Blog Tour Review & Excerpt: Cherish Hard by Nalini Singh

Series: King Of Code #1.5
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: CD Reiss
Release Date: November 14, 2017

New York Times bestselling author Nalini Singh kicks off her new Hard Play contemporary romance series with a sizzling story that’ll leave you smiling…

Sailor Bishop has only one goal for his future – to create a successful landscaping business. No distractions allowed.

Then he comes face-to-face and lips-to-lips with a woman who blushes like an innocent… and kisses like pure sin.

Ísa Rain craves a man who will cherish her, aches to create a loving family of her own. Trading steamy kisses with a hot gardener in a parking lot? Not the way to true love.

Then a deal with the devil (aka her CEO-mother) makes Ísa a corporate VP for the summer. Her main task? Working closely with a certain hot gardener.

And Sailor Bishop has wickedness on his mind.

As Ísa starts to fall for a man who makes her want to throttle and pounce on him at the same time, she knows she has to choose – play it safe and steady, or risk all her dreams and hope Sailor doesn’t destroy her heart.

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Being a devil woman, she reminded herself. Having fun for a change. Not being a grandma at twenty-eight years of age.

Still, she couldn’t stop second-guessing herself as Sailor led her out of the house through a side entrance that opened out into a small, manicured garden. “I’ll have to take off my heels,” she whispered when she saw the pebbled path snaking through the garden.

“Want a piggyback ride?” A playful grin. “I promise not to molest your thighs.”

Goose bumps broke out over Ísa’s skin, her nipples tight. Reckless as she was feeling tonight, she might just have taken him up on his offer if she hadn’t been worried her damn dress would split in two. “Maybe when we’re naked,” she said instead, Devil Ísa in full flower.

Groaning, he doubled over as if she’d punched him.

Her lips twitching despite the melting sexual heat liquefying her bones, she leaned down to slip off her heels.

Sailor waited, his hand firm around hers, until she was done. Taking the heels from her, he carried them in his other hand as Ísa padded beside him on the grass that lay on this side of the pebbled path. The path ended at a weathered wooden gate, which, when opened, put them at the top of a narrow walkway that led down onto a beach Ísa couldn’t yet see but could hear.

Her heart crashed in time with the waves as they made their way down to the beach while the mansion behind them pulsed with light and music. But she didn’t turn and run away, she didn’t stop and talk herself out of it, she didn’t attempt to be a sensible adult. She followed a gorgeous, blue-eyed man down a dirt pathway to an effectively private beach.

The sand that had been tracked onto the path was gritty under her feet, the air coming off the sea cool but not cold.

“The water’s going to be icy, isn’t it?” she whispered to his broad back.

“Don’t worry, spitfire. I’ll keep you warm,” was the deep-voiced response. “Stop here.” Jumping down to the beach, he reached up to grab her by the waist, swinging her down as if she were a featherweight.

Something fluffy and mushy came to life inside Ísa. “Here?”

Shaking his head, he said, “Raj told me there’s like a little cove area—not a proper cove, but caused by— There.”

Ísa saw it at once. A huge tree had fallen into the water at some point and smashed up against some rocks where it appeared to be stuck. Between the jutting rocks on either side and the fallen trunk was a naturally created pool. The water within it was pretty calm, and it looked as if they could get to it by clambering over some rocks that didn’t appear too sharp or slippery.

Of course, she’d be walking over those rocks naked.

Ísa looked up at the moon. Imagined it shining on the stark white of her body. Gulped. “Will you close your eyes while I go in the water?” Even Devil Ísa wasn’t up for blinding him with her glow-in-the-dark form.

A glance back. “What’re you going to bribe me with?”

Ísa scowled. “Not pushing you into the water right now.” It was a toothless threat given his muscles and her lack of them.

Rubbing his jaw, he said, “Three tongue kisses. That’s my price, and I’m not budging.”

Ísa wanted to pounce on him all over again. “Two,” she countered.

“Nuh-uh. Three. Or I’m keeping both eyes wide open.” Leaning in, he pressed his nose to hers. “I really want to keep my eyes wide open.”

And Ísa really wanted to kiss him and run her hands all over that sculpted chest. “Three,” she whispered.


Copyright © 2017 by Nalini Singh

Cherish Hard is an insanely sweet but very sexy romance between an older heroine and younger hero, which I loved!

Nalini Singh has always excelled in writing great heroes-in-pursuit tropes, and in this book, Sailor is a great example of a hero in pursuit of a woman who caught his eye. He is easily the best part of this book for me.

He’s determined to not only prove that he can get his business off the ground but to prove that his love for Isa isn’t just a passing fancy.

Sailor Bishop is Gabe’s brother but this story took place before the events of Rock Hard so we see a bit of Gabe during his rugby playing years, which I appreciated. A lot.

But the star of the book is Sailor. He’s an amazingly sweet and considerate alpha hero. And I would recommend this book base on that alone.

That said if you’re looking for a high-conflict, angsty romance, then this book won’t be for you. Cherish Hard is light on conflict and drama but it doesn’t skimp on the sexy times. The sexy times in this book is A grade, and I was a huge fan of it.

I would’ve rated this book higher if not for one huge issue for me. I didn’t find Isa particularly interesting. Don’t get me wrong. She’s very sweet and nice and a really good person. She sacrificed so much for her family. And despite being born rich and privileged, her childhood was lonely which contributed to her insecurities and fears. She is on paper, the perfect heroine but I was personally bored with her character. I found her best friend, Nayna, a lot more interesting.

I don’t dislike Isa, it’s just that she didn’t really capture my attention. She’s okay but her character didn’t wow me.

