Review: ★Dark Mafia Prince★ by Annika Martin

dark mafia prince-DGR reviewDark Mafia Prince
Series: Dark Mafia Prince #1
Genre: Dark Romance
Author: Annika Martin
Release Date: June 28, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


*A Dangerous Royals romance with a standalone romance HEA!*

Don’t look at me like that. So trusting.
Like you think I’m not a monster.
Like I won’t wrap your hair in my fist and bend you to my will.
Like I won’t sacrifice you, piece by piece, to save my brother.
I’m the most dangerous enemy you’ll ever have because every time you look at me, you see somebody good. That friend who died.
And when you look at me like that, I die again.

I spent years making myself invisible.
A good girl, apart from the noise.
Then you came back, beautiful and deadly in your Armani suit.
Don’t look at me like you still know me, you say.
But I remember your smile and those sunny days.
Before they lowered your small casket into the ground.
Before they told us the prince was dead.

Buy LinksAMAZON | iBOOKSReview-DGR4 starsDark Mafia Prince-DGR teaser

I’m the most dangerous enemy you’ll ever have because every time you look at me, you see somebody who’s not there anymore. Because every time you look at me, you fool yourself about what I really am.

Well…hell. This was not at all what I expected, but damn if I didn’t devour it in practically one sitting. This was not my first Annika Martin book, so I already knew this woman could write. What I didn’t expect was for the story beyond the romance to suck me in so thoroughly. This book will come down to a matter of expectations, I think. If you’re walking into it expecting your typical dark romance with a dash of plot, you won’t get it. It’s beyond that. The romance almost felt secondary at times, and I didn’t mind it one bit. There was just enough of it to keep my interest and not overwhelm from everything else that happens. The story will span three books, each book focusing on a different Dragusha brother with their individual HEA. So don’t expect everything to be wrapped up with a neat little bow at the end of this one.

Aleksio’s love is the dangerous kind of love that breaks all the rules.

Aleksio Dragusha was a mafia prince well on his way to being the future head of the biggest Albanian mafia family residing in Chicago…until one bloody night when he lost everything. Now he only had two goals: reunite all three Dragusha brothers and make those responsible for what happened those years ago pay…in blood. And the center of his focus is the daughter of the man that’s set it all in motion. Mira is not at all the young girl he remembered when he was just nine. She’s different and that’s good, all the easier to forget what she used to mean to him…

Deep down you’re an animal who wants to be used by a twisted, bloodthirsty killer like me, aren’t you? Say it.

Mira recognizes the eyes of the boy that used to be her world, but she doesn’t recognize the cold and ruthless killer he turned into. A man that will do anything to find his baby brother and reunite the Dragusha brothers once and for all so that they can take back their rightful empire.

But soon lines begin to blur, and what was revenge begins to bleed into something much more…

He’s like a dangerous black hole- he’ll pull you in if you’re not careful. I can feel his pull working on me with every hour we spend together.

The story is told in alternating POVs; Mira, Aleksio, and a few snippets of Viktor, Aleksio’s younger brother. The primary focus seemed to be the backstory of the brothers and the search for the youngest Dragusha. It takes you deep into the underbelly of the violent mafia world and spares no detail. Aleksio is a true anti-hero. This man is no sunshine and rainbows. But while being the bloodthirsty killer he is, there’s still a semblance of redemption to him with the way he is with Mira. But he never quite loses his edge either…

The way he uses me is violent. Primitive. Demeaning. And all I can think is, don’t stop.

I was riveted to the action and building story arc, but at times I found the romance to be a little too rushed. I wanted a little more burn between Aleksio and Mira. Then again, considering their connection, it’s understandable that things would progress the way that they did.

I want him so bad I can’t think. I’m flying. Trembling. I’m completely his.

I did wish there may have been a little more time spent on the development on the romance, and the pervert in me wouldn’t have minded at least one more scene with Mira and Aleksio…uhem. But that aside, I enjoyed this thoroughly.

There’s quite a few secondary characters introduced, but the one that really stole the show for me here was Viktor. And then when his possible heroine was unveiled? Holy mother of intrigue! I can’t wait! Don’t even get me started on the youngest brother, Kiro, because I’m fairly certain I’d be willing to part with an ovary for his book.

Jennifer’s Review: ★Hold You Against Me★ by @skye_warren

review-Hold You Against MeHOLD YOU AGAINST ME
Series: Stripped #4
Genre: Dark Romance
Author: Skye Warren
Release Date: May 31, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2

Hold You Against Me Ebook Cover

Once upon a time the daughter of a mafia king fell in love with a foot soldier.

This fairy tale didn’t have a happy ending.

My sister and I barely managed to escape alive, and we’ve lived in relative hiding ever since. I’m safe now, but I can never forget the boy who gave his life to save mine.

Except there’s a chance that he’s still alive. And he’s fighting a war.

Even knowing the risks, I have to find him. I have to find some way to protect him, the way he protected me. But he isn’t the boy I left behind. He’s a violent man. A criminal. And he’s been waiting for me—the final pawn in a dark game of survival and love.


Buy LinksAMAZON | iBOOKS Review4.5 stars

Fairy tales aren’t for the girls who have a choice. They’re for the girls shoved into corners, trapped in darkness, bent over desks. Places where hope is an act of bravery. Where believing in love is an act of rebellion. Fairy tales are for girls who dream of happy endings, knowing they might not live to see tomorrow.

19396391._SY540_I loved the conclusion to this beautiful story. Tough Love, the prequel to this series is where we first meet Giovanni and Clara. It was also my first Skye Warren book, and I have not looked back! Skye includes the entire Tough Love prequel in this book.

My Gio:

It takes a monster to take down a monster.

My Clara:

He dragged me back into my worst nightmare and somehow made me want it.

19396392._SX540_The story begins in the prequel. Clara is a mafia princess who feels trapped in gilded cage. Her father is not a good man and means to make her marry a horrible man. Clara meets Giovanni, a foot soldier, when she is 15 and he is 17. She is able to escape her father’s evil clutches with the help of Giovanni. Hold You Against Me continues the story 3 years later, when Clara believes Gio to be killed for helping her escape.

Those are not his scars. They’re mine. He took them for me.

This is NOT your typical fairy tale. Skye Warren tends to write on the darker side, which is why I love her so much. She warned her readers that this book is on the lighter side of her darkness, but I still enjoyed it so much! She always makes me FEEL something in every single one of her books, and this one did not disappoint. Skye’s writing is sensual, beautiful, and smart. Her heroines seem real, trapped, trying to break free of some sort of struggle.

If you love mafia romance, this book/series is for you! I have a soft spot for mafia men. The danger, the tattoos, the darkness, the power, the broodiness, just do it for me!

I love Skye Warren to the moon and back.

I would read her grocery lists.

*Can be read as a standalone, but I recommend starting from the beginning because this series is worth it! Hold You Against Me is the 4th book in the series, but any of these books can be read by themselves.*

Stripped Series

Tough Love (#0.5) – Included in Hold You Against Me
Love Way You Lie (#1) – Love the Way You Lie
Heartbreak (#1.5) – Heartbreak
Better When It Hurts (#2) – Better When It Hurts
Even Better (#2.5) – Even Better
Pretty When You Cry (#3) – Pretty When You Cry
Caught For Christmas (#3.5) – Caught for Christmas

DGR Top Fave & Review: ★Backfire★ by @KeriLake

Series: Vigilantes #2
Genre: Dark, Contemporary Romance
Author: Keri Lake
Release Date: June 9, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


This book is a standalone set in the same world as Ricochet.

