#NewRelease & Review: The Perfect First by Maya Hughes

Series: Fulton U #1
Genre: New Adult Romance
Author: Maya Hughes
Release Date: April 25, 2019

“How long do you last in bed?” Those were her first words to me, swiftly followed up with, “And how big would you say you are?”

Cue the record scratching, what?!

Persephone Alexander. Math genius. Lover of blazers. The only girl I know who can make Heidi braids look sexy as hell. And she’s on a mission. Lose her virginity by the end of the semester.

I walked in on her interview session for potential candidates (who even does that?) and saw straight through her brave front. She’s got a list of Firsts to accomplish like she’s only got months to live. I’ve decided to be her guide for all her firsts except one. Someone’s got to keep her out of trouble. I have one rule, no sex. We even shook on it.

I’ll help her find the right guy for the job. Someone like her doesn’t need someone like me and my massive…baggage for her first time.

Drinking at a bar. Check.

Partying all night. Double check.

Skinny dipping. Triple check.

She’s unlike anyone I’ve ever met. The walls I’d put up around my heart are slowly crumbling with each touch that sets fire to my soul.

I’m the first to bend the rules. One electrifying kiss changes everything and suddenly I don’t want to be her first, I want to be her only. But her plan was written before I came onto the scene and now I’m determined to get her to re-write her future with me.


I’d give her the other firsts, as many as I could, because if I gave her too much, I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from never wanting to stop.

Calling all New Adult Romance fans, because The Perfect First is an absolute must read. It was a swoony, quirky, steamy, funny and utterly endearing page-turner. I devoured this. I binge read it. I couldn’t put it down for even a minute.

I’ve read my fair share of New Adult romance and some of these stories are a dime a dozen. But this was not one of those stories! There was this uniqueness to this book that just resonated with me. It made it into one of those books that I won’t be forgetting any time soon.

Shy virgin meets sexy college football superstar? Yes, please. But this book was so much more than that! I think what really made the story for me was Seph. On paper, she’s not a heroine that I gravitate towards. She’s a shy and totally sheltered genius. She has no friends because she has no idea how to handle social situations. She’s never so much as been exposed to them outside of school mixers with older professors and tutors. But she’s not the quirky introvert that I was expecting. Her father is a domineering tyrant that expects nothing short of extraordinary from her and it’s been a weight on her shoulders for her entire life. Being away from home and in college, she’s determined to have all of the firsts that she’s missed out on her entire life, even if she has to take an ad out for the perfect first to take her virginity.

Reece doesn’t answer her ad. He has no shortage of willing females on campus being the football superstar that he is. But when he inadvertently stumbles on Seph’s “interview session” he can’t help but be intrigued by the girl. What starts as an unlikely friendship soon begins to develop into something neither one of them were expecting.

I can’t tell you enough just how much I loved Seph’s character. There was this sweet and naive quality to her. It was so entertaining to see her grow into herself with each new experience she has with Reece. Until she finally grows into someone that stands up for what she wants. I loved watching her become more and more comfortable in her own skin. I loved the way her friendship with Reece slowly develops into that something more. I seriously couldn’t get enough of the two of them together.

The Perfect First was simply delicious! I’m talking finger-licking good sort of NA and I’m beyond excited for this brand new series. Every secondary character that’s been introduced already has my full attention and all of the grabby hands. I need LJ and Nix’s books like YESTERDAY. If you’re a fan of fun and quirky NA with plenty of steam, unique characters, and a romance that you will root for from begging to finish, The Perfect First is NOT TO BE MISSED!

Maya Hughes can often be found sneaking in another chapter while hiding in the bathroom from her kids! 🙂 I’m a romance writer who loves taking inspiration from everyday life, namely my husband and biggest fan. Inspiration also strikes when I hear a song, meet someone new or daydream while at soccer practice.

I’m the mom of three little ones, the wife to an amazing husband and also work full time. Some of my favorite things are cinnamon rolls, white wine, laughing until I can’t breathe and traveling with my family.

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Review: On A Tuesday by Whitney G.

