Review: ★Game Changer★ by @m_cutler

Game Changer 
Series: Bomb Squad #3
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: May 19, 2015

The author of Undefeated and Risky Business has another sexy hero for you to meet…

Welcome to Destiny Falls, New York, home of Bomb Squad—an ice hockey team full of rugged military heroes. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity has the team captain packing his bags for greener pastures, but saying good-bye to the woman who’d captured his heart is easier said than done…

After being wounded in combat, Brandon Theroux lives every day like it’s his last. He never could have imagined that the sleek mechanics of his prosthetic leg would open so many doors, including minor celebrity status as a fitness model and a well-earned reputation as a rakish playboy. The only door it hasn’t opened is the one to Harper Johnson’s bedroom.

Harper has too much self-respect to join the ranks of Brandon’s “carpe diem” conquests, but when she needs someone to keep the peace in the tavern she owns, Brandon offers his help—as long as she agrees to a very tempting trade. It isn’t long before the two realize that a deal struck between friends who can’t keep their hands off each other has the potential to be a whole lot hotter than either of them is prepared to handle…

This is going to ruin our friendship.”
The fire in his eyes threatened to incinerate them both where they stood. “Baby, we were never meant to be friends.”

Oh. Oh wow. This book. What a perfectly pleasant surprise this was. Admittedly, my inner cover whore first caught her eye on that cover, because c’mon, have you seen that cover. So of course I was thinking I’m getting another hot hockey player and manwhore and the woman that denies him so he wants her even more. What I got is so SO much more. The depth of these characters, their story, the romance, I think I loved everything about this book.

You should see the way you look right now,” he growled. “The fight in your eyes. The fire. I live to see you like this.”
“Such pretty words,” she sneered, shoving at his chest. “If only they weren’t empty.”
“You have no idea how hard I’ve tried to give you up.”
“Stop saying that as though it means something.”

Brandon Theroux lost his leg to an IAD explosion while deployed in the military, but he didn’t let that stop his life. A successful model and personal trainer by day, a lothario by night, he lives every day like it’s his last. As much as he loves his Bomb Squad team of fellow wounded vets, he knows he’s not meant for the small town of Destiny Falls and finally seizes his chance with the opportunity of a lifetime to move to Miami and appear on Meet the Groom and bring national recognition and inspiration for all wounded vets like himself. He just has some unfinished business first; in the form of the independent and feisty blonde that has been denying every single one of his advances for the last five years.

He didn’t know what the future held for her, or for him. All he knew was that neither of their lives would ever be the same again after this weekend.

Harper Johnson has no interest in being another notch on Brandon’s bedpost. She wants commitment and permanence and she knows that Brandon will never offer what she needs and she has too much pride to give into the lust between them knowing it won’t last past the night. She’s eight years older and he just may be too young to understand the beauty of what she wants. But then one disastrous hook up takes them from two people fighting their chemistry to two people who become each other’s rocks during their most difficult times and best friends.

Someday you’re going to find someone who’ll beg you to put that ball and chain on his leg. A guy who thinks the perfect way to spend the rest of his life is shackled to you inside your brick fortress.”

First of all, can I just say how much I loved the way that the author handled the first hookup between the characters. How often do you read about the hero loosing his erection because he’s so angry and the heroine faking an orgasm because she’s thinking too much. Bad sex? These two had it.

Melissa Cutler then takes a story that could have been ordinary and cliche and made into something so much more. She took a heroine and gave her a true struggle. She made her a survivor. She gave her a weakness to embrace. She made her a fighter, a woman who fights for every day of her life and enjoys it to the fullest. She then took a hero that could have been your typical manwhore, and gave him depth. She took a friendship and infused it with just the right amount of undeniable chemistry that the characters both try to ignore but can’t. She developed an incredible friendship between Brandon and Harper. She gave these characters so much depth and made me fall in love with their story and this book.

He was in love. He, Brandon, the biggest commitment-phone of all time, a self-proclaimed bachelor for all eternity. He didn’t want to settle down. He didn’t want to be shackled to one place and one woman. Except that now, he could think of no better fate than to spend the rest of his life bound to Harper.

Was this filled with gratuitous sex scenes? Nope. But the few that it did have were absolutely scorching and just added to the story. It’s not quick paced or filled with twists and turns. It’s a slow burn that’s paced just right to truly make you fall in love with the characters and the town of Destiny Falls. There was nothing even a little ordinary about either one of these characters and I absolutely loved all the secondary characters.

This was my first book by this author and I can definitely tell you that it won’t be my last. This book is easily read as a standalone (I started with this book and had no problems keeping up with the story), but I’ll definitely be going back and reading the rest of the series now. I hope that Melissa gives us Kayla’s book next because that set up was just too delicious to miss.

If you’re looking for a friends-to-lovers romance that’s different from the norm, a romance to fall in love with, and characters that you won’t soon forget, this is the book you need to be reading. I’m so glad that I did.

Review: ★Asking For It★ by @LilahPace

Asking for It
Author: Lilah Pace
Genre: Erotic, Contemporary
Release Date: June 2, 2015

This is who I am. This is what I want. Now I need a man dangerous enough to give it to me.”

Graduate student Vivienne Charles is afraid of her own desires—ashamed to admit that she fantasizes about being taken by force, by a man who will claim her completely and without mercy. When the magnetic, mysterious Jonah Marks learns her secret, he makes an offer that stuns her: they will remain near-strangers to each other, and meet in secret so that he can fulfill her fantasy.

heir arrangement is twisted. The sex is incredible. And—despite their attempts to stay apart—soon their emotions are bound together as tightly as the rope around Vivienne’s wrists. But the secrets in their pasts threaten to turn their affair even darker…

Reader Advisory: Asking for It deals explicitly with fantasies of non-consensual sex. Readers sensitive to portrayals of non-consensual sex should be advised.

You can have neat, tidy, and safe. You can have tame. Or you can have what you really want. But you can’t have both, Vivienne. And I think we both know which one you’re going to choose.”

Thought provoking, evocative, erotic, and unlike anything I’ve ever read before. I am absolutely blown away by this book. I didn’t know quite what to expect when I began reading it, but I never envisioned something like this. Aside from anything else, this book will make you think. It will take every line your mind never had thought to have crossed and burn them in one erotic blaze. Do not take the warning in this book lightly, because it’s everything that it talks about. This is not a subject matter that will be for everyone. But if you’re unsure whether you want to read it? I say dive in without a backwards glance because it will be one of the most unique books you’d ever have read. That much I can guarantee.

