Review: Stolen- Dante’s Vow by Natasha Knight

Genre: Dark, Mafia Romance
Author: Natasha Knight
Release Date:
September 30, 2021

Five years.
That’s how long it took me to find her.

Five years after my world shattered, leaving me a scarred and broken man.

By then, the girl I knew was gone. In her place stood a woman. One who looked like an angel. An impossible, beautiful angel.

I killed for her. Soaked my hands in the blood of those who hurt her and rescued her from hell.

But hell has a way of following you. Becoming a part of you. Maybe the only part you recognize.

I had every intention of bringing her home. Setting her free.
I swear I did.

But the men who kidnapped her all those years ago weren’t done with her yet. They’d stop at nothing to get her back. And I’d kill any man who tried to take her from me.

She calls me her avenging angel.
But I know the truth.
I’m no angel.

Because even as I tell myself I’m protecting her I know one thing for sure.

I am a monster, too. No better than them.
Because just like them, I’ll never let her go .

Author’s note: Stolen is Dante Grigori’s story and although a standalone, would be better enjoyed after reading With This Ring and I Thee Take.



I’m here now, Mara. And I may not be the boy you remember, but I am the man you’ll come to know. The man who will destroy your demons.”

I feel like I’ve been waiting for this story forever! The second that Dante appeared in With This Ring, I was intrigued. And when the revelations in I Thee Take happened, well, let’s just say I was damn near salivating for this story. When I saw Natasha post a teaser about writing Dante’s book, I was pretty much rabid in my need to get my hands on it. So is it any surprise that the second it landed on my kindle, I devoured it in one sitting? I think not.

I can’t have her. So much has been stolen from her already. I won’t steal a love I don’t deserve.

I highly recommend that you read the To Have and To Hold duet prior to this book. There’s a lot of overarching story arc that really sets the stage for this story. And while you can technically still enjoy this as a standalone, some of the big nuances may be missed on you if you do.

We met Dante’s brother in that duet and we learn quite a bit about the brother’s family and history. We get to know their years long vendetta for the gruesome death of their family. But at the end of the duet we learn that the woman that they thought died all those years along with their family, may not have. Stolen actually takes place five years after I Thee Take.

Dante has been tirelessly searching for Mara, who has been barely surviving her captivity to a monster all of these years. Sold into sexual slavery, she made a deal with her owner five years ago to save Dante’s brother’s woman. And it cost her. The book starts off pretty much right away with her rescue and the aftereffects of what she’s been through.

I loved Mara. She’s a fighter and a survivor, no matter the hell she’s been through the past 15 years. She may have grew up with Dante the boy, but she doesn’t recognize the man, and their connection takes a while to reestablish. I loved watching this ruthless killer handle this woman like she’s made of spun glass. He was her fiercest protector, even if that protection was against himself.

I’m not sure why I thought this was a duet when it’s a standalone. But a part of me kept thinking that I would have loved this to be a bit longer. I would have liked to get a bit more fleshing out with things at the end. But as it was, I still devoured it and loved every page. The connection between Mara and Dante was years long in the making. There’s a deliciously complex secondary character who gets introduced and I’m already hoping we get his story next, because DAMN.

But if you’re looking for a gritty mafia romance read, look no further. Knight delivers as always with packing a story full of emotion, darkness, and steam.


Natasha Knight is the USA Today Bestselling author of Romantic Suspense and Dark Romance Novels. She has sold over half a million books and is translated into six languages. She currently lives in The Netherlands with her husband and two daughters and when she’s not writing, she’s walking in the woods listening to a book, sitting in a corner reading or off exploring the world as often as she can get away.


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Review: The Don by Serena Akeroyd

The Valentini Family Book 1
Genre: Mafia Romance
Author: Serena Akeroyd
Release Date: August 26, 2021

Blood stains my hands, my soul, my heart, yet I’ll shed more to keep her safe.

A chance meeting brings Jen MacNeill into my life—the woman born to reign at my side.

She just doesn’t know it yet.

