Excerpt & Review: Tonic by Staci Hart

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author:  Staci Hart
Release Date: October 13, 2016


Joel Anderson doesn’t take anything seriously.

Not his relationships, which have been few and far between since his brutal divorce. Not the drama of working in a tattoo parlor, which seems to be around every corner. When things get him down, he smiles and cracks a joke. But he’s not the kind of man you cross, or you’ll find yourself at the wrong end of his fists.

Annika Belousov takes everything seriously.

Like her job as a reality television producer, given that she typically has something to prove. Or her love life, which is defined by a series of requirements — affluent, ambitious, accomplished, to name a few. Definitely her family, who worked their whole lives to afford her every opportunity, a sacrifice she doesn’t take lightly. When she’s tapped to produce a reality show at Joel’s shop, she doesn’t think twice, just goes in for the kill, as if there were any other way.

The second Annika walks into Joel’s shop, he makes it his mission to crack her open, but she’s not having it. He’s all wrong — too crass, too hairy, too un-serious. But it doesn’t take her long to find out there’s more to him than smirks and tattoos. And what she finds could put her career and his heart on the line.

Not that Joel cares. Because for the first time in a long time, he’s found his tonic.

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FREE on Kindle Unlimited

tonic-wrap Excerpt

“Let me see it.”

“What?” I blustered, caught off guard.

“Stand up and turn around. I want to see it.” I was too surprised and caught up in the moment to refuse, so I stood and turned, laying my palms on the armrests as I faced the back of the chair.

One hand rested on my hip.

My heart stopped as I wondered what the hell I’d gotten myself into.

I glanced over my shoulder, my gaze bouncing between his face —turned down too much to read —and his reflection in the speckled, antique mirror, which I couldn’t see much of either. His free hand moved to the waistband of my tailored pants, and his fingers hooked and tugged, pulling the band down low.

His thumb ran over where I knew the tattoo was, and I felt his breath. Every place where we connected spoke to me of ownership.

“You got this done here? In New York?” His voice was rough.

Mine wasn’t much better. “Yeah. In Brooklyn.”

“Let me cover it up for you. Give you something you’re proud of. Your skin …” He paused, and I wished I could see his face, read his mind. “This shouldn’t be here, not on you. Let me … I want to …” He had moved closer, his hand on my hip pulling me back into him slightly enough for me to not have noticed that the backs of my thighs were touching his, my back arched just enough, his breath hot.

And then, he disappeared. I stood, finding my hands were trembling, wondering where I was and how I’d gotten there. The shop was mostly empty —no one had seen, not that it would have looked like much from the outside. But from where I stood, I felt every single deliberate move like a telegraph, telling me exactly what he wanted to do without him having to finish the sentence.

His back was to me when I turned around, his face down —I couldn’t see it in the mirror over his cabinet of ink and needles as he dug around in the drawers, seemingly for nothing in particular.

“Let me know if you want me to draw something up.”

“Okay, I will.” I paused, not knowing what else to say, feeling like I should say something. But there was nothing that I could say. “Well, have a good night, Joel. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

He nodded, glancing at me in the mirror. “See you, Annika.”

I tried not to bolt out of the shop, but once outside, I admit it —I took off. I hauled up the stairs and into the office to grab my bag, grateful that Laney was already gone, and I texted my driver, asking him to pick me up a few blocks away so I could walk, put some distance between me and Joel, get the energy out of my body, through my legs and feet, into the pavement.


Review-DGR5 starsMy heart! Staci, what have you done with my heart?! And my cheeks…..I’m going to need my cheeks back because they have melted off my face with all of the smiling. I’m just a pile of goop.
à la Mode St. » fashion

…his dark skin against my white, the ink of him against the cream of me, the marked and the blank…

à la Mode St. » fashionStaci….effing…..Hart. Where have you been all my life?! This is my first Staci Hart book, and I am never looking back. I will be purchasing this gorgeous paperback and keeping it on my bookshelf forever. This review might be a little random, but I just FEEL so GOOD after this book that I’m a little crazy right now. Staci’s words. All of Staci’s words. It’s not just the story or characters that I loved so much….it’s her words.

This book killed me….with BEAUTIFUL WORDS. I loved this so much, I literally grabbed a napkin while reading it and started writing down notes for my review.

Joel & Annika:

 : Joel (aka Hairy) is a tattoo artist….a hairy tattoo artist. He owns the tattoo shop, Tonic, which is getting its own reality tv show. He isn’t excited about it, but he realizes he would rather be the show on tv than the competition to get the show. When he first meets Annika…..FIRE! I LOVED the animosity between the two right away. Annika tries to give him the cold, but his fire is so hot that she cannot resist him. I’ll take a little bit of THIS and THAT.
à la Mode St. » fashion

”I’m not supposed to want you. You…you make me mad and you make me laugh and you make me crazy, and I’m not supposed to want you, but I do. What am I supposed to do? What do you want? You want me to throw away my career? How about you? Should I use you up and toss you out too? Or maybe you’ll do the same to me. I don’t know, because I don’t know you. But that hasn’t stopped me from wanting you, not since the first time I ever saw your stupid, hairy face. I hate you, and I want you, and I hate that I want you. But I do.”

