Review: Bared by Him by Red Garnier

Bared by Him: (The Billionaire's Club #5)Bared by Him: by Red Garnier

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Book Blurb

Power. Possession. And red-hot passion… 
The Billionaire’s Club: The wealthiest, most powerful men—not only in Chicago, but in the world. They are used to having whatever they want, whenever they want it.  
Cade West may be richer than Midas but not even his vast wealth could save his young wife. Cade didn’t just grieve her loss; he was furious. What good is money if it can’t fix…everything? So when the utterly beautiful Ivy Summers boldly walks into his office asking him to donate to her cancer research foundation, he can’t decide whether to throw her out or wrap her up in his arms and never let go. All Cade knows is that he’s caught her scent and he has no intention of letting her walk out his door—even if he has to pay for the privilege. He makes Ivy an offer she can’t refuse: A game of strip poker for two million dollars. She can pretend all she wants, but Cade has awakened dark passions within her from the first time she saw him. Yes, he’s dark and tortured by his past. But if Ivy has the chance to have this man, all bets are off…

My Review

4 sexy and emotional stars

He’s as powerful as Zeus, but has the disposition of Hades

Something in her gaze snared and trapped him. There was passion in there, in those eyes. Kindness. Compassion. And something deep and wounded.

I have been addicted to this series ever since book 2, Taken by Him. And I have been looking forward to the brooding and man of few words Cade ever since. I had a feeling that his story will be a good one, and I was not wrong. While book 2 still continues to be my favorite in the series, this was the most emotionally charged one.

Cade West lost his wife to cancer 10 years ago, and continues to grieve her loss. Though it’s not as much sadness that he feels, as it is anger; anger that he wasn’t able to help her, that no amount of money and treatment was able to save her from death at such a young age.

So when the beautiful Ivy barges into his office demanding that he donate to her cancer research charity, his rage hits an all time high. He wants to throw the ballsy blonde out of his office but there’s just one problem, he wants her, and he hasn’t wanted a woman like this in as long as he can remember.

So what does he do to take care of this problem? Well he challenges her to a game of strip poker and promises his donation if she wins.
Ivy can’t help but feel an intense pull to Cade. She knows the wounds that he has, and she want to get to the man behind it, so she takes him up on the offer.

But when the game begins, all bets are off.

This novella, like all the others, was incredibly steamy and sexy. Cade may be a man of a few words but when he’s in the bedroom…well, let’s just say he says ENOUGH.

Ivy was a wonderful heroine. She was hesitant to get emotionally involved with Cade, but I can completely understand why that was given the information we find out about her in the end of the book. There was no unnecessary angst, which was refreshing as well.

Cade was dark and broody, but when he finally recognized his feelings for Ivy…I just fell even more for him.

I want you, Ivy. I want you more than I’ve wanted anything in my life – I take you in my sleep. I take you any way I can get you, any fucking time I can.”

While the sexy, womanizing, manwhore Luke continues to be my favorite in this series, Cade definitely came in in a very close second.

Each novella is told in dual POV and can easily be read as a standalone. Though I highly recommend reading them all. Red Garnier has this fantastic writing style that allows the reader to not only get a feel for the characters in 100 pages, but to fall for them as well.

And let’s be honest here, these books are friggin HAWT with a capital H.

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My reviews for:
Taken by Him (Billionaires Club #2)
Bound by Him (Billionaires Club #3)

Review: Consequences by Aleatha Romig

Consequences (Consequences, #1)Consequences by Aleatha Romig

My rating: 3.5 of 5 stars

Book Blurb

Anthony Rawlings had a plan—to teach Claire Nichols to behave.
Claire Nichols had a plan—to survive!
In an unfamiliar bedroom within a luxurious mansion, Claire Nichols wakes to memories of a brutal abduction. All of her recollections have one common denominator, the man she just met—Anthony Rawlings. Unbeknownst to Claire, Anthony has had her in his sights for a long time. Every action has consequences—and his actions resulted in their chance meeting. 
Facing incomprehensible circumstances, Claire must learn to survive as she comes to terms with her new reality—every aspect of her livelihood is now dependent upon the tall, dark-haired, dark-eyed tycoon. Anthony may appear to the world as a prosperous, benevolent, kind businessman, but in reality Claire learns he is also a menacing, controlling captor with very strict rules: do as your told, public failure is not an option, and don’t divulge private information. Failure to follow these rules and more, are met with serious consequences.
In an effort to earn her freedom, Claire learns her lessons well and before long, she unknowingly captivates her captor. Anthony/ Tony reluctantly becomes enthralled with Claire’s beauty, resilience and determination. Their interaction instigates strong emotions, including—fear, anger, love, and lust—as their journey flows into uncharted waters of intrigue and passion. 
From the opening criminal abduction, through the twists and turns, to the unlikely romantic thrills, the suspense climaxes as Aleatha Romig utilizes vivid detail, allowing this novel to unfold like a movie. 
Can you put the pieces of the puzzle together? Claire Nichols abduction wasn’t a random act—did she learn her lessons well enough? Will these unlikely lovers remain true–or will she learn the truth before it’s too late?

