Review: Sweet Mercy by Amelia Wilde

The Collector Trilogy #2
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Amelia Wilde
Release Date:
January 18, 2021

Daphne Morelli is trapped in a gilded cage.

She fought to escape her family, only to be caught by a billionaire. Possessive. Commanding. And determined to keep her.

Emerson LeBlanc wants to own the little painter.
She’s become more than his obsession.
She’s part of his collection now.

Except she’s more perceptive than he’d like.
Her artist’s eye sees the shadows in him.
She paints his pain on stretched canvas.

He’s determined to own her. She’s determined to escape.

In the end only one of them can truly be free.


I didn’t think a monster could be this beautiful.

Well, didn’t this take a kinky turn? *satisfied grin* I definitely didn’t see this coming, but dang if you’ll hear a peep of complaint from this girl.

After devouring the first book, I was left reeling after that jaw dropping cliffhanger. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on this book and the second it landed on my kindle, I dove right in. And then found myself treading water for a bit. What I’m saying is that it took me a hot minute to get into and I’m not certain why. I sort of muddled my way through the first 30% and was worried because it started to feel like I was disconnecting from the story and the characters. But then it took an interesting turn.

The second we began to learn more about Emerson, I was all in. This man was a full enigma in book one, and we finally get a peek into his dark soul in the second half of this one, and I was here for it. He’s such a complex character, and that really gets unraveled here. The more you learn, the more you understand. And while the reader gets to peel back the layers of the enigma that is Emerson, we also get to see the sexual awakening of Daphne. As the overly protected sister of Leo Morelli, Daphne is not exactly naive, but she isn’t experienced. She can’t possibly be too naive with a father like hers, but she’s always been overly coddled by her brother. This book really brings about her sexual awakening…with a bang. So while the first half of the book felt stretched out, and a touch repetitive, I devoured the second half.

Now this is where it also gets interesting because you’ll see there’s a divide. Some readers either really loved this while others hated it. I happen to fall in the former. There’s a particular scene that I didn’t find to be shock value, but a character developing scene for Emerson and Daphne both. It fit, but it wasn’t your mainstream romance, so if you’re expecting that, this book isn’t for you. I personally loved the hell out of it.

And that ending? I can’t wait to see how it all concludes!
Amelia Wilde is a USA TODAY bestselling author of dangerous contemporary romance and loves it a little too much. She lives in Michigan with her husband and daughters. She spends most of her time typing furiously on an iPad and appreciating the natural splendor of her home state from where she likes it best: inside.

Connect with Amelia








Review: The Words by Ashley Jade

Author: Ashley Jade
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: January 20, 2022

From USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author Ashley Jade comes an edgy, enemies-to-lovers standalone romance about mistakes, forgiveness, and second chances.

He was the talented bad boy everyone wanted.
I was the irrelevant geek everyone hated.

He was the sun…drawing all of us in.
I was a black hole…taking up space.

He was destined to be a star.
I was destined to remain an insignificant no one.

Until he made me believe I was special…

And then he destroyed me.

I never thought I’d see Phoenix Walker again after he broke my heart, but fate had other plans.

One tour. Eight weeks. Forty shows.

Countless opportunities to make him pay.

The world thought he was a God…
But I knew the truth.


Once upon a time, Phoenix Walker made me believe I was special. Then he destroyed me.

Lennon Michael is my biggest craving and my biggest regret.

For the blur of hours it took me to devour this book, it owned every part of me. This is by far, hands down, my favorite Ashley Jade book to date. I am absolutely ruined. RUINED.

When I tell you I binge read this in one sitting, I mean I stayed up until 4 am reading it. And as I write this review bleary eyed and coffee high the next day, I have zero regrets. Because this book was simply EPIC.

As a reader, I love broken, tortured and imperfect characters, and this story delivered this in spades. My heart bled for these characters and their pain.

When Lennon and Phoenix first meet, they’re in high school. Phoenix is the bad boy from the wrong side of the tracks, and Lennon is the girl with the seemingly perfect life…but who’s constantly bullied for her weight. Theirs is an unlikely friendship that forms when Lennon agrees to tutor Phoenix, that grows into something so much more as they get to know each other. Until the day when he completely shatters her heart.