à la Mode St. » fashionAnnika is the ice queen, known for her ability to scare men away with a glare, but Joel is resistant to her ice. Annika is a producer of the reality show, so she know it would not be a good idea for her to get involved with Joel. He is all hairy smirks and jokes. He knows right away that he wants Annika, wants to figure her out and break through that ice.
à la Mode St. » fashion

Her eyes finally snapped to mine, and I tried to melt her panties off with my mind.

à la Mode St. » fashionI loved that there was low drama, despite the reality show setting. I loved loved loved all of the side characters. I cannot wait wait wait to read MORE OF STACI HART. Always more Staci Hart.
About the AuthorStaci has been a lot of things up to this point in her life — a graphic designer, an entrepreneur, a seamstress, a clothing and handbag designer, a waitress. Can’t forget that. She’s also been a mom, with three little girls who are sure to grow up to break a number of hearts. She’s been a wife, though she’s certainly not the cleanest, or the best cook. She’s also super, duper fun at a party, especially if she’s been drinking whiskey.

From roots in Houston to a seven year stint in Southern California, Staci and her family ended up settling somewhere in between and equally north, in Denver. They are new enough that snow is still magical. When she’s not writing, she’s reading, sleeping, gaming, or designing graphics.


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DGR Fave & Review: Black Swan Affair by @klkreig

black-swan-affair-dgr-reviewBLACK SWAN AFFAIR
Genre: Contemporary, Erotic Romance
Author: KL Kreig
Release Date: October 17, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


I’ve loved him as long as I can remember.

The gangly boy with big brown eyes and unruly hair who grew up into an intoxicating man. He wears scruff like he invented it and ambles with a swagger that makes panties drop.

Killian Shepard.


We grew up together. We played Ghost in the Graveyard. Had our own rock band. It didn’t matter that he was five years older than me. It didn’t matter that he looked at me as a kid sister even as I grew into a woman. It didn’t even matter when he left me behind to go to college and start his adult life.

He’d be back.

He was always meant to be mine.

He came back, all right. But instead of smelling of promises, he stunk of betrayal. And he destroyed me—us—the day he married my sister instead of me.

So I did the only thing a girl like me in my position could do.

I got my revenge.

I married his brother, Kael.

Now we’re one big happy fucking family.

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Pining after someone’s husband is one thing. Pining after someone’s husband when you’re now married- to his brother- is taking immorality to an entirely new level. But that’s me.”

It’s official. I’m ruined. Utterly and totally ruined by this incredible book, by these beautiful words, by the heart wrenching story, by the devastating angst…this…EVERYTHING.

How can I even begin to describe to you all what I read? Let me try…
Yep. That about sums it up.

Truth be told, I do NOT do love triangles. As a matter of fact I tend to avoid them like a case of the clap…by practicing love triangle abstinence. What? It’s totally a thing. But then my trusty book pimp Nashoda Rose told me this book had my name written all over it, and I was convinced (read= threatened bodily harm if I get a flashback to Thoughtless). But that’s neither here nor there. What IS here, is how much this book owned me, because GOOD GAWD did it!

When he walks past, he grabs my hand, telling me softly against my cheek, “He will never love you like I do.”

If you’re thinking this is a typical love triangle, you couldn’t be more wrong. That blurb doesn’t even begin to do this book justice. It’s so much more than a woman who can’t have the man she wants so she settles for his brother. This is not a black and white story. It’s settled very firmly in the gray.

The rope he has tethered to me is unraveling, thread after fraying thread. I hear them snapping, faster and faster now. Feel the stinging bite of each one against my tender flesh as they break apart.

Maverick is not a heroine you’d think you like, but with every page you grow to understand her more and more. The incredibly spellbinding writing will pull you into the story so well that it won’t be long before you’re just as conflicted about your feelings as she is.

Maverick is a woman that’s loved two men her entire life; one man with the love of passion and the second with the love of friendship. But then the man she always thought she’d end up with breaks her heart by marrying her sister. Try as she might, she can’t burn away her love for him, even if she is now married to his brother and her lifelong best friend, Kael.

I want to kiss these fucking lips, Maverick. And not a kiss of a boy who has been friends with a girl for almost thirty years. But as a lover. I want to bite and suck and own and devour. Whenever I want. However I want.”

Have you ever read a romance where you didn’t know which man to root for? Where your feelings were so up and down you felt like you were in a never ending spiral? Where you spend the entire time glued to the pages, utterly incapable of tearing yourself away for even a mere second? Because I just did.
black-swan-affair-dgr-teaser-2Mesmerizing, maddening, heart rendering; this book owned me to the depths of my dark soul. I devoured every page, I screamed, I cried, I raged. I was enraptured.

That’s how much I love you. That’s how wound around the very fucking center of my soul you are. It’s the same place you’ll be until I close my eyes and take my last breath. You are rooted in here”- he pounds his chest- “in the bowels of me so far I will never be rid of you. No matter how much I’ve tried.”

If you don’t read love triangles; read this book.
If you want a book that will make you feel; read this book.
If you want a book that will make your heart bleed; read this book.
If you want a book that will have you thinking about it days after you’ve finished it; read this book.

Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway: Thief of Hearts by @LHCosway

tohreviewtourThief of Hearts
Series: Hearts #5
Genre: Contemporary Romance/Romantic Suspense
Author: L.H. Cosway
Release Date: October 4, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


Seduce the teacher.
Meet the cousin.
Make a deal.
Steal the painting.

Andrea Anderson has no clue of the thoughts churning around in the dark and dangerous ex-con’s head as he enters her classroom. In fact, she’s momentarily lost for words. Not in her entire teaching career has she had a student who looked quite like Stu Cross.

A widow at just twenty-eight, love is something Andie hasn’t considered a part of her life for a very long time. However, when lingering touches turn to whispered words and hot, searching stares, she begins to wonder if maybe she should take a leap of faith.

But Stu is in her class for a reason, and it has nothing to do with love. He’s there to burrow his way into her life and repay a debt, otherwise his family will suffer. Andie is the first person to show him true kindness since he left prison, and though he doesn’t want to mislead her, he doesn’t have another choice.

Before long, Stu can’t tell whether or not he’s acting anymore, and his feelings for Andie could throw all of his carefully crafted plans into complete and utter disarray.

**Can be read as a stand alone.




Review-DGR5 stars

5 L-H-Cosway-I-LUV-YOU Stars!!!!!

à la Mode St. » fashion

People like you give people like me a soft place to fall. Otherwise we’d just be cold and hard.

à la Mode St. » fashionI haven’t read an L.H. Cosway book in waaaay too long. And I haven’t read all of her books. But I love every single one that I’ve read so far. What I love about L.H. Cosway is her ability to make me feel all the feels without telling me how to feel (Did you get that?). Her words and dialogue evoke such emotion and I get the feels from them. I usually don’t like student-teacher tropes but I went into this blind, and because I will read anything LH Cosway writes, I ended up loving it (duh!)! It’s not your typical student-teacher story.
à la Mode St. » fashion

I’d always been fascinated by stories like that, where words on a page could make you feel things as strongly as though the emotional trauma was happening in real life.

à la Mode St. » fashionStu & Andrea:
 : Andrea teaches adult students. Stu recently got out of prison and is sentenced to attend the adult class. He is the typical bad boy, and I fell SO HARD for Stu. He’s got a dirty mouth. Cosway has a way with dirty words probably because she’s British and dirty words just sound so much more cool and natural in a British accent. Lol. Stu is tall, dark, wears sunglasses, and he smokes! Gah, I love a smoker! (only in books. Haha). Stu PURSUES Andrea…relentlessly, and I loved every second. And he can be sweet as pie! He’s pretty much my perfect man….
both physically and cerebrally.

à la Mode St. » fashion

”You’re just very, um, fit. I’m feeling a little self-conscious of all my jiggly bits.”

Stu grinned and reached for my hips. “I love all your jiggly bits.” Dipping his head down, he sucked one of my nipples into his mouth. “Especially these ones,” he continued, mouthing my breast.

à la Mode St. » fashionThere is insta-attraction, and these two are so
sexy awkward.
Andrea immediately thinks Stu is the bees-knees. She’s the dorky teacher, and he’s the hot student, and there is nothing cliché about anything in this book. After learning that Stu has a way with numbers, she connects him with her father who is a math professor to get Stu some individual tutoring. Andrea is actually a widow (so sad!), so she has trouble letting go of this part of her life. I loved how she did and how Stu got her there! I can’t say too much about the plot because I don’t want to give away any spoilers, and there were a couple surprise twists in the story. Ugh, I wish I could tell you everything, so go read the book so my mouth doesn’t splurge out all the deets! Go!
à la Mode St. » fashion

”I’m sure my oversized grey slacks get you real hot and bothered, Stuart,” I deadpanned.

“I could take or leave the slacks,” he breathed, all gravelly. “But those lips and your big brown eyes, now those are what get me all jacked up.”

à la Mode St. » fashionAndrea’s all like…

And Stu’s all like…

And I’m all like…

I LOVED Andrea’s dedication to teaching and wanting to see her students succeed. It defined her character so well. Being a teacher myself, I definitely related to Andrea in that way. I loved that it was a continuing theme in the book…education. Even after Stu and Andrea started their thing, Andrea didn’t stop wanting Stu to continue his education. She has the ability to see students’ strengths even if they aren’t the typical types of intelligence. My nerdy teacher side was like “Yes!” through this whole theme in the book. I love that Cosway even HAS themes in her books. What romance author has themes these days?! LOL!

I love that this whole book is written in Andrea’s pov. So many books coming out are written in alternating pov’s, which I really like sometimes, but I LOVE Cosway’s writing style so much that she just doesn’t need to alternate. I loved the mystery of Stu. I love the thief heist of the story. It was just so much fun! This book is all kinds of hot and swoony and perfection, so yeah, go read it now!

About the Author

l-h-cosway-author-picL.H. Cosway lives in Dublin, Ireland. Her inspiration to write comes from music. Her favourite things in life include writing stories, vintage clothing, dark cabaret music, food, musical comedy, and of course, books. She thinks that imperfect people are the most interesting kind. They tell the best stories. L.H. is represented by Louise Fury at The Bent Agency.



