Blog Tour & Jenn + Lana’s Review: The Castle by @skye_warren

Series: Endgame #3
Genre: Dark Romance, Contemporary
Author: Skye Warren
Release Date: April 4, 2017

The trilogy is now complete! #OneClick now!


Safe in the ivory tower…

Gabriel Miller swears he’ll keep me safe. Enemies lurk outside, waiting to strike. An army held back by these walls.

Except some animal instinct warns me the danger is much closer. It’s already here. Is Gabriel my protector or my enemy? Is this house a castle or a cage?

There’s nowhere for me to go, no one left for me to trust.

No escape from a past determined to capture its prize.





So bright. So beautiful. I used to wonder if it would burn to touch you.”
“Now you know. It doesn’t.”
“Oh, little virgin. You definitely make me burn. And I’m addicted to being ash.”

Alright, confession time.
True story. And usually the mere thought of a trilogy is enough to make me break out in hives. Why? Because I’ll usually find book two to be more filler, and I’m pretty much bored and uninterested by book three. So you may be asking yourself, why on earth did this crazy heifer read a trilogy then? And to that, my doubting friend, I only have one answer for you. Skye Warren wrote it. It doesn’t matter what this woman writes. She can write the damn alphabet and I’ll read it.

If I can describe this trilogy for you in one word, it’ll be intense. And not only does it start that way in book one, but it only gets more and more intense as the story progresses.

He fucks me like I’m the enemy, like he can vanquish me.”

Not only was I still riveted to every single word of this book and story, but I was fully invested and addicted. It doesn’t get more intense than Gabriel. It just doesn’t. And the man only gets better and better with each look into the depths of his dark soul.

A sense of inevitability overcomes me, the same as watching the moon rise in the sky. There’s no way that we can change the tides. All we can do is cling to the mast, the way I’m clinging to Gabriel now. He’s my ship, my center. My only hope for surviving the night.”

Skye Warren is a literary genius. The way she weaves her words is downright magical. Greek mythology, chess analogies, and dark intensity all wrapped around a romance that’s as erotic as it is forbidden. An innocent virgin falling for her captor and protector. A man who has seen too much darkness in his life to be anything less than a monster, allowing some of her light to seep through his heart’s cracks. All of it blended flawlessly through a captivating story of betrayal and vengeance that goes to show that monsters are real and can break even the strongest of spirits.

I’m not made of marble or anything hardy like that. I’m built from crystal flutes and rare silk. From the brushstrokes of my mother’s portrait. I’m a shadow of a human being, only a cautionary tale whispered from mother to daughter. A collection of dangerous words. I’m a myth. And as long as I don’t speak, I can bury myself.”

The Castle was the perfect conclusion to a series that captivated me from the very first. The Endgame trilogy was a story that kept me glued to the pages. The intensity built with each new book. With each secret that gets revealed. With each depravity that comes to light. It was addicting. It was heart pounding. It was completely unputdownable.

Oh, little virgin. I love you with every cold bone in my body. I love you with every dark thought, every violent impulse. I love you enough to leave the walls I’ve carefully built, the iron bars I refined, the castle I made.”

I forever worship at the altar that is Skye Warren and kept wait for more. So if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to rock myself in a corner somewhere, drinking my feelings, until The King comes out. Because DAMON!!!!


5 – Do you even have to ask how many stars I’m giving this??? – Stars

A Love Letter to Skye Warren…..Maybe more like a Crazy Fan-Girl Letter….Same thing.

Ok, this should be a book review for The Castle. But let’s be honest. Everyone KNOWS The Castle was brilliant, and if you don’t, then you should obviously read it (After The Pawn & The Knight). But what I really want to do is write a love letter to Skye Warren. Because I’m in luuuurve with her. Ok, not really….Well, maybe a little.
GABRIEL. Can I have him? Seriously, I want you to write a Gabriel story EVERY…..DAY and send me the story. No one else. Just me. Especially not Lana. BECAUSE HE’S MINE!! That’s why I want you in my basement. So no one else can have Gabriel. It’s a completely reasonable request.
Dear, Skye. I’m just over here with your favorite thing to lure you into my house so I can lock you up in my basement. (Jk. I’m not a crazy person…..not really.) Seriously. I want to meet you. And brunch with you. And just… Because you are brilliant. I love your words on pages. I love your STORIES. Ugh, your stories. I love those people in your head that talk to you and make you put them on paper. Ugh, all your characters. I am completely intimidated by you. This whole series and all of your books leave my jaw on the ground.

Ugh. This letter is getting cray. I should probably go before people think I’m cray.

Actual Review for The Castle:


Start the series today with THE PAWN!



* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

THE PAWN is a full-length contemporary novel from New York Times bestselling author Skye Warren about revenge and seduction in the game of love. It’s the first book in the brand new ENDGAME series.

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Grab THE KNIGHT now!