Four years later, Phoenix is a famous rockstar who’s quickly spiraling out of control in drugs, women, and partying. Desperate to keep him out of the tabloids and on the straight and narrow, his manager reaches out to the one woman that’s not going to fall for his charm. She’s also the one woman that wants nothing to do with him.

Phoenix took everything, and her heart from her. Now given the chance at a huge pay day to play babysitter and to get revenge, Lennon agrees to go on tour with him and his band for 8 weeks.

When I tell you that both of these characters are damaged, I really mean it. There were times where I wanted to scream to the ceiling and shake both of them. They’re as far from perfect as they come, and their decisions show it. I wanted to hate both of them for some of the stupid things that they did. But they’re also authentic, multilayered, and so well developed, that you simply can’t help but fall further under their spell. Phoenix and his tortured soul, and Lennon and her hidden insecurities and broken heart.

Their road to a HEA is full of pain, heart ache, betrayal, mistakes, and angst. And when I say angst, I mean ANGST. If you want faultless characters who don’t make their share of stupid mistakes, this book isn’t for you. I love how the author wasn’t afraid to go there with this story and her characters. Yes, they’re damaged, but I loved them and their imperfections. I loved the tension with Phoenix and Lennon almost as much as I loved the incendiary chemistry when they finally give into the inevitable. And the grovel and grand gesture at the end? OUT OF THIS WORLD GOOD.

I also fell incredibly hard for all of the secondary characters, and already salivating for both Memphis and Storm’s books. This was honestly one of my favorite rockstar romances I’ve read in a long, long while, and I cannot recommend it enough. Just be prepared for a book full of messy emotions, unforgivable betrayals, and a once in a lifetime love. I’m absolutely obsessed!!

Review: The Plight Before Christmas by Kate Stewart

Author: Kate Stewart
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: December 19, 2021

Clark Griswold was onto something, at least with his annual holiday meltdown. And since the last three weeks of my life have been riddled with humbug—another breakup, a broken toe, an office promotion I deserved and didn’t get—I’m not at all in the mood to celebrate nor have the happ, happ, happiest Christmas EVER.

When Mom insisted that we all gather at my Grandparent’s ancient cabin for an old school family Christmas, I fully intended to get into the holiday spirit with the help of the three wise men, Johnnie Walker, Jack Daniels, and Jim Beam. But those boys did absolutely nothing to offset the shock or temper the sting of seeing my EX on our doorstep the first day of our holiday soiree.

Apparently, Santa missed the memo, and this elf is pissed.

Stuck for a week with the man who obliterated my heart nearly two decades ago, I did the only thing I could do and put on my game face, thankful for the home advantage.

I knew better than to drink that last cup of eggnog.

I knew better than to get tongue tangled beneath the mistletoe with the only man to ever break my heart.

I knew better than to sleep with Satan’s wingman on the eve of the Lord’s birthday.

I could blame the nog. I could blame the deceitful light blue eyes, thick, angelic hair, and panty evaporating smirk…but mostly, I blame Eli because he always knew exactly which of my buttons to push.

I foolishly thought a family Christmas filled with nostalgia was going to turn my inner Scrooge around, but this year’s festivities went up in flames. Leave it to the ghost of my Christmas past to be the one to light the match.

Fa la la la la, la FML.


What are you missing? I think it’s me, and I think I’m missing you, and I think we’ve been missing each other for a long fucking time.” .


This book. Is Kate Stewart even capable of writing a book that doesn’t completely own your world as you’re reading it? This was the second chance romance to beat all second chance romance. And it came with a hilarious family, banter, and forced proximity goodness. If you’re looking for THE holiday romance, this is it. THIS IS IT.

You can pretend all you want that I haven’t been inside you, but I refuse to.” .

After losing the promotion that she rightfully deserved to a man, Whitney finds herself in her feels. She recently broke up with her boyfriend because she wasn’t feeling it, much like she hasn’t felt most of her relationships. And her car barely makes it to her parent’s house for Christmas. What else can possibly go wrong? Well, how about her college ex boyfriend showing up as her brother’s plus one? The same college boyfriend who was the love of her life and shattered her heart, and she’s never quite moved on from. The same college boyfriend who never stopped thinking about her either.

Throat burning, I unravel before her. She’s mine. She has to be because my heart is hers and always has been. It’s never been so clear. I loved her then, soul-deep. I love her now, perpetually..