If you’ve read Willing Victim and/or Debt and wondering if this book is anything like that? The answer is a resounding no. The heroine is not bored with her sex life and looking to spice things up with one night of something rougher; she craves the darker fantasy with every fiber of her being. The heroine is also not one that’s introduced to the rougher edge by the hero; they both equally crave it. And most importantly, at the core of this story it’s not quite a romance….yet. It’s definitely erotic with a slow building undercurrent of romance that floats right under the surface but never quite breaches it. I’m assuming the romance aspect we’ll get in Begging for It.

This is who I am. This is what I want. Now I need a man dangerous enough to give it to me.

Vivienne Charles is twenty-five year old graduate student at the UT Austin School of Art and a teaching assistant. She’s also an artist that creates unique drawings. She’s a regular woman, with regular friends, and regular boyfriends. But beneath all that is a woman that craves something darker. Something that she equal parts needs and brings her shame. Unable to orgasm with any of her previous boyfriends unless she fantasizes about being taken forcefully, bent to someone else’s will and completely owned, Vivienne recognizes that what she needs during sex is anything but conventional. In therapy for many years because she understands the root of her desire, she’s attempting to deal with it. But that doesn’t mean that she can turn it off that easily. She just never thought she’d meet a man that could deliver them…

When she gets a flat tire driving home late one evening, a stranger that pulls over on the side of the road is able to induce the kind of reaction from her that her boyfriends never could with just his stare. Equally terrified of him and drawn to him, she never expects to see him again after he drives off once he’s helped her. Little does she know that she’ll soon not only meet him but find that he’s been closer to her than she’s ever known.

At a friend’s party, Vivienne comes face to face with Jonah Marks; the same man that she’s been fantasizing being taken forcefully by on the side of that road. Jonah is a research professor of Volcanology at the same university Vivienne attends. He’s also quiet, mysterious and still manages to evoke the same reaction from her if not even stronger one. When Jonah overhears her ex-boyfriend disclose her most private sexual desires, the last thing that she expects is for him to make her an offer that she’s both been fantasizing about and terrified of.

What soon begins is the acting out of a mutual and consensual fantasy. A fantasy that they both crave but for very different reasons.

I dream about tearing that dress off your body. When I close my eyes I see you the way you were afterward. Wrecked. And what I want more than anything else is to wreck you all over again.

The author doesn’t dance around the provocative subject of rape fantasies. She throws you right into the deep end and she does it flawlessly. The story is told only in Vivienne’s POV while Jonah remains the enigmatic mystery that he is for most of the book. The only pieces you get of him is what Vivienne does, so you get to experience everything along with her. It truly allows the reader to get inside the heroine’s head and get the full effect. You get this sense of ‘it sounds like it should be wrong but it’s oh so hot at the same time’. Knowing as little as you do about Jonah really makes that line between fear and arousal all that much bolder.

He’s brought me back to the line between fear and arousal. And Jonah’s going to hold me there as long as he wants.

This is very much a slow burn. It’s erotic, that’s for damn sure. There’s also the potential for romance that sizzles right under the surface but it never comes out. I appreciate that the author did that because it really allows the reader to get to know the characters and truly get what makes them tick. Adding any clear element of romance into this book would have ruined the effect. It wouldn’t have fit.

He’s making this last longer, because he wants to revel in his power over me. Jonah wants to show me how helpless I am. Whatever he gives me, I have to take.

I loved Lilah Pace’s writing style. That’s what truly made this book as provocative as it was. Although everything that goes on is very much consensual, she’s also able to weave in that little bit of an edge. You feel the struggle that Vivienne has with craving what she does and her shame of it. You also get to feel her question whether or not she should fear it. It was brilliantly handled.

I loved the depth that both of these characters had. Though they have one thing in common, their reasons for it are very different. I never expected this book to be quite as deep as it was. (no pun intended). It’s not thoughtless smut and acting out a dark and kinky fantasy. It’s so so much more.

Each of us assumed the other was simply indulging a kinky fetish, when in fact we were shepherding each other through our nightmares.

You know how sometimes you read a book and you really don’t see how it couldn’t just be one longer one? Or that the cliffhanger that was thrown in was done for pure shock value alone? This book is neither of those things. If ever there was a story that needed to be told in two parts, this is it. I can appreciate that the reader needs that clear division of getting to know the characters and then getting their love story. It’s what made this book was it was. And while it does end in a place where you know book two will follow, it wasn’t a shocking cliffhanger either; more of a to be continued. I appreciated that as well. The author could have gone there had she wanted to, but she stayed true to the story and didn’t. I can definitely tell you that Lilah Pace now has a huge fan in me and she’s going straight to my auto-buy list. I’m eagerly anticipating the conclusion to this story and can’t wait to see how it all resolves.

Review: ★Destroyed★ by Cari Quinn & Taryn Elliot

Authors:  Cari Quinn & Taryn Elliott 
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: May 12, 2015

Only one woman has ever refused him…and she’s the only one he wants.

Now that he’s successful beyond his wildest dreams with his band Oblivion, Simon Kagan is happy to enjoy his all-access pass to the groupie train. After getting more fists in the ribs than hugs growing up, he discovers having a warm female in his bed is an easy way to escape the loneliness.

Until Margo.

From the moment the classy, buttoned up violinist entered his sphere, he knew she was different. After one amazing night in the studio, he feels like he’s finally connected with someone on a deeper level—only to have her walk away without a backward glance.

As a member of the Boston Symphony orchestra, Margo Reece’s life revolves around the regimented structure of a second chair violinist. But Simon’s uncanny ability to crawl into a song and create a smoky, sin-filled experience translated into the hottest night of her life. She walked away afterward because that’s what she was supposed to do.

And Margo always does what she’s supposed to.

Until Simon.

When she’s called on again to blend her sound with Oblivion’s, she has to make the decision to play it safe or let her wild side free. Especially when her first meeting with Simon shows that sometimes rigidly contained passions create the most dangerous sparks…

Playing with fire,” he said into her ear.
She turned her face so her lips brushed his ear. “Which one of us is the flame?”

