Review: Bound To The Bounty Hunter by Hayson Manning

Review-Bound To The Bounty HunterBOUND TO THE BOUNTY HUNTER
Series: Bound #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Hayson Manning
Release Date: July 18, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


Harlan Franco, Colorado’s busiest bounty hunter, and security expert, lives by his rules: be in control, be detached, and never touch the asset. These rules are tested when the asset he’s being paid to secretly guard is none other than his rival, sexy, unpredictable, pain in the butt, Sophie Callaghan––a woman determined to stay away from him. If she finds out he’s in her life on an assignment, he’ll never get the info he needs. But those lips, those curves, that attitude, he bets he’ll have her for one night where she’ll play by his rules.

He didn’t expect his heart to have an opinion.

Freedom loving private investigator Sophie Callaghan is on a mission. The daughter of a con-artist is not going to be used by a man again. What she doesn’t need is hot, broody and controlling Harlan barging into her life and digging into her past. Her brain may say no, but her body craves this bad boy. After a night where both live their darkest desires, Sophie must fight their explosive chemistry because one wrong move could destroy her. She bets he has to stay far, far away.

As the stakes ramp up and secrets explode around them, both are determined to win the bet.

But there can only ever be one winner.

Buy LinksAMAZON | iBOOKSReview-DGR3.5 starsBound To The Bounty Hunter-DGR teaser

Number one rule of being on a guard and intel job:
Be detached.
Rule number two:
Be professional at all times.
Rule number three:
Don’t fuck the asset.

Well hot damn! Looks like I got myself a brand new series to stalk! Bound To The Bounty Hunter had a little bit of everything; broody and tortured hero, kick-ass sassy heroine, a little suspense and a whole lot of sexy!

I first fell in love with Hayson’s writing when I read Winning the Boss’s Heart a few years ago. I simply adored that book and I kept waiting (pretty impatiently) for this amazingly talented author to write another book. When I saw she’s coming out with this series, I was sold. When I saw the cover for it? I was drooling. But that’s neither here nor there.

So why is Sophie Callaghan sitting in a dark lit club watching a stranger have kinky sex with two blondes while thinking how to properly bug his table? She has a damn good reason. The daughter of a con man that left her with a lot of debts and even more guilt, Sophie is determined to write all of her father’s wrongs. But first she needs to figure out why the name of an infamous criminal was in the notebook her father left behind. The last person she needs to run into while on her stakeout is the ridiculously sexy bounty hunter that enrages her almost as much as he turns her on. Their brief history doesn’t help matter any either…

Harlan Franco is a successful bounty hunter. But what Sophie doesn’t know, is she’s his newest assignment. Sparks fly when these two go head to head!

I have to say I was super intrigued by the mystery and suspense at play here. I loved the chemistry between Harlan and Sophie and I loved all of the fun secondary characters that were introduced…especially the men Harlan works with (yum!)

Sophie is a tough chick, even if at times she’s too stubborn for her own good. At least she can back it up with her skills and take care of herself when she runs from Harlan determined to solve her own problems. Harlan is a broody, domineering, dirty talker. So basically exactly as I prefer my heroes.

This was a lot different from the other books I’ve read by Hayson. It’s a whole lot sexier and a little bit edgier. She’s definitely heading into some unchartered waters with this series and I can’t wait where it all leads. Admittedly, I got the sense that the author was a bit out of comfort zone while writing some of the sex scenes because they didn’t have a flow to them. Some of the encounters weren’t exactly awkward, but they felt rushed and almost stunted at times.

That being said, I still enjoyed the book immensely. And with the preview at the end of the mysterious character that will be getting his book next? NEED IT. While it may not have been the perfect 5 star read I was hoping for, it was a wholly satisfying one. It was exactly enough to hook me on the series and guarantee that I’ll be reading all the future books to come. I have a feeling once this author really comes into her own with this series, it’ll just get better and better! And I for one, can’t wait!

Review: Worked Up by Tessa Bailey

Review- Worked UpWORKED UP
Series: Made In Jersey #3
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Tessa Bailey
Release Date: August 1, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2

Worked Up

Factory mechanic Duke Crawford just wants to watch SportsCenter in peace. Unfortunately, living with four divorcee sisters doesn’t provide much silence, nor does it change his stance on relationships. But when a fellow commitment-phobe stumbles into his life, getting him good and worked up, he can’t deny his protective instincts.

Samantha Waverly’s brother just put her in an impossible situation. The only way out? Marry huge, gruff, gladiator look-alike Duke—for show, of course. She doesn’t make promises—she knows too well how easily they can be broken—and this is no exception.

As the blistering attraction between them grows, the lines around the no-strings relationship blur. But Duke and Samantha’s marriage is only for show…or is it?

Buy LinksAMAZON | iBOOKSReview-DGR4 starsWorked Up-Teaser DGR

We’re going to fuck tonight. Your bed. Mine. On the floor. In the shower. Against the window. All. Goddamn. Night. You’re going to know me from every angle when the sun comes up over New Jersey tomorrow.

*pervy shudder*
I mean for the love of my ovaries! Holy cock this book was freaking hot! HOT I tells ya! Hands down my absolute favorite book in the series. #PMB for the win!