How could my Lady be anything other than a silken promise taunting me with every breath she takes?

A new Don reigns over Manhattan.

But though I won the war, peace isn’t easily brokered.
Over a decade of avenging my father’s death, I made many enemies.
To each and every one, Jen’s a target.

But I’ll paint NYC red before I let them harm her.
I just never imagined I’d be in the line of fire first…

A heart broken by grief can feel no guilt or shame with the brutality in which vengeance is delivered.

This is the first part of ‘The Oath’ duet in The Valentini Family series.


She was a witch… A witch who’d enchanted me. Bedeviled me. Tormented me. I was more than okay with that, so long as I enslaved her in return.

So…real talk. When a book starts off with the butt stuff and still manages to deliver on the sexual tension, you know I’m all over it, right? Right.

But really, I’m a sucker for a good mafia romance. I got introduced to Serena’s writing with Storm and became an insta fan. The second I saw the promotion of this duet, I was itching to get my grabby little hands on it. I already knew the woman can deliver some grit and I needed my fix.

The Don is book one of The Valenti Family duet and interconnects with her Five Points series. Now I haven’t read that series yet, but had no problems understanding the nuances of the various relationships here. Jen is Aoife’s best friend from Filthy. This was a heroine I instantly connected with. And not just because she has the balls to barge into a Don’s office and demand butt stuff, but because the woman is simply kick ass. She’s a self professed gold digger and daughter of a whore, who has had to fight for everything she has. A chance meeting with Luciu inevitably changes the course of her life. She knows he’s mafia, she knows he’s dangerous but yet she can’t stay away from him.

Now I’m not usually a fan of insta anything. And there’s definitely some insta lust here that skates the edge of insta love, which isn’t usually my cuppa. And when I tell you that, I mean Luciu falls first which is my cuppa. So I’m invested here.

The majority of this book focuses on their budding relationship, which admittedly did feel a bit too lengthy for me. Don’t get me wrong, the sexy times were hot, but I wanted more meat to the bones of this story too, which only began to take place at the end. And then the cliffhanger hits you with all the subtlety of a ten by four and I’m dying for book 2. Did I enjoy this? Absolutely. Do I need book two? Desperately! Should you read it? Yes m’am. If you love a good mafia romance, check this out.

Review: The Spy by Sophie Lark

Series: Kingmakers #4
Genre: New Adult, Dark Romance
Author: Sophie Lark
Release Date: July 28, 2021

I’ve waited three long years for this…

Hiding. Lying. Spying.

Waiting like a spider for her to wander into my web…

Now she’s here, and I have to get even closer to her. I’ll help her. Befriend her. Seduce her, even.

The only thing I can’t do is fall in love with her.

Her father took everything from me: my money, my family, my life.

He has to pay for what he’s done. And she’s the only thing that can hurt him…

The Lark Notes:
I’ve been planting clues and Easter Eggs all the way through the first three Kingmakers books — now it’s time for the secrets to be revealed, and the mysteries to find their conclusions. The moment you finish “The Spy”, you’re going to want to go back and read the whole series all over again! – Sophie

“The Spy” is the final installment in the epic dark mafia Kingmakers series. It’s a forbidden romance, full of mystery, betrayal, and an explosive conclusion that will give you the biggest book hangover of your life!


Not all predators hunt in the open.

This series has been a guilty pleasure for me. It’s one of those suspend your disbelief sort of reads that manages to hit the spot even if it’s waaaay out there. I think I saw the comparison of Hogwarts school for criminals and it’s definitely apropos.

I’ve been waiting for this one with bated breath. I couldn’t wait for The Spy to be revealed because I just knew it was going to be crazy. And man, was it. The Spy was a character I fell for immediately. I was desperate for the details to his past and the more that got revealed, the more hooked I became. Nix was a bit of an acquired taste, that admittedly, I just never acquired a taste for. She was…just okaish. She seemed a bit two dimensional. I get her father’s story, but she just didn’t add up for me.