My Review

3.5 I’m still questioning my sanity after reading this stars

She made a decision, and that decision would have consequences.

How do I even begin to review this book? What a dark, torturous, crazy, fucked up ride! I’m not sure I’m right in the head after finishing it. I’m not sure I’m right in the head for even starting it? I couldn’t put it down. I looked like one of those crazy people that talked to themselves through the whole thing. I must have been yelling and swearing in 5 different languages throughout the entire thing.

I was going to rate it differently, but after sleeping on it, I decided to go with a slightly higher rating. Why? Because I choose to rate this book as a psychological thriller. And as that…it was fucking fantastic! For those that are reading the labels and expecting an erotic romance or even a romance…well you’re in for one hell of a surprise…when you don’t fucking get it! How this got labeled is an erotic romance is really just beyond me. I will not give you a full review, because there is NO WAY to review this without revealing spoilers. So let me try to sum this up as best as I can without the multitude of book notes and highlights I made. Just straight, fucked up feelings.


“Good morning, Claire”

AHHH! You sadistic, fucked up, fucking asshole! I hate you! I hate you so much! How the fuck are people Team fucking Tony? HOW?! I’m Team Tony Should Have an Unfortunate Accident. Period. But I digress.

Let me take you on my Consequences experience

20% in


45% in



The ending?

Any questions??
Oh you DO have some?

The only reason I took off stars is I had to majorly skim many parts due to extremely lengthy and unnecessary descriptions of clothing brands, trips, things that weren’t too pertinent to the story. It just got way too wordy and lengthy and I found my interest waning in those parts.

This book fucked me up! I will never be the same. I may need intense vodka therapy after finishing it. I’m questioning my sanity for reading it. But what a ride! I’m really hoping for some answers in Truth…but somehow I’m doubting I’d get them…or even like the answers I get. Oh well. I’m off to cleanse my brain and read Truth.

And I thank you

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Review: ★Love and Let Die★ by Lexi Blake

A Tragic Love Story
Charlotte Dennis’s mission was clear: distract and misdirect CIA operative Ian Taggart by any means necessary. If she failed, she would never see her sister again. With her training, it should have been simple, but after one night in Ian’s arms, she knew that saving her sister would mean losing the man of her dreams.
Ian was tracking a terrorist when he met the beautiful American daughter of a Russian mobster. His instincts told him Charlotte was trouble, but his body craved her like a drug and his heart would not be denied. She took his ring and his collar. For once he was truly happy. But as he closed in on his target, her betrayal cost him his mission while her sacrifice saved his life. As she died in his arms, Ian vowed he would never love again.
A Dangerous Reunion
For six years, Charlotte has thought of nothing but returning to her husband, her Master. Working in the shadows, she has devoted herself to earning a chance to reclaim her place in Ian’s life. But forgiveness isn’t a part of Ian’s vocabulary.
Nothing is more important to Ian Taggart than his new mission. But the information he needs is firmly in the hands of the woman who betrayed him. To catch his most dangerous prey, Ian will have to let Charlotte back into his life. As the hunt takes them to some of the world’s most exotic locations, the danger grows and their passion reignites.
Will Ian forgive his wayward submissive…or lose her again?
4 stars
He’d been a different man with Charlotte, a softer man, a man who might have had a future.

If there was one thing she’d learned in her lifetime, it was that the world was a game. She would win or she would die.When I read the first book in the Masters and Mercenaries book, I knew, I just knew that I had to, I needed, I had to have Ian’s book.

I’m pretty sure I got to a point where all I had to do was think of Ian’s name and my mind was all

So needless to say, my anticipation and my hopes have gotten quite high in 5 books’ span. I don’t remember the last time I pre-ordered a book and then spent hours staring at my Kindle willing it to come in. Did this book meet my expectations? Not quite…IAN

The bigger they are, the bigger they fall. That’s kind of the idea I had built up in my mind for Ian. He was always so cynical with love with all his friends. I was waiting for a woman to come in to knock him on his ass. So when 5 years later his dead wife shows up at his office, he gets thrown for a bit of a loop.


