Release Blitz, DGR Top Fave Review, & Giveaway: ★Unbreak My Heart★ by @AuthorNicoleJ

Unbreak My Heart Blitz BannerUNBREAK MY HEART
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Nicole Jacquelyn
Release Date: June 7, 2016
Formats: Trade Paperback & eBook


What do you do when your soul mate marries your best friend?

If you’re Kate Evans, you keep your friend Rachel, bond with her kids, and bury your feelings for her husband. The fact that Shane’s in the military and away for long periods helps-but when tragedy strikes, everything changes.

After Rachel, pregnant with her fourth child, dies in a car accident and the baby miraculously survives, Kate upends her entire life to share parenting duties. Then on the first anniversary of Rachel’s death, Kate and Shane take comfort in each other in a night that they both soon regret.

Shane’s been angry for a year, and now he feels guilty too – for sleeping with his wife’s best friend and liking it…liking her.  Kate’s ability to read him like a book may have once sent Shane running, but their lives are forever entwined and they are growing closer.

Now with Shane deployed for seven months, Kate is on her own and struggling with being a single parent. Shane is loving and supportive from thousands of miles away, but his homecoming brings a betrayal Kate never saw coming. So Kate’s only choice is to fight for the future she deserves – with or without Shane…

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I don’t remember the drive to the hospital or even where I parked that afternoon. I can’t recall what the nurse looked like as she searched for Rachel’s name in their computer system or the walk toward the room where I waited for someone to speak to me.The first thing I remember clearly is the white-haired doctor’s kind face as he sat down across from me, and the young chaplain’s small smile as he chose the chair to my left. Their words became a litany that I would hear in my dreams for years.

My Rachel was gone, but her son was alive and in the NICU.

“Is there anyone you’d like for us to call? Any family or friends that you’d like to be here?”

The question jolted me out of the fog that seemed to be getting thicker and thicker around me. Dear God.

“I’ll make the calls,” I answered, looking blankly at the wall. “Can I have some privacy please?”

“Of course. I’ll be right outside if you need me,” the chaplain answered, reaching out to pat my hand. “I’ll take you up to the NICU when you’re ready.”

The room was silent after they left, and I fought the urge to scream at the top of my lungs just to hear it echo around me. I understood then why people hired mourners to wail at funerals. Sometimes the lack of sound is more painful than the anguished noise of a heart breaking.

My hands shook as I pulled my phone out of my front pocket and rested it on the table in front of me.

It only took a moment before the sound of ringing filled the room, and I rested my head in my hands as I stared at the name across the screen.

“Hello? Kate? What’s wrong?”

“Shane—” I said quietly, my voice hitching.

“What? Why are you calling me?” His voice was confused, but I could hear a small thread of panic in the urgency of his words.

“I need you to come to Tri-City Hospital,” I answered, tears rolling down my face and landing on the glass screen of my phone, distorting the letters and numbers.

“Who?” His voice was frantic, and I could hear him moving around, his breathing heavy.

“Rachel was in an accident.” I sobbed, covering my face to try and muffle the noise.

“No,” he argued desperately, as I heard two car doors shut almost simultaneously. “Is she okay?”

I shook my head, trying to catch my breath.

“Kate! Is she okay?” He screamed at me, his anguished voice filling the room as I’d wanted mine to just minutes before.

“No,” I answered through gritted teeth, feeling snot running down my upper lip as I heard him make a noise deep in his throat. “She’s gone.”

He didn’t say a word, and less than a second later, the connection was broken.

I rubbed at my forehead, trying to convince myself that it was all just a nightmare. Where was I supposed to be? What was I supposed to do now? My best friend in the entire world was there in that hospital, but not really. I couldn’t bear to see her. I couldn’t help her. Where the fuck was I supposed to go?”

I made my way to the NICU as quickly as I could, and within minutes, I was holding my new nephew in my arms. The nurses told me that he’d passed all of his tests with flying colors, and I was in awe as I sat down in a rocking chair, cradling him to my chest.

“You sure got a shitty beginning, little man,” I murmured against his fuzzy scalp, rocking back and forth gently. “I’m so sorry, buddy. You’re probably missing your mama and that warm bubble you’ve been in for so long. I can’t help you there.”

I sniffled, closing my eyes as tears rolled down my cheeks. My whole body ached, and even though I had that little boy in my arms, the whole day seemed like some sort of surreal dream, foggy in some parts and crystal clear in others. I wanted to hop up and take his sleeping, little form to Rachel, to tease her about the weird Mohawk thing he was sporting and make joking comments about how men always seem to sleep through the hard parts of life. I wanted to see her smile proudly at the sturdy boy she’d produced and grumble that I was hogging him.

I wanted everything to be different.

I hummed softly with my eyes closed for a long time, holding the baby close to me. It was quiet where we sat, nothing breaking up the stillness of the room until I heard someone open the door.

“There he is,” the nurse murmured from the doorway.

My eyes popped open to see Shane’s ravaged face just feet from me. He looked like he was barely holding on. I swallowed hard as his red rimmed eyes took in his son carefully before rising to meet mine.

“Is he okay?” he asked thickly, searching my face. I’d never seen him so frightened.

“He’s perfect,” I answered, my voice throbbing with emotion. “The nurses said he’s a rock star.”

He nodded twice, reaching up to cover his mouth with his hand, but before he could say another word, he was stumbling and falling to his knees with an almost inaudible sob.

Author InterviewDGR: What was your favorite scene to write in Unbreak My Heart and what is your favorite scene to read in Unbreak My Heart?

NJ: My favorite scene to write was probably the scene when Kate is singing to the kids over the phone. She was devastated but pulled it together to get her kids to sleep from a thousand miles away. That’s such a mom thing to do.

