Blog Tour, Review & #Giveaway: ★Trust★ by Ella Frank

Trust (Temptation #3)
Author: Ella Frank
Genre: Erotic, MM Romance
Release Date: May 3, 2015

TRUST – verb: to believe in the reliability, truth, or strength of another.Up until now, Logan Mitchell has never had much of a reason to trust anyone.Having struggled with a self-identity crisis throughout college, he’s spent the years since then creating a sophisticated facade to present to the world.

It’s an armor he thought was impenetrable—until he met Tate Morrison.

The gorgeous, headstrong bartender he’d sat across from only months ago has taken a tight hold of his heart, and Logan is discovering that it’s time to let go.

It’s time to let someone inside.

After years of placing his dreams on hold for his family, Tate has finally chosen to do what makes him happy and follow his heart.

The one thing he never would’ve imagined was that it would lead him into the arms of a man—and not just any man—the striking, never-takes-no-for-an-answer Logan Mitchell.

Tate has fallen hard, and as his world is turned on its axis and they move forward together, he finds his life becoming more entwined with the confident, successful lawyer.

Even though neither man expected the other, it’s time to trust in their relationship—but not everything comes so easily…

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“What’s wrong with my hair? Are you saying I need to cut it?”

“No, I’m fucking not,” Logan said as he fingered the curls by Tate’s ear. “And you know it.”

“What would you do if I did shave my head?”

“Kill you? And likely get away with it since I have connections to a very reputable law firm.”

Tate chuckled and shoved Logan until he was on his back beside him. “Be serious.”

Logan turned his head on the pillow and ran his eyes over Tate’s full head of hair. Then he returned his gaze to the eyes watching him. “I would quite possibly cry. For days.”

“Over my hair? It does grow back, you know.”

“Yeah, but not for months,” he grumbled. “Can you please stop talking so calmly about this? You’re making me nervous.”

Tate shifted until his long, lean body was stretched out above him, and Logan widened his legs to allow him to settle in between.

“Don’t worry,” Tate assured him as he lowered his head to kiss the corner of his mouth. He then moved those teasing lips to Logan’s ear and whispered, “I like your hands in it too much to cut it off.”

Logan threaded his fingers through the thick waves and asked, “Like this?”

With a groan, Tate rocked his hips against him, and Logan twisted his fingers tighter.

Exactly like that.”

“Good,” he said as he wound his legs around Tate’s. “Because this way, I can have a tight hold on you when you’re trying to distract me. I’m onto you, Mr. Morrison. Don’t try to use your body against me.”

He almost lost his willpower when Tate, the cocky fucker, placed his hands on either side of his head and rubbed their erections together.

“You don’t want me to use my body on you?”

“Fuck you,” Logan said, knowing full well that, if he didn’t change the subject or get Tate the hell off him, he was going to roll him over and cease talking altogether.

Usually he’d love nothing more, but right now, he wanted to know why Tate had reacted so strongly to his question from last night—well, early morning .

“We need to talk.”

4 stars
…I didn’t know you were essential for me to feel alive.

Ella Frank’s books are like a one-two punch. One to the ovaries and the other straight to the feels. She has this incredible ability to combine heart wrenching emotion with panty-melting eroticism. It makes each and every single one of her books unputdownable reads. When I first read Try I knew I had one of those books on my hands. I was head over heals for Tate and Logan. Hell, who am I kidding? I was basically all

Their story has been an exercise in control for me. While each book in this trilogy had a satisfactory ending it also always left you begging for more and the wait for the next book was absolute torture. So to say I was anticipating the conclusion to their story would be a HUGE understatement. I was downright dying for it.

His motto of “try, take, and top” had changed.
Oh, he’d tried Tate all right, and they’d both done a helluva lot of taking, but for once in his life, Logan didn’t feel the desire to win. He didn’t need to come out on top.
What he wanted was Tate’s trust- his ABSOLUTE trust.

If you’re going into this expecting that same ovary devastating chemistry, let me put you at ease because boy will you get that. A whole lot of it. Logan will melt every panty within a 20 mile radius. Guaranteed.

The man who was plowing into him over and over had lost any decorum his suit and tie afforded and had morphed into a man who was taking exactly what he wanted, HOW he wanted- and Tate fucking loved it.

But this was not just a whole lot of hot sex. Well, don’t get me wrong, because there was still plenty of that. But beyond that it was an incredibly emotional story and you get much more depth to both these characters in the process. Now I would advise you to read as little reviews of this book as possible before reading it because you really want to be heading into it as blind as you can. And for that reason, my review will also be quite vague in terms of details.

I devoured, absolutely devoured the first half of this book. It brought out such a wide array of feelings in me, from lust to heart wrenching emotion. I couldn’t put it down.

Frustrating?” he mocked. “No, you know what’s frustrating? When you see someone you really want to fuck and can’t because they keep saying no. I’ve been frustrated. This….this is agony. Torment beyond anything I’ve ever felt before.

Get ready for a roller coaster of emotion with this one. And that’s all you’ll be getting from me.

So why am I not rating this as highly as the first two books? Well, a couple of reasons. The main one, is even though I really enjoyed it, I just didn’t love it as much as the first two books. Somewhere around the second half I found myself growing a little bored. I still read it in one sitting because I just had to know how it all came together, but it just didn’t grab me as much as the first half. See I’m one of those ridiculous readers that has terrible book ADD when it comes to reading about the same couple in several books. So perhaps that may have been the biggest reason for my disconnect? There were a lot of things addressed that I had hoped would be and I was extremely satisfied with that. But there was also a character that made an appearance in this book that quite frankly I wasn’t quite sure of the purpose of. This character made an appearance, stirred some shit up (kinda), and then left. I’m not even sure their appearance was necessary at all really. But that’s just me.

Aside from those reasons, I truly did enjoy this conclusion to this incredible romance. Tate and Logan are definitely going to remain in my top favorite list of MM couples I’ve read for a long while. I fell in love with these boys in the very first book, and I just fell for them all over again if not harder in this book. So while it may not have been a 5 star read for me, it was still a fantastically solid 4 stars and one I’d definitely recommend to any lovers of MM romance. You just haven’t lived until you’ve met Tate and Logan. Trust me. Your ovaries will thank you.

About the Author

Ella Frank is a #1 Amazon Bestselling Author. She writes both contemporary and erotic fiction and is best known for her Exquisite and Temptation Series.

The minute she began her love affair with reading, she became and avid supporter of the romance genre and has never looked back.

Ella is Australian born and bred but currently resides in Hillsboro, Portland with her husband.


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New Release & Review: ★Kane’s Hell★ by Elizabeth Finn

Kane’s Hell
Author: Elizabeth Finn
Genre: Contemporary, Erotic Romance
Note: Trigger warning
Release Date: May 1, 2015

Kane and Helene were the best of friends until a nightmare devastated them… Hopes were destroyed, dreams shattered, a budding teenage love torn to pieces. Eleven years later their lives are nothing like they once were. Time has changed them … and not for the better.Helene is smart, driven, and accomplished—her education and achievements a smoke screen hiding the frigid and fragile child wounded long ago.Kane is equally obsessed with his coping mechanisms—fighting … drinking … screwing … compulsively destroying himself one vice at a time.When their paths collide again, their past becomes an obstacle no coping mechanism in the world can protect them from. But confronting the past so they can heal in the present is no easy task. Can Kane reach Helene and recapture what used to burn so warmly between them, or will his own self destructive demons pull her into his hell?