I absolutely loved Charlie’s personality from the last book. She was spunky, tough, and kick-ass. I just knew that she was going to be even better in her own book. She had been through so much in her life and at the hands of her father. And when she was forced to betray Ian five years ago in order to save herself and her sister, she has spent those years apart trying to atone for her actions.

A girl had to have a hobby. Hers just happened to be causing chaos for some of the world’s worst terrorists and criminals. It was fun.

She made plenty of sacrifices, and even stood in front of a bullet for a member of Ian’s team in the previous book. All in hopes for earning the right to be back in his life.

When Ian is force to work with Charlotte since she holds the key information he needs in order to finally get to the rogue agent responsible so much of his past turmoil, he finds it hard to fight his attraction to her. Even though he should hate her for what she did to him, he can’t help but still feel the pull between them.

He was going to kill her. He was going to wrap his hands around her pretty throat and squeeze. Except the minute he had the vision of killing his back-from-the-dead wife, she was suddenly naked and he wasn’t thinking about throttling her anymore. Maybe he could fuck her to death. That would be a better way to go.

The one thing that I have loved in Lexi Blake’s books in the past was the super steamy love scenes. You could just feel the burning passion between the couples when you read it. I couldn’t seem to get the same thing here. The sex scenes between Ian and Charlie read almost mechanical to me at times. Like insert slot B into slot A, moan, breath, *insert dirty words here*, rinse and repeat. It took Ian pretty much the entire book to finally open up some. So maybe that was what was missing for me? I’m not even sure. Then again, this also might have been the case of my high expectations just being too high? Who knows. What I do know that is that in all the build up to Ian’s book, it didn’t quite meet my expectations in that.

I really liked Charlie. The way that she fought for her sister, and then fought her way back to Ian melted my heart. She took on so much abuse, and she took it all from Ian too, in order to make up for her mistakes. She was understanding, and sweet, yet at the same time maintained a lot of her strength.

The other thing that I found lacking was the romance. At times I found that the romance took a backseat to the suspense. Don’t get me wrong, the story was action packed and entertaining. I guess I just wanted something…more. I was even able to look past a few details that irked the Russian in me. A few stereo types here and there, and the name Dusan Denisovitch. (Dusan? Not a Russian name. At least none I’ve ever heard.) But I suppose that’s just me being picky.

There is a HEA at the end, but a hell of a cliffhanger introduction into the next book. I was really hoping to get Simon’s book next, but looks like we will be getting a different sexy Brit, Damon Knight.

Don’t Miss The Rest of The Series!

The Dom Who Loved Me (Masters & Mercenaries #1)
The Men With The Golden Cuffs (Masters and Mercenaries #2)
A View to a Thrill (Masters and Mercenaries #7)

Review: MacRieve by Kresley Cole

MacRieve (Immortals After Dark, #13)MacRieve by Kresley Cole
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Hot and Hotter stars

“You’ve let me tend tae your fire, and tonight it’s searing me clean. I can be what you need.”

He was so domineering. And a dirty talker. Apparently, she liked both.

Book Blurb:

A Beast in Torment
Uilleam MacRieve believed he’d laid to rest the ghosts of his boyhood. But when a brutal torture revives those ancient agonies and destroys his Lykae instinct, the proud Scot craves the oblivion of death. Until he finds her—a young human so full of spirit and courage that she pulls him back from the brink.
A Beauty in Chains
Seized for the auction block, Chloe Todd is forced to enter a terrifying new world of monsters and lore as a bound slave. When offered up to creatures of the dark, she fears she won’t last the night. Until she’s claimed by him—a wicked immortal with heartbreaking eyes, whose touch sets her blood on fire.
A Full Moon on the Rise
With enemies circling, MacRieve spirits Chloe away to the isolated Highland keep of his youth. But once he takes her to his bed, his sensual mate becomes something more than human, evoking his savage past and testing his sanity. On the cusp of the full moon, can he conquer his worst nightmare to save Chloe . . . from himself?

My Review

That is totally me right now. Yes, fairy wings and all. Why you ask? Well, because I’m fun and eccentric that way. But mainly, it’s because I just read a Kresley Cole book and IT.WAS.AWESOME!

I admit that after reading some mixed reviews on this book, I had put off reading it. I have loved every book i this series, and I was terrified that book 13 might take me off of my IAD buzz.

I should have known better. Kresley definitely did not disappoint! MacRieve turned out being so much better than I even hoped. Now this might have been a case of not having any expectations while going into the book. But whatever the reason may have been, I couldn’t put it down until I read the very last page.

