Blog Tour, Review & #Giveaway: ★Manaconda★ by @cariquinn @tarynelliottfic

Series: Hammered #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Authors: Taryn Elliott & Cari Quinn
Release Date: January 19, 2016
Rainbow Rage Publishingadd-to-goodreads-button-2


My name is Hunter Jordan, lead singer of Hammered and no, I didn’t name my cock Manaconda.

Rolling Stone did.

On the front cover of their damn magazine.

I still haven’t lived it down. And now our record label wants to maximize the frenzy.

So, I have a brand new PR person–Kennedy McManus.

And she’s making me insane.

I don’t know whether to ignore her, yell at her, or push her up against the wall and kiss her smart mouth shut.

BEYOND OBLIVION – A Rockstar Romance full of sexy fun set within the world of our Lost in Oblivion series! You never know who you’ll see show up in the books.

**** Warning: book does end on a cliffhanger ****

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“Maybe we should go back.”I shook my head. “Maybe we can sneak around. Seems like there wouldn’t be any fans back here.”

“Famous last words,” she muttered.

I strode out, gravel crunching under my boots.

“You know, I’m not a huge fan of this dragging me around like a child.”

I turned back to her, dragging her into my body. “Nothing child-like about you, Kenny.” I bent down to her, our noses touching. “I just want a little alone time with you.”

A loud engine started up.

“There’s an elevator back there.” She pointed with her thumb. “I bet we could do a lot of things in your room, my room—whatever.” She rose on her toes until our lips were a breath apart. “You can give that whole seven thing a go.” She dragged her nail over my bottom lip. “I don’t believe you’ll make it to seven, but I’m willing to let you try.”


“Oh, my God, that’s Hunter!”

The hiss of hydraulics and stomp of many feet did not bode well.

I closed my eyes. “Shit.”


“Please don’t be what I think it is.”


A trio of people in black shirts with our new album on the front were standing in front of a huge bus. “Can you run in those things?”

She looked affronted. “I can do anything in heels.”

“I hope so.”

A woman in her twenties pointed our way. “Is that him?” she shrieked.

“Fan club.”


“This is where the fan club bus is parked.”

“They should be at dinner. Why aren’t they at dinner?” Kenny asked with rising panic.

“Guess it’s over.” I sprinted to the door we’d just come out of. “Son of a bitch.” I twisted the handle but nothing. “It must have locked after us.”

She slapped the keypad. “Ya think?”

“Not helping.” I darted a look past the bus, along with the line of at least seventy people lined up to board. Definitely couldn’t go that way.

“They’ll eat you alive.”

“No kidding.”

Three women broke off from the crowd and headed our way. As soon as they did, twenty more followed. I dragged Kenny with me to the front of the bus and around the side. The bus driver looked down at us and shook his head.

No help there.

The people that had boarded the bus were pointing at us as we ran to the other end. I shot by another line of cars and zig-zagged around another bus and saw a familiar logo. “Thank God.”

“Where did he go?” Came shouts that were way too close.

“Where are we going?” she hissed.

“My bus.”

“Your bus?”

I dragged her behind me as I ducked behind a black truck we used for our equipment. It has been a stripped down stage, but we still had a lot of instruments between Keys’s pianos, the entire percussion set up that Wyatt used, all the guitars, amps, and digital network we used—we needed a truck no matter what.

“New plan.” I unlatched the back of the rig and lifted the rolling door. “Get in.”

“Are you freaking kidding me?”

I stared down at her. “Does it look like I’m kidding?”

She groaned. “I can’t get up there.”

I lifted her until her knee was on the base of the truck ledge. She scrambled in as the scraping of heels and running feet got closer.

“Move it, Kenny.”

Her skirt rode up as she dragged herself inside. I threw her a soft whistle. She turned back to me with murder in her eyes. I squashed down a laugh, rolling in after her, tugging the door down behind me with a bang.

“I hate you.”

I just smiled into the dark.

Review4 starsManaconda-DGR

Yeah, I had a pretty big cock, but that wasn’t all I was, goddamit.
I cleared my throat. “Could I get my sunglasses?”
The woman behind the counter flushed. “Sorry. What number did you leave it under?”
“Eleven.” Inches. For my cock.

Manaconda was exactly the kind of sexy, fluffy and humorous interlude that I needed in my reading. Admittedly, I was looking forward to a full standalone, but considering that the conclusion will be released on January 26 for free, it lessens the sting considerably. As for the book? Well I read it in one sitting, so what does that tell you?

Mana-fucking-conda. Minus the fucking in the middle, plus a few extra millimeters at the tip. Hey, gotta finish strong, right? Or start, depending where you believed the male member actually began.

Thanks to a Rolling Stone cover that every rockstar dreams about gracing the cover of, Hunter Jordan is famous for a whole lot than being the lead singer of Hammered. His…uhem…quite large appendage…seems to be all anyone can talk about thanks to the unfortunate bunching of his jeans and revealing his male ‘gift’ to the entire world. But Hunter isn’t exactly happy about it. He’s more than his cock, dammit. Even if it is a VERY impressive one.

Kennedy McManus is the band’s new PR that’s set to work specifically with him after the cover imploded on magazine stands everywhere. Sparks fly between them immediately and it doesn’t take long at all for things to really get rolling…

After. I want you after. In my room.” His voice lowered until it was only a grumbling bass of sound. “All of this off. All of you- mine.”

Now usually an insta-lust like this doesn’t work for me. But something about the one here just did it for me. I bought it; hook, line and sinker. It was just too delicious not to. It’s fluffy in a guilty pleasure read sort of way and it just worked.

And when these two get together? Holy ovary CUMbustion!

Then his mouth moved to mine and swallowed the screams I didn’t know were rolling out of me. His, mine, ours- didn’t matter. There was a supernova trapped inside of me with no way out.
Something had to break.

My only quibble is that I wished it would have been a longer standalone, but that’s because I’m a self professed cliffy avoider. True story. These authors are the only ones that can even pull that off with me and only because I love every single thing they write. Even with the cliffy, I gobbled this up like the starved smut addict that I am and loved every sinfully sexy page of it. Now I’m looking forward to the conclusion and luckily I don’t have to wait long at all.

Graphics are stock purchased and created by me for DGR blog. Please don’t share without permission
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Review: ★Outside the Lines★ by Lisa Desrochers

Review-OutsideTheLinesOutside the Lines
Series: On the Run #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Lisa Desrochers
Release Date: January 19, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


The first in an edgy new contemporary romance series that follows a family on the run, from the author of the USA Today bestselling A Little Too Far series…

As the oldest son of a Chicago crime lord, Robert Delgado always knew how dangerous life could be. With his mother dead and his father in prison, he’s taking charge of his family’s safety—putting himself and his siblings in witness protection to hide out in a backwater Florida town.