The other thing that lowered my rating was the romance. I hate to admit it, but I just never connected with the romance here. Admittedly, it’s something I’ve experienced with some of the other books I’ve read from this author. The romance just seems to come out of nowhere, with no real build up. For my tastes anyway. This is entirely a personal tastes thing, so don’t take my word as gospel here because I’m clearly in the minority. But for me they just seemed to go from 0 to 60 in the span of a chapter, and considering their history and who they are to each other, I just couldn’t wrap my mind around that. Nix’s choice in the end was also mind boggling. I just couldn’t believe her quick turn face and how easily she forgave and condemned.

I have to say my favorite part of the book was the secondary suspense story. Or not really secondary, but one that runs parallel to the romance and has some flashbacks. I lived for these two.

All in all, this was an entertaining read, but just not something that I’d come back to or find myself thinking about later.

Review: Acquisition by Celia Aaron

An Acquisitions Series Novel #4
Author: Celia Aaron
Genre: Dark Romance
Release Date: August 3, 2021

Lucius Vinemont ruined my life.

It was a long time ago. It feels like yesterday.

I haven’t let it go, and I won’t. Not until he’s dead. Lucius is the bogeyman, the shadow under my bed, the nightmare that wakes me in my sleep.

I loved him once, in the foolish way of a teenage girl. Those feelings are buried deep, soaked in blood and covered in a fine ash. Because Lucius was never just a bad boy, he was so, so much worse.

When you shoot a man through the heart, he’s supposed to die. But Lucius isn’t a man. He’s a monster. One who promises pleasures wrapped in pain.

But the closer I get to him, the more I realize he’s not the only evil lurking in my past. . .

“Don’t lie to me, Evelyn.” His nostrils flare. “Never lie to me. The devil always knows.” His smirk returns as I try to push him away.
His other arm goes around my waist and he holds me tightly against him.
“Your heart is beating faster than a rabbit’s. Afraid?” He grips my jaw, his gaze darting to my lips.
“I’m not afraid of you.” I feel the tension in my body, but it’s different now. Not the sick, sinking feeling from what happened on the elevator. Lucius makes me feel more. He always has, ever since I saw him when I was still a girl, when Red was still alive. Handsome and oh-so-bad, the cocky Lucius Vinemont was my teenage fantasy. Because I didn’t know what bad was back then. Not really.
I do now. I know evil. I’ve seen it. And right now, the most evil man I’ve ever known has me crushed to his chest, his gaze darting to my lips. No, this fear is not the same as in the elevator, but I wish it was. I wish I had only fear and revulsion for him.
I wish I’d never set eyes on Lucius Vinemont.
“Not afraid of me?” He tsks. “If that’s true, then you aren’t as intelligent as you seem.” He strokes my cheek with his thumb. “Because I will find you out, Evelyn Delacroix. I will learn your secrets and use them to destroy you. Soon enough, you’ll be begging me for mercy, but I won’t give you any.”
“If you’re done threatening me, I’d like to leave now.”

“You sure?” He slides his hand to my throat and rests it there like a collar. “My offer from last night still stands. That prim little suit you’re wearing would look even better on my bedroom floor.”

This woman—fuck, the brass balls she has. She wants me dead, and I want to know what she tastes like.”

Did I read the blurb to this book and know immediately this would be my first Celia Aaron book?
Did I want to read it bad enough that I decided to dive right into it without having read the rest of the series?

Do I regret this decision?

Because spank my @ss and call me Rosy, this was a delicious little story that I simply inhaled.

I mean, the story begins with our heroine shooting the hero in the chest. With zero regrets. Thinking she killed him and being proud of it.
Actual footage of me reading it?
I’m a sucker for a good enemies to lovers book. And when you throw in revenge and a secret society? I’m putty in your hands. PUTTEH I tells ya.

Now clearly I missed a continuing story arc regarding The Acquisition, but we’re given just enough details in this book that you don’t feel like you missed much. Also, kindly suspend your disbelief here, because it’s all kinds of OTT and almost crazy at times, but man I loved that about it.