My favorite scene to read is when Shane is taking the kids back to California and Keller decides that he’s going to stay behind. He comes across as a bit of a brat in this story, but when the chips are down he’s worried about who’s going to be taking care of Kate. That’s Keller. He might not get his point across in a constructive way, but he feels things very deeply.

What can I say? I like the ones that seem to punch you right in the belly.

review-Unbreak My Heart5 starsUnbreak My Heart2-DGR

I’d pushed her aside for so long that there was no foundation to build on. Just a mess of shattered pieces that I’d crushed with a sledgehammer every time she’d grown closer than I was comfortable with.

God. GOD. This book. This heartbreaking, incredibly written, gut wrenching book. If it had any more of my favorite elements in it, I’d feel like it was custom written for me. I don’t remember the last time I read a book that gripped me the way this one did. To the point that I felt it on a visceral level. To the point that now days later after finishing it, I still can’t stop thinking about it. This was easily one of my top favorite reads this year. I picked it up and read it straight through because I couldn’t bear to put it down for even a second. I was an ugly crying, sniveling, raging mess the entire time and loved every painful second of it.
If The Unwanted Wife and Walk Through Fire had an angst baby, this book would be IT. I’m so book hungover right now, I can’t even form words.

Unbreak My Heart is an unbelievably gripping story of love and loss and second chances. This book absolutely owned my heart. It was a compelling, angst-filled, emotional, and completely unputdownable read from beginning to finish. You will love to hate this hero and then you’ll just flat out love him.

I don’t need you to save me…
I never needed you to fucking save me.”

Nicole Jacquelyn has a true gift with words because her characters are so incredibly compelling, you don’t just read about them, you experience them. There is not an ounce of telling in this book. Everything is shown, including the character descriptions. Yeah. I was blown away to say the least.

Shane is not an easy hero to love. As a matter of fact he will make you down right hate him. He will break your heart so many times over, you’ll wonder if there is a road back. But there is. Oh but there is.

I didn’t know how to be with someone like Kate. She’d demand more from me than anyone ever had before, and that was terrifying.

You may be asking yourself if it’s possible to write a book with a dead spouse and not make the heroine feel like a consolation prize prize. And to you I say, abso-freaking-lutely.

Kate is a character with so much depth. She takes so much emotional punishment throughout this book that you want to say that she may be too forgiving. But the author instills so much growth in her throughout the story that you’ll love her more and more with each page.

I won’t give you anything about the plot, because to be quite honest, everything you need to know is in the blurb. Anything more than that will be a spoiler. And if there’s one thing I can recommend is to go into this book absolutely blind with NO preconceived notions.

I couldn’t change the past, but hell if I didn’t want to be what Kate needed now.

Everything about this story is brilliant; from the feelings it will wrench from your very soul to the emotional mess it will leave you at the end of it. Shane and Kate’s story is not an easy one. It’s filled with pain and heart break but it’s also beautiful in its own right. You don’t read the characters’ journey, you experience it. Everything from the fundamental changes in their relationship to their feelings and everything in between.

For the past couple of nights when I’d lain down beside her, after she’d called asleep and I knew she couldn’t hear me, I’d promised her that she’d never have to forgive me again if she could do it one last time.

If you’re questioning picking this up, don’t! If you’re a fellow angst-whore like me, if there’s one book I can recommend you read, it’s this one! Grab some tissues and some alcohol and prepare to read the whole night through because I guarantee this book will own every piece of you by the time you’re finished.

About the Author

Nicole Jacquelyn NO CREDIT


When Nicole Jacquelyn was eight and people asked what she wanted to be when she grew up, she told them she wanted to be a mom. When she was 12, her answer changed to author. Her dreams stayed constant. First, she became a mom, and then during her senior year of college–with one daughter in first grade and the other in preschool–she sat down and wrote a story.

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Review: ★Engaging The Bachelor★ by Cathryn Fox

review-Engaging The BachelorENGAGING THE BACHELOR
Series: Pulse #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Cathryn Fox
Release Date: June 6, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


Hot, Southampton doctor, Carson Reynolds isn’t the kind of man Gemma Carr should be playing with. But his offer of a fake engagement comes with sexy, late night house calls, and despite her bad girl reputation, it’s been far too long since she’s taken two and called anyone in the morning.

When Carson sees Gemma at a charity event, he knows he has to have her. It’s been ten years since he’s had her in his arms, but that hasn’t lessened his intense need for her. To save her reputation and get his parents off his back, he makes her an offer she can’t refuse.

It’s the perfect set-up—until this fake engagement starts to feel a little too real…




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Review4 starsEngaging The Bachelor-DGR

…I have a date tonight.”
“Break it.”
“I can’t-”
“Doctor’s orders.”
“You’re not my doctor,” she argued.
A ghost of a smile played on his lips. “Not yet.”

Hubida hubida *fans self*
It’s been a long while since I’ve read a book by Cathryn Fox, and for the life of me I don’t know why. The woman can write one sizzling romance. I was in the mood for something fun, steamy and light, and this book delivered all of that in spades.

A hot Southampton doctor+ the town bad girl+ a fake engagement= sexy times ensue. Engaging The Bachelor marks book one in the brand new Pulse series and if this book is anything to go by, it’s bound to be crazy good. Think Grey’s Anatomy but hotter. Got your attention don’t I?

…I’m not having sex with you, Carson.”
“Say that again.”
“I’m not having sex with you, Carson.”
“No, just that last part.”
“Yeah, that’s it. I want you to say it just like that when I’m inside you.”

Ten years ago, eighteen year old Carson shared one stolen night with a nameless girl that left a brand on his heart and took off running before he could learn her name. He’s been unable to stop thinking of her since, but has given up hope trying to find her…until he recognizes the sassy beauty at a bar holding a Bachelor Auction for the doctors of the local hospital. She may have gotten away from him once, but he’s not making it easy this time around. All he knows is that he has to have her, one way or another, and he’s not afraid to play dirty….very very dirty.