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Jennifer’s Review: Too Hot To Handle by @mstessabailey

too-hot-to-handle-reviewTOO HOT TO HANDLE
Series: Romancing the Clarksons #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Tessa Bailey
Release Date: May 17, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


When rescue looks like a whole lot of trouble…

The road trip was definitely a bad idea. Having already flambéed her culinary career beyond recognition, Rita Clarkson is now stranded in God-Knows-Where, New Mexico, with a busted-ass car and her three temperamental siblings, who she hasn’t seen in years. When rescue shows up—six-feet-plus of hot, charming sex on a motorcycle—Rita’s pretty certain she’s gone from the frying pan right into the fire . . .

Jasper Ellis has a bad boy reputation in this town, and he loathes it. The moment he sees Rita, though, Jasper knows he’s about to be sorely tempted. There’s something real between them. Something raw. And Jasper has only a few days to show Rita that he isn’t just for tonight—he’s forever.



Review4.5 stars

4.25 Tessa-has-a-waaaay-about-her Stars!!!!!

I don’t know what it is….but I know that I can’t live without her.

Her men are so classic, almost iconic, and I can’t help but love them. Her brain is classically dirty. She is able to capture these moments and write them so well that I feel like I’m right there.
à la Mode St. » fashion

A man who woke up, stretched his flexing biceps over his head, scrubbed a hand down his abs, and grinned before getting up to drink coffee naked in his kitchen. Because why spend one unnecessary moment dressed? And speaking of clothes, the warmth coming off his tucked-in flannel shirt rivaled the sun. She would bet anything that if she sniffed the material curing around his shoulder it would remind her of snuggling into pajamas fresh from the dryer.

à la Mode St. » fashionAs I was reading this book, I finally figured out one of the many reasons why I love her writing so much. She is an artist at writing similes and metaphors. They are always the most eloquent or poetic, but they make me understand EXACTLY what that character is thinking or feeling. Most of the time, I smile and highlight them, and that’s why I love her books so much….because of all the smiling. I truly believe that Tessa Bailey is underestimated because she is a powerful writer, so I don’t underestimate her at all. She can write anything, and I’ll read it. She emotes, but it’s not always elegant. It’s raw and blue-collar and makes me FEEL ALL THE FEELS!!! Tessa, I would read your grocery lists.
à la Mode St. » fashion

Promises dug like tiny tractors in his gut, excavating vital components of what impulse directed him to say, leaving messes behind.

à la Mode St. » fashion20703796The 4 Clarkson siblings are on a road trip to fulfill their mother’s wish for them. They are not close siblings so there is automatically tension between them. When the car breaks down, of course Jasper is riding by on his sexy motorcycle. Tess is the queen of insta-lust, alpha-male, dirty-talker who wants his woman.
à la Mode St. » fashion

”Play offense,” he demanded in her ear. “Push down into it. Fuck yourself up against it. I’ll help you get where you need to go, beautiful. You answered the door begging for something bad from me. So that’s what I’m giving you. You and this sweet, neglected pussy. Now fuck your vibrator.”

à la Mode St. » fashionMy Jasper: (without the cig)

Jasper Ellis was a twenty-ounce hanger steak with a side of garlic mashed potatoes. 


My Rita:

Jasper is the owner of the Liquor Hole (get it!), the local bar. He is a reformed playboy trying to be good and responsible now, but his reputation precedes him. As he starts to pursue Rita, he can’t escape the playboy stigma.

Rita is a little black sheep of the family. She is a chef who tried to follow in her mother’s footsteps, but felt like she was never able to measure up. I loved watching her transform her strength and how Jasper helped her get there. Jasper and Rita think they only have a day together until the car is fixed. Well, due to some unexpected events each day (I love all of this), they end up getting a few more days together, enough time for the 4 siblings to help Jasper open his new restaurant.
à la Mode St. » fashion

”….stop stealing my breath when I’m trying to catch it.”
“No.” He pressed their foreheads together. “I don’t want you to catch it. I want it to stay lost and I want to be the man who steals it. All day, every day. Forever. Stay with me right here.”

à la Mode St. » fashion20703797I fell in love….with this whole family! I feel like I already have a clear picture of who each sibling is, but I know Tessa is going to pull out so much more in each book. I cannot wait to learn more about every single one of them. If you like series that involve brothers and sisters and FEELS, then you will love this book. I was pleasantly surprised by this book. It is different than Tessa’s other series, and I can’t wait to jump into Aaron’s book.

One word….BELMONT. And Sage! Gah! Of course, Tessa is saving his book for last! But I know I will enjoy the journey.


(releasing 4/27/17)

Review: Down Shift by @KBrombergDriven

review-down-shift-by-k-brombergDOWN SHIFT
Series: Driven #8
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: K. Bromberg
Release Date: October 4, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


The New York Times bestselling Driven series continues with a standalone story about finding love where you least expect it…
Behind the wheel, racing champion Zander Donavan is at the top of his game. But after too much excess in his personal life, he’s forced to step away. He needs to accomplish something all on his own—outside of his famous father’s shadow.

Getty Caster is running away from the abuse that clouds her past. She thinks she’s found the perfect escape—until she discovers a stranger in the beachside cottage she’d been promised. He’s undeniably sexy, but she’s there to heal. Alone.

Before long though, fighting with each other turns into fighting their attraction. And giving into desire sets off a chain reaction that has their pasts colliding. With an unexpected love on the line, can they overcome the fallout to build a future?