Fourth grade teacher Adri Wilson is worried about the new boy in her class. Sherm is quiet and evasive, especially when he’s around his even cagier older brother. Adri can’t help her attraction to Rob, or the urge to help them both in whatever way she can.

But the Delgados have enemies on two sides of the mob—their father’s former crew and the rival family he helped take down. It’s only a matter of time before someone finds them. And if Rob isn’t careful, Adri could end up in the crossfire…


Review3 starsOutsideTheLines-DGR


You are so fucking beautiful in every way, and all I can do is ruin you…”

From the second I read the blurb to Outside The Lines I was hooked. I knew I had to read. You see, I have this obsession with mafia romances. As in, I can’t ever pass one up. And having loved Lisa’s A Little Too Far series, adding this one was a no brainer.

The premise of the book is fantastic. Robert “Rob” Delgado is the oldest son of a Chicago crime lord. When a rivalry with another mafia family finally overbuilds with a hit gone wrong against Rob and his four siblings, his father takes a plea bargain in order to get them WITSEC. Now Rob finds himself at a backwater Florida town, still plotting revenge against those that betrayed their family. The only problem is finding out who they are first.

Adri Wilson has grown up in the small little town. Her father is the sheriff (enter super delicious set up of boy on the wrong side of the law falling for the sheriff’s daughter) and a fourth grade teacher who happens to have Rob’s youngest brother in her class. Robert draws her in straight away. There’s something about him, something behind those unreadable eyes that intrigues her. She wants to help him. She wants to help his siblings. But before she does all that, she needs to find out the truth he’s hiding behind all his lies.

This book had such strong potential that got lost somewhere between all the mundane details. After the first 15%, I found my interest steadily waning until I was almost ready to give up by the halfway point. Luckily it does pick up, but not enough to really raise my rating.

There’s a lot of day to day activity, description, and just mundane detail that takes away from the story. It could have easily been cut out and not effected the book any in my opinion. The characters were in their head a little too much for my tastes and it also took much too long for Robert to come to his senses with certain things. There was a scene with Rob and another woman at one point that I truly felt the story could have gone without. Particularly since this was already past the 40% mark, the only thing it did was diminish his connection with Adri for me. I don’t mind scenes with ow so long as I feel they add to the story, and it really didn’t here.

Adri was incredible naive and pure for my tastes, too. Her constant drive to fix everyone around her with no thought to her own safety didn’t do much to endear me to her. Her being a virgin on top of everything was just another added blah.

I did like the two of them together, but the sex scenes, while hot, were almost cheesy at times.

What ultimately hooked me was the set up for the rest of the siblings. While the book ends on a romance HEA between Rob and Adri, the whole who done it of the hit is still unclear and the Delgado siblings are still in WITSEC. There was a bit of a hint at a rival family’s son and Rob’s sister that I’m hoping will be getting a book. I’m also itching to get my hands on Grant’s story as well as Ulie and Lee. That alone is enough to keep me reading. Hopefully the next book will be a little quicker paced.

Outside The Lines was one of those reads that wasn’t bad and wasn’t great. It was just ok. A middle of the road kind of read if you will. I didn’t hate it, but it’s nothing I’d come back to either. I do have my hopes set on the next book because like I said, the premise of the series is truly a fantastic one.

Graphics are stock purchased and created by me for DGR blog. Please don’t share without permission

DGR Fave Review & Giveaway: ★Appealed★ by Emma Chase

Review spotlight-AppealedAppealed
Series: The Legal Briefs #3
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Emma Chase
Release Date: January 19, 2015add-to-goodreads-button-2


When Brent Mason looks at Kennedy Randolph, he doesn’t see the awkward, sweet girl who grew up next door. He sees a self-assured, stunning woman…who wants to crush the most intimate – and prized – parts of his anatomy beneath the heels of her Christian Louboutins.

Brent has never let the loss of his leg in a childhood accident affect his ability to lead a fulfilling life. He sets high goals–and then he reaches them.

And now he has his sights set on Kennedy.
When Kennedy looks at Brent Mason, all she sees is the selfish, Abercrombie & Fitch catalogue-worthy teenager who humiliated her in high school to join the popular crowd. A crowd that made those years a living hell.

She’s not a lovesick social outcast anymore – she’s a DC prosecutor with a long winning streak behind her. Brent is the opposing attorney in her next case and she thinks it’s time to put him through a little hell of his own.

But things aren’t exactly working out that way.

Because every fiery exchange has her wondering if he’s as passionate in the bedroom as he is in the courtroom. Each argument and objection only makes him want her more. In the end, Brent and Kennedy may just find themselves in love…or in contempt of court.

APPEALED is a sexy, humorous romance about first crushes, second chances and the final verdict of the heart.


Review5 starsAppealed-DGR

Over the last fourteen years I’ve thought a lot about what it’d be like to see Kennedy Randolph again- but I never thought it’d be on the opposite side of a courtroom.

You know when you read an epilogue that’s so good, it not only manages to be the perfect conclusion to the book but it actually flawlessly ties the entire series up. Like you have this amazingly delicious three-tiered cake, and it’s already prefect without anything, but then you add that icing that takes it from delicious to amazing? That’s what the epilogue of Appealed was to me. It was simple perfection. It deserves 5 stars just for that. But let’s talk about the actual book for a hot second here, shall we?

Arguing is our foreplay. One time, she was so worked up she hauled off and took a swing at me- and my reaction was a boner that wouldn’t be denied.

So that quote up there? Yeah. That’s basically a literary orgasm for me. You see there is nothing, nothing I love better than a good hate-to-love trope. And when that particular trope is also based on a bit of a second chance romance? I am absolute putty in your hands. Brent and Kennedy were childhood. Their parents are friends and they always hoped they’d get together. And one perfect night they did, until something happened that made Kennedy disappear from Brent’s life and also hate him with the fire of the worst kind of venereal disease. Graphic? Sure. But sums it up nicely. Brent hasn’t seen her since high school, so when she not only comes back looking nothing like the Kennedy he knows but a stunner, he thinks he can take off where they left off. There’s only one problem, Kennedy wants nothing to do with him…
And if that’s not delicious enough, she also happens to be the prosecutor on a case that he’s the defending attorney for.

She looks me straight in the face. “I could never be with someone like you- you have the maturity of a twelve-year-old boy.”
I raise my glass. “And you have the chest of one.”