I’m going to kiss every inch of you, then I’m going to pound into you until you’re screaming my name. Tonight you’re mine, Gemma.”

Gemma plays up her bad girl image not to let anyone in. But one boy ten years ago stole past her defenses and she’s never forgotten him. But nothing prepares her for the potency of the man that he is right now.

I loved both Gemma and Carson. Gemma has her issues after a childhood with an alcoholic mother that jumps form one man to another. But something about Carson makes it impossible to stay away. And when he offers her a proposition of a fake engagement with benefits? Well, let’s just say she can’t say no.

What a super fun read this was. It offered just the right amount of steam and dirty talk to make for the perfect book to spend an afternoon with. The sex is dirty, the story engaging enough to make it more than just hot sex, and the characters were fantastic. Carson is swoony and sexy, Gemma is a great combination of tough and vulnerable. I enjoyed it from beginning to end and can’t wait for the future installments in this series.

New Release & Review: ★Game Player★ by B.J. Harvey

Series: Game #2
Genre: Contemporary, Romantic Comedy
Author: B.J. Harvey
Release Date: May 26, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


From the USA Today bestselling author of the Bliss series comes a new spin off series featuring your favorite Bliss series characters who are yet to meet their match. This time it is Zach and Danika’s turn.

I’m a gamer by nature and by profession. I’m all about strategy, performance, and coming out on top.

Five months ago I threw caution to the wind, and in the first miscalculated step of my twenty-one-year life, I made a move on my brother’s best friend.

The first mistake we made was keeping our relationship secret. The next was going off half-cocked when a train wreck of epic proportions hit us.

Now our secret is secret no more. As I struggle to deal with all of the swirling emotions, conflicted feelings, and the multitude of burned bridges that I need to mend, the one person who can help me through it all is the same man I need space from.

To fix it I’ll have to pull on my big-girl panties, focus on what I truly want in life, and put everything I have into winning the most important game I’ll ever play.

Life is a game, and it is what you make it.

Coming out unscathed is a whole other matter.

Buy LinksAMAZONReview3.5 starsGame Maker-DGR

Distance has never worked. Denial hasn’t either. Nothing has ever dimmed the way I feel- and have always felt- whenever I’m around him.

If steamy, feel-good rom coms that are light on the angst and heavy on the swoons are your thing, then B.J. Harvey’s Game series is your holy grail. Game Player was my first book by this author and I was absolutely hooked. Her brand of humor just clicked with me and I knew she had an insta-fan in me.

I’m a sucker for a older brother’s best friend trope, and when I read the blurb for this book, there wasn’t a doubt that I’d be jumping at the chance to meet it.

Danika Roberts is the youngest sibling in her family. She’s an adorably endearing ‘nerd’ that you can’t help but love from the very first page. As the youngest in her family, her brother Zander, who practically raised her, is understandably uber protective of her. Unfortunately for Danika, the object of her fantasies has been and always will be Zander’s best friend and fire fighter, Zach Cooper.

I present to you Zach Cooper Eau de Parfum. Lady boner guaranteed or your money back.

Zach was a refreshing change of pace for me that I absolutely adored. It’s not often you read about a man that actually wants a relationship. Everything that came out of his mouth had me swooning like a teenage girl at a Justin Bieber concert. Swear to god. The man was utter perfection.

As for the story, it was just one of those light and easy reads that simply hits the spot. There’s no internal drama. These two have been hiding feelings from each other for years, and when they do give into it, there’s no question. The light angst comes from an outside factor of Zander and not knowing how to tell him that they’re together. It’s steamy, quirky, and just one of those feel good sort of reads that is perfect to spend a weekend afternoon with.

This was the risk I took when I kissed you back then. The risk I’ve been taking every minute of every day since then while falling in love with you, and the very reason why I’ll risk everything with everyone to have you now”

While Zach and Danika acknowledge their feelings towards each other from the very beginning, I appreciated that the author didn’t throw them into bed together straight away. There’s a bit of a slow burn with that and personally I would have loved more of one. I think for my personal tastes, I would have liked a little of them from the years when Danika moved back to Chicago. I would have loved the added burn and tension between them before they acknowledge it. As it was, it read a little…too easy for me.

This book is so much more than just the romance between Dani and Zach. All the family members and friends make an appearance and I really loved that too. I’ll admit I was little bored with the lack of tension or angst at times, but that’s just my own personal reading taste. B.J. is certainly an author that can write one heck of a rom com and she’ll continue to be my go to for a light and humorous romance. Don’t let my three star fool you. I may be stingy with my stars, but this was definitely a book I’d recommend to any romance lovers…especially if you’re sick of angsty set ups with internal drama and manwhore heroes. Zach will certainly hit the spot just right for you. 😉


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Review: ★The Ending I Want★ by Samantha Towle

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Samantha Towle
Release Date: May 10, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


Taylor Shaw had the perfect life—until she was sixteen. That was when everything changed. From that moment on, life went from bad to worse…to the worst.
After recovering from a brain tumor, months later, she suffers the tragic loss of her whole family.
Since that fateful day, she’s been coasting through life.

Now, the brain tumor has returned, and Taylor decides she’s had enough. She’s going to take her fate into her own hands.
No more hospitals. No more surgeries. No more anything.
She’s going to join her family.
It’s her decision.
What she longs for.
The ending she wants.

She just has a list of things to do before she goes.
First, go to England.
Second, kiss a stranger…

Only, Taylor didn’t expect Liam Hunter, the stranger—with his handsome face, his six-foot-three of gorgeousness, and his oh-so-hot English accent—to change things.
To change her.
To change the ending she wanted.

What is a girl, who is standing on the edge of nothing, to do when offered the chance of everything?