A woman determined to look forward. A man always looking back. A love desperate to be restored.

“You’re the brightest, warmest star in my universe. You’ll never be less than everything to me.”

WARNING: This book contains darker subject matter and violent content that may be difficult for some readers.

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4 stars


I need to be near you, and I DON’T know what that looks like. But I DO know I need it. Please give me another chance.

Fans of second chance romance prepare to get your hearts ripped out. I’m talking ‘reach through your throat, make you ugly cry in a corner and fuck you up’ kind of ripped out. It’s no secret that this author writes some ANGST, but nothing prepared me for this book. Let me start off with a disclaimer here; I don’t think this book is for everyone. There’s a particular scene in this book that’s a potential trigger and if you’re sensitive to that sort of thing, well, be advised. Being a huge fan of dark romance I’m fairly desensitized to most things, but this scene even made me cringe. It was very difficult to read even if it wasn’t overly descriptive. It broke my cold and black little heart dammit. I actually had to pause the book right after it just to get my shit together. Yeah. It was that effective.

Kane and Helene were best friends in high school and had a budding romance going which Kane was always hesitant to act on. But then one night and one event changed the course of their lives irrevocably. Prepare yourselves for one gut-wrenching read because this event? It was BAD. You don’t know what it is and it will be retold through present to past flashbacks in the first third of the story.

I needed you, and you left me. You left me in this place to deal with…everything on my own.

What happened made Helene a shell of the woman that she once was. It took her years to wade her way out of the pain and nightmares especially since Kane left right after it, but she did it through her focus on school. Now eleven years later, she’s teaching and working on her dissertation, using her education and her career to push back the devastating memories. The last person she expects to walk into her classroom is the only person that knows what happened those years ago and shared the nightmare with her.

Can’t we just forget about the monsters,” he whispered….
“All I want is to remember us.”

The last place Kane wants to be in is the one that reminds him of everything that he lost and the nightmares he barely keeps at bay. Where Helene uses her education and career to mask her pain, he uses self punishment in the form of fights, alcohol and sex. He craves the pain to punish himself. Back to care for his ailing father, he’s determined to finally get the only girl that’s ever had his heart.

I’m not good at much in this world. But I’m good at loving you.”

If you’ve come to love Elizabeth’s dirty talkers, Kane definitely delivers on that end. He also has that dash of asshole that you’ve come to expect from this author, though not overly so.

The story is told in 3 parts; the first third is told in alternating flashbacks of present to past, slowly retelling the nightmare that Hell and Kane shared together 11 years ago. The reader is given one small piece of the puzzle in each flashback until all the pieces begin to fit together into one devastating picture. The 2nd and 3rd part doesn’t have the flashbacks and is told all in the present and focuses on Hell and Kane attempting to put their broken pieces together again.

Everything about us is fragile- our relationship, the way we communicate, the way we fuck. I always feel like I’m two seconds away from letting you slip through my fingers. It’s all so very fucking fragile.

I did find the story dragging a little somewhere after the 40% mark and I found myself skimming through quite a few sex scenes. I can’t say that it read like a filler, not at all. But it was slower paced after the jaw dropping events of the first third.

I love you, Helene. I want you to know that. You’re the only person I have ever and will ever love in this lifetime. I’m so good at loving you. It’s the one thing I can safely say I will never falter at.

This was NOT a dark romance, but it certainly had much darker undertones than anything I had previously read by this author before. It had plenty of her trademark angst, dirty talk and hot as hell sex scenes. But beyond that it also had a beautifully painful second chance romance about two very broken people that slowly learn how to heal themselves and put back together their shattered pieces.

You are EVERYTHING to me,” I said emphatically.
“Sometimes nothing is enough- not even everything.”

It’s not an easy read for sure, but it’s certainly worth the pain for the beauty of their HEA at the end.

Review: ★Taking What’s His★ by @DianeAlberts

Taking What’s His (Shillings Agency #4)
Author: Diane Alberts
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: April 28, 2015

Some lines are meant to be crossed…
One explosive device was all it took to turn Holt Cunningham from ass-kicking Marine to IT technician. Hell, he’s still not over it. So when the cute little strawberry blonde at the bar asks him to kiss her, Holt can’t resist the temptation of a sexy distraction. Before he knows it, she’s blown his mind…and then skipped out the next morning.

Lydia Thomas never expected things with Holt to go quite that far, but oh, it was worth it. After being far too good for way too long, she was ready to be bad. Except that there’s that tiny detail that Lydia kept to herself-Holt just spent the night doing naughty things…with his best friend’s little sister.One night isn’t nearly enough. But with his friendship on the line, how far will Holt go in order to claim what’s his?

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Review4 stars

She’d known that underneath those glasses was a bad boy who knew exactly what to do with a good girl like her.

Well, well, well, Diane Alberts. How DO you keep doing it? Giving us one hero after the other that just gets better and better. I think that Holt Cunningham just may be my favorite Shillings Agency man yet. There’s just something so vulnerable and broken about him and yet with this darker edge that you just wouldn’t expect. All of it combined together just makes for one deliciously sexy read.

So what are you saying?”
“I’m saying I want to bring you home and fuck you until you stop thinking about other guys. I want to claim you, Own you. Make you come more times than ever before.”

Lydia is the quintessential good girl. After her latest boyfriend of two months dumps her because she wouldn’t put out, she’s determined to shake up her life a bit. When she spots her her ex at the bar, the dark, broody and sexy stranger proves to be a welcome distraction. And when she asks him to kiss her, she certainly doesn’t expect the type of sparks to fly as they do,

Holt may work in IT now, but he’ll always be a Marine at heart. But he’s not the man that he once was. He’s more broken, inside and out. A devastating IED explosion on his latest tour caused him everything, his military brothers and his own wounds. Suffering from the repercussions of that and his crippling PTSD, all he’s able to satisfy himself with is booze and one-night stands.

That’s all he’s good for anyway. But the beautiful and innocent woman at the bar tempts him for so much more. And c’mon, who can resist and sexy and dirty talking nerd anyway? Well, he’s not really a nerd. But the glasses do certainly add to his appeal. But I digress…

He didn’t want to be this guy with her. He wanted to be the guy who blew her mind with amazing orgasms. The guy she missed when he was gone. The guy she needed…
Not the guy who needed HER.

But Lydia is not just another woman. She also happens to be his best friend and co-worker’s little sister. She may know this going into their one-night deal, but he sure as hell doesn’t. Too bad by the time that he finds out he’s already hooked.

I really loved this latest installment in the series. Lydia and Holt were the perfect dying and yangs for each other. Holt is broody and tortured and Lydia is the lighthearted and sweet side. And together they’re absolutely sizzling! But this was also so much more than simple chemistry, I found the characters to have so much depth (Holt in particular). His struggle with his mental and physical repercussions after his injury broke my heart to read. As stubborn and pigheaded as he was sometimes, he never frustrated me. My heart just hurt for him and for Lydia. I was rooting for them the entire time. This series just continues to get better and better for me. I really hope to get Steve’s book next. Definitely a rec for fans of this series and even those that haven’t read it yet. This is the perfect book to start with since it’s easily read as a standalone. Though I highly recommend the rest of the series too since it’s also fantastic.