Skye Warren is the New York Times bestselling author of contemporary romance such as the Chicago Underground series. Her books have been featured in Jezebel, Buzzfeed, USA Today Happily Ever After, Glamour, and Elle Magazine. She makes her home in Texas with her loving family, two sweet dogs, and one evil cat.

Contact Skye:


#DGRFave & Review: Grievous by @JMDarhower

Series: Scarlet Scars #2
Genre: Dark Romance
Author: JM Darhower
Release Date: February 6, 2017

Once upon a time, there was a girl who stopped believing in fairy tales after her innocence was stolen.

Morgan Myers is tired. So damn tired. Most people either push her around or brush her off, and she’s not putting up with it anymore. Determined to reclaim the life that had been stolen from her, she puts her trust in the last person she ever expected to: the notorious they call Scar. Morgan sees a side of him that few people seem to know—the man, not the myth. Lorenzo. And what she sees, she likes, a lot more than she thought she would.

But fairy tales aren’t real, as life likes to remind her. Some dragons, you just can’t slay, no matter how hard you fight them. And when hers comes back around, breathing fire, she’s forced to face some unimaginable horrors. But there’s a white knight in combat boots out there that isn’t afraid of monsters.

You see, it’s impossible to be afraid of something you see every day in the mirror.


She wants the fairy tale with the happy ending. All I have are bullet holes in a house with no soul.

I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not a fan of duets or trilogies. It always starts out great and then fizzles out for me at the end. That’s why I’m so blown away right now after finishing this book? Because this was quite possibly the best conclusion that I have ever read. Period. It couldn’t have had a better ending. Talk about going out with a bang. DAMN. I’m still calming my tits over here.

Maybe we’re all crazy. Maybe the trick in life is just to find someone whose crazy plays well with your own.

Everything only got better with book two; Morgan being one of them. As much as I liked her in book one, she was even better here. She’s this amazing combination of strength and vulnerability, tough as nails personality with a splash of pain. She was absolute perfection. If only every heroine I read was more like this woman. She totally had me under her spell.

All the puzzle pieces begin to click in place with Grievous, and when that puzzle starts to finally come together? Mind. Blowing. Filled with twists and turns, action and steam, I couldn’t have asked for a better conclusion to a story that hooked me from the beginning.

As for Lorenzo? Mother. Of. God. THIS MAN.

Whatever this is I’m feeling, I want it to stop. I want it to go away. I want to stop fucking seeing her every time I blink. I want to stop fucking thinking about her every time I pause to take a deep breath. She’s like an infection that’s settling into my chest. I would rip out my own organs if I thought it might purge her from my system.

He’s a violent, messed up, insane killer, and I loved his so muh muh much. I’m talking slightly questioning my own sanity over how much I loved him. The man has loose marbles rolling around in his head. He’s not all there, get me? He’s downright certifiable at times, and yet he’s one of the most endearing anti-heroes I’ve read in a long while.

The woman’s touch is witchcraft. It’s a sin to give in, but seeing as sinning is my specialty, I let her dark magic consume me, because what do I have to lose?

Grievous was a high-octane, dark and violent ride that was filled with twists and turns and enough heat to set your kindle on fire. It was danger and lust, violence and love. It. Was. Everything.

The woman has got me all fucked up here, flipped upside down and inside out. It’s like the striking of a match. All it needs is that spark.

If you had any doubt about the raw talent that is JM Darhower before, this book will make a believer out of you. Trust me. It’s an absolute must read!



New Release & Review: The Knight by Skye Warren

Series: Endgame #2
Genre: Dark Romance
Author: Skye Warren
Release Date: January 31, 2017

The power of pleasure…

Gabriel Miller took everything from me. My family. My innocence. My home. The only thing I have left is the determination to get back what’s mine.
He thinks he’s beaten me. He thinks he’s won. What he doesn’t realize is that every pawn has the chance to become a queen.

And the game has only just begun.


THE KNIGHT is book two in the Endgame series from New York Times bestselling author Skye Warren about revenge and seduction in the game of love.


My voice is low. “What do you want?”
“Everything.” “I’ve already given you that.”
“Not even close.” He stalks around me, circling like a predator. “I want you bent over and broken. I want you bleeding at my feet, little virgin.”

What IS it about this man that just gives me tingles each and every time he opens his mouth? The intensity of him is almost unbearable, yet like a moth to a flame, he draws you in…

The story continues immediate where The Pawn left off. If you haven’t read that yet, this is a continuation and not meant to be read as a standalone. I’ll try to keep it as spoiler free as possible but some mild spoilers from The Pawn may slip in. So if you haven’t read that yet, be warned, you may want to stop reading this review.

And you’re the object of my depravity, the target of every dark wish, the canvas I want to paint. I won’t be satisfied until I’ve marked every inch of you, inside and out.”


