Review: ☆Five Ways to Fall☆ by @KathleenATucker

FWTF final coverPurple-haired, sharp-tongued Reese MacKay knows all about making the wrong choice; she’s made plenty of them in her twenty-odd-years. So when her impulsive, short-lived marriage ends in heartbreak, she decides it’s time for a change. She moves to Miami with the intention of hitting reset on her irresponsible life, and she does quite well…aside from an epically humiliating one-night stand in Cancun with a hot blond bouncer named Ben. Thank God she can get on a plane and leave that mistake behind her.

Football scholarship and frat parties with hot chicks? Part of charmer Ben Morris’s plan. Blown knee that kills any hope of a professional football career? So not part of the plan. Luckily Ben has brains to go with his knockout looks and magnetism. After three long years of balancing law school with his job as a bouncer at Penny’s Palace, he’s ready to lead a more mature life—until his first day of work, when he finds himself in the office of that crazy, hot chick he met in Cancun. The one he hasn’t stopped thinking about.

If Ben truly were a smart guy, he’d stay clear of Reese. She’s the boss’s stepdaughter and it’s been made very clear that office romances are grounds for dismissal. Plus, rumor has it she’s trouble. The only problem is, he likes trouble, especially when it’s so good-looking…

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5 Perfect Stars

Word to the wise: if you have to fight over a guy, he’s not worth it. Go for the one who’s waiting for you.”

This was. Hands down. Most definitely. My favorite book in the series. I can’t say I ever gave Ben much thought after the 1st book…or even when I was reading the first book. But now? Move over Trent and Kacey, because Ben and Reese completely stole my heart with this book.

Want me to tell you 5 reasons I loved it? That wasn’t really a question, since I’m going to anyway 🙂

1. Reese
Reese was snarky, sarcastic, smart mouthed and quick witted. Did I mention that she also drive a Harley? This girl was seriously made of pure awesome…too bad her douchebag of an ex husband broke her heart by cheating on her and asking for a divorce. So what’s a girl to do? Get disgustingly drunk in Cancun and exorcise the fuck out of her ex by fucking someone else. Enter, stage right, Ben Morris

I love the angry ones. Of course anyone who knows me would argue that I love any and all women, and I can’t exactly disagree. But I love the angry ones the most. They’re a challenge to be conquered, the reason for their fury usually fitting neatly into three buckets: insecure, scorned, hormonal.
And this purple-haired chick gazing up at me with fire in her caramel eyes?
I’m betting on bucket number two.

Oh Ben, how right you are. Reese also has a verra big side of crazy. This is a not a girl you want to scorn or fuck with.

2. The Banter!
Oh my god, the banter! It was seriously awesome. Any time these two would talk, it was comedy genius. I think I had a goofy smile on my face the entire time I was reading.

And what is it exactly about me that you don’t like?
The womanizing mama’s-boy football-player part who spreads charm on like peanut butter and has a different girl in his hotel room every night this week.
Not every night

Well at least you’re honest about it, Ben

But given enough alcohol and Reese decides to get her exorcism with Ben…too bad it turns into the one night stand from hell. Luckily she never has to seem him again. Right? Imagine Reese’s surprise when it looks like that Ben is her new coworker since he waas just hired as an associate lawyer at her step-father’s law firm where she works.

Which brings me to my next point

3. The banter
Yes, I know I already had it listed. But it deserves more than one mention because it was just THAT good.

They make extra-strong margaritas at Amigos, down the street. Just like you like them. I’ll bring a change of clothes, for after, of course.”
“Get out.”
“We could take a nice long crawl down the boardwalk, and then-“
“Fuck. Right. Off.”

Do you see what I mean? I was highlighting practically every barb and insult that they traded.

4. Ben
Swoon. Ben was just total perfection. Yes, he was a manwhore. But he was also sweet, hilarious, honest, make-no-qualms-about-who-he-is fantastic. He also wanted Reese. Bad. But just for sex, of course. He can’t compromise his career by dating his boss’s daughter PARTICULARLY when there’s a specific no dating rule in place. Reese really doesn’t make it easy for him, but he’s determined

If I laugh, she’ll hate my guts. I need her to not hate my guts. Ideally, I need to find a way to make her love my guts. I get the impression she doesn’t even like most people, so this may be a challenge.

And you are certainly correct in that, Ben. This is a girl that “accidentally” stumbled on her ex husband and his new wife going at it at a paintball game and proceeded to shoot the living hell out of both of them with paintballs. Naked ass and all.

Duly noted.

Now back to Ben. If you’re looking for a hero that’s cocky, but in an endearingly funny way? You will LOVE Ben as much as I did.

Have you always loved yourself this much?”
“I had an awkward year in ‘ninety-nine, but I got over it quick.”

And Reese was no exception. Ben managed to worm himself in to her black little heart and chip away at her defenses and walls little by little.

5. The banter
I’m telling you people, it was just that awesome that it needs to have 3 mentions on my list.

She’s my date.”
“Date? I guess you don’t know Ben very well yet.”
“He lied and used medicinal narcotics to bribe me into coming here, so I think I have him pretty well pegged.”

So there you have it. 5 Ways I absolutely fell for this book. I laughed, I swooned, I laughed some more. I absolutely loved it.

If you’re a fan of NA romance, this is a book that’s not to be missed. Seriously. You’ll see exactly why I loved it as much as I did when you read it. It’s bittersweet to now say goodbye to this series, but what a perfect book and couple to end it with.

***ARC courtesy of publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review***

Review: ☆Harder☆ by @RobinYorkNA


In Robin York’s provocative new novel, two young ex-lovers find themselves together again in the shadow of tragedy—and an intense, undeniable attraction.

Caroline still dreams about West. His warm skin, his taut muscles, his hand sliding down her stomach. Then she wakes up and she’s back to reality: West is gone. And before he left, he broke her heart.

Then, out of the blue, West calls in crisis. A tragedy has hit his family—a family that’s already a fractured mess. Caroline knows what she has to do. Without discussion, without stopping to think, she’s on a plane, flying to his side to support him in any way he needs.

