Review: ✩Crossing the Line✩ by @Kele_Moon

Wyatt Conner is a hard man. A sixth generation sheriff in his hometown of Garnet. A former MMA fighter. His life is about following the rules and making sure everyone else in Garnet follows them too.Before life hurt him, Wyatt was different. Love had once blinded him to his upbringing and made him defiant against anyone who tried to separate him from the girl he loved. He easily broke laws to ensure her safety.

When she left it destroyed him.

Now she’s back.

Tabitha knew coming home was a mistake, but family obligation demanded it. She wasn’t expecting to run smack into the love of her life the same day she returned.

Despite the danger, Tabitha is powerless against the wild rush of desire that explodes between them the moment she finds herself in Wyatt’s arms again. She needs a second chance too, but she can’t risk Wyatt finally discovering the real reason she left.

Even for another taste of true love.

Tabitha knows her haunted past will destroy both of them if Wyatt finds out. What she suffered through was too terrible and it’s the one thing that will have him crossing the line for revenge.

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Review5 stars

Every story had an innocent beginning, even theirs, and Tabitha found herself wishing she had a chance to go back and relive it one more time, because she didn’t want to let go any more than Wyatt did.

Oh dear GAWD, this book! This wonderful, emotional, heart breaking and heart warming book. I can’t tell you why I waited this long to read it considering that I read the first two when they first came out. But all I know is that I absolutely loved it. It broke my heart at times, but then it mended it in the most beautiful way possible.

Wyatt Conner has loved Tabitha since 3rd grade. What started innocent and pure, soon grew into a more intense love over time as they both grew into young adults

Wyatt made everything golden. Life was beautiful around him, and she loved him for it. 

Tabitha has not had an easy life. Between her alcoholic mother and drug addict and abusive brother, she hasn’t been a stranger to hunger, fear, and tears. But through all this, she has one light at the end of the tunnel, her protector and the boy that’s always stood by her, Wyatt.

Their growing romance through the years was one of my favorite things about this book. It was absolutely beautiful. There was no internal drama or angst (though plenty of it from outside forces). Wyatt was absolutely perfect. He was protective and sweet, and yet he also had an undercurrent of finely leashed violence when it came to protecting Tabitha. It truly added to his appeal, since it was just that added element that kept him from being too perfect.

Tabitha was an incredible heroine as well. She was protective and loyal in her own right. Growing up the way that she did, she still managed to hang on to her sanity and have a meaningful relationship. She always had this understated layer of strength that I absolutely loved. Some of the things that she was forced to endure gutted me, and yet she always came out on the other end without the ‘woe is me’ mentality. And her love for Wyatt always persevered above anything else…until the very end

Somewhere along the way, Wyatt Conner had been imprinted on her soul. The threads that tied them together were unbreakable and bone deep. No matter how desperately she tried to untangle herself from him, somehow it just ended up pulling them tighter together.

She knows that her mother and wrong-side-of-the-law brother will never allow her to date the infamous son of the sheriff, but try as she might, she can only avoid Wyatt’s sweet yet persistent advances for so long. She knows she may not be good for him, but she’ll at least be good to him.

I love you, Tab.”
“I know.” She leaned down and kissed the place directly over his heart that was beating hard and fast. “But you shouldn’t.”

The story begins in the present, and then takes you back to the beginning to show the reader where and how everything began for Wyatt and Tabitha. It was an absolutely perfect progression, even though the story primarily is told in the past (It was a little over 60%).

Kele Moon painted such a beautiful and yet heartbreaking story of love that only grew through the years and even though it had every reason to, never fizzled out.

The odds were clearly stacked against them from the beginning, and you spend the entire time reading about their past just waiting for that other shoe to drop. I was equal parts anticipating it to see how it all plays out, and dreading it because I loved them together so much. Neither of these characters were perfect and yet they were absolutely perfect together.

Prepare yourself for an overload of feels, because their story will hit you right in the feelers

I love Kele Moon’s writing, and this book does an incredible job showing how talented of an author she is. It was perfect. It was emotional, it was beautiful, and it was erotic

He wanted to claim her. Own her, Leave his mark on her. He’d always known he loved her, but until now he hadn’t understood just how desperately he wanted to push her down on the bed and fuck her until he went blind from the pleasure of it.

The one minor quibble for me was at times the dialogue really grated on my nerves. The ‘ya’s’, ‘aint’s’, and constant use of ‘fella’ didn’t work for me. But luckily everything else was so fantastic, that it overshadowed the one small quible that I had.

If you haven’t yet read this author, this is a must read. The entire series is. And having read The Viper before this book, I appreciated the ending even more. You clever, clever girl, Kele.

Don’t miss the first 2 books in the Battered Hearts series!


Review: ☆Two Roads☆ by @LiliStGermain1

Two Roads (Gypsy Brothers), Book Six

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The sixth book in the #1 iBooks bestselling Gypsy Brothers series.
Juliette and Jase may be out of Dornan’s immediate reach, but as tensions rise, will they end up walking right into the enemy’s trap?
Can Juliette forgive Jase for his devastating betrayal, or will it destroy everything they’ve been fighting for?
5 stars

I’ve left one prison, the one Dornan constructed for me, only to be trapped in one of my own making. The one in my mind that goes over and over and over again.

Every. Single. Fucking. Time! Every time! This sadist of an author leaves me tearing my hair out with a case of the feels ragey, screaming at the ceiling

And then I remind myself that I am completely and utterly addicted to this mindfuck of a serial. So I put on my big girl panties (while grumbling), suck it up (while crying), and patiently waiting (read: stalking author) for the next book.

After months of torture at the hands of the deranged Doran, Juliette is trying to deal with hitting her rock bottom. Scarred mentally and physically and dealing with the revelation of a betrayal she never expected from the one man that holds her heart, Juliette may be rescued from her past hell and thrown right into a brand new one.

Blood and death are all I have right now, the only things that tell me this is real and not some awful hallucination, a sign I’m here and not still stuck on that bed with that stupid music playing full blast in my ears.

As more and more information gets revealed, you find answers to questions only to form new ones.

My heart absolutely broke for both Juliette and Jase in this book. I will not tell you more than that, because just like the previous books, it’s best left to discover on your own by going in blind. But what I can tell you? You know how they say to never kick a person when they’re down? Well Lili St. Germain doesn’t subscribe to that particular newsletter. NOPE. Just as you’re hit with information that leaves you reeling, she will ram right over your ass with a mack truck, and then back up to run you over again.

Oh my holy HELL. The feels! The feels in this book are indescribable.