Gabriel may have let Avery go after their night together, but his hold on her is far from broken. Penniless and all on her own, Avery is trying to make ends meet while taking care of her ailing father. This is a woman that doesn’t just lie down and take it, she’s a fighter, and I seriously loved that about her. Her desire for a man that she should hate is confusing but undeniable. Gabriel wants her for the 30 days they agreed to, and he’s not about to let her out of the arrangement so easy.

I always want him. In my dreams, in the dark. A secret desire I’m afraid to admit to myself.

Gabriel continues to be an enigma for a good portion of the book. The man is utterly unforgettable. I read book 1 weeks before and I couldn’t stop thinking about him. There’s just something about his presence that’s so completely captivating, he owns the pages.

I want you in every way and place and time. I want you so fucking bad I wish I could stop, because it goddamn hurts.”

We finally do get to see the vulnerable part of the impenetrable man that was hinted at in book one, and I can’t wait to see the final chess pieces fall. There’s a mystery that weaves around the romance that’s just as fascinating as Gabriel. The Knight is packed full of twists and turns I never saw coming and it’s a book that kept me riveted to the pages from beginning to end.

I love a dark romance that doesn’t turn to shock value and gratuitous violence to keep the readers glued to the pages, and Skye Warren truly blew it out of the park with this series. I just finished it and I already can’t wait for more. I’m hoping book 3 will bring us the conclusion to this story, because well, let’s be real, it’s a surprise my ADD has lasted this long. Trilogies are usually not my thing, but I’m gobbling this one up and eagerly anticipating the conclusion.

His features are severe, a sentinel by the door, keeping watch over me. My knight in dark armor.

Start the series today!


BUY NOW: on sale for just $.99!!!
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“Sinfully sexy and darkly beautiful, The Pawn will play games with your heart and leave you craving more!” – Laura Kaye, New York Times bestselling author

The price of survival…

Gabriel Miller swept into my life like a storm. He tore down my father with cold retribution, leaving him penniless in a hospital bed. I quit my private all-girl’s college to take care of the only family I have left.
There’s one way to save our house, one thing I have left of value.
My virginity.

A forbidden auction…

Gabriel appears at every turn. He seems to take pleasure in watching me fall. Other times he’s the only kindness in a brutal underworld.
Except he’s playing a deeper game than I know. Every move brings us together, every secret rips us apart. And when the final piece is played, only one of us can be left standing.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
THE PAWN is a full-length contemporary novel from New York Times bestselling author Skye Warren about revenge and seduction in the game of love. It’s the first book in the brand new ENDGAME series.

Skye Warren is the New York Times bestselling author of contemporary romance such as the Chicago Underground series. Her books have been featured in Jezebel, Buzzfeed, USA Today Happily Ever After, Glamour, and Elle Magazine. She makes her home in Texas with her loving family, two sweet dogs, and one evil cat.

Contact Skye:

Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Youtube | Pinterest | Website

Review & #DGRFave: Crown of Lies by @PepperWinters

Series: Crown of Lies Duet #1
Genre: Dark Romance
Author: Pepper Winters
Release Date: January 31, 2017

“I met the boy I wanted. But then he vanished and a new man claimed me instead. My father approved, my colleagues congratulated, and behind closed doors, I was bedded by a stranger.”

Noelle Charlston lived a fairy-tale life: a doting father, a powerful job, and a future blessed with financial security.

However, two meetings with two men changed her happy existence forever. First, she met the boy who made her heart sing. Second, she met the man who made her blood quiver.

Noelle’s freedom was no longer hers. It belonged to the man her father believed was the perfect match. The man who pulled his lies over everyone he touched.
Including her.

Seduced and manipulated, Noelle lives two lives. The one everyone sees on the outside and the one no one sees on the inside. The lies he spins, the truth he hides, the mystery he webs—it’s all enough to slowly erode the woman she’d been and turn her into something else.

Until her past collides with her present.
And it’s her turn to lie.
To everyone…including herself.


Thieves can become saints. Saints can become thieves. Most of us deserve a second chance.

Without fail, this woman’s writing managed to blow me away once again. Lies wrapped in truth. Truths wrapped in thinly veiled threats. A mysterious draw wrapped in animal magnetism. This book completely owned me. It hypnotized. It enraptured. It was pure literary magic, weaving a story so spellbinding, it was impossible to put down.

I don’t know if I’d been the one to seduce him, but he’d utterly decimated me.

It could be said that Noelle Charlston lives a charmed life. Growing up in luxury and set to inherit a retail empire, she wants for almost nothing…except a taste of normalcy. The youngest CEO in the history of the company, she may be rich, but she’s not a stranger to hard work. She barely leaves her office and her work is all she knows and all she does. Yearning for just a few hours of normal, she makes a decision that irrevocably changes the course of her life.

Now three years have passed since that fateful night that she’ll never forget. She’s a little older, a lot wiser, and even more disillusioned. Given up on love and finding a man that will want her for more than her money and empire, she’s lost herself in her work…until a man demands her attention in a way that’s impossible to ignore.