Blog Tour, Excerpt, Review & #Giveaway: ★Nice Girls Don’t Ride★ by @roniloren

Author: Roni Loren
Genre: Contemporary, New Adult Romance
Release Date: April 21, 2015

Natalie Bourne thinks she has the perfect night planned for her twenty-first birthday. But when her car breaks down and her boyfriend bails on her, she’s left stranded in an auto shop dealing with a way too cocky, way too hot mechanic, who seems to be intent on pushing every button she has.Monroe Hawkins knows he shouldn’t be messing with a girl from the uppity private college. Especially when he can tell she sees him as the help. But he’s having trouble resisting the redhead with the smart mouth and the killer legs. So when Natalie’s night goes from bad to worse, there’s no way he’s letting her spend her birthday alone. He makes her a deal—he’ll take her home but not until the sun comes up.Ten hours, one motorcycle, and the city of Austin at their fingertips…things are about to take a major detour. And soon, there may be no U-turn in sight.

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ExcerptChapter One

Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday, dear…

I groan and lean back against the guardrail, shielding my eyes from the piercing sunlight. How exactly should I finish that?

Girl who currently smells like sweat and roadkill?

Girl about to go broke paying for this mess?

Girl whose boyfriend will not answer his goddamned phone?

My fingers move over the screen as I text Caleb again. Where r u???

I stare at my phone, willing a response out of it, but the screen goes black before there’s any answering ding. Caleb had warned me that he was going to be cutting it close for our date tonight. And I know his internship at the local campaign office sometimes runs late when they’re prepping for a rally, but he should be out by now.

My fingers move over the screen again. R U secretly Superman in ur off hours? Come on, u can tell me. If ur saving the world, I’ll understand.

Of course, there’s still no response. And now my neck is prickling with not just sweat but anxiety. What if something happened to him? What if he was in an accident? What if—?

I stop myself before the thoughts spiral, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. Cool it, Nat. But that little exercise only gets me a lungful of the dead skunk that’s roasting in the heat a few yards away from me on the side of the highway. Blech. I press my fingers over my mouth, fighting a wave of nausea.

I check the clock on my phone for what seems like the hundredth time. The roadside-assistance lady said they would contact a local garage and get me a tow right away. But it’s been over an hour, and the only cars that have passed by have either ignored me or sent catcalls flying my way. Because, of course, my piece-of-crap car had to break down when I’m all dressed up in a low-cut dress and heels for my birthday dinner. Yay for timing.

One guy had at least offered to help and had seemed nice enough, but I’ve seen how those horror movies end. Girl on the side of the road accepts help from a seemingly harmless stranger, only to have her organs carved out later that night. No, thanks.

A grinding of tires on gravel draws my attention upward. A black tow truck rolls past me on the road and pulls to the side, sending a cloud of dust in its wake. I keep my phone clutched in my hand, quickly check the can of Mace in my purse, and then push off the guardrail. The side of the truck says Billy’s Custom Cycles and Auto Repair. There’s a tattoo-style logo of a motorcycle on fire, and I know that it’s definitely not the name of the repair shop the roadside assistance service gave me. It had been some big chain—AutoPlus or something like that. A little shimmer of nerves goes through me and I stop where I am, my heels sinking into the gravel.

The front door of the tow truck opens and a tattooed arm appears before anything else. For some reason, my eyes lock onto pieces of the man instead of the whole—like I can’t handle the entire view quite yet, only snapshots. That muscular arm as the driver slides out of the truck. The worn black motorcycle boots that hit the ground. I force myself to look up, tracking along the faded jeans and fitted black T-shirt, until I collide with a dark blue gaze.

“Looks like you need a ride.”

The deep voice startles me for a second and snaps me back into the moment like a slingshot. Ping! Pay attention, Nat. Now is not the time to let my guard down. “No, thank you, I don’t. I already have another shop on the way.”

His gaze tracks over my dusty dress, slow and lazy like, before he lifts a dark brow. “How long have you been waiting? It’s pretty hot out here.”

The once-over makes me more than a little self-conscious. He can’t be all that much older than me, early twenties for sure, but something about him is intimidating as hell. “I don’t know. Not long. I’m sure they’ll be here any second.”

He crosses his arms over his chest and eyes my car, which has chosen this moment to start smoking from under the hood—as if it senses help in its midst and is crying out for it. “What shop is coming?”

I brush at the skirt of my dress, trying to give my nervous hands something to do. I don’t want to look worried or scared or show him that I’m melting in this brutal Texas heat. “AutoPlus, AutoMart . . .”

He scowls. “Autoland.”

“That’s it.”

“You might as well set up a tent then. They take forever to get to calls, and they’ll charge you twice as much as we would. Plus, they close at six. They’re just going to tow you in and then lock up for the night.”

“Says the guy who wants to make a buck on a girl stranded on the side of the road.”

The corner of his mouth lifts. “Hey, princess, I’m just trying to be a nice guy and get you to your”—he looks me up and down again—“sorority party on time. I get paid the same either way.”

Princess? Sorority party? My eyes narrow and I give him my own head-to-toe look, taking in the messy dark hair, the tattoos, the heavy boots, the finely shaped . . . I snatch the thought back before I can go there. “Look, Son of Anarchy, I appreciate the nice guy offer, but how do I even know you’re legit?”

He snorts. “You think I drive a tow truck around for fun? Call the number on the side of the truck if you want. But otherwise, I’ve got better stuff to do than stand here in the heat, smelling roadkill. Two minutes, princess. I’ll be in the truck. You want a tow and a ride? You get in. If not, good luck with Autoland.”

He turns to go, and I feel a little dart of panic at being left alone again—even if he’s not exactly the company I want. This isn’t the best part of Austin, and the sun is on its way down. “Wait, what’s your name? You know, so I can verify.”

He doesn’t turn around but calls back. “Monroe.”

I dial the number to the shop and, of course, they verify that Monroe works for them and is driving the truck today. The guy on the phone sounds amused by my questions. And his reaction makes me realize that I’m being paranoid, that my nerves are officially frayed, and it’s making me act like a bitch. I thank the guy on the phone, hang up, and take a steadying breath. This is going to be okay. Not everyone is out to take advantage. Some people actually do things to be helpful without ulterior motives.

My mother would laugh her ass off at that logic. Everybody’s got an agenda, Nattie.

I straighten the neckline of my dress, hike my purse up my shoulder, and walk over to the tow truck with as much dignity as I can muster for a sweaty girl in a dusty dress. Monroe hasn’t climbed back into the cab, but is instead leaning against the front bumper and watching the cars zoom by on the overpass up ahead. He doesn’t look my way. “Verified that I’m not a serial killer?”

“Verified that you work for Billy’s. The serial-killer part is yet to be determined.”

He smiles out at the horizon. “Want to check the backseat for weapons or body parts?”

“I have a feeling you’d be too sneaky to leave such obvious evidence lying around. And if you aren’t that clever, I’m going to be seriously disappointed in myself if I fall victim to a dumb serial killer.”

He chuckles and it changes his whole face, warming it. When he turns his head, his blue eyes meet mine and my stomach tightens a little. I do my best not to let my reaction show on my face. Last thing I need is him thinking that I’m interested in him. Because, of course, I’m not. I’m totally not. If there’s an opposite of my type, it’s this guy. And plus, I have Caleb. Cute, smart, on-his-way-to-big-things Caleb.

Caleb, who won’t answer his goddamned phone.

Monroe pushes himself off the bumper. “I’m not sure if that’s a compliment or an insult, princess, but I’ll take it you’re going to ride with me.”

“Yes. But only because I can’t handle the dead-skunk smell for another minute.”