But don’t despair, because in the midst of all the despair, pain, and heartache, the author does at least throw a little bit of happy your way

Only to fucking rip it away from you in the last few pages!!!!!

This woman is the queen of torture with her cliffhangers. I swears. Every time I read one book, I think to myself, how much more fucked up can it get? And the answer? A whole fuck-of-a-lot more.

I need, have to have, MUST GET the next book NOW. So now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go die a little.

**ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review**

Blog Tour, Excerpt, Lisa Jayne’s Review & #Giveaway: ☆Rival☆ by @PenDouglas

Title: Rival (Fall Away, #2)
Author: Penelope Douglas
Genre: NA | Contemporary Romance
Release Date: August 26, 2014
Tour Hosted by: As the Pages Turn
From the New Adult sensation and New York Times bestselling author of Until You

Madoc and Fallon. Two estranged teenagers playing games that push the boundaries between love and war…
She’s back.
For the three years she’s been away at boarding school, there was no word from her. Back when we lived in the same house, she used to cut me down during the day and then leave her door open for me at night.
I was stupid then, but now I’m ready to beat her at her own game…
I’m back.
Three years and I can tell he still wants me, even if he acts like he’s better than me.
But I won’t be scared away. Or pushed down. I’ll call his bluff and fight back. That’s what he wants, right? As long as I keep my guard up, he’ll never know how much he affects me….
Fallon and Tate

Reaching over, I turned my alarm clock to see it was only six in the morning. Tate threw her backpack on her bed and started yanking stuff out of drawers. She was still in the same clothes from last night. Usually when she spent the night at Jared’s, she came home freshly showered and dressed, ready for class. Right now, she looked rushed.

“What classes do you have today?” she asked, not looking at me as she darted around our room.

I swallowed the dryness from my mouth. “Um…Calc III and Sex and Scandal in Early Modern England.”

“Nice,” she teased in a deep voice.

“The last one is a gen. ed.,” I explained, embarrassed. “Why? What’s up?”

“Do you feel like skipping?” She stuffed clothes into her backpack and then turned to look at me. “Jax showed up at Jared’s dorm this morning. No one’s heard from Madoc. He’s not returning calls, texts, IMs….” She trailed off, hands on her hips.

“You haven’t talked to him at all lately?” I looked away, not wanting her to see the worry I was sure was on my face.

“Yeah, Jared and I let it go at first, because we thought Madoc needed his space, and we’ve all been so busy, but if Jax is worried, and Lucas probably hadn’t had contact, either, then it’s definitely past time to check it out.” She stopped, finally taking a breath.

She came over, tapping my leg and smiling. “So let’s go

“You reached me. When no one else ever has.”

It was love at first chapter when I first read the work of Penelope Douglas. Intrigued by it’s title and a newfound author I found myself falling for this authors debut writing style and since reading ‘Bully’ I’ve not once wanted to look back. This author brings something fresh to the ‘new adult’ genre of writing and it seems I’m not able to stop my admiration for her work. ‘Rival’ has been a long anticipated release and i can now admit that I was a little dubious with how this story would play out, but my doubts were unfounded, this novel was spectacular it had the right amount of grit and taboo without making it too dark or difficult to read and if there is one thing I can now be sure of is that Penelope Douglas has a wickedly sensual talent of making me fall straight into love with her story telling. With a hero to die for and a heroine with plenty of bite I could not have enjoyed my time spent with these characters any more than I did. My expectations have been blown away, ‘Rival’ is a novel not to be forgotten about and a book that I’m happy to say I loved.

What’s it all about?
Madoc and Fallon are two star crossed lovers fighting against the pain and secrets of the past. Their connection was one that has stayed with them both and their obsession with each other doesn’t seem to want to end. One wants revenge, the other wants to beat its partner at it’s own game. They both need each other. But will games, hate, family connections and a dark past stop a love that was destined to be or will they both be able to fight beyond themselves. Follow this fall away novel and fall in love with rivals that can’t help but love to hate each other.


What did I love?
What was not to love? Gorgeous story telling, fantastic writing talent, characters that blew me away and a plot that stole my heart. Everything about this novel dramatically appealed to my reading tastes. I loved that this book was deliciously tempting and swayed on the side of taboo but never crossed over into the uncomfortable territory, instead it made my heart pound and the anticipation of what was to come was well played out by the author. I’ll always have a soft spot for a dual point of view in a novel especially one that provides the reader with an opportunity to get involved with the characters thoughts and feelings. I had a honest to goodness soft spot for both hero and heroine in this story and nothing appeals more than characters who profess to hate each other when in truth their love is just as evident. Madoc and Fallon were fantastic lead characters and in addition to falling for their love story I also fell for them as individuals and I adored them both equally as much. Sibling rivalry, falling unashamedly in lust, chemistry that can’t be rivalled (see what I did there?) and a story that will stay with me for some time to come ‘Rival’ is one of my favourites of 2014 and a book that deserves to be celebrated for all it’s deliciously dark romantic talent. Penelope Douglas has created a love to hate you story that has blown me away. For those readers that can’t help but be attracted to angry sex, broken characters and epic love stories that break you up and by the end fix you all up again then this book will be just what you need.


Final thoughts …
If you are a reader that has not yet read a Penelope Douglas novel and you enjoy all the drama of a new adult novel then I can only urge you to get yourself aquatinted with this authors work. As for those readers who are anxiously waiting to read ‘Rival’ I can assure you that you will not be disappointed. Mrs Douglas has outdone herself and provided a novel that had me glued to every chapter and has more than filled my need for an angst filled, love story fix. With plenty of story telling to keep you interested and characters that are as bold as this authors shining talent the only complaint I now have is that I’m now back in the queue waiting for the next release by this author. Predictably so, five star books are what I crave and from start to finish ‘Rival’ had that unforgettable quality stamped all over it, I have no regrets with my time spent here and I’m sure this book will find itself being re read over and over again. Until then I’ll be satisfying my addiction with reading my most favourite quotes and I’m looking forward to seeing other readers fall in love as much as I did. Enjoy … Kisses.