Firstly, I need to give Tessa props. Because let me tell you, people, it takes skill to take a man that’s the size of a mountain with the beard and temperament of a mountain man, NOT have him be the typical ripped hero, give him a deliciously hairy chest, even a little bit of a beer belly, slap a dirty mouth on him, and have him turn out to be one of my favorite Tessa Bailey heroes to date. And considering I’ve read the woman’s entire backlist, that’s saying something mkay?! And the best part? Even though he wasn’t the stereotypical romance hero with the ripped abs, he was still sexier than most of the ones I’ve read. Seriously. And his dirty mouth only had 1/8th to do with that.

That’s Duke’s clit between your thighs, Samantha. No one touches that clit but Duke. You need it polished, teased, banged, or just plain slapped, who’s the one you call?
Be a good girl when you answer and I’ll kiss it again later.”

See what I mean? Rarrrr!

But I digress. So back to the book. We’ve gotten to know Duke in Thrown Down as the poor man stuck with 4 divorced sisters and no time to himself for even 5 minutes of sports center. He doesn’t talk much. He doesn’t date much. And he’s not exactly looking to add a woman into the mix when his 4 hellion sisters give him enough estrogen to choke a man twice his size. But then he walks into a bar and sees a gorgeous newcomer and sparks fly…

She had him at the first pun
Samantha Waverly is a children’s book illustrator that’s hoping to finally make her business dream come true. Only thing standing between her and her dream? A ridiculous addendum put into her loan contract by her brother, Renner, that requires her to be married. Le sigh. What’s a girl to do? Take up the sexy mountain man on his offer for a marriage of convenience, of course! Doesn’t hurt that he’s possessive and a freaking rock star in bed that makes her body sing, right?

You’re going to have no doubt how much I appreciate being allowed to squeeze myself into your body. If I ever think you’re unsure, my tongue will service you between the legs until there’s no question. Until you scream the doubt free, along with my name.

As I was saying….

But this book was so much more than what that synopsis implies. Sure there was a heavy dose of insta in play, but it totally worked for these characters. I adored Sam and her quirky personality. Each time she pulled out another cheesy pun, I liked her even more. As for Duke? Hello? Did you miss all my pervy praising on all things Duke previously? Pay attention dammit!

We also got a little peek into Renner and the man that just may have caught the ruthless business man’s attention (le gasp). I’m pretty sure I’d part with an ovary to get my hands on that books already.

After being slightly disappointed by the previous two books in this series, I wasn’t sure what to expect with this one. I’m beyond happy I gave it a chance because I seriously loved it! It was swoony, entertaining, and sexy as all get out. The perfect read to spend a steamy afternoon with!

I don’t want to be another responsibility to you.
Let me be the place you lose yourself instead.”



Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway: Forbidden Fling by Skye Jordan

FF.TOURForbidden Fling
Series: Wildwood #1
Author: Skye Jordan
Publisher: Montlake Romance
Release Date: July 26, 2016
Category: Hot Contemporary Romanceadd-to-goodreads-button-2



Delaney Hart has come a long way from her wild youth, dating tattooed bikers at her father’s bar, The Bad Seed. But when his death pulls her back to Wildwood, California, she must stay to renovate the dive he left her. And also face the lies and secrets that sent her running ten years before.

When Wildwood’s chief building inspector, Ethan Hayes, shows up on the property, Delaney doesn’t recognize him. The last thing he wants to do is save the bar where his cousin died in a brawl. But the good boy from her past is all too willing to remind her of the bad girl she used to be. And one night of passion leaves them both in a compromising position.

The last place Ethan should be is in Delaney’s bed. Guilt, family pressure, and plans for a brewpub of his own make shutting down The Bad Seed his top priority…until his feelings for Delaney interfere. Because her future depends on the success of the bar’s renovation and his dreams are rooted in its failure, their forbidden romance may be destined for heartbreak



Delaney let one hand slide beneath his shirt, over his belly, his chest, and found a wall of muscle. “Good God. You’re ripped.” She pushed up and looked down at him again. “Handsome, you are hanging out with the wrong women. With your looks, this body, and that mouth, you could have women doing anything you damn well please as often as you damn well please.”

A growl started low in his throat. He grabbed her wrists, sat up, and flipped her to her back. Delaney squeaked in surprise. Then she hit the floor, and her breath whooshed out.

Ethan hovered over her, his eyes hot and intent. “And if the guys you’re with take their pleasure first and make you wait for yours, you’ve been hanging out with the wrong men. Because with this face”—he stroked her cheek gently—“this body”—his hand moved down, covered her breast, and squeezed, making Delaney’s breath catch—“and this mouth”—he lowered his head and traced his tongue over her bottom lip—“you could have men crawling over broken glass to please you.”

Delaney didn’t even have time to think of a response before his mouth covered hers, hot and demanding. He pinned her wrists to the floor above her head and licked into her mouth, tasting and teasing and taking. Then his lips were on her neck, her throat. He transferred both of her hands to one of his and used the other to pull at the hem of her blouse, freeing it from her skirt. He pushed it up her body, sliding his hands over the skin of her belly and the silk of her bra, his fingers lingering along the lace edge with a low, “So pretty. I should have let you undress for me. Should have let you give me a show.”