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“Even if you gave me a hundred reasons why we shouldn’t be together, Getty, I’d still look for the one reason to fight like hell for you. Remember that.”

See that pile of goo right there?
No! Not there! That’s the melted ice cream I used to eat my feelings. I’m talking about the other pile. Yes, yes, that one right there. That would be me. Melted into an gooey pile of swoon filled goo. All at the hands of a man with a moody disposition but a heart of gold named Zander and the incredible talent that is K. Bromberg. Goo I tells ya!

His love roared loader than my demons.

A recent revelation from his past has unraveled Zander Donovan’s world. He’s spinning out of control, angry and bitter, and lashing out at those that love him most. When he makes one stupid mistake too much, he’s forced to take a step back from the racing world and his family, finding peace in quiet seclusion.

Everyone’s churning ocean is fueled by a different type of storm.”
“What’s your storm?”
“My storm?” he chuckles, self-deprecation in his tone and a look in his eyes he doesn’t give me a chance to read. “I don’t think it’s ever really stopped churning, but there’s definitely been a few surprise white squalls thrown in.”

Getty is looking for a fresh start. Running from a past of her own, her scars are of the hidden variety. A woman broken doesn’t mean a woman that can’t heal, and she’s looking to heal the woman she wants to be. Having a sexy stranger crash her own quiet seclusion isn’t what she expects, nor the undeniable chemistry that brews between them from the very first sarcastic barb they exchange.

What starts as an unwilling cohabitation soon turns into friendship and begins to turn into something much deeper.

I know you’re stubborn as hell and gorgeous as fuck. And that your kiss tastes like an aged whiskey: something I want to sip slowly, feel on my lips, savor on my tongue, and take my time with before I get drunk on it.”

Getty is not the heroine I typically enjoy. She’s a lot damaged and a bit withdrawn, but she’s also endearingly sweet and caring in spite of her past. She’s not naive or a wallflower, but she’s not a warrior either. She’s someone that’s incredibly relatable. She’s a woman with a past and hidden hurts, but she doesn’t chose to dwell on that. She wants to heal, she wants to move on.

Zander is fighting a different demon from his past, but it’s no less darker than Getty’s. Together, they just…made sense. They were the perfect halves of a whole. K. Bromberg did an incredible job painting a story of two broken souls finding a healing touch in one another. They weren’t emotional crutches for the other. They were complete opposites, but together they just made sense. I adored these two. I loved their banter, I loved their push and pull, and I couldn’t get enough of their chemistry.

And their chemistry? Off the walls hot!

Time passes in pure sensations. The bite of his fingers into my thighs. The mist of sweat on my skin. The groan he emits as he slowly comes undone. The tingle of ecstasy throughout my body.

Goo I tells ya!

The author manages to bring everything in a full circle. The writing was spellbinding and beautiful, the story was emotional and gripping, and the romance was heart wrenchingly good. If you’re looking for a book that packs just as much feeling as it does steam, THIS is the book that needs to be on your list! It was pure perfection and I loved every page of it!



Jennifer’s Review: His by Brenda Rothert

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Brenda Rothert
Release Date: June 28. 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


I’d say I’m down on my luck, but that’s an understatement. I’m flat on my ass. Homeless, hungry and in hiding with my little sister at the age of twenty-one, I’ve never been so desperate. I’ve hit rock bottom when I get an offer I can’t refuse. Sell my body to save my sister? There’s nothing I won’t do to keep her safe. I make the rules and I’m not afraid to defend myself if this rich guy crosses the line. But once I see beneath his cold, calculating façade, the lines aren’t so clear anymore.

She’s an intoxicating mix of tough and vulnerable I’ve never known before. This homeless woman who fits right into my upper-class world is running from someone powerful, and I’ll do whatever it takes to protect her. But Quinn isn’t meant to be controlled, so I’m forced to choose between owning her and loving her. I’ve finally met my match, and I’ll do whatever it takes to make her truly mine.

Buy LinksAMAZON | iBOOKSReview-DGR3.5 stars

Beginning – 5 Strong Stars!
Middle – 4 Still-Good Stars!
Ending – 3 Aw-man-but-I-still-liked-it Stars!

This book has a kick-ass, awesome beginning. Quinn and her sister are homeless. They are running from a secret, so they have to stay low. I really enjoyed how the author doesn’t give all of the secrets away so it made me want to keep reading. Quinn needs money because her sister is sick. She is given an offer that she can’t refuse, but I loved that she was on her guard even at the beginning and didn’t just give into the offer, but knew she would have to do what needed to be done to save her sister. I enjoyed the relationship between Quinn and Andrew. It was unexpected and sweet and sexy how they got to know each other.

My Andrew:


My Quinn:

I enjoyed the premise of this book. The fact that I read the whole thing says a lot because I am usually a quitter if I am not enjoying a book. There were definitely some cheesy lines where I kinda rolled my eyes. Overall, I liked the characters, but I thought they could use some polishing. Quinn came across as this strong homeless girl who doesn’t put up with shit, and I loved her in the beginning. I think the author wanted her to also show her vulnerable side, which is great, but there was a disconnect between Quinn’s strength and her vulnerability. They just didn’t seem like the same person.