Grab the rest of the series ♦ 
Bully (Fall Away, #1) 
Until You (Fall Away, #1.5)
Penelope Douglas is a writer in Las Vegas. Born in Dubuque, Iowa, she is the oldest of five children. Penelope attended the University of Northern Iowa, earning a Bachelor’s degree in Public Administration, because her father told her to “just get the degree!” She then earned a Masters of Science in Education at Loyola University in New Orleans, because she hated Public Administration. One night, she got tipsy and told the bouncer at the bar where she worked that his son was hot, and three years later they were married. To the son, not the bouncer. They have spawn, but just one. A daughter named Aydan. Penelope loves sweets, The Originals, and she shops at Target almost daily.
Penelope is offering up the following prizes. The giveaways are international and ends at 11:59 PM CST 09/15/2014.
·         (2) $100 gift cards for either Amazon or B&N winners choice
·         (2) Signed paperbacks of Rival
·         (1) Signed set paperbacks of Bully, Until You and Rival

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Book Spotlight, Review & Author Interview: ☆Thin Love☆ by @EdenButler_

Love isn’t supposed to be an addiction. It isn’t supposed to leave you bleeding.

Kona pushed, Keira pulled, and in their wake, they left behind destruction.

She sacrificed everything for him.

It wasn’t enough.

But the wounds of the past can never be completely forgotten and still the flame remains, slumbers between the pleasure of yesterday and the thought of what might have been.

Now, sixteen years later, Keira returns home to bury the mother who betrayed her, just as Kona tries to hold onto what remains of his NFL career with the New Orleans Steamers. Across the crowded bustle of a busy French Market, their paths collide, conjuring forgotten memories of a consuming touch, skin on skin, and the still smoldering fire that begs to be rekindled.

When Kona realizes the trifecta of betrayal—his, Keira’s and those lies told to keep them apart—his life is irrevocably changed and he once again takes Keira down with him into the fire that threatens to ignite them both.

On a limited time sale for only $2.99 through 9/7

5 Unforgettable Stars

I don’t want easy. I want the impossible. I want love so thick, I drown in it; it’s the only thing worth having.

I cannot tell you the last time I was this invested in a romance between two characters where it drowned out absolutely everything; reason, logic, life, EVERYTHING but the need to keep turning the pages to know what happens next. This story was everything to me. It was beautiful, tragic, emotional, and absolutely unputdownable. If you’re an angst whore like me, you will love this book, and even if you’re an angst avoider, this book will convert you. This had everything that I absolutely love in a story; an angsty love story between 2 incredibly endearing yet broken characters, a hate at first sight meeting that grows to love, and a lovers reunited story that’s so beautiful it’s unforgettable.

This is a story about young love and the mistakes that go along with it. A love so thick, it’s almost toxic. A love so devastating it’s impossible to forget. It’s a story of mistakes, regrets, forgiveness and redemption. It’s a story with two characters who feel everything as deep as it gets; love and anger. A story of two people that are different yet also so similar that they’re almost bad for one another, yet a love that’s so strong it’s undeniable. This book is a hidden gem that I can only describe to you in 3 short words: A MUST READ.

Told in 2 parts, it begins in present day, flashes back to retell the epic love that burned but never burned out 16 years ago, and then picks back up in present day. But before you find out how it ends, you need to know how it all began…

Kona, I get the feeling you might end up being my favorite mistake.

Keira Riley and Kona Hale were not a match made in heaven and they certainly didn’t even like each other at first sight. Keira is an 18 year old college student that’s felt a weight on her no child should ever feel; first the weight of her father’s sickness and addiction, and then the weight of her overbearing mother with little thought to Keira’s desires. She focuses on school and escapes in her music, until a chance meeting with the school’s resident manwhore and football golden boy changes her life irrevocably.

Kona Hale doesn’t do relationships or love, he does football. Living under a weight of his own to constantly prove his worth, he knows that his football career is the most important thing. He doesn’t give Keira a second glance until they’re put to work on a school project together and her fiery temper finally gets his notice.

That live wire was too damn tempting and he wanted to burn in her. He wanted to burn in her so bad.

Their love story was anything but an easy read, but it will grab you from beginning to end. The chemistry between them is so strong and fiery it practically leaps off the pages and grips you by the heart. They’re not perfect, they’re hot tempered and make terrible mistakes that hurts more often than not. But when it’s good, OH MY GAWD is it good.

She wanted this. Him. Her. Their touch, the magic in every brush of his fingers, the glide of his tongue, with her always. It was needy, desperate and she loved the white hot craving of him, of how her body reacted to him, how her heart hammered hard like an earthquake.

Their love burns hot, until the blaze becomes too much and burns them both in a devastating mistake that leaves both Kona and Keira shattered.

I couldn’t put this book down. I honestly don’t remember the last time I had such a visceral reaction to a story that I felt everything along with the characters. My enjoyment of the story drowned out everything that I would logically dislike anywhere else. The writing was in 3rd person POV told in present tense, which more often than not, doesn’t work for me. But the writing was so brilliant that I was able to completely disregard it. I didn’t care that my logical mind wanted a reason behind Kona’s mother spiteful and hateful behavior. I couldn’t find it in me to care about any slight imperfection beyond this beautifully tragic love story. It was THAT good.

The second half of the book gives you the more mature versions of Kona and Keira, who are now in completely different points of their life but fate finds them together again. It gives you a beautiful second chance love story that’s also perfectly imperfect.

You were mine and I never loved anything more. I never wanted anything or anyone like I wanted you. Like I still want you. My always, Keira. You’re still my always.

I finished this book on Tuesday and still can’t stop myself from thinking about it and it’s just one of those books that will stay with me. I simply cannot recommend it enough. After stalking the author I saw that Ransom’s book is next, and I’m waiting with bated breath to get my hands on his story.

And if my review hasn’t convinced you to give this book a try, let me reiterate it again, READ IT. You won’t be sorry. It’s a love story that will gut you at times, but not one you’ll soon be forgetting.

Author Interview
Hi Eden! I’m so excited to have you here at Dirty Girl Romance especially since I’m still trying to get over Thin Love. What a book hangover <3

DGR: Can you introduce yourself to the readers that may have not yet discovered the awesome that is you? 😉

EB: Well, let’s see…I’m from southeast Louisiana, home of the BEST NFL team ever, the New Orleans Saints (WHO DAT?), I am married to a man I can’t stop kissing and I have three daughters who do their level best to keep my hair gray. I keep my hairdresser in cash, trust me. I’ve been writing professional for ten years (mostly scif and fantasy) and work in the Seventh Circle of Corporate Hell where I literally copy and paste for a living. It’s freakin thrilling, I’m telling ya. / sarcasm.

I published my first romance novel, CHASING SERENITY, last October after my friend Kele Moon told me to…she’s very bossy and I’ve loved it. THIN LOVE is my fourth novel and it’s not part of the Serenity series.

DGR:  Thin Love was such a beautiful and at times devastating story of love, mistakes, forgiveness and second chances. What inspired you to write this book?