His heavy-lidded eyes came back to hers, and his fingers dipped beneath the edge to tease her nipple. She lifted into his touch. “Would you do that? Strip for me?”

His gaze was so open, so honest, as if he really wanted to know. She hadn’t done that in a long time. The thought spiraled a few nerves low in her belly, but his eyes were still holding hers, waiting for an answer, so she said, “Given the right incentive.”

His mouth kicked up on one side. He lay half on top of her, with most of his weight on the floor, his thigh between hers.

His fingers left her breast for her mouth and traced her lips. “Like what?”

“Stroke yourself as you watched me.” She held his gaze and licked his fingers as they passed. He made a pleasant sound in his throat as she went on. “Tell me what to do and how to do it. Have me pleasure you exactly to your liking while I was naked and you were fully dressed.” Her voice grew softer, his eyes sharper, and the intimacy of the moment seemed sharply intense. “Make me kneel between your legs. Make me say please.”

He slipped his hand around the back of her neck and searched her eyes for long, tense moments. “You’re so . . .” He shook his head as if he either couldn’t or didn’t want to put all his thoughts into words in the moment. “God. Am I caught in a dream? Am I going to wake up and find you gone? A remnant of a fantasy?”

She smiled. “I would make sure to fulfill your fantasies if you’d let go of my hands. Because I want to touch you really bad.”

He sighed and let his gaze and his touch drift down her body. “My turn to go slow.”

His fingers traced the outline of her bra again, then pop, it snapped open between her breasts. The backs of his fingers skimmed her flesh, brushing the bra cups away, teasing her nipples into tight, hypersensitive peaks and turning her skin to fire.

She squeezed her eyes closed to gather her control. She was panting, her pussy throbbing, and he hadn’t even—

His mouth closed over one nipple. Warm, tight suction shot a current through her chest and up her spine, and she arched beneath him. “Jesus.”

Delaney worked one hand free and gripped a handful of the shirt on his back, pulling toward his head. But he was focused on eating at her breast like a peach, grazing her with his teeth, licking and sucking. Then he moved to another area and started all over.

“I can’t take this foreplay.” She’d grown light-headed, dizzy. Supremely frustrated. “I need you in a seriously hard-core way.”

He closed his teeth firmly on her nipple. Delaney gasped, but the pain shot pleasure straight between her legs. Releasing the pressure, he licked at the burn, leaving Delaney’s entire body on fire.

“You’re talking my language, baby,” he murmured against her skin. “And the better I know your body, the better I can fuck you. Hard-core.

His free hand slid over her belly and slipped beneath the waistband of her skirt. Delaney wiggled beneath him, tilted her head to bring her mouth close to his ear. “Yes. Touch me.”

Review-DGR4 starsForbidden Fling-Teaser

She’d walked into town, and Ethan’s life had spun on its ever-loving axis.

As a long time fan of all things Skye Jordan, I was thrilled to see she has a brand new series in the works. Not only does she write some seriously swoony heroes, but she always matches them up with fantastic heroines. Delaney Hart may easily be my favorite heroine by this author to date. Here was a woman that while she may be damaged in her own way, still had a backbone of steel and never backed down from a challenge. She wasn’t brash, she wasn’t OTT, she wasn’t obnoxious about it. But there was just this understated strength to her to go along with the playful bad girl that added an irresistible vibe to her character that I absolutely adored.

She’d been back in town for only a couple of hours, and all the hurt and guilt that had run her out of town a decade ago had already clawed their way back into her heart.

Coming back to the small town that she grew up in that only carried with it memories of past pain and regret isn’t exactly Delaney’s idea of fun. But with her father’s death and her two sisters are in the wind, there’s no one else to take care of the decrepit old bar before it gets demolished on her dime. If it’s not enough that she carries the guilt of the past, there’s definitely a few people to remind her that she’s not welcome. Delaney is made of tougher stuff than to back down from a challenge though.

But then she spends one delectable night with a sexy stranger….that turns out not to be a stranger at all. Ethan Hayes. The good boy that’s always harbored a crush on her, but with their past and present still between them, Delaney is even more hands off than she was ten years ago.

I loved the small town setting of the story. I also loved that even though the characters do share a sizzling night together pretty early into the book, there is more than enough slow burn sizzle with the added element of the forbidden added in to make the romance more delicious. Ethan was absolute perfection and it was great to see him come into his own and finally start standing up to his family. But I have to say that Delaney was my favorite part. She definitely stole the show for me. I loved her quiet strength and playfulness. I loved how she doesn’t let anything tear her down and maintains her equilibrium at any cost. I also loved watching Ethan fall harder and harder for the reformed bad girl.

He’d never been addicted to anything, but just looking at her standing on his porch made clawlike craving sting in his gut. Made his mouth water. Made him want to take risks he’d never contemplated before.

My one quibble is I wished the ending didn’t fell quite so rushed. While it’s my understanding that the story will continue with the other two Hart sisters, I would have loved a little more in that ending. It felt almost rushed after all the build up leading up to it, but then again I’m just greedy for more when it comes to Skye’s books. Perhaps we’ll get more of this couple with the future installments in the series.