No matter how unbreakable he may seem, every man has a weakness.

A year ago, my home became a bloodstained crime scene. That night marked the beginning of my hell—the same night I was tortured by my enemies and tossed into an underground prison to die.

They failed. I survived.

Now that I’m free, only one motive burns in my soul: revenge.

Lucky for me, they think Jase Hawkins is dead. Maybe I am. I’ve got nothing but a cold, merciless rage, and Black Betty, the sharp steel blade that never leaves my side.

Then she drifts into my life.

Lucia wants answers—so much so, she’s willing to fall into the darkness where my enemies lie in wait, to kill her for what she knows.

Or to take her for the depraved fantasies her body alone can rouse in a man’s mind.

Me? I want her for the fire in her touch that feeds my addiction, forces me to feel what has become numb, but my appetite for bloodshed runs deeper than flesh.

For my own sanity, I’ve vowed to stay away from her. Because she’s my only weakness, an obsession that leaves me craving more—one that could make even the most steadfast plan backfire.

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Review5 starsBackfire2-DGR teaser

Shit thing about life is, when you throw an immovable object into the path of a bullet, it doesn’t follow any laws or principles.
It backfires.

It’s official; I have PTKD (Post Traumatic Keri Disorder). The woman has ruined me. This book? I hope you all have your big girl panties on, because a walk through the meadows with unicorns it. Is. Not.

Backfire is dark, gritty, and unapologetic. You’ll be reading it with your heart in your throat and your stomach twisted up in knots. It’s violent, a touch depraved, darkly erotic, action packed and absolutely, positively unputdownable. The story is filled with so many unpredictable twists and turns that it will make your head spin! It’s brilliantly written and I will even go so far as to say this was darker than Ricochet and that’s saying something, trust me.

He was dark and threatening, sexual and magnetic all rolled into one three dimensional package of fuck me.

Jase has spent the last year of his life in hell. Now he’s free and the only thing burning inside him is revenge. It’s what he eats, breathes, and lives. The chain of events that began on that one bloody night a year ago that cost him him his family all lead back to one man; Tesarik. Only problem is? He’s so powerful he’s practically untouchable. So when the mystery man standing before him promises him the vengeance he seeks for the price of a favor, he knows that he may fight it but he’ll agree. The favor will take him deep into the bowels of the worst sort of human depravity. Into a something only known as The Seventh Circle; a group of men that get off on pain and death.

And his first stop? Finding the mystery woman with the camera that may be the reason why he was thrown into the crosshairs of Tesarik in the first place. But Lucy is not at all what Jase thinks though. A photo journalist that saw something she shouldn’t have seen, she’s on the run for her life, and the only man that can help her may be the most dangerous of them all…

I’ll be the bastard you need me to be, Lucy. Whatever darkness you crave, I’ll give that to you.”

What begins is a story filled with heart-stopping moments, eroticism in a way only Keri Lake can write, and enough grit and darkness to leave you crying for your mama.

My life was a turbulent storm and she sat in the center of it, in the calm, making me forget the chaos that swirled all around me. I needed that calm, to own it, if only for one night.

If you’ve read any book by this author, then you already know she’s not afraid to go to the very pits of darkness. She’ll take the readers deep into the bowels of the worst of humanity. Her writing is raw, gritty, and absolutely unapologetic.

You’ll live and breathe Jase and Lucy’s story. It’s a page turning, heart in your throat, painful to read but never wanting it to end anyway sort of book. Jase is the epitome of the perfect anti hero.
Backfire-DGR teaser 3He’s not a good man, but he skates that fine edge between the good and bad. He’s a man that was forced to do some bad things for some very good reasons and you’ll love him for it. Guaranteed.
If nothing else but for his dirty mouth alone.

Set aside a whole night, because this is one book you’ll read in one heart-pounding sitting. Trust me on that.

You’re in my blood, infecting every dark part of my soul, Lucy. Nothing else matters to me.

The characters are incredibly multi-layered and the story has depth. It’s not your run of the mill dark romance.

For my brother, I was willing to go to war. For you, mia Luce, I’m willing to wage it.

Long story short? I loved the absolute fuck out of this book and I cannot wait for all of you to meet Jase and Lucy!

If you haven’t read Ricochet yet, I highly recommend it. But while Backfire is set in the same world as Ricochet, you don’t have to read Ricochet first in order to enjoy this one.



RICOCHET (Vigilantes #1)


The only sure way to destroy a man is to take what he cannot live without.

Three years ago, I had everything.

A beautiful wife.
A son.
A reason for living.

Until a ruthless task force, assembled under Mayor Michael Culling, with a brutal strategy to make the streets of Detroit ‘safe’, ripped away everything I loved in a deadly hunt called The Culling.

They tried to kill me, too. I wish they had. Now I’m cursed by the memories of that night, and the words I whispered to my dying wife.

A promise—to avenge the wrong and set it right.

I’m no longer Nick Ryder. I’m a masked vigilante. Faceless. Loveless. Fearless. A man with nothing left to lose—one who’s seen the dark and violent truth behind the city’s flawless veneer.

Michael Culling doesn’t know who I am. Or what I want. All he knows is that I’ve kidnapped his beautiful wife.

An eye for an eye—isn’t that how the saying goes? And Aubree Culling is the perfect pawn to destroy him.

If she doesn’t destroy me first.


New Release & Review: ★Dark Notes★ by Pam Godwin

Review-Dark NotesDARK NOTES
Genre: Dark Romance (standalone)
Author: Pam Godwin
Release Date: April 5, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2

Dark Notes Pam Godwin eBook

They call me a slut. Maybe I am.
Sometimes I do things I despise.
Sometimes men take without asking.

But I have a musical gift, only a year left of high school, and a plan.
With one obstacle.

Emeric Marceaux doesn’t just take.
He seizes my will power and bangs it like a dark note.
When he commands me to play, I want to give him everything.
I kneel for his punishments, tremble for his touch, and risk it all for our stolen moments.

He’s my obsession, my master, my music.
And my teacher.



Review4.5 starsDark Notes-DGR

This brutal man is my home. His hell is my heaven.
I’m his Ivory, and he’s my darkest note.

If there’s one thing that Pam Godwin knows, it’s how to write one seriously intense alpha. The mere name alone, Emeric Marceaux, is enough to get my motor revving. This man will give you shivers and you’ll actually feel his intensity crackling through the pages. It’s utterly delicious. He’s a dose of dangerous, with a splash of depraved, and all of it is tied around a sexual magnetism that’s so captivating, your fingers will tingle turning the pages.

She’s exactly the kind of woman I’m drawn to. A woman who flees when hunted and comes alive when she’s caught.

Dark Notes is a standalone dark romance with a deliciously kinky element of the forbidden teacher/student. Add in the fact that Ivory is only 17 years old, and you got yourself one crazy ride of a book. But that description doesn’t even begin to do this book justice.