EB: Oh girl. If you only knew. LOL I had this daydream about a guy staring at a girl he once loved across a crowd. Then came this kid who looked an awful lot like him and it all sort of fell into place after that. But a lot of the toxicity in the novel, the anger, the passion, comes from bad mistakes I’ve made, that my friends have made in the past. I mainly wanted to delve into the idea of toxic, dangerous love and find out if those kinds of relationships can ever be healthy.

DGR:  I know I definitely had a mental picture for Kona when I was reading (*cough* Jason Mamoa *cough*) Who would be your dream casting for Kona and Keira?

EB: Keira is sort of faceless to me. A bit of the girl next door, but Kona is and always will be Mr. The Rock, Dwayne Johnson.

DGR: Can you describe Thin Love for us in 5 words or less?

EB: Exhausting, Thrilling, Passionate, Insane, Always

DGR: Ransom was one of my favorite characters (after Keira and Kona of course). I believe you  mentioned that his book may be coming next? Any more you can tell us about it?

EB: Man, Ransom, that poor kid. He’s definitely not a normal teenager and I think that comes from Keira relying on him so much. Maybe that’s a bad thing, but really they sort of grew up together and that made him more mature, more logical than his peers. But since his parents were both insane as teenagers/young adults, he sort of inherited their anger. In his novel, you’ll see an older Ransom who has just gone through something devastating. He’ll be different, he’ll be even wiser, but you’ll definitely see him dealing with the same anger that only loves brings out. In the end, because of what he’s learned from his parents, you’ll see him growing even further and falling in love very, very deeply. (Read: He’s gonna have THE SEX…but don’t tell Keira)

DGR: What was your favorite part to write about this book?

EB: I don’t know if I can pinpoint one certain part that was my favorite. Writing this book was very cathartic for me. It allowed me to exorcise some very, very old demons. But I will tell you when I wrote that scene with Keira and Kona where she asks if he still loves her? Yeah. I stopped breathing there for a moment. Very proud of that scene.

DGR: And what about the hardest part for you to write?

EB: The accident. I didn’t want what happened to happen. I loved that character a lot and really didn’t want them to die. I fretted over that for a long time, even had a two hour brain storming session with my bestie about that death. In the end, the story demanded it. It had to happen. *kicks the ground*

DGR: What’s coming up next for you? Any upcoming releases we can anticipate?

EB: I’m working on the Keira/Kona wedding novella and the third book in my Serenity series, CLAIMING SERENITY which I think will be hilarious. After that is the final book in my Serenity series and then I’m spending a lot of time playing in Ransom’s world.

DGR: Anything you’d like to leave the readers with?

EB: I’d just like to thank everyone for the support. It’s been an overwhelming year and I am humbled by the love everyone has given to my books. *My cup runneth over*

Eden Butler is an editor and writer of New Adult Romance and SciFi and Fantasy novels and the nine-times great-granddaughter of an honest-to-God English pirate. This could explain her affinity for rule breaking and rum. Her debut novel, a New Adult, Contemporary (no cliffie) Romance, “Chasing Serenity” launched in October 2013 and quickly became an Amazon bestseller. 

When she’s not writing or wondering about her possibly Jack Sparrowesque ancestor, Eden edits, reads and spends way too much time watching rugby, Doctor Who and New Orleans Saints football. 

She is currently living under teenage rule alongside her husband in southeast Louisiana. 

Please send help.

Connect with Eden

Blog Tour, Review & #Giveaway: ☆Debt Inheritance☆ by @PepperWinters

“I own you. I have the piece of paper to prove it. It’s undeniable and unbreakable. You belong to me until you’ve paid off your debts.”

Nila Weaver’s family is indebted. Being the first born daughter, her life is forfeit to the first born son of the Hawks to pay for sins of ancestors past. The dark ages might have come and gone, but debts never leave. She has no choice in the matter.

She is no longer free.

Jethro Hawk receives Nila as an inheritance present on his twenty-ninth birthday. Her life is his until she’s paid off a debt that’s centuries old. He can do what he likes with her—nothing is out of bounds—she has to obey.

There are no rules. Only payments.

A modern day Dark Erotic Romance

5 The world was a dangerous place, but I was worse Stars

You live in a fairytale, princess, and I’m about to destroy it.

Holy mother of WOW. I have recently sworn off serials after one too many cliffys left me a ragey mess, but it’s Pepper Winters and there’s no way I was going to pass this one by and DAMN am I glad I didn’t. You know the thing that I’ve come to truly love about this author? The unpredictability of her writing. What I mean is, no one character is alike. If I didn’t know I was reading a Pepper Winters book, I don’t think I would have guessed it. Jethro Hawk is no Fox and he’s no Q. This is the ultimate anti-hero. He’s cold, he’s brutal, and there is no question after finishing this mind fuck of a book that I am truly and utterly hooked. Will I be waiting until all the books release to read the rest? Fuck no. I will be waiting and begging for any and all scraps that Pepper throws my way and reading these books THE DAY they come out. I don’t even care about the cliffys. It’s THAT good.
This had to be one of the best anti-heroes I’ve read to date. If you think that Jethro is cold and ruthless until he meets Nila and all of a sudden his uncontrollable lust for her makes him question everything he does to her…think again.

There was no compassion in his light-brown eyes. No sympathy or even guilt. How did he have the power to be so close to me- to grow hard wanting me- and know all along my fate?

Only a special person could do that. A person who wasn’t born of this world but brimstone and fire. From hell.

I spent the entire book waiting for a chink in his armor…good thing I didn’t hold my breath because there was none. Not in this book anyway. Don’t go into this expecting a romance. Eroticism? Hell yes. But you’ll find no romance here, not yet.
Nila Weaver’s family is indebted. What for? That will be the biggest question you have and keep you turning the pages with bated breath…only to find more questions. Nila is a famous designer that’s been sheltered her whole life growing up in a loving and affluent family. But all that changes the day a mysterious man with golden eyes comes for her.
Nila may be sheltered and inexperienced, but this is a heroine that has a hidden core of strength that only grows stronger and more pronounced as the story progresses.
I devoured this book. Although this is a serial, it’s a book length of 255 pages. And you know what? Not a sentence was wasted. The character development was phenomenal. Jethro Hawke is a hero you will love to hate. He equal parts terrified me and turned me on, which is no small feat to accomplish.

Coldness etched his gaze.

Aloofness whispered from his posture.

Calculation radiated from his every pore.
I’d never been so intimidated or so intimately challenged.