So at this point of the book, I’m as giddy as a Bilieber at a Justin Bieber concert. Their constant barbs in the courtroom and outside of it are laden with a heavy undercurrent of lust and you’re reading just waiting for them to give into the undeniable chemistry that’s brewing between them. And let’s be honest, what’s better than hate-to-lust? When it’s gloriously written entirely in the male POV and I fell hard for Brent from the very first chapter. He may be the happy-go-lucky friend of the group, but there was always something to him that just drew me. It may be because it’s not often you’ll read about a hero with a prosthetic leg that didn’t suffer his injury during a deployment. Or it may be because of his humor. But really it’s because when this man falls, he falls hard and he has no issue showing it and fighting for what he wants.
Appealed teaser-DGRKennedy was such a great heroine as well. She really makes Brent work for it. She’s not the awkward teenager he grew up with. She’s a tough prosecutor, and her looks are just as killer as her cross examination. I loved the tension between these two. It practically sizzled it was so good. But what I loved the most is really seeing Brent working for it. This is not a man that denies his attraction or his feelings, even though he’s never had a real meaningful relationship…nor did he want one. He knows that he’ll accept nothing less from Kennedy, though. And even if he has to prove it to her considering their past, he’ll do whatever it takes.

I’m in love with you. And if it takes awhile for you to wrap your head around that- to wrap your heart around it- then I’ll wait. Because you’re worth waiting for. You always were.”

Appealed teaser2-DGRThis book is perfection. It’s snark wrapped in humor, tied together by a swoony romance. I couldn’t put it down for even a second. It’s just one of those romances that will entertain you and make you fall hard all at the same time. Emma Chase just gets better and better. Appealed was easily my favorite book in the series. Then that epilogue happened and I was like a pile of giddy goo. It was just that good.



Want to win a paperback copy of Appealed? GIVEAWAY is now live on my Facebook page HERE

Review & Giveaway: ★Love in the Light★ by Laura Kaye


I cannot tell you how excited I am to bring you the Release Week Blitz for LOVE IN THE LIGHT by Laura Kaye! LOVE IN THE LIGHT is a novel told in dual POV and Part Two of her bestselling Hearts in Darkness Duet. This much anticipated follow-up is finally here! Make sure you grab your copy of this sexy novel today, and if you’re new to the series you can grab the first novella HEARTS IN DARKNESS for just $.99 for a limited time!

Series: Hearts in Darkness #2
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Laura Kaye
Release Date: January 12, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


Two hearts in the darkness…

Makenna James and Caden Grayson have been inseparable since the day they were trapped in a pitch-black elevator and found acceptance and love in the arms of a stranger. Makenna hopes that night put them on the path to forever—which can’t happen until she introduces her tattooed, pierced, and scarred boyfriend to her father and three over-protective brothers.

Must fight for love in the light…

Haunted by a childhood tragedy and the loss of his family, Caden never thought he’d find the love he shares with Makenna. But the deeper he falls, the more he fears the devastation sure to come if he ever lost her, too. When meeting her family doesn’t go smoothly, Caden questions whether Makenna deserves someone better, stronger, and just more…normal. Maybe they’re too different—and he’s far too damaged—after all…

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LITL Teaser 5Excerpt

“Do you want to get changed and I’ll set dinner out?” Caden asked.“Yeah,” Makenna said. “Sounds great.” The kitchen, dining area, and living room were one big room, with her bedroom door toward the far end. She paused there and looked back. Caden moved around her little kitchen, comfortably and familiarly, and he just looked so freaking good there. In her space. Well, their space now.

He still had his townhouse in Fairlington, but he rarely slept there anymore. And it was so bare bones in furnishings that he preferred they not sleep there because he feared she’d be uncomfortable. A part of her wasn’t sure why he even kept it at this point.

“What?” he asked, giving her a skeptical look.

She grinned and leaned against the door jamb. “I rode our elevator today.”

He shook his head. “Anything interesting happen?”

“Oh, I got trapped with a smoking hot stranger and made out with him in the dark. The usual,” she said.

He smirked. “That never happens.”

Makenna threw her head back and laughed. Still smiling, she changed into jeans and a pink camisole with a low back, and then she threw a warm, chunky caramel-colored cardigan over that.

She found Caden sitting at the set table, containers of food overflowing with several types of noodles. It smelled amazing—savory and spicy and like she could eat everything she saw.

For a moment, the look on his face made her think he was upset about something, but then he saw her and his expression transformed into a sexy smirk. “Smoking hot, huh?”

Laughing, she took the seat next to him. “You fishing for compliments, Grayson? I already said you were freaking gorgeous.”

“Yeah, but that’s not the same as smoking hot.” He arched a brow, and damn if his playfully smug, expectant expression wasn’t hot as hell with his brow piercing and the widow’s peak of his dark hair.

She picked up her fork. “Okay, then how about this? You are so freaking gorgeous and so smoking hot that you make my heart race and my mouth water and my panties melt. Every time I see you. How’s that for a compliment?”

Caden’s smile was slow coming but so damn sexy. “I like tattoo night.”

She laughed and shook her head. “So do I.”

Review4.5 starsLove in the Light @DGR

Two hearts in the darkness…
Must fight for love in the light…

Hearts in Darkness is one of my favorite favorite novellas even to this day. I read it years ago when it just came out and yet it’s still a book I recommend to any reader that’s looking for a quick read that not only packs on the steam, but has an amazing story to tie it all together. In just 112 pages, Laura Kaye managed to get a loyal fan out of me. I’ve been hoping that she would write more for this couple, so to say I was thrilled when I heard this book was in the works would be an understatement. I was also a little scared, too. I was afraid that one of my favorite couples would not be as good in another book. That there may be unnecessary drama or angst. That something may happen that will make me dislike either Makenna or Caden. You know what I’m talking about here. It’s not easy to follow up on a favorite book.

Love In The Light was not only an amazing continuation of the story, but it managed to make me fall even more in love with this couple. It was a natural progression of their story. It was that relationship developed that I had so craved in Hearts in Darkness. It was the perfect conclusion to one of my favorite couples.

LitL takes place two months after the events of HiD. Caden and Makenna are settling into their relationship and falling more and more for each other each day. But Caden’s lingering issues of PTSD and suvivor’s guilt continues to loom over their happiness.

It felt like a part of himself had been ripped away, the edges still jagged and raw. But that’s what he was- all jagged, raw, festering wounds from one loss after another.

It’s wonderfully written in a way that gives both characters so much growth while reaffirming just how good they are for each other. I loved Makenna even more in this book. Her patience, understanding and unwavering love and support for Caden was touching to read. She doesn’t jump to conclusions or blame him. She wants to communicate to work things out. It’s so refreshing to read about a heroine like this because of how rare it is to find one like that these days.

Caden. Oh my poor Caden. It’s hard not to love him in this book. Your heart will bleed for him and everything he goes through. But it was also so wonderful to see him dealing with his issues.

If you loved Hearts in Darkness, I guarantee that you’ll love Love in the Light. If anything, this book will make you love the first one even more. It was emotional, swoony, sexy, and perfectly written. In just under 200 pages, Laura Kaye manages to put so much depth into this story. It was everything. An incredible conclusion and everything I could have hoped for it to be.

About the Author

Author Photo

Laura is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over twenty books in contemporary and paranormal romance and romantic suspense. Growing up, Laura’s large extended family believed in the supernatural, and family lore involving angels, ghosts, and evil-eye curses cemented in Laura a life-long fascination with storytelling and all things paranormal. She lives in Maryland with her husband, two daughters, and cute-but-bad dog, and appreciates her view of the Chesapeake Bay every day.