Despite that, I did enjoy this book and I’m looking forward to reading more of this series. I’m hoping we’d get a Nayna book and maybe another Bishop brother? God, I hope so.

Nalini Singh is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Psy-Changeling, Guild Hunter, and Rock Kiss series. She lives and works in beautiful New Zealand, and is passionate about writing.

If you’d like to explore her other books, you can find lots of excerpts and free short stories on her website. Slave to Sensation is the first book in the Psy-Changeling series, while Angels’ Blood is the first book in the Guild Hunter series. The Rock Kiss books are all stand alone and can be read in any order.


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Excerpt & Review: Prince Roman by CD Reiss

Series: King Of Code #1.5
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: CD Reiss
Release Date: November 7, 2017

Rules for my new job:

1) Do not have sex with a man in the office (again).

2) Do not break Rule #1

I’m playing it cool, clean, and professional…until I meet Roman Bianchi.

He’s not an insecure nerd or an ego-hole like the other kings of Silicon Valley.

He’s charming and handsome.

He’s fun, funny, and smart.

He’s also in the office across the hall.

Two broken rules waiting to happen.

I can’t lose this job over some guy.

But Roman’s not just some guy. Under that suit and cocky smile, he’s a prince.

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If Raven Crosby hadn’t picked up some hacking tips from QI4, I’d eat my shoe.She’d left as they were growing. Kept her stock options. That never happens. She was also still friendly with Taylor Harden, the hacker brain behind QI4’s quantum system.

I figured they’d parted on good terms. Maybe with something hanging over Taylor’s head.

My team ended up with a few folders on her. I told myself I was a lawyer. Collecting data on people was what I did for a living.

But this was different.

A week in, I was obsessed with her ebony hair and eyes. Lashes drawn on with black Sharpie. Her voice was hypnotic in meetings, and was only heard after long stretches of listening. The night before, she’d tipped her hand, showing me that she’d peeled the curtain back to get intel on me. I didn’t feel violated as much as vindicated. The attraction was mutual. She wouldn’t have done it for any other reason.

“I’ll be there at eight,” I said to my sister, Teagan. We had a dinner planned half an hour before, but I didn’t want to go. It wasn’t the rain that pounded on the windows. It wasn’t my sister. Teagan was fine, but the office was empty and Raven was right across the hall, working in the glow of a desk lamp.

“You better be,” she said. “I’m starving and I need to get drunk.”

“Get a head start at the bar.”

“I’m not going to sit at the end of the bar by myself with a drink. Do you even know what it’s like out there for a girl?”

I didn’t know firsthand, obviously, but I knew enough from her. Teagan was a career gamer and game designer. One of the best. She had a sweet, harmless face that made her approachable to even the most beta of betas. Regardless, even the betas tried to compete with her once they knew what she did. I was exhausted on her behalf.

Across the hall, Raven stood and clicked off her desk lamp.

“Leaving now,” I said, cutting the call. I grabbed my things and headed out, timing it perfectly so we met in the hall.

“Hi,” I said.

She nodded and gave me a non-committal smile. We spoke often, but never a word that didn’t have to do with the human resources software implementation and how it would protect Neuronet from liability.

“It’s raining,” I said. “You taking the elevator to the parking lot?”

The executive lot was underground, on the other side of campus. If you wanted to get there underground, without crossing the courtyard and getting rained on, you had to take the elevator.

“Yes.” She started down the hall and I followed.

“I’ll walk you.”

You are my ambition. You are my mountain to climb. You’re my only aspiration.”

Prince Roman was a quick, sexy, and entertaining read that I finished in one sitting. Though I’m as far from techie as possible and at times I thought the gamer details would lose me, the author managed to pull it off and keep me totally invested in the story. Admittedly, they weren’t my favorite parts, simply because a lot of it flew right over my head, but they didn’t bore me either.

My favorite part of the book were the strong main characters. I love females like Raven Crosby. Strong, independent, owning her sexuality and making no qualms about it. Here is a woman that’s at the top of her career and she keeps striving for more and she doesn’t want complications like a relationship to stand in her way. She’s all about the hot and quick interludes with men that mean nothing to her the next day. After a hot and heavy office affair just like that, she moves on to greener pastures swearing to herself that she’ll never complicate her life by sleeping with someone she works with. She doesn’t get hung up on the men or has awkward morning afters, but it’s still a complication. Add in her new company’s no fraternization rule and a sexy lawyer that tempts her to break every single one of her rules.

A forbidden affair with everything to lose. Two people that can’t get enough of each other, rules be damned. And a sizzling plot that ties it all together. Prince Roman was one deliciously satisfying read. Admittedly I totally misread the blurb, because I took the “prince” part literally. *shrugs*. I loved the way everything came together at the end. For a short read, it was still entirely satisfying.

C.D. Reiss is a USA Today bestseller. She still has to chop wood and carry water, which was buried in the fine print. Her lawyer is working it out with God but in the meantime, if you call and she doesn’t pick up, she’s at the well, hauling buckets.

Born in New York City, she moved to Hollywood, California to get her master’s degree in screenwriting from USC. In case you want to know, that went nowhere, but it did give her a big enough ego to write novels.

Critics have dubbed the books “poetic,” “literary,” and “hauntingly atmospheric,” which is flattering enough for her to put it in a bio, but embarrassing enough for her not to tell her husband, or he might think she’s some sort of braggart who’s too good to chop a cord of wood.

If you meet her in person, you should call her Christine.


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Review: Ruin You by M. O’Keefe

Series: The Debt #3
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: M. O’Keefe
Release Date: November 9, 2017


The only thing that stands in the way of my revenge is her.