Series: One Week #1
Genre: New Adult, Contemporary Romance
Author: Whitney G.
Release Date: September 19, 2017

We met on a Tuesday.
Became best friends, then lovers, on a Tuesday.
And everything fell apart on a Tuesday…

Charlotte Taylor has three automatic strikes in my book: 1) She hates me. She also claims that I’m a “domineering jerk with a huge, overbearing ego.” (I do have something huge. It’s not my ego, though.) 2) She takes our mandatory tutoring sessions way too seriously. 3) She’s sexy as hell…And a virgin.

At least, those were her strikes before our study sessions started lasting longer than they were supposed to. Until one innocent kiss became a hundred dirty ones, and until she became the first woman I ever fell hard for.

Our future together after graduation was supposed to be set:
Professional football for me. Law school for her.

But she left me at the end of the semester with no explanation, and then she completely disappeared from my life.

Until tonight.

We met on a Tuesday.
Became everything, then nothing, on a Tuesday.
And now it’s seven years later, on a Tuesday…

**This is a full length second chance romance, inspired by Adele’s “When We Were Young”**


I don’t think I’m God’s gift to women. I know that for a fact.”

A great NA romance is getting harder and harder to find. At least for this picky reader. But when I pick up a book by Whitney G. I know I’ll have a guaranteed winner on my hands. And I’m never wrong! On A Tuesday was a deliciously sizzling slow burn mixed with enemies to lovers mixed with second chance romance? Which basically had me going
Because that combination is MY CATNIP. CATNIP I tells ya!

On A Tuesday is told in two parts; past and present, with the past taking up well over the first half of the book. And you won’t find this girl complaining because that first half was my absolute favorite. The story starts at the seven year college reunion with Gray and Charlotte having been apart for all those years but not knowing what happened. It then takes you right to the past where it all began.

Grayson Connors is everything that Charlotte Taylor knows to stay away from. He’s cocky, popular, had a new girl on his arm every day of the week, and takes nothing seriously unless it’s his football career. But when Gray sets his eyes on her, he stops at nothing to wear down her defenses. What begins as a reluctant friendship leads to an incredible connection and soon to something so much more. The bickering between these two was absolutely delicious. Charlotte is not afraid to put Gray in his place, and she does it with a perfect amount of sass and sharp wit. But Gray is no stereotypical jock and it’s not long before Charlotte begins to see behind his cocksure exterior and reputation, to the sweet man beneath.

Getting both Charlotte and Gray’s POV really help in understanding these characters that much more. Though I have to say, it was difficult to watch Charlotte’s animosity to Gray in the present and having no idea why. The suspense of what happened between them after they burned so hot and strong in college stretches until the very end. Admittedly, the twist at the end felt a bit formulaic and drama rama to me, but it did bring everything together, so I can’t complain too much.

On A Tuesday was a super satisfying second chance romance full of steam and humor and a perfect amount of sass and wit. It was deliciously sexy and I’m thrilled to see that it’ll be a series!

#DGRFave Review: The Hot Shot by Kristen Callihan

Series: Game On #4
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Sports
Author: Kristen Callihan
Release Date: April 18, 2017

First we were friends. Then we were roommates. Now I want more…
What can I say about Chess Copper? The woman is capable of bringing me to my knees. I know this about five minutes after getting naked for her.
No one is more surprised than me. The prickly photographer my team hired to shoot our annual charity calendar isn’t my usual type. She’s defense to my offense, a challenge at every turn. But when I’m with her, all the regrets and darkness goes away. She makes life fun.

I want to know Chess, be close to her. Which is a bad idea.

Chess is looking for a relationship. I’ve never given a woman more than one night. But when fate leaves Chess without a home, I step up and offer her mine. We’re roommates now. Friends without benefits. But it’s getting harder to keep our hands off each other. And the longer we live together the more I realize she’s becoming my everything.

Trick is… Now that I’ve made her believe I’m a bad bet, how do I convince her to give this player a true shot at forever?