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Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway: ★Off The Clock★ by Roni Loren

Off the Clock Blog Tour BannerOff the Clock
Series: Pleasure Principle #1
Genre: Contemporary, Erotic Romance
Author: Roni Loren
Release Date: January 5, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2



Overtime has never felt so good…

Marin Rush loves studying sex. Doing it? That’s another story. In the research lab, Marin’s lack of practical knowledge didn’t matter, but now that she’s landed a job at The Grove, a high-end, experimental sex therapy institute, she can’t ignore the fact that the person most in need of sexual healing may be her.

Dr. Donovan West, her new hotshot colleague, couldn’t agree more. Donovan knows that Marin’s clients are going to eat her alive unless she gets some hands-on experience. And if she fails at the job, he can say goodbye to a promotion, so he assigns her a list of R-rated tasks to prepare her for the wild clientele of The Grove’s X-wing.

But some of those tasks are built for two, and when he finds Marin searching for a candidate to help her check off her list, Donovan decides there’s only one man for the job—him. As long as they keep their erotic, off-the-clock activities strictly confidential and without strings, no one will get fired—or worse, get attached…

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Setup: This is a scene when Marin was in college and overhears some dirty talk when she’s working late at the university.Holy. Shit. Marin pressed her lips together. Obviously two other people thought they were alone, too. Had students snuck into the building to get it on? Or maybe it was one of the professors. Oh, God, please don’t let it be a professor. She should turn around right now and go back to Professor Roberts’s office. Last thing she needed was to see one of her teachers in some compromising position. She would die of mortification.

But instead of backing up, she found herself tilting her head to isolate where the voice was coming from, and her feet moved forward a few steps.

“Yeah, you like that. I know. I bet you’re wet for me right now just thinking about how it would feel. Maybe I should check. Keep your hands against the wall.”

A hot shiver zipped through Marin, making every part of her hyperaware. .

“I’m so hard for you. Can you feel how much I want you?” That voice was like velvet against Marin’s skin. She closed her eyes, imagining the picture the stranger was painting—some hot guy behind her, pinning her to the wall, his erection rubbing against her. She’d never been in that situation, but her body sure knew how to react to the idea. Her hand drifted up to her neck and pressed against her throat, her pulse beating like hummingbird wings beneath her fingertips.

She waited with held breath to hear the woman’s response, but no voice answered the man’s question. Can you feel how much I want you? he’d asked. And hell if Marin wasn’t dying to know. She strained to hear.

“I tug your panties off and trail my hand up your thighs until I can feel your hot, slick . . .”

Marin braced her other hand against the wall and leaned so far forward that one more inch would’ve sent her toppling over. Your hot . . .

“Goddammit. Motherf**ker.”

The curse snapped Marin out of the spell she’d fallen into, and she straightened instantly, her face hot and her heartbeat pounding in places it shouldn’t be. There was a groaning squeak of an office chair and another slew of colorful swearing.

Whoever had been saying the dirty things had changed his tone of voice and now sounded ten kinds of annoyed. A wadded-up ball of paper came flying out of an open doorway a few yards down. She followed the arc and watched the paper land on the floor. Only then did she notice there were three others like it already littering the hallway.

Lamplight shifted on the pale linoleum as if the person inside the office was moving around, and Marin flattened herself against the wall, trying to make herself one with it. Please don’t come out. Please don’t come out. The silent prayer whispered through her as she counted the doors between her and the mystery voice, mentally labeling each one. When she realized it was one of the offices they let the Ph.D. students use and not a professor’s, she let out a breath.

Either way, she had no intention of alerting her hall mate that he wasn’t alone. But at least she could stop worrying she’d gotten all fevered over one of her professors. Now she just had to figure out how to get past the damn door without letting him see her. She’d gotten used to skipping meals to save money since starting college a few months ago. But she wasn’t going to make it through the next two hours of data entry and sleep monitoring if she didn’t get some caffeine. No wonder none of the upperclassmen had wanted to fill in during break.

Marin’s gaze slid over to the stairwell. If she stayed on the other side of the hall in the shadows, she could probably sneak by unnoticed. She moved to the right side wall and crept forward on quiet feet. But as soon as she got within a few steps of the shaft of light coming from the occupied room, a large shadow blotted it into darkness.

She’d been so focused on that beam of light that it took her a moment to register what had happened. She froze and her gaze hopped upward, landing on the guy who filled the doorway. No, not just any guy, a very familiar guy. Tall and lean and effortlessly disheveled. Everything inside her went on alert. Oh, God, not him.

He had his hand braced on the doorjamb, and his expression was as surprised as hers probably was. “What the hell?”

“I—” She could already feel her face heating and her throat closing—some bizarre, instant response she seemed to have to this man. She’d spent way too many hours in the back of her Intro to Human Sexuality class memorizing each little detail of Donovan West. Well, his profile, really. And his walk. And the way his shoulders filled out his T-shirts. As a teaching assistant, he usually only stopped in at the beginning of class to bring Professor Paxton papers or something. But each time he walked in now, it was like some bat signal for her body to go haywire.

It’d started with the day he’d had to take over the lecture when Professor Paxton was sick. He’d talked about arousal and the physical mechanics of that process. It was technical. He’d been wearing a T-shirt that read Sometimes I Feel Like a Total Freud. It shouldn’t have been sexy. But Lord, it’d been one of the hottest experiences of her life. He’d talked with his hands a lot and had obviously been a little nervous to be in front of the class. But at the same time, he’d been so confident in the information, had answered questions with all this enthusiasm. Marin hadn’t heard a word in the rest of her classes that day for all the fantasizing she’d been doing.

But now she was staring. And blushing. And generally looking like an idiot. Yay.

She turned fully toward him and cleared her throat, trying to form some kind of non-weird response. But when her gaze quickly traveled over him again, all semblance of language left her. Oh, shit. She tried to drag her focus back to his face and cement it there. His very handsome face—a shadow of stubble, bright blue eyes, hair that fell a little too long around the ears. Lips that she’d thought way too much about. All good. All great.

But despite the nice view, she couldn’t ignore the thing in the bottom edge of her vision, the thing that had caught her attention on that quick once-over. The hard outline in his jeans screamed at her to stare—to analyze, to burn the picture into her brain. The need to look warred with embarrassment. The latter finally won and her cheeks flared even hotter. She adjusted her glasses. “Uh, yeah, hi. Sorry. I thought I was alone in the building. Didn’t mean to interrupt . . . whatever.”

He stared at her for a second, his brows knitting. “Interrupt?”

Goddammit, her gaze flicked there again. The view was like a siren song she couldn’t ignore. Massive erection, dead ahead! She glanced away. But not quick enough for him not to notice.