Buy LinksAmazon US | Amazon UK | B&N | iTunes |KoboReview2.5 starsThe Ending I want-DGR

Recently, I’ve found myself wishing for a lot of things. Things I have no right to wish for. But the heart can be a selfish and foolish thing. And mine is certainly both.

I have been sitting here for days trying to figure out how to rate this book. I adore Samantha Towle’s books. The Mighty Storm is still one of my all times favorites. When I first read the blurb to The Ending I Want, I knew I had to read it. It sounded like exactly the highly emotional reads I love that would tug at every heartstring. Unfortunately, that’s not quite what I got and what I had to sit and think on is expectation vs. reality. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that it wasn’t just reality not living up to expectations for me, it was my lack of connection with the characters and their story that ultimately brought my rating down. So what do I rate it? Ultimately I had to go with a 2.5 because it just didn’t feel like a full 3 stars for me because aside from the first 15% and final 20%, I felt no emotional connection to the story whatsoever. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t hate it. Not by any means. But I didn’t quite like it either. I had to push myself to finish, and that’s what my rating reflects.

You’re mine, Boston, in every way that matters,” he whispers.

I loved the first 15%. The buildup, the chemistry between the characters, and then it progressively began to lose steam for me. The H and h connection was super quick, but still believable. I applaud the author in pulling that off because it’s not easy considering they get together pretty much right away.

I struggled with my connection to both Taylor and unfortunately even Liam. Taylor just never clicked for me. I didn’t buy her reason for choosing to die. I wanted to feel her reasons and never did. This holds especially true with the decision she made at the end because it just didn’t add up with what she kept saying for the entire book. I didn’t buy it. It felt….dare I say…shallow. There’s quite a bit of sex that happens in the book and ultimately it began to take away from the possible emotion it could have had. 15-20% the characters spend going on dates and having sex and I just wanted more. I wanted to feel Taylor’s plight. I wanted the emotion, the angst. And yet it never came. Not really.

Liam was incredibly sexy and enigmatic, but I struggled even with him. As much as I hate to use the word cliche, at times that’s what he read like. A billionaire with a tragic past. Nothing really new for me here. I wanted more. (view spoiler). It was all too much. I’d almost rather he was an average Joe. I simply didn’t need all that.

I also found some of the dialogue, especially the sex talk, to be forced and stilted at times. It almost felt like those parts were written by someone else. I don’t even know how to explain it, but it just felt…off.

You’re a little exhibitionist. I fucking love it. Just as much as I love your tight little pussy.

One of these days, I’m going to fuck you where everyone can see. Where they can watch me fuck your hot, tight pussy.”

Don’t get me wrong, it was really hot at times, but at other times it was almost cheesy in an OTT way.

That’s it, babe. Fuck my finger. Just like I’m going to fuck you with my cock. God, I want to fuck you now- so bad.


I think we we both know that you and I are more than friends. I think my thumb up your arse while I was fucking you with my cock earlier on should have confirmed that fact to you.

I spent the majority of the book waiting to be hit with the emotion that the blurb promises, and I barely got that in the last 20%. Unfortunately for me, by then it was simply too little too late.

Now to be fair, the author does an amazing job with Liam. I truly felt for him and I loved getting his POV.

I’ll beg if I have to. If that’s what you need to change your mind. I’ll get down on my fucking knees and beg.”

I may not have fully connected with him in the story, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy him. Because I really did.

Don’t let my rating deter you from reading this and judging for yourself. Sometimes you click with a book and sometimes you don’t, and sadly this fell into the latter category for me. Many people loved it; I’m simply getting too picky for my own good. I will without a doubt read any and all future books from this wonderful author. You can’t love every book, even from your favorites, and this was my one fluke. I look forward to what miss Towle will write in the future.

Review: ★Kissed★ by Elizabeth Finn

Genre: Erotic, Contemporary Romance
Author: Elizabeth Finn
Release Date: May 23, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


Reputation is everything, a fact Keegan Lauri knows all too well. A political PR strategist by trade, he makes his living creating and protecting the image of men, protecting them from women like Gabrielle Kitrick. She’s a threat to every man who falls for her. Beautiful, innocent, young, and available … for a price… Gabe is the shiny little trophy men of power seem to desire. But possessing her is a risk, a risk Keegan is responsible for removing from his client’s life.

He’s not above manipulating her for his own professional gain. He’s not even above seducing her and enjoying every second of it. But he finds out quickly her looks are a façade, and the more he comes to know Gabe, the more difficult it becomes to ignore her humanity. Because behind her beauty and crimson-lipped smile lies a young woman fighting for a better future, a future his very involvement with her jeopardizes.

When Keegan’s professional responsibilities threaten to expose her, will he choose to do his job or protect the young woman he’s become so attached to?

Buy LinksAMAZONReview4.5 starsKissed-DGR

So how much then?”
“How much…?”
“For your lips.”
“They’re not for sale.”

If there’s one thing I know when I pick up a new book by Elizabeth Finn, it’s that angst and a punch straight to the feels is guaranteed. There’s a damn good reason why she’s become my go-to when I’m craving an addicting combination of angst and feelings and she’ll deliver on the promise 100% of the time. Reading the synopsis I knew I was in for one heck of a read and I was not wrong. It’s everything I hoped it would be; seductive, emotional, angsty and hot enough to burn.

Keegan Lauri is ruthless when it comes to his job as a political PR strategist. He will do whatever it takes, even if it requires playing dirty. When he realizes that his new “assignment” happens to have a weakness in the form of the stunning woman that shows up on his arm to a political function, he knows he needs to get rid of her by any means necessary. What he doesn’t expect is to be lured in by her beauty and intriguing vulnerability himself…

Don’t worry. I won’t tell your secrets,” I whisper.
“You ARE the secret,” she whispered back.