The one thing that I have to give praise for, is to this day IAD books continue to focus on only 2 POVs. While there is a whole lot of world building and action that takes place, I never see it take away from the main couple. There are no unnecessary side characters POVs. We get to touch base with many favorite characters, like my personal favorite Nix (and her bat), but the main focus is the couple.

The one thing that I definitely did notice change, is the books are certainly becoming much more sexual. Or at least this one was. Which you will not find this girl complaining about. But then again, I’m a smut connoisseur 🙂

So finally we get the story of the first half of the Hot and Hotter twins, MacRieve. And let me tell you, it was quite brutal. Poor Will has been through quite a bit in his long life, with the recent addition of his stint in The Order’s prison and favorite play thing of a demented scientist.

When he escapes the prison, he’s not quite right. And then his life takes a turn when he unexpectedly finds his mate.

Kresley Cole has yet to write a heroine that I haven’t loved, and Chloe was no exception. I loved her sass, and the way she stood up to everyone, even MacRieve.

Of course we had to get some angst, when a particular secret comes out and throws their mating for a loop. My sexy MacRieve goes from sweet to complete and utter asshole in no time flat.

Luckily for me, I like that sort of thing. When the hero makes mistakes and treats the heroine like dirt, but then has to grovel to make up for it? Oh yea! I am ALL over that.

He also happened to be a dirty talker. Which if you follow my reviews, you know is an Achilles heel of mine. Plus the steam in this book? Sweet mother! I’d say this is the steamiest book in the series.

I can see why some reviewers found him to be a little excessive in his anger. but considering his past and what he’s been through, I understood it, and it didn’t bother me much. Considering that he was able to (view spoiler)[suppress his beast on a full moon for her (hide spoiler)], which was huge, he did his best to make up for his mistakes with Chloe.

We also get the set-up for Munro’s book, which was a hell of a start. I’m really looking forward to finding out what happens there. But according to Kresley Cole, we will be getting Lanthe and Thronos next. Can’t wait to see what that brings. I’ve been looking forward to their book since Demon From The Dark.

13 books in the series, and still going strong. This has definitely become one of my favorite PNR series, so a huge rec from me.

If you like tortured, dirty talking heroes and sassy, strong-willed heroines with fun side characters and amazing world building, snark, humor, and steam, you must check out this series.

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Review: The Gamble (Colorado Mountain #1) by Kristen Ashley

The Gamble (Colorado Mountain, #1)The Gamble by Kristen Ashley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4 Please stop saying you’re sorry before I hit you stars

“You lose anyone, there’s no replacing them. What you need to get is that’s precious. You get to keep that. You don’t want to replace it. That doesn’t mean you can’t find something else just as good.”

Welcome to Gnaw Bone, Colorado.

I’m not sure why I spent my time searching through pictures to find my perfect Max and Nina, where really, I could have just gone with

(Did I just age myself?)

I love, and I mean LOVE Kristen Ashley books. I have no idea how I managed to read every book in the Colorado Man series BUT this one. Really. I’m still trying to figure that out. Obviously I’ve been a bad bad girl, and Max need to punish me…thoroughly…

But I digress. After reading a few of KA’s recent books, my first thought when I started reading The Gamble? THIS! This is KA at her finest. Damn but I missed her. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve enjoyed her recent books, but it always felt a little off. So it was so great to get my KA fix with Max and Nina. What did I love the most about The Gamble?


The man was perfect! No seriously friggin perfect! He said things like this

Learned some things in my life, Duchess, one of the most important, you find a good woman, you take care of her.”
“This happens between us, Duchess, I’d take care of you.”
“Die doin’ it,” he vowed.

He was growly and possessive and I just wanted to lick him! What? It’s this thing I get with growly and possessive heroes. You don’t? Huh. But then there was Nina

Now I know I tend to have a short fuse when it comes to irritating heroines…but FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT’S HOLY she worked my last damn nerve. Here we have a 36 year old woman, a professional lawyer, and most of the time she acts like a teenager. Yes she was sassy when it came to standing up for herself and I liked that. But when it came to Max? GAH!

I mean here we have a situation that can easily be resolved by talking it through. Max is willing to talk it out with her. Max even pretty much begs to talk things out with her. Yet every single time instead of talking it out, she just jumps to her own stupid conclusions. The other times she stews on it, gets mad and takes it out on Max, or just runs.

Here you have this amazing, sexy, growling man that for some god unknown reason wants your crazy ass. Yet all you do is give him shit, more shit, and then dish up shit some more. I ask you

Though to be fair, I would have been fine with all that. If I could give Nina just one handy dandy little thing.