He hypnotized me. He corrupted me.

This man is pure animal magnetism wrapped in alluring confidence. He’s not used to hearing no and he won’t take it for an answer. The sparks fly between them; a mix of antagonism and undeniable chemistry. A hate lust so strong, it practically burns through the pages.

He wants to own her. She’s her own woman. He’s determined to break her. She knows no man ever will. He’s determined to mark her. She refuses to let him close enough. What takes place is a back and forth that’s so delicious, it was enrage you as much as it will captivate you.

The story is flawlessly written in Pepper’s signature fluid and lyrical style. It kept me glued to the pages from beginning to end, completely incapable of putting it down. I read this in one sitting while trying to savor every word because I didn’t want it to end.

This is book one in a duet, and I’m already vibrating to get my hands on the conclusion. If you’re a fan of this author, this book is not to be missed.

He fucked me. He took me. He consumed me.

The conclusion, THRONE OF TRUTH, is releasing on February 28


New Release & Review: Menace by @JMDarhower

Genre: Dark Romance, Mafia
Series: Scarlet Scars #1
Author: JM Darhower
Release Date: January 16, 2017

Once upon a time, there was a guy who got so fed up with life that he resorted to murder and mayhem just to feel alive.

Lorenzo Gambini is bored. So fucking bored. Most people either annoy him or avoid him, afraid to face him. Figuratively. Literally. With his face partially disfigured, scarred, he looks every bit the monster the stories make him out to be: the notorious menace they call Scar. They say he’s a sociopath. Maybe he’s a psychopath. Whatever path he’s on, people tend to stay far away from it.

Until one day, a young woman bumps right into him–a woman just as fed up with life, but for much different reasons. With a Scarlet Letter inked on her wrist and secrets buried deep in her soul, Morgan Myers is running from something… or maybe somebody. Lorenzo isn’t quite sure.

You can bet your ass he’s going to figure it out, though.


He’s excitement. He’s adrenaline.
He makes my heart do stupid shit.
Shit my heart shouldn’t be doing.
Because everything that turns me on about him could also snuff me out.

Want to know a recipe for a whole lot of awesome?

Take one part heroine that’s snarky, sarcastic, as strong as she is broken, can stand her own with anyone, has enough sass and backbone to make her awesome from start to finish.

Take one part anti-hero that’s as hot as he is totally f*cked up. Make him have an internal monologue that will have your cringing one minute and cracking up the next. As a matter of fact take one part Deadpool sort of snarky humor…

I’m starting to understand what everyone says about you.”
“And what, pray tell, do they say? Don’t leave me in suspense here.”
“That there’s something seriously wrong with you.”
“Oh, well, I could’ve told you that. There’s a lot wrong with me.”

and mix that with some mafia bad*ss!

Mix in a part of mystery.

Add a splash of plot twist.

Sprinkle in some super f*cked up secondary characters.

Get the beyond amazing JM Darhower to blend it all together with her signature mix of grit and sex.

And now, my friend, you got yourself one addicting little cocktail. Uhem.

If you’ve read Target on Our Backs, you’re already familiar with Lorenzo and his particular brand of crazy. And make no mistake, the man is definitely NUTS.

I seem to forever exist in a gray area of life, caught in a web somewhere between homicidal and suicidal

He’s violent, screwed up, borderline sociopath. His past demons don’t haunt his present because they’re probably scared shitless of a man that doesn’t fear death. Does he have a backstory? Absolutely. And it’s as devastating as it is f*cked up. Will you be panting for him throughout the entire book even knowing all that? Abso-freaking-lutely!

He stares at me, not a flicker of emotion showing on his face. There’s almost something inhuman about it.

Morgan aka “Scarlet” was easily my favorite heroine that this author has written to date. This is a woman that’s running but with a purpose and using any means possible to get what she wants. She’ll pick pockets, lie, and use her body if she has to. She’s full of nails and vinegar. She’s sassy, sarcastic, snarky and everything I love. She’s broken but not defeated. If anything her weakness just make her that much stronger. She was a fascinating combination vulnerable and deadly.

This is not a story of insta lust or insta anything. These two have a rocky start and an explosive continuation. And by explosive, I mean that in all sense of the word.

Holy fuck. This man and those hands… he doesn’t play fair. At all. He presses buttons he’s got no business pressing.

I loved her internal monologue almost as much as I loved Lorenzo’s

He curves his fingers, hitting that sweet spot deep inside. The unicorn found the fucking Holy Grail.
Didn’t even need a map.
He navigated right there.

Yeah. See what I mean?
This was told in dual POV and I gobbled it up! It was violent and gritty, taking you right into the underbelly of the worst sort of criminal organizations. It’s sexy with just the right amount of humor mixed it. I loved it is what I’m trying to tell you here. I’m already itching for the conclusion. ITCHING I tells ya!!!