I loved the way that this story combines a slow burn second chance romance with the quirky family antics and dynamics. I fell so hard for this family and their individual plights. I was equally rooting for Whitney’s siblings as I was for Whitney. The banter, the laughs, their love for each other was simply heart warming and laugh till you pee yourself inducing.

The romance was very much a slow burn, and I mean slooooooow burn. And rightfully so considering the history these two had. But man, I loved watching Eli fight for her. I loved him prove to her the man that he is now. And when all the details come out, it’s heart wrenching. But if ever there was a man with a reason, this man is it. I loved him so hard.

Have you lost your mind?” I toss over my shoulder.
“Yes. And it’s your pussy’s fault. Now go.” “I am not dusting, Eli.” “Please, don’t argue with me right now,” he whimpers. “I don’t want your Dad to know that while he was worshiping his lord and savior, I was defiling his daughter. Please just…dust.”.

And for those who have read other books of Kate (and I won’t spoil and say which ones), you will SERIOUSLY appreciate a certain cameo in this book. I think I may have screamed out loud when they were revealed. GAH. SO good.

This book was pure perfection. It brought everything; the feels, the laughs, the holiday spirit, and the once in a life time romance. I simply adored it.

Review: The Grump Who Stole Summer by Ella Fields

Author: Ella Fields
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: January 7, 2022

USA Today bestselling author, Ella Fields, returns to contemporary romance with an all-new angsty enemies to lovers standalone.

I never meant to hurt her.
Okay, so that might be a lie. The truth is, I just… panicked.

My soul died when I was fourteen, and there was no reviving it. But when the one person who’d tried made headlines, got dumped by her Ivy League college, and was forced to work in my bookstore, I began to wonder if I needed it when my heart beat faster at just the sight of her.

I began to wonder if I’d been wrong to push her away three years ago, and if she was as I’d hoped and feared—different. If maybe, she could truly accept a guy like me.
All of me. Every vile, cruel, tattered piece.

First, I had to find out a few things.
Would she still smile and laugh when I said something acidic?
Would she still melt beneath the pads of my inexperienced fingers?
Did she still want me as much as I wanted her?
And finally, could she ever forgive an undeserving prick like me?
Something told me I’d regret not finding out.

Told in dual POV, The Grump Who Stole Summer is a full-length standalone, enemies to lovers second chance romance. It contains some sensitive subject matter.


Did I hurt you?”
“No, but you have ruined me.” He kissed under my jaw. “The score is finally even.”

When I think of angst, Ella Fields immediately comes to mind. The woman has ruined me when it comes to her particular brand of angst. And like the masochist that I am when it comes to her books, I eagerly scream “hurt me” every time she releases a book. I have no shame in my game. She writes an asshole like no other. *dreamy sigh*

Now this one was a bit different and not quite what I expected. It was an enemies to lovers with a twist, but not as rip your hair out angsty as Ella’s usual. The story itself took me a bit to get into. The characters, while unique, didn’t click with me right away. Though they certainly did grow on me.

Smith is a not just a grump, he’s a recluse. He hates everything and everyone, and barely manages to keep his book store afloat because he can’t be bothered to smile or be polite to a customer.

Alice is a bit of spoiled princess, though not all is at it seems with her. After going a bit too wild in college and getting caught with her boobs out on display in a paparazzi shot, well, suffice it to say her business mogul mother is non too pleased. Her punishment? A volunteering gig at a local book store. What Alice doesn’t realize until she gets there, is that the reclusive grumpy owner and her have a history, and it’s not the kind she wants to think about again. Once upon a time, he broke her heart.

These characters, though they come off a bit…strange at first, are incredibly multi layered. Not all is at it seems, and with each new chapter, I found myself growing deeper under their spell. Though the pacing of the book was a bit slower for me, I can’t complain too much, because the end more than made up for it. I loved the flashbacks of Smith and Alice interwoven into their present. Smith is still the broken, tortured, and grumpy asshole he was when Alice first met him. But still waters definitely run deep with this man, and when the truth finally gets revealed? DAMN.

I loved that Alice’s parents weren’t the stereotypical rich a-holes. They loved her and I loved seeing her mother’s conniving sweet side come out at the end. The twisty ending definitely made the book for me, though. Right out of a soap opera drama, but damn was it delicious.