Unpredictable. Gritty. Erotic. Unputdownable. Filled with enough twists and turns this book will leave you questioning everything, never knowing up from down and right from wrong. Just as I thought I knew where the story was headed, I’d be thrown for another loop. Pepper Winters is truly an evil genius. Even the damn cliffy was fitting. I couldn’t imagine this book ending a different way. It was perfect (even if it did leave me an anxious mess for the next one). Now to wait 8-10 weeks for the next one just may kill me.

I would enjoy ruining Nila, because I liked breaking things. But not in a gruesome barbaric way. I liked to break them smoothly, gently, ruthlessly. I liked to think I transformed creatures from their present to their potential.
**ARC gifted to Dirty Girl Romance blog in exchange for an honest review**

Pepper Winters wears many roles. Some of them include writer, reader, sometimes wife. She loves dark, taboo stories that twist with your head. The more tortured the hero, the better, and she constantly thinks up ways to break and fix her characters. Oh, and sex… her books have sex.
She loves to travel and has an amazing, fabulous hubby who puts up with her love affair with her book boyfriends.
Her Dark Erotica books include:
Tears of Tess (Monsters in the Dark #1)
Quintessentially Q (Monsters in the Dark #2)
Her Grey Romance books include:
STALK Pepper: 
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ebook of Debt Inheritance (5 Winners)

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Release Day Blast, Review & #Giveaway: ☆Be My Hero☆ by @lindakage and ☆Surviving Love☆ by Ada Frost

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Eva Mercer’s a mess. She’s single, nineteen, seven
months pregnant, and living off the good graces of her cousin. In the midst of a complete attitude overhaul—or at least trying to change—the last thing she wants to think about is men. She’s done with them. For good. Or at least she was until Pick.

For ten years, Pick Ryan has dreamed about this girl. He knows how she smells, what it’s like to hold her in his arms, how she tastes when he kisses her. But he’s never actually met her. He doesn’t even know her name. He just knows she’s the one. It’s his brand of luck that she would walk into the bar where he works on the very day he gets married to someone else.

Pick and Eva come from completely different worlds,
and yet the connection they share draws them together too tightly to matter. Nothing can keep them apart—except maybe a three-month-old boy whose life depends on just that. And so, their love becomes forbidden.
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5 stars
You don’t even know what your mere presence does to me. You’re my sanity.

If you’ve read To Professor, with Love then just like me you’ve been dying to get your hands on Pick’s book ever since. I’m a huge fan of Linda Kage’s writing and this book further proves why. While some may not like the particular twist that was added here, I absolutely adored it. It spoke to a hopeless romantic part of me that I never even knew I had.

My favorite part? Patrick “Pick” Ryan. How do you not instantly fall for everything that he is?

He appeared to be a bad boy straight from the wrong side of town. But there was something NOT bad boy about him. He simply didn’t look like the type who didn’t give a damn about life. His deep brown eyes held too much compassion and vivacity.

If ever there was a perfect sump up of who he was, that was it. Sure he’s tatted up and pierced, but this is no bad boy asshole. Pick had a gentle heart and an even gentler soul. A protector. He was THE perfect match for Eva.

Eva is not quite the spoiled rich girl that she had appeared to be at first. This is a girl that is truly broken. Just how broken? Well you certainly don’t get eased into her history. The very first few pages offer you a very harsh glimpse into the reality that is her life.

Eva has very good reason to distrust men and shy away from relationships. With her history, it’s no wonder that she believes even the nicest of men hide a bastard beneath the good looking surface, even her cousin’s boyfriend, Mason.

Pick couldn’t be more different. This is a man that not only believes in true love, he yearns for it. Years ago he got a “glimpse” of what his life could be when he met his soul mate, and he’s been looking for her since. So when his “vision” walks into the bar where he works, he knows he’ll stop at nothing to be with her.

I knew exactly what it felt like to thrust inside this woman. I knew exactly how she looked when she bit her bottom lip when she came, how her muscles clenched around my cock and her breasts arched against my chest. Yet I’d never had sex with her, never actually seen her naked, never even kissed her.

What follows is a touching and beautiful love story between two very unlikely people. While Evan and Pick couldn’t have been more different, they are more similar that they realize.

I couldn’t get enough of them. What could have been a story that was insta-everything, truly wasn’t. Linda managed to paint a believable and truly heartwarming connection between two people that were the perfect addition to feed the other’s void. It was in a word; perfect.

Readers that want more of Mason and Reese will get that here IN SPADES. But the focus was on the love story of Pick and Eva. I can’t begin to describe to you how much I loved it. And this is coming from someone that rarely enjoys “sweet”. Yet this is what it was. It was a sweet romance with a touch of steam and a little angst with some WTF twists thrown in that you’ll never see coming. It will keep you glued to the book from beginning to finish. I’m head over heals in love with this series.

I’m really looking forward to Quinn and Ten’s books next. Linda Kage is definitely now one of my go-to authors when I want a NA book that I’m pretty much guaranteed to love. I simply can’t recommend this book enough. Read it and see what all my gushing about. Trust me. You’ll love Pick as much if not more than I did.

**ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review**

About the Author
I grew up on a dairy farm in the Midwest as the youngest of eight children. Now I live in Kansas with my husband, daughter, and our nine cuckoo clocks. My life’s been blessed with lots of people to learn from and love. Writing’s always been a major part my world, and I’m so happy to finally share some of my stories with other romance lovers.

What do you do when you find out you’re pregnant,
your boyfriend rejects you, your sister is beaten half to death and the most annoyingly gorgeous man takes up residence in your house? Well ladies, there is only one thing to do, pull up your big girl knickers and show the world your middle finger.

Louise Beaumont is renowned for her sharp wit, smart mouth and sassy personality. She comes out swinging in an argument, even when she’s wrong. But even some events in life can knock her on her arse. And fighting through the sludge of emotional pressure she’s had poured over her is taking its toll.

Johan Senior is broken. A man with a deeply
traumatic past, shadows and monsters haunt his every waking hour. That is until a heavenly angel is sent in the form of a loud mouthed chestnut haired vixen, who threatens his manhood countless times. But his heart grabs onto her and refuses to let her go. The only problem is, his mind needs to allow him the pleasure of human touch, and to take that terrifying step of allowing someone into his heart.Part of the Surviving series but can be read as a standalone novel.
About the Author
Hi! What to say about myself…I don’t really have anything interesting to offer other than I love to read, and create stories for others to enjoy. I’ve always been told I have a vivid imagination, I just lacked the confidence to pursue putting it onto the the written page. But finally I embarked on making a single dream come true.
I love to read, and write. I only read romance, any genre really, but it has to have a beautiful romance. I also demand a HEA, even if it takes two or three books to get there. Reality is too broken and jaded without having to live through the trauma and angst in a book for it to end unhappily.