I just think about how fucked up it is to realize that heroes are make-believe but monsters are real. That’s the world we live in. There’s no knight in shining out there. It’s just me, trapped in a world filled with fire-breathing dragons.

GRIEVOUS, book 2 in the Scarlet Scars and the conclusion, releases in February

Add it to your Goodreads now!

Review: Torture To Her Soul by J.M. Darhower

Series: Monster in His Eyes #2
Genre: Dark Romance
Author: J.M. Darhower
Release Date: September 29, 2014

Don’t say it unless you mean it…

It’s a simple concept, one I’ve said time and again, but something people don’t seem to comprehend. You should choose every syllable carefully, because you never know when somebody will hold you to your word.

Somebody like me.

I’m not a good man. I’m not. I know. I have enough darkness inside of me to rid the world of every stitch of light. But there’s one I could never harm, one light I couldn’t bring myself to snuff out.


She thinks I’m a monster, and maybe I am. I taunt her with my touch, get a thrill out of torturing her soul. But I’m not the only one. The world is full of monsters, and I’m not the most dangerous one out there.

Not even close…

God help me, I love her.

I do.

And God help anyone who tries to take her from me.


We’re a tragedy in the making. The game of tug-of-war we’re playing will end up destroying us, because she doesn’t have it in her to surrender, and I can’t let go. It’s something else I love about her. There’s a fight in her. But it’s a fight that’ll be our downfall. Because I have that same fight in me. 

Can I just say how much I LOVED getting the conclusion entirely in Naz’s POV? Because NAZ!!! FREAKING NAZ!

Tell me how you want it to be. Tell me what you need from me.” I’ll give her anything. I’ll tear my fucking chest open with my bare hands, rip out my heart and hand it to her, if that’s what she needs. All she has to do is tell me. All she has to do is ask.

Sometimes the line between good and bad isn’t so black and white. Sometimes it’s somewhere in the very depths of gray. And that’s exactly what you get with Naz. This is a man that’s done plenty of bad things and makes no apologies for it. He fully accepts who he is and what he’s become. He’s a man driven by pain and revenge. A man that’s sold his soul to the devil for a chance at vengeance. But Karissa has changed him irrevocably. He’ll still go to war and cover the streets in blood, but now it’s all for her.

She’s trying to be unbreakable but I’m unshakeable. She’s going crazy, and I’m already goddamn insane. I clipped my jailbird’s wings so she couldn’t fly away from me, and then I wonder why the fuck I can’t make her soar.

Being inside his head was an experience of dark and darker. And while you know it’s wrong, you just can’t find it in you to care even a little bit.

Torture To Her Soul was exactly what I hoped and so much more. J.M. Darhower knows how to weave one hell of a story and she’s a master of words. She’s given me some of my favorite mafia anti-heroes and I hope she never stops.

Second chances don’t come easily. Most people don’t get them. Most people don’t know what it’s like to come back from the brink of death. It changes people. It certainly changed me.


Blog Tour, J’s Review & Giveaway: The Pawn by @skye_warren

Series: The Endgame #1
Genre: Dark Contemporary Romance
Author: Skye Warren
Release Date: December 6, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


“Sinfully sexy and darkly beautiful, The Pawn will play games with your heart and leave you craving more!” – Laura Kaye, New York Times bestselling author

The price of survival…

Gabriel Miller swept into my life like a storm. He tore down my father with cold retribution, leaving him penniless in a hospital bed. I quit my private all-girl’s college to take care of the only family I have left.

There’s one way to save our house, one thing I have left of value.

My virginity.

A forbidden auction…

Gabriel appears at every turn. He seems to take pleasure in watching me fall. Other times he’s the only kindness in a brutal underworld.

Except he’s playing a deeper game than I know. Every move brings us together, every secret rips us apart. And when the final piece is played, only one of us can be left standing.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

THE PAWN is a full-length contemporary novel from New York Times bestselling author Skye Warren about revenge and seduction in the game of love. It’s the first book in the brand new ENDGAME series.

Buy Links Amazon | iBooks | Barnes & Noble | Kobo

Review-DGR5 stars

Skye….Skye!!!…..SKYE!!!!!!!!! I have read a lot of Skye Warren books, and this is my top fave!!!! I have been a fangirl of Skye for a long time, and I always enjoy her books. She is one of the best dark romance writers, in my opinion, and she has outdone herself with this book! All of the feels! The plot is just genius. This story has been written before, but not Skye Warren. When Skye writes it, it’s just better.

This is the type of book where the only reason you put your kindle down is to jump up and down because the characters said or did something so badass that you can’t help but fangirl in the moment.
à la Mode St. » fashion

I look up at him, searching his eyes for some hint of kindness, of mercy. There’s none. I find only fire – and the thought that comes next makes me shudder: this is vengeance. It’s not a feeling he’s had, a fleeting thought for revenge. This what he’s made of, cell by cell, atom by atom. He’s pure fury, and he’s coming for me.