Evelyn is desperately craving revenge against the man that took everything away from her in the most brutal of ways. All she’s known for the past years is her drive for her vengeance and she won’t rest until Lucius is dead.

Lucius is just the kind of anti hero I love; he’s an irreverent manwh@re who seems like he gives zero f*cks yet has all of the intensity. He’s a rich businessman and a ruthless killer all in one. And when he discovers the stunning woman who wants him dead? Well, let’s just say he wants other things.

I loved the banter, the chemistry, and the crazy OTT story. These characters were nuts. Truly. Especially the villain. Dude was NUTS. Like kaka for coco puffs sort of crazy. But I devoured it. I did feel like the love entered the chat a little soonish. But Evelyn and Lucius do have a connection that spans years. All the same, it did feel a bit too quick for me considering they quite literally go from “want to kill you” to “paint me like one of your French girls” in the span of a few chapters. Do I hate that? Absolutely not. But I would have wanted more of a burn there. That aside, I inhaled this story and I’m completely hooked. I need more of this series and I’m also really hoping Teddy, the younger brother gets a book next because NEED.

Celia Aaron is a USA Today bestselling author and recovering attorney who loves romance. Dark to light, angsty to funny, real to fantasy–if it’s hot and strikes her fancy, she writes it. Thanks for reading.



Review: Storm by Serena Akeroyd

Genre: Contemporary, MC Romance
Series: Dark and Dirty Sinners’ MC #8
Author: Serena Akeroyd
Release Date: July 29, 2021


You hate me.

I deserve it.

The day I betrayed the love of my life was the day I lived up to every messed-up thing my haters say about me.

But I’m tired of feeling like a POS.

I’m tired of being broken.

I’m tired of life not being worth living.

It’s time now to make amends, and to earn my woman’s love back.

To be the father my kid deserves,

the Old Man I should always have been.
Join me for the ride as I become worthy of my family.

Maybe, just maybe, I’ll surprise you.

This book deals with infidelity. If this is a trigger for you, but you loveA Dark & Dirty Sinners’ MC series, please be assured, that this is the ONLY book that can be skipped in the reading order.


I was trying to live like a fucking priest, but I was a sinner. There was no hiding from it. No evading it.”

I’m speechless right now.
Completely overwhelmed with feels.

This book. THIS. BOOK. I don’t even have the words for all that I feel right now.

I have never read this author. I also haven’t read any of the other books in this series. But when I read the blurb to this book, I had zero chill. I had to read it and I took a chance to read it completely out of order without having read the rest of the series. And you know what?
I’m a sucker for a redemption story. I’m an even bigger sucker for a gritty MC. And I’m absolutely gone for a cheating redemption story. So long as it fits the story, of course. And this story? It was all of the things.

So you’re just being possessive?”
“What is it then?”
“I want what’s best for her. I just wish that were me.”

This story was a kick straight to the feels. Storm was emotional, gritty, unapologetic, and completely unforgettable.

Now let’s address the elephant in the room. This series is not really read as standalones. But you can easily read this book and enjoy it without having read the others because there’s perfect amount of background given.

Let’s not address the other elephant in the room. Cheating. If that’s not your thing, don’t read this book. Seriously. But I happen to love the angst of a good cheating story. The book starts out with Storm and Keira already separated following the events of his f*ckups. The story is told in part present and flashbacks to the past. You’re taken deep into the heart and soul of an incredibly broken and damaged man. You get to wade throw his pain, his regrets, and ultimately his redemption.

Now you’re probably saying to yourself, cheating is never acceptable. Well, in the case of this book, I disagree. I love reading redemption stories and I love seeing the ugly side of love. And Storm’s story is not a light one but man was it good. He’s not a perfect man. He’s not even a good man. But he’s a man that would do anything for his family and would break himself apart for his estranged wife. Including tattooing “Property of Keira” and piercing his dick with a padlock that only Keira has a key to. Even though they’re not together and he has no hope they ever will be.