Gabrielle Kitrick may be my favorite heroine I’ve read of Finn’s in a while. She’s this endearing combination of vulnerability and strength. The way that the author unveils all her layers though each chapter only serves to connect you to her even more. She may be a high priced escort, but she has a damn good reason for doing what she does. She’s not one of those in your face with her sexuality heroines, yet she doesn’t exactly berate herself about it either. When the devastatingly handsome Keegan shows up instead of her ‘client’ and propositions her for a night, the pull between them is too strong for her to refuse and so she gives in.

You want me to kiss it and make it feel better again, all those feelings you have bottled up inside, torturing you? Our lips sure do know how to make it disappear, don’t they?

What begins is a dangerous push and pull between two people that have everything to lose and yet chose to loose themselves in each other. The chemistry between them is undeniable and you can practically feel the electric current that crackles between them. The fact that you’re basically reading the book just waiting for the other shoe to drop makes it for one absolutely unputdownable read.

You know that something will go wrong, but you don’t know when or how. And that particular weight is a shadow over each and every one of their stolen interactions.

He leaned down, kissing my shoulder and then up to my ear. “Use me,” he whispered. ” I know you need to.”

The one thing that this author knows how to do amazingly well is give her characters an incredible amount of depth and you certainly feel that with both Keegan and Gabe. Keegan is a wonderfully multi-layered character. He may be ruthless when it comes to his job and he may not be able to control some of the insults that fly out of his mouth in the heat of the moment, but there’s also something so incredibly vulnerable about him too. The way that these emotions of his get unveiled is utterly delicious. With each new chapter brings an added depth to him and you can’t help but fall for him even though you know that he just may be Gabe’s ultimate demise…

They can’t hurt me. They can’t make some cruel off-the-cuff remark like you and cut me to the bone. The don’t get to make me cry. They can’t truly touch any part of me that really matters. You”- it came out on a rush of breath, trailing into nothing for a moment- “hurt.”

This is a story that kept me glued to the pages from beginning to finish. While I knew what was coming, it still managed to pack in a few surprises with the way everything took place. I believe the point is that the reader ultimately knows what would happen and spend the entirety of the book with their heart in their throat waiting for that other shoe to drop. Finn manages to wrangle quite a few emotions in the process making this not only one sizzling read but something beyond your typical escort book. The pacing is perfection, the characters are phenomenally developed and the story itself is purely addicting. If you haven’t read anything by this author yet, I highly suggest you start with this one. I guarantee you that you’ll be hooked. Elizabeth’s brand of angst just works for me and she seriously outdid herself with Kissed. I can’t wait what else she has in store for us with her future releases.

I’d entered her life too thoughtlessly, too callously, too selfishly, and try as I might to undo that, I’d just never succeeded.

Review: ★Too Hot To Handle★ by Tessa Bailey

Series: Romancing the Clarksons #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Tessa Bailey
Release Date: May 17, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


When rescue looks like a whole lot of trouble…

The road trip was definitely a bad idea. Having already flambéed her culinary career beyond recognition, Rita Clarkson is now stranded in God-Knows-Where, New Mexico, with a busted-ass car and her three temperamental siblings, who she hasn’t seen in years. When rescue shows up—six-feet-plus of hot, charming sex on a motorcycle—Rita’s pretty certain she’s gone from the frying pan right into the fire . . .

Jasper Ellis has a bad boy reputation in this town, and he loathes it. The moment he sees Rita, though, Jasper knows he’s about to be sorely tempted. There’s something real between them. Something raw. And Jasper has only a few days to show Rita that he isn’t just for tonight—he’s forever.



Review2.5 starsTHTH-DGR

This is what’s going to pass for conversation tonight. Small talk will be my tongue flicking against your clit until you cry out my name like a swear word. My headboard slapping the wall is going to be our heart-to-heart. And that gorgeous body riding my dick is going to be our nighttime prayers. You with me, Rita?”

Ladies, guard your ovaries, because the Queen of Dirty Talk is back at it with her brand new series featuring the four Clarkson siblings and their journey to a HEA.

The Clarkson siblings have been almost estranged for many years. They love each other but their camaraderie has been strained at the very least. When Rita reads her mother’s journal upon her passing and finds out that her last wish was for all four siblings to travel to NY and jump into the ocean as she did many years ago with the Coney Island Polar Bear Club, she’s not exactly sold on the idea. Then a fire burns down her mother’s award winning restaurant and with insurmountable guilt over it causes her to re-evaluate it. And while her siblings begrudgingly agree to accompany her, the road trip is not smooth sailing. Having their suburban break down in the middle of New Mexico is certainly not something they need to help their bickering even more.

A random good samaritan pulling over his motorcycle to help them wasn’t in their plan either. And neither was the instantaneous connection between him and Rita.

What is this about for you? What do you want from me?”
EVERYTHING. This acquintance with Rita was no longer some test of his worth. It was something bigger. He could feel it. “Time. I need more time with you, Rita.”

Jasper Ellis used to be the town’s bad boy. But he’s looking for more from his life now than simply the owner of the local watering hole and bad boy rep. It takes just a glance at the brown eyed beauty on the side of the road for him to know he wants more than just a good time with her. But Rita is only passing through, so it’s up to him to convince her that their connection deserves more than just a few hours spent between the sheets.

If you’re looking for Tessa’s signature dirty talk, you’ll certainly find that here…in spades.

Welcome to show-and-tell. You’re going to slide those sexy legs apart and show me where I’ll have the privilege of putting this hungry cock. And I’ll tell you tons read them wider.

Jasper delivers on that promise and more!