Please, for the sake of my sanity, Nina, look up the word “sorry”. I’m sure there will be something in there. It felt like most of her vocabularly when it came to Max consisted of: “I’m sorry”, “Um”, and “Uh”. GAH!

The story itself was fantastic. I loved the mystery, suspense, and full out drama. All the side characters and their stories were great too. I love how KA can include a few side character plots without it getting muddy or confusing. The who-done-it ending caught me by complete and utter surprise. I did not see it coming at all.

Then there was the epilogue. *GUSHING* No one and I mean NO ONE can write an epilogue quite like KA. And this one was no exception. Nina was definitely not a favorite heroine of mine, but luckily the book was still THAT good that I was able to more or less tolerate her. So that is all the heroine bashing you will be getting from me. And I thank you

Though now I’m feeling the sudden urge to re-read this entire amazing series. *dreamy sigh*

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Review: Safe With Me by Kristen Proby

Safe With Me (With Me in Seattle, #5)Safe With Me by Kristen Proby
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4 Dirty Talking SEAL stars

I’ll be damned if I’ll screw this up for her. I’m too fucked up for anything long-term, and she deserves nothing less.

Book Blurb:

Keeping others safe is what Caleb Montgomery does. He’s never had a problem taking on an assignment, whether it was during his dangerous SEAL days or his most recent job of training war mercenaries. But being assigned to keep Brynna Vincent and her adorable daughters, Maddie and Josie, safe from an unknown threat has thrown Caleb off his axis. Hot for the tall brunette since she came back to town more than a year ago, being close to her day in and day out is cracking Caleb’s resolve to keep his hands off her gorgeous body and his head in the mission.
Brynna is sick and tired of being afraid. All she wants is a normal, quiet life for her and her precious girls. Just as she’s settling into her new home in Seattle and feeling safe again, Caleb shows up on her doorstep insisting the danger is as high as ever. But whether she needs to be sheltered from the threat in her past, or from the intense emotions she feels for the sexy, protective man sleeping in her home, remains to be seen. What will happen if Brynna and her girls fall in love with a man so broken he may not be able to protect them from the danger that threatens, much less himself?
SAFE WITH ME is the fifth book in the With Me In Seattle series, and continues to follow this tight-knit, loving family through life’s trials and tribulations with humor, passion and everlasting love.

My Review:

I’ve been looking forward to Caleb and Brynna’s story for a while now. Kristen Proby definitely knows how to write a steamy as hell romance. While I can’t say this book will be making to my favorites list, I did enjoy it.

When a tragic event forces Brynna and her twin daughters to fear their safety, they pick up their life in Chicago and move to Seattle where Brynna’s cousin lives. It’s been a year since the incident that sent them into hiding, and Brynna is finally starting to settle into a somewhat normal life until a threat rises up again and she has no choice but to accept protection in the form of her walking fantasy, Caleb Montgomery.

Brynna has been lusting after Caleb for months, but Caleb insists on a hands off friendship. He doesn’t think that he’s capable of a relationship; his experiences as a SEAL left him broken and damaged. He doesn’t think that he has anything to offer Brynna or her girls. But that doesn’t mean that he stops wanting her any less.

Caleb still suffers horrendous nightmares from his past tours. He thinks he’s broken, damaged, not worthy of someone like Brynna.

Brynna was a wonderful heroine. She was strong, in a very understated way. She wasn’t a pushover or whine when she didn’t get her way. I loved the way that she handled Caleb and his problems. She was understanding and patient.

Caleb was just pure sex on a stick. Kristen Proby definitely did not disappoint in the sex department. This book was HOT. When Caleb finally gave in to the red hot passion between them IT.WAS.ON.

These two just burned up the pages together. It wasn’t just all Caleb, I really liked how Brynna went after what she wanted and didn’t shy away from getting it.

She gave as good as she got.

Brynna’s girls were adorable, and I especially enjoyed Caleb’s interaction with them. It was incredibly sweet.

We also get to catch up with all the characters from the past books and find out how their relationships have developed, which was great.

So why only 4 stars? Well, while I loved Caleb and Brynna, and Brynna and Caleb together, and the super steamy scenes, I just didn’t connect that much with this book as I did with Rock with Me.

I think my biggest quibble was the “suspense” part of this book. I felt like it was really glossed over and just a quick filler. In the beginning, it explained Brynna’s move, and then the reason for Brynna to need Caleb’s protection, but then it sort of just fizzled out? The way that it resolved just felt entirely too glossed over. I just felt like something was missing. It seemed like there was all this build up, and then in the end the quick resolution just fell slightly flat. I’m not even sure why I think that, and I very well may be in the minority with my opinion. But whatever the reason may be, it still just didn’t feel like a 5 star book for me.

