any more like my kind of book? Gah!)
Thank you so much for stopping by again! Any words you’d love to leave your readers and fans with?

Thank you so much for letting me hang here with the cool kids. I love your blog and I’m honored to be here. 

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4.5 Healing Heart Stars
Yeah, he may be one hot tamale on the outside, but she bet old Satan himself was sitting in his heart playing Solitaire.

I fell in love with this book. Hard. I wasn’t sure what to expect going into it. Maybe another stereotypical romance where the rich and jaded boss seduces the naive assistant? Well, that’s not what I got. Not even close. Let me tell you, the synopsis of this book doesn’t even begin to give it justice. It was so much more. I adored everything about it; the hero and heroine, the gorgeous setting, the romance, the quirky humor, and the writing. I read it in one sitting, and that says a lot about it.

Meet Mason Christian:

He’s cold, jaded, rich, and efficiently to the point.

He watched her with those unblinking blue eyes. Didn’t look like the man smiled a whole lot. She resisted the urge to shift in her chair. She doubted his middle name was jocularity or could even form the word “fun” in an anagram.

But behind the unfeeling facade, is the broken soul of a man that’s experienced the worst sort of heartache. I knew I was going to fall in love with Mason, he pretty much had me at “42”

I need a cook and a secretary. If you get the job, I’ll be calling you Forty-Two, as none of my assistants stay. I work long hours and expect the same.”

Meet number 42, Billie McLeod

Billie is my favorite kind of heroine. She was endearingly quirky, funny, yet she also had this core of strength that I really admired about her.

The relationship development between these two characters was probably my favorite part of the story. There was no insta-love or lust. There was no over the top sexual “you’re mine” encounters. It was a beautiful and romantic story about love, forgiveness, healing old wounds, and learning to move on

I loved watching Billie slowly chipping away at Mason’s walls. She wasn’t whiny, intrusive, or naive about his pain. She recognized that his pain ran deep, yet she never let him hide behind it.

Jesus,” he said under his breath.
“Putting yourself out there for salvation?”
“I don’t have a soul,” he replied instantly.
“Yeah, you do,” she whispered. “You only wish you didn’t.”

The author did an amazing job with story telling, able to pain a beautiful picture in your mind of Footsteps Bay, New Zealand and it’s people. Plus this book gets an automatic 3 stars for featuring one of my all time favorite movies, The Princess Bride.

I devoured this story and didn’t want it to end. The last 5% made me tear up, it was just perfect.
Spoiler below, highlight to see

Hear this now. I will always come for you.
Me, you, and Stan. And jam. And all those goddamned pinecones. Stay with me, Billie. You have to. Because if you don’t, hear this now. I will always come for you. And that would make me a stalker. Don’t let me turn into a stalker, Billie.

And then the icing on the already perfect cake was that epilogue. The entire book was wonderful, lovely, romantic, just perfect. It was exactly what I needed. Miss Manning has now been added to my auto-buy authors. I’m really looking forward to all her future books.

**ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review**

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ARC Review: Fear for Me by Cynthia Eden

Fear For Me: A Novel of the Bayou Butcher by Cynthia Eden

She’s the obsession two men share: one wants her love, the other wants her life.

A shared passion for justice first brought Baton Rouge district attorney Lauren Chandler and US marshal Anthony Ross together—when each played their part in bringing down the infamous Bayou Butcher. The sparks flying between the two made it clear they weren’t just a legal dream team. Then desire had to make way for duty, and what they had was done. But it would never be over.

Five years later, it’s none other than the Butcher who gets things started again, when his shocking jailbreak reunites the lawyer and the lawman…and reignites their love. But this time, the pair is in danger of being permanently parted—by a killer with revenge on his mind, and Lauren on the top of his list. As a new wave of terror sweeps through the streets and swamps of Baton Rouge, one man will pit his boundless passion against another’s relentless hate, for the life of the woman who obsesses them both.


4.5 Spine Tingling Suspensful Stars 

He waned her to see him exactly as he was. Far from good. Far from perfect. With a darkness inside that would always burn.

There is one thing I know for sure I’m going to get whenever I pick up a book by Cynthia Eden; spine-tingling suspense and chilling action filled with twists and turns, with a super steamy romance thrown flawlessly into the mix.

I have been a huge fan of Eden’s since her Deadly series, and this book is the perfect example of why. My favorite thing about her writing, is her ability to let you into the killer’s head. I love getting the bad guys POV, it always adds to the experience of the book. Fear For Me is the continuation of the Montlake Series, and I’d recommend reading Die For Me before. Although there is enough background information given that you can easily read it as a standalone.