“I’m preferable to skunk guts? The flattery just rolls off you, doesn’t it?”

The jab lands squarely. I press my fingers to the space between my eyes and rub. “Sorry. I’m really not trying to be a bitch.”

“It just comes natural, then?”

My eyes snap open and I’m ready to hurl an insult back, but I find him wearing a playful grin and clamp my lips shut.

He angles a thumb toward the truck. “Get in . . .”

“Natalie,” I supply.

“Natalie. And kick the A/C on. Getting your car hooked up is gonna take a few minutes. You may want to call someone for a ride, too, because there’s no guarantee we can get this fixed tonight. I’m assuming you have plans.”

I glance down at my outfit, suddenly self-conscious about the sexy getup. It’s not my typical style, but tonight was supposed to be special, and I had wanted to knock Caleb on his butt. He’s been so wrapped up in work and school lately that I’ve felt a little like furniture. So I borrowed my roommate’s dress with its plunging neckline and treated myself to the new risqué lingerie I’m wearing beneath. I’m not exactly Ms. Vixen normally, so Caleb would’ve never seen it coming. Now it’s all a waste.

“I have a date with my boyfriend,” I say to Monroe.

“Right. So, he can pick you up?”

“He’s not answering his phone. But I’m sure I’ll get him soon.”

Monroe makes some noncommittal noise and nods. “I’m going to get to work. You go and cool off. There’s bottled water in the ice chest in the backseat.”


Before getting in the truck, I find myself watching Monroe walk back toward my car. He’s easily over six feet tall but doesn’t move in that awkward, hunched way that most of the taller guys on campus move. There’s an easy confidence to him, like he’s fully grown into his body and taken ownership—a man’s walk. My eyes follow him as he pops the hood of my car and leans over. The hem of his shirt lifts as he bends, exposing a strip of tanned, muscular lower back. I find myself wondering what it would feel like beneath my fingers and if he has any more ink hidden under there . . . I force my eyes away.

What the hell is wrong with me? I don’t have random illicit thoughts about complete strangers. Especially not strangers who have tattoos and call me princess.

I shake my head and pull open the door on the passenger side. Maybe I have heatstroke or something.

I lay my head back against the seat and close my eyes. But all I can see is the image of my new mechanic pulling his shirt all the way off, sweat dripping off him, me putting my hands . . .

I sit straight up.

Yep, definitely heatstroke. Has to be.

3.5 stars

Never have I been so bold. I don’t make first moves. I’ve been the nice girl behind closed doors just like I have been in the rest of my life. But right now, all I want is a whole lot of bad.

I barely bothered to read the blurb when I saw this title. I’m a huge fan of Roni Loren’s, so what the woman writes, I’ll read. This was definitely very different from anything that I’ve read from her in the past. It’s not BDSM or angsty. It’s a light, steamy and quick NA romance that it just perfect for a quick afternoon read. This is not a long book (under 100 pages I think), but it still packs a steamy punch and I loved the story. Typically with short novellas I find it hard to truly get invested in the characters or their romance, but that wasn’t the case here. Sure I wish it was a little longer simply because I enjoyed it, but it was the perfect length for what it was.

Remember, birthdays are like trips to Vegas. Whatever happens doesn’t go on your permanent record.”

So you’re broken down on a deserted road, on your 21st birthday, in suffocating heat. You call a tow truck company but they may take over 2 hours to reach you. You have a fancy restaurant booked for a date with your boyfriend and no way to get there. Oh and your boyfriend is completely unreachable. What’s a girl to do? That’s precisely the predicament that Natalie Bourne finds herself in. But then a tatted up and sexy stranger proves to be her savior and biggest temptation. Natalie is the stereotypical good girl. Her childhood and drunk of a mother ensured that she keep herself in line…a very narrow one. She does what she’s told, she doesn’t make a scene, she dates the nice boys. Basically the exact opposite of the girl that would be interested in the bad boy mechanic that pulls over on the side of the road to help her out.

Monroe Hawkins is not into uptight and rich sorority girls, and Natalie absolutely screams uppity with her appearance. But there’s also something about her that tempts him. As circumstances put them together and Natalie finds her inner bad girl, the attraction between them soon proves too much to ignore.

Because when Monroe braces his arms alongside me and holds my gaze while he moves inside me, I feel like this is bigger than a hookup. This is what sex is supposed to me like. Not just a whole-body experience, but a whole mind one.

Don’t worry, Natalie’s douchebag of a boyfriend isn’t in the picture long and there’s absolutely no cheating or love triangles. This is a super light but steamy read that’s sure to hit the spot for any lovers of NA.

I loved the chemistry between Natalie and Monroe and seeing more and more of Natalie’s true personality coming out with Monroe’s presence. It was fantastic. I read this in one sitting and loved every page. So why not 5 stars? Well, as great as it wasn’t anything that blew me away. It was an entertaining albeit a fairly forgettable read. But definitely one I’d highly recommend.

About the Author

Roni wrote her first romance novel at age fifteen when she discovered writing about boys was way easier than actually talking to them. Since then, her flirting skills haven’t improved, but she likes to think her storytelling ability has. Though she’ll forever be a New Orleans girl at heart, she now lives in Dallas with her husband and son.

If she’s not working on her latest sexy story, you can find her reading, watching reality television, or indulging in her unhealthy addiction to rockstars, er, rock concerts. Yeah, that’s it. She is the National Bestselling Author of The Loving on the Edge series from Berkley Heat.

Places to find Roni Loren:


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Review: ★Bulletproof Weeks★ by Taryn Elliot

Bulletproof Weeks (When You’re Gone #2)
Author: Taryn Elliott
Genre: Erotic, Contemporary Romance (trilogy)
Release Date: Jan 13, 2015
Being a famous rock star for almost two decades means putting his life on display. But for the last two years Logan King has dealt with the uglier side of fame. When his stalker escalates to issuing veiled threats against the first woman he’s allowed in his life, Logan locks down and shuts Izzy out. His stalker isn’t just anyone—she’s as famous as he is with a financial reach that makes her infinitely more treacherous.Falling for Logan King wasn’t part of Isabella Grace’s plans and their spectacular public breakup didn’t make it easy to move on. Whispers and pitying looks from people in her small town send her fleeing from the first place that finally feels like home. Her solace becomes her travel for work, but the niggling sense that someone is watching her follows her from city to city. When she begins to unravel the secrets that surround the man she still loves, she discovers her personal security detail and demands answers. And they all point to Logan.

Letting him back into her life comes with many more challenges–and rewards–than she could’ve ever dreamed. But loving a man like Logan comes at a dangerous cost. One that has a lasting effect that could echo into all their tomorrows.

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3.5 stars

It didn’t seem fair that a week could do that much damage to her. That his touch had become a phantom tattoo with all the permanence that entailed.

Can you lose your heart to someone after spending just one week with them? One incredibly passionate, unforgettable week is all it took for Isabella to fall head over heels for the broody rockstar, Logan. What is it about Logan that made her fall as hard as she did?

That may have been it. But really it was his all encompassing presence that completely drew her in. But then he shattered her heart when he left her. But what Izzy doesn’t know, is it broke Logan even more to do it. In order to protect her from his deranged stalker that fancies herself in love with him, he had to sever all ties with her. That doesn’t mean he’s let her go…not in his heart and definitely not from his mind.