They’re together again, but things are totally different. West looks edgy, angry at the world. Caroline doesn’t fit in. She should be back in Iowa, finalizing her civil suit against the ex-boyfriend who posted their explicit pictures on a revenge porn website. But here she is. Deeply into West, wrapped up in him, in love with him. Still.

They fought the odds once. Losing each other was hard. But finding their way back to each other couldn’t be harder.

5 Deeper and Harder Stars

You have to let yourself want what you want as hard as you can, as deep as that goes, even if it scares the fuck out of you.

Wow. Just wow. As much as I loved Deeper, Harder managed to absolutely blow me away. It shattered my heart into a million pieces, and then slowly mended it back together, piece by piece, managing to bring a captivating and emotional story a full circle. Robin York’s writing is both poignant and uplifting, and she has easily moved to the very top of my favorite NA authors. I do not recommend reading this book without having read Deeper first, it will simply not be the same. So let’s move on to the review, shall we?

It’s been some time since where Deeper ended, and although it’s not made clear what happened, it’s obvious that Caroline and West are not together anymore. Their relationship is stunted at best, tumultuous at worst.

Before we crashed and burned, though, I liked the person I was with West. He made me vulnerable, but he helped me be stronger, too.

In Deeper we saw West take a broken Caroline, and help put her together. He was her rock, her shoulder, her everything. But when Caroline put herself back together she was stronger, and this book paints that picture perfectly.

I cannot tell you how refreshing it is to read about a heroine in a NA novel that is as emotionally strong as Caro was. Because that’s precisely what she was. This was not a girl that flew off at the rails, she knew what she wanted and she fought for it…even if she may never win.

Yes there’s an event that happens here that had me screaming and raging in anger and devastation. But as I read more, I understood why it happened and the choices that were took place. I may not have liked it, but it fit the story. It fit THEIR story.

Caro’s reaction to this was something that really made me think. She did not react in a typical way that you would expect. She showed an immense amount of emotional maturity and intelligence, which was truthfully a first for me. I think I loved her character all the more for it. It was obvious that she knew West suspected a certain reaction from her, but she knew why he did what he did, and she knew what he needed.

I could tell you how much I’m hurting, or I could get out of the car, slam the door, hitchhike to the airport because fuck you, fuck you, West, how could you do this to me? How?

What I can’t do is pretend I don’t know what you did,” I say. “Or pretend I don’t still care about you.

If in the first book West was Caro’s rock, then in this one it came a full circle. The depth of Caroline’s love for West was evident in every word and action.

As for West? My beautifully broken, hurting, fucked up West. As much as I wanted to hate him for what he did, I just couldn’t. My heart hurt for him. The more I read, the more it hurt.

He was so lost in the first half of this book. His heartbreak is palpable. What he does to push Caro away is terrible, don’t get me wrong. But you can tell he felt he had no choice. And while he succeeds in one thing, he fails in another, because Caroline refuses to give up on him. Caro was the strong one here, she needed to be, to help West find his way out of the dark

She knows who she is deep inside herself. I can break her heart, but I can’t break her pride. I can’t break her. She’s never going to let that happen.

I want her

All the time, like a virus, a disease I caught, except the other way around- like a a cure I caught a year ago, and it’s inside me, winding through my veins, pumping through my heart.

His hope and hopelessness is swallowing him whole. He wants, but he doesn’t think he can have it. He doesn’t deserve it. But it doesn’t stop his yearning.

Spark. Spark. Flame.

The whole time, I was trying to convince myself that the flame didn’t look like hope, didn’t feel like it, but I’ve never been any good at that kind of deception.
That spark in the dark, that wavering flicker- Caroline. Hope.
For me, they were always the same thing.

The first half of the book was an emotional roller coaster. The feels, the pain, the heartbreak, it was devastating. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and the second half was the light.

What I truly loved about the book was that Robin York didn’t throw in any more additional drama in the end. There was no unnecessary angst, the angst that was there was intricately important to the plot, not excessive. She manages to take the story a full circle while painting a love story that’s emotional and touching.

If you loved Deeper, you will love Harder. There are events here that may take you out of your comfort zone and make you question what you feel. It will capture you and draw you in. It will break your heart and then put it back together. I’m in love with Robin’s wring, story telling, and her words. I really hope she continues this series with another couple…like perhaps Bridget and Krishna? (Hint, hint. Nudge nudge) LOL!

Highly recommended read. If you want a NA romance that’s unlike any you’ve read before, this is a must read.

**ARC courtesy of publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review**

Lisa Jayne Reviews: ☆The Vixen and The Vet☆ by @KatyRegnery

Burned by an unreliable source, Savannah Carmichael, returns to her hometown of Danvers, Virginia with her once-promising journalism career in ruins. Given the opportunity to get her skin back in the game by writing a patriotic human interest piece, Savannah turns her attention to the town hermit, Asher Lee, a wounded veteran who returned to Danvers eight years ago, and hasn’t been seen since.
After an IED explosion in Afghanistan took Asher’s hand and disfigured half of his face, he’s lived a quiet life on the outskirts of Danvers where the locals respect his privacy…that is, until Savannah Carmichael comes calling in a borrowed sundress and a plate of homemade brownies. When Asher agrees to be interviewed by Savannah, he starts feeling things for the beautiful reporter that he hasn’t felt in years.
Misfits in small-town Danvers, Savannah and Asher create a bond right away, touching each other’s hearts in ways neither thought possible. When a terrible mistake threatens to drive them apart, they’ll have to decide if the love they found in one another’s arms is strong enough to fight for their hard-won happily ever after.

I wrote this book as a fundraiser and 50% of my profits in June and July 2014 will go directly to Operation Mend at the UCLA Medical Center. UCLA Operation Mend is a groundbreaking program that provides returning military personnel access to the nation’s top plastic and reconstructive surgeons, as well as comprehensive medical and mental-health support for the wounded and their families. By offering cutting edge reconstructive facial surgery, prosthetics and intensive therapy to those heroes with calamitous injuries, Operation Mend helps our returning warriors live fuller and more comfortable lives once home.

To learn more about Operation Mend, I encourage you to check out their website here:


“Love me, Asher.” And he did. And he would. Forever.”


