From New York Times bestselling author Gena Showalter comes the long-awaited story of Torin, the most dangerous Lord of the Underworld yet…
Fierce immortal warrior. Host to the demon of Disease.
Torin’s every touch causes sickness and death—and a worldwide plague. Carnal pleasure is utterly forbidden, and though he has always overcome temptation with an iron will, his control is about to shatter.
She is Keeley Cael. The Red Queen.
When the powerful beauty with shocking vulnerabilities escapes from a centuries-long imprisonment, the desire that simmers between her and Torin is scorching. His touch could mean the end for her, but resisting her is the hardest battle he’s ever fought—and the only battle he fears he can’t win.
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They would be a couple, she decided. Touch— pleasure—had been denied her for far too long. A fact his presence had never allowed her to forget. He’d had other girlfriends so he knew how to handle a romantic relationship. They could do this, could make this work. And they would be vigilant, cautious, never courting danger.
All she had to do was get him to agree.
There was no better time to try. “I’m dirty,” she announced. “Absolutely filthy, and I’m going to take a bath.”
“Good for you.” So mocking.
So unaware of his coming fall.
“Be a dear and help me remove my dress,” she said.
A strangled sound left him. “It has no ties, no zipper. You tug it on and off.”“Well, good news, then. As strong as you are, you shouldn’t have any problems.”
His gaze swept over her and heated. He licked his lips, as if he could already taste her. “What game are you playing, princess?”“Does it matter?”“Yes. And why the hell are you looking at me like that?”
“Like what?”
“Like I’m a hero. I’m not a hero. I ’m a villain.”
Did he not realize that only made her want him more? “Well, be a good little villain and help me out of my dress.”
“No.” His tone dovetailed into guttural as he added, “I’m not going near you.”
He’s definitely tempted. How thin was his control? “Very well. I’ll near you.” Hips swaying, she closed
The distance between them. She reached out.
He jerked away only to return—closer.
She wrapped her fingers around his wrists and guided his hands to her hips.
He resisted. At first.
“Relax, warrior. We’re protected by our clothes.”
His fingers clenched around her and held on tight. Did he think she would float away like a forgotten balloon?
“What’s…next?” he gritted.
Not exactly surrender, but close enough.
She leaned forward, careful as her breath fanned over his ear. “All you need to do is feel good.”
“I can do that.” He tugged her against him. Suddenly they were flush, the softest parts of her cradling the hardest parts of him. A growl rose from low in his chest as if, in this stolen moment, he’d regressed into little more than an animal.“I’m doing it right now.”

To be denied forever what I crave most…
YEARS. Years, I’ve been waiting for Torin’s book. I’ve been sitting in anxious anticipation from book one just waiting to get his story. But see, here’s the thing…in the past year, I’ve also been dreading it a little too. Why? Because the last few releases from this author have left something to be desired for me. They just haven’t quite been the same, with that signature Gena spark missing. So I was extremely nervous that one of my most anticipated books EVER just may turn out to be the biggest disappointment. And you know what? I shouldn’t have been worried. Gena has officially got her awesome back with this book. Everything and I mean EVERYTHING that I have loved about her books in the past; the snark, the humor, the sexy romance, all of it is back here.
Just so you know, I’ve eaten warriors like you for breakfast.”
“Well, did you spit or swallow? Never mind. Don’t answer. Your sexual kinkiness has no bearing on this situation. I’d appreciate it if you focus.”
After escaping Cronus’s prison, Torin is attempting to find his way back…but he’s not alone. Following him and intent on exacting her revenge for her fallen friend is his previous prison neighbor, Keeley Cael. The Red Queen.
Now let’s stop for a minute here and talk about Keeley. I think I just may have found my favorite heroine in the series after Anya. Spoiler alert: she’s freaking AWESOME! Wow. I just knew that the woman to bring down the big, bad and reclusive warrior will have to be fierce, and holy hell but she was.
She also just happens to be possibly the most powerful heroine in the series. Period. But that wasn’t even my favorite part of the book. Nope. My favorite part was the banter between her and Torin. Keeley is determined to get vengeance. Having been betrayed by pretty much every man in her life, including her father, she doesn’t exactly trust easily. But yet…something about Torin calls to her, almost soothes her. Or maybe it’s just his fabulous ass?
I’m going to do it. I’m going to hit you with a blast of power, and you’re going to writhe in the worst pain of your life. Nothing will ease you.”
“Great.” Then, when she hesitated, he had the gall to add, “I’m waiting.”
“You should be running.”
“Why? Do you want to stare at my ass?”
Torin was everything I thought he would be and then more, in his own book. Throughout the series, you don’t get to see Torin in action too much. Due to the demon he carries, he limits his exposure to others as much as possible, and you’d typically find him behind a computer screen. So I was so happy to get that fierce side of Torin the warrior in this book. Well that and his humor and snark, because let’s be honest, what’s a Gena Showalter book without that, right?
Now I bet you’re all sitting there and wondering the same thing I have been wondering; how in the hell is Gena going to give Torin his HEA if he can’t touch anyone without his demon infecting them with a fatal disease? Is the book going to be completely sexless? Are they going to dream-diddle each other? Do they talkthrough masturbate? WHAT?
What? Was it just me then? Right. Carrying on. Well worry not, because this book was definitely sexy in its own right. The sexual chemistry between Torin and Keeley alone burned up the pages. But Gena definitely throws plenty of satisfying scenes your way too… of the sexy-time variety 😉
How does that happen without Torin making Keeley sick and killing her? Guess you’ll just have to read and find out.
I promise that between the seriously laugh out loud banter
My inability to rile you is maddening.”
“I’ll yell at you if it’ll make you feel better.”
That perked her up, saying, “That would be extremely helpful, thank you.”
“How dare you bare your arms in public! You’re damn right it makes you a tease. It gives a man ideas. Makes him think you’re good at carrying heavy boxes- which just happens to be HIS job! It’s humiliating is what it is.”
And all the side characters; you will not be bored for a minute of the book. The secondary story here was absolutely amazing. (I won’t tell you who it was, but I can tell you that I am now utterly DYING for their book because OMG that plot twist)
Did I happen to mention that we get a lot more of Baden here too? YES
So in short, was this book everything I had hoped it would be? Hell no! It was better! What used to be one of my favorite PNR series is now right back to my auto-buy list and I cannot wait for the next installment.
ARC courtesy of publisher in exchange for an honest review
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