My unique brand of kink has most women dropping their panties.
But not Lola.
Which makes her all the more interesting. You know the old cliché that men love the chase? Hell yeah we do. I want her to fight me. Resist me.
Because when I finally take her, I’ll have conquered not only her body, but her mind. And to a Dom like me, there is no better victory.
This is book 2 in the Filthy Dirty Alpha series, continuing the erotic journey of Lola and Burke, and the dark, and troubling secrets he’s been hiding.
Book 1 – Filthy Dirty Alpha
Book 2 – Filthy Dirty Secrets
Book 3 – Filthy Dirty Fate
You know the old cliche that men love the chase? Hell yeah we do. I want her to fight me. Resist me. Because when I finally take her, I’ll have conquered not only her body, but her mind.

The story of Lola, Burke and the mystery of Hope’s disappearance continues in Filthy Dirty Secrets. And the book is very appropriately titled since there seems to be a whammy of a secret at work here which finally hits you over the head like a two by four with that cliffhanger.
There was quite a few revelations packed into the short 65 pages here. You get the reason behind Lola’s ferocious need to find out what happened to Hope. I was afraid that the author may never address that and I always felt that the story really needed that reason. And I must say, I was very satisfied with what it was. It explains her thirst for answers and truly makes you connect with her character here.
Burke continues to be the mystery that he was in book 1. Even though the story is told in dual POVs, you don’t get much about Burke here other than his struggle with what he wants from Lola. Does he secretly crave more or will it stop with the end of their thirty day arrangement? Guess we’ll have to wait for the third and final book for that answer. I’m really hoping for some insight about his character next. Besides being a Dom with commitment issues and the owner of Second Circle, we truly don’t know much about him. Though we do get to find out his connection with Hope, it still leaves quite a few questions to be answered.
There is a hell of a cliffy that the author hits you with at the end, and I have to say that it was one I never saw coming. I love a story that can continue surprise me and this series continues to keep doing that. Grace Morgan manages to pack in a mix of scorching hot sex with a bit of story, answering a few questions while leaving you with many more here. My only complaint is the length. I would have loved for a little bit more here. I’m hoping that the final installment will give us just a little bit more. I can’t wait to see how this all ends. Quite the addicting little story the author has penned here. Definitely looking forward for more from her.