So were going to…What? Be friends.”
He looks almost boyish then. “Yeah. We are.” His eyes spark. “Fair warning. I’ll still be picturing you naked half of the time. So get used to a bit of leering.”
I snort. “You just had to go and ruin the moment, didn’t you?”
“Probably should get used to that too.”

GAH. All of the stars! ALL OF THEM!

Do you know why I love that one quote up there? Because it’s the perfect summary of this book. It’s this incredibly endearing combination of humor, emotion, and passion. I seriously couldn’t get enough of it! Opposites attract in this sweet and sexy sports romance and I was absolute putty reading it. A happy pile of swooning goo. Can goo swoon? Hmm…no matter. What’s important is how much I seriously loved this book!

From bickering, to unlikely friendship, to roommates, to lovers, Chess and Finn stole my heart…and I never want it back

Like an inevitable collision with a charging linebacker, I suspect Ms. Chess Copper is going to take me down and make me feel it. Bitch of it is, I’m not sure if I hate the idea or kind of like it.

The last place Finn wants to be is in front of the camera. When the photographer hired by their team to shoot their annual calendar doesn’t automatically swoon at his feet like so many other women, he’s intrigued. She’s so far from his usual type, but there’s something about her sharp wit and sarcasm leaves him hooked.

Chess has just about given up on relationships, and the last person she would ever date is the playboy quarterback with the easy smile and a horde of women in his past. But then when she sees the depth hidden beneath his easy smiles, she’s intrigued, and what soon begins is the unlikeliest of friendships even when both of them yearn for something much more.

I want her with a ferocity that aches low in my gut, and I find myself reaching for her without thought, only to restrain myself at the last second. Because she is not mine.

I loved reading their budding relationship develop. There’s so much more than first meets the eye with Finn and watching his layers reveal themselves was utterly delicious. He’s so much more than Chess expected and watching that slowly crumble her walls left me a grinning fool. I adored their easy camaraderie. They were so different and yet so perfect together. I loved the slow burn; until the sexual tension was sprung so tight, I thought I might explode if they didn’t finally didn’t give in to the pull between them.

Finn was the perfect easy-going humor to off-set Chess’s prickly sarcasm. I simply couldn’t get enough of these two together. I loved their friendship but I definitely loved watching it develop into something more.

Finn, what am I going to do with you?” His smile is an easy glide, but his eyes hold mine a beat too long. “Keep me. I’m pretty sure I’m good for no one else.”

And then there was that epilogue. GOD. That epilogue deserves 5 stars for it alone.

Book four in what’s become one of my favorite sports romance series delivered on the promise with one swoony, funny, and sweet read. I adored every single page of it. If you’re a fan of this series, this book is an absolute myst read. I’m already in need of my next fix, I just don’t know who I want more, North or Jake.



New Release & Review: Downed by Jen Frederick

Series: Gridiron #3
Genre: New Adult Romance
Author: Jen Frederick
Release Date: December 1, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


He’s the guy no one likes…

Despite winning two national championships, JR “Ace” Anderson was sent packing from his old school after losing the trust of his coach. At Southern U, he has a second chance to prove that his college legacy isn’t endless debauchery and selfishness. But his reputation precedes him, and his teammates offer a chilly welcome in the locker room. The one person who is willing to accept him is the very woman he should stay away from—his new coach’s daughter.

She’s the girl everyone loves…

Bryant Johnson’s only goal in life is to make others happy, even at her own expense. One look at her father’s new star quarterback, and she knows that Ace is her next project. With a reputation for being a “jerk whisperer”, Bryant has spent her last three years at college reforming sorry behavior and turning bad boys into the best boyfriends ever. In Ace, though, she’s met with surly resistance and a sizzling attraction she doesn’t expect. Fixing this wounded warrior will be her biggest challenge yet. Not falling for him will be even harder.

Between her big heart and his damaged one, a battle is ensuing. In this game of love, every defense will crumble.

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He likes to take control—on and off the field. He plays hard, loves hard. I should’ve been prepared for him, but I wasn’t.