My adoration for this book was helped tremendously due to my love for a well written book that tugs on the heart strings and gives my reading heart a well placed squeeze. It also didn’t harm the enjoyment that my favourite Disney animation of all time is the classic ‘Beauty and the beast’. I couldn’t even begin to imagine that I would fall so in love with a book that I was requested to read and review and I’m more than pleased that I gave my reading time over to a book that quite honestly has stolen my heart. This author is obviously talented with a heart to share stories that make the reader not only fall in love but think about the world around them. Timeless in it’s delivery I won’t ever be forgetting about the story of Savannah Carmichael and Asher Lee. Katy Regnery I have had the most beautiful time spent with your heart stopping novel and I’m left with a story to remember for a time to come.


What’s it all about?
Leaving New York after being publicly humiliated and loosing her job as a successful journalist, Savannah Carmichael returns to her very southern and charming home town. Feeling desperate to gain respect in the reporting world again she sets out to deliver a story that would make her be noticed for her writing talents once again. Asher Lee is the town recluse and hermit after serving his country and injured in a tragic and near fatal accident he returns to his home town. Disfigured and equally as tormented by his experiences he has given up on a world of love and the idea of living a life of freedom. When Savannah and Asher’s lives cross paths they never expected to be thrown into a friendship so powerful that it changes the way they feel and act. And as their relationship starts to bond them in a life altering way they have to take the steps to overcome the difficulties that they must face together. Beautifully poetic and tragically love struck their story is one that is worth fighting for.


What did I love?
This novel was not only beautifully romantic with a well paced unfolding plot and love story, it was also powerfully touching and heart melting. There are stories that you happily read that are enjoyable, even used as an escape but there are also those books that make you sit up and take notice and change the way you see the world. ‘Vixen and the vet’ had a clear message about friendship and love and how we can be the difference to those around us and for me if nothing else this author did the perfect job of showcasing how relationships can change lives. I admired and fell for this authors writing style she swept me right into the middle of the love and action of this story and I could not have loved two characters more. Savannah and Asher were beautiful to read about, both equally wonderful and easy to fall in love with and I was cheering for their friendship and romance from their first encounter. As you can imagine from the description of the book, the storyline dealt with some difficult topics but the book although thorough in it’s message never felt heavy or difficult to read instead it pulled at my heart strings in the best kind of way and felt a joy to read.


Final thoughts …
This is the first time that I have read any work by Katy Regnery and it comes as no surprise to me that she is an award winning romance novelist. She made this potentially heart breaking story come alive and I fell utterly in love with her story of the beautiful journalist and her admirable beast. Nothing could have torn me away from the pages of this novel and for once I enjoyed the differing emotions that this story line created, nothing was over dramatised or unnecessary instead it was simply a poetic journey of finding that other half that no matter what will cause you to be whole. ‘The vixen and the vet’ is a book that I felt proud to have read and I’m hoping that other readers will feel, experience and love this book as much as I did. Go fall in love with a hero that demands to not be forgotten, enjoy … Kisses.


*ARC generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.*

Spotlight & Review: ☆Devil’s Game☆ by @joannawylde

Devil’s Game (Reaper’s MC #3)
Author: Joanna Wylde
Release Date: June 3, 2014



Liam “Hunter” Blake hates the Reapers MC. Born and raised a Devil’s Jack, he knows his duty. He’ll defend his club from their oldest enemies—the Reapers—using whatever weapons he can find. But why use force when the Reapers’ president has a daughter who’s alone and vulnerable? Hunter has wanted her from the minute he saw her, and now he has an excuse to take her.

Em has lived her entire life in the shadow of the Reapers. Her overprotective father, Picnic, is the club’s president. The last time she had a boyfriend, Picnic shot him. Now the men in her life are far more interested in keeping her daddy happy than showing her a good time. Then she meets a handsome stranger—a man who isn’t afraid to treat her like a real woman. One who isn’t afraid of her father. His name is Liam, and he’s The One.Or so she thinks.

Excerpt Link:
(Note: Excerpt will open as a PDF.)
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5 stars

How’s that, baby?” he asked, thumb starting to work my clit again. “Feel good being turned on by a Devil’s Jack?”

This book had to have had, hands down, THE best heroine in the series. Now I know that may not be saying much considering that many of you barely tolerated Marie and Sophie, but listen to me, people. Em was the shit! I had hoped that she would bring her A game considering she’s the darling daughter of Picnic, the MC president. She grew up in the life, she better be kick ass. But I also had my reservations considering how passive she’s been, particularly with her father’s rules in the previous two books. It’s safe to say that not only did Em meet all my expectations, she blew them out of the fucking water. I shit you not, people. Girl not only had a backbone, but knew how to kick ass and take names…poor Hunter’s balls not excluded

The book gives us an introduction to Em and Hunter’s childhoods and then picks up about a few months before book 2 and all the “events” that went down at the end of it. Em is pining away after Painter, while Painter is too much of a chicken shit to really do anything about it. She’s about ready to give up on him. What’s a 22 year old woman got to do to get rid of her virginity already? The pesky fucking thing.

Enter stage right, Liam “Hunter” Blake, and Em’s life changes in one night. Liam is a member of a rival club, but that hasn’t stopped him from wanting her since the first time he saw her. (Romeo and Juliet the MC version anyone?) Now the perfect opportunity shows itself. Seduce the Reaper’s little princess and help his club? He’s all over it…but not without a few…uhem…kinks in his plan

The fuck? What do you mean, you haven’t had sex?”
“I mean I’ve Never. Had. Sex,” she told me, spacing out her words carefully. “True story. You got a problem with that? Because you’re looking at me like I’ve got herpes and that’s not working for me.”

Recall my earlier statement about Em being fucking awesome? Exhibit A above.

If you recall the events from book 2, then you know how everything went down (and I won’t spoiler it for those who haven’t read it yet). What you’ve been dying to know is what happens after? And I’m not going to tell you either. But I can give you some hints.

Em still wants Hunter, even though he’s a traitorous asshole. He also happens to be the asshole that makes her womb clench.