How thin is the line that separates love from obsession?

5 years ago Lauren and Anthony had a passionate affair. They burned hot and bright, but then Anthony suddenly left, leaving Lauren’s heart in pieces.

But are things truly as they seem?

When the shocking prison escape of a brutal serial killer puts Lauren’s life in danger, they are reunited once more. But this time, Anthony knows that he will be unable to walk away and is determined to make Lauren his at all costs.

I was sucked into the story from the very first page. It kept me at the edge of my seat from beginning to end. Just as I thought I had some idea of what was going on, Eden would throw in a twist that left me not knowing which end was up anymore. I love the unpredictability of her writing.

Although the predominant part of the book was the suspense, the romance was the perfect addition. Eden always has just the right amount of steamy romance in her writing that it never takes away from the mystery and action. It’s flawlessly interwoven into the story.

Lauren, the tough as nails DA, was the perfect balance to Anthony’s dark intensity. The passion between them was explosive. When they finally get together…

Although you know who the killer is from the beginning doesn’t mean a thing. There were so many twists and turns I couldn’t get myself to put the book down until the end. Just as I thought I had nailed down what was happening, another twist was thrown in. And then another. And then another. It kept me guessing until the very end.

If you’re a fan of romantic suspense, you really can’t go wrong with a Cynthia Eden book. A chilling and suspenseful ride from beginning to end.

**ARC courtesy of publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review**

Buy Links

Review Tour & Giveaway: Asking for Trouble by Tessa Bailey

Pretending to be in love has never felt so sexy.
Brent Mason and Hayden Winstead can’t stand each other. She plans exclusive parties for her rich family’s charities. He’s a rough and tumble cop who rigs explosives for a living. Could two people be any less suited for conversation? They think not and prefer to keep it that way.
Unfortunately, their two best friends are deeply, disgustingly in love. Forced together, the mutual attraction simmering beneath the surface of Brent and Hayden’s non-relationship grows with every argument until it explodes into a scintillating night of mind-blowing sex. And it won’t be the last, as far as Brent’s concerned.
Hayden has a secret, though. Her father’s company is relying on a merger to save them from financial ruin, and only Hayden’s marriage to the CEO’s wealthy son can secure the deal. If she’s to protect her family, she’ll have to forget Brent. And he has no intention of being forgotten.


If you have any doubt about my ability to fuck the ever-loving sarcasm right out of you, I’ll be more than happy to clear it up.”
No one, and I mean no one can write a dirty talker quite like Tessa Bailey. The woman is the queen of dirty talk and I bow down to her awesomeness. It’s not secret that I have been a huge fan of this series from the very first book, Protecting What’s His, and I swear the series just keeps getting better and better.
I didn’t think anyone could replace my beloved playboy Daniel, but Brent gave him a run for his money. Nothing like a rough and tumble explosives expert with a sense of humor and dirty mouth to make my pervy little heart go all pitter patter.
I knew from the very first chapter that I would love this book. Nothing I love more than the ‘enemies to lovers’ trope. And when it came to Brent and Hayden, you could just feel the sexual tension behind every insult. It was absolutely delicious!
For Hayden and Brent, it was hate at first sight. While they may have to tolerate each other since their best friends are dating, it doesn’t mean they have to like it. But beneath the barbs and insults that they’re constantly throwing at each other, there’s a strong undercurrent of something else: lust.
(In case you’re wondering, YES, Brent reminded me of Ryan Reynolds. It’s the dirty blonde hair, green eyes, sexy with a splash of dirty humor that sealed this particular delicious image for me)

I knew I would love Brent when we first met him in Officer Off Limits. He’s crude, funny, always has a snarky comment, and did I also mention sexy as hell? The man is 6 foot 5 of complete and utter deliciousness. But beneath all the crude jokes, there’s a fantastic man. He works 2 jobs in order to help support his family. So is it any wonder that rick girl Hayden seems to hit his every nerve?
Hayden is not quite the spoiled little rich girl that Brent sees her as. It’s just that that Brent manages to hit all her buttons, and she can’t help but lash out with the only means she has. Right?
But what happens when a dare between two people that are supposed to hate each other, goes a little bit too far?
While Brent never minced his words, I loved that Hayden gave as good as she got. She really gave the poor guy a run for his money. I swear, you could feel the sexual tension beneath all their bickering. 