“Ah, shit.” He stepped behind the doorway and hid his bottom half. “Sorry. It’s uh . . . not what it looks like.”

She snorted, an involuntary, nervous, half-choking noise that seemed to echo in the cavernous hallway. Really smooth. She tried to force some kind of wit past the awkwardness that was overtaking her. “Ohh-kay. If you say so.”

He laughed, this deep chuckle that seemed to come straight out of his chest and fill the space between them with warmth. Lord, even his laugh was sexy. So not fair.

“Well, okay, it is that. But why it’s there is just an occupational hazard.”

His laugh and easy tone settled her some. Or maybe it was the fact that he was obviously feeling awkward, too. “Occupational hazard? Must be more interesting than the sleep lab.”

He jabbed a thumb toward the office. “It is. Sexuality department. I’m working on my dissertation under Professor Paxton.”

She could tell he didn’t recognize her from class. Not surprising since she sat in the back of the large stadium-style room and tried to be as invisible as possible. Plus, she was wearing her glasses tonight. “I’m with Professor Roberts. I’m monitoring the sleep study tonight.”

“Oh, right on. I didn’t realize he’d taken on another grad student. I’m Donovan, by the way.”

I know.

“Mari.” The nickname rolled off her lips. No one called her that anymore. But she knew he probably graded her papers, and the name Marin wasn’t all that common. She forced a small smile, not correcting him that she was about as far from a grad student as she could get. She wanted to be one. Would be one day if she could figure out how to afford it. She’d managed to test out of two semesters of classes, but high IQ or not, that dream was still a long way off—a point of light at the end of a very long, twisting tunnel.

Marin shifted on her feet. “I was heading to get a Coke so that I don’t fall asleep from doing data entry and watching people snore. You need anything?”

“A Coke?” He glanced down the hall. “Don’t waste a buck fifty on the vending machine. I’ve got a mini-fridge in here. You can come in and grab whatever you want.”

Are you an option? I’d like to grab you. The errant thought made her bite her lips together so none of those words would accidentally slip out. She had no idea where this side of herself was coming from. Not that she’d really know what to do after she grabbed Donovan anyway. This was a twentysomething-year-old man, not one of the few boys she’d awkwardly made out with in high school. This was a guy who’d know how to do all those things she’d only read about in books.

“No, that’s okay, I mean . . .” She shifted her gaze away, willing her face not to go red again.

He caught her meaning and laughed. “Oh, right. Sorry. Yes, you should probably avoid strange men with erections who invite you inside for a drink. Good safety plan, Mari.” He lifted his hands and stepped back fully into the doorway, the pronounced outline in his pants gone. “But I promise, you’re all good now. You just caught me at an . . . unfortunate moment. And now I’m going to bribe you with free soda so that you don’t tell the other grads in the department about what you saw. I keep these late hours and work through holidays to avoid that kind of torture.”

He gave her a tilted smile that made something flutter in her chest. She should probably head straight back to the office she was supposed to be working in. He was older. Kind of her teacher. If he found out she was one of Pax’s students, he’d probably freak out that she’d seen him like this. But the chance to spend a few minutes with him was too tempting to pass up.


Review4 starsOTC @DGR

I’m happy to take things slow since you’re new to so much. But that doesn’t mean I don’t think about hauling you up against a wall, hiking your skirt up, and fucking you like I own you.

Is it hot in here or was it this book? I should know by now to expect sizzling hot romance from Roni Loren but this was absolutely smoking’, uncomfortably aroused, don’t read in public sort of hot! Dirty fantasies, role playing, and a hero dubbed “The Orgasm Whisperer”. Yeah. Suffice it to say I really enjoyed this one.

I’ve been a huge fan of Roni Loren since I first discovered her Loving on The Edge series, but dare I say this book was my favorite of hers yet? If you haven’t read anything by this fantastic author yet, this is the perfect book to start with.

Marin Rush has spent most of her youth taking care of her mother and younger brother and trying to put herself through school. A chance meeting late night at work she stumbles upon something that changes her and her career. She may not have much experience in the matter, but Marin knows sex, in the scientific and psychological sense anyway. But when she lands a coveted position in one of the most renowned institutions as a sex therapist, she knows that her scientific knowledge won’t do much for her when it comes to her clients. She needs hands on knowledge…

She wanted to play the games. She wanted to step into those shadowed places where the rules and niceties went lax.

They dubbed him The Orgasm Whisperer. Dr. Donovan West is a great therapist, but he’s not without a few sexual hangups himself. Mostly in the form of commitment phobia. He likes his sex dirty, hard, and non-permanent. When the beautiful Marin becomes his colleague, he knows he can help her, but the rules may need to blur for it

I can’t be your boss. Because if what I have in mind is going to work, it’s going to have to be strictly off the clock and off the record.

Marin and Donovan have a connection in the past that seems to make their sexual attraction in the present that much stronger. It may not be quite against the rules, and it may be a touch taboo, but it’s not long before the pull between them gets too deliciously tempting to resist.

…know there isn’t a thing on that list that I wouldn’t love to check off for you, Completely and thoroughly. I could make you shameless, Rush.

I loved every single part of Off The Clock. It was sexy, a little edgy, and everything I’ve come to love in Roni Loren’s romances.

Marin may have been one of my favorite parts about this book. While she may be inexperienced, she’s no blushing ingenue. This is a woman that’s smart, strong and knows what she wants. She has this inner core of strength to her that was understated and yet perfectly there. I wasn’t expecting to love her as much as I did because she’s not the typical heroine I like to read about but she completely won me over. I loved watching her tick kink after kink off with the sinfully sexy Donovan.

As for Donovan? *Fans self*. This is the epitome of a sexy nerd. This man was everything. Between his penchant for the kinky in bed and his dirty talk, he certainly doesn’t act like a nerd, and yet nothing was more delicious than reading about him doing his dissertation of female arousal from dirty talk. I’m easy like that I suppose.

If you’re looking for a sexy contemporary romance to start your 2016 with, you really can’t go wrong with this one. A huge rec from this girl!About the Author

RoniLorenAuthorHeadshot2Roni wrote her first romance novel at age fifteen when she discovered writing about boys was way easier than actually talking to them. Since then, her flirting skills haven’t improved, but she likes to think her storytelling ability has. Though she’ll forever be a New Orleans girl at heart, she now lives in Dallas with her husband and son.

If she’s not working on her latest sexy story, you can find her reading, watching reality television, or indulging in her unhealthy addiction to rockstars, er, rock concerts. Yeah, that’s it. She is the National Bestselling Author of The Loving on the Edge series from Berkley Heat.

Places to find Roni Loren:

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Review: ★Break Even★ by @LisaDeJongBooks

Review-Break EvenBreak Even
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Lisa De Jong
Release Date: December 27, 2015add-to-goodreads-button-2


My story isn’t a love story … not the typical kind anyway.
As a lawyer, I’m used to discovery, but I never saw this one coming.

