Excerpt & Review: Submission Is Not Enough by Lexi Blake

submission-is-not-enough-fb-cover-available-nowSubmission is Not Enough
Series: Masters and Mercenaries Book 12
Genre: Romantic Suspense, BDSM
Author: Lexi Blake
Release Date: October 25, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


A fallen hero reborn

Theo Taggart lost everything the night he died. His family, his beautiful Erin, and worst of all, he lost himself. A twisted doctor brought him back from the brink of death, but reprogrammed his identity to serve her will. Rescued by his brothers, he must fight to reclaim the man he was and the life, and love, that were stolen from him.

A love worth fighting for

Erin Argent thought she’d lost Theo forever. When he walked back into her life, it was nothing short of a miracle. Months of torture and conditioning at the hands of Dr. Hope McDonald have done damage to Theo that may never be mended. He has no memory of her or the life they shared. Breaking through to him, and helping him rediscover all he lost, will be the toughest mission she’s ever faced. Luckily for Theo, Erin loves a good fight.

Their reunion under siege

Unfortunately, Hope is far from done with Theo Taggart. Obsessed with her prize experiment, she will do anything to get him back. If the only way to finally break him of his past life is to kill Erin and his son, then she’s only too happy to oblige…




Theo took the stairs as quickly as he could. He knew where he was going, but he wasn’t going to think about it. For the first time since he’d gotten home, he didn’t care about his past or figuring out who he’d been. He wanted. He wanted something right now and that felt good.She’d been right. There wasn’t a place for guilt here.

He strode up the stairs, her weight comforting in his arms. Yeah, he wasn’t going to think about that either. He was going to enjoy it, not wonder why his body remembered her when his mind would not.

“Hey, is everything okay?”

Damn it. Case was standing at the top of the stairs, obviously having come out of the privacy rooms. His wife was at his side, her face flushed. Mia had sex hair. Good for them. Red was about to have sex hair, too. Lots of filthy sex hair. “Everything’s great. Night.”

Case put a hand on his shoulder. “Whoa. I thought you were going to take this slow, brother.”

“If you don’t get your hand off him right this second, Taggart, I am going to ensure that you never have children,” Red said, her eyes narrowing on his brother. “You won’t be able to cock block anyone because you won’t have a damn cock. Am I clear?”

Case’s hands came up immediately as though he knew that tone and was not going there. “Trying to help.”

“Three is clean and has plenty of condoms. We’re taking a monitor turn up here. I checked all the rooms.” Mia grinned at him. She actually was helpful. “Have fun and we’ll see you at home.”

He didn’t bother to look back. Case could give him a lecture later. He wasn’t waiting anymore. He’d waited forever. Even when he couldn’t remember her face, he’d known she was there. He’d felt her, or rather he’d felt her absence.

Could he truly be with a woman whose name he couldn’t think without hurting her?

It didn’t matter. He wasn’t making those decisions tonight. He was enjoying her. His sub. He was bringing her pleasure and he probably should do a good job of it because his sub was fucking mean.

And fragile. He’d seen the moment she’d thought he was rejecting her. He’d watch her skin flush and her body start to turn in on itself. She was such a mix of strength and need. It was intoxicating. He wanted so badly to be the man who gave her what she needed.

Affection. Pleasure. Comfort.

Love—he wasn’t thinking that word tonight. Nope. Pleasure was way better.

He kicked out lightly at the partially open door number three. It looked like Mia had done her job. The room was perfectly clean, the lighting soft and romantic. The best thing about this room though was the complete lack of any of his friends or family being here.

It was him and her, and that was exactly what he wanted. No Ian. No Li. No Kai asking them hundreds of questions. Him and her and the night.

He tossed her on the bed and stood back, looking down at her. “Tell me why you thought I was rejecting you.”

The instant she hit the bed, she was up on her knees. So graceful. So deadly. What the hell was this woman like out in the field? She moved like a predator, but the look on her face was pure sarcasm. “Uhm, your words. That’s what sealed it for me. ‘I don’t want to do this’ is generally considered a rejection.”

Somehow she managed to put an unsaid “dumbass” on the end of her sentences. Not all of them. She’d been perfectly sweet most of the night, but she could turn it on when she wanted to. “I didn’t mean that. When I said the words, I watched you change. Why? You’re good at slapping people down. I wouldn’t have said that until today.”

“Because I’ve been careful around you,” she admitted.

“Why? You think I’m delicate?”

Her lips curled up. “I don’t think you’re delicate. I think I’m a lot to take, but I also am starting to believe I was wrong. You like me rough.”

“I like you a lot.” More than he could ever tell her.

Review-DGR4.5 starssubmission-is-not-enough-dgr-teaser

She’d been his prize. She was still the prize. He simply didn’t deserve her anymore.

My heart! MY COLD BLACK HEART! It hurts dammit! It hurts so bad. This book twisted me inside out. Never have I been more invested in a character since Theo Taggart. I can’t tell you the amount of tears I’ve shed over this man. As much as I love every single book in this series, this was easily one of my most anticipated. We’ve been getting teased with Theo’s book for what feels like forever, and I felt like my heart would damn near explode if I didn’t get my grabby little hands on his story soon.

Promised I’d love you until I died. Kept it, baby. Kept it.”

First of all, if you’re reading my review and you haven’t read Master No yet, stop right now! Don’t even read this blurb for god sakes! Seriously. You’re doing yourself a great disservice. This is a series that needs to be read in order to truly appreciate the amount of forethought this author put into all her characters and their books. And it would also make you appreciate the tight bond that is Taggart and Co.

His. Fucking his. No matter where she went, what she did, she was his. He could forget his entire damn life, but he would know she belonged to him. Always. Forever.

This was easily the most emotional book in the series. It was beyond powerful. It was passion and pain in a way that only Lexi Blake could write it. It was equal parts satisfying and painful. It was everything I’d hoped it would be and so SO much more.

I’ve always rooted for Theo and Erin. The more Erin fought their connection the harder I rooted for Theo. His always sunny disposition, his quick smiles and humor, and all around easy going demeanor. That is not the man he is anymore.

Tortured. Brainwashed. Drugged. Theo is a shell of the man he used to be. His memories gone, every day is a struggle to remember his old life and be the man that everyone remembers him to be. My heart broke for him even if at times his actions had me wanting to shake him.

Erin was just as amazing in this book as she’s been. This is a woman with a soft heart but a steel strength. She’s not afraid to fight for the man she never stopped loving even if she did spend most of their time together pushing him away. Man. Watching her go through everything she does for Theo was absolutely heart wrenching.

And there in the dark, she held him and let go. It didn’t matter than he couldn’t tell her how they’d met or when he’d first told her he loved her. She cried because he was here and he’d always been her safe place. She cried because it had been a shitty day. She cried because he never could.