Ivory Westbrook is a survivor with big dreams. Being the only empowered student in one of the most elite and expensive performing arts high schools in the nation, she has a lot to prove, but her talent as a pianist is unparalleled. Unfortunately she lives in a world where money is power and she has none. She’s lived a hard life in her young years; her father is dead and her mother may as well be with her addiction to drugs. She’s survived unimaginable horrors from a tender young age, but she’s a survivor at her core. With only a year left of high school, she’s that much closer to her dream of making it into Leopold, the highest ranking college in the country. Now all she has to do to get even closer to that dream is impress her new music teacher, who just happens to be the most intense and captivating man she’s ever laid eyes on.

He’s enchanting, distracting, and positively terrifying.

Things begin to simmer between the two of them at first sight, and the author does an incredible job in making the sexual tension practically palpable enough to taste. Emeric is one of the most captivating characters I’ve read in a long while. He oozes sexuality and yet there’s this edge to him that adds an element of fear that just works so well.

I didn’t expect to like Ivory as much as I did. I’m not a fan of sexual abuse issues being the go-to for heroines in dark romances, but if anyone can pull it off, it’s Pam. She’s written an incredibly broken yet persevering heroine with Ivory. She has deep rooted issues, but never once are they glossed over. It’s incredibly raw, painful and believable. You can understand her captivation with Emeric. You can completely understand why she does the things she does and craves the things she does. The author lets the rich character development paint the whole picture for the reader. Never once do you feel like you’re being told anything; you feel it right along with the characters.

Sometimes you love people you shouldn’t, and in the endless space of that love, nothing else matters.”

While the sexual tension between Ivory and Emeric is instantaneous, that is the only instant thing in this book. The rest is the most delicious sort of slow burn. It’s almost like watching the most sexual game of cat and mouse unfold, and even though you know what the end result will ultimately be, you still can’t stop reading.

It’s no longer a matter of if or when.
Tonight, she’ll bend for my punishment, tremble for my touch, and I’ll risk it all to show her exactly what she means to me.

So you may be asking yourself if I loved it so much, why not a 5? The reason for that is because I did find parts of the story to be too predictable for my tastes. As soon as a few particular elements were introduced, I knew straight off the bat where it would be leading and how it would end. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying the entire book was that way, not at all, in fact. There are certainly enough twists and turns packed in to keep you guessing. Pam Godwin is a master of her craft and she seems to get better and better with each new book. If you’re looking for a dark romance with a bit of kink and taboo thrown in, you really can’t go wrong with this one.

The tempo of our breaths. The drum of our heartbeats. The crackle in the air. The exquisite cadence pulses through me, awakening sensations I’ve never felt, composing a melody I’ve never heard. Our hypnotic, dark notes.

DGR Top Fave Review & Giveaway: ★The Enforcer★ by @Kele_Moon

The Enforcer-ReviewDGRTHE ENFORCER
Series: Untamed Hearts Book 3
Author: Kele Moon
Genre: Erotic Romance, Romantic Suspense
Release Date: March 22, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2

The Enforcer Cover

They are the lost boys.

Sons of mafia mistresses expected to keep their fathers’ sins in the shadows. The lucky ones are forgotten.

Unfortunately for Valentino “Tino” Moretti, his brother Nova was too smart to be forgotten, and too valuable to risk when he resists a life of crime. So they punished Tino instead. Forced into the cruel world of the Sicilian Mafia at twelve, Tino was broken before he was old enough to know the man he was supposed to be. Now he’s what the mafia made him.

The enforcer.

A trained killer forbidden to love, but he did anyway. He’s loved Brianna all along.

Raw and beautiful, their romance was all consuming and far too dangerous. They were ripped apart a long time ago. It’s not until the borgata puts out a hit on her that Brianna falls back into Tino’s arms, churning up their dark past and unraveling all the Moretti brothers’ closely guarded secrets.

This isn’t the end of the story. It’s only the beginning, and it is brutal.

There’s a reason enforcers are considered too deadly to love.

“We have to be better than them. Stronger. Faster. Smarter. Lost boys have to fly.” ~Carlo Moretti, original lost boy

 Buy LinksAmazon US | Amazon UK | Loose ID 

I was utterly obsessed with everything about this book, but what truly made the experience was reading it along with this incredible playlist! If you want an extra punch in the feels, you need to check it out!


Review5 starsThe Enforcer-teaser 1

Together they were like a firework.
Beautiful in the night. A dusty smear of ash in the morning when reality crashed in and ruined the high. They just weren’t ever meant to be more than one brief, amazing explosion of memories that should’ve been enough to sustain them. But it hadn’t been. Not even close.

Gut wrenching.
All consuming.
And so raw it’ll make your heart bleed.

I say this each and every time I finish a book by Kele Moon, but unbelievably she only continues to get better and better. And that’s saying a lot considering how much I loved The Slayer. But Tino’s book? This was something else entirely. Kele truly takes you to the dark and violent underbelly of the New York mafia. She spares no details. None. You’ll read it with your gut twisted and your heart in your throat the entire time just like I did.

Prepare for much darker undertones than the previous books. Tino’s story is not for the faint of heart. It’s incredibly gritty and at times almost unbearably difficult to read. There are no parts that the author glazes over. When she gives you a story, she gives you everything.

I fucking love you, Brianna…
I wouldn’t just bleed for you… I’d bleed motherfuckers out for you.”

The Enforcer -Teaser4In case you didn’t know already, The Enforcer will be part 1 of 2, and with good reason. Tino’s story is not one that could be told in two books, nor should it be. I think it would almost be too much to handle. There is not one small dose of filler here. Each tiny detail is a plot driver and I am beyond blown away at the forethought this author gives every single one of her characters. If you want my advice, you’ll appreciate it so much more if you read the series this was a spin-off from, Battered Hearts.

The Enforcer will take you back to the very beginning. To the years when Tino, Nova and Romeo were just small boys. It will take you step by devastating step through the events that made them into the men that they are today. It will tell the story of how Tino and Brianna met. It’s incredibly powerful and easily one of the best books I’ve read not only from Kele but period.

I don’t remember the last time a book effected me on such a visceral level, but I swear I felt this in my bones, my blood, my very being. These characters are so real to me, and I’m beyond invested in their stories. I cannot wait for you all to fall in love with Tino even more, just like I did.

The Enforcer takes you back to the very beginning. To the days and the events that set everything in motion and what made Tino and Nova Moretti into the men that they are today. There are parts that will gut you; there are parts that will make you laugh, and through all of it you’ll be glued to the pages unable to focus on anything else.

Gino’s story was equal parts tragic and beautiful; tragic in terms what he’s been trhgouh and beautiful in terms of his love for Brianna. I cannot describe to you just how much this man loves Brianna. He’d do anything for her; sacrifice anything…even his own happiness to make sure she’s safe. Young Tino was a gut wrenching to read about. His story is so tragically brutal. He yearns for a different life but he lives in a nightmare of his father’s making…
The enforcer -teaser3Kele did such an incredible job navigating the reader through the years. So much so that you feel everything right along with the characters and by the time you get to the end, you’re yearning for their HEA as much as they are. God, it was amazing!

Their love had been wild, unpredictable, and so unbelievably raw and sensual it would likely never stop haunting her.

The Enforcer-teaser 2I adored Brianna. She’s such strong heroine but in an understated way. She truly understands Tino and everything that he is and accept and love him in spite of it. She’s the perfect match for his light and especially his dark sides.