à la Mode St. » fashionMy Gabriel & Avery:

 : Avery has grown up with everything she could ever ask for. After a terrible scandal with her father’s company, she and her father are left with close to nothing. In order to do anything she can to save her house and care for her father, Avery goes to the one man who might give her a loan. Little does she know that she will meet the man who ruined her father and give her a proposal that she cannot refuse in order to save her house and her father’s life.
à la Mode St. » fashion

”Can you at least look at me after I suck your dick?”

à la Mode St. » fashionAvery is a virgin…..A BADASS VIRGIN. This girl stands her ground. She may be naïve but she has got balls of steel! She gives back as good as she gets with Gabriel and I was rooting for her the whole time. She only has herself to depend on, but she doesn’t need anyone else because she does it all. She is willing to sacrifice everything to do the right thing.

…this man of precious metal and revenge, of carved wood and heartache.

GABRIEL. That’s it. Just his name sends shivers down my body. Gabriel is mine. Seriously. Back up, ladies! I know Lana wants to claim him, but NOPE! I refuse. He is ALL MINE, whore! He is a Grade A – Ass….Hole. My kinda man. He treats Avery with nothing less than disdain. She is the daughter of the man that cheated him, and he is willing to put her through hell and humiliation to get his pleasure. I loved the glimpses of compassion in his character, but he inevitably shows his true colors and is true to his inner asshole.
à la Mode St. » fashion

Here’s the thing about owning a virgin. For as long as I don’t fuck you, I still own one.

à la Mode St. » fashionI can’t say much about the plot without spoiling, but I will say I could not put this book down. It was emotional and fast-paced and intriguing, and I want more! This book is beautiful and broken and genius.

Yes, there is a cliffhanger. Should you care? No, for 2 reasons. 1. Because you enjoy this book so much that is doesn’t even matter. 2. Because the next book, Knight, comes out next month so you don’t have to wait very long. And let me tell you, I am going to be pouncing on that book as soon as my grabby little hands can get a hold of it.

THE KNIGHT is now available for preorder!


The power of pleasure…

Gabriel Miller took everything from me. My family. My innocence. My home. The only thing I have left is the determination to get back what’s mine.

He thinks he’s beaten me. He thinks he’s won. What he doesn’t realize is that every pawn has the chance to become a queen.

And the game has only just begun.

* * * * * *

THE KNIGHT is book two in the Endgame series from New York Times bestselling author Skye Warren about revenge and seduction in the game of love.


About the Author13680481_812207255582123_3040574096772318693_o

Skye Warren is the New York Times bestselling author of contemporary romance such as the Chicago Underground series. Her books have been featured in Jezebel, Buzzfeed, USA Today Happily Ever After, Glamour, and Elle Magazine. She makes her home in Texas with her loving family, two sweet dogs, and one evil cat.

Contact Skye:

Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Youtube | Pinterest | Website

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New Release & DGR Favorite Review: The Pawn by @skye_warren

pawn_releaseblitzbannerTHE PAWN
Series: The Endgame #1
Genre: Dark Contemporary Romance
Author: Skye Warren
Release Date: December 6, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


“Sinfully sexy and darkly beautiful, The Pawn will play games with your heart and leave you craving more!” – Laura Kaye, New York Times bestselling author

The price of survival…

Gabriel Miller swept into my life like a storm. He tore down my father with cold retribution, leaving him penniless in a hospital bed. I quit my private all-girl’s college to take care of the only family I have left.

There’s one way to save our house, one thing I have left of value.

My virginity.

A forbidden auction…

Gabriel appears at every turn. He seems to take pleasure in watching me fall. Other times he’s the only kindness in a brutal underworld.

Except he’s playing a deeper game than I know. Every move brings us together, every secret rips us apart. And when the final piece is played, only one of us can be left standing.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

THE PAWN is a full-length contemporary novel from New York Times bestselling author Skye Warren about revenge and seduction in the game of love. It’s the first book in the brand new ENDGAME series.

Buy Links Amazon | iBooks | Barnes & Noble | Kobo

thepawn-teaser-v2Review-DGR5 starsthe-pawn-dgr-teaser

I’m the pawn, and he’s my triumphant captor.

This was easily my favorite by this author to date. Gripping. Captivating. Magnetic. Dark. Erotic. It was EVERYTHING I love about a dark romance. It’s not gratuitous violence and scenes thrown in for pure shock value. It’s a mind fuck. An incredibly written, twisty, and delicious mind fuck that I couldn’t put down from beginning to finish; with a heroine you’ll want to root for, and an anti-hero that you’ll want to hate only slightly more than you love him.

The Pawn reminded me all over again why I love dark romance. It’s that electric zing of the forbidden. That feeling of rooting for a man that’s supposed to be the bad guy, yet you know that someone deep inside is someone that may be just an ounce redeemable. It’s the flutter of butterflies in your belly when you watch a sweet, innocent and naive girl grow into a woman that’s much stronger than you think. It’s that delicious tingle you get watching the fly get trapped in the spider’s erotic web. It’s pure wickedness.