I have been looking forward to Simon’s book since first meeting him in Seduced. It’s no secret that I love me the manwhores, and when you make said manwhore the cocky lead singer of a rock band? Well, I’m putty in your hands is what I am. Speaking of Seduced, I HIGHLY recommend that you read that before this book. It will give you an extra insight into Simon and Margo’s relationship (how they met and how it all began). Though the authors give you the backstory here, I feel that it will really help connect you with the couple a lot better (especially the way this story is written, and I’ll get to that in a bit). Also, I’ll highly recommend reading this series in order. Each character gets their own book, but the story arc continues to roll out throughout the series and you’ll definitely enjoy it much more reading it in order.

Simon and Margo are as opposite as they get. Simon is the lead singer of Oblivion and man slut extraordinaire. his vices are alcohol and women and the band’s groupies never leave him hurting for what he wants. But the one woman that he only share one scorching stolen moment with is the one that continues to haunt his every thought.

Margo has recently lost her spot in the Symphony orchestra, the classy and buttoned up violinist gets the chance of a lifetime to play on Oblivion’s new record. Unfortunately that also brings her back face to face with the one man that tempts her good girl ways to go very very bad.

I hate to admit that I struggled through a few parts of this book. Margo and Simon together had me wanting to rip my hair out with their constant back and forth with each other. They both want each other beyond the sex, but they’re each too stubborn to admit to it. Simon’s treatment of her is almost callous at times. And Margo’s ability to just move right past it and continue the sexual relationship between them without calling Simon on all his bullshit frustrated me even more.

It wasn’t a relationship. It was more like frenetic sex in any and all available places.

I’d say that this quote describes the majority of this book perfectly. There really wasn’t much in the form of romance between these two. There was rough sex, public sex, dirty sex…but that was essentially all that it was; sex. I wanted that connection. I needed it to truly get invested in this couple. The previous books in this series definitely gave that to me and I loved the angst of it all. But for some reason, I struggled here. I wanted to love them, but there was always something missing for me. Thought admittedly, the sex was really REALLY hot!

I would have loved more about Simon’s backstory. You get a few bits and peaces about his rough childhood, but I was also left wanting. I needed something…more. Same thing with Margo. The primary focus of the book leaned toward their sexual connection and the unfolding story of the band, while the romance was more on the back burner.

Now don’t get me wrong, I love this series, but I suppose I wasn’t prepared for how this story will unfold. The last 10%, however, managed to accomplish what the rest of the story didn’t. It finally gave me that connection with Simon and Margo. But then Cari and Taryn hit me with that cliffhanger! Sweet mother of torture! Why oh why must you make it hurt like that? Even though the previous book in this series was told in 2 parts, I wasn’t expecting the same thing here (since book 1 was a standalone). On the one hand I’m frustrated and left wanting more. On the other hand I’m happy because I know that the second part of their story will bring me everything that was missing here. The set up is definitely delicious enough. I was really hoping to be getting Nick’s book next, but I’m not complaining at all about getting more of Simon.

If you’re a fan of this series, this is different than the previous 2 books (at least it was for me). Deacon and Harper’s story was a bit simpler, so I can see how they fit into one book. Gray and Simon are definitely more complex characters and I can understand why the authors want to tell their stories in 2 parts. I just wish that Simon and Margo had a little more of an emotional connection here. But I’m definitely looking forward to see what the next book brings for them.


-this is the series introduction I highly recommend you check out before starting the series. You get a background on each of the characters and really get what sets their stories in motion.
Deacon and Harper’s book (Currently FREE on Amazon!)
Deacon and Harper’s novella
Gray and Jazz (part 1)
Gray and Jazz (part 2)

Review: ★Flirting With Scandal★ by @ChanelCleeton

Flirting with Scandal (Capital Confessions #1)
Author: Chanel Cleeton
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: May 19, 2015

The author of I See London sets her sights on Washington, D. C., with a sexy new series about three sisters, the secrets they keep, and a powerful blog with a knack for exposing scandals…

Jackie Gardner knows all about dirty little secrets. The illegitimate daughter of one of the most influential senators in Washington, D.C., she grew up surrounded by the scandals and shadows of politics. Now that she’s landed an internship with a powerful political consulting firm, she’s determined to launch her career and take this city by storm.

William Andrew Clayton was born for politics. He knows the drill: work hard, play discreetly, and at all costs, avoid scandal. At twenty-six, his campaign for the Virginia State Senate is the first step to cementing his future. It’s time for him to settle down, to find the perfect political spouse. He needs a Jackie Kennedy, not a Marilyn…

When Jackie meets Will in the bar of the Hay-Adams Hotel, sparks fly. But the last thing Will needs is to be caught in a compromising position, and an affair with a political candidate could cost Jackie her career. When what began as one steamy night, becomes a passion neither one of them can walk way from, they must decide if what they have is really love, or just another dirty little secret…

We’d created something wild here, something dark and dangerous that wound its way through me, tempting me to break every rule I’d ever set for myself.

I’ll admit, I’m not a fan of politics and I’m especially not a fan of having it in my books. So when I got the chance to read this book, I was skeptical whether I’d like it. But that blurb was just too tempting to pass up so I jumped in…and I’m so glad. What an incredibly pleasant surprise this book turned out to be. I can honestly tell you that I’m completely hooked on this series now and anxiously anticipate the next one. I loved pretty much everything about Flirting With Scandal; the story, the romance, the characters, the steam. It was fantastic!

He looked at me like he was trying to make out all my secrets, and for a girl like me that was a dangerous game to play.

Jackie Gardner has quite a few skeletons in her closet, her biggest being the illegitimate daughter of one of DC’s influential senators. Her mother? Nothing more than a mistress to the rich political powerhouses that she seems to flop from one to the other. The last thing Jackie wants to be is like her mother. She has goals, and dreams, and she wants to get there on her own terms. Her political career has only just begun with an internship at one of the biggest political consulting firms. She can’t afford for her secrets to come out and she certainly can’t risk the temptation in the form of an immaculate suit and an arresting face…

When they meet at a bar, sparks fly. But what Jackie doesn’t know is that the handsome Will is indeed a William, William Andrew Clayton to be exact and also in the running for Virginia State Senate. He’s everything that she should steer clear off. Too bad her consulting internship puts her to work on his campaign and to meet the attraction between them head on.