What I’m very happy about? The little teaser we get into Matt’s book in the end. Sweet baby jebus! I am ALL about the dirty and kinky cops.

Bring it on! I cannot wait.

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ARC Review: Bound by Night by Larissa Ione

Bound by Night (MoonBound Clan Vampires, #1)

Nicole Martin was only eight years old when the vampire slaves rose up in rebellion and killed her family. Now she devotes her life to finding a vaccine against vampirism, hoping to wipe out her memories—along with every bloodsucker on the planet. But there’s one thing she cannot destroy: her searing, undeniable attraction for the one man she should hate and fear the most . . .
A member of the renegade vampire MoonBound Clan, Riker is haunted by demons of his own. When he recognizes Nicole and remembers how her family enslaved his loved ones, his heart burns for vengeance. But when he kidnaps Nicole and holds her in a secret lair, his mortal enemy becomes his soul obsession, his greatest temptation, and, perhaps, his only salvation—a hot-blooded lover who could heal him with her touch . . . or bury him forever.

She was a human among vampires, but she felt far less alone than she had as a human among humans

I have been a HUGE Larissa Ione fan ever since I read the very first Demonica book, Pleasure Unbound. With her unique and rich world building, amazing characters, and incredibly steamy love scenes, she has quickly become one of my favorite PNR authors.

So when I saw that she plans on coming out with a new series, I didn’t even think before adding it to my auto-buy list. Now that I’ve read it, I’m at a little bit of a loss as to how to rate it. For those that have never read a book by Larissa Ione, I would not suggest starting with this one. I feel like her previous books were much stronger than this one, and you might get the wrong impression of this very talented author.

Bound by Night offers a very unique and different take on your typical vampire fiction. In this world humans have captured vampires for slaves. The vampires go through “reconditioning” and some even have their fangs removed. The non-captured, rebel vampires live in clans.

Nicole Martin’s family’s company is at the top of this particular hierarchy. Her farther owns the company that sells vampires. Until the day where everything in Nicole’s world changes when she is only 8 years old, her family is killed by the very vampires that have served them, and Nicole herself is brutally attacked and barely survives. Now Nicole lives in Paris, and devotes her life for finding a vaccinne against vampirism. She hates vampires with a passion, and her dreams are still haunted by a particular vampire that she has every reason to hate, yet still feels undeniable attraction to.
Riker is a member of the renegade vampire MoonBound Clad. Despising all humans, Riker is haunted by nightmares of his own past. When a mission to rescue a captured vampire brings him face to face with the woman whose family he holds responsible for taking everything he loved, all he wants in revenge.

The book had a bit of a slow start for me. I didn’t really connect with it until past the 50% mark. I really liked Nicole’s character, and Riker was a tortured soul. It took him quite a bit of time to get over his particular biases, where Nicole realized hers pretty early on.

I also really enjoyed the secondary characters. Now is it just me or did Myne also remind anyone else of Wrath from the Demonica series? I loved that! I can’t wait for his book.

I enjoyed the world building and the unique take on vampire lore in this. There is one thing that Ione knows how to do well, and that is giving us rich world building.

Although I did not find this to be as strong as her previous books, this was a good start to what I think will be a great series.

I’m also very intrigued by the sneak peak we get into Hunter’s book. I can already tell I’m going to enjoy his book. The set up sounds interesting, and I already love the heroine.

So while I can’t say this was my favorite book by her, it was still a good one.

The sexy blue eyed hottie in my casting? That’s the actual cover model from the book. As you can see, I completely agree with that choice 🙂


Review: Perfect Regret by A. Meridith Walters

Perfect Regret (Bad Rep, #2)Perfect Regret by A. Meredith Walters


Blessed are the hearts that bend; they shall never be broken.

That awkward, confused looking person in that gif? That’s me right now. Minus the penis and plus some more hair. Why you ask? Well because I’m in a bit of a loss as to how to rate a book like this.

I loved, absolutely loved the first book, and I really enjoy the author’s writing. I loved everything about this book. Well everything aside from one tiny weenie little thing: the heroine, Riley. She drove me out of my ever loving mind! Now, it will be fair to say that I seem to have a short fuse for annoying and weak heroines. But here’s the thing…Riley was not weak. If anything she was the polar opposite of that times infinity on steroids.

Riley Walker has just been dumped. To say that she’s not handling it well is an understatement. She’s supposed to be the girl that doesn’t make mistakes, that leads the perfect life, that has her goals and priorities in order, and knows what she wants from her life. She had all of that, plus the perfect on paper boyfriend…until her perfect boyfriend tells her that their relationship has become boring and dumps her. So of course she’s going to wallow in some self pity for a while.