Review: Beautiful Nightmare by Giana Darling

Dark Dream Duet #2
Author: Giana Darling
Genre: Contemporary, Dark Romance
Release Date: January 13, 2022

Bianca has finally found her rightful place amid the powerful Constantines.


But all is not what it seems in this glittering new world.


And Tiernan Morelli refuses to give her up…



BEAUTIFUL NIGHTMARE is the final book in the Dark Dream duet by USA Today bestselling author Giana Darling.


He was this contradiction only my heart could decipher. A lovely monster. A beautiful nightmare.

The level of anticipation that I had for this book was EXTREME. When I tell you I devoured book one…I mean I was OBSESSED. I love a good revenge plot, but when you add an age gap and a guardian/ward trope to it? Stick a fork in me. I’m done.

So after the jaw dropping cliffhanger in Dangerous Temptation, I was practically rabid to get my hands on the conclusion. So the second this book dropped on my kindle, I was on it.

The story takes place immediately where book one left off; Bianca reeling after learning of Tiernan’s betrayal and lies, and Tiernan dealing with finally cutting ties from his sadistic father. Bianca finds herself suspiciously accepted by the Constantines. She may be 17, but she’s not naive that there are clearly ulterior motives at play.

Admittedly, Tiernan’s about face with Bianca seemed sudden on the one hand. But this is really because a lot of their development happened in book one. I think if I read these back to back, it wouldn’t have even registered for me. Though I will say that the romance here took a bit of a backseat to the twists and suspense. I would have loved a bit more relationship development aside from the obvious sexual one, but I can’t complain, because the steam was incendiary.

While this book didn’t keep me as riveted as the first one, it was still a one sitting read that I devoured. Between the jaw dropping twists, the suspense, and the reunion of the Morelli brothers, it was still very much a page turner. I’m simply obsessed with this world. Hopefully we get Carter’s book next.

Review: Protect Me Not by Natasha Anders

Series: (Un) Professionally Yours #2
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Natasha Anders
Release Date: October 6, 2021

Some temptations are just not worth the complication.

Victoria Hollingsworth does not need a surly, uncommunicative bodyguard cramping her style, following her everywhere, and intimidating any would-be male callers. She’s a florist for goodness sake, not a princess or a pop star. Having a massive, mysterious bodyguard always hovering is an inconvenience. And yet… there he is, Tyler Chambers, her unwanted protector, ultra-serious, no-nonsense, and off-the-charts hot. Vicki doesn’t want, or need, him as a bodyguard. Yet, disturbingly, he may be everything she wants, and needs, in a man.

Ty hates his current long-term assignment. It’s mind-numbingly tedious. Vicki Hollingsworth is a pain in the butt who talks too much, laughs a lot, and frequently tests his patience. And her life isn’t exactly filled with intrigue and action. Ty is ready for this job to be over. He has a couple of months left before reassignment. So close to being out of here he can taste it. The last thing he needs is to suddenly find his cute-as-a-button charge irresistibly attractive. She’s not his type. Wholesome, adorable, and sweet, Vicki is the kind of woman who needs long-term commitment. And all Ty has to offer is a few short weeks of far-from-wholesome pleasure.

How much chaos can one little florist introduce into his regimented life? Ty is about to find out.




Some temptations were just not worth the complication.

I love me a good bodyguard romance, and while this one took me a minute to really get into, once I did, I couldn’t put it down.

Now usually, I love my bodyguard romance with a touch more suspense. Ty had been assigned to Vicki by her overprotective brother after one break in in her flower shop. Being a top notch professional in the field, Ty isn’t exactly thrilled at what he considers babysitting duty. And Vicki is just as thrilled at having a constant baby sitter. Suffice it to say they have a bit of a rough start when Vicki purposely antagonizes Ty in the beginning. You’d think that Ty’s sudden waking up 15 months into his charge to realize that he’s attracted to Vicki would be somewhat hard to believe, but it just fit.