Lexi Blake is one of my go-to authors when it comes to sexy romantic suspense, but with this book she proved that she can wring emotion from her readers like no other. It’s so much more than just romance. Twelve books into the series and I’m still as invested as ever if not more so with these characters and find myself eagerly anticipating the next book. It’s so far beyond just sexy BDSM romance and high octane action. Starting one of these books is like getting reacquainted with a gang of friends. I fall hard for each of them every single time and with the snippet of the next book I’m practically salivating for Nick already.

If you’re hoping this book lives up to all your expectations, it does. It goes beyond it. It blows all the expectations away. I loved every page!



About the Authorlexi_blakeNY Times and USA Today bestselling author Lexi Blake lives in North Texas with her husband, three kids, and the laziest rescue dog in the world. She began writing at a young age, concentrating on plays and journalism. It wasn’t until she started writing romance and urban fantasy that she found the stories of her heart. She likes to find humor in the strangest places and believes in happy endings no matter how odd the couple, threesome, or foursome may seem.

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New Release Review: Ruthless by @authorlexiblake

Series: Lawless #1
Genre: Contemporary Suspence
Author: Lexi Blake
Release Date: August 9. 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


The first in a sexy contemporary romance series featuring the Lawless siblings—from New York Times bestselling author Lexi Blake.

The Lawless siblings are bound by vengeance. Riley, Drew, Brandon, and Mia believe the CEO of StratCast orchestrated their parents’ murder twenty years ago to steal their father’s software program. And there’s only one way Riley can find some solid evidence…

Heir to the StratCast legacy, Ellie Stratton hires a new attorney to handle a delicate business matter—and she’s shocked by her attraction to him. Over the course of a few weeks, Riley becomes her lover, her friend, her everything. But when her life is threatened, Ellie discovers that Riley is more obsessed with settling an old score than in the love she thought they were building. And Riley must choose between a revenge he’s prepared for all his life and the woman he’s sure he can’t live without..

Buy LinksAMAZON | iBOOKSReview-DGR4.5 starsRuthless-DGR Teaser

You tempt me like no other woman ever has. I don’t understand you and I might never, but I’m going to know you, Ellie Stratton. I’m going to know what makes you smile and what makes you scream out my name.”

I don’t know how this woman does it, but she manages to write books that do it for me. Every. Single. Time. Being a huge fan of her Masters & Mercenaries series, I’ve been salivating for more of the mysterious Lawless siblings ever since we first met Mia and Drew in From Sanctum with Love. I mean, c’mon, a mysterious, brooding billionaire software genius and his 3 siblings that are hell bent on exacting revenge on the people they believe responsible for their parents murder twenty years ago? Yes, please, and thank you!

Ruthless is the first book in the sexy and intriguing series. For those that haven’t read Blake’s Masters & Mercenaries series, don’t worry, you won’t be lost. But for those that have read Mia’s book, Dominance Never Dies, you’ll certainly appreciate the cameos here. I know I sure did. But I digress.

So what does this book have? EVERYTHING.

Revenge plot? Check!
Epic grovel? Check!
Lots of sexy times? Check!
Well developed characters and plot? Check and check!
Suspense? Check!
Perfect Saturday night read? You bet your tuhis!

Riley is the middle brother. He barely remembers the night that took their parents, but he knows that his father didn’t kill himself. Ever since that night, everything they’ve done has been a systematic step closer to their revenge. Now they have their sights set on the StratCast and the CEO, Phillip Stratton and his partner, who may be two of the three people they suspect to be behind their parents’ murder. Unfortunately, Phillip Stratton is now dead, and his daughter is now running the company. Hiring Riley as the company attorney to oversee the corporate buy out from her father’s partner seemed like a great idea to Ellie. But what she doesn’t know, is his interest runs much deeper than a mere paycheck.

It might be wrong. It might be completely unprofessional, but she was going to have him. She was going to sink herself into an affair with him and not worry about the consequences. For once in her life, she was going to do something wild, something for herself.

I loved absolutely everything about this book; the pacing, the character development, and it certainly wasn’t without plenty of unpredictable twists to spice things up. In true Lexi Blake fashion, there was plenty of intrigue and suspense thrown in to perfectly balance the story.

Ellie starts off as a bit of a wallflower, but man, she really comes into her own towards the second part of the book. While their romance feels instant, it is established through weeks of working together. Ellie definitely doesn’t give into the brewing sexual chemistry between them with ease. She thinks things through and I really appreciated that. I also absolutely loved Riley. He’s not quite as singleminded in his revenge plan as his older brother. He knows a good thing when he has it and he knows he wants Ellie for much more than a carefully constructed revenge plan.

This book also had one of the most delicious grovels I’ve read in a really long time. I’m talking SERIOUSLY DELICIOUS levels here. Like half the book sort of delicious!

But it was also so much more than just a romance. All of the secondary characters are carefully plotted and perfectly developed. Everything and I’m talking everything is effortlessly fleshed out. Even the villains of the story are incredibly well developed, which only hooks you that much more. I loved getting glimpses of Bran and Drew and I seriously can’t wait for their books.

Ruthless was everything I could want in a story. It was filled with intrigue and suspense, and enough sizzle to set your kindle on fire. I’m utterly hooked and I can’t wait for more of these Lawless siblings. With the little peek we get of Bran’s story here, I already know it will be just as good as Riley’s, if not better. This author can do absolutely no wrong in my mind. If you haven’t read anything by her yet, you’re seriously missing out, and Ruthless will be the perfect book to start with!

Book 2 in the Lawless series and Bran’s story
Releasing January 3, 201751+ycqvKqDL

Review: ★Big Easy Temptation★ by Shayla Black & Lexi Blake

review-BETBig Easy Temptation
Series: The Perfect Gentlemen #2
Genre: Contemporary Romance; Romantic Suspense
Authors: Shayla Black & Lexi Blake
Release Date: May 3, 2015add-to-goodreads-button-2


The New York Times bestselling authors of the Masters of Ménage series present the third scintillating novel featuring the privileged, wealthy, wild men of Creighton Academy—the Perfect Gentlemen.

Years ago, Naval officer Dax Spencer and NCIS agent Holland Kirk indulged in a steamy affair—until she betrayed him in the wake of his father’s death. Dax tried to put her behind him with a payback of his own. But he never forgot Holland…

Now, as Dax and his fellow Perfect Gentlemen unravel a web of lies, he discovers his family’s tragedy is part of a much larger conspiracy. Soon, all clues point him back to New Orleans…where Holland waits, protecting her deadly secret and holding a torch for the only man she’s ever loved.

Once reunited, they can’t fight the passion flaring hot and wild. But something sinister lurks around every corner, from the elegance of the Garden district to the beauty of the bayou. Dax and Holland may find their way back to each other—if they survive…

Buy-Links10AMAZON | B&N | iBOOKS

Review3.5 starsBig Easy Temptation-DGR

It was so funny that he’d come to New Orleans thinking that he could get back at her. Now he only wanted to get her back.

The perfect gentlemen return in this sexy second chance romance and what a twisty ride it was! With the third installment of this thrilling series, more mysteries are being unveiled but with every question we get an answer to, it only forms countless more.

She brought out the caveman in him. He wanted to mark her, to let everyone else know this one woman is his.