It’s been six months since that whirlwind week they spent together. Izzy is getting more and more successful business and tries to loose herself in the constant travel. When she notices someone watching her and figures out that Logan hasn’t stopped thinking of her either, she’s determined not to let him run anymore. Especially when she figures out the depth of his feelings.

He lived for the pain and the pleasure. And in the dark, where there was nothing but a tiny line of firelight in his room, he loved her with all that he had and finally felt alive.

As she slowly begins to unravel his secrets and Logan begins to open up to her more and more, the imminent danger draws near until it finally hits with a strike so devastating, you’ll never see it coming. All I know is thank gawd that i have book 3 already because if I had to wait for it after that cliffhanger, I’m pretty sure I may have cut a bitch. True story.

Bulletproof Weeks was just as sexy as book one, but for me it also fell into that middle-book-of-a-trilogy-itis syndrome. What I mean is, there were certain parts of it that felts stretched out and slow going for me. I tend to prefer my stories with just a little more meat, which is why for some reason this happens to me with pretty much any middle book of a trilogy that I read. But that just may be my book ADD kicking in too.

While I want to say that it could have been done in 2 books, I can also see why their story needed this one. It was like the calm before the storm. It gave the reader a little more depth into both characters and to truly get invested in their romance. It may have been slow paced and stretched out at times, but let me tell you, that cliffhanger will leave you begging for the next book. Guaranteed.



Blog Tour, Review & #Giveaway: ★Silver Bastard★ by @joannawylde

Silver Bastard (Silver Valley #1)
Author: Joanna Wylde
Release Date: April 7, 2015

First in the new Silver Valley series from the New York Times bestselling author of the Reapers Motorcycle Club Novels.Fourteen months. For fourteen months, Puck Redhouse sat in a cell and kept his mouth shut, protecting the Silver Bastards MC from their enemies. Then he was free and it was time for his reward–full membership in the club, along with a party to celebrate. That’s when he saw Becca Jones for the first time and set everything in motion. Before the night ended he’d violated his parole and stolen her away from everything she knew.

Five years. It was five years ago that Puck destroyed Becca and saved her all in one night. She’s been terrified of him ever since, but she’s even more terrified of the monsters he still protects her from… But Becca refuses to let fear control her. She’s living her life and moving forward, until she gets a phone call from the past she can’t ignore. She has to go back, and there’s only one man she can trust to go with her–the ex-con biker who rescued her once before.Puck will help her again, but this time it’ll be on his terms. No more lies, no more tears, and no more holding back what he really wants…

ExcerptIgnoring him, I settled back on my stool and surveyed the room. We sat in Becca’s section, and what I saw wasn’t making me happy. I knew she was a good waitress, but she’d just started here and it showed. Not only had she fucked up several orders, she didn’t quite seem to get the rhythm of the bar. That wasn’t my problem, though.

My problem was that despite these fuckups, nobody seemed to mind. I had a nasty suspicion this was due to her perky tits, friendly smile, and tight little ass that seriously just needed a bite taken right out of it.

She really, really needed to get a new job—every man in the place wanted her. Including me. Especially me. I hated them. All of them. I shifted uncomfortably, because just like every time I shared a room with her, my pants had gotten tight.

Torture. Becca was just so fucking fine on every level, and not just her looks. There was something about the way she carried herself . . . I couldn’t put my finger on it. Like she was dancing through life to some song nobody else could hear. Never met another woman like her—she wasn’t just sexy, she was a survivor and I admired that.

She’d grown up so much since the first time I’d met her. Bigger boobs, a nice fullness to her ass that was nowhere close to fat but would be perfect to hold tight while I fucked her. Her lips had plumped, too, and over the years she’d gained a sparkle in her eyes that turned her from pretty to 100 percent spectacular.

Not to mention how she’d tasted.

Nearly blew in my pants when I’d taken that mouth. Just the memory got me hard. Make that harder. Fucking basket case.

When I’d pulled up to find her sitting outside with Collins, a thousand murder scenarios ran through my mind. And yeah, I know I covered that already, but if anything ever deserved empha- sis, this was it. Collins needed to die. I didn’t care how nice he was. After that I’d throw Becca on the back of my bike and make a run for the hills . . .

Okay, so there were a few problems with the plan, the top one being she hated me. Or she should—I’d certainly given her cause. Boonie nudged me.

“Did I mention you’re pathetic? You want her, take her. Other- wise let it go because you’re an embarrassment to all men in general and to the Silver Bastards in particular.”

4 stars

The man was my personal North Atlantic iceberg, lurking under the cold waters, just waiting to shred me wide open.
Fucking biker.

Ladies and ovaries, prepare to meet the bane of your existence (I’ll explain) and the object of your upcoming pervy dreams, Puck Redhouse. So why bane of existence? Because I honestly thought that my poor ovaries would die a slow and painful death by sexual frustration for a good 60% of this book. But damn, what a way to go. Joanna knows how to give good sexual tension. OH MY GAWD, the sexual tension! It burned with the fire of a thousand venereal diseases, I tells ya. Not that I know what that feels like, but I’d guess it would be like that. Just saying. Moving on…

Do not think for one minute that I’m the kind of guy who does the right thing. That’s not my style. I’m the guy who does what he wants when he wants, and trust me when I say I didn’t do nearly enough to you that night to get out out of my system.”

Five years ago, Puck saved Becca Jones and destroyed her all at once. It was the night that irrevocably changed everything for both Puck and Becca. For Puck, it was a night that gave him an angel after months of hell inside a jail cell, only to turn into something that can put him right back into it. And for Becca, it gave her a taste of something she never expected but with devastating consequences. But it was also the night of her salvation.

Now Becca is a different person five years later. She’s older, working on her career, has an amazing best friend. But the memory of the rough biker still continues to equal terrify and tempt her. Puck and Becca don’t cross paths much and have barely seen each other over 5 years, but she’s always known his there. Beck’s history makes her weary of bikers and the MC, and even though the Silver Bastards are nothing like what she grew up in, they still scare her. Worst of all is the scowling man with the burning brown eyes that continues to have a visceral reaction to.

I’m not your friend, Becca. I’ve never been your friend and I never will be. I can be the man that fucks you and owns you, or I can be the man who keeps an eye on you…”

Even though the chemistry between her Puck is so palpable it practically crackles with electricity, both Puck and Becca are determined to stay away from each other. Puck out of atonement from the past and knowing that Becca is too good for the likes of him, and Becca because she’s determined to stay as far away from the biker life as she can and not turn into her mother who is the worst kind of MC whore.

Puck is definitely no sunshine and rainbows kind of biker. He makes no apologies for who he is and what he does. His life is all about his brothers and his MC. He has no interest of allowing a woman into his life and screwing any of it up. The relationships between him and Becca is definitely not an easy or smooth road. Puck is certainly not celibate when they’re not together, and he doesn’t make an effort to hide that. But when he sets his sights on Becca, he knows that he won’t settle for anything less than everything.

Becca is extremely stubborn and is determined to not get her heart involved. She says some very vicious and unthoughtful things to Puck at times that had me wanting to slap her. But as frustrating as they were at times, I found them to be a perfect balance for each other.

All I felt was him, all I wanted was him. In me, on me, surrounding me.

Even though this focuses on Silver Bastard’s territory, we do get a peak at all our favorite characters from Joanna’s other series. There’s Picnic, Horse and of course Painter. Let me just tell you, if you were anxious for Painter’s story before, this book will have you absolutely dying for it. Puck and Painter formed an extremely tight bond while they served time together. Painter is not the biker I remembered from The Reapers. He’s a little more rough, a little more hard, and all the more tempting. I’m salivating, SALIVATING for his book dammit! That little tease of him we get in this book was pure torture.