So, what do you think?”
“About what?”
“Fucking, of course. Remember? I”m not a little girl who needs protection, Hunter. I know what I want. Just lay back and relax, because it’s not personal. I’m going to borrow your dick for a while.”

I don’t think she needs to be any clearer, Hunter, does she? I’m pretty sure she still wants you.

As for Hunter?

He was everything you would want and more. Dirty talk? He’s got that in spades. Asshole? That definitely comes out on more than one occasion. Bad ass? You bet your sweet ass he is.

Although this book isn’t as heavy (at least not in my humble pervy opinion) on the steam as the previous two books, it still packed a punch. I loved the character and story development. It had just the perfect amount of smut to add to the mix without overcooking the story. There was action, suspense, more action, and some sweet sweet biker loving.

Did I also happen to mention Em’s kick-assedness? (I’m making that a word. Work with me here)

This was my favorite book in the series so far, and I am practically panting for more. I’m not even kidding. Joanna, you are a freaking sadist for giving us that teenie tiny sneak peek into Picnic and now making us wait till September. I’ve been salivating for his book forever and the wait till September just may kill me. Melodramatic of me? Maybe a little. So fair warning here, Jo

Writing Style: Dual first person POV

**ARC courtesy of publisher in exchange for an honest review**

Reaper’s Property: GR | Amazon | B &N
Reaper’s Legacy: GR |Amazon | B &N
Devil’s Game: GR | Amazon | B & N
Reaper’s Stand: GR | Amazon | B & N

About the Author

Joanna is a freelance writer living in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. She started writing fiction in 2002, then took a long hiatus to explore other writing opportunities. She returned to fiction in January 2013 with ‘Reaper’s Property’, the first book in the Reapers Motorcycle Club series, and has recently released ‘Reapers Legacy’, the second of the series.



ARC Review: ☆Baiting the Maid of Honor☆ by @mstessabailey

A sexy category romance from Entangled’s Brazen imprint…

He’ll own her from the very first touch.

Julie Piper and Reed Lawson have nothing in common. She’s a people-pleasing sorority girl hiding behind her perfect mask. He’s a take-no-prisoners SWAT commander who isolates himself from the world. But when they’re forced together at their friends’ posh destination wedding, one thing is clear—Reed wants Julie more than he wants his next breath. Which is why he’s not about to stand by when she’s dared to seduce another man.

Julie wants neat, tidy sex, so she could get back to what she does best—making everybody else happy. She never expected to slip into a dark bedroom and have her mind blown by rough, demanding hands, and a sinfully filthy mouth—neither of which belong to the best man.

One night should have been all Reed needed to get the blond temptress out of his system, but when one taste is nowhere near enough, he’ll be forced confront the effects of his hellish past. One that may push Julie away forever…just when he realizes he can’t live without her.

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5 stars
He’ll own her from the very first touch.

Ladies, meet SWAT commander Reed Lawson…

Yes. That’s precisely what you’ll be doing the second you meet him. He’ll have you a perving, swooning, turned on hot mess in 2 words flat. I’m not even kidding. Just when I think that Tessa Bailey cannot possibly make her dirty talking heroes any hotter, she goes and gives us the tatted up sex on a stick Reed. I swear, I had a hart time focusing half the time. The man would open his mouth, and all I could think was

May I present exhibit A?

Aren’t you going to at least kiss me first?”
“Kissed were?” His voice was a rough , almost inaudible whisper that bathed her in blistering heat.
“Your mouth? Or the slick little pussy you’re hiding from me?”

Sorry. It’s a knee-jerk reaction at this point. But I digress

While this could be read as a standalone if you really want to, I highly recommend reading this series in order. It will make it that much better for you. Besides, every book in the series is fucking fantastic and so worth the read.

When the bridesmaids at Kady’s wedding bet each other to hook up with a groomsman, the tall, dark and broody Reed is the last man southern belle Julie would pick. She wants neat. She wants tidy. She wants polite. And the best man, Logan, fits that to a T. Too bad Reed has his sights set on the sexy blonde, and when Reed wants something, he gets it. Oh does he get it.

If you need servicing while we’re stuck in this fancy-ass hotel for a week, I’m going to be the one to do it. No one else. Not Golden Boy. Not even your right hand. And when you slip between your sheets tonight, think about this. I will service you so hard you’ll be booking another week here just to recover.”

Reed is everything you want in a bad boy hero…and more. So much more. Reed doesn’t do entanglements, and he certainly doesn’t do more than sex, yet something about Julie draws him in and keeps him wanting more.

As for Julie, well I haven’t read a heroine by Tessa Bailey that I haven’t loved yet, and she was certainly no exception. She so endearingly sassy and her quirky southern sayings never failed to put a smile on my mouth. She was no pushover, and she definitely gave Reed a run for his money…but boy was it delicious.

You want me to despoil you? I hope you’re ready because I don’t fuck politely.
“I’m counting on it.”

The banter between them was entertaining and sexy.

But would you expect any less from the talented Miss Bailey? I think not.

This book had everything; romance, hot as hell sex, and dirty talk that will melt the panties right off of you. Might I suggest keeping some spares handy?

I only have one thing to add after finishing this.

Dear Tessa,

For the love of all that’s holy, please GAWD make a spin off from this novel. I need dirty talking SWAT men in my life. BAD.

That is all. I’m off to stalk the poor author for any news of her upcoming releases. And I thank you

Read the series in order:

Book 0.5:
Dare to Resist (Wedding Dare, #0.5) by Laura Kaye
(My Review)

Book 1:
Falling for the Groomsman (Wedding Dare, #1) by Diane Alberts
(My Review)

Book 2:
Baiting The Maid Of Honor (Wedding Dare, #2) by Tessa Bailey

Book 3:
Seducing The Bridesmaid (Wedding Dare, #3) by Katee Robert
My Review

Book 4:
Best Man With Benefits (Wedding Dare, #4) by Samanthe Beck
My Review

***ARC courtesy of publisher in exchange for an honest review**


Gypsy Brothers series Spotlight, #Giveaway & Review: Four Score by @LiliStGermain1

Welcome to Venice Beach, California. Home to the Gypsy Brothers motorcycle club.
Confucius said, “Before embarking upon a journey of revenge, dig two graves.”
I planned to dig seven.