This was an interesting change of pace for me. I envisioned Dax totally different from the previous book. While we don’t know much about him, we do know that he’s still hung up on the only woman that he’s ever loved. It’s been years since they spoke and there’s enough betrayal and hurt brewing between them to guarantee no second chances, but sometimes fate has other plans.

Dax Spencer may be a too sexy for his own good Naval officer, but he’s always known what he wanted; the tough as nails NCIS agent Holland Kirk. Their lives are interwoven together with mutual friends, but Holland always keeps Dax at arm’s length. She’s always envisioned herself with someone less…intense, someone that will allow her to be as driven in her career as she is. And she knows that if she gives in to Dax, his job as a Naval officer will not let her do that…no matter how much he tempts her. But it’s not long before the chemistry between them burns too hot to deny, and Dax is nothing if not determined to win her heart.

Unfortunately their short lived affair ends in heartbreak when Holland betrays him and in a drunken bender, Dax married her best friend only to later divorce. It’s been years since they spoke, but with new evidence that has now come to light about his father’s death, Dax is determined to solve the mystery once and for all. And the one person that holds the answers he needs is the one woman that completely annihilated him when he gave her everything.

The story is told in two parts; past and present, and I really enjoyed that the authors split it that way as opposed to doing it with flashbacks. It truly allows the reader to get immersed in the budding romance between Dax and Holland. The first half is a bit slow building and at times almost teeth-rottingly sweet (at least for my particular tastes). Dax may come off as a playboy in the previous books, but he’s definitely not one. I was very curious how he would redeem himself with the whole marriage to the best friend thing, and I’m happy to say he did that flawlessly.

The second half is a bit more angsty with the added element of second-chance romance at play, which I happen to love!

You’re the woman for me. I’ve never forgotten you, not once since the moment we met.

There’s a lot that happens in Big Easy Temptation, but even with the continuous story arc, the authors do a great job in allowing this to also be enjoyed as a standalone. Though I highly recommend reading in order to truly appreciate the complexity of the mystery surrounding everything.

I loved Holland and I really loved Dax. There was some odd phrases that I found myself rolling my eyes at, like “…she would welcome him as he planted his seed”, but altogether I highly enjoyed this book. I found this to be slower paced than the predecessors, but I was still heavily involved in the story. The first half took me a bit to get through but luckily it really picked up in the second half.

He unwound her polite facade, obliterated her protective walls, an reduced her to a trembling bundle of need.

I also seriously loved getting those glimpse of Mad. Every time I finish a book in this series I keep hoping that his death is a conspiracy and he’s really alive hiding somewhere. It just hurts my heart to think that he’s really gone because you know I love me my irreverent manwhores.

All in all this was another fantastic installment in a great series. With Jordan and Gus’s book next, I can’t wait to see how the rest of the mystery unfolds.

If you like a second chance romance with a dash of mystery and suspense, a dirty talking hero that only has eyes for one woman, and a heroine that’s as tough as she is smart, then you’ve found your next read.

I want to kiss and lick and taste every inch of you, Holland. Do you know how long I’ve waited to be here? Years. Fuck, sweetheart, even before I met you, I dreamed about you. I’ve always known you’re the one woman who could make me feel, make me want forever.”


SCANDAL NEVER SLEEPS (The Perfect Gentlemen #1)

SEDUCTION IN SESSION (The Perfect Gentlemen #2)

Blog Tour & Review: ★From Sanctum With Love★ by @authorlexiblake

Review-FSwLFrom Sanctum with Love
Series: Masters and Mercenaries #10
Genre: Erotic Romantic Suspense, BDSM
Author: Lexi Blake
Release Date: February 23, 2015add-to-goodreads-button-2

FromSanctumWithLove_highres (1)

Psychologist Kai Ferguson has had his eye on Kori Williamson for a long time. His assistant is everything he’s ever wanted in a partner—smart, caring, witty, and a bit of a masochist. More than a little, actually, but that’s the problem. Kori won’t admit her own desires. She’s afraid of him and what he has to offer. Luckily for her, helping patients face their fears is one of his specialties.

Kori knows she wants Kai. Her boss is the most amazing man she’s ever met. She’s also smart enough to stay away from him. Having been down this road before, she knows it only leads to heartache. She’s just found a place where she can belong. Another failed relationship is the last thing she needs. It’s better to guard her heart and let Kai think she’s frightened of his dark, dominant nature.

When Kai is recruited for an operation with McKay-Taggart, everything is turned upside down. Kai’s brother, international superstar Jared Johns, is in town and Kai must juggle his family issues along with a desperate hunt for a serial killer. The investigation throws Kori and Kai together, and they quickly discover the chemistry between them is undeniable. But even if their newfound love can survive his secrets and her lies, it may not be enough to save them both from a killer’s twisted obsession.




Kori heard some movement and then felt the whoosh of air caress her skin right before something thin and hard thwacked against her flesh. A gasp made her chest pulse as pure fire licked over her backside.“This is a cane,” Kai explained. “It’s bamboo, nice and not too flexible. It leaves a mark if you apply enough force.” He brought it down on her again, this time on her thighs. Again, she struggled for breath. “Are you bored now, Kori?”

“No, Sir.” She barely managed to get the words out of her mouth.

“Excellent, then we’re making headway.” The cane came down again and again. “Where are we on the stoplight?”

“Green.” She didn’t even hesitate. The pain was doing its job, heating her up and making her soft. Each strike of the cane lit her up and then brought her back down, sinking deeper and deeper into that soft, fuzzy place of submission.

“Now we’re getting some truth.” He kept up his punishing pace. “She didn’t take her time trying to find a way out of what she didn’t want to say.”

“Why would she lie?” Jared asked.

“That’s a good question.” The blows continued, making her ache as Kai spoke. “I suspect she didn’t want anyone here to know that she’s a naughty masochist who can’t get off without a little bite of pain. Or a big one. She hasn’t accepted her nature. Or she has and expects that no one else will.”

“I accepted my nature a long time ago,” she managed to say.

The caning stopped and suddenly Kai’s boots were in view again. He dropped to one knee, that hard hand in her hair again. “Then tell me why.”

She couldn’t tell him. It was too much. “I’m yellow now, Kai. Don’t make me safe word out over an explanation I’m not ready to give.”

“Fine.” His hand moved from her hair down, skimming over her skin until his fingertips found her breast. Kai Ferguson was touching her breast. God, he was cupping her and she couldn’t breathe. “How about I put a scenario forth and you think about it for a few days. I think the reason you didn’t mention your utterly beautiful and sexy inclinations is me. You didn’t want me to know because you were perfectly aware that I’m the only one here who can possibly give you what you need. You knew that once I found out, I wouldn’t be able to help myself because you’re the only one who can do the same for me, baby. Do you know how fucking good I feel right now? How good this makes me feel?”

He rolled her nipple between his thumb and forefinger and twisted with a vicious bite that left her panting.