I love you. Please remember that, okay?”
“I know….
I know, baby. It’s okay. I’m good…
I’m strong, remember?”
He did remember. So he fucked the shit out of her.
Hard. Angry.

You get not only Tino and Bri here; you get more Chu, a whole lot more Nova and a few other secondary characters that will capture your hearts.

Prepare for one hell of an emotional rollercoaster. This is a book you don’t just read you experience it.

Never forget that. You take from whores. Use them. Don’t love them”
“‘Cause they’re love starved. They’ve been hurt and beaten for so fucking long they are desperate for kindness. Love them, really love them, and they’ll die for you. They’ll bleed for you.

One of the best books I’ve read all year. If you haven’t yet discovered the talent that is Kele Moon, you are seriously missing out. This series is an absolute must read for any lovers of true anti-heroes with hearts of gold. I can’t recommend it enough!

Learn to fight your own battles. We have to be better than them. Stronger. Faster. Smarter. Lost boys have to fly.”

ARC provided by author


 The Viper (Untamed Hearts Book 1 )
The Viper Cover
Marcos Rivera is a fighter. A gang member. Someone who has seen the dark side of humankind and survived. He has lost family and gained enemies. He has stolen cars and destroyed hearts, stripping one for money and the other for pleasure. His past is haunted and his future is bleak.

Until her.

Katie Foster is a high school history teacher. Smart, strong, and sexy. She is a woman Marcos shouldn’t want. Shouldn’t touch. Shouldn’t love. He met her in Garnet, a backwards, hick town that’s the last place in the world he wants to be, but he finds himself going back, all for a taste of the forbidden.

Katie represents all that is good in the world, and Marcos knows he’s nothing but trouble for her perfect life. He fights and he screws. He commits crimes and he breaks the rules. He will never change and he will never escape his gang lifestyle.

Or can he?

What happens when two different people from two very different walks of life risk it all by giving into the passion that threatens to consume both of them? Can a woman who only knows how to play it safe give her heart to a man who lives hard and loves harder?

Can she survive The Viper?

Buy LinksAmazon US | Amazon UK | Loose Id | All Romance Ebooks | B&N

 The Slayer (Untamed Hearts Book 2)

The Slayer CoverTo Chuito the apartment was a self-imposed prison for a lifetime of sins. To Alaine, the girl next door, it was salvation from her overbearing, religious father.

He was a devil.
She was an angel.

Two people who should’ve never met, let alone become friends, but it’s not until they give into the dangerous passion that’s been simmering under the surface for five years that things go to hell.

On the outside, Chuito ‘The Slayer’ Garcia is on top of the world. He’s successful. He’s wealthy. He’s a champion MMA fighter surrounded by friends who support him, but they don’t know what he was before he came to Garnet.

A gangster.

A thief.
An addict.
A murderer.

Now his past is churning up demons he can’t ignore. Chuito knows he needs to go back to Miami to end it, but there’s something holding him back, a single temptation he can’t resist before leaving.


She’s the one drug he can’t give up…even if it destroys them both.

“To me you’re coke. Fine. Smooth. Perfectly white. Very bad for me, but so fucking sexy I don’t give a shit. It’s worth going down for.” – Chuito Garcia

Buy LinksAmazon US | Amazon UK | Loose Id | All Romance Ebooks | B&N


The Enforcer is quite easily one of my most favorite books I’ve ever read. Period. And when I find a gem like this, I have to shout it from the rooftops. So I want to give a chance for one lucky follower to win an ebook of this incredible book. You can enter the GIVEAWAY on my Facebook page HERE.

Spotlight, Review & Giveaway: Sparrow by @lj_shen

Genre: Dark Romance
Author: L.J. Shen
Release Date: March 8, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


Troy Brennan

Every Southie in Boston knows that name. The son of a dead mobster. The heart-throb with steel-blue eyes. “The Fixer” who can make or break you in this city.

Oh, and my new husband.

Sparrow Raynes 

That’s me. No one seemed to remember my name up until he barged into my life.
But then he caged me.
Kidnapped me.
And killed every chance I had to run away from the place where we grew up.
Put simply, Troy Brennan clipped my wings.

I have dreams, big ones, but I doubt he’ll ever let me chase them. I have no idea why he decided to take me as his wife. But I do know this: pissing off this man will not do me any good. At all.

Sparrow is a standalone, full-length novel. It contains graphic violence and adult situations some may find offensive.



“What do you do for a living?” I asked, more proof of how little I knew my husband.“Money,” he answered. “I make it.”

“What do you do for this money?” I pressed.

“I have a grocery store, a restaurant and a few private poker joints. Your dad is a bouncer in one of them. You know this shit.”

“The grocery store in Dorchester was losing money even before it opened. The poker joints are small and people always owe you money. That’s not how you pay for a Maserati and a penthouse the size of a football field.”

He arched an eyebrow, giving me a slow once-over with those frosty baby-blues. “She’s sharp, too.”

“There’s a lot you don’t know about me,” I croaked.

“There’s one thing I do know, and it keeps me from spilling my shit in your ears—you hate my guts, Red.”

“I don’t hate your guts.” It took all the effort in the world to say it. Because I did. I hated Troy Brennan for marrying me, caging me, owning me and chaining me to his grim life and destiny for no reason other than because he could.

“Anyone ever told you that you’re a terrible liar?” His nostrils flared, but he kept his cool. He jerked me closer, wrapping his hand around the nape of my neck, his breath falling on my face with a whisper. “You wear the truth on your sleeve.”

I tiptoed my hand up to his face, my heart picking up speed as I stroked his bruise. Ballsy move, but I was afraid of him. Afraid that his frustration with me would swell and that he’d send me off back to the bedroom.

Fear is a prison, and in prison you played by different rules to survive.

Troy’s eyes narrowed on mine skeptically. The epitome of ruthless, his lips turned into a challenging smirk. “Prove you don’t hate me.”

And I did. I leaned up and pressed my lips against his softly.

I kissed him.

I kissed the husband I hated so much. Against reason, against logic, against everything my heart was telling me.

I kissed him because I wanted something from him. A job. A chance at happiness. Some freedom.

He fisted the hem of my nightshirt and in two big steps shoved me to the nearest wall, slamming me against it. My back felt the impact, and I arched to soothe the pain trickling down my spine. It felt different than the usual ache of flesh hitting concrete. Made my body buzz with something unfamiliar. Desire bit at my insides, and just like that, I got lost in his touch again.

His lips searched for mine angrily as he took one of my thighs and wrapped it around his waist, lifting me off the floor, only him and the wall supporting my weight. His erection pulsated beneath the fabric of his suit pants, and I resisted the instinct to grind against him. I lifted my arms to touch his smooth hair, running my hands down his slick mane.

He was a cheater.

A criminal.

A murderer.

And I was…fascinated.

Review4.5 starsSparrow-DGR

My father had sinned. But I was to be punished.