We were quickly going into unchartered territory. There was something about this girl. She’d gotten under my skin so quickly in a way no one ever had before. I was still trying to make sense of it, trying to understand why everything inside me screamed, THIS ONE…

Will had to have been one of my favorite parts of this book. Can I tell you how absolutely refreshing it is to get a nice guy, but one that still maintains that sexual edge to him. The man was absolute perfection. He gave me a major case of the swoons.

If a woman’s in my bed, it’s because I want her there. I’m not a child who gets bored with his toys after five minutes. If the guys you’ve been with treat you like that, then you’ve been screwing round with boys. Would’t you rather fuck a man?

Jackie was a great heroine as well and the perfect match for Will. She takes charge of her life and goes for it. She doesn’t allow anyone to walk over her. She’s smart, sharp witted, but of course harbors her insecurities due to her history. She certainly doesn’t make things easy for Will. But Will is also a man with a mission and he refuses to take no for an answer. he fights for her. He doesn’t allow for stupid miscommunications to come between them. He becomes the voice of reason and forces her to talk everything out. There was no stupid drama, no angst, no miscommunications. But beyond that it was also incredibly sexy.

Scandal, sex, and politics all come together into one scorching and entertaining read that readers would love from start to finish. I loved it. If you’re looking for a light and sexy read with no stupid drama, characters that you’ll fall in love with and root for till the end, then you’ve definitely found your next book. Read it. Love it. Thank me later 😉

I want you to be scared. I want things to be messy, and complicated, and difficult. I want you to feel, and I want you to know I’m the one making you feel, that I’m the one making it mean something.

Review: ★A Beautiful Kind of Love★ by Ellie Wade

A Beautiful Kind of Love (Choices #1)
Author: Ellie Wade
Genre: Contemporary, New Adult Romance
Release Date: April 11, 2015

Every choice has a consequence.

I believe in soul mates. Why? Because I have one and his name is Jax Porter.

I have known Jax my whole life and I have loved him with every breath I’ve ever taken. The fact that we were born a mere month apart to mothers that are best friends has made us inseparable since birth.

What we have is so rare, one would think our story would be written, our fate sealed. But, unfortunately that’s not how life works. Life offers us many choices that can turn destiny into chance.

I now find myself heading toward a destination that I could have never imagined and I have to figure out where to go from here.
Will the choices that have been made change our path forever or will fate find its way?

Being the absolute angst whore that I am and after seeing many friends rave about this book and how emotional and angsty it was and seeing it all over my Goodreads feed, reading it was a no brainer for me. I was practically salivating after the synopsis alone.

Now that I finished?

And not for the reasons that you’d think. In all honesty, I found absolutely nothing angsty about this book. Nothing. Even when there was an “angsty” situation, there was just not enough backstory or development given with it to make me even slightly care about the character or their plight. None.

It started out great. There’s only one thing that I love more than a friends to lovers romance, and that’s a second chance romance. Unfortunately, I never clicked with either characters or their romance.

So what exactly didn’t work for me? Almost everything….

The writing
The lack of contractions in this book drove me up the wall crazy. I’m talking eye-twitching, hand itching to reach through my kindle and add an apostrophe myself sort of crazy. It got to the point that every time I saw it, I began to channel my inner Austin Powers.

I do not know of any teenagers that talk this way. It is highly annoying. I do not like it.

Weird timeline
The book starts off with both Jax and Lily at age twelve, but it doesn’t give a year. It refers to The Bodyguard as being one of Lily’s mom’s old movies. How old was her mom when she had her? Twelve? It was made in 1992. If this is based a number of years ago (considering at the end of the book Jax and Lily are 21 going on 22), then by method of deduction it would be 2005 when they’re 12 and a 1992 movie would NOT be old. Then when they’re 17, kindles and iPods are referenced. Then Katy Perry just a little later. It just didn’t add up. Perhaps if the author dated the time frames and put a year with the chapters it would have helped.

Considering that these two are supposed to be best friends, they had so much miscommunication between them it was like they were playing a game of broken telephone. The amount of stupid decisions that were made that could have easily been avoided with a question or simple talk was ridiculous. Yes, I get that they’re teenagers but c’mon. They’re supposed to be BFFs. And it’s like they spent the entire book misreading this or assuming that…

Here’s an MC I’m supposed to be swooning over and falling for. Yet the only thing I felt for him was….rage. Pure frustrated rage.

There’s a decision that Jax makes that is the catalyst for all the fuckery that takes place in this book. But here’s the thing…I didn’t get it. Why? How? And most importantly, WHY? There was a reason given, but it was weak. Oh so weak. It was almost like it was thrown in there as a ‘by the way’ sort of thing, just to explain it. Or try to explain it anyway. But it didn’t explain it. At all. If anything, it just frustrated me more. Perhaps if there was more background, more backstory and more development with it, I could have understood. But as it was, I found the reason to be stupid. So stupid it actually made me dislike him as a character.

Secondary characters
You know what I love in my books? Unpredictability. Nothing better than a good plot twist. I found the set up with the secondary characters so predictable, it was eye roll inducing. I knew from the very second that a particular secondary character was introduced, what would happen. And I was right. I don’t think it could have been made any more obvious. Perhaps that was the point? But as it was…

I’m a picky bitch when it comes to my heroines, it’s true. But could Lily have been more of a wet blanket? Gawd. I really felt for her at first, but then her constant back and forth and forgiving of Jax’s douchebaggary made me completely lose respect for her. And then that ending? Are you freaking kidding me?!!! No really. Are you FREAKING kidding me? OMG!

I had to take a day to sleep on my thoughts after finishing this book because had I posted a review immediately after, it probably would have been a 2 page rant. I hate leaving bad reviews, especially when I seem to be one of the VERY few that doesn’t connect with the story, but I couldn’t think of one thing I liked about this book. Not one. And that seriously hurts my heart because I had such high hopes for it. Will I read the second book? Probably not. I just don’t care enough for the characters to want to know where the journey takes them. Unless I’m hit by some masochistic curious urge, I doubt I’ll continue.

I realize I’m in the extreme minority with my thoughts, but before you throw stones and rotten tomatoes, just remember

So don’t let my asshole opinion deter you from reading it. Try it yourself and see. Who knows? You just may love it.