There’s a lot that happens in this book that made it for one entertaining read. It was a steady pace full of action, a little suspense, and a whole lot of hot biker lovin’.

Becca Jones might be my property in the eyes of the club, but the reality was that she owned me and there wasn’t a damned thing I could do about it.

I also loved the inclusion of a secondary plot here. The second Rourk first appeared on the scene, i was completely fascinated with him. But then Joanna went and added that bonus epilogue and OH MY GAWD. Worst sort of tease ever! If Rourk and Shane don’t get a book soon, I’m pretty sure I’d cut a bitch. I’m not even kidding.

Silver Bastard was definitely another winner from Miss Wylde, and I can’t wait for more of the Silver Bastards. While this is a spin-off series and can be read a standalone, The Reapers do make an appearance here. If you haven’t yet read Joanna’s other series, I strongly recommend you do. Especially if you want to get the back story before Painter’s book will be released.

About the Author

Joanna Wylde is a New York Times bestselling author and creator of the Reapers Motorcycle Club series. She currently lives in Idaho.

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Blog Tour, Review & #Giveaway: ★Deep★ by @KylieScottbooks

Author: Kylie Scott
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: March 31, 2015

Positive. With two little lines on a pregnancy test, everything in Lizzy Rollins’ ordinary life is about to change forever. And all because of one big mistake in Vegas with Ben Nicholson, the irresistibly sexy bass player for Stage Dive. So what if Ben’s the only man she’s ever met who can make her feel completely safe, cherished, and out of control with desire at the same time? Lizzy knows the gorgeous rock star isn’t looking for anything more permanent than a good time, no matter how much she wishes differently.Ben knows Lizzy is off limits. Completely and utterly. She’s his best friend’s little sister now, and no matter how hot the chemistry is between them, no matter how sweet and sexy she is, he’s not going to go there. But when Ben is forced to keep the one girl he’s always had a weakness for out of trouble in Sin City, he quickly learns that what happens in Vegas, doesn’t always stay there. Now he and Lizzie are connected in the deepest way possible…but will it lead to a connection of the heart?

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“C’mon. How have you been, really? What’s been going on with you?” he pushed. I frowned at him and he frowned right back. “Liz, please.”

I groaned in defeat. “All right, I suck.”

“Why do you suck?”

“So very many reasons.” I pushed my hair back from my face—no more hiding. “Pregnancy sucks. It’s natural, my ass. I finally stop throwing up, but I’m tired all the time. Giving up coffee was horrendous. None of my clothes fit right because of these stupid breasts, and they ache constantly. I have to pee like every thirty seconds, and then to top it off, I cry every time the Healthy Hound ad comes on. It’s ridiculous”

Little wrinkles appeared either side of his nose. “You cry at a dog food ad?”

“Yes. The puppies jump all over each other to get to their mother and it’s just so beautiful, with their cute little tails wagging and everything.”

He just stared at me.

“I know its psycho, Ben. Believe me, I’m well aware of this.”

“Hey, it’s fine.” He covered a smile with his hand. Too late, the bastard.

“You try dealing with all these hormones going apeshit. Crap. Apeshoot.”


“I’m trying not to swear,” I explained. “You want the first word our child comes out with to be something bad?”

“No. Gotcha.” The man was incredibly bad at hiding a grin. “No swearing.”

4 stars



So I’d been knocked up by a rock star. Big deal.


Nothing can ruin a dinner party quicker than a random pregnancy announcement…especially when it’s yours…and the guy that knocked you up is the sexy bearded bassist for a rock band that also happens to be a commitment phobe. Oh and said pregnancy is the result of one stolen night together that really wasn’t supposed to happen and said bassist hasn’t talked to you since. Suffice it to say that Lizzy Rollins is having one hell of a week.

Also, wow, if this was the result of having great sex then I was so never going there again. Not even for mediocre sex. Nothing. I might even rule out masturbation, just in case. You couldn’t be too careful. Random attack sperm could be anywhere, just waiting to get a girl in trouble.


Got your attention now, don’t I? Good 🙂

I’ve been a huge fan of this series since the very first book. Whenever I need a feel good, lighthearted, sexy and laugh out loud rockstar romance, this has been my go-to. Every book has been unique in it’s own right, and I just knew that Ben’s story was going to be a good one ever since we first met him in Lick. If you’ve read Lick, you don’t get the best impression of him there. I gotta warn you, he will have even bigger dick moments in this book. But boy oh boy you will also find yourself falling hard for the bearded sex machine right along Lizzy.

Dreamy dark eyes pinned me in place, owning me. He licked his lips. Every time he did that my hormones erupted into the song of joy, a full orchestra plus heavenly choir accompanying. The whole shebang. It was ridiculous.

While the situation in this book and the back and forth between Lizzy and Ben may have driven me crazy in any other book, the saving grace here is the laugh out loud humor. I couldn’t get enough of Lizzy’s inner monologue. Between Mal’s random appearances and the rest of the Stage Dive crew, it was non-stop fun. Ultimately I have to say it was really Lizzy that stole the show here though.

Goodness, did he look angry. Between the beard and the expression on his face, he looked downright barbaric. He might as well be dressed in furs and carrying a spear, presenting me with the boar he’d caught for dinner. Ah, good old-fashioned Stone Age romance.


Lizzy is Anne’s younger sister, and ever since she met Ben through her relationship with Mal, Lizzy has been enraptured with him. But Ben also knows that Lizzy is hands off for him. Not only did he get warned off by Mal, he’s not the relationship type and knows he can’t give her what she wants. But that doesn’t stop Lizzy’s feelings or her pursuing of him. What begins as innocent texting soon begins to turn into something much more. Until one night where they both throw caution to the wind and finally give into the inevitable.

Unfortunately for Lizzy, Ben seems to have some super sperm. So what should have been one night comes with much bigger repercussions. Now they’re forced to deal with a pregnancy, a rock star that never sees himself getting married, raging pregnancy hormones, and did I mention the raging pregnancy hormones?

A wounded heart was apparently no competition for an overeager vagina. The urge for sperm made no sense. I already had a baby on board. My tart, attention-seeking nipples stood out loud and proud beneath my top, just begging for his lips. The situation between my legs wasn’t any better.


I can’t tell you how much I loved the banter between Lizzy and pretty much every other character including Ben. Even though I did find myself wanting to reach through my kindle and beat the neanderthal with a blunt object at times, Lizzy’s inner thoughts really lightened that up. The chemistry between her and Ben was electric. I couldn’t get enough of it.

Without comment he sat up, grabbing the back of his button-down shirt and pulling it over his head. His chest was so pretty. So hard and big and stuff, it made my IQ drop to my shoe size. Everything about him did. The bearded sex machine turned me into a stuttering fool. Sad but true.


This was such a bittersweet book for me to read because as much as I enjoyed it, I was so sad to see it come to an end. I really hope that Kylie will give us a spin-off and hopefully we won’t be seeing the last of Vaughn.

This was a sexy, laugh-out-loud, and entertaining as all get out romance. I definitely recommend it for all fans of rockstar romance.

If you loved the rest of this series, than you are definitely going to love this one. I’d highly recommend reading the series in order to truly appreciate all the characters and really enjoy it, though you could read it as a standalone.