Soon, little virgin.”
“Don’t call me that.” My voice trembles only a little, revealing the turmoil inside me.
“What else should I call you? Princess? Darling?”
“You could call me by my name.”
He dips his head, his mouth right by my ear, his voice just a breath. “There’s only one thing I’m going to call you. Mine.”

Growing up in privilege and money, Avery had an enchanted life. She idolized her father, she looked forward to her future and starting college, she had a doting boyfriend that she suspected only wanted her for his status, she had little worries aside from questioning her relationship…until it all crashed down on her…

I look up at him, searching his eyes for some hint of kindness, of mercy. There’s none. I find only fire- and the thought that comes next makes me shudder: this is vengeance.

Losing everything she finds herself penniless and desperate, and desperate times lead to desperate measures. Which is how she finds herself in the Den, agreeing to sell her virginity and body and soul to the highest bidder for a month.

You don’t know anything about me.”
“I know I could make you come in two minutes.”
A step back, my calves bumping the small chair where I sat. “You wouldn’t.”
“No, but you wish I would.”
“I hate you.”

Gabriel Miller is an enigma. He’s not a good guy, but his golden eyes lure her deep into a tangled web that she doesn’t know how to get herself out of.

The story was incredibly written. I love mythology and getting bits and glimpses of it only heightened my enjoyment. Watching Avery slowly come more and more into her own was almost as satisfying as watching the shadows lift from the mystery that is Gabriel but only leave behind more questions.

There’s something feral about this man, a fire that burns inside him, untamed.

The plot it filled with twists and turns that keep you absolutely riveted to the pages. The characters are multi-layered and enigmatic. You find yourself at the edge of your seat, heart beating wildly in your chest, just waiting for that final shoe to drop. This is one of those books that you will read in one sitting and it will leave you craving for more. It’s darkly erotic and entirely addicting.

You don’t taste sweet,” he says, pausing. “You taste like I’m fucking dying and you’re the only water around. You taste like goddamn air.”

If you’re a fan of this author, and you love a well written dark romance, this is one book that you do NOT want to miss. I may go crazy in my wait for the conclusion, but I don’t regret a moment of it because I have the best book high after finishing this. All of the stars!

THE KNIGHT is now available for preorder!


The power of pleasure…

Gabriel Miller took everything from me. My family. My innocence. My home. The only thing I have left is the determination to get back what’s mine.

He thinks he’s beaten me. He thinks he’s won. What he doesn’t realize is that every pawn has the chance to become a queen.

And the game has only just begun.

* * * * * *

THE KNIGHT is book two in the Endgame series from New York Times bestselling author Skye Warren about revenge and seduction in the game of love.


About the Author13680481_812207255582123_3040574096772318693_o

Skye Warren is the New York Times bestselling author of contemporary romance such as the Chicago Underground series. Her books have been featured in Jezebel, Buzzfeed, USA Today Happily Ever After, Glamour, and Elle Magazine. She makes her home in Texas with her loving family, two sweet dogs, and one evil cat.

Contact Skye:

Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Youtube | Pinterest | Website

Jennifer’s Review: To The Ends of The Earth by Skye Warren

review-to-the-ends-of-the-earthTitle: To the Ends of the Earth (A Stripped Series Novella)
Series: Stripped
Author: Skye Warren
Genre: Dark Romance
Release Date: November 15, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


Another rundown apartment. Another job that pays cash. Every new city it becomes harder to hide but I can’t stop running.

There are two men after me. One wants to save my soul. The other wants to claim my body.

Part of me wants Luca to catch me, even knowing what he’s capable of. An enforcer. A fighter. The only language he speaks is violence.

How far will he go to find me?

What will he do once he does?

A wild glance over my shoulder. The shadows are moving. I’m about to find out.

Start the Stripped Series Today:



Review-DGR4 starsI really enjoyed Luca and Beth’s story. This was a great ending to one of my favorite series by Skye Warren!!!
à la Mode St. » fashion

A man like this isn’t anyone’s prince.

à la Mode St. » fashionWe first met Luca & Beth in Pretty When You Cry, where Luca is a bodyguard/enforcer and saves Beth from the cult. This book picks up at their beginning. I loved getting to know Beth’s story from her point of view. Beth comes from…..hell on earth. I cannot even imagine growing up in a cult. I can’t. If I even begin to think about it, I get this crazy rage inside me because it just makes me so angry. Which is why I really liked this story because Beth breaks free from that life of horror. Even though Luca saves her, she is the one who saves herself. After finding out that she is pregnant, she fights for herself and her daughter. I loved that Skye gave her a while to be on her own without Luca. I think her character truly needed that, even though it was hard. But once Luca finds her……DAYUM! Beth is still running from the cult, so Luca has to fight to protect her. He doesn’t let go. He doesn’t her leave or fight on her own any more. And he literally fights for her.
à la Mode St. » fashionFighting’s in my blood. This is what I was born to do. And you’re the best reason I’ve ever had to do it.