She squeezed her eyes closed because she couldn’t look at him, couldn’t see how beautiful he was. “It won’t work, Kai.”

Another nasty twist got her squirming. “It’s working right fucking now. Darling girl, your ass is up in the air and that means I can see how wet your pussy is. Tell me some other Dom here got you wet and ready.”

“You know I can’t.” She tugged at her restraints, but they didn’t move. The rope rubbed across her skin, keeping her here with him. She couldn’t run, and she had to admit she didn’t want to. She wanted this moment with him. Her pride might make her get up and stride away but every other part of her begged for what she’d denied herself for so long. He was the only man here who could give her what she needed. It wasn’t about who hit the hardest. Any of those other Doms could have adequately provided her with pain. She needed more. She needed connection, the ebb and flow of pain and pleasure coming from a man who was there with her.

Her dark shadow lover. Kai.

“I’m not the exhibitionist you are,” Kai admitted. “And that’s the only reason I’m not fucking you right now, but we’re going to have a long discussion in the morning about the way this needs to go. For tonight, I’m going to start the process that will allow you to remain friends with all those people you lied to. So you are going to give me everything I want. You’re going to cry for me. You’re going to let go and show them that you’ll cry for me.”

She shook her head. “You’re asking too much.”

“It’s cry or come, baby. One or the other, unless you want to find yourself in Big Tag’s office. Let me show him I can handle you.”

“I can’t. I haven’t done either in a very long time.” She hadn’t cried since leaving LA. She couldn’t. Wouldn’t. She hadn’t come either. Not a man-given orgasm. Her mind worked overtime. He wasn’t joking about getting called into Big Tag’s office. Whatever punishment Kai could come up with—nothing would touch Big Tag’s disapproval. They were all mad at her. It was enough to make her want to run away again.

Except it wasn’t that they wanted to see her humiliated. This punishment wasn’t about hurting her. It was about this group of people knowing that someone among them could take care of her. When she looked at it like that, it didn’t seem like punishment at all. It was about the Dominants giving a shit.

Morgan hadn’t cared when she’d lied to him. All he’d wanted was the next bit of work from her. After a while, he hadn’t cared about her finding subspace or her pent-up sexuality. He’d doled out the pain like it was bait for his trap. He would give her enough to ensure she stayed around and did what he needed her to do.

This wasn’t the same thing at all.

“I don’t want to cry in front of anyone, Kai.”

“Then let me show them you can let go in another way.”

Review4 starsFrom Sanctum with Love-DGR

He wanted to tie her up in ropes and contracts and legal bindings. He wanted to possess her, to own a piece of her soul and give her a part of his.

Lexi Blake’s romances are an addiction I never want a cure from. I don’t care how many books this woman writes in this series because I will read each and every single one of them with the fervor of a kid at a candy store for the very first time. Yes. They’re that good. Her Masters and Mercenaries has been my biggest addiction for years now. And with ten novels into the series, I still hope it never ends. Each book continues to be just as good if not better than the last; keeping me on the edge of my seat one minute, and uncomfortably squirming in it and fanning myself in the next. It’s the perfect combination of romance and suspense, espionage and action, all topped with sizzling hot BDSM that together makes for one unputdownable read.

After the events of Master No, there’s one book I’ve been practically salivating to get my hands on. But of course, Lexi being the sadist that she must truly be, she’ll just keep dangling that carrot in front of me for at least another book. And I’ll just keep frothing at the mouth for it like a rabid bunny because GIMME.

While this book was still as action packed and entertaining as it’s predecessors, it was also quite different too. Yes, the team of McKay-Taggart is still hunting the shadowy Collective and trying to find those responsible for the death of their two team members during the op that went to hell. But this is not the focus of this book. Instead you get the mystery of a serial killer all tied in with the story of the resident psychologist, Kai and his secretary, Kori. Admittedly, Kai never piqued my interest much in the previous books. Sure he raised a mild curiosity, but it wasn’t that I’ll-die-if-I-don’t-get-it-soon kind of need. But that certainly changed when I got a true sense of the delicious sadist that this man is at his very core.

Kori is a masochist that’s been hiding her true nature for years after a relationship almost cost her everything that she is. She knows who Kai is and what his kinks are, but she knows she can never show him her true self because he’ll demand nothing short of everything.

Are you afraid of me?”
Yes. She was terrified of him. He was everything she couldn’t have…

When an FBI investigation into a serial killer forces a movie star into their midst, things begin to get sticky. The fact that the movie star also happens to be Kai’s estranged brother certainly doesn’t help matters. The investigation throws Kori and Kai together and it’s not long before their desires get too much for either one of them to deny.

Tell me what you want from me…
Do you want a sweet lover?”
“No, Sir.”
“Do you want me to worship you with kisses and gentle caresses?”
“No, Kai. I don’t want that.”
“What do you want, sub?”
“I want you to hurt me.”

Kori and Kai together burned up the pages. I loved them as individual characters but I absolutely adored them as a couple. They may not have had a strong presence in the previous books, but they were still a dynamic couple in their own. Sadism isn’t typically my cuppa either, but something about just did it for me here. Possibly because Kai was such a great balance of loving and sweet with that demanding Dom persona with his sadistic urges.

While Kori is a true sub and masochist, emotionally she was one of the strongest heroines. I loved her sass and smart mouth. The girl could take hits and keep coming back swinging and I couldn’t get enough of her.

That prostitution-whore stuff can throw a girl off because she’s trying to figure out what the hell you just said. Like if I called you a skanky ho-bag who’s one step above assistant crack whore, you would try to figure out if I was calling you a slut or a prostitute. Mix it up. It throws people off.”
“You’re a bitch.
Kori sighed. “Yeah, I’ve heard that before. And now I’m bored again. Scurry off, sad woman, I’m not sure you’ve got something to do with your time.”

There’s a lot of things happening in this book and all of them tie together for quite a few twists. There’s a few secondary characters introduced that I’m hoping will be getting a book, and one that I already know will (and I’m itching to get my hands on). We also get some more Case and you get to meet the heroine for his book which certainly makes for an interesting combination. I can’t wait to see how that turns out. And of course there’s also Erin and you know who that I’m hoping will follow short after because I can’t take much longer for that.

From Sanctum With Love didn’t feel like it fit the series at first. I kept thinking maybe it should have been a novella as some of the others less dynamic couples from Sanctum have been. But the more I read, the more I understood the need for this book. It served as a powerful transition to quite a few plot twists, new character introductions and a great story of it’s own. I couldn’t stop reading it. And while I do wish it was Case or my beloved (view spoiler), I loved every single page of this. If you haven’t read this amazing series yet, I can’t recommend it enough. But do yourself a favor and read it in order, because while each book focuses on a different couple and their HEA, the story ARC continues throughout the series and you’d be missing out on the full effect of it by not reading it in order.
About the Author

NY Times and USA Today bestselling author Lexi Blake lives in North Texas with her husband, three kids, and the laziest rescue dog in the world. She began writing at a young age, concentrating on plays and journalism. It wasn’t until she started writing romance and urban fantasy that she found the stories of her heart. She likes to find humor in the strangest places and believes in happy endings no matter how odd the couple, threesome, or foursome may seem.