They met when Keira was just 19 and the growth they both go through is painful and uplifting all in one. Storm is a man with vices. He’s a recovering addict and so far from perfect, but man my heart just went out to him. Watching these two slowly find their way to each other again is one of the most painful and fulfilling experiences I’ve had from a book in a long while. I also loved the way the cheating is handled. Look I get that it’s not everybody’s cuppa, but if someone was going to write a cheating hero and redeem him, there is no better book than this one. And that extra epilogue? Wrecked me.

Keira and Storm’s love story is not a pretty one. It’s definitely not a smooth one. These are both incredibly broken and damaged characters. They’re not perfect and they’re not innocent. But watching the growth they both go through was incredible. And watching them find their way back to each other while facing all the odds against them was an experience unlike any I’ve had in a long while.

I could probably write an entire novel for my review with all the feels I have for this book, but I won’t. What I’ll tell you is this is a book that you simply need to take a chance on. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever read. It’s a slow burn. A painful and beautiful second chance romance that owned me from beginning to finish. The last time I had this many feels with a book, I was reading Undeniable. Serena just got herself a new stalker….erm…fan. Because I just grabbed the rest of this series on KU and see a binge on the horizon.

Review: Dark Queen by Ker Dukey

Genre: Dark, Mafia Romance
Author: Ker Dukey
Release Date: June 28, 2021

He was my boss.

Rich, ambitious, dominating.

I was a waitress, struggling to pay the fees for ballet school.

Poor, talented, desperate.

He needed to marry to appease his dying father, to inherit the family empire.

It wasn’t supposed to be real, or forever.

Until he changed the rules.

What Mafia king Luca Leto wants, he gets, and he’s crowned his queen.


I’m under his rule now.

And his reign is cruel and toxic.

They call him the dark king and to gain my freedom I’m going to have to become a dark queen.

#Standalone Mafia romance.


You’re how villains are made, little ballerina,” I growl. “Tempting fate, wanting to play with the wicked.”

I have a confession…
*whispers* this was my first Ker Dukey book *hides*
I know, okay? Clearly I’ve been living under a rock for some time. But in my defense, the second I read the blurb for this book, I knew I would be introduced to this author. I’m a sucker for a dark mafia romance and when that romance is between a down on her luck and trying to make something of herself ballerina and the bad boy mafia king determined to resist her? SIGN. ME. UP.

I love the fact that we’re given a young female heroine that isn’t a naive virgin. This is a female that knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to go after it. Though I will say I didn’t particularly love her choices in the very beginning. After the death of her mother, Alyssa escapes her small town to chase her dreams to become a ballerina. The prestigious ballet school having a scholarship position for her is step one, but trying to afford her life in the big city is another. A job at a gentleman’s club is the solution she’s been looking for, but the mercurial and hot and cold owner is nothing she expected.

Luca is determined to fight the chemistry between them and the push and pull element had me hooked. Unfortunately, and I can’t quite put my finger on the why, the characters and their relationship failed to really draw me in. I just never fully connected to them. It felt surface level and something just always felt missing for me. What ultimately fell short was the extremely rushed ending, and particularly the strange bit at the end. I appreciated the twist that I didn’t see coming, but I really wished it was more fleshed out. As it was it felt like the story dragged for about 90% to ultimately feel like it was quickly wrapped up in one chapter that didn’t feel satisfying in the least.

But all that aside it was still an entertaining read and had me hooked on the author’s writing to want to read all her other books.

Review: Resurrection of the Heart by A Zavarelli & Natasha Knight

Series: The Society Trilogy #3
Genre: Dark Romance
Author: Natasha Knight & A. Zavarelli
Release Date: May 18,  2021


Santiago finally has what he wants. His baby is growing inside me.

I’ve rewritten her destiny, binding her to me for good.

Things are changing for us. I see beyond the monster he shows the world. See the scars he hides beneath the ink.

Love is a weakness men like me can’t afford. I’ve decided to keep her, but I’ll never forfeit my revenge.

His final betrayal proves his vengeance means more to him than our love.

I will have my pound of flesh, no matter the cost.