à la Mode St. » fashionThis story is short, but well-developed. I thought there was nothing left unsaid or undid (Lol). I also loved that it was hot, but because of Beth’s past, Luca didn’t push her even though he could have (sorry for being vague. I’m trying not to spoil anything).

You don’t have to read the other books before this one, but if you don’t, you will definitely want to read them after because all of these characters are just so good!

Review: Preppy: The Life & Death of Samuel Clearwater, Part One by @TM_Frazier

preppy-reviewPREPPY: The Life & Death of Samuel Clearwater, Part One
Series: King #5
Genre: Dark Romance
Author: T.M. Frazier
Release Date: October 25, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


Bowtie…’till I DIE. 

Samuel Clearwater, A.K.A Preppy, likes bowties, pancakes, suspenders, good friends, good times, good drugs, and a good f*ck.

He’s worked his way out from beneath a hellish childhood and is living the life he’s always imagined for himself. When he meets a girl, a junkie on the verge of ending it all, he’s torn between his feelings for her and the crippling fear that she could be the one to end the life he loves.

Andrea ‘Dre’ Capulet is strung out and tired.

Tired of living for her next fix. Tired of doing things that make her stomach turn. Tired of looking in the mirror at the reflection of the person she’s become. Just when she decides to end it all, she meets a man who will change the course of both their lives forever.

And their deaths.

For most people, death is the end of their story.
For Preppy and Dre, it was only the beginning…

Buy LinksAMAZON | iBOOKSReview-DGR4.5 starspreppy-dgr-teaser

I’m going to hurt you,” he said, undoing the top button of my shorts and pushing his hand into my panties, cupping my sex in his warm and powerful hand. He squeezed, just a little, a show of power. “I’m going to hurt you with my lips. With my fingers. With my cock. It’s going to be the best fucking pain you’ve ever felt.”

Damn you T.M. Frazier! Damn you and your evil genius! What are you doing to me? I can’t even right now. First you shatter my cold black heart in Tyrant. Then you give me a smidgeon of hope with your evil teasing ways in Soulless. Then you make my pervy little heart’s dreams come true with this book only to leave me with that cliffhanger? Woman, I will hunt you down and demand answers. I will glare at you until you finish the next book. I will wave my fists menacingly and look as threatening as I can while doing it to make sure that you do all of this right this very second. You hear me? You can’t leave me like that! You just can’t!! GAH!

Have you ever read a secondary character that was so vivid and so enigmatic that he almost stole the show? Because that’s exactly what Samuel “Preppy” was to me in King. I loved his warped humor and the way that he was always making everyone around him laugh even with his warped past and his not so pretty present. This is a man that has seen hell and came out with a smile on his face and a bow tie on his neck. I was beyond thrilled to get his book.

Preppy takes us back before the timeline of King began. Speaking of King, I highly recommend reading this series in order to truly appreciate everything that is Preppy. While plenty of background is given, a lot could be lost on you having not read the previous books.

It made sense that his body was built for sin, because the hold Samuel Clearwater had over me was something straight from the depths of hell.

Andrea ‘Dre’ Capulet is at the end of her rope. Strung out, tired, she’s living her own personal hell deep in the bowels of an addiction she can’t kick.
Ready to end it all, Dre’s attempt gets thwarted by a man that may be her savior or her new form of hell…

I didn’t just want to fuck her. I wanted to ruin her.

If you loved Preppy in the previous books, you will absolutely fall in love with him in this one. He’s just as potent and just as charismatic except MORE. I couldn’t get enough of him

You know, sometimes I’m not sure when you’re serious.”
“Oh, well that’s easy to figure out. I’m always sometimes joking in a way that’s honest.”
“Totally cleared that up.”
“Glad I could help…”

Dre was an interisting character to say the least. It’s not everyday you can read about an addict like that and yet feel an odd sort of…kinship to her. She should be desperate and weak considering her circumstances, but even though all that there was this sense of a steel backbone to her. An underlying strength that would make an appearance to show that not everything is as it seems. I loved the way that the author was able to convey that without taking away from her addiction. This wasn’t someone that was magically healed and never wanted drugs again because she met a man. She was broken but not ruined.

He’d said he couldn’t keep me. That didn’t mean I wouldn’t always be his.

The timeline of this book runs before the one in King with some flashbacks that take place during the timeline in Soulless. It will answer many questions about Preppy while leaving you with plenty more. It was a gritty, sexy, dirty, violent ride that I never wanted to end. I loved every delicious and devious page. I love the way that T.M’s mind works. The woman is an evil genius and I can’t wait to see what she has in store for this couple next!!



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