And to commemorate my recent descent into early spinsterhood, I had compiled a list of the most obnoxious and annoying songs ever written. Nothing says heartache and the overwhelming urge to disembowel yourself with a butter knife quite like an hour of Celine Dion ballads.

But then, to add insult to injury, she finds out that her ex just asked her very annoying coworker out. So what’s a girl to do? Well get drunk and have a very hot one night stand with the person she least expected to pay any attention to; Garrett Bellows.

Time to take a ride on the Garrett Express all the way to Fuck Me town

Riley never thought to give him the time of day. After all he’s a townie, a pot head, and no goals in mind aside from being the guitarist of Generation Rejects…but is that really all that was to him?


We’ve found something in each other that we want. Hell if I understand why. Out of all the fish in the sea, I had to hook you. One giant, snarly toothed piranha ready to bite my fingers off.”

Garrett had me swooning after him for the entire book. There were some moments in the beginning that I questioned it, but he was just amazing. He wanted Riley, and once he let her know what he wanted, he didn’t play around. He’s already been through so much, and all he asked of Riley is for her to not break his heart when he gives it to her.
So what did Riley do with that? Well she ran it over with a friggin mack truck, of course. Then for good measure, she backed up, and ran it over again!!!
To say that I hated Riley for the majority of the book would be a gross understatement. She was a bitch. Plain and simple. She was HORRIBLE to Garrett. Everything thing she said, everything she did, I found myself getting more and more angry
It actually got to a point where I found myself rooting against her. I kid you not, I wished that Garrett would end up with someone that was deserving of him, and that was not Riley. I have never wished more that I could reach through my kindle and actually choke a fictional character. GAH!
She finally did manage to get her shit together in the last 15ish% of the book. For me this was just a case of too little too late. I didn’t think she deserved someone as wonderful as Garrett. He was always so understanding and tolerant of her, and she never ONCE returned the favor. She was judgmental, and rude, and at times purposefully hurtful.
I understand that she was going through a lot, but I didn’t find that to be a good excuse for her behavior. I just couldn’t find myself to look past my hate for Riley in this book to rate this anything above 3.5 stars.
The writing was fantastic, Garrett was wonderful, and it would have been a 5 star book for me if not for Riley.
So that is all the raging ramblings you’ll be getting from this girl. I’m off to read a book with a heroine that I will not be having homicidal thoughts towards. And I thank you

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Review: Unattainable by Madeline Sheehan

Unattainable (Undeniable, #3)Unattainable by Madeline Sheehan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Love, they say, has the potential to kill a person if they aren’t careful. I wasn’t careful. I let that love blossom uncontrollably until it was in full bloom, exploding from within me, with nowhere to go.

Well Madeline Sheehan has done it again, she has taken broken, damaged, and completely imperfect characters and managed to write a dark and gritty book that you will not be able to put down until the very last page.

I was not a fan of Tegan from the past books, and I’ll be honest that I wasn’t thrilled to be reading a book with her as the main heroine. But I love this series, and I loved Cage, so I thought what the hell. Well I am eating my words, I’m not too proud to admit that, because this book was fucking awesome!


Cage is the son of Deuce, the president of the Hell’s Horsemen MC, and he’s also the asshole manwhore responsible for breaking little Tegan’s heart at the tender age of 16.


Considering the woman didn’t have a sound below screeching, it’d be hard not to. She’s a vulgar, rude, mean, mouthy little bitch. But considering what she has been through in her 24 years, it’s somewhat understandable. Tegan is the the daughter of Dorothy, a “club whore” and has been in the MC life since she was eight. She has also been in love with Cage just as long, up until he shattered her world and her heart when she was 16, and she hasn’t been the same since. She learned one very tough lesson from all of it

You stupid bitch. You ignorant, stupid bitch. Love isn’t a fucking answer. It hurts more than it doesn’t, it’s harder than it is easy, it takes work, guts, and perseverance.”

Tegan escaped to California for college and to be as far away from the club as possible. To say that she hates them and the life they lead would be putting it mildly. But now she’s back at the request of her mother, who’s still dealing with the fallout and issues following her gunshot wound the head courtesy of Jase’s wife a year ago, and Tegan is forced to come face to face with everything that she had hoped to forget.

Wow wow wow! The side story of Dirty and Ellie was one of the best parts of this book for me. I think they were the saving grace to Tegan’s constant screeching, yelling, and swearing. Ellie is Danny’s friend from UnBeautifully; she was the reserved and somewhat shy one of the group of friends. Dirty was a character that I barely paid any mind to from the past books…until he pretty much stole the show in this one.