Well spank my butt and call me Larry, I did NOT expect to like this as much as I did. Now, now, don’t go getting all hissy on me, let me ‘splain. See, the thing is, for as much as I loved Ace in Sacked and was salivating for his story, I was torn between wanting to sack him in the nuts and whacking him with a blunt object until he sees reason in Jockblocked. He single-handedly ruined the book for me. The man was a damn drama queen is what I’m telling you here. I didn’t think anything was going to redeem him after that mess in my eyes, but I was definitely willing to give it a go. Turns out, all Ace needed was a sugary sweet souther girl, who’s as pushy as she is nice.

I chalk it up to unfinished business. She’s an itch I need to scratch. I get in bed with her, screw her, repeat my no-relationships speech, and then we’re done. Over. Finito.

Ace lost everything after his ego and actions led him to almost see his budding football career go up in flames. Now he’s at a new school, hoping for a fresh page and a new start. But some things are hard to escape and it’s not long before he finds himself in a similar predicament, but with a different girl.

There are two things I’m good at: sex and football, and right now I need to concentrate on the latter.

Everyone loves Bryant Johnson, and it’s not hard to see why. She’s sweet as sugar, never cusses, ready to help anyone at the drop of hat, is a phenomenal cook and an even better friend, and the football coach’s daughter. But it’s not all shiny perfection that it seems. Bryant’s actions are all centered around a very painful loss. Everything she does now is all in an exercise to fix the future, so her loss isn’t experienced by some other woman. But nothing quite prepared her for the full impact of JR “Ace” Anderson

You going to come for me when I tell you to? You going to be there with me—really be there, when I’m fucking you so hard and so deep that you won’t be able to walk the next day?” A strangled noise escapes her mouth. “Y-yes.”

So confession time; I don’t usually like the sugary sweet heroines. But something about Bryant just grabbed me. Perhaps it was because there was always that little crack to the shiny foundation that everyone sees on the outside that humanized her. She was almost too perfect at times, but it also worked for her. She was the perfect balm that Ace’s ragged edges needed.

I hadn’t come looking for it, that’s for damn sure. But I don’t regret it. All of the acts of my past—both good and bad—led me to her.

Did Ace redeem himself in this book? More than. THIS is the man that I was hoping was under all that false ego and bluster. You really got to see the heart of him here, and suddenly all of his past actions begin to make sense.

Downed was a delicious combination of sweet and spicy, sexy and romantic. It was one of those perfect college sport romances that made me remember why I enjoy NA in the first place. It had just the right amount of angst and just the right amount of steam to keep me reading well into the night. Dare I say, it was my favorite in the series

Football is a game, but Bryant’s my future. And I’ll keep fighting for her for as long as it takes. Good thing I know how to win.







Review: ★Jockblocked★ by Jen Frederick

Series: Gridiron #2
Genre: New Adult Romance
Author: Jen Frederick
Release Date: February 10, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


She’s always played it safe…

College junior Lucy Washington abides by one rule—avoid risk at all costs. She’s cautious in every aspect of her life, from her health, to her mock trial team, to the boring guys she dates. When a brash, gorgeous jock walks into the campus coffeeshop and turns his flirt on, Lucy is stunned by the force of attraction. For the first time ever, she’s willing to step out of her comfort zone, but can she really trust the guy who’s determined to sweep her off her feet?

He’s always played around…

Entering his last year of college eligibility, linebacker Matthew “Matty” Iverson has the team captaincy in his sights. And it’s his for the taking, if he can convince his quarterback Ace Anderson to give up the starting position. Luckily, Matty already has an edge—the hottie he’s lusting over just happens to be Ace’s childhood best friend. Getting Lucy on his side and in his bed? Hell yeah. Matty is more than confident he can have both, but when he falls hard for Lucy, it’s time for a new game plan: convince the woman of his dreams that she’s not sleeping with the enemy.