Every day, River gives me ten reasons to stay away, and then eleven reasons why I can’t. Our relationship was to remain strictly business, or at least I tried.

Four years of marriage, and everything with Cole has changed. I never knew two people who lived together could be so distant. But I’m not ready to give up on him.

One man wants to break me.
The other is just trying to get even.

Both are lying to me.

**This is a standalone!**

Buy-Links10AMAZON / iBOOKS

Review4.5 stars

Break Even teaser 2 @DGR

To an outsider, I have it all- the job, the husband, and the house- but inside I’m nearly empty.

I’m not a reader that has many hard limits in books, but damn if this didn’t take me out of my comfort zone in the best way possible. Evocative and unpredictable, Break Even crossed many lines, but written in the flawless and gripping way it is; it just worked. See I’m one of those rare readers that doesn’t mind cheating in books so long as I feel that it fits the story. I’m not saying that I condone it, but I don’t see romance in black in white with books. I can appreciate that fictional characters, much like real people are not perfect and mistakes happen. If the author can endear me to the MCs, I can look past a lot; cheating, love triangles. So long as I have a connection to the characters and I understand the why’s of their behavior, I can overlook their imperfections. To be frank, that’s the best part of reading for me; for something to take me out of my comfort zone and make me think. I don’t want perfect characters and idealistic situations. I want them real. I like the grittiness of imperfection. With that being said, I can see that this book won’t be for everyone. But if you decide to venture out of your comfort zone I can also tell you that you will not regret it.

I love him. I truly, deeply love him, but sometimes I have to search forever to remember how I feel in the first place.

Break Even is the story of a woman that’s torn. A woman that loves her husband but has also felt herself drift apart from him though the years. Marley is a strong, independent and professional woman, but she’s not perfect by any means. In a vulnerable point of her life she meets a man that changes everything…

River is unlike anyone I’ve ever met. He’s untouchable-unobtainable- and I’m married.

River Holtz is a sexy enigma. He entices Marley and threatens her control, yet beyond him being her new client she knows nothing about him. River was easily my favorite part of the book. He’s magnetic. His words, his mere presence effected me with every page. He’s a character that you don’t soon forget.

Every inch of your perfect little body is aching to know what my hands would feel like. Every. Fucking. Inch. You hold a shield up, thinking it will keep me away, but there’s nothing I don’t see.

Break Even-TeaserThis is a book about imperfect people dealing with an impossibly imperfect situation. What do you do when you see your marriage falling apart? When you’re vulnerable and in need of simple attention and affection. Do you strive to make your marriage work or do you give into one moment of weakness that can cost you everything? Those are just a few of the questions addressed and none of them have a simple answer.

Break Even was unpredictable and filled with the sort of twists that will send your mind reeling. You think you know what’s happening, but you don’t. You think you know where it’s leading, but you don’t. It’s evocative and erotic, and yet it has that touch of emotion that will make you understand the characters and their decisions even if you don’t agree with them.

I hate him.
I want him.
I loathe him.
I need him.

This was my first book by this author and I can certainly tell that it will not be my last. This book was exactly the sort of different I was looking for. It took me out of my comfort zone and kept me reading well into the night. I loved every word of it. It’s not black and white. It’s firmly rooted in that gray area. But the fact that Lisa De Jong truly made the reader connect with the heroine made it work.

Each character drove the plot in a meaningful way and the end result was a twist I never saw coming. It was utterly delicious. If you’re looking for a book that’s not your typical every day romance, I can’t recommend this one enough.

You ruined me, Marley. You fucking ruined me.”

Review: ★Never Tear Us Apart★ by Monica Murphy

Review-NTUANever Tear Us Apart
Series: Never Tear Us Apart, #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Monica Murphy
Release Date: January 5, 2015add-to-goodreads-button-2


Perfect for readers of Colleen Hoover, Jay Crownover, and K. A. Tucker, the first novel in this darkly sexy contemporary series from bestselling author Monica Murphy kicks off an emotionally powerful two-part tale of forbidden love.
Crazy how eight years can disappear in an instant. One look at Katie Watts, and I’m a fifteen-year-old again—the one who risked everything to save a terrified girl from her twisted kidnapper. She’s grown-up now—beautiful, quiet, composed—and telling her story to the world. A story that involves me in more ways than you can imagine. She used to call me her guardian angel. Sure, I risked my life, but she was worth dying for.

I need to make contact with her. Just to ensure that she’s safe.

Somehow we reconnect. We become friends . . . but I want more. I want to make her mine. And she wants me too. Does she know who I am? Has she figured me out? Not yet. But she will. In the meantime, I need to make sure that whatever hold that animal had on her is gone.

So, yeah, I’m stealing these moments with her. Savoring them. Knowing, dreading, that she’ll soon find out who I really am. And everything will fall apart. All because of that twisted, perverted monster sitting on death row. Her kidnapper. A convicted serial killer.

My father.

Buy LinksAmazon / B&N / iBooks

Review4.5 starsNever Tear Us Apart-DGR

I want her. As wrong and twisted as I know it is, I can’t deny it.
I want her, all for myself.

Sometimes you read a book that touches you on an emotional level. It’s a book that burrows into your very heart and grabs hold. A book that’s different yet unforgettable. A book that touches on a deeply emotional and dark subject and yet gives you the light at the end of the tunnel for it. THIS, this was that book for me. I think this may easily be one of my favorite books I’ve read by this author to date. It was beautiful, poignant, and perfectly written. This could not have been an easy book for Monica Murphy to write, and yet she pulled it off flawlessly.

Katie Watts. Pretty. Blond. Innocent. Sweet and trusting and needing me so damn bad. She was the one I kept chasing like a drug. She was the one I could never have.

Never tear us apart is told in dual POV with flashes from present to past. It’s done in a flash of memory, allowing the reader to be truly a part of their story. You get to experience it along with the characters and that was one of the things I appreciated the most about it. So often it’s easy to just tell the reader about the emotions and experience, yet the author truly shows you. She sucks you into their story and their past. She makes you feel right along with them.

Katie Watts survived something at twelve years old that no child should ever experience. She saw the very core of human darkness and she’s been a shell of a person since. Countless therapy sessions and eight years have helped her deal with it but not truly heal. The one light in the darkness of the memory is the guardian angel in the shape of a fifteen year old boy that saved her life. No matter how much time has gone by, he’s still her rock. Her everything. Even if she hasn’t seen him since that day.

Ethan watches Katie from afar. Does she know who he is? Does she know how he feels about her? Can he ever allow himself to just get close to her to show her? He knows that he’s the only one that truly understands her. He knows he just may be the only one that may be able to heal her.

And that is the only thing you should know going in. Trust me on this. You don’t want more than what that synopsis gives you. You want to experience these details as they unfold in the story. You’ll enjoy it that much more.