Seven Sons
(Gypsy Brothers, #1)
Release Date: January 3, 2014
My father was most certainly NOT an innocent man. As the leader of the Gypsy Brothers MC, he was guilty of many things. But he died for a crime that he didn’t commit, framed by an enemy within who then stole his club and everything he had ever worked to protect.
Including my innocence.

When Dornan Ross framed my father, he set into motion a series of events that could never be undone. My father was murdered by Dornan Ross and his sons when I was fifteen years old.

Before my father died, Dornan Ross and his seven sons stole my innocence, branded my skin and in doing so, ensured that their lives would be prematurely cut short. That they would suffer.
I’ve just turned twenty-one, and I’m out for blood. I’m out for revenge.
But I didn’t expect to fall for Jase, the youngest brother in the club.
I didn’t expect that he would turn my world upside down, yank my heart out of my chest and ride away into the sunset with it.
Now, I’m faced with an impossible choice – Jase, or avenging my fathers death?

Six Brothers
(Gypsy Brothers, #2)
Release Date: February 16, 2014
I have lied.
I have cheated.
I have given my body and my life to the man who destroyed my family and left me for dead.
I have killed, I have sinned, and worst of all, I have enjoyed the misery of others.
I have licked the salty tears of a father mourning his firstborn son, and nothing has ever tasted so sweet.

I have died, and I have been resurrected, a phoenix from the ashes.

I know I’m going to hell. I’ll burn in the fiery pits alongside Dornan and his sons for the things I’ve done, and for the things I’m about to do.
But I don’t care. It will be worth every lick of the devils flames on my guilty flesh to destroy Dornan Ross.
One down, six to go.

Five Miles

(Gypsy Brothers, #3)
Release Date: March 31, 2014

My father taught me the importance of an eye for an eye—a cardinal rule, ingrained in every club member.

A life for a life.

Seven lives in payment for an unimaginable list of sins.

People might wonder why I’m doing this. If this vengeance is borne from some noble cause. If I’m trying to prevent others from suffering at the hands of Dornan Ross and his sons.

But I’m no selfless vigilante.

I’m doing this for me. I’m doing it because I want to.

I’m doing this because I just want to be able to sleep at night without seeing their faces.

This is the fate they have earned. The penance for their crimes.
Time to send some of these brothers off with a bang.

 Four Score
(Gypsy Brothers, #4)
Release Date: May 26, 2014
Love and hate aren’t all that different.

Two sides of the same coin, the yin and the yang.

Once upon a time, Jason Ross loved me. And now that he knows what I’ve done, I see the love and the hate warring within him.

I see the way he looks at me.

The way he wonders how I could do the things I’ve done.

I hear it in the way he begs me to stop, to leave this life and run away with him.

But there’s only one way I’m leaving LA.

And that’ll be when Dornan and the rest of his sons are dead and buried.

Jase might forgive me for what I’ve done.

But will he forgive me for the crimes I’m yet to commit?

Purchase the series here:
5 stars



If you haven’t read the first 3 books in the Gypsy Brothers series, STOP reading my review immediately. Although it will be a spoiler free review of this book, it will contain some MAJOR spoilers of the previous 3. What are you thinking even reading this? Honestly!

Now then, let’s move on to my ragey rant review, shall we?

That gif up here? That would have been me while reading this book yesterday. I was an emotional mess. You want to know what 16 chapters of anxiety feel like? Read this book!

3 books, over 3 months and many suspenseful and tension filled reading hours I’ve spent waiting for a certain secret of Sammi’s to finally come to light. I’ve been agonizing over when Jase will finally find out the truth. And then when he finally, FINALLY does in the end of book 3, it ends. Suffice it to say I was a little upset

Thankfully I got my hands on this book after weeks of waiting, and it delivered on every promise I was hoping it would.

Lili’s writing continues to not only blow me away, but get better with each new book. With each new chapter I get more and more sucked into Julliete’s plan of vengeance and heartbreak.

Honestly, to give you even a little bit of details from this book would spoil the experience of reading it, so I won’t even try. What I will tell you is Lili continues to trickle down information that effortlessly builds the whole picture. Things you may have questioned in the previous book receive answers in this one, yet still leaves you with more questions.

Then there was the endings. Holy mother of fucking cliffys!!

And by my room and processing it, I mean

So what’s next for Julz and Jason? Only the twisted mind of Lili St. Germain knows. What I know? I will be right here, slowly dying a little each day in my wait for book 5…on fucking JULY 26.


About the Author



Lili writes dark erotica and NA. Her debut serial novel, Seven Sons, is was released in early 2014, with the following books in the series to released in quick succession. Lili quit corporate life to focus on writing and so far is loving every minute of it. Her other loves in life include her gorgeous husband, good coffee, hanging at the beach and running. She loves to read almost as much as she loves to write.



love p


Blog Tour, Review & #Giveaway: ☆Edge☆ by @BrendaRothert

Book 3 in Fire on Ice Series
Brenda Rothert

banner pic
One bad hit has left the career of young NHL Center Luke Hudson in question. When he arrives for rehab with a minor league team, his injury has robbed him of the edge that made him great.
Team trainer Adella Price’s job is to help Luke get back in peak condition. But their one on one sessions shake her resolve to remain unattached. Dell is hands-off to all hockey players, even one as charming and successful as Luke.
As Luke starts to get ahold of his game again, he loses his grip on his heart. Helping Luke get his edge back brings to light what Dell is missing from her life. But those who want them apart are relentless, and with their careers on the line, Luke and Dell must decide if their love is worth risking it all.


“You enchant me …” 

Brenda Rothert certainly delivered the goods with this novel, everything about it felt designed perfectly for my reading tastes and I was left feeling like i’d had my cake and eaten it. I’m never going to have enough of my addiction to a sexy romance book and this author lovingly provided a reading escape that I’ve been craving. I wasn’t at all surprised that I fell for this novel as I loved the two previous books of this series and so I was already expecting to enjoy what this author would bring to the third book in the ‘fire on ice’ series and I can happily review that i proved myself right, Brenda Rothert writes steamy-dreamy romances that are superbly written, heartfelt and loveable. You won’t find any complaints in this review, Brenda Rothert is an author that I have grown to adore.