Natasha Anders writes very character driven stories, and this one was no different. Admittedly it took me about 20% to really get into this story, but once I did, I couldn’t put it down. I loved Vicki’s sweetness and pure heart in comparison’s to Ty’s brokenness. After heartbreaking losses, Ty has put up walls around his heart. PTSD and loss will do that to a man. And he feels the only thing he has to offer is a short lived physical relationship with Vicki until his job is officially over and they both move on. He struggles with his attraction to her, but when this slow urn finally explodes, YOWZA! As much as Ty hot and cold, I want you but can’t give you anything back and forth drove me nuts, I still loved him. There are so many layers to this man, that you can’t help but fall for him with each layer you peel back. Vicki’s sweet nature was the perfect balance, and I loved that she wasn’t too much of a push over.

Ty goes from cold to hot to back to cold, and I couldn’t get enough. It was a slow burn romance full of heart and emotion, and a well deserved HEA that put a huge smile on my face.

Review: Savage Hearts by J.T. Geissinger

Series: Queens & Monsters #3
Genre: Mafia Romance
Author: J.T. Geissinger
Release Date: November 19, 2021

Savage (adjective):
1) Not domesticated; wild and untamed
2) A brutal or vicious person
3) Malek Antonov

He’s a myth. A ghost. A legend.

A Bratva assassin so feared, some won’t even dare to speak his name.

He comes in search of vengeance for the death of his brother, but what he finds instead is me.

A girl he thinks is someone else.

Someone unrelated to the man who killed his brother.

Except I am.

And when he finds out my true identity, he decides to take me as repayment for what he lost.

Now, I’m a little bird trapped in a cage, and the only way to survive is to make friends with the monster who captured me.

Except friendship isn’t what the monster has in mind.




Please be quiet. My inner demons are demanding that I kill you, and I want to hear what they have to say.”

No one, and I mean no one writes banter quite like J.T. Geissinger. And this girl? Lives for every sexual chemistry loaded barb.

Are you on drugs?” “Not at the moment, no. Why, do you have any?” “There’s something wrong with you. Mentally. Right?”

This series has quickly become one of my favorite mafia romance series. It has everything; intense alpha males, feisty heroines, steam, banter, and sizzling romance. And it just seems to get better with each book. I loved Sloane and Declan, and after that ending, I was practically foaming at the mouth for this book. And meeting Sloane’s polar opposite sister and the brutal mafia Brava assassin? DELICIOUS.

My little bird has claws.”
“Call me a bird one more time, and I’ll—”
“What?” I demand, pressing my chest to hers so I feel her heart pounding right through my shirt. “You’ll do what? Shoot me? Stab me? Drown me in a sea of words?”
“Fuck you.”
“Is that an invitation?”
“You wish, you arrogant prick!”
She’s so mad, she’s almost spitting. I like this side of her. This feisty, angry side. It’s so rare that someone challenges me.
“Careful,” I whisper, brushing my lips against hers. “Combat makes my dick hard.”

Riley is everything Sloane isn’t. She’s the sister that always got overshadowed by Sloane’s beauty and personality. When her commitment phobe sister gets engaged, Riley can hardly believe it. Their relationship has always been strained, but Sloane is trying, and Riley agrees to fly in to meet her new fiancé. One thing these two sisters definitely have in common is their wicked humor and sharp wit.

I wonder if my sister will mind when I start calling her fiancé Daddy?

Malek is there for vengeance. Declan killed his brother, and he wants revenge. When he first sees Riley, he thinks that she’s prostituting herself to Declan in need of money. Meh, first impressions. But in a bid to rescue her, he learns that Riley is actually his enemy’s future sister in law. So what’s a man to do? Kidnap her, obviously. Ah, romance.

I loved the banter and chemistry between these two. I loved Malek’s intensity and unwilling attraction to Riley. And I absolutely loved Riley’s fierceness. This book delivered on all the things I’ve come to love from this author. And then there’s the set up for Spider’s book and I AM IN NEED. Can’t wait for the next installment.

Review: The Wrong Heart by Jennifer Hartmann

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Jennifer Hartmann
Release Date: August 10, 2021

When my husband died, he left my broken heart behind.

He left another heart behind, too—his.

I know it’s wrong. I shouldn’t be contacting the recipient of my husband’s heart. I don’t even expect him to reply…

But there’s a desperate, twisted part of me that hopes he will.

No names.

No personal details.

Just a conversation.

The only thing I have left of my husband is inside him.


‘The Wrong Heart’ is an angst-filled contemporary romance standalone. This book deals with heavy themes, such as loss of a loved one and self-harm/suicide.