All I know is I definitely enjoyed this one and have a feeling I’ll enjoy the next two even more. Especially with that set up for who I’m hoping will be the next couple. Because…rarrr. Seriously.
About the Author

Joan Author PhotoSkye Jordan is a pseudonym for New York Times bestselling romantic suspense author Joan Swan. Skye’s novels are about enjoying that little wild streak we don’t let out often enough. About those fantasies we rarely get the opportunity to indulge. About stretching limits, checking out the dark side, and maybe even acting a little naughty. They’re about escape and fun and pleasure and romance. And, yes, even love, because while wicked-great sex is good, happily ever after with wicked-great sex is even better.

When she’s not writing, Skye loves to read, knit, craft, row, ride, and dabble in photography.

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Jennifer’s Review: Wicked Beautiful by J.T. Geissinger

Review-Wicked BeautifulWicked Beautiful
Series: Wicked Games #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: J.T. Geissinger
Release Date: July 12, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


A ruthless businesswoman and the playboy who dumped her long ago find themselves embroiled in a high stakes game of love, lies and revenge.

Life coach and best-selling author Victoria Price has it all: a successful career, fabulous friends, a fantastic penthouse in Manhattan. What she doesn’t have—and doesn’t want—is a husband. Fifteen years ago her high school flame broke her heart so badly she swore she’d never love again. Now she makes millions teaching other women how to be just like her: a ruthless bitch.

Drop-dead sexy restauranteur and infamous playboy Parker Maxwell has only three rules for the women he dates: no questions about his past, no expectations for the future, and no spending the night. When he meets Victoria, however, he’s willing to break his own rules if it means sating the explosive desire she arouses in him. What he doesn’t know is that the alluring Victoria Price used to be the mousy Isabel Diaz, the girl he deflowered and dumped long ago.

Presented with a perfect opportunity for revenge, Victoria decides the game is on. But when her connection with Parker proves more than just skin deep, she has to make a choice: continue with her plan for payback, or risk her career, her reputation, and her heart by taking a second chance on love?


Review-DGR4 stars

LIES & LAUGHTER. This is the foundation of this book. It kept me guessing from the beginning and I didn’t know where it was going to lead me. This story continued to surprise me. There were moments when I was laughing and then moments that the FEELS hit me in the gut. There is a such a mixture of emotion in this book.
truth.gifVictoria has made herself into a new person. A Bitch. She makes her money on empowering women to be strong and confident and….bitchy. Victoria and Parker have a past. When meeting Parker again at one of his restaurants, he does not recognize her because she has undergone so much change, even plastic surgery, to change who she used to be. She many secrets that she pays to hide. After being burned by Parker when she was young, she has become hardened to everything….an icicle.
frozen.gifVictoria might be a Bitch, but Parker gives back as good as he gets. Parker is a renowned restaurant owner and player. He is ruthless and gets what he wants. He comes from a small town in Texas and builds himself an empire.

My Parker:

Tie It Up:
My Victoria:

victoriaVictoria continues to lie and manipulate. She is out for revenge. She knows who Parker is, but Parker does not know that she is the girl from his past….at first. Parker is able to read Victoria like no other man. He can push past her heart of icicles. I absolutely love that Parker never gives up on Victoria. Isn’t that what every woman needs? A man to pursue her relentlessly? And that is exactly what Parker does, and I loved it!
à la Mode St. » fashion

“Hearts can’t lie, baby.”
“Shut up with that crap.”
He laughs. “Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone you just fell in love with me.”
“I hate you.”
Parker flexes his strong pelvis. His glorious hard cock sinks all the way inside me. He says roughly, “Sweetheart, if this is hate, I don’t want to feel anything else ever again.”

à la Mode St. » fashionThere are parts of this story that I don’t want to reveal or spoil. I will say that I liked that Parker and Victoria’s history was not the focus of the story. There are a couple of flashbacks, just enough to give a tease of the past. Little hints are dropped here and there to keep you guessing. I thought the reveal of each hint was well-placed.

My only hang-up with this book is that it was a little all over the place with the emotions. I’m not a huge fan of angst, so that’s just not my thing. But I really appreciated the humor and the revenge plot, which took away from the angst. I tend to cling to the funnier parts of a book, rather than the angst.

”Speaking of bulges, was that a churro in your pocket last Friday night, or were you just happy to see me?”
“I don’t know what a churro is. I hope it’s something enormous.”
She laughs, “Oh, it is. It’s a delicious, thick, long, fried dough pastry covered in sugar.” She pauses. “It’s my favorite thing to eat.”

mr churoI loved Connor and Tabitha in this book, so I am SUPER excited about jumping into their book next!

Review: Below The Surface by Elizabeth Lee

Review-Below The SurfaceBELOW THE SURFACE
Series: On The Gold #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Elizabeth Lee
Release Date: May 12, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


Daniella Alvarez and Dylan McKendrie used to be in love. They used to be a team. An inseparable force to be reckoned with. But, when tragedy struck, their relationship sank faster than the ships they used to scour the ocean floor for. Now all that’s left are scattered remains of what used to be.
Dylan, no longer seeking the mysteries on the ocean floor, now goes for the sure things and the guaranteed paychecks. When a longtime friend suggests he has hard proof that one of those legends that used to keep Dylan up at night could be real, he’s torn between going after the gold and maintaining the life he’d built since leaving The Florida Keys.