Guest Post, Review & #Giveaway: ★Falling For His Best Friend★ by @katee_robert

Meet Avery & Drew in Katee Robert’s newest sexy standalone from Entangled Brazen!
Barnes & Noble:

He’s going above and beyond the call of duty…

Avery Yeung’s biological clock just went off early. Thanks to her family’s medical history, she’s running out of time to get knocked up. And the only guy within donating distance? Her overprotective-and irritatingly hot-best friend. So clearly she needs an anonymous donor…

Anonymous donor? Over Sheriff Drew Flannery’s dead body. While daddyhood will never be in the cards for a man with his past, Drew won’t let Avery shop for a “popsicle pop.” He’ll do what’s right for his best friend by doing his best friend. But only if they do it properly.

But there’s nothing “proper” about it. Between the bed, the kitchen counter, and against his squad car, Avery and Drew are having the hottest sex ever. They can’t get enough of it-or each other. And without knowing it, they’ve crossed the one line that could ruin their friendship forever…

I asked Katee how she keeps coming up with new and sexier sex scenes for her characters and where does she draw her inspiration. (because inquiring pervy minds gots to know!) And here’s what she had to say

Bring on the Sexy Good Times!

I’ve always preferred to read romances where I get all the delicious details, rather than a fade-to-black or sweeter romance. So, when it came time for me to be the one writing romance, the only route that felt natural to take was the one that let the reader see everything going on in the bedroom (or closet or living room…but I digress). The only problem? There’s a whole lot that goes into sex scenes to make them feel effortless and not awkward.

Yeah, I was way in over my head. Writing sex scenes are DIFFICULT. No duh, right? I should have seen that from a mile away.

The thing is, it got easier with each book I wrote, until the sex scenes are now one of my favorite parts of any given book. See, in addition to making me blush (every single time!) and occasionally making me take a lap around the living room to cool off, a good sex scene gives the reader a very intimate view of a character’s fears and desires.

How a hero or heroine chooses to make themselves vulnerable—or not— in the bedroom is telling when it comes down to it. Each pairing presents its own challenges. For example, with FALLING FOR HIS BEST FRIEND, Drew is the dominant partner almost exclusively—he drives the sex scenes. They’re both busy fighting their feelings for each other, but they do it in different ways. Avery lets herself get lost in the moment, and Drew tries to control every little thing.

With each book, there are challenges and with each book there’s the underlying desire to keep the heat level in roughly the same place. I like my sex scenes hot! Which is great in theory, but there’s always the fear in the back of my mind that I’ll write a scene, send it in, and have my editor respond with, “Katee, you wrote this exact same scene in a totally different book!” Or “Katee, every single book in this series has the characters getting busy in the backseat!”

The double ups don’t actually happen that often, though. Each couple brings different desires to the table, so writing to cater to those desires ends up creating a natural variety of sexy good times naturally. Which is a relief, let me tell you!

What about you? How do you feel about sex scenes in romance books?

Holy shit. Whatever he’d expected when he’d agreed to this thing, it wasn’t THIS. He’d just had sexy with Avery. His best friend and partner in crime, the one person in this world who knew all his secrets.
And worst of all, he wanted to do it again.

Ever since Drew and Avery were first introduced in In Bed with Mr. Wrong I just knew they’d be one of my favorites in the series. And you know what? I wasn’t even a little bit wrong. I love a good friends to lovers romance, and this one delivered it in spades.

Avery, shut up and listen to me. If we’re going to do this- and we are- we’re going to do this RIGHT.”
And then he kissed her.

Avery and Drew have been best friends for twenty years. There’s nothing that they haven’t experienced together, especially being the fun loving troublemakers that they are. But there’s one thing that always stayed hands off, especially for Drew, and that’s anything even remotely romantic or sexual. Drew attempted to kiss her once and was turned down flat. He doesn’t want to ruin their friendship, so even though his attraction for Avery hasn’t lessened any through the years, he won’t act on it. Until he has no choice but not to…

Avery has always known Drew for the player that he is. His hit it then quit it ways date back all the way to high school. He’s also been the one solid presence in her life that has been there for her through everything. Especially that terrible day that she got the test results back saying that she has the same genetic markers for cancer that killed her mother. Now her biological clock is ticking and it has a very quick expiration date with her health risk looming over her. Avery is desperate to have the one thing she longs for; a child of her own. After watching her sister that had the same genetic markers go through an emergency hysterectomy, she knows she doesn’t have time to waste. And with no potential men in the plan for her, since Drew seems to scare all of them off with the guise that they’re not good enough, she gets desperate. And what’s a girl to do? Go to a sperm bank, of course.

When the idea of Avery getting pregnant by any man that’s not him hits Drew over the head like a two-by-four, he knows what HE has to do. Why go to the sperm bank when he can get the job done right…the old fashioned way.

Avery may not be too keen on the idea at first, but it’s not long before all that pent up sexual chemistry from the years crackles and sizzles out of control. Let’s just say there’s a certain scene that involves Drew’s sheriff’s uniform, handcuffs, and the side of a road. Holy melting panties!

Avery may know what she wants, but Drew struggles with it. The last thing he wants is to give his heart to a woman only to waste away like his drunk of a father when he looses her. Watching him fall harder and harder for Avery was all the more satisfying to watch because of this. Sure he screws up, but he more than makes up for it.

The irony was that while he’d been trying to ruin her for any other man, she’d gone and done the same for him and any future woman he might meet.

I really loved this latest installment in the series. It’s everything that I love in contemporary romance. It was light, sweet, with the perfect amount of sexy and fantastic characters. If you loved the previous books in this series, you’re definitely going to love this one. And if you haven’t yet read those, then you can easily read this one as a standalone. The operative word here being READ it.

New York Times & USA TODAY Bestselling Author

Katee Robert learned to tell stories at her grandpa’s knee. Her favorites then were the rather epic adventures of The Three Bears, but at age twelve she discovered romance novels and never looked back.

Though she dabbled in writing, life got in the way—as it often does—and she spent a few years traveling, living in both Philadelphia and Germany. In between traveling and raising her two wee ones, she had the crazy idea that she’d like to write a book and try to get published.

Her first novel was an epic fantasy that, God willing, will never see the light of day. From there, she dabbled in YA and horror, before finally finding speculative romance. Because, really, who wouldn’t want to write entire books about the smoking-hot relationships between two people?

