Review: The Architect by Nikki Sloane

Genre: Erotic Romance
Series: Nashville Neighborhood #3
Author: Nikki Sloane
Release Date: February 23, 2021

He’s drafting plans to seduce you.

The Architect by Nikki Sloane is now live!

On the surface, my new boyfriend is a stiff, buttoned-up architect. He plans every detail of his life while carefully maintaining the walls he’s built around his heart. But when the biggest project of his career pulls him away, Clay’s solution is both temporary and unconventional. It even comes with a name–Travis.

This handsome stranger is sweet and thoughtful. He’s only meant to be a stand-in, to fulfill my sexual needs under Clay’s watchful direction, yet these two men couldn’t be more different. The one thing they share? Well, I guess that would be me.

One gets off on my pain, the other on my pleasure, and it awakens a desire none of us knew existed. But it can’t last.

Eventually I’ll have to choose.

And it’s going to destroy us all.


You want to be punished, don’t you?”
When I nodded, he grinned.
“I hope you’re not fragile.”

Is it hot in here or am I getting menopause early? I’m having hot flashes. My ovaries tingle. They tingle, I tell you!

Nikki Sloane is the queen of smut. The woman writes some of the hottest erotica, but she manages to infuse it with just the right amount of feels and story to make it that much more satisfying. Now if you’re looking for some fade to black, this is not the book for you, my pearl clutching friend. But if you’re looking for some hot and I mean HOT and kinky f*ckery, well better get some ice for those ovaries. Because hot damn! I say HOT DAMN.

You know what I love in my romance novels? A woman that can own her sexuality. Enough with the blushing virgins and ingenues. I’m over it. But a woman that knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to go after it and has no shame in her game? Bring it on.

Lilith is not a girl that settles. And when she sees her sinfully sexy neighbor, she knows she wants him. He may be buttoned down, but she sees the dark sexuality that brews so close to the surface. But don’t let the glasses and orderly life fool you, because still waters definitely run deep with Clay. He’s got kinks that run a mile long, and the man is really fitting for his job. He’s an architect by day, and an architect of pain and pleasure by night. When he brings the mysterious Mr. E into their dynamic, things really take a turn for the dark and spicy and I was so here for it.

I love a good poly dynamic, and this one was delicious. There’s just enough angst and push and pull to make it incredibly intriguing. The spice? Scorching! The romance? SO satisfying. The story? Incendiary. READ IT!

USA Today bestselling author Nikki Sloane landed in graphic design after her careers as a waitress, a screenwriter, and a ballroom dance instructor fell through. For eight years she worked for a design firm in that extremely tall, black, and tiered building in Chicago that went through an unfortunate name change during her time there.


Now she lives in Kentucky, is married and has two sons. She is a three-time Romance Writers of America RITA© Finalist, a Passionate Plume winner, a two-time HOLT Medallion finalist, and couldn’t be any happier that people enjoy reading her sexy words.

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Review: No Love Lost by Lexi Blake

Masters & Mercenaries: The Forgotten #5)
Genre: Romantic Suspense, BDSM
Author: Lexi Blake
Release Date: September 29, 2020

When Ezra Fain joined the ranks of the CIA, the last thing on his mind was romance. After meeting Kim Soloman, it was difficult to think of anything else. A tragic mistake drove them apart, leaving him shattered and unable to forgive the woman he loved. But when his greatest enemy threatens her life, Ezra leaps into action, prepared to do anything to try to save her.

Solo accepted long ago that she won’t get over Ezra. She’s worked for years to get back into his life, looking for any way to reignite the love they once shared. Unfortunately, nothing seems to penetrate the wall he has built between them. When she’s arrested for a crime she didn’t commit, she believes she’s on her own.

Racing across the globe, Ezra and Solo find themselves together again, caught in the crosshairs of the agency they sacrificed so much to serve. Days on the run soon turn to steamy nights, but Levi Green isn’t about to let them find their happily ever after. And when the smoke clears, the men and women of McKay-Taggart will never be the same again.


He would win her back. He wouldn’t stop until she said yes to him again.

I have spent years, YEARS waiting for this book. YEARS. Y’all don’t even realize the amount of want I had for this. When you crave a book this bad, when you’re so desperate for a particular character’s story and HEA, let me tell you something, you set your expectations high. You can’t help it. Beck and Solo have spent years being some of the most memorable secondary characters in previous books. I’ve been dying for their HEA and my hopes were high. I was almost terrified going into this book for fear that I may have set them too high. And then Lexi Blake comes in and blows all of expectations right out of the water. Because this book didn’t just meet them, it far exceeded anything I could have ever hoped for.

Fuck you, Beck.”
“Yeah, I’d intended for this to end that way, but if you need to rage a little more, go on. I assure you I can take it.”

This is a love story years in the making. A romance that started out fiery hot between two agents and then burned out even hotter when lies and espionage came between them. It’s been years, and the rage that’s there still burns for Beck. He may not be over Solo, but he’s not ready to forgive her either. He blames her for the death of his brother and he doesn’t mince his words or spare her his hatred when they’re in each other’s vicinity.

Let me tell you I almost wanted to hate Beck. His treatment of Solo is almost callous at times. The amount of anger and resentment he carries towards her is almost painful to read. And the way she takes all his verbal punches on the chin and doesn’t flinch made me love her even more. Solo is one tough cookie. Lexi wrote some of the most kickass heroines I’ve read, but Solo is in a class of her own. She may have her hard and tough exterior, but she cares and she cares deeply for those she considers friends.

There’s so much that happened in this book. So many secrets and twists that sent my head spinning. It was a non-stop action packed ride full of depth and emotion. I spent so long waiting for Beck to finally see the error of his ways but I wasn’t prepared for just how hard he’d feel it. The second chance feels of this story were on a whole other level. I lived for these two.

After so many years with the Masters and Mercenaries series and this spinoff, I feel like I know these characters. I crave each little glimpse of them as the years pass. But no one is quite as potent as Ian Black and his kids. The hell raisers that his daughters have come to be is the most deliciously hilarious thing to read. I loved them!

To say I loved this book would be an understatement. I devoured it. I lived for it. I couldn’t get enough of this story. There’s so many revelations that by the time I picked my jaw off of the floor, another would come out of left field and whack me over the head. It was so good! I think the last time I was anticipating a book this bad, it was Ian’s. But this one far exceeded any expectations. Beck and Solo were everything. One of my favorites in the series. Bar none.

Review: Siren Reborn by Lexi Blake

Texas Sirens #8
Genre: Erotic Romance, MMF menage, Suspense
Author: Lexi Blake
Release Date: January 7, 2020

Re-released in a second edition. Re-edited but no substantial changes.

Cole Roberts and Mason Scott loved each other since childhood, but they needed something more to make them whole. They searched for a woman who could complete them, but a terrible accident tore them apart. Their perfect life shattered, they were each left angry and alone.

Kitten Taylor’s past is filled with heartache. She yearns to be part of a family she can call her own. When Cole takes her in, she hopes to finally find the place she belongs, but quickly realizes something is wrong. There is a chasm between them and every day it seems to get worse. When they are alone together, she can sense the wonderful bond they could share, but they can’t seem to find a way to connect.

Everything changes when Kitten meets Mason for the first time. She instantly feels a connection and realizes how perfect their lives could be if Mason and Cole could look beyond the past.

When a killer puts the trio in their crosshairs, Cole and Mason will have to put aside the betrayal and hurt they allowed to consume them in order to forge a future with the woman they love.


Kitten was the picture of innocence and Mason of decadence. His. They were fucking his. His to command. His to protect. His to fuck and pleasure. His to love. His to lose.

This was easily my favorite book in the series. Seriously. A sizzling hot MMF menage, a second chance romance, and a sweet wounded soul finally finding love with two men. This story was EVERYTHING.

Now as much as I love everything Lexi Blake writes, I was a little worried jumping into this book. Kitten, while a sweetly endearing secondary character in the previous books, just didn’t sell me as a heroine. I wasn’t sure how I’d feel about her. This is a woman that was almost broken beyond repair at the hands of an horrible man and she’s still dealing with it. Taken, beaten, raped, this man didn’t just steal Kitten’s innocence, but ultimately her identity. But this book was the story of her finding her voice and her identity and I loved that!

Mason and Cole, though. GAH. These two simply stole the show for me. I loved them so much. They were each other’s everything at one point. But then instead of a woman bringing them together, one ripped them apart. Cole walked away and he hasn’t been the same since. Mason is still dealing with Cole’s abandonment and everything that Cole doesn’t know or realized years after.

Kitten has been living with Cole as they test the boundaries of a potential contract and relationship. But Cole’s treatment of her with kid’s gloves is starting to widen the already big gap between them, no matter how much sexual chemistry they have together. When Kitten takes a call that turns out to be from the hospital because Mason still has Cole as his only emergency contact, she believes she’s doing right by her master to pick him up and take care of him. Suddenly Mason is back in Cole’s life and forcing him to deal with everything he caused those years ago with walking away. Mason is a wounded man seeking revenge, and what better one than to take his previous master’s girl.

But it doesn’t take long for them to realize that there’s something much deeper between them. Mason and Cole is everything that Kitten needs, and Cole begins to realize the depth of his mistakes and becomes desperate to right his wrongs with Mason. Mason is a switch to Cole’s Dom, and kitten is the ultimate submissive. Together, they’re absolutely incendiary. I loved this book from beginning to finish. A sizzling and emotional read, the way only Lexi Blake can write.

Review: Back In Bliss by Lexi Blake

Series: Nights In Bliss, Colorado #9
Genre: Erotic Romance, BDSM, Suspense
Author: Lexi Blake
Release Date: September 10, 2019

Re-released in a second edition with new content.

Logan Green is back in Bliss, but only for a few weeks to help out at the sheriff’s office. Everything changes when Seth Stark strolls into town with Georgia Dawson on his arm.

Seth’s arrival is anything but a happy accident. He always dreamed of a big house on the river and a wife he could share with his best friend, Logan. After building a software empire, his only goal has been to make that dream come true. He just needed the perfect woman.

Georgia is still haunted by the dark, troubled man who saved her life. She can’t get Logan out of her head. Her boss brought her to Bliss to help him decorate his new summer home, but when Logan Green walks through the door she discovers Seth has something different in mind.

Seth has a plan for their mutual happily ever after, but he never dreamed that coming home would put all their lives in danger.


Logan Green was the match and her body was lighter fluid waiting to explode.

This book was worth EVERY. SINGLE. SECOND. of the wait. GAH! I feel like I’ve been waiting for Logan’s book forever. The man went from the adorkable deputy to sinfully sexy Dom in seriously the blink of an eye and I’ve been waiting with bated breath for this man to finally get his HEA. And let me tell you friends, his HEA was EVERYTHING.

Like every menage relationship in this series, there’s always one man that’s beyond ready to settle down while the other one is the broody and broken one that doubts his place. So of course Logan and his beautifully broken self was the later. He went through a life altering experience and it turned everything he knew upside now. It’s been years and he still hasn’t recovered but his Dom training in Texas gave him the respite that he needed. But now he’s back in his hometown of Bliss and dealing with every emotion that he pushed down into the darkest parts of his soul.

Seth is Logan’s best friend since they were just kids. They grew up together but where Logan’s childhood was warm and loving, Seth’s was anything but. Now the man is a successful billionaire and he’s more than ready to settle down with the woman of his dreams. There’s just one problem. That woman is in love with his best friend and that best friend refuses to admit that he needs them as much as they both need him. Enter all of the angst and emotion!

Of course this wouldn’t be Bliss if there wasn’t some mystery and action thrown in. So if you’ve been waiting to see who is after John Bishop after reading Once Upon a Time in Bliss, you’ll get those answers here.

But so much of this book is Logan coming to terms with his experiences and opening himself up. This was probably my favorite part of the story. I absolutely adored the way that Lexi handled his healing process and my heart broke at the full details of his torture and what he went through.

Admittedly I was a little afraid I wouldn’t like Georgia after I first met her in Siren Unleashed. She came off as a spoiled and slightly fluffy character. But then by the end, you can see that there’s more to her. And that more definitely gets expanded on here. Georgia is a character with plenty of depth and I loved seeing her true personality come out. She’s fierce and loyal and impossible not to love.

This was probably my favorite in the series so far but I’m already rabid for more!

Review: Lost In You by @authorlexiblake

Series: Masters & Mercenaries: The Forgotten #3
Genre: Romantic Suspense, BDSM
Author: Lexi Blake
Release Date: August 6, 2019

Robert McClellan was forced to serve as a soldier in a war he didn’t understand. Liberated by McKay-Taggart, he struggles every day to reclaim the life he lost and do right by the men he calls his brothers, The Lost Boys. Only one thing is more important – Ariel Adisa. The gorgeous psychologist has plagued his dreams since the day they met. Even as their mission pushes him to his limits, he can’t stop thinking about taking his shot at finding a life beyond all this with her.

Ariel Adisa is a force to be reckoned with. Her performance in Toronto proved she’s more than just a brilliant mind, but Robert still acts as if she is a wilting flower who needs his protection. Joining him on the mission to Munich should be the perfect opportunity to test their skills and cement their relationship. She and Robert are an excellent match. But when a stunning secret from Robert’s past is revealed, their world is turned upside down and nothing will ever be the same again.

While they chase dark secrets across Europe, Robert and Ariel realize that the only thing worse than not knowing who you are could be discovering who you used to be…


I don’t know about your other patients. I’m sure many fall in love with you because you’re an angel, but I want to bring out the devil in you. I want the dirty, nasty Ariel who will rock my world not with the power of her mind—but with every drop of the sexuality I intend to bring out in you

That shocked reader there, the one currently picking her jaw off of the floor? No, not that one. The OTHER one. Yes, the one that’s currently stalking Lexi Blake for any breadcrumbs from the next book. No, not that one! The other one! The one that’s currently rocking in the corner while slobbering something incoherent that sounds like ‘I need the next book’. Yes. Yes, that one. The pathetic looking one that’s clutching her kindle to her chest. Yep. That’s me! And don’t you judge me either! Because this book blew me away! AWAY I tells ya!

This was, hands down, bar none, my absolute favorite book in the series so far. And yes, I know I also said that about the last book. So that’s saying something, mkay? So. Freaking. Good.

Robert and Ari have been desperate for each other for years. Ever since Robert was first rescued from the clutches of the evil Dr. McDonald. But he knew his violent urges and inability to control the darkness in his mind made him dangerous to the beautiful psychologist. But Ari is so much more than she seems.

I’ll tell you guys, that I was afraid I was going to be bored considering there’s such a substantial connection that’s already established with this couple through the first two books. And the fact that they get together quite quickly made me nervous. I’m a reader that likes my angst and enjoys that delicious burn of anticipation for the couple to finally get together. But of course Lexi Blake made me eat my words. Because the romance was phenomenal!

There’s so much that’s happening as the team continues to try and unearth the secrets of their pasts and prevent Levi Green from getting his hands on the mind erasing drug that took their past lives away from them. Lost In You was non stop action with so many twists and turns, it will leave your head reeling.

In the midst of all that high octane action, you also get more details about Solo and Ezra, which left me damn near rabid for their book. Think Ian and Charlotte times ten! YES. It’s that good. Then there’s the development behind Tucker’s past and who really is Dr. Razor. And boy oh boy, let me just tell you, it’s delicious!!! I’m practically dying for that book.

Ari and Robert together were incendiary. Their connection is so strong, but with the secrets that Ari is keeping and the hidden truth of Robert’s past still standing between them, it’s not an easy road for them. I devoured this book, y’all! Like downright devoured. I couldn’t put it down for even a second. There’s so much that happens. Secrets unearthed. Truth revealed. Twists thrown in. It was totally and completely unputdownable. I’m utterly rabid for the next book!!!

Review: Once Upon A Time In Bliss by Lexi Blake

Series: Nights In Bliss #8
Genre: Erotic Romance, Menage, Suspense
Author: Lexi Blake
Release Date: July 16, 2019

CIA operative John Bishop arrived in Bliss, Colorado seeking a respite from the high stakes game of blood and lies that sent him to the worst corners of the world. A week playing the role of vacationing professor Henry Flanders would recharge his batteries, especially if he found a submissive plaything to occupy his time.

Nell Finn has spent her life focused on helping others, but when she meets the tall and mysterious Henry Flanders, she can’t stop imagining what he might do for her. When Nell and her mother are threatened, Henry comes to her offering his protection and comfort.

But as the threats escalate out of control, Henry discovers that the beautiful and innocent Nell is much more than a plaything. Can he save the woman he loves without exposing the secrets that would drive her away?


His real name was gone. Erased. He had no home. No family. No life. He was nothing. Nothing at all.

Hands down, my absolute favorite in the series so far!

The very second John Bishop appeared on the pages of Nobody Does It Better, I was desperate for his story. The mysterious agent that is as cold as he is ruthless just HAD to have a heart of gold beneath all of that brawn, right? And oh man did this deliver.

This is set in the past, so not only do you get the story of how Nell and “Henry” get together, but you get the additional backstory of some of Bliss’s favorite kinky residents, including teenage Logan. This was the perfect icing on the cake! But let’s not lose sight of the story, because Nell and Henry definitely stole the show.

I have to admit that I was a tiny bit afraid to read this book because while I loved Nell as the quirky side character, I wasn’t sure I’d enjoy a full dose of her. The vegan bleeding heart activist isn’t my typical cuppa of heroine. But the more I learned about her, the more I found myself falling more and more for her incredibly endearing quirks.

Doctors push every day to find new medical breakthroughs. Scientists push to invent new technology. And I push every day so this planet is a better place for everyone, and you can look down on me and call me a kook, but people like me are the reason we have a democracy. We’re the reason women can vote. We’re the reason we have words in our vocabulary like human rights. Philosophers, thinkers, activists are the reason for every breakthrough humanity has made in becoming a more fair place.

Nell and John together were downright incendiary. I loved watching her sweet and idealistic heart slowly thaw out John’s icy walls. I loved watching him fall more and more for Nell’s innocence and sunny disposition. They were the perfect balance for the other.

Of course, what what would it be in Bliss if there wasn’t a mystery and some action that ran along with the romance, and it was the perfect addition to the already wonderful story. It was quick paced, full of action and steam, and wonderfully swoony. I loved getting more John Bishop and young Tag. I loved learning more about the young citizens of Bliss before they settled down into their relationships. And I loved, and I mean loved Nell and Henry.

She was a mystery, and he wasn’t sure he could untangle her.

Yet another fantastic addition to a wonderful series that I’m completely addicted to. Now I can’t wait for Logan and Seth’s story!

Review: I Will Not Beg by Cherise Sinclair

Series: Mountain Masters & Dark Haven #9
Genre: BDSM, Contemporary Romance
Author: Cherise Sinclair
Release Date: June 25, 2019

She signed away her freedom…

Starved for affection, young Piper Delaney surrenders her life to a Master. But there is no love—only abuse. She’s told she can’t leave; she signed the slave contract. Years later, beaten and starving, she hears an English Dom say the contract’s illegal. Unenforceable. And she runs.

She reclaims her life and rises above the nightmare that was her past.

But her enslavement left scars. She longs for love, but the only men who truly attract her also terrify her–Dominants. Hoping to conquer her fears, she visits Dark Haven, but the sounds of the club are too much.

When a submissive panics, Sir Ethan steps in.

The powerful English Dom recognizes the shivering submissive in his lap. Years before, he’d corrected her Master’s deceit about a contract. She’s come a long way since then. Cynical at being pursued for his wealth, he finds Piper’s honesty compelling. She’s intelligent, brave…and she needs him. What Dom could resist?

He’s the Dom she’d dreamed about—perceptive, firm, and utterly self-confident.

His voice pulls her from panic attacks. His arms enclose her in safety. He treats her like a person, not something to mistreat. As he helps Piper overcome her fears, she starts to fall in love.

Then her past finds her and destroys…everything.


As he straightened, she stared at him…and felt barriers dropping. Leaving her open. Defenseless. Oh, she was in so much trouble.

No one can write an emotional powerhouse of a BDSM romance quite like Cherise Sinclair. When it comes to her books, I don’t even bother reading the blurb. I HAVE to have them. Period. This woman has written some of my favorite Doms I’ve ever written. Though, deVries forever holds my heart in the number one spot. *Happy sigh*

I Will Not Beg finally brings us the story of Sir Ethan, and boy was it an emotional doozy. Sinclair sure knows how to write some damaged characters. But she also knows how to make them powerful in their own right. And that’s exactly what she did with Piper. This is a heroine that’s desperate for love, but is terrified of seeking it out in a place she needs most.

After being brutalized in what she thought was a D/s relationship, Piper is still recovering. She’s terrified of Doms because the only reference she has is the cruel sadist that broke her. She’s trying to move on as much as she can, but the emotional scars of her past are almost as painfully obvious as her physical ones.

Sir Ethan is everything that Piper needs and everything that she’s terrified of. He’s patient, understanding, sweet, and undeniably Dominant. At first their contract is strictly for her healing, but it doesn’t take Piper long to discover just how much she’s still capable of love in the hands of the right man. And just how right, Sir Ethan’s hands can be.

This was an emotionally charged, character driven story. You spend a lot of time in the heads of Ethan and Piper. Both of them are damaged in their own right, though one more than the other. The amount of healing that they bring to each other is almost beautiful to experience. You see how they pick each other piece by piece by giving the other what they need; Piper’s trust and submission and Ethan’s patience and sensuality.

You experience Piper’s emotional healing journey, and watch her go from a victim to a survivor with a spine of steel. I loved that she grew into a woman that really learned to save herself. And I especially loved how Ethan was with her. The man is undoubtably dominant, yet he’s so incredibly sweet. He has an intensity to him, but there’s also this kind heart and never ending patience. I loved this combination.

There’s plenty of cameos from my favorite characters (*cough* deVries *cough*). I especially loved getting more of Dixon and Stan and getting a peek into their heads even if it was only for a little bit.

As always, Sinclair delivered an emotionally charged and sizzling BDSM romance that was satisfying from beginning to end.

Review: Enchanted by Lexi Blake

Series: Masters and Mercenaries #18.5
Genre: BDSM, Contemporary Romance
Author: Lexi Blake
Release Date: June 18, 2019

From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Lexi Blake comes a new story in her Masters and Mercenaries series…

A snarky submissive princess

Sarah Stevens’s life is pretty sweet. By day, she’s a dedicated trauma nurse and by night, a fun-loving club sub. She adores her job, has a group of friends who have her back, and is a member of the hottest club in Dallas. So why does it all feel hollow? Could it be because she fell for her dream man and can’t forgive him for walking away from her? Nope. She’s not going there again. No matter how much she wants to.

A prince of the silver screen

Jared Johns might be one of the most popular actors in Hollywood, but he lost more than a fan when he walked away from Sarah. He lost the only woman he’s ever loved. He’s been trying to get her back, but she won’t return his calls. A trip to Dallas to visit his brother might be exactly what he needs to jump-start his quest to claim the woman who holds his heart.

A masquerade to remember

For Charlotte Taggart’s birthday, Sanctum becomes a fantasyland of kinky fun and games. Every unattached sub gets a new Dom for the festivities. The twist? The Doms must conceal their identities until the stroke of midnight at the end of the party. It’s exactly what Sarah needs to forget the fact that Jared is pursuing her. She can’t give in to him, and the mysterious Master D is making her rethink her position when it comes to signing a contract. Jared knows he was born to play this role, dashing suitor by day and dirty Dom at night.

When the masks come off, will she be able to forgive the man who loves her, or will she leave him forever?

**Every 1001 Dark Nights novella is a standalone story. For new readers, it’s an introduction to an author’s world. And for fans, it’s a bonus book in the author’s series. We hope you’ll enjoy each one as much as we do.**


There was no other woman he wanted to see, no relationship he wished to get a feel for. There was only her, and it had been that way for a long time.

FINALLY! After what feels like a forever of a wait, we get the story for Jared and Sarah. I’ve been looking forward to this book ever since we first meet Jared in his older brother’s book From Sanctum with Love. Although, in that book, you didn’t get quite the full effect of the man in that book. You get Jared John, famous actor. But this book gives you Jared Ferguson, the man.

She was it. She was the one, that mystical part of himself that had been missing all along.

Jared and Sarah had a brief…something…before it ever got the chance to go anywhere. But then so much happened; Jared discovered his career is flailing and his best friend is a serial killer. He didn’t have anything to offer Sarah, so he left. But it didn’t take him long to figure out she’s the woman he needs. The only problem is, she’s not quite as open for anything with him now.

Sarah is taking things one day at a time while dealing with life altering news. She doesn’t have anything to offer Jared, but he’s determined to wear her down. Even if he has to do it behind a mask if only to prove to her what they have between them.

I’ve learned in life we don’t always get what we want, Princess, but I am a man who will fight like hell for what I need and that’s you.”

This was definitely a satisfying HEA for the couple, but I couldn’t help but wish we got more of them. Although to be be honest, I’m not sure if there was enough story there to make a novel rather than the novella it was, so this is more of a selfish thing than a book thing. I loved Jared’s sweetness and Sarah’s sassiness. I loved the two of them together. The majority of the story is Jared and Sarah dealing with everything between them and finally coming to terms with their feelings for each other and Sarah’s secret. The epilogue packed a tearfully emotional punch. All in all, another fantastic addition to the story.

Review: Lost And Found by @authorlexiblake

Series: Masters & Mercenaries: The Forgotten #2
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Author: Lexi Blake
Release Date: February 26, 2018

Owen Shaw and his “brothers” lost everything, their entire existence erased. Science had robbed he and all the Lost Boys of their memories and their past, but not their future. Hunted by every intelligence agency in the world, they are focused on two goals: find a cure for what was done to them and ensure that the technology that ruined their lives doesn’t get out into the world. Rebecca Walsh might be the key to achieving both. Owen has been studying her closely, living in her building, and he cannot resolve how such a beautiful, giving woman could have helped design the evil process that destroyed his past.

Dr. Rebecca Walsh has dedicated her life to researching the secrets of the mind. Her atmospheric rise in her field was fueled by the horror of watching her mother’s agonizing journey into madness at the hands of a disease with no cure. She vowed to never rest until she finds it. But obsession takes a heavy toll, and when Owen moves into her building she realizes how much of her life she has missed out on. Owen opens her eyes to a whole new world, filled with joy, laughter, and possibly love.

Owen and Rebecca grow closer, unraveling more about each other and the mysteries surrounding her connection to Hope McDonald. As the sinister forces working against the Lost Boys descend on Toronto, secrets long buried are uncovered that could shatter the bonds holding the Lost Boys together and cost Rebecca her life.


Somehow this woman had invaded his soul and taken up all the empty spaces. 

The mistress of sexy espionage strikes again! Lost and Found was one deliciously action-packed ride that was full of twists and turns and brimming with passion!

I’ve been looking forward to Owen’s book for a long time. Owen has been a character that I’ve been curious about ever since Submission is Not Enough. A man that was dealt with an impossible choice; save his mother and sister by betraying his team. Unfortunately not only does he betray his team, he loses his family anyway, right along with his memory. Now driven by the need to right the wrongs that he can’t remember, Owen is determined to do anything his team needs to get the job done. This is a hero that’s impossible not to fall for. There’s something so vulnerable and raw about him. How do you recover from making a choice that leads to the ultimate betrayal but not remember what led you there?

Rebecca is a brilliant doctor and researcher. She’s dedicated her life to finding the cure to degenerative neurological diseases and their effect on memory. With the possibility of a connection to the evil Dr. McDonald, she also may hold the key to many of the answers that Ezra and his team are desperately seeking.

I’ll admit, at first I was afraid I wouldn’t like Rebecca. I thought she may be the stereotypical brainiac that’s shy, introverted, and awkward. Yes, I know, apparently I can be judgy. But she was none of those things. Yes, she was adorably quirky, but not in the way you’d expect. This is a woman that’s trying to get herself out there after a bitter divorce. She’s eager to experience everything life has to offer and say yes to things one small experience at a time.

She’s supposed to be just a mission to Owen, but the minute that he comes face to face with the beautiful doctor, the chemistry between them is instant. He and his team have subtly inserted themselves in her life and her building. Owen refuses to believe the lively woman could have knowingly made the drug that cost them all their memories. But nothing is ever what it seems in the word of Lexi Blake.

I devoured this book, y’all! I couldn’t stop turning the pages. I was at the edge of my seat, waiting for the other shoe to drop. And as Owen and Rebecca grew closer, I was anxiously waiting for the time that she’d realize that Owen is not at all who he seems to be. I loved the two of them together and the way they seemed to bring out a certain strength in the other. They were both such multilayered characters that held so much depth. I couldn’t get enough of them together.

The plot certainly begins to thicken with more revelations of Tucker’s connection to Dr. McDonald, Green’s ultimate plan, and other tidbits of the lost boys. I loved getting more Ari and Robert, and can’t wait for their book next. But I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t foaming at the mouth for both Tucker and Ezra’s books. As more details unravel about “Dr. Razor”, my fascination with him is turning dang near rabid.

Lost and Found was everything I’ve come to love about Lexi’s books. The woman knows how to draw the reader in, hook them and keep them riveted to the pages. She effortlessly combines espionage with action, suspense, and just a touch of BDSM to make you addicted to the series. I never thought I’d say that I love a spin-off series more than my beloved Masters and Mercenaries series, but here we are!

Review: Defiance by Cherise Sinclair

Series: Masters of the Shadowlands
Genre: BDSM, Romantic Suspense
Author: Cherise Sinclair
Release Date: December 4, 2018

Z’s day begins with sadness
A phone call from a dying friend leaves psychologist Zachary Grayson determined to fulfill the old survivalist’s request–a send-off that will comfort his grieving sons.

And then turns deadly
The death threat is only the beginning…because the letter isn’t a hoax. Z walks out of his office into a barrage of bullets. He can take being shot at, but when the second shot splinters the empty child-seat in his car, he’s shaken to the core. The horror of what would have happened if his little girl had been there spurs him to action.

Master Z is a Dom, a husband, a father—every instinct drives him to protect those under his care. When the police can’t catch his stalker, he must take matters into his own hands.

He must keep danger far from those he loves.
Secrecy and distance is the key. The funeral in Alaska is the perfect location, especially since Z won’t be alone. The survivalist’s sons have grown into men with lethal skills. With their help, he can trap the shooter and keep his family safe.

As long as his impetuous and all-too-observant wife, Jessica, doesn’t discover he’s using himself as bait.


Mako had been a master of war, but he’d known love was the strongest force in the universe.

Defiance was essentially a transition novella that introduces four brand new characters that will launch a new series from the queen of BDSM. It really had the perfect combination of things; a visit to one of my favorite Shadowlands couples, Master Z and his kitten, a cameo by one of my favorite sadists, deVries, and a suspenseful plot that introduces 4 intriguing new characters in a brand new series. It doesn’t get any better than that!

When Master Z receives a call from a dear friend to let him know that he’s dying, he doesn’t expect that his death would be as sudden as a car accident. Then when a stalker threatens his life, an escape to the wilderness of Alaska for Mako’s funeral seems like a great opportunity to take the threat as far away from his beloved family as he can.

The story introduces the reader to Mako’s four foster sons; raised as survivalist and each with their own story of pain that hooks you immediately and reels you right in. With Gabe’s story being the first in the series, you get a much longer peek inside his head in this book. And I’m already chomping at the bit to get my hands on his story.

The novella was perfectly paced, with plenty of romance, action, and suspense. I loved getting another visit with Master Z and Jessica. I also couldn’t get enough of the four foster brothers. I can already tell that series is going to be amazing. Fans of Sinclair will not want to miss this book!

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