The lying scheming daughter of the man who killed my parents. She has the secrets I need to bring down her father.

And I’ll do anything to get them. I will lie to her. Steal from her. Use her.

Ruin her.

It helps that our chemistry is explosive.

What I’m not expecting is for her to be so sweet. And so strong.



After so many years of lying and hiding, I finally have a place to call home. With people I can call a family. The Paintbrush Inn is my life now, and I won’t let anyone ruin it.

When sexy and world-weary Simon checks in to the Inn, I never expect him to glance my way. I’ve spent my whole life blending into the background. Being overlooked and ignored. It’s been helpful, even though it’s lonely. And he’s way out of my league.

But our attraction is powerful. Undeniable.


Because I can’t let anyone close. If the secrets I keep were to be revealed, my whole life would be destroyed. But something about Simon makes me break all my own rules. I’m letting him in to my home, my body, my life, never expecting he has his own secrets.

His own lies.

When the truth comes out, we’ll both be ruined.


The problem with lies is belief. That’s how things fall apart in the end. When I stop believing the lies, it’s just a story. When I believe the lies, it’s as much truth as the actual truth.

I love all things Molly O’Keefe. It’s hard for me to even imagine that she used to write pure contemporary romance when the woman writes gritty, emotional stories like she was born for it. I devour her words.

When I first read Lost Without You, I was immediately hooked on the story of the foster siblings that faced a horror the likes of which no child ever should. After a decision to save one of their own from the clutches of an evil man lands them in a situation that they see no way out of, excepting the terms of a debt to a different sort of bad man doesn’t seem so bad. After all, the devil you know and all that. Tommy paid his debt, and now it’s Simon’s turn

Simon’s life takes a full circle when Bates comes knocking to settle his debt. It forces him to remember a name and a face of a person that he tried quite hard to forget over the years. A person with a tie to him like no other. A tie to his past, a woman that just may be the answer to a revenge that he’s been plotting since before he landed in a foster home. And nothing can stop him from getting the answer he seeks.

Happiness is a warning. A cloud covering the sun. A change in the soundtrack.

Ruin You, much like the previous book, is quite morose. It’s not a walk in the park and rainbows and butterflies. And while I highly recommend reading the previous two books first to form a better connection to the characters, you don’t need to in order to enjoy this one. The author gives plenty of background to ensure that the reader is never lost.

Desire is like fear, in a way. If you let it take over, it runs the whole ship. But if you ignore it, it’s simply an echo.

Penny has been living under the veil of carefully constructed lies for years. The lies are the only thing that keep her sane. But beyond that, they’re the only thing that keep her safe. No one can ever know the secrets that she guards. Because not only would they ruin her, but the repercussions run much deeper.

She’s never been so drawn to a man before as she is with Simon. He tests all of her careful control and peace that she’s gathered through the years. Can she trust this man to be who he says he is. Penny isn’t a bombshell. She prefers to stick to the shadows in her anonymity. She’s a masterful chef, but she doesn’t want the limelight to go along with it. She has a hard time understanding why a man that looks like Simon would be drawn to someone like her.

The connection between these two is palpable. The tension between them is almost unbearable. Molly O’Keefe writes one sizzling slow burn with this book, and I couldn’t get enough.

It’s the first time she’s touched me. My skin. And my body is suddenly consumed in flame.

The pacing was on the slower end. There’s a lot of build up and that takes time. And then the author finally takes pity on us with a little morsel on Bates that I had a feeling about from the very start. I seriously hope that the man will be getting a book of his own, because he steals the show every time he comes on the scene. There’s just something so alluring about the mysterious and dangerous criminal.

Ruin You was another great installment in The Debt series, and I already can’t wait for more.


Each title has a brand-new look!

Lost Without You (The Debt, #1)

Currently FREE for a limited time!

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Where I Belong (The Debt, #2)

Purchase it now:

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 Molly O’Keefe has always known she wanted to be a writer (except when she wanted to be a florist or a chef and the brief period of time when she considered being a cowgirl). And once she got her hands on some romances, she knew exactly what she wanted to write.

She published her first Harlequin romance at age 25 and hasn’t looked back. She loves exploring every character’s road towards happily ever after.

Originally from a small town outside of Chicago, she went to university in St. Louis where she met and fell in love with the editor of her school newspaper. They followed each other around the world for several years and finally got married and settled down in Toronto, Ontario. They welcomed their son into their family in 2006, and their daughter in 2008. When she’s not at the park or cleaning up the toy room, Molly is working hard on her next novel, trying to exercise, stalking Tina Fey on the internet and dreaming of the day she can finish a cup of coffee without interruption.

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New Release & Review: At Your Service by Lexi Blake

Series: Masters and Mercenaries #14.5, Topped #4
Genre: BDSM, Contemporary Romance
Author: Lexi Blake
Release Date: November 7, 2017

Juliana O’Neil’s promising future was burned away in the heat of battle. She had been an officer with a bright future in the military, but now she is struggling to survive. Her husband gone and her career in shambles, she finds a job at Top as a hostess and tries to put together the pieces of her life. The last thing she needs is any kind of male attention, but she can’t help but be amused at her neighbor and coworker’s lothario antics. Not that she would have anything to do with him, at least not for more than one night.

Javier Leones doesn’t understand monogamy. No woman could ever be enough for his endless libido, but he has to admit Juliana has his attention. For reasons he doesn’t fully understand, he can’t seem to get the gorgeous redhead with the sad eyes out of his head. After one scorching night together, he realizes he’ll never be able to get her out of his system. But with his reputation, he fears she’ll never see him as more than a one-night stand.