ARC Review: ☆Lead☆ by @KylieScottbooks

leadAs the lead singer of Stage Dive, Jimmy is used to getting whatever he wants, whenever he wants it, whether it’s booze, drugs, or women. However, when a PR disaster serves as a wake-up call about his life and lands him in rehab, he finds himself with Lena, a new assistant to keep him out of trouble.

Lena’s not willing to take any crap from the sexy rocker and is determined to keep their relationship completely professional, despite their sizzling chemistry. But when Jimmy pushes her too far and Lena leaves, he realizes that he may just have lost the best thing that ever happened to him.

The Stage Dive series by Kylie Scott:
Lick (Stage Dive #1): Amazon / B&N / Goodreads
Play (Stage Dive #2): Amazon / B&N / Goodreads
Deep (Stage Dive #4) available on January 6th, 2015: Amazon / B&N /Goodreads


5 God damn mother-fucking rock stars Stars

He always seemed so polished, so perfect, you could almost ignore the chaos and pain living inside of him.

I kid you not, this series only gets better with each new book. I had some high hopes for Jimmy’s story, and Kylie Scott not only managed to meet them but blow them out of the water.

See, here’s the thing. I have this thing for almost nonredeemable bad boy assholes. If they just happen to be almost nonredeemable rock star bad boy assholes? All the better. It’s a condition that I have recently diagnosed as AssholeLustitis. True story.

Enter Jimmy Ferris, the lead singer of Stage Dive, recovering addict, and all around giant dick (pun most definitely intended)

This was Jimmy is all his glory, rude as fuck and not a single social nicety to him.

Having scared off most of his assistants and outright refusing a sobriety companion, Jimmy needs someone. And his band mates think they have just the ticket to what he needs when they meet Lena. So they make her an offer she can’t refuse. Be Jimmy’s 24hr companion, live in his house, oh and earn pretty much double what she’s currently earning as an assistant to the band’s manager.

Lena is used to dealing with assholes. She’s sassy, quit witted, sharp-tongued and in 2 words? Fucking awesome. Her internal monologue had me laughing throughout the entire book.

I’m so tempted to just punch you in the junk right now and be done with it. I mean, it has to happen sooner or later, right?”

Whoops…sorry. Got carried away there. See the thing is, Lena was such a great heroine it was impossible not to root for her. The banter between the two was some of the best I’ve read. I’m talking laugh out loud funny. I’m talking wanting to reach through your kindle to fist bump her funny.

Do you actually expect me to jump around like an idiot?”
“It would amuse me.”
“Don’t make me kill you at this hour of the morning, Jimmy. It’s not civilized.”

Lena has no issues dealing with Jimmy’s broody, moody, and general assholness. Yes, assholness is not really a word, but work with me here. The problem begins when she starts to develop feelings for the asshole. And given her history with men? Well, let’s just say the cards are not exactly stacked in her favor.

I have in my time dated a cheater, a thief, a repressed homosexual, a foot fetishist, and various men who just wanted a chance to meet my sister.”
“Why’s the foot fetishist so bad?”
“Always with the strappy high heels. My toes were killing me.”

Jimmy knows he’s no good for anyone and certainly not worthy of anyone’s love. So he sets out to dissuade Lena of her crush and prove to her just how bad he is for her. Too bad he can’t stop the sizzling chemistry that brews between them.

Lena may be incredibly attracted to Jimmy, but that doesn’t mean she turns a blind eye to his more…let’s go with faults.

His smile, oh god his smile, I wanted to wipe it off his face with a pickaxe. I’d be gentle, you could trust me.

Ummmm…alrighty then

Let’s not forget about the rest of the band mates, because I loved catching up with all the guys. I actually think this is how I prefer Mal…in small doses…in someone else’s book. He was just full of great advise here.

Interesting. I’m going to tell you what I told Killer at puppy training today when he tried to mount a teacup poodle he’d only just met. If she means something to you, you gotta do the woo, son. You can’t just be trying to stick it in.

Or not. Maybe? Whatever. For Mal this was practically genius.

Kylie Scott did a phenomenal job in building an almost unbearable sexual tension. I’m talking the burn of all burns here. But it was perfect for the story. I really don’t think it would have been as good had they been thrown into bed together too soon. And when Jimmy finally gives in to the scorching hot chemistry between them? Let’s just say he REALLY doesn’t disappoint.

He ate me like a man deprived, starved.
He ate me like I was his favorite meal.
Vaguely related, apparently singers had excellent tongue control and strength. Bless them for that, many, many times over.

Right…I think I heard this in a song once too

So let’s sum it up here; gorgeous lead singer of a popular band, asshole with redeemable qualities, and then there are his OTHER qualities…

I stared at his cock, mesmerized. Even encased in rubber it remained a thing of true beauty. Had I any talent with a pen, I’d have written it poems. A haiku perhaps.
I was hypnotized, helpless. Cock-struck.

It was a thing of beauty. Didn’t hurt that he happened to be packing quite the love sword, huh?

You lucky bitch.

Jimmy may be on the road to recovery and he does his best to get Lena to stay as his assistant, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t fuck up. And when he does it? He certainly does it thoroughly.

Stupid Jimmy Ferris and his amazing mouth and penis. Who needed him? Not me, I could look after myself.
That’s why god invented vibrators, thank you very much. Masturbation was so much safer. My fingers never gave me this sort of trouble.

So why even put up with his shit?

Oh shut it, Jimmy. No one asked you. It’s true, but still.

Throw in Jimmy and David’s crazy mother, Jimmy’s issues, and Lena’s luck with men and you got yourself an addicting, unputdownable, laugh out loud, entertaining and sexy read. Kylie Scott truly has outdone herself with this book. It had everything and in just the right amount. The banter, the sexual chemistry, the sex, the story. EVERYTHING. And that little teaser at the end for Ben? Gah! I just may die a little waiting for his book to come out.

So if you’re looking for a sexy and funny rock star romance, you really need to look no further than this. Seriously. Read it. You’ll thank me for it. And I thank you

**ARC courtesy of publisher in exchange for an honest review**

ARC Review: ☆Three Years☆ by @LiliStGermain1


**Please note this book is a dark romance and deals with serious themes.*

Every day for six years, I used to pray that I would find my way back to the boy I loved.
Until finally, one day, I did.
But that’s the funny thing about life. Nothing good ever lasts, not for me, anyway. You think you’re the one with the power, at least I did, but then I got careless. One tiny mistake, and now I am powerless to stop what comes next.
People think money equals power, but all the money in my bank account, the dirty notes laundered clean that my father left for me, are useless.
Money does not equal power. Power is held by the one with the knife in his hand, tracing shallow cuts into your skin.
Power is held by the one who owns you.
I had power once.
Now, I have nothing.
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Four sons dead before you even fucking noticed me.