The ending felt rushed. The secret reveal of Andrew’s job is a little too easy. The overall ending was a little anti-climactic. I wanted it to be more badass.


Review: The Trouble With Mistletoe by Jill Shalvis

the-trouble-with-mistletoe-reviewTHE TROUBLE WITH MISTLETOE
Series: Heartbreaker Bay #2
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Jill Shalvis
Release Date: September 27, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2



If she has her way …

Willa Davis is wrangling puppies when Keane Winters stalks into her pet shop with frustration in his chocolate-brown eyes and a pink bedazzled cat carrier in his hand. He needs a kitty sitter, stat. But the last thing Willa needs is to rescue a guy who doesn’t even remember her …

He’ll get nothing but coal in his stocking.

Saddled with his great-aunt’s Feline from Hell, Keane is desperate to leave her in someone else’s capable hands. But in spite of the fact that he’s sure he’s never seen the drop-dead-gorgeous pet shop owner before, she seems to be mad at him …

Unless he tempers “naughty” with a special kind of nice …

Willa can’t deny that Keane’s changed since high school: he’s less arrogant, for one thing—but can she trust him not to break her heart again? It’s time to throw a coin in the fountain, make a Christmas wish—and let the mistletoe do its work …

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It’s just that you’re always so . . .”

Le swoon. *Happy sigh*

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Jill Shalvis books are my happy place. Her stories never fail to give me the warm and fuzzies and a huge case of the happy feels. They’re romantic, swoony, sweet, sexy, and yet never cheesy. They’re the perfect feel good romance with none of the craziness and yet they’ll keep me reading well into the night with a happy smile on my face. I just love them.

Ever since the preview of Willa’s book in Sweet Little Lies I’ve been eagerly anticipating the full story of what happened with her and Keane. Because let’s be real here, a high school crush that broke her heart shows up years later with a disgruntled pussy on her doorstop? You bet I want to read it!

Willa and Keane were pure magic together. Willa grew up hard but has a hard of gold. She had amazing friends, she has a job she loves taking care of animals that love her just as much back. But what Willa doesn’t believe in is love…at least not for herself. So when her high school crush shows up on her doorstep with a cat he’s stuck taking care of for his aunt and no memory of her, suffice it to say she’s not exactly thrilled to see him or help him out. What ensues is a whole lot of Jill Shalvis magic.

The sparks between Keane and Willa are instant, but man do I appreciate the slow burn. Keane is a bit damaged himself, but I adored how sweet he was with Willa at times. When the man sets to wooing, he certainly woos. And Willa may put up a good front at first, but it’s not long before he begins tearing down her walls.

I love the camaraderie of all the friends and the way they grumpily took Keane into their fold. Well, the men anyway. The women were just entertaining. I love the friendships in this series almost as much as I love the romance. It’s low on the angst but with plenty of feeling. It’s high on the swoons but with just enough sexy. It’s the perfect holiday romance to curl up with by the fireplace and get the perfect case of the happy feels.

If you’re looking for a light, feel good sort of romance, this series is an absolute must read.


Sweet Little Lies (Heartbreaker Bay, #1)
The Trouble with Mistletoe (Heartbreaker Bay, #2)
Accidentally on Purpose (Heartbreaker Bay, #3) 

Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway: Sparking The Fire by Kate Meader

blog-tour-banner-sparking-the-fireSPARKING THE FIRE
Series: Hot in Chicago #3
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Kate Meader
Release Date: September 27, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


Heating up reading lists this Fall will be Kate Meader’s highly anticipated Sparking the Fire, the “sexy and sassy” (#1 New York Times bestselling author Jude Deveraux) steamy third novel in the Hot in Chicago series, where former lovers unexpectedly reunite for a sizzling affair that will have the director yelling, “Quiet on the set!”

Actor Molly Cade, America’s fallen sweetheart, finally has her shot at a Hollywood comeback with a dramatic new role as a tough-as-nails firefighter that promises to propel her back to the big time and restore her self-respect.

Wyatt Fox, resident daredevil at Engine Co. 6, needs a low-key job to keep him busy while he recovers from his latest rescue stunt. Consulting on a local movie shoot should add just enough spark to his day. Especially when in struts Molly Cade: the woman who worked his heart over good, and then left him in the Windy City dust.

Their story is straight out of a script: irrepressible, spunky heroine meets taciturn, smoldering hero. But these two refuse to be typecast, and when the embers of an old love are stoked, someone is bound to get burned…



Kate Meader’s blazing Hot in Chicago firefighter series has “everything you want in a romance” (RT Book Reviews, Top Pick)! The flames of desire burn out of control in this sexy third novel when ex-lovers unexpectedly reunite for a sizzling affair that will have the director yelling, “Quiet on the set!”

Actor Molly Cade, America’s fallen sweetheart, finally has her shot at a Hollywood comeback with a dramatic new role as a tough-as-nails firefighter that promises to propel her back to the big time and restore her self-respect.

Wyatt Fox, resident daredevil at Engine Co. 6, needs a low-key job to keep him busy while he recovers from his latest rescue stunt. Consulting on a local movie shoot should add just enough spark to his day. Especially when in struts Molly Cade: the woman who worked his heart over good, and then left him in the Windy City dust.