What’s it all about?
After a serious injury on the ice, NHL star Luke Hudson is now on the road to recovery. Part of his rehabilitation means he has to start back to basics and recover at a minor league club. Little did he know that his determination wouldn’t be his only focus, when Luke meets the feisty, red headed trainer, Adella ‘Dell’ Price he can’t quite believe how she makes him want more and as the story develops so does the growing feelings between Luke and Dell. But this couple encounter more difficulties than would be expected especially when a non fraternisation policy is enforced putting a stop to their growing chemistry and need for each other. Jump aboard this gorgeous romance and fall in love alongside the irresistible Luke Hudson, you won’t regret it, not for a minute.
What did I love?
It’s no secret that I love a sports themed romance and one that is hockey related is even more of a win win. Brenda Rothert created two extremely likeable characters coupled with a great plot and fabulous erotic story telling. There was nothing about his book that didn’t appeal to me. If like me you like a slow burn romance with a believable storyline then you will adore this book. The chemistry and realistic development of relationship really won me over and I never once wanted to skip over a scene or felt distracted from the novel instead I felt like I couldn’t wait to get back to reading this gorgeous romantic story and escape into my kindle. Brenda Rothert certainly puts the ‘s’ in the sexy, her erotic scenes may not be the dirtiest or most kinky that I have read but they definitely left an impression, this author can write with a sensuality that gets the toes curling and heart thumping and I must admit I’ll never be looking at a washing machine or shower again in the same way. Rothert’s books have the undeniable blush factor coupled with a swoony romance factor that brings home the butterflies that I’m always on the look out for. As for the characters there was a predictability with the man-whore turned one woman man hero, but don’t be put off I for one can’t get enough of re telling those type of characters as for the heroine she was a feisty, but vulnerable and extremely likeable single mum with a gorgeous best friend that I’m already hoping the author will write a book for. All in all I was blown away by this third instalment to the ‘Fire on ice’ series and I can gladly confess that Luke Hudson won my heart.
Final thoughts …
This book easily kept me glued to my kindle and if it wasn’t for the 6AM alarm clock waiting to drag me out of bed for work I would have devoured this lovely book in one sitting. Brenda Rothert creates stories that suck you right into the middle of the action and make you fall helplessly in love. If you like well written romances with characters that will leave you with a smile on your face then you don’t want to miss out on this series. I’m already getting ready to beg this author to continue on with this series I’m not ready to say goodbye to it just yet. Go grab it readers, enjoy … Kisses.



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Other Books in Fire on Ice series:


Brenda Rothert started her writing career as a print journalist. She now writes Romances, some Contemporary and others with a twist of dystopian society and adventure. Rothert lives in Central Illinois with her husband and three boys.

Facebook / Twitter / Goodreads / Website

Review: ☆Edge of the Enforcer☆ by @CheriseSinclair


One sadist. One submissive
One extraordinary love

and may all your darkest wishes come true

Fleeing false murder charges, Lindsey lands in San Francisco. There she builds a satisfying life until, in the notorious Dark Haven BDSM club, she encounters deVries. Moth, meet flame.

A security specialist and occasional mercenary, deVries needs an adorable submissive like a knife to the gut. Hell, she’s not even a masochist. But here she is, all big brown eyes and sweet body and sassy mouth. Loyal. Tough-minded. Honest.

Or maybe not, considering her ID is forged. If she thinks to lie to him, she’ll learn better. He’s the Enforcer of Dark Haven—his discipline is absolute, his punishments harsh, and his heart untouched…until now.

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5 stars

Changed my mind. I could use some sweet wildcat pussy, and you’re up. I’m calling in my debt.”
“What? You said no.”
“I said when I wanted. Choose – do I fuck you here or at your house?”

Holy mother of bookgasms. I have been a fan of Cherise Sinclair for a while, but I have to say that this is probably my favorite book by her to date…and I’m not usually big on sadists (with the exception of my favorite kinky priest). At least not the hard core one. And deVries? Well he’s as hard core as they come. But this is a Sinclair book, and after all

9645945So of course I had to read it the second it released. I was expecting a spicy little read, but what I got was so much more. There was a little suspense, action, romance, and some dirty kinky loving that will leave you so hot and bothered you’ll be panting by the time you finish the page.

That’s right,” he murmured. “You can take me.” He forged in, relentless as only the Enforcer could be, doing what he wanted for his own pleasure.
“Hurt, baby?” he asked.
“Yessssss.” Her answer came out a moan.
“Perfect.” His laugh was deep and gruff.”

7348692I have to admit, I was a little concerned when less than 10% into the book Lindsey and deVries were already thrown into bed together. I like to feel that sexual chemistry really burn before the couple comes together. When it happens too quickly, most of the time it pretty much lowers the enjoyment for me. I was afraid that this may be the case here, but deVries did not disappoint. Not long after he fucks up royally and allows his inner asshole to come out. Which of course had only one affect on me

9398673What? I happen to have a soft place in my pervy little heart for the assholes. But I digress…

Lindsey is in hiding. Fleeing a murder charge and men that want her dead in Texas, she finds herself rebuilding a life in San Francisco. She’s been unbearably attracted to deVries since she first laid eyes on him, but he’s never made any move to show he reciprocates the feelings. And besides, she’s not what he needs. She may be a submissive, but she’s certainly not a masochist. At least not up for the type of pain the deVries likes to dole out. But when the Dom finally decides to claim her? Well, what girl in her right mind could possibly turn him down? He’s sexy as fuck, and orgasm donor…and he apparently has a soft side…well, to a point, anyway

“What are you doing?”
“Sleeping. I’m wiped. Not safe to drive.”
He wanted to cuddle? The Enforcer?
“Go to sleep, or you’ll spend the night gagged.