Sparrow Raynes grew up the daughter of a drunken father who happened to work for one of the most feared men in the Boston underground. But now that man is dead, and his son who’s known to be even more ruthless is to be her husband…and she has no idea why other than it’s been arranged and her father agreed to it. So she’ll do it, but she won’t like it. In her eyes it’ll be a marriage in name only because no way can she give her heart to the devil with the steel-blue eyes that’s known as The Fixer. He’s ruthless, he’s cold-blooded, but she refused to cower from him like even the most deadly of the deadly underground seem to…
Sparrow-DGR2Troy Brennan doesn’t hold any allegiances to anyone. His father may have been top dog in the Irish mob, but he’s dead now. There’s a reason Troy is know as The Fixer. He’s the one the rich and powerful call on to “fix” things. He’s infamous in the Boston underground for his ruthlessness and just as feared. But now he’s stuck marrying a girl he wants nothing to do with out of an obligation that she’s doesn’t know of. But the woman that he thought is a demure tomboy has a whole lot more spark to her that begin to slowly change the way he wants things to be…

Love and hate are similar in a lot of ways.”
“Is there a way to love you away from me?”
“No, but you could hate-fuck me all you want.”

Sparrow was exactly the kind of gritty anti-hero that I needed. L.J. Shen was not afraid to stick true to her characters and pulled no punches to do so, and I respect the hell out of her for this. Yes, Troy did some things that may not sit right with some readers, but for this reader, I loved to hate it. See I love when an author takes risks to stay true to the characters and that was definitely the case here. This is no insta lust, insta-love, or insta-anything. Troy and Sparrow’s connection formed over time and it felt authentic because of that. Considering how Troy is and where he came from, I wouldn’t have bought it any other way.

I’m saying if I can’t eat it, fuck it or kill it I have no interest in it.”

It was entertaining as hell to watch Sparrow really come into her own throughout the story. She has a backbone to begin with, but I just loved watching her give as good as she gets and she just gets stronger with the progression of the story. What was even better was that she wasn’t stupid. She doesn’t instigate or make silly decisions out of spite, she’s smart about it, which is a refreshing change of pace. She doesn’t want to like her husband, but watching him unknowingly get under her skin and grow on her was so entertaining to read. As for their chemistry? That was though the roof hot!

My monster, my capturer, my corrupter. My lover.

L.J. spared no detail to make her story gritty and real. It was action packed, super sexy, and filled with twists and turns. It was enough to keep me at the edge of my seat the whole time and eagerly turning the pages to see what will happen next. The romance was sizzling hot and together with the plot it all came together perfectly.

…the rumor is you like it kinky.”
“I like it interesting…
I like it delicious…
I like rough…
But most of all, I like it with you.”

My only minor quibble with the book was that it went a little much and too creative with the analogies at times. But that was such a minor thing compared to everything that I loved about it that I barely batted an eyelash at it.

The story was quick paced and kept me reading well into the night. I couldn’t seem to put it down until I finished. It’s not often when an author can surprise me with a hell of a twist but boy this one did! I loved every page of it.

This was my first book by this author, but I can say with utmost certainty that it will definitely not be my last. L.J. Shen clearly has a talent to write one hell of a punch with her romances and I can’t wait to see what she comes up with next. If you’re looking for an anti-hero read with a great heroine to boot and a believable romance, you need to be one-clicking this one right meow.

Graphic is stock purchased and created by me for DGR blog. Please don’t share without permission

About the Author

L.J. Shen is a former entertainment and music journalist and your average typical girl. She enjoys the simple things in life, like coffee, wine, traveling, spending time with her family and internet-stalking Chris Hemsworth.

She lives in Northern California with her husband, son and chubby cat and spends her days reading and her nights writing.

She is 29, lived in three continents, speaks three languages and thinks bras should be outlawed.

Feel free to contact her on Twitter and Facebook:


If you follow me on Facebook or Goodreads, then you already know how much I’ve been gushing about this book! I loved the absolute fuck out of it. I’m a reader that gravitates towards the dark and gritty and this one sure as hell brought it! I’m so excited to be able to spotlight this book on the blog today! But not only that, LJ Shen has been generous enough to donate a SIGNED PAPERBACK for the occasion! So I’m hosting a giveaway for that and one lucky US dirty bird will win this pretteh! Make sure to scroll to the bottom of post for the giveaway link 😉



Review: ★Sin & Suffer★ by Pepper Winters

Review-Sin&SufferSin & Suffer
Series: Pure Corruption MC #2
Genre: Dark Erotic Romance
Author: Pepper Winters
Release Date: January 26, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


“Some say the past is in the past. That vengeance will hurt both innocent and guilty. I never believed those lies. Once my lust for revenge is sated, I’ll say goodbye to hatred. I’ll find a new beginning.”


She came from a past Arthur “Kill” Killian never forgot. She made him sin and made him suffer. She tugged him from the shadows and showed him he wasn’t as dead as he thought. And with her resurrection came betrayal, deceit, and war.

But then they took her. Stole her. Imprisoned her.

Now Kill’s carefully laid plans for vengeance are complete. He craves action, retribution-the blood of his enemies. War has begun. War is all they’ll know until they’ve paid their penance. He will get her back-and rewrite their destiny . . .

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Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway: ★Perfect Ruin★ by @nashodarose

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Book Title: Perfect Ruin
Series: Unyielding #2
Author: Nashoda Rose
Genre: Erotic Romance
Release Date: December 14, 2015
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast PromotionsGoodreads Button with ShadowPERFECT RUIN NASHODA ROSE AMAZON KINDLE EBOOK COVER

The New York Times Best Selling author Nashoda Rose is back with the much anticipated story of Kai and London in the Unyielding series.

There is nothing I care about.
No attachments.
No connections.
Outwardly, I’m a perfect gentleman.
Until my target sees my knife.
I fear nothing, not even death.
In my world, death is considered a privilege.
But my life comes with unbreakable cruel strings and
when I met her, I should’ve walked away.
I didn’t.
I was too selfish.
And that sealed her fate.
Because one week with me led her into the hands of ruin.

We all have unique layers that make up who we are.
What makes us vulnerable or strong.
What we fear and what excites us.
But peel back those layers and you’re left naked and exposed.
They did that to me.
Each piece was slowly stripped away then burned.
I merely existed.
But there was one layer they overlooked.
The most important of them all—the tie to one man.
The man responsible for me being this way.
The man who found me.
And the killer who would do anything to protect me.

Perfect Ruin is the dark erotic story of Kai and London.
Their beginning.
And the continuing story of Vault.

Must be read in order:
Perfect Chaos (Unyielding, #1) Deck and Georgie
Perfect Ruin (Unyielding, #2) Kai and London
Perfect Rage (Unyielding, #3) Connor’s story

Buy LinksAmazon / iBooks / Kobo / B&N / Smashwords

PRReview4.5 starsPerfect Ruin-DGR

The farm made me numb to everything….
Until a girl weaved her way into my heart and made it beat again.

I’ve been waiting for Kai’s book for a long, long time. Ever since he was first introduced as a somewhat shady secondary character in Torn from You, I knew I wanted his story. See I happen to like the shady ones…and the fucked up ones…and the anti-heroes. You get where I’m going here. Basically, they more fucked up they are, the better. Kai was a character that was shrouded in mystery and wrapped in an enigma. You know that he may be the bad guy, but you can’t help yourself but wonder if there’s something more to him than seemingly meets the eye.

I’d slit the throats of men who had families. I’d destroyed lives. I’d been groomed to ruin and not care how I did it as long as the job was done.