Their story is straight out of a script: irrepressible, spunky heroine meets taciturn, smoldering hero. But these two refuse to be typecast, and when the embers of an old love are stoked, someone is bound to get burned…

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He’d thought he could control himself around Molly, yet every second in her presence loosened the granite hold on his emotions one more slippery, dangerous inch.

That’s it! Stick a fork in me, I’m done! I am a pile of dead and melted goo, all at the hands of a broody, silent, former Marine turned firefighter. I would like my headstone to read that my ultimate demise came from the hottest BILF I’ve ever read, and I regret nothing. NOTHING.

What’s a BILF you ask?

She poked him in the chest. “Drunk, sober, any state, I would be doin’ you tonight, Mister. Lucky. That’s what you are. A total BILF.”
“Beard I’d like to fuck.”

When I’m in a book funk, I know all I need is 5 minutes with a Kate Meader book and I’ll have an instant goofy grin on my face and the worst case of blue ovaries known to man kind. Why? Because the woman writes some of the best alpha heroes and I can’t get enough of it!

So what happens when a silent and socially awkward firefighter that likes to stay in the shadow of his infamous foster siblings meets a woman who’s in the very center of the spotlight? A. Whole. Lot. Of. Awesome.

Their lives did not mesh. She was Hollywood designer duds. He was Chicago Dumpster diving. And he wanted her more than his next breath. But since when in hell had he ever gotten anything he wanted?

Wyatt Fox is the quietest one of his siblings, the unassuming one, the one that sticks to himself. But for six nights years ago, he let his inhibitions fly with a woman that left him in the dust but he hasn’t stopped thinking about since.

Molly Cade is used to the media attention, but after an ugly divorce brought her on the wrong end of public scrutiny, she’s hoping the new movie she’s starring and producing will turn things around on her. Little does she expect that the new CFD consultant on the movie set is none other than the man that she never expected to see again. Suffice it to say that sparks fly and fires are set!
Sparking The Fire is written in Meader’s signature sassy style with plenty of sexy and a whole lot of banter which I’ve come to be addicted to.

She placed her palms on his shoulders. “You planning to glare me into orgasm, Marine?”
“I don’t glare. I smolder.”

I am head over ovaries in love with this series. I’d set my house on fire just to get my very own Wyatt Fox to come over and put out my fire…uhem.

The romance is full of sizzle and spark, and just enough sexual chemistry to set your kindle on fire. I loved the back and forth between Molly and Wyatt. The odds are stacked against them and they’re complete opposites, but yet they can’t stay away from each other.

Molly was absolute perfection. She’s sassy and funny and doesn’t let anything get her down. She has a backbone but still has this perfect amount of vulnerability to make her incredibly endearing. As for Wyatt? Wowza! I’m all about the BILF.

Nothing had ever felt this good. No one had ever felt this good. It had always been her.

If you haven’t read this series, you’re seriously missing out. If you haven’t read anything by this amazing author, you’re seriously missing out. And if you haven’t made plans to meet Wyatt Fox, then you’re SERIOUSLY missing out!

Kate Meader is going to spoil me with her awesomeness soon, but you won’t hear a peep of complaint out of this reader.



About the Authorkatemeader

Kate Meader was raised on romance. An Irish girl, she started with Catherine Cookson and Jilly Cooper novels, and spiced it up with some Mills & Boon. Now based in Chicago, she writes romances of her own, where sexy contemporary alpha heroes and strong heroines match each other quip for quip. When not immersed in tales of brooding mill owners, oversexed equestrians, and men who can rock an apron or a fire hose, Kate lives on the web at katemeader.com.


GiveawayHOT TIP: Kate is also offering a $25 Amazon gift card during the Sparking the Fire release tour. It will run Monday September 26 to Friday October 7. Enter here.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Review: Unsuitable by Samantha Towle

Genre: Contemporary Romance, Suspense
Author: Samantha Towle
Release Date: October 1, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


From New York Times bestselling author, Samantha Towle, comes a new sexy, romantic suspense standalone novel…

Daisy Smith has spent eighteen months of her life paying for a crime she didn’t commit. Now out of prison, she has only one focus—to get back custody of her younger brother, Jesse, who is deep in the foster care system. Desperate to rebuild her life and show the system that she is responsible enough to care for Jesse, she takes on the only job available to her—working as a maid at the Matis Estate.

On day one of her new job, Daisy meets Kastor Matis, the only son of the owners and her new boss. An enigmatic, handsome Greek god of a man, Kas is closed off, cold, and…well, kind of a bastard.

The more time Daisy spends around Kas, she starts to see there might be more to him than just his cold, bastard ways. He may actually have a heart beating in that frozen chest of his.

But Kas has secrets, too. Secrets that he’s determined to keep.

Secrets make Daisy curious.

And you know what curiosity can do…


Review-DGR4 starsunsuitable-dgr

Fuck, baby,” he groans before taking my mouth again. He kisses me with more intensity, bordering on crazy. And I match him stroke for stroke. We’re pulling on each other, both taking what we need.

What. The. Heck. Was. That?!!!!