Oh. My. GOD.
Oh. My. Feels.
Oh. My. Sanity.
Oh. Mylanta.

No really. I needed that shit after finishing this book with my throat in my stomach, my nails bit to shit and back, and the worse case of book caused indigestion EVAR!!!

Lili St Germain is a full time evil genius and a part time sadist. That is the only thing I have left to say about this series. This incredibly fucked up, addicting like crack series. Each time I think my mind has been fucked with enough and it can’t possibly get any worse?


The next book comes along and blows me away.

This is not a book for the faint of heart. This is not a book for the squeamish. And it sure as FUCK isn’t a book if you like your sleep. Because it will keep you up all night reading…in one sitting…utterly incapable of putting it down. PERIOD.

If you haven’t read the previous books, stop right now and read no further. While this review will be spoiler free for this book, it will contain spoilers from the previous 4. These are not books you can read out of order.

Four books it has all been leading up to this moment. This one moment that will grip you by the throat and not let go until the last page. You knew it was going to happen. You didn’t know when. And you certainly had no idea it would be THIS bad when it does happen. The storm was brewing, and now it’s here…

But I’m smarter than you, better than you, more DEPRAVED that you, little girl. You ventured into my playground and now I’ve got you in my web.


What do you get when you cross two vengeful beasts?
You get a war. And I’m the fucking winner.”

I’ve said it before and I will say it again, these books have become crack to me. I’m addicted and each time one ends I’m a twitching impatient mess just waiting to get my next fix.

This latest installment of the Gypsy Brothers serial was filled with pain, depravity, and enough twists and turns that you’re barely able to keep up. Think I’ll tell you more than that? Think again. You simply must read it.

But prepare yourself for a mindfuck of an ending. While I can’t say it was quite as bad as the one in the previous book, it was such a shocking twist and one I never in a million years saw coming. I guess such is the genius of Lili. She’s able to keep you guessing and never knowing which end is up. And if it makes me a fucked up mess of a reader for loving every minute of it? Well sign me up for the crazy train, because I cannot wait to see how it all ends.

But now to wait until Sept 28 for the next book?!!

**ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review**

Read it in order!

Welcome to Venice Beach, California. Home to the Gypsy Brothers motorcycle club.

: My Review
: My Review
: My Review
: My Review

Purchase the series here:

ARC Review: ☆Ricochet☆ by @Skye_Jordan

After a tragic incident in Afghanistan leaves Master Sergeant Nathan Ryker the only man standing in his tight-knit team, he spirals into an alcohol-and-sex induced escape. A call from his lifelong buddy pulls Ryker from the shadows with a request for help with his stunt company’s latest blockbuster. If Ryker can survive the next three weeks of leave and get back to his remaining men, he might just be all right. But a sexy woman who can take his mind off his trauma is too hard to resist, and when he hooks up with Renegades’ sultry, snarky office manager, his sanity takes a backseat to his first glimpse of a future he isn’t sure he deserves.

Still reeling from a bitter romantic betrayal, Rachel Hart wants nothing more than an uncomplicated hookup. So when the mysterious Nathan seduces her with a little dirty talk and one delicious kiss, Rachel drowns all her good sense in a Mandarin and soda and gives herself over to a night of sexual bliss. But her memories tarnish in the morning light when Rachel discovers his real identity and his link to Renegades. Her job and her friends are the only thing holding her life together, and she won’t be ruined by one sultry night with this damaged and dangerously sexy man.

5 Best in the Series Stars

Ricochet was a negative theme in his life, one that caused way too much collateral damage…

I have been hooked with this series ever since I first read and absolutely loved Reckless. Now while the second book wasn’t quite as good due to a heroine that I wanted to punch in the throat more often than not, this book managed to completely blow it out of the water for me. I loved every page. It was sexy, it was emotional, it was beautiful, it was perfect.

Rachel Hart is used to seeing incredibly sexy men on a daily basis and not batting an eye lash. Being the assistant to the Renegades team is no small feat. She loved her job and she’s not looking to compromise that for any man. Actually, scratch that, she doesn’t want to get involved with any man period. One heartbreaking betrayal is enough to put her off of relationships for a long while. But a girl still has needs right?

Master Sergeant Nathan Ryker is a broken man. After a tragic incident on tour in Afghanistan leaves the sexy Ranger with living nightmares that haunt his every waking minute he attempts to drown them out the only way he knows how…alcohol and women. He’s not meant for relationships, but he can definitely offer one sultry night. When his long time friend and Renegade, Troy, asks for his explosions knowledge assistant on set of a major movie stunt, he grudgingly agrees and then he meets the woman that just may offer him the distraction he needs while he’s on leave for 3 weeks.

When she’s sent to pick up “Ryker” from the airport but after a few drinks at the bar she meets the mysterious and sexy “Nathan” instead, Rachel doesn’t give it a second thought. Too bad reality comes crashing down on her the very next day when she realizes the two men are one in the same, and her no mixing business with pleasure rule is suddenly blown to smithereens. Good thing Ryker is quite capable of handling the Ricochet. (ha! See what I did there?)

I don’t want complicated. I don’t want forever. I just want simple. No strings.

Oh I get you, Rachel, really, I do. Luckily Ryker is very much up (ahem) for the task, right?

I’m offering you exactly what you want. No-strings, no-shame, no-limits, no-complications, wicked-good sex. Complete with a agreed-upon end date, a vow of secrecy, and an eight-thousand-mile anti-stalking guarantee when it’s over.”

And when you put it like that, Ryker, I’m not sure about Rachel but

Rachel is no fool to pass up such a tempting offer. And tempting it is. How good is he, Rachel?

Jesus, that man really fucks. He’s focused, absorbed, almost…”
“Obsessed?” Rubi supplied in the same hushed tone.
“Totally. It’s enthralling. All encompassing. Like nothing else exists.” She sighed, letting the delicious memory wash through her. “Un-fucking-forgettable.”

Right then.

And Ryker, was it good for you?

Well of course you did. Rachel may be a nice and proper girl at work, but between the sheets she really lets loose. Not that I blame her. You are all kinds of delicious.

While the story definitely had it’s share of steam…and LAWD was it steamy, it was Nathan’s struggle with PTSD that truly captured my heart. I’m not even going to lie, there’s some parts that managed to bring a tear or two even to my cold and black little heart. Skye Jordan did an incredible job with painting a picture of a realistic and heartbreaking struggle of a man fighting some dark demons and his road to get better.