Stage Dive Series Reading Order

Lick (Book One)
Barnes & Noble:
Play (Book Two)
Barnes & Noble:
Lead (Book Three)
Barnes & Noble:
Deep (Book Four)
Barnes & Noble:

About the Author

Kylie is a long time fan of erotic love stories and B-grade horror films. She demands a happy ending and if blood and carnage occur along the way then all the better. Based in Queensland, Australia with her two children and one delightful husband, she reads, writes and never dithers around on the internet.

Kylie is represented by Amy Tannenbaum at the Jane Rotrosen Agency, New York.

Stalk Kylie Scott: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

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Review: ★Before Jamaica Lane★ by Samantha Young

Before Jamaica Lane (On Dublin Street #3)
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: January 7, 2014
One simple lesson in seduction between two friends can turn into so much more…
Despite her outgoing demeanor, Olivia is painfully insecure around the opposite sex—usually, she can’t get up the nerve to approach guys she’s interested in. But moving to Edinburgh has given her a new start, and, after she develops a crush on a sexy postgrad, she decides it’s time to push past her fears and go after what she wants.Nate Sawyer is a gorgeous player who never commits, but to his close friends, he’s as loyal as they come. So when Olivia turns to him with her relationship woes, he offers to instruct her in the art of flirting and to help her become more sexually confident.

The friendly education in seduction soon grows into an intense and hot romance. But then Nate’s past and commitment issues rear their ugly heads, and Olivia is left broken-hearted. When Nate realizes he’s made the biggest mistake of his life, he will have to work harder than he ever has before to entice his best friend into falling back in love with him—or he may lose her forever…

Lines were being blurred, and other lines were actually being crossed. There were a whole lot of lines and none of them were of a solid consistency.

I only have one question after finishing this book: WHERE HAS THIS BEEN ALL MY LIFE?! I have no idea why I didn’t continue with this series after reading On Dublin Street when it just came out. I’ll blame my mile long TBR. But after hearing all about Nate from gushing GR friends, I figured it was way past time we get introduced. I was a little bit hesitant starting this since I read On Dublin Street such a long time ago, I remember a sum total of nothing from it. Oh and I kinda sorta mighta skipped book 2. (What? I’m a rebel like that) But I digress. My fear was since I couldn’t remember any of the secondary characters introduced in ODS that I’d feel lost jumping straight into book 3. And while it took a bit for me to get everyone straight, I never did find myself confused. I was totally enraptured in this wonderful book in just a few paragraphs.

Olivia, even though she’s not my preferred type of heroine, was easily one of my favorite characters I’ve read in a while. She’s so quirky in her nerdiness that her insecurities never bothered me. As a matter of fact, I found absolutely everything about her endearing, especially her insecurities. After losing her mother to cancer, Olivia moved to live with her father in Scotland. Having been taking care of her ailing mother, Olivia never really had a chance to experience the things that most teenagers do; going on dates, fooling around. So despite her outgoing and quirky personality, the second she’s around a guy she’s attracted to, she gets shy and absolutely tongue-tied. Meeting Nate when she first moved to Scotland, she would have been just as shy around him, had he not immediately put her directly in the friend zone. Now they’re the best of friends. So who else can Liv come to to help her get over her shyness with men so that she can catch the eye of a super cute graduate student she meets in the Library where she works?

Nate is the biggest manwhore of the group. His gorgeous looks and charismatic personality guarantee that never spends the night alone. But Liv gets something that the women don’t get… his true self. So when she comes to him for help, he knows that he’ll help her. If the constant zing of attraction that runs between them is any indication, it certainly won’t be a chore either.

Liv?” his brows creased. “Just say it.”
It rushed out in a burst of geek. “It’s size is a little problematic because despite my tendency to ramble, my mouth is pretty small and it won’t all fit in it and I have a gag reflex that might be a problem so I don’t know how-”
“Liv-” Nate was choking on laughter. “Take a deep breath.”

OK…so maybe it won’t be all serious either.

I have to say how much I loved Liv and her personality. Her nerdy sayings, her and Nate’s movie nights and “would you rather” games were so adorable. I honestly couldn’t get enough of it. Also, it’s so refreshing to read about a shy and awkward with the opposite sex girl that isn’t a virgin. And despite her insecurites, Liv was anything but weak. This is a woman that had no fear speaking her mind and standing up for what she wants and is right.

Then there was the electric connection between her and Nate that only continued to get hotter and hotter with each new “lesson”

“That’s right, babe…
I’m taking you straight to heaven.”
“Heaven. Hell,” I panted, my fingers raking the wall. “Who cares as long as I ride there on an orgasm.”

Nate is not the simple manwhore that he appears. Having had an experience in his teenage years that have forever put him off of love, he has reasons for his sleeping around. And for once in my reading history, I thought they were ones that make sense. Nate was just this perfect combination of sexy and adorable. The way that he’s with Liv makes you completely fall in love with him.

Does this feel like I don’t want you?”
I reared against him, silently begging for more. “No.” I shook my head, and then arched back as he thrust into me. Just like that, Nate began to screw the mortification right out of me.

There was also the sex. Did I mention the sex? Because oh my god, the sex.

Even though you know right away where these lessons will lead, it was still fun as hell watching both Liv and Nate fall for each other. Liv being strong and accepting of it, while Nate? Not so much. I wanted to throttle him for the way he handles everything. And then I wanted to hug Liv for not being the pushover that she could have been and standing up for herself…no matter how stubborn she may have been about it later. This was one of the best grovels I’ve read in a long time. It was, in a word, perfection.

You’re not ready to hear this yet,” he concluded. “But I do need you to know that I’m going to fight for you. I’m not making the mistake of walking away from you again. The only man in your future is me, Liv. The only kids in your future are mine.

If you’re a fan of the friends to lovers trope, this book is simply a must read. Don’t be an idiot like me and keep pushing off reading it. Drop whatever you’re doing right now, and read it immediately. Trust me. You won’t be sorry.

#NewRelease & Review: ★Tool★ by @SabrinaPaigeRom

Tool: A Stepbrother Romance (A Step Brother Romance #2)
Genre: Erotic Romance
Author: Sabrina Paige
Release Date: April 7, 2015
I call him “Tool” because he’s a dick.Gaige O’Neal is nicknamed “Tool” because of what he’s packing. Rumor is, he’s well equipped.I wouldn’t know. I’ve never had the pleasure.

He’s a cocky, entitled, insufferable a**hole who’s as reckless with women as he is with that stupid motorcycle he races.

He’s also my stepbrother. Lucky me.

It’s been four years since I’ve seen him. Four years since he’s made me so frustrated I could scream. Four years since he’s given me that look, the one that makes me instantly wet.

So it’s just f**ing fitting that the first time I see him in four years, he’s buried beneath three scantily clad blondes.

Now I’m stuck here under the same roof with him while he recovers from a racing injury. An injury that clearly hasn’t affected the use of his tool.

The problem is, as much as I despise him, I just can’t help myself. I want to find out what kind of tool he’s working with.

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4 stars


Motorcycle racer, womanizer, asshole extraordinaire. Four years ago, he was the bane of my existence. And my best friend, my confidant, my first love.
My stepbrother.

So here’s the deal, I’m not a fan of the stepbrother romance thing…at least I don’t go seeking it out. I like the taboo as much as the next pervert reader, but the stepbrother thing doesn’t really do it for me. That is, unless Sabrina Paige writes it. A few months ago I read Prick, my first book by her, and I was absolutely hooked. After finishing Tool, I can tell you that this is just one of those guilty pleasures authors for me. Her books are super smutty but with a great story too. Because let’s be honest, even us perverts romance connoisseurs want a story to go with our smut.