She now spends her time—when not lost in Far Reach worlds—playing imaginary games with her wee ones, writing, ogling men, and planning for the inevitable zombie apocalypse.

Stalk Her: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram | Goodreads

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Blog Tour, Review & #Giveaway: ★Yours Forever★ by Joya Ryan

Yours Forever (Reign #3)
Author: Joya Ryan
Genre: Erotic, Contemporary Romance
Release Date: May 7, 2015

For fans of J Lynn, Jodi Ellen Malpas and Sylvia Day comes the final book in the Reign trilogy. This is an all-consuming, raw and powerful love story that seduces, surprises and stays with you.
Playing at forever is a dangerous game…

Torn between two men and surrounded by secrets, Lana is forced to make an agonising choice. But what – and who – does she really want?

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4 stars
Hot, raw, angry lust surrounded the three of us. Surrounded them. And I had no idea what to do. How to feel. Other than higher than any drug could ever take me. But, like any drug, there would be a crash. And this time it would be hard.

So here’s the thing; I do not do love triangles. At all. Like ever. The mere mention of them has me twitching. It’s impossible for me to enjoy them because somebody always gets hurt and almost always it’s the person I was rooting for. And if I happen to be rooting for both people? FAHGETABOUTIT

So I don’t read them…until this book. See, Joya Ryan sucked me in with her gripping story telling and her enigmatic characters. Each book in this trilogy I found myself completely unable to put down. The story captivated me from the very first paragraph and the ride took me places I never imagined it going but I enjoyed every second of it.

Note: if you haven’t read the first 2 books, my review WILL contain minor spoilers (though not much more than you can find in the synopsis). It will be completely spoiler free for this book though.
Two men, one woman, and one choice that is sure to leave devastation in it’s wake. Lana Case didn’t expect to completely lose her heart to Jack Powell, but she fell completely under his dark spell. He snuck into her heart unexpectedly and then shattered it into a million pieces when he left.
He was the cure to the poison that had been a part of me for so long. Only now, Jack was a special kind of drug, one that held its own side effects.
Left alone with a broken heart, Lana was left vulnerable to deal with her sadistic step-brother and his mother and further devastated by her father’s disregard. But the Jack’s best friend Cal came along and helped her heal. He didn’t help her move on, because Jack would always be in her heart, but he helped her move…toward him.
But his ultimate betrayal in the form of a heartbreaking lie completely broke Lana. So she ran. She ran away from Cal, from Jack, and her feelings for them both. But when her life is threatened, both men refuse to relent. They want to protect her from the danger, yes, but they also want her.
I couldn’t tell him I was done with him, because honestly, maybe I never would be. I loved the prick. Loved him so much I hated him for it. But I loved Cal. So much it tore every time I took a breath.
I devoured this book. Even though it left me a nervous ball of anxiety. I equal parts dreaded Lana’s ultimate choice and needed to know what it was. Joya Ryan did such an incredible job making the reader fall unequivocally for both men. It was such an evenly tipped scale, it was impossible to choose.
When you’re just as unable to chose which man you want just as much as the heroine, you know you’re heading for one hell of an ending. Especially when both men pull no punches in their determination to win her for themselves.
You broke me, Jack,” I said with anger-laced sadness.


“And I fucking hate myself for that! You’re the one in control. Always have been. And you’re holding my God damn soul in your fist, Lana. So just this once, stop squeezing.
In the midst of this erotic and emotional love triangle is the mystery of the danger against Lana and who’s threatening her life. All that added up makes for one unputdownable read.

As for the ending? Well, I can’t tell you much about it but I will tell you this: I wish all love triangles I read ended this way. Was I satisfied with it? Fuck. Yes. A fantastic conclusion to an amazing trilogy.
About the Author

brit author 0041  (1)National and international bestselling author Joya Ryan is the author of the Shattered Series (Break Me Slowly, Possess Me Slowly and Capture Me Slowly), the Sweet Torment Series (Breathe You In, Only You), and The Chasing Love Series (Chasing Trouble, Chasing Temptation, Chasing Desire).

Passionate about both cooking and dancing (despite not being too skilled at the latter), she loves spending time at home color coding things. She resides in California with her husband and her two sons. Visit Joya Ryan online




Blog Tour, Review & #Giveaway: ★Yours Forever★ by @JoyaRyanAuthor

Yours Forever (Reign #3)
Author: Joya Ryan
Genre: Erotic, Contemporary Romance
Release Date: May 7, 2015

For fans of J Lynn, Jodi Ellen Malpas and Sylvia Day comes the final book in the Reign trilogy. This is an all-consuming, raw and powerful love story that seduces, surprises and stays with you.
Playing at forever is a dangerous game…

Torn between two men and surrounded by secrets, Lana is forced to make an agonising choice. But what – and who – does she really want?


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4 Stars

Hot, raw, angry lust surrounded the three of us. Surrounded them. And I had no idea what to do. How to feel. Other than higher than any drug could ever take me. But, like any drug, there would be a crash. And this time it would be hard.

So here’s the thing; I do not do love triangles. At all. Like ever. The mere mention of them has me twitching. It’s impossible for me to enjoy them because somebody always gets hurt and almost always it’s the person I was rooting for. And if I happen to be rooting for both people? FAHGETABOUTIT

So I don’t read them…until this book. See, Joya Ryan sucked me in with her gripping story telling and her enigmatic characters. Each book in this trilogy I found myself completely unable to put down. The story captivated me from the very first paragraph and the ride took me places I never imagined it going but I enjoyed every second of it.