Aw, what’s wrong, Brent? Jealous? After all, if ever there was someone who deserved to have a jackass named after him, it’s you.”
“Yeah? And what would they name it? How about…Spanky?”
“How about Oversized Dickhead?”
He shrugged. “Didn’t hear you complaining about
my oversized—”
She shot to her feet, jostling the table. “Can I speak with you in private?”
“You need it right now?” He feigned exasperation.“We’re in the middle of dinner, woman. You’re insatiable.”

As much as I enjoyed Hayden’s character, at times I did get irritated with the way she seemed to hit below the belt with her insults. I understood the why’s of it, but it did still grate with me a bit. I felt that there were times that she should have been going after Bret and smoothing things over, not the other way around.

But Brent, my delicious dirty talking Brent, he just made the book for me. I was a highlight whore every time the man opened his mouth. I highlighted everything he said. The man was the Midas of dirty talk. Everything that came out of his mouth was pure gold.

Spread your thighs wide for me. I’m gonna fuck you until my next thrust is the only thing keeping you sane.

I’m going to cram your tight pussy full over and over again,” he growled. “I’m going to fuck you until your ears ring. I’m going to bite you hard. Mark you. Ruin you.”

I know, right? Might I suggest keeping some ice on hand, and maybe a fan while you’re reading this? My ovaries were doing a pervy little happy dance throughout the entire book.

Jesus, baby.” He groaned loudly, shifted. “Been a while?”
Yes. “No. It’s just you…you’re…”
Brent sat up, putting his face right in front of hers.He bit her bottom lip and tugged. “I’m what?”
When she tried to kiss him, he dodged her mouth. “Say it. What am I?”
“Huge,” she whispered.
“That’s right.” His hands slipped up her back and gripped her shoulders. “And you’re going to take it.”

This series has become a guilty pleasure of mine. Whenever I’m in the mood for a super steamy romance with a sassy heroine,a sinfully sexy hero, lots of dirty talk, and a light but engaging plot, I know I can never go wrong with these books. They always hit JUST the right spot.
Now I am sitting on pins and needles in pervy anticipation of the broodingly quiet Matt to get his book. I can already tell it’s going to be a good one.
Now that is all the gushing you’ll be getting from this girl. Go make your ovaries happy and read this book. And I thank you.

Connect with Tessa Bailey


Want a chance to win an autographed copy of Tessa’s first two books Protecting What’s His & Officer Off Limits? It’s the first time they’ve ever been in print!
She’ll be giving away 3 sets. All you have to do is leave a comment below to enter.  Giveaway ends 12/1.  Limited to US residents only.
Increase your chances of winning by visiting the rest of the tour HERE

Blog Tour and Giveaway: The Now Series by Brenda Rothert

The Now Series Blog Tour Kick Off 

Now and Then
Now and Again
By Brenda Rothert

Now and Then

Now Emmaline Carson is a sharp, settled graphic designer who loves painting, cooking and girls’ night out with her older sister Layla. But then – in the years before she went to art school in Paris – she was a shy, awkward teenager with frizzy hair, a flat chest and a massive crush on the boy across the street, Cole Marlowe. Too bad her incredibly hot neighbor only had eyes for Layla.

Cole is now a confident, laid-back attorney who’s even hotter than he used to be. He’s planning to stay single while working his way up the corporate ladder – until he’s knocked off course by a chance run-in with Emma.

Everything is different between Cole and Emma now. He finally sees her in a way she only dreamed of, and their hot chemistry is fueled by a growing friendship.

But Emma’s deception of her sister – who wants Cole for herself – and the secret Cole’s been keeping for more than a decade threaten to tear apart what’s only just begun. Because sometimes the only thing standing in the way of now is then