Perfect Ruin is meant to be read after Perfect Chaos, and the story line runs parallel to the first half of the first Tear Asunder book, Torn from You. So if you haven’t read those two books yet, I highly suggest you do. But most importantly read Perfect Chaos as Perfect Ruin starts off immediately where it left of and there’s quite a few details mentioned in it that would help connect the dots here.

If you’ve read Tear Asunder and Perfect Chaos then you remember Raven; the girl with the lifeless eyes that has been to hell and back at the hands of evil. You got a taste of what she’s been through after Torn From You and after Perfect Chaos, you don’t know whether this is a girl that could possibly persevere or lead a normal life after what she’s lived through. Perfect Ruin takes you back to a time when Raven was still London; the daughter of a scientist that’s creating a drug for a shadowy organization and the woman that catches Kai’s eye before she becomes collateral damage…

I’m going to fuck you. And I want to hear you scream when you come and I won’t stop until you do…
And I can fuck you for a very long time.”

Kai is not a man that forms attachments. Any feeling has been beaten and tortured out of him when he was still a little boy. He doesn’t want an attachment of any kind any more than he can afford one. But when his job is to keep an eye on beautiful woman that he may have to use to bring her father to heel, it’s no hardship. What he never expects is for something to click inside of him once he does.

You can’t control it, so accept what this is for one more night. Forget that I’m a killer and I’ll try to forget that you’re a scientist.

It was only supposed to be a few stolen nights and nothing more. But when London is kidnapped by the organization Kai is attempting to bring down once and for all, he knows that he’ll stop at nothing to get her back. What begins is a story told over several years. While you don’t get to truly experience what London has been through as Raven at the hands of brutal men, it’s hinted on very heavily.

This is not Raven’s story, however. While you get her POV, the retelling of what happened in those years that she was kidnapped is more from Kai’s perspective. You get to truly find out the means that he went through to get her back and what it’s cost him. That fateful night that takes place in the first half of Torn From You, you get to experience from Kai’s POV.

Perfect Ruin is not an easy book to read. It’s a story of perseverance and survival. It’s brutal even while it’s not vivid.

Day by day a layer of me was peeled away and I was left raw and exposed. I never thought I’d ever choose to die. But I did.
But I didn’t die. So I existed.
I survived. And within the speck of dust, I had a speck of hope.

The connection between London and Kai is something that’s formed through many years. It may not be orthodox, but it’s them. Kai is not a gentle man, but with London there’s a part of him that comes to light that no one else has seen.
Perfect Ruin teaser-DGRI have to admit, I had my doubts about Raven being able to bounce back into any semblance of normal after everything that’s happened. I wasn’t even sure if that would be possible. Considering the shell of a girl that we see in Perfect Chaos, I was afraid that the transition would feel forced.

God, how did I sink so low? How did become a pathetic girl who had lost all dignity?
But my fairy tale had ended. Like a book thrown in the incinerator, pages of my life had been burned into ash then re-written into a girl called Raven.

But such is the genius of Nashoda Rose because she pulled that off perfectly. Her journey wasn’t a quick one, but it was a believable one. I loved seeing the lengths that Kai went to heal her without being overly coddling.

Nothing about us could end well, but time had never mattered before, and now there was a reason…because what I had with London was timeless. There wasn’t an end.

Perfect Ruin teaser3-DGRThere’s quite a lot that happened here and at times I found myself going back to Perfect Chaos and Torn From You to re-read a few things in order to refresh my memory. I’m actually very glad that I did, because there’s a few things that happen that I definitely would have overlooked the significance of.

Perfect Ruin is action packed, gritty, and erotic. It’s dark in a sense that the story is not an easy one to read, but not in a vivid visual sort of way. You get a rehash of what London has been through but not the actual experiences, which I was glad for because I don’t think I could have handled that.

Then there was Connor and talk about your FUBAR. Good god but that’s one broken man. After what happens at the end of this book, I’m not sure I’ll survive the wait for his book because OMG! I have a feeling his story will be the best one yet.
About the Author


Nashoda Rose is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author who lives in Toronto with her assortment of pets. She writes contemporary romance with a splash of darkness, or maybe it’s a tidal wave.

When she isn’t writing, she can be found sitting in a field reading with her dogs at her side while her horses graze nearby. She loves interacting with her readers and chatting about her addiction—books.

Website / Newsletter / Twitter / Facebook / Tsu / Instagram / Goodreads


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Blog Tour, Character Interview, Review & Giveaway: ★Corrupt★ by @PenDouglas

TB - CorruptTitle: Corrupt
Author: Penelope Douglas
Genre: Dark | Erotica | Contemporary Romance
Release Date: November 17, 2015
Tour Hosted by: As the Pages Turnadd-to-goodreads-button-2

Corrupt 500x777


I was told that dreams were our heart’s desires. My nightmares, however, became my obsession.

His name is Michael Crist.

My boyfriend’s older brother is like that scary movie that you peek through your hand to watch. He is handsome, strong, and completely terrifying. The star of his college’s basketball team and now gone pro, he’s more concerned with the dirt on his shoe than me.

But I noticed him.

I saw him. I heard him. The things that he did, and the deeds that he hid…For years, I bit my nails, unable to look away.

Now, I’ve graduated high school and moved on to college, but I haven’t stopped watching Michael. He’s bad, and the dirt I’ve seen isn’t content to stay in my head anymore.

Because he’s finally noticed me.


Her name is Erika Fane, but everyone calls her Rika.

My brother’s girlfriend grew up hanging around my house and is always at our dinner table. She looks down when I enter a room and stills when I am close. I can always feel the fear rolling off of her, and while I haven’t had her body, I know that I have her mind. That’s all I really want anyway.

Until my brother leaves for the military, and I find Rika alone at college.

In my city.


The opportunity is too good to be true as well as the timing. Because you see, three years ago she put a few of my high school friends in prison, and now they’re out.

We’ve waited. We’ve been patient. And now every last one of her nightmares will come true.

Buy LinksAmazon / Amazon UK / B&N / Kobo / iTunes



I enjoyed the fright of not knowing what was coming and from where.
“When we used to wear the masks,” Michael said, dropping his voice to a near whisper, “you liked it, didn’t you? It scared you, but it turned you on.”I raised my hesitant eyes and tried not to let out a laugh. What was I supposed to say? That the fact that they’d looked like monsters got me hot?I shook my head clear and stood up, saying in a quiet voice. “I’m going to bed.”

I grabbed my phone and took a step, but Michael’s voice stopped me.

“Come here,” he said softly.

I turned my head, narrowing my eyes. Come here?

He sat up, resting his forearms on his knees and waiting, while I shifted on my feet.

He was always playing games. I didn’t trust him.

But the temptation to engage was too great. He was right. I was getting good at it, and I kind of liked it, too.

I took slow steps, holding up my chin to steel myself.

When I reached him, he placed a hand on my hip and pulled me in between his legs. I gasped as he fell back against the sofa again, pulling me in with him. I shot my hands out, planting them on both sides of his head on the back of the couch, keeping myself upright as I leaned into him.

“Say it,” he breathed out, holding my hips with both hands now. “It turned you on.”

I closed my mouth and shook my head, looking down at him with a challenge.

“I know it did,” he maintained, a fire in his eyes. “Did you think I couldn’t see how tense your body would get or how your nipples got hard through your shirt when you saw me wearing it? You’re a little twisted. Admit it.”

I folded my lips between my teeth, turning my head away.