What I unfortunately found lacking here for me, was a connection with the characters. As much as I wanted to love the two of them together, their instant connection just didn’t work for me. There was definitely plenty of sexual tension and push and pull between them, but I wanted more. I just didn’t buy it, I suppose. For some reason they just fell flat for me. Perhaps it was because the entirety of their relationship in the book spans only three days and I’m just too cynical of a reader for that? Perhaps because at times it wasn’t only their relationship that fell flat for me but the characters themselves as well. I just didn’t connect with them or their romance. The sex was hot, as always, but I wanted more emotion. I also found myself thinking that some of the dirty talk was a bit too much at times, as well. Personally it does nothing for me when I read the hero referring to the heroine’s clit as “sweetheart” and having an actual conversation with her. But then again, since I didn’t have much of a connection with the story, I did nitpick quite a bit.

The pacing of the story was slow yet never boring, but ultimately my lack of connecting did force me to skim certain parts. Don’t get me wrong, it was still entertaining, but I supposed I simply wanted more from it.

I did love the relationship between all the siblings and getting a deeper peek at that with this story. It was enough to hook me to want to read the next three books.

If you’re a fan of this author, I definitely recommend the book. No reader is the same, and this may just be a winner for you! As much as I wish I could rate this a bit higher, it just didn’t hit me as much as I wished it would. This is one of those times where I really wish that GR had half stars, because while it wasn’t quite a 3 stars it wasn’t exactly a 2 either. To be fair, I’ll rate it a 3 here because ultimately I did still enjoy it for what it was. Perhaps it was my mood and coming off another book that blew me away and so my expectations were higher than normal. Read it and judge for yourself 😉


Review: ★Wicked Heart★ by Leisa Rayven

Series: Star Crossed #3
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Leisa Rayven
Release Date: May 17, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


The one guy she can’t have is the one she can’t forget.

Liam Quinn is one of the biggest movie stars in the world…and the only man Elissa Holt has ever truly loved.

After being out of her life for six years, he and his gorgeous fiancé are set to star in the new Broadway show Elissa is stage managing. The only trouble is, when late night rehearsals bring Elissa and Liam together, the line between what is and what could have been gets blurred. Now one moment of weakness is about to create a scandal that will echo around the world.

Elissa knows that falling for Liam again would be a tragedy in the making, but as any good romantic knows, love doesn’t always follow the script.


Buy LinksAMAZON | iBOOKS | B&NReview4.5 starsWicked Hearts-DGR

Heartache doesn’t teach you to be resilient. It teaches you to protect your fragility. It teaches you to fear love. And it draws a bright red circle around all the ways you’ve failed as a person and laughs while you cry.”

I feel like I’ve been run over by the angst truck. I don’t know whether I want a drink, a hug, or a cigarette. All I know is that I love the absolute hell out of this book and I’m not even a little sorry!

As a self professed angst whore, second chance romance happens to be my favorite catnip. I lurve it. Seriously. If there’s a grovel involved? Putty. Just scrub my completely melted self off of the floor and go about your business because I can’t even! So when I read the blurb to this book, I knew I had to read it.

Confession time: I didn’t love the first two books in this series. (hides) I know, I know. But save your rotten tomatoes because while I didn’t love the characters, I knew this author was gonna be one to watch out for me. The woman writes good angst and the feels she’s able to pack into it, I gobbled right up. So I knew it was just a matter of time before she was going to give me characters to swoon over and luckily for me, Liss and Liam were that.

I’m not saying goodbye,” he says as he shoves his hands in his pockets.
“Because this isn’t over.
One day, fate’s going to fix this.
Bring us back together.
I believe that.”

Liam wasn’t a famous action star when he first met Lissa. But for one day six years ago, he was her everything. That is until he walked away and shattered her heart. Lisa never quite recovered and she’s held herself aloof to all men since. Now a successful stage manager, she gets the shock of a life time when not only is the new star of the show she’s working on the love of her life, Liam. But the co-star is his gorgeous and disgustingly sweet finance, who’s also impossible to hate.

Enter: über angst. Holy mother. You GUYS. I couldn’t get enough of them. The tension was so thick and palpable, you can practically taste it. And. It. Was. Delicious.
Wicked Heart-DGRI didn’t know what I was feeling. I wanted to hate Liam, but it was impossible. I wanted Lissa to make Liam grovel, but I also got why she couldn’t. The connection they share is so obvious, and the chemistry between them was so hot, it made it completely impossible to put the book down for even a second.

I used to think that if I just waited long enough, fate would bring us back together. That our stars would align, or whatever, and you’d come crashing back into my life to stay. But that didn’t happen. So now I say, screw it. I’m done waiting. Sometimes, fate is what you make it.”

The one thing that I need from a second chance romance is a good reason for the separation. I want to understand it, I want to feel it, and I really got that here. When everything is finally revealed, it’s like the puzzle pieces all clicked together. It just made sense. And I loved that we got that. It wasn’t some silly miscommunication or something ridiculous. It just made you connect with the characters that much more.

Wicked Heart is an angsty and emotional roller coaster with enough sexual tension to make even the toughest reader hurt. It was effortless in its execution and beautiful in its delivery. Liam and Lissa together were absolute perfection. If you don’t head over heels for Liam Quinn, we haven’t been reading the same book.

Ask me to give up a limb and I swear, I’ll find a way to do it. But don’t ask me to live without you anymore. I can’t. I’m so goddamn in love with you, it hurts.”

I already can’t wait for the next tale that this talented author has in mind.

I did wish for a little more from the ending, which is what kept this from being a full 5 stars for me. But overall it was still a fantastic read!



Bad Romeo and Broken Juliet are a duet based on Cassie and Ethan. Wicked Hearts is Ethan’s sister, Elissa, and while she’s first introduced in the previous 2 books, you may also enjoy it as a standalone.

Review: ★Never Let You Go★ by Monica Murphy

review-NLYGNever Let You Go
Series: Never Tear Us Apart #2
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Monica Murphy
Release Date: May 3, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


The second novel in this darkly sexy contemporary series from bestselling author Monica Murphy wraps up an emotionally powerful two-part tale of forbidden love.