My Review

4 Stars

I love the whole childhood crush turned to lover trope. Gets me every time. And Now and Then was no exception.
Brenda Rothert is a new to me author, but is now someone that is going straight to my auto-buy list.
Emmaline Carson was always the shy and awkward sister. How could she ever compare with her perfect, confident, and sexy sister Layla. So even though it’s not a shock to her when the object of her teenage crush seems more interested in Layla, it’s no less devastating.
But that was then. Now Emmaline is settling in good life and a job as a graphic designer, even though she’d much rather spent her time painting. She’s no longer the shy and awkward teenager she once was. It was great to get a heroine that wasn’t still the mousy and shy virgin. Emmaline was a woman that was confident in her own way, and she was not a stranger to men. Her time studying abroad in Paris changed her. But what happens when a chance run in with the crush from her childhood turns into something a little more?
Cole Marlowe is now a successful attorney. But his high school dating years and childhood were not quite what Emma always thought them to be. Although the last thing on Cole’s mind is a relationship during his climb up the corporate latter, he can’t seem to keep his mind off Emma.
Now things are different. Now Emma is receiving the type of attention she always dreamed of from Cole. There’s just one problem; she’s still convinced that she will lose his interest to Layla.
Layla  was a bitch. A huge one! Everything that came out of her mouth made me want to beat her with my kindle. Usually when I read about a character like this, the last thing I’d want to do is read a book with her as a heroine. But here’s the shocker, I cannot wait to read about her and see her fall head over platform heels. The fact that Brenda Rothert managed to do this is no small feat.
I really loved the way that the past and present were interwoven flawlessly in the story. It added a little something to the book, the writing style was one of my favorite things about it.
So what kept this from being a 5 star read for me? Unfortunately Emma drove me up the wall with her behavior and thought process throughout the book. Her constant doubting of Cole, of herself, of Cole’s feelings grated with me. It took her almost until the very end to finally get her shit together. Cole was just wonderful. His treatment of Emma made his feelings so glaringly obvious. And the fact that Emma would chose the word of her sister over his almost made me lose it.
All that aside, this was still a very solid 4 star read, and I did enjoy it. I still can’t believe how much I’m looking forward to Layla’s story. Hope the hero really gives her a run for her money. The bitch deserves it. LOL!!

Now and Again

Once again, 26-year-old Layla Carson has the attention of a man eager to satisfy her. Ben Montrose, the hot, confident cop who gets off on frustrating her, is eager to show her just how arresting he can be. But as a reforming sexaholic, Layla’s sworn off casual hookups, and doesn’t miss the days of her early 20s –much.

Ben’s caught off-guard when the sexy, outspoken attorney turns him on and then turns him down. But the confident former Marine knows he can handle the simple seduction of a beautiful woman. He finds Layla’s weak spot – competition, which he happens to share – and challenges her to a game that could make them, or destroy them.

As they compete to crown the master of seduction, Ben and Layla discover there’s more to their game than power and foreplay. But as the stakes go up, they realize the game has changed, and they both stand to lose more than they bargained for.

My Review

4.5 Redeeming Stars
I’ll admit, I’m surprised how attracted I am to your combative nature. But you’re under my skin now. I don’t want a compliant woman – I want you.
I knew just one thing going into this book; how much I absolutely HATED Layla in book 1. How do I even describe the way she came off in that book? Ahh yes!
Think I’m exaggerating here? Not even close. Then there was Layla’s penchant of sleeping with pretty much every hot guy that crossed her path. Honestly!
She was selfish, arrogant, rude, and pretty much everything I should hate in a heroine. But see here’s the thing, I have never anticipated a book more than with her. There’s nothing more I love that a good story of redemption and imagine my surprise when I ended up liking Layla more than her sister Emma, from book 1. 
After too much alcohol and a case of feeling sorry for herself lands her in the bed of yet another nameless man, Layla knows she’s finished with that part of her life. She’s done with meaningless sex and hookups. She’s sworn off bad boys, but she knows that deep down she may not be the kind of woman that the ‘nice guys’ would go for.
But of course, life never quite works out the way you plan. So when Layla meets Ben, the super sexy cop that isn’t shy about making his intentions known, she finds that resisting the bad boys is not as easy as it seems. 
Ben was just…he was so….gah! *dreamy sigh* I frigging LOVED Ben. Did I happen to mention that along with being super sexy, a cop, the man also drive a motorcycle and has tattoos? Because let me just tell you, I about orgasmed from the sexy overload that was him.
When Ben first lays eyes on the outspoken and gorgeous attorney, he knows what he wants. He’s not the type to settle down, but he wants Layla, even if it’s only for a short while. But Layla is not at all what he thought her to be.

You’re the kind of girl who makes a list about her perfect man, and it has things like ‘dreamy’ and ‘sweet’ on it, and I bet every ‘i’ is dotted with a heart.” 

Layla was only taken aback for a second. “How do you know my list doesn’t have ‘big cock’ and ‘filthy mouth’ on it?” she said, raising her brows at Ben.

His lips parted in surprise. “Does it?” he asked, his gaze darkening a shade. 
“Fuck yes.”