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[Read more…]

Review: ★Sacked★ by Jen Frederick

Review- Sacked SACKED
Series: Gridiron #1
Genre: New Adult Romance
Author: Jen Frederick
Release Day: September 6, 2015add-to-goodreads-button3


What he wants he gets… 

Knox Masters is a quarterback’s worst nightmare. Warrior. Champion. And…virgin. Knox knows what he wants–and he gets it. All American Football player? Check. NFL pros scouting him? Check. Now, he’s set his sight on two things. The national title. And Ellie Campbell. Sure, she’s the sister of his fellow teammate, but that’s not going to stop him. Especially not when he’s convinced Ellie is the one.

…but he’s never met her before. 

But Ellie isn’t as sure. She’s trying to start a new life and she’s not interested in a relationship…with anyone. Beside it’s not just her cardinal rule of never dating her brother’s teammates that keeps her away, but Ellie has a dark secret that would jeopardize everything Knox is pursuing.

Knox has no intention of losing. Ellie has no intention of giving in.

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3.5 starsSacked- Dirty Girl Romance


When you meet the girl who’ll be sitting on the front porch holding your hand when you’re eighty, you don’t let a thing like cool dismissive looks, big brothers, or fucking rules stand in your way.

Now before you start reaching for rotten tomatoes and pitchforks, allow me to clarify my rating here. See, here’s the thing, I liked this book. It was wonderfully written and being my first book by this author I already know I’ll be reading all her others. I’m also completely hooked on this series and absolutely loved the set up as well as all the secondary characters. I also truly enjoyed both MCs here. At this point you’re probably sitting there and thinking, then why the hell are you marking this only 3.5 stars?
Well…bluntly put…it was just too sweet for my tastes. *ducks flying tomatoes*
I know! I know! Clearly there’s something wrong me with me and obviously this is a case of me and not the book if ever there was one but it just wasn’t quite my cuppa and I’ll get to the exact reasons why now…
Knox Masters is the All American Defensive End, football superstar, walking wet dream…and virgin.
Now I loved that this wasn’t a source of shame or secret for him. He owned it. It wasn’t a secret and he didn’t make it one, nor does he make it a given to spread it around campus either. The problem? I just don’t buy it. Ugh. I’m sorry! It’s that damn cynic in me, but a college junior, surrounded by football groupies, all his teammates are male sluts, but he’s a virgin because…reasons.
But this was also wonderfully…refreshing. This is my second time reading about a male virgin and I believe Jen Frederick pulled it off very well. Knox is just one of those characters that you can’t help but love. He goes after what he wants with a single-minded intent and feels no need for immature mind games that you’d find with most heroes in the NA genre.

I’m not experienced, but I know when a girl is into me, and you’re into me. You want to play it casual, then that’s how we play it…for now. But fair warning, I’m bringing everything I’ve got to tear down your resistance. my specialty is reading plays and then overcoming the barriers.”

It also doesn’t hurt that the man is packing more than shoulder pads…uhem.
What ultimately brought my rating down was 2 specific things.

(1) The insta-love.

Right now, as the sun peeks over the top of the stands and lays a solid ray of love on the field of my greatest accomplishments to date, and the girl sitting by me waxes poetic about the greatest game in the world, I get it.
This one.
The universe is talking to me.

This was at 4%!
In the book’s defense I am not, nor will I ever be a fan of insta-love, no matter how well it’s pulled off. And it IS pulled off wonderfully here. It’s just not my cuppa. I can’t help it. I gave it the old college try (pun intended) but could never really see past it. Perhaps because he was also a virgin on top of everything else? Whatever the case may be, I suppose I just wanted a little more interaction between them before this came into the mix. Like say, at least 12%?

(2) The last 20%.
Oh the cheese of it all. Now before you toss the rest of your rotten tomatoes at me, I will say that most readers will love this. For me it was just too much. (view spoiler)

I believe most readers will absolutely adore Sacked. It’s just one of those light and sexy, sweet and easy feel good romances. It’s wonderfully written with endearing characters and it’s definitely a series that I plan on following. I just don’t think that male virgins will ever be my cuppa.

I highly recommend this book for any fans of New Adult romance. If you’ve avoided this genre because of the male manwhores and super angst, this is the perfect book for you. A guaranteed love 🙂

Copyright © 2015 · Dirty Girl Romance

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