Rachel was possibly my favorite heroine in the series. She was the perfect match to Ryker. Once she got past her own struggles, she really came into her own.

I may not know what you’ve been through. I may not ever be able to understand the depth or extremity of the suffering you’ve seen or done, but I can see an open wound…

While I would have loved an epilogue, I don’t think I can come up with one complaint for this book and can’t wait for more from this author. I love that each book also gives us another peak into the loves of the previous couples, and it was great catching up with all of them here. Now I’ll just be sitting here and slowly dying in my wait for Troy’s book. It can’t get here soon enough 

☆ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review and a whole lot of squeeing…true story☆

Blog Tour, Review, & #Giveaway: ☆Until We Fly☆ by @Court_Writes

UNTIL WE FLY is an amazing NA contemporary romance and the fourth novel in Courtney’s Beautifully Broken Series!!
Until We Fly

Ex-Army Ranger, Brand Killien, has always been good.

A good friend, a good soldier, a good everything. .

The problem is, good hasn’t gotten him anything but a crushed heart.

So after licking his wounds, he decides to move on. And moving on doesn’t include being good anymore.

Bad sounds so much better.

Jaded and detached, Brand is determined to never open himself up to anyone again. It’s not worth the pain. Instead, he becomes closed, hardened, aloof.

But then he’s called back home for a family emergency… a family that he is estranged from. A family that he put out of his mind a long time ago for very good reasons…reasons that involve secrets and pain. Reasons he tried hard to forget.

But home is where the heart is, and it just might be where Brand finds his again.

Why? Because home is where Nora Greene is. A fiery, red-headed spitfire, Nora is a thing from his past. A beautiful, feisty thing. When Brand left, she was away at boarding school.

But she’s back now.

And she wants Brand, scars and all.

Amazon / Barnes & Noble/ iBooks

5 BRANDed Stars

Being brave doesn’t mean not being afraid, Nora. It means being afraid and doing it anyway.”

If there’s one thing I know when I read a Courtney Cole book it’s that the woman is going to take all my emotions and feels and fuck with them like the sadist that she sure has to be. I’ve been a fan of this series since the very first book, and each one has managed to burrow inside me and stay. While I can’t say I loved the last book, Before We Fall, this one managed to blow me away. Emotional, captivating, steamy and unputdownable, Until We Fly is going to put you on an emotional roller coaster filled with twists and turns, but you’re going to love the ride.

What I love about Courtney’s books, are her characters. Those beautifully broken characters that never fail to tug at every single one of my heartstrings. And Brand? Well Brand I have been dying to get my hands on since first meeting him in If You Leave. He’s so different from most heroes you’d find in books these days. Yes he’s a sexy as hell, tatted up Army Ranger. So what sets him aside? He’s a nice guy. This is not a womanizing asshole. Nope. But he’s broken in his own way. Demons from his past continue to haunt his present, and Brand just learns to deal with it.

I knew that the woman that will finally steal Brand’s heart will have to be special. After putting it all out there and being there for everyone (Jacey in particular), Brand deserves a woman that would pursue him. And that’s definitely what he got with Nora.

Nora has practically been in love with Brand since she was a teenager. But then he left the small town they both grew up in and hadn’t returned since. Now he’s back to settle his father’s estate after his passing, and presents the perfect opening for Nora to make her move. When Brand gets injured rescuing her from the site of an accident, she has her perfect opportunity.

Nora seemingly has it all. Being the daughter of one of the most influential and richest families in town, a Stanford law graduate and on her way to work in her father’s company, her life is set. Only problem? It’s not what she wants. What she wants if even for a little bit, is Brand. Pure, wholesome, clean, hero Brand.

Nora is not shy about pursuing him, and she really doesn’t pull her punches when it comes to her seduction. Stuck in a cottage together with Nora taking care of him, Brand can only resist her for so long.

Nora hides her own demons. Demons that continue to haunt even her waking minutes. Demons that no amount of scrubbing and cleaning will ever cleanse from her soul. Demons that only quiet in the presence of Brand.

But I’m desperate, just for a few weeks, to see if I can lose myself in Brand. To see if his goodness can eclipse that part of me that is so irrevocably damaged, just for a little while.

Can’t say I blame her, Brand really was absolute perfection

What first started out as a strings-free summer fling, soon begins to turn into something much more for both Brand and Nora. But beyond the love story and the steamy sex scenes was an incredible story about 2 very broken characters and their journey to healing themselves.

This book, for me anyway, was probably one of the most emotional. It was filled with twists that I never saw coming and a story that kept me glued to my Kindle until the very last page. And that last chapter? Well you definitely know you’ve read a 5 star book when the last chapter manages to make you tear up like a baby. I almost didn’t want it to end. I could probably ramble on and on, but why read my review when you can experience it for yourself?

If you haven’t yet read this series, it is a must read. While you could read this as a standalone, I’d recommend starting with at least If You Leave so you can really get a better grasp of Brand’s character. But Courtney certainly gives you enough background that you wouldn’t be lost starting with this book. Definitely a huge rec from me.

**ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review**

And don’t miss the other Beautifully Broken, now available:
Beautifully Broken series 1-3

Praise for the Beautifully Broken Series:

“I loved If You Stay. Like, really really loved it. The kind of love that kept me reading until 2:40 am and left me crying, smiling, devastated, and elated. The best kind of book love.” – Andrea, The Bookish Babe

“Beautiful, raw, gritty, emotional and breath-taking are just a few of the words I can find to describe this book…reading this book was one of the best experiences I have had.” –Amanda, Globug and Hootie Need a Book

“In If You Leave, we continue the wild ride Courtney Cole started us on in If You Stay. This raw story of heartbreak and hope solidifies Cole’s standing as a rising star in hot contemporary romance.”New York Times Bestselling author of Down to You, M. Leighton

“Another raw, gritty masterpiece with a sexy-as-hell Army Ranger to swoon over.” — K.A. Tucker, author of Ten Tiny Breaths

Courtney Cole is a novelist who would eat mythology for breakfast if she could. She has a degree in Business, but has since discovered that corporate America is not nearly as fun to live in as fictional worlds. She loves chocolate and roller coasters and hates waiting and rude people.

Courtney lives in quiet suburbia, close to Lake Michigan, with her real-life Prince Charming, her ornery kids (there is a small chance that they get their orneriness from their mother) and a small domestic zoo.

Copyright © 2015 · Dirty Girl Romance

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