Knowing that the combustible attraction between them is going to be impossible to resist, Ben is determined to have Layla. So when he finds her weak spot with competition, he challenges her to a game that just might make them or destroy them.

This book was so much more than the synopsis. I did’t expect to enjoy it as much as I did. Layla and Ben were both such strong characters, yet both of them had their own hidden vulnerability that threatened to destroy them.
The two of them together burned up the pages
But beneath the sexy words and sexual tension, there was a fantastic story about 2 broken souls. I loved the relationship development between Layla and Ben. I am not a fan of insta anything, and I was so happy to see that didn’t happen here. Even though I thought my ovaries might explode from all the sexual tension at times, it was well worth the wait. Because when these two finally get together…
I loved that Layla was a converted bitch. It was a refreshing change from all the mousy and introverted heroines I’ve been reading about lately. She was confident, outspoken, and yet she had this layer of vulnerability to her that you couldn’t help but like.
If you enjoy steamy contemporary romances with dirty talking, sexy heroes and confident and outspoken heroines, that you really need to check this book out. A big rec from this girl!

Buy Links

Now and Then (Book 1)

Amazon I Barnes & Noble I Smashwords

Now and Again (Book 2)

Amazon I Barnes & Noble

About the Author

Brenda Rothert lives in Central Illinois with her husband and three sons. She was a daily print journalist for nine years, during which time she enjoyed writing a wide range of stories.

These days Brenda writes New Adult Romance in the Contemporary and Dystopian genres.

Where to find Brenda:

Author Website I Goodreads I Facebook I Twitter


Brenda Rothert is giving away:
3 ebook bundles for the Now Series (books 1 and 2)
1 ARC for Now and Forever (book 3)
5 – $5 Amazon gift cards

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Review: Beg (Songs of Submission #1) by C.D. Reiss

Beg (Songs of Submission, #1)Beg by C.D. Reiss

My rating: 4.5 of 5 stars

Book Synopsis

This novella is the first in a series
My name is Monica. I’m a singer born and raised in Los Angeles. 
I’ve stopped dating. When I cut a record, or win a Grammy, maybe then I’ll be with someone, but every man in my past has done everything he could to make me submit myself to him, and it’s gotten in the way of my career. I won’t do it again.
But there’s Jonathan. He owns the high-rise hotel where I work, and he is gorgeous and charming. I refuse to fall in love with him, even though when he asks me to submit to him, I want nothing more.

My Review

4.5 Begging for it Stars
   “I won’t hold you to it. We can wait, or we can call it off.” 

   “A bet’s a bet.” 

   “You sure? I can be demanding.”  

   “So can I.” 

    He stepped back and smiled. “Not tonight, you’re not.”

I’ve had this book sitting in my kindle for the past few months. So why haven’t I read it before now? Because I am a friggin idiot, that’s why! Yes, I’m woman enough to admit this. And admit it I will. (And shout out to SueBee and Allison for giving me the last friendly push I needed. You guys are filled with awesome and I heart you both!)

But enough of that, and let me talk about this book. This is the first novella in a series and I am completely and utterly captivated and sucked in. How do I review a short novella? By giving you my reactions to every addicting morsel.


Yes, he’s another sexy billionaire. But, he’s also a redhead. He was not crazy possessive, slightly insane, or insanely domineering. He was a sexy as hell enigma. The man was fucking hot. Period. I want to lick him.


NOT another meek and introverted virgin (THANK FUCK!). I knew from the first few pages that I will really like Monica, and I was not wrong. She was independent, owned her sexually, knew when to tell someone off, yet the way she gave in to Jonathan never came off as weak. I’d do it too. In a freaking heartbeat.

The writing??

“Not yet.”
“Jesus, Jonathan. What do you want?”
“I want you to want it.”
“I do. My God, I do.”
“No, you don’t. Not enough.”
I knew what he wanted, and I was willing to give it to him.
“Please. I’m begging you. I’m begging. I’ll do anything you want. I’ll be anything you want. Just don’t—”
He drove his dick into me with a ferocity that shocked me and turned the last word into a cry.

Do you really need my reaction here? Well, if you’re curious, let me confirm those suspicions.

I am sucked in, addicted, and completely blown away. Seriously Ms. Reiss

That is all the gushing ramblings you’ll be getting from this girl, because I am off to lick…err…read more Jonathan. And I thank you

Buy Links

This is available at both Amazon and B&N. 
However, while it’s still a freebie at Amazon, Barnes & Noble lists it at $.99

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