When their passions collide, these new lovers will be forced to confront Juliana’s past and come to terms with Javier’s present. Will they find their way or will this reservation be canceled at the last minute?

A Masters and Mercenaries: Topped Novel by Lexi Blake


If she wasn’t smart enough to get away from him, he would catch her and hold her and never let her go.

I adore, simply adore all thing Lexi Blake. Where her Masters and Mercenaries series is my all time favorite, her Topped series is my fix between the M&M releases. They never fail to bring me a little taste of my favorite world with a good dose of Big Tag and Chef Tag while introducing a slew of new and addicting characters.

I’ve been curious about Javier’s book for some time. As the unapologetic playboy of the Topped restaurant, this sexy chef never felt the need to bind himself to any one woman.

Hurricane Javier. He got in, got the job done, and walked away before it got too heavy. Sometimes that meant walking away before names were exchanged.

But lately Javi has found himself craving more. Looking at his happily settled down coworkers, he finds himself curious about a connection beyond just one night. And the woman that sparks his interest? His beautiful neighbor and coworker, Juliana. After she came to his rescue when his brother had another drunken episode since losing both of his legs in the military, he finds himself thinking of her more and more.

Juliana O’Neil is trying to get her life back after losing her dominant hand while serving overseas. Now I ask you, how often do you read about a female vet? Not often enough, I say, and mad props to Lexi Blake for pulling it off. Juliana is strong and competent, though still struggling with the loss of her promising military career and the inevitable though amicable loss of her marriage. Now working as a hostess at Top, she struggling to adjust to her life as it is while still wishing for the things she dreamed about before losing her hand.

She doesn’t believe that someone like Javi could ever give her what she needs. After all, he’s a womanizer that never held on to any one woman longer than one interlude. She doesn’t understand why she would be different, no matter how much Javi tries to convince her otherwise.

At Your Service was a sweet and sexy romance. I adored the way Javier was with Juliana, but even more, I loved the way that she fought for him right back. There’s an added suspense element that serves to spice things up a notch, but the romance was the ultimate ingredient that kept me riveted to the pages. I loved both of these characters and couldn’t get enough of them. There’s also an interesting new addition that I’m hoping we’ll see more of. Especially with the hints of who she has her eye on. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to rock myself in the corner until the release of the next Masters book.



Release Tour, Jenn’s Review & Giveaway: Field-Tripped by @nicolearcheraut

Series: Ad Agency #3
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Nicole Archer
Release Date: October 30, 2017

I was done with games. But playing with her is so much fun.

Ten years ago, I was all set to compete in the winter Olympics. Then I lost everything—my career, my best friend, and my girlfriend.

After that, I stopped playing games for good. I swore never to go back to Colorado. Too many bad memories. Plus, she’s still there.

Now I live a simple life as a creative director at Shimura Advertising in New York. All is good, until my boss cons me and my coworkers into spending two weeks in Colorado at Proton Sports’ sleep-away camp for adults, pitching their business. Turns out Proton’s idea of a pitch is making the agencies battle each other in a bunch of ridiculous winter games.

Guess who owns the rival company? Her. And she’s out to get me. I might just let her win.

*Field-Tripped is Book 3 in the in the Ad Agency Series and can be read as a standalone.


Spotify Soundtrack

Charlie slides her goggles over her hat and throws the end of her red scarf over one shoulder. She looks like Snoopy about to fight the Red Baron.I swallow a chuckle.

Chin lifted and mouth straight, she gives me a curt nod then hunches over her sled’s reins.

A rush of adrenaline pumps through me and renders me stupid. I’m still gawking at her when Malcolm waves the flag at the bottom of the hill.

Suddenly, we’re dashing down the run like a jet ready for takeoff.

Sabrina’s arms circle my waist so tightly I can barely breathe. The sharp wind dries out my eyes and mouth, which is currently in a wide-open Jack O’ lantern grin.

“They’re gaining on us, dude,” Skip cries.

That’s absolutely ludicrous since we’re moving at a clip of at least fifty miles an hour. We’re on a freaking luge.

“What do you want me to do?” I shout back.

“The wings have got to go.” He rips one off and tosses it in Orion’s path.

They veer into us to avoid it. I rock to the side, desperately trying to avoid a collision.

A woman screams. Or was that Skip? “Watch out!”

I didn’t even see what we hit. Later they told me it was a fallen tree trunk buried under the snow.

The impact tears the bottom out of our sled and my teammates are left in a puff of pink feathers and glitter.

Meanwhile, I fly over the bump, still clinging to the chicken head, and zoom down the mountain, headed straight for Burt and Art.

Just before I wipe them out, I let go and do a stunt roll.

Charlie whizzes past me, sans bobsled, spread eagle on her stomach, her puffy jacket and snow pants providing zero traction.

Wildly out of control and laughing like a lunatic, she keeps going and going and going, past the finish line, all the way to the middle of the frozen lake and then stops with a tiny grunt.

I was told by a good friend to read Nicole Archer, so when I saw this book coming out, I knew I wanted the chance to read and review it. And boy, am I glad I did. Another notch on my list of authors climbing up the charts.

First off, I adored the humor in this book. Humor is my #1 favorite part of life and books. This book had me remembering The Office with each character having their own niche and role. Group dynamics is a huge part of this book. Two businesses take a trip to a ski resort with each team competing against each other to win an account. Eli is begrudgingly returning to his hometown for this business trip, where old memories lie. He is terrified of running into his ex. Of course, that is exactly what happens, and a story of second-chances begins.

Eli (aka “Loser”). Be still my heart. This man is wonderful. He has a Jim-vibe (The Office) but with a beard and maybe not as light-hearted, but definitely down-to-earth and loveable. He heart has been broken years ago, and he is trying to find himself (this all sounds morose, but I promise it’s not).

Charlie (aka “Chicken”). Be stiller my heart. She is what dreams are made of. This chick could take me in a verbal sparring and still have me for dinner. She is the definition of spunk, all hard on the outside, but a softy gooey mess inside. And only Eli knows the gooey part of her. When these two see each other again, it’s instant evil-eyes, but of course it’s instant attraction too, as they have LOTS of unfinished business, confused feelings and miscommunications.

I love that neither Eli or Charlie take themselves too seriously. What could have been a tear-jerker of angsty proportions (*gag) instead turns out to be one of my perfect reads. At the same time, Archer weaves those words that evoke just enough feels to make the book mean something. They are genuine, and their actions are unpredictable, much like real life. Eli and Charlie have such a rich history that only the few can dream of, growing up together and knowing all the dirty little secrets from those intimate young moments.

Of course, I cannot leave out the FIRE in this book. Despite the fact they despise each other in the beginning, that doesn’t stop them from fooling around rather quickly into story. And when they finally start hooking up, STEAM!!!

Nicole Archer’s writing style reminds me of Susan Elizabeth Phillips, who I practically worship. So be forewarned Nicole, you may be part of my new Religion of Favorite Authors soon (*wink).

Nicole Archer Author photo 800x800 Nicole Archer’s lengthy career as an advertising copywriter not only polished her writing skills—it provided a lifetime of book material. As a single, full-time working mom of a beautiful, brilliant, and horrifically energetic son, she has little time to do much else besides work, write, read, drink wine, and breathe. She’s originally from Colorado, but lives in Dallas now. This is her third book.

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Read the other two books in the Ad Agency Series

Road-Tripped (Ad Agency Book 1)


Head-Tripped (Ad Agency Book 2)


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Audio Blitz & Review: The Learning Hours by Sara Ney

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Sara Ney
Release Date: September 26, 2017

He’s not a douchebag; but that doesn’t stop his friends from turning him into one.


So much so that they plastered my ugly mug all over campus, in bold printed letters:

Are you the lucky lady who’s going to break our roommate’s cherry?
Him: socially awkward man with average-sized penis looking for willing sexual partner. You: must have a pulse. He will reciprakate with oral. Text him at: 555-254-5551

The morons can’t even spell. And the texts I’ve been receiving are what wet dreams are made of. But I’m not like these douchebags, no matter how hard they try to turn me into one.


One text stands out from hundreds. One number I can’t bring myself to block. She seems different. Hotter, even in black and white.

However, after seeing her in person, I know she’s not the girl for me. But my friends won’t let up–they just don’t get it. Douchebags or not, there’s one thing they’ll never understand: GIRLS DON’T WANT ME.

Especially her.


He’s seated at a table in the far corner when I spot him from the door. He’s not hard to miss—not with his purple t-shirt in a sea of black and yellow, and wavy mussed hair.

He’s slouching, hunched over his table.

Defeated. Tired.

My stomach rolls with nerves, nerves that have me rooted to the spot in the doorway, watching him.
Just watching.

For the entire four minutes I stand here, he sits immobile, studying his laptop, eyes moving along the screen, completely transfixed by whatever he’s reading.


“Just go over there,” I whisper to myself, blowing out a puff of pent-up air.

I put one foot in front of the other and begin toward him, spine ramrod straight, steeling myself, prepared for another argument.

Twenty feet.





No reply.

“Do you mind if I sit here?” I lay my hand on the back of the wooden chair across from him, intending to pull it out.

He stiffens but doesn’t lift his head. “Yes I mind.”

“Would you mind if I sat at the table next to you?” I’m pushing his buttons, looking for a reaction, but he only spares me a brief glance.

Shrugs. “Free country.”

I bite my lip to hide a smile, glad he didn’t tell me to take a hike…

I’m quickly learning that Rhett Rabideaux isn’t most guys”

This is quite possibly the happiest my ears have ever been. Because this audio? This audio book was EVERYTHING.

Now this particular picky reader doesn’t typically like audio books. Either the pacing annoys me or the narrators do. There’s too much monotone, too much overacting, and all the more nitpicking on my end. But this book? This was the icing on the already perfect cake. As much as I adored reading this book, listening to it made me fall in love with it even more.

Rhett Rabideaux may not be prince charming but he’s something else entirely: he’s real. He is who he is, and makes no apologies. He’s polite and sincere.”

Josh Goodman’s delicious voice in my ear narrating the part of Rhett was pure perfection. And here I thought it will never get better than Rhett.

I’m a huge fan of NA romance, but the good kind are getting harder and harder to find. This is the book that tops all NA books I’ve ever read to date. This story was incredible. It was sweet, and touching, and so different that I simply couldn’t help but swoon super hard over it.

Muffy Newtown is now easily one of my favorite female narrators. She did this heroine so much justice. It was like listening to a movie while having the scene roll through your mind’s eye. I simply don’t have enough good things to say about it. This was, hands down, my favorite audio book to date.

And this book was, hands down, my favorite NA romance to date. I love a book that mixes things up and isn’t afraid to go out of the typical cookie cutter formula, and that’s exactly what Sara Ney did here.

This was the happiest 10 hours of my giddy ears’ life. Truly.

Sara Ney is the USA Today Bestselling Author of the How to Date a Douchebag series, and is best known for her sexy, laugh-out-loud New Adult romances. Among her favorite vices, she includes: iced latte’s, historical architecture and well-placed sarcasm. She lives colorfully, collects vintage books, art, loves flea markets, and fancies herself British.

She lives with her husband, children, and her ridiculously large dog.

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Jenn & Lana’s Review: Follow by @mstessabailey

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Tessa Bailey
Release Date: October 30, 2017

He wants her soul. Too bad she already sold it.

Family is everything to gambling den darling, Teresa Valentini. Blood comes first, especially before men. So when her brother lands himself in hot water, she’s willing to do whatever it takes to save him. And showing up topless in her unwitting savior’s motel room is turning out to be the furthest thing from a hardship…

Will Caruso is the bad boy of New York’s financial scene…and he just found out the very thing that drives his success is a damn lie. Now, he’s exchanged his high-stress life for the open road, no one but his Great Dane…and half a million Instagram followers to keep him company. When a mysterious beauty arrives, her secrecy prods his suspicions, even while she tempts his lust to the breaking point.

Teresa met Will under false pretenses, but the bond consuming them is real. They’re strong enough to overcome a little betrayal…aren’t they?


Will is going down in the books as one of my favorites!!!! Definitely Top favorites of Tessa’s and Top favorites….EVAH!!! Checks all of my boxes and clenches all of my inner muscles (wink)!!!

Tessa has never written a book like this. Almost all of her books are written in the third person, except Unfixable. In Follow, we have both pov’s and both are written in the first person, and Gah! Tessa needs to write first person more often!! This is also her first independent book, and I am so glad Will and Teresa wouldn’t leave Tessa alone until she wrote their story.

Teresa is trying to save her brother from working for the mob for the rest of his life. She is taking names, walking right up to the boss and demanding he let her brother go. Who does that?! Teresa does that! I absolutely loved this chick with tits of steel. She does what she has to do to save her brother and that includes doing a favor for the mob boss. That favor is to bring his son to New York, using whatever means she can.

Will. Will. Will. (Is what I said over and over in my dreams last night!) Rugged. Intelligent. Sexy. Businessman. Perfect. Alpha. Dirty Talker. I could survive on nothing but Will. He’s the bastard son of the mob boss, and he doesn’t want to be. He doesn’t want anything to do with his father. He is taking an extended leave of absence, taking a cross country trip with his dying dog. Will is Teresa’s mark. They are immediately suspicious of each other, trying to keep their guards up against each other, but they aren’t able to keep away the sexual chemistry. The meet cute…is more like a meet sexy, and omg perfection. Teresa doesn’t want to give in and have sex with Will because that would be drawing a line that she doesn’t want to cross. But Will is a very determined man, and he wants This book is HOT. This book is FIRE. I continue to be scorched by every single Tessa book.

Of course, we all know that Tessa is the Queen of Dirty Talk. She owns the Dirty Talking Universe, and if you don’t know that….I’m totally judging you right now. Because reading a Tessa Bailey book should go down as One of the Top Things to do Before You Die. Ok, maybe I’m exaggerating….but I don’t think I am.


You make me crazy, too. Crazy in a way that makes me want to rearrange the earth so it’s laid out exactly the way you want it.”

Oh. My. GAWD.
*pats self down*
Can you feel if both of your ovaries exploded? I swear to god, I felt it. There is no way that both of those suckers survived Will Caruso. No freaking way. So, Tessa Bailey, you now owe me a new set of ovaries. You better hope that Prime carries that shit, because I still can’t even. Give me a dang second here.
*dunks into ice bath*
And I’m back!

Tessa Bailey brings the sass and the steam with this read-in-one-sitting standalone. It had EVERYTHING; memorable characters, suspense and a bit of action, an adorable giant (and I mean GIANT) dog, and a dirty talking GOD that is Will Caruso.

Oh my God. Have I ever been spoken to like this? I mean, there’s dirty chatter. And then there’s Will’s Fantasyland of Fuck Talk.

Mmm hmm. *fans self*
Dang. Now I need a another minute.
And I’m back!

Teresa Valentini will do anything for family, especially when her little brother Nicky is all she has left. So when he finds himself neck deep in the worst sort of trouble, she doesn’t think twice before making a bargain with the devil himself to get him out of it. The deal? Follow a crime bosses errant son as he takes a cross country trip for his dying dog and bring him back to the multi million dollar empire he left behind in New York. But Will is nothing like the man Teresa was prepared for. Sure, he’s handsome as a devil and has a mouth on him that will drive a saint to sin, but there’s also something about him that calls to her. Something that can prove dangerous to her mission and her heart.

When she realizes I’m watching her, she meets my gaze head on, her expression half bemused, half serious…and I can feel a barrier forming that wasn’t there a moment ago. I’ve known this woman less than a day. But I’m going to knock that barrier down.

Now you’ve already guessed that I’m salivating for Will. I’m not exactly subtle about it. But beyond this sexy man and his dirty, dirty mouth, this book had a story that wrapped me up in the pages. I was hooked. Completely and totally hooked. I think I fell just as hard for his adorable dog as I did for Will. I adore the personality that Tessa instilled in all secondary characters, even those of the four legged variety.

The romance was a low burn and crackled with every page. And my sweet baby Jesus, when these two finally give into the undeniable chemistry between them? LAWWWWWWWD.

No matter what comes out of my mouth, I know you’re Teresa. I respect you,” I whisper against her panting lips. “You’re going to work this little kink out on my lap so we know its flavor, woman. Understand?
Then I’m going to hold the door open for you on the way into that restaurant. Going to pull out your chair and dare anyone with a dick to look below your neck. I’m going to be the same man after you take off that dress for me.”

Teresa was an awesome heroine, full of spunk and sass. She’s in a bit of a predicament between loyalty to her brother and the man she’s slowly but surely falling for.

The chemistry between these two was unbelievably hot. The story was unputdownably addicting. I’m crossing my fingers and toes that Tessa takes pity on this poor reader and writes a book for Nick as well, because I need more. This book was ridiculously satisfying, yet like the addict to her words as I am, I’m already salivating for even more.

Review: Cuffed by K. Bromberg

Series: Everyday Heroes #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: K. Bromberg
Release Date: October 23, 2017

From the New York Times bestselling author, K. Bromberg, comes a new series about three brothers, the job that calls them, and the women who challenge them.

“I hate you. I never want to see you again.”

Grant Malone is not the reason I moved back to Sunnyville—at least that’s what I tell myself. Yet, those parting words I said to him back in third grade, ring in my ears every time a townsperson brings up one of the Malone boys. I thought time had healed my wounds. I was wrong. Nothing could have prepared me for how I felt when I finally saw him again.

Twenty years does a lot to turn a boy into a man. One who hits all my buttons—sexy, funny, attractive, and a police officer. But Grant is off limits because he knows too much about my past.

But I’m drawn to him. That damn uniform of his doesn’t hurt either. It’ll be my downfall. I know it.

What’s one night of sex going to hurt . . . right?


I’ve always loved Emmy Reeves.

That’s why I’m shocked to see her all these years later. The shy girl I once knew is all grown up.

Adventurous and full of life, she owns my heart now, just as much as she did back then. Convincing her of that is a whole different story.

I’ll give her the one night she asks for—like that’s a hardship—but when it comes to letting her walk away after, she has another thing coming. There’s no way in hell I’m letting her go this time without a fight.



His kiss is thunder and lightning, a tornado and a tsunami, all in one fiery package that makes me forget about the here and the now, makes me want more when more with Grant scares the shit out of me.

Don’t let that ridiculously sexy cover fool you. While this book certainly brings that steamy punch that we’re used to from K. Bromberg, it’s also incredibly full of depth. The story hooked me and kept me riveted to the pages.

Grant and Emmy were childhood best friends and neighbors. They were everything to each other, until Grant broke Emmy’s trust and everything changed. The last words he heard her utter is that she hates him and never wants to see him again.

Years later, a chance encounter brings them together once more, but Emmy is not the shy ten year old girl that Grant remembers from his childhood. She’s sassy, wild, and still wants nothing to do with him.

I only live in the now. I only live in tomorrows. I can only cope with the future I make for myself.

Grant is a character I easily fell for. Now a cop, Grant has a protective hero streak a mile long. It’s not only reflected in his memories of Emmy, but those memories ultimately framed him into the man that he is now. A dedicated officer and an honorable man. While Emmy refuses to give him the time of day, Grant is determined to wear her down. He never stopped caring for the young girl he knew, and the beautiful woman she grew into dominates his thoughts.

You’re exhausting.” I sigh. “And you’re infuriating, but we already knew that twenty years ago . . . so what’s your excuse going to be now, huh?”

I loved the sexually charged back and forth that Emmy and Grant had going. I loved watching him slowly wear her down and lower her defenses enough to take a chance on him. And the more details you learn about Emmy and her past, the more you fall for her too.

He brings calm to the chaos spinning out of control around me and within me. For the first time in a very, very long time, I allow myself to accept that.

Cuffed was this perfectly balanced mix of emotion and romance. It had depth that you couldn’t help but feel from the very beginning. It was perfectly paced, wonderfully swoony, and ridiculously sexy. I couldn’t get enough of these two together.

It seems I have forgotten my handcuffs.” He chuckles and lands a smart slap on my ass.
“Oh, am I under arrest?”
“Definitely.” The palm of his hand slides down the line of my spine.
“What’s the charge?”
“Making me want you. Every minute of every goddamn day.”

I’m hooked, line and sinker on this series. And can we just take a hot minute to discuss the rest of the Malone brothers? Because hot damn! A firefighter and a rescue pilot? Yes, please! I’m already salivating for my next hit!

New York Times Bestselling author K. Bromberg writes contemporary novels that contain a mixture of sweet, emotional, a whole lot of sexy, and a little bit of real. She likes to write strong heroines, and damaged heroes who we love to hate and hate to love.

A mom of three, she plots her novels in between school runs and soccer practices, more often than not with her laptop in tow.

Since publishing her first book in 2013, K. has sold over one million copies of her books and has landed on the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestsellers lists over twenty-five times.

In April, she’ll release The Player, the first in a two-book sports romance series (The Catch, book 2, will be released late June), with many more already outlined and ready to be written.

She loves to hear from her readers so make sure you check her out on social media or sign up for her newsletter to stay up to date on all her latest releases and sales HERE

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Review: On A Tuesday by Whitney G.

Series: One Week #1
Genre: New Adult, Contemporary Romance
Author: Whitney G.
Release Date: September 19, 2017

We met on a Tuesday.
Became best friends, then lovers, on a Tuesday.
And everything fell apart on a Tuesday…

Charlotte Taylor has three automatic strikes in my book: 1) She hates me. She also claims that I’m a “domineering jerk with a huge, overbearing ego.” (I do have something huge. It’s not my ego, though.) 2) She takes our mandatory tutoring sessions way too seriously. 3) She’s sexy as hell…And a virgin.

At least, those were her strikes before our study sessions started lasting longer than they were supposed to. Until one innocent kiss became a hundred dirty ones, and until she became the first woman I ever fell hard for.

Our future together after graduation was supposed to be set:
Professional football for me. Law school for her.

But she left me at the end of the semester with no explanation, and then she completely disappeared from my life.

Until tonight.

We met on a Tuesday.
Became everything, then nothing, on a Tuesday.
And now it’s seven years later, on a Tuesday…

**This is a full length second chance romance, inspired by Adele’s “When We Were Young”**


I don’t think I’m God’s gift to women. I know that for a fact.”

A great NA romance is getting harder and harder to find. At least for this picky reader. But when I pick up a book by Whitney G. I know I’ll have a guaranteed winner on my hands. And I’m never wrong! On A Tuesday was a deliciously sizzling slow burn mixed with enemies to lovers mixed with second chance romance? Which basically had me going
Because that combination is MY CATNIP. CATNIP I tells ya!

On A Tuesday is told in two parts; past and present, with the past taking up well over the first half of the book. And you won’t find this girl complaining because that first half was my absolute favorite. The story starts at the seven year college reunion with Gray and Charlotte having been apart for all those years but not knowing what happened. It then takes you right to the past where it all began.

Grayson Connors is everything that Charlotte Taylor knows to stay away from. He’s cocky, popular, had a new girl on his arm every day of the week, and takes nothing seriously unless it’s his football career. But when Gray sets his eyes on her, he stops at nothing to wear down her defenses. What begins as a reluctant friendship leads to an incredible connection and soon to something so much more. The bickering between these two was absolutely delicious. Charlotte is not afraid to put Gray in his place, and she does it with a perfect amount of sass and sharp wit. But Gray is no stereotypical jock and it’s not long before Charlotte begins to see behind his cocksure exterior and reputation, to the sweet man beneath.

Getting both Charlotte and Gray’s POV really help in understanding these characters that much more. Though I have to say, it was difficult to watch Charlotte’s animosity to Gray in the present and having no idea why. The suspense of what happened between them after they burned so hot and strong in college stretches until the very end. Admittedly, the twist at the end felt a bit formulaic and drama rama to me, but it did bring everything together, so I can’t complain too much.

On A Tuesday was a super satisfying second chance romance full of steam and humor and a perfect amount of sass and wit. It was deliciously sexy and I’m thrilled to see that it’ll be a series!

Review: Burn For You by JT Geissinger

Series: Slow Burn #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: J.T. Geissinger
Release Date: October 17, 2017

The marriage is fake. But for a sassy chef and an arrogant billionaire, the sparks are real…

Jackson “The Beast” Boudreaux is rich, gorgeous, and unbelievably rude to the staff at Chef Bianca Hardwick’s New Orleans restaurant. Bianca would sooner douse herself in hot sauce than cook for Jackson again, but when he asks her to cater his fund-raiser, Bianca can’t refuse, knowing the cash will help pay her mother’s medical bills. Then Jackson makes another outrageous request: Marry me. The unconventional offer includes an enormous sum—money Bianca desperately needs, even if it does come with a contract—and a stunning ring.

The heir to a family bourbon dynasty, Jackson knows the rumors swirling around him. The truth is even darker. Still, he needs a wife to secure his inheritance, and free-spirited, sassy Bianca would play the part beautifully. Soon, though, their simple business deal evolves into an emotional intimacy he’s built walls to avoid.

As the passion heats up between them, Bianca and Jackson struggle to define which feelings are real and which are for show. Is falling for your fake fiancé the best happy ending…or a recipe for disaster?


She was my religion. My north and south, my heaven and earth, the axis of rightness around which everything had suddenly aligned. For the first time in my life, all my polarized parts worked as one, humming happily along in harmony with the universe, finally understanding their place. 

Looking for a perfectly paced slow burn romance? Well, I’ve got your fix right here! This series is so appropriately titled, and for this slow burn lover? I gobbled it right up.

Bianca Hardwick is a talented chef that’s determined to get her restaurant off the ground and make her mother proud. Her signature menu created around her favorite bourbon is keeping her restaurant packed, but it also brings the attention of a particular brute apply known throughout Louisiana as “The Beast”. And after being on the receiving end of his attitude, Bianca can see that title is more than earned.

The first time I laid eyes on the man known throughout the state of Louisiana as “the Beast,” I thought he couldn’t possibly be as bad as his reputation. As it turned out, I was wrong. He was worse.

Jackson is the name behind the Boudreaux bourbon that is his family’s legacy. But what starts as a look at a woman that’s using his family’s bourbon to get guests in her restaurant, actually turns into something else. At first it’s an offer to cater his fundraiser dinner. Next? A proposal of marriage.

Jackson needs to be married by the time he’s 35 in order to receive the rest of his trust. The problem is? His birthday is quite literary right around the corner. Knowing he’ll never trust a woman with his heart ever again, he knows the best alternative is Bianca. She needs money for her ailing mother’s medical care and he needs a wife in name only. What’s a mutually beneficial arrangement between two people that can barely stand to be in the same room together?

But the more you get to know Jax, the more you see beyond the grumpy and brusque personality to a very broken and vulnerable man beneath. The more time he and Bianca spend together, the more he yearns for what could be but likely never would. Bianca goes from hating him to tolerating him to something so much deeper. This is a slow burn in every sense of the word. It takes these two a while to finally see beyond their assumptions of each other. It takes a while for Jax to really open up and let Bianca in to the dark crevices of his heart and memories. But when she gets in there? There’s no turning back.

No one calls me Jax. No one but you.” When her lips curved up at the corners, I felt like I’d been living my life up to then at the bottom of a dark well filled with trash and slimy water, and someone had just lifted the lid and lowered me a ladder.

With a colorful cast of secondary characters, a sweet and sassy romance, plenty of emotions, and an enemies to lovers trope unlike many I’ve read lately, Burn For You was one fantastic read.

Copyright © 2015 · Dirty Girl Romance

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