What I can tell you is this was a slow paced romance, and realistically so. Considering Katie’s history and the way that things start, it wouldn’t be true to the characters to have it any other way. That doesn’t make their romance any less poignant, though. If anything, that added burn just makes it that much better.

There was no turning back. Not for us. Not today. And I don’t want to turn back. I want him. Every time I’m near him I feel greedy. Like I want to grab hold of him and tell the world that he’s mine. That he belongs to me.”

If you’re concerned about certain dark aspects of Katie’s past, don’t be. The author did an amazing job of giving you the idea but not truly going into detail. She gives the reader just enough to use their imagination but not overwhelmingly so, if that makes sense. Kudos to you, Miss Murphy, for pulling that off.

If you’re looking for something a little different, Never Tear Us Apart is a must read. Part one of a duet, it does end on a cliffhanger, and book two will be out in May. I didn’t even mind the cliffhanger because it didn’t feel contrived or like it was added for shock value. Everything about this book just worked. I can’t recommend it enough.

The conclusion to Ethan and Katie’s story will be Never Let You Go

Releasing May 3, 201651qzF5VvUvL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_

Review & Giveaway: ★Seduction In Session★ by Shayla Black & Lexi Blake

Review- Seduction in sessionSeduction in Session
Series: The Perfect Gentlemen #2
Genre: Contemporary Romance; Romantic Suspense
Authors: Shayla Black & Lexi Blake
Release Date: January 5, 2015add-to-goodreads-button-2


The second Perfect Gentlemen novel from the New York Times bestselling authors of the Masters of Ménage series.

Privileged, wealthy, and wild: they are the Perfect Gentlemen of Creighton Academy. But the threat of a scandal has one of them employing his most deceptive—and seductive—talents…

Recruited into the CIA at a young age, Connor Sparks knows how dirty the world can be. Only when he’s with his friends can he find some peace. So when an anonymous journalist threatens one of the Perfect Gentlemen, Connor vows to take down the person behind the computer, by whatever means necessary—even if it means posing as his target’s bodyguard.

Publishing a tabloid revealing Washington’s most subversive scandals has earned Lara Anderson the ire of the political scene—and a slew of death threats. To keep herself from ending up a headline, Lara hires a bodyguard, a man as handsome as he is lethal.

When the bullets start to fly, Lara is surprised to find herself in Connor’s arms. But as they begin to unravel a mystery that just might bring down the White House, Lara is devastated when she discovers Connor’s true identity—and finds herself at the mercy of forces who will stop at nothing to advance their deadly agenda.

Buy LinksAmazon / B&N / iBooks / Kobo

Review4 starsSeduction in Session @DGR

I am a ruthless bastard, but if you let me, I’ll be your ruthless bastard.”

I’m a huge fan of Shayla Black and Lexi Blake individually, but when these two combine their talents into a series? Fire. Works. This just may be my favorite series by them yet. And having read their entire backlists individually and combined, that’s no light statement. Espionage, action, suspense, and a romance so hot it burns up the pages, all woven intricately together to make up one incredible page-turner!

Connor Sparks has always been the odd man out in The Perfect Gentleman group. He didn’t come from money or prestige. His past is troubled and his future is shrouded in shadows. The CIA offered him the answer to his future and he took it with open arms. He’s built a reputation for himself in the years since and he’s known for being the man that gets things done no matter the cost.
Seduction in Session teaser @DGRAn assignment to play babysitter to a spoiled and naive woman in order to get close to a threat looming over The Perfect Gentleman is not his ideal, but he’ll do it. Even if he has to pretend to be her bodyguard. But Lara Anderson is nothing what he expected and everything he soon comes to crave. It’s not long before lust turns into something much more and leaves Connor rethinking where his loyalties lie when the bullets start flying.
I was a little afraid at first that Lara would get on my nerves. She’s not exactly the kind of heroine I prefer to read about; a vegan that even attempts to put her dog on a diet. She’s idealistic and at times naive and some of the things that come out of her mouth left me somewhere between laughter and ‘did she really say that’?

Yes. I think that’s a very good plan. Let’s form a friendship circle and talk this out. That will bring Connor into the group and make him feel comfortable.

That was not said in jest either.

But then something happened and she began to grow on me. I began to find her…endearing. It’s a true testament of an author’s talent to take a character that by all rights would never work for me in any other book and yet make it work.

Simon was a dangerous enigma. He’s sexy, protective, a little grumpy, and so alpha I think my ovaries actually sighed in happiness. When he releases his full effect on Lara, I was putty in his hands. This is a man that falls hard and knows when he screwed up. I spent the book waiting for that other shoe to drop when Lara figures out he’s not quite who he says he is and for his grovel. I can tell you that it did not disappoint.

Seduction in Session was everything I’ve come to love with both these authors; it’s action packed, with richly developed secondary characters, and an absolutely sizzling romance. This is not a book meant to be read as a standalone as each book builds off of the last with the story arc. While the romance has a HEA there is clearly unfinished business with the main threat against this group and I’m already twitching for the next book. Considering the set up for Dax’s book, I already know I’ll be salivating for his story. Hard.

Yet another addition from two of my favorite authors and I recommend it for any lovers of sexy romantic suspense. It will definitely not disappoint.



GiveawayWant to win a paperback copy of Seduction in Session? I’ll be gifting it to one lucky US follower on my Facebook page. ENTER HERE

ARC Review: ★Ruthless Proposition★ by Natasha Anders

Review-RPA Ruthless Proposition
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Natasha Anders
Release Date: January 26, 2015add-to-goodreads-button-2


All that glitters may lead right to his heart…

The last thing Cleopatra Knight expects on her business trip to Tokyo is to fall into bed with her arrogant, irresistibly hot boss, Dante Damaso. It’s a mistake—a steamy, mind-blowingly satisfying mistake. But a few nights of passion with the superwealthy bad boy prove to have long-term effects when Cleo’s world is unexpectedly turned upside down.

Dante has cultivated an enviable, jet-setting lifestyle: beautiful women, exotic destinations, and luxury without limits. He’s not looking to be domesticated, and certainly not by his assistant—even though he can’t get her out of his mind. Still, he knows he has both the responsibility and the financial means to help Cleo.

Though Cleo has no interest in Dante’s money, her lack of prospects gives her little choice but to accept his help. But living under the same roof, Dante discovers he wants more, and if Cleo lets down her guard, she just might find what her heart’s wanted all along.


Review5 starsA Ruthless Proposition-DGR

This is what happened when you allowed yourself to have feelings for someone like Dante Damaso- they found the most creative ways to hurt you, and God, this hurt.

A few years ago I discovered this author when I first read The Unwanted Wife and I’ve been absolutely hooked ever since. She has a winning formula that works for me every single time. Take an utter asshole of an alpha, throw in a bit of a meek heroine that grows a backbone and a hell of one throughout the story, mix it in with some delicious angst and steam and BAM! Book perfection.