But then he tipped his chin up and caught my nipple between his teeth through my tank top, and I closed my eyes, letting out a small cry.

Oh, God!

The heat of his mouth swooped into my stomach as he released my nipple and then snatched it up again, dragging it out between his teeth.

“I’ve got the mask upstairs,” he taunted, kissing and nibbling on me through my shirt. “I can get it if you want me to.”

No. No, I wasn’t like that.

I pushed away from him, but he held me firm.

“Michael, let me go.”

But then I felt my phone vibrate in my hand, and I quickly glanced at the screen, seeing no name with the number. Reading the number, though, I noticed that it was his mother’s. That’s strange. I thought I had her number saved in my Contacts.

But I let it go, remembering that my mom was with her. I needed to take this call.

Planting my fists on Michael’s chest, I shoved him away. “Get off me. Your mom’s calling.”

All he did was laugh, though, and my face fell.

He grabbed my arm and threw me down onto my stomach and came down on my back, pinning me to the couch.

I breathed hard and fast, feeling his cock press against my ass as he snatched my phone out of my hand.

I stared wide-eyed as he placed it a few inches in front of me, his finger hovering over the green Answer button.

“Michael, no,” I rushed out, panic making my lungs ache.

But he swiped the screen anyway. The ringing stopped, and I heard silence as she waited for me to say something.

“Say hi,” he whispered in my ear.

Character interview

It’s testosterone overload at Dirty Girl Romance today, because not only do I have THE Michael Crist, but also Kai Mori. Let’s just say that I’m just a little excited to have both these men with me tonight to answer some of my most pertinent questions. So without further ado, let’s do this!

DGR: Michael, can you introduce yourself by telling us a little about yourself?

Michael: I think before I act, but you won’t see me coming. That’s all you need to know.

DGR: What would you say is your biggest strength? And your biggest weakness?

Michael: Rika. On both accounts. She makes me better, happier, and more alive, but she’s also almost always the center of every decision I make.

DGR: You grew up with quite a bit of wealth and prestige, has that affected the man that you are now?

Michael: I’m sure. I don’t know what it’s like on the other side, but I would assume that when you don’t have to worry about where your food and rent is coming from, the world is full of possibilities.

But it’s also full of restraints, people watching you, and having an opinion about your life and future…

I was lucky to get a basketball scholarship to Westgate, because there’s no way my father would’ve paid for me to go there when he had other expectations. It’s a conundrum, isn’t it? You can grow up poor and quite possibly have no future and few, if any, opportunities. Or you can grow up wealthy, with Evans Crist as a father, and have your future already planned from the day you graduate college to the day you enter the grave.

I took option C: free fall.

DGR: Let’s be blunt here, you’re hot as hell, why are you still single?

Michael: Probably because I’m only 23. And probably because I was waiting for Rika to grow up. 😉

DGR: How would you describe your ideal woman?

Michael: Smart, clever, she owns the room….Rika.

DGR: Let’s deviate to Kai for a minute. Kai, you and Michael have been friends for many years, how did you first meet and did anything in particular strengthen your bond through the years?

Kai: We first met in high school, first year, at basketball tryouts. I’m not sure how it happened, but Will, Michael, Damon, and I just all found each other on the court. When it was time to pass, one of them was there. We read each other, and we were always in sync. Immediately, we began hanging out, and after the rigid workout schedule, the games, and the practices we eventually became inseparable. We found that ability to be in sync transferred over to life as well.

So yeah, it was basketball. Even after we got out, it was the first thing we all did together. It felt normal.

DGR: (For Kai) If you had to describe yourself in 5 words, what would they be?

Kai: To define is to limit.

DGR: (for Kai) Now what about your single status, any ladies in particular you have your eye on?

Kai: No.

DGR: (For Kai) Let’s address the elephant in the room, you’ve been gone for 3 years and I know you don’t want to talk about where you’ve been, but can you tell us if the past three years changed who you are?

Kai: *laughs* Yeah, we know exactly where I’ve been. The thing is…I deserved what I got. When I thought Rika, someone we trusted, had turned us in, that was a different matter, but I know I broke the law, and while I’m not sorry I did it, I’m not angry I got punished.

I just…I don’t see the world the same way I did. Things changed, and I feel different. Stronger, maybe. I’m wearing a new skin now, and I kind of like it.

DGR: (For Kai) You, Michael, Damon and Will are all thick as thieves. Is there anyone in particular that you’re closest to, and why?

Kai: I think Michael and I were closest. We trusted each other’s opinions more. But I’m not so sure that’s true anymore. He trusts her opinion now, which I’m happy for him, but like I said…things changed.

DGR: (Michael) Same question

Michael: We’re all close. Take out Damon, and insert Rika, and it’s still the four of us.

DGR: (For Kai and Michael) Who are the four horsemen?

Death, Famine, Conquest, and War. The four riders brought forth by God to bring about the Apocalypse. We got the name during high school, because the sight of us on the court was certain death for the opposing team. It was hype, but it worked.

DGR: (For Kai and Michael) You both seem to have a very…interesting…relationship with Erika Fane. Anything in particular that you can say is drawing you to her?

Michael: Her wit, her fight, her dark side…she’s part of me.

Kai: She knew me, what I’d been through, and it felt comfortable. She soothes me.

DGR: Let’s close it up on an interesting note and get really personal for a second. Because let’s face it, you are at DIRTY Girl Romance, Michael, if you had to describe your perfect sex, what would it be? Missionary? Doggy style? Something more…kinky?

Michael: The position isn’t as much of a turn on as the location and situation. I like the danger of almost getting caught. Like last week when all the players and their girlfriends and wives took a limo bus to a party at some mansion in the country. Rika and I were way in the back seat, it was dark, she was in my lap, and…we didn’t go all the way but far enough to make it a very frustrating night until we could find somewhere private.

DGR: Kai, same goes?

Kai: Something more…kinky.

Review4.5 starsCorrupt-DGR

Three years ago, curious little Erika Fane wanted to play with the boys, so we indulged her, and she betrayed us. There was no way we’d forget.

How in the ever loving hell do I even begin reviewing this book?! Honestly. I’m completely at a loss for words. So my only way out is to be vague as shit and trust me when I tell you you’ll thank me for it. You want to know absolutely nothing about this book. Even the very minute detail can be a spoiler. If you want my advise, avoid reviews altogether and go in absolutely blind. Hell, don’t even read the blurb.
First of all, while this book is categorized dark, I wouldn’t agree with that. It’s a heck of a lot darker than anything Penelope Douglas has written and surely a leap away from anything she’s written in the past. But dark? Well, on my scale, I’d rate it a light gray. It was erotic, and very edgy, but if you compare to the Pepper Winters, CJ Roberts, or the like, it’s not quite on the same scale. It’s also not for everyone. Penelope took some risks with this one and there are some scenes and occurrences that may not agree with everyone. But this girl? Devoured it like the crack that it was.

I’d always been scared of him. The thrilling kind of scared that got me turned on.