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Review & Giveaway: ★Seduction In Session★ by Shayla Black & Lexi Blake

Review- Seduction in sessionSeduction in Session
Series: The Perfect Gentlemen #2
Genre: Contemporary Romance; Romantic Suspense
Authors: Shayla Black & Lexi Blake
Release Date: January 5, 2015add-to-goodreads-button-2


The second Perfect Gentlemen novel from the New York Times bestselling authors of the Masters of Ménage series.

Privileged, wealthy, and wild: they are the Perfect Gentlemen of Creighton Academy. But the threat of a scandal has one of them employing his most deceptive—and seductive—talents…

Recruited into the CIA at a young age, Connor Sparks knows how dirty the world can be. Only when he’s with his friends can he find some peace. So when an anonymous journalist threatens one of the Perfect Gentlemen, Connor vows to take down the person behind the computer, by whatever means necessary—even if it means posing as his target’s bodyguard.

Publishing a tabloid revealing Washington’s most subversive scandals has earned Lara Anderson the ire of the political scene—and a slew of death threats. To keep herself from ending up a headline, Lara hires a bodyguard, a man as handsome as he is lethal.

When the bullets start to fly, Lara is surprised to find herself in Connor’s arms. But as they begin to unravel a mystery that just might bring down the White House, Lara is devastated when she discovers Connor’s true identity—and finds herself at the mercy of forces who will stop at nothing to advance their deadly agenda.

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Review4 starsSeduction in Session @DGR

I am a ruthless bastard, but if you let me, I’ll be your ruthless bastard.”

I’m a huge fan of Shayla Black and Lexi Blake individually, but when these two combine their talents into a series? Fire. Works. This just may be my favorite series by them yet. And having read their entire backlists individually and combined, that’s no light statement. Espionage, action, suspense, and a romance so hot it burns up the pages, all woven intricately together to make up one incredible page-turner!

Connor Sparks has always been the odd man out in The Perfect Gentleman group. He didn’t come from money or prestige. His past is troubled and his future is shrouded in shadows. The CIA offered him the answer to his future and he took it with open arms. He’s built a reputation for himself in the years since and he’s known for being the man that gets things done no matter the cost.
Seduction in Session teaser @DGRAn assignment to play babysitter to a spoiled and naive woman in order to get close to a threat looming over The Perfect Gentleman is not his ideal, but he’ll do it. Even if he has to pretend to be her bodyguard. But Lara Anderson is nothing what he expected and everything he soon comes to crave. It’s not long before lust turns into something much more and leaves Connor rethinking where his loyalties lie when the bullets start flying.
I was a little afraid at first that Lara would get on my nerves. She’s not exactly the kind of heroine I prefer to read about; a vegan that even attempts to put her dog on a diet. She’s idealistic and at times naive and some of the things that come out of her mouth left me somewhere between laughter and ‘did she really say that’?

Yes. I think that’s a very good plan. Let’s form a friendship circle and talk this out. That will bring Connor into the group and make him feel comfortable.

That was not said in jest either.

But then something happened and she began to grow on me. I began to find her…endearing. It’s a true testament of an author’s talent to take a character that by all rights would never work for me in any other book and yet make it work.

Simon was a dangerous enigma. He’s sexy, protective, a little grumpy, and so alpha I think my ovaries actually sighed in happiness. When he releases his full effect on Lara, I was putty in his hands. This is a man that falls hard and knows when he screwed up. I spent the book waiting for that other shoe to drop when Lara figures out he’s not quite who he says he is and for his grovel. I can tell you that it did not disappoint.

Seduction in Session was everything I’ve come to love with both these authors; it’s action packed, with richly developed secondary characters, and an absolutely sizzling romance. This is not a book meant to be read as a standalone as each book builds off of the last with the story arc. While the romance has a HEA there is clearly unfinished business with the main threat against this group and I’m already twitching for the next book. Considering the set up for Dax’s book, I already know I’ll be salivating for his story. Hard.

Yet another addition from two of my favorite authors and I recommend it for any lovers of sexy romantic suspense. It will definitely not disappoint.



GiveawayWant to win a paperback copy of Seduction in Session? I’ll be gifting it to one lucky US follower on my Facebook page. ENTER HERE

Review: ★Master No★ by Lexi Blake

Review Master No Master No
Series: Master & Mercenaries #9
Genre: Romantic Suspense, BDSM
Author: Lexi Blake
Release Date: August 4, 2015


Disavowed by those he swore to protect…

Tennessee Smith is a wanted man. Betrayed by his government and hunted by his former employer, he’s been stripped of everything he holds dear. If the CIA finds him, they’re sure to take his life as well. His only shot at getting it all back is taking down the man who burned him. He knows just how to get to Senator Hank McDonald and that’s through his daughter, Faith. In order to seduce her, he must become something he never thought he’d be—a Dom.

Overcome by isolation and duty…

All her life, Dr. Faith “Mac” McDonald has felt alone, even among her family. Dedicating herself to helping others and making a difference in the world has brought her some peace, but a year spent fighting the Ebola virus in West Africa has taken a toll. She’s come home for two months of relaxation before she goes back into the field. After holding so many lives in her hands, nothing restores her like the act of submission. Returning to her favorite club, Mac is drawn to the mysterious new Dom all the subs are talking about, Master No. In the safety of his arms, she finds herself falling head over heels in love.

Forced to choose between love and revenge…

On an exclusive Caribbean island, Ten and Mac explore their mutual attraction, but her father’s plots run deeper than Ten could possibly have imagined. With McKay-Taggart by his side, Ten searches for a way to stop the senator, even as his feelings for Mac become too strong to deny. In the end, he must choose between love and revenge—a choice that will change his life forever.

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5 stars
I unfortunately don’t have the time to write this the full and glowing review this amazing book deserves, but I can’t just give it 5 stars and call it a day either. This was easily, hands down, the best book in the series. I had some high hopes for Ten “Master No” Smith, and all I can say is they weren’t met, they were exceeded. The amazing thing is that nine books into the series, it just keeps getting better and better, which is no easy feat.

First, I would recommend not reading this as a standalone even though plenty of background is given for you to do that easily. This series always has a suspense element arc that is carried on through each book while having it’s own individual HEA. While Mr. Black was taken care of in Ian’s book (Love and Let Die, there is now a new baddie and they’re even more powerful. You get the full gist of this in Jessie’s book in You Only Love Twice. So I highly recommend reading these books in order to truly appreciate what’s going on beyond the romance and all the secondary characters (from past books and new ones just introduced)

What I can tell you is this was so much more than just a romance and also much more than suspense. It was captivating, emotional, heart-pounding, erotic, suspenseful, gut-wrenching. In 2 words? Un-fucking-believably good. I knew Ten had quite the history to him but nothing prepared me for the full dose of what he’d been through.