Daniella was always a dreamer. She’s always been chasing what would most deem unattainable—professionally and personally. Everything she’d ever wanted seemed to slip through her fingers the day he left, which is exactly why his return has her seeing red.

Can the two of them put their past aside long enough to figure out a mystery that has plagued them both for years? Can they work together to see what lies below the surface?


Review-DGR3 stars

There were two things I absolutely knew for sure: finding treasure on the bottom or the ocean was every bit as exhilarating as my father had said it was, and Danielle Alvarez was the love of my life.

This was my first book by Elizabeth Grace and I doubt it’ll be the last. Below The Surface marks book one in what will be a series based on treasure hunters and it’s certainly different from anything I’ve ever read.

I’m a sucker for a second-chance romance, and the story here gave me serious Into The Blue vibes, which certainly didn’t hurt my metal visual…uhem.
It’s been five years since Daniella ‘Dani’ and Dylan have seen each other. Their relationship didn’t end on the best of terms and both still hold on to the resentment and anger of the past. But when a mutual friend claims that he has proof of the existence of sunken Spanish ship that many believed to be just a legend and had been a borderline obsession of Dani’s to find, it brings them back together again.

Dani stayed on the little Florida Keys island and barely making ends meet as a diver on boat tours. Dylan left her five years ago to make a different life for himself in Boston. If they find the ship, it can make all their dreams come true…or shatter them altogether if it proves to be just a legend.

As interesting as it was to read about underwater treasure hunters, I got a little bored with a lot of the details. I wanted a deeper look into the characters and their past. As it was, I felt like it barely grazed the surface. The reader gets bits and pieces of what happened to Dani and Dylan’s relationship five years ago, but it wasn’t nearly enough to make me truly understand why each made the decision they did. I wanted more development on the characters individually and wouldn’t have minded more focus on them as a couple. As it was, it felt like the romance came secondary to the treasure hunting and the rest of the story. I just never connected to the characters or their relationship to really get invested in the story and so I found myself skimming quite a bit.

That’s not to say it still wasn’t a fun read, because it was. The deep sea diving, the history of the sunken ship, the found diary, all of it made for an adventurous little read. I just wish the romance itself was a touch more developed. If you’re looking for something different, definitely give this book a go. It’s well written and the romance is quite steamy. I’ll certainly be keeping an eye out for the next book in the series, especially after that tease in the synopsis.

Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway: No Pants Required by Kim Karr

NPR-SBPR-RT (1)No Pants Required
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Kim Karr
Release Date: July 11, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2

NPR_ebook cover

I, Makayla Alexander, am on a mission to reinvent myself. So when a super hot guy boards the plane and flashes his rock hard abs, I pay attention. When he sits next to me and offers me his nuts, I can’t resist. But when I choke on them and he tells me I need to work on my gag reflex, I realize I might be in over my head.

Before I know it we’re in the lavatory and attempting to join the Mile High Club. Let me just say this…anyone who tells you it’s easy to get it on at 37,000 feet isn’t telling you the truth. After the flight attendant busts us for getting frisky in the air, the only thing that can ease my total and complete mortification is the simple fact that I am never going to see him again.

Hours later, I can’t help but wonder if fate will ever allow me to become a new version of myself.

Because Fate, she’s a fickle bitch.

Case in point…my seatmate is my new next-door neighbor.

Even with the whole fate thing we have going on, we are so not meant to be together. He’s all cool and sexy in that make love not war kind of way. Guys like him are dangerous. With that bring-you-to-your-knees body, that handsome-as-hell face, and that dirty, dirty mouth, I guarantee one glance from him wets every girl’s bikini bottoms.

And then there’s me…the quirky girl looking to find herself in California. All I want to do is learn to let loose. Say words like peace and groovy. Bury my toes in the sand. Who knows, maybe even have sex on the beach.

Unable to get him out of my head, I entertain the thought of being more than just friends. I know the idea is absurd. And yet, I go with it. You see Camden Waters gets me. Really gets me. Like no other guy has before.

On this 7-mile stretch of paradise, I decide to keep things simple and just have fun…that is until fate decides to screw with me, again.

Can two people hell-bent on finding themselves realize the search should have ended the day they met? Find out in No Pants Required—a sexy, funny, romantic stand-alone, that will have you hurrying to grab your bathing suit and rushing to the beach to check out every lifeguard on duty.

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Review-DGR3.5 starsNo Pants Required-DGR teaser

You don’t love someone and set him free to see if he comes back to you. You hold on tight and never let go.”

If you’re looking for a perfect beach read to spend an afternoon with, look no further than this book! No Pants Required was full of quirky humor and heavy steam. It’s a light, feel-good sort of romance that will leave you with a smile on your face.. and at times uncomfortably aroused. Because let’s be honest here, people, Camden Walters is one deliciously sinful dirty talker and if you’re not uncomfortably aroused through parts of this book, I’d say there may be something broken with your downstairs regions. Uhem.

I read this practically in one sitting because it reads very quickly. The chemistry between the two MCs is instant and only burns hotter with each page. I loved Makayla’s quirkiness. When she sets out to put a check mark on her “to-do” list, she doesn’t expect that the stranger she set out to check off her mile high club membership will be none other than her brand new neighbor.