I made a mistake trusting him. I forgot how much he likes my tears.

When I am through, I’ll have what I thought I always needed.

I’ll run from him. I’ll have to.

I’ll bring her back when she runs. I’ll always bring her back. She belongs with me.

But it’s too late when I realize he’s not the only monster in my world. And that mistake will cost us both dearly.




#2 Reparation of Sin


She is in love with me… and I am helpless to it.

The heart pounding and epic conclusion to The Society Trilogy is finally here and I’m still recovering after this wild ride.

There’s nothing more satisfying that watching the anti-hero of a story slowly melting heart. And when it comes to Santiago, he’s been one man that I’ve loved to hate. He’s a man that lived through the ultimate betrayal, knowing nothing but his drive for revenge. His new wife was supposed to be that tool for his bloody revenge, but soon proved to be his ultimate challenge. She’s fought him at every turn, and she never backed down. Ivy was one of my favorite heroines I’ve read. She’s tough yet vulnerable and impossible not to connect with. She falls for Santiago in spite of herself, but that doesn’t make her back down from her fight. If anything, it makes her that much stronger.

The story was a non stop thrill ride of secrets, betrayals and twists. Like the previous two books, I devoured it in one sitting, eagerly turning the pages just waiting for the other shoe to drop. And when it did? Jaw dropping.

This may be my favorite arranged marriage/enemies to lovers stories to date. There was just something so delicious about the long and painful push and pull between these two. They managed to take two steps back each time they took a step forward, and yet I couldn’t stop rooting for them.

I sincerely hope that there’s going to be more books in this world because I’m already salivating for a book for Mercedes and Judge. GAH. I needs it. And Marco. I just can’t seem to let go of this dark and twisty world. The story unraveled before me like a movie reel and hooked me from the very first book. It was quick paced, erotic, and deliciously dark and twisty.

About A. Zavarelli:

A. Zavarelli is a USA Today and Amazon bestselling author of dark and contemporary romance.

When she’s not putting her characters through hell, she can usually be found watching bizarre and twisted documentaries in the name of research.

She currently lives in the Northwest with her lumberjack and an entire brood of fur babies.

Connect w/A. Zavarelli: 

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About Natasha Knight:

Natasha Knight is the USA Today Bestselling author of Romantic Suspense and Dark Romance Novels. She has sold over half a million books and is translated into six languages. She currently lives in The Netherlands with her husband and two daughters and when she’s not writing, she’s walking in the woods listening to a book, sitting in a corner reading or off exploring the world as often as she can get away.

Connect w/Natasha: 

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#DGRFave & Review: Reparation of Sin by Natasha Knight & A Zavarelli

Series: The Society Trilogy #2
Genre: Dark Romance
Author: Natasha Knight & A. Zavarelli
Release Date: April 20,  2021

My husband hates me. But he’s also the only man who can save me.

Taken by a stranger, Santiago is my only hope.

Except that I don’t know if he’s dead or alive.

And for as cruel as he can be, the thought he might be gone is unbearable.

But he has nine lives, my monster.
He’s not finished with me yet.

And soon I’m back at The Manor.
Locked in my room.
At his mercy.

I know I am despised.
I know I have become the face of his vengeance.

But there’s something else too. Something between us. It’s a dark and gnarled thing. And it has its claws around my heart.



Requiem of the Soul #1



Resurrection of the Heart #3– Releasing May 18th


It’s not my right to claim this yet, and it may not be healthy, but she’s mine. I didn’t see that for too long, I didn’t value that the way I should have, but she is God damned mine.

When I tell you that I INHALED this book the second it landed on my kindle…

I’m talking the sort of obsessed that keeps you hidden in a dark bathroom with a locked door so the kids don’t interrupt your reading. I’m talking the sort of obsessed that leaves you with honest to gawd shakes when you’re done because you’re that desperate for your next fix. I CANNOT DEAL RIGHT NOW. THIS TRILOGY.