I had NO idea Samantha Towle had something like this in her. This book was…something else entirely. It was nothing that I expected and everything I wanted. (See what I did there?) You know that moment when you start reading a book and you’re hooked from just the first few pages? So you know, you just know you got something different and exciting on your hands. Something that will not only hook you but will keep you riveted to the pages until the end? Yeah. Unsuitable was that book for me. I was hooked, riveted, and enthralled.

Kas was simply one of the most complex and magnetic heroes I’ve read in a long damn while. He was hypnotizing in his intensity. And let me tell you, he was INTENSE.

This is so much more than just a romance with an alphahole hero and a heroine that’s down in the dumps and crawling her way back. It was multi-layered, cleverly and deeply developed, and with a sexual tension so intense that it practically crackles the pages with it.

Daisy is a heroine that’s impossible not to like. This is a woman that has been in hell; wrongly imprisoned, betrayed by those she trusted, she’s lost everything and now has to rebuild everything having had almost nothing to start with. Yet she’s got sass to her, she’s funny and endearing and while she may be jaded in some things, she’s not eternally pessimistic. She wants to experience the good even while not believing it will happen for her.

The chemistry between her and Kas is instant. And let me tell you, you’ll want to hate Kas. This is a man that’s a downright a-hole to Daisy. Blatantly so. But there’s always something that’s so clearly brewing beneath the surface with him that you just know that there has to be a good reason for his behavior and it isn’t just that he’s an ass.

The complexity of this story blew me away. The complexity of these characters blew me away. Sure there was some cheese in some parts, and while I could have done without it in parts, it worked for me, too. It’s no secret that I love a good alphahole, and Kas was definitely that. But he was so SO much more too.

What I feel for you is debilitating and terrifying and exhilarating…and the best thing to ever happen to me. You are the best thing to ever happen to me. And, if you only ever believe one thing I’ve told you, then believe this; if I could love someone, then it would be you, Daisy. A million times over, it would be you.”

It was a gripping romance, a story of second chances and redemption and healing. It was a fluid combination of light and dark, filled with plenty of depth. Samantha Towle seriously hit it out of the park with Unsuitable.

Review: Too Wild To Tame by Tessa Bailey

too-wild-to-tame-reviewTOO WILD TO TAME
Series: Romancing the Clarksons #2
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Tessa Bailey
Release Date: September 6, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


Sometimes you just can’t resist playing with fire . . . 

By day, Aaron Clarkson suits up, shakes hands, and acts the perfect gentleman. But at night, behind bedroom doors, the tie comes off and the real Aaron comes out to play. Mixing business with pleasure got him fired, so Aaron knows that if he wants to work for the country’s most powerful senator, he’ll have to keep his eye on the prize. That’s easier said than done when he meets the senator’s daughter, who’s wild, gorgeous, and 100 percent trouble.

Grace Pendleton is the black sheep of her conservative family. Yet while Aaron’s presence reminds her of a past she’d rather forget, something in his eyes keeps drawing her in. Maybe it’s the way his voice turns her molten. Or maybe it’s because deep down inside, the ultra-smooth, polished Aaron Clarkson might be more than even Grace can handle . . .



Review3.5 stars

She was forcing him to consider light and shadows, when he’d only ever dealt in black and white. And she was the light. Shining bright enough to flay him.

When I read Too Hot to Handle, Aaron was a character that intrigued me right away. Tessa Bailey gives the reader just enough to catch their curiosity but then like the sadist that she surely is, she makes you wait until that particular Clrackson’s book to appease it. Aaron is in his own personal hell; in a car with his siblings on the trek to NY with a brother that would sooner glare at him than talk to him and the regrets of what sent him away in the first place.

Aaron is advisor to the politicians and loves his job, but a mistake he made cost him everything. Now his only chance to resurrect his career, is to get on the good side of a senator that’s on the fast trek to presidency. But then he meets the woman that throws a wrench into all his plans and good intentions

Getting close to another person was suicide, as far as he was concerned. People eventually walked away, although he wasn’t sure if that was a universal rule, or one that pertained only to him. His father had replaced Belmont as the male rock in his life, built him up, and then he’d gone and fucked off, too, hadn’t he? Left him bitter and self-sufficient. He was grateful for seeing human nature for what it was, deep down. The women he took to bed didn’t seem to mind, either.

Aaron is broody and grumpy, but when that man lets his mouth loose? Holy explosive ovaries! Tessa knows how to write a hell of a dirty talker and she definitely doesn’t disappoint with Aaron Clarkson.

This book had all the things I felt lacking in the first book; angst, sexual tension, and that sweet sweet burn of a sexual tension that burns to scorching levels. So why not rate higher? Well, my picky self was still missing a certain connection with the story. I just wasn’t invested enough in the characters and the romance to be yearning to turn the pages. Don’t get me wrong, it was entertaining and I definitely enjoyed it for the most part. But will it be something I come back to? Probably not. I also loved Grace’s story, but something about her as a character just didn’t connect me with her.

I loved getting a glimpse into the other two Clarkson siblings, and I’m practically salivating for Sage and her brooding Clarkson brother to get together already but I’m thinking Tessa is saving that bad boy for last.

If you’re looking for a sexy contemporary romance with a whole lot of dirty talk and a brooding but completely endearing hero, definitely give this book a shot.


(releasing 4/27/17)

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