Blog Tour & #Giveaway: #SweetRuin by @NazareaAndrews

It’s good to be on top… Asher Knox has it all. Girls, wealth, a career most would kill for. He’s just landed the biggest job of his career. And he’s miserable.
She’s fighting her way from the bottom… Megan Beauchamp has no illusions about why she was chosen to be Asher’s PA. She’s pretty, and down to earth, and everything the Hollywood star always falls for. Too bad Megan is just paying her dues and has no interest in anything but advancing at her PR firm.
He’ll throw it all away…Luca James knows what he wants. And he’s waited a long time for the window to open—when it does, he’ll walk away from the career he’s built for a chance at something real.
When Megan’s boss threatens to fire her, Luca and Asher convince her to leave town with them. Between bad hotels and pit stop confessionals, the three are drawn closer together.
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Review: Tied With Me (With Me in Seattle, # 6) by Kristen Proby

“At once wildly sensual and heart-clutchingly tender, this series gets better with every book.” – Christina Lauren, New York Times Bestselling authors of BEAUTIFUL BASTARD 

A man whose lifestyle is so different from her own… 

Nic Dalton’s cupcake bakery is thriving. She serves both rock stars and locals alike, content with her growing business. But one adventurous night out with her best friend, Bailey, turns her life upside down. She meets a handsome stranger who makes her skin sizzle and her heart race. Their one night together is explosive and unexpected, but when he has to suddenly leave without taking her phone number, Nic resigns herself to never seeing him again. 

…What will it take to trust and submit to his every desire? 

Matt Montgomery is one of Seattle’s finest. He works hard, loves and protects his family fiercely, and is loyal almost to a fault. 

And he has a penchant for bondage. … Read more

ARC Review: Twisted by Emma Chase

There are two kinds of people in the world. The ones who look first, and the ones who leap. I’ve always been more of a looker. Cautious. A planner. That changed after I met Drew Evans. He was so persistent. So sure of himself – and of me.

But not all love stories end happily ever after. Did you think Drew and I were going to ride off into the sunset? Join the club. Now I have to make a choice, the most important of my life. Drew already made his –in fact, he tried to decide for the both of us. But you know that’s just not my style. So I came back to Greenville. Alone. Well, sort of alone….

What I’ve come to realize is that old habits die hard and sometimes you have to go back to where you began, before you can move ahead.

TWISTED picks up two years after Tangled’s end, and is told from Kate’s POV.Read more

Review: Lovely Trigger (Tristan & Danika # 3) by R.K. Lilley


Tristan hit rock bottom, and no one felt the impact harder than Danika. She was forced to see, in the most brutal of ways, that love does not conquer all. Bruised, bloody, and broken she had to walk away.


Picking up the pieces of your life after a tragedy is a daunting prospect, and that’s considering you still own all of the pieces. But what if you don’t? What if someone else owns those pieces, and those pieces are a part of your soul?

You dig deep and work with what you’ve got. 

That’s what Danika told herself and believed, every single day, for years. 

Tristan and Danika’s love had failed every test that life had thrown at them. She couldn’t forget that, not for one second. And if those tests had been overly harsh, well, she wasn’t one to wallow in self-pity. The failure was the thing she had to focus on.… Read more

Review: Rock Bottom (Tristan & Danika # 2) by R. K. Lilley

Their love had the power of a runaway freight train, and the potential to be just as destructive. 

The tempestuous sequel to Bad Things picks up where the first book left off. Reeling from a profound loss, Tristan and Danika struggle to pick up the pieces and build a life together, but the hard habits of a lifetime are not so easy to escape. 
Rock Bottom takes us on a dual point of view journey through addiction and desire, through love and agony, and answers the question we’ve been asking since these characters were introduced in Grounded: “What happened between Tristan and Danika?” 


Even love couldn’t cushion a fall like ours. My love for Tristan was so big that I felt consumed by it, and even so, it was not enough to overpower our combined demons. 
I struggled. I yelled and screamed. I scratched and kicked. 
I fought like hell, but even the most determined fighters have to stop before they break. … Read more

Review: Lick (Stage Dive, # 1) by Kylie Scott

Waking up in Vegas was never meant to be like this.