Do you know the last time I can tell you when I liked book two in the trilogy almost more than book one? Never. It’s pretty much never happened. But where book one was spell binding, this was a dose of electricity straight down my spine. I LOVED IT is what I’m trying to tell you here. LIKE dying for the next book loved.

Now if you follow my reviews, you already know I love mean heroes. If they’re extra tortured and mercurial, even better. And Santiago is the definition of a tortured alphahole. The man is beyond broken and all things damaged. His pain is rooted with the type of betrayal you can’t recover from. So when faced with the betrayal of his own wife? Not even the devil himself can keep his vengeance at bay. There were times in this book where I wanted to throw him off a tall cliff. Honest to god, the man took things way too far and almost to the point of no return when it came to his wife. And yet, I couldn’t help but still root for him. How does that even happen?!

Ivy is the type of heroine by bookish dreams are made of. She’s a fighter with a sharp wit and a spine of steel. She doesn’t back down easily and even though she’s been through hell and back, she doesn’t stop fighting. This book almost brings her to her breaking point, and it was devastating to watch that point be brought by here husband. But man was it unputdownable.

Lies, betrayal, murder, a secret society with archaic rules…this story had it all. It was spine tinglingly delicious and addictive to the point where I binge read it in one sitting. To say that I’m dying for the conclusion is a mild understatement here!

About A. Zavarelli:

A. Zavarelli is a USA Today and Amazon bestselling author of dark and contemporary romance.

When she’s not putting her characters through hell, she can usually be found watching bizarre and twisted documentaries in the name of research.

She currently lives in the Northwest with her lumberjack and an entire brood of fur babies.

Connect w/A. Zavarelli: 

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About Natasha Knight:

Natasha Knight is the USA Today Bestselling author of Romantic Suspense and Dark Romance Novels. She has sold over half a million books and is translated into six languages. She currently lives in The Netherlands with her husband and two daughters and when she’s not writing, she’s walking in the woods listening to a book, sitting in a corner reading or off exploring the world as often as she can get away.

Connect w/Natasha: 

Website: | Facebook | Facebook Group | Twitter  | Instagram | Pinterest |  Goodreads | Bookbub | Amazon |  NL Signup 

#DGRFave & Review:Requiem of the Soul by Natasha Knight & A. Zavarelli

Series: The Society Trilogy #1
Genre: Dark Romance
Author: Natasha Knight & A. Zavarelli
Release Date: March 23,  2021

A Brand New Arranged Marriage Dark Romance Series by A. Zavarelli and Natasha Knight.

I was born with noble blood in my veins.

Heir to a powerful dynasty.

Wealth. Power. Aristocracy.

Temptations too dangerous to resist.

Until someone tried to steal it all.

Scarred and broken, I emerged from the flames.

Now I’ve returned to take what’s mine.


The first item on my agenda?
Make Ivy Moreno my wife.

Bend her until she breaks.


I’m your worst fucking nightmare, wife of mine. It’s about time you realized it.”

Tell me a book completely owned you without telling me a book completely owned you.
When two of your favorite authors come together to write a trilogy, you just know you’re in for something good. But when I tell you that nothing prepared me for this story, I mean NOTHING prepared me for this story. It. Was. EVERYTHING.

She will be mine to do with as I please. Mine to take. Touch. Torment.

I devoured this book in one sitting and was left rocking myself in a corner while nursing the book hangover to beat all book hangovers. GAH. I still just can’t, but I’ll try to get my sh*t together long enough to write this review.

A secret society of secrets, duty and power. A revenge years in the making. An arranged marriage between a ruthless man and the beautiful woman stuck in the crosshairs of his deadly plans. Sound intriguing? IT WAS EVERYTHING!

Santiago and his sister are the last remaining in their family line. He’s spent years waiting for his revenge, and now Ivy will become collateral damage in his plan. I don’t even know how to describe the feelings this story brought out in me. There’s just this aura of darkness with a doze of spine tingling danger that hooked me from the first page and kept me riveted until the last one.