The truth hurts, they say—and my pain cuts deep. While I was falling for Ethan, he was deceiving me the entire time. He held a huge secret, protected by his lies. When I discovered what he was hiding, the truth shook my world, threatening to ruin us forever. Ruin me. But I soon realized that what we share can’t be destroyed.

The connection between us is too strong. It always has been. I can’t deny him any longer. And I can’t deny my truth: I’m in love with Ethan.

I don’t want to let him go.

While we’re trying our best to make this relationship work, other forces are fighting against us. My family, who wants to keep me safe. The media obsessed with my tragic past. The public that feeds off of it. Even Ethan’s father—the man who nearly destroyed me all those years ago. He’s doing his best to finish the job.

Despite my love for Ethan, the doubts creep in, clouding my mind. Is he worth the pain? Will our love survive, or will we have no choice but to end it—end us—once and for all?

Buy LinksAMAZON | iBOOKS | B&NReview3 starsNever Let You Go MM-DGR

Ethan. Will. The boy of my past. The man of my future. The one I can never, ever let go.

Never Let You Go is the powerful conclusion to the emotional duet that started with Never Tear Us Apart. It begins immediately where the first book ended; both Ethan and and Katie dealing with the aftermath of the revelation of Ethan’s lie and the continuous hounding for their story by one very determined reporter.

I fell in love with this story and this couple in the first book. It was gripping and emotional, poignant and tragic love story of two people that should never be together yet make perfect sense together. The journey that the author sends them on individually as well as a couple was equal parts powerful and easy to believe. The story is equal parts emotional and devastating at times. Katie is still dealing with he afteraffects of all she’s been through. But now, she’s not only dealing with her issues after her kidnapping and rape when she was young, but the boy from her past all of a sudden being the man of her present. Who is Ethan/Will? Does he truly want her? Can she allow herself to feel for him?

Ethan was an incredible character. His unwavering love for Katie was so emotionally powerful, it’s almost heart breaking at times because all the odds are stacked against them.

The pace of the story is very slow, even more so than the first book. But whereas in the first book I found it to be a slow burn, here I just found it to be too slow. I can’t say it’s boring, because it’s more character driven than plot driven most of the time, but it didn’t have me gripped to the book and eager to turn the pages either. But even then, this was a solid 4 star read for me…up until that last 20%.

The crazy action and drama of that ending left my mind reeling. It was just too much. The pace of the book is quite slow and steady and then BAM, you get hit with all of that. I think that many people will actually enjoy the way things resolve, but for this reader it just felt out of the blue and unnecessary. I think the story was quite solid as it was and had everything just resolved quietly with some people out of the picture, it would have been best. I felt like I was watching a soap opera ending unfold. Add into this mix a somewhat cliche revelation and I was left with a lot of meh feelings.

Now all that aside, a 3 star rating means I did enjoy the book, because I did. While it didn’t wow me, it was still a satisfying conclusion. I’d gladly recommend it for readers that want something a little different in their romance because this is definitely that. It’s poignantly written and it’s certainly not a story I’ll soon be forgetting.



Review: ★Big Easy Temptation★ by Shayla Black & Lexi Blake

review-BETBig Easy Temptation
Series: The Perfect Gentlemen #2
Genre: Contemporary Romance; Romantic Suspense
Authors: Shayla Black & Lexi Blake
Release Date: May 3, 2015add-to-goodreads-button-2


The New York Times bestselling authors of the Masters of Ménage series present the third scintillating novel featuring the privileged, wealthy, wild men of Creighton Academy—the Perfect Gentlemen.

Years ago, Naval officer Dax Spencer and NCIS agent Holland Kirk indulged in a steamy affair—until she betrayed him in the wake of his father’s death. Dax tried to put her behind him with a payback of his own. But he never forgot Holland…

Now, as Dax and his fellow Perfect Gentlemen unravel a web of lies, he discovers his family’s tragedy is part of a much larger conspiracy. Soon, all clues point him back to New Orleans…where Holland waits, protecting her deadly secret and holding a torch for the only man she’s ever loved.

Once reunited, they can’t fight the passion flaring hot and wild. But something sinister lurks around every corner, from the elegance of the Garden district to the beauty of the bayou. Dax and Holland may find their way back to each other—if they survive…

Buy-Links10AMAZON | B&N | iBOOKS

Review3.5 starsBig Easy Temptation-DGR

It was so funny that he’d come to New Orleans thinking that he could get back at her. Now he only wanted to get her back.

The perfect gentlemen return in this sexy second chance romance and what a twisty ride it was! With the third installment of this thrilling series, more mysteries are being unveiled but with every question we get an answer to, it only forms countless more.

She brought out the caveman in him. He wanted to mark her, to let everyone else know this one woman is his.

This was an interesting change of pace for me. I envisioned Dax totally different from the previous book. While we don’t know much about him, we do know that he’s still hung up on the only woman that he’s ever loved. It’s been years since they spoke and there’s enough betrayal and hurt brewing between them to guarantee no second chances, but sometimes fate has other plans.

Dax Spencer may be a too sexy for his own good Naval officer, but he’s always known what he wanted; the tough as nails NCIS agent Holland Kirk. Their lives are interwoven together with mutual friends, but Holland always keeps Dax at arm’s length. She’s always envisioned herself with someone less…intense, someone that will allow her to be as driven in her career as she is. And she knows that if she gives in to Dax, his job as a Naval officer will not let her do that…no matter how much he tempts her. But it’s not long before the chemistry between them burns too hot to deny, and Dax is nothing if not determined to win her heart.

Unfortunately their short lived affair ends in heartbreak when Holland betrays him and in a drunken bender, Dax married her best friend only to later divorce. It’s been years since they spoke, but with new evidence that has now come to light about his father’s death, Dax is determined to solve the mystery once and for all. And the one person that holds the answers he needs is the one woman that completely annihilated him when he gave her everything.