Evelyn Thomas’s plans for celebrating her twenty-first birthday in Las Vegas were big. Huge. But she sure never meant to wake up on the bathroom floor with a hangover to rival the black plague, a very attractive half-naked tattooed man in her room, and a diamond on her finger large enough to scare King Kong. Now if she could just remember how it all happened.

One thing is certain, being married to one of the hottest rock stars on the planet is sure to be a wild ride

4 It Can Only Happen In Vegas Stars

Love isn’t always smooth or straightforward. It can be messy and painful. Doesn’t mean it isn’t still the most incredible thing that can ever happen to you.

OK, show of hands, ever wake up after a night out only to tell yourself you’re never drinking again?… Read more

Review: Masked Innocence (Innocence, # 2) by Alessandra Torre

The man was sinful. It wasn’t just the looks that made him dangerous, it was the cocky confidence that dominated every move, every touch. And the frustrating yet ecstatic fact about the whole package was that he could back it all up… 

Julia Campbell never knows what to expect with win-at-all-costs Brad De Luca. And she’s starting to like it that way. She gave up safe, conventional relationships when she let the elite divorce attorney seduce her into his world. Now that he’s determined to strip her naked of every inhibition, she’s in danger of falling too deep and too fast. 

But their affair begins to feel even more dangerous when a murder leaves a trail of suspicion that points straight to the mob…and Brad. Trusting a man with a bad reputation and a past full of secrets seems like a mistake. But when she’s forced to make a choice, the consequences will take her further than she could ever have imagined.… Read more

Blog Tour & #Giveaway: A Reason to Breathe by C.P. Smith

Title: A Reason to Breathe

Author: C.P Smith
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date:  January 21, 2014
Tour Organized by: As the Pages Turn
Love at first sight was never so dangerous.
Jack Gunnison has a problem, well, two actually, one is 5’5″ and the other…a Killer.
Jennifer Stewart needs a change after losing her husband and sending her daughter off to college.
Moving to the high country of Colorado to restart her life and, follow her dreams, Jenn gets more than she bargained for when she attracts the eye of a killer.
Together, Jack and Jenn must figure out his identity, before he strikes again.
Mature readers only due to erotic content and language.

“You awake?” Was Jack’s hello.

“I am, hope you don’t mind, but I’m taking a shower?” I turned the shower on to warm the water, and then turned around to finish the call.… Read more

ARC Review: Spin (Songs of Corruption, # 1) by @CDReisswriter

***You do NOT need to read Songs of Submission to read Spin***

Mafia capo, Antonio Spinelli blew through my orderly life like a cyclone.

Gorgeous and passionate, with a breathtaking brutality, he put me under his spell the moment he touched me, drawing me into his underworld of risk, violence and betrayal.

And I found, just as this sophisticated savage didn’t trust me, I didn’t trust myself. Something happened to me. Some alchemy from the heat between us.

I discovered I was a savage, too

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5++ Spin can corrupt me all he wants STARS

Come volevi tu, Contessa.

2 days. I’ve been gathering my thoughts for 2 days after finishing this book in practically one sitting, and I still can’t come up with a review that will do it justice. Now I know that the book blurb says that you don’t need to read Songs of Corruption before this book in order to understand it, and you don’t.… Read more

Book BLitz & #Giveaway: #SaturdaysAtTheViperRooms by Kirsty-Anne Still

“You and I know I can’t say no.” I swallow my fear and allow my eyes to fall down to his chest, I can’t bear to look at him. “And I can’t lose you.”

Joely Gilbert, one of two head Viper Girls for the club, strives to maintain a double life both full of deceit, betrayal, sex, lust, and fear. She knows the rules of the club and the way the boss works like no other, but she is the one breaking everything she knows in order to keep the new life she has. After running from her past, she’ll do anything to stay away from it. It’s what makes her perfect for the job. It’s what makes her normal.

Everyone has a story when they arrive at the doors of The Viper Rooms.

It’s this that binds clients and Viper Girls together.… Read more

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