Erika Fane has been in love with Michael Crist. He captivated her with his brooding intensity, drew her in with his aloofness, and completely disregarded her. But something about him, something behind his eyes drew her to him like a moth to a flame. Erika was too young to really know. Too naive to really see. And she was also dating Michael’s younger brother. Now she’s single, in a new city by herself for college, and fully in Michael’s crosshairs….
Corrupt teaser-DGR2Michael Crist is a force to be reckoned with. He’s enigmatic, rich, and used to not playing by the rules. Erika may have had the run of his house growing up, but now she’s finally where he wants her. No longer under the protection of his family, no longer dating his brother. She’s alone…and his to do with what he wants. And what he wants is revenge. He won’t rest until she’s paid restitution for what she did to him and his friends those fateful three years ago. He’ll make her pay, even if he has to corrupt her fully to do it…

Such a good girl…
Say it, Rika.”
“I’m a good girl,” she panted, her voice shaky.
“And I’m going to fuck you up.”

Corrupt teaser-DGRI don’t remember the last time a book kept me up all night reading. I inhaled it in one sitting, completely enraptured. It was positively spellbinding and unlike anything I’d have ever expected from this author. There’s one thing to say for Penelope’s writing, it’s absolutely captivating. She knows how to draw her readers in, how to make her characters so alive they practically leap off the pages at you. Michael was that character for me. He was so intense, in a way that equal parts terrified and seduced. The fact that you get both his and Rika’s POV only serves to draw you in fully into the story. Even when he does something that you want to hate him for, even when Rika does something you want to throttle her for, you can’t put it down. It was like an addiction. I had to have a hit. I simply couldn’t stop until I knew what was going on. And Penelope keeps you hanging on that edge of suspense until the last page. They mystery behind everything is what really captured my interest. It’s told in flashbacks of three years ago and present, but it’s weaved together flawlessly. I know some readers don’t enjoy the flashbacks from past to present, but it truly worked it. It’s what drove the plot and the mystery. It whetted the appetitive for more.

What if I’d completely corrupted her? What if she’d begun to like playing games too much, and the lust to play- and to win- overpowered her need for me?

I read this 2 days ago and I still can’t stop thinking about it. There was one particular scene that really threw me and made me wonder if it was really necessary. However, after giving it some though, it was barely a blip on my radar. I also wished for a bit of something from Michael at the end (I won’t say what because I’m a teasing bitch like that) but you’ll see what I mean once you read it. But once again, thinking on it some more, Penelope stayed true to his character, and having him handle it any other way would not have been that. So I can respect that.

While young Rika frustrated me at first, I loved seeing her grow that backbone and truly come into her own throughout the book. She certainly gave as good as she got, and she got plenty. Michael is the epitome of an anti-hero that you’ll love to hate.

Corrupt is much sexier than any of Penelope’s other books that I can’t even compare. The woman can write the hell out of a sex scene, let me just tell you. But everything about her writing just worked for me. Get ready to be Corrupted, because after reading this, you will never be the same.

About the Author


Penelope D

Penelope Douglas is the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of the Fall Away series.

She dresses for autumn year round, loves anything lemon flavored, and believes there is too much blood in her Coca Cola stream. Or too much Coca Cola in her blood stream. Or…

You know what? It doesn’t matter. She loves Coke. Now you know.

She lives in Las Vegas with her husband and daughter.

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New Release & Review: ★Reap★ by Tillie Cole

Series: Scarred Souls #2
Genre: Dark Romance
Author: Tillie Cole
Release Date: November 10, 2015add-to-goodreads-button-2


Raised as a prototype for the Georgian Bratva’s obedience drug, 221 fails to think, act, or live for himself; he’s his master’s perfectly-crafted killing puppet. Standing at six-foot-six, weighing two-hundred-and-fifty pounds, and unrivaled in to-the-death combat, 221 successfully secures business for the Georgian Mafiya Boss of NYC, who rules the dark world of the criminal underground. Until his enemies capture him.

Talia Tolstaia dreams to break from the heavy clutches of Bratva life. She dreams of another life–away from the stifling leash of her Russian Bratva Boss father and from the brutality of her work at The Dungeon, her criminal family’s underground death-match enterprise. But when she stumbles upon her family’s captive who is more monster than man, she starts to see the man underneath. A powerful, beautiful, damaged man whose heart calls to hers. But sacrifices must be made–blood for blood…life for life…souls for scarred souls…

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Review4 starsReap-DGR

Our desperate gazes met.
He took a deep breath.
Then he whispered, “You are…for me?”

God. That one line. Who would have thought that my heart could melt and break at the same time from just 4 little words? But when 221; killing machine, savage with no memories of his previous life and raised to be a cold blooded killer, utters those four words to Talia….I was absolutely done for.

Reap is book 2 in Tillie Cole’s Scarred Souls series, and while you may read it as a standalone since it focuses on a different main couple and their HEA, I highly recommend you start with book 1. Because while Reap tells the story of Zaal and Talia, it also gives the readers a continuation of Luka through his POV. It builds up on what has begun in Raze and it would connect you to the story that much more having previously read that.

And in that moment I knew- I was losing my heart to the object of my family’s deepest hatred.

I have to admit that I was in the minority of not enjoying Raze as much as I’d hoped for so I went into Reap with no expectations and enjoyed it so much more! Most of what bothered me in the first book was not an issue here. The writing was much better; it flowed and the repetitiveness that bothered me in Raze was no where to be found.

I swallowed at the sight of him. I fought for breath at his savageness; his brutal, primitive presence, and I lost all sensibilities.

221 was raised as a prototype for the Georgian mafia’s obedience drug. He’s a stone cold killer with a bloodlust that only death can appease. He fails to thing, act, or live for himself. He lives for his master’s commands and doesn’t remember life before or beyond that.

Luka Tolstoi is continuing to deal with the demons of his past. But the thing that haunts him the most is the death of his only friend, at his own hands. When he figures out the connection between 221 and 362, he knows he will stop at nothing until he frees him from his sadistic captors. Having accomplished his task, he brings him to recover at his family’s estate where Talia is currently taking a break from the Bratva’s stifling leash.

He looked every inch the unpolished savage I’d believed him to be.

When Talia discovers 221’s true identity, she knows that he’s not only forbidden. He’s something else entirely. There’s a history there that he’s not aware of and she knows all too well. But that doesn’t stop her from being intrigued by the savage. During his recovery from the drug that stole his thoughts and memories, she cares for him….but something else begins to develop between them.
Reap is not quite as dark as it’s predecessor was. While still leaning on the side of gritty, it wasn’t as brutal. It was definitely a whole lot more emotional, however. I think this is in part due to the fact that I had a true connection to Talia and Zaal together. Talia isn’t exactly my favorite heroine, but she was much more memorable than Kisa. I loved how she cared for Zaal and the way she fought for him.

Zaal Kostava, you’ve stolen my forbidden heart.”

Reap was absolutely gut wrenching for me. What truly made it as emotional as it was was the connection between Zaal and Luka. There was a particular part at the end between them that actually brought a tear to my cold black heart. It was devastating to read about.

The story flowed smoothly and it was captivating from the very start. My picky self did get stuck on the incorrect translations once again, but luckily the story and the romance was enough for me to turn a (mostly) blind eye to it.

We’d bared our pasts, we’d fought our fates. And at the end, left over was only the purest form of love. Of need. Of US.

There was a tease at the end that has me practically salivating for the next book. So while I got off to a rocky start with Raze, I’m definitely now a fan of the series and can’t wait to see what’s in store next.

Don’t miss book 1 in the Scarred Souls series!23262621-3

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