Camden “Cam” Walters left behind the hustle and bustle of New York City to spend his days as a life guard. But there’s so much more to his character too. I absolutely loved the two of them together. They’re the perfect balance to each other and I loved watching Makayla really come into her own become less stiff. Both Cam and Makayla had their share of hurts from a previous relationship that rolled into their present, but somehow they seemed to bring out the best in each other.

The story is light on the angst and heavy on the steam. At times I almost thought it was too much steam, but then I’d slap myself and remind myself there can’t be too much steam when it comes to anything Cam Walters.

There were a few parts of the story that I had wished were more developed; especially Cam and his father. I also got a little restless in the last 30% of the book because it felt a bit stretched out at times. As always with any book I’ve read by Kim Karr, I loved all the secondary characters. I’d love to get a book for Maggie and Brooklyn. I really clicked with them in the story and devoured any tidbits about them.

Aside from a very few minor quibbles, I enjoyed this thoroughly. It was exactly what I was in the mood for this Saturday afternoon and it hit the spot just right. I definitely wouldn’t say no to more books like this from Kim! A great, feel-good, steamy beach read!

About the Author

kim karr bioReader * Writer * Coffeelover * Romantic

Kim is a daydreamer. So much so that if daydreaming could be a hobby it would be her favorite. It’s how her stories are born and how they take root. An imagination that runs wild is something to be thankful for, and she is very thankful. 🙂

She grew up in New York and now lives in Florida with her husband and four kids. She’s always had a love for reading books and writing. Being an English major in college, she wanted to teach at the college level but that was not to be. She went on to receive an MBA and became a project manager until quitting to raise her family. Kim currently works part-time with her husband and with the rest of her time embraces one of her biggest passions–writing.

Kim wears a lot of hats! Writer, book-lover, wife, soccer-mom, taxi driver, and the all around go-to person of her family. However, she always finds time to read.

She likes to believe in soul mates, kindred spirits, true friends, and Happily-Ever-Afters. She loves to drink champagne, listen to music, and hopes to always stay young at heart.


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Review: Playing By Her Rules by Amy Andrews

Playing By Her Rules- ReviewPlaying by Her Rules
Series: Sydney Smoke Rugby #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Amy Andrews
Release Date: July 11, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


In this grudge match, the first to score…

When style columnist Matilda Kent accidentally lets slip that she was once involved with the captain of the Sydney Smoke rugby team, she suddenly finds herself elevated to the position she’s always wanted – feature writer. The catch? She’s stuck doing a six-part series on her ex. Still, there’s no way she can turn down a promotion…or the chance to dish the dirt on the guy who so callously broke her heart.

…could win it all!

Tanner Stone wants to be involved in a feature series about as much as he wants to snap an Achilles. But the thought of seeing Tilly again is a bonus—and has him more worked up than he wants to admit. Only he’s not prepared for how different she is – all cool and professional. His Tilly is still in there, though…and he still wants her, now more than ever. All he has to do is charm her into giving him a rematch. And this time, winner takes all!

Buy LinksAMAZON | iBOOKSReview-DGR4 starsPlaying By Her Rules-DGR Teaser

Everyone had parts of their job they hated. It just so happened that today hers had a name: Tanner Stone.

A swoony second chance romance with a hot Aussie Rugby player? Sign me up! What can I say? I’m an easy sell. But after reading and loving Amy’s No More Mr. Nice Guy, when I saw she was coming out with a brand new series, I was all over it!

Matilda Kent has dreams of being a serious journalist. Writing about crotchless panties for the style column of the newspaper she works for is not exactly where she saw herself after Stanford. So when she gets a chance to be a feature writer at her newspaper she should be thrilled…if the subject of her article didn’t also happen to be her ex and the man that broke her heart eight years ago.

Yes, he’d screwed up. Big time. Yes, he had a lot of making up to do. But he hadn’t realized how much he’d missed her. Until now.

Thus begins a slow-burn second chance romance of a woman determined to hold on to old grudges and the man determined to right all his wrongs.

I have to say, while it wasn’t the sort of steam I’m used to in a Brazen title, it really worked for this story. The chemistry between Tilly and Tanner was so hot it sizzled and I loved the build up. While the trope was a bit of been there, read that; especially the reason for their break up, it still had a refreshing enough spin on it that kept me entertained from beginning to end.

I think what really hooked me with this story was Tanner. He was just so freaking swoony. I loved how sweet he was and the way he works to woo Tilly. He knows he screwed up and he needs to get his woman back and man oh man did I appreciate the way he went about it.

That old Tilly was still in there, he was sure of it. She was just hiding, buried beneath a shit-ton of hurt, and he hated knowing he was, at least partially, responsible. The thought needled like prickles on sunburn. He had to try and make amends somehow. If he’d broken her, wasn’t it his responsibility to fix her? To coax her out from behind that wall so she could smile again— could be happy within herself and shine bright for the whole damn world to see?”

This was a fantastic start to what promises to be a great series. I for one can’t wait for Lincoln’s book because, well, manwhore. *Pervy shudder* What? I have a type.