The story is told in two parts; past and present, and I really enjoyed that the authors split it that way as opposed to doing it with flashbacks. It truly allows the reader to get immersed in the budding romance between Dax and Holland. The first half is a bit slow building and at times almost teeth-rottingly sweet (at least for my particular tastes). Dax may come off as a playboy in the previous books, but he’s definitely not one. I was very curious how he would redeem himself with the whole marriage to the best friend thing, and I’m happy to say he did that flawlessly.

The second half is a bit more angsty with the added element of second-chance romance at play, which I happen to love!

You’re the woman for me. I’ve never forgotten you, not once since the moment we met.

There’s a lot that happens in Big Easy Temptation, but even with the continuous story arc, the authors do a great job in allowing this to also be enjoyed as a standalone. Though I highly recommend reading in order to truly appreciate the complexity of the mystery surrounding everything.

I loved Holland and I really loved Dax. There was some odd phrases that I found myself rolling my eyes at, like “…she would welcome him as he planted his seed”, but altogether I highly enjoyed this book. I found this to be slower paced than the predecessors, but I was still heavily involved in the story. The first half took me a bit to get through but luckily it really picked up in the second half.

He unwound her polite facade, obliterated her protective walls, an reduced her to a trembling bundle of need.

I also seriously loved getting those glimpse of Mad. Every time I finish a book in this series I keep hoping that his death is a conspiracy and he’s really alive hiding somewhere. It just hurts my heart to think that he’s really gone because you know I love me my irreverent manwhores.

All in all this was another fantastic installment in a great series. With Jordan and Gus’s book next, I can’t wait to see how the rest of the mystery unfolds.

If you like a second chance romance with a dash of mystery and suspense, a dirty talking hero that only has eyes for one woman, and a heroine that’s as tough as she is smart, then you’ve found your next read.

I want to kiss and lick and taste every inch of you, Holland. Do you know how long I’ve waited to be here? Years. Fuck, sweetheart, even before I met you, I dreamed about you. I’ve always known you’re the one woman who could make me feel, make me want forever.”


SCANDAL NEVER SLEEPS (The Perfect Gentlemen #1)

SEDUCTION IN SESSION (The Perfect Gentlemen #2)


review-Manhandled Manhandled
Series: Hammered #2
Genre: Romantic Comedy, Contemporary Romance
Authors: Cari Quinn & Taryn Elliott
Release Date: April 8, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


My name is Faith Keystone, but my friends call me Keys.
I’m the piano player for Hammered.
Did I mention I’m the only female in my band?
That means I technically have five older brothers.
Can’t forget my manager and security team, too.
Alone time is nonexistent.
I escaped an overbearing family to join this happy circus, and most of the time it’s awesome.
Except now, because of one teensy little incident at a show.
Now I have this hulking bodyguard shadowing me like a freaking puppy.
Only this puppy is more like a Doberman with an attitude problem.
And he only knows one word—NO.
I hate that word.
And I hate Quinn Alexander.
The one thing I do like is giving him the slip. Is it wrong that I kinda like when he growls at me after he finds me?
Because he always finds me.
Worst of all? I want him so bad that I keep forgetting I hate him.

BEYOND OBLIVION – A Rockstar Romance full of sexy fun set within the world of our Lost in Oblivion series! You never know who you’ll see show up in the books.



Book Trailer

Review4 starsManhandled-DGR

Fuck. My life had become the second circle of hell. Lust sitting on my shoulders with no outlet. Rule one- don’t fuck the client.

I have a confession to make, the second I saw Alex was the visual inspiration on the authors’ pinterest board for Quinn, I knew I had to get my pervy little hands on this book. What? Don’t look at me like that! Have you seen the man? Exactly. Add into that the fact that I love everything these two brilliant authors write, and I have the recipe for a guaranteed winner. And boy was it!

For those that enjoyed Manaconda, this book is a must read! And even if you haven’t read that book yet, you can easily enjoy this one as a standalone. Where Manaconda was a bit on the fluffy side with some great humor and a dose of insta, Manhandled is nothing of the sort. It’s a slow burn, and I’m talking it-hurt-so-good-but-my-ovaries-may-explode-if-they-don’t-do-it-soon sort of slow. I absolutely loved it! There’s a healthy dose of angst and all of it wrapped around a great suspense sub plot that together adds up to one entertaining read.

Damn you, Warden.”
Duty. Loyalty. None of those were synonymous with fuck the client until she was unconscious.

Faith Keystone or “Keys” is the sassy piano player for Hammered. She’s fun loving, smart-mouthed, and everyone’s best friend. I loved her straight off the bat because how can you not? When a crazy fan becomes a whole lot more threatening than anyone ever thought and threatens Faith’s safety, her parents and the band insist that she needs additional protection and no one but the best will do. The best just happens to be in the sexy and brooding shape of Noah’s best friend and former Ranger turned body guard, Quinn Alexander.

Can we just say that name out loud once more? Quinn. Alexander. *rarrrr*

What happens when you take a stringent, growly, broody and all business bodyguard and throw him in with a sassy, never take no for an answer rockstar? A whole lot of sexiness!

I couldn’t deny him.
I couldn’t do anything but hold on and roll my hips in time with his deep strokes.
He hollowed me out and owned every part of me.

This was a slow burn sort of romance, which I loved, and when these two finally do get together? Holy mother of fireworks!

It was so easy to fall into that blackness of pleasure and let my body just ride his storm.
I wanted to be his storm.
I wanted to watch him go blind. Because of this. Because of us.

A fun, at times suspenseful, a little angsty, and a whole lot of sexy kind of read that’s sure to put a smile on any rockstar romance lovers face. If you haven’t discovered these authors yet, it’s about time you get acquainted. I highly recommend 😉

Don’t miss book 1 in the Hammered series!A28018771AMAZON | MY REVIEW

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