I really loved Lindsey and her Texan quirky personality. She was this perfect combination of sweet, endearing, quirky and sassy. She was the perfect match for Zander deVries’ tough and sadistic side. Did I also happen to mention that Zander is an ex Navy SEAL and mercenary?

Both Lindsey and Zander have a past that tends to color their present and the way they respond to things. They both have had their share of heartbreak, though Lindsey’s past is quite a bit darker. She’s determined to protect the people she’s come to care for from her secrets. But Zander is determined to uncover each of them.

Filled with action, hot sex, suspense, a sassy submissive and a sadist that’s determined to break through all her barriers this book will definitely leave you

9645946If you’re a fan of this series, be prepared to fall hard for Zander. Although this is part of a series, this book can easily be read as a standalone.

With your pulse like that, either you’re scared or you’re horny.” He slid his palm over her panties, ascertaining for himself exactly which it was. “Soaked.”
“I’m sorry. I’m fine. Don’t-”
“Shut it.” With pitiless hands, he tossed away the covers and flattened her onto her back. “Just as well. I didn’t get enough of a taste.”
“You don’t wear underwear if you’re with me,” he growled. “And you don’t withhold something I want.”

9645947Any questions?

Didn’t think so 😉


Review: ☆Behold the Stars (Signal Bend, 2)☆ by Susan Fanetti

Lawrence Ellis, with vast wealth and power, has made it known that he wants control of Signal Bend, Missouri. He is a man who always gets what he wants; there are no limits to the lengths he’ll go, and he has the means to pay all manner of people to do his dirty work for him. The Night Horde MC, led by its President, Isaac Lunden, is wildly outmatched but prepared nonetheless to defend their hometown to the last man, and they are willing to do whatever they must to protect their home. Lilli Accardo, Isaac’s old lady, with her own special skills and resources, stands with them, rebelling against Isaac’s need to shield her.

After toying with them for months, Ellis loses patience for the game and rains down destruction on the Horde, their families, and the town itself. Tested to their very limits, beyond anything they could have imagined, forced to travel dark roads, the citizens of Signal Bend fight a war no one—not even they themselves—thinks they can win.

Challenged constantly from without, beset by their own inner demons, Isaac and Lilli must find the true strength within their bond. Isaac needs to protect what is his; Lilli needs to stand on her own; but they are stronger side by side.

Even in the deepest darkness, love brings hope.

NOTE: dark themes; explicit sex and violence.

5 Mindblowing Stars

I fucking love the FUCK out of this fucking book!

Yes, all those fucks are necessary here. It stressed me the fuck out! I’m running on 3 hrs of sleep, but you know what?

I WOULD do my own casting, but I have the dream cast that Miss Fanetti herself picked out, and I love it, so I’m just gonna go with that 🙂
(Well that and I’m a lazy shit LOL)

L’amor che muove il sole e l’atltre stelle.

The love that moves the sun and the other stars.

It’s no secret that I may be just a little, tiny bit, eetsy bitsy obsessed with this series. And by that I mean I am somewhat short of stalkerish with Susan about all her future releases. I can’t help myself. It’s not often you read a book that not only manages to grab a hold of you with a story that’s not only erotic, but gritty, emotional, gut wrenching, and beautiful. While I enjoyed the first book, the continuation of Isaac and Lilli’s story in this one was so gripping, I couldn’t seem to put it down. And then right after the 40% mark? FORGET ABOUT IT!!!

So without giving you any spoilers or revealing much of the plot, let me tell you what this book has.


Quite possibly the most perfect man…(well for an MC book hero anyway). If you liked Isaac in the first book, be prepared to fall hard for him in this one. Really. You don’t believe me?

Baby, I will burn this house down tonight. I don’t care. I don’t. My home is with you. If you don’t want to take my name, we’ll figure out a way to get yours back. I want to marry you, but I don’t care if you’re a Lunden, if you don’t want it. None of it matters. You matter. Tell me what you want, and I will make it happen- no. No. I’ll get out of your way while you make it happen.

I rest my case.

The best heroine I’ve ever had the pleasure to read about. No exceptions. She’s strong with just the right amount of vulnerable and a twist of ‘kick ass’. Everything that she goes through and the way she gets through it…Damn. You just can’t help but love her. She’s no damsel in distress, I can tell you this much. This is a heroine that is more than capable of rescuing herself, and she does, on several occasions.

The plot

Sweet mother of anxiety! If you’re looking for a gritty read, this will deliver it in spades. I’m not even going to give you any hints, because even a little would be a spoiler. But what I can tell you is be prepared to read the last 60% in one sitting. I couldn’t believe everything that happened. My heart hurt, my stomach was in knots, my anxiety was through the roof. When I finally finished, I felt drained

And by food, I mean vodka, of course. Obviously.

I’m a huge fan of Susan Fanetti, and this book proves exactly why. If you’re a fan of gritty, erotic, emotionally gripping and action packed MC reads, this series needs to be at the top of your list. Trust me. You’ll see what I mean when you read it.

In short, I’ll put it this way. Do I recommend this book? FUCK YES.

Blog Tour, Review, & #Giveaway: ☆Veiled Innocence☆ by @EllaFrank2012

Tick, tick, tock.


That’s all I have now.

A small room, a photograph, and time.

They want me to trust them and confess my sins.

They told me they wouldn’t judge me—they lied.

I thought we could convince the world that this wasn’t a crime.

We were wrong.

Time doesn’t stand still.

The clock keeps ticking, the world is unconvinced, and now…

Now he is gone.

Veiled Innocence by Ella Frank
Excerpt One – Addison Lancaster’s POV
Copyright © 2014 by Ella Frank

I’d waited until he got out of the truck before approaching. I didn’t want his escape to be as easy as driving away. Standing in the small stone alcove of the gate, I knew it would be best to wait until he stepped away from the lit area. That way, any cars driving by wouldn’t be able to see us.

I wanted no excuses, no reason for him to worry, but I could see my silence had caused just as much concern as my presence would have. He turned to me, and I finally took a moment to really look at him the way I wanted to.

His hair was still pulled back but several pieces had now escaped and been pushed behind his ears. The darker stubble lining his square jaw made my fingers tingle with the need to touch.

“Oh, thank God,” he whispered, sounding relieved.

I thought he would move away from me once he knew I was safe. Instead, he reached out and squeezed my shoulder.

“I thought something had happened to you.”

I don’t think he realized that he was slowly massaging me.

“Jesus, don’t do that again. Okay?”

Taking another step closer, I agreed quietly. “Okay.”

He licked his lips and removed his hands, and I saw in his eyes the minute he decided it was time for some distance.

“What are you doing out here?” he asked. His casual black sports jacket shifted with the breeze, and all of a sudden I couldn’t remember why I was there. All I knew was that I wanted to touch him.


His voice had the ability to make all of the noise inside my head cease.

Blinking up at him, I finally answered, “Yes?”

“What are you doing out here?”

Moving in so my jacket brushed the front of his, I finally reached to touch him, but he grabbed my wrist, holding it away.

“No,” he told me, and his voice was so stern I probably should have heeded the warning…but I didn’t.


His head bent down, and when his face was a hairsbreadth from my own, he repeated, “No. Tell me why you’re here.”

His breath was warm as it ghosted over my lips, and I couldn’t help but part my own, hoping by some miracle I could taste him on my tongue.

“Why are you here? That’s a better question, don’t you think?”

“I know better than this.”

I reached up needing to touch him, but he took that hand too, holding them both prisoner. Being held in place with nowhere to go elicited a hunger in me that I didn’t yet understand. 

“Know better than what?”

“Than to be here.”

“Then go,” I offered.

That was all it took. He spun me around, backed me up against the truck, and had my arms pinned by my head so fast I lost my breath. Leaning in beside me until his mouth was by my ear, he rasped in an unsteady voice, “I can’t.”

I turned my head to face him and saw all of his turmoil, and finally, the full impact of his desire. “Then don’t.”

“You’re going to be the death of me.”

Life is full of ironies, because with him, I’d never felt more alive.

6 Not so innocent Stars
He’d calmed me when no one else could.

He’d saved me from myself.
If only they knew the truth…
But no one is listening, and his time is already up.

Tick, tick, tock.


If this book isn’t proof that Ella Frank is an incredible writer, I’m not sure what is. This had to be hands down, bar none, one of the best Student/Teacher romances I have ever read. The writing, the story, the characters; I can’t even put into words what this book did to me. But if I really had to try?


Nail biting



If you’re a fan of this author, this book is a must read. And if you’ve never read anything by her, than this book will have you putting her on your auto-buy list.

This will be a spoiler free review. I’m doing you a favor, believe me, because this is a book that simply has to be experienced.

The story captures you from the very beginning. Miss Frank gives you just a little taste of what’s to come that will leave you sitting on pins and needles the entire time you’re reading. You know that something happens, but you don’t know what or when. You know where Addison ends up, but you don’t know how. This book gave me the worst case of anxiety EVAR. I couldn’t put it down. I had to know what happens next, and at the same time I was completely terrified of it happening.

Addison is a senior in high school, but she’s not the typical young heroine you’d find yourself reading about. She’s not shy, she’s not even remotely meek, she’s no virginal ingenue, and she’s certainly not suffering from a low self esteem.

She has the perfect looks, the perfect life, the perfect boyfriend, the perfect everything…or does she? Behind the veil of perfection, lost somewhere in the shadows of her darkest dreams, is a broken girl with a painful secret

But then everything changes when she comes to her first day of class and sees

My ending, staring right at me from the very beginning.

When Addison lays eyes on her history teacher, Mr. McKendrick, she knows that she has to have him. And she pursues him relentlessly, without any shame, using her entire arsenal of incredible looks, charisma and sexual temptation.

She was everything I couldn’t have and shouldn’t want, but the more she taunted, the more my resolve crumbled. Temptation had come to visit, and her steely determination would likely destroy us both.

The story is told in dual first person POV. As much as I loved being inside Addison’s head, being able to see inside his head is what ultimately made this book. You feel his struggle to stay away from this girl. You feel how mcuh he fights it, how hard he tries, only to give into what you already know is inevitable.

Trust me, I do see you”, he stressed.
“You’re all I fucking see, Addison. When I close my eyes, when I open them, when I’m teaching. You’re. There. All. The. Fucking. Time.
Sometimes I wish I’d never seen you.”

Reading about their relationship was like watching a car crash about to happen and being powerless to stop it. You know that the odds are stacked against them, you know that the relationship is doomed. But at the same time you have NO FUCKING CLUE how or when. But you know that it will.

The book is told in alternate flashbacks from present to past. Ella Frank took two broken characters and alternating between erotic and emotionally charged, weaved it into an unforgettable, keep you at the edge of your seat story of a forbidden love.

If you’ve read her books in the past, you know that she can write a ‘melt the panties right off of you’ love scene. And this was definitely no exception. The two of them together was pure scorching hotness.

Look at you sitting here with your legs spread and my cock so fucking deep I don’t think I’ll ever leave. Jesus, Addison. I thought you were perfect before. Now I fucking know it.

I was stuck between trying to drag this book out as long as I can because I didn’t want it to end and not being able to put it down because I simply had to know what happens next.

Temptation be damned. I’d given in long ago. She was now my very own personal sin.

It was simply perfect.

You’re going to be the death of me.”
Life is full of ironies, because with him, I’d never felt more alive.

This is a book that I cannot recommend enough. It will steal your breath, capture your heart and break it all at once. It’s just one of those books that will stay with me for a long time. I feel the mother of all book hangovers coming on after this.

Read it. Experience it. Fall in love with it.

Ella, I may be running on 3 hrs of sleep and too much coffee and my nails might be chewed to shit with the amount of anxiety this story gave me, but DAMN, woman! I will now forever worship at the altar of your awesomeness.

A $150 Gift Card to Victoria’s Secret
A Women’s Silver Glitz Fossil watch – Tick, tick, tock…
A $50 Gift Card to Amazon
A $25 Gift Card to Barnes & Noble
2 Signed Copies of Veiled Innocence
5 Ella Frank eBooks  (Winner’s Choice)

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Copyright © 2015 · Dirty Girl Romance

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