Definitely looking forward to the next installment and can happily report that I have myself a brand new Brazen series to stalk.

Lana’s Review: ★One Week To Score★ by @KittyMeader

One Week To Score-ReviewONE WEEK TO SCORE
Series: Tall, Dark, & Texan #3
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Kate Meader
Release Date: July 11, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


He’s the man she loves to hate . . . 

Olivia Kane’s wedding day has just imploded spectacularly. Shots lined up at the bar? Bring it. Hot stranger on the hook? Come on down. What this party does not need is six feet and change of home-grown Texas cockiness in the form of her brother’s best friend, the man who broke her heart seven years ago.

She’s the woman he has to have . . . 

Flynn Cross won’t stand by while Liv finds sensual solace in the arms of a stranger, not when his own hard-for-her body is more than up for the task. For one week, he’ll make her honeymoon-for-one a sizzling party for two.

Breaking the rules, one steamy night at a time . . . 

But the taboo they’re breaking is only the beginning . . . and Flynn’s part in Liv’s wedding debacle could bring about their end.

Buy LinksAMAZON | iBOOKSReview-DGR5 starsOne Week To Score-DGR teaser

Your mission, should you choose to accept it- and you will, Livvie- is to stay this week with me, ” he murmured, his voice a weapon of thong-melting destruction. “We’re gonna fuck every last brain cell out of each other.

Kate Meader is a magician. A wonderfully, addicting smut producing magician. Every book she writes, I end up loving. It’s like the woman custom writes her books just for me. (Shh! Don’t rain on my parade with reality. I like to pretend she does)

I thought I was going to love Olivia’s story when I first met her as the sassy and sarcastic secondary character of Brody’s younger sister in Taking the Score. But you know what? I was wrong! I didn’t just love it. This book blew away all my expectations. I loved every snark filled page.

So what did this book have? EVERYTHING!

A jilted bride hell bent on getting her groove back? CHECK.

She was going to have hot, drunken, impaired-judgement sex with a stranger on her wedding day while wearing her Ver Wang dress and a gorgeous veil.

A broody, dirty talking alpha hell bent on making sure she gets her groove back with him? CHECK.

Am I still the last guy on earth you’d open those pretty little thighs for, Liv?”
And we’re back. “You’re going to need more than an average kissing game to get with me, Cross.”
“Nothin’ average about that kiss.”
She sighed. “Don’t beg. It’s so unTexan.”
“Before the night’s through, sweets, I’ll be hearing your fuck-me-Flynn moans.”
“In your Liv-filled dreams.”

Older brother’s best friend trope? CHECK.

Well, hello there, you look like a bad decision. Come on over and sit a spell.

A whole lot of hate lust? CHECK AND CHECK!!

He was still the hottest piece of ass she’d ever seen. Good thing she could be objective about that. When you know someone is the devil, immunity to his charm is usually built in.

Some of the best banter I’ve read in a long damn while? CHECK!

I’m glad you’re here, because I want you to play my wing girl.”
“Don’t you mean wing man?”
“No, wing girl. You’ve always felt like a sister to me- an older one I despise but still obliged to talk to because, y’know, family.”

Did I mention the sassy banter? And the snark! OH THE SNARK!! MOTHER-EFFING-CHECK!!

You’re so sure you have me, aren’t you? That I’m going to fall into your discksand?”
“My dicksand?”
“Like quicksand. But with your dick.”

To say that I loved Flynn would be a complete understatement because I was obsessed with him. He ticked all of my favorite dirty boxes! Dirty talker? CHECK. Dirty between the sheets? CHECK! Plays dirty to get the woman he wants? CHECK AND CHECK.

Olivia was awesome! This is no wilting wallflower. The woman had one heck of a mouth on her and I loved every sarcasm filled insult she’d hurl Flynn’s way. If you follow my reviews, you already know I’m a sucker for the enemies to lovers thing and these two had it in spades. But I also really loved the history between them. This isn’t your typical Older Brother’s Best Friend trope. Well it was but with a Kate Meader spin. Liv and Flynn grew up together. Her family took him in from his abusive alcholic father and Flynn has never felt like he was good enough for Liv. It didn’t stop him from loving her from afar and it didn’t stop Liv from returning those feelings. But seven years ago everything changed. But now that Liv’s wedding has fallen apart, Flynn knows it’s the one opportunity he has to finally make things right and get a taste of the woman he’s craved for years. And if she’s not enthusiastic about it at first? Well he’s not above playing dirty to get his way.

Give him an inch and he’d give her nine.

Suffice it to say, this may have been my favorite Tall, Dark, and Texan book yet! Way to end the series with a bang, Kate. *waggles brows*

If you’re looking for a super fun and steamy read filled with the best banter, hot sex, even hotter alpha, and a sassy heroine that takes none of his shit; READ. THIS. BOOK.


Even The Score (Tall, Dark & Texan #1)- My review
Taking The Score (Tall, Dark, & Texan #2)- My review

Jennifer’s Review: ★One Week To Score★ by @KittyMeader

One Week To Score-ReviewONE WEEK TO SCORE
Series: Tall, Dark, & Texan #3
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Kate Meader
Release Date: July 11, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


He’s the man she loves to hate . . . 