See I have this thing about assholes, I absolutely love them. The more asshole-ly they are, the more I pant after them. I don’t even know what it is about it, but it just does it for me. It’s like that saying about the bigger they are, the harder they fall and I absolutely love watching them fall and then of course the grovel. All of it put together is basically a literary orgasm for me.

Cleopatra Knight knows that the only reason she continues to have her job is her boss happens to be her brother’s best friend. That’s not why she applied, and it certainly wasn’t her means of getting it, but it is part of the reason she stays. After her dreams of being a dancer were shattered after a devastating injury, she may not know what else there is for her, but her job is a means to an end. Too bad her boss is a demanding, demeaning, unthoughtful and overworked asshole.
Dante Damaso is rich and successful beyond his wildest dreams, and he works his ass off to stay that way. He’s not interested in lasting relationships. Seeing his father work his way through countless wives has put him off relationships indefinitely. But he’s certainly not one to abstain. He loves a sweaty night between the sheets with a beautiful woman…so long as it’s just that night. And he makes himself very clear in that respect. When a trip to Tokyo stirs his attraction to his assistant, he sees no reason to abstain either. But he makes it very clear to her what it is and what it isn’t. After all, he’s not about permanence, particularly with a woman that he believes used his connection to her brother to get a job without being even a little qualified.

But one night together begins to turn into another, and he can barely control his lust around her. Until a particular consequence brings things crashing down, turning Cleo’s world upside down.

A Ruthless Proposition follows Natasha Ander’s tried and true formula and I found myself devouring the pages. I couldn’t put it down. At first because I was waiting for the epic fuck up, then because I was waiting for the epic grovel. And I got both of those. In spades. I also found myself blubbering like a baby towards the end of it. It’s not often that a book will bring me to tears like that, so this deserves a 5 star for that feat alone.

If you’ve read this author before and enjoyed her books, this one will be a hit as well. I love that even while her formula for romance follows from book to book, none of her books sound the same. The characters are unique and as are their story. I loved this one and if you’re a fan of assholes and angst, you really can’t go wrong with it.

Review: ★The Final Move★ by Victoria Denault

Review-TFMThe Final Move
Series: Hometown Players #3
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Victoria Denault
Release Date: December 8, 2015add-to-goodreads-button-2

Denault_The Final Move_E-Book

Hockey legend Devin Garrison thought he blew his shot. But his relationship with Callie Caplan just went into overtime.

Sexy, rich, and one of the biggest stars in the NHL, Devin Garrison has always been the one who had it all. That is until his marriage falls apart and he realizes he has to start over. If he’s honest, there has only been one woman who ever really excited him-Callie Caplan. They shared a night that was hotter than the late-summer sun, but in an instant-Callie was gone, pretending it never happened.

Callie Caplan isn’t the wild child people think she is. It’s true she’s avoided relationships, but only because she’s seen how crazy love can be. And her messy, imperfect life is crazy enough without opening her heart to a man-even one as picture perfect as Devin. But when fate brings them back together-just as they need each other most-Devin is determined to convince Callie that what she’s feeling is real. And this final play may be their chance at forever . . . 

Buy LinksAmazon / B&N / iBooks / GooglePlay / Kobo / BAM

Review2 Stars

Minor spoilers to follow, please don’t read my review if you don’t want to know. I’ll spoiler tag the big stuff.

I’ve been a huge fan of this series since One More Shot. The mix of angst and swoony romance just did it for me. And ever since I first met Devin Garrison in that book I’v been not so patiently waiting for his story.

As the calmer and more settled of the Garrison brothers, Devin was refreshingly different. Being married and a daddy also made him even more appealing. But the reader also got a peek into his life and began to understand that not everything in his marriage is quite as perfect as he’d like to make it appear. At first I assumed that Devin’s story would be more of marital issues than reconciliation with his wife, but after the events of Making a Play I realized that he’d be ending up with the other Caplan. After reading the preview in book 2 I have to admit that I was curious as to how this would play out. After finishing it? Well I kind of wish I could unread it, because it made me absolutely hate Callie and strongly dislike Devin in the process. *sigh* Where are those men in black when you need them?
I get what the author was trying to do with this story and while I appreciate her effort, it just didn’t pan out for me. Not even a little. Why?

Issue 1

Villinaize the wife as the catalyst.

Was this really necessary? Couldn’t it just be an “issue” they were dealing with and have them just fall out of love as they clearly were already well on the road for. Did she have to (Highlight to view spoiler)cheat (end spoiler)? I just didn’t find it necessary for the story. Sure, it served as the catalyst for Devin’s decisions, but it just felt like an easy way out.

Issue 2

Devin’s regression.

Oh boy. Where do I even start. So your wife (Highlight to view spoiler)cheats(End spoiler) on you, what do you do? Proceed to drink yourself stupid and have a one-night stand because…why? It felt like revenge and punishment more so than anything else. Hey, I was the perfect husband for so long, I need to slut it out now just to see how the other half lives. It didn’t make sense. And yes, I understand that he was hurting. But what he also was, was still married. Sure, I also get that this is a common occurrence and I shouldn’t judge. But do two wrongs really make a right? Considering how Devin has been for the past two books and always being the voice of reason, I wanted him to take the high road.

Issue 3
Now I hate to name call, so I won’t. I also hate slut shaming, so I won’t. What I will say, is I absolutely hated her decisions and treatment of Devin for basically the entire book. One, she’s dated and flirted with his teammates. She proceeds to go on a date after her and Devin finally sleep together. Then there was her decision to go down on him after she finds him in the middle of a drunk hookup and throwing the woman out of the house they’re currently sharing. Also knowing how Devin is, her decision to continuously sleep with him but refuse anything more was downright infuriating. Considering everything Devin’s been through it was almost callous.

Issue 4
Did I mention that Devin is still technically married (though separated and no longer living with his wife) through all of this?
Again, I understand that this happens, and if this was any other character, I could have looked past it. But with Devin? No. I felt like he regressed and just wasn’t the Devin that I ultimately fell in love with throughout the series. I did not like him for a good 75% of this book.

Issue 5
And this is ultimately what lowered my rating even more. I felt zero, no connection between Callie and Devin. There wasn’t an undercurrent of sexual tension or longing throughout the series between them. Not even in this book did that come into play. It felt like they just ended up together because it was convenient and not because it was meant to be. I couldn’t connect to them as a couple. Hell, I didn’t believe in them as a couple. And what’s more, I didn’t like them as a couple.

Le sigh.

To say that I’m disappointed would be an understatement. I love this author, and I will definitely read any of her future work without a second thought. But sadly this book didn’t work for me at all. Maybe because I had such high hopes? Who knows. It is what it is, and I have a feeling this is just one of those books you’ll either understand and enjoy, or you won’t. I don’t see much middle ground here. But that’s just my opinion. Clearly I’m in the minority with my opinion so read it and judge for yourself.

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