You said I look at you like I’m trying to fix you,” she says softly, her eyes scanning my face, searching for a crack. A hole. A way in. “You look at me like you’re trying to break me.”

I love a romance that can make me feel. A story that can break me and put me back together again while forever engraving itself on my heart and memory. And boy did this book do that and more.

We are not responsible for the choices that others make. It’s human condition to latch onto the whys and what ifs because that gives us power when we feel like we have none. But we’re looking for power in the wrong place,” she explains. “The power is not in the past—it’s in the present. It’s in how we choose to move forward, and how we can mold our grief into something useful. Something beautiful.”

I have one major pet peeve when it comes to books with a dead spouse, and it’s when that spouse is made to be something…less. You know what I’m talking about. Either they’re villanized, or the love is less intense, anything to justify the new love being…more. Why is that? Because it’s not easy to pull off having one great love that passes, while also making the new love be just as real. So kudos to you Jennifer Harmann, for not just doing this, but doing it beautifully. I tip my hat off to you madam.
Melody is desperately in love with her husband. He’s her everything and he loves her with the same selfless intensity. Until one day where she loses him in the most tragic way, irrevocably changing the course of her life.

What I loved most about Melody’s character, is no matter how hard and dark her road is in the wake of her husband’s passing, she’s not bitter. She doesn’t let this tragedy define her. Her heat and soul shines through this story, and I simply adored her quiet and unobtrusive strength. That doesn’t mean she’s not broken. She’s devastated at the loss, and barely sees through her grieving. Until one day, she does something that really forces her to wake up. Joining a group for other broken souls (I’ll keep this vague for spoiler reasons), she meets Parker. The broody, grumpy man who has demons he doesn’t believe he’ll ever be able to fight. He’s a man that’s irrevocably broken by the darkness of his past and childhood. He wants nothing to do with anyone, and the sweet and sunny woman determined to get past his defenses is among those things. Yet she still manages to make it past the cracks.

This book was beautiful, in the most tragic of ways. These characters are so vivid and multilayered. My heart broke for both of them, but especially my poor broken Parker. This is a man with some serious demons who allows the ghosts of the past to color his present. The angst, the emotion, the gut wrenching emotion was EVERYTHING. Their budding romance was full of pain and hurdles. And I loved watching them fight through it to get their HEA. And wow was it beautiful. I cried, I sobbed, and I fell head over heels in love with this incredible story. And that epilogue?! MY GOD. What have you done to me, Jennifer?!

If you’re looking for a romance that will be a straight punch to the feels and that will stay with you for a long while, do yourself a favor and pick this one up.

Review: Western Waves by Brittainy Cherry

Series: Compass #3
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Brittainy Cherry
Release Date: December 9, 2021


I always believed in fairy tales, but he preferred horrors.

Damian Blackstone didn’t care about my existence. He came into my world for one reason only. He came to find answers about his past.

He moved like the villain in my favorite fairy tales. He wasn’t the one who received the happily ever afters; he was the one who destroyed them.

Which was why I couldn’t understand why the man who raised me set it up in his will for Damian and me to be married. I wasn’t certain I’d be able to live with a man like Damian. We were as opposite as any two people could be. I loved to bathe in the sunlight while he prospered in the shadows.

I didn’t think I’d develop feelings for the one who looked at me as if I were nothing more than a means to an end. Yet in his darkness, sometimes I’d see sparks of light. I’d see gentleness. I’d see his soul.

We became entangled with one another as we fell into mistakes and called them fate. I was his Cinderella, and he was my Beast.

I wasn’t certain that twisted fairy tales ended with happily ever afters.
Still, I was determined to find out.



The second I saw the blurb to this book, I knew this would be my first Brittainy Cherry book. Unfortunately, as excited as I was to read it, the further I got into the story, the less I liked it. In all fairness, it was looking to be a solid 3 star read for me…until a certain plot device towards the end. As Christian Grey once said, I have very singular tastes. And that particular plot device? HATE it. I absolutely loath it actually. It truly ruined the entire story for me. But more about that in a minute.