My heart broke for him with every new bit of information I read. He was such a broken, dark, and damaged soul.

He was nothing. He was shit. He was a damaged, deranged, sick motherfucker who deserved to be put the fuck down. He shouldn’t have lived for as long as he had; he didn’t deserve to share the same earth with people like Ellie.

Ellie was the light to his dark. I absolutely loved her and the way she treated Dirty. Their story was gut wrenching and beautiful at the same time. My heart broke for each of them and what they were going through.

Every day she was faced with his beautiful face, his long, lean, sculpted body, and his personality, so damaged, so fragile, she couldn’t help but want to fix him. He was a woman’s worst nightmare— beautiful on the outside, ravaged on the inside. A deadly combination.

Their story was the perfect yang to the ying of Cage and Tegan. Had it been just Tegan and Cage, the book would have been something close to 3.5 stars for me. But Dirty and Ellie added that dark and damaged softness that this book so needed to bring it to a beautiful 5 star read.

But I wouldn’t have it any other way. Madeline Sheehan has a writing style that’s dark and gritty but at the same time so incredibly emotional that I’ve come to fall in love with it. There’s been plenty of MC books I’ve read before and after, but not one of them compares to her books. Not even close.

There was so much that happened in this book that I don’t want to go into since I don’t want to spoil or give anything away, but prepare yourself for another roller coaster of emotions.

ZZ, oh sweet baby jebus! I cannot wait for his book. The event that took place toward the end of Unattainable

I can’t even imagine what his book will bring. Wow, just fucking WOW!

And of course there was more Dorothy, Hawk, and Jase. I can’t wait to see what happens with them.

Madeline Sheehan just keeps getting better and better with each new book. Yes, her characters are far from perfect. Yes, they will piss you off more than make you happy. And yes, her stories will gut you and at the same time make you feel eeeeeeverything. You will hate it, you will love it, and you will be unable to set it down.

But that is enough gushing from me. You will want to drop everything you’re doing and READ. THIS. BOOK. And I thank you

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Review: Baby Come Back (Baby Series Lite #3.5) by Andrea Smith

Baby Come Back Lite (Baby Series Lite, #3.5)Baby Come Back Lite by Andrea Smith
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Tristan had been the one to teach me about love and intimacy; he’d been the one to show me how to trust again.

A wonderful conclusion to a fantastic series. Baby Come Back Lite is a novella told from Gina’s POV.

I have loved Gina’s character from book one. She is quirky, funny, tough, and isn’t afraid to stand up for herself and her friends. She was an amazing friend to Tylar, and their friendship is what endeared me to her from the get go.

Tristan has also been a huge favorite of mine throughout the series. He has a very quiet intensity to him. I think maybe that’s why I enjoyed his character as much as I did. He was a bit like the yang to Trey’s ying, maybe? Well whatever the reason may be, Tristan was great.

I have been looking forward to reading Tristan and Gina’s book from the very beginning. Perhaps this was why this didn’t become a 5 star book for me? I think I set my expectations too high. There were a few things that I was looking forward to reading, that didn’t happen in the novella. I was really hoping to get Gina’s perspective on how her and Tristan got together. I know this was more or less covered in book 2, but I guess I just wanted a little more. But that’s really just my own biased opinion and not a reflection on the book or the writing at all. The book itself was great.

I will say this, Andrea Smith definitely knows how to hit the reader where it hurts, and she certainly doesn’t pull any punches. When she gives us Gina’s deepest and darkest secrets and past, she doesn’t hold back. Some of it was very hard to read for me, my heart just broke for what she has been through. The way that she had persevered and was such a strong heroine in the end just made me like her more.

The story takes up right around the time where Tristan finds out about Gina’s pregnancy “secret.” We get to find out more about Gina’s past, as well as Tristan’s and what experience had really scarred him in relationships. Tristan and Gina were both very real characters, they weren’t perfect, and I liked that. They both made their share of mistakes, but it was wonderful to see them work through it and the way that they did it.

I am not sure why exactly, but for some reason Tylar seemed to get on my nerves in this book. I found her irritating in the first half of book 1, until she grew on me. But in this book, perhaps because we didn’t get her POV, she just came across almost selfish and whiny at times. Meh. *shrugs*

This was a quick and entertaining read. I finished it in one sitting.

Many of the characters from the last book made an appearance…including Amber

And Libby

But all that was made better by Tristan and Gina together.

This novella might have been short in comparison to the other books, but it packed a punch. Almost sad to see this series come to an end now. But what a ride!

ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review

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