If you haven’t yet read Prick, I highly recommend you get right on that. Pun most definitely intended. But if you haven’t, no worries, because you can very easily read Tool as a standalone. Now onto the review…

Gaige O’Neal is nicknamed “Tool”. A very appropriate nickname too, considering what he’s packing if you catch my drift. And if you’re slow on the uptake, the man has a giant

OK? Great! moving on.

Delaney has spent four years away at college. Mainly she took the opportunity to run from her feelings for her exasperatingly sexy stepbrother. But now she’s back and looking to start working at her father’s company, which also lands her on babysitting ‘handling’ duty with her stepbrother, a professional motorcycle racer. She gets to travel with him to Japan to negotiate the company’s sponsorship deal. Too bad that all those feelings she ran from four years ago have not gone away in the least and Gaige is just as determined to get in her pants now as he was then.

I didn’t come back here to restart something with you, Gaige.”
“You and I are the fucking definition of unfinished.”

Now being a HUGE lover of the hate/lust thing, I gobbled this book right up. Delaney and Gaige are absolutely sizzling together. The snark, the banter, the sexual tension. Gaige is a cocky asshole and Delaney is a good girl with no small amount of sass. The sexual tension between them practically sizzles. I thought my ovaries would just about explode until they finally got together. It hurt, I tells ya. But in the most delicious of ways. Now a good 50% of this book is super hawt sex.

And you sure as hell won’t find me complaining. A lot of times I find that a lot of sex can dilute the story, but that wasn’t the case here. While it was super hot and smutty, I was always engaged in the story too.

Manwhore- check. Past history with him- check. Professional relationship- check. Stepbrother- double fucking check.

It was fantastically smutty!

If you’re looking for a super hot read and haven’t read anything by this author yet, I’m not sure what you’re waiting for. Trust me, your ovaries will thank me 😉

Don’t miss the first book in the series!

Blog Tour, Review & #Giveaway: ★Yours Completely★ by @JoyaRyanAuthor

Yours Completely (Reign #2)
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Joya Ryan
Release Date: April 2, 2015

For fans of J Lynn, Jodi Ellen Malpas and Sylvia Day comes Yours Completely, an all-consuming, raw and powerful love story . ..

Lana Case knows what it feels like to be tossed aside – first by her family and then by the man she naively believed was her true love. But when Jack leaves, reconfirming that she isn’t worthy of love, her world shatters. The last person Lana thought to find refuge in is an adrenaline-junky firefighter, let alone Jack’s best friend. Yet Callum Malone’s easy-going, playboy persona is just what she needs.

When Lana finds herself the target of a stalker who isn’t going away, Callum not only welcomes her into his home, but also into his bed. Unable to deny the chemistry between them, Lana gives in and after a night of fiery passion discovers what it finally feels like to not only be cherished – but safe. Lana and Callum are falling fast, knowing they’re both far out of their depth. And then Jack returns to claim the woman he left behind . . .

Addictive and unforgettable, Lana’s story will seduce, surprise and stay with you. A brand new romance by the #1 Bestselling author of Break Me Slowly, the Reign series is an emotional roller coaster you’ll want to keep riding forever.

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4.5 stars

What do you see when you look at me?”
“I see my next mistake.”

Wow. I’m honestly shocked at how incredibly much I enjoyed this book. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed the previous book too. But something about this one managed to suck me in so completely, I read the entire thing in one sitting. Let me address one major key point here first: I am NOT a reader that likes love triangles. They send me into a stabby and ragey mess that takes me weeks to wade through. I don’t touch them with a ten foot pole. If love triangles were a vagina, I wouldn’t fuck it with someone else’s dick. Are you seeing what I’m getting at here? I don’t do them. Period. Unless they’re written like they are here. Would I categorize this as a love triangle? Yes and no. Are there two love interests for the heroine? Yes. Are they both present in her life at the same time? No. And you know what, I think that’s what I loved. Miss Ryan allowed the reader to truly get to know each man, Jack and Callum, individually in their own books without relationship crossover and angst. She made you feel exactly what Lana is feeling for each man and understand the depths of it, without making it feel one is getting the short end of the stick. These two men were two halves of a whole and such complex characters, that you can’t help but be drawn to both of them in their own right.

In the previous book Lana Case fell fast and hard for the mysterious and enigmatic Jack. When Jack leaves her after finding out the full depth of her history with her father and stepbrother, she’s devastated. He leaves her picking up the pieces of her hear, unsure whether she’ll ever be able to piece herself together. The last man that she expects to come back into her life is the sexy firefighter and Jack’s best friend, Callum, who she shared one intense kiss with in the previous book.

I know Jack hurt you, and yes, he’s my best friend. I know what’s ahead of me when it comes to you, and it’s not going to be easy. If you want to hide, I can’t help with that or allow it. But if you want to run? Fight? Feel something? That’s my department all day long.”

While the book is told entirely in Lana’s POV, you can see through her eyes exactly what Cal wants and feels.

You want a place to hide? That was Jack. And you’re right. He’s gone. But I’m the place you can run to. I’m also the one you run from…So go ahead and run, Kitten. But don’t think I won’t catch you.”

Cal is so different from Jack and yet the same. He may not have that all encompassing intensity to him, he definitely has a few demons of his own. He’s a man that has no desire for anything longer than a night with a woman, and yet he’s enraptured by Lana. He doesn’t try to take Jack’s place and he doesn’t want her to move on; he knows she never will. Jack had too much of her heart. But he does want her to move. He wants her to move to him, he’ll help her pick up the pieces. All he wants in return is the place Lana still has in her heart.

I loved how natural the progression of their relationship and feelings for each other went. You never feel like Lana is trying to replace Jack with Cal. Nor do you get the feeling that Cal is some sort of substitute. They may be best friends, but they’re also very different men. Cal is by no means anything less than alpha, but his corners are slightly smoother than Jack. He’s calmer. But that certainly doesn’t mean the man is any less intense in the bedroom.

I kissed him, soft and slow, so contradictory to the way he was taking me. Fast and hard and completely.

I spent the entire book waiting for that other shoe to drop, because you just know that Callum is keeping something from Lana. There’s also the continued threat from Lana’s psychotic step-brother. As much as I hated her father in the first book, I loathed him in this one. The added element of suspense with whoever is trying to hurt Lana only made for a more interesting read. The romance between Cal and Lana was center stage at all times though…

…I was falling hard for the man that seemed to have a way with picking me up and carrying me when I needed him the most.”

Then came that damn cliffhanger. Holy mother of GAH but does this author know how to leave you begging for more. Holy shit!

I am absolutely dying to see how everything resolves in the 3rd book. If you haven’t read this amazing author yet, you need to give this a try. I’m completely sucked in!

Don’t miss the first book in the Reign trilogy

About the Author

National and international bestselling author Joya Ryan is the author of the Shattered Series (Break Me Slowly, Possess Me Slowly and Capture Me Slowly), the Sweet Torment Series (Breathe You In, Only You), and The Chasing Love Series (Chasing Trouble, Chasing Temptation, Chasing Desire).

Passionate about both cooking and dancing (despite not being too skilled at the latter), she loves spending time at home color coding things. She resides in California with her husband and her two sons. Visit Joya Ryan online


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