Olivia Kane’s wedding day has just imploded spectacularly. Shots lined up at the bar? Bring it. Hot stranger on the hook? Come on down. What this party does not need is six feet and change of home-grown Texas cockiness in the form of her brother’s best friend, the man who broke her heart seven years ago.

She’s the woman he has to have . . . 

Flynn Cross won’t stand by while Liv finds sensual solace in the arms of a stranger, not when his own hard-for-her body is more than up for the task. For one week, he’ll make her honeymoon-for-one a sizzling party for two.

Breaking the rules, one steamy night at a time . . . 

But the taboo they’re breaking is only the beginning . . . and Flynn’s part in Liv’s wedding debacle could bring about their end.

Buy LinksAMAZON | iBOOKSReview-DGRSince Jennifer and I absolutely loved this book, we’ll have both our reviews up. Since I (forcefully) insisted she try one of my favorite series and ended up loving it as much as I did, I figured it’s only fair to have her review first 😉 (I’ll be posting mine later this week)5 stars

Hello, Kate Meader! You’ve just earned yourself a new fan-girl!

“I’ll give you whatever you want whenever you want it. Any time of day, you need relief, just crook your finger and I’ll crook mine. Against you, inside you, deep as you need it. If I’m not around, text me and I’ll come, ready to make you come. For one week, I’ll fulfill every fantasy on demand and get you off so many times we’ll break records.”

What I love about this book is the timeline. The fact that is whole book takes place in a week amazes me. It didn’t feel like it was only a week. This was not insta-love. I was sucked in from the beginning. I laughed so much in this book. If a book makes me laugh, it automatically bumps it up a full star, but this book didn’t even need a bump.

Flynn and Olivia have known each other almost their whole lives. Flynn had a rough child, so he lived with Liv’s family. They have been through a lot together, at one point even being friends, until Flynn pushes Olivia away without any explanation. This causes the current animosity between Olivia and Flynn because Olivia doesn’t understand why he was such an asshole to her. Hate-to-Love Relationship. Check.
à la Mode St. » fashionShe was also a Texas American princess, bright as the North Star, while he was the homeless on of an abusive alcoholic who relied on the Kanes’ charity to survive. Who lived on Olivia Kane’s smile like it was sunshine to a weed.

à la Mode St. » fashion
My Flynn:


My Liv:

The book opens up on the day of Olivia’s wedding (no, not with Flynn), and she just found her ex-fiance cheating on her a few hours before the wedding. Flynn finds her at the bar and through a series of events, ends up with her on the honeymoon. Liv wants to sleep with any and all available men, but Flynn is not having it. Welcome, alpha caveman!
à la Mode St. » fashionAnd the swooning! Ugh, I need a hot Texan man callin’ me “Sweets.”

”Before the night’s through, sweets, I’ll be hearing your fuck-me-Flynn moans.”

picture13010124732751.png (325×260): Flynn and Olivia have both been through a lot in their past: rough childhoods, failed relationships. But the story didn’t focus on the past. It was just enough to develop their characters, but the story still stayed in the present for the most part. And the present is steamy! This is my favorite type of writing, when an author can develop the characters through dialogue and behavior rather than having to jump back to the past. NO DRAMA/ANGST is the best!!!
This was my first Kate Meader book, and I will be reading all of her books FOREVER!


Even The Score | Taking The Score

Jennifer’s Review: ★Reckless Hearts★ by Melody Grace

Reckless Hearts reviewRECKLESS HEARTS
Series: Oak Harbor #2
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Melody Grace
Release Date: June 27, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


“When you’re ready for a real man to show you what it feels like, you just let me know.”

It should be the offer of a lifetime: sexy craftsman Will Montgomery wants to rock my world, and boy, does he know what to do with his hands – and that filthy, delicious mouth of his…

Only problem is, I don’t believe in relationships. And Will has ‘boyfriend material’ written all over his chiseled, hunky abs. He was supposed to be an impulse fling, but now he’s shown up in Oak Harbor, NC, to put down roots, and he’s determined to make me com…mit.

Love always ends in tears and tequila, but Will seems different. He’s charming, and funny, and did I mention that miraculous mouth of his? Despite all my better judgment, I’m falling. Hard. But can something this good turn out to be true? Or will old scars keep us from building a future together? For the first time ever, maybe I want to be proven wrong…

The new heartfelt, sexy stand-alone with a happy ending from New York Times bestselling author, Melody Grace.

Buy LinksAMAZON | iBOOKSReview-DGR2.5 stars

2.5 a-little-less-gentlemanly Stars

This book is super sweet. Like, my teeth hurt, sweet. It was a little too much sugar for me (2 cubes, please), but a lot of people will probably love this story. If you’re looking for a cute beach read, this book is for you.
19580970Will & Delilah….

Delilah & Will….

They were cute. Their meet-cute was cute. Their conversation was cute. Ok, I will admit that he has some dirty talk going on, so that was niiiiice.

Will was an adorable, sexy, gentleman….I just prefer my men a little less….gentlemanly.
19580971I would still recommend this book to readers who love a sweet story. There is nothing wrong with it. There just wasn’t anything that stood out to me.

It just wasn’t my cuppa tea.

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