Note: if you haven’t read the first 2 books, my review WILL contain minor spoilers (though not much more than you can find in the synopsis). It will be completely spoiler free for this book though.
Two men, one woman, and one choice that is sure to leave devastation in it’s wake. Lana Case didn’t expect to completely lose her heart to Jack Powell, but she fell completely under his dark spell. He snuck into her heart unexpectedly and then shattered it into a million pieces when he left.
He was the cure to the poison that had been a part of me for so long. Only now, Jack was a special kind of drug, one that held its own side effects.
Left alone with a broken heart, Lana was left vulnerable to deal with her sadistic step-brother and his mother and further devastated by her father’s disregard. But the Jack’s best friend Cal came along and helped her heal. He didn’t help her move on, because Jack would always be in her heart, but he helped her move…toward him.
But his ultimate betrayal in the form of a heartbreaking lie completely broke Lana. So she ran. She ran away from Cal, from Jack, and her feelings for them both. But when her life is threatened, both men refuse to relent. They want to protect her from the danger, yes, but they also want her.
I couldn’t tell him I was done with him, because honestly, maybe I never would be. I loved the prick. Loved him so much I hated him for it. But I loved Cal. So much it tore every time I took a breath.
I devoured this book. Even though it left me a nervous ball of anxiety. I equal parts dreaded Lana’s ultimate choice and needed to know what it was. Joya Ryan did such an incredible job making the reader fall unequivocally for both men. It was such an evenly tipped scale, it was impossible to choose.
When you’re just as unable to chose which man you want just as much as the heroine, you know you’re heading for one hell of an ending. Especially when both men pull no punches in their determination to win her for themselves.
You broke me, Jack,” I said with anger-laced sadness.


“And I fucking hate myself for that! You’re the one in control. Always have been. And you’re holding my God damn soul in your fist, Lana. So just this once, stop squeezing.
In the midst of this erotic and emotional love triangle is the mystery of the danger against Lana and who’s threatening her life. All that added up makes for one unputdownable read.

As for the ending? Well, I can’t tell you much about it but I will tell you this: I wish all love triangles I read ended this way. Was I satisfied with it? Fuck. Yes. A fantastic conclusion to an amazing trilogy.

brit author 0041  (1)National and international bestselling author Joya Ryan is the author of the Shattered Series (Break Me Slowly, Possess Me Slowly and Capture Me Slowly), the Sweet Torment Series (Breathe You In, Only You), and The Chasing Love Series (Chasing Trouble, Chasing Temptation, Chasing Desire).

Passionate about both cooking and dancing (despite not being too skilled at the latter), she loves spending time at home color coding things. She resides in California with her husband and her two sons. Visit Joya Ryan online

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Review: ★Bulletproof Weeks★ by Taryn Elliot

Bulletproof Weeks (When You’re Gone #2)
Author: Taryn Elliott
Genre: Erotic, Contemporary Romance (trilogy)
Release Date: Jan 13, 2015
Being a famous rock star for almost two decades means putting his life on display. But for the last two years Logan King has dealt with the uglier side of fame. When his stalker escalates to issuing veiled threats against the first woman he’s allowed in his life, Logan locks down and shuts Izzy out. His stalker isn’t just anyone—she’s as famous as he is with a financial reach that makes her infinitely more treacherous.Falling for Logan King wasn’t part of Isabella Grace’s plans and their spectacular public breakup didn’t make it easy to move on. Whispers and pitying looks from people in her small town send her fleeing from the first place that finally feels like home. Her solace becomes her travel for work, but the niggling sense that someone is watching her follows her from city to city. When she begins to unravel the secrets that surround the man she still loves, she discovers her personal security detail and demands answers. And they all point to Logan.

Letting him back into her life comes with many more challenges–and rewards–than she could’ve ever dreamed. But loving a man like Logan comes at a dangerous cost. One that has a lasting effect that could echo into all their tomorrows.

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3.5 stars

It didn’t seem fair that a week could do that much damage to her. That his touch had become a phantom tattoo with all the permanence that entailed.

Can you lose your heart to someone after spending just one week with them? One incredibly passionate, unforgettable week is all it took for Isabella to fall head over heels for the broody rockstar, Logan. What is it about Logan that made her fall as hard as she did?

That may have been it. But really it was his all encompassing presence that completely drew her in. But then he shattered her heart when he left her. But what Izzy doesn’t know, is it broke Logan even more to do it. In order to protect her from his deranged stalker that fancies herself in love with him, he had to sever all ties with her. That doesn’t mean he’s let her go…not in his heart and definitely not from his mind.

It’s been six months since that whirlwind week they spent together. Izzy is getting more and more successful business and tries to loose herself in the constant travel. When she notices someone watching her and figures out that Logan hasn’t stopped thinking of her either, she’s determined not to let him run anymore. Especially when she figures out the depth of his feelings.

He lived for the pain and the pleasure. And in the dark, where there was nothing but a tiny line of firelight in his room, he loved her with all that he had and finally felt alive.

As she slowly begins to unravel his secrets and Logan begins to open up to her more and more, the imminent danger draws near until it finally hits with a strike so devastating, you’ll never see it coming. All I know is thank gawd that i have book 3 already because if I had to wait for it after that cliffhanger, I’m pretty sure I may have cut a bitch. True story.

Bulletproof Weeks was just as sexy as book one, but for me it also fell into that middle-book-of-a-trilogy-itis syndrome. What I mean is, there were certain parts of it that felts stretched out and slow going for me. I tend to prefer my stories with just a little more meat, which is why for some reason this happens to me with pretty much any middle book of a trilogy that I read. But that just may be my book ADD kicking in too.

While I want to say that it could have been done in 2 books, I can also see why their story needed this one. It was like the calm before the storm. It gave the reader a little more depth into both characters and to truly get invested in their romance. It may have been slow paced and stretched out at times, but let me tell you, that cliffhanger will leave you begging for the next book. Guaranteed.



Blog Tour, Review & #Giveaway: ★Silver Bastard★ by @joannawylde

Silver Bastard (Silver Valley #1)
Author: Joanna Wylde
Release Date: April 7, 2015

First in the new Silver Valley series from the New York Times bestselling author of the Reapers Motorcycle Club Novels.Fourteen months. For fourteen months, Puck Redhouse sat in a cell and kept his mouth shut, protecting the Silver Bastards MC from their enemies. Then he was free and it was time for his reward–full membership in the club, along with a party to celebrate. That’s when he saw Becca Jones for the first time and set everything in motion. Before the night ended he’d violated his parole and stolen her away from everything she knew.

Five years. It was five years ago that Puck destroyed Becca and saved her all in one night. She’s been terrified of him ever since, but she’s even more terrified of the monsters he still protects her from… But Becca refuses to let fear control her. She’s living her life and moving forward, until she gets a phone call from the past she can’t ignore. She has to go back, and there’s only one man she can trust to go with her–the ex-con biker who rescued her once before.Puck will help her again, but this time it’ll be on his terms. No more lies, no more tears, and no more holding back what he really wants…

ExcerptIgnoring him, I settled back on my stool and surveyed the room. We sat in Becca’s section, and what I saw wasn’t making me happy. I knew she was a good waitress, but she’d just started here and it showed. Not only had she fucked up several orders, she didn’t quite seem to get the rhythm of the bar. That wasn’t my problem, though.

My problem was that despite these fuckups, nobody seemed to mind. I had a nasty suspicion this was due to her perky tits, friendly smile, and tight little ass that seriously just needed a bite taken right out of it.

She really, really needed to get a new job—every man in the place wanted her. Including me. Especially me. I hated them. All of them. I shifted uncomfortably, because just like every time I shared a room with her, my pants had gotten tight.

Torture. Becca was just so fucking fine on every level, and not just her looks. There was something about the way she carried herself . . . I couldn’t put my finger on it. Like she was dancing through life to some song nobody else could hear. Never met another woman like her—she wasn’t just sexy, she was a survivor and I admired that.

She’d grown up so much since the first time I’d met her. Bigger boobs, a nice fullness to her ass that was nowhere close to fat but would be perfect to hold tight while I fucked her. Her lips had plumped, too, and over the years she’d gained a sparkle in her eyes that turned her from pretty to 100 percent spectacular.

Not to mention how she’d tasted.

Nearly blew in my pants when I’d taken that mouth. Just the memory got me hard. Make that harder. Fucking basket case.

When I’d pulled up to find her sitting outside with Collins, a thousand murder scenarios ran through my mind. And yeah, I know I covered that already, but if anything ever deserved empha- sis, this was it. Collins needed to die. I didn’t care how nice he was. After that I’d throw Becca on the back of my bike and make a run for the hills . . .

Okay, so there were a few problems with the plan, the top one being she hated me. Or she should—I’d certainly given her cause. Boonie nudged me.

“Did I mention you’re pathetic? You want her, take her. Other- wise let it go because you’re an embarrassment to all men in general and to the Silver Bastards in particular.”

4 stars

The man was my personal North Atlantic iceberg, lurking under the cold waters, just waiting to shred me wide open.
Fucking biker.

Ladies and ovaries, prepare to meet the bane of your existence (I’ll explain) and the object of your upcoming pervy dreams, Puck Redhouse. So why bane of existence? Because I honestly thought that my poor ovaries would die a slow and painful death by sexual frustration for a good 60% of this book. But damn, what a way to go. Joanna knows how to give good sexual tension. OH MY GAWD, the sexual tension! It burned with the fire of a thousand venereal diseases, I tells ya. Not that I know what that feels like, but I’d guess it would be like that. Just saying. Moving on…

Do not think for one minute that I’m the kind of guy who does the right thing. That’s not my style. I’m the guy who does what he wants when he wants, and trust me when I say I didn’t do nearly enough to you that night to get out out of my system.”

Five years ago, Puck saved Becca Jones and destroyed her all at once. It was the night that irrevocably changed everything for both Puck and Becca. For Puck, it was a night that gave him an angel after months of hell inside a jail cell, only to turn into something that can put him right back into it. And for Becca, it gave her a taste of something she never expected but with devastating consequences. But it was also the night of her salvation.

Now Becca is a different person five years later. She’s older, working on her career, has an amazing best friend. But the memory of the rough biker still continues to equal terrify and tempt her. Puck and Becca don’t cross paths much and have barely seen each other over 5 years, but she’s always known his there. Beck’s history makes her weary of bikers and the MC, and even though the Silver Bastards are nothing like what she grew up in, they still scare her. Worst of all is the scowling man with the burning brown eyes that continues to have a visceral reaction to.

I’m not your friend, Becca. I’ve never been your friend and I never will be. I can be the man that fucks you and owns you, or I can be the man who keeps an eye on you…”

Even though the chemistry between her Puck is so palpable it practically crackles with electricity, both Puck and Becca are determined to stay away from each other. Puck out of atonement from the past and knowing that Becca is too good for the likes of him, and Becca because she’s determined to stay as far away from the biker life as she can and not turn into her mother who is the worst kind of MC whore.

Puck is definitely no sunshine and rainbows kind of biker. He makes no apologies for who he is and what he does. His life is all about his brothers and his MC. He has no interest of allowing a woman into his life and screwing any of it up. The relationships between him and Becca is definitely not an easy or smooth road. Puck is certainly not celibate when they’re not together, and he doesn’t make an effort to hide that. But when he sets his sights on Becca, he knows that he won’t settle for anything less than everything.

Becca is extremely stubborn and is determined to not get her heart involved. She says some very vicious and unthoughtful things to Puck at times that had me wanting to slap her. But as frustrating as they were at times, I found them to be a perfect balance for each other.

All I felt was him, all I wanted was him. In me, on me, surrounding me.

Even though this focuses on Silver Bastard’s territory, we do get a peak at all our favorite characters from Joanna’s other series. There’s Picnic, Horse and of course Painter. Let me just tell you, if you were anxious for Painter’s story before, this book will have you absolutely dying for it. Puck and Painter formed an extremely tight bond while they served time together. Painter is not the biker I remembered from The Reapers. He’s a little more rough, a little more hard, and all the more tempting. I’m salivating, SALIVATING for his book dammit! That little tease of him we get in this book was pure torture.

There’s a lot that happens in this book that made it for one entertaining read. It was a steady pace full of action, a little suspense, and a whole lot of hot biker lovin’.

Becca Jones might be my property in the eyes of the club, but the reality was that she owned me and there wasn’t a damned thing I could do about it.

I also loved the inclusion of a secondary plot here. The second Rourk first appeared on the scene, i was completely fascinated with him. But then Joanna went and added that bonus epilogue and OH MY GAWD. Worst sort of tease ever! If Rourk and Shane don’t get a book soon, I’m pretty sure I’d cut a bitch. I’m not even kidding.

Silver Bastard was definitely another winner from Miss Wylde, and I can’t wait for more of the Silver Bastards. While this is a spin-off series and can be read a standalone, The Reapers do make an appearance here. If you haven’t yet read Joanna’s other series, I strongly recommend you do. Especially if you want to get the back story before Painter’s book will be released.

About the Author

Joanna Wylde is a New York Times bestselling author and creator of the Reapers Motorcycle Club series. She currently lives in Idaho.

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