Santiago is the ultimate tortured and brooding hero. Or an anti-hero, if you will. Because the man is the furthest thing from decent. He’s set on his revenge at any cost, and his new bride is the ultimate collateral damage. Her family cost him everything and he will make them pay, starting with her.

Ivy was an incredible heroine. She’s strong, fierce, but also with just the right amount of vulnerability that just makes you connect with her from the second she appears on her page.

This book had everything; incredible chemistry, a dark undercurrent of mystery, a dangerous revenge, and romance brewing in spite of everything being stacked against it. And then that cliffhanger? I honestly don’t even know what to do with myself until the next book. But what I do know, is this is easily one of my favorite books from both of these authors and I DIED for it. DIED FOR IT I TELLS YA!

Review: Distorted by Nyla K

Series: Alabaster Penitentiary #1
Genre: Dark, MM Romance
Author: Nyla K
Release Date: March 18,  2021

This is Alabaster Penitentiary…
Where they send you when the world thinks you’re dead. And trust me, you’ll wish you were.
We’re the stain on society. The freaks, the creeps, your favorite Netflix documentaries come to life.
They lock us up and throw away the key, because we deserve it.
But not me. I’m just a lowly bank robber. I don’t belong here, surrounded by psychopaths and killers with no remorse… At least, I don’t think I do.
Getting by unscathed is my top priority. Unfortunately for me and my fellow prisoners, those in charge are more dangerous than we are.
You see, the guards run the show, and I seem to have caught the attention of the most twisted one.
He has a name, but it might as well be Officer. We move around one another like a sun and a moon, revolving in an axis of confused lust and torment until the truth is distorted, and the thing I once feared becomes that which I crave; my vile addiction, somehow so exquisite.
Reality warps in the dungeon, and I’m left wondering which prison is worse… the one holding my body, or my mind.

**Distorted is the first book in the Alabaster Penitentiary series. It is a full M/M romance, with HEA. Each book in this series is technically a standalone, though they are interconnected, so it will be recommended to read in order, as references to this story will be made in future books.

Distorted is intended for mature audiences and open-minded readers ONLY! If you prefer the same old story, this book won’t be for you. This story is dark, probably darker for some than others, so please proceed with caution, and if you’re easily triggered, steer clear.


If you’re stuck in Hell for eternity, it’d be wise not to poke the Devil.”


What in the ever loving hell did I just read? Why am I only now discovering this author? And how the hell are more of you not reading her?

Because holy hell. HOLY HELL Y’ALL!!!!

First of all, if you like a dark, taboo MM read with an epic mind fuck thrown in, READ THIS BOOK!
Oh my god! Why are you not running to grab this immediately?
I’m about to go violent recommendation on all of your asses here, people! DO IT!

But I digress. First of all, I’m seriously kicking myself for not discovering this author sooner and super grateful to my lovely friend Francis for telling me she’d be right up my alley. And being a huge lover of all things dark and twisted, I couldn’t agree more. This was one of the most epic mind fucks I’ve read in a long while, and I’m already desperate for my next hit in this series. But I digress.

This book. THIS BOOK. A convict falling for a prison guard with plenty of dub con thrown in. GAH. Be still my heart. I can actually feel my ovaries fluttering. But I digress again.

Dash is the furthest thing from normal as you can get. He has his issues and plenty of them and he’s no stranger to criminal activities. But one risky robbery finally lands him in prison, and it’s a hell unlike any other, reserved for the worst of humanity, and he’s convinced it’s a mistake. As days begin to bleed together, the one sanity that he realizes he has, is his personal tormentor who he knows only as Officer.

Now let me tell you guys, this book is dark. Like seriously DARK, okay. There’s triggers for a good reason, so if you’re sensitive to those things, you’ve been warned. It’s definitely not for the faint of heart. It’s twisted. It’s perverse. It’s DELICIOUS. What else it is, is completely unputdownable. It’s 450+ pages of unpredictable story with a romance so delicious, you don’t even see it coming. To say I’m hooked on this series is an understatement. This series is crack and Nyla K just became my favorite dealer.

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