I love a modern twist on a fairy tale. This one was definitely the perfect set up with an enemies to lovers twist. Unfortunately, the enemies to lovers thing barely lasted a few chapters into the story. But that’s fine. Stella and Damian have a unique meet cute when Damian is the grumpy stranger that takes the last scone at a bakery and they have it out. Stella never expects to see the man again, but has quite the surprise when not only is he at the reading of the will to the man who was like a father to her. But his final wish is for them to get married in order to collect on a hefty inheritance left for both of them. The twist? Stella has a boyfriend of ten years who fully encourages her to do this. I mean, why not? It’s in name only.

While I liked the story for the most part, what I disliked is that the characters became more about their particular issues than anything else. Stella and her insecurities through years of belittling by the wicked step mothers. Damian and his abandonment issues. The romance was entirely lackluster due to the fact Stella and her horrid boyfriend are together for the majority of the story. And when they finally do get together? The particular twist completely ruined any warm and fuzzies I would have had from it. When I tell you I hated it, I seriously couldn’t be more disappointed by the direction that this story took. It felt so unfair to the characters and their plight, and just ruined any and all romance in it for me. Sadly, that thing plummet my rating to a two. While I can’t say I loved the book, if it hadn’t been for that, it would have been a solid three star. I’d love to try this author again, but sadly, this book did absolutely nothing for me. This is a personal taste thing obviously, and as you can see, plenty of readers loved this one. So read it and judge for yourself.

Review: Sexy as Sin by Willow Winters

Series: Underworld Kings
Genre: Contemporary Romance, MC/Mafia
Author: Willow Winters
Release Date: December 21, 2021

I was her first and her everything, no matter what anyone else says I loved her and I still do.

Sexy as Sin by Willow Wintersis now live!

From USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author Willow Winters, comes a sexy second-chance MC romance set in a gritty underworld you won’t soon forget.

Sexy and sinful.

Those words have been used to describe me a time or two. But they fit her too. My ride or die. My one and only. My addiction and my sanity. Our pairing was a business decision done right.

Until all hell broke loose.

I took the fall for her, and it cost me everything.

Prison made me harder; this life made me colder. Seeing her again for the first time in years, eyes wide with promises and heartbreak, I can feel time falling away.

But danger still haunts her, and I’m not the man I once was. There’s no way she could love the monster I’ve become. Still, I’ll do anything to protect her. Even if it means taking down everyone standing in my way.

Sexy as Sin is a standalone novel in the Underworld Kings series.

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She has always been mine. Even though she broke my heart. Even after years of being apart. She’s mine. She’ll always be mine.

I’ve been wanting to read a Willow Winters books forever. But I’m a commitment phobe when it comes to trilogies and series, because I want instant gratification. *sheepish grin* What? At least I own it. But I digress. I have so many of her books on my kindle, but wanted to start with a standalone. So when I saw she’d be releasing a book with the Underground Kings series, I knew this would be my first book of hers. And it did not disappoint. It’s a mashup of MC and mafia with a sexy twist.

Cill and Kat were madly in love until one night when everything came crashing down and both their lives were changed irrevocably. Kat’s world is turned upside down and Cill spends four years behind bars when he refused to turn on his MC. Now he’s out and he’s determined to get his woman back, but Kat is not the same sound girl she was when Cill went away. She’s got secrets, secrets that can break what little thread they still have.

Admittedly, I fully expected an MF romance reading the blurb. So imagine my surprise at the sexy little twist towards the end. Though my one quibble, perhaps due to the shortness of the story, is it didn’t feel fully set up for the sharing element. However, you won’t find this girl complaining, because I still enjoyed the hell out of it. There’s a little of everything; suspense, angst, emotion, and all of the steam. I read this in one sitting and highly recommend for anyone looking for a steamy MC/Mafia read.

I started writing after having my little girl, Evie, December of 2015. All during my pregnancy with her I read. I only wanted to read romance novels and I read everything I could get my hands on. I would read a book a day — sometimes two. In January I was staying up late with her and just thinking of all these stories. They came to me constantly. I finally sat down and just started writing. I always wanted to do it so I figured, why not?

I never thought I would reach this point of success to be honest. It’s insane to me that I have connected with so many readers.

And I love each and every one of them for all of their support. I’ll be honest, some days are HARD. I have my littles during the day and I write at night. Some days are just simply exhausting and then I hear from a reader and it motivates me to push through and keep writing.  I couldn’t be more grateful for this wonderful career.


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