Faith “Mac” McDonald was his perfect equal and balance in every way. I loved her quiet and unassuming strength. Considering the family she comes from, she was definitely a pleasant surprise. Even though it feels like their “courtship” is quick, it also wasn’t. I’m not sure how Lexi Blake managed to pull that off, but she did. How you can formulate such an intense and believable connections through emails and conversations and a few meetings short after, I have no idea. But not only did she pull it off, she did it flawlessly. I loved it.

Nothing and I mean nothing prepared me for that last 25%. I cried my damn eyes out. I’m talking ugly crying, sniveling, whole body shaking kind of crying. It fucking gutted me. I loved every miserable second of it. The set up for a certain character in this book is nothing short of incredible. I’m pretty sure I’d part with an ovary if not both to get my hands on his book. I mean, OH MY GOD! Are you fucking kidding me? GAH! And his book isn’t even the next one. I think the wait just may kill me. I’m not even kidding. Kill me dead.

If you haven’t yet discovered this phenomenal series yet, you are really missing out. Espionage, heart-pounding suspense, scorching sex, and unforgettable love stories all combined for an absolutely unputdownable read. I can’t recommend it enough. If this book doesn’t make you a die-hard fan of this author, I don’t know what will.

Don’t Miss The Rest of The Series!

The Dom Who Loved Me (Masters & Mercenaries #1)
The Men With The Golden Cuffs (Masters and Mercenaries #2)
A View to a Thrill (Masters and Mercenaries #7)

Blog Tour & Review: ★Adored★ by Lexi Blake

ADORED is a Contemporary Erotic Romance novella in Lexi’s Masters and Mercenaries Series! Check it out below and grab your copy today!!

 Adored - coverA man who gave up on love

Mitch Bradford is an intimidating man. In his professional life, he has a reputation for demolishing his opponents in the courtroom. At the exclusive BDSM club Sanctum, he prefers disciplining pretty submissives with no strings attached. In his line of work, there’s no time for a healthy relationship. After a few failed attempts, he knows he’s not good for any woman—especially not his best friend’s sister.

A woman who always gets what she wants

Laurel Daley knows what she wants, and her sights are set on Mitch. He’s smart and sexy, and it doesn’t matter that he’s a few years older and has a couple of bitter ex-wives. Watching him in action at work and at play, she knows he just needs a little polish to make some woman the perfect lover. She intends to be that woman, but first she has to show him how good it could be.

A killer lurking in the shadows

When an unexpected turn of events throws the two together, Mitch and Laurel are confronted with the perfect opportunity to explore their mutual desire. Night after night of being close breaks down Mitch’s defenses. The more he sees of Laurel, the more he knows he wants her. Unfortunately, someone else has their eyes on Laurel and they have murder in mind.

3.5 Stars

He was in deep and he was fairly certain that this time he would drown

I love this series. Lexi Blake never fails to deliver a sexy and suspenseful romance in her Masters and Mercenaries series. Though these novellas are a part of the series, they’re slightly different from the actual books. The characters in each novella are not predominant characters in the series story arc. They’re secondary characters that mainly stand on their own, so you can easily read these novellas out of order even if you haven’t read the rest of the series. As a matter of fact, you’re better off reading the novellas in order as those are closer tied together than they are to the full length books, if that makes sense.

Adored is the story of Mitch and Laurel. Laurel Daley is the younger sister of Will from Cherished and Mitch is his best friend. Now I love me that falling for the older brother’s best friend trope, so I was really looking forward to this. And while it may not have packed the same punch as the full length books for me, it still gave me my fix of the M&M series.

Laurel has been in love with Mitch for years, but unfortunately for her, Mitch doesn’t see her that way. She’s too young for him and he’s too jaded. Two failed marriages under his belt, he’s not looking to add another one. He can’t give Laurel what she needs, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t tempt him. So one night where the passion between them burns too hot to resist, they give into the temptation. Only for Mitch to completely go back into his jaded shelf immediately after and forcing Laurel to completely give up hope on any sort of future with him.

But not everything is so simple. When an unexpected turn of events after their one night of passion forces them together, it allows them to further explore the passion between them.

Of course it wouldn’t be a M&M book without an appearance by some of my favorite characters (cough Ian cough). But this really focused more on the romance with a side of suspense. I really enjoyed this story, though it was missing that extra oomph that Lexi Blake’s books usually carry for me. But this is mainly because I’m not a big novella fan. They are just too fact paced and short for me to truly get invested in the characters. But I can never pass up a book by this author, so I couldn’t miss this one. So while it may not have a blow me away kind of read, it was a very enjoyable one. Quick, steamy, suspenseful. The perfect book to spend a sexy evening with.

Author PhotoNew York Times and USA Today bestselling author Lexi Blake lives in North Texas with her husband and three kids. She began writing at a young age concentrating on plays and journalism. It wasn’t until she started writing romance that she found success. Lexi believes in happy endings no matter how odd the couple, threesome or foursome may seem.

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Review: ★You Only Love Twice★ by Lexi Blake

You Only Love Twice
Author: Lexi Blake
Genre: Erotic Romantic Suspense, BDSM
Release Date: February 17, 2015
Length: 360 Pages

A woman on a mission

Phoebe Graham is a specialist in deep cover espionage, infiltrating the enemy, observing their practices, and when necessary eliminating the threat. Her latest assignment is McKay-Taggart Security Services, staffed with former military and intelligence operatives. They routinely perform clandestine operations all over the world but it isn’t until Jesse Murdoch joins the team that her radar starts spinning. Unfortunately so does her head. He’s gorgeous and sweet and her instincts tell her to trust him but she’s been burned before, so he’ll stay where he belongs—squarely in her sights.

A man on the run

Since the moment his Army unit was captured by jihadists, Jesse’s life has been a nightmare. Forced to watch as those monsters tortured and killed his friends and the woman he loved, something inside him snapped. When he’s finally rescued, everyone has the same question—why did he alone survive? Clouded in accusations and haunted by the faces of those he failed, Jesse struggles in civilian life until McKay-Taggart takes him in. Spending time with Phoebe, the shy and beautiful accountant, makes him feel human for the first time in forever. If someone so innocent and sweet could accept him, maybe he could truly be redeemed.

A love they never expected

When Phoebe receives the order to eliminate Jesse, she must choose between the job she’s dedicated her life to and the man who’s stolen her heart. Choosing Jesse would mean abandoning everything she believes in, and it might mean sharing his fate because a shadowy killer is dedicated to finishing the job started in Iraq.

He’d fought and fought to live and now he was going to stand here and let her do her worst.
He didn’t want to live in a world where she betrayed him. He simply didn’t.

I’ve been a huge fan of this series since the very first book. Now eight books in and it’s still going strong. I think this may have been my favorite of the Masters and Mercenaries. I’ve been curious about Jesse’s story since we first meet him earlier in the series. He’s always been such a broken and tortured soul, that you couldn’t help but crave a HEA for him. This is a man that’s truly known suffering and needed a HEA that was truly worthy of the type of person he is, and boy did Lexi Blake deliver on that. She really gave it justice with this book.

You played me. You played me hard and well. You had me panting after you and then you pointed a bullet straight at my fucking heart. Do you see the irony, Phoebe? I was falling for you and you were there to kill me.

Phoebe has always been the super shy, clumsy and unassuming accountant for Taggart McKay. But looks can be deceiving and it her case, deadly. Having lost the love of her life in a mission gone terribly wrong, Phoebe is determined to bring those responsible for his death to justice…even if it means going deep undercover.

Jesse has been half in love with the quiet and shy Phoebe, but when he finds out who she really is, his world gets flipped. He wants her heart, but her heart belongs to a dead man.

This is probably the most emotional book in the series, or at least it was for me. Having tidbits of Jesse’s problems in the earlier books, you know that his problems run deep. He lives a waking nightmare with the PTSD and the memories of a voice that tortured and almost broke him. He finally thought he found his redemption when he met Phoebe, but he knows that he can never have her.

Every second of every day I want you to remember this…
Remember every second that you could have had a man who worshipped you with his body and soul.”

I really don’t want to give too much away, because this is simply a book you need to experience for yourself without any major details. But I will say that I absolutely loved it. There is nothing better than a kick ass heroine for me, and Phoebe was definitely that. But she also had a broken side to her that balanced out the tough operative persona. She can handle herself in the field, but her soul was broken with the death of her husband that she adored. I appreciated that Lexi Blake never diminished her love for her husband and yet made the reader truly see what her connection to Jesse was and make it real. It didn’t feel like settling, which I was afraid of. The connection between them was tangible…and not to mention super sexy

You won’t be quiet when I fuck you. You’ll give them a show. You’ll let them know just how good it feels to be fucked by me and I will make sure you scream. Don’t even think you can hold out on me. I won’t let it happen. I’ll fuck you so long and so hard, you’ll give me everything I want.

My other concern was how Jesse would come off as a Dom. He’s such a tortured soul that I was afraid he may come off as almost too broken, but that never happened. When he finally got his shit together, the man was truly a top. But he always maintained this vulnerable edge to him which was so incredibly endearing that you couldn’t help but completely fall for him.

I really wouldn’t recommend reading this book as a standalone as there is a story ARC that continues throughout the series. While you wouldn’t necessarily feel lost, you would appreciate this story and all secondary characters and the MCs that much more if you read it in order. Of course it wouldn’t be a Masters and Mercenaries book without Ian and his banter…

This is really the greatest thing that ever happened to me. Well, besides the whole wife-coming-back-from-the-dead and having a baby and shit, but other than that, getting to punch Ten at random is really the best.”

You also finally get a true peak into the enigma that is Tennessee Smith, and you just KNOW that his book is bound to be a fantastic one.

I don’t think there was anything about this book that I didn’t love. It was action-packed, emotional, filled with heart-pounding suspense and oh so sexy. I adored Phoebe and Jesse together. Their story will equal parts break your heart and absolutely melt it.

I think what I’ve figured out is that we don’t have a limited amount of love. It doesn’t get all used up and then there’s nothing left. We choose. We choose who we love and how we love, and how we love, and there is nothing between two consenting adults that brings them connection and pleasure and joy that’s wrong. This is ours, Phoebe.

Of course I also loved all the secondary characters (including some new faces). Did I already mention Ian and Charlie?

Charlie, that’s not a foot. It’s a horn. We’re having a demon. I know it.”
She rolled her pretty eyes and sighed. “They’re your girls so they’re probably slightly demonic.”

I can’t wait to get my hands on Ten’s book next and hopefully Ian’s brothers will be getting theirs soon after. If you like sexy espionage and BDSM all in one action packed book, this series is a definite must read!

Don’t Miss The Rest of The Series!

The Dom Who Loved Me (Masters & Mercenaries #1)
The Men With The Golden Cuffs (Masters and Mercenaries #2)
A View to a Thrill (Masters and Mercenaries #7)

Review: ★A View To Thrill★ by Lexi Blake

A View To Thrill
Author: Lexi Blake
Genre: Erotic Romantic Suspense, BDSM
Release Date: August 19, 2014
Length: 410 Pages

A Spy without a CountrySimon Weston grew up royal in a place where aristocracy still mattered. Serving Queen and country meant everything to him, until MI6 marked him as damaged goods and he left his home in disgrace. Ian Taggart showed him a better way to serve his fellow man and introduced him to Sanctum, a place to pursue his passion for Dominance and submission. Topping beautiful subs was a lovely distraction until he met Chelsea, and becoming her Master turned into Simon’s most important mission.

A Woman without Hope

Chelsea Dennis grew up a pawn to the Russian mob. Her father’s violent lessons taught her that monsters lurked inside every man and they should never be trusted. Hiding in the shadows, she became something that even the monsters would fear—an information broker who exposed their dirty secrets and toppled their empires. Everything changed when Simon Weston crossed her path. Valiant and faithful, he was everything she needed—and a risk she couldn’t afford to take.

A Force too Strong to Resist

When dark forces from her past threaten her newfound family at Sanctum, Chelsea must turn to Simon, the one man she can trust with her darkest secrets. Their only chance to survive lies in a mystery even Chelsea has been unable to solve. As they race to uncover the truth and stay one step ahead of the assassins on their heels, they will discover a love too powerful to deny. But to stop a killer, Simon just might have to sacrifice himself…

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3.5 stars

From the moment he’d seen her all those months ago, he’d been utterly fascinated. She was a mystery to him. Closed off, with more barricades around her than he could count, she still pulled him in the minute she walked inside a room.

When I think of romantic suspense with some kinky hot BDSM thrown in and some scorching romance and sex, the only series that comes to mind is Masters and Mercenaries. No one does that sexy little combination better than Lexi Blake. While each book can probably be read as a standalone, I wouldn’t recommend it as each book builds off of each other. The characters of this book (like all the rest) are first introduced in the previous 2 and their story continues until their own book. It just wouldn’t be the same to jump straight into this book without first reading the last 6. Besides, each book has been great, so why miss out? Now on to Simon and Chelsea.

Chelsea is many things; she’s Charlotte’s younger sister, Ian’s (or as she calls him The Satan) sister in law, the daughter of the head of the biggest mob syndicate in Moscow, and The Broker. She’s one of the best hackers in the world and she’s definitely made quite the name for herself since her and her sister escaped their father’s brutal and sadistic hold. Now she uses her powers for good…mostly. Weary of men in general due to her history, she’s not looking for any entanglements. Especially not with a certain British Dom and past MI6 agent in a 3 piece suit that now works for Ian’s firm.

But when Chelsea’s life is on the line, no matter how hard she’s avoided Simon in the past, he’s the only one she can turn to for help. But he’s not going to be easy on her. He has a requirement of his own, one he’s been waiting for the right opportunity to take.

“That’s my requirement for protecting you. I don’t want money. You’ll sign a contract making me your Master or I can call your brother-in-law back. How is the broccoli beef? I’ve never tried it before. Would you like some wine?”

Simon’s combination of protective and demanding definitely worked for me. He was very sweet and understanding with what Chelsea needed. He’s been halfway in love with her since he first met her and now he just needs to convince her that they’ll be good together.

…I’m not going to take your virginity because you’re curious. I’ll take it when you can’t think about anything but me. I’ll take it when you cry out my name and tell me there’s no other man you’ll ever love the way you love me. Then and only then will I take what belongs to me.

This book wasn’t as heavy on the BDSM or the sex either to be honest. The suspense and the emotional relationship development between the H/h took center stage. The romance was still in the center of the story, of course, but it wasn’t quite as steamy as the previous books in the series. But don’t get me wrong, while it may not have been as frequent, when it did happen it was definitely HOT.

Oh, my god.”
“No. You say my name when I’m fucking you, love. Say it. Say ‘fuck me hard, Simon.”

In usual Lexi Blake fashion there were lots of twists and turns that will keep you guessing until the end, plenty of action, and lots more Ian and the rest of the team.

Unfortunately there was just something about the romance between Simon and Chelsea I never fully connected with. I can’t even put my finger on what it was exactly, but it was probably my least favorite in the series. There was almost too much of a focus on their emotional issues and triggers than there was on the actual romance, at times even during the sex scenes.

I would still recommend this book for fans of the series. And if you’ve been curious about Jesse’s story, you’re definitely in for a treat here. That last chapter? Oh my GAWD. I don’t think I’ve been that excited to read a book since Ian’s story. This book really introduces Jesse and all his fucked up glory and I can’t wait to get my hands on his book in February.

Don’t Miss The Rest of The Series!

The Dom Who Loved Me (Masters & Mercenaries #1)
The Men With The Golden Cuffs (Masters and Mercenaries #2)
A View to a Thrill (Masters and Mercenaries #7)

Review: ★Dungeon Royale★ by Lexi Blake

Broken by betrayal, one woman holds the secret to his redemption…

An agent broken

MI6 agent Damon Knight prided himself on always being in control. His missions were executed with cold, calculating precision. His club, The Garden, was run with an equally ordered and detached decadence. But his perfect world was shattered by one bullet, fired from the gun of his former partner. That betrayal almost cost him his life and ruined his career. His handlers want him to retire, threatening to revoke his license to kill if he doesn’t drop his obsession with a shadowy organization called The Collective. To earn their trust, he has to prove himself on a unique assignment with an equally unusual partner.

A woman tempted
Penelope Cash has spent her whole life wanting more. More passion. More adventure. But duty has forced her to live a quiet life. Her only excitement is watching the agents of MI6 as they save England and the world. Despite her training, she’s only an analyst. The closest she is allowed to danger and intrigue is in her dreams, which are often filled with one Damon Knight. But everything changes when the woman assigned to pose as Damon’s submissive on his latest mission is incapacitated. Penny is suddenly faced with a decision. Stay in her safe little world or risk her life and her heart for Queen and country.

An enemy revealed

With the McKay-Taggart team at their side, Damon and Penny hunt an international terrorist across the great cities of Northern Europe. Playing the part of her Master, Damon begins to learn that under Penny’s mousy exterior is a passionate submissive, one who just might lay claim to his cold heart. But when Damon’s true enemy is brought out of the shadows, it might be Penny who pays the ultimate price.

4 stars

Sex isn’t polite, Penelope. Sex is dirty and nasty and raw. I want you rough. I’m a bloody man and you’re going to treat me like one. And I’m going to show you just how much of a woman you are.

This series has been a go to of mine whenever I need a hot BDSM read with a great plot and some action and suspense thrown into the mix. And it seems to only get better and better with each new book.

Dungeon Royale starts off immediately where Love and Let Die ended, with Damon being betrayed by his long time partner in MI6 and shot twice. Barely surviving the attack, months later Damon is still recuperating. He wants back into the field, but his superiors are questioning his medical reports. So when his boss presents to him an opportunity to prove that he can still perform despite his injuries, he jumps at the chance. There’s just one thing he needs for the mission, a female partner and submissive, and the mousy company translator seems the perfect fit for the job.

But there’s also another thing standing in his way; he has to convince her.

Penelope Cash has spent her life taking care of others and letting people stomp all over her. She’s shy, awkward, and hasn’t had the best of luck with men…if you can even count the one relationship she had as an experience. She has always been attracted to the sexy as sin Damon Knight, but she knows that he would never go for a woman like her. That doesn’t stop her from wanting more from her life. A dangerous mission may just be the answer, if only Damon could convince her.

She’s scared out of her mind, Nige, and I rather think it isn’t about taking a bullet. She knows I’ll keep her safe. So that makes me really wonder what really frightens her. I think she’s a prudish chit and she’s worried I’ll get her knickers off.”
“Did you ever stop to wonder if perhaps I’m simply not interested in even pretending to sleep with you?”
“No. Not once.”
“Maybe I don’t like men, Mr. Knight.”
“Oh you like men, love. And you like me.”

I was a little afraid at first that Penny might irritate me. I’m not a big fan of the super shy and mousy heroines. But I shouldn’t have been concerned, since this is a Lexi Blake book. Penny was an amazing heroine, she’s not at all what she first appears to me. I loved watching her personal growth and seeing her come into her own as the story progressed. She was the perfect match to Damon.

The action and suspense in the story was none stop. It was quick paced and entertaining as hell. Then there was all the characters from the previous books that I’ve loved that made an appearance in this one. I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of Ian.

I’m not retiring and I’m not managing an office for you.”
“Come on, Knight, I promise to send someone to assassinate you at least once a month. It’ll keep your adrenaline up. It’s not so bad, man. Hell, I’m lying. It’s horrible. You get to sit around and listen to everyone whine constantly. ‘I need time off. My wife is giving birth. I can’t sleep with that target in oder to get information because I’m a faithful husband.’ God, they constantly whine at me

Then there were the sex scenes. And in this series, there is only one thing that you can expect them to be. SCORCHING.

There was a new character introduced in this book, and I can only hope that he will eventually get his own story. Nothing better than a sexy Aussie accent 🙂

And like with all the rest of the books in the series, the last chapter give you a preview of the next book. All I can say to you Miss Blake is that you are a damn sadist for teasing me this way. As excited as I am to finally get my hands on Simon and Chelsea’s book, I’m pretty sure I may go a little crazy waiting until Aug 19.

But then again, patience has never been a virtue of mine.

This is not a series that I would recommend reading out of order. Although Lexi gives plenty of background about each character in their book, it just wouldn’t be the same. Many of the characters get introduced early in the series and helps you get a stronger feel for them. Damon Knight was first introduced in book 5 and Penelope is a new character. I’ve loved every book in this series, so I definitely recommend reading them all.

Don’t Miss The Rest of The Series!

The Dom Who Loved Me (Masters & Mercenaries #1)
The Men With The Golden Cuffs (Masters and Mercenaries #2)
A View to a Thrill (Masters and Mercenaries #7)
Copyright